THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1875. Evangelical Lutheran Chrch REV. I. BRENEMEN Pastor. Sunday school at 0:45 A. M. All are In vited to attend. M- S. CHURIH. REV. WM. MARTIN, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 A M Morning Service at 11 A M Class Meeting at VI M Evening Service at 7:80 P M Prayer Meeting Thursday Evening GRACE CHURCH. 8ervlee In Grace Church Sunday next at the usual hours, 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. ' ' All are cordialy invited to attend. Seats Fbek to all. Car Time at Ilidgtcay. Mail East 4:43?: M. do West 2 25 P. M ftenovo Accom East 9:25 A. M. ts J ii" . a i - - r Local East 5:40 P. M do West 8;20 A. M The Mail' and Through Looal carry passengers, the local does not. A dangerous counterfeit is in circulation on the city of Erie, $500 and $1000 notes local cupon bonds of 18G7, due 1887. Subscribe for the Advocate now, and ret all the news in reference to the elec tions to be held this fall. 'Kissing jour sweetheart," says a trifl ing young man. ''is like eating soup with a fork; it takes a long time to get enough." Next year being leap year, young ladies crazy to be married in the centennial year will no doubt avail themselves of their privileges. An honest old man on being informed the other day that one of his neigbors owed him a grudge, growled out: "No matter he never pays anything." Henry Ward Beecher now gets $100, 000 a year for preaching, and likely he thinks "I had rather have $100,000 than be president." It is said that the old maids in Athens, Oat recently met in convention, and re solved that the Legislature ought to make it a penal offence for any widow to marry again. We make place for the following as very worthy of a positiou in our local columns; I digs, I hoes, I plows, I gets up wood, for winter; I reaps, I mows, I sows, taters grows and for all I knows i'ra debted to the printer. I do suppose all knowledge flows right from the priLting press, so off I goes in these old clothes and settle up I guess-" HORSE RAKES ! Upon a thorough in vestigation it has been demonstrated that a good horse rake will save more labor to a farmer than any other invention of its cost Among all the machines of ihe kind, the Albion devolving Horse Rake stands supreme, of which POWELL & KIMS are (he sole agents for this section. Every person should uiveone. They are selling very rapidly A wealthy man died some months ago. Some of his heirs were slighted, and tried to break the will on the ground of unsound mind on the part of ihe testator. The ef. fort foiled. It was shown in evidence thnU the man made most of his money by ju dicious advertising. The court remarked: 'We need look no further for proof of this rum's sound judgment." And the V court was right. oHALEi l ACKAGES DV EXPRESS. It any good at all has grown out of the unjust advance, of the postal r.ites on third class mutter it is that the American Express mpany has decided to reduce its charges for currying small packages to the same fcates charged by the postal department, (which is oue cent per ounce, or sixteen ents per pound. At these rates the American Express Company now carries parcels to all points on its lines. In most nstances the Express Company will have he advantage, since it delivers it packges is they arrive at their destination, while a hackage sent by mail, (except in larger Litres where thero is a carrier delivery) is held at thj post office until called for. Almost a "Horror." A well known lejdcrly citizen of Middlotown near ITer- Jhonkson engaged in an altercation with his Lon over a matter of eighty-seven cents which the son owed him and, with which he proposed to pay the fathers school tax. To this the latter demurred and picking uy a sharp crow-bar struck at the son, injur ing him severely on the arm after which, vhe son acting only in self defence, leveled he dangerous instrument directly at his hroat. It struck the collar bone tearing uway the Hesn and inflicting another kvouud. and had there been nothing to ob struct or had the iron gone but a little tarlher "another Ulster County horror" nigh have been the result. The eon then warmed the old gentleman up slightly and afterwards had him arrested on a warrant served by Constable Quick. The case is not yet disposed of. Ellcnvilla (N. 1.) Journal. Box Killed bt Lightning. During the storm on Tuesday, July Cth, a little son of Mr. Leonard Barras, Beaver township, near Eagle furnace, was struck by light ning and the horse upon which he was rid ing and himself instantly killed. It ap pears that Mr. Barras and his .little boy and girl were on their way from the corn field where he had been working to the bouse. The little boy was riding ahead. The flaslt that struck him Bhocked the whole party severely. The boll struck the boy on the head, tearing a hole throurrb .bis hat, and passed down his side, teraing "the clothing loose to his foot- At firist no 'mark appeared, but in a short time a black 'mark, as if scorched by fire appeared 'from the tide of the head to the boy's foot; The body appeared limber as though the Tboaes bad become like jelly. Decern- petition set in immediately, rendering it almost impossible to keep tht body until li could be properly prepared for interment. Two trees in direct range of the boy ap pear to have been struck at the same time. Do you wan t job work? Blackberries will soon be ripe. Trout fishing comes to an end on August 15th. There will be plenty of chestnuts this fall. The soaking rains last week were a good thing for J he potato erop. The Ridgway Silver Cornet Band at tended apicnio at St. Mary's yesterday Doctor C. R. Earley has placed a foun tain in the front yard of his Centre street residence. Raspberries are selling in town from ten to fifty cents a quart. Not much differ ence in the prioe. There will be services next Sunday at the Lutheran church by Rev. W. H. Filson (Presbyterian.) Remember we will send the Advocate fcb months for only 60 cents, subscribe now. Robert Campbell has broken ground for his new building on Main street John Kime is moving the dirt to his lot on Broad street. Daniel Scribncr's house was entere d on Monday night and his pants, containing his pocket book, were taken. They were afterwards recovered. The prospeot for the new railroad grow more favorable each day. It is now about as much of a certainty as human affairs g eneraiiy are. Keep your cows off the r ailroad track. The commercial value of a cow after a freight train has passed over her is no t very much. Supervisor Fitch is making a great many improvements in our streets. Elk street has been graded, and the lower end of Main street. Some work has been put on zion s mil. Miss Florence Osterhout daughter of W II. Osterhout, was six teen years of age, last Monday, which event was celebrated by a party given to a number of the young lady's acquaintances. A prisoner named Butler esoaped from the jail at this place last Sunday morning by digging out a stone and then scalling the jail wall. He was brought from High land ior stealing a pair of boots and a watch A cow at Eagle Valley, partook, of some potato tops, covered with paris green and flour, in N. T. Commings field last week. We have not learned how the cow is at present writing, but the next morning she was an awful sick cow. Governor Hartranft has issued the war want for the execution on Monday the 9th day of AuguBt next of Barney McCue, con victcd in Lycoming county on the 1st day of December, 1874, of the murder of John Dciter. Charles E Bailey, of Smethport, commit ted suicide bv taking morphine on Sunday last, from the effects of which he died on Monday morning. Mr. Bailey was book keeper for the Buffalo and MoKean railway company in one their stores, and a very in telligent aad worthy man. He leaves a wife and one child. The cause of unfor tunate act was excessive drinking of poor, miserable degrading whiskey. Last Saturday Nat Laughlin had his arm broken. In company with another man ana a woman he was eoing to (Spring on a laad of feed. When on Dickinson's hill he noticed that one bag of feed was gone and told the driver so who unhitched one of the horses, leaving the other still in the traces, and started back for the feed. While he was gone the other horee became restless and started on a run. Laughlin, fearing the woman would be injured, leaped out to stop the horse and iu doing so his foot sliped throwing him with his arm where the wa?on passed over it. He stoppedthe horse before lie realized his arm was broken. The Agitator, published at Wellsboro, Tioga county, says: General Thomas L, Kaue, well known to many in this county as the gallent leader of the "Bucktails" in the late war, arrived in town last Saturday nnd remained ovor Sunday. The General was accompanied by his family, and he traveled from his home at Kane to this place in the most delightful manner at this time of the year villi his own horses and carriage. The iuimediato occasion of his visit was to enable his son and daugh ter to unite with the Presbyterian Church of this village. He left for home yesterday afternoon much to the regret of a large number of his friends and companions in arms who had made preparations to sere nade him last evening. We are glad to say that he looks hale and hearty and appears to enjoy life as he deserves to. The Clearfield Republican, says: Too much caie cannot be exercised in the pick ing of potato bugs, to prevent them from coming in contact with any part of Ihe body where the skin is broken or scratched and the hands should not be used about the body in aay way until after a thorough washing. John Harwick, a citizen of this place, has had some ezperienoe in ibis line, a relation of which may prove of benefit to others. While at work in his potato-patch a week or two since, with his shirt-sleeves up slaying the bugs by the hundreds, a small abrasion of the skin on one of his arm 8 took a notion to itch, and he care lessly scratched it with his nails, thereby introducing the poison into his blood and he has been suffering since in a terrible manner. His arms rust, and finally his whole body became covered with poisonous eruptions, the irritation from which has deprived him of sleep for a number of nights. We are happy to state that he is improving. Suicide in Cobby. Eugene Wright or Corry, was found iu his of' (ice Saturday evening, the 17th, sitting id bis chair dead end cold with a pis tol shot in the forehead and Colt i revolver on tho floor, appareutly dropped from his hand, one chamber being empty. He left his home Friday morning. Not returning as usual bis wife became alarmed and seaich was made till he was found as above. It supposed he was temporarily insane having shown alarming symptoms. U came to Corry in 1861, having charge of the construction of the Downer Oil Work, lie did great deal for Corry ad . will be greatly Biased. He was 60 yean old. A coroner's Jury was called which may give'eome clew to the strange proceeding when it report!. OENREAL NOTES. The disease known as the black tongue is raging among cattle in the country south of Hamilton, Ontario. The story that Filkins, the express robber, had perished in a sewer at taobed to the Clinton Prison is discred ited. Ho has been seen in C. nada. Young Sylvester Brown, of Lansing, bet that he could jump across the track and teturn before the express train reached him. He didn't quite make it. The Mifflinburg Telegraph promises eight hundred majority for the Re publican ticket in Union county, this State. Secretary Bristow expects to be able to redeem the fractional eurrency with silver early in the fall. The amount to be taken up will be about 810,000, 000. A gentleman of Lafayette Ind., has a rare curiosity in a pear tree, which blosoms every two weeks. The tree now has on it the representatives of three several crops pears varying in size from that ot a pea to that of a large hen's egg. Saratoga. July 19 Two hundred prominent bank presidents and cashiers are in town tor attend tbe iNationul Bankers' Convention, which meets to morrow at noon in the Town Hall. About one thousaud more are expected to arrive in the morning. The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Buffalo Park, occurs August 3d, 4th, 5th and Uth. Premiums $35,000, divided into nine purses varying from 82,500 to S5,000. All the premiums are for trotting, to be mile heats, best three in five, in harness. New York July 10 Thomas Spratt, an engineer, who on the 7 th of June, threw his wife out ot a third-story win dow, was sentenced to ten years in the State's prison, notwithstanding that both man and wife denied the assault. Beaver, Utah, July 16 The testi mony of John D. Lee, as well as that of other important witnesses, will eutircly refute all the charges which have been made against Brignam Young and the leaders of tbe Mormon Church in Salt Lake. It will be proven that Brigham sent an emphatio command that the deed should not be committed. Pittsburar, July 16 While tho family .of Mr. John S. Hays were at dinner at the Monongahela House to day their rooms were entered and bo me two thousand dollars worth ot diamonds and jewelry were stolen. Suspicion points to a stranger who was stopping at the hotel, and who has since disap peared. A tract of land, seven miles in length and two in width, near the Ossipee Mountains, New Hampshire, has been bought by persons for the purpose ot mining for coal. Ihe land has been examined by an expert in coal mining, who pronounces all the indications similar to those in the Pennsylvania coal regions. Liouisvile, July 19 Ihe revenue officers completed to-night their inves tigation into the aliuirs ot the collectors office and report the defalcation to be 882,900 16. It is their opinion that Jackson has been stealing for several years, but that the bulk ot the money was taken during last February. No trace of how he disposed ot the stolen money bat been discovered. Cumberland, Md., July 19. Last evening John Wallace, an mnkeeper. was shot and killed by a young man named John Stuart the result of a fight. Stuart claims self-defense. W allace wis a desperate character, and will be re membered as the man who beat United States Deputy Marshal Creager of Bal tiuiore. two years ago, who was endeav- oi ing to arrrest bnu for counterfei Stuart surrendered himself and waived an examination. Serious charges of forgery, embezzle' nieot. and so on are preferred against one llollister firm of llollister, Weber a Co., teocial insurauco agents of Corry. 11 is rascalities amount to over 85,000. Saturday afternoon, July 10th be bad a hearing before a justice and was held to bail m the sum of 85,000 An otticer was seat to "keep his eye on llollister while the bail was procured but llollister gave leg bail, and that officer's eve has not rested on him since. Baltimore, July 16. A heavy raiu stoim last mgbt caused the overflow ot Chatsworth and Schroader's runs, in the western section of the oity, and the cellars of a large number of private dwellings where iu consequence flooded In tbe central portion ot (he city tbe cellars of Dumbers of wholesale bouses were floooded, and some damage was sustained on goods. The track of the Washington branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Itailroad was flooded in sev eral places. The Philadelphia and New York express, leaving Washington at 915 last nigbr, on reaching Bladesburg was turowu oa Uie truck, hut none ol tbe pusacogevs were iujured. Wreck ing trains were immediately se-it out, and this uioroiug trains are ruuning on time. A sharp dodge, by means of which to morease the compensation ot postmas ters, has beoa discovered in New Jetsey At least First Assistant Postmaster General Marshall has addressed a letter to a special agent of the Postofhce de purtment, ditectiog him to investigate several post-offices in New Jersey and report relative to the alleged sale stamps in large quantities to parties wiiose lamuies reside w.'tbin the deli very of the office in question, but who buy tbe stamps lor use in New York Tbe First Assistant says that this is done with the view of increasing the competition of the postmasters, and that citizens who pursue this course disregard the true object ot tbe estab hshment aud continuanse of postoffices by the Department, viz; To serve as agencies for the accommodation of the people in the delivery and transmission oi me mails and pervert them into instrument for paying salaries not fairly earned. He further states that tf the prsotice is continued the Depart ment will regard it aa good cause for L J: . m . . nf OENISAL NOTES. . . New York eitv. this vear, it is estima ted, will consume 6,000,000 baskets of peaches. At the . ercat fair held annually at Nijni Novgorod, in Russia, commodities valued at 890,000,000 are usually dis posed of. The Parisian journals say that the French vineyards are in splendid con dition, and such promise of abundance has not been seen since 1840.. The potato' bug has reaohed the Desert, a hundred miles north of Ottowa Canada. They are devouring all the potato vines in the vicinity. The Musical Association in Paris now has 456 members. This association supports about 300 old people and orphans who have been in any way con nected with music Doc Sweeney, the laBt and boldest of the Carbondalc, fa., bank roDDers, was lodged in jail at Wilkesbarre on Tues day, having been captured by detectives in New York State on Sunday last Edward Kelly, a bridge watchman and his wife and child, were run over at Otsego, Otsego county, N. Y., by a railroad train on Saturday night, Kelly and his wife were killed, but the child escaped. The Connecticut Senate on Tuesday rnnmirnrl with the House iu a (fift of 810,000 to the National Centennial, and also appropriating 815,000 to a local board to promote the interests of Connecticut at the Exhibition. The new census of Rhode Island shows that the population of the State exceeds, by a few hundreds, 258,000 a gram over 41,000 in the last hve years. Tbe new census of Troy makes the population ot that city 48,253, an in crease of 3,715 since 1869. The Conewango swemp, containing some 25,000 acres of wet farming land, Chautauqua and Cattaraugus counties, New York, is about to be re claimed by drainage. It is estimated that by this means ovor 81,000,000 worth of land will be got under cultiva tion. Tbe funeral of ex-Chief Justice Woodward took place at Wilkesbarre, Pa., on Saturday afternoon. The serv ices were conducted by Rev. H. L. Jones aud Bishop Stevens, of the Episcopal Church. The bar of the county attended in a body, and there were a number of distinguished persons rom a distance present: Collector Carpenter, of the Third Sou.h Carolina dist-ict, reports to the xulelua, xveveuuevmce u.ecaplu.eo. four distilleries, and he destruction 0f one still. He says within the last forty davs he has noizfid fifteen diati en.s captured ten men, and destroyed a large quantity ot illicit whissy. A woman named Drake was assaulted by a tramp, while picking berries in the woods near Chester, N. Y., on Saturday and had her head cut open, and was otherwise dangerously wounded. The constable and a posse pursued and ar rested tbe tramp, who would have been shot on the spot but for the efforts of the constable. Tke settlers in tbe valley of the Ar kaoeas manage to make a comfortable living, notwithstanding the destruction of their crops, by gathering up buffalo bones on the prairies and hauling them to the towns. Heads and libs arc worth 85 a ton, and are ground up into fcrtili zcrs; shins and shoulder blades, which are used in tbe sugar rehuerics, bring 810 a ton, and horns 8o0. A few days ago the proprietor of a market at Hartford, while serving cus tomers, was astonished by the loud, and sudden squealing of a rat in the rear of his preni'scs. Ou examination he found that one of tbe animals, in attempting to pass over a pile ot nluros, had dropped his tail into tho partly open mouth of ono of the shellfish, which, closing, held the interloper fast. The rat was duly dispatcbed. The Chicago Times thinks that with tbe recent improvements in its manu factories glass will become a favorite article for the adornment of the fair sex. After advocating its adoption tor such purposes tho Times concludes by saying, "The principles of refraction might be introduced in the manufao ure ot these glass dresses, supplying the sbortcom ings of nature and modifying its exag gerations. Thus an unduly developed foot might be dressed in a refraajng glass shoe which would give it tbe re quisite eustallment. The gilt knob of a barber's pole rep resents tbe braes basin which was for merly actually suspended on the pole, The basin had a notch cut in it to fit the throat, aod was used for lathering customers who came to be shaved. The pole represented the Btaff.held by per sons in blood-lettings, and tbe two spiral ribbons painted round it repre sented the two bandages, one for twist ing round the arm previous to operation and the other lor binding. Barbers, "all in tbe olden time, used to be the surgeons, but have fallen from their high estate since science has made its voioe "to be beard on high." To this day however, the guild of "barber, sur geons retain their aacient ban, in Mookwell street, Cripplegate, London Boston July 14 Hugh Donahue, the pedestrian had accomplished 900 of i.iuji miles, which be uudertook to walk in as many consecutive hours, at noon to-day. Dr. V iney, the physician who attended him in bis long journey at Springfield, has arrive at Mystic Park and says Donahue is in a very eritioal condition. His pulse beats at ninety-four, with respiration at eighteen he is very nervous and shakes badly when walking. He seems to be suffer ing with palpitation of the heart, and . if i . i his attending physician says he must ba k.r,f niiiot and nnnn miul t.llr lV,i IliZ Ei. T ;..uTn" : sleeps bo soundly that firearms are dis charged to arouse him for hia hourly task. Donahue's courage ia good and "win or die seems to he bis motto. Springfield people think he will aooom plun hit task, but the betung here Petroleum Development for Jane, 1875. The Oil City Dorriok, of June 5th, contains a full accouot of potroleum operations tor the month of June, throughout the region. We give bolow the results: Total number of wells completed in Buttler and Clarion districts for month of June, 47; aggregate daily yield 2,342 barrels. Average yield per well in Butler ditriot 82 barrels. Average yield per well in Clarion district, 27 barrels. Total number rigs up and wells drilling in fourth sand district, 61: wells drilling 45; total rigs up and building 16; total 61. Grand total, wells drilled and drilling rigs np or building, iu Butler county, 107. Number wells drilling rigs up and building in Clarion district, as follows: On the crops bett, S; St. Petersburg, 7; Dogtown, Pickwick and Triangle, in cluding Jefferson Furnace, 25; Beaver City, 15; Edenburg region, number wells drilling, July 1, 19; rigs built or building, 11. Total wells drilling in Clarion district, 59; total rigs up or building, 24. Grand total in Clarion county, 80. Number wells drilliug in outside localities, as follows; Franklin (heavy oil) 1; Tideout, 2; Warren, 3; liousevillo, Z: (joiumoia, x; iicuaviiie, 9; Foster, 1; Scrubgraas, 2; Ball Valley 1. Total 21. lieneral summary W&Ole DUmDer wens arming in county, to ante oi juiy ist, oo; rigs Whole number of wells drilling in Clarion county to same date, 59; rigs 21. Whole number in outside localities, 21 Total wells drilling to date of July 1st. 165: rigs up and building 4b Grand total of wells and rigs, 208 The Derrick, after a careful survey ot tbe entire oil field and the operations in progress arrives at tho following couclu sions, 1st. The number of drilling well will decline largely in July- and August. 2d. The extension ot the cross belt into Clarion and westward (rora Greece City may be considered extremely doubtful 3d. The wells now in progress are al most exclusively confined to territory already denned. 4th, June has already determined the failure of important test wells, aod no fresh tracts oi nob territory are likely to be discovered Honor jo thb Veterans. Honor also to the inventors whose genius have emancipated tho race of women from tho drudgery of the needle. Honor above n t0 a firm wbich like tbe.Wilson Sew Machbe Company distributes its nao,,;es broadcast throughout the land at prices that even the poor aud humble can anora to pay. A nrsi-ciass macnine for fifty dollars! This is the proclama tion of the Wilson Sewing Machine Company to the people. Machines will be delivered at any Railroad Station in this county free of transportaion charges if ordered through the Com pany's Branch House at 327 and 329 Superior fct. Cleveland Ohio. They scud an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. 'ihis Company want a few more good agents. A. Cummings, Ridgway, Elk Co.. Pa. is the agent of the Com pany at this place to whom al! orders should be addressed. Give the Admooatk office a call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags, and if you are going to get married leave us an order for your cards It you want any bl'ched or brown muslins, from J to 10-4 wide any quality, go to head-quarters, Powell & Kime's and select to your taste. HAYING TOOLS 1 Grass Scythes, Scythe Snaths, Hay Rakes, Hay Forks, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Picks, Mattooks and all other articles adapted to the season at POWELL & KIME'S. Mrs. M. E. Malone has the agency for Elk County for the Combination Shoulder Brace Corset Adjustable Skirt Supporter. Call and see it. Alio for the ExccRior Shield or Corset Clasp. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, July 20th. 1875. DID. ASECD U. 8. 1881. c - 211 21 do 5-20, o '02, M and N 15j lb do do 'ol do 17 17 do do t5 do 191 191 do do '65 J and 1 18 lj do do 07 do 911 20 do do '08 do 19 20 10-40. do coupon 17 17 do Paoitio 6's cy Int. off 22 23 New S'sReg. 1881 15 15 C. 1881 lril lti Gold 131 Silver 109 109 Pennnylvania 61 i Reading 55 Philadelphia & Erie 21 Lehigh Navigation Div. off. 60 do Valley tilt United R R of N J Ex. Div '129J 120 Oil Creek CI 93 Northern Central 20 80 Central Transportation 45g A re8(iuehonmg n 6o bb ASA Mortgage G's '89 104 1U4 Summer Clothing, for those Boys and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mer Uasbmer at if & K i Bargains in ladies and childrens hats Bonnets aod Millinery goods at MAY & SILVERMAN'S Williamsport Pa, Hair Switches 81,00 82,00 83,00 & 84,00 worth double the money, Ruches 5 cents upwards, Shawls 81,50 upwards Uats from Zb cents upwards, best and cheapest trimed hats in the city at M a v . hii.vbbm a va nnni.l ,i. ' ""rf WurtUouseWilhamsportPa TOBTTTORK We are now prepared J H It doall kinds of JOB WOH&, Envelepes, Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads, neatly aud cheaply executed. Offiee in Tbayer & Hagerty'i new building, alula street Kidgway, P. UBSJR1BE tor the ELk COCSXi Co-operation In Suilding. Hon. Josiah Quincy, in a letter printed in the Boston Advertiser, says. A number of Germans who were accus tomed in their own country to a system of co-operation, purehased a tract of Und ia Dedham, Ten of them erected houses for their own use. A separate mortgage for about 82,000 was taken on eaoh house to secure a joint and several bond signed by the ten owners, by whioh they agreed to pay $6 a week into a savings bank to the credit of the mortgagee and trustee. One-half of each deposit is onough to pay the inter, est semi-annually at seven per cent., aad the other half goes on interest, with a certainty that in a low years it will pay the principal and leave the houses unincumbered. On the first days ol January and July the mortgagers have sent their deposit book,s to the trustee and mortgagee, who has drawn the semi-annual interest and returned tba books with their accumulations to tbe owners, every payment increasing his seourity, and tho association taking only tho risk that every holder of real estate takes who leases bis property Ten or more industrious and temperate men. who bad confidence in one another, might form such an associaton with peculiar advantages. They might chose their locality either together or separately, giving excellent security that they would pay their interest semi-annually and tho principal in fixed time. Milford Pa July 16 Tho final sur vey for the Lehigh and Eastern Rail road is new being made and the work of grading will shortly bo commenced The new road will run from Hazelton, Pennsylvania, to about one mile east of Port Jervis, New York, where it will connect with the Erie. The distance of the new route is ninety-eight and one half miles, and runs from Hazelton over tti a Pocono Mountains crossing the Delaware, Licawanoa and Western Railroad west of Sroudsburg, thence passing up the Delaware Valley to Port ervis. Ihe route is a comparatively easy one to build, and a. 1 . nuse president of the road, states that So, 000,000 is sufficient to buid, equip and put the road in running order. As soon as the survey is finished the work f grading will be begun. Valuable and Desirable Property for Sale, 1"UIE subscriber offers for rae the property now occupied by hiin as a residence in tho village of A'idcwa?, Elk county, l'a. The lot is pleannntly situated pon Depot street lint contains lu.UUU feet Uuon il is erected a 6rst class l'WO-AND HALF BiUKY UWiiliLlU llUUOt. 24x1)2 feet, with addition 10x24 feet; Coal House, Ice House, Chicken House and Barn. There is upon the premises a Commodioun Garden, wbicn is well stocked with Fruit Trees in, bearing condition and conUins Raspberry, Blackberry, Cur rant and Asparagus Beds. I or terms, &c, address. EDWARD SOOTHER, jel0-tf Ridgway. Elk Co , Pa. Millinery goods, hair goodn, Jewelry rancy goods, notions, Ladies and chii dreus cloaks, dreusea and undergarments wholesale aud retail at MAY & falL VERM AN, Williamsport l'a. Eenezette Auditor's Settlement Benezette, Juno llili, 1S75 Settlement with Treasurer ami I'olirulor fur the yenr 1875, William R. Jurduu as tallows: WILLIAM R. JOROAN DR. To umount of duplicate $1128 82 " " ree'd from county -treasurer 2000 00 To amount from former treasurer 03 6S To aru't Slate appro. 97 03 $3889 59 WILLIAM R. JORDON CR. By orders redeemed and caucelcd $3202 23 By extra orders redeemed and caucelcd 45 00 By percentage on dupli cate collected $020 09 (In 7 per cent 43 82 By percentage on em't from county treasurer $2000 ( 2 per cent. 02 00 By percentage on ain't from for. treas. 303 08 1 37 By percentage on 'Slate appropriation $97 09 (j 2 percent. 1 94 By percentage on exon erations 23 37 -$3120 78 Balance on duplicate not collected $159 81. We do hereby certify thut the above settlement is correct being approved by the auditors. C. II. WINSLOW, JULIUS JONES, Auditors. GEORGE T. BOTHROCK, Sec'y. nl8t3 Wo Dotice on Powell & Kime's plat form an assortment of those celebrated Gowauda Plows, Cultivators &c. Wedding and ladies at MAY Williamsport Pa. mourning ouifits for & SILVERMAN'S A lurc lot o) 1 aiafols, Lacics tics Handkerchiefs, Horiery and Gloves Truuks and Satchels at M.4Y fc SIL VERMAN'S Williamsport Pa. J, 0. ). BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnZoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa, Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aoo) dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The stated meeticas of Elk Loii-e. No, 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourth luesdays or each month W. C. JIEALY, See' Those new style prints, at P & K's arejthe general talk of tbe town. Go andeee them. Madam Demoresta Patterns We are agents for Madam Demoresta ratterus. Catalogues freo, send for one.. Patterne sent by mail MA V & iaiJjVJittMAiN opposite the Com BUSINESS CAEDS. G. A. RATHBUA, Altorney-at-Uw, Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 If. J2UFVS LUC ORE, Attorney-at-Law Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office in Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL & ATUAULEY, Attorneys-at-Ltw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St ' Rideway, Elk Co., Pa. v:tn2lf. J AM US D. FULLER TOT, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional spi vices to the citizeus of llulgway ana Bur rouuding country. All work warrantod. Office in Survice & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door lo Ihe left. 73-n-82-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent, for tl Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton GoU Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, doc with he samo accuracy as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. coruei of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment, of carefully selected For. cign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or nigut. vln3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. JJ., Physician ana Surgeon. Office iu Drug Store, corner Broad aud Main Sts, Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Ofhoe hours from 8 lo 10 A. iM. aud from 7 to 8 P. M. vln2y 1. J. S. B ORD WELL, M. J)., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, hasremov ed,his orhce li oui Centre street, to Main si. Ridgway, Pa,, iu the second story of the new brick building of John Q. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Qtliec hours: 8 lo 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. T jan J 73 HYDE HOUSE, Riuoway, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCII11AM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort aud convenience ot guosts, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 1809. BUCK TAIL HOUSE. Kane, McKean Co., Pa. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore s liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention lo the comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables lor horses iu Kane and well kept night or day. Hall attached to the lloiol. vlu23vl. KERSEY HOUSE, Cbntubville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronago heretoiora so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new roprietor, Hopes, by paying strict at eiition to tbe comfort and convenience of guests. 1 1 merit a continuance ol tbe same. JJ. W. HAYS, bKALE IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley i. O. vln47tf! RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAIL 110AD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON aud after MONDAY, MAi 21, 1876, the trains on the Philadelphia it Lne itailroad will run as follows! WESTWARO. KANE ACCOM leaves Reuovo.... 4 35 p rn Driftwood- 6 66 p in " " Emporium 6 65 p m " " Bt Marys... 7 65 S m ' Ridgway... 8 25 p m " Wilcoz 0 05 p ui arr at Kane.. 9 30 p in ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " " " Renovo 11 05 a in " " " Emporium 1 10 p u " St. Mary's 2 00 p m " Ridgway 2 25 p m " Wilcox 2 68 p m " Erie 7 60 p ni EASTWARD. v RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a m " " Wilcox- 8 83 a m !.' JliJ8wa 0 25 a m " Marys -10 01 a in " Emporium 1106 am " Driftwood llilfrpw " Benovo ......... 1 40 d iu ERIE MAIL leaves ErU Z.W.'IQ a m " " " Kane.... -845pm Wilcox 4 08pm " " " Kidgway....... 4.45 p ia " Bt. Mar'. 6.10 pm Emporium 6.05 p aa Reuovo 8.26 p " arr. at Philadephia... 6.60 a s . Renovo Accom and Kane Accom cenacot east and west at East with Low Urad- In. vision and B N Y a P R K WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l 6upt. .Clarit RepuUica. narrcn Mail. iuo uuKwuiiDuaace oi me oxnoe. Mem to be at odds against him. ADVOCATE. House ,V llijameport Ta. i - 4'