Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THUltSi)AV, MAY 2, 1875, EepuMow State Convcatioa. The Ropublicam of Pennsylvania ore requested toienbly, by their dele gates, intlifl Opera IIoue, in the city of Iitncistcr, at noon, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1S7.V for the purpose of Doiuinuliiv' candidates for Governor BtiJ State Treasurer. Each Senatorial and Rcprescntativa district will bo entitled to the pome rep resentation therein as they are entitled to under the present apportionment of Senators and Representatives iu the Legislature. By order of the Republican Stale Caunuittee. RUSSEL Kill I Ell. Chairman A. WILSON NORMS, Seo'y. Officers of the State Agricultural Sooiety at Harrisburg, whose means of information are ample, are of the opin ion that the late sudden change from mild to cold weather will serously injure the early fruit, peaches, &c. The warm weather of two wciLs ago forced the buds of these trees, ond the sudden Rcvero changes it is feared has destroyed the greater portion of them. There ate very many large pcacL orchards in the eastern part of the Sta'e, which, it is feared have been so damaged by the fnst ns to render it certain that they will not betir half the uual crop. The Venango Spectator of the 20th ult., says: ''The lumbermen of Jeffersou, Clarion, Elk, Forept and Wertm couDties who float their luaibcr to the Pittsburgh market on the Al legheny river and its tributaries, are compelled to move on down the Ohio with their rafts. The Pittsburgh lum beryards are overcrowded with old stock mid there are no buyers. It is certain that the markets of the west arc also very poor, and lumbermen are likely to lese heavily oti their winter business This is more to be regretted because the depressiou in the iron, coal and oil trade bad altcady prostrated business throughout the northwestern part of the State." The Clearfiiid llipublican says This is the name of the new township erected out of parts of Hell, Fergu.-ou and Pcnn township at the March term and the Court ordered an election to be held at the hotel occupied by Samuel Iluilmao, in said towuship, on the 11th day of May, 1875, tor the election of the necessary township officers. The new township started out with the nam ol Hoyt, but was christened at the close by Gallium it ' Greenwood," by which it will be known uerealter. We learn that the Board of Pardons has recommended the pardon of Thomas Waplc, who was convicted in le71 ol placing obstuctious ou the railroui. track, tiear Wallaceton, and seoienccd to seven years imprisonnieut. They also recoin mended the pardon of David Rail, convicted in 18G9 of "murder in the second degree." lot killing u man named Sncath, and scnteuccd to ten years imprisonment iu the Peniteutiary THE COAL REGION. OR EAT WOODS FIRES IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Pottsvilie, Pi., May 10. To-day near Hamburg. St. Michael's Lutheran and Reformed Church was dedicated A lurae coucourse of people came from the surrounding country to attend the dedication.. During the services a broke out in a grove where a larg number of horses and carriages were tied to trees. The grouud being thickly covered with leaves and brush the fire spread with great rapidity. Re fore the teams could be reached nine horses perished iu the flumes, and five more were burned so severely that it was necessary to kill them to put them out of agony end pain. Seventeen vehicles were entirely destroyed, tl teams being principally owued by far mors. Mahauoy City is surrounded by tires on the mountain, and a coal bleaker was discovered to be on fire and saved. 1 he people arc alarmed, and Lanigau's patch, where a number of iniueiV houses are located, is id danger, and the miners are fighting the flames. Up to a lute hour no dispatches have been re ceived from that locality, and it is not known with what success the fire has beeu opposed. At Shenandoah the fires ure not so serious yet, though the breakers are in danger, and it is re ported that at tho illium Pcnn colliery the fire will give them trouble. Ad ditional watchmen have been placed on duty. At Shenandoah last night a strange man entered the house ofEii Hoas in mistake. Hoas discharged two shots at him, the last one taking effect near the heart. The man is iu a ciitical condition and cannot recover. Bostou, Mass., May 13. Tho small town of Newburg, Essex county, was the scene of a tragedy early ihU morn ing. William Russell, a widower, nged SO years quarrelled with a younger Inther in his father's houee, and upon the interference of bis mother a woman of GO years he turned upon her with terrible ferocity, and almost severed her head from ber body with a shoe knife, killing ber instantly. He then attacked the father, and would have killed him but for the interference of the neighbors, who secured the mur derer after a struggle. The younger brother and father were both badly wounded, but will recover. As he bad threatened to kill the family, it is sup posed that he is icsane. lie is now in jail at Newburg. Raruains in Indies and childrers hs's, Bonnet and Millinery goods at MAY & SILVERMAN'S W illiiitnsport Pa. - ii - i QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BKOKK1W, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, May 18'h. 1875. BID. ASK KD U. 8. U81. c 24 241 tin o YU, o 'Ii'.', M and N Hi' 10 do do 'i4 do 1H '22 A id 18) 2pJ 22J 21 do do do do do do do do '!5 do ., 'li.j J and J '07 do .. C8 do . 23 17 24 10-4O, do coupon do Pacitio li s cy Int. (iff New 6 s ltig. 1KH1. 10, I" J H lUi 6u, Oitl 211 C. lbbl... Oold Silver 107 Pennsylvania Gl't Kend.nir Philadelphia & trie 21 60 Lehigh NnvipHtiou Div. oil'. do Vuliiy Pulled H U of N J Ex. 1 W... Oil Creek til 10 130 10 Northern Central 2!) 2!i Central Transportaiion 4&i 4ii fin Oti 102 102 Aes'iucliotiiiig A ti. A Mortgage G's '89 SliEPviFF'S SALS. RY virtue of a writ of fieri facios, is sued out of tho Court of Common Pieas el Elk county, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, at the Court lloasc, Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY, MAY 21th, 1873, at one o'clock P. 31., the following described real estate in the borough of St Mary's: Resinning at a post at tho intersection ot St. Mary's stieet and the road running through the lauds of G. Sohoeuinp, thence south along St. Mary's strtet ooe hundred -100- feet to a post thence uorth 50 east to a post on the ro:id Ic-iding to Schceoing'g laud, thcuce cast two hundred --200--feet to a post thence west along said road two hundred --200- feet to the place of beginning, containing 20,000 lcet. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Noah Rradford at the suit of Joseph Wilhnlm, and to be sold by DANIEL UCULL, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office ) Ridgway, Pa., April 2Sth 1875. J Ruffalo, New York & Philadelphia R'y. On and after FEBUAltY 11th, 1875. and until further notice, trains will leave Buf falo 1'roui tne liuflalo, New Vork 4i I'Uilai delphin Kuiiroau Depot, corner Kxel.ige and Louisiana gtreets, (liutialo tiuiej as fol lows: 7:40 A. XI , MAIL, stepping at tbfncier 8:0;! Hpi'ingbrouk b:10 ljiina b lo JuuiUun's 8: lit Aurora 8:-J0 Wales Su)S, Holland 8:00 1'rotectiou "J:UO Arcade 0:14 Ynrksliire t:23 Much ill) 'J-.S'-i i'raniiliiiville, H:o0, lscliun 10.11 Hin-dale 10.27, Lno Itailway 10 4:j t)kan 10.53, Weston's 11.03, Portville, 11.10, Mate Line 11.18; Lldrcd 11-81 Larabee's ll.'M, Sartwoll 11.44 Turtle Point 11.48 Port Alleghany 12.01 V. M., Liberty 12.111, Keating )2.2'J fchijpja 12.40 kinporium 1 00 P. M. U.l j A. iI.,.IIXEl TRAIN TO OLEAN, alopnint; at libeneier 10 05 Kpringbvook. 10,31, 1.1 in it 10.62 Juuiisou'b 11. OU Aurora 11 26 Wales 11.4'J. Uulland 12.10 P.M., L'rotectitU 12-uO, Arcade 12.57, Vorksbue 1.12 Mitchias 1.30. i'tatikliiiville 2.05, Ucbua 2.50, lliutUulc H 'i.i, liiie Railway 4 00 P. M. HMO P. M., EXPRESS, stopping at Lbeuezer 3,55, SSpriuibrook 4.04 tuna 4.11 Jamison's 4. lt Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4. 86 Holland 4 4tt, Piotecttou 4.5d, Aicude5 11 Vorktbiie 5.1'J ?Jacliias 5.;;o. Krauklinvilte 5.4(5 lschua 0.05 i. iusdule 0.20, Erie Rail way 0.30, Clean 0.52, Weston 7.0(, Poit ville 7 00, fctatc Line 7.14, Eldrtd 7.27, Unrabee's 7.35, taiiveii 7.41, Turtle Point 7.45, Port Allegany 7.58, Liberty 8 17, Keating 8.25, bUippeu 8.45, Emporium U.OJ P. M. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 4 00 A. Al., EXPRESS,;6topping at Ship pen 4.15 Keating 4.35 Liberty 4 44 Port Alk'ftbeny 6.U3 Turtle Point 5.15, Part well 6.20, Larabee's 5.25, Llured 6.33- istate Line 5.44 Portville 6.52. Weuou's 5.57, Ciuun O.UO. Erie Railway 0.23, Uiusdale li.38, lacluta ti.62, r'f.-.kliuviHe 710, Alachias 7.2U Vorkaliier 7.35 Arcade 7.43, Protection 7.57, Lollaud 8.05; Wales 8.15, Aurora 8.2U Jbiuisou B 8 33 Elniu K38, priugbrouk 8.43, Ebcuezer 8.52, Ruli'uio 'J. 10 a. Al. 0.00 A. Al., LOCAL PASSENGER it FREliJIIT, stopping at Shipueu 0.40, Keat ing 7.35 Liberty 7.60, Port Alleguny 8i40 lull to lo. ut bartwell D.2o, Larubee 8 U.40 Eldred 10 05 estate Line 10.38, Port ville 11 10 Weeton's 11.25, Oiean 11.42, Krie Railway 11.47. Iliubdale 12.20 P. Al.. Isuliuu 1.08, titiiikliuville, 2.05, Alachias i.41, lnrkslure 3,00, Arcade 3.16 Protect ion 3.42, Holland 4.03 Wales 4,35, Aurora o.Ob, Jamison o.20 Elina 6 28, Sprint; brook 6.40, Ebt-mger 0,00, Juncticu 0.30 I . Al. 2.10 P. M., MAIL, stopping ot f hippen 2.15, Keating 2.35, Libel ly 2.44, Port Ai legkeuy 8.U4 Turtle Pu at 3.15 bartwell ii.'M, Lain bees 3.20, Eldred 3.33, (State Liue 8.40, Portville 8.55, Weston's 4.02 Uleau 4.20, Erie Railway 4.23, Hinsdale 4.38 lbcoua 4.52, Eiuakliuvilie 6.11 Aiachias 5 80, Vorkshire 5:87, Arcado 5.40 Protection 0.02, Holland 0.10, Wales 0.20, Aurora 0.82, Jaiuibon's 0.38, Lima 0.42, "Springbiook 0.47, Lbenczer 0.68, liullalo 7.20 P. Al. 4 RAIN LEAVES OLEAN: 0 25 A. Al., LOCAL PASSENGER. FREIGHT, slopping at Hiiisdalo 7.0U iscliuu 7.80, Eraukunvllle 8.15, Alachias 8.58, Vorksaire 0.28, Arcade U.-15, Piotect ior. 1014, Holland 10 35, Wales 11.00, Aurora 11.25, Jamison's 11.30, Elniu U.40, tipringbrook 12 02 1 .tl Ebcuezer 12 2J. Lutialo 1 00 P. Al. tatrHo trains run on Sundays. 11. C. l'lrtii, Geu't Alanagr. II. L. LYMAN, Geu't. Pans r Ag't J. U. YEO.UANS. Geu't Snp't FITS CVItEU M'iiLEU Any peisou sull'eriug from Hie above diteage is requoxud lo uduress la. l'uiuti, and a trial bottle of medicine will be lor waidcd by Expreta. iTREE! The only cost being the Express char, ges, which owing to uty large busiucks, are small. l)v. Trice has made the treatment of FITS OK EPILEPSY a study for yeavs, and he will warrant a cure by the use of his remedy. Do not tail to send to him for a trial bot tle; it costs nothing, and he WILL Cl'RE YOU, no matter of how long stunding your case may be, or how many other remedies may have tailed Circulars and testimonials seut with l'REE TRIAL EUT'lLE. Ce particular to give your Express, as well as your Post Crhce direction, autl Address, DR. CEAS. T. PRICE, C7 William Street, Hew York. v-6a31y Licenati. The following persons have applied for licenso at the May term of court TAVERN Renkhtte Martin Eni, Fox Joseph Koch Jay Armel Turley Ridoway Frank Polltnan. St. Mary's Boro Muhias Wellen dorf, Hauhauser di Mccuai, John Vauglian, James Degner. KATINOIIOUbC Fox Andrew ITau St. Mary's Roro Geo. Sehauf, John li. Heindlo, Chas. Klausman. TRIAL LIST Following le a list of the causes set dowu for tho liny term of Court of common pleas sf Elk eouuty. Coaumtaciug Alouday, .May 24th, 1875. 1 The Spring Run Coal Company vs Thomas Tosier, No 10 of January term 18G0 2 Eileu Donovan et al va Williuin Dront ley. No 8 of January terra 1873 8 AldctferJc Preston v the EufT!o, New Vork fc rhiladelpkia It U Co No 43 of Aug ust term 1874 4 J U Wbitnnn vi John M'Gaffio No 33 of AtJgtiHtterm 1874 t Jiiuip Black vs the Eentingfr Coal and Iroa Ce No 47 of August term 1874 C Bcnj imiu Johnson ts Martin Em, No 01 of August term, 18.4 7 tieorge Updyka v rraneia A'Lotsen, No 70 of August term 1874 8 .lames kl Orr ti t-aannel Rathbua et al No 72 of August term 1874 9 l atriek W elsh ti. Joseph Kocli,aNo. 74 of August Term. 1874. 10. Latarus Aloyerve, Patrick Lamb, No 84, sf August Term, 1874. 11. Thomas Holland Ti. J V Ilouk & Co No- 107, of August term 1874 12 Caleb Bhotwell vs Georee Scull at. al No 13 t-rpit oiber Term, 1874. 13 Martin Feily ts Andiew Kaul et at No 19. at September Term, 1874. 14 Inskeep, Poor M'Gaflick TS J B Whitman No 49 at Seiitemter Term 1874 15 John Farrer vs C R Etrley, No 4, of JSOTeuibev Term 18,4 10 W illiam Jultnson ts Edward Wallers, No 16, af NoTemher Term 1874 17 R C M'Gill ti The P R R'Co No 9 of January Term 1875 18 Wm 11 Hyde ti AG Cuthbert etl No 11 of January lerm 18it 1J Gibbs, Burke Co ts Gifford, Hall & Co N 24 January Turn 184 20 Wm R Young, et a'Ts The Allegheny Yalley li U Co No 8b, ot .May, let in. 18to FRED tCHOEMNU, Clerk. SHEEIFF'S SALE. 13 JT virtue of a';writ tf levari facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to utc dtreo ted, I will expose to public sale, by vendue or outcry, at the Court IIuusc, ludgiray, Pa., oo MONDAY, MAY 24th, 1875, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, to wit: All that certain lot or pieco of land situa'e in the Tillage of Ilidgway county ot lilk and State of Pcnnsyl- vania, uounueuano. aescnueo as iuiiows: Beeioniui; on the line of Main etieetat the northeast corner of lot number Pi, thence north Ob? 35v east, along the line of Main street ose hundred arid thirty -130- feet to the north-west cor ncr of lot number 10, thence south li,3 2.V east aloni' the line of lot 'number 16, one huudred and sixty -Kill- feet lo an alley, thf-ncc south 00 o.V we tx'.vng said alley, one hundred and thirty -130- feet to southeast eorncr ot lot number 13, thence north 23 2;V wcm one hundred and sixty -ICO- lect t the place ot beiumnt;, contaiDin: 20,800 square feet, and comprising au i being lots numbers 14 and 15, iu the plan ot said village of Uidgway. etzed and ttiken into execution as the property of Patrick Malone at the suit of Eliza (J. Clements, aud to be sold by DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) lliogway, Pa , April 2Sth, 1875. f SHERIFF'S SALS. BY virtue ol a writ of venditioni ex ponas, iss-ucd out of the Court ot Com mob Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to public sa'e, by vendue or outcry, at the Court House, Kidgway,, Pa., on MONDAY, MAY 24th, 1875, at 1 o'clock P. M., iho .following described real estate, to wit: All the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever ot delcudants in, to or out of all the following tract, piece or parcel ot land, to wit, as fol lows: Being in the township of Spring Creek, county of Elk and State ol Pennsylvania, bctr.ded and described as follows, bcint; part of' warrant cum ber L'775, warranted iu the name ol Wilhelin Wiliiuk an J others; Beginniug at a taddle Lack rock, on tho kit hand of Spring Creek thonee north thirty one (31) degrees west nineteen (111) ods, thence north five 5 degrees west feventeeu 17 rods to a hemlock tree nil said left hank of Spring Creek thence north sixty GO degrees east torty (40) rods to a post, thcuce south thirty 30 degrees east sixty-seven and five-tenths (67-5 rods, thence south nine and oue-lourth (HI) degrees west five and Svc-tcuths 5-5, tods to tbe place ot beginning, containing HI tec n 15 ucres more or less ou which is erecied the following buildings, to wit: One largo water saw mill, one frame school house, four frame dwelling houses about 10x18 with additions, one log house about 20x30; also one frame hum about 30x4U feet. Tho above houses are used as tenuut bouses iu and about said mill property. Also an undivided three-fourth in terest in, to r out ot the following tract, piece or parcel of land, situate aud being in Spring Creek township, Elk County and State of Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the uorth and east by lands ol NHson Strang, on the south by warrant line of warrant number 2789, on the west by Millstone township line, con taining four huudred and fifty -454-acres more of less, and being part ol warrant number 2775. Seized auJ taken into execution as the property of L. F. & II. M. Powers at the suit of Thayer & IJagcrty, aud to be sold by DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. Sheriff! Office, 1 iiidpr.y, Pa., April 28tb,lS75. J ' PITTSBTJGH EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! d LIVE NE WSFAPLR, IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. fIn coloring upon the New Year, ana within a few months of the secind anni versary of the first appearance of the pnper the publishers of the PITTSBURGH EVENING TELEGRAPH renew thoir ex pressions of thnnks to an intelligent and apprecintiv public for its LIBERAL AND EVER INCREASING PATRONAGE dnricg the year ju?t closed. Coming into existHiice at. a lime when every kind of business was to a certain extent, depressed, and when retrenchment in every direction was the rule, the TELEG ItAl'll Ims I'uiighl its wny, and become, uot culy an estab lished tact, but a PRIME NECESSITY IN ETERY WELL. IM'UR.MED CIRCLE, whether it be of the' counting-room, the prol'esjiouiilo!lioe, tho wok.-liup, or the family, lis circulation, equal to the best from the start, hau grown in extent and im portance daily, until now it acknowledges but two equals the Dispatch and Leader i-o tar as the number issued daily is con cerned, and no equal as to the character of Ho reailers. i htte tacts are so well known and appreciated by the business commu nity, or tho shrewdest members thereof. that our columns have been wed. filled by the favors of THE REST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS. and we are glad to know that their fai'h in the TELEGRA I'll as an advortisidg me dium has been lirnily established. THETIITSBURCH EVENING TELEGRAPH, hi", we think, during the pnst year main- ibiueti its claim to ihe good will and stiji prot of the people, irrespective of party inasT.uch its its opposition to bad nomiua tiims within the party whose principles it favord was largely instrumental iu proem- ing their dt-lVat. While it shall be our aim io promote the established principles of the liepuhlicin party, we sha'l in the hi lure, as in I lie pasi, oppo.-e the election to ollice of u.fu not fully qualified or who hull by trickery or any unfair means manage to seciit'e a place on the ticket. Honesty uud capacity only will receive our tuppoft. llli TELEGRAPH will continue to publish ALL THE NEWS CE THE DA at il.e earliest moaient, and in such chape as to be ucceptublo to the most critical reader tlie ii.Ll.Vj ll Aril will continue to re iiict the Stmlioicfcts ol the people ou all public questions touching their welfare. The TELfGRAl'il will uphold zealously the hands of ail men hottest aud earnest m reform, and it will, as in the past, give all sides a hearing on the topics of the tune. The TELEGRAPH will labor with re newed leal lor tho prospeiity of ihe city ond State and the advancement of the ma terial interests of our citizens. Its LOCAL DEPARTMENT will continue to be carefully attended to, aud its reports of local eveuls will be always frch aud reliable. Its SPECIAL TELEGRAMS AND CORRES PONDENCE from the Capitals of tho Nation and Mate aud lVoui all important news centers will continue to be of the most attractive aud trustworthy character. Its MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will receive the same carefi 1 attention that has been remarked iu the past, aud iu this respect ihe TELEGRAPH will continue lo bo without a competitor. Its EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Kill 'contain an honest expression of views ou all important live topics, political uud otherwise, its NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which have always enjoyed an exalted rep utation, will continue to .be of the same unexceptionable character. In fine, the EVENING TELEGRAPH INJ ALL j ITS DEPARTMENTS, will be during the ,'cF 1875, superior to the past, excellent as it has beeu by gen eral admission. No expente will be spared lo keep the paper ubresat with lh times, and im managers will exert every effort that experience may suggest to make if possible, inure attractive to the general reader. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. By mail, including postage, Nine Dollars per unuuui. - Delivered by Carriers, iu any part of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, for Fifteen Cents a week. ADVERTISING application. RATES furnished on ADDRESS, THE ' EVENING TELEGRAPH, ViVieWKQa, PA THE ALDINE COMPANY'S NSW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. THE ALDINE; TUB ART JOURNAL Ot AM tKlJ A. This splendid enterprise Is not only well sustained in every feature, but is being coiihtnntly deTeloped and ImptoTed. li to day stands without a rival iu the whole world or periodical literature, inn Deatni ful doe-iionrait, ''Man's Unse'fisli Friend," a chromo presented to eTery subscriber, is a decided hit, and will, ir possitile, aua to the popularity which this work has g lined. Ihe Akt tKioR feature also promises great and benificeut results, in arousing public Interest in the fine arts. Circulars aud ful information on application. Parts I, II, III, and IV are now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To be completed in 40 parts issued for- ntgtly. Each part will contain an elegant frontis piece, origiqally engraved on steel fur the London Art Journal. REPR.DDUCING at a price within the popular reach, en gravings never before ottered at less than five times the amount. These plates have been the attraction of The London Art Journal, tacit part will contain iu quarto pages, including tbe elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly illuminated In red and gold, will be given with the first part, and Ihe printing of the entire work will be a worthy representa tion of "The Aldine Press" which is a guarantee of something beautiful and val. uable. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Fart Parts I, II. and HI are Just Published. TUK ,IKT JOVtt.lXIL, Complete in 12 monthly parts, at $1 each rieproUucing the best lull-page illustra tions from the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six su pcrb plates with accompanviug descriptive matter, aud whether lor bindiug or l'muiiug will be entirely beyond competition if price or arlisiio character. Every impres- siou will be most, carefully taken ou the finest toned paper, and no pains will be spared to make this the richest, product ion of a press which has won, in a mnneloUBiy short time, a world-wi'ie reputation. GEJSS J'StOJri TISELDIA'E Especially assorted for Scrap Book Illtistretions and Drawing Class Copies. A large collection of pictures of different sizes and on almost every conceivable sun ji'ft have been put cp iu an attractive en velope, aud are now ottered at a price in tended to make ilicnt popular in every seiiKC Envelope No. 1, containing 50 beautiful engravings, i; now ready, and will be sent, postage pani, to anyatMress lor tlb UUL LAR. A liberal discount to agents and teachers. SCRAP BOOKS A splendid assortment ot SCRAP ROOKS dave been expressly prepared for Ihe boli hay season, and no present of more perma nent interest can be selected for gentleman or lady, old or young. No. 1. Half bound, cloth sides, gilt back 2o0 pp. 12x10 inches 5'5 00 No. liulf bound, elo li sides, gilt ba:k, 500 pp. 12x111 inches 7 00 No. 8. l'ull morocco, beveled hoards gill uud amique, very celt uUO pp 12 00 Lettered to order iu gold at 'i-i cents eault line. Sent by mail post-paid on receipt of the price. THE ALDINE PASSE-PARTOUTS. In compliance with repeated requests, the publ. fliers of The Aliiink Lave pre pared impressions ot many ot tlieir moil beautiful plates for passe-partout framing. 'i he cuts ave mounted on a beautifully timed azure mat, with a handsome red bor der line. To attach the glass, it is ouly left for the customer to paMe and fold over an already a', tuched bolder uud this may be done by a child. 27 subjects, 12x15 inches, "5c; with glass, 5uc. Six of this size for $1 when selection is eft to the publishers. C sul jccts, 10x12 inches, 20c, with gluss, 40j. 7 sutjects, C J J inches. 15c, with glass, -10c. 12 subjects, 1-1x19 inches, CO c; with glass, $1. bent by mail, without glass, post paid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED THE .Il U'.l'E tiWII'T, ' u4hlo. Remington Sewing Machinks Fire Arms, and Agricultural Im elements. Tho Remington Sewiuj; Machine lias Sprung rapidly into favor as possesHiuthe best combination ol good qualities namely, light ruuniug smooth noiseless rapid and durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, mutes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rio nor ravel, and is alike ou both sides. The Remington Sewing Machine has received premiums at many Feiis, throughout the United States, and with out etioit touk the Graod Medal of Pro grcss, the highest older of Diedul that was awarded at the luto Vienna Kxposi position. Tho Remington Works also manu facture the oew Double Barrelled ureccn Loading fcliot gun snap and positive action, with patent joint check, a marvel of beauty, fiuish aud cheapness, aud the celebrated lie in iugtoo Rifles adopted by nine different governments, aud renowned throughout the world 'or military, hunting and target purposes all kinds ot Pistols, Rifles, Canes, Metulio Catridges, do. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Machines, Sled Plows, Cultiva tors, Road fc cm pei s, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, kc. The undersigned has been appointed agent for tho sale and introduction ol the Remington Sewing Machine iu and for the counties ol Elk, Clearfield aud Warren. THOS, J. BURKti, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good loot) agent vanted. ALLEGHENY VALLbY RAIL ROAD tm Afi I ,in 1. 1 lit OTn V On and after MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1874, trains between Redbank and Driftwood will run as follows; WISTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at 12:30 pm, Reynoldsville at 3:20 pm, RrookTille at 4:05 p m, arriving at Redbank at 6:12 p m, connecting with Express on Main Line for Pittsburgh. MIXED WAY leaves Reynoldsville daily at 6:40 a m, RrookTille al 8:10 a m, arriv ing at Redbank at 11:50 a m, connecting with trains north and south on Main Liue. EASTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Redbank daily at 12:20 a m, arrives at RrookTille i.t 2:34 p tn. Rej noldsville at 8:20 p in, Drift wood at-(1:10 p m, connecting with trains east and west on P and E Railroad. MIXED WAl leaves New Relhle'm daily at ii:05 bin. arrives at RrookTille at 5:53 p m, Reynoldsville at 7:80 p m. MAIN LINE On and after MONDAY, NOV 23, 1874. trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows. BUFFALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts burgh daily at 7:45a m, Redbank Junction at 10:47 a m, aud arrive at Oil City at 2:40 p m. NIOHT EXPRESS will leave Oil Ctty at (1:05 p m, Redbank Junction at 2:55 a rn, and arrive at Pittsburgh a. 7:20 a m. TiTUSVILLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts burgh nt 8:00 p in, 1 edbank Junction al 6;25 p m, mid arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p m. Returning, leaves Oil City nt 8:30 a Ol, Redbank Junction at 12:11 a in aud ar rives at Pittsburgh al K-.45 p m. J. J. LAW Rh.Nt'E, tleneral Superintendent, Wm. M. riiiLLirs, Ass'l fcupt., Brookville Pa. E. 0. FOOTE, M.D. 120 Lexicon ATcnie, 1 Cot. E. 28th St., NEW YORK, An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OP CHRONIC DISEASE, AND RECEIVES Letters from all parts of the Civil heel World. IT Hit OniSIKAl WAT Of Conflccting; a Helical Fractice HE 13 TREATING ITamerorts Patients in Europe, the West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every Stats Of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Ho mercurial medicinet or deleterious rirufffl need. Hm during the pant twenty jenrs trvatct success fully nearly or quite 40.U00 case. All facta con nected with each cau are carefully recorded, whether they be conmunicaied by letter or In portion, or observed by the Doctor or bit aiwoclata physicians. The lattar are all scientific medical men. All Invalids at a distance are required to answer an extended list ot plain question, which will be furnished by mall free, or at the office. A com plete system of registering prevents mistake or confusion. Caae books never consulted, except by the physicians of the establishment. For free consultation send for li-it of questions. A sixty page pamphlet ot evidences of success lent free also. t) Aduiui Dp. E. 33. FOOTE, Box TS8, Now Yorb. ACENTS WANTED. D. Foots la the author of " judical Com MOM Sense." a book ttat reached a circulation ot over SM.000 copies; also, ot "1'uih Hona Talk," more recently published, which has sold to the extent of 70,000 copies ; also, of ' Science IS Stobt," which is now being published in series. CONTENTS TABZ.KI of all, excepting the first-mentioned work (which Is oat of print), will be sent free on application to either Dr. Foote, or the Hury Sill Fubllio U( Coopiny, whose oflice is l'-'il Bust ib'th Street. Agents bath men and women wanted to sell the foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will be allowed. The beginnings of email fortunes kave been mads in selling Dr. Foori's popular works. "Plain Home Tale" is particularly adapted to adult, and "Science in Btori" la Just the tiling for the young. Bend for contenta U-bles and see for yourselves. The former answer a multitude of questions which ladies and gentle. men feel a delicacy about asking of their phylclans. There is nothing in literature at all lP-.e either ( tbe ton-going works. "Science 1 Stout" an only be hail ot agents or of the rubliilier. "PLAIN lluaU TALK" Is published In both Ita Bagluh and Uerman Languages. Once more, iVgorita w autocli ADDRESS AS 4JB0VB. II Uigw ay Insurance geney. liepreicntintj Vnh Astffi of FIRE DEPARTMENT Germnn Am.. New York 1,650.000,00 Ninfrsira ot Ni w Ymk 1 19.933,00 Amiizou CiiK-iniiiiti of 850.957 17 City In,, Co, i l Providence 190,654 32 L1HS Dtl'AU l MUST Travelers Life & Accident llurtlurd 2,OCO,000,00 Vorih American Mutual of New York 5.000,000,00 Equitable ol New YWk 15,000,000,00 Insurance (.fleets iu cuy of tbe above standard ci.'Uiuiiies at the most reasons. terms, consist tut with pertect security to tho insured. J. O W. miLEY, Agent. EEGISTEE'S NOTICE. "VTOTICEIs hereby given that the fol J. 1 lowing accounts have been tiled iu niy office, anil will be prteented at the Orphan's Court of Elk Counly lor confir mation, on tlie fonr:h Monday ot May next, being the -Mill day of May lb75. Fiuul accout of Ignatius Garner,, and Louis Vollrcr executors of the last will anil testament of A. liauhuuser, late of hi, Muiy's l oro., deceased. Partial account of Chan. M'Vean and Mary A. Weed, administrators of B. A Weed late of Jay township, Elk Co., Ta., deceased. The final account of C. II. McCnuley de bonus nou, sum lestanieuto anuexo of C. li. Fuller deceased. FHED. SUHOENINQ, Register. AnvEiiT.iiiia: Cheap. Good, Systema tic. All persons who contemplate making contracts wnh newspapers lor the insertion of sdveitiseweiiia, should send 25 tens to Geo 1'. ltuwtll j- lo., 41 Park How. ivew York, for their PAMPHLET liOOK iiiDci.Y-seTfUth edition,) containing lists of over XWU newspapers and estima tes, allowing the cost Advertisements takeu lor leading papers in niauy Stales at a leiuiendous reduction from publishers rates. GlY iui book. v no 48 tt s UBS0R1BB fpr ih ELK COUNT? aYDVOC-ATl. ..'jipii inw.y u.1. 'if.'mwunji-' i w'im img-dM- Ww NLiw L.IVJ311Y BTAULsJS IN j w vws it's i DAN SCRlliNElt WISHES TO IN form the Citticns of Pvidgway, and the public gcterally, that be has started a Lit ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Busies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms faille will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Mala. All orders left at the Post Office will uat prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A Urge eight page independent, honest nnd fearless newspaper cf T0 brnad columns, especially designed lor the farmer, the me, chanic. Hi? ineveliant and the Professional man, anJ their wives and children. We aim to make the Vef.kly Sua the best family newspaper in Die world. It in full of entertaining nnd instructive reauing of every son, but prinli nothing to offend the ii.ost scrupulous aud delicate taste. Price SI. 20 per year, postage prepaid. The cheapest paper published. Try if Addreii The Sus, New York City. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wctmore. Additional Law Jud;;e Hon. Joe P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, S V Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. cull. Proilnnottry J;c, Fred. Schceninj. Treasurer Joseph Wiudl'elder. Counly Superintendent Hnfus Lucre. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. O. Bundy, Couuly Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. Phillip swre'gble Ransom T. Kyler. FoU SALE BY U.K.4 ORES II, Masonic Halt Building, Kidgway, Pa, VAU VLECK'S CELKBUA'lliD PATENT SPRING BED BhST tempered eteel spring wire, lhc.-e springs cuo be laid oo the slats of any cotuuiou bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES Also agent for Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest ituuning, Most Durable, and BEST M AC 11 IN K in the murket. Call and. exa.uine before purchasing elstwhsre. v4nl0t0$, F YO(J WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- HAGERTY Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, COOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provision.. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Ccn.stwutly od hitnd, aud sold as cheap us the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. SEUliS UYU VL.AJ11T8. C. C. Tliu True Cape Cod Cranberry, C. best fori lur L'pbnd, Lowlaud, or Guideu, by mail prepaid, 81 per 100, S5 per 1,000. All the New, Cboiee Straw berries aud Peaches. A priced Cata logue of these aud all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Roses, Plauts, &c, and FRESH FLOWER &, GARDEN SEEDS, the eboivest collection in the couutry, with all novelties, will be sent gratis to any plain address. 25 sorts of either flower. Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb i-'eeds, lor 81,00, sent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOG UE TO THE TRADE. Agent Wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series ond Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Muss. Established 1842. A L'MINISTRATORS' NOTICE. t Estate ol John E. Turley, late of Jay towashlp, Klk Couuty, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payuieut, aud those having legal claims Hgamst ih same will present them without delay in proper order lor settle ouent to A. V. GRAY, ) . . , JULIUS JONES, Adn Benezette, Feb 25th, 1875--nlt4 'I'O THE CITIZENS OF PENXSYL J. YAN1A. Your attcution ia specially luvited lo the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions io the Capital Slock ot the Centennial hoard of Fiuance. The funds realized front this source are to be employed in the ereo tiou of ihe buildings tor the Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses eouuected with the same. It is confidently believed jliat ihe Keystone Stat will be represented bj the name of every eitixea alive to patri. oiio cotuuiemoratiou of (be one hundredth birth-day of tbe nation. The shares of slock ure offered for $10 each, aud tub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Mock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rale of six per cent, per auuum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment te January 1, 1B70. Subscribers who are not neai a Nationa Bank can remit a check or Dual offiee order to the undersigned, FKfcU'K. l UALXY, Treasurer, Mi Vait St VhUaeWyltte