CO 17.. Henry A. Parsons, Jr. - Editor THURSDAY, MAY G, 1373, Republican Stats Convention. The llepublicaaa of Pennsylvania are requested toasserobly, by their dele putcs, in tho Opera House, in the city of Lancaster, at noon, on WI3DNESDA Y, MAY" 20, 1875, for the purposo of Dominating candidates for Governor and Slate Treasurer. Each Senatorial and Rcpresentativs distiict will bo entitled to the some rep resentation therein as they are entitled to under tho present apportionment o! Senators and representatives iu the Legislature By order of the Republican State Committee. RUS3EL ERRETT. Chairman. A. WILSON NORMS, Seo'y. An Act. 13elow we uive an act of Assembly which will doubtless bo of interest to many of ouv readers: To provide for the erection of watering troughs for the use of horses and cat tle, ou tho publio roads of this Com monwealth: Whereas, for the want of con venient watering places ou the public Highways horses and cattle are frequent suuercrs, tnereiore. Section 1. Be it enacted, l the Senate and House of lienrrscnt'atiies of the Commonwealth of I'ennailciAiua. iii General Assembly m:f, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the saiwi, iliac under tho sanction and supervision of supervisors of roads of tuu respective townships of this Com monwealth, any person or persons, who may erect and maintain in good renair, a public watering trough of not less than four feet in length, twelve inches iu width, and nino inches, iu depth, in elear, of either wood, stone, or iron, and have pure, clear water contiuually run ning mto tue same, by pipes, or other wise, or the water supplied by a hand pump, upon the side of publio highway, created of sufficient height and of easy access, suitable for watering horses and cattle and approved by the supervisors of each township, shall be entitled to re ceive from the road fund thereof the Bum of three dollars per annum on th payment of his or her respective road tax. Sec. 2. TLat whenever any person or persons who are in possession of run ning water crossing any publio road that might be luads available for the purpose of tho provisions of thin act, or where water might be supplied easily by a haud pump, who neglect or refuse to accept the provisions of this act, the supervisor of roads shall erect the same and keep the same iu prooer repair aud for a neglect or refusal thereof. t.hall be subject to the penalties of existing laws imposed upon supervisors for a uegluct ot duty. Sec. o. That whenever auy watering trough is erected for the purpose alore- said, the same shall be publio property, aud any person or parsons destiovum the same, or interfering or committing any nuisance upon tho same, shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor, aud, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or either at the diccreuon ot the court having lunsaic tion of the cise, and the supervisors ot roaas ot the respective townships shall prosecute the same. SHSBET'S SALS. By virtue of a writ of vendtiooi ex ponas issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Elk county and to me di reeled I will expose to sale by publia venduo or outcry at tho Court House Ridgway Pa. on MONDAY MAY 24th 1875 At 1 o clock P. M. all the right title interest claim aud demand whatsoever of defendants of in to or out of all the following real estate situate in Jay town ship Elk county Pennsylvania to wit, Commencing at the southeast corner ol Meribah B.Lucas' farm where the new. road starts and runs through the orchard on the old farm formerly owned by Benjamin Leggctt now deceased and beiug a part of warrant number 4S14; thence along the south Hue of said old farm or warrant number 4841 eist sixty-four rods to a stake; thence north to the north line of said old fatm; thence west along the said north lino about fifty rods to the northeast corner of Rebecca 0 Morey's farm which is a part of said old farm; theuce south along the east line of It C Morey's farm to a stake on the road; thence along the east line of R C Morey's farm to a stake on the road; theuce along the road to the orchard to the place of begiunin" containing fifty-one and ono-fcunb acres more or less Also One other tract of land situated in township county and State aforesaid and beiug part of said warrant number 4344 hounded and desonbed as follows to wit: Commencing at the northeast corner of Geo A Iluller's farm at a stake in the road running thence easterly along the roa 1 between B Z Leggett's and G A Iluller's farm; thence easterly along said Iluller's line to the east line of said old farm about forty-eight rods more or less; thence north along said east line to tha north east corner of said old . farm; thence west along the north line of said old farm to the northeast corner of the above fifty-one acres of land to the place of beginning containing thirty-six acres more or less - There is erected on the above descriLed property one plank house and one log house Seized and taken in execution as the property of E F and R S Morey at the suit of Edwin S Bliss and to be sold by DANIEL SCULL Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) llidgway Pa. May 5th 1875 J 1 a A. .4. -41 (A .4. ;i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i .r i SHERIFF'S SALS. BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias, is sued out of tho Court of .Common Picas ot Elk county, and to me directed, 1 will expose to publio tale by vendue or outcry, at the Court lipase, Ridgway, Pa., on- ' ... ., ... MONDAY, MAY 24th, 1875, at one o'clock P. M., tho lollowing described real estate in the borough ol St Mary's: Beginning at a post at tho intersection ot ot. Mary s sticot aud the road running through the lands of O. Schoening, thence south along St. Mary's street one hundred -100- feet to a post tbeuoe north 50 east to a post on the roil lciJiug to Scheening's land, thence east two hundred --2U0-feet to a post thence west along said road two hundred 20Q- feet to the place of beginning, containing 20,000 feet. Seized and taken in execution as (he property of Noah Bradford at the suit of Joseph Wilhelih, and to be sold by DANlKuHCULL, Sheriff, sheriff s Office Ridgway, Pa , April 23th 1875. Dissolution of Fartnersihp. miie firm of W. S. SERVICE & CO. is this B dny dissolved by mutual consent, llie business hereafter frill be conducted by AV. S. Service, by whom all debts due by suit firm will be paid, uml with whom ull accounts duetosuid firm must be settled. W. S. SERVICE, March '2, 1875 W. II. SClIKAM. Notice. ALL persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the , late firm of W. S. SEilVICE & CO. ore lequostcd to call aud settle the same before the tirsl of April next, as all accounts cfsaii firm not setiied at that time will be p'aeed in the hand of nu attorney for collection, nlto W. S. SERVICE Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R'y, Oa and after FEBUARY 11th, 1S75, and until further notice, trains will leave !iuf into from the Buffalo, New York & Philat delphU Railroad Depot, corner Exchange and Louisiuna streets, (Buttalo time) as fol lows: 7:40 A. M , MAIL, stepping at Ebenezer 8:03 Springbrook 8:10 Eliunb-lo Jamison's 8:1 J Aurora 8:20 Wales 8:iS8, Holland 8:t'0 Protection U:O0 Arcade 9:14 Yorkshire 11:23 Maohias 'J:o3 Frankliuvillo, 9:50, lsohua 10.11 Hinsdale 10.27, Erie Railway 10 43 Oleau 10.05, Weston's 11.03, Portviile, 11.10, State. Line ll. 18; Eldrcd ll'3l Larabee's 11.88, Sartwell 11.44 Turtle 1'oint 11.48 Tort Alleghany 12.01 1'. M., Liberty 12.10, Keating 12.2'J Shippen 12.40 Emporium 1.00 P. M. 0.15 A. AI., MIXED TRAIN TO OLEAN, stopping at Ebenezer 10.05 Springbrook. 10,31, Lima 10.C2 Jamison's 11.00 Aurora 11 25 Wales 11.4'J, Holland 12.10 P.M., Protection 12-30, Arcade 12.57, Yorkshire 1.12 Machias 1.30. Franklinville 2.05, lsohua 2.50, Hinsdale 3-24, Erie Railway 4 00 P. M. 3.30 P. M., EXPRESS, stopping at Ebenezer 3,55, Sprimbrook 4.04 Lima 4.11 Jamison's 4.1G Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4,35 Holland 4 40, Protection 4.50, Arcadeo 11 Yorkshire 5.19 Machias 5.30, Franklinville 5.4b Ischua 0.05 hinsdnle 6.20, Erie Rail way 6.30, Olean 6.62, Weston's 7.00, Poit ville 7. 00, Slate Line 7.14, Eldred 7.27, I.avabec's 7.35, Sartwell 7.41, Turtle Point 7.4o, Port Allegany 7.58, Liberty 8 17, Keating 8.25, bhippeu 8.45, Emporium 0.00 P. AI. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 4 00 A. if., EXPRESS, topping at Ship pen 4.15 Keating 4.35 Liberty 4.44 Port Allegheny 6.03 Turtle Point 6.15, Sartwell 6.20, Lurabee's 6.25, Eldrcd 6.33 State Lino 5.44 l'orlville 6.52, Weston's 6.5V, Olean 0.20, Erie Railway 6.23, Hinsdale 6.38, lecluu 6.62, Fvakliuviile 7-10, Machias 7.26 Yorkshier 7.35 Arcade 7.43, Protection 7.67, Holland 8.05; Wales 8.15, Aurora 8.26 Jumisou's 8 33 Elma 8.38, Springbrook 8.43, Ebenezer 8,62, Buffalo 0.15 A. M. 6.00 A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER & F11EKJHT, slopping at Shippen 6.40, Keat ing 7.35 Liberty 7.50. Port Allegany 8i40 Turtle PointO. 13, Sartwell 9.25, Larabee's 9.40 Eldred 10 05 State Line 10.38, Put ville 11.10 Weston's llk25, Olean 11.42, Iris Railway 11.47, Hinsdale 12.20 P. M.. Ischua 1.08, Fianklinville, 2.05, Machias '1.41, Yorkshire 3,00, Arcade 3.1a Protect ion 3.42, Holland 4.03 Wales 4,35, Aurora 6.06, Jamison a o.20 Elma 0.28, Sprins- brook 6.40, Ebenezer 0,00, Junction 6.30 P. M. 2.00 P. Itl., MAIL, (topping at fchippeu 2.15, Keating 2.35, Liberty 2.44, Port Al legheny S.03 Turtle Point 8.15 Sartwell 3,20, Larabees 3.26, Eldred 3.33, Slate Line 3,46, Portville 3.65, Weston's 4.02 Oleuu 4.20, Erie Railway 4.23, Hinsdale 4.38 lsuhua 4.52, Franklinville 6.11, Machias 5 30, Yorkshire 5:37, Arcade 6.46 Protection 0.02, Holland 6.10, Wales 6.20, Aurora 6.32, Jamison's 6.38, Elma 6.42, Springbtook 6.47, Ebenezer 6.68, Buifalo 7.20 P. M. TRAIN LEAVES OLEAN: 0.25 A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER k FREIGHT, stopping at Hinsdale 7.00 Ischua 7.30, Frauklinville 8.15, Machias 8.53, Yorkshire 9.23, Arcad 9.45, Protect lot 10-14, Holland 10.35, Wales 11.00, Aurora 11.25, Jamison's 11.39, Elma 11.49, Springbrook 12 02 P jl Ebenezer 12 22, Buffalo 1 00 P. M. fcayNo trains run on Sundays. 11. C. FlaK, Gau't Managr. II. L. LYMAN, Geu't Pass r Ag't J. 1). YEOMAN'S, Geu't Sup't FITS CMJREU ritEEU Any person suffering from the above disease is requested to aduress Da. l'aica, and a trial bottle of medicine will be for warded by Express. REE! The only cost being the Express char ges, which owing to my large business, are small. Dr. Price has made the treatment of FITS Oil EPILEPSY a study for years, and he will warraut a cure by the use of his remedy. Do not tail to send to him lor a trial bot tle; it costs nothing, and he W ILL CURL OU, no matter of how long standing your case may be, or - how many ether remedies may have failed Circulars and testimonials sent with FREiS TRIAL BOTTLE. Be particular to give your Express, as well as. your Post Oluce direction, and Address, DR. CHA6. T. PRICE, 07 William Sueet, New York. validly Hates ef Advertising. One column, one year ...$75 00 " 40 oo I " " 25 00 I 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, sue insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten hues or less, per year $5. Advertisement payable quarterly. LIccnsci. The following persons hare applied for license at the May term of court v TAVERN :" Uknezkttk Martin Kut, PoX Joseph Koch Jay Arruel Turley RiDOW'AV Frank I'ollmtin. St. Mary's Roro Muthiis Wellcn do if, llanhnuscr it Mocuiu, John Vaughan, James Icgner.. EATINCHIOUSE Fox Andrew Hau St. Mary's Uoro Gso. Sdiaut, John H. lleindle, C litis: Klausman. TEIAL LIST Following Is a list of the causes set down for the May term of Court of common pleas of Elk eounty. Commencing Monday, May 24th, 1876. 1 The Spring Run Coal Company s ThomnB Tozier, No 16 of January term 1869 2 Ellen Donovan et al ts William Brom ley, No 8 of January term 1873 3 Alderfor& Preston vs (he Buffalo, New York k Philadelphia U RCoNo 43 of Aug ust term 1874 4 J B Whitman vs John M'Gnmo No 33 of August term 1874 6 James Blaok vs the BenzingerCcal aud Iron Co No 47 of August term 1874 C Benj-vmiu Johnson va Martin Enx, No 61 of August term, 1874 7 George Opdyke vs Frauais ALoeseh, No 70 of Aupust term 1874 8 James K Orr vs Samuel Rathbun et al No 72 ot August term 1874 9 Patrick Welsh vs. Joseph Koch,)No. 74 of August Term, 1874. 10. Lazarus Moyer vs, Patrick Lamb, No 84, of August Term, 1874. 11. Thomas Holland ts. J V Houkfc Co., No1 107, of August term 1874 12 Caleb Shotwell ts George Scull et. al No 13 September Term, 18i4. 13 Martin Fcily ts Andrew Kaul et at rto 19. of September Term, 1(4. 14 Inskeep, Poor & M'Guflick ts J B Whitman No 49 of September Term 1874 15 John Farrer vt 0 R Earley, No 4, of November Term lf74 16 William Johnson ts Edward Walters, No 15, of November Term 1874 17 R C M'Giil ts The P It R Co No 9 of January Term 1875 18 W m II Hyde vs A G Cuthbert etl No 11 of January Term 1875 19 Gibbs, Burke & Co ts Gilford, Hall & Co No 24 January Tsra 1874 20 Wm R Y'oung, et al vs The Allegheny Valley R R Co No 35, of" May, Term, 1875. FHED SCHOEMNG, Clerk. SEZKXFFS SALE. BYT virtue of atwrit cfleTari facias, issued out of the .Court of Common Pleas of Elk Couaty, a nd to me direc ted, 1 will expose to public sale, by vendue or outcry, at the Court House, llidgway, Pa., od MONDAY, MAY 24tb, 1875, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, to wit: All that certaiu lot or piece of land -situate in tho villago of llidgway, county ot Juk and Mate of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows: Begiouing on the line of Main street at tho northeast comer of lot uuuiher 13, thence north 00 35 east, alonn; the line of Main 6treot ono huudred and thirty -130- feet to tho Durth-west coi ner of lot number 1G, thence south 23c 2-V east along the line of lof.i'uuiuber 10, one hundred, and sixty - 10')-feet fo an alley, theuce south CG 35' west a'ut'S Eaid alley, one hundred aud thirty -130- feet to southeast corner ol lot number 13, theuce north 23 25v west one hundred aud sixty -ICO- .feet to the place of beginning, containing 20,800 square feet, and comprising and being lots numbers 14 and 15, in the plan oi said village of llidgway. Seized and taken into execution as the ptoperty of Patrick M alone at the suit of Eliza O. Clements, and to be sold by DANIEL SCULL, Sherifl. Sheriff's Office, ) Ridsrway, Pa., April 28th, 1875. ( SHERIFF'S SALE. BY" virtue ol a writ of venditioni ex ponus, issued out of the Court ot Cum niou Pleas of Elk Couuty, and to ur- directed, I will expose to publio eale, by veudue or outcry, at tie Court House, llidgway,, Pa., on MONDAY, MAY 24th, 1875, at 1 o'clock P. M., the kfollowin described real estate, to wit: ' Ait tue right, title, interest, c.aim and demand whatsoever ot dclendants in, to or out of all the following tract, piece or paroel of laud , to wit, as fol lows: Being in tho township ol Spring (Jaeek, couutv of Elk aud State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, beiug part of warrant num ber 277o, warranted in the name of Wilhelm Williulc and others; Begin uiog at i saddle back rock, ou the left hand ot Spring Lrcek thence north thirty one (31) degrees west nineteen (1'J) rods, thence north five 5 degrees west sevetiteeu 17 rods to a hemlock tree oh said lei t bauk of Spring Creek thence north sixty GO degrees east forty (40) rods to a post, theuce south thirty oOj degrees east sixty-seven aud five-tenths (67-5 rods, thence south uine and one-fourth (9J) degrees west Gve and Sve-teuths 5-5, rods to the place ot beginning, containing fifteen 15 acres more or less on which is ereoted tho fbllowiug buildings, to wit: One large water saw mill, one frame school house, four frame dwelling houses about 16x18 with additions, one log houso about 20x30; also one frame barn about 30x40 leet. The above houses are used as tenant houses in and about said mill property. Also an undivided three-fourth ic teiest in, to or out ot the following tract, pieoe or parcel of land, situate and being in Spring Creek township, Elk County and State of Pennsylvania, bounded aud described as follows, to wit: On the north and east by lands of Nelson Strang, on tho south by warrant line of warraut number 2789, on the west by Millstone township line, con taining four huudred and fifty -454-acres more of less, and being part of warrant number 2775. Seized ani taken into execution as the property of L. F. & II. M. Powers at the suit of Tbayer & Hagerty, and to be sold by DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. Sheriffs Offioe. ) llidgway, P., AprU $8th,1875. J P1TTSBUGH EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! A LIVE NEWSPAPER, IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. In entering upon the Now Year, ana within a few months of the second anni Tersary of Ihe firBt appearanco of the paper the publishers of the PITTSBURGH EVENING TELEGRAPH renew their ex pressions of thanks to au intelligent and appreciative public for its LIBERAL AND EVER INCREASING PATRONAGE during the year just closed. Comtag into cxistauce nt a Lima when everv Vinrl nf business was to a certain extent depressed, ana wneo retrenchment in every direction was the rule, the TELEGKAFH has fought its wnv. and become not cnlv an psinh. lished fact, but a PRIME NECESSITY IN ETERY WELL. INFORMED CIRCLE, whether it be of the'' oounting-room, the proiessionalottloe, tlie woslisuop, or the family. Its circulation, equal to the best from the start, has crown in extent and im portance daily, until now it acknowledges tut two equals the liispatch and Leader so lnr as the number issued daily is con ccrned, aud no equal as to the character of its readers, lhesoacts are so well known and appreciated by the business commu nity, or the shrewdest members thereof, that our columns have been well. tilled by tno lavors ot THE BEST CLASS C-F ADVERTISERS, and we are glad to know that their faith In Ihe TELKGRAP1I ns an advertisidg me dium has been lii'inly established. THE'PITTSBURGn EVENING TE1EGMPI, hi", we thinlc, during the past year mai il lumed Us claim to the good will and sue prot of the pcoplo, irrespective of party, inasmuch as its opposition to bad nomina tions within the party whose principles it favors was largely instrumental iu procur ing their defeat. While it shall be our aim io promote the established principles of tho Republic in party, we shall in tho fu ture, as iu the past, oppose the election to oliice of men cut lully qualified, or who i-hall by trickery or any unfair means uiaiug! to secure a place on the ticket. Honesty and capacity only will receive our support. THi-1 TELEGRAPH 1 will continue to publish ALL THE i;EVS OF THE DAV ut tho earliest moment, and in such a shape as to be acceptable to the most critical reader. Ihe TELEGRAPH will continue to reflect- the seniimeEts of the people on all pul lio questions touohing their welfare. The TEL! GRAPU will uphold zealously the hands of all men honest and earnest in refdim, and it will, as iu the past, give all sides a hearing on the topics of the time. The TELEGRAPH will labor with re newed ical for tha prospetity of ihe city and St.nte and the advancement of the ma terial interests of our citizens. Its LOCAL DEPARTMENT will continue to be carefully attended to, aud its reports of local events will be ahv ays fresh aud reliable. Its SPECIAL TELEGRAMS AND CORRES PONDENCE from the Capitals of the Nation and btate and from nil imporUut news centers will continue to be of the most attractive, and trustworthy character. Its MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will receive the same careful attention that has been remarked iu the past, aud in this respect the TELEGRAPH will continue to be without a competitor. Its EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT will 'contain an honest expression of views on ull iiupurtautlive topics, political aud otherwise. Its " NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which have always enjoyed au exalted rep utation, will continue to ,be of the same uuexceptiouable character, In fine, the EVENING TELEGRAPH in;.. alLj its departments, will be during the year 1875, superior to the past, excellent as it has beeu by gen eral admission. No eipense will be spared to keep the paper abreast with the times, and its managers will exert every effort that experience may suggest to make if possible, more attractive to the general reader. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. By mail, including postage, Nine Dollars per annum. Delivered by Carriers, iu any part of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, for fifteen Cents a week. ADVERTISING RATES furnished on application. ADDRESS, THE EVENING TELEGRAM, PIPTSWWH, FA. THEALDINE COMPANY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. 1 THE ALDINE; TUB ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. This splendid enterprise la nut only well sustained In every feature, but is being ooiihtantly deroloped and improved. It to-day si amis without a rival iu the whole world of periodical literature. Tbo beauti ful dog-portrait, "Man s Unselfish rriend, a chrome presented to every subscriber, is a decided hit, and will, if possible, add to the populnrity.whlch Ibis work has gained. The Akt Union feature aIbo promises great and lienitioent results, In arousing publio interest in the fine arts. Circulars and ful information on application. Parts I, II, III, and IV are aow ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To be completed in 40 parts issued for niglly. Each part will contain an elegant frontis piece, originally engraved ou steel for the London Art Journal. REPRODUCING at a price within the popular reach, en gravings never before o He red at less than five times the amount. These plates have been the attraction of The London Art Journal, Each part will contain 2(i quarto pages, including the elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly illuminated in red and gold, will be given with the first part, and the printing of the entire work will be a worthy representa tion of "The Aldine Press" which is a guarantee of something beautiful and val. uable. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part Parts I, II. and HI are Just Published. TUE JttlT JOVllJI1L, Complete in 12 monthly parts, at $1 each Reproducing the best full-page illustra tions from the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six su perb plates with accompanying descriptive matter, and whether for binding or framing will be entirely beyond competition iu price or artistic character. Every impres sion will be most carefully takeu on the hnest toned paper, and no pains will be spared to make this the richest production of a press which has won, in a marvelously snort time, a world-wi'te reputation. GEMS rilOJri TIME t&LOIJY E Especially assorted for Scrap Book Illustreticns and Drawing Class topics. A large collection of pictures of different sizes and on nlniott every conceivable sub ject have been put cp au attractive en velopc, and are now offered at a price in tended to make them popular in everj Berise- Envelope No. 1, containing CO beautiful engravings, 19 now ready, and will be sent, postage paid, to any address for ONIi DOL LAR. A liberal discount to ageuts and teachers. SCRAP BOOKS A splendid assortment ot SCRAP BOOKS davebecn expressly prepared lor tho huli hay ten son, and no prevent of more perma nent interest can be selected for gentleman or lady, old or young. No. 1. Hull' bound, cloth sides, gilt back 2-jO pp. 12x10 inches $5 00 No. 2. Half bound, clo h sides, gilt bask, 600 pp. 1x10 inches 7 00 No. 3. Full morocco, beveled boards gilt aud antique, very rich 500 pp 12 00 Lettered to order iu gold at 2i cents each line. Sent by mail'd on receipt of the price. THE ALDINE PASSE PARTOUTS. In compliance with repeated requests, the publishers of Tug Ai.dink have pre pared impressions of many of their most beautiful plates for pasac-partoul framing. The cuts arc mounted on a beautifully tinted azure mat, with a handsome red bor der line. . To attach the g'ass, it is only left for the customer to paste aud fold over an already attached bolder aud this muy be done by a child. 27 subjects, 12x15 inches, 25c ; with glass, 6Uc. Six uf this size for $1 when selection is eft to the publishers. 6 subjects, 10x12 inches, 20c, with glass, 4oa. 7 suljects, CJxSJ inches. 15c, with glass, 40c. 12 subjects, 14x10 inches, CO c; with glass, $1. Bent by mail, without glass, postpaid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED THE .lEIHJt'E fO.P.r, HHMaitlen Lane. Yeiv Yorh. 1 u4itia. Remington Sewing Machines Fike Arms, and Agricultural Im plements. The Remington Sewing Machine has sprung rapidlj into favor as possessingjthe best combination of good qualities namely, light ruuDiDg smooth noiseless rapid aud durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither riD nor ravel, and iaalike on both sides. The liemington Sewing Machine has received premiums at many Ftiis, throughout the United States, and with out cfi'ott took the Grand Medal of l'ro gress, the highest order of medal that was awarded at the lata Vienna Kxposi position. The Remington Works also manu facture the new Double Barrelled lireecu .Loading shot gun snap aud positive action, with pateut joint check, a marvel of beauty, finish aud cheapness, aud the celebrated Rem ington Rifles adopted by nine different governments, aud reuowned throughout the world for military, hunting and target purposes all kinds of Pistols, Rifles, Canes, Metalio Catridges, tf c. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowiug Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Road Sciapers, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, &o. The undersigned bas been appointed agent for the sale and introduction of the Remington bewin? Machine in and for the counties of Elk, Clearfield and Warren. TIIOS, J. BURKE, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P: 8. A good local agnt wanted. LLEGHENY VALLEY RAIL ROAD LUW-UKAUE JJIV1H1UIS. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1874, trains between Redbank and Driftwood will run as follows: EXPRESS and MAIL Will leave Drift wood daily at 12:30 p m, Reynoldsville at 8:20 pm, Brookville at 4:05 p m, arriving at Redbank at 6:12 p m, connecting with Express on Main Lin for Pittsburgh. MIXED WAY leaves Reynoldsville daily at 6:40 a in, Rtookville at 8:10 a m, arriv ing at Redbank at 11:00 a in, connecting with trains north and south on Main Line. eastward. EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Redbank daily at 12:20 a m, arrives at Brookville at 2:34 p m, Reynoldsville at ' 8:20 p m, Drift wood at 6:10 p m, connecting with trains east and west on P and E Railroad. MIXED WAY leaves New Bethle'm daily at 3:05 d m, arrives at Brookville at 6:53 p m, ReynoldsTillaal 7:30 p m. MAIN LINE On and after MONDAY, NOV 23, 1874, trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run ns follows: BUFFALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts burgh daily at 7:45 am, Redbank -Junction at 10:47 a m, and arrive at Oil City at 2:40 pm. . ' NIGHT EXPRESS will leave Oil city at 9:05 p ni, Redbank Junction at 2:55 a ro, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 7:20 a m. T1TUSV1LLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts burgh at 8:00 p m, Redbank Junction al 0;25pm, and arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p m. Returning, leaves Oil City at 8:30 a m, Redbank Junction at 12:11 a in and ar rives at Pittsburgh at 3;45 p 111. J. J. LAWRENCE, General Superintendent. Wm. M. Phillips, Ass't Supt., Brookville Pa. .B. FOOTE, M.D. 120 Leiiugtoa Avenue, Co. E. 28th St., NEW YORK, An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE. AND RECEIVES Letters from all parts of the Civilised World, IY HIS ORIGINAL WAT G7 Confluctinff a Helical Practice EB 13 TREATING Numerous Patients in Europe, the) West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every State of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Ho merenrltl medldnM or deletertoiu drugs arefl. Em during th. past tw.nry ).m treated success fully natrly or quit 40,000 cam. All facta con nected with each cue are carefully recorded, whether they be conmunicated by letter or in person, or observed by the Doctor or his associate physicians. Th Utter an all scientific medical men. All Invalids at a distance are required to answer an extended list of plain quesUons, which will be furnished by mall free, or at the office. A com plete system of registering prevents mistake or confusion. Case books never consulted, except by the physicians of the establishment. For free consultation send tor list of questions. A sixty-page pamphlet ot evidences of Success lent free also. q Dr. E. 33. FOOTE, Box T88, Hew York. ACENTS WANTED. tin. Footb Is the author of " Medical Com mon Bknsk," a book that reached a circulation of over 250,000 copies; also, of "Plaim Bosia Talk, more recently published, which has sold to the extent of 70,000 copies ; oIbo, of 14 Scxkncb W Sloal," which is now being published in series. CONTENTS TADLF.3 ef all, excepting the first-mentioned work (which Is out of print), will be sent free on application to either Dr. Foon, or the Hurray Bill Fu'olllh lag Company, whose office is 189 East 26th Street. Agents both men and women wanted to sell the foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will be aUowed. The beginnings ot small fortunes have been made in selling Dr. Footi's popular works. "Plain Homc Talc" is particularly adapted to adults, and " Scimcx im Siobi ' la ust the thing for the young. Send for content U.bles and see for yourselves. The former answer a multitude of questions which ladies and gentle, men feet a delicacy about asking ot their physician. There is nothing in literature at aU Hie either ef the foregoing works. "Bctemci xx Stout" an only be had ot agents or of the Publishers. 'PLAIN HOMS TALK" is published In both th English and German Languages. Once more, ' Agemtfa w autodi ADDRESS A3 ABOVB. Slid & to ay Insitrance vtgency. licprr&evlinq (.'ash A wets of FIRE DEPARTMENT Get-man Atu.. Mew York 1.050,000, 00 Niagara ol New Yoik 1 u 19,933,00 Amazon Cincinnati ot' 850,957 17 Citj lus., Co, ol Providence 190,854 32 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life & Accident Hartlord 2,000,000,00 Vortli American Mutual ol New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable ol New York 15,000,000,00 Insurauce effects iu any of the above standard companies at the most reasona. terms, consistent with perfect security to the insured. JO. W.BAILEY, Agent. EEGISTES'S NOTICE. - OTICE is hereby given ihut the fol lowing aocounls have been filed iu my IN oitice, and will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Elk County for confir mation, on the fourth Monday of May next, beiug the 24th day of May 1875. Final accout of Ignatius Garner,, and Louis. Vollreer executors of the last will und testament of A. llauhauser, late of St, Mary's Uoro., deceased. Partial account of Chas. M'Vean and Mary A. Weed, administrators of B. A Weed late of Jay township, Elk Co., Fa., deceased. The final account of C. II. MoCauley de bonus non, sum testamento annexo of C. H. Fuller deceased. FilED. SCIIOENINCr, Begister. APVKETtSlNQ: CUIAP. GOOD, SYSTEMA TIC. AH persons who contemplate making coutruets with newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, thould send 25 cents to tieo P. Kowtll Co., 41 Park Kow, New York, for their PAMPllIET BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cuut Advertisement taken for leading papers in many States at a termendpus reduction from publishers rates. Qtx jhs book. t no 48 tf s UBSJBIBE for tha ELK COUNT? ADTOCATE. NEW LIVEltY STABLE in m IB DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittaens ef Ridgway, and the publio generally, tlmt be lias started a Lir- er; Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Bujjiet, to let upon tha aioet raatooa ble terms BXIIe will alio Jo jb teasing. Stable om Broad street, above Main. AU orders left at the Post Office will a tat prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A Urge eight poge Indepeudent, hnneit and fearless newspaper.of 66 broad columns, especially designed for the farmer, tho mo. chnnic, the merchant and the Professional mn, and their wives and children. W aim to make tli Wekklt Son the best family newspaper in the world. It in full of entertaining and instructive reading of every sort, but prints nothing to offend the most scrupnloiis and delicate taste. Price 1,20 per year, postage prepaid. The cheapest paper published. Try it' Addresa THE BUN, JNeW l orK City. Elk County Director'. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judze lion. Jno P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr. J V. Houk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. Eeull. Protlnnotary -c, Fred. Schcening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Conimissiouers Michael Weidart. Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. O. Bandy. County Surveyor Oeo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi mers. Phillip Kreighl Ransom T. Kylcr. FUR SALE 13 Y E.K. GRES1I, Masonio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VAN VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATENT SPR BED BEST tempered eteel s wire, these springs can be laid , 1 ... ,. V I 1 1 COMPLETE IN TUEMSELVKS Also ageut for Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BEST MACHINE in the market. Call an J Texa jiiue before purchasing else where. v4nl6t9$, F YOD WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- IIAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. dry goods, notions, boots shoes, hats and caps, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of - Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUIt Constantly on band, and Bold, as cheap as tbo CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. see ns trn VEAMTS. C. C. The True Cape Cod Cranberry, C. best sort for Upland, Lowland, op Garden, by mail prepaid, $1 per 100, 85 per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berrjes and Peaches. A priced Cata logue of these and all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Roses, Plauts, &c., and FRESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, the choicest collection in the country, with all novelties, will bo sent gratis to any plain address. 25 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seeds, for $1,00, sent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TRADE. Agents Wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur seiies and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1342. A DM INISTR ATORS' NOTICE." J Estate ot John E. Turley, late of Jay township, Elk County, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having legal claims against the same will present them without delay in proper order for settle ment to A. W. GRAY, ) . . , JULIUS JONES, jAdmr Benezette, Feb 25th, 1875-nlt4 rpo THE CITIZENS OP PENNSYL L VAN I A. 1'our attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions 10 the Capital Stock ot the Centennial 11 oard of Finance. The funds realised from ihis source are to be employed in th erec tion of the buildings for the Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses conuectej with the same. It is confidently believa that the Keystone State will be represent by the name of every eitixen alive to patr olio oommemoratiou of the one hundred birth-day of the nation. The shares stock are offered for $10 each, and su soribera will receive a handsome engrave , Certificate of Stook, suitable for tramin. and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on aU payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 187. , Subscribers who are not neat a Nation Bank oan remit a check or post office, order to the undersi gued, . . FEED'K FRALET, Treasurer, 904 Wftlaut Be. PhiiAdJaklat