FARM, GARDEN ASD HOUSEHOLD. I " Fnrm Notes and Hint. Horses that' are greorty eaters, or swallow thoir grrurt whole, should have it bruised or ground. . Use .sulphur freely in tho stables to keep oiT lice from the cattlo. It is ft dis grace to any fanner to allow his cnttln to be tormented by such vermin, when they are so easily destroyed. Perhaps uuleached wood ashes furnish the most valuable of the mineral manures. They are worth nearly double as much, pound for pound, as the commercial fertilizers ordinarily sold. Bonder, trtko care of your ashes. Boiling land after seeding is nlmost invariably profit-able, and even necessary. If the ground is a stiff loam, and wet when seeded, rolling immediately may do much harm, especially if soon followed by dry weather. Hut tho rolling in such cases should bo doferrod until tho ground lias dried, when, if in the least lumpy, the roller should be used. If the ground is dry nt ' the time of seeding the roller should follow nt once. Mulch trees sbon after planting with straw, dead crass or litter of any kind, and they "will be more likely to live through tho spring and early summer droughts which sometimes occur and prove fatal to nnraulohed trees, especially ii pianieu in tenacious bohh. A kind of influenza has broken ont among the horses in many of tho West ern towns, its nrst appearance in malig nant form being reported from Detroit, Mich., where a number of animals have fallen victims to it. The malady pro vailing at present bears no relationship to tho epizootic, although some of the earlier symptoms are similar. Strong efforts are being made among farmers to encourage the crows as scavengers rather than to destroy them, It it claimed that they maybe made use- lul in destroying tlie potnto bug. Simple Dyspepsia Remedy. Dyspepsia arises from a great variety or causes, and dinerent persons are re lioved by different remedies, according to the nature of the disease and condi tion of the stomach. We know of a lady wuo nas derived great benelit from drinking a tumbler of sweet milk the richer and fresher the better whenever a burning sensation is experienced in the stomach. An elderly gentleman of our acquaintance, who was afflicted for many years witu great distress alter eating, lias etlected a cure by mixing n table spoonful of wheat bran in half a tumbler of water, and drinking it half an hour after each meal. It is necessary to stir quickly and drink immediately, or the bran will adhere to the glass and become pastry. Coffee and tobacco are probably tiio worst substances persons troubled with dyspepsia are in the habit of using, nud should be avoided. Regular eating of nourishing plain food, and the use of some simple remedies like the above, will effect, in most cases, quicker cures than medicine. .Mrdirnl Hints. Cod Liver Oiti. A French physician reports as the residt of nearly one hun dred observations, that it is in rickety patients, as previously shown by various writers, that cod liver oil has it most positive and curative action, but that it cures neither scrofula nor consumption; in these, as in all other diseases, in which it has been tried, the oil acting as a re storative and reconstitueut, is therefore useful in the treatment of all such condi tions of the system as exhibit a general cachexia, without being addressed to any particular malady. It seems also to bo n fact, verilied by numerous in stances, that tho increase of weight al ways ceases in individuals attacked with consumption whenever, by tho use of cod liver oil, they have attained their normal weight. 1'ho oil should be ad ministered with the food, instead of in the intervals between meals Smallpox in Rome. Dr. Toscani has made an exceedingly interesting report of the recent epidemics of smallpox in the Italian capital, by which it appears that within the space of one hundred and thirty months 3,149 persons were attacked, of whom 1,219 died, the first four being unvaccinated. In 2,770 cases the disease declared itself at the patients' homes; in three cases, at the hospitals; in fourteen cases, in the prisons; in twenty-seven cases, in the colleges and seminaries; while two hun dred and forty five patients belonged to the Agro Romano and ninety to the con tiguous districts. The poorer classes furnished nearly all the victims; the higher classes only twenty-two; the middle classes, including the garrison, two hundred and thirty-three; the me chanics or working classes, nine hundred and sixty-four. ' The persons vaccinated who were attacked Were five hundred nnd twenty-one, of whom seventy two died, or 13.81 per cent. The persons not vaccinated who were attacked were 2,289, of whom 1,005 died, or 40.61 per cent. In three hundred and thirty-nine cases, of wliich eighty-two were fatal (24.30 per cent.), it could not be discovered whether vaccination had been practiced. The deaths varied in the following propor tion, according to the place in which the patients were treated: At home, forty six deaths per one hundred patients; at the hospital of San Spirito, twenty three per cent. ; at San Giovanni, in Laterano, tweuty-onepereent. ; at theMilitary Hos pital, eight per cent.; at the Hospital of ill i Fate-Ben-Fratilli. thirty-six per cent. ; at the Lunatic Asylum, sixty per cent. Among those vaccinated the greatest number of deaths occurred between one, seven, fourteen, and thirty years of age. The Art of Spelling. A correspondent of the Boston Adver tiser submits the following statement to those who believe, with Francis Galton, that human accomplishments are to a great extent hereditary : In Philadel phia, in a spelling match held at the Academy of Music, two sisters took the two prizes. In Boxbury two brothers took the prizes at a spelling mutch. In Northborough, Mass., a mother and her son took the first and second prizes in a town hall spelling match. In Haver hill, at a spelling contest, a brother and sister were tho last two to compete for the prize. The contest of these two quite amused the audience, till it finally ended over tho word caliph, or calif. The authority required the rendering to be caliph, and Harvard won, though a subsequent search of authorities showed both forms of spelling to be correct. The victor gracefully transferred the prize, a silver cake-basket, to his sis ter. . It must be remembered, in giving weight to these four examples, that two of a family do not always compete at the same timo.i ... i 1 If you want to teach a dog arithmetic, tie up one of his paws, and he, will put down. three and carry one every time SUMMARY OF NEWS. j Items of Interest from Home and Abroad. Agents of the Frenoh government' have made coutraota lu Bohemia for ten thonsand horses. j i... During a dobate In the Frnnslan Diet on the bill withdrawing the State grants from the Roman Catholic clergy, Trinee Bis marck made a speech declaring that he was Dot an enemy of the Catholio Church ) he warred only against tho Papac; The German governmont Journals give tranqnlliziug assur ances in regard to tho relations of rrnsaiawith foroign powors. Tho Carlists have sur prised Fort Aspo, near Baiitandur, and carried off two hundred prisoners and four guns. ..... The Anti-Slavery Society of ronnoylv&tiia cele brated the one hundredth anniversary of its organization hi riiil'Mlolphla. yice-l'rcflldont Wi'hoii called the meoting to order..;... It is reported that the Turks have murdered 270 Chrittiana in llonmelia and Bulgaria during the Inst three mouths, and that tho names of tho victims have been communicated to the foreign representatives in Constantinople In match game of lase ball at Savannah, Ga.. two playors, SlcLullough and Bailey, wero badly injurod. MeCullongh's leg w&b broken by a runner jumping on him, and Bailor had his nose Bplit and eye nearly put out by a "rod hot" ball. The game was thou stopped President Grant has appointed Leandot C Dwyor, of Tennessee, Consul at Odessa, Rus sia. The stnge from Downieville to Sacra mento, Cal., was stopped by highwaymen and Wells, Fargo & Co.'e treasury box containing $5,500 in gold dust, bars and coin, was carried away. Michael McIIale, who lived near Fort Lee, New Jersey,, attended the election, became Intoxicated, went' home, knocked his wife down and cnt her throat with a razor. Daniel L. Harden, for seventeen years a clerk in the post-office at Hartford, Ot., was arrested charged with abstracting valuable letters from the mails Anuibal Capalti, created Car dinal in 18G8, died at Rome A bill making the manufacture of pear, apple and potato bar rels holding less than 110 quarts dry measure a criminal offense whb defeated in the New York Assembly after a long dobate A detach ment of United States troops left Fort Laramie for a scout east, fifty miles, as far as Scots Bluffs, after a party of forty minors reported to have left the hue of the Union Pacific rail road for the hills. Their orders are stringent, and require them to destroy property and ar rest the loaders A bill providing for a system of public parka for Boston passed the Massachusetts House The indications are that tho United States government will soon open up the Black Hills gold country for settle ment. Cheyenne, W. T., is rapidly rilling with people who are only waiting for permission from the government to go to the new Eldora do The new United States silver twenty cent piece is nearly ready The Now 1'ork Herald says: "If the bituminous coal miners carry out their threat to Btrike, within a few weeks every furnace and factory in the United States would bo stopped. The damage that would result cannot easily be estimated." Another medical mystery is furnished by West chester, N. Y. Tho doctors give a man a dose of morphine to Bet him asleep, and succeeded bo well that ho never awakens. Now the coroner will have to find out what killed him. The wife of a physician at St. Paul, Minn., committed suicide by taking strychnine...... Mrs. Mason, aged seventy, banged herself at Providence, It. I., and Mrs. Irwin, described as a rospectablo young widow, drowned herself and child at Hannibal, Mo The Chipaau silver mine at Nowburyport, Mass., was sold for 1,000,000 to a joint stock company or ganized in New York for the working of the mine. The same parties paid -11,000 for other parcels of laud in the vicinity John Hunter, of Colliugwood, Canada, has been sentenced to fourteen years' imprisonment for incendiarism with intent to defraud the Hart ford Insurance Company A party of three persons ascended in the balloon Zenith at Paris to make scientific obnervations. The balloon attained the extraordinary height of 8,000 metres (over 20.000 foet). Two of the icronauts were suffocated to death, and when the balloon reached the ground tho third was almost insensible and Iibb since been so ill that hia recovery is doubtful Tkreo thoiu-aud bales of cotton were destroyed by a fire at Charlotte, N. C Two women and two men have been recently sent from Washington to the asylum for the insane, having gone crazy over the Beecher trial The American re vivalists in England are mooting with great success, their meetings being attended by thou sands of people. Marcus L. Dean committed suicide at Paw tucket, R. I .... A drunken husband in Williams burgh, N. Y., nearly succeeded in murdering his wife, sister-in-law, and a fellow laborer, with a shovel. The parties woro severely in jured by blows from the weapon Joseph Eads was murdered by Dan McAllister, at Peoria, 111 A thief seized a package con taining 8500 from a bank messenger in the Boston pont-oftioo and escaped A family at Dutch Hollow, 111., were poisoned from eat ing lobsters ; a child died, and two of the men ai'e not expected to live Twenty-two Uvea have been lost in the Canada Pacific railway survey, and steps have been taken in Ottawa to raise a memorial to the victims John Donohue had his head blown off by an explo sion of fulminating powder at New Haven, Conn Abram J. Buckles, auditor of Dela ware county, Ind., ia declared a defaulter to the amount of $15,000 Urgent steps are being taken by the New Jersey farmers' clubs to prevent the spread of cattle disease there. Serious and damaging floods have occurred along the line of the Union Pacific railroad.. A mischievous boy in New York while throwing stones accidentally killed a little girl ten years of age..... .A plot has been discovered in Uruguay to assassinate the President and his Cabinet Seven persons are implicated in the Washington post-office contract frauds. . . . A receiver has been appointed for the Northern Pacific railroad Indians surrounded the minors in the Black Hills, and endeavored to burn their stockade, but were unsuccessful. They killed and scalped one miner, who was away from the stockade. Government troops arrived, rescued the party, and took them from the hills. The Indian agent at San Carlos agency, Ari., has disarmed the Verde Indians, and located the Apaches, Ynmas, Mojaves aud Tonto Apaches on reservations The recent severe spell of cold weather has greatly damaged the fruit crops in Virginia and the Canadian wheat crop.... ..More trouble is threatened in Louisi ana. The Conservatives iu the House of Representatives have determined to scat those members returned by the returning board whose seats were filled by the Hahn Legislature after the withdrawal of Speaker Wiltz and the Conservatives. This action will give the Con. servatives a majority on joint ballot, and the Republican Senate opposes it The Occi dental and Oriental Steamship line has char tered the White Star line steamers for service between San Francisco, China and Japan Earl Derby stated in the British House of Lords that the government did not think that the peace of Europe or the independence of Belgium were endangered by the Prussian note to the Belgium government The Khedive of .Egypt has been organizing a court like our United fjtte Supltuw Court, under the aua- pices of the great civilized powers, and General George 8. Batoheller, of Saratoga, has been designated by the United States government as amomber of it. The appointment is for five years, lien, liatonellor has aooeptea it...... Charles L. Wightman, a rospeotable farmer of North Kingston, R, L, hanged himself in his barn. Sleeplessness, canead by disease of the head, was the probable cause...... A rejected sailor in New York fatally shot the objeot of his affections, a young girl of twenty years. The Advoutiata iu Chicago assembled on the twentieth it April in a private way and waited till nearly morning with their white robes, In readineoR tor the expected coming of Chrixt. They dually dispersed quietly The bill providing for the exclusion of lagor beer from the Interpretation of all statutes relating to liquor selling, and would result in permitting the sale of lagor beor ou Sunday hi New York State, was killed in the Legislature.... Reports from all parts of Kentucky Bay that great dam age has beon done to the fruit and tobacco plants by the unseasonable frosts aud snow. In the Southern and Western States the same complaints are tnado One of the lates exploits reported of strolling mendicants is the burning of an elevator for amusement by a couple of tramps in Indianapolis. This cost the owners of the property $75,000 If Wm. M. Tweed should be released bythe de cision of the Now York court of appeals iu the habeas corpus oase, he will be iu the custody of the sheriff until he gives 92,000,000 bail. . . , The Boston city council voted 930,000 toward the centennial celebration, on the seventeenth of June next, of the battle of Bunker Hill. . , By a collision between two coal carts iu Phila delphia the driver of one was killed The decrease hi the price of butter has had depressing effect in sections of New York, where dairying is the main branch of trade. Farmers who last fall and this spring refnscd forty cents a pound for their bitter are now Belling it for fifteen to twenty At Logans- port, Ind., a gaiaj of robbers wha have for some time been stealing goods from the rail roads was broken up aud a number of men arrested A plot has been discovered in Khiva for the massacre of all the Russians in the Khanate Tho Russian papers accuse the Emir of Afghanistan of complicity. It is thought that military operations have already been ordorod by Russia. A jeweler in Jackson, Mich., has late ly afforded a warning to evil-doers by receiving a sentence of imprisonment with hard labor for two years and six months for sending postal cards contain ing indecent matter throngli the mails. The judge who tried him would have pronounced a much heavier sentence had not the criminal pleaded guilty. P. T. Barnum's Latest WondersA Colossal Exhibition. narner' WeeMu devotes nearlv two columns to explaining and extolling the great enterpris es with which P. T. Barnum is making histori cal nis rorty years career as tne most liberal and daring showman in the world. The statis tics whioh Harper Brothers give us from authentic sources are nearly overwhelming, They make an ordinary head dizzy. Mr. Bar num has always boasted that he save his patrons double their money's worth, and hia claims are generally acknowledged : but this time he seems to have far outstripped himself. Last year ho obtained from the Connecticut Legislature a charter for "The P. T. Bamum'a Universal Exposition Company," with a capital of a million of dollars. Mr. Barnum, who ia president of the company, and Mr. Coup, his manager, have spent many months in Europe perfecting their plans. The object of this great company, as they announce, is to elevate amusements, invest tnem or an ouiecuonaoie features, aud thus rouder them worthy the patronage ot tne most moral ana rennea classes. They say that eventually thoy will have a score or more of exhibitions (traveling and permanent) in America and Europe, ana they intend that their chartered title shall be a guarantee or tue morns of wuttever tuey bring uofore the public. The present season they have but two exhibitions. One is Mr. Barnum's Kelt-known "Mui-fcum, Menagerie, Circus and Traveling Wcrid s pAir," the other is simply cairea -ine ureal, in un&n Hippodrome, air. Barnum seoms to have devoted rears to per fecting this great enterprise, and nearly every year oc ins personal attention was paid to it in Europe. Ac an expense of several hundred thousand dollars he erected a great hippo drome building iu the heart of New York city, and under an outlay of over five thousand dol lars each day he has run his establishment ia New York for nearly a year. This exposition company are engaged to chip the entire Hippo drome to .burope next autumn ; meanwhile thoy have undertaken the dillicult task of transporting it en tu e to the principal cities in America, nat-per s nteKiy says : "The Great ltjman Hippourom? will re semble a moving camp. There are 1,200 men. women aud children in Mr. iiarnnm s service, and the stock includes 7i0 horses aud nonies. besides elephants, camels, English stag and stag-hounds, trained ostriches, lions, bears, ticers aud other animals. For the exhibition of tho meuagerio aud the various shows, dis plays and pert ormaucus connected with the en terprises, two enormous cents, eacu suu loot; in leuKtn auu auu iu wiucn, uave nceu provided. one of which will bo kept in a-lvauoe, in ordor that no tune may be tort by delaying iu makin; ready. The question of transportation by rai a very serious one was solved by the oon structiou of 150 cars, twice the usual length, built expressly for this purpose. Among them are a number of "horso-poloce ' cars, construct ed with commodious stalls, ui which the horses can lie down and rent while ou the journey and arrive at the place of exhibition quite fresh for the performance. Besides moving the tents, animals and all other material iu thoie Hippo drome cars, berths will be provided in those devoted to the personel of the company for nearly all the employees. Besides the great exhibition teuts, aud stable tents for the horses and other animals, there is also attached to the company a large corps of blacksmiths and carpontors aud builders, some of whom preeede the hIiow several days, to make ready for the exhibition by preparing the ground, erecting seats, etc The dresniug-room te:ts alone will cover more ground than an ordinary circus. " To move such au euormous establishment. without hitch ordolay,iequires the employment 01 clear Headed, practical men at tue head of each department. Everything is so arranged as to move with the smoothness and precision of clock-work. At the appointed bur the can vas win go up, tuo street procossion will move, the performance will commence. When all is over, and the trreat tent is emptied, evurvthin a will be packed up by those detailed for the worn, and tne caravan, wuuout tue loss of minute, will be ou the move toward tjao next place or exluuitiou. "The programme of performance will be varied and attractive. Donaldson will make daily balloon ascensions with a car large enough to oontaiu a company of five or six per sons, at a cost oi auoni a;ouu a day lor tuis feature alone. Then there will be the " Roman races," in chariots driven by "Amazons;" the " liberty races," in which forty wild horses are turned loose lu cue arena in exact imitation ol ine lanioua carnival races oi nome and maples) "standing races," in wnicn tne riders stand on bareback, horses i hurdle races by ladies ; flat race by English, French, aud American jockeys ; besides camel, elephant, ostrich, and monkey races. Another feature will be the ex hibition ot Indian life on the plains, in which the actors will be scores of Indiana with their squaws and panpooses. They will put up genuine Indian encampment, hunt real buffaloes, give war dances, pony races, foot races against horses, exhibitions of daring horsemanship, lasso-throwing. A baud of Mexican rider, mounted on famous mustanirs. will make a pretended attack on the Indian camp and give a mimio but faithful represents. tiou of the wild eoeues enacted on the Western xronuer. me tuguou stag bunt will be au exact picture of the sport itself, with a company ici .. j : 1 1 i . vi iuu uiou miu nuuiuu in iuu uuuuug oostume, and a large pack of English stag hounds. There will also be many other interostius and attractive features, the mere mention ot which would make a small volume. - " Mr. Barnum certainly deserves great credit for au enterprise which ia calculated to afford vast amount or innocent, popular amuse ment s and aitnougn una Kiganuo venture in volves an enormous outlay of money, it will present too many attractions not to be generally sustained.' Amazing as this exhibition seems from the description giveu by Harper's, we can Bay, from actual observation, that one feature ia to N utcoauoM lute tut traveling uomw uup drome mors Interesting and instructive than any other. It is the great procession known as "The Congress of Monarohs." The Uarptr't omitted mentioning this, because, probably, ney supposed Mr. Uarnura wonia not aare to Incur the expense of transporting such an enormous affair through the country. But be will do so, and here is a brief description of tills dazzling and bewildering exhibition, a given by a New York ootemporary i "Of all the gorgeous pageants the world ever saw the 'Congress of Nations' is the greatest, and how the surpassing genius of even Barnum could produce it is a wonder. The oostumos are true to life, and many of thorn are genuine, having been procured direst from the nationalities which they represent; Tho individuals employed to personate the Historical characters nave toe most rnitiiiui re semblance to the originals in face and phyaique. Each nation rinds its special portraiture in some kind of triumphal oar, brilliantly bedecked with appropriate flags, emblems, colors and in tricate devices, and all sorts of characteristics in the way of peculiar uniforms, animals, soldiery, attendants and nmnio. Scores of glistening gilded chariots illumine the arena with a naio oi Ulster, as it were, and tne display or royal splendor is far more imposing and im pressive than words can describe, thrilling the auditor with unspeakable amazement and ad miration. A Ait name of the grand Coneress im plies, it V a stupendous gathering of the Monarchs tf the universe, bringing in vivid View the living Kings, Queens, Rulers, and Potentates of the past nine centuries, culmina ting in an afleotiug finale bo touching that it must awaken the emotions of a stoic. Her majesty, the Queen of England, heads the glit tering column, Biirrounded by her royal court and followed by a long ancestral line, the notability and richly uniformed 'life guards men.' Then France in the person of Napoleon the First and his famous field marshals ) Ire laud, Rome, Russia, Germany, Italy, Turkey, India, Japan, China, and so ou, until all the Monarchs and Courts of the entiro world pass In review, winding up like a jewel besprinkled coil around the continuous circle. To look upon this beautiful historical procession in all Its graudness and greatness is equivalent to sitting iu full view of the courts of all the earth, so truthfully realistic are the bewilder ing pictures revealed in rapid succession. Such a dazzling half mile of solid gold, jewels, silver, Srecious stones and tinsel could only be prs uced after years of preparation aud the ex penditure ot uair a dozen competencies. Any attempt at imitation ou the part of ambitious aud unscrupulous showmou for years to come will result iu the most inglorious failure. None Other than the 'Prince of Showmen ' himself would undertake it and none other than the great and irrepressible Barnum could achieve so signal a triumph." Tne entire exhibition is advertised to exhibit In Now England iu May, New York, etc., in June, Chicago, early in July, Ohio, Illinois and Michigan in July and August. It is due to our readers mat we inform them that Mr. Barnum announces that certain im postors in Cincinnati have oopiod his bills, pos ters, cutB and advertisements, aud with a few broken down circus horses and wagons will precede his exhibition in the West, and by an nouncing the Great Roman Hippodrome will attempt to make the public believe that it is his unrivaled establishment, tie cautions tne public against being thus deceived, aud reminds them that it would be impossible with any amount of money to organize and equip even a semblance of his establishment without a pre paration of several years. The Cincinnati lkiiiv Enauirer of February 27th, 1875, says that this pretended ,-Hippodrome " is simply the wreck of that stupendous fraud known as the Great Eastern and Great Southern Circus and Menagerie combination, which exploded at boima, Aia., tue iotn oi last jNoveiuoer, a num ber of horses having to be sold to pay the ex penses of shipping the show to this city, where the proprietors left a number of their em ployees unpaid and peuniloss, and vamosed, Who the real proprietors of the business were still remains a matter of considerable mystery, but it is generally believed that Andy liaight, one Gibbons and George Webber and othors were large stockholders. The defrauded circus men and others connected with the concern finally obtained the aid of the law to compel a settlement of their just claims, and the whole matter ended in the show being attached at Hamilton, Ind iu au auction sale of the circus property at Lebanon ycaterday afternoon. The best of the joke is that DeHaven. Webbor, Gibbons and othors are about to re organize a Hippodrome out of the " wreck to start out with next Bummer on another tour. tio viuuio suuw vm raLuur n puur cuueern. only a few lions being iu good condition, and tho menagerie including no really rare or valu able animals. Our readers only have to use orduiary caution to discover which is the real aud which is the bogus concern, though we see that Mr. Barnum complains that some shows obtain an employee named Barnum, and then advertiso "Barnum's lateet enterprise," and resort to other devices whereui they use the unme of " Barnum to deceive the public He says that all exhibitions with which he is connected will cive his initials. " P. T., aud also publisu bis portrait by way of identification. To be forewarned is to be fore armed. " A word to the wise is sufficient. As Mr. Barnum s great Hippodrome travels nuder an expense or nearly ten thousand dol lars each day it can exhibit only in large cities. These can be reached by cheap excursion trains. Mr. Barnum says be can easily lose half a million of dollars by this summer's ex- Eeriment, and that in any event he shall not ring back his Hippodrome from Europe. It is patronized and approved by the clergy and religious classes, as well as by school teachers anu an neaus oi renueu isuuiies wuo desire their children to improve their minds under this flrreat svsteui of obioct teaohimr. Bevond all question this is the most extensive and ex traordinary exhibition on the face of tho earth, aud probably this generation will "never see its like again." The most eminent organists of Paris and London, as well as Warren, Morgan, Zundel, of Trinity, Grace, aud other principal churches in New York, have given to the Mason & ILunlin Organ Co. written testimomals to the superiority of their cabinet organs, which they declare to have excellencies not found in others. Why should any ono buy a sonp hnlf rosin or clny, when Dobbins' Electric sonp (mnlo by Cnigin & Co., rhila delpliia), is for unlo? It costs but a trifle more, and will go fivo times aa far. Try it. Pagans. The Chineso ore evidently Eogaus. They celebrate nil their holidays y paying their debts, forgiving their enemies and shaking hands all round. The civilized people who have gone to China have not yet induced them to re linquish these old and barbarous habits. A Second Father Matthew, Who is there that does not respect tho memory of Father Matthew, the great champion of temperance. Innumerable societies bear his honored name; but there is one man who lias struck a more sure death-blow to intemperance, and that is Dr. J. Walker, mi old California physician, who has discovered iu nature's " mock and lowly herbs " a medicinal "tonio" and gentle stimulant that com pletely takes the place of the fashionable alcoholio poisons called "tonics," so popular as a compromise between strong drink and cold water, aud does away with the mania for drink, and in reality cultivates an involuntary disgust for the sume. It even docs more : It acts upon tho entire physical system, purifies tho blood, and produces halo, hardy health. Tho discoverer of this great medicinal stimulant is surely eutitled to the thanks of a whole nation, and it is not ex travagant to entitlo him "a Becond Father Matthow." Atxen's Lung:'h lias proved it self to be the greatest medioal remedy for healing the lun6, purifying the blood, and re Btoriug the tone of the liver. It excites the phlegm, whioh is raised from the lungs, there by relieving the cough, pains, oppression, night sweats, and difficulty of breathing. AU the above symptoms will be cured, aud the whole system again restored to health. For sale by all mediome dealers. Com. Horsemen and others, who pretend to know, say that the following directions had better be observed in using Bherldan'a Cavalry Condition Powder$ : Give a horse a tuble spooufnl every night for a week ; the same every other mght for four or six nights i the same for a milch cow, and twice as rauoh for an ox. The addition of a little tine salt will be an advantage, Com. - That Louisville Man. Three years Ago a Louisville man made np his mind to become strictly honest. lie resolved that he would never take the slightest advantage of his position to advance tho interests of his friends at the expense of his employers; that be woidd accept of nothing whioh he had not earned, and that he would dio beforo he should buy anytliing that he could not pay for on the spot. Tho following figures exhibit some of tho results of this chango in this system of conducting himself! Old friends who called bird a fortl Friends who got mud Couldn't understand him at all Set him down as eccentric Said he was "only putting on" Thought he had a streak of mnamirisi), , . Remarked that, ho was " ton particular" Understood ami appreciated him ...11 ... 7 ...fir, ...40 ... f ... ...n ...oo Arbor Day. In Nebraska thn second Wndnnsdny itl April is known as "Arbor day," nnd is set aside specially for tho planting of trees. Tho farmers on tho trec.lons prairies wero taught by sad experience that the only way to protect themselves from the flerco sweep of the desolating summer tornadoes and the cutting win ter blasts was to plant trees and raise ' forests as rapidly as possible. For this purpose one day in each year is set apart, nnd young aud old engage iuthe work of planting trees. In the mean time the people of tho Middle and East ern states continue to destroy their tim i - 1 1 . i 1 1 utT in nie most recuess manner, ap parently heedless of the fact that dry sun'Uiers nnd autumns, severe winters, and disastrous spring floods are the nnt.iral result. The story of a man who had a nose so largo that he could not blow it without the use of gunpowder has turned out to be a hoax. rimplcs, Eruptions, Rough Skin. The system being put under the influence of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery for a few weeks, the skin becomes smooth, olear, soft and velvety, and being illuminated with the glow of perfect health fiom within, true beauty stands forth in all its glory. The effects of all medicines which operate upon the sys tem through tue medium or tne blood are necessarily somewhat slow, no matter how good the remedy employed. While one to three bottles clear the akin of pimples, blotches, eruptions, yellow spots, comedones, or "grubs," a dozen may possibly be required to cure some cases where tho system is rotten with scrofulous or virulent blood poisons. The cure of all these diseases, howover, from the common pimple to tho worst scrofula" is, with the use of this moHt potent acent, onlv a matter of time. sold by dealers in medicines. COVEKED WITH ERUFTIOSB. CURED. CLavEnArK. Columbia county. N. Y. Dr It V. Tierce. Bnffalo. N. Y.: Dear mi l am sixty years of tee. and have been afllicted with salt rheum in the worst form for a creat manv years, iinfil. ftrcirlAntlv saw one pi your nooKs. wlncli described mv case exactly. I bought your Golden Medical Discovery aud took two bottles and a half, and i entirely cured. From my shoulders to mv hands I was entirely covered with eruptions, also on face and bodv. I was likewise atUicted with rheumatism, so that I walked with great difficulty, aud that is entirely cured. May God spare you a long life to remain a blessing to mauKiuu. vv itu untold gratitude, Mils. A. W. Williams. The Queen of all Sewing Machines. In speaking of the merits of the Wilson shuttle sewing machine, it is BufHcieut for us to say that we think the invention of this ma chine marks one or the most important eras in the history of this ennntrv; anil when ita con sider the Influence it has UKn the social well- being or tne masses, it is difficult to conceive of an invention of more importance. It has a beautiful, noiseless movemont; it makes the genuine "lock-stich" alike on both sides, and does to perfection all kinds of plain and fine sewing; it needs no commendation; its rapid sales, the increasing demand, and the many nattering testimonials from tboite who have used it, is sulliciout proof of its merits. The want of a sewing machine is deeply felt in every household, aud as the Wilson shuttle sewing machine, on account of its extreme simplicity and less cost of manufacture, is sold at a much lower price than all other first-clnss machines, it is meeting with Uie extensive patronage that it so justly deserves. Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in this county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through tho company's branch house at 827 aud 82'J Broadway, Now York. They send an elegant catalogue' and chromo circular free on apphcation. This oompany want a few more good ageuts. Com. The Elastic Truss of Tomeroy & Co., 744 Broadway, N. Y., is by far the best in uee. Com , The Question Settled. Those emi nent men. Dr. Jas. Clark, physician to Queen Victoria, aud Dr. Hughes Beuuctt, say that consumption can be cured. Dr. Wiatar knew this when be discovered his now widoly-known Balsam of Wild Cherry, and experience has proved the correctness of his opinion. Fifty cents and one dollar a bottlo, large bottles much tho cheaper. Com. We have heard recently of several severe casos of spinal disease cured by John sons Anodyne J.tnnnent ; one case of a man forty-live years old, who had not done a day's work for four years. The back should first be washed, then rubbed with a coarse towel. Ap ply tho liniment cold, aud rub iu well with the hand. Com. "IH'Y BIH, AND I'f.T, DO YOIT GOOD." Of all the mod of rtddlns; the human constitu tion of imptirtli of tue blood, dyspepsia, torpid liver and its kiudrfd riisHaea. noue is so huocssiuI as the use ,njr:..!'A,.:,'EY'N kt and iii:kk lillrKH.11.. llicy act as a potent tonic and gentle aperient, aro mild tn tbetr operations, safe unrir anv circumstance., and thousands have ttorne testimony to Th.w ara the safest and lieat sprinx and aunimer medicine yet discovered. Family physicians resjularly prescribe Uiem. pKO. D. UOOUW1N A UO., Boston, Wholesale Asrenta The Markets. KKW YORK Beef CattloPriraetoKxtra liullocka Cotumou lo Good Texan. 10 (3 18), viX 10 SO 00 (481 00 Milou Cow. , Hogs Live Dreaaed. Kheep , Lamba Cotton Middling i'lour Kxtra Western Htiite Kitra Wheat Hed Wvstt-rn , No. 3 Spring 11 ye state Hurley Kttit. Parley Malt Oata Mixed Wimteru Corn Mixed Western Huy, per cwt Straw, per cwt , 0,(4 8 100 10 06 (A 07', , V6U(a) 07 16XK. 16'. 0 26 4 S 85 5 25 C 5 SO w i aa (a 1 18 c 1 0i 4 1 25 1 28 1 18 1 08 1 25 1 1 42 V 75)4(4 76tf SO (4 1 (15 60 (4 85 Od (4 IS Hope 7i's 33 .olda Pork Maw. 2J 20 fjj g7tf 155.(4 IB xiau aiacaerel, Bo. l, new la (HI (a14 00 " No. a, new . 10 00 SO Dry Coil, per cwt 6 00 (4 6 60 Ilerrinx, Scaled, tier box. . . SS (4 40 Petroleum CruUe ee.!.06T,' Beflned, 187, ewi i;uiiiorruaj jrioece ... oft a aa Texas " 33X(4 8 Australian (42s.,4l. Butter State M (4 at Western Dairy 2 Western Yellow 10 Western Ordinary 18 Pennsylvania Fine 24 22 20 14 25 17 11 HX Cheese State Factory 15(4 Stat Skimmed 06 (4 Western 11 (4 Eggs State U (4 ALBAVI. Wheat 1 ft) Kye State 1 00 Corn Mixed 90 Barley State J as Oata State 73 BurraLO. 1 86 (4 I U 4 M (4 1 28 a ux (4 T 00 (4 1 n (4 81 (4 7) 04 1 07 ts 1 30 Flour 6 25 Wheat No. 2 Spring 1 18 Corn Mixed rS Oat 70 Kye 1 07 Barley 1 82 DALIlafOBE. Cotton Low Middling. 16(4 18 Flour Extra IU (4 t 00 Wheat -Kod Western.... 1 29 (4 I 29 Rye 11) (4 I Cora Yellow 18 (4 f Out Mixed.., (8 (4 69 I-uUolcuu...; . 0u7t4 07 FBlLanELPUU. Flour Pennsylvania Extra 8 !5 (4 ( DO' Wheat V otters Hed i.-.v 1 W 4 1 19 Bye , 1 111 (4 1 lu porn Yellow... B) (S 90 Mxl, ...... ............. ' Hi t4 " 91 Otta-e-Mixed. .,... 10 (4 '-'I folreUuiu t)iud. 10 U). Ht!ud, I A Remarkable Book. . In 1R08 P. T. Barnum wrote his autobiography for Burr Co., the celebrated publishers in Hartford, Ct., for which they paid him fifteen thousand dollars. It made a boek of eight hundred pages, was profusely Illustrated, cave a particular aooonnt of Barnum's eventful life in all paite of the world, and included his cele brated lecture on "The Art of Monoy Get ting." Horace Greeley pronounced ths book " worth a hundred dollar greenback to many a beginner in life." The publishers sold ninety thousand copies of ths book by subscription, at thrre dollars and a half a copy. In 1871, when Mr. Barnum .started bis great traveling shows, ho bought back tho oripyright and atnrnntyps plates of hia book for ten thousand dollars, added an appendix bringing tho ac count of Ids life up to that date, prinUd an edi tion (if nun hundred thousand copies, sent tlicrn with Ills trsvftling Minwn, and sold the wli'dn of thnni al r.mU mil dollar each. lie has 'MvI n atinmidix each v-r, which has now imthwA thn volume to a thousand paces. It Tirnt!f a sn In of on'n hundred thousand copies f n joar. I hey are neatly bound in tmudin, ;llt, uri'l sold in an inn traveling nuowx. nn is tm'rmiR mrgn from bis great show tents with his ii-ii kx uiiiler their arms, tliey 1'iok as If coining from a circuiting library ! No book in this country ever had such an enormous sale, or ho abounds in curious incidents of real life and valuable cxpcriciices.-;if'ato Courier. BnnNETT's Cocoaine is the best and olieapost hair dressing in tho world. Com. EL-rcCTiiiciTYis Life. All nervous dis- oniolH, Uliroiliu uir.wawe ul uio unrcnv, ucu... i , .ii .1. .... . liver, stomach, kidneys and blood, acnes and pains, nervous aud general debility, etc., quickly cured after drugs fail by wearing Volta's 1 1 i . i T, 1 . A'.. 1 1,1 - 1. HnA by Volta licit Co., Cincinnati, Ouio. torn. Thb Black HrtLS Gold Region. The publisher of the Cheyenne (Wyo.) Lfader will issue, April 17th, a twenty-eight-colnmn extra, containing a fine map of the Black Hills, including ail tho mountain ranges known under that nuuie ; also, a large variety of valuable in formation gathered from official and private sources, relating to tnis all-absorbing topic. Price 10 cents, bend your orders to H. Glafcke, puuiisner, uuoyenue, Wyoming. t'om. steiidT work at home. A M Ull 1 vnlunble inmol alunble mmplns and tarm., 10 conojfr SIMPSON SMITH. Cortlandt Street, N. V. The Croton Crape. two nne two-yinr.oi(i vinwi of thi excellent Wnlte uraim iwni ny ninn. nosi-piim, lor line lliillnr. S W. UXfrKRHIH,. C'rnton Ijoillm P. O., N. Y. JONES FRUIT E a VAPOEATOR. Tbe bet nn. KVOtoMHIl twr dnv nroflt. Himole. eon. pnet, nconnmicnl. Kvnnoratom and Territorial Klirut for sale. K.-)liilile Afrcntii rantd. Hand stamp for circular. Jonwi fruit Kmporating (Jo.. HI) IjiSalle St.. Chicago. IIoyn, ;irln and Rrerybndy send 25 ot. for 2ti Fine Curds ( 4 tinta) with jour nitmoel -gnutly printed in (Jilt. 10 CJarrtt 1 a ota. J. K. HAKi)sHAW,Smtthtown,L.I.,W. Y. POPE'S XUflo -Ax- Pistol Jiint lb thin for If Mto prnctlrr. )Rcnminendfd aud Indorsed bj-tlitt bent Gun dealer In tht wmld. Hnnd for clr cnlar. "ll lilt OH., 45 J J lull OPPORTUNITY for 1 are tioauclnl B)eoula ttn. WlOO ometimes hrtnmi OKI lUUk u 1 !.l cnta for Hook ;Wn the -oreH and . jplalnlng Vr'"-': Investment of tho day. Addroaa Box 1 .,:).,, Nnr York. Free ! Free ! ! Free 1 1 ! The. Pioneer. A hnndflome fllnatrated newspaper containing In for mittlon for prtryldy. Telln bow and wbere to acouro a HOME C lieu p. DKisT FUB TO AIAj PAHTB O TUE niiiiLU, It cnnalnn tli sew Homf.bteap and Tiubkb Laws, with other Interesting matter found only lu this paper. Send for it at Onee t It will only cot you a Postal Caud. New number for April just out. Address. O. F. DAVIS, Lnnd Commissioner U P. R. It. Omnhnt eb. Tho; Oneida Community, II 4. A.( ny : "Are mud) plBflM'd with your Sea Foam." 1 iH'Bt ont. A. .Mr Tni-liind. Cnfmt it ffpi r ViJ. ftnriimietd. Matt,, my : " Your 8fa Foam la excellent. Mv :ut-ment must auu will havo It." Use Pea L'oam and your table will oh firm and deluiht jour Eueet. Your Grocer, If obllgtriK, will .t it for you. It aavea Milk. Knvrn. etc., and makes the most delicious lireadt Biscuit and Cuke you ever tiANTZ A Co.. 1 7$ Uuane 8t..N. Y, AGENSS I Most iWagiiilleeiit ift II UFFLIili.!. lO( Al. Alii-N IS wanted tTtrywber. for Ttt. Eciio, a wtvllr family tuA lltrnry im.l. of In lmo psirs. Hofcxrlptlun, W illi Tl Echo Is rirs swav th. m.iniifirtotly bound qisrto rolnuvv nlitled Am.rlA s sutttrb d.llnestloa of America., scrr. Larfrtl tmwiniont. Jfaffn4slr uaVotwf CirevUr f. J. DAVID WILLIAMS A ( O. tllos 5111.1 lllwuM,s. I GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. The Oldest. Lai-Rent, and Mont Ferfeot Manufactory In 55,000 Now In osa. V No othor Musical Instrument eror obtained th auna popularity. Car-Send for Price Lists. Addroas, HtFFAI.O, N. Y. We announce thit (until further notice) we will Mil to rppllnonti In any city or town where we ha. do scent on the uii trriiiM and at tho ain tfl.rowNf as to large. dealer, who purcbaae from HotUKXI to $60.1110 Taloe anoo. ally. The f.-.ct of our. being the oM'tf and largut manufac tory In t'u United State., with if .010 instrument, now In use, I. a sufficient guarantee of onr responsibility and the merit, of our Instruments. UKO. A. FRINGE OO, In Actual Use : MORE THAN 55,000 STEY ORGANSl MANUFACTURED BY t ; . ESTEY & CO,, BRATTLEBORO, VT. Tr" SxifD roB Illustrated Catalogue. WANTED SOOONew AGENTS The People', dollar paper, The Oontri. BCTOB, en largeil to (i-ft- cnlumu. religion and secular. Tukc crrifhr. Five mag nificent premiums. Kauuiie, term, etc. free. J. H. KARLK, Boston. 1 Oll.rilKOMOMfor l two for V5e. Agent wanted. r.w.Mcl .KAVEACo..Hoaton A Chio.go. V f'llAHi.K. a Preacriution that an " llrilggts pium Italic, uggiat will put up, that la a Positive Cur ut na and lirunkenneaa. Addn Plior. .1. V. VU;i,lN, Charleatown, Ma Cb A MAY. Agent, wanted, male and female, C U aW Addres. Enruka M'l'g (Jo.. Buchanan. Mlob lT'iL WI a month t month to agent everywhena Adrlreaa fSi)3 KXOELBIOK I M r 'U (JO., Bucbaiun.Mtcb TJiVKKY FAMILY WANTM IT. Money tn It U Kuld by Agout. Addreaa M. N. LOVKLL. Krie.Pa. $ FOR AGENTS In our ten New Notreltle. Just out, Needed In ever, house. Kamnln uiil nirnn. lore tree by mail. H. B. WH1TK A 00iwmk, N. J. NEEDLES: FOR ALL SEWINU en b obUl .od n about one-h If the uiuol nun by or ler iliM dirtieu fcinn-i-'. 4f . par 4ix. ; Wheeler 4 Wilton, Hit ct. ; How'-, 7 .V . I' A, U.l... K.iht. . i.fhMiH ..e.. tlon. Inclna th amount and Noodle will b. returned Mflrataaavl. AOurM, UEF1AMK NFKDI.K VO., Wag BrmUway, htvr Yark. m yd sAifyA ivtw tr. .T. Walker's California Yin- pcrir Uittcrs nro a purely Vegetable preparation, tmulo chiclly from tho na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor- fiia, the medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tho question i? almost dally asked. " What is tho cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Eit tehsT" Our answer is, that they remo've the cause of diseaso, and tho patient re covers his health. They are tho great blood pui fler and a life-giving principle, a pcrfec Innovator aud Invigorator of tho i stem. Never beforo in tho history o tho world hns a medicino been conipotui' J1 possessing thn romnrkable qualities f Vinkoar Bitters in healing the ick of ery diseaso ninn is heir to. ibey are a go tie r-nrgntivo as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver r,nd Visceral Orguus ia Bilious The pioperties of Dn. Walker's are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carruiiiat've, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative Counter-irritant Suiluniic, Altera tive, ant: Anti-Bilious. it. h. Mcdonald a co.. ..'nil-Vist and Gen. Acta., Sun Francleoo. California, and cor. of Washington and Charlfcin Pw.. N. Y. Sold by all Ui'agglnts and Pcaltrs. N. Y. N. U.-No. 17 INKS The best. All Colors. One Wafer mrikos ii onnce.'. rtitur,iln i:nd Circu lar mailed for HI cents am? stamp by DEFIANCE Nl-'.KDLK I'D.. fli'.H BniadwaqJy. JUST MONEY IN IT M:itK! Jnato:' Useful, llsndsonie. Cheap. Sells etreiy BOOK wlisre. A mre cnance. Also, NEW MAPS, CHfiRrS.Etc. -U A N ninnnti nrli'fB ftnmn m Nnw York. Hp SELL inr titrlilfTO f,. i. tilt I l t il A . .1 i lay St,.N.Y., A 170 W. 4th St.. (Jin.. OPIUM CM The mostsuca-f remedy of tafno i ent day Hf rd for Pa tier on Oipium Knt SOLD ON f RIAL. THE YORK WANI'FAC TUKINU fdiU'ANV, TtIMar nf Polling. Sbllftlnar. and nil MlB (!'lnK, are SvllinK tha not.LINt'H TlllllINK Wateh Wheel vkk cheaply, th'.iiKh tt-n t,i-t In ii..?. For tVu-rlptirn V;,mpl!.(ta ad dress YOUK M'r'ii '0.. York, Vn. ftS.OOO AtjttKAltY SOf.V. GENTS WANTEDf r the new toot, LIFE N1) ADVE.SIl.Kt3 OF Kit Carson W Ml commit and frltad, P. W. C Petri, Brent Lt, I Col. and finrccon.U.S. Afroto hrta dicMUd by htm 1 wit Tfaecn vTttusand Ai'TnaTic Ills of America. I (i-eateit HUNTtR, TKAPFKK, SCOUT and UUIDJfi I over iiu'ilihed. It cotuinsi'uU and complete descrlp oiuii Indian tribi of the KAH, WEST M soun by KUCartoo. whollTAdHmonrtUmall h:life. It civet a full, reliable ar-coont ofthaMUDOCS.aud the MOfCCWAU. At a wotk oi 11ISTO- l.lnvull. A ndopportnolly forRenUtomliinoneT. nm Umtorv nt one. DUfaTLN. OUJatAK CU.HwUoroUCoiia, AGENTS WANTED S...' cbeapeet and fastest 801, nr IiiMe ever puUirsljed. bend for otir pxtra tpnriH to Aiffiits. NATIOIVAJ, rUH MMalXi T).. rhlltiilclpliU. P. PER DAY fnrCnl ei vifiitiiig mi a isuRinenn (..urtm.ttm lie Ft in tlio world. niRRnihcent sampl' to n-sin work with sent for 2. ctn. A dd reus H. U. MANI.KY, Fiisliloni.blo KtiKr&ver. (f asmtifiton btrt-er, Konton, Alas. SlOl SS2S PEIt II V-Si.nd for "nhmmn catalogue. J. ,1. HUl-'KOKD'S HONS, Boston. $250 A MONTH Agents wanted every, where. Ku.lness honorable and flrn't class. Particulars Bent tree. Addrees WOKTH A CO.. St. LonK Mo. This new TniRS 1p worn -- uv wit a penfiCT, v u m i or T ft fcJQ litflit and iUy. Adrpta v JL. J .tep.f to e"nrv mnttt.n of J, body, nt:ilni!; Rnp. ?-jffC Y ture uiitlur i'im hnrit;'rt ELAST TRUSS eip-rclcte or novel nst etraia until perti.rinf iitly cured. St-ld cheap ly ibo l lastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. V. City. and aent by mall. Oallorsend forOlrcular. and he onred (IlOK PER DA Y Commission, or S30weck Hal. CpaWfJ ary and Kxpenses. Wo offer It and will pny l whiskers; The only Preparation thst give, perfect satisfaction to wlsning to raise tfeara or Ulustache. Ue ljesseps " Vlgorine." prepared only In Paris. Kacn Pucknge warranted and sont by innil on receipt of SI.OO. Sainplft mailed for 1,1 ca. Address J. P. FRAS'KI.IN. Hole Importer, Jersey City, X. ,1. , GENTS. i. Ohang Obang sell, at sight Necersary a. Goods free. (Jhang (Jhang MTg (Jo., Boston. a. aoap. IOOK AGENTS toullth. NEW BOCK Dr Mr. fitr-nhouM of 61. LV City, tot SS cure the wife of a Mormon. iii:il Fricat In UoducttoO liy Mr. Klowt. ltiii itory of J woman's uperienca lays bar the "hidden Ufe, myateriet, eecret duings, etc. of tlie Mormom an I ' wuie-atoake wwmiiu x-ej Mem." Bright, fc'urt) ud Good, U i the b tt new book out, actupuV toa, if ine new dook out, aciutav good things for All. It t popular j-'erv IkmI;, end ouUclld oil other book ttrcil i ay " Owl t(ccd it. Eminent wonn with i evervti M muter ear " endorse it Kvervbod tv Wnntu iti anri airtnU cm felUnn from 10 to 80 a day f 85th thotand now in press I Vj Want i.000 more truity asvnts NOH'-men or women: i we wiu mall uuint r rt-c to those who wm cinvtui, im Si&nt JU Lk WomuiiiOToia It Ct.. Jiaitfoid. Conr,. TEAi AGENTS WANTED KVKRYWHKRE.-Tha onolcest in tne world Importers' prices larg. eat Company in America-. staple article pleaaea evervhmlv trnde incre.i.inB Imfct lnduoenienta don't wane time rend for Circular to KOHKHT KLUi, 43 VeaeT Street. New York. P.II.Hox ia7. .v SAMARITAN NER TINE BpasDis. It hus beeB tcsu-l by tbouakDds sod never was kuowB lofallln slugl ease. Inclose stamp for eirciilsr Riving cv.dvnne of cun-s. AddKM, Dr.B. A BiCHilONU iox Til, HU Joseph, Uo. 1 con PKH DAY it horn. Tonne free. Ad U O druse Gko. Stinbom A Co., FortUud, Ma 4 i rTri U (0 PVrrJlutLiH vhin. wit PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS $10, $50, $75, & $100. GOOD, DURABLE, AND CHEAP Shipped Ready for Use. Manufactured, bj CHAPMAN (V CO., flludiaou, lud. . f y Send for a Catalogue. - DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! wOVELTY PRINTING PEESS. For froft-aatonul and Ainiileur Prtutera, kk-huolM, ftuvletlea, Man. ufui tiircri, Men-hunts, and otliers it U the BEST eur Invented. la.OUOtnu.e. Ten atyle. Prloea from S8.00 to $160.00 BEN J. O. WOODS A CO. Manufrsuid l .11 Vfa.,i...tB.i.i.n aa s.ul.l . tWl slainp lu CaiaWgua. 1 e r.dexal 8b fioaten. I 1 1 1 : ia M. tiARkaS, lie 1U, wwe, Ma, ir .1.