The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 13, 1875, Image 3

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    17 !
ritcnsDAr, mat m, 2 8-5.
7aaes!lcal Lutheran Kirch
Sunday school nt 9:45 A. SI. All are in
T led to attend.
ir- e.' cit7a:3.
RET. WM. MARTIN, Pastor-
Fnnday School at P:H0 A M Morning
Service ut 11 A M Class Meeting nt 12
M A-voning service at 7:30 I' U Prayer
Meeting Thursday Evening
Afternoon ervi:es la Grace Church
On Sunday next instead of the regular
evening service in Grace Church there will
be service in (he afternoon at 3 o'clock
All ore cordially invited to le present.
Cur. Time tit Itulffivay.
Mail East 4:45r: M.
do West 2:':;C L M
Through Local, East 8:'J0 A. M.
do do West 0:44 1'. M.
Local East 4 50 P. M
do West 8;20 A. M
The Mail and Through Local carry
passengers, the local does But.
The stated meetings of Elk Lolge, No.
879, are held at their hall, corner of Main
aud Depot gtroi'ts, on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month'
V. C. J1EALV, Sec'y.
.Plant peas now.
quite green.
Spring Las really commenced.
Nest fcunJjy is Whit Sunday.
JDuck hunting still continues.
II. M P. baa a new plug hot.
Dan McGovero has some pet foxes.
The niaplo eusjar season is now over
Uic'i yards cro now being cleaned
Corpus Chrisli comes cn May 27tli
this year.
J. S. Hyde lias a "slew" of logs at
bis saw mill.
O. U Grant ships a large quantity of
sole leather.
Old ' tangle foot" w.n on the street
the other day.
How amusing to tee ten women hunt
ing for one frog.
John Ki mo had a eeiicus atae. oi
the pleurisy last week.
'Prououuc-in bees" are now taking
the plac ol "spelling Ices."
McKcan county pay's her comity
superintendent 52010 a year.
Last week postiu ister McYean aud
Aidrich called in to see us.
Why uot have a line of shade tree ou
each side n( Maiu etiect.
The rubbiii now liuiideth her nest.
Itealiy how surprising."
Tha stito load is praded from the
1 oat of south street to the woods.
We nctice a new lend along th
state road.
Why don't ISrandon and Millar get
up a dancing match?
We wouldn't mind taking a lew
busliels of potatoes ou subscription.
W. .7. Colcgrove, of Colegrove Me
Kean couDty, was iu to see ua the other
lSraiidun devoted last week's
Gazette to telling "What be knows ol
v. j jyster is saving a cupola put
on his bam and is also bavin" the barn
ixoau weosicr wouiu never 139- rc-
XT 1- ITT I . II .
c-ignizea in the bt. Marv s Gar.ctte
According to the late report of the
Pennsylvania bureau of statistics, there
are 1,100,000 acres of wood land in
western Pennsylvania.
Brandon says that Miller can dauce
monie-ruusk fortv-six minutes. WpII
what if be can?
Hank Wensel has moved into II. S
Thayer's building, ou the corner of
Maiu and Mill streets.
Weddjng and mourning outfits for
adies at MAY & SILVERMAN'S
Williauisport Pa.
Notbiug in this world will make a
oman swear quicker than to have a
ue. uweii Willi ciotnfs nro-iir n nil it
lie clothes into the mud.
Jro. G. Hall is having his niuety-crc-farm
od the stale road a short dia-
nce below the village, cleared up and
tends having the "best farm" iu this
Miss Mo Keo telegraph operator in
ole's building has 6tarted a circulat-
library. We started two or three
'llItlAJ nil'Alll llini. ' .1
ve as yet received no tidings of them.
- - o
A very young "school inarm" com-
nosd to board with J, O. W. Bailey
week. He say& he is disappointed,
thinks it too bad that "they"
Id pass around boys to every one
and leave him out in the cold.
ter luck next time Bailey.
his connundrum is respectfully sub
ed to the lest speller: If S i-o-u-x
su, and e-y-e spoils i, and s-i-g-U-e-d
a side, why don't slouxeyes-
1 e d spell
uioide? Wove eiter
MVfirf tt-tt
A Cat-astrophe.
Last Friday oftcraoou the editor of this
paper ruet with ft painful, though not
serious accident. A trio of cats had been
after the aforesaid editors chiokens and he
determined to be avenged, with this de
lermit.ation in view, a Bingle barrel pistol
was borrowed of our worthy friend D. B.
Day, and the feeno of depredations oc
cupied; iu a short time a pair of eats were
teen to make a descent on the chickens,
and at once the editor made a chnrge on
the cals( completly routing them but with
no serious damage to the cats. Only three
shots were fired, one missing a cat, and the
second hitting tho cat in the place we
missed hiin before, and the third was an
involuntary discharge and was canned bf
the pistol slipping through the lining of
our cont, and In attempting to draw it out,
the bullet grew restless, and only found a
resting plnco when the great toe on our
left foot was reached, Wweea the fust and
second joints of the toe. The pistol was
in the right side pocket, and thn right
hind on the pistol, with the left foot
thrust forward. Soon after the shooting
cat hunling was suspended for tho time;
we made 0111 way to our domicil, and in
about an hour Dr. Hordwcll came, and ex
tracted the ball. Upon examination it was
found that the ball had struck the bone,
cutting it completely in two, and crushing
the ball into an unrecognizable mass.
Henry Wensel and Harry Head were on
hand and helped to Btcady the foot while
the Doctor cut out tne lend which was
held in its placo by a cord in the bottom of
t lie toe and It was with a great deal of dif
ficulty and tome pain that the extraction
was made, it was fou nd uecesarr to make
quite a large incisiou in the bottom of the
toe. The shooting didn't hurt at all, and
had the pain ended there we wculd have
bee 11 content hut it didn't. The next time
we hunt cats we will hire a small cheap
boy to do the shooting.
Millinery goods, hair goods, Jewelry,
Fancy goods, notions, Ladies aud chil
dren cloaks, dresses and uutlorgnrniput",
whole-ale and retail at MAY & SIL
VEUMAN, Williamsporf Pa.
Ccaa'j Superintendents.
W. II. Curtis was re-elected in McKean
salary $2,000.
rrof. Gillian was e'ecled in Lycoming
and salary fixed at $1,800.
Venango County elected II. S. Prather,
reducing tho annual salary from $1,500 to
Armstrong County rc-clccted A. P.
Glenn and raised his salary from $1,000
10 $1,000.
Cameron County elected N. II. Schenck,
of Emporium al'ier a hot contest between
Schenck, Moycr and Chadwick.
M. W. Heir re-elected in Clinton, and
Prof. Kimb in the oily ef Lock Haven
salary cf the latter $900.
Forest County elecied II. S. Brockway
over Supt. F. oh tor by a majority of one
and fixed the salary nt $000 per nntium.
J. V. Allen was re-elected Superinten
dent of common chools for Potter county
talury f 800.
Crawford Coun'y re elected Prof. J. C.
Graham by a large mrjoiity. The salary
was fixed at ij'l.cOO, being a reduction of
ne:irly 500 per annum.
irren county, reelected By. Sutherland
btiperiutcn lent of C-iuiuion Schools
on Tuesday, .May 4th. The salary remains
as before, 1,000.
Erie County re-elected C. C. Taylor and
fixed the salary ut 1,000, being a rcduc
t:ou cf S2O0 per annum decidedly cheap
for I he good servico he renders that large
Parsons, in the last 'sue of the Advo
cate, tnye: "ihe l'rcg now singelh his
last." why, can it lie possible! Truly,
now surprising: me Jtc Vi:iivcrat.
We simply said "tho frog uow singcth lay." Which was not so surprising as
his 'last." We would not be very much
surprised if Milicr breathes his "lust" in a
fit of smartness 011c of these days.
000 Ladies ui.d children's neatly
made dresses Irom to 5,00 per buit
worth double the money at MAY &
fcIL.VEHMA.NS opposite the Court
bouse Wiiliaujsport Pa.
Persons who have been in the habit
ol carrying pitols, razors, dirk kuivesi
sling sliots and all other descriptions ol
concealed or dangerous weapons, will do
well to leave them at home iu the
future. Tho new law makes it a mis
demeanor to carry them aud, upon cou
victiou, imposes a flue of not less than
8500 and an imprisonment of not more
than oue jear, or either, or both, at the
discretion of the Court, of any persou
so offending.
A large lot of Parasols, Ladies ties,
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Gloves,
Truuks and Satchels at HAY cfc SIL
VERMAN'S Williamnport Pa.
At its last session the Ohio legisla
ture did a very foolish thing. In the
anxiety to avoid all scctariau influences
in state prisons aud benevolent institu
tions, they passed a law which forbids
the employment of any minister to
whom objection is made by any iumuto.
The consequence is, that should any oi
tho convicts'in the penitentiary be of
Presbyterian proclivitives they can ob
ject to a Methodist preacher conducting
a religious sei vice ia their presence, a
like privilege being accorded to the
Methodists, Lutherans, lkutan Catho
lics, Episcopalians and Daptut. It will
leiily be perceived that by this system
religious exercises may be broken up
entirely iu the public institutions ol
tbut stale. There is a gcod deal of pre
teuded religious ministering in penal
institutions, particularly, that is of lit
tle benefit, but this is by no means the
casein everv instance, and religious
services are needed in such places.
WiUiamtpoTt G.k B.
A cable dispatjh from London, on
Saturduy morning, brought intelligence
of the most terrible occau disaster (hat
has occurred sinco the loss of the Atlan
tie. Tho steamship Schiller, of the
Eagle Line, Capt. John Q, Thomas,
was wrecked at ten o olock on rnday
flight oil the seilly Islands, at the en
trance of the British Channel, and cf
the 385 persons on board only a small
number were known to have been saved.
The Sliiller sailed fiom . New York on
April 28th, for Hamburg, via Plymouth
and t;iicitinurg. her caiirse being up
the English Channel, through the
Straits 0 Dover to tho German Ocean
It appears that a dense fog prevailed on
Friday night, preventing either of the
Scilly lights being seen, und the
steamer struck upou tho dangerous Be
tarriere Ledges, about a third of a mile
insido of Bishop's Ilock. There is
fog-bell at the latter point, but there
appears to have been u heavy sea ruu
niug, which may have prcveuted its be
ing heard. A boat, belonging to St
A goes, the southcrniost of the Sciilys,
picked up some of the survivors, who
were swimming with tho tide, and
landed thetn at St. Mary's Island. The
Sci'ly life-boat put oft lor the wreck,
and also a life-boat and steamer from
Penzance, but in the fearful sen whicl
raged on Saturduy it was difficult for
small cralt to live. Hhey succeeded
however, up to Saturday night in pick
ing up forty-tbreo persons, together
with nineteen corpses, Kiine articles ol
the cargo and twenty-five sacks of the
ship's mail. Tho survivor vicre taken
to Penzance and forwarded by rail to
Plymouth. The steamship was at that
time lying broadside cn the rocks, uu
dor water, her mainmast gone.
The Schiller was manned by a crew
of 124 officers and tm-n. She had 141
cabin passengers aud 120 in the steer
age, including four infants, making 11
total ol 385. A niaj irity of passengers
were of German family, a large number
heing Irom ew 101k and many from
the Wc.'t. Among tho cabin passengers
were the following Pcunsylvanians: Mr.
Leo. Westo (Faved.) Mrs. llermiiie
W este and Miss F. Mann, of Philadel
phia; Dr. F. J. Keen, ol Shenandoah.
Among the steerage pai-sengers were E.
Mannheinier, wile and two children, ol
Philadelphia, and J. F. Piewohl and
wife, of Scrantoo. The principal offi
cers ot the Schiller were as follows;
John G. Thomas, captain; II. Killers,
chief rf5cer; E. Polcman, second offi
cer; G. Freise, third officer 11. Meintze,
fourth eiUicer; b. x'ahr'.'', chief f'titiiticcr.
I' lie captain and second officer are
kuown to be lest.
Hair Switches 81,00 52 00 f3.00 &
4,00 worth double the money, Kuches
5 cents upwards, Shawls 5?l,5i upward.
uars iroui zo cents upward, best nud
clicut'Cst trimed bats in the eitv at
MAY 1 SILVERMAN'S otposite the
Court Muuso Wiliiamsport I'a. w
From the WiHimnsjiort G. & li.
thk ten dollar dill and a hunch
It has I ecu nearly four months 6incc
the alleged lobbeiy at the canal boat,
Frank E. Bil'iuus, which ereated at
the tiire such a flurry of excitement in
this city. Notwithstanding tho report
set afloat that it was a "put up job," for
the purpose of clearing sympathy fur
the uulortunato victims, thero were u
tew persons who believed that a rob-
I , 11 ... mi
iiery nau oetu cnniiuiiteu J nose per
sons were tho subject ol lidieulo for
;ime, until ader the 'chicken blood"
had been analyzed, when certain par
ties were missing from this city, to
whom suspicion strongly pointed, aud
measures were at once tukoo to bunt
them up. It was found upou inquiry,
that tlieto parties were in the city ou
the day of the ivbbery, but have not
been here sioee, It was soou ascer
tained that the
fcU.llCTED rinsoNs
were in a neighboring city, and it was
undcr?toeel that every effort would be
muiie for their a, ly arrest. Time
passed on and nothing was heard of the
canal bout mystery, as it was call-:d,
until a few das ago. On Thursday,
the 22d ult.," a lady and gentleman
called at the canaj boat and inrjuircd ol
Mrs. Fried if she was the woman that
had been robbed. On being answered
in the affirmative, the geutle-mau stated
that he lived near Troy, IV, aud bad
some information in his possession
which might h ad lo the arrest of the
guilty parties. He then asked:
'Lid you, at the time, lose any sheets
and towel-?"
Mrs. Fried answered, "No; only some
comlorters, blankets, and my hubbaud's
"Did you lose any eouuterfeit
"No sir; we do not deal in that arti
cle?" "Did you, at any time, have in your
possession a ten dollar bill with this
inscription written on the buck; ,Not
good, Liverpool;
"Yes, sir wo ! ad such a bill but 1
had uot missed it."
Mrs. Freed then turned to a liitl
closet where she had laid this bill, with
a child's photograph aud some papers,
all ol which e:ie wrapped in a towel.
aud found they were gone.
J lie gentleman then stated that be
knew where these things were, but was
alraid ol gttting iuto trouble by men
tioning names, but told
On the 14th of January, a woman tip
patently about forty-five or fifrv vears
of age, with lake teeth, sharp features,
and somewhat gaily dressed, called
about noon at the'house of bis neighbor,
representing that her son bad been
badly hurt at Trout Bun, and that they
were bunging; him borne in a slud. Sh..
said she lived iu some small till
near Elmira, the name of which be bad
forgotten, and Loped to get home that
uight, The woman remained all the
afternoon, und about dusk a party ol
three or four persons in a sled, drawn
by team of black horses, drove up to
1 ho burn, utihitciied, and led their
team. It whs a cold evening nud the
lady of tho house invited the woman to
bring her son inside, but she said he
was eomfortablu in the sled, and she
disliked to disturb him. They soon
departed, but one of tho men returned
with the team in about two hours and
took the woman away.
what was found.
After their final departure the occu
pants of the house being curious con
cerning the strango actions of the
woman, weut to the .barn where they
foaud a largo bundle done up iu a
sheet. Alter some time they coucluded
to inspect the bundle, when they found
it to contain 20 lincshcets and a large
number of towels. The bundle was
again tied up and left whero found,
upou the barn floor. Tho following
murning a man with a bay mare and
sleigh called and took the bundle away.
It is supposed that this small package
containing the photograph, ten dollar
bill, &e., had fallen out ol the bundle
during .the inspection, and was not ob
served uutil alter the departure of the
large bundle, when it was found by the
owner of the barn, who has it in his
possession. It was some time before
ihcy heard of the robbery, when they
learned thut these papers belonged to
the boat.
The lady and gentleman theo depar
ted alter promising to send by mail the
missing articles, and ou Wednesday lu.-t
Mrs. Fiied received an envelope con
taining a child's photograph aud two
papers, one ot which is a weigh lock
bill to the boat Fiauk E. Billings, Cap
lain Fried, dated Huutiugdou, May 11,
1874, sigued Thos. jaukson. The
other is a permit dated Williamsp'jit,
Dee. 3, 1874, sigued P. Huey. For
some unaccountable reason the towel
und ten dollar noto were not scut, but
it in expected they will bj received in
duo lime. There was no letter accom
panying the articles, as it is supposed
the panics are feanul of becoming im
plicated in the affiir. It is to be hoped
that this duo will he the ukuus of lead
ing to the arrest ol the guilty parties,
and thus exonerate a muuU abused and
heroic woman from tho slurs and stig
mas which have been heaped upou her.
Upou taking up a poitiou of the lin
ing iu the boat, near where it is sup
posed the robber fell when shot, a largo
bunch of keys was louud lat week
badly rusted. It will be raiiciul.-eieu
that there were two holes near the spot,
aud it is likely that the?e keys belonged
to the robber.
Now is tue Time. It is always the time to do a good act, ui.d every
wau with a family shuuld regard him
self short id bis du'y until hi.i home is
endowed with a Wilsou Shu'.lle Sewing
Machine. Let it be understood that
this admirable machine cjpturul the
Prize medal and Diploma of Honor, ut
the Yienua Esposiiiou in 1S72, and has
everywhere demonstrated its superiority
over all other inaehiues. Machines will
be delivered at any Railroad Staiion in
this couuty, free of transportation
charges, if ordered through the Com"
pany s Branch House at o27 & il2;
Superior St. Clevelaud Ohio.
Ihcy tcjd au elegant catalogue und
tbromo circular free on application.
This Company want a few more
good Rgcum. A. Cummius, Ridgway,
Elk Co.. Pa. is the agent ot the Com
pany at this pluce to whom .all orders
should be addrcs-ed.
Below will be found the list of jur
ors drawn for the May term of court;
Beoezelte Towusl.ip. Andrew Over
turf William Waiuwright,
Bciizitigcr Louis Vollmcr, Jacob
Schubert, Johu Gleiclisner, Patrick
Malooy, Christ Kreekcl, George Bir
uer, George Nisel.
Fox Charles Green, Terrano;:
Drown, N. P. Apker, Jeremiah Calla
han. Highland William James.
Horton Jedin Brown.
Jay James Brookius.
Jones George Bill, Benjamin
Bevier, John Eiuhout.
Ridgwoy Panics Malono J. K
Whitmore, G. G. Mc.-scuger, John B.
Cut lis.
St. Mary's Boro. Joseph Wickert.
Benezctte Luthec Lucorc, George
Beozingfr Andrew Glass, John
Kreckle, Sr. Charles Schneider, Henry
Steplian, Adam Ceyur, Thomas Keruer.
Fox Frank Showers, James I'raas
worth, O. O Grine'l. James M'Closkcy,
William Gibson, Michael M'Enerney.
Highland Thomas Campbell, Jr.,
Geeirge Newton.
Horton C. 11. Slade, Ilezeklah
Jay William G. Thomas.
JoDes Stephen Ernhout, Michael
Dill, Joseph Tanbiui, M. M. Schultz,
John Marsh, II. W. Hewitt, J. L.
Millstone C. II. Hoffman, William
Ridgway II. W. May, John Kem
merer, John Vun Orsdall.
St. Mary's Brno. Anthony Biebcr
ger, Michael Siibich, Johu King Ebeo
A. Huss, Anthony Je.-berger, G. C.
Brandou, George Krelluer.
Spring Creek Lenmau B. Elliott,
J. W. Irwin.
Bargains in ladies aud chilureus hats,
Bouneis and Millinery goods at M AY &
SILVERMAN'S Wilhamsport Pa.
Madam Deforests Patterns
We are ageuts fur Madam Dcmorcsts
Pa'.terns. Catalogue free, soud foi
ouc Patterns sent by mail MAY &
SILVERMAN opposite the Couit
House Williamsport Pa.
Mrs. M. E. Maione bas tbe agency
for Elk County for the Combination
Shoulder Brace Corset Adjustable Skirl
Supporter. Call and see it. Aho lor
tbe Excelsior Shield or Corset Clasp.
A Vl'JALLi: Mil
The Political, Personal and Property
Rights of a Citizen of tha Lnited
State lino to eztrdsa and li no to
prrwrrs them; It Theophilus Purionx,
LL, D.
Jones Brother d; Co., Philadelphia, Pu.
A careful pciusal of this, work will
convey an adequate understanding of all
legal questions arising in public or
private hie, for it gives a clear explana
tion of those universally recognized
principles, ou which are based all exist
ing luws enacted to secure us in tho
enjoyment of our rights and privileges.
That every ouo should bo well in
formed concerning the rights and duties
of the citizen, is of tho greatest impor
tance in this country where ho partici
pates so freely aud so directly in the
uflaiis of government.
This volume will prove cf great value
to, the HtuloMiiau mid to lawyers, and
cannot but bo eminently useful to the
citizen of every class and calling.
Tho ability, uccuraey and lung ex
perience of the author as a law writer
and teacher, uro a sufficient guaranty
that tho weak is one of merit und use
fulness. Tho language of the author is
simple, he clminatcs from it those ab
struse phrases so common iu most law
hooks und brings his subjects within the
ce.mprehensicn of those uulcarued in
the law.
IT is explanation of the causes which
led to the framiug and adoption of the
Constitution ol the United States, i.nd
its principles and purposes, is ulonc well
worth the Cost of the volume to every
one who aspires to the fail cnjoynieut
of tho privileges guareu'eed him by tho
Supremo Law of the land. The vast
amount ol useful knowledge, the excel
lent forms, the rules for the organiza
tion, and procedure of deliberative
bodies and the glossary of law terms in
common use make this work one of
great popular value.
The Political, Personal, and Property
Rights? Citizen,
Of the VnHed Slates How to atrctat cml
how to pr.rsfvt t'tciil. 11 y ThcOjihilus J'ur
tont, LL. D.
Cmitaiuini a crmmpnlary on tho Fed
eral aud Stnte Constiiuiiotis, giving their
history nnd origin, aad a i'uU explanation
nf thi-ir principles, pirposej mil provis
ions: thepow rs and duties of Puhlie t):li
ci'rs; thu rights of th,i people, and the
uhlijfiitious incurred in vury rphi thui i i'
life; nlfo, pnrUaineutarir rules for dplihcra
live hodira; and fall directions au l legil
forii;S fur all hnsiaess transactions, a rank
ing Wilis. Deeds, Mortgages,'os,
Notes, Drafts. Contracts, tic. A 1 aw
Library in a single volume. It meets ll.e
wints of all chiscg and st-lls !o everybody.
JoNtS UJIO THICKS & CO., l hila. 1'n".
) ' less va k v
1 EV H.Me. c.!:ilT3
.i.yer'3 Cathartic Pills,
Kor t)ic ri'lii f nncl
ClU'C ol till l(l:!'i.l,t:e-
niuat.s in the rii.m
neli, iivvr, i.Uvl
cl.. 1 he;, a. e U lllili',
a'.HTk'iil, aii'l ui
!;iiS; taiitei they eonn'tin
Hei si' 1. .:(' ir.l
uiiiJefiiiK i-- rvt-tit-t-ti
Itv their Ui:;(lv
use; ar.d everr fnr.illy shoiiM have tlin.ion lomil
for tiitir proteetiou uml relief, when iniuheil.
Lon expei'icm-e ha.l provcil Ihem 10 he the ruf-e-t,, ii!ul he.-t of ;ill ti:e i'ili.i with vW'ieli
tho iii:iiket al)i)i;iil. By liieir oci aionel live,
the hlooil U puriiU'il, the uorrupttons of the tyj.
tem expelled, oh.-.t net ions runoveil, ami the
whjis luaehhiery of Jiiti re-toveil to it.3 hetihhy
aeiiviiy. lnteiniil inuam n iiieli heeoriie 1 logncil
aivi hn;ei.-li aro eleutiaCil by AftfV'u I'ittn, ami
fcli'tiulatC'l itito aetion. Thus incipient tli-('i6
13 cii:iii?ed into health, the value ol'whieh rhuiii'e
when vei'hone.l on tho v:l lonllitiulo who eu.i(y
it, e;ui ha-.-illy he enioputel. '1'heir eiiirnr riatioa
loakcs llii ui'ple;i-aiit to take, ami prcterveo lluir
virtues uiiiiciitiiieil for any lenlli of time, so lliev ate ever fre.-h, anl pcrieelly vc-liahlo.
Aiiiioiin-h f-c.'in-hmif. they arc loilil. anil ooeiato
H iiliout iliturbaiK c to tlio constitution, or diet, or
l'ull linvetions are pivea on tho wrapper to
ea-!i box, how 10 11-0 them i a Family l livi-ie,
au l for the l'oliowiu complaiwu, vtliicli thtsu
Ml rapMly cure:
or i.f s!i(ii.a or Iat!crMilin, iCtkilAH
npn, ILauu-siAr ami I.ok of IpiietUc, they
enoui'l be taken moih-rutv-iy to hthoiilale t!je htooi.
aeh, mil restore its hcallhy tone ami ni-iion.
I or l.l er oiiifilH.f anil itb vai i'u ynlp'
toius, Jfciliou k-Mftuc-li, u-lt SSrrl
loua Colic ami fr&ilion f- t-v t-rit. tney th.e.ul
he julieioic-iy laivon lor cacti i-h;c, 1.1 eoi-ic.;t the
ili.ea-i:J action orrciuovo Uic t.ou h it.
Kor Ili.iirntrr.T or "r:rrliu'al but oao
tuiii'l doH is tceneruliy icmie'l.
'or AinA;ja(CM'.ii. Wi.:it, fr:ivcl. Vi-.l
)ltatnt of tn Hi'iirt, I:iln in tien
b.lie. C-' jck Hiitl J.oina, ihev shouht be rontiu
tiuiihly taken, us I'lpiii-e'l, to i hane the uiseaej
aeiiou of the hvsio.ii. Willi uefaT Uuuigo tiioee
com plain k iliiiuptear.
Kor i',)ir ao.l I(ro(Mirul ftwllinira,
they rl:onhl oe tai;e: in hn iie aud iroeiemi Uo.,ti
to p" the c!l..vt of a i!ra.,tie pir. e.
tot Ntr-si.u, a Inre los bhoiih) h
t.' it producea tho itc.iieU cuocl by sym
pathy. S i a Vhtnn- PlI, take one or two 7'tii to
pioeiotc ilitfustion ami r.-lieve II13 stomiteli.
An oceio-ional doje tlimul.Ues Hie f lomaeh and
bowels, restores Hie a peliie.aiid itivl'oiales the
sybte.u. Henco it is otten itilvaulaucoiis where
no Kcrious ileranwment exists. Unu who tec'.?
tolerjtbly well, often Hints that a dote of these
Pitta makes bun loel decidedly better, fiom their
cleansii.i? uud rouovaliua c-ilect ou liio Ui'Col:ve
prepared nr
Dr. JT. C. A TEtt Jt CO., Practical ChemUlf,
1 .
Hy virtue of a writ of vendtiotii ex
poioiH issued out. of the Court of Cotn
mon'ieiis ol Klk county and lo me di
I'roted I will expose lo fhlo by public
vendue or outcry at the Couit ilouse
iiidway 1'a. on "
MUNI) AY MAY 24th 1875
At 1 o'clock P. M. all the riht title
interest claim aud Ueuiand whatsoever
ot defendants of in to or fit of all the
following real estate situate iti Jay town
ship Elk couuty Pennsylvania to wit:
Couimeueifie; at tho southeast corner of
Mei ibab 15. Lucas' lat in where tho new
road starts and runs through the orchard
on the old farm formerly owned by
Ieuja:nin Leyett now deceased and
beine; a part ol warrant number 4844;
thence along the south lino of siid old
farm or warrant number 4S44 cast
t-ixty-lour rods to a stake; llieuee uorth
to the uorth line of said old faun;
thenco alotii? the said north lino
about fifty rods to the northeast corner
of UobeccaU Moiey's bum wlrch is a
part of suid old farm; thence south
along the east line of 11 0 Morey's farm
to a stake on the load; thenco nlonj; the;
cast lino of R C -Morey's farm to a stake
on the mnd; thenco along the road to
the orchard to the place of beinnin!
containing City-one and oou-liunli acres
mote or leos
Also One other tract of land
situated iu township county and State
aforesaid and beinj; purt ot said warrant
number 48-14 bounded and described a
follows to wit: t'puirtieiiuin ut ihc
northeast corner of Geo A II tiller's
(aim at a stake iu the road luuninu:
thonee easterly alon the Mad between
1J Yj Le-fifretl's and G A lluller's farm;
theuee easterly iilons; said lluller's line
to the east line of 1 aid tild farin t.botit
luiiy-ciht rods tooro or Itss; thence
north uiong suid cast iine to tlis unrth
east (Miner of said old farm; thence
west ailing the ittirth line of hi id old
larm to the northeast corner of the
above filty-one acres ed land to the piece
of b.'gintiiiig coiituiniog thirty-iix acres
more or hvs
There is creeled on the above
described property ouo plank house aud
one hie; house
eizd aud taken in execution as the
property ol K P and 11 S Moiey at tho
suit of Kdwin S i?;ss and to be sold by
DAN I ML cOULL Sheriff.
Sheriff's Ofiico, )
Ui.lL'way Pa. May 01 li lr7") j
F.y virtue of a writ of venditioni ex
ponas, issued out of the Court of Common
l'icas of fclie couuty, nnd to me directed, 1
tvill expose to public sale, by vendue or
oit'cry, at the Conn House, Itidgway, i'a.,
MONDAY, MAY 2-lth, 1875,
at one o'cUck 1'. M.. iho following descri
bed real estate to wit:
All the right, title intetest, claim and de
mand whatosoevcr of defendant tu, to und
cut ot all thai certain tract, piece or par
cel of land siunt in Jay township. Kill
county and Slate of Pennsylvania, boon ted
and described as follows, to il; Beginn
ing at a pine slump blaaditii; on the bjuth
lino of warrant number -iSl-l. bei-ig the
southwest comer of hr.d now owned by ii.
A.; tiieticc noith eighty ('-tl; perche.
loi.rc or less to the southwest corner of
,and now owned by Joseph Dill; thence parallel with taid euuili line one hun
dred and six (Idt!) perches to a corner on
said Dill's laud fixity (li0) perches to the
suid south lioo .if bS41; (iieitei! west by
said south line of w ur.iiit ddl-l one hua
itnd atid six (leti) .riches lo the place cf
beginning, coutmiiihg I'nty tinee (oiJJ acres
sir. in. Lici'-uio p.f.t of watranl
4SI1 on which there U erected oue Irainu
house li'i:.'li feel, ot:'- nod 11 ha'.fsiories
hip.h; ouo lmn.e bum "s'2i.?4 feet; about
thirty acres, impiove i, witu orcliard grow
Mitf and 11 bt riiij; of good water, &c,
Aljo .iil the rribi. title, interest, claim
and demand whaisuvver of di lendatii in
said writ ninud, in, to or out of all that
certain tract, piece, or pared ol laud situate
lit ll.e township ot Jay, county ol Klk and
Mate of l'eu. syiuauia boarded and descri
bed us foil s, to wit: lit ginning ut a
l ine stump Maiding in tho squill line of
waaianl number Jei4; being ihe southwest
cot nor of laud How owned b.v the said
Josinh It. Morey; thence noilii forty-four
i4j perches lo tho township icai known
a the Jrpriiig Hun road; iheuco souih
wcslttly along said road -forty si x 4G
perclics lo v post joining laiius of liagazcti
beget,; thence tsouth tliiity-l'jur toll lur
ches 10 a post, jutuiug lands of Joroiiio
l uwe'i; thence cal lorty-six -JO- peichcs
lo the place of beyiuniii''. coutaiuiu clevej
-II-acres uioro or lesj, aud being purt of
me tame ninu (leeaul Oy lenjauiui Legett
and v.ife to Charles Legett by deed dated
April 11th, 1M4, the greater part said land
being cleared and improved-
Seized and taken iu cscution as the
propety of Josiaii tl. Morcy n: ihe suit ef
the Couuty of Klk, aud 10 he sold by
lUMiCL SCULL, fchoriir.
fcherttt stilllce, 1
Uidgway, Pa., April Hih, lt7-j.
11 Y virtue of sundry writs of fieri
facias, issued out ol the Court ot Com
mon Picas of Elk County, and to ux
directed, I will expose to publio salo by
vendue or outcry, ut tho Court Ilouse,
Ulduway, Pa., ou
Monday, may 24ih, 1S75,
at 1 o'clock P. M , the following de
scribed real state, tu wit:
The loiiuv, iuj.' described rei.1 estate,
situate iu the village ot Wilcox Klk,
ci unty Pa., cou.-istiiig of cue town lot
numbered and designated on tbe general
map or plan of the town of Wilcox aa
lot number 'H'-i! front bounded on the
north by lot number 338, on the east by
Laurel uiiey, on the south by number
el.'ItJ, timl ou tho west by Marvin blrevt,
boiuj; .sixty -00-- feet u;uth and south,
and una huudrcd uud fuurteen 114
leet cast and we-bt.
ALsO One town lot uumbered and
dvinated on tho geuerul map or plan
of said tuwu of Wilcox as lot uuiii'uer
o3ti, bouuded 011 the north by lot num
ber 2o7, on the east by Laurel alley, ou
the south by Mercur street, and on the
we-st by Marvin street, uieusnriug sixty
-00- leet north aud souib, and oue
hundred und lourtecu -114-feet cast
and west, Thcie ia erected ou the
ubove described propetty a oue ball"
story frtime dwelling with addition, uud
one uaiue barn.
Seized and taleu in execution as the
property ol Horace Stark ut the suit of
Jackson S. iSchuUz and others, and to
be cold by
bherifl's Office. )
Ridgwsy, Pt., April 28th, 1875.
Uidgway, Pa. 2 2 tf.
f.idgway, Klk Co., Pu. Office ia
Hall's new liriek lSuihiing. Clmnis tef
collection promptly attended to.
V3nl ly.
HALL if- h'VAl L..Y
Office in New Piiick Uuilding, Main M
Rielttway, Kit Co., l'a. vbu2tf.
vlni.,yl. Tvidgway, JC1U Couuty, Pa.
Ageotforthe Traveler's Life and Acol
dent insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Kignsy, oilers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of linlgway ana gar
rounding country. AU work warranted.
Office in Service & Wheeler's Ituilding, up.
stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-3i-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main ptreet, llidgway, I'a. Agent for th
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton GoU
Ten. Repairing Watches, efc, dote with
he same accuracy ua heretofore. Satip
action goarauleed. vlnly
Druggiut and Paraceutist, N. W. corner
of Main and Mill streets, Uidgway, Pa.
lull assortment of carclully selected For
eign una loUiestie iirugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, clay or
f'ght. ylR.6j
T. i. HARTLEY. M. D.,
Physician ana Surgeon.
Oftico iu liug Store, corner iiroad and
Mam Sis, iiesidence coiner liroad St.
opposite the College. Ollice hours from
b 10 10 A. M. aud from 7 to b P. AX.
J. S. BORD WELL, Ji. L.,
ICclcctio Physician and Surgeon, has remov
ed ins oihce from Centre street, to Maui st.
liidgway, X'u,, in the second story of the
new brick buiklinj of John ei. II
silo Jlyde's store.
(jtheo hours: b to U a- ia: 1 to 2 p. in.
jau 'J 76
HinowAY, Elk Co., I'a
W. II. SC1IUAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for thn 101 v.-m im t,a..utA.-..nA
1 " "VI HUJU1D
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, ly paying tjtriet at
leutiou to Ihe comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit, a continuance oi the
Oct 30 180'J.
ICank, Mcticaa Co., Pa.
U. E. LOOKEU, Projirietor.
Thauulul for the Dill 1011 II up. Iii.l'i.l r.r..A sa
4 e- -'..-v.v-v.v D.
liberally hostowed upon hnu, iheuew pro
puctor, hopes, liy paying strict attention
to the cotuioi t and convenience of guests,
to merit a continuance of ih., km,, ti.o
only Biabies lor horses iu Kane aud well
ocjii. uiSuv or uay. null uuaclieJ to tlie
liotel. Vlu23yl.
Ct.NlUEVlLiE, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
solibcrtlly bestowed upou him, the new
pioprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
leutiou to the cotulori aLd convenience
of guests, t merit a continuance of the
Eiy Creeds, llotions, Groceries,
and General Variety,
KutUy M. tf.
Philadelphia & Erie It. K. Division.
ON and after MONDAY, NOV, 10, 1874,
ihe trains ou the Philadelphia it
Lin Kailroadwillrunas follows:
LHIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.55 p m
' Xteuovo 11.10 a iu
" " " Euiponuui 1.10 p m
' et- Mary's 2.U5 p m
" Kidgway 2.33 p u.
" wriveai i-rie b.Uo pui
EUIE MAIL leaves Erie ......11.20 a m
Xtidgway 4.45 p iu
St. Mary's 6.10 p w
" " " Emporium tj.05 p ui
" " " llenovo 8.25 p in
V. . v at l'hiladephia... 6.50 a m
Mail Lust eouuects east und west at Erie
with LMU It, W.
MailWtbi with east and weBt trains bo
L a H M S K W
Ueu'l Sup't.
yTT'OUK. We are now prepared
tl T V to doull kinds of Job Woitli.
u.eicpeB, xttgs. uia-Leaas, Letter heads,
neatly uud cheaply executed. Offiee ia
Ibajer & llageuiy'a new building, Mai
stroet, Eidgway, l'a.