CM 17 Nksiiy A. Parsons, Jtt. - Editor THUKSilAY, MAY 13, 1875, republican State Convention. Tlio llopublicaus of Pennsj Ivnnio are requested to assembly, by their dole-, gutes, in tin Opera House, in the city of Lmcastcr, at noon, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 2(., 1S75, for the pin-potto of nominat'in-; candidates ( for Governor and State Treasurer. Each Senatorial and llepresentaliva disttict will bo entitled to the eoitie rep resentation therein as they are entitled to under the present apportionment of Senators aud .Representatives iu the Legislature. Jy order of the Republican State Cimmittee. RUSSEL EilRETT. Chairman. A. WILSON NORRIS, Sco'y. Fresh Outrage in Luzerno An Immense Qaantit7 ot CeaJ on Haad. Wilkesbarre, May 7. Yesterday af ternoon Alderman Zieg'e.r, of Kingston, which is across the river from here, issued several warrants for the arrest ol a party of men fur threatening and beat ing some miners who had been working without the consent of ttie union, J hey threatened them with certain, death in case they peisistei in "black legging and not contented with givir.g them a good beating, they went so fur ns to smash their wiudows anl destroy then furniture. Some of the cieu wore seriously injured by the mob. A tew of them hive beeu arrested aud lodd in nil. But this seems to have had no effect upou them inasmuch as to day a crowd numbering about one hundred men marched up and down in frout ol the houses occupied by those who arc to work, exhibiting an eSgy of a black log placed oa a pole, and tired shot aft. r snot at it, stopping occasionally to warn the mcu that such would be the fate ol all who weut to work alter to-lav. Mr, Parish has carried out his threat of tuk ing away the pumps to the very letter, and the mines are now left to fill ui with water as they will. Still there seems no disposition ou the part of the operators or the men to hasten the end of the suspension. The best miners are leiving the region in considerable mini' beri', Rome going to other coal fields others striking out for the PaciGe coast, while not a lew are returning to the old country. J. here will be a meeting ol the different delegates in this city to morrow t ) doteruiioe what action they f-1 1 a 1 1 take. It is obvious that tho num ber of men now ou strike is so large tis to preclude the posfihilily of their re iiia.iuiiig idle much longer. Consid erable parade is made of fuiiis of money wnich has beeu lunvartled to their as fistanee. But the amount uro quite iusigniGcant when placed in conipn ison with the number to bo supported there from. It is reliably reported that the Delaware and Hudson Coal Coumanv have had a full force of men on this last month, and put in full rime, and have tinned oUO.OOU tons durn:;' that period, while the Delaware, Lncka wanna and Western Company have got out COS, 0)0 tons. The former com pany have also 500,000 tons at JJnnes- daie ail ready to ship rhen navigation opens. Ihe Pennsylvania Company havo also a largo amount ou hand, and thoe three companies claim that in 6ixty days they will bo able to fill tho market up, and then the miners may whistle for the increase of pay which they demand, Watcrnvin !k, Bjaver are determined to enry out their threat ol ejecting the tenants from their houses as soon as the notified time for leaving expires. This will no doubt cause con siderable trouble, and no djubt, the military will have to bo summoned to tneir aid to carry out the plan of eject ment. ASHCCtATED ACCOUNT OP KING ETON OUTHAOK3 Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 7. Last night was an exciting one in (lie min ing regions around Kingston. A pro ce.iuu of from fifty to one hundred mineis, wuh toicl cs, and armed will guns, revolvers aud clubs, marched to tho dwellings of the mcu who are work ing in Hutchiuson's and Payne's mine; and gave them notice to quit work or the penalty would be death. J he gang were very noisy and threatening, bui did not damage aDy buildings or mal treat any person. 1 hey earned with them au effigy of a "blackkg." wh ch they took to a grove, where it was bani d by the neck to a tree, and the crowd emptied their firearms at it. The re sult has been that Pay tie a men refused to return to wrrlthis morning. Tbiee of Hutchinson's men, while on their way to the shaft, were followed by a 'ang of women and children, and p-lu-d villi stones until they were forced to seek safety in flight. Tho eoo.-tuMe into whose hands the warrants fur the arrest of the persons who beat McDadc were pluoed, was unable to serve them today. To-morrow a posse will accompany him, and serious trouble is expected. A miner iu that section named Thomas, who had been a ringleader in tho in timidations, was arrested to-day and in now iu jail. Mr. Parrish is carrying out his word iu regard to the Sugar Notch mines. The pumps sod machin ery from numbers 9 and 10 were re moved to-day. It has no effect upon the men. They laugh at the idea o I be ing forced to yield as long as a distance comes as easily as it bus so far. The men at tho Upper Wyoming region nre anxious to have the strike outiuue here for two reasons it makes more work there, and it ihe Lehigh and Wilkes barre Companies are compelled to ad vanco prices all the others will also. The works of the Delaware and Hudson, the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern aud the Pennsylvania Coal Com panies are now run at their full capac ity. The mines of this section will hold a meeting to-morrow to consider the situation. SHERIFF'S SALS. BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias, is sued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, nnd to me directed, 1 will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, at the Court Hottso, Hidgway, Pa., on MONDAY, MAY 21th, 1875, at one o eloclt P. M., the following described real estate in tho borough of St Mary's: Beginning at a port at the intersection ot M. Maryssticet and the road running through the lands of Q. Schoeuing, thence south ahn St. Marys street oue hundred -100- feet to a p09t thence mirth 50 cast to a post on the roid leiding to Schoouing's land, thence east two hundred --200--feet to a post the nee west along said road two hundred -200- feet to the place of beginning, containing 20,000 feet. Seized anJ tuken in execution ns the properly of Noah Bradford at the suit of Joseph Wilhelm, aud to be sold by DANIEjj ycULL, Sherifi, Sheriff's Office Ridgway.Pa, April 28th 1875. J lissohition of Partnership. mUcfiim ofW. tf. SEflVlCK&CO. is this g day dissolved by mutual consent. 'Ine business hereafter wilt he conducted by W. 8. Service, by whom all debts due by said iirtu will bo p ud. aud with whom ull accounts duelosjid firm niusi be settled. W. t?. esEUVlCE, March 12, 1875 W. H. SCiIiiAM. Notice. ALL persons knowiug themselves to be indebted to the late fiiui of W. 8. SLttVlCE & CO. nre rcqucsUd to call and settle the fame before Ihe first of April next, ns nil accounts ul't;ill firm not settled nt that time lull be p'aced in the haud of au attorney fr collection. n4to W. 8. SERVICE Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia Il'y, On and after FEIiUAKY lltli, 1675, and until further notice, trains w:ll leave But falo lroui t tic liuli'alo, hew York & Plulm debbia KailroaU Depot, corner KxcLanjiu and Louisiana streets, (Duilulo time) as fol lows: 7: 10 A. M , MAIL, stepping at 15benczcr fM'-i jjringbiook 8:10 Kliuu S15 Jamison's b:l!) Aurora 8: 2ii Wales b:Ufi, Holland fr.M rrotectiou lt:0O Arcade 9:14 Yorkshire l:3 .Muclii .s UiIJI! Fiuniiliuville, 9:50, lschua 10.11 ltiusilalc 10.27, trie Kadwny 10 43 Okau 10.05, Wesiun's 11.03, l'ortviile, 11.10, Stale Liue 11.18; L'.dred 11-31 Larabee's 11.38, Snrtwell 11.44 Turtle l'oiui 11.48 l'ort Ailegliauy li.01 1. M., Liberty 12.1 'J, Keating J2.2U fchipjisn 12.1o Luiporium l.l.'U 1'. M. U.15 A. SI. MIXliL) 'i'RAIV TO OLEAX, stOinug at Lbi'iuier 10 05 Ppi ingbrook. 10, oi, Liuiix lu. 02 Jamison's ll.OU Aurora 11 25 Wales 11.4'J, liollan 1 12.10 1. .M., l'loleciiou 12 30, Arcade 12. 5 T, Yorkshire 1.12 jMaoliias 1.30. l'rankliiiville 2.05, Jbcbua 5S.50, ilintdale 3 24, Eric Railway 4 o;i 1'. M. 3.30 1'. M., EXPRESS, slopping at Llenezer 3,55, Sprimbrook 4.04 1.11 Jamisou's 4.1ii Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4,35 II ol!.. nit 4 40, Protection 1.00, Arc:uleo 11 Yorkshire 5.1 'J Muehins 5...U. Fruuklinville o. JLi l.-c!aia 0.05 i-iutdule 0.20, Erie Rail way 0.3u, Olean ti 52, Wcstcu's 7.00, l'mt vil.e 7 00, iMale Line 7.14, Eldrcd 7.27. Larabee's 7.35, San well 7.41, Turtle Voiui 7.45, i ort Allegany 7.5K, Liberty 8 17, Keating 8.25, Shippen 8.45, Euiporiuui 0.00 P. M. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 4 00 A. M., EXPRESS.;slof.piiig at Ship- peul.u Jieatuiji 4..j Liheny 4J1 rori Allegheny 5.03 i'urtle Point 5.15, f-ariwed 5.20, lurabeu's 5.25, Lldred 5.33 Slate Line 5.44 1'urtville 6.52. Wt:ton's 6.57, O'eun l.'-O Lrie l'.ai'.way U.23, Hinsdale 0.3S, lscliua 0.52, Frnklttivtlle 7.10, Macliias 7.20 Yorkshier 7.35 Arcade 7.43, Prottioiiou 7.57, Lolland 8.05; Wales 8.15, Aurora 8.20 Jamison's 8 33 Lima 8.38, Spriugbrouk 8.13, Lbeuezer 8.52, liutialo O.lo A. id. 0 00 A. M.f LOCAL PASSENGER t FREKillT, (stopping at Shii peu 0.40, Keat ing 7.35 Liberty 7.60, Port Allegany 8i40 1 ui t le l o. lit 0 13, Surtwell 0.2o, Larabee's 'J.40Lluied 10 06 Male Line 10.38, Port vilte 11 10 Weston's 11.25, oleau 11.42, Iria Railway 11.47, linitdule 12. 20 P. M.. Iscbna 1.08, Frciikliuville, 2.05, Muchius 41, orti.oliire o.OO, Arcade 3. lo Protect iou 3.42, Holland 4.03 V.'alts 4,35, Aurora 5 UU, Jand.-ou s o.20 Elmao.28, Spring brook 0.40, Luentzer 0.00, J unction 0.30 P. M. 2.00 P. II., MAIL, stopping at tliippeu 2.1-j, lveatiug i.d.i, Libcuy 2.41, l'on Ab lcgheuy 3.03 Turtle Point 3.15 burl wed 3,20, Larahcci 3.20, El lied 3.33, Siate Line 3.4U, 1'urtville 3.55, Weslon's 4.02 Uleau 4.20, Erie Railway 4.23, Hinsdale 4.38 lecnua 4.52, Fraiikliuv.lle 5.11. Machias 5 30, Yorkshire 5:37, Arcade 6.4d Proteciion 6 02, Uoilaui O.M, Wales 0.20 Aiiruia 0.32, Jamisoa's, 0.38, Lima 0.42, Spriugbiook 0.47, Lbeuezer 0.58, Lutiulo 7.20 P. M. TRAIN LEAVES OLEAN: C25 A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER & FREIGHT, slopping at Uiaadalo 7.00 Iscliim i.,yo, l- rauliiinv.llo b.l, iMicaius 8.63, Yorlisdiie 0.23, Arcade 0 15, Piulect lu:. 10-14. llodiiiid 10.35, ales 1 l.oO, Aurora 11.25, Jatniboii's 11.30, Lima 1I.4H, tpriiibrook 12 02 i' A Ebenezer 12 22, liuUuio I 00 1'. .M . JufMo Iraiuu run on Sundays. 11. (:., Gju'i Mituagr. II. L. L Y.MAN, Gei.'l Pusj'r Ag't J. D, YLO dA.NS, Gcu'l Bup'l I TS Ll'SiKD !':! Any peixou EuCering from ihu above di.-iase iu reiiue-ied to uduii-ui Lh. Pitn.'e, Mid a trial bottle ot lutdiciue will be iur v, aided by Eipic.-a. ree: Tlis only co8t being tlio Express char get), which owiug to uiy Urge busiueta, are tuiall. Jjr. Price has made the treatment of FlliS OK EPILEPSY a study for years, and ho will warrant a cure by Ihe use of bin remedy. Do not luil to ticud lo In in for a trial bot tle; it cubls nothing, and he W ILi. l X l.E you, no matter of how long tstundtng your care may be, or how many oihei remedies may have failed Circulars and testimonials sent with FEE si TRIAL ROTTLE. Co particular to give your Express, as well as your Post Clnee direction, and Additss, 1R. CUAS. T. PRICE, 07 William Sueet, New York. v-6n81y Eaics ol Aivertiilnj. One column, one year $75 00 I " 40 00 I 25 00 1 " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one iuuertion 1, two inser tions, t.1.60, three insertions. $2. Eubinees cards, teu lines or less, per year $5. AdvsrtiseneaU Iyabls quarterly. Llcensaj. The following persons havo applied for license at the May term of court TAVERN Benezftte .Martin Km, Vox Joseph Koch JAY Armed Turley Biduway Frank Pollman. St. Mary's Boro M'l'hias Wnllen dorf, llauhauser t Meciim, John Yaughao, James Pegncr. EATINOIIOUSG Fox Andrew Ilau " St. Mary's Boro Geo. Sehaut, John B. Ileindle, Chas. Klatisniaa. TlilAL LIST Following Is a lift of the causes set down for the May term of Court of common pleas of Elk eeiiuty. Commencing Monday, May 24th, 1875. 1 The Spring Run Coal Company yg Thomas Tozier, No 16 of January term 1809 2 Ellen Donovan ct al vs William Brom ley, No 8 of January term 1873 3 AlderferSl Prcton vs the buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R R Co No 41 of Aug. ust term 1871 4 J 11 Whitman ts John M'Gnffio No 83 of August term 1871 6 Jnmrs liUek vs the Benzinger Coal and Iron Co No 47 of August term 18?4 C Bcnjimin Johnson vs Martin Eai, No Gl of August term, 1874 7 George Opdyke vu Francis A"Loesch, No 70 of Ai.gust term 1874 8 James K Orr vs Samuel Rathbun et al No 72 of August term 1874 0 Patrick Welsh vs. Joseph Koch, No. 74 of August Term, 1874. 10. Lazarus Moypr vs, Patrick Lamb, No 84, of August Term, 1874. 11. Thomas Hollaed vs. J V Ilouk & Co., No- 107, of August term. 1874 12 Caleb Shotwell vs George Scull et. al No 13 bepteniber Term, 1874. 13 Martin Fcily vs Andrew Kaul et at No 10. of Geptember Term, 1874. 14 Inskeep, Poor & i.i'Giillick vs J 1! Whitman No 49 of September Term 1874 15 John Farrcr vt C It Earley, .No 4, of November lerm lh4 10 Willinm Johnson vs Edward Walters, No 15, of November Term 1874 17 R C M'Gill v The P R R;Co No 9 of Januury Term 1875 IS Wui II Hyde vs A Q Cuthbert No 11 of Jauuary Term 1875 10 G.blis, Ourke X. Co vs Gilford, Hall & Co No 24 January Ttrm 1871 20 Wm R Young, et nlvs The Allegheny Valley ii K Co ISo 3o, rt .May, Urm, IS, j. FRED KCHOEN1NG, Clerk. snaniFFs sale. BY virtue of a ' writ cf levari facias, issued out of the Court of Coimuun 1'leas of Elk County, and to me dueu- ted,,l will expose to public sale, by vendue or outcry .Jat the Court House, llidway, Pa., ou MONDAY, MAY 21th, 1875, at 1 o'clock P. M., the followinp described real estate, to wit: All that cert tin lot or picc-s of land situate in the villas; c of Bidgw.iy county ot Eik aul State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and deseiibe l os l.illows Bcginuii on the line of Main street at tho northeast corner of lot number 13, theuco north 0(i oo cast, alone; the line of Main ttrcet one hundred uiid thirty -ISO- feet to tho nonh-west cor ner of lot number lti, theueu south ! 2.V east aloni' the line ol lot 'uutnber 10, oue hundred and sixty - feet to un alley, vliuce south GO0 3;V west uloi'g said alley, one hundred and thirty -loO- ieet lo southeast comer of lot number 13, thence north 2-V west one hundred and 6i.vty -ICO- feet to ihe place ui beinnim:, eonlainnii; 20,800 square feet, and comprising and beiug lots numbers 14 and ID, in the plau of said village ol ltidgway. Seized aud taken iuto execution as the pioperty of Patrick Malono at the suit of Eliza 0. Cleuieuts, und to be sold by DANIEL SCULL, Shciifl. Sheriff's Oflinc, ) Ridgway, Pa , Apiil 2Sth, 1S75. j prrl'?T,s,T,''5 fitti BY virtue ol a writ of venditioni ex ponas, issued out of the Court of Coin men Pleas of County, and to ui i directed, I will expose to public eaV by vendue or outcry, at the Court liouse, liidgway,, Pa., on MONDAY, MAY 24th, 1675, at 1 o'clock P. M, the following described real estate, lo wit: All the riht, title, interest, c'aim .and demand whatsoever ot defendants iu, to cr out ol all tho following tract, piece or pared of laud , to wit, as tol lows: Being in the township of Spriiif- i;rock, county ol r,ik and biate of Pennsylvania, bounded aud describe as loiioWH, being part of warrant uutn ber 2775. v an anted in tho name of Willie! in Wiilink und others; Begin ning at a Middle back rock, on the kdl hand of Spring ('reck iheneo iionh tliiny one (31 ) degrees west nineteen (10) tods, thence north hve .J uegiecs we.-t seventeen 17J rods to a hemlock true on said lelt hunk of Spring Click thence norih t-ixty IJu degrees, itl forty (40) rodi to a post, i hence si uth thirty 30J degrees cast tiixiy-.cvuu aud five-tenths (07-5 roils, theueu 'south nine ami onc-loui tii (ilj) degrees wet five and five-tetiths 5-5, roils to the piaeo oi beginning, containing liiteeii 15J acreH more or U'fn ou which is erected tho following buildings, to wil: One large water saw mill, ouo lit.ine school house, four l'rauiu dwelling houses abnut IGxlS with additions, one lug bouse about 20x30; ulso ouo frame barn about 30xlU feet. The above houses are u.-ed as tenant houses iu und about said mill property. Also an undivided three-fourth in terest in, to or out oi tho tollowiug tract, piece or parcel of land, situate and being iu Spring Creek township, Elk County and State of Pennsylvania bounded aud described as follows, to wit: Oa the north and cast by lauds ol Ndson Strang, ou tho south by warrant line of warraut number 27fcD, ou the west by Millstone township line, con taining four hundred and fifty -454-aores more of less, and being part ol warrant number 2775. Seized aoi takcu iuto execution as the property of L. P. &, II. M. Powers at the suit of Thayer &. Uagerty, and to be sold by DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ridyway, Pi., April 28th,1875. PITTSBUGH EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN J0UH1TAL! A LIVE NE WSrAPLll, IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. In entjrine 'upon the New Year, ana within a few mouths of the second anni versary of the first appearance nfilm paper t he publishers of t.'ie 11 1 If liU UG II LVEMNG TELEGRAPH renew their ex. previous of thanUs to au intelligent and appreciative public for its LIBERAL AND EVER INCREASING PATRONAGE during the year just closed. Coalng into distance lit a tin". e when every Und of business was to a certain extent depressed, and when retrenchment in every direction whs the rule, the Tr'.LKG il.Vl'li Jihh luughi its wny, and become, not only to estab. lished tact, hut a PRIME NECESSITY IN 1'TERY IV ELL. JMUUMhU CIRCLE, whether it he of the" countinp-roora, the prolesJonaloiH ie, lha wosk;, or the family. li cireiilal ion, equa' to the heft from die slnvt, )un e;ruwn luexlent und im portnnee daily, until now it acknowledges tut two equals the lJispnleh und Lender so far as tnc uumher indued daily is on cerned, and no eiunl as to the cliarnetcr of its readers. " hfe facts are so well known and appreciated by the business eommu nily, or ihe shrewdest members lhe;cof, that our colutkns have beeu weil.naed by the favors of THE BEST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS. and we are glad to know that, thuir fai'b iu the TELLG lt I'll us au udvei tii;idg me dium has been firmly established. TiiirTiTTsnurGii EVENING TELEGRAPH, ha, we think, during tho past year main tained iis claim to ihe )iood will and Hip- prol ol the people, irrespective of party, imisriii'h as its opposition lo bad liniuiuu. tioi:s within the parly whose principles it favorti vas hugely insiruuieulal .u procur ing their defeat. Vihile it slmll be our aim io proui jte the est.ih.islied prinuip'es of il.e RepiihUc iu 1'iii tv, we shu.l in ill.- fu ture, as in the past, i.pp.i.-c the election to olnee of nu n nut lully rjiiuliiicd or shall liv trickery or any vnfuir means manage to secure a place on iho ticket. Honesty aud capacity only will receive our support. li'.C TELEGRAPH will continue to pnhlish ALL Tii. NEWS OF 1 UK at iho earliest mo:i:ent, aud in such it sii;i e as lo he acceplubld Id the nical erii icnl render 'ilie TELI.URAPH Trill continue to re il ..ct ihe seiiliinct:ts of ihe peoplo oa ull pullie questions touching ih. ir v. .:li'ne. The TEL' GUAl'li will uphoid zciilus1y the lunula of ail men IninJ-i und earnesl in reloriu, asd it will, as in ihe past, give nil bides a liein iu ou the ti:picj id tlio time. The TELEGRAPH will with re. newed zeal for Ihe prospeuty of ihe city aud State und the advancement of ihe ha tcrial interests of cur citizens. Its LOCAL HEPAUTMEN7 will continue to bo carefully attended to, i.ud its reports of lieal eveuis will be always fresh and reliable. Its SPECIAL TELEGRAMS AND CORRES l'ONDLNOE from tlio Capitals of the Nation and Mate and from all important news center w ill continue io be of the most attractive and trustworthy character. Its MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will receive the same carefel attention that has beeu remarked in the past, aud iu this respect the TELEGRAPH will continue to he without a competitor, lis EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT will 'contain an honest expression of views ou all m: pun mil live topics, political und otherwise its NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which liuve always enjoyed an exalted rep utation, will continue to be of the sumo unexceptionable character, lu hue, the EVENING TELEGRAPH IN. ALL j ITS DEPARTMENTS, will be during the J'ear 187.r, superior to the past, excellent as it bus beeu by gen eral admiHsinu. No expense will be spared lo keep the paper abrcsst with the times, and iis managers will eikCi t every ei-'orl that experience may suggest to lnnko if possible, more uttraclive to the general reader. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. By mail, ii eluding postage, Nine Dollars per uunuui. Delivered by Carriers, iu any part of Pittsburgh uud Allegheny, for Fifteeu C'euts a week. ADVERTISING application. RATES furnished on ADDRESS, TIIE EVENING TELEGRAPH, mpfgDTjuca fa. THii .LDINE COMPANY'S '1T2V; PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. THE ALDINE; THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. This splendid enterprise is not only well sustained in crcry feature, but is beinn cobhtsntly developed and improved. Ii to-uiiy ki smls without a rival iu me wnnie world of periodical literature. Tho bounti ful don-portrait, ''Man s Lnse.hsli rricinl. a cliioino prcseuted to every subscriber, is a decided hit, and will, if possible, add to the popularity which this work 1ihs g lined. i tic Ai'.T Union lealure also promises great and benificeiit icsulls, in nroiix,ng publio intiicRt iu Ihe fine arts. Circulars and fill information on application. Parts I, II, 111, aud IV nro now ready. eUTTON'3 Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To be completed in 40 parts issued for nigtly. Each part will cciilnin an cl"jnnt frontis piece, originally engraved on steel for the London An Journal. REPRODUCING at a price within the popular reach, cn nravings never before ollered nt less than live limes the amount. These plnte have been the attraction of The London Art Journal, Each purl will contain quarts pni.'i s. including the elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate poper. A superh lilie pnpp, richly iiluminaied in red and gold, will be p. von with the til st purl, and (lie piiuliug of Ihe entire work will be a worthy rrpresenia. lion of "Tlie Aldmc Press" which is a gunranleo of something beautiful and a1. liable. At a Cost cf 25 Cents a Fart Pnrls I, II. and 111 arc Just Published. Complete in 12 monthly purls, at $1 each Reproducing the ieM lull -page illnstra tious from the earlier volumes of The Aldiue. Each monthly part w ill contain six su perb plates will, accomii'inving descriptive mailer, and w hether lor binding or fivming wiil bo entirely beyond competition if price or ni t is: ic diameter. Eveiy iinpres hiou w.'U be most cart fully tnkvu on the tinest tuned paper, nn.l no puns will be spared lo mnke this Ihe richest pred iction of a press which has won, iu a mai'.elousiy short lime, a world-wilo reputation. OEMs ntaji tiiv t Lot jtz: Espjcially assorted for Scrap Book Illustretions and Erawir.g Chm Copies. A large collection of pictures of different sizes snd ou almost every conceivable sub. ject have beeu put rp mi iiltmclive en vtdope, and are now oiler d a I a price in tended to make them popular in overj sense i nvelope No. 1, coiilniniiig CO beautiful engravings, is now ready, ani will be sent, posla-io paid, to anv address for ONh DOL LAR. A liberal discount to ageuts and teachers. SCRAP HOOKS A splendid assortment ot SCRAP ROOKS uave been expressly prepared lor tlie luli huy tc.ison, nnd no piesent ol more pcrina nen I interest c.iu be selected lur geniiemaii or lady, old or young. No. 1. lialt buuiid, clotii sides, gilt. biiuii "i.'.O pp. Uxld inches SfoOO No. -. hull' b.iund, do It s des, gilt ba:k, 6UO pp. lJxlii inoiies 7 0" No. y. Full m.uoeco, bcvel. d tmarda gill and antique, very c.uu i.00 pp VI lit) Lettered to order iu guld at 2o cents each line. Sent by mail post pa'J oa receipt of the price. THE ALDINE PASSE-PARTOUTS. In compliance with repeated requests, the publishers of Tin: A mums line pre pared iiiipru.-sioiis of many of ttieir most beautiful piales lor pas-e ) ai toiil fiamiii(r. The cuts are mounted ou a beautifully tinted azure mat, with a handsome red bor der liue. To attach the g'ass, it i9 only left for the cut loiucr to paste and IV I J over an already u t:.chcd bolder aud this may be done by a cli.ld. -i subjects, lxl.i inches, Hue ; with piiiss. 5l;c. tt:x f llits size for SI wl.en selection is eft to the puhii.-hci's. 0 subjects, U'xlliJ ir.ches, 2Cc, with 10c., with CO c; with glass, 10 j 7 tu' iects, Clxc'J inches. glass, iue. 12 subjects, 1 Ixl'J inches, glass, tfl. Leut by mail, without glass, postpaid, for price. CAKVASSCRQ WAITED tsse .i.sira; fo.wif" - i n41tl:J. Remington Skwinu MACuiNi-: PlI'.K AllMS, AND AUKICL'LTL'KAL lM- 1'i.niF.M's, Tho P.emiijoiuu b'cwiii'; Mucliiuc litis sprung rapidly into luvur as pugses.sin-; the Lest combination of guod qualities u:in:c!y, light runuiug suiouth noiseless rapid uud durallc. It lias u tirailit needle, perpendicular actum, automatic drop-feed, uiukts the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rin nor ravel, and is alike cu Loth tides. The llfciiiingtoti fckwiug Machiue has received premiums at many Feiis, throughout the Uuitcd Elates, and with out tlioit took the Grund Mtdaloi Pro gress, the highest oidtr of uitdal lliat was awarded at the Iuto Vienna Kxpo&i position. Tho Kcinington Works also nianu- lacture the nevv double Parrcllcd lircecli lioaditii; Miot gun snap end positive actiou, with puteut joint check, a marvel of Itvuty, iiuUh aud cheapness, and the celebrated lum iugton Li Acs adopted by uiuc differeut govcrunieuts, aud renowned throughout the world for military, bunting and target purposes all kinds ot Pictols, llifles, Caues, Welalio Cutridgcs, d o. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Koud tempers, Patent Kxcavutut.s, iluy Tedders, Cotton Gius, Iron Bridges, &o. The undersigned has been appointed agent for the sale aud introduction ol tho Kemiugton Sewin Machiue iu and for tho counties ol Eik, Clearfield and Warren. TIIOS, J. BUUKli, Depot aud office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good local agent wanted. LLtOUEY VALLbV RAIL ROAD LOW-GRADE DIVISION. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 2.1, 1874. 'rains tetwecn Redbunk and Driftwood will run as follows: WESTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at. 12:"0 p in. Rcynoldsville at Shilll p ri, Rrookville l 4;0o p Bi, arriving ut Redbunk at ti:12 p m, connecting with Expre-s on Main Line for Pittsburgh. MIXED WAY leaves Reynoldsville daily at. 0:10 a m, Urookvillo at 8:ll) a m, arriv ing at Redbank at 11:50 a m. connecting with traius north and south on Main Liue. K AST WARD EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Redbank daily at 12:-() a in, arrives ut Rrookvillo at 2:H"-1 p m. Rej noldsvills at 8:20 p m, Drift wood at. 0:10 p m, connecting with traius cast and west on P aud E Railroad. MIXED WAl leaves New ilelhle'm daily at ;!:()" t in. arrives at Erookville at 0:03 p m, Reynoldsville nl 7:.i0 p m. MAIN LINE Cn and afler MONDAY, NOV 2:1, 1871, trains on llic Allegheny Valley Railroad will run us follnws: RUl'I'AI.O EX CRE3S will leave l'itts Imreli daily at 7:l".a m, Redliank Junction at 10:17 a in, and arrive at Oil City at 2:10 p in. MdllT EXPRESS will leave Oil City at '.hO' p m, Redbank Junction at 2:00 a m, and arrive ut Pittsburgh a'. 7:20 a in. T'iLtSYlU.E EXPIil.iS.1 leaves l'ilts buri;h at lldlO p in, I'cdbank Junction nl t;;2) pin, und arrives'al Oil Idly at 10:2) p in. Reluming, leaves Oil City at H:'.'A a ni, Redbank .lut.ctinn at 12:11am and ar rives at Pitl.-bui Ii nl :!;!" p in. J. J. L.W. R1-..NI E, tiel.eriil huperintenden' . Wm. M. Piui lips, Avs'i t-upt., Erookville Pa. E. B. FOOTE, BID. 123 Lcii!2toa Atcms, ' at . K 2Sih St., KEW YORK, cooeo i Ill; jsiciao, TREATS ALL FORM3 OP CIIEOITIO BISEASE, AD RECEIVES Letters from ad 2arts oj the Civilized World, It KIS CniCUAl WAY Cf CenltietiHf a Heiical Practics HE 13 TrtEATISO ITurnerons Paticnt3 in Europe, the Ve3t Indies, tha Dominion of Canada, and i:i every Stkto of tha TJnion. EV MAIL FREE OF GHAnGE. Ko moreurlil medicines or deleterious drups oacd, linn during the ast twen'y jours treated euwnbS fully nearly or quite 40,tiU0 citsen. AU facts con nected with enuh caae oro carefully rvcirdcl9 whether they be conmunicfited by IcLter or in person, or observed by tUe Doctor or hU as-oemte pbywicivu. 1'ho UUor are ull aciciiliiic tuodical men. All Invnlldi at ft dtKtnnee nre required to Rnswer n exttiiulo.l liL of pltiia quesiijuis which will be fbrul-iLcvi by mail free, or at tho ofllce. A com plute Bytra of rcNtering )rvcntH mintake or coiifiiMion, Ce bo-'Ui never coniltetl, except by the physiciniiH of the entablit-ibimnt. For free coiiiliatioii fend fur Ii-t of qncstionff. A fcixty pnpo jiamphkt ot eyidoncci of eucces bCDt free also. Addrtu Dr. E. 13. I'OOTE, Box 788, New Vork AGHNT3 WANTED. Dn. Toote in the author of ' Mi:iicai. Com Iiom Bknne," a IwKjk Ibat reiirh'-d a circulation of over ar.0.000 copies; not of "Plain IIumk Talk," more recently prblishe, wi-.h ha wild to the I'Xlent of 70,li'iU tpies ; o'k. of 4,iSrinrcE IU SxoiiT," which is now L-- pubUvlied iu t-crica, COKTENTH 'i AUL f.9 of all, excepting the flret-mcittioiied work (which U out of print), will be Rent freo on applictition to either Dr. Foote, or the ilurrf.y EIU rublish laj Canpatyj, whom office is 12U Kust SmIi StreLt AtfeutK--bjth men and women wanted to sell the foregoing works to whom a lihernl profit will be allowed. Ihe beginning of in mil fortunes havo been in ado in sell ing Dr. Foote' popular work. "Plain Home Talk" i particularly adapted to adults nd " Eciknce w Story m la flint tho thing for the young. Bond for contents Ub!es and see fuv yourselves. The former answers ft multitude of qucfttiona which ludirHand gentle men fuel a delicacy ubout asking of their pViyician. There is nothing in literature at all li'.o either if the fcrcgohig works, "Scikkce ih Rtoiiy" can only be had of asrents or of tho PubUnuerft, 'PLAIN 1IOM -; TALK1 is published lu butU lt Euli-li and (iet iuan;u:icts. Once more, ACO3 "VCTKttOClft ADDHEB3 AS ABOVE. JiCjyrf.wfi'vt f'fii-.h of HUE UKi'AFTMKNT Gcrnmn Am.. N:-.v Voik (550 ,00 0.00 Ninrira ot N.-.v Ymk 1 :: 1 l.D:Ki.OO Ai:;:)ii (.'iric'miiiiti i.t' Hi":0.057 17 Ciiy lu.-.., Cu. d H.-'iviiK n.-n 1110,654 32 LU K V- l Ali 1 .Mfc- i Trisvclors ii AeciJcnt tiariit.rd 2,OCO,000,00 Vrth Aiiioiicin JJuiual of Nt-w York 5 000,000,00 Equitable (-1 Now Yoik 15,000,000,00 lnt$i'.r;iiice i fleets in unv of tho above Ft.'ind-ird coin at the most re.U8ona terms, coritiiblcut with perlect eccui if v to tlio iiiuretl. J. O W.liULEY, Agent. eec-ie:ess ECTIC3. "V 01 ICE is litreby given ihnt tho fol 1 lonine accouuls have been filed iu my oliice, ui.d u ill be presented at the Orpimu's Ccurt of Klk County tor confir illation, ou the fourth Monday of May next, being the z-liu day ot .May if-.o. l'iiial hcci.ul of Ignatius U iruer,, nnd Louis Vcilr:tr cxeciuors of tlio last will nnd testament of A. liuuhauser, late of M, Mary s Loro., ilecensed. Partial account of Chan. M'Ycan and Mary A. Weed, ndinniisirators of B. A Weed lute of Jay township, Klk Co., Pa., Uccoaseu. The final account of C. II. McCauley de bonus noil, sum testauieuto imucxo of C. 11. fuller deceased. Pli KD. MuliOEXIXG, Register. A DVEr.TrsiNc: Chkap. Good, Svstema- ,i'rie. All persons who contemplate uiakiiig contracts with uewspureis lor the iutcrtiou of iidrerliscmeLts, should scud ceuts to Geo P. Bowt-11 j ( o., 41 Park Kow, Iew York, for their PAMPULLT liOtllv ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over UOO newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a teiiucndotis reduction from publishers lutes. Cir tuk book. v no 4tt tf s UBS0R1EE for th ELK COw'STV AlVOCATE, IN DAN SClllDNEil WIS1IKS TO IN (orui the Cittzcns of R'uljway, and the public gcccrnlly, thnt lie Las Btartcd ft Lit-'' cry Stnblo and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Durjies, lo let upun lie most rcnuona ble terms KIIe will o!o do job leaning. Stable on Uroi.ii Mi-eel, abore Mom. All orders left at the l'oel OIHco -rill mett prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A lar- eight prigo iinl?pjdetit, honest and fiuiicft, newspn)ier t f o(i brond oolumna, tcpeciuily dosijinecl lur the farmer, tho met clmiiio, l lie merulmnt nnd the Professional ii.nn, arid their wives nnd children. We nitn to iii-ikij tlio .Vkkkly Hoi tho bent fninily licwfpp.per in the world. It in full of cntcrtiiiuing nnd iti.-irucliTO reauing of i vory sort, but prints nulling to oQ'end the ti ost scriipiihius end delicnte trtKte. Price fl.LM per year, pn.itne prepaid. The clie.ipest pupcr publis-hed. Try it Address Ti. e Sis, cw Vork City. Elk County Directory. President J u J c L. D. iVctmore. Additional Law Judo Hon. Jna P Vincent. iWouiute Judge? Luhr, J V.. IHr-ttrict Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Shcriil U. r'cull. Pioiii'inoti.ry Jc, Fred. Sclioening. Treasurer J.i;eph Windfelder. Couiiiy iSupuriiiicndpnt liul'us Lucnre. Cuuiuiissionurs Michael Weidcrt, Julius Jones, Ui'O. Kd. Wuis. Auditors Thoums Irwin N. 0. Bundy, County Surveyor tco Wilmslcy. Jury Commissi mers. Phillip KreigUla I'uutom T. Kyler. loll SALE 1)Y L'.K. GUES1I, Masonic Hall Building, Ilidgway, Pa. VAN VLECK'S CKLElUtATKl) J'A 1 EM' SPRING lil'A) liho'l' tempered eteel spring wii'Oj.tbese fprit s tan Lu laid on the bints ol i.ny vuiuuiuu bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES I o ageiit iur W e3d Sewing Llachine, E"iest Huuuiiig, Mott Durable, and BEST MAC II INK 'U tlm market. Cull aul I'xii.'iinc before purchasing elsewhere. vlnlGt'.iS, 1 V YOU WANT TOUUY i tO n. GO 10 JAMES II- UAGERTY Main Street, Uidgway, Pa. DRY GOOD;-, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS ANI) QUEEN S VYAliE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGAR. A Liire Stock of Groceries arid Provisions. The REST P.R A N I S ol l'LOUR Cc list u ii 1 1 v on h.'itid, uud bold as cheap as the Cli EAl'EST. JAMES II. IIAGEltTY. S12E198 . -tJlTSi S'ErfJtMTS. 0, C. The True Capo Cod Cranberry, C. best fort lor Uplaud, Lowlaud, or Gardeu, by mail prepaid, 81 per 100, S5 per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries and Peaches. A priced Cata logue of thfse aud all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Hoses, Ph.nts, and FllESU FLOWEil & G A 11 DEN SEEDS, the choicest collection in tho couutry, with ull novelties, wiil be eent gratis to any lain address. 2o f-orts of cither Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or lerb Seeds, for f 1,00, eent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TKADE. Agents Wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. ADM INISTlt ATOKS' NOTICE. Estate ot John E. Turlej, late of Jay towabbip, Elk County, Pa., deeeabcd. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those haviug legal claims against the same will present them without delay iu proper order for settle ment to A. W. GRAY, ) . , , JULIUS JONES, JAdmrs IJenezette, Feb 25th, 1875-nlt4 'i0 THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYIT X V ASIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the Sational Hanks are now preparsd to receive subscriptions to the Capital btock ot tha Centennial toard of l iuauco. , The funds realiied from this source are to be employed in the ereo tiou.of the builuiugs fur tha Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses eonueote with the same. It is confidently believe that the Keystone State will be represent bj the name of every citiien alive to pair otic commemoration of the one hundred birth-day of the nation. The shares slock are otfered for $10 each, and su scribcrs will receive a handsome engrave Certificate of Mock, suitable for iramiu and preservation as a uational memorial. Interest at tha rate of six per oent. per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from data of payment to Jauuary 1, 1S7G. Subscribers who are not neai a Nation Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersi gned, FltED'K t'KALEY, Treasurer, Ci M'ulnut Ut., Philadelphia.