The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 17, 1875, Image 4

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Alritlcnl Note.
Lotion for Frucrxes. Rectified
spirits of winn, oue ounce; writer, eight
ounces; lmlf an ounce of orange flower
water, or one ounce of rose wnter; di
luted niurintic acid, n teaspoouful. Mix.
To bo used after washing.
Dyspepsia. A physician given, in a
recent work, tiio following advice: Do
not, on any account, take meat teas, or
allow any m your household to indulge
in this pernicious practice. All authori
ties agreo that tea, whatever virtues it
may possess, interferes with the diges
tion of meat, and henco the meat-eater,
if ho sutlers from dvspopsia, has only
himself to thank.
Koumiss fok Consumptive Patients.
It has been remarked that certain
Tartar tribes who drink freely of kou
miss, or fermented luaro's milk, aro free
from that distressing malady, pulmo
nary consumption. This fact has led to
trial of tliu experiment whether the dis
ease could be cured by doses of koumiss
artificially prepared; and with a satis
factory result. The artificial koumis,
composed of asVs milk and cow's milk,
is a lively, sparkling beverage, not very
palatable"; but in throe or four days the
patients tolerate it, "and then unequivo
cal nigus of amelioration set in, the ap
petite returns, vomiting ceases, flesh is
gained, and good sloop is enjoyed."
Champ. When cramp occurs iu the
limbs, warm friction with the naked
hand, or with the following stimulating
liniment, will gonerally bo found to suc
ceed iu removing it: Tako of water of
ammonia, or of spirit of hartshorn, one
ounce; olive oil, two ounces. Shake
them together till they unite. Where
tho stomach is affected, brandy, ether,
laudanum, or tincture of ginger affords
the speediest means of cure. The fol
lowing draught may be taken with great
advantage : Laudanum, forty or fifty
drops; tincture of ginger, two drachms;
syrup of poppies, one drachm; cinnamon
or mint water, one ounce. Mix for a
draught. To bo repeated iu an hour,
it necessary. In severe cases, hot Han-
neli, moistened with compound camphor
liniment and turpentine, or a bladder
nearly filled wilh hot water, at one hun
dred deg. or one hundred and twenty
dog., I'lihr., should be applied to the
pit of the stomach; bathing tho feet in
warm water, or applying a mustard poul
tico to them, is frequently of great ad
vantage. Tho best preventatives, when
tho cause of cramp is constitutional, are
warm tonics, such us the essence of gin
ger and canioiuilo, Jamaica ginger m
powder, etc., avoiding fermented liquors
and green vegetables, especially for sup
per. and wearing llauuel next tho skin.
l'uriu Him.
Lice ox CALves. Linseed oil and the
curry comb are better than kerosene.
Both remedies aro severe on the lice,
but tho latter is severe ou the calf as
How to Keep Jcxe Butter. To
three gallons of brine strong enough to
bear an egg add one-fourth of a pound
of white sugar and a teaspoonful of salt
peter. Boil the brine, and when cold
strain and pour oft' carefully. Make the
butter into rolls and wrap each iu a
clean white cloth. Pack a large jar full,
and put a weight on top. Then cover
completely with brine, and keep it
covered nil the season. A roll nt a time
may be used as wanted.
A late number of the Reading Timm
ami JJixpatch contains a very strong
argument in favor of good roads, as
ngaiust bad ones so prevalent under the
present wretched system. Every ground
it assumes is correct. It says truly: It
is not impossible, not even difficult, to
construct good roads, and when once
made they can be kept up at less cost
than bad ones. J. lie way is not wanting,
so much as tho will, and tho way will
never be found so long ns tho present
dead-alive system is kept up.
In using paris green to exterminate
the potato bugs, tho poison should be
mixed with tl e cheapest grade of Hour,
one pound of green to ten of tlour.
A good way of applying it to the plants
is to take an old two-quart tin fruit can,
melt off the top, and put in a wooden
head, in which insert a broom handle.
Bore a hole in tho head, also, to pour
tho powder in, and then punch the bot
tom filll of holes about tho size of No. 0
shot. Walk alougsido tho rows, when
the vines are wet with dew or rain, and
make one shoot at each hill.
Afniftnnro in Hatching IK4?a.
Assistance is sometimes of great im
portance in hatching, especially in the
easo of the thick shells of tho eggs of
Af iatio fowls and of ducks. It is a good
plan to sprinkle or dip tho eggs in tepid
witter every day at noon for a week be
fore hatching. The shell cracks moro
easily. When the shell is chipped, if
the bird does not como out in a few
Ji nirs, it should have just a little help,
and but a little. Break tho shell a little
each sido of the chip, and tear the mem
brnnce where it is dried. Great care
must be taken not to draw blood. Make
ouly just room enough for tho bill and
head to get free. Having done this, put
tho eggs back again under the fluff of
tho hen, and watch the progress made in
hatching two or throe times a day. Tho
lives of a good muny chickens and ducks
ore saved every season by a littlo timely
aid while watching. If kept quiet and
carefully handled, no harm will come to
mother or brood.
Hint About Unking.
For biscuits the oven should be equally
hot when they are put in, but should
begin to cool a littlo before they nre
taken out ; this makes them very light,
but ono has to watch to keep them from
being scorched ; eight minutes nre
enough to bake them ; if baked with
such a fire ns that required for bread,
they are heavy. For gems made of Gra
ham flour and wat.-r, or for corn bread,
tho oven should be very hot ; but the
lire should havo been built some time
before they were put in, and begin to go
down by the time they are light ; for if
the ovou remains ns hot as was necessary
to make them rise, they will burn before
they nro thoroughly cooKea turougu,
Bread requires a much slower fire, but
it should be even and steady from first
tO liUSt.
The followingincident occurred during
Kina Victor Emanuel's recent visit to
Venice. A "patriot" of 1S48-49, who
had, after repeated applications, ob
tained no redress for injuries received
during those eventful yews, waited for
tho King ou tuo xtiva, intending to pre
sent his petition ia person while his
majesty while stepping into his barge
en route for the Lido. The man missed
his mark, and waited at the wrong steps,
Perceiving his mistake, he fixed his peti
tion in the brim of his hat and leaped
into the water, bo bravely did ho swim
that he reached tho royal boat at a curve
of the river, and one of the attendant i
of the king, taking the petition high and
dry from his hat, presented it to hi
majesty. The petitioner's wish has bsea
FnOiIon Chit Clint,
Bonded lints (ire nil the rnga.
Cream color in very fashionable.
Brocade ribbou ia in favor again.
All sunshades have laco covers.
Hoop skirts nre to be revived in the
All white dresses are trimmed with
Hamburg embroidery.
Ih newest earrings are ot straw,
representing a small basket.
Velvet clog collars for tho tliront are
growing wider and wider.
The summer silks aro very pretty ana
make up very handsome.
There is no material chaugo iu bon
nets. Tho newest do not flaro very
much, however.
Guipure laco overdresses are very
fashionable. It it very hard to detect
the imitation from the genuine.
A great many of tho newsunimer suits
are trimmed with the grass ffingo, in
troduced last season.
Thure is no nbatement in tho bend
mania. All out-door costumes of black
aro fairlyjoaded down with bugles.
Very pretty neckties for ladies are of
white satin ribbon with bouquets of gny
ilowers emhronlered on the ends.
Fans, although large, are by no means
nro large ns they used to be. 1 no pret
tiest (ire of black or blue Batiu, embroid
ered with gold thread.
The largo brooches, called "Big Bon
anza," appear to havo secured temporary
popularity and are generally worn.
The new bustle raises dresses at the
back from the ground nud shakes up and
down iu an absurd style.
Ladies this summer nre going to wear
a double breasted white linen vest, ex
actly after th masculine style. All
they want now is men's trowsers 1
White muslin fichus, with laco and
velvet insertion, aro very pretty, and, of
course, aro fashionable
Colored hose will be ns fashionable as
ever among tho ladies this seasou, cs
peeially at tho seaside. Plain colors
blue, scarlet and brown are tho most
iu favor.
How It Was Settled.
Smith nud Jones nre neighbors. The
parties first owning tho premises, two
lots, had the pen-stock placed in tho
center. Subsequently Smith and Jones
became the owners of the two lots, and
each built a house thereon. Now the
said penstock became a bono of conten
tion between the two families. The
young Smiths and Joneses first opened
tho ball by a set-to at that penstock over
a pail of water. Young Smith wanted to
draw first, and Young Jones just as per
sistently contested for the honor. It all
ended by the pouring of the pail of water
ilowu tho back 01 Jones by bmith.
Then tho parents took up the quarrel
and carried it into a feud. Smith's
chickens were frequently found in the
penstock siuk with heels turned up, and
Jones' pet dog was fonud sacrificed iu
the same way to the cause. After this
an attachment was placed to the pen
stock by Jones, by which water was car
ried to the house through a hose. This
might have worked very well ; but iu nn
evil hour youug Jones concealed himself,
and when young Smith came to draw a
pail of water he opened tho nozzle and
let n fierce stream on young Smith. This
was a sweet revenge, but it renewed the
feud, and for days there were numerous
devices bv the families to obtain re
venge. Jones sent up a plumber to
change the situation of the penstock,
but he was driven off by Mrs. Smith,
aud the little Smiths laughed at the
little Joneses iu derision. A surveyor
was finally sent along by Mr. Smith, and
after many mysterious evolutions pro
nounced the penstock just throe inches
on tho premises of tho Smiths. Happy
Smith family !
How Tliey Fig-lit Grasshoppers.
What farmers there are in Colorado,
says a letter writer, are fighting grass
hoppers with water, and lire, and smoke,
and death-dealing ambuscades, and en
gines of destruction. Of all these the
" grasshopper hell " is the most popular
and perhaps the most efficacious. Its
name gives a very good conception of
its practical workings. A long sheet
iron box, open at the top, is swung close
to the ground between two wheels , by
which it is moved over the field. Rising
two or three feet above tho top of the
box, and bending forward from the rear,
is a broad sheet of tin or sheet-iron. I
When in use a fire is built in tho bottom j
of the furnace, which is then pushed
against tho wind, the overhanging wing
or sail taking tho hoppers ns they rise i
aud Jeeding them to tho names in a
hurry. Sometimes a miniature windmill
is added to tho outfit, nnd sucks in nil the
locusts for yards aud yards around, de
stroying them by millions. Millions
moro huvo been drowned in irrigating
ditches by cunningly devised tri-ps
which prevent their cscapo from the
water. While they were young nnd
green, and before their wings were
grown, several tons of them wero de
stroyed by a confidence game which de
serves description. Between tho young
hoppers and the youug wheat long rows
of dry straw wero strewn, which soon
became literally black nud nlive with the
wriggling little insects. When no more
hoppers could be accommodated, the
straw was tired. Another device was to
drag over tho hopper-infested regions a
tarpaulin plentifully coated on tho under
sido with coal tar, which is instant death
to the pests. Still, with all these disad
vantages against them, grasshoppers nre
apparently as numerous as ever.
Tree Puffs.
Rural journalism iu Minnesota has its
littlo pecularities, it must be admitted.
As, for instance, a countryman comes in
to leave a bunch of horseradish, and
requests a pleasant notice of his arrival
in town ; also would like to have it men
tioned that his farm, two yoke of oxen, a
cow and a pair of bobsleds are for sale.
We copy the above from an exchange,
and although it read3 ludicrously
enough, every editor of a country paper
well knows it represents other sections
than Miunesota. Indeed people gen
erally have an opinion that an editor can
insert notices without any cost what
ever, and consider him "mean" if he
will not do so; never thinking that him
self aud fumily depend on the publica
tion for subsistence. Would any mnn
think of going to a merchant and asking
for an article worth from fifty cents to a
dollar and one-half, on the strength of
buying merchandise of him annually to
the amount of two dollars the average
ubscription price of journals ?
An accommodating case of absent
mindedness recently came to light. A
New Orleans lady purchased a
pair of boots ; they did not fit her
quite as well as she desired, and she
resolved to take them back. She ac
cordingly carried them to a store in
which she had never been before, for
getting where she had got them ; and
the shopkeeper quite as uncertain took
them and gave her a better pair, offer
ing many regrets that bis customer had
beta put to 9 such tsouUi
Item ( Interest Irom Home and Abroad.
The rtotniuliciis of Olilo lie-lit their Rtate
Convention at Columbus and nominator. R. O.
Hayes, of BandiiBky, for Governor, andThoniM
L. YonntT for Lieutenant-Governor. Ine
platform adopted favors a tariff for revonne;
rloclaros that tho Htatoa are one aa a nation ana
all citizoua are equal under the laws) ie iu favor
of free education ( that there ihould be no
connection botweeu church and State, and
oppovm all logiislation In the intoroet of one
particular scot. Of the third Win, it aaya i
The obsorvanoo of Washington's etample, In
retiring at tho close of a second rromdontial
term, will pe iu the future, as It lias been
in the pant, regarded as a fundamental rule In
the unwritten law of the republic) Landis,
who shot Carnith, of theVineland Iwlrjiemknt,
has boon admitted to bail in the khiu of 50,
000, Carruth having recovered from his
wounds so as to bo beyond danger Fifty
lodges were represented at a mooting of tho
Grand Lodge of colored Manons in Now York.
Tho Masonic parado in New York wb
one of tho most micccshful and important
events of this kind which ever took place in
the Unitod States. Conuuaudcrics aud Irxlgon
from all sections of Iho country wore proicnt,
auditittnaidtliat thoro were twenty thousand
Maxons in tlio procotmion Tho Mneon and
Krtmawick railroad whs bid in by the filute of
Georgia at tho sale In Macon, Ga., for 41,000,
000 .... In a civil rights chho against tho niuna
gor of the opora houso at Oalveston, Tex., the
judge decided that the indictuiont bo ipiavhed
on the ground that tho act was nncoimtitti-
tional Right Rev. James A. Healoy was
installed as Catholic bivhop of the dioccuo of
Portland, Me., with imposing coromonios
rreeidout Graut has loft Washington for Long
Riauch, and tho member of the Cabiuot have
scattered to different parts of tho country
A mass meeting composed of eighty tliouxand
persons was held in llydo Park, London, to ex
press sympathies wilh some cabinet makers
who had just bocu released from jail. They
wore sentenced for trying to liiduco workmen
to leave work and join a strike The Gor
man government announces that it reserves
tho right of holding au inquiry on tho loss of
tho steamer Sob ill or, in addition to the ono
held at Groeuwich A violent storm of
wind and rain panned over parts of Indiana,
Ohio and Kentucky, doing great damage by
Hooding crops, washing away railroad embank
ments aud bridges, aud unrooting buildings.
Several lives were reported lost.
The ooal exchange of Chicago having re
duced the wages of coal wheelers from $5 to
$3 per day, several hundred of thomeu struck,
and then went about to the different yards and
drove off thoao who wero willing to work.
Several non-strikers were severely injured. . . .
The committee of the New York board of
aldermen appointed to investigate the oflidal
conduct of Comptroller Green submitted a re
port charging him with gross official miscon
duct, carelessness, neglect of duty and waste
of public funds. The report was adopted
Sixty porsous wero drowned by the capsizing
of a lighter in tho Tagus, near Lisbon, Portu
gal A dispatch from San Diego says that
a letter to the San Diego Union, from Unes
Sonera, reports that general excitement pre
vails over tho Mexican raids in Texas. War is
feared there between the United States and
Mexico By tho explosion of a locomotive
at Khiucbeck, on tho Hudsou river road, the
engineer aud fireman were seriously injured.
A heavy cyclouo on the Chinese coaot is
reported to have douo much damago to ship
ping President Grant has extended tho
time of the court of commissioner of Alabama
claims for a period of six mouths after July
22 Phil. II. Sheridan, Lieuteuaut-Geuera
of the army, was married to Miss Irene, daugh
ter of Quartermaster-General Iiucker, of
The coroner's Jury hold ovor a victim of the
Holyoke disaster returned a verdict in which
they state that they find uo blame attached to
any person iu immediate connection with the
fire ; but they cannot too strongly condomu
tho criminal carelessness shown in the con
struction of the gallery aud tho moans of
egress therefrom. They further find that the
i direct cause of the fire and consequent loss of
I life was due to the uue of inllammable trim-
mings for the altar, aud the substitution of
pine nheathing for plaster in building, and
deprecate the uso of such adornments and
material in public buildings By the ex
plosion of a boiler iu tho steam sawmill of
J. J. Wagouhurrt, near GouidsbOBO, Pa., two
men wore iustautiy killed and several others
injured, among them tho proprietor, who was
mruok by a piece of flying metal, although
some distance off. His recovery is doubtful.
Reports from Missouri state that tho
! grasshoppers are leaving that Btato on their
1 llight westward aud northward At a meet
ing of canal boat owners, held iu Buffalo, an
agreement was signed in which they agreed
uot to carry wheat for less than eight cents,
and other freights iu proportion. A couunitteo
is to canvass until they got owners' signatures
suflicicut to control tho price of freight
A uogro named Orange was hanged in Atlanta,
Ga., for murdering a rival The Mexican
Congress has voted $30,000 for the expenses
of a Mexican representation at the Philadelphia
Centennial Another suit to recover moneys
stolen from Now York city by the Tweed ring
has been brought, this time against the widow
and administratrix of tho late County Auditor
Jurats Watson j tho amount claimed is G,1UH,-
957.85 1l IndiendiHt of Lardunelle,
Ark., published veryseverearticles in reference
to a Mr. Wishart, a prominent lawyor of that
place, who weut to tho publication office for
the purpose of getting a retraction, when an
altercation took place, ending iu editor D. P.
Cloyd shooting and killing his opponent.
The Washington Sunilay Ilirnhl states that
Geuoral Meigs is to ho placed in command
of the department of tho South, vice General
Irwin McDowell, who is to be put on tho re
tired list The Swedish riksdag has appro
priated J3,800 in gold to defray tho expenses
of their countrymen iu the Philadelphia Cen
tennial The corporation of Londou have
decided to invito the Mayor of New York to au
international umnioipal banquet next month,
Owing to the failure of tho negotiations
iu Washington, it is believed that the Black
Hills will uot be opened this auminur The
grass aud graiu crops throughout Loug Island
have beeu much injured in consequence of the
long-continued drought Officer Roupp, of
the Trenton (N. J.) police, attempted to arrest
a party of roughs who were conducting them
selves boisterously, when one of them, named
Koraau, drew a pistol aud shot him. Roupp
subsequently died, leaving a wife and four
children Rumors having bcea afloat for
some time that Secretary Delano was to resign,
he has authorized a Washington newspaper to
deny the reports The Maryland oouit of
appeals has recoutly decided an important lifo
insurance question iu regard to suicides. It is
to the effect that when tha act of eolf-destruc-tioa
is done during insanity, it ia death by acci
dent, and the insurance company is responsible
for the amount of tho policy, notwithstanding
their proviso, which makes it "void if the in
sured shall die by his owu hand or act."
Dennis Doyle, employed as a collector by the
Tradesman's Bank of New York, decamped
with money amounting to between 13,009 aud
4,000, belonging to tha institution.
TntatysjBS c tb Clilwgs ldmM wwt
fined (100 each and costs, for contempt of
eourt in having violated an injunction restrain
ing them from counting tho votes cast at the
last municipal election. Their counsel were
fined $300 each and cfnta. They appealed....
James M. Sweeny, of the old Tweed ring, diod
in Taris a day or two after the Now York au
thorities sued to reoover his property. . .The
Sooretary of the Treasury lias given orders
that horeaftor no visitors be pormitted in tho
bureau of engraving and printing vaults of the
treasury, or any room whore money Is kept.
This was brought about by tho robbing of tho
t-17,000 In bills Postmaster-General Jewell
left Washington on a tour of postal inspection,
with a view of reducing expenses and render
ing his department nearly, if not quite self
supporting Reports have been received at
Melbourne, Australia, from the Fiji Islands
that 50,000 nativos have diod of epidemic
measles.... Tho Communist prisoners who cs
capod from New Caledonia to Australia have
issued an appeal to tho sjmpathy of Knglish
pooplo through a London paper, and stating
that the French authorities aro deliberately
endeavoring to starve the prisoners on Pino
island The mutinous members of tho crow
of the American ship Jefferson ltorden havo
boon sont to this country for trial by tho Kng
lish authorities. It will bo remembered that
they killod both mates. . . .The freight cars of
tho Pennsylvania railroad having been robbed
of thousands of dollars' worth of goods tho
past year between llarriaburg and Altonna, de
tectives wero put on watch, and last week con
cluded to search tho lionsos of some of the
omployoes, when ovor J1.500 worth of goods
wore recovered. Tho men wero arrest od on
thoir trains, and cmhraco every grado from
conductor dowu Loyalty islands, in tho
S:iuth Pacific, experienced shocks of earth
quako March 2Hth and .'lOLh, which did much
damago to tho city of Lifii. Tho lust shock
was succeeded by a tidal wavo, which swept
away tlireo villages, causing great loss of life
and proporty.
The Newark Methodist Episcopal Conference
held au extra session for tho purpose of celo
brating tho one hundredth birthday of Rov.
lloury Bochm familiarly known as Father
P-.iolim ono of their members Deputy
United States Marshal Ranvoy attempted to
arrest two, horse thieves at Stockton, Kan.,
when one of them shot him. Ramsey returned
the fire, killing his assailant, but tho other
thief escaped. Within au hour Ramsey died
from the effects of his wound The Secre
tary of the Iutorior lias appointed Gov. Axtoll,
of Utah Territory, to bo Governor of Now
Mexico, vice Giddings, deceased, and Goo. W.
Emery to be Governor of Utah, vico Axtell
The town of Miirshaiisk, ou tho Tana river,
iiussia, containing a population or w,wn, was
entirely destroyed by lire Tho boiler of tho
Smith paper mills, at Loo, Mass, exploded,
killing two persons, and injuring fourtocn, and
inflicting a loss of f 25,000. . . .William Parnicu
tor and Bon, and two other men named Thorup
son and Healey, who were fishing by rushlight
from a boat on Raquette riv;-r, near Potsdam,
N. Y., wero carried over tho dam by tiio cur
ront aud all drowned A disease known as
the " black tooth " has broken out among the
swine ou tho Upper Ottawa river, Ontario, and
has proved fatal to largo holds I3y the
burning of part of a square in Toronto, Can
ada, a number of shops, stores and dwellings
were destroyed, involving a loss of ? 150,000. .
A- sad accident occurred iu Ilrooklyn, N. Y., by
which a young man named Metcalf lost his life.
His mother had summoned him to breakfast,
aud ho had just cheerfully answered " Yes,
mother," w hen the report of a pistol was heard
in his room, aud ou Mi s. Metcalf rushing up,
she found her sou dying with a bullet holo iu
his head. It is thought that tho pistol, of
which he always had two uudor his pillow, fell
on the floor aud exploded.
Tool SpIHiis.
as tne season lor races is upon us,
ami wo presume many of our readers are
nonplussed by the terms " hrst choice,
" held, etc., wo copy tho following
from tho New York Graphic, explaining
tne system of pool-selling :
1 or manv vears tho most popular sys
tern of betting on races and other sport
big events was by tho auction of pools,
or pool-selling, as it it called. This is
so generally understood that only the
most cursory explanation is needed her
Ltv.i us suppose a horse-race in wind
several horses engage in the subject of
speculation. The pool-seller oilers at
unction what ho terms tho " first
choice." Hi'i patrons understand that
this means that a bet is to bo inudo on
tho favorite ngaiust every other horse
in tho race. "I'll give one hundred dol
lars for first choice," savs a bettor,
"One hundred dollars is offered," cries
tho auctioneer. Iso ono offers more
and tho bettor pays down his money nnd
secures the right to placo it on which
ever horso ho pleases. "A" is the
favorite, and he bets on that horse,
" What is offered for tho second choice?'1
shouts the auctioneer. "Fifty,'
" sixty," " seventy" are tho cries of the
speculators. "Done at seventy dol
lars," cries tho auctioneer, and the sec
ond bettor seclects "B" or "C" if he
pleases. Then the third choice is offered
nud sold, and Inst of all tho " field," c
the group of horses entered in the race
but whoso merits aro not well enougl
known to guarnnteo their individual
mention. These four sums of money
thus risked upon tho first, second, and
third choiee, nnd on tlio "lieia con
stitute a "pool," to bo turned over,
minus a commission for tho pool-seller,
to tho man who has plaeod his money on
the horso that wins tho race. L,nch per
son purchasing a pool receives a ticket,
duly numbered and recorded by the
auctioneer, bearing tho mime of tho horso
ho has solectod.
Obeying a Presentiment.
A Columbus paper tellsof two families
in Stewart couutv. Ohio, whoso lives
were saved bv a gentleman obeying
presentiment ho could not rosist. Ho
had a foreboding that a storm would visit
t hat section, nnd that his houso would be
in its path. He told others of it, but
they only laughed at him, saying ho -was
frightened from reading und hearin
tho accounts of tho lute cyclones. He
gave credence to the thought, whit-
would not go down at tho bidding, and
dug a hole near the house. He had no
sooner finished it than the storm di
come, and barely had he and his family
sought refugo therein than tho tornado
tore his houso to pieces. All iu the holo
in the ground escaped. Tho people in
tho storm region, nnd many who uronot,
nre prepnring places of refugo to avoid
the next cyclone.
In Dallas, Texas, a few nights since.
James T. Obenchain was shot and ser
iously wounded by John Stone. Stone
remarked : " I feel as if I nm going to
kill somebody to-night. " Youug Oben
chain replied, jestingly, " A gnat or
mosquito, perhaps," when Stone said
something about being insulted, and,
walking up to him, drew a pistol and
Jumping at conclusions Climbing
over chairs at a theater when tha our
taia goss down on tn Inst
Tcry Quiet,
" I shall insist upon a quiet and very
unostentatious wedding," said Miss
Wriggle to her future mother-in -law.
"Ma has ordered 1,500 cards for the
church, and only half ns many for our
roscption at Dolmonico's. Tiffany's
man will see that the presouts are
arranced where all can see them, and I
think Bernstein's is the best orchestra
we can hire. I shall wear white silk,
nud my six bridemnids white tulle. Va
says a bishop and two clergymen will be
ample to perform the ceremony, nnd "
She paused, for the mother-in-law elect
had left the room to search for her son.
There is n rumor that au engagement is
Tho U. S. postmaster - general hns
hit upon a very effective wny of bursting
lottery bubbles before nny ono loses
money on them. Ho instructs tho post
master iu tho city whero tho lottery is
drawn not topny the manager nny
money order or" deliver to him any reg
istered letter that may bo sent him. As
lotteries aro supported by outside
parties, this idea of tho postmaster
gencrid winds them up.
Good Tidings
for the Slaves
of King
How many a manly form is palsied
how many a noble mind is destroyed;
now many a priceless soul lost, tlirouttli
ie curso of strong drink 1 To tho do-
iiiinng victims of tho satamo tyrant,
cohol, whose shuttered nerves, nnd
trembling limbs, nnd racking headaches,
!ciu to hud no relief except in tho re
newed uso of tho fatal poison which
riiiirs them every day nearer to their
miserable end, we announco glad tidings
preat joy I Dr. Walkers Vinegar
Bitters contain not a singlo drop of nlco-
1 in any form, but are a sovereign
emedy for tho ills of drunkenness.
ley restore tone and strength to the
system, nml entirely eradicate tho perm-
ions nivpetito for iniuor. J ry a few
ot tics of Vinegar Bitters, and you will
never cravo strong spirits again, but
nd your henlth repaired, vour mind
restored, and bo onco more a man in tho
best sense. llenlth is cheap when
Vinegar Bitters are Si a bottlo.
Jn Milwaukee, Wis., an artesian well
has just been complonted at the stock
yards of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St,
Paul liaihvay Company which proves a
perfect Riieeess. It is 1,0481 feet deep,
of which 170 feet wero bored through
earth, d8. through mngnosiau lime roek,
and lij.-ij through sandstone. Tho water
flows at tho rate of 0,000 gallons a day.
Wo cheerfully call the attention of our
readers to the merits of Dobbins Elec
trie Soap (made by Cragin ,t Co., Phila.),
who confidently ask a trial. Tho soan
will tell its own story. Try it.
What portions of tho boilv aro the
best trawlers Tho two wrists.
Let the People Speak.
Maxuatian, Kak.
V. Tierce, HnfTaIo, N T.:
Jhnr Sir Your Favorito rrPKerintion lias
done my wife a world t good. She Iuih takeu
nearly two bottled ana hat felt bettor the pan
two weeltH than at any time in tho past two
years. No more periodical paiim ; tiouo of that
achinp; back or drugging eiiHtion iu her
Htomaeh Mie l ad ticen accuntomcd to for
feveral Tears. I have no much confidence in it
that I would be perfectlv williiiK to warrant to
certaiu cuHtomera of ours who would bo glad to
get hold of relief at any expense. I have
tried many patent nicdicines, but uover had
any occasiou to extol one before.
V ery truly vours.
Geo. B. WntTlNO.
Mrs. E. It. Dalv, Metropolis, 111., writes :
'Dr. It. V. Picrco Mv sister ie nsinat the
Favorite Prescription with great benefit.''
Mary Aun Frihbie. Lehman. Pa., writes :
'Dr. R. V. Pierce What I have taken of
vour medicine has been of mare benefit to me
than all otbern and hundreds of doctors' billH. '
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription its Bold by
dealers iu medicines generally. Cam.
Lifo has few charms for tho dyspeptic,
which is not to be wondered at when wo take
into account the amount of bodily and mental
suffering that, this distressing malady gene
rates. The Peruvian Syrup ( protoxide of
iron) lias cured thousands who were aulturing
ii oui iuis uiseaae. torn.
If Johnson' Anodyne Liniment in half
a valuable as peoplo say it is, no family should
lie without it. Certainly no person, be lie law
yer, doctor, raiijiHti r, or of any other pro
foHsion, should start on a iniimoy without it,
No Bailor, fisherman, or woodsman should bo
without it. In fact, it is needed wherorcr
there is an ache, sprain, cut, biube, couch or
coliL "om.
Farmers ami " borsonnm " nre con
tinually impiiriuK what we know of the utility
of MuriihiH Cavalry Canditinn Voirrfers, and
in reply, wo would say, through tho columns of
this paper, that we have heard of hundreds
who have used them wilh gratifying results;
that id also our experience. Com.
nrv niK. ami I'f.T, in vip ;onr -
Tt i i!i"tly conceded by our lending f until v iihyflieian hit. L AX.I.i; Y'S HOOT AMI III KO
KITTl'aies itrotue htufc. aaffKt and anrfst ttnrine and
suinnmr TUflu-inH. Tl.y tUorou!t.lj pntifjr ttod cImrtihb
tne blood of a 1 impurltiea, reinovn and aoantoract dya
ptpsia, livor CHii'ilrtitu. ccn.Htiati(n, piles, jauadi.:,
THrtiito, foul Rtniiiuuh, loo of ie-p and apiietite, tcr. fu
luus S(rts, cflrUiincls, fekiu diftattna, pimplea and nerv
ous debility. T boy aro in tha trucnt aud dtwn-t annu
iucimiirubly inor popular at a family tiit-fHciiie than
iny othr ynt disoovurcd. (Sold by all drurfiata. GKO.
U. C;UOUVi:V it CU., Hostum, Wtautebalt AgunU.
The MnrUcls,
Bftef Cattle-Prime to Extra Bullock" 1 1
Common to Good Text. us (MX 4
Milch Cows ,
0'.l'.i4 Ol
eV 06
IHXa ' l i
..... 16',. 10
4 7.1 (4 S 10
4 HI (4 S 10
1 30 (4 1 SO
1 l'l 1 lSX
1 '5 1 16
1 US (4 1 85
1 (i (4 1 f0
1 7S
17 l4 79
60 (4 1 05
CO (4 00
.ohla m (4 IS
, 19 411 (419 41
H',(4 MV
, 13 00 (414 BO
M l (410 00
6 00 (4 6 80
Hog a Live
Cot Urn Middling
l'lour Kxtra Wentt-ru
H' ltrt Extra
Wheat Ited Wenmru. ,,,,,.,
N'o. 2 Spring
Rye Btato
barley Mate ,
f) hi-ley Malt
OutM Mixed Wenteru
Corn Mixed Wenteru, ,,,,.
riay, per cwt ,
Straw, per cwt
Hups 74'b ao .
i'ork Mwi ,
fc'iuU Mackerel, No. 1, new,.
. io. 2, now .
Ht-rriiiK, Scaled, per bo. , , 40 (4 40
Petroleum Omdo MXtS ltfAued, 13
Wool California t'lrece 98 (4 9i
Teiaa " 34 (4 84
Auuraliun " 4H (4 M
Butter Mtate 30 (4 CO
Wwlrru Dairy 3:) (4 34
WVHt. ru Yellow 30 (4 3
WtBtorn Oftiunry 18 (4 14
lvnuviv8nl;i l.e 30 (4 !S
Cheese Mtato i'uetovy 1j (4 1' Jtf
Htatr Skiiumuil t'l (4 (5
Veattru P5 4 13
Eiga Slate 31 (4 3i
Wheat 1 AO A 1 .10
Hvi 1 00 (A 1 IU
Com Mixed Hi (Is HI
liarley stato 13' (H 1 20
OatB BUte 70 & 74
WLet No. 3 Hpriut!
Com Mixed ,
6 35 O T 35
1 I'l (4 1 (14
H'il4 MX
67 (4 CI
1 C7 S I 01
I 40 (3 1 40
Ctton Low Middlings
Flour Extra
W heat lti-d Weatera . . .
Coru Yellow
Oats Mixed
Flour Pnniylvania Eitra
Wheat Western Bed
Corn Yellow
Oata U-aed
rtirm.jui Orvda,,t WtHWH
16'i 15i
vo (4 a 'i
I S3
1 0
A I Si
(4 1 13
(4 8
6 10
l n
1 13
A 6 VX
A 70
Save Monkt and HeatTo". The repu
tation of the Wilson rlinttle sewing machine is
so thoroughly established that no word In its
commendation is necessary. The plan adopted
bv the mannfac! nrers of this famous mac-liine
ot placing their prices so low as to como within
the reach of tho poorer classes, certainly en
titles them to tho gratitndo of those who are
really most in need of such an articlo. Ma
chines will be delivered at anv railroad station
in this county, free of transportation cbirgea,
if ordered through the companv'a branch home
at 827 and R'29 proadway, New York. They
send an elegant catalogue aud chroino circular
rree ou application, mm company want a
few more good agents. Com.
A na
onlr ti cfintH m,,rs wltS a
on than without, nd It will arid
twlrn thtt rout of th iho to tht)lr
Wf-Jirlrifj Tain.
Ixnt ' Th nnm of the nrtor
who not Itln
Ilnntft ntH rHttof".. Ariyonfl tlt.ditii
men a ftf-Tnin win ib iiimniuy r
wiudt'fl ty buying a pair nnd try
tig tnm. .
t;K H tOf Wit HAY at home. Term f rn. Af
$3 3 ptU rtrM Obo. Stinhon tt Co., Portland. M
irrt I t"
BENJ. O. WOODS & CO. Mt-rmfnanc
(iirt in til aimli of Print I n Material,
tvloB. Prifjrti from so.uu 10 vaw.uw
8udimuforCuloruj. 40 Inderal bt. oa
Thta nw Tniff it worn
with porfwnt oomfo
llfrhl and day. A Up
ftAf.lf to arHrjr rootlun ol
Mm tod?, rtjtalntnr Knp
turn vnrlar tha hardmt
xftrclia or Mvmul ctrafc
nntli prmtnfntl red.
Noli) cliap bj the
Elastic Truss Co..
No. (1S:( Biond vruy, N. Y. City
and ant hr malt, f .'nil or ncnd fr Circular, and heonrff
A(-KNTH --Nmd un your adilrca ao receive hy re
turn Tiniil s'-tptMiintf Unit will i ay y ni for ?-'n
trouble. V irlBty Umcfcel Wrirkw, H .nth Hand. In'ana.
owm:km of houses.
Auk yonr T!anMs Maker fr
the .l Callnr PAH.
I hy aie warranted to eure
anv tore neck on bone or
mule, or mony refunded. If
printed dirfotlona are follow
ed Nnd 76. for eample.
Zlno ( '..liar Fad Co., Sole
MaeufVrft, Rnehanan.MicD
I3oton, SInss.
Tlicne Stamlntil I tint ritmenf
Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere.
Agents Wanted in Every Town.
Sold Ibrone'K.nt th. United Stutei on th
That la, on a Sit"t of Montbly PafiuenU.
PurcHaHRr. .hnulfli.Vf.irthoSMlTBA MFRirjt N OltOAK
l.'Ktnl'iB'ie. anil full particular nn application.
IfVM) Aiicnt Wnntf-rl. K-tIrly nw bn-inps. fUrci-
Water Wheel
Vn Sflcrti'i!. 4 yv.r am, and put
to u orlt in t Lie I'utent OiHc, Wmiib
lntoa, U. C, and has proved to be
(p-r.- Hi I?j Mxt'i made. Price
Vijr'7TU' !! thnn anv o;iior fint-ciair
Vv,j;y WM. FftinphW frfw.
y N. F. lUJitNHAM. York. Pa.
i-ixTrrCi !wi:ft ri, mttMby R
VIL)iTl Iji? T.1-K WiTTTAT.MAOfl.lMhabmi
bonis out for a:w "ins tittiicttrt wUo l'ytH.pii or thf
Hluen. It oau't to do yo a com. to r id it. The nan
edition contains -!:(; ant UlnptntHoita. Klt-Ksntly hound
Price Iji'i. M), Acrit wantftl a every countr. AddnHM
S. T. WiL'DRU A OU.." IllSan-nm Sr., Phlljidtlphtjt
UTTLE Sewlcf Machine
AUiirvu aionrunn, uarK & K it.,
City ; Pittiburh, Pa. j Chicago,
Ronton. Mtii.t Nw York
111. i ur bt. Ijouii, Mo.
Alirrjil in i I Pill fa-tett
4 aOTVflV tAT A -VrillHlTA for thi-
.wlUiitf Book evr published, tiend fur circular and out
ultra temis to AKnts.
V a liuve v nt k nn,i u,,nev fur all. nifn ,r wi-ruen, hoys n'
Itlr'a. wu,l' or M.arn Hn. Snud atmp for t'ataluaue.
Address KRANK til.Ut K, Now Hdt.,rd, Mass.
KN l f"r cnnipfetM Illustrated Circular Ui'thmt Prr.
k J Hii'.mf ni lifi-ty.ttro jtnpQrlimt (i,,'s nna Fxjtnn
r,,,n.. ,'.,erniiiy Jm'rirntt lux'iiuft tent qf thm month
IS7;nd IS7 I. fur i,r.'.iW, Hf,'
I 1U I' UMII It- AMI O l'lll ItN.
Sli Ki,H. '2 ! I II trie Powers. Fiench liarr fftoue
lirlst .Mill-, Me. . J I Msconnt to the trade.
U Ml 111 -in cv Hurrill, l.illlr In I , N. Y
Hit own utory nf thn lant uttpfi ynnrn of hia Lif,
Saii for Vcu!a- to Tl W. HI.ISS A CO., Hartford
Ct., or BLISS k CO., NewBik, N. .1.
a mouth to malrt and femnle agents eer
wiieni. Ktufkit MTa (Jo., Ruclmnnn. Mfcb
Smllli A Kcyim..!, A'ortrirA,
ft., any : " V UuTtl fold and lined
ymir Sa I'nHiti fur 6Teral yiar
ami un i1titt-cly re-oniinna
t the btt Ititkmg Powder ia the
msriiMr "
Smith. Cinttm Ar fit.. Crorr.
f-rim-.'l. ttV. ' We ue it in
ar own tiiinillHiand ba)ievit tob
di-Hdedh tbi'bpft B iking row dr '
It ecncmiy i wondBrful; It
miik?A 40 M. mor bieari to
tiTrnl of fl ur. Million of can
4'ld and not a tlnirlii noninlstnt
St-nd fur (drrnlnrtot.KO. F. (-ANTK
A Co., 170 Duitua St., New York,
A.1U t'AI AIinu Hli.MbUV.
flarlBK atiupRlud (weitty yarb)twtnllfaand
I'OundlDff root nt herba aod iDhsvlinaT tb mad-
liciuo. i loiiuiietieiy a;icovra a wooariui
liuedy and urcur tir Avttitna and Catarrh.
111 down to reit and sleep comlorubly, Dra
(dlatrlbuilon. t'. and gt on; or ddr
-it; ire upuiid wit a lampta pacaacetror ran
I. LACI.LL. AdbIo Craak. CI K la.
arowii u vnitffuta. uii-ia ficiiii, dj mail. fi,u.
Habit Cured
h. cixtuin and sure cure, without Inconvenience,
rod at home. An antidote that elands punUyon lu
rwn ntsrtta. Send tor my quarterly magazine (ft
CCtleyou nothing), containing ccrtlllcaiea of hundred!
at aave been permanently curen. 1 ciaira to nave
iijC073r3d and produced the rirT, obioimal AJir,
I7U. S. 15. COLLINS, I.a Pnrtr, lnd.
Established 185S.
The beat on.l rhrapeal Paint In the
Worlil for Iron. Tin or AVoil. For aala
by Ponlera PTermhero. rTVTNCES' ITETATXIQ
PATST O.. tiinut't'rera, SB Tedar St., York.
frSy-C AUl ION. rurclier will pleasa
eco that our name and trade mark are on each and
every package. Send for a Circular.
i ':
Par n i I"rliitor, MrlifMU oci-llr,
flirttiriTi. M i-cr hi tl t. and "tl
lL'T'-.; .11 tb. iivwt ...P ;n., l.'I.OOOl
buum tan. ij lruu:., u unusua upwaraa. I praj
1LING iGLIN(iP p ...
lliy " ?
MEHCHaWT 1 " V ' UPUCMftlvil U f." -.--1l ' V
WbAthnrfor a on man r baaat, Mnrchant'a Uanrlin Oil will ba found an tnTaluable Llnlmant, an dT worth
of uw bj every rwndent iu lUt lrttid. V i know of no proprietary inediulna or article now uaed iu tiio United Hlat"
whiuh ihare tha eimd will of tba poople to (roaiw dogrM titu iixia. YUuw wrap pat torauliuai aud whit iuc
hoiuaa Qah.M. y. Independent.
la tha Standard Llnlinant ol tb Veiled utM.
C vnaa i .mall eiaa. HQ eaava. email i n rl IubU
iir. .1. Wnlker's California Vin-
Cffar liltcr9 nro a purely Vegetable
preparation, made chiefly from tho na
tive horbs found on tho lower rnnpes of ,
the Sierra Nevada mountains 01 uainor-
nia, the medicinal properties ot wmca
aro extracted thorcfiom without tho use
of Alcohol. Tho question is almost
daily asked. "What is tho cause ot tno
unparalleled success of Viseoah Bit
ters!" Our answer is, that they remove-
the cause of disease, and tho patient re
covers his health. They aro tlio Rrcat
blood pui fier and a hlo-giving principle,
a perfee Renovator and Invigorator
of th3 i fstem. Never beforo in tho
hintory o tho world lias a medicine licmv
coinpouii' id pnssessmfT tho rcmnrknhlo
qimlitipR I Vinkoar Hittkrs in lieuhniJ tli
sick oft ery disease man is heir t. 'Ihej
are a ge tlo Purgative as well as a funic,
relieving Congestion or InHuininatinii ol
tha Liver rid Vi.ccrul Organs in liihoua
The tr oporlios of Pr. "Walker's
("ihkoab Pin mis nro Aperient, Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic,
Sedative Counter-irritant Sudonlic, Altern
tivs. u;' Anti-Ililitms.
U. II. MrlONAr.D CO..
Dmfriri.U and (tpti. Acts., S in Frnpiuflen. CnJIfnmlft,
and eor. f Washington wM Chi.rlPm KM.. X. Y
Huld tv nil DruKgltt itnil Dealer.
N. V. N tt.-Vn. C4
104X) A(i;NTX Wnnleri f..r (inniltip Killllnn.
LIFE ANT) I.ATOWS or , . ,
Bf Ret. J. K. t;H AM HI.ISS. wlm fri,n m , -on(
irrill'io. (Inelndlnr th"I.AKT Jotm.N A !,S") nnfnli
ritld'v hl ti.-and Achlevanu'DTR, niso Ihn ctiri-.'f i.a,
un.lun nnd W.alth of t' at wrr.... country Fri'tr,
'llnaralu, Kuptlln. Hatf, Sura-. I'm. S!I5 piam.
IOO rnr. Ili a. Rlrli In Int t , In In VrU:x. (Int.
el i ..rvh!nz. HOOO tirt :! '.. An.lrf-s" IlltH.
AKIt BROS., Publisher., Ti ii SaiMom Strwl. rwl.
'T'tv. F':
:;t for ChrnmnCatatoptie.
l:l'" S,i i, li,!-:.jr. Ynsf.
!. HriT.
TrilM, Supporters and Pile
P,,es. "Peeh-y. llurd Huhher
I'm .aws.'" Uik'I, ,:ii.nn . liBtit, lwr
fct!v sti i And t.'miort!illo, tree
frimalla ur. rurty. ch.itinK. strap-
fjlA pine, or plticili; unph'asant-
nroressp n, long le!en.niw.i' ""u..5; ;, J , ,1
ICstalillahninU, 1317 ( h-itnul Mn-et, Philmlt Iphia,
ind 7:)7 Broadway, Now Y'lrk. Si-tit l,y in:.!! pr I'Jpioaa
tod auld b) leading drugl-tt. S.-nd f..'
MA.m'l,F. Free and I!l Pay to Mali ana
female tvf'ryw liro. Address,
'I'HK UNION PUI). OO., Newark. W. J.
Py Mrs. Ptfnhou of Salt Lnlte Cty. fcr -is.
vmrs the tie of a Mormon liiirli Jn st. An -troiluction
by Jin Kwwe, 'J Ins ft'jry of .
..Oman's epLricnr lav I'are tPC "fa'li-ri h,3,
mysteries, secret dtiin.. et.-. of t!ie K"rm"n! in
"wuie-awaJce uviinut .re (Asm. Unb'.it. luw
nd (lood. It i. the N.l nsw booV out. aclniuv
.itmo with food tiini;a for all. It is n.iiiilar '
, with TerytKilr. and outaclls all other book. '
on?. Almisters soy " tr ic i fc .
cnrlors- it K.veryhoilv wants in and a'-'viit. ors J-'f
Iroitl W to so a oay i '"''"" J.Jr' 7, . l
asntfl.OKJ -aure tro.ty Bttenta Ml -mrn oruomtn
e "'if mail "utllt l'r.--1.. ! o will nn"V J-1
atcrMeta wilL.Sv.ll pKicuUr., trrnia. f.. J'
f tO, ?50, $75, & $100.
lihluped Uuady for Uce.
Manufactured lr fllAIMIAN dt
I ., .Iliidlfion, lnil.
fsy- Send foradatillague.
TO CCTE Corna, Nenralrla,
Asthma, Chllta and Jraver. Itruna
enness. Rheumatism.
T JIIAKU Hair Grow. Ottawa,
Ke.r. Ilnota Waternroof, Yeast.
and lOeenta forelther r"rt orthe 10 for uOcent.
i'EKUV 4 OO..P.O.Bua or gig Bmadway.N.Y.
.IlldlV I. V WANTS IT. M;m In It
Ci bold ujr Aguuta. A Jdruss NIN J.OV KUKi.e,r,a.
JOAis a month to airenta everywhere. Adrttiwa
ipjiilMI K.XtJKLKIUrl M'J''(i VO., Buehauau, illull
We aull on tuial the
Turbine Water Wheel.
It U the lm.t Whil In tho in.'ir.
Wet,. lli-F.R SOT I'l oil. Citnaar.
independent cl, It ia ecu
n iniloal in the 'if Water and
has an Adjiintalile Sti p.
Send f"r ranilit'lit to
YOUli .H'I'li r..
fo i ) outfit 16o. Kkiich A Walkkii, "yjoilOhlo.
itf tho lritti'-.( H'nrdnyou evr aw,
with ur tia handsom-i)' prlntud oti
them, ut, pout -paid, ujwn r -uftntof 9
centa. Yaur frieuda will nil want thm
whn thy aea lourn. Addrnaa,
W. O. CANNON, 40 Knrtlaul Htrw t, H'-ston. Whww
rntl rnPVor FITS cur.d ty tha use ot Hnw
CriLC.rO I Kl-lLKPilC.KKMh.lHF.8. TriaM'iu-t
ajsaysj bug J rrt r r eirciuitm, tfvitinii- ui
The World la In lllouiii. Mature weara her Sum.
uar smUa. But the victim of Nervous Dulilllty la like a
)llf btd branch In the sunshine. Let bim revitalize,
ton. and purify his aystrm with
Turrant' Effervescent Seller Aperieiit,
and within a week b. will feel like a new man.
if fart... .... .rrM--:-.! era,
Cttabluhad 1B, lara ilea f 1,1 II) i madttu PP
luajt 8a tuiw
eniiiH,UI I Oflshltl t. r.
QilM UObCiiC,