The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 08, 1875, Image 3

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Evangelical Lutheran Chrea-
Funday school at 0:45 A. M. All are in
vited to attend,
Sunday School at 0:30 A M Morning
Service at 11 A M Clnss Meeting at 12
M Evening Service at 7:b'0P M Proyer
Meeting Thursday Evening
8ervice In Grace Church Sunday next at
the usual hours, 11 A. M. and 7 J P. M.
All are cordinly invited to attend. Seats
Fkke to all.
Cur Time at Ilitlgtcay,
Mall East 4:4 P:M.
do West 2 23 P. M
Tfenovo Accom East 0:25 A. M.
Kane do West 4:45 P. M.
Local East 5:40 P. M
do West 8;20 A. M
The Mail' and Through Local carry
tmssengers, the local does not.
Ice cream is not a bad thing to lake this
Give the Advocate office a call if you
want good job work.
There vriil be an adjourned term of court
on Wednesday, July 7lh.
A firm at Warren expect to harvest 500
bushels of strawberries this season.
The Empire House, Corry, was destroyed
by fire Saturday morning, June 19th. Most
of the contents were saved. Loss on build
ing $12,000; insurance$8,000.
There is a fellow at Wilmarth who caught
a trout this season fourteen inches loug
aud weighing twentyifour ounces. This
trout takes the prize of course.
There is a game called phool" which ,18
indulged in to a great extent by some of
our men and boys. "Let's have a game of
'phool' !" is a common expression on our
Corn me il steeped in tepid water, then
sprinklo on the potato vines, is said to be
a good remedy against the ravages of the
bug. The dry meal sprinkled on the vines,
is also Baid to be effectual in driving them
off. Worth a trial at least.
We learn that Judge Dickinson is going
to plant .x large shawberry patch th's
season with a view to supplying Uidgway
with fresh strawberries. We volo that
this is a move in the right direction, and it
looks as though the investment would pay.
A California octogenarian had buried
Ihree wives whose maiden names were
Green, Grass and Grozo. He stired up the
fire with kerosene the other day, and now
he lies in the cold, cold grave, and the
green grass grows above him.
An abEent-mindcd professor in going out
the gateway of his college ran against a
cow. Ia the confusion of the moment he
raised hi: hat and exclaimed, "I beg your
pardon, madum." Soon after he stumbled
against a ludy iu the street! In a sudden
recollection of his former mishap be called
out, with a look of rago iu his sountenance,
Is that you again, you brute';"
Godey's Lady's Eook.for July is a very
acceptable book Full of excellent letter
press richly illustrated with designs,
f.ishous, and a life like and telling litho
graph engraviug, represenning a " Mus
ical Party on the 4th of July," etc., it will
prove a welcome number everywhere. Who
an do without Godey's Lady's Book? Pub
fllshed by L. A. Godcy Philadelphia, at $3
Iper annum.
Somebody wrote to the editor of a
Loun'ry paper to ask how lie would ''break
kn oxl" The editor answered as follows:
:'If onlyone ox a good way wou'd be to
Loist him by means ef a chain attached to
lits tail, to the top of a pole forty feet from
I he ground. Then hoist him, by a rope
ied to his horns, to another pole. Then
lesceud on his back a five-ton pi'e driver,
lad if that don't break him, let him start a
lountry newspaper and trust people for
lubscription. One of the two ways will do
lit, euro,"
The Warren Ledger says: A boy about
11 years of age, 1'red Teller by name was
Irownelin the Conewango Crelk near the
lie bridge last Saturday afternoon. He
was on a float which came to pieces? aud
although the water was not deep, he failed
Ito swim and sunk. Wit body was found
lvithut delay, .fcijj "too late to save him.
I We judge the boyfwlaa a good and bright
ope, as hie naotsr-lias appeared in several
instances in the Roll of Lonor, published
lYrom time to time iu this paper. His re-
laains were buried on Monday.
The americans are a generous people The
Kansas State Relief Society has just trade
ts report, of help received for the sufferers
rom the grasshopper plague This society
Lfas organized in 1874, and from November
o June 9. 1875, it received for distribution
n cash, $173,803 47; in supplies, 2b5 car
oads, estimated value, $61,245; from the
United States Government, in rations,
Llotuing, AC, about $100,000. This does net
eclude large sums sent to private indvidu-
lg in a numer of the counties. It is safe to
say that the bestowments from private and
publio sources expresed $500,000.
Only the United States, Belgium, and
Italy have more men than womiu. This is
attributed to tho wear and (ear of haid
work, which til's off so many of tae fair
Hex of these countries. According to the
census of Deo. 31, 1871, Itlay had a popu
lation of 20,801,154. yielding a percentage
of 50,27 men and 40,73 women, 53 per
cent of old maids and bachelors, 30 per
sent, of married couples, and 6 per cent.
I of the widowed, of whom the widows more
.han doubled the widowers. In ranee
jibere is relatively the smallest number of
births, though old persons are there pre
served longer than in other countries, .2
per cent, of its inhabitants being over fifty
! years, ana seven per moisauu. upwara oi
.:t.i In the United States there are
only II per cent upward of fifty, while the
young of both sexes only reaching 20 con-
.. . r . . . ,ir . 1. .. .: ........ Ix.
gutuia ov per vein, ui iuv tumt jvjuu
Washing Soaps, Babbits Oakeys, and
other leading makers at POWELL &
The Sturon (Potter county) cheese
factor; receives about 4000 pounds of
milk daily. It has over 126 cheese
now od hand.
The Fourth of July was observed in
Ridgwav in the good old fashioned way.
The day was very pleasant and a good
time generally was had. Company H ap.
peared in bran new uniform and looked
first rate.
J. B. Johnson, the champion swimmer of
the world and Thomas Coyle of Chester,
Pa., are matched to swim from Chester to
Philadelphia July 22d. The distance Is
sixteen miles and the purse $1,000 a side.
Chn. MeVvan, of i?t. Mary's has been
appointed a member of the Republican
Stnlo Central committee far this eonnty
The rommiitee holds a meeting at the Lo,'
elite! Hotel. Ilarrisburg, on Friday, July
2, 1875, at noon.
Grass Scythes, Scythe Snaths, Hay
A (ikes, Hay Fotks, Hoes, Shovels, Spades,
Picks, Mattocks and all other articles
adapted to the season at POWELL t
Mrs. M. E. MaloDe has the agency
for Elk County for the Combination
Shoulder Brace Corset Adjustable Skirt
Supporter. Call and see it. Aho for
tho Excelsior Shield or Corset Clasp.
HORSE RAKES ! Upon a thorough in
vestigation it has been demonstrated that a
good horse rake will save more labor to a
farmer than any other inveniion of its cost
Among all the machines of the kind, the
Albion devolving Horse Rake stands
supreme, of which POWELL & KIME are
the sole agents for this section. Every
person should have one. They are selling
very rapidly.
An A wrtt Death. Mrs. EateDempsey
residing on R R Avenue, some two weeks
ago got a piece of bone in her throat.
where it remained despite all efforts to re
move it. Several doctors examined it, all
agreeing that nothing could be done. It such shape that she could take noth
ing but liquids, even this causing intense
prin. Her neck soon swelled to au enor,
mous size. Last Thursday afternoon the
swelling broke inside causing convulsions
from which she died at 6 o'clock Thursday
evening. Fredonia (N. Y.) Advertiser.
Washington, June 26. TAe War De
payment is considering the prospect of
louble with the Sioux Indians, and sup
pression of the Texas border outrages,
TiieMtx'can Government is powerless to
slop CoiLiuus' outrage, and our Goverd
menl is determined to stop them even if
war has to be declared. Tne V. S. stea.uer
i-iymouta lert i'ort Koyal yesierday, To r
the Rio Giande, with two steam launches
and force of men and ammunition. Tinee
launches have been seut to patrol the river
two more will be sent, and also a vessel
with alight enough draft to cross the bar,
piopcrly manned, armed and equipped to
assist in patrol duty, and act as a supply
ship and geneval headquarters. The naval
ofliceis have been ordered to co-operate
with the federal troops on the Terns front
ier In preserving peace. Another vessel
of war will shortly be sea', to join the
The long agony is over- After six day8
the xiiton-liuecher jury declared they
could not agree and were discharged.
lue telegraph dispatch says:
Notwithstanding the fact. that all 'the
jurors stated they had taken n solemn oath
never to reveal the secrets of the jury- room
me following has been ascertained by in
terviewers. One of the jury said: We
stand to-day precisely as we did when we
went up stairs in the jury-room to deliber
ate eight days ago. Another juror stated
that one time the jury stood 11 to 1; again
9 to 3; and still later 5 to 7. There was
an irreconcilable difference of opinion as
to the credibility of witnesses on each
side Juryman Hull said that at times Ue
discussion was very animated.
When the jury retired there was a email
majority for defendant, but after the evi
dence was received from Judge Neilsou
the result was to tarow the benefit of a uer
tola doubt iu favor of defendant.
Still another juror said atone time the
tidein.auor of Tilion was pretty low; it
was even less than three. At another time
the jurors stood six to sir.
A reporter learned from a semi-author
itative source that when the jury retired
they stood seven to five seven being for
needier, four for Tillon. This man subse-
fuently came over to Beeoher's side, and
on the second ballot the jury stood eight to
qour eight lor Ueectier and four tor Til
When the evidence was requested and
sent up to the jury one of the fourafier its
examination went over to the Beecher side
On the final ballot they stood nine to three
-nine tor rieeeher and three tor niton.
The juors for Tilton are said to be Jeffey
Flute, and Davis. Tilton says the result is
a moral victory for him.
Let us give thanks that the thing is over
and tuatthe N. Y.. papers will no w contain
something else,
Morti indictments have been found
against members of the St- Louis whiskey
The miner' s strike is over and both par
ties are industriously engaged in counting
the cost. This is put at $10,000,000
At a meeting of farmers, recently held
in Bucks county, it was resolved to affix
their names to gates or I undines upon
their premises, for the benefit of travelers
and others. The idea is a good one.
Strawberries ore Belling for three
cents a ciuart in Norfolk, Va. liunliels
are rottine on the vines in that neigh
boihood, as it does not pay to pick
On July 1st a party of editors and
farmers of Chester, Bucks and Lancas
ter counties will start, with a lot of
New York agriculturists for an excur
sion to Calfornia. They will travel by
daylight and mostly in special trains
Judge Jenks announeed in the Clar
ion county Court, the day licenses were
granted, that if drugged or impure
liquors were sold at licensed houses the
Court would at onse revoek toe license,
AU agree that would be right: but who
is to tell whether there is bug-juice and
strychnine in the whisky or not;
Senezett Locals,
The frosts have not done much harm in
this place
Benezett is feasting on strawberrios and
Last sabbath afternoon Mrs Annie Jones
fainted and fell out of swing when about
nenly feet from the ground lighting be-
ween the roots of a tree, and some rocks
cutting her faoe badly otherwise no serious
June 15 a son to John and Emily John
June 18 a daughter born to William and
Mary Holland.
guano i9 blamed for the
potato bug.
Out in Nevada they match rats to
ht rattlesnakes.
Thirty thousand Norsemen are ex
pected here during the Centennial.
That's all stuff about a shoit peach
crop, lucre II be millions ot 'em.
A Germantown man wears a shoe
that casts a shadow as long as his leg.
flliuvlnttn final, mart ty flit. Mfltrnnrt I
training lor anouier Benson oi auecting
Talk about hard times!
The outgo-
Dg steamers are loaded
down with
Robert Lincoln, son of Mrs. Abraham
Lincoln, has been appointed guardian of
is mother s estate uuder a bond of 5loU,-
An Illinois grocer says he would
ather have the power to tell a good
eg from a bad one than to be Presi
dent of the United States.
Flics are the scavengers of vitiaUd
air where they fatten on tho parasites
that settle upon tbem in myriads; while
they grow lean and starve in a
atmcsphcro where their favorite game
is scarce.
Railroad comniissioucn from
States met iu convention at Sprin
field, III., July 2, to discuss a plan lor
uniform ac'.iou against railroads Violat
ing the railroad law.
Tbe Indians of the Bed Cloud aud
Spotted Tail Agency have signed the
reaty relinquishing their right to hunt
n Nebraska in consideration of the ap-
piopriation ot $.0,000.
By the fall of scaffolding in one of
the busqueliamia Coal Company s shafts
at East Naoticoke, near Plymouth, Pa.,
yesteiduy, six men were killed
Another miner was killed at Plymouth
by tailing down a shait.
The Supreme Court of Utah has do
cided that the conviction of George
Reynolds of bigamy or polygamy is null
aud void from the fact tin Grand Jury
was composed ot twenty-three instead of
tin ecu juiors, as required by the lerri
(oral statutes.
In a thuuder storm iu Sutherfoni
county ienn., one iVicwuiiuiu wax
killed by lightning, four others were
'tuck senseless, tuur were knocked
dowu, and five houses were unroofed.
Much dHinuge wos dune in ChaUunooga.
The 100-mile walk in Boston for the
pedestrian championship of New Kog
laud aud 83000 was won by Iluydock
an English pedestrian, iu 23 hours, 36
minutes, and 2U seconds. Lushing
walked seveuty-ouo miles, and Avery
waikcd seventy-five.
Tho iron safe of the United States
steadier Cumberland, sunk iu Hampton
ltouds in IbbZ by the ram Merniuac
and supposed to coutuiu about 8100,000
u u ld has been recovered alter a ten
ca.a teaicb.
A youos; lady after reading attenti
vely the title of a novel called '-The
last mau," exclaimed. ''Bless me, if
such a thing were ever to happen, whit
would bccettie ot the women?" 'W'nat
would become ot tne poor man; was
the remark of au old bachelor.
At iew Orleans, the tax regifcters
having tailed against the state, have re
organized under the name of tho Prop
erty Holders Union, and are now exer
citing their influence in obsructiog the
collect iun of the city taxes.'
'Can't help it, sir," said a Boston
Intel clerk to a Massachusetts Senator,
who eame in about midnight to get a
room. "Can': help it, sir, if you're the
ico : resident luir.oelt. w iiy, we ve
got ten Governors of States sleeping od
dinoing-room tables, thirty odd Mayors
lying around on the parlor Honrs, aud a
hundred country editors snoring like
bulls of Bashan on the back stairs.
1 Commercial Adierliter,
Washington, June 21 Messrs Post,
rsoieross and Smith, tbe commission ap
poiutcd by the Secretary of the Ireas-
ury to examine the custom house, court
house and post office buildings at
Chicago, have made their report to
Secretary Kristow. Tho committee
condemn tbe foundation and the stone
used in the building in unmeasured
terms, and recommend that the building
be torn down, and that the stone be
abandoned. Secretary Bristow will
immediately give orders that all work
shall be stopped, ana tout steps be
taken to preserve tbe structure in its
present condition until the matter can
be submitted to Congress, whioh will
be as early as possible after tint body
convenes iu .December nest.
An account of tho earthquake at Cu
euita, South America, on the ISth inst.,
says that tho first shock leveled every
wall in the city, burying, in a single in
stance, 8.000 people out ot a population
ot 10,000. Several not killed eubse
queutly died from injuries, and many
were murdered by robbers who plun
dered in bands. The shocks continued
and tbe fires burned much property.
Massachusetts still has a law which
provides that "whoever travels ou the
Lord s day, except from necessity or
charity, shall be punished by fine not
exceeding siu tor every onence ine
statute is practically a nulity, no punish
ment such as it authorized having been
inlicted within nianv years; but it
makes all Sunday travel unlawful, and
consequently no damages can be recov
ere 1 tor injuries received ou highways
or railroads on Sunday, uuless proof can
be introduced that the traveling was for
necessity or chanty.
Astonishing. The progress made
DJ luo Suuttio oow.uS
lnvcntivo skill has been taxou to its
utmost, and the result w the most per-
lect and desirable maohme lor general
and family use yet produoed. It is
simple and easy to operato, is not liable
to get out oi lepair, its work is the best,
as was shown by the first premiums
awarded it at the Universal Exposition
in Vienna, 1873, and it is sold at a less
price than any other maohino of its
standard cxcellcnoe. Machines will t e
delivered at any llailroad, station in
this county, froo of transportation
charges, if ordered through the Com
pany's Branch llouso at 327 ami 329
Supcrior'bt. Cleveland Ohio,
They se'id an elegant cataloguo and
chromo circular free on application.
This Company want a few more
goou agents, a. ,uminings, iuuKway,
. . f . t : .7
lilk Co.. Pa. is the agent of the Coin-
pauy at this place to whom all orders
Fatal Accident. On Friday eveo-
ing the lotn mst, bdoui u uuiuuk,
William Reed, an "off bearer" oa Barc
lay Bros' Saw Mill, Sincemahonig, Pa.,
met with an accident which proved fa
tal. The circumstances, as given, were
about as follows: Tho days work was
over. The steam had been turned off
but a few moments the mill in tho act
of stopping when the carriage making
its last return struck a plank, which
the unfortunate man was removing, in
such a way that the plank knocked him
over backwards into the pulleys adjoin
ing the saw. As ho fell, throwing out
his arms to save himself his right hand
struck the saw and was cut off; his left
arm catching between two pulleys, turn
ing towards each other, was drawn
through. Ilis neck and shoulders com
ing in contact with the belting and re-
volving pulleys, was terribly man
It was but the work of an instant. The
doomed man had on!y time to give an
indistinct utterance, calling tho atten
tion of his lellow laborers to his fate.
Dr. Reese was soon on tho ground, do
ing all that could be done, but all iu
vain. In about twenty-four hours
death released him from his sufferings.
Ho was a resideut of Potter county,
ru?ged and strong. He leaves a youth
ful widow, with others to mourn his
untimely end. Cameron Presx.
Washington, June 2-1 The mails for
the Navy Department from tho South
Atlantic statiou have not yet arrived,
though they are houny expected;
therelore the department havo no offi
cial advices ot the existence of yellow
fever on U. S. vessels in those waters.
A private letter received here to day by
an oflkcr ot the navy (rem a mother
officer at Rio, dated May 23, reports
that tho yellow fever was ragiug at
that place and the number ot deaths
daily was from fif'tceu to twenty. Dur
ing the lirat halt of March 102 deaths
were reported. On the United States
steamer Lancaster there were several
cases. First Surgeon Deuby and As
sistant Surgeon, passing died, the for
mer on the 3d ot April, at Bahta, Bra
zil, but the date ot tLo death of the
latter is not mentioned, ihcre had
been much sickness on board of that
vessel. On the Brooklyn several cases
of lever were reported and two sailors
died in A nnl 6he arrived at luo on
tho 20ib. of May, and was then re
potted by the surgeon iu good sauitary
condition. There we-ro a few casts ou
tho Motiongahela. but no deaths men
tioned. When she left Rio several offi
cers and seamen remained in tne oos-
pitul on shore, but all had recovered ex
cept Assistant burgeon angli It
was expected be would soon be able to
tail for home.
Says the Juhn&luwn TcuVe ami Echo,
of the 10th: As we go to press we
learn that a gang ot burglars, whose
point of operations sremod centered
upon the towns of Cambria county,
have just becu arrested. Constable
John Wagner, of Chest Springs, this
couuty, bus had some suspicions, which
appear well grouuded, and ou luesday
went to Altoona, armed with a wanant,
and took in custody one Hustou Mc-
Mullin, au employee in the Pennsyl
vania Kuilioad Company's boiler shop
that place, and brought him to Chest
Serines. There he turned State's evi
dence before 'Snuiro H. J. lladds and
implicated Waiter Davi3, Ellis Dtty,
Al. aud Jack JJavis, all ot this county,
and Levi Hail and James Young, of
Blair county. All these parties have
deen arrested and ore in the Ebensburg
jail. They are charged with number
less robberies, which they shall nnswer
before many days.
Salt, cheaper than dirt at P. & K's
Cheese! Choice Factory, at P & K's
Fresh family Groceries, and Canned
goods at P & K's. The cheopest and
Summer Clothing, for tbose Boys
and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum
mer Cfsbmer at P & K e
Bargains in ladies aud cbildrens hats,
Bonnets aud Millinery goods at MAY &
SILVERMAN'S Williamsport Pa.
Hair Switches 81,00 82,00 83.00 &
84,00 worth double the money, lluches
5 cents upwards, Shawls $1,50 upwards
Hats from 25 cents upwards, best and
cheapest (rimed hats in the citv at
MAY & SILVERMAN'S opposite tho
Court House Williamsport l'a.
Monday has been made a legal wash
day by the city council of Altoona.
The Pennsylvania 8teol Works at
Baldwin will be closed next month for
The puddlers at the Lochiel Mills
struck on Saturday for au increase of
fifty cents a ton on iron.
Judge Blodgctt of Chicago has de
cided that distillers books may be seized
and used against their owners
Six persons on?need in stealing Gov
ernment grain at Fort Linoolu have thus
far been convicted and sentenced
Several more indictments have been
found against the members of the Whis
key Ring at St. Louis, but tho names of
those indicted have uot yet transpired
Thomos Griscom.aged 00 years- a resi
dent of Mount Holly. N. C, oommited
Buioide, it is belived, on Saturday night
by drowning himseif iu Rancocas Creek.
Tho deceased ad been ill for some time
Pittsburgh, June 22. A thoroughly
organized gang of counterfeiters, under
the lead ot Milton II. Frank, a practic
ing physician of Allegheny City, has
been broken up and several members,
including Frank, arrested, and S.200,
0l)0 in counterfeit money capturod. The
attention of the Government wag called
to the work of these men through let
ters containing consignments of spurious
money, which being unstamped, went
to the Dead Letter Office.
The Butler Cilizin gives the follow
ing account of the way in which an old
citizen ot Butler county was recently
swindled out of four hundred dollars:
A man cuine along and made him an
offer for his farm, which he accepted,
the man agreeing to pay hitu 100 to
seal the bargain. Not having the money
he requested the farmer to come to the
. . , , i f , ? .
Dante and endorse a cnenx ior mm, nuu
he would pay it. The farmer did so
but instead of signing a cheek for 6100,
he signed one for 8300. J ho man got
the SoOO, paid ovci the $100, and d
nartcd. The check was upon an Al
toona bank, and was return td au worth
Tyroue, June 24 John Siney, presi
dent of tho Miners National Lnion
went to Clearfield last evening to join
Xingo Park, secretary and organizer of
the same association, who has been pro
curing signatures for several days tj
petitions askintr Governor Hartranft to
pardon the imprisoned Clearfield miner
Siney and Park are both under bonds
in 85,0U0 for their appearance for trial
at September term for conspiring to
lawlessness, and of their conviction
there can not be reasonable doubt, but
they hope to effect tho pardon of their
followers who have been convicted lor
obeying them. They opeuly proclaim
that tho imprisoned men will be par
doned in a few weeks and that the labor
vole in the Gubernatorial contest is too
powcrlul, to ho disregarded by the re
tusal to pardon those who have been
made to feel the vengenee of the law.
A choice lot of Pastry Flour
PO W ELL & KIM E S Try it.
Madam Dcniorests Patterns
We are a2nts for Madam Demorests
Patterns Catalogues free, send for
one Patterns sent by mail MAV &
SILVERMAN opposite
Houe Williaiuppor; Pa.
the Court
I will eivc the above reward for the ar
rest and convict ion of the parties, it tuey
are rejDonsibl when convicted for seven
thousand five hundred dollars, who cut and
conveyed about fifty acres of my limber
from iny premises in blk county, l'a., fox
lownsliip, warrant 4tl'.i7. or for the confed
erate if he is alike responsible.
Iil.iZAStlll II. rOLLTUN.
Tanboro, Tucks Co.. Pa., May 24, 1875.
iff- C&riJy&il,
EST" Ah oit lulreruser tnu nade uu anvemse-
:i'iit !-.'i-i!i.-i -instinct, we win irncri'10' uu
a'-e il as Miiwp:
io. ii. rooTK, r.i.,
Author ef l"!tii Hmiim-Tlk, M" illcal Cunuunn Henso,
ci. in Siorp. en'.. VIV LrjnnKMn vvcnuo (cor,
&kl 'Hit! H-.reW. Nw Y"Ht, nn IsDEl-EKOEKT
1'ilV.H lAS. ttvti nil of Unjtriiig or Vhronie
l)i. -.;m. aii'l n wive letter lioai all J- of the WmiLTJ. ,
ti t.i- iiei:"' ip-f.v oi cuimuc-.uiK aipnni i-nw-
- 11" i .U'-fVif-'h'.l'y tn-nt.iiitf louiierou fatlenw in
Knr,e. HiiM wl lumen, voimiiinn
Dominion of
llau&du. atel iu t-vury luit uf
Oi ditlrti-rlnui -Irui u-uil. ll ha. rturinif tnt past
iwoiny I'm yours lr.MUtl .uivesnfully nearly or quit eiiK-s. All f.i"t eouni-eti'it with eai-h ea arc
.ir-fallv nvonl -it. wlit-ttr mry l r.rtiimiiniraii uy
-u;r fr in iK-r-oi. or olv-rr.rtl ly i" ,-JZ
UU.UIUO i.hvsirUu. XUo lutu ar " kkuiuw
ui-jdcul mm.
Are tn-.iual. AH Invuiirt at a ow r"
manner a IU ..f .lia wliicn
vuvii un lKr !, h tin. Invali.1 ruder. Ml com-
yle.l of rvirnieim l.r.l in.""
Lir nt question amit fri, un application, to any part
ot the wirl.l. xiy iuw r.nui.l.ia of VrioEMcBi or
Huron, also -nt fr-... All these testimonial a
f r..m i no who have bo.-li trunu.l by ir.ail and nprrai,
Abvit-K la nrrtt-B, on -
Cull ou oc ld res
No. 120 Lexington ATe.,N.T.
VTmtM to sell WFtts P'"'i llbiptT-ilk
ojtdMeJiiiU Canwun. dense, ,-jUt
IT-cooks science in oivy
Hrhtftfcuhurs address .
Mura-Hili ftjlilishinj Company USfeKS'
Er. Earner's Tonio Bowel and Pile PilU.
These pills mra n luf.Uli'ile remedy for eontiptloa
nuritt.iun inuti'in or ia oo.-i. imj i
lnuru ih nn.iv.ty of the iul-i lnrtl ciinl, roliic
ft t,v a:i.l reliore pile t ono. 'HicumniU bavs
. .... ih.. ,. ih,u AO oLMit. wilt hi mail oa
riot of price i'ri-parurt only l.y F. ALr'HKD
Nkw xouk crrr.
Bergsr'i Compound llaid utract w
Rhubarb and Danaauon.
Thohortoumhiuation ol purely voiwtaula medloinea
to eutiroly repiaod Calomel or blue rill. It itimulates
at onoo torpidity ol Ih" lirer, blllouanaat and habitant
ooiutlpatluil. aiil tne oimim aruu.m
dyspapaia, aiolc headwha, flatulence, etc. Thoelleo
.,... nt ti.u Ennui will he o roved. vMbly. at onco
la the iwtieai, aa ona oc two bottle, an aufltcient to
dear the oom,.lexioa beBUtifnlly. an.l remove pimples
m.A ..oi... i.v iivur Lruuo ea. i rice ai uw uwiw.
II bottlea, 85: will be tent on receipt ot th
to asv auurei. irae oi rnnre. uuij -j
P. ALrKLU KHIUn a it in . rutMuti iv, wae
Valuable and Bestrabls Property for Sale.
rilllE subscriber offers for snle tat
I property now occupied by him as i
residence in the village of Aidgway, E1V
county, ra. The lot is pleasantly situMed
upon Depot street and oontaini 16,000 feet.
Upon it Is ereoted a first olas TWO- ND-
........... hiirm t luj, t i 1 1 o r.
24x32 feet, with addition 10x24 feet; a
Coal lloese. Ice House, Chicken Houst
ami Barn, There is upon the premises a
Commodious Garden, whicn Is well stocked
ith Fruit Trees in, bearing condition.
and coaUins llapberry, Blackberry, Cur
rant and Asparagus IHds. for terms, &c,.
jelO-tf Uidgway, Elk Co , Pa.
Millinerv cords, hair goods, Jewelry
Fancy goods, notions, Ladies and chil
drens cloaks,dresse3 and undergarments
wholesale and retail at MAI d alu
VEltMAN, Williamsport Pa.
Eenezette Auditor's Settlement
Benenette, June 14th, 1875
Settlement with Treasurer and Collector
for the year 1875, William E, Jordan as
Toamouut of duplicate 1123 P2
" ree'd from
county treasurer 2000 00
To amount from former
To am't State appro. 07 01
S0S83 69
By orders redeemed nnd
canceled $3202 28
By extra orders redeemed
uud caticelcd
By percentage on dupli
cate collected $(120 O'J
7 per cent
By percentage on am't
from county treasurer
S2'!10 do 2 per cent.
By percentage ou am't
from for. I reus. 803 08
By percentage on State
appropriation S'J7 O'J
(rij 2 percent.
By percentage on exon
erations 4 3 00
43 82
52 00
1 37
1 04
23 37
$3429 '
Balance on duplicate not
collected S4.V.I 81.
Wo do hereby certify that the above
settlement is correct being approved by
the auditors.
C. H.WINStOW, 1 .
ITI I 1 .1 ,-.xL-i5 AUUH
Wc i.o'ico ou Powell & Kime's plat
form on assortment of those celebiatcd
Gowanda Plows, Cultivators &c.
Wedding and
ladies at MAV
Williamsport Pa.
mouthing outfits for
A laie lot ol Puracols, Envies tics
Man i kerchiets, Uos-iery and Gloves
Trunks and Satchels utM-tV ct- SIL
VERMAN'S Williamsport Pa.
vlnoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acci
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
The stated mediums of Elk Lolge, No.
S7SI, are liol.l at tbeir hall, corner of Main
and Depot snoots, on the second und fouith
Tuesdays ofeitcb month-
W. O. IIKALV, Sec'y.
Every year increases the popularity
of this valuable Hair Preparation;
which is duo to merit alone. We can
fissure our old natrons that it is kept
fully up to its high standard ; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
nration for reatorintt Gkay or Faded
Haib to its youthful color, making it
soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp,
Vv its use. becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff,
and, by its tonio properties, prevents
the hair from falling out, as it stimu
lates and nourishes the hair-glands.
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
Btronger. In baldness, it restores; the
canillarv elands to their normal vigor,
and will create a new growth, except
in extreme old age. It is the most
pfionomical IIajr Deessino ever used,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. A. A. Ilayes, M.D., Stato
Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituents are pure, and carefully
selected for excellent quality: and!
consider it the Best Prepabatios
for its intended purposes.
Sold by all Druggitte, and Dealer in UedMnei,
Prioe One Dollar.
Duciringham's Dye
a a Aiir T?Anp.wer in manv cases re-
ouires too long a time, and too much
eare, to restore gray or iuucu j mov
ers, we have prepared this dye, in one
preparation', wnicn win quit-my wiu
effectually accomplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off.
Sold by all Druggists. Trice Jtfty
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.
The Political, Tei'soDal, and Property
Rights a Citizen,
Of the Uniitd Stattt
hew to peiterve thtm.
torn, LL. D.
-now to ezercise ana
By 'fhcophilut Par-
Containing a ornin.entary tn the Fed
eral and Slate Couttiiulious, giving
history and origin, and a full explanation
OI lueir principles, purposes nuu I'.w'n-
ions: the pow rs and duties of l'ublio Oil!
oers; the rights of the i eople, ai.d
obligations incurred in every relation
life; also, parliamentary rules lor uviioera
tive bodies: and full directions and It
forms for all business transaction, as dak
inn Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, I.taetB
Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc. A
Library in a single volume. It meets il.
wants of all claaet-s ind sells to everybody
JO.M3 CKUlnblta & CU., fbua. ra.
Uidgway, Pa.
S 2 a.
Bidgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office in
Hall's new Brick Building. Cluimi for
collection promptly attended to.
Office In New Brick Building, Main St !
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
JAMES D. fullerton;
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated iu Uigway, offers his professional sei
vices to the citizens of Uidgway ana sur-
rou udi ii 2 country. All work warranted.
Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up.
stairs, first door to the lcl'i. i3-n-82-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
.Main street, Uidgway, Pa. Agent for tb
Howe Sewing .Machine, and Morton GoM
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, dort with
he siniij accuracy as heretofore. Satis
action guaranteed. vlnly
Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. cornet
of Main and Mill streets, Uidgway, Pa.
full assortment of carelully selected Fer-
ign nnd Domestic Urugs. Prescriptions
carelully dispensed nt all hours, day r
uigiit. vlnJy
1 S. HARTLEY. M. D.,
l'hysioiun ana Surgeon.
Oflice in lmig Store, comer ilioiid and
Mum Mie, Hetidenoe corner iiroad St.
pposile tho College. Oihce hours fim
lo 10 A. il. uud lroru 7 to 8 1. M.
J. S. B ORD WELL, M. It.,
c'eciic l'hysician and Surgeon, has reuiov
il liiH f l oiu tiuirc slreet, to Main Bt.
Uidgway, fit,, in the second story of tho
liew brick building of John G. Hall, cups-
til 9 Hyde's btorc.
(jnieo hours: a to U a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. T
jau 9 la
KiuawAT, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SC11 HAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heietofora
i-o lihvrally bestowed upon him, the nov
rorjiielor, hopes, by paying strict a.-
euiion to the couitort uni convcuienoe ot
guests, to luerit a couutruuuee ol tha
Uct 00 ISC).
Kane, McKeim Co., Ps.
K. K. LOOKElt, rroprietor.
Thuuklul for the putrouuec heretofoi
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro
prietor, hopes, by paying strict aiteniisa
to the couitort. aim convenience of guests,
to merit a continuance of the fcunie. i'h
only stables lor hordes in Kane and well
kepi uiht or Uuy. Hall attuched to the
Hoiel. MnZiyl.
Ct.NTUKVii.LG, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, l'roprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so libernly bestowed upon hiin, the new
pro frietor, hopes, by paying strict at
teuliou lo Iho coiulori aud conveuieuos
of guests, li merit a continuance of tbs
Goods, Notions, Groceries,
and General Variety,
Etirfey 1. O.
Philadelphia & Erie K. R. Division.
N uud after MONDAY, MAY 24, 1876,
Lria Kuilroad will run as follows!
KANE ACCOM leaves Keuovo.... 4 85 p at
Drill wood., o oo p tu
Emporium 0 oj p m
' " StAiarys... 7 55 pm
" Uidgway... 8 -5 p m
" Wilcoar b 0a p nt
arr at Kane.. 0 80 d ax
LKIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p ra
iieuovo ii uo a m
Emporium 110pm
St. Mary's - 2 00 p nt
llidgwuy 2 25 p iu,
U'iloox 2 68 p ni
arrive at Erie 7 60 p uv
KENOYO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a u
" " Wilcox 8 38 a m
" " Uidgway 9 26 a m
" " 8i Marys 10 01 a m
" " Emporium 11 06 a in
" Drmwood 12 15 pm
" ' Reuovo ......... 1 40 y m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie H.20 na
' Kane 8 46 p m
1' ' Wilcox 4 OS p m
" " " Uidgway -4.45pw
St. Mary's 6.10 p n
' " " Emporium G.05 p m
" " Reuovo 8.26 p m
" " air. at l'hi!adephia... 6.60 a ra
licnovo iccooi and Kane Accom canaeol
int. und wet ut East with Low Qrada Di
vinvu and B N V a F K K
Oe'l Sup't.
AvziiCE, Ksw oas mi.