bill Jk rilURSDAV, MAY 6. 3875. i . GBA.C3 CHVBCIL rvice in Grace Church Sunday next at theVsual houri, 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Alt are cordialy invited to attend. Beats Fasa to all. Etingjilcal Lutheran Chrch REV, I. BRENEMEN Tastor. Sunday nclioolat 0:45 A. M. All are in vited to r.ttend. Next Sunday Communion ncd Confirma tion, services, partly in English and partly in German. English in the evening. Kcv. Proff. Ulery, of Ticl College will be present, and will deliver the sormon. U- E. C2TOCIL . REV. VM. MARTIN, Tastor. Sunday Sohool at 0:30 A M Morning Service at 11 AM Class Meeting at 12 M Evening Service at 7:80 P M Prayer Meeting Thursday Evening Car. Time at Ulitgtcay. 1 Fast 45 r: M. 2:!i0 P. M. 8:20 A. M. 6:44 P. M. 4:50 P. M West no nest 1 Fool West 8;-'0 A. M The Mail and Through I.npnl imrrt cassengers, the local docs cot. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The stated of F.llr T.nlfri Kn 879, ni-q held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month- W. C. 71EALV, Seo'y. The grass is starting. Subscribe for the Advocate. iruesday lust was a pleasant day. hui-iness in Ridgway is reviving. lie of Dan Scibncr's horses died this m news from all parrs of the storm viiiteJ this place last lie bam Uioeltug season will soon Corupacy II. is going to have new uniforms. We hope the "spelling school" will bo coutinued. All the little girls about town are now jumping rope. Tho Ridgway Silver Cornet Band has taken a new lease of life. Tho apple buds are said to be some what hurt by the frost. We publish seven! s.hrt stories writ ten by Sheriff Scull. Doctor Earley was fifty-three years 1J lust Saturday, May 1st. Judge J. V. Houk, wc understand slowly improving. We publish, marriages, births, and e&tbs, free. Send them on. Shade trers were planted in front of te Episcopal parsonage last week. Work on Doctor E:n ley's deer park i depot street is aoing on rapidly. James M'Ginuis is building au ad- ftion to bis houe on south street. Don't move your btoves out doors yet, a may have some more "weather." Young ouions and radishes have ade their appearauco at this placo. Cull at the Advocate ofHco if you aut your job work cheap. V. C. Ilealy has returned from his ip through Florida, lie thinks the rather here too cold lor comfort. There are no vacant store looms in J?way aQd we believe no vacant uses that are ready to rent. Wedding and mournins outfits for ies at MAY & SILVERMAN'S illiumsport Pa. Qaoit pitching is now among the musemonts" of the town, and is in- llged in to a great extent. Capt. Schoening and Rufus Lucore w have a aoi fence in front of their pective residences. It is said that early potatoas are now ntod in the dark of the moon so that b bugs can't see you do it. Our chair factory has "gone up the me. e aro sorry to chronicle s state of affairs. Last Saturday, May 1st was a eold and on Sunday May 21 snow tell Ire to the depth of one or two inches. LVothwithstanding the Kir lioenso , we publish a goodly number of nscs for the May term of court. Ion. G. W. Scofield will please ao tour thanks for about seven cords the "Congressional Globe." under frank. he public debt statement for April kvs a reduction of two millions three dred and twenty-five thousand dol- jlrs. M. E. Malone has tho agency Elk County for the Combination ulder Brace Corset Adjustable Skirt tyorter. Call and see it. Abo for Excelsior Shield or Corset Clasp. 00 Ladies and children's neatly a dresses from 82 to $5,00 per suit n auuoie the money at MAY & VERMANS opposite the Court e Wiiiianisport l'a. letersoo's Magazine' has been re- lid for May and is a delightful num. every lady should subscribe for it, less Charles J. Peterson, Philadel- , for particulars. Rain seems to be the order of the day in this section.- C. B. Gould, of the Cameron Prest paid our office a visit yesterday Give us a "spelling school" or, give it up. Bargains in ladies and childrcns hats, Bonnets and Millinery goods at MAY & SILVERMAN'S Williamsport Pa. Ihe trees will noon commenced to leave and in the language of auotber "let them leavo." There was a temperance lecture at the Methodist church last Monday evening by a lady from Philadelphia. Dr J S Bordwell has planted several trees in front of his residence so has John VanOrsdall, and Mr. J W Taylor A large lot of Parasols, Ladies tics, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Gloves, Trunks and Satchels at M.AY Jf SIL VERMAN'S Williamsport Pa. Do you want cards, bill-heads, letter heads, tagc, envelopes, etc Give this office a call, we guarantee good work at fair prices. Jerome S. Powell has moved his harness shop over Powell & Kinie's store, and A. J. Eby has opened a shoe shop in tho same building. Rev. A. J. McFarland, Reformed Presbyterian of Jefferson county, will hold service in the Methodist church, next Sunday, morning and evening. Several of our subscribers have hap. pened in during the past week and set tled up for which we return our thanks. Go thou and do likewise Potatoes ate selling here at $1,25 for bushel; flour at 87.00 a barrel; beef at from ten to twenty cents a pound; eggs at 25 cents a dozen; butter at 30 cents a pound; coin at 1 15 per bushel Tlin Misses Coleman have a new fence in front of their residence on South street. J V Ilouk has a new fence put in front of his property, west of Iiis storo on Main street. Hair Switches 81,00 82 00 83,00 & 84,00 worth double the money, Ruohes 5 cents upwards, Shawls 1,50 upwards Ha s from 25 cents upwards, best and cheapest (rimed hats in the citv ut MAY & SILVERMAN'S opposite the Court House Williamsport Pa. Isaac Cory of this place, a married man ubour forty-five years of age having a wife and two children, wus arrested last Tuesday on a charge of bastardy, preferred before Esquire J C McCallis ter n! Hoi ton township, by Mary Anu Welis a gitl fifteen years of age. Cory claims that he is able to prove an alt hi, and for the sake of decency we hope he may. He gave bonds before Enquire Cummings in the sum of 8500 with W. S. Service and W. II. Scbraru as sureties for his appearance ac the May term of court. Facts Worth Knowino. The Wilson Shuttle Sowing Machine is to day the simplest, most perfect, most easy operated, best made, most durable, and iu every way, most valuable sewing machine iu existence, and it is sold fif teen dollars loss than all other first-class machines. Machiues will be delivered ut any Railroad Station in this oiunty, free of transportation charges, if ordered through tho Company's Branch House at 327 & 329 Supctior St. Cleveland Ohio. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular, free on application. This Company want a few more good agents. Millinery goods, hair goods, Jewelry, Fancy goods, notions, Ladies aud chil dreos cloaks, dresse3 aud undergarments, wholesale aud retail at MAY & SIL VERMAN, Williamsport Pa. Below will be found the list of jur ors drawn for the May term of court: GRAND Benezetto Township. Andrew Over turf William Wuiuwright, Beuziuger Louis Vollmer, Jacob Schubert, John Gleichsuer, Patrick Malooy, Christ Krcckel, George Bir ner, George Nisscl. Fox Charles Green, Terrance Broivii, N. P, Apker, Jeremiah Calla han. Highland William Jsmrs. Ilorton John Brown. Jay James Brookins. Jones George Dill, Benjamin Bevier, John Ernhout. Ridgway Patrick: Malone J. K Wliitmoie, G. G. Messenger, John B. Cuitis. St. Mary's Boro. Joseph Wickert. TRAVERSE. Rfnezette Luther Lucore, George Mohan. Benzisgfr Andrew Glass, John Krecklo, Sr. Charlts Schneider. Henry Stephan, Adam Geyer, Thomas Kerner Fox Frank Showers, James Fiaus worth, O. O. Grinell, James M'Closkey, William Gibson, Michael M'Encrney. Highland Thomas Campbell, Jr.. George Newton. Ilorton C. R. S'ade, Dezekiab Ilorton. Jay William G. Thomas. Jones Stephen Ernhout, Michael Dill, Joseph Taobiui, M. M. Schultz, John Marsh, II. W. Hewitt, J. L. Brown. Millstone C. II. HoffmaB, William Clyde. Ridgway II. W, May, John Keaa merer, John Van Orsdall. St. Mary's Boro. Anthony Bieber ger, Michael Stibicb, Julia King Eben J. Rubs, Anthony Jesberger, G. C. Brandon, George Krellner. Spring Creek Lenuiso B. Elliott, A. W. Irwin, footing of Elk Co-, Republican Committee In response to the call of J. II. Hagcrty chairman the Eik County Be publican Committee met at tho office of J 0 W Bailey in Ridgway on Tuesday May 4lh. The chairman being absent tho meeting was called to order by J 0 W Bailey. A T Aldrioh of Jones township was elected ohaitman pro (cm and J O W Bailey secretary. The ob ject of the meeting being to elect a delegate to tho State Convention to be held at Lancaster the 26th inst, tho fol lowing persons were nominated for dela gate; J. II. Hagcrty W. W Ames and E J Russ, on third ballot Dr. Russ re ceiving a majority of the votes cast was declared elected and W, W. Ames Esq. receiving the next highest number of votes was declared elected alternate to Dr. Russ. The delegate elected was instructed to put iu nomination Col. A. I. Wilcox for the office of State Treas urer, beyond this no instructions were given. After transacting miscellaneous business the committee adjourned tine die. J. 0. W. Bailey Secretary. Director's Convention. Last Tuesday in accordance with the requirements of law the school Direc tors of Elk county met iu convention at the Court House, to select a person of "literary and scientific acquirements and of skill and experience in the art of teachiug" as County Supcriutondeut for the ensuing three years. The Convention was called to order by Jerome Powell. Upon motion O. B Grant, was chosen President, and J. L. Brown of Jones and J. R. Morey, o' Jay, Secretaries. Win. P. Luce, of Jay was nomiuuted as Secretary but decliued. The name of the directors present was then called, with the following re sult: Beoezette Robert Johnson, C. U Winslow, Robert Smith, Ralph Joliu son, Geo Rolherick Beuziuger John Wittman, John Meyer, George Seale, George Bauer, George Decker, Joseph Lerisel Fox N G Dundy, George B Taylor, J B Cnneo. John Collius, L Y Moiian, P W Hays Highland Win Stubbs, Charles Stubbs, Thomas Campbell, johu Camp bell, Edward Lair, Usboru Cooley. ilorton J. S. Chauiberlaiu, Fred. Reywiukle G. S. llimes, James Mo Clelland. Jay E. II. Dixon, Wm. P Luce, J. W. Rolherick, Justus Weed, J R Morey Jones Martin Sorg, John Ernhout, J C Malone, Johu Weidcrt, Fred, Wuunk, J L Brown. Millstouc G C T Huff, Geo. D Dooahey, Willimu Kelly, Adam Ziui meruiau, Myron Raugbt, J K Mooro Ridgway Jerome Powell, W H Osterliout, G T Wheeler, S A Oluistead D 0 Oyster, O B Grant Spring Cieek Martin Purrio, II R Mooic Hiram Lslcuiuu lluuui Carman St Mary's Joseph Wilhelm, Geo, Imhofl', John Soseuheimcr .Geo. Krellutr, Sebastian Hauber Michael Bruncr Ou motion tho Convention next pro ceeded to fix the salary of tho Superin tendent lor the gluing years. On a motion to fix the salary ut 81200 the vote stood tweuty-turce, for thirty six; against tho motiou was consequently iost On a motion that the salary be fixed at 8100, the vote stood lorty-six lor thirteen; against the salaiy tuerfore re mains as before st 81000 Notniuation of candidates being next in order Jerone Powell nominated t'roff. Geo. R Dixon, of Ridgway, aud J L Brown nominated Proff. J l Sptigle of Jones Ou a vo'.e of the Contention being taken the result was that Dixon received thirty-three votes aud Speigle received twenty-six votes. Dixon was then de clared elected. The convention then adjourned tine die- Madam Deforests Patterns We are agents for Madam Demorests Patterns. Catalogues free, seud for ooe Patterns sent by mail MA Y & SILVERMAN opposite the Court House Williamsport Pa. Appletons Ameuican Cyclopedia that the revised, and elegantly illus trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages once in two months, is the best Cyclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It only costs 83 a month to get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest library in the world. Address, C. K. Judsou, Fredonia, N. Y. QUOTATIONS OF White, Powell L Co. LANKEUS AND iiJlOKElld, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, May 4ih. 1S75. Bll. ABKKn m ; ll 11 U. S. 1881. e do 6 20, o 'U2, M and M do do '01 do ... ..... Hi J a do do 'to do . do do '0 j J aud J do do '07 do ., do do '08 do . 10-40, do coupon ?lj '11 23 ... 17 do 1'acino li s cy Int. off 'Jil New 6's Keg. 1881 loi 0. 1881 16J Gold m 151 Silver 107 Pennsylvania 611 16 10 15 10J Heading f,5 651 Philadelphia & Erie 211 fcl Lehigh havigation Div. off. 611 61 I do Valley 61 C2 Uuited EKoiNJ Ex. Div......... 12'Ji 13 Oil Creek..- tt a Northern Ceatral 81 SI. Central Transportation 40 40 Nesquehoning 60 604 I Mortjaf ''!)... 10 106 SHERIFF'S SALS. B Y VIRTUE of a writofVen. Ex. cane to Forest Count v. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County and to me direotedf there will 1 e exposed to sole by publio vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in the borough of Tionesla, on 8ATURDAY MAT 8th A. D. 1876, at 11 o'clock, a. ru., the following described real estate, to-wit, Qeoree Drooks vs. Henry J. Brooks and Alfred Brooks, trading as II, J. Broom & Co., Vend.E. Case to Forest County, 482 Deo. Term, 1874 Dickson. AH that cer tain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Tionesla, (formerly) now Howe Township, i orest County, Htati or I'enngylvania. be. ing one-half of a tract patented to A'illichn Willink, flovember 27th, A. V., 1802, upon warrant in the same name numbered two thousand four hundred and fifty-three, said half containing five hundred (500) acres more or less, lleibg tne parcel of land which Samuel Waun, Alexander Mo Andrew, Alexander R. Mcllenry, Edward W. Warner and their wives, by deed dated Mny 20th, 1871, conveyed to J. K. Palmer, aud the same which Ihe said J. K. Palmer and wife conveyed to Samuel Willcti by deed dated June 12th 1871. and recorded in the cllico for recrding deeds &c, in Forest County, in Deed: book No. 9, pages 01 and U'J, Nor. 1st 1871. Subject to the reservations and restrictions contained in tho last mentioned deed, and to Ihe pay ment of all taxes assessed upon said land since 18U0. AH that onrtain tract or parcel of lnnd Bituale iu Howe Townuhip, Forest Co., Pennsylvania, being seven hundred and fifty (700) acres of land, partoftraot known on the map of the said County as number two thousand three hundred and suly-six (2!J0ti,) and being the wliole of the trac. except two hundred and fifty (250 acres in the northwest corner thereof, baid o0 acres bounded east by Elk County line, soulu ny tract tto. 24o&, west by ho. 28oO, subdivisions, Nos. 6 and 6 and the 200 acres in the northeast corner of snid tract, and north by said 200 acres and tract No. and are the tame r remises deeded to J. K. Palmer by Alexander V Murphy and wile by deed dated May 20tb, I81I, aud by said J. K. Palmer and wife to Samuel Millets by tleed dated Mny 2'"th, 1871, und recorded in the Recorder's office in Forest County, in Deed Book No. 9, pages 'Jo, 1 Mj and 97 Nov. 1 1871. Subject to the pay. ineut of all taxes assessed upon said laud since the year 1800. Also All those two certain tracts of land situate in Howe Township, Forest County, and State of Pennsy Ivauia, to-wit: number two thousand eight hundred and twelve (2812,) containing one thousand and sixty-three (1003) acies; and part ot tract number two thousand uine hundred and sixty titltiO) containing about seven hundred (700) acres, or so much thereof as lies in forest touuty. more or lesi. ino same having been conveyed to J. K. Pal mer by Chai Its B. Wright and Sue J. his wife, Dueper 11. Duhring aud Jaue T. his wile by aeed dated September lulh, 181, Also All those certain warrant numberr two thousand and twenty-one (2021) aud two thousand and tweuly.two (2022.) each containing five hundred (500) ucres, and together one thousand (luUO) acres, situate iu Hone Township, Forest Countf, State of Pennsylvauia. Also All that certain tract or parcel of land situate iu the township of Sheflield, formerly Kenzua, iu the County of War ren, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being part of lot number seven 7 in said township, and boui.ded as follows, to wit: Beginning ut the northeast corner of said lot, running thence touth along I lie east bounds 0. suid lot to Ihe southeast corner thereof, thence west along the south line of said lot so tur that a north line parallel to the east b.unds ot taid lot iruin the south bounds to ihe north bounds thereof, and thence eazt to the place of beginning shall contain three huudred and forty 340 acres of lnnd more or less; which prc.uises were conveyed to Leonard D. Crandall by teed Irora Maria II. Waldo and other heirs of John H. Hurdenbuig, June 1st, 1871, and by said Leonard D. Ciaulall and wife conveyed to Samuel Willets by deed dated June 12th, 1871, and recorded in the Re corder's otbee of Wurreu County, in deed book 84. pago 205, November 1st, 1871. Subject, nevertheless, to the reservations and restrictions contained iu the last meu ti'tueii deed. Also All that certain tratct of land sit uate in Mieflield Township, Warren County, Pennsylvania, known and designated on Ihe , general trap of said county, as tract number nine fO, containing five hundred ol'O acres of laud, be the same more or less; tbre huudred and fifty 350 acres of which is the some land deeded 10 J. K. Palmer, by Andrew Johnson, by deed da ted May l!hh, 1871, recorded iu deed book 34, page 27. And one hundred mid filly 150j acres of which is Iho same land deeded to J. K. Palmer, by James U Marsh and wife by deed dated May 20th, 1871, recorded in deed book 31, page 20; aud the whole of which five hundred acree were conveyed by said J. K. Palmer and wife to Samuel 11 illets by deed dated May 29, 1871 and recorded in deed book 34, pago 254, November 1st, 1871, Subject to the payment of all taxes assessed upon said land since 18G9. All that certain tract of land sit uated in Ilighlund Twp., Elk Co., Pennsyl vnnia, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a small birch, thence by land of John Nicholson number 3703 east five hundred and thirty perches to a sugar tree, thence by land of John Nicholson Lumber 3777 north three hundred and twenty per ches to a hemlock, thence by land of John Nicholson number 8778 west five hundred and thirty perches to- a birch, thence by Holland Land Company three hundred nnd twenty perches to place of beginning. Containing one thousaud acres and usual allowance. Also All that certain tract of land sit uate in Ilighlund Township, Elk County Pennsylvania, described as follows: Num. ber three thousand seven hundred and lilty-tbree 3753, containing one thous and acres and allowance. The two tracts of land last doscribed being the same two iraots conveyed to J. K. Palmer, by Charles C. Dunn and wife and Thomas Strut hers and wife, by deed dated June 2nd, 1871, and by the said J. K. Palmer and wile conveyed to Samuel Willets, by deed dated June 12th, 1871, aud recorded in the lieoorder's oilice of E'.k County, in deed book '0," page 423, &o., November tit b. 1871, Said two tracts being subject to the reservations and restrictions con tained iu the lust mentioned deed, and lo the payment of all taxes assessed upon said land since the year 1809. Also All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate in Highland Township. County of Elk aud State of Pennsylvania, surveyed on a warrant granted to John Nicholson, number two thousand and twenty 2020, and bounded and do scribed as follows, to-wit: Begiuuiug at a Beeoh, the northwest orner thereof, thence by lauds warranted, lo John Nich olson Si Company number 2025 south four hundred aud forty 410 rods 40 a post, thence by lauds warranted to Thcmaa Willing east lour hundred aud -eighty-six 486 rode to a post, thence by warrant u urn ber 2028 north one hundred and sixty eight 108 rods to a post, theuce by war taut Lumber 2027; west one hundred 100 rods to a beech; thence by last mentioned warrant north two hundred and seventy two 272 rods to a post; and Ibenoe by lands warranted to John Nicholson & Com pany; west three hundred aud eighty 380 J rods to the place of beginning. Containing one thousand and ninety-nine an! three, fourths 1099 aores, with the usual al lowance as surveyed on the original rant on the eleventh day of July. A, D. 17US, and returned to the land oflee by William P. Brady, D. 8. Being the tame premises which were conveyed by J. K. Palmer and wifo. to Samuel Willets, by deed dated July 22nd, 1871 and recorded in the Recorder's office of Elk county, is Deed Book "O" page 420 4c, November 6th, 1871. Subjeot to the restrictions and reservations contained in the last men tioned deed and also to all taxes assessed upon the said land since the year 18G9. Also All that certain piece or parcel of laud situate in Highland township, in the county of Elk, tnd State of Pennsylvania, known and designated on the general map or draft of lands in said township as war rant number two thousand four hundred and sixty-three. Bounded north by war rant number two thousand four hundred and sixty-four, east by warrant number three thousand seven hundred and sixty one, 3761; south b warrant number two thousand and nineteen; and west by the line of Forest county. Being the same premises conveyed by Era sius Barnes and wile to Samuel Willets by deed dated July 13th, 1871, and recorded in Elk county Recorder! office in deed book "O" page 419 &c, November Uth, 1871. Also All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Highland county of Elk, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Being part of tract of land surveyed iu pursuance of warrant number 2450, on the 12th day of December, A. D. 1792, and bounded on the north by warrant number 2366; on the east by warrant number 3781; on the south by warrant number 2464, and on the west by the Forest county line, con taining two hundred and eighty-nine -289-acres be the same more or less. Being the same piece of lund conveyed by Asa H. Barnes and wi.'eto Samuel Willets, by deed dated June 9th; 1871, ana recorded in the Recorder's office of Elk county in deed book "O" page 422 Sc., November 6 h, 1871. Also All that certain piece or par cel ol land Bituate in the township ol Highland, county of Elk, and state ot Pennsylvania, being warrant number two thousand and twenty-five 2025. Three hundred and eleven acres more or less, in the name ol' John Nicholson, licing the same land conveyed to David F. Anderson by Orris Hall and wife, by deed dated October 20th, 1SGS, and recorded in Elk county in deed book "N" page 20. Also All that part of the lot or warrant numbered thirty seven hundred and sixtyone (8701) in the cuuuty ot Elk and State of Pennsylvania, which is bounded and described as iollows: Beginning iu the east line of said war rant or tract of land aud in the middle of Spring Creek, and running thence south three degrees west along the east bouuds of taid tract three chains to the southeast corner thereof thence north eighty-seven degrees and thirty. tit minutes west along the south bounds ol said tract oue huudred and thirt)-two chains to the southwest corner thereof, thence north three decrees east along the west bounds of baid tract fifty two chains and sixty-five links to the mid dle of the beforctuentioned Spring Creek theticc up along the middle of said creek as it winds nnd turns to the plucc of beginning; and also twenty rods in length up and down said stream to high water mark on the northerly batik of said stream, opposite or with the centre of said twenty rods, vpposite to the mill of David F. Anderson, which was erected on or about the 22d day of May, 1869, and with the right to attach the northerly end ol a dam for a mill to the said north bank of said stream. Con taining five hundred and forty-seven acres aud three lods of land including the allowance, so called, as the same was surveyed in the summer of 1809, by Orvtllo Combs, lbe two trao s of laud last above describe 1 being the same two tracts conveyed by David F. Anderson aud wife to Samuel Willets, by deed dated June 29tb, 1871, aud re corded in Elk county Kecorder's office, in deed book 1 O," page 417, &c, Nov ember 6th. 187 1. Subject to the re servations and restrictions contained in the last mentioned deed. Ali;o All the undivided one-hall part of all that certain tract of laud sit uate in Highland township, Elk county, State of Pennsylvania, known as warrant or tract numbered three thousand seven hundred and sixty-six (376G), aud bounded aud described as Iollows; On the north by warrant numbered three thousand seven hundred and eighty-two (ovoZ), on the east by warrant num bered three thousand seven hundred and sixty 3760), on the south by warrant numbered three thousand seven hun dred and seventy-seven 37771, and on the west by warrant numbered three thousand seven hundred and seventy, eight 37781. Containing one thousand 1000 acres of land, be the same more or ess. lieiug tho same premises which were conveyed by J. K. Palmer and wife to Samuel Willets, by deed dated September 25th, 1871, and recorded in Elk county Kecorder's office in deed book "O," page 404 &o , October 31st, 1871. Subject to the reservations and restrictions contained in the said aeed. Also All that part of warrant num ber three thousand seven hundred and sixty one 3761) iff the county of Elk State of Pcnusylvania, which lies north of the east fork ot Spring Creek. bounded as follows, viz: southerly by tho centre oi stid east fork of Spring Lreek, aud northerly easterly and west erly by the northeast and west lines or bounds of said warrant number 3761 Containing five hundred and fifty-four 054 acres three 31 roods and twenty two 22 rods ot land, more or less. Said warrants numbers 2021 aud Z)-J. above mentioned, in Howe towuship forest county aud said part ot warrant number d7ol in JMk county being the same premises which were conveyed by J K Palmer and wife' to Samuel Willets by deed dated June 20th, 1871, and re corded in the Kecorder's office in Forest county, in deed bojk.No. 9, pago 03 &o., November 1st, 1871, aud in Elk county Pl-coi dor's 1 ffice in deed book "O" page 406, &o.;Ootober31st, 1871, aud were conveyed subject to the re servations and restrictions mentioned in said deed and to all taxes assessed upon said laud aud premises since 1869. N. 11. On warrant number 2960, above mentioned, in Forest County, there are erected twelve two-story frame dwelling bouses, six frame barns, frame boarding house and frame store house, fiaoie awtnill, boiler, engine and oiichinery, frame store and tffioc, frame feed store, frame tannery, frame eneiua house engine and machinery, (rema beam bousej frame tweet pits, Irsnie leach house and bark house, bide mill sod bark mills, frame boiler house, boiler and fixtures, stone hide house, frame dry house and ongiuc, ash house, bark ihauties, Ac , On warrant number 2453, in Forest county, above described, there are erected, Ira mo blacksmith shop, four two-story dwelling houses, thtee Irame barns, and seven bark shanties. On warrant number 2366, in Forest county above described, there are erected frame dwelling house, frame barn and bsrk shanties. On warrant number 2456, in Elk county above described there are erected two frame dwelling houses, oue frame barn, and one log house. On warrant number aUZD, in JMk county above descrided there are erected two frame barns, and three bark shanties, and cn warrant number 3781 in Elk county there is one loir bark shanty. Oa lot numcr 7, in Warren county above descibed, there are erected three two-etorv frame dwelling houses, and two frame barns. The whole of the above described traots of land are subject to a Mortgage ot Sixty Thousand Dollars 860,000. All the above tracts ot laud &o., are to be sold together as one property. laken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry J. Brooks and Altred Brooks, trading as II. J. Brooks & Co., at the suit ot George Brooks. TEH MS OF !ALB. The following must be strictly com plied with when property is stricken down: 1st. When the plaintiff or other lien creditors become the purchaser, the costs on the writs must ho paid, and a list of liens including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditors receipt lor the amount of the proceeds of the salo or such por tion thereof as be may olaim must be furnished by the Sheriff, bee Purdon s Digest, 9th Ed., page 440. Smith's forms, page 384. 2d. All bids must be paid in full. All sales not settled immediately will bo continued until 2 o'clock P. M., of the day of sale, at which time all prop erty not settled for will again be put up and sold at tho expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. J J . VAN (JIESKN Sheriff. Sheriff's Offiee.Tionesta, Pa., April 15th 137i). SHERIFFS SALE. BY virtue of a writ of venditioni ex ponas, iesucd out of the Court of Common Picas of Elk county, and to me directed, I will expose to puhlio sale, by vendue or outcry, at the Court House, Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY', MAY 24th, 1875, at one o' P. il.. the following descri. bed real estate to wit: All the right, title interest, claim and de mand whatosoever of defendant in, to and out of all that certain tract, piece or par cel of land situate iu Jay township. Elk county and State of Pcunsylvania, bounded ana described as Iollows, to wit; Beginn ing at a pine stump standing on the south line of warraut number 4814, beirg Ihe southwest corner of land now owned by Q. A. tinier; tlieuce north eighty (80) lurches moro or less to Ihe southwest corner of laud now owned by Joseph Dill; thence parallel with said south line oue hun dred and six (106 ) perches to a corner on raid Dill's land eighty (80J perches to the suid south line of 4841; thence west by said south line of warrant 4841 one hun dred and six (lOti) perches to the place of begiuning, coalaimug btty three (oi) acres strict neasure boiug part of warrant 4844 on which there is erected one frame house ltix24 feet, one Bud a half stories high; oue frame barn o'Jxol feet; about thirty acres improved, with orchard grow ing ana a spring or good water, so, Also All the rii;ht, title, interest, claim and demaud whatsoever of defendant in said writ named, in, to or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of laud situate in the towuship ot Jay, county of Elk and Mate or f enusyluauia bounded aud descri bed as follows, to wit: Bceinnine at 1 pine stump standing in the south line of wnaraut number 4814, being the southwest corner of land now owned by the taid Josiah K. .Morey; thence Berth forty-four 44 perches to the township road known as tne fcj.ntig Kun road; thence touth westerly along said road jforty six 4ti perciies 10 v post joining lunus ol liagazeu Lcgelt; thence south thirty-four (34 j per dies lo a post, joining lands of Jerome Powe'l; thence east forty-six -4G- nerches to the place of beginning, contaiuiu eleven -11- acres more or less, and being part of the eanie land deeded by Beuiauiin Lezett and wife to Charles Legett by deed dated April 11111, 1844, the greater part said laud oeiug cieareu aud improved Seiied and taken ia excution as the propety ot Josiah U. Morey at the suit of iue loumy or blk, and to bo sold by DAM Eli SCULL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ridgway, Pa., April 2.8th, 1870. SHERIFF'S SALE. 15Y virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Com- mou Pleas of Elk County, aud to me directed, 1 will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, at the Court House, Hideway. Pa., ou MONDAY, MAY 24th, 1875, at 1 o'clock P. M , the lollowiug de scribed leal estate, to wit: The following described real estate, situate iu the village ot Wilcox Elk, county Pa., consisting of one towu lot numbered and designated 00 the general map or plan ol the town of Wilcox as lot number 337 front bounded on the uorth by lot number o38, ou the east by Laurel alley, on tbe t-outh by number 3!50, and on the west by Marvin street, "being sixty -tit)- feet uorth and south, and oue hundred aud fourteen --1 li fe et east aad west. Also One town lot numbered and designated ou tbe general map or plan of said town of Wilcox as lot number 336, bounded on the north by lot num ber 337, 011 the east by Laurel alley, on the south by Mercur street, and on the west by Marvin street, measuring sixty -GO feet north and south, aud one hundred and fourteen --114- feet east and west, There is ereeted on the above described property a oue halt' story frame dwelling with addition, and one frame barn. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Hoi ace Stark at the suit ol Jackson S. Schulti and others, aud to be eold by DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff, bheriff's Office, ) Ridgway, Pt, A pril 28th, 1875. J" BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. KATIWUM, Aitorney-at-law, Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 If. UL'FUS LUCORE. AUorney-at-Law Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offioe in Hall's now Brick Building. Claims far collection promptly attended to. vSnlly. II ALL dk if VALLEY, Altorneys-at-Ltw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. J. O. , BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlniu1. Ridgway, Klk County, Fa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi dent Insuranoe C., of Hartford,. Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TOW, Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers bis professions! ser vices to the citizens of Kidgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, 11 ret uoor to tne left. ia-n-a-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watohmaker, Engraver and Jeweler. Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tb Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Itepsiring Watches, etc, doie with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis- action guaranteed. vlnlr G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. corner of Main aud Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or 'g"i- vln3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Office in Drue Store, corner Broad and Main Sts, Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vlu2y 1. J. S. li OR DWELL, M. D., Eclectio Physician and Surgeon, bat remov- edjiia office from Centre street, to Main st. Kidgway, fa,, in the second story ef the new brick buildiug of John Q. Hell, oppo site Hyde's store. Qtlieo hours: 8 lo 0 a- m: 1 to 2 p. aa. T jan 9 73 HYDE HOUSE, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa, W. II. SCI111AM, Proprietor. Thankful for the .patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, lo merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 1869. liUCKTAlL HOUSE, Kani, McKean Co., Pa, R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the put run ago heretofore se liberally bostowed upon him, the new pro prielor, hopes, by paying strict attention 10 the comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables tor horses in Kane aud well kept night or day. Hull attached to the Hotel. vln23yl. KERSEY HOUSE, CgNTaivuLi, Elk Co., Pa, John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests. 1 1 merit a continuance of the same. i'. W. HAYS, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley P. O. vlu47tf. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. J WINTER TIME TABLE. ON aud after MONDAY, NOV, 16, 1874, the trains en the Philadelphia it trie ltailroad will run as follows 1 WESTWABD. ERIE MAIL leave Philadelphia 11.05 p aa llenovo 11.10 a m " " Emporium 1.10 p n " 6t. Mary'a 2.05 p m Kidgway 2.88 p m " arrive at Erie n.06 p m EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Eri .......11.20 a m ' " Ridgway ........ 4.45 p u " " Bt. Mary'a 6.10 p m " " ' Emporium tt.05 p ru " " " Renovo.. 8.25 p m " arr. at Philadephia... 6.60 a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L 6 M 8 tt W. Mail West with east and west trains n YYU. A. BALDWIN. , Qen'l fiup't. TOB ' 1 T ORK We are now prepared O IT to do all kinds of J 0 B W ORK . inveiepea, lags. Bill-heads, Letter heads, neatly and eheaply executed. Offiee in lhayer & llagerty'g new tuildinf, Maui treat, Ridgway, F. -