.J f"..m.wi)jiini 7 U (C5 Thursday, mav 20, jsto. ETangjiijol Lutheran Circa REV. I. BKEKEMEN Pastor. cervices next Sunday morning and eve- in r.ugusn, m me usual nours. lay school at 9:43 A. 31. All are in tend. II. E. CH'JSCn. WM. MARTIN, Pastor- School at 9:30 A M Morning 6iT".ice at 11 A M C bins Meeting; at Yi M Evening Service nt 7:40 V M Prayer Meeting Thursday Evening 8erTice In Qraco Cliarob Su nday next at the usual hours. 11 A. M. and 7 J P. M. All are enrUialy iuviied to attcui. Seats Free to all. Car. Time at AiLlgicay. Mail East 4:45 P: M. do West 2 IC p. M Through Local, East 8:20 A. M. do do West C:44 P. M. Local East '4:50 P. M do Went B;'20 A. M lie MaiTJ and Through Local carry asseigers, l he local does cot. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The stated meetings of Elk Lolgc, No. 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second aud fourth Tuesdays of each month' W. C. HEALY, Sec'y. The fly cow cometh. The weather ia pleasant now. Court commences next week. Trout fishing is oue ot the orders ol the day. The Episcopal parsonage lot has a new fence. Potatoe bus will soou claim thiat tentiou of the farmer. 'Die Republican State convention will be held nest Wednesday. llidgway has more '-belated sisters" than any other place of its size iu ilio state. Every nua you sec has a tax dupli cate, and those that have uone arc cuing to get hup. Weddiu-r and mourning outfits fur ladies at MAY & SILVERMAN'S William-port Pa. The Republicans of Clarion county have fourteen candidates fur the office oi couuty soniuiissioucr. The State Board of Pardons have pat theAcfe' of Jiatucs. the Potter county murderer, over until the 4th oi June. Any Qiao finding Canada thistles on Lis land and nogleccinjr at use to des troy theuj and preveut tbe:r spread, is subject to legal aetioD. Tioga couuty elected Miss Sirah I Lewis, couuty superintendent with a salary of 51250. She is highly spoken of as a good man, for the position. A large lot of Parasols, Ladies lies Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Gloves Trunks and Satchels at JUV SIL VERMAN'S Wiiliuuisport Pa. T.ie Mauch Chunk, Coal Guzrite speaks very favorably of Col. A. I Wil cox as a candidate for sttto treasurer on the Republican ticket. Mrs. M. E. Mulooe has the agency for Elk County for the Combination Shoulder Brace Corset Adjustable Skirt Supporter. Call and see it. Also for kha Excelsior Shield or Corset Clasp. Elizabeth Jane Distler, wile of John Distler, and daughter of John Uulo- foiugh, of Fox township died on Satur day last, May 15th, 1S75, aged 28 years ill months, and 15 days. Company II, will bo inspected a .veek from next Saturday, May 23ih, ind will diill every evening until that iuie. A militia company is au institu ion every one should take an interest n, and see to it that it does not fail for want of support. 'Come, Bob, get up," said au indul gent father to his hopeful son, the other moruiug, "Remember the early bird catches the worm" ''What do I care for worms?" replied the young hopeful. "Mother won't let rue go a fishing any how. How sweet is a perfect understand tween riiau and wife, aud a complete juality in all tliia-s. He was to oke good cigars when ho wanred them, t he was to give her tea cents every knoue indulged in one. Uo Went his ft rd, and every time she got fifty tents ead he'd borrow it and spend it. And they were happy. Miller publishes ia the last Democrat , ery long column, of fine type, about audou of the Gazette. The article is iierally spoken of as uogcntlemanly 1 vulgar, aud deiuourtiates the ility ol water, that, of necessity, flows in a HI thy fountain. The Democrat iqw a fit compauion aud associate of Forest Plea and Williamsport nger. here will be a festival held at ne's hall uext week for the benefit e Lutheran Pastor Rev. I. Breoe- , a committee will solicit subscrip of eatables, as ice cream cake, pie such other articles as the citizen see fit to donate. As this is the festival fjr the benefit oi Mr. bemao we hope to ace it well atton- The public school at this place, will close next Thursday, and in tho eve. niug there will be closing exercises. All are invited lo attend Bennetts Locals. DIED April 6th, 1875, Ad die, daughter of John and Emeline Uanscome, aged 4 years, 2 months And twenty days. She was bright and intelligent beyond her years. Words of comfort were spoken at the funeral by ii'cv. E. M. Chilroat from the words of Jesus "Suffer little children to come unto me nnd forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven." IliitTHS On April 27, 1875, a son, to Cookson and Fanny English. On M iy 7, 1875, a daughter to Simon P. and Elen Kotnig. On May 12, 1875, a son to Pal and Wolla Sweeney. On May 12, 1875, two, a son and daugh ter to Samuel Belcher. May 8th. a fc'nbbath School was or ganized by Rev. E. 11. Chilroat at Oarr's school houfe, FolloTring is a list of the officers: Pupeiin'cndeul. James Ridcout. Secretary James liair. Librarian Robt. Johnson. Treasurer John Burr. Madutu Deforests Patterns Wo are agents for Mad.itii Dcmorcsts Patterns. Catalogues free, send foi one. Patterns sent by mail MAY & SILVERMAN opposite the Court House Williamsport Pa. E3V. WlLlIASTIiT. Last Sunday evening the gentleman abovo named delivered a sermon at the Methodist Church, which has teccived considerable comment, and which we feel cal ltd upon to criticise. He took for his ttxt the lawyers, school teachers and newspaper editors, and especially to the press of llidgway he directed his "bolts of wrath and scorn." He said that the newspapers did not devote space enough to reiigion and temperance, but should a dog fight occur, or, as was the case a few days ago, should a man "drop a small piece of lead on his foot" the papers at ouce devoted a column or columu and a half space lo a description of the occurrence, "but, says the Rev. William, let a temperance lecturer come here, aud the papers scarcely deign to notice it." Now wc wish to enter a protest against the sermon as one which unkindly casts reflection on the news papers, wLcn Mr. Martin kuows fulj well that wc never refused to insert anv article Lc has furnished us, and would have noticed the lecturer had the A I) VOCatk not appeared before the loc tutcr arrived; aud also wc think when a man meets with a misfortune, as sh iot iug his toe, it is outside the duties ol a minister, to parade the subject be 'ore his congregation to raise a laught, as a clown would at a circus, aud wcare free to say that Mr. Martin has over stepped the bounds of propriety and should therefore "step dowu and out," as he has already subjected himself and his calling to ridicule and contempt. We would further suggest that the preaching of Christ would be more in keeping with the sacred calling of a minister than uiakiug sport of a man's mih-furtune with the flippant remark "wheu i iu d drops a small piece of lead on hit foot." Wc hereby tender a col umn of space to Mr. Martiu to answer thiii if he sees proper. The Ohio Sute treasu-y contains, in cash, $1,267,807,12. There are estimated to be in the United States about 8,000,000 horses. The Slate appropriation for tho Rhode Inland public schools in 1375 6 is ','0,000. Her slippery sidewalks this winter have already cost Chicago $0,200 iu a single veidict, aud there are more suits to coiue. A case whi ch originally involved a dol lar aud silly cents has been pending iu the Duytou courts for the lust filieeu years. There are 33 agricultural college in litis county, employing altogether Bft'J poles tors aud assistants, and instructing 8,1)17 students. The trial of Mrs. Cronk at Pateison, N. J., for manslaughter, for killing a man who was attempting to cuter her dwelling, resulted iu her acquittal. The average price of corn ia Iowa is 43 cents; iu Illinois, uo' cei.ts; in Kansas. 1)1 cents; in Missiouri, 74 cents. It is lowest in Iowa, and highest in Englaud, where it brings 41, 18. John Lest, of Stonehnm, a member ol the Massachusetts House of Representa tives, was arrested by a detective recently tor stealing $1,000 lrom the sale of Aaron Uill, a promiueut merchant. In Colusa county, California, it is esti mated i hat the damage every spring to the wheat crop, by wild geese pulling tiie young shoots, roott and all, out of the soli ground, is estimated at over $200,000. Columbia Commaudery of Knights Templar, of Washington, have completed ihcir arrangements for a pilgrimage to New i'orlt to participa e in the deUication ot the new Jaasouio Temple on the 2d of June- Secretary Delano, in a letter just "pub lished, reiterates the declaration that gold seeking expeditious will uuder do consid eration be uilowea to eutei the lilac Hills ULtil the proposed new treaty is ratified. Juiges Dick and Brooks recently, in their respective charges to grand juries in North Carolina, declared the criminal features of the civil rights act unconstitu tional, as no law could eay ihat men are socially equal. Should the Pope conclude to transfer the Holy ee to America, the Chicago Tri bune solicits him to consfder the claims Oi lliut city us au eligible residence. This de sire is q .tokened by the consideration that his Holiness has laid by some &8,OO0.OC0, which would be a reusonuble addition to the capital of that city Bill Wray, a well-known thief, formerly of New lork, who has served a term in the peulleutiary atjoliet, and who is no ted us a trainer of thieves, has been cap tured in Clicago, while attempting lorob bunk on ihe west side. The gang with which be was operating, and which had assisted him iu laying a train for the pur pise of blowiug up the vault, escaped. The Richmond (Va.) Dinpatch says that although tho quuutity of tobacco alr.id marketed at Danville is greatly larger than Ihe quantity marketed in the same period aT anv tirevious tobacco year, it is still less tbuu one-half of the amount sold there in the last tobacco year by 2,000,000 pounds. The gold and silver coin and bullion on hand in the United States treasury, amounts to $94,625,009. $22,403,300 belongs to depositors, leaving the net amount of $72,222,809, in hard cash, belonging to Uncle Sam. This is about $10,000,000 more than was on hand a year ago. This will do for an adminis tration which has been charged with bankruptcy. Applktons American Cyclopedia that the revised, and elegantly illus trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages once in two uionths, is the best Cyclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It only costs $3 a month to get it in leather binding. The best aud cheapest library in the world. Address, C. K. Judson, Fiadonia, N. Y. One day last week, as J. L. Cook and S. II. Storrs were conversing uudcr the runway of Bryan & Co.'s steam saw mill, they noticed that the runway looked as if it might give way at any moment. They immediately stepped from under it, when down it went with acrish, it being heavily loaded with lumber. Had they remained but a moment longer uuder the structure, they would have been crushed to death. Emporium InJfj.nnIcnt. A receo'. act of Assembly requires the executors, administrators, or friends of the deceased person, to put an affi davit on record in the Register's office, setting forth the day and hour when the death occurred. Friends aud par tics applying for letters of administra tion will do well to bear this important fact in mind, and thereby save much in convenience ia receiving their legal pa pers. The act in qucstiou can bo fouud ou page 104, Pamphlet Laws of 1874. The Postoffice Department at. Wash ington, has made arraagemcnts to futn. ish to the public, at their face value, specimens ot the postage stamps of all the issues siuce 1847, including the arlicial stamps now used by the Execu tive departments. Information as to the deuonominations and the prices ol complete sets., can be had on applica tion to Postmasters. The Department takes this method ol supplying a con stantly iucruusing demand for specimens by collectors of stamps, both iu this country and abroad. Says au exchagc: Advertising is a great bother, It only brings a lot ot tolka to your placj of business. It they want you let 'em bunt you up. Theu if yon get your name in the paper, you It be bored with druaiaiers, uud people from the country will call on you aud you'll have to do up buudles for them, which will exhaust your stuck so much that you'll be obliged to buy more goods, which is a great trouble' If you advertise too, it gives your town a reputatiou abroad, and folks will go there and settle down, aud crowd your quiet place aud make it too lively. Il you don't want to do anything, keep as still as you can. FirruKN to Twknty Dollars Savkd Any one wishing a first-class sewing machine can save from fifteen to twenty dollars by the simple strategv of choosing a Wilson SLuttle Machine, one of the most perlrct aud capable machiucs ever inveuted. It has every valuable improvement that cau be named, and all its trieods know, works with equal facility iu all classes of work and ou all kinds of goods. Machines will bo delivered at any Railroad Station in this couuty, free of transporatiou charges, if ordered through the Com pany's Biaoeh House at 327 aud o20 Superior tt. Cleveland Ohio. They seud an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on applicatioa. This Company want few more good agents. A. Cummings, Ridgway, Elk Co., l'a. is the agent of the Com pany at this place to whom all orders should be addressed. PosTomcK Affairs It seems to take some people a lung time to learn a little bitot common sense. We noticed the other morning several letters posted up at the delivery wiudow of the post office, iu this place, without any stamps on them, and if not called for by the writers, will find their way in the De partment's waste basket. Whether this urises f rom ignorance or design, is hard to say, but it looks bad. We learn from the postmaster, that the mistakes made in third-clast matter is still worse. The writers are coustantly endorsing thereon rrore than the necessary ad dtcss, such as "printed matter," "seeds,' "merchandise," "books," "plants," "pa pers," etc. Now, il either of the.-e words are written ou a package, it re quire letter pottage ratei to convey the matter to its destination, or if sent, compels the receiver to pay double rates Third class mail matter should not have any other marks about it than the ad dress, First-class matter is not affected in that way. You can write a whole letter on the back of your envelope it so disposed, and it will not increase the postage, nor be a violation ot the law The rate is three cents for every halt ounce, or traction. But to write any other information on packages ot third class matter than the address, is a violation ot tho law and aubjeots the writer to heavy penalties. . About Tramps. As individuals and communities have been so egregiously imposed upon by professional tramps, tho polioy otgivinj to them at all, to eat or wear, is being seriously discussed. Many families have given their last piece of clothing except that in absolute use, while others have given bountifully from their tables. On tbe surface this seems a noble work but wlfcn it is remembered that these begging fellows never work from the beginning to the ending ot the yeat; that they make tramping nnd begging a profession; that they are destitute from choice, and that these generous dona tions to tbem are encouraging laziness and crime, it will improve matters il each individual will flint up the heart, and corporations dispenso with downy pillows and giltedged dinners. Wheu the scamps learn that there is nothing to be had only by work; when they are treated as outlaws, vagabonds and pests, and they get hungry amid the real des titution they seem to covet, they will turn to a more legitimate means of live lihood, but never so long os they are kept fat and sleek by misguided kind ness, and ill-advised seal of the too sym pathetic. Tramps have become a heavy tax aud the profession is fast filling up. Thousands of graduates are added on the first frosty uight of each year. They uot only laugh at labor, but they even send seornlul words at those who have giveu them the last food in the house. They curse those who refuse to give and laugh over the soft-hcartcd-uess of tho'se who do. This keeping in good condition an army of tramps, aud others encouraging its increase, is mis directed charity, aud subversive of good to tbe receivers, as a rule, and adding unnecessary heavy taxation upon the community. The injunction to feed the hungry aud clothe the poor was not intended tor the class now being con sidered, but the real unfortunate and reallly deserving. These tramps have an organization, are officered and have methods of communication. W'arrtn Ledger. oOO Ladies und children's neatly made dresses from 2 to 85,00 per suit worth double the money at MAY & SILVERMAN'S opposite the Court house Williamsport Pa. CASK UF BARNEY MeCUE. f HE OPINION AS FILED IN 1HB SU PlttME COURT. Iu the case of Barney McCue vs. The Commonwealth error to the court ol oyer und terminer, Lycoming couuty the supreme court Las decided that the assignments of enor tail to show any ground lor reversal except of the sentence ot the court of oyer aud ter niiuer. It was competent to show that the piisoner and the di-ceised had visited the same woman uud to follow this by evideuco that immediately alter the homicide the prisoner referred to the fact that he had warned the de ceased to let her aloue, that she would be a curse to any oue, and now his words had come to puss. Jealousy is among the thoughts of the human pas sions, ai d it certainly was for the jury to determine, iu tho ubscuce of any other assignable motive, whether it was tho cauc of the prisoner's uct. The evidence shows that ihe spiit of hatred rankled in his bosom wbeu he did the .-Looting, which resulted latully. The evidence ol intoxication is very slight. Iheouh' !!. atonal question is whether the evidence in the easo contained the elements or ingredients of murder iu the first degree. It is certaiuiy true that thd commonwealth must establish tho existence cf these elements, other wise no presumption arises from toe kil ling ol an ofTei.su higher than murder in the second degree. If there has ap peared in the testimony the ingredients to coustitute murder in the first degree, our power ceases. We do not sit to hear the case as on a motion for a new trial to determine where the weight of evideuce lies, but "to determine whether the ingredients necessary to coustitute murder iu the first degree shall have been found to exist." These being proved toe jury must determine tbe uilt or luncccuce ot the prisoner. The court recites the particulars ol the shooting and concludes that the act was clearly unprovoked and cccdless. '1 he deceased was unarmed, and hud made uo threats or demonstration against McCue. The ingredients ol murder iu the nrst degree were clearly established Thejury had grouuds tor their verdict, and their codcIiko.u that the prisoner intended to kill, and wil fully and with deliberation and premedi tation shot Doctor, was not ii rational or plaiuly unlouuded. While we are of opinion therfore that the elements of the crime fouud by the jury existed in the evidence and that so tar there is no error. There is one error for which tbe sentence of the court must be reversed. It does not ap pear from the record that the prisoner wus asked belore senteuce why sentence ot death should not bo pronounced upou him. This is a fatal error and affects the merits ot tbe case. It is necessary to ask the prisoner this that he may have an opportunity, before the sentence ol death be visited upon him, to plead in bar of sentence any matter sufficient to prevent its execution. He may have touud out some good reason why the trial was not legal, or he may plead a p-xrdon or supervening insanity. In this case the question may have been asked in fact, but as it does not appear on the record and is a matter of substance, we must treat it as not having been done. The sentence will be reversed in order that the case may be sent back and an opportunity afforded lo tbe prisoner to plead in bar of it, but this wilt not reverse the trial and conviction BOA Lib OF PAUDU.it). TBI BULKS ADOFTKI). Under Article IV, scotion 0, of the new Constitution, the power of the Governor lo grant communtations of sentences and par dons can only be exeroiscd "upon recom mendation in writing by tbe Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Attorney General and Secretary of Inter nal Affairs, or any three of them, after full hearing, upon due publio notice in open session." At a meeting of the above named officials held on the 4th day of May, 1875, the following rules w.-re adopted to regu late all applications for pftrdjn: First. The first Tuesday of each month is appointed as the day whereon the Board shall convene to give a full hearing in open session to all applications for pardon. Second. The Board must be furnished with proof that notice of application for pardon bas been published once a weok for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper prin'.cd in the county or oily in which con vlction was had, said proof to he made by the affidavit of the publisher of the news paper that the publication had been made as required by this rule. Tliird. Notice of tbe application must have been given to the judge who tried the c mi so and to tbe district attorney or attorney who prosecuted, nnd proof of said notice bo furnished. Fourth. Every applications fur pardon must be nccompanieJ with the following papers, written in a clear and distinct hand: 1; A certified copy of Ihe whole rcrord, 'ncluding docket entries, minutes of tbe court, copy of indictment, pleas, anl all ot li oi pnperf cu file relating to the case. 2. A brief statement of Ihe reasons upon which the application is based, set ting forth ail the facts, will be required in every implication; (he notes of evidence taken on the trial: letters from responsible persons in the community where the crime was committed. Fifth. No applications will be consid ered if preseuted to any individual member of the Board. Sixth. All applications nnd correspon dence must be addressed to or fiied with the Recorder of the Board at Harrisburg, so that Ihesamf may bo prepared for pre sentation to the Board at its next session: and uo applic.it ion will bn heard or con sidered ui:lcss the same nnd papers upon which bused, have been filed at least ten days before said session, and in no instance will ilitt rule be rcliied. Seventh. No application that, has onco been rejected will aain b? placed upo'i the record or heard by the Board without the consent of the Board first nbnuued there'for, and when submitted Ihe second lime, additional reasons, petitions and proof of notices to judge, district nttorncy. and the publio must be furnished anew. r.i'ihih. No party will he permitted to occupy more than lateen minutes in the oral discussion or any application unless by the special request of the Board. JUUN LUTA. J.ieuteant Governor. M. S. QUAY. Prrt of ii.e Comm mteclth, SAMUEL E. UI.M.MIUK. j Allontsi Central, WILLIAM M CitNDI.KSS, Sec i) nf Intel not Affuiri. A- WILSON NOuHlS, Recorder. Below will be fouud tho i;st of jur ors drawn for die May term ot court; GRAND Benczette Township. Andrew Over- tuil Wi liatu Wainwrigh:, Leuziugcr Louis ollmcr, Jacob Schubert, Johu Gleichstier, Patrick MaJuy, Chiist Rrcckcl, George Bir uer, (jeotge Nissol. Fox Charles Green, Terrance Brown, N. P. Apker, Jeremiah Calla hau. Highland William Janus. lionoti John Brown. Jay James Brookins. ! Joe.es George Bill, Bcnjumio Bevier, John Ertihuut. Ridgwyy PatricK Malone J. K Whitmoto, G. G. Messeuger, John B. Cuitis. Jit. Mary's Born. Joseph Wickcrt. Tlt.VKIt.-,K. Benczette Luther Lucore, George Mohan. Beuziugrr Andrew Glass, John Kieckle, Sr. Charles Schneider, Henry Stephan, Adatu Geycr, Thomas Kerner Fox Frank Showers, James Fratis worlh, O. O Grinell, James M'Closkey, William Gibson, Michael M'Euciuey. Highland Thomas Campbell, Jr., George Newton. Hortou C. It. Slade, Hezckiah llorton. Jay William G. Thomas. Jones Stephen Eruhout, Michael Dill, Joseph Tanbiui, M. M. Schultz, John Marsh, H. W. Hewitt, J. L. Brown. MiilstoneC. II. Hoffman, William Clyde. Ridgway II. W. May, John Kem merer, John Van Orsdall. St. Mary's Boro. Anthony Bieber ger, Michael Stibich, John King l'beu A. Russ, Anthony Jesberger, G. C. Brandon, George Krelluer. Spring Creek Lenman B. Elliott, J. W. Irwin. Hair Switches $1,00 $2,00 $3,00 & $4,00 worth double the money, Ruches 5 cents upwards, Shawls $1,50 upwards Hats from 25 cents, upwards, best aud cheapest trimed hats ia the city at MAI & SILVERMAN'S opposite the Court -House Willininpnr'. Pa. AGLMb MtD TO SKLL The Political, Personal, and Properly Rights 7 Citizen, Of the Untied States How to tzercut and how to pei serve them. By Theophilm far- tont, LL. D, Containing a commentary on the Fed eral aud State Constitutions, giving their history aud origin, and a full explanation of their principles, purposes and provis ions; the now rs and duties of Public Offi cer; Ihe rights of the people, and the obligations incurred in every rela lion of lite; also parliamentary rules lor delibera live bodies; nad full direetiom and letrul forms for all business transactions, as niak iug Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Notes, Drafts, Contracts, ele. A Law Library in a tingle volume. It meets tbe wants of all classes and tells to everybody, 4U9 covin KS ft UQ fhila. Fa. ZXm? S SALS. By virtue of a writ of vendtioni ex ponas issued out of the Court ol Com mon Pleas ol Elk county and to me di rected 1 will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry at the Court House Ridgway Pa. ou MONDAY MAY 24th 1875 At 1 o'clock P. M. all tho right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of defendants of in to or out of all the following real estate situate in Jay town ship Elk couuty Pennsylvania to wit; Commencing at the southeast corner ol Meribab B. Lucas' larm where the new road starts and runs through Ihe orchard on the old farm formerly owned by Benjamin Lcggeft now deceased and being a pari ol warrant number 4844; thence along tho south line of said old farm or warrant number 4844 east ixty-lour rods to a stake; thence north to the north line of said old faun; thence west along the sad north line about tilty rods to the northeast corner orRcreccn C Morey s farm wh'ch is a part of said old turui; thence south along the east line of K C Morey's farm to a stake on the road; thence along the cast line of K 0 Morey's farm to a stake on the road; thence along the road to the orchard to the place of beginning containing filty-cne and ono-feurth acres more or less Also One other tract of land situated in township county nnd State aforesaid and being part ot said warrant number 4844 hounded and described as follows to wit; Commencing at the northeast corner of Geo A HullerV farm at a stake in the road running thence easterly along the roid between B Z Lepgttt's and G A Holler's tarin; thence easterly along said 1 1 niter's line to the east line of said old farm ubout forty-eight rods more or less; thenci north along said cast line to th-j north east corner of said old farm; thence west along the north line of said oid farm to the northeast corner of the above filty-one acres of land to the place of beginning containing thirty-six acres more or less Thpre is erected on the above described property one plank houso and one log house Seized and taken in execution as the properly ol E F and R S -Morey at the suit of Edwin S Bliss and to be sold by DANIEL SCULL Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Ridgway Pa. May 5th 1875 SHERIFF'S SALE. RY virtue of a writ of venditioni ex ponas, issued out of ihe Couit. of Common l'lens of fclk county, and to ine direoted, I will expose to public sale, by vendue or outcry, at the Court House, llidgway, l'a.. on MONDAY, MAY 24ih. 1875, at one o'clock I. M.. the following descri. bed real estate to wit; All ihe right, title iiitcrct, claim and de mand whatosocver of defendant in, to and out of all t list ccrtaiu truct, piece or par cel of land situate in Jay township, Llk county and State of Pennsylvania, bounded ana described as lollows, to wil; Beginn ing at a pine stump standing ou the suuili line of warrant number 4844. buirg the southwest corner of land now owned by 0. A. Hil.er; thence north eighty (80 J perches more or lets to iho Bouihwesl corner of land uow owned by Joseph Dill; thenue east parullel with said south line one hun dred and six (Hit perches to a cor.icr on said Dill's bind ui'ity (80) perches to the said south line oi 48(1; thence west bv said south line of warrant 4SH one huu drtd nnd six (H'0,i perches to the place of Di'giutiiitg, containing hity three (o'J) acres su-.-;: u.Msure bemg part of wmraut 4S44 ou which there is erected oue frame house 10x24 feet, one nnd a half stories high; one Irume barn 3L'x34 feet; nbout thirty acres improved, with orchard grow ing and a spring of good water, &c, Also All the right, title, interest, claim and dciuaud whatsoever of dWendutit in said writ named, in, lo or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of laud situate in the township of Jay, county of Llk and Mate of l'en-pyluuuiu bounded nnd descri bed as fu.lows, to wit: Beginning at a fine slump standing iu tbe suulii line of wnaraut number 484, being the southwest corner of Uud now owned by the said .losiah K. Morey; thenue north forty-four 44 perches t ihe township road known us the bpriug Kuu road; Iheuce south westerly along said road forty-six 40 perches to post joining lanus of Bagazett begeti; thence south thirty-four (:4J per ches to a post, joining lands of Jerome i'owe'l; thence east forty-six -40- peiches to the place of beginning, contuioiu eleven -11-acies more or leas, and being part if ihe eatuo laud deeded by Benjamin Lcgett and wife lo Charles Legett by deed duted April 11th, 1844, the greater part suid laud being cleared aud improved- Seized aud taken in excutiou as the propely of Josiah li. Morey at ihe suit of rue couuty ot blk, and to be sold by UA.Mf.U SUULL, Sheriff. Sheriff's I Mice. 1 Ridgway, Pa., April tii, 1873. SHERIFF'S SJLL3." BY yirtue of sundry writs of fieri tacias, issued out ot the Court ot Com iuou Pleas of Elk Couuty, and to Uic directed, I will expose to public sale by veudut or outcry, at the Court House, uidiiway. l'a., ou MONDAY, MAY 24th, 1875, at 1 o'clock P. 1 , the following do scribed real estate, to wit: The lollowiu" described real estate, situate iu the village ot Wilcox Elk, county Pa., con.-istiug of one town lot numbered aud designated on tbe general map or plan ot the town ot Wilcox as ;t u umber oe7 front hounded on the north by lot Lumber 838, on the east by l.auiel alley, ou tbe south by t uoibcr oilll, and ou the west by Marvin street, betui; sixty -Od- teet tiorth aud south. and one hundred aud fourteen feet east and west. Also One town lot numbered and designated ou the general map or plan ol said town ot llcox as lot number 336, bounded on the north by lot nam ber od7, on tbe east by Laurel alley, on the south by Mercur street, aud on the west by Marvin street. ineasnriBi; sixty -GO- feet north and south, and one huudred and fourteeu ! 14-feet east and west, There is erected on tbe above described property a one halt story irume dwelling with addition, aud one tra&ie barn. Seized and taken io execution as the property of Horace Stark at the suit ol .Jackson S. Scbultj and others, and to be told by DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Othoe, ) Bi47i p4 iPril 8 1ST5. J BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. KATPDVX Attorney-at-Uw, Ridgway, Pa. J 2 tf. HUFCa LLC ORE, Allorney-at-Law Kiilgiray, Elk Co., T. Office in Hull's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly an ended to. vanllr. II ALL - M'VAl LLY Attorneys-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Mai 8i Riiiaway, Llk Co., l'a. v8u'Jif. J. O. H. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT. LAW. vln.yl. Ridgway, Llk County, Pa. .Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool dent lnsurauoe Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES A FUlLVRTONt nrgpon Dentist, hating permanently lo- Pll ill KtiTWAV. nfFnra him t.pofaaiMnal .... ... ..c..,.(f, v ...... j . wn,.;jiuum oci " vires to Ihe citizens of llidgway ana sur. rounding country. All work warranted. Olfice in Service & Wheeler's building, up. si airs, flit door lo the left. Tlt-n-Hi.l cal ci - j CHARLES HOLES, Wntchmnker. Ktirrravpi- mil Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tb Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton OoM Pen. ReDBirinir Watche. pl- ,ln. wiiK he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutisl, N. Vf. cornet Main and Mill street, itiilirwnr P of lull assortment of carefully selected For eign ana Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, Uuy or vin3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Office iu III Uff Sloru. corutp llmnd anil Main Sis. lU-id, opposite the Cottage. Otbce hours troro to lt A. Ai. and lrom 7 to 8 P. At. vluJy 1. J. H. li OR DWELL, M. D., Ucleciio Physician nnd Surgeon, has remov ed Ins oilice lrom Centre street, to Main St. tuugwny, ra in the second story of ihe new brick building of John O. Hall, oppo site Hy de's store. (jthec hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 jan 9 7a HYDE JJO USE, RiiiuwAY, Lit: Co., Pa, W. II. SOI1HAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the n.nrnnnr hei-mi'..ra so liberuily bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, nopes, Dy paying strict at tention to the comfort aud convenience ot guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 1869. BUCK TAIL DOUSE, Kani, McKean Co., Pa. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thauklul for the nalrouairu herHtiifntc liberally bestowed upon feiui, ihe new pro prietor, hui.es. bv navins strict (mention lo the couiiurt and convenience of guests. to merit a continuance ot llie same. The only btubles lor horses in Kane and well nc;i uigm or uuy. nun auacued to tlie Hotel. vlnliKvl. KERSEY DOUSE, Ch.tbsvh.le, Llk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for lh imtrnimim liaFatnlnv so liberrlly bestowed upon him, the new jru j iic-ior, nopes, Dy paying striol at tention to the comfort aud convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the same. J'. IV. DAYS, DEALS. IH Cry Goods, Notions, Groceries. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earlcy I. O. vln47tf. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER. TIME TABLE. ON andafter MONDAY, NOV, 10, 187.4, the trains on the Philadelphia fc trie lUihoad willrunas follows! WKSTWABD. KRIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.65 p aa ii. iu a m " " " Emporium 1.10 p m " St. Mary's 2.05 p m " Ridgway 2.33 p m " arrive at Erie 8.05 p m KASTWAItll ERIE MAIL leaves Erie....'......11.20 a m Ridgway ........ 4.45 p m " " St. Mary'e 6.10 p in " " " Emporium 6.05 p in " " Renuvo- 8.25 p in " " arr. at Philadephia... 6.60 a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L A M S R W. Mail West with east and west trains L S & M 8 R W WM. A. BALDWIN. tten'l Sup't. JOUTT7-ORK. We are now prepared to doall kinds of JOU WORK, buvelepes. Tags, llid-heads, Letter heads, ueatly aud ehesDlv executed. Oliiu 1 Thayer & Uagerty's new building. Mail 1 stmt Hidgw.y; pi. '