The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 15, 1875, Image 3

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Erang Lutheran Circa.
REV. 1- BREKEMEN rastor.
fun ilny nchool a( 0:45 A. M. All are In
tiled tonttend.
REV. WM. MARTIN, raslnr-
Punday Policol nt 0:"0 A M Morning
rervice at 11 A M Cln?3 Meeting at J J
M Evening Eervico nt 7:301' M prayer
Electing Thursday Evening
Service In Graco Church Sunday next at
(he usual hours, 11 A. M. and (J r. M.
All are cordialy invited to atteuj. Scats
Free to all.
Car Time nt Itidgway,
Mail East
do Went
ffenovo Accom EtiFt
Kane do Vest
Local East
4:43 P: M
'2 23 V. M
11:23 A. M
4:45 P. M
5:40 P. M
do West
8;20 A. M
The Mail and Through Local carry
tmssengers, the local does t ot.
Send 60 cents and we will send you the
Advocate four months.
L. F. Power, of Reading, Miss., is in
townthis week.
In another column will be found the
Millstone township annual statement.
Laot week N. T.Cummings had two cows
killed on the railroad, and Chas. Hole's
cow hod a narrow c ill.
We have a new Globe Tress, and arc.
now prepared to do ull kinds of job work
jn good style and at the very lowest rates
Mrs. Barrett is having the cellar dug
preparatory to having a house b jilt on her
lot, next Daniel Scribner's, on Ceitre
Charles Mecn an, alias Omaha Jack, was
sentenced by Judge Wettrore 'ast week to
an imprisonment iu the Western Peniten
tiary of one year, ten dollars fine and cost
of prosecution.
We will send the Advocate four month
for fifty cctits. This will give a person a
chance to get a paper cheap uud for a (riffl
ing sum, you will h ive a report of all the
country conventions, and the result of the
election to be held iu November.
Work has been commenced on the founda
tion for the new foundry. TUo building
nnd machinery it is caUn i'.ed wiil cost up
wards of $10,000; the loeuiion is on Depot
stieet, near the Depot street bridge iu the
field to the right as you go to the Depot.
We arc glad to make a note of this evidence
of returning piosperily to our midst.
Company II, met at the Court House last
evening, for the purpose of electing two
Lieutenants to fill the vacancies caused by
the resignation of Messrs. Service and
Orant. J, O. W. Dailey was electel first
Lieutenant, and C. II. Rhine's secoud Lieu
tenant. At the nezt meeting of the coin.
)any no-rt Satuid ly evjaiug, there will be
live Corporals appoiatel to fill the vajjin "
HORSE RAKES! Upon a thorough :n.
vest ig it ion it lias been demonstrated that a
good horse rake wilt fcave more labor to a
lamer (hm auy other invention of its cost
Among; all the machines of the kind, the
Albion i;vo!vin Horse Rake elands
Miprcme, of which POWELL & KlMlJ are
tlitf sole agents for this section. Every
Iperaou should hive one. They are selling
Vvery rnjiiuij.
Au old p:ir!y fruiu Granville Mond
nrouud tbc post oltice doors uutil t ho
hallway wus clear, v.!tcn lie sucaked up
to the letter-box dropped iu a let'er nnd
caiuo out MHckirin-. "Tlicy cl:ur'o
hree cents to carry a letter," said lie,
put 1 put n one cent btanip on nud
mrlcJ the letter in wheu there wasn't
mybod' looking."
The postage on letters to all parts of
Europe, except France, is now fixed at
be uuilonn rate of five cents, and news
papers weighing not over lour ounces
wo cents. After the first of next Janu
ry Franco comas into the International
H'ostal Service, and postage to any part
Lf that country will be five cents. P6stal
ards can be scut for an additional one
:ent stamp. The ice for registering
letters lroia any Postuffic-e in the United
Scutes to any office iu ilio world is teu
A new coul machine, the invention of
L)r. J. It. Hayes, "for pressing coal dust
n fuel," was put in operation last
LveeK ac mrnsburg. "A ton' of coal
Ivas made" by it "ia six minutes."
L'his is stated to be the first successful
Sort made in this country iot the utili
sation ot coal dust on a largo scale; and
Ithe machine, which is described as
simple, cheap and universally pructica-
Ible," will, it is hoped, "add millions oi
dollars to the coal wealth of Pennsyl
vania." The Republican Slate Ceolral Cou
miltee met in Uarrisburg ou Friday for
Lrgan izatioo. Ihe follow'ng officers
were elected: Secretary, Major A.
Wilson, Norris; Assistant Secretaries,
I5eDj'. lluckel, Ezra Lukcns, John Mo-
Collough, Thiladelpliia; E. II, Chase
Susquehanna, and Henry Butterfield,
lErie; Treasurer, Gen. Bingham; Mes
lenger, B. F. Borroughs, Snyder. The
Chairman appointed the following oora
Jnittees: On Organization, Russel Er
jett, Chairman, Gen. Wai. Lilly, J. G.
MoQuade, W. S. McManus, A- D.
iVood; oa Meetings aud Speakers, Hon.
Ziw. Mcl'herson, Chairman, Chas. II.
Uerger, John E. Littleton, John Lamon
ind Ezra Lukens. The reports were
'favorable from all parts of the State,
'and aotive work will le begun at once.
Do you want job work?
Give the Adhooatb office a call for bill
heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags,
and if you are going to get married leave
us an order for your cards
Orasa Scythes, Scythe Snaths, Hay
Rakes, Hay Folks, Hoes, Shovels, Spades,
Picks, Mattocks and nil other articles
adapted to the season at POWELL &
Mrs. M. E. Malone bas tho agency
for Elk County for the Combination
Shoulder Brace Corset Adjuslable Skirt
Supporter. Call and see it. Also for
the Excelsior Shield or Corset Clasp.
The Geiniantown Tdeyraph Bays
hundreds of children havo fallen vic
tims to the scarlet fever duiing the
past three mouths. Concerning the
treatment of this disease, an eminent
physician says he docs not fail in effect
ing a cure more thau once in a huud.ed
cases by giving the patient worm lem
onade with gum arabic dissolved in it.
A cloth wrung out of hot water and
'aid upon the stomach should be re
newed as oltcn as it becomes cool. To
this simple treatment the moat obstinate
cases seldom fail to succumb.
Dealers should closely scrutinize all
fifty cent notc9. Within the past lew
days a new counterfeit lias been freely
shoved. It can be told from the
genuine by observing the embossed die
between the signatures of J no. Allison
Register, and F E. Spinner, Treasurer
In the genuine tho circle of dots can be
seen distinctly within the line of the
die; but tho counterfeit, the die appears
with a scalloped edge and a heavy black
surrounding. It may also be known by
holding it to the light, when the ab
sence of the thread iu the paper will be
at once noted.
Washington, July 9. Reports just
made by 'J hird Assistant Postmaster
General Barber show 107,G1G,000 postal
cards were issued during the fiscal year
which ended June 31, 1ST4. The in
crease is equivalent to about 18 1-1U
per cent which shows that the postal
cards are growing in popular frvor as a
means of intercommunication. The
value of the issue of ordinary postage
stamps during the year which ended
Juue SO, 1875, was 18,271,479, an in
crease of )9(3,2'i7 over the previous
year; of newspaper and periodical pos
tage stamps, 5?8 13 902.47; of ordinary
stamped envelopes and wrappers 554.
124,477,04, an increase of 242,284,48;
of postal cards 81.070. 1G0; of total is
sues for sale to the' public S24,28S,0lS
81, an increase of 2, 210,704,05 ovor
the fiscal year ended June 30, 1874.
The sale of ofnical postage stamps for
the fiscal year amounted .o $834,970,25,
a decree of $580,874,95 since June
30 1871; official stamped envelopes,
f354.522.18, an increase of Sl.065,52
over the year 1874
Indianapolis, July 8. A lamp ex
ploding caused the destruction ul the
ijaladay flouring mills loss, 55,000
The Springfield, Decatur and In
dianapolis Ruliual are to build at once
from Montezuma to Indianapolis.
Boston, July 8 Danaho3, the pud
estriati, is cow walking e'evcti hundred
li'ilcs iu eleven hundred hours. lie
has accomplished 72G miles. He if
very weak. His hair, which was dark,
lias turned rjiite gray, lie will likely
Albiiiy, July 9 While workmen
were lately cleaning the main sewer
under the Pnonaniura prison they came
upcu the skeleton ol u m:in lying at the
bottom of the sewer aud submerged in
the filth. Au examination, utter it hud
been removed, revealed the fact, almost
beyond doubt, that the remains were
those of Filkins the Albany express
robber, who had died then alter escap
ing from tho corridors of the prison
down through one of the water closets
iu the vain hope of regaining his liberty
by passing through the sewct uud out
at its mouth, which is strongly closed
with bars of heavy iron secured on
either side in walls of heavy masonary.
Sau. Francisco, July 8 The Na
tional Telegraph Company, beiug an as
sociation ot capitalists, was incorporated
jesterday lor the purpose ol construct
ing telegraph lice from San Francisco
to New York and to principal cities iu
this country nnd Canada. It is estiinn-
tA ll.ub the length ot the lino is 7,500
mi.'es. Capital twenty-five milliou.
Subscribe for the Advocath irjw, and
get all the news iu refereuce to the elec
tions to be held this fall.
White, Powell & Co.
No. 42 fc'euib. Third Street.
Philadelphia, July 13th. 1875.
U. 8. 1881. c
do 5 20,c '02, M and N
'IH do
'ti-j do
'ti-3 J aud J
'08 do
10-4(1. do couDon ,
do Pacitio it's cv Iut. urt'
Kew b g Keg. IWI
V. 1881..
61 j 63
20 20
Ool b0
til 61
ll'JJ 120
. Vt OJ
Philadelphia & trie
Lehigh Navigation Uiv. otf.
ao alley
United H H of N J lix. Piv
Oil Creek
Northern Central
Central Transportation
44 O
60 60
104 104J
A & A Mortgage 6' '8'J
Summer Clothing, for tbosa Boy
and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum
mer labbmer at r &, ji. g
Pench shipments from Savanah to
(be North iu refrigerator cars has begun-
The cotton planting in the South
this year occupies a surlace of about
9,007,555 acres.
Chioago proposes to make auother
effort to estublish direot through trade
with Kurope by water.
A single association for fish culture
has fcinoo May distributed 320,000
young sulmou through the streams ol
An official decree has been issued in
Cuba prohibiting time contracts for
It is proposed to place umbrellas in
nil the tobbuco shops in Paris to bo
hired out at a low price, a small snm
being required ns a until the
umbrella is returned.
A young man in St. Louis recently
committed suicide rather than g- to
ji-rk, to which stern necessity ho was
reduced by his father's lclusal to sup
port him iu idleness.
Alexander l)apata, a Cuban, of
Boston, was .arrested on Mouday for
outraging his own daughter, aged 7
Tne State Temperance Reform party
of California have nominated a full
ticket, head-id by W. U. Lovutt for
Governor. .
The Governor and Council of Massa
chusetts last week decided uot to com
mute the sauteute of l'omcroy, the boy
The sentence uf Daniel Boran, who
was to have been executed at Lockport,
N. Y., has been commuted to lilu im
prisonment. The Government revenue ofiicers at
Cincinuati have seized the distilleries ot
J. M. Schmitkur, Kreuskauip & Co,
Fred Muck, and Henry Stetnriede, ol
Covington, Ky., for irregularities in the
uiauulacture of liquors.
The Cornell crew at Saratoga Lake
has hit upou one of the most unique ul
tho many agencies for (he display ol
college patriotism. They have discov
ered that their float is the haunt of
countless mud turtles, and having cap
tured a number of them they are paint
ing them with the college cullers, in al
ternate liunch:s cf rod aud white, aud
then releasing them.
Two of the heaviest thundiT showers
ever known in the vicinity ol Worcester.
Mass., occurred on Monday night and
serious damage to tho crops and high
ways is reported. Houses in Worces
ter, Shrewsbury. Uxhridgp, Wcstboro,
Kast Tcmpluton, and Southbridge were
stuck by liirhtnttig and fired. The
damage by lightuing is heavy, but the
Sres were all extinguished with slight
The sale of through tickets over the
Baltimore and Ohio and Baltimore and
Potomac Railroads at increased ratci
has been commenced nt Washington, in
pursuance of the agreement entered
into in New York. Tbe local fare be
twreu Baltimore aod Washington over
the latter road has also been advanced
to SI. 20 tor a single trip or 82 for the
round trip, the same as the Baltimore
and Ohio rates.
New York. July 8 There was a
rumor on Wal- street this afternoon of
a forgery, in connection with a gold
transaction, but it nppenrs to have been
mainly without foundation. Mr. F.ic'e.
the party numed, who was out of town,
r.turntd late this afternoon, lie de
clares the whole affair au error, and
says he will fo show to -morrow.
Washington, July S. The printers
ol money in the Treasurer's office have
countel all thp eish vttu'f. and lo-dav
counted SlO.OflO.OHO in the reserved
vaults. No pirors have hovn discovered
the fiffdrrgnto 111:1 c-f-iip with the hook,
exempting, '.h rr-'vutly stolon -5 f7.0i)f)
Am. ng the n-m.-ihiing fun.s to In
countel arc ?20,000 ol silver, am)
8-1,000 of tncklo coin.
New Orleans. July 8 An establish
ment just completed foi iliicit luanufae
ture of rum on a rather !-xt"iisive settle
was to-d.iv seized by Cil'ector ("Vrkrell
The tubs were found titled with twent
fiveor thirty thousand gallons uf ninh.
nnd the process (J distillation had just
comr.ipnced when the seizure was mudc.
Som? show of resistance wns at first at
tempted by persons in charge, but thpy
finally submitted to lie officers, who
took pnssrs-iion of the property, consist
insr or stills worms and the building, the
whole bein? valued at 820.000.
Bargains in l-idies and childrecs hats
Bonnet and Millinery coods at MAY iV
SILVK 15 MAN'S Williamsport Pa.
Hair Switches SI, 00 62.00 83.00 &
34,(10 worth double tho money, Ruches
5 cents upwards, Shawls 81.50 npwaids
Hats Irom 25 cents upwaids. best and
cheapest triined hats in the city at
MAY k SILVER M AN"o oiTo.,it'c the
Court IIouso Williiniioport Pa.
VANIA." lnclu ling Pairmouut Park, the Wissa
liickou, aud ihe piouiineal roiniuitio lucali,
ties uud l.iud!,cacs of t'eun.-y Ivania; pre-i-cutiiiji
in a series of superb engravings,
the sciuery, life, nt iniioi s. churAt-ter, aud
arcniteoiure of l!io cities of the Slate.
The most faultless picloral work yet of
fered to the American public.
Lach pari vill coutain a number of en
gravings, produced under the supervisions
uf J. W, Luuderbach; after designs by
Draley, Thoiuaa, Morau, Woodward, Beu
sell, aud other promiueut Auieriem artists.
ditel by LJwaid girahan.
To be published iu FiriEK 8kmi
Monthly PABTsat Fiiti Cinti acu, prin
ted ou superior toned paper. Cue !Uxl2
Parlies residing iu localities where
agents Lave not been appointed oau obtain
11. e work by addressing
DLHUACII, Publishers,
- South Fifth Btreot Philadelphia.
Insect Fests.
From the Willuimtport Gazette k
The yinually increasing depredations
ol tho insect tiibe will have a tendency
to make tho study' of etomology n posi
live ncoossity among the agricultural
portion of tho commuoPy at least, so
that we may be able to discriminate bo
tween friends and enemies in this divis
ion of natural history.
Tho benefits derived from insects, if
we except the silkworm, bee and coch
ineal, are not very obvious; on tho con
trary, the injuries we suffer from them
impels us to seek means of destruction
to the ohjectionublo ones, and to re
movo our natural rcpugnauco to such as
can ho of service to us.
Civilization and cultivation have de
stroyed the balance between insects and
uluiits, und insects and other iiiiimals,
so that they are deprived of their
natural food and havo uo other resource
thau the cultivated plants. Perhaps
no creator mistake h is been committed
than the destruction of insect-eating
birds and reptiles,
Wc have no reason to believe that
any absolutely utw iusects are created
from timo to lime, but that they have
been transported through commercial
exchange, aud ravage the country, be
cause their ordained destroyers have
been removed by the public cnemios
who arc allowed to prowl around shoot
ing everything thutcau be cillcd game.
Entomlogists Bay there are on an aver
age four distinct infects to each plant;
iu studying ihcm the basis of elassifica
tion is founded on the structure of the
mouth in tbe adult slate; the first great
divisions are comprised in seven orders
The first order is called coltptera, (sig
nifying sheath,) or bectles-uld English,
bytlan insect that bites. The fifth order
is lepidoptera, or butterflies, moths, etc
In these two divisioi.s urc found ru t
of the insects which uro destructive to
Iu the former we fi id weevils, cur
eulio, the potato bug. cucumber bug,
fleas, and the blistering beetle.
In the latter we fiod cabbage worms
oat worms, tomato worms und muuy
others, repulsive but none the less
destructive for that.
A few facts in regard to the nature
of these ins.icts miy be of general intcr-er,t.-
Insects geuerilly breathe through
nine little holes alon the sides of the
body. Plant lice main their eggs
within the body until tbc young are
ready to escape but otheis are invaria
bly produced from eggs, and never
spontaneously, stunj insect! prey upon
the eggs of others, and still others take
some insects whola, so that the equili
brium is maintained until man steps in
aud breaks tbe chain, when his own
luckless head mels with a calauiuity.
Most insects are subject to rem irk able
transformations many of which tire
familiir; the hutteifly we sue comes
from (he caterpillar, the mo-iiito In in
the little G-h-like auiuul iu the staguant
water, the full fed maggot, after rioting
its appointed time in filth, crawls away
and in due l;ma coin s forth a fly to
buzz about our dinner tables.
It is aiiiu-iug to wjich ihe majority
of person.- handle alinojl i:uy inject the
poiat'i bug lii- instance, ,'oiuc lime no
get within iliicft feet of them, uud but
lew dare touch them with their lingers,
while au entomologist meeting one for
the first time would eagerly sciz-' it ho
tween his thumb uud finger, and look
for the number of nutoiiute spiracles,
ocelli, palpi, etc., and ct t ulato upon
bis three transfoi nations, first J ii vae.
second pupa, thiid adult, while his
neighbor ran away With upiilud hands
and shuddt-iiiig ull ovor.
"Out Favorite Sewing Machine
The cheapest and best Sewing -Machine
uow manufactured for family usa
is the Wilson. Wc certainly would use
uq other It works with equal facility
on iiitis'iu, cloth, cambric, tarlctun,
flannel nt. J leather. It does not para
lyze the spine or wear out the opperatur
in any way. neither does it demand an
incessant stoppage to fiod nut where tho
difficulty is, u noue exists. There is
uo difficulty. It iuiis Miiooth'y and
evenly, hems, fells, tucks, gathers and
binds, it docs the finest aud most
beautiful work on cambric und linen.
It also has ihe merit of being oheaper
than any other first-class sewin" nm
chiue. It does uot got out of orderi
uor break needles, nor slip nor pucker
the cloth. Su complete has the Wilson
Sewing Machine been made, by a skil
ful combination of braiu aud musele,
i hat it bas left nothiug to be desired"
Machines will he delivered at any
Railroad, atation iu this county, free ol
trausportutyn charges, if ordered
through the L'oiup.iuy'b Brunch Douse
at 327 aud iJ21 Su;.tiior bt. Cleveland
They acid an elegant catalogue aud
throno ciiculur hie in application.
auis company want a tew inure
good agents, a. Cummicgs, Ridgway,
Elk Co., Pa. is the atreut of the Com-
paoy at tbis place to whom all orders
snouia be addressed.
Cheese! Choice Factory, at P Si K's
Fresh family Groceries, and Canned
goods aj P& K'n. Tbe cheapest and
From our exchanges we glean the
following in relation to the Troupcsburg
tragedy, of which we made mention
last week: For the last four years Mr.
Dildine had lived in Wellsvillo with his
wife, to whom he had been married
about Bcven years The couple did not
livo in perfect accord, and she finally
left him and went to her parents iu
Troupcsburg. Dildine also went to
Troupesburg and called at the house ol
his futher-in-law where he s w and
spoke to his wife, her mother and her
brother Kugcue, Dildine said to his
wife "Helen, you came away pretty sud
denly." Her answer was, -'Yes, rather
suddenly." Ho then asked to speak
with her privately in another roou-,
which sho refused, being afraid of her
life, as ho looked very desperate. He
attempted to force her into another
room, but was prevented by the help ol
her mother. Sonic talk was had iboul
the children, at (ho conclusion of which
Dildine said ho was going to take that
boy home with him in spite of !
Mrs. Hendricks said, '-Will, you have
got to bo careful what you do here, as
there are loaded weapons in this house."
His reply was "I don't care lor nil the
loaded weapons this side of , I urn
tio'ug to have that boy." lie then
seized ihe boy from its mother's hip,
where it had fled for rcfugo and pro
tection, and started out of tho door to
his wagon. Just a he was passing ou'
of the door, Kugcue Hendricks took the
revolver and shot at him, the ball strik
ing below the shoulder blade in thr
nek. passing through the Jolt lung and
heart, and lodging iu the right iung.
Itililinc took u fuw step towards his
w. gon, when the pistol was again Cind,
the ball taking effect iu the left hip
He still kept on his way, his wtlo lo'
lowing at a short distance crying out lot
her child. Kugcue shot the third time,
this ball taking effect below the right
knee. He probably iiniiud low to save
the child. Mrs. Diidini! by this time
had come up closely to her husband.
Sho thought ho was about, to strike her,
"but it was noticed that his footsteps
ivero becoming uncertain and ihen that
he foil to the ground. Mrs. D.lditie
stooi.od over aud took her child her
husband looking up at her sai l, "Helen
do you see your dying hu.-bautl'" Sho
answered, "Yei, Will. Is there any
ibtii Icin Jo tor jou?" He mado uo
reply. Sho took up the child tin I went
tothc house. Young Hendricks asked
the dying man if he had any hope i i
Christ, to which the ren'y wa, "No,
none " After this briel Ucs'ion uud
repiy, the tUcstioin.-r walked b.ick and
torth near his brother-in-law, watch iu
hand, to note the ex ict moment of hi
death. It uceurre I juA eight niiti itos
alter the shots. This was ou Monday
June 21.
Lieuruc Kugene Hendricks wa-i then
utrested and ta'jen to Bath j ail by ('un
stable (itir.olds. lie is twenty yc irs ot
a;e, ol rather light coinplo-ciiou, is g ;od
lookiug and intelligent, u bright young
Uiau, a devout Cbrivii'i. anil lias always
heretofore bo.-u hell in high repu'o in
the community wlicro ho lived V
ti r KnterprUv.
A eh'iiuii lot ol l'a-.iry 1'H.ur at
POWKLL& KiM K'S Try it.
M.nJuni Dcmoiests Putioros
We ar a.-- in on- Ma Km Diuiorcsts
Patterns Ctit.iloiu-s nee, send foi
one Patterns scut by mail MAY A:
SILVERMAN npp-isite ihu Court
Iloue Williniuspor. I 'a
Til iso n.: w Myir r ills, at P &. K's
arotiiie general tali: of the town. (o
uud-M-'j ttiotu.
If oil want air, b.'ehed oi" browu
mu-ltns, liom i to lt.i-4 wiil! any
ipi.ility, go to iO'i-!-it artcrs. Powell
isiine'if ind select to vour taste
7- K lis I
tr-B V.I iiaVUBUI.
t-W An oar aavoi-Iioti h:u im, niuue hia advertiw.
mi;tfltis-ther.iitinct, we will inten-rtit uu elabo
nt it as tuliuw :
K. it. rooTE, sr.i.,
Anthnr of Plain II.tob TntU. 5I-slicl L'nimnn Rcni,
Sk-ifncf in etc.. Ii0 l.cxir.Kt' A vena ("-or.
Kit lisib Ktrwt), Ktw V-jiU. no I.titKi-ESniiNT
rursl3iA. lreiL nil tc.rir.ii o( Uniet iiuj ur Ckrnnia
riiu-a, n l re.ivo li-ttt-r from all it ot th
By UtnriU''il """J ' CfituV.ietliiK a Mcrtiral Prao
tlw lir l aiitis-a-tnlly tipal lil lilliiwroiw nat!ulitH in
F.llrone. tiie n nl luUifx, oi on in
Caiiuua, ami in every imn ol ihe United Staun.
Or deletrioa ilrunt mrt. lie has, niirm tne
twenty tlmw year-., n-joil Minm.-rlly lu-arly or quite
4(1. (HM) mv. All fa tt conn.tetfd with cacli cu aro
oarefutly rnooriLM. niicttu-r thf.v be communicated by
letter or In ivrxon, or clm-rved by the Doctor or hij
atwMati rhyicUn. Tho latter are all nclcutula
ucuicai men.
In tmituri. All iiiviibd at a diMaiic aro niqnjea
to answer a lint of tlmn iUf.-iion, vrliii-h cliciu every
nvoiLitnm undor which tho invalid tultfrs. All coin-
munietttloiH treated Urii tli nuthlenUal. A oomplcM
v4tj.m of r..iTiMuirinif prev.uiu inisUikt or confusion.
Li of i'ietioo win froo, on a;ilicntion, to any pnrt
Ot ttieworlil. HlXiy paso illlltriti. oi ftoii.a,u ajw
riuccEKa, also Kent Irt-e. All llu'so tpntiiiinniaia ara
from those who have been treat! by mail ami rxpretia.
Advil'K in office, oa or icu tans of cbiuiiji.
Ooll oa or alrcn
DR. E. B. TOOTE, '
No. 120 Lexington Aye., V. T,
WantM lo Jtt D'frotes Slain jromttillc
and ZtaOcai Comtncn. Smse:Al&0
iDr t'ootes Science in Story,
ftrhatkutars address ,.on,fb
f la W IUA A.
Sr. Bergor't Tonlo Bowel and Pile Filli.
Tbeae plllaara an Infallible remeily for oonatlpatlon
and iile, oau".t bj wtkuew or suuureaiton of the
pariatHltio motion ot the bowols. They very genUy
uci-Mua the a!tiritjr of the intestinal canal, product
aoftaeiola ana relieve pile at one. Thousand havo
bean cured bv thein. Frioe 5J t-cnta, sent by mail on
reocipt (it price. Prepared only hy t. ALVKKO
HBlCHAKUr, Paik.vvciax, 4u4 Fouura Avuiua,
tt'KW Voaa Citt.
Sr. Berg3r'a Coapaund Fluid Extract of
Ehuburb and Dandelion.
The bat oomtilnatton u( purely vrseuthle modlctnea
to entirely replace Calomel or Blue Fill. It atimulateg
toe livar, increaaui the How of bilo, and thua removes
atonoa torpidity uf the liver, btlioiuneaa and habitwil
oonttipatloo, and the tliweahe ariKtn from auch aa
dynpepeia, etolc h-adacha, flatulenoc, eui. The cffeu
iiveneia of thia Itetraot wiU be proved, vUibly, at onca
to tha patieat, aa one or two bottlea are anffloieut to
elear the ootnplexloa beantifully, and remove pimplea
and atalna oaued by liver troublca. Frice $1 per bottle.
6 botuea, 9; wilt be sent on receipt of the price
to any addreaa. free of charge- Prepared only by
f. ALFRED RUIOHABDT. FuAlklacui, 4U$rouIM
.vse, w Voa Cm.
Valuable and Desirable Property for Sale.
fllllE Btibscriber offers for Bale t.n
property now occupied by him as i
residence in tlio village of I id f wny, Ell
county, P. The lot is ploanntly eituntal
upon Depot etreet snJ contains IH.OtlO feet.
Upon it Is erected a first class TWO- ND-A-HAt.F
8 roll Y DWKLl.INO II Ol EE,
'24x-'!li feet., with addition 1(5x2-1 feci; a
Cntil lloi'se, Ice Huiiso, Cliiokun llcui,
ami Pniu. Tbcte is upon the premises i
('ninmnUiom Garden, wliicn ia well slockeii
wild Fruit Trees iu, bearing condition
andcoiuins llaspberry, Illnekbtrry, Cur
rtii. and Asparagus IK-da. ' for let ins, &c.
jclH-tf Kiilgwiy, Elk to, I'n.
Millinery oods, hair e;oods, Jewelry
Fancy poods, notions, Lading and chil
drons cloaks, dresses and uiidcrgnrtncnt").
wholesale and retail at MAY if' SIL
VKll.MAN, Williamsport Pa.
Eenezotta Auditor's Scttlomsnt
I'enczctte, Juno 14th. 1875
Celilenient with Treasurer and Collector
for tin- year 1ti?", illinm E. .lot. Inn as
WIM.I AM II. JO:i')AK 1)U.
Toamnum uf duplicate $118 2
ree'd Irom
county inviMircr 2iU-) ltd
To amount from lorincr
Iri-nsiii er 1'1 fiS
To nm't Stato appro. '.T H'l
Sass-.i 5'.i
liy oitlcrs roieemed and
r.nicelcd !S;2'i2
Hy esira orders redeemed
r.ud cauct-lcd
I'y poi-ceiitape on dupli
cate collected $ iJti O'J
(' 7 per ecul
Hy pi'r'-iiiinue on nm't
from county treasurer
SJC.tlJ f't., 2 per cent.
By pcrceut'igi- on titn't
from tor. Mi:t OS
ly pcrcentagd on State
appropriation ''7 Oil
Or, 2 percent.
I!y pi'ieeiiing ' u;i cxdii-
-1.) Oil
4:; H2
1 !U
i 7
:?:'.42'J 7
I'alniiec on duplicite not
col ed I'd Sl-VI SI.
W; do here1)' certify that ihu above
.-ct.ilcmi-nt is cotreot being approved by
ihe audit or.t.
Audit or.
D IHlil
Wc itot co ou Powell & Kiltie'- jdat
foi in an assorimeiit of tho.-e celebiated
Gowauda Plows, ore.
" n(! tl in 2r tml iik.-u. iiiny uitttR lor
ladie at MAY & SILVERMAN'S
V illitiiii.-piii t Pa.
A IniiiC l"i id Pi.inMii. l.i.dus lies
Mao (Ikuvihicls. lii-.-iuy nnd (i loves
t'ruiikx mid Mitcheis at M A V if- tilL
VLISMAN'S W iiiiam-poit I'n
.. O II. B A Uj IJ 1 ,
vl:ii..yl. Itidgwny, Elk Couitly, Pa.
A ten' for the Traveler's Life and Aoi
dent Iniiraiiee Co., of llarlford, l oiin.
KI.I-. LlJDGE, A. V M.
The suited nu-eiii:(.? ot Klk Loli;f, No.
yT'.i. are In-''! .-t ibeir h ill, ein in-r oi' Main
and sire on the second and fourth
l ues i.iys of each n:oiilf
W. C. lil'AI.V, Sce'y.
Every year increases the popularity
of this valuable Ilair Preparation;
which is due to merit alone. We caa
assure our old patrons that it is kept
fully up to its high standard ; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prcp
nration for restoring Gbay or Faded
Hair to its youthful color, making it
soft, lustrous, and 6ilken. The scalp,
by its use, becomes white nnd clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff
and, by its tonic properties, prevents
the hair from falling out, as it stimu
lates and nourishes tho hair-glands.
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores tho
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will create a new growth, except
in extreme old age. It is the most
economical Hair Dressing ever used,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. A. A. Ilayes, M.D., Stato
Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituents are pure, and carefully
eelected for excellent quality; and!
consider it the Best Preparation
for its intended purposes."
Bold by all DruggM; and Dealert in Mtdiclne.
Frioe One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye
As our Renewer in many cases re
quires too long a time, and too much,
eare, to restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, wo have prepared this dye, in one
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. Il
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash of
Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO..
Tlie Political, Personal, rnH Pioperly
Eights a Citizen,
Of the t 'niicil
hiw lo )iei t' t'rr
Shitrr Joic In fttrtmt uvt!
(him. Ji:i Tliiujili ilim J'oi-
toil), 1,1. . I).
Itiniamiiig a Cf mmcnta rv on th? Ted-
crnl and iSinto Coutiituiioiis, giv l..eir
liinioiy and origin, nnd a full tzptniii.tinn
of thuir piineipli-N, nrposej an I prnvi
ions; Ilio pow rs and uiiues of Public twi
cers; the riUtx of the people, m il the
obliguiions iiitnriud in fve y relitliuo of
life; also url'iHiiieiiinry n lea lor dulilu-rn
live bodies; nnd fall Uireeiiou und legil
foriim fur all liunineta irHiimieiioiis, an cak
ing Wilis. I'uds, Monroes, Lensea,
oleg, JJttltK, Conn acts fie. A tnw
library in a nngle Toiunie. li nirott lie
WiDls of all elai-ve und rell to eteiyimdv.
JOSetJ iiYx ;HtlU i CO., PUila. lV.
Uidgway, Pa.
2 2 II
Kidgtvay, Elk Co., Ia. nffice ia
-I all's new Itrick Bulldiog. t'lnims for
ollcotiou promptly attended to.
11 ALL d- XVAVLKr.
Office in New Itrick UuildiiiJ. Mailt ft
tidgway, Klk Co., fa.
in 2t f.
Surgeon Dentist, having pcntuuit'iitlr 1 -.a
ted in Itigwny, otlerc bin pi ofeMnii')l e- -ices
to the ciiisenn of lliilgwny una -:i.
ounding country. All work wiirrnnied.
JRico In Service & Wheeler's liuilditir, up.
stairs, first door to the lelt, 7o-n-92 lr
Walcl.iunker, I'ngi nvcr .unt .1 -jwcier,
Main elreot, l(nl)iwiiy, I'a, ALr?tit tin i!"
Howe f en ing Miieliinu, nud Mort iti 1 ; . t -I'cn.
ltepniiing Wntulies, eta, dm i-wiih
lie same ncotirney ns lu riilolore. t-nt i
itctio.i tiitirauteed. vlnly
(1. G. Jlh'SSIMGJih',
Druggist and raiaceutisl, N. W. coi-m-i
of Miuu uud Mill street!-, Kidgway, I'n.
lull afsoilnieut of ciirelully bcleeted for
eign mid "boaitsuc Drugs, l'rcsenpl mtij
cnrcfully dispensed at all hours, di.y .,r
uight.. vt. i it
T. ,S. HARTLEY. M. l.,
l'liysieiuu una bitfgeoL.
Ollite iu Drug Store, corner Dio ii i.nd
Main bit, litideuce comer Dimtil .si.
ojipoi-ito the College. Oilicc liour- now
b to IU A. M. und fioiu 7 lo S 1. M.
Ecleciie 1 iiysicmu nnd tfurgcou, has ri-uiov-ciihis
otl.ct lrotu teiitru aiivel, toMi.iii at.
llidgw.t, I'a,, in t!ie M-eoiid story ot the
new brick building ol Jnliii (. Hall. -pp -silo
Ilytie's store,
jjliico home: Bio tl a- in: 1 to 2 p. in. 7
jau 'J 7o
I'll 1IU w,tv, Ki.k Co.,
W. li. SCI1KAU, Proprictot
Thankful for the patronage hciotutora
so 'liberally bestowed upon him, tho ucv
pre pnut or, hopes, by paying mrioi ..
icniion to the vouitorl aud conveuiinca ot
gueeu, to merit a uouliuuuuce oi tin
OU 30 lfO'J.
Kaxk, Mukunu I'a.
It. E. LOOKER, 1'rui l-ielor.
Thaukful for lliepuiroiiugo hcieiofi u o
libeially bestowed upon him, ihe new pr..
prielor, hopes, by paying siiiut uitei.n.)-i
10 the coiuioit and eouveuieiice of gi.vM.
to merit a coiuiiitiuuce of the suiao. i:,t
only blubles lur horses in Katie nnd i.ii
kepi night or duy. Hall aittielu-U lo me
iloicl. vlnlM-, i
t'l;Miil.vii.i,r., Co.,
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thunkl'tii lor the patronage heretoioi
to libel illy liento wed upon linn, ihe uivt
pio f rietor, hopes, by paying siricl at
teuton io Ilio cui'ilor, ai d conveuiiiici
ol gnosis. 1 in e I it a cotiliiiuiinte ol iut
J'. li. JiAYX,
11..ALK. IN
Dry Goods, Notions, Crcceries.
ana Ccn.ral Variety,
r.urity 1. it.
I'liiludelphia & Erie 11. R. Division.
ON nnJafter MOSUAV.MAI 1S;6,
the Hums on t uo l'hiludolphia ..
hue iiaili oud will i tiu as follows:
KANE ACCOM leaves lienovo
JJi .It .vootl..
' " Luiporiiuti
" " " Bl Aiorys...
" ' " l.ldgwuy...
' " " Wileo
arr at Kane..
i 33 p :,,
! 5 - p iu
o ii j ji in
7 66 p ui
y 05 p m
.iu u ui
ERIE MAIL leaves I'll iiadidphia 11 03 u u.
' j " ' Kenovo 1 1 00 a :u
Euiporiuui 1 10 p a-
" St. Mary's.. . OO p in
Midtway 2o p n,
Nieu 2 68 p m
" "-ivo at Erie 7ujpiu
IIEN'OYO ACCOM leaves Kane.
" VUcoIm
. " lliduw&y......
8 OO a iu
b a ru
V 1!5 a m ol a m
b. Maiyu..
" Lnioiiuui.
-11 06 a iu
Wi lli wood 12 15 li n.
I." MP Mail V k"uv IWpni
LLlb MAIL leaves Erie...... n.0 ; m
f11 - 8 45 p ui
"ilcos 4 08 d m
UiJgway 4.45 p m
Aiary'ii 6.10 d ui
" " Eaipoiiii. 6.05 put
UeuoVyT jar. 8.26 p hi
" - urr. ui 1'hilrirUia... 6 60 a m
Kenovo Aeeoui and VsLe Aocout cunuott
cua. uud em hi luat with Low Grade li
VMtu ui.d U N i' & 1 K.U
Gn'l Bup't.