The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 29, 1875, Image 3

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    yHU'igl'AV. APRIL 20. 2875.
I Pervic In Grace Church Sunl-iy next at
Y' """il hours. 11 A. M. and 7 1'. M.
I AH are cordialy invited to attend, beats
flfi la nil
27i23;i;il Lutheran Chrsh-
HLV. 1. BKEFEMEN Pastor.
Sunday school at !l: 4 5 A . 1. All .ire in.
'ted to attend.
it 2. CHWSt
HEV. WM. MARTIN, Paetor-
'Sunday School at 9:30 A M Morning
r orv.ce ut 11 A M CUm Meeting at 12
lJ Evening Service hi 7:301 M Prayer
peeling 1 hmg.lny Evening
UurjTiinc at. Mag way.
ail East
45 V: M.
2:::C P. M
i do UV.i
Through "Local, Eaet
8:20 A. M
"o do West
ocal East
0:44 P. M.
4:50 P. M
do West
8:20 A. iM
Mall and Tin- nil(rll T.nrx.l niKcf
ooeujaars, ine local noes tot.
elk Lodge, a. y m.
The staled miwiirui r nt ri. v..
7'.. nre In. 1,1 m il,.', . I, ..11 ,.,.,... ,- nr.,:..
nd Depot streets, on tho second and fourth
Ucsdaya of each month-
I W. C. MEALY, Sec'y.
Sping is now nuking protnise3.
It is now lawful to go ttout fishing.
The happy frog now sintjeth lus lay
j The ujuJ in the stress is drying up
Potatoes are selling here for $1,25 a
It will soon ba time for garden uuk-
fho woullu't rather have a farm out
t than an oil well?
Id. l'uiue ba3 moved Lis familv to
.1) the good lookiug girls in town ate
(retting new hats
10 l'''Diib!ien C.vintv Coiiventinn
Mba bell on May 4th
3 of the Democrats now sports a
I 'buri'siJrs."
mu-ueau-!, ici'er-ncacs,,
., give us a call.
Kimo has bis meat market od
reet about com ploiod.
arc selling bora at 25 ceuts
butler is 32 cents a pound.
y body is clearing up bis front
d some are making so;ip.
bare several places iu the side -
boat town that ue 1 1 repairing
s II -iicrty. our wot thy postuias-
taecu d'jwn the river flr several
rye on Osterhout's height h
up, giving the bill a deliylitlui
k' other mm y.ia meet now has
i his shoulder looking for duttks
is the tinio ftr fond parents
ve fair daughters, to lay in a
f gite hinges
Van (Jiesen, Sheriff of Forest
'is ia to oui- office last week,
4hopo to see him tiere agiin.
I! you want gool and cheap job
eill at the Advocate oiEee situa-
Thayers & liberty's building.
Dickinson's finks had a bran
last week, and Lewis Uremic!
es because lie is the father of
cad, of tbe'IJroekwayville Free
l't feel well because someone
hat bis paper was only good for
lamp chimneys.
lias woe? Vhc has the nii;ht
Vho has troubled visions?
t read other men's papers they
ot pay tbe printers
J. l Mercer, of tho firm ol
erccr, butchers, bas moved bis
o the building in couuectiou
meat market.
Aice that Capt, Sehoening bas
ed some shade trees in irout
idenee, on South street as bas
re bis nest door neighbor.
re novT on a strike, that is
hey will "sii" around and do
atber than lay eggs for 25
is better that u man should
al acres of laud and keep oue
it be should own one acre ot
keep several cows to run the
p informed that hemlock tim-
rs at Pittsburgh are beiog
cents per square foot cash.
ud tb.-ea or four feet of luni-
tt. E. Malone bas the agency
younty for the Combination
Brace Corset Adjusiabla Skirt
Call and see it. Abo lor
bior Shield or Corset Clasp.
James Earley bas two tame
b is to have a park built on
rty at tho corner ol Main aud
reets, lately owned by Fred
Lin business about towa at
trying a tin can to a dog's tail
all hands turn out to see the
which is fun far the boys but
kou't seem to enjoy it.
From tti is time iorward women will
bo eligible for appointment ns notaries
publio in Illinois, the legislature hav
ing passe 1 a law to that effect.
When a young lady writes, "Pleas
euui aroun an taik me to the spollin
tuiieh this evenin," you cannot refuse
unless you are utterly indifferent to tbe
causo of cnuiDMjn education.
Le:turs at Grace Chinch.
Ou Sundny ncrt, at tho evening scr.
vice the Hector of Grace Church pto
puses setting forth reasons for tho use
of Forms of Prayer in Public worship,
his fubject Lciny "Tbe Prayer Book
why we nave it." All those who have
thought upon,-or feel interested in the
iubj'ct are cordially invited to attend.
Services nt 7i o'clock P. M
Peansy'-ania Postal Cinse3.
Wa-hiugiou, vlpril 25. The follow
ing pesfal changes have been oidcred
lor Pennsylvania. "Postmasters appoin
ted: Lewis Keller, liedminister, Ducks
cTtinty; Andrew Slcfftl, Uluo Mountain,
Xoribampton couotyj James White.
Ourydon, Warren couuty; James K.
Scott, Crow's Mill, Grecuo county; W.
E. Stoif, Bohusburg, Somerset couutyj
J. 31. Koss, Lawicnce, Ws.'hington
county; William Adams, Mclutre, Ly
coinitig county; James W. Ifyett, Mc
Willianistown, Chester county; Daniel
Grim, Olivet, Aimstrong county; S. F.
Ackley,' Spring 11 ill, Bradford county;
J. J Uncafer, Strongfown, Indiana
county; 31rs. Ivccta S. Perry, Wesloy
viiie, Erin cuun'y.
Save Money and Health. The
reputation of the Wilsou Shuttle Sew
ing Machine is so thoiougbly estab
lished that no word iu its commendation
is necessary. Tbe plan adopted by the
manufacturers of this famous machine
ol placing their prices so low as to come
within the reach of the poorer classes,
certainly entitles them to tljo gratitude
of tbo.-e who t ie really most iu need ol
such an article. Machines will bo de
livered ut any lvailroad Statiou iu this
county, free of transportation charges
if ordered through the Company's
".ranch House at 327 and 829 Superior
St. Cleveland Ohio.
They send an elegant catalogue and
chrutiio circular, free ou application.
'l'h is Coujpauy want a few more good
Icith ef.Ssa. Edvard Charles fcshaltzs.
l.'ia'li that mighty severer of hearts;
sweeps through our hulls when wo are
ea: t exptcting it. We are now cilied
upon lo chrcniclc the demise of our late
citizen, E. C. S-'eliultze, which occurred
tit 11 o'clock A M , on last Thursday
A lo .v d.iys prior to bis deaih bo wa
ugoicg l is Ueual health, bis spirits
Here buoyant, und tbe grave was little
thought of As the news of bis depar
ture was buuded lrom ruouth to luouth
how vivMiy (bote words were recalled
by ail, "In tbe midst of life we arc in
death." lie was the victim ot heart
diiCU'C, cud when dcith came bo was
engaged in reading iho journals of tie
lay. lie put bis paper aside and faded
calmly away, like one who draws the
drapery of bis couch about hitu and lies
dnwii to pleasant dreams.
The Judge has been one of us for
tbe past five jcars, iiid no man has
done as much as he for our towu. He
atartid us on tbe road to prosperity.
His advertisements penetrated every
nook and corner of tbe land, and hun
dreds of peoplo rushed to tho embryo
city aud secured footholds. Out o! his
real estate transactions he amassed a
fortune, but he died almost penniless.
Ibis is easily understood by those who
were intimately acquainted with him.
Ue was extraordinarily generous, and
those that asked him for alms never de
parted empty-handed. Ho valued
money only for the happiness it brought
to himself and brother mortals.
Through charity, in a legiou of wayst
he disposed of bisfortuue as speedily as
be made it.
lie came into existenco under u
cloud, and a cloud seems to have
hovered over him during his entire ter
restrial pilgrimage, lie was born in
Germany, on tbe 14th day of June,
lSOO. Europe was then beiog invaded
by xSapoleon liouaparte, aud ou the clay
u question, when the aJvanciiii' army
drew near, tho women ot the land hun
ted remote hiding pliies, many seekiiK;
the cellars of their houses. In one of
hse places, with the resounding of
the bugio and the roar of canons, and
the tread of armies overhead, Judge
Schultze was born. Soon alter emigrat
ing to America he was married and
raised a large family, many of the
members of which are living in this
He was interred last Sabbath at the
Catholic cemetery in this place. Father
Winker presided over his - obsequies.
Ex'ole his virtues mid let tbe grave
cover his faults. RrtjuUm'at xn pace.
Regohlihviltr JJearJ of 2oih iust.,
New York, Apiil 23 The suit
brought by tin National Trust Com
pany against Chailes Kalstou, Valen
tine Gleason, Andrew L. lloberts and
others, to recover $3i),0U0 obtained by
liabton from the Trust Company on
lorty-two forged bonds of the New
York, Buffalo aud Erie llailway Com
pany, in the forging and uttering of
which defendants are alleged to have
been implicated was terminated to-day,
the jury finding VMdict of 33,0U0
lor tbe plaintiff.
BYVItlTUE of a writofVen. Ex. case
to Forest County, issued out of tbe
Court of Common Plens of Philadelphia
County and to ine directed, there will! e
exposed lo sale b public venduo or outcry.
at the Court House, in the borough of
Honest, on
SATUKDAY MAY8ih A. D., 1875,
t H o'clock, a. ni., the following described
real estate, to-wit,
Georce UrooUg vs. Henry J. Brooks and
Alfred Brook, trading as 11. J. lirooKi A
Co., Vend. Ex. Case to Forest County, 482
Ueo. Term, 1874 Dickson. All that cer
tain lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu
Tioneta, (formerly) now Howe Township,
Forest County, Slut, of Pennsylvania, be.
ing one-half of a tract patented to tVilhchn
WilliuW, November l!7th, A. 1)., 180:2,
upon warrant, in the same name numbered
two thousand four hundred aud fifty-three,
said half containing five hundred (500)
acres more or less. Being the parcel of
land which Samubl Waun, Alexander Mo
Andrew, Alexander It. McIIeury, Edward
W. Warner aod their wives, by deed dated
May IWth. 1871. conveyed to J. K. Palmer,
mid the same which the eaid J. K. Palmer
and wife conveyed to Famuel Willeti by
deed dated June 12th 1871. and recorded
in the ollice for iccrding deeds &o., in
Forest Couuty, in Deed book So. 9, pages
91 and '.'J, Nov. 1st 1871. Subject lo the
reservations aud test net ions contained iu
the lust irentioued deed, and to the pay
ment of all lazes assessed upon said laud
since 1809.
Also All that certain tract or parcel of
land situate in Howe Township, Forest Co..
Pennsylvania, being seven hundred and
fifty (750) acres ofland, part of tract known
on the map of the t-aid Count as number
two thousand three hundred and Bizty-eix
(23GG,) aud being the wliole of the li-ao'.
except two hundred ami fifiy (250; acres in
the notthwest corner thereof. Said 750
acres bounded east by Elk County line,
south by tract No. 2405, west by No. 2830,
subdivisions, Nog. 0 and 5 and the 250
acres in the noi-theost corner of sud tract,
and north by said 200 acres and tract No.
2453, and are the i-atne premises deeded to
J. li. Paliuer by Alexander V Murphy and
wile by deed dated May 20th, 1871, aud
by said J K. Palmer and wife to IShuiuoI
Willets by deed dated May U:ith, 1871, and
recordedin the Recorder's office in Forest
County, in Deed Dook No. y, pages 'J5, 00
and 1)7 Mov. 1 1871. Subject to the pay.
ment of all taxes assessed upon said luud
since the year ISO'.).
Also All those two cirtiiin tracts of
laud situate in Howe Township, Forest
County, and State of Pennsylvania. !o-wil:
number two thousand ho ml red and
twelve (2812.) containing one thousand
nnd sixty-three (lOOti) ac;es; and part of
tract number two thouxaud nine hundred
nnd sixty i2'.l00) containing about seven
hundred 1 700) acres, or so much thereof as
lies in Forest Couuty. more or less. The
same having been conveyed lo J. K. Pal
mer by Charles 1$. Wright and Sue J. his
wife, Ciispcr H. Duhring and Jane T. his
wife by cieed dated September 19th, 1871.
Alsu All those certain warraul nutiibcrf
two thousand and twenty-one (2021) and
two thousand and twenty. two (2022.) each
containing nve hundred (500) acres, and
together one thousand (1000) acres, situate
in Howe Township, Forest Count j, fclate of
Also ill that certain tract or parcel of
hind eituaie iu the township of ishettield,
formerly Kenzua, j iu the County of War
ten. aud Commouweclth of Pennsylvania,
being part of lot number seven 7 iu said
lownsLip, aud bounded is lollows, to wit:
licgitiiiiug at the northeast corner of said
lot, niuuiiig theuce south nicng the east
bounds o tail lot lo iho south-ast corner
thereof, thence west along ihe south line of
tai-j lot so far thai a uoith line parallel lo
the east b;uci!s of said lot from the south
bouuils to the north bouuds thereof, aud
thence eajt to the place of beginning shall
contain llirce hauued uud lorty
acres of land more or less; which prcnises
were conveyed to Leonard L. Crandall by
leed from Msri 11. Vialdo and el her heiis
of John ll. Uurdeiibuig, June 1st, 1871,
and by mid Leonard D. Ciaulall and wile
conveyed to .Samuel Willets by deed dated
JueJ2ih, 171, and lecoided in the lle
eoi dor's office of Warren County, in deed
book S4. page 255, November 1st, 1871.
Subject, nevertheless, lo the reservation.'!
and restrictions contained iu the last men
li ji.el deed.
Also All that certaiu tratct of laud sit
uate in Sheffield Township, Warren County,
1'enusylvauia, known and dcnignated on
Ihe general n-ap of said c luniy, as tract
numlier niue containing five huudred
5(.'0 acres of land, be the same more or
iie!; throe hundred ami fifty 35li acres
oi which is ine s-ime lanu Uee-leu to J. K.
ralmer, by Andrew Johnson, by deed da
ted ilay i'.ith, 1871, recorded iu deed book
34. lege 27. And one huudred aud hity
150 acres of which is ihe same laud
deeded to J. K. Palmer, by Jaines (J
Marsh aud wife by deed dated May 2.Uh.
1871, recorded in deed book B4, pugo 20;
nnd the whole of which five hundreUuoiet
were conveyed by said J. K. Palmer and
wife to Samuel billets by deed daied May
2'.i, 1871 and recorded in deed book o4,
page 254, November 1st, 1871, Subject
to tho paymcut of all taxes assessed upuu
said land since 180'j.
Also All that certain tract of land sit
uated :u Highland Twp., Eik Co., Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described as follows:
beginning at a small birch, thence by find
of John Nicholson number o70.1 east five
hundred und thirty perches to a sugar tree,
thence by land of John Nicholson number
S777 north three huudred aud twouty per
ches to a hemlock, thence by land of John
Nicholson number B778 west tivehundrid
and thirty perches to a birch, iheuce by
Holland Laud Company three hunTlredaud
twenty perches lo place of beginning.
Continuing one thousand acres and usual
Also All that certain tract of land sit
uate in Highland Township, Llk Couuty
Pennsylvania, described as follows: Num.
bfr three thousand seven hundred and
fifty-three 8753. contaiuii g one thous
and acres uud allowance. The two tracts
of la-id last described teing iho same two
tracts conveyed to J. K- Palmer, by
Charles C. Dunn and wife and Thomas
8truthers and wife, by deed dited June
2ud, 1871, aud by the said J. K. Palmer
and wife conveyed lo Samuel Willets, by
deed dated June 12th, 1871. and recorded
in the Kecordei-'s office of L'.k County, in
deed book 'O," page 423, &c, November
Oth, 1871. Said two tracts being subject
to the reservations and restrictions con
tained iu tho last mentioned deel, und to
the payment of all luxes assessed upou
said land since Ihe year 18G'J.
Also All that certain piece, parcel or
tract ol land situate in Highland Township,
County of Llk uud State ot Pennsylvania,
surveyed on a warrant granted to Jehu
Nicholson, number two thousand and
twenty 2020. nnd bounded aud de
scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a
lifech, the northwest earner thereof,
thence by lands warranted to John Nich
olson ll Company number 2025 south
four hundred and forty 440 rods to a
ost, thence by lands warranted to T'bimaa
Willings east four hundred and eighty. six
180 rods to a post, theuce by warrant
number 2020 uortn one huudred and sixty
eight 108 rods to a post, theuce by war-
aut i.uuiber 2027; vest one hundred 100
rods to a beech; thence by last ueuuoned
warrant north two hundred and sevcuty
two 272 rods to a post; and thence by
lands warranted to John Nioholson & Com
pany; west three bundled and eighty 380J
rods to the place of beginning. Containing
one thousand and ninety-Dine anl three
fourths 1099 acres, with tbe usual al
lowance as turveyed en tea original war
rant on iho eleventh day of July. A, D.
17S.O, aud rciurued to the land oflce by
William P, litady, D. 8, Being the same
premises which were conveyed by J. K.
Palmer and wife, lo Samuel Willets, by
deed dated July 22nd, 1871 and recorded
In the Aecorder s ollice of Elk county, In
Deed Book "O" page 420 &e., November
otli, ISii. Subject ie the restriction aim
reservations contained in tho hast men
tioned deed nnd also to all taies assessed
upon the said land since the vcar 18U9.
Also All that certain piece or parcel of
tana situate iu Highland township, id tti
couuty of Llk, nd State af Pennsylvania,
known and designated on the general map
or draft of lauds in said township as wr
l ant number two thousand four huudred
aud sixty-three. Bounded north by war
rant number two thousand four hundred
aud sixty-four, east by warrant number
three thousand seven hundred and sixty
one, 3701; south by warrant number
two thousand and nineteen; and west by
the line of Forest county. Being the same
premises conveyed by Lras lus Lames aud
wile to Samuel Willeia by deed dated
July 13th, 1871, and recorded in Elk
county Recorders office In deed book "U"
page 419 S.C, November tjih, 1671.
Also All that certain piece or parcel of
laud situate in Ihe township of Highland
county ol Llk, aud stale of Pennsylvania,
bouuded and described as follows: Being
part ot tract of lund surveyed in pursuance
of warrant number i'450, on tbe 12th day
of December, A. D. 1792, aud bouadtd on
the north by warrant number 2300; on Ihe
east by Riiiiaul number 3781; on the south
by warrant number 2404, and on the wast
by Ihe Forest county line, cou
tuiniug two hundred and eighty-nine 28'J
actes be the same mure or less. Being the
same piece of lund conveyed by Asa 11.
Barnes and wi.'e to Hamuel WUlcts, by deed
dated June 9th; 1871, and recorded in the
lieccrdcr's office of Llk couuty in deed book
-0" page 422 4:0., ioveuiber O.h, 1871.
Also All that certain piece or par
cel of laud situate iu the towuship ol
Highland, couuty of Elk, aud state of
Pennsylvania, being warraut number
two tbousaud and tweuiy-tivc 2025.
Three hundred and eleven acres more
or less, iu the name of John Nicholson.
Ueii.'g the same laud conveyed to David
F. Anderson by Orris Hall aad wife,
by deed dated October iHith, 1808, and
recorded iu Elk couuty iu deed book
"N" page 2o.
Also All that part of the lot or
warrant numbered thirty-seven hundred
and sixty-one (3701) ia the county ol
Eik and State of Pennsylvania, which
is bouuded aud described as
Uegiuning iu the cast line cf said war
raut or truct ol land aud in the uiiddie
ol Spring Creek, and running theuce
south three degrees west along tho east
bouuds of said tract three chains to the
southeast comer thereof thence .north
eighty-seven degrees aad thirty-six
minutes west along the south bounds ol
said tract one huudred and thirty-two
chains to the southwest corucr thereof,
theuce Dorth three deurccs cast along
the west bounds ot said tract fifty. two
c'oaius and sixty-five links to the uiid
die of tho beioremeutiuned Spring Creek
(hence tip uiong the middle of said
creek as it winds sud turns to tbe place
ot beginning; and also tweuty rods in
length up aud down said stream to high
water mark on the northerly bank ol
said stix-um, opposite or with the centre
of said twenty rods, opposite to the mill
of David P. Abdcrsou, which was
erected or. or about the L'2d day of May,
1(19, and with the right to attach the
northerly cod of a dam for a mill to the
said north bunk ol said stream.. Con
taining five hundred and iurty-sevcu
acres and three rods of laud including
tbe allowance, so culled, as the same
was surveyed in tbe summer of 18G9,
by Orviile Combs. The two tracts of
laud lust above described being the
same two traets coLveyed by David V.
Andeisou uud wife to Samuel Willets,
by deed dated June 29th, 1871, aud re
corded in Elk county Recorder's offioe,
iu deed book ' O," page 417, i:c., Nov
ember Gth, 167 1. Subject to the re
servations and restrictions contained in
the last Bieutioned deed.
Also All the undivided one-half
psrt of all that certaiu tract of land sit
tiatein Highland township, Eik county,
State ol' Pennsylvania, kuown us warrant
or tract numbered three thousand seven
huudred and sixty-six (3700), and
buuudvd and described as lollows; On
tbe north by warrant numbered three
thousand seven hundred aud eighty-two
(3V82), on the east by Warrant nuui
bered thrc3 thousand seven hundred and
sixty 3700), on the south by warrant
numbered three thousand seven hun
dred and seventy-seven 3777, and on
the west by warrant numbered three
tbousaud seven hundred aud seventy,
eight 3778. Containing one tbousaud
100U acres of land, be the same more
or less. Peiog tbe same premises which
were conveyed by J. K. Palmer and
wife to Samuel 'A'illete, by deed dated
September 25th, 1871, and recorded in
Elk couuty llecordcr'a office in deed
book "O," page 404 &o , October 31st,
1871. Subject to the reservations and
restrictions coutaiued in the eiid deed.
Also All that part of warrant uum
ter.three thousand seven huudred aud
sixty one 37C1) in tho county of Elk.
iState of Pennsylvania, which lies north
of tbe cast fork of Spring Cieck,
bounded as follows, viz; southerly by
the centre of said east fork of Spriug
Creek, and northerly easterly aud west
erly by tho noi theust aud west lines or
bounds of suid warrant number 3701
Containing five hundred and fifty-four
551 acres three 3 roods aod twenty
two 22 rods ol laud, more or less. Said
warrants numbers 2U21 and 2022,
above mentioned, in Hone township
Forest county and said part of warrant
number 3701 in Elk county being the
same premises which were conveyed by
J K Palmer and wile to Samuel Willets
by deed dated June 20th, 1871, and re
corded in tho llecordcr'a office ia Forest
couuty, iu deed book No. 9, page U3
&c., November 1st, 1871, and in Elk
couuty Pet-order's tflice in deed book
"0" page 400, &e., October 31st, 1871,
and were conveyed subject to tbe re
servations and restrictions tucntioued in
said deed and to all taxea assessed upon
said land aud premises since 18G9.
N. 11. Ou warrant number 2'JGO,
above D.cntioued, in Forest County,
there are erected twelve two-story frame
dwelling bouses, six frame barns,
frame boaraiog house and lrame store
bouse, frame sawmill, boiler, engine and
machinery, frame stoie and office,
frame feed store, frame tannery, frame
engine house engine and machinery,
frame beam bouse, framo eweat pita,
Hame leach house and bark ln-nso, hide
mill aad bark mills, frame boiler house,
boiler and fixtures, stone hide house,
frame dry house and engine, ash house,
bark shanties, Ato ,
On warrant number 2453, ia Ftrest
oouoty, above described, there are
erected, frame blacksmith shop, four
two-story dwelling houses, three lrame
bams, aad soven bark shanties.
On warrant number 23G6, ia Forest
couuty above described, there are
erected frame dwelling house, lrame
barn and batk shanties.
On warraut number 2450, in Eik
county above described there are erected
two iratue dwelling houses, one framo
barn, aod one log house.
On warrant number 2025, in Elk
county above descrided there are
erected two frame barns, and three bark
shalties, and cn warrant number 3781
in Elk county there ia ooe log bark
Ob lot numcr 7, in Warreo county
above deseibed, there are erected three
two-atory frame dwelling houses, and
two frame barns.
The whole of the above described
tracts of land are subject to a Mortgage
of Sixty Thousand Dollars 800,000.
All the above tracts of land ic, are
lo be sold together as one property.
Taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Henry J. llrooks and
Alfred Prooks, trading as II. J. UrOoks
& Co., at the suit of Qeorge Brooks.
The following mast be strictly com
plied with when property is stricken
1st. When the plaintiff or other lien
creditors become tho purchaser, the
costs on the write must be paid, and a
list of liens including mortgage searches
on the property sold, together with such
liea creditor' receipt lor the amount
of the proceeds of the sale or such por-
.:. .i t i , :
uua inereoi as no may ciatui must oe
furnished by the Sheriff.
See Puidon's Digest, 9th Ed.. Daze
"Smith's forms, page 381.
2d. All bids must bo paid in fall.
All sales not settled immediately will
be continued until 2 o'clock P.M., of
the day of sale, at which time all prop
erty not settled for will agaiu be put up
and sold at the expense and risk ot ihe
person to whom first Bold.
J T. VAN GlES EN' Sheriff.
Sheriff's Officcfiouesta, Pa., April 15th
PY virtue cf a writ of venditioni ex
ponas, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas cf Elk couaty, aud to me directed, I
will expose to public sale, by vendue or
outcry, at the Court House, Kidgway, Pa.,
MONDAY, MAY 24th, 1875,
at one o'ebek V. M., the following desert,
bed real estate to will
All the right, title interest, claim and de
mand whatosoever of defoudaul in, to and
out of all that certain tract, piece or pur-
eel of land situate in Jay township, Lik
county nod State of Pennsylvania, bnua led
anil uesciilied as follows, to wit; Beginn
ing at a pine stump staudiug on tbe south
line of warrant number 4811, being Ihe
tout 'i west earner of laud now owned by U.
A.; ttience noun eighty (HO) perches
more or lecs to the southwest corner of
luud uow owned by Joseph Dill; thence
cast parallel with said south liue nue huu
dred and six (106) perches to a corner on
said Dill's land eighty (80) perches to tho
said south line of 4814; thence west by
said south line of warrant 4844 one hun
dred und six (100) perches to the place of
beginning, containing fifty three (iii) acres
sii-ici measure aeing part ol wmrant
4841 on which there is erected one lrame
house 10x24 feet, one aud a half stories
lnph; one frame barn 82x34 feet; about
thirty acres improved with orchard grow
ing and a spring of good water, &c,
Also All the riaht, title, interest, claim
aud demand whatsoever of defendant in
said writ named, in, to or out of all that
certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate
imhe township of Jy, county of Elk and
Mate of 1'eassTluania bounded and descri
bed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a
pine stump aianding in tho south line of
waarant number 4814, being the southwest
corner of laud mw owned by the said
Josiah R. Morey; thence nnrth forty-four
41 perches to the township real known
as the Spring Run road; (hence south
westerly along aatd road gforty six 46
perches te post joining laaus of Bagaxett
Legeii; tuence south tlurty-four (ti4 ner-
ches lo a post, joining lands of Jerome
Powe'l; theuce east forty-six -13-peiches
to ihe place of betciuninir, contuinia eleven
-11-acres more or less, and being part of
the same land deeded by Benjamin Legett
and wife to Charles Legett by deed dated
April i tin, the greater part said laud
being cleared aud improved-
beizeu and taken ia excution as the
propely of Josiah It. Morey at tho suit tf
Ihe Couuty of Elk, and lo ba sold by
JJA.Mbb DUULb, SUeritt.
than ft"s Office. 1
Ridgway, Pa., April 2dih, 1875. J
BY virtue of sundry writs of leri
facias, issued out of the Court of Com
mou Pleas of Elk Couuty, and to me
directed, 1 will expose to public sale by
vendue or outcry, at the Court House,
Uidway, Pa., ou
MONDAY, MAY 24. h, 1875,
at 1 o'clock P. M , tho lolloffing de
scribed real estate, to wit:
The following described real estate,
situate in the village of Wilcox Elk,
county Pa., consisting of oue town lot
numbered aud designated ou the general
map or plan of the town ot Wilcox as
ut number do7 front bounded on the
north by lot uumbcr 338, on the ea3t by
Laurel aliey, on the south by number
330, and on the west by Marvin street,
beiog sixty -GO-- feet north and aouth,
t)d oue hundred and fourteen --Ill-feet
east aad wcet.
Also Ooe town lot numbered and
designated on tho geocial map or plan
of said town of Wilcox as lot uumber
330, bounded ou the north by lot num
ber 337, on the east by Laurel alley, on
the south by Meretir street, aod on the
west by Marvin street, measuring sixty
-60- feet north and south, and one
huudred and fourteen 1 14- feet east
aud west, There is erected on the
above described property a one-half
story frame dwelling with addition, and
one frame barn.
Seised and taken in execution as the
property of Horace Stark at the suit oi
Jauksou Scbultz and others, aud to
be sold by
Sheriff's Ofice,
Kidgway, P., April 28th, 1875.
Te the S:hcol Directors of S.k Cetnty.
GENTLEMEN: In pursuance of the
forty third section of the act of 8(h of May,
1 So I, you are hereby notified fo meet in
convention at Ihe Court house In Ridgway,
on the first Tuesday in May A. D. 1876,
being tho 4th day of tho month, at 1
o'clock in the afternoon, aad (elect, viva
vocr, by a majority f the whole number
of directors present one persoa of literary
and soientirio acquirements and of skill and
experience in the art of teaching, as county
superintendent, for the three succeeding
years; determine the amount of compensa
tion for ihe same; and certify the result to
tht State Superintendent at Harvisburg,
as required by the thirty-ninth aud
fortieth sections of said net.
April 13th 1876. Co. Supt., Elk Co.
Afpletoas America Cyclopedia
that the revised, and elegantly illus-'
trated ciiition of this work, now being
published, a volume of 800 pages once
in two mouths, is the best Cyclopedia in
America, is certain. No library is com
plete without it. It is a complete oue
in itself. It only costs (3 a month to
get it in leather binding. The best and
cheapest library in the world. Address,
(J. a.. Judson, tredonia, iN. Y.
EisEohtion of Fartnersihp.
The firm of W. S. SERVICE & CO. is this
day dissolved by mutual consent.
Ine business hereafter will be conducted
by W. 8. Service, by whom all debts due by
said firm will be paid, and With vhom all
accounts duetoaaid firm must be settled.
March 12, 1675 W. II. SCliRAM.
ALL persons knowing IhemseWes to be
indebted to the Jale firm of W. 8.
b hit VICE & CO. are requested to call and
Betlle tbe same before Ihe first of April next,
as all accouata of said firm not settled at
that tinio will be placed in the hand of an
attorney for collection.
u4to W. 8. SERVICE
Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia ll'y.
On aad after FEBUAKY 11th, 1S75, and
until further notice, trains will leave Buf
falo from tbe ButTala, New York & Philai
delpbia Railroad Depot, corner Exchange
and Louisiana streets, (Buffalo time) as fol
lows: 7:40 A. M , MAIL, stepping at Ebeneier
8:03 Springbrook 8:10 Elma 815 Jamison's
8:ly Aurora 8:2o Wales 8:t;B, Holland 8:60
Protection y.OO Arcade 9:14 Yorkshire V:23
Machiis ):Z'A Frnnklinville, t:iiO, Jschua
10.11 Hinsdale 10.27, Erie Itailway 10 4;i
Ulcan 10. 55, Weston's 11.03, Portviilc,
11.10, Si a to Line 11.18; Lldrcd 11-31
Larabee's 11.88, Sartwell 11.-14 Turtle
Point 11.48 Port Alleghany 12.01 P. M.,
Liberty 12.19, Keating 12.2J thippen
12.40 Euipnrium l is P. M. A. M.,MIXEO TRAIN TO OLEAN,
stopping at Ebenesei- 10 06 Springbrook.
10,41, Lima 10.62 Jamison's ll.t li Aurora
11 2 Wales 11.40, Holland 12.10 P.M.,
Protection 12 ;i0, Arcade 12.67, YorkshWe
1.12 Machias 1.30. Fraiikliuville 2.06,
lschua 2.60, Hinsdale 3 24, Erie Railway
4 00 P. M.
3.30 P. M., EXPRESS, stopping at
Ebeneier 3,66, Sprintbrook 4.04 Lima 4.11
Jamison's 4.10 Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4,35
Holland 4 40, Protection 4.00, A rcadeo 11
Yorkshire 5.19 Machias 6.1)0, Kraukliuville
5.4b' lschua t;.C5 Liusdale 0.20, Erie Rail
way b.iiG, Olenn 0.52, VHcstcn's 7.00, Poit
vilie 7.00, time Line 7.14, Eldrd 7.27,
Lxr-ttiee's 7.36, 8arlweli 7.41, Turtle Point
7.45, Port Allegany 7. 58, Liberty 8 17,
Keating 8.25, tihippen 8.45, Emporium
9.00 P. M.
4 00 A. M., EXPKESS,topping at Ship
pen 4.15 Keating 4.35 Liberty i 44 Port
Allegheny 5.03 'lurtlo Point 6.15, artfrell
5.20, Lurabee's 6.25, L Idled 5.33 Slate
Line 5.44 Portville 6.C2, Weston's 5.67,
Olenu 0.20. Erie Uai'.way 0.23, Hinsdale
0.38, lschua t.52, Frakliuville 710,
Machias 7.20 Yorkshier 7.35 Arcade 7.43,
Protveiion 7.57, Lolland 8.05; Wales 8.15,
Aurora 8.20 Jtniisou's 8 33 Elma. 8.38,
Spriaghrook b.4j, Lbxiucier 8,62, Buffalo
9.15 A. M.
FREKillT, stopping at Shippen li.40, Keat
ing 7.35 Liberty 7.60, Port. Allegany b10
Turtle 1'oinl D.13, Snrtwell 8.25, Laratae's
9.4(1 LMred 10 05 tftul Line 10.38, Port
ville 11 10 Westeu's 11.25, Oleau 11.42,
brio Railway 11.47, Hineditle 12.20 P. M.,
lschua 1.08, linukliuville, 2.05, Machias
2.41, Yorkshire 3,01), Arcade 3.15 Protect
ion 3.42, liollaud 4.( 3 Wales 4,35, Aurora
5.00, Jamiion's 5.2U Elmn6.2H, Spring
brook 6.40, Ebeneier ii.UO, Juuctiou O.uO
P. M.
2.00 P.M., MAIL, (topping at hippcu
2.15, Keating 2.35, Litx-ity 2.44, Port Al
legheny 'j.03 Turtle Poiut 3.1 Sartwell
3.20, Larabees 3.20, LMred 3.33, State
Liue 3.40, Portville 3.65, Wcslon's 4.02
Oleau 4.20, Lrie Railway 4.23, Hinsdale
4.38 l.ichu 4.52, fraiikliaTille 6.11,
Machias 6 30, Yorkshire 6:37, Arcade 6.40
Protection 0.02, Holland 0.10, Wales t. 20.
Aurora 0.112, Jamison's 6.38, Lima 0.42,
Springbrook 6.47, Lbentjer i.53, Butlalo
7.20 P. M.
ERL1UHT, stepping at Hiasdala 7.00
lschua 7.30, Erauklinyllle 8.15, Maohias
8.63, Yorksuire 9.23, Arcade 9.45, Protect
ion 1014, liollaud 10 35, WaUss 11.00,
Aurora 11.25, Jamison's 11.39, Elma 11.49,
Spriugbrook 12 02 1' M Ebeneier IK 22,
Buffalo 1 00 P. M .
erNo train run on Sundays.
II. C. F1SK, Gen t Mauagr.
II. L. LYMAN, Gcu't I ass r Ag t
J. D. YEOMAN'S, Gen't Sup't
M'lTS C Ulikl '.!!
ADy persou suO'criug from the above
disease is requeued to udutess La. Piucu,
aud a trial bottle of medicine will ba for
warded by Expreta.
The only eoet being the Express char
ges, which owing te my large business, are
Lr. Price has made the treatment of
a study for years, aud he will warrant a
cure by the usv of his remedy.
Do not fail to scud to him for a trial bot
tle; it costs nothing, aud he
no matter cf how long staudiug your case
may be, or how luauy other remedies may
have failed
Circulars and testimonials sent with
Be articular to give your Express, as
well as your l'csl Ollice direction, and
G7 William btieet, New Voik. v 6u31y
Sites of Advertising.
One column, aue year 175 00
40 00
25 00
16 00
Transient advertisements per square ot
eight lines, ana insertion 1, two inser
tions, l-60, three insertions, $2.
Business cards, ten lines or leBS, per
Advertisements payable quarterly.
Ridgway, fa. S 2 tf.
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. OHice in
Hall's new Lrick Buildiug. Claims for
collection promptly attended lo.
Attorneys- at-Lw.
Office in New Brick Bailding, Main 8t
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2lf.
vl nio1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool
dent Insuranoe Ca., of Hartford, Conn.
filirffPnn Tlpfltiat.. tiitrm.n.ntlv I,-
- - - o p. r v, . .u
cate-i in Rigway, offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridirwar una anr.
rounding country. All wnrk warranted.
unioe in bervice W heeler's Building, up
stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Ageut for tha
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Go)'
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, dote with
he same accuraey as heretofore. Satis-
action guarauteed. . vlnly-
Druircistand l'aranentiat. V W
of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa.
full assortment of carefully selected For
eicu and Domestic Drinrs. lVsj.orir.tinn
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
Physician ana Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, comer Bread and
Main StB. R.e:ideni!B rnrnir llmad Kt
opposite tbe College. Ollice hours from
8 to 10 A. M. and lrom 7 to 8 P. M.
J. S. JiORD WELL, M. B.,
Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, kasremov
ed.his otlioe from Centre street, te Main at.
Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story of the
new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store.
(jIMo hours: 8 to 8 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. T
jaa 8 73
Riuewiv, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SCI1 RAM, Proprietor.
Thankful fni fhA h.tiAii.a. i,Ava(AA...
- g- vwuQU UVI,.V1VI,
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to tbe comfort and conveuience of
guests, to merit a continuance el the
Oct 30 1809.
Kxas, McKean Ca., Pa
R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. .
Thsnkful for the patrouaite hcretefoia ia
liberally bestowed upon hiui, the new pro
prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention
to lue couuorl ana convenience of gucets.
to merit a continuance of the same. The
only stables for horses in Kane aud we'll
kept night or day. Hall attacked to th
Hotel. Vln23yl.
Csntbeyul, Elk Oo., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for tho natronaire iWatnfnrt
so liberilly bestowed upou him, the new
jii ojneior, uopee, ny pay lug strict at
tention to she comfort and convenience
of guests. 1 1 merit a continuance of the
1 W. HAYS,
C-cods, Notions, Groceries.
and General Variety,
Parley I f-
Philadelphia k Sri R. R. Division. Q
ON audafter MONDAY, NOV, 16, 1874,
the trains ou the Philadelphia &
Lii Railroad will run as follows:
ERIal MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.65 p m
Reuovo...- 11.10 a m
" " " Emporium 1.10 p m
" St. Mary's 2.05 p m
Ridgway 2.83 p m
" arrive at Lrie 8.06 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Eri 11.20 a m
" " " Ridgway 4.45 p m
" " " 8t. Mary'a 6.10 p m
" " " Emporium 0.05 pm
" " " Reno to 8.25 p m
ii kl t at philadepbia... 6.60 a m
ilail Lust connects east and wast at Kria
with L 8 M S R W.
Mail West with east and west trflinit tin
L IS i. u a 11 w
Gen'l Sup't.
White, Powell & Co.
No. 42 fc'outh Third Street.
Philadelphia, April 29th. 1876.
U. S. 1881. c Ml 2ii
do 6 20, o '02, M and N 19 191
do do '04 do 21 214
do da '05 do 23 23
do do 'OSJandJ- 21 22
do da '67 do 22 23
do do '08 do 22 23
10-40, do coupon 171
do l'aoiao b's cv Int. off tui mj
New 6 a Reg. 18ttl 15 I6i
' " u' 171 IT
a,'ld 154 la!
fer .......107 109
Pennsylvania M 651 551
R'ng 6t 604
lk,i...l..)..i.; t, t-..: .. . I
ii..c,p 22$
L-ruigu iiaviguuuu viy. on bit f,l
00 valley 63i cs
Umted R 11 of N J Ex. DW . 1291 I81
Uill'reelc oa t,i
Northern Central 80i 81
Ceutral Transportation 44 441
Neinuehoning 661 but
A k A Mortar, -69 ....1Q4J m'