r-i ' II I . tr- A? AW Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, JULY 20, lf!7o. EDITCaiAL 1T0TE3. The Treasury Department is repor ted now to bo the purchaser of oil the bullion yielded by the great Eilvcr mints ou the Conjslock lode for coining ioto money, to tako the place of the present fractional currency. It will re quire about 810,000,000. Tho Milwaukee Wisconsin thinks it a niodciato estimate to say th.it tho proba ble yield of wheat in Wisconsin will he at least 30,000,000 bushels, Rescrv iug 5,000,000 for homo consumption and seed, tho farmers will have a sur plus of 25,000,000 bushels, and the prospect dow is that they will get at least $1 per bu.-hcl lor their wheat. II bo, this would distribute ?23,O0J,0O0 lor the single crop nl wheat. Tho full count of money in the cash vault ol the Treasury is completed, and agrees exactly wuh Gen. Spinner's ac count of what it contained. Even the estimate of 3-0 shortage made when the currency was counted and the trold ta ken accoidiug to the tuaiks ootliu bags lias disappeared, and t'10 count comes out exactly right. AH the oiu trat was in any deg.ee wuu was aciual'y counted. The new coin was cju.iIcu by weighing it aud everything proved to a cent. The contents of the vault were 810,00000, of which nearly 81, 500,000 was coin. Tho Republican prospects in Pennsyl vania never looked brighter than it dues this year. Tho uuaniinous reuotnina tioo of Governor llartr.iuft is utani inously endorsed by republicans oil over the State. The placing of Henry Rawle of, Eric on tho ticket for State Treasurer gives equal satisaction. The party is a unit everywhere in support of the ticket and its election appears to be regarded as a foregane ccuclusiou by llepublicans and Uemocra's alike. The Dnly thiug that Kepublicans will have to fear this fall is the apathy that might possibly result iroin over-confidence. licudiii'j blssputt h. Tho doetrino that druukeuuess is an excuse for ciimiuality, says a Philadel phia Times correspondent, is equally novel and dangerous. About fifty years ago a writer in JJiackicuod's Migar.inc presented this opinion to its readers: "No man does when lie u drunk what ho would not do when sober, if lie dared." This appears sound and will bear examination. Drunkenness does not change the nature ol a man; it only removes fear and restraint. Drink does ijot make a pious man profane or u chaste man licentious. The old Latin maxim, In vino Veritas, is luscd upou this idea. A man who murders a el low bciug when drunk is u murderer at heart. Tho question of the annexation of Canada to the United Slates has exci ted :io:o or less discussion iu that couutry, nud has been commented upon freely both pro and con. Lord DuHeriti in a speech recently delivered iu Lou don, alluded to this subject, and said that Canada is, unalterably attached to the English govenrjieut, l!ut the Toronto Lender diputes this and says the secessionists are ttroug enough to frighten English capitalists from invest ing money in tho province. Capital seems to bo essential to tho develop ment of that country, and as soou as Canada becomes a foreign country the capital of London will go to other prov inces. The annexationists are led by one Mr. Huntington of the Canada cabinet, who, it Beerns is a warm ad mirer of our institutions, and under his guidance the secessionists are on tho in crease. The legislature of New York last wiutcr appointed a special committee- to uveslijjate and rcpoit upon the causes of crime in great cities. For a number ol months past this eouiuiiUee has been busily engaged iu obtiuing tcstiuiorJ. It has visited Buffalo which iu come aspects of crime is nearly upon a par with Manhattan inland aud other provincial cities, and now Las fiually located in New York, where a vast amount of testimony has been already taken. The committee bus unearthed a startling amount of police corruption and a batch of police captains Lave been directly implicated in participat ing in wholesale system of bluck-mail upou houses of prostitution, pa unci bouses, keuo cribs, and other resorts where gambling and crime are practiced. The proprietors of these vile places are assessed a certaiu amount of money per mouth, and aie given iu return ample police protection, while thote people who refuse to "come dowu' are promptly taken iuto custody, and made examples of in the courts. There tre other states which might profitably imitate the example of New York iu appointing a special and competent committee to investigate and report upon tie causes of crime. i 0E1TE3AL NOTES. ' North Cnrolini furnishes threo fourths of the dried blackberry crop thnj is consumnd in this country. Sovcnty thousand little ehad wore placed in the waters of the Cumberland river, Tcuncssee, a lew days ago. A woman in New York on Satuiday night raptured a burglar who was en deavoring to get away with 81,000 which he bad stolen. Patrick Kchoe, convicted of murder in the second degree lor killing h'n wife in Jersey City, was on Tuesday santen ced to twenty years in the Stato Prison. A swordfish weighing three hundred pounds wus rocoatly n by the return ing lido iu shoal water near Dennis Port, Me. A man attacked tho fish with a club, and nftcr clinging to it for nearly three miles succeeded in lauding it. The Indianapolis Smlincl says that all I ho pu'soncrs in tho penitentiary at Jolict, 111., were afforded a fair oppor tunity to escape on tho rV:h of July, but respected their parole, aud went back to their cells without any attempt to do so. No less than twenty-nine trade marks have already been secured in tho Patent Ofiiee lor the word "Centcnuiel," us applied to various articles of manufac ture, such as perfumes, "ihnanacs, cigars blacking, bitters, shirts, watches, and even laer beer. At Halifax, N. S., a circus has fal len iuto tho hands of the bailiffs. A (inn of printers seized several of its et fects for debt, among tho rest a fierce lion. They anuouueo that they aie go ing to put this animal to vise iu collect ing bills of refractory patrons. A gambler in Iowa, to escipe arrest, attempted to cross a river with a pucket bouk between his teeth, flis strength or skill not proving adequate, ho was obliged to open his mouth in order to call for help, and his pocket-book, con taining 81,000, went to the bottom. At Atlauta, Ga., last autumn, a negro built a coop" six feet by seven, iuio which bo put a doz.m patiidgcs, the trrouud being first covered With glass Duriuj; the winter they thrived, iu the spring they mated, laid eggs and hatched out several broods of youog, aud the negro now has about sixty young partridges, all doing well. They arc tame, bculthy and seem be couten ted. Pottsvillc, July 22. This morning about 1 o'clock, another atteufbt was made, with coal oil aud cottou to burn another portion of Independence Square Shamokiu, The fire was got under con trol in a short lime, only burning parts of two houses. The damage by fire is slight. This is tho seooud attempt wiibiu two weeks to burn that town by incendiary fires being started in the square. 5y the former attempt several stores aud a dwelling were burned. Washington, July 23. The Govern ment has purchased at New Orleans the steamer Planter, a cnnll boat, drawing but four feet of water, but strongly con structed. She will be properly armed and manned, and sent to the liio Giandefor duty on that liver, to pre vent Mexicans crossing into Texas and running off cattle. The Planter lias been ordered to Mubilo Lieutenant Commander D. C. Kells detached irom the iionclad Cauonicu3 and sent to that city to take command of the now vessel. It is said one or two o'.her si earners of similar chat actor will be purchased and fitted out to act with tho Planter in the suppression of Mexican depredations. Cincinnati, July 22. Reports irom the entire length of the Ohio valley to night show that one of the heaviest rain (alls of the season has occurred iu the past twenty-four hours. At Evansvil'c three inches ot rain (ell to-day. At Yinccnucs rain fell in torrents; beating down grain, corn and grass. It is esti mated that ten thousand acres of com in tho Wabash bottom arc under water. The Wabash river is rising rapidly, threatening an overflow of the cutirc bottom. Through Southern Ohio and Kentucky all streams are reported lisiug rapidly. The Kanawha river at Charleston, West Virginia, has risen fif teen feet ia the past tweutv-four hours. Great damage lo crops must necessarily result from this severe storm. WrUiDg of the trrasshoppcr depreda tions in Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, a special correspondent ol the Chicago Tribune, sent tuc with instructions to make a miuute survey of tho field, says that tho damage, aside from the loss of the small grain crops, done thus far, is the loss of about sixty days' labor iu the best part of the season, of au agricul tural population of about two huudrcd thousand persous. Tho larmers are spariug no efforts to iosure a crop, if hard work can do it. But very little plauting remains to be done in cither State; aud- within the grasshopper dis trict, not only have the corn fields' been lcplautcd, but about two-thirds ol the wheat fields that wcro ",rasshoppercd" have beeu plowed and planted with corn tho Canada and other varieties gener ally. Besides millet and rutabages have been sown in large quantities, and the prospecss o( a full yield are repor ted to bo excellent. Mrs. Lincoln's metal condition is un improved. She remains in the insaue asylum at Batavia, 111., wbeie she La careful attendance, and is ofted visited by her lclativcs. Although she dresses shabbily her mind is constantly occu pied with plans for new clothing. A iriend who saw her there recently says: "As she shook hands with me at parting I thought I could prcceive in the diplo matio bow and smile a return of tho old socic'y manner, and my heaat was full for the woman who sat down sileut and ilone in her little solitary room, to keep imaginary company with Senators and Ambassadors," It has been urged that tl.'sisu development of bcr life among Spiritulists, but it is the result of scenes photographed on the brain which only tho angel of ,death can erase. Mrs. Lincolu did spend several months at St. Charles, in this State, under an assumed Dame, and in tho company ot a society of Spiritulists; but it will never be de finitely kuown how much their influence bad to do with her eclipse of reason. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF MILL STONE TOWNSHIP AUDITORS FOtf 1HE YEA It 1874. Carlet It, Hoffman, in account with Mill ttone township road funds for year 1H74. To balance at former settlement 010 25 interest overpaid 62 : 871, Kept. 22. To cash from Co Treas. 400 82 ' 22. unseated roud ordorg 400 00 1S70. Jan. 27. cash from Co. Treas. .",10 S3 Total 2.0o2 22 Ry vouohtrs redocnied 21)05 21 " 2 per cent- disbursing 40 10 " I alaiiee duo township from Treas C 111 Total 2,052 22 Supervisors II. U. Moore and John Hooter in account with Millstone townshsp for the year 1874. OAD FUNDS. To orders issue ! by sup ervieors. 1,674 61 Total 1,571 50 By ordorg allowed 14'J DO bat. due township from super visors 1,425 00 Total 1,574 50 To lial. due township bysupor- visois ' 1,425 OO " 2 per cent, for disbursing same 28 60 Total duo township ly super visors 1.45.'l 60 Chirks 11. Hoffman, Treasurer, in account with Millstone poor funds for the year 1874. To balance at lust settlement 185 62 1875, May 24. To caih from A. Zimmerman collootor 45 00 Total 233 52 Hy orders redeemed 207 60 2 per cent for disbursing same 4 15 " bill, duo township by treasurer, 21 87 Total 233 52 Adam Ximmtrman, Collector, in account with Millstone township poor fundi fur year 1874. To seated duplicate 62 83 " amount overpaid 1 1!' Total 64 74 By cash paid treasurer 45 0(1 " exonerations 7 47 5 per cent commission on 45 80 2 27 Total 64 74 To township duo A. Zimmerman 1 ill By crdor from township 1 ill finance account of Millstone road funds tor 1874. To unseated tax assessed 1874. 000 27 " seated 215 75 Total 87IS OO By exonerations 7 03 " work done on road by super visors 182 25 supervisor John Hoover's work 81 80 " H C Moore's work 54 Id " Bridge, Plank, Powder, Fuzo, &c 149 50 " 2 per cent for disbursement 11 GO balanco iu favor of treasurer S'J8 C7 Total 87C 00 llcsourccs of Hoad Funds. By balnnee at settlement from trcasurei, Juuo 1 1874 040 25 " interest overpaid 82 " cash from county treasurer, tax 1872 and 1873 711 15 " unseated road orders for 1874 400 00 " balance due from unseated tax 1874 - 2C0 27 " seated duplicate of 1874 215 73 Total 2,528 22 Liabilities To orders issued by II C Moore and J Hoover, supervisors 140 50 orders issued by former super visor.! 430 71 " outstanding orders 112 70 ' seated duplicate worked in 1874 lfc'2 25 ' exonerations, seated duplicate 174 7 03 ' bal. due by II C Moore, super visor 1 10 2 per crut on treas. dUbiisanicnt 11 00 Rescuices iu excess of liabilities 1,033 33 2,528 22 Utrotirccs of Poor Funds' By balance at iasi settlement 188 52 " seated duplicate 1874 52 83 ' unsealed taxoi 1874 K'tS 08 Total -13U 43 I.illlilitlcs To orders redeemed 207 CO ' 2 per cent disbursing 207 60 4 15 " 5 percent tor collecting sealed duplicate 1874 2 27 " exoucratioiis 7 47 refunding order 1 111 " outsianciLig orders 75 71 Resources iu excess ol liabilities 140 42 Total 43'J 43 We the undersigned Auditors of Mill stone township, Elkeounty l'a. certify that we have carefully examiucd ihe above uo eounts and fiad them correct, to the bast of our knowledge and belief. CAM I'BKLL BLAUl, ,,.,,. U.U.T. UL l'K Auditors. Attest. 0. II. HOFFMAN Clerk June 21, 1875. Salt, cheaper than dirt at V. & IC's . Those Ilamiltou Corsets at 1' & K's arc the mcst durable, and the cheapest iu market. PAY AS YOU GO. fyou pay fur good;) when you buy them, you will never be troubled with the nigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be sweet ycur dreams pleasant, aud your wife aud children will greet you with a smile iu the morning. Go to Powell & Kime's model store with your cash, get more than its value aud go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, cud say it is working charm ingly. If you want a bug of feed, or a bushel of potatoes or a barrel or sack ot flour or even a small sack of Graham flour, it will pay you to step into P A; K's and examine tbeir prices and goods Ilidgw ay luturttuce vlgettty. Representing Cash Assets of FIRE DEPARTMENT German Am., Mew York 1,650,000,00 Niagara of New Y'oik 1019,(Ju3,OO Amazou Cincinnati of b50,'j57 17 City Ius Co, ot Providence'lDGSi 32 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life k Accident Hartlord 2,000,000,00 Vorth American Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable ot New Yrork 15,000,000,00 Insurauce effects in any of the above standard companies at the most reasona. terms, consistent with perfect security to the insured. J. O. W. BAILEY', Agent. PITTSBUGH . EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! A LIVE NEIYSrAPMi, IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. ln entering jupnn the New Year, and within a few months of llio second anni versary of Ihe first appearance nl'ilip pupt-r (he publishers of Ihe MTTKllURti II EVENING TELEGRAPH renew (heir ex. prcssions of thanks to an intelligent and appreciative publio for its LIBERAL AND EVER INCREASING PATRONAGE during the yenr just closed. Coming into existence nt a time when every kind of business was to a certain extent depressed, nud when retrenchment in every dircrtinn was tho rule, Ihe TELEGRAPH has fought its wny, and become, not enly an estab lished fact, but a PRIME NECESSITY IN ETERY WELL. INFORMED CIRCLE, whether it be of tho' counting-room, the prol'essionalothue, the wokshon, or tha family. Its circulation, equal la tho best from Ihe start, has grown in extent and im portance daily, until now it acknowledges but two equals the Dispatch nn l Lender so far as the number issued daily is con cerncd, and no equal as to Ihe character of its readers. These.faets are so wj:ll known and appreciated by tho business commu nity, or the shrewdest members thereof, that our columns have been well. tilled by the favors of THE EEST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS. and we are glad lo know that their faith in ihe TELEGRAPH ns an adverlisidg me dium has been tirmly established. TIlFi?riTTEBURGH EVENING TELEGRAPH, ha", we think, during the past year rcniu luined its claim to the good will and sup prot of the people, irrespective of party, inasmuch as its opposition lo bad uomina tious within the parly whose principles it favors was largely instrumental in procur ing their defeat. While it shall be our aim io promote the established principles of iho Republican parly, we shall in the fu ture, as iu ihe past, oppose the election to oibce of men not fully qualitied, or who shall by trickery or any unfair menus manage to secure a place on tho ticket. Uonesly aud capacity only will receive our support. iltE TELEGRAPH will continue lo publish' ALL TliU NEWS OE 'i UK DAY nt the earliest, moment, and iu such a shape as to bo acceptublo to ihe most critical reader. The TELEGR Aril will contiuuo to re fleet the sentimeEts of the pcoplo on all public questions touching I heir welfare. 'J he TELEGRAPH will uphold zealously the iiunds of all men honest and earnest in reform, and it will, us iu the past, give all sides a hearing cn the topics of Ihe time. The TELEGRAPH will labor with, re. newed zeal for tho prospeiity of ihe city aud State and the advancement cf llio ma terial interests of cur citizens. Its LOCAL DEPARTMENT will continue to fce carefully ntlended to, and its reports of local events will be always fresh and reliable. Its SPECIAL TELEGRAMS ASD CORRES PONDENCE from the Capitals of Ihe Nation mid felate and from all important uews centers will continue lobe of the most attractive uud trustworthy character, lis MAltKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will reeeivo the same careftl attention that bus been remarked iu Ihe past, uud iu this respect ihe TELEGRAPH w ill continue to be without a competitor, lis EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT will 'contain au honest expression of views on all importimtlivo topics, political and otherwise, its NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which have always enjoyed an exalted rcp uiatiou, will continue to .be of the same unexceptionable character. In tine, the EVENING TELEGllAPII IN ALL. ITS DEPARTMENTS, will be during Iho i'cap 1875, superior to the past, excellent as i! has beeu by gen eral admission. No expense w ill be spared to keep the paper abreo st with the times, and ilB managers will exert every effort that experience may suggest to make if possible, more attractive to the general leader. SUUSClilPTlON PltlCE. By mail, including postage, Nine Dollars per annum. Delivered by Carriers, iu any part of Pittsburgh and AUcghcuy, for Fifteen Cents a week. ADVERTISING RATES furnished on application. ADDRESS, THE EVENING TELEGRAPH, PIPT8BURGH, PA THE ALDiNE COMPANY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. . SOLD OXLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. THE ALDINE; THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. This splendid enterprise is not only well sustained in every feature, but is being constantly developed and improved. It to-day stands witnout a rival iu the whole world of periodical literature. Tho beauti ful dog-portrait, ''Man's Unselfish Friend," a cliromo presented to every subscriber, Is a decided hit. and will, if possible, ndd to Hie popularity which this work has gained. The Aut Union feature also promises great and benificent results, in Arousing publio inkiest in the fine arts. Circulars aud ful information on application. Parts I, II, III, and IV are now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure;Hour Miscellany. To bo completed in 40 parts issued for niglly. Each part will contain nn elegant frontis piece, originally engraved ou steel for the Loudon Art Journal. REPRODUCING at a price within the popular reach, en gravings never before offered at less than five limes the amount. These plates have been the attraction of The London Art Journal, Each purl will contain !.' quarto pages, including the elegant Iron! ispiecc, on heavy plule pnper. A superb lille pnge, richly illuminated in red and puld, will lu given with tho first purl, nud the printing ol the enliic work will be a worthy representa tion of "The Aldino Pro" which is a guarantee of something bei) utiful and vul. liable. At a Cost cf 25 Cents a Part Parts I, II. and III arc Just Published. THE .1 etT jomt.vir. Complete in 12 monthly parts, at SI each Reproducing tho best full-page illustra tions from the curlier volumes of The Aldino. Each monthly part will cnnlnin six su perb plates wiih accompany ing descriptive matter, nud whether for binding or framing will be entirely beyond competition in price or artistic character. Every impres sion will bo most carefully taken on the finest toned pnper, ami no pains will be spared to make this the richest production of a press which has won, in a marvclously short time, a world-wile reputation. 6! EJUS t'XOJW TSICi iZ.U)l.Vi: Especially assorted for Scrap Book lllustretions and Drawing Class Copies. A Inrge collection of pictures of different siz.es uird on almost every couceivablo sub ject have been put cp nn attractive en velope, und are now offered nt a price in tended to lutiko them popular in ever; No. 1, containing 50 beautiful engravings, is now ready, nud will be sent, postage paid, to auy address for ONE DOL LAR. A liberal discount to aeuis und teachers. ' SCIUP liOOKS A splendid assortment ot SCRAP BOOKS uavebeeu expressly prepared lor the hjli hay season, and no present of more penua ii cut interest can be selected for gentleman or ludy, old or young. No. 1. Half bound, cloth sides, gilt back li'Kl pp. llixlti inches J5 00 No. Half bound, clo li sides, gilt back, 5U0 pp. 1:2x10 inches 7 00 No. 8. Full morocco, beveled boards gill and antique, very r.ch 000 pp 12 00 Lettered lo order iu gold at : cents ench line. Sent by mail post panl ou receipt of the price. THE ALDINE PASSE PARTOUTS. In compliance with repented l-ei'iucslg, l lie publishers of Tun Aluink have pre pared impressions of many of I heir most beautiful plaies lor passe-partout framing. 'ihe cuts lire mounted on u be&mifuliy tinted azure mat, witii a handsome red bor der line. To attach the g'ass, it is only left for the customer to paste and fold over an already attached border und this muy be dune by u child. '21 subjects, 12xlo inches, "5c.; with glass, 50c. Six of this sizo for $1 wheu selection is oft to the publishers. 0 subjects, lOxlJj inches, 20c, with glass, 4')C. 7 tuljects, OxSJ inches. Joe, with glass, 40c. 12 subjects, 14x10 inches, 50 c; with glass, tU. Ecil by mail, without glass, post paid, for price. CANVASSERS WAITED TtS K 1 i. ii IJ 'SI C OJ73 i" V, MJtiaieti'ii tunc, Yets 3tGrk. t n41ll:i. Ur.uington Sewing Machines Eire Arms, and Agricultural Im I'LKMENTS. The Picmiiigton Sewing Machine has sprung rajadly iuto favor as possessiDg'(tbo best combination ol good qualities namely, light running smooth noiseless rapid aud durable It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and isalike on both sides. The Remington Sewing Machine has received picuiiuins at many Fi-hs, throughout the Uoitcd States, and w ith out effort took the Grand Medal ot Pro gress, tho highest order of medal that was awarded at the late Vienna Kxposi- positiou. The Remington Works also uianu facture the new Double liar relic d ijreccn. joaamg fcuot gun snap and positive actiou, with patent joint check, a marvel of beauty, finish aud cheapness, aud the cclcbrutcd Rem iugtou Rifles adopted by nioe different governments, aud renowned throughout the world for militaiy, Luutiog aud target purposes all kinds of Pistols, Rifles, Canes, Metalio Catridges, do. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowiug Machines, bleel Plows, L'ultiva tors, Road S'ciapers, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, &c. The undersigned has been appointed ageut for the tale and introduction of tho Remington Sewing Machine iu and (or the counties ot Elk, Clearfield and Warren. TIIOS, J. RURKK, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. 8. A rood local agent wanted. AGENTS rVANTED TO 8ELL The Political, Personal, and Property Rights 7 Citizen, Of the Uniicd States How to exercise and how to pcrserve them. By Theophilus 'ar ions, l.L. I). Containing a commentary on the Fed eral and State Constitution, giving their history and origin, and a full explanation of their principles, purposes and proviR. ions; the pow rs and duties of Publio Offi cers; the rights of the pecple, and the obligations inourred in evory relation of lite; also, parliamentary rules for delibcr tiv bodies; nnd full directions, and legal fVms for all busincsg trnssctiops, ns mnk lug Wills, Deeds, Mortgages Lenses. Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc. A law Library in a single volume. It mccls the wants of all classes and sells to everybody. JONES BROTHERS & Co., Phila. Pa. PAST n HOW BEAD7. rjnilE SPLENDID ILLUSTRATED WORK "A CE1TTURY AFTER; OR PICTURESQUE GLIMPSES OF PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYL VANIA." Including Fairmount Park, tho Wissa hickon. and the prominent romanlio loc.ili, lies mid landscapes of Peiiusylvaoia; pre senting in n scries of superb engravings, Ihe scenery, life, maimers, ch irncter, aud architecture of Ihe cities of Ihe Stale. '1 lie tnoMt fauli less piutonil work yet of fered to Ihe American public. li.icli part v ill contain a number of cn- griiving-i, produced under I he supervisions i-l .1. IV, I, iiitderloic)i; alter designs by Drnley, 'Ihonrin. Morun, Woodward, lieii- Kcil, nud other prominent Americin arlisis. Edited by Edward Slrnhiiu. To be published iu riiTr.EN Skmi-M-i.vrin.v Parts at Firt Cb.nt-j each, prin ted on superior toned pnper. fci.c 10x12 inches, A (iEN TS W A NTE E V E RY W II E.'E, Parlies residing in localities where nuents l.i.vc not been uppuintei can obtain Hie work by addressing ALLEN. LANE ,V SCOTT, & J. W. LAU- DEltl'-ACH, Publishers, South Filth Street Philadelphia. (Eiy- At- our tulvorliijcr hub in-t inbde his advertls. tnfc nlt-.i. il.er -llstinct, wcnill Interpret ond elabo rate it us Mtowa: 111. II. FOOTE, M.T., Anthor of l'luill Homo Tnlk, Mci.llcal Common Senw, .Sei.ineo in forr. file. 120 I.exinrt'm Avenue (cor. East 8S;h 8tru.il, New York, nn Is-DErtsnisT Viivsiei.is, ir--t all t.irnm of Liuoertmt or Chrvnio Dtj.i'.-.H.-s. ftn-1 r- 'Tivcii letter- liom 11U li&ru ol tuo CivilizkI) Woltr.u. By Ins ril wy cf confluetlnT Mfillcnl l"r ti'-e. he Ik h'.ieo-'s-fully trefit-nc numcr-iim nntipiUx In Unropf, i!it- Went Inillm, lontlnioii or CauailE-, nnl in every iart ot thfl Uuiujd Slates. Ot dclct-rlom 0u tisntl. lt hw during tho pnSl twenty tliret- yeftrv. iretiu-d successfully nearly or ciuito 4il,oe eases. All tuew connected with ench case iro eirofally r iconl.-.l, whether tney bo communictlted by letter or in ir.-r-m, or observed by the Doctor or lita OKHoelnto phj'stcLiiM. 'ihe luttcr aro oil sclentino medical men. S E0T7 INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE Arc treated. All lnvnlid at a dhmnco aro required to answer a lit of plain nutations, which elicit every Byniiiunn un.lor wliieh Ilia Invultd miters. All com muniyittiriti ll-eitt'X Mrictiy coitJldtHluU, A uoinplfte systc.n ol re-teriut prevent uiiu,ke,a or confusion. List of que. tiom hcr.t free, ,n nnrlintition. to any part of the world. H-xty-pauo pamphlt of ISyidckcu ow Ki'CCKsa, nisi, sent free. All these testimonials are from thostf-vho h.ive born treated by mail and express. AnvicK la ofkitk, ou uv KtiU feuc or uuauou. Call ou or address DR. E. B. POOTE, ' Ho. 120 Lexington Ave., IT. Y. VYtnicd 1c sell JDrFo(,ks Tiain Komt Talk and JfcicKi Conuncn. Sense: Also J)r 'irbotea Science' in Story. liTtirtticulars eddress . iriirCTflllMlishin&miia)iyrZ92S0:St'. 2 - ' J NEW YORK. Br. Bcrgor's Tonic Bowel and Tile Pills. Th-so pills aro nn infallihlo remedy for constipation and pile, caiixol by weakness or suppression of tha peristaltic motion of tho bowels. They very gently iiierea-w th.i a-jtlvity of the intestinal canal, produe aoft stools ami relieve piles at one. Thousntuls havo been cured by them, l'rice 50 cents, sent by mall on reeeipt of price, frepared only by F. ALKHKD HKIOIIARDT, ruAnii.Mjiur, i'H Fotruia AvitKcs, Nkvt Yonit Crrv. Dr. TJsrger's Compound Fluid Extract of Khubarb and Eandelion. The best combination of purely vegetable medicines lo emireiy replace Calomel or Blue Pill. It stimulates the liver, inere;isy the flow of bile, and thus removes) at once torpidity of the liver, biliousness and habitual constipation, aud the diseases arising from anch afl dyiiepsia, sick heiolaehe, flatulence, etc. The effeo tivoooss of this Kxtruct will be proved, visibly, at once to tho patient, as one or two bottles aro sufllcient to clear the complexion beautifully, and remove pimplce a-'id stains caused by liver troubles. Trice SI per bottle. U bottles, $5; wi!l be sent on receipt of the prion to anv address, fee of charKO. Prepared only by P. ALFRED KEICHAKUT. l'mUtlliCUI, C3i'OUalU VVCMCB, tiKVT YOIUI CiTX. Takers Sweet Chocolate at I'OW ELL & KIME'S. Youn-; man if you want to ndd greatly to your appearance go at once to rO'rVELL & KIME'S .i rand Cen tral Store, and -jet yotisclf a new -white liueu bosom shirt. You c;m et a good fitting, white cloau shirt for 1.2-") and' Irom tht! t up. fever's Poultry Powder,' warranted, I fused In time, to cure chicken cholera ana gApus. WlthaBupplyofthls X-or.-der and a bestowal of ordinary attention to clean liness an.4 proper feeding, Wltll ItfUUlflll .llltnlv dnst.ffrlt and efttz shell-forming materlal.anyonemay keep Poultry (even la connneuient) for any length of time, with both profit and pleasure. Package 25 cts., Ave for 11.00. Ask your dealer. Beat bee apoa re ceipt of price. Address, A. V. METER ft CO., BalUmora, Kates of Alvartislng. One column, one year $75 00 " 40 00 " S25 00 " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, ono insertion $1, two inser tions, $1-60, three insertions, $2. llusiness cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. Advkbtisino: Cheap. Good, Systema tic. All persons who contemplate waking contracts with newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should send '2o cents to ileo P. Howell J- Co., 41 Park How, Kew York, for their PAMPULLT BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken lor leading papers in many States at a termendous reduction fluin publishers rates. (Jet tus uook. v no 48 tf s' H NEW IIVLmY STAUIE IN RIDGWAV. DAN SC1UBNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittzcns of Riiigway, and tho public goLcrally, that be lias started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Bujgics, to let upon the most reason's ble terras. fccrille will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A Urge eight-pngo independent, honest nnd fearless tiewpnpertef f6 broad columns, especially designed for the farmer, tho mo, chanic, the uierchnnt and the Professional mnn, and their wives nn 1 children. We aim tn mako the 'VkkKly Sun tho belt family newspaper in Ihe world. It in full of entertaining nnd instructive reading of every sort, but prints nothing to ofl'eitd the most scrupulous and delicate taste. Price $l,i!t) per year, postage prepaid. The chenpest pnper published. Try it- Address The Sim, New York City. Elk County Directory. President Jtfls$c L. D. Wetmore. Additional L.tw Judge lion. Jno- P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V. Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sherill 1. Cculi. I'rothmoti.ry .j-c, Fred. Schocniug. Treasurer Joseph Windt'eldcr. County ritiperintcndent Hufus Luonre. Coniniissioners Michael Weidcrt, Julius Jones, Geo. lid. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. O. Luudy, County Surveyor Geo Wilmslcy. Jury Coniiiussi ners. Phillip Kreighlo Ilnnsoin T. Kyler. FuR SALE I5Y E.K. GRESH, Masonic Hall iitiilding, Uidgway, Pa. VA1T VLECK'S CLLKDKA'J KD J'ATEM' SPRING J5KU IJliST tempered steel spring wire, these springs can be laid on the sluts ol'nuy common bed und arc COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES 1 Also ayent lor 1 W eed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and liiiST MACHINE in the market. Cull and exu.nine before puichasing else where. vlultit'.i$, JF YOU WANT TOKUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES H- II AGEIITY Miiu Si reel, Uidgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, LOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND YV1LLOW.WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tl.o DEST BRANDS ol TLOUlt CcnstHutiy tin hand, aud sold as cheap us the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. I1AGERTY. SBlEltS .J.VW VfMlTS. C. C. The True Cape Cod Cranberry, C. best sort lor Uplaud, Lowland, or Garden, by mail prepaid, 1 per 100, S5 per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries uud Peaches. A priced. Cata logue of those ud all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Roses, Plums, &c, aud FRESH FLOWER & 0 All DEN" SEEDS, the choicest collection in the country, with all novelties, will be sent gratis to auy plain address. 25 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seeds, lor 81,00, sent by wail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TRADE. Agents Wanted. 11. 21. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series aud Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. rpO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL I VAXIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact thit the National Ranks are now prepaid to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Ceuteuniul Loard of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings (or the Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses conuected with the same. It is confidently believed that ihe Keystone State wijl be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri otic commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day f the nation. The shares o stock are olTered for $10 each, and Bub scribcrs will receive a haudsooie engraved Certihcate of Stock, suitable for framing and preseivudon as a national memorial. Interest at tile rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from dato of payment lo January 1, lb"0. Subscribers who are not neat a Nations, Lank can remit a check or post office order to the undersi gned, FRED'li FRALEY, Treasurer, 001 Walnut St., Philadelphia Al-PLETONS AMKUICAN CYCLOPEDIA that the revised, und elegantly illus t rut cd edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages onco in two months, is the best Cycloped 5'in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It only costs $3 a mouth t get it in leather bindiug. The best and cheapest library in the world. Address, 0. K. Judson, Frcdonia, N. Y.