FARM, (UltDEX AND HOUSEHOLD. Orrlmrd unit Nnmny. Planting will occtipy the ftttmition of the majority of fruit-growers. If trees nre sot early while tho buds are still (lorramit, tlio roots will sufler less from tliying than if planted Inter, besides tho earth has a chance to settle around thorn. Every farmer or lnndowner or occupier should provide an abundance of fruit for his family, and if he lias the time or inclination, it will be profitable as a market crop. If there is a nursery in tho vicinity it will pay to givo an extra price for the privilege of selecting the trees as they stand. Farmers may, with advantngo to themselves, sow and rniso their own stocks from seed, and give tho boys instructions how to graft and bud each in their season. Established orchards need to havo the fertility of tho soil kept up; give them well-rotted manure. Wood ashes may almost always bo applied with advan tage; old, neglected orchards may bo made productive if the soil is properly worked around the trees, dead anil clinging limbs removed; a dressing of lima will often work wonders. On most places are to be found trees bearing natural fruit, which is only suit able for cider; if theso are sound and healthy they may bo readily made to produeo good marketable fruit by graft ing with established varieties; in from three to six years tho grafts will com mence to bear, which will bo sooner than if young trees were planted. Drains should be provided in every orchard where there is not a natural drainage. See that there aro no hollows in which water will settle after rains and during tho winter. Underdraius should be nt least three feet below tho surface of the ground, and their distance ojmrt will depend upon tho character of the ground. Cut cions early this month, before buds have started, and store in sand or earth in the cellar until needed for uso. Many nurserymen offer cions for sale at reasonable rates, and this puts choice varieties of fruit within the reach of all, in they aro sent by mail very cheaply nud with safety, and if packed' in damp moss they will not sailer if three weeks or more in transit. Cherry and peach-stones which were buried in boxes last fall, should be sow ed in nursery row3. Seeds of fruit and ornamental trees may now bo planted whou the frost is out of the ground. Look after tont caterpillar.? and other injurious insects early; the eggs of the caterpillar may bo readily seen n tho ends of tho small twigs before the leaves nppear; if not tnkeu off now they will cause much troublo later in the season. Bark scale is another very destructive insect which is common in some sections of the country, and can only bo destroy ed by very vigorous applications of whale-oil soap and other washes. Labels are absolutely necessary in the nursery, or where there is a collection of fruit. Havo a supply always on hand. In most parts of this country it is necessary to fence out stray cattle which will often do great damage to young trees. An orchard must have a strong fence and a good gate that cannot be opened by cattle. Allow no broken fence panel to exist even for a single night. Agriculturint. I'dcIhI Hint. "When a cork gets pushed down into tho neck of a bottle, insert a loop of strong t'j ino and engage tho cork in any direction most convenient. Then give a strong pull, and tho cork will gen erally yield sufficiently to bo withdrawn. In case a finger ring becomes too tight to pass the joint of the linger, the finger should first be held in cold water to re duce any swelling or inflammation. Then wrap a rag soaked in hot water around the ring to expand the metal, and lastly soap tho finger. A needle threaded with strong silk can then be passed between tho ring and linger, and a person hold ing the two ends and pulling the silk, while sliding it around the periphery of tho ring, will readily remove tho latter. The best mode of oiling a belt is to take it from tho pulleys and immerse it in a warm solution of tallow and oil ; after allowing it to remain a few mo incuts tho belt should be immersed in water heated to one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and instantly removed. This will drive tho oil and tallow till in, nud at t ho same time properly temper the leather. An easy method of breaking glass to any required form is by making a small notch, by means of a file, on the edge of a piece of glass ; then mako the end of a tobacco pipe, or a rod of iron about the same size, red hot in the fire, apply the hot iron to the notch, and draw it slowly along tho surface of tho glass, in any di rection you please ; a crack will be made in the gla3S and will follow the direction of tho iron. Round glass bottles and flasks may be cut in the middle by wrap ping round them a worsted thread dipped in spirits of turpentine, and set ting it on lire when fastened on the glass. To clean and restore the elasticity of cane chair bottoms, turn the chair bot tom upward, and with hot water and a sponge wash the cane ; work well, so that it is well soaked ; should it be dirty, iiso soap; let it dry in tne air, and it will be as tight and firm as new, provided none of tho canes are broken. Scientific American. IIuiiMcliold Notes, Linen Collars. To give linen col lars, shirt bosoms and cuffs a nice glaze, add a teaspoonf ul of scraped white soap and one of salt to every pound of starch. To Mash Pabsnips. Boil them ten der; nib the skin off; then mash them into a stew pan with a little cream, a good pieco of butter, salt and pep per. Mt'sii Waffles. One quart of flour, one pint of eornmeal mush, two eggs, a tablespoonful of butter and a little s.ilt. Mako a thin batter with sweet milk. Separnt ) the eggs as for rice wailles; it makes them lighter. Muffins. Ono quart of milk, fiva eggs, ono tablespoonful of good yeast, if home made, three or four; a lump of butter the size of a waluut, and Biifti cieut flour to form a stiff batter. Hat it in a warm place to rise, and when light bake in muffin-rings. To Clean a Ncbia. Take a wooden bucket, fill it half full of wheat flour. Then dip your nubia up and down in the flour until it looks white, shake thor oughly, when it will be as nice us new, and n:t have the drawn appearance which washing gives. Coffi b Cake. One and a half cups of f ugar, one cup of molasses, one cup of butter, one cup of etrong coffee, three egg, one teaspoonful of soda, five nud u half cups of flour, raiains, cinnamon, j doves and nutmeg, The raisini to be stoned and nibbed in a little of tho flour before being added to the mixture. Bnttrr Pnrkeri Tor Keeping. Take two parts of the best common salt, one part of the host loaf sngar, one part of refined niter of potasl, beaten and blended well together; of this com position put one ounce to sixteen ounces of butter and work it well together in a mass, which press well into the firkins. AfW tho butter has become cool (for friction, though it be not touched with the hands, will soften it) put salt on the top and keep it from the air. The butter thus preserved is tho bettor fnr keeping, and should not be used under a month. For family use it is best in pots of the best glazed earth that will hold from ten to fourteen pounds each. It must be remembered that this will not make bad butter good, but it will preserve good butter for months if kept at a proper temperature that is not exposed to the rays of tho sun. Qunrk-drnaa. David Gray, of Oneida county, lately told his associates of tho Central Now York Farmers' Club that ho gets the better of quack-grass (that " life-matter" full of crude and wicked tendencies) by plowing tho infested field two inches dee) in September, leaving it thus dur ing fall and winter, " when the roots are killed by alternate freezing and thaw ing." In spring cross plow three inches deep, and put on a heavy harrow. Finally, draw the remnanti into wind rows by menus of wheel-rake. This re sult is in pleasant contrast to the expe rience of Mr. Warner, who detected a spirit of moral perversity in tho "im mortal plant " which made it grow the more it was interfered with. JfEWS OF THE DAT. Intel-ratine Item from Home find Abroad It is Raid that the forthcoming Euglixli budget will chow a total revenue for the financial year ending March 81 of A'74,922,000. Thin falls .2,414,000 below the revomio of the previous year, but exceeds tho estimates by 41)7,000 Jonathan L. Jones failed to get a claim of ;?00.006 through tho last t'nited States Congress, and committed suicide by drinking liquor A gang of counterfeiters iu Virginia was broken up and a large number of them captured with their tools All available United States troops have been ordered to the Texas border to act against tho Mexican raiders The Secretary of the United States Treasury has decided that ves sels should hail from their home ports, and not from places not ports but selected merely from tl fancy of the owners Tho trial of tho Guikwar of Borada, at Calcutta, on the cbarge of attempting to bribe the servants of the residency to poison Colonel Phnyro, tho resi dent, has resulted iu the disagreement of the commissioners before which the case was on trial It is believed that littlo Charley Ross is dead that tho excitement relative to him was so great the kidnappers took his life to destroy traces of their guilt A row boa was run down by a tteamer in Norfolk bay Va., and two men drowned The total out- Btauding currency of the United States is 4424,14S,13f.!)2 Yellow feTor is reported as epidemic iu Havana, and cases have oc curred iu Key Webt A large reduction in the railroad faro between tlio East and West has taken place. A meeting of merchants in New York, ir respective cf party, was held, at which resolu tions indorsing the action of Governor Tilden relative to cauals were passed, and a committee appointed to present the roport to Governor Tilden Henry Ward Bcechcr, in flis evi dence in the great Tilton vs. Bcecher case, testified that he was boru iu Litchfield, Conn., in 1H13. Ho was thirteen years old when he left Litchfield. The family lived in Boston for eight years following, and Mr. Beecher gradu ated at Amherst College iu 18:51. He studide at Lane's University three years and was lieen-ed as a preacher iu 1837, his first pulpit being at Lawrenceburg, Ind. In 1S17 he went to Brooklyn and assumed the pastorate of Ply mouth Church, then just organized. At that time tho church numbered twenty people. Ho preached continuously at Plymouth Church from that tinio to this. " I do not think," he said, "that during that time twenty-seven years I have lost live Sundays." Tho number of communicants of Plymouth Church he places at from twenty-five hundred to three thousand. Atido from his duties as clergyman., he has lilled several editorial positions, written a large number of books,' and delivered numberless lectures Tho Overlook Mountain House iu the Catskills, near Woodstock, Ulster county, N. V"., a famous summer resort, caught fire and was entirely consumed.... Labor troubles are reported in several cotton manufacturing towns of Massachusetts, Maiue and New Hampshire, caused, as alleged, by an imperative order from the Fall Iiivor Head Centre of the Na tional Union, requiring operatives to demand a restoration of former prices The decrease of tho public debt of the United States since June 30, 1874, hag been S9,453,4G2.G2....Mr. Childer, speaking at Poutefract, England, prophesied a brilliant future lit America, and said that England should seek the friendship and alliance of the United States. The New York State Senate passed a resolu tion to investigate the tolls charged in New York on grain transfers.. . .It is reported that Spain has requested (ienany to order its war vessels to bombard Zarauz for the Gustav out rage, but Germany has re-fused. . . ,The Cuban government lias abolished the 2,l percent tax on capital aud imposed an income tax of fifteen percent Delegate Canuon, of Utah, was put on trial for polygamy aud discharged, the proseoutiou being barred by the statute of limitations Andreas Egner and George Ittifer, the murderers of Herman Schilling, will be hanged at Cincinnati July 13 John N. J. Monks's house in Boardville, N. J., was burned. Two ohildreri were saved by being thrown from a window. Two others were burned te ashes. Mr. Monks was bo terribly burned that he died The mills of Xatick, It. I., closed recently, owing to the strike of the operatives Tun bjiler iu Tunnel's Mills, in Eiliotsville, Jefferson ccmnly, Ohio, exploded, killing three men The bodies of three men who had porishod with cold were found hy hunters in a rootless cab u in Ness couutv, Kansas Harry Brown, sgcl thirteen, eon of a New York custom house ofticial, was found dead in his father's barn iu Biooraing burgh, Orange county, having a?cidenl!y hanged himself while preparing a first of April trick EuooU Avery, of l'ai uiiugton, Mo, was attacked by his half crazy sou, who severe ly wounded him with a shot guu. The lad then went into the barn, set it on fire, and periehed in the flames.... Sylvtuus Keller, his wife, and five children, were buried iu the rui' a of their house, which was blown down in Jasper county, Mo. All were saved but one daughter seven years old. The past winter shows a largely increased death-rate iu many of the large citiea In America a?U Europe.., . By an accident ou the Chicago, Burlington aud Quiney railroad, near Tyrone, la., four persona wire killed aud many severely iujured Letters from the Governors of MuvvaeUustttR, JtMode Island, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebiarks, Virginia, Keu tucky, South Carolina and Aikaubn bay that their Mates will take part In the Philadelphia Centennial It in reported that several clerks In the United States rost-ofllce depart ment In Washington havo boon discovered to be acting as accomplices of mail contractors In swindling the Government. ... ..There have been four cases of yollow fever at Key West, Fla., but thore are none there now It proposed by British and French capitalists to make the channel tunnel project an enter prise of a purely commercial aud industrial character, aud not a government, undertaking. They favor the formation of a French com pany, with a capital of 250,000,000 francs. Four lines, instead of two, will be laid down. The entire work will occupy eight years The Trenton (N. J.) iron works were dostroyed by fire with a loss of $100,000. Over three hundred men are thrown out of employment. Mexican authorities claim that prominent citizens of Texas are encouraging and aiding the bordor troubles with an object In view against Mexico. . . .The American Trust Society Is fifty years old. Tho total recoipts have ex ceeded $12,700,000, of which one-third was from donations and legacies. The expendi tures for grants, colportage and tho foreign mission prefs have exceeded the entire benevo lent receipts. A discussion between two miners on the labor question at Peckvillo (Pa.) resulted iu a fight, in which one of thorn named Patrick Slaviu was killed A terrible case of fanaticism is now undergoing investigatiou iu Cuba. A mother, believing she was acting by the orders of the spirits, lure out the eyes of her son, and afterward attempted to tear ent her own. This sbe did openly, as a solemn sacri fice, in the presence of tho ether wenr.n of the family, who prayed iu a loud voice while it was going ou. All the parties have beeu arrested, and aro now on trial In the Cincinnati charter election tho Democrats were successful by majorities ranging from 1,000 to 6,000...... At the Annapolis (Md.) election a rict took place, at which a number of persons were badly hurt P. T. Barnum, the show man, was elected mayor of Bridgeport (Couu ) at the late election The supposed yellow fever at Key West is believed by physicians to have been another disease ....The new Canadian postal law takes effect from the 1st of May instead of tho 1st of August as originally anticipated. . . .The steam boiler of tho Delano iron works, Syracuse (N Y.), exploded, killing one man and seriously injuring several others. At a meeting of the stockholders of the American Steamship Company at Philadelphia the annual report was read, showing that the receipts for the past year had exceeded tho ordinary expenses by 147,000 .... James U. Ingei'soll, sentenced November 28, 1873, to five years' imprisonment for forgery in the second degree, has been pardoned by Gov. Tilden, of New York. Ingei'soll was con nected with tho Tammany ring. Tho Canadian House of Commons has passed a bill giving Germans, naturalized after a resi dence of five years in tho Dominion, all the rights of British subjects Tho vote for Governor iu Connecticut stood 53,785 for Inger- I soil, Dom 44,303 for Gieene, Ir p , and 2,750 j for Smith, Temperance. Tho Congressional delegation shows three Democrats and one ' Bopublican ; a Democratic gaiu of two. The State Legislature is Democratic A fire in i Shelbyvillo, Iud., destroyed property valued at $10,000 The report that the Emperor of j Brazil proposed to abdicate is pronounced uu- ! founded.... At a fire in the Frankfort House, New York, one man was suffocated Three j masked men entered the house of Charles j Mitchell, a farmer, living near Mitchell, Cana- da, tied him and his daughter hand and foot, ' and fastened thorn down to their beds. The robbers then leisurely rausa kol the house, j aud carried off $1,000 iu cd-h Homy B. I Wilkins.m bought lottery tickets from James , Gill, valued at $3,000, and, having lost, he i sued Gill for double tlio sum. A New York ! jury gave him $1,400. .. .David Keaveuy, aged fifteen years, was arresteda! Sp.ingfield, Mais., for killing his fnthor, Michael Keaveuy, at Petersham, on Easter Sunday, by striking him with a tlat-irou. If every one of our readers would try Dobbins' Electric Soup (Crngin & Co., Philadelphia), they would, liko us, be come lirm believers iu its wonderful merit. Have your grocer order it. I Providing for a Kino. The king of i the Sandwich Islnnds, while nt a New lork hotel, for eight days hud a private table nt nil extra expense of S1U0 per day. Wines and litpiors for hw purty for eight days cst 81,582.10; cigars, $573.75: medicine, S7.50. The King's . sleeping room cost $12 per day, his pri- vate parlor 15, his reception parlor S 20, and his dining parlor $20. The total j bill for eight days was $G,2N0.91. The art of voicing reeds, tho mont dif- j ficult and important in tho manufacture of cabinet or parlor organs, wns invented ! by Mr. Emmons Hamlin, of the Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., in 1817. It has i been universally adopted by American j and largely by European makers, but none have attained that high standard of ! excellence iu it which is reached iu the I Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Org.uis. This fact is universally recognized by musi-1 ciaus. John-son's UoY.--It was only natural alter all tliat, wlien Johnson s boy was i soon cutting a sprout from tho currant' bushes, a dozen other boys should slyly ' cross the garden and creep under the ' eaves of the woodshed to hear " if Tom j hollered and yelled." People who pass-! ed by and saw eleven or twelve hoya standing in a row, cars pressed to the clapboards, wondered what new trick was ! being planned. i . I Modern Medical Discovery. . . . ! it is claimed mat tusease, with a lew exceptions, has been oonriuered by the research and intellect o? enlightened men; and yet a noted professor of New York admits that " of sciences, medi - cines is the most uncertain," and that "thoiiRunds are annually slaughtered in the sick room ." Certain "schools" of medicine are in existeuee, one of which 'makes the purtient ill," in order to claim ft cure; and another administers "sugar-coated bread pills," relying tipon nature to effect her own cures. Dr. J. Walker, of California, nu old and re spected physician, tried both modes of treatment 'and both failed. He then appealed to nature's curative herbs ; and now enjoys rugged health. He has given the benefit of his discovery to the j world, iu the shape of Vinegar Bitters, aim fiuce its introduction ha3 sold u quantity almost largo enough to make a small harbor, or to float tho Gn at Eastern. Its curative propertu-e are at touted by grateful thousands. A member of Parliament saiil tho othor ilny that there arepavtsin Englaud iu which it is unsafe publicly to express approval of the-verdict in the Tichborne case. Electiiicitv is Life. All nervous dis order, ehi'OUiO dieae- of the cUest, lifciul, Jtver, itomaob, kidney anJ bluoil. arliea anj pains, imrrouit mid general dubilitr, etc., qiilukly cured after diiiitu fail by wearing Volta'a Eleotno lilt aud Baud. Valuabla boik free, ly Yolt4 lielt Co., Cluoliinati, Ohio. Co tus Died Suddenly of Heart Disease. How cammon Is the announcement. Tlion sands are suddenly swept into eternity by this fatal malady. This disease generally has Its origin iu impure blood filled with irritating, poisonous materials, which, circulating through the heart, irritate its delicate tissues. Though the irritation may at first be only slight, pro ducing a little palpitation or irregular action, or dull, heavy, or sharp darting pains, vet by-and-bye the disease.becomes firmly seated, aiid inflammation or hypertrophy, or thickening of the lining membrane or of the values, is pro duced. How wise to give early attention to a case of this kind. Unnatural throbbing or pain in the region of the heart should ad monish one that all is not right, and if you would preserve it from further disease, yon must help it to beat rightly by the use of such a remedy as will remove the cause of the trouble. Use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery before the disease has becomo too seated, and it will, by its great blood purifying and wonderful regulating properties, effect a perfect cure. It contains medicinal proper ties which act specially upon the tissues nf tho heart, bringing about a healthy action. Sold by all first-class druggists. REAI1T DISEASE CCItKD. BocKronT, 8pencer Co., Ind., Feb. 1, 1874. Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: About two years ago I was afflicted with a disease of the heart, which at times created a pressure around it, almost causing suffoca tion. I saw an advertisement of your Golden Modical Discovery, recommending the sumo as a cure for disease of the heart. I then bought half a dozen bottles of it, and after using three bottles I was entirely relieved and am new eu joying good health. ' Gratefully yours, Vitus Kii.i.un. We invite tho attention of our readers to the advertisement of Dr. Langley'B Hoot and Herb Bitters, which have for more than twenty years been so favorably known and so extcusively used as a spring and summer medi cine. Few preparations equal thcBe bitters in purifying and cleansing the blood of all im purities, and thus recovering the health and correcting all diseases of the stomach and bowels. For the various complaints that arc cured by this valuable medicine see the adver tisement headed "Buy me aud II do you good," in to-day's paper. Cam. The Human Haib. How ninny per sons abuse this delicate aud beautiful orna ment, by burning it with akvhotic trashes and plastering it with grease, which has no affinity for the Bkin, and is not absorbed. Burnett's Cocoaiue, a compound of cocoanutoil, etc., is unrivaled as a drossing for tho hair is readily absorbed, and is peculiarly adapted to it's various conditions, preventing its falling off aim promoting its healtny giowtn. ssee adv t. Com. Veterinary surgaons all over the coun try are recommending Sheritbm' Cavalry Con tlilitHi J'oinlers for the following troubles in horses : Loss of appetite, roughness of tho hair, stoppage of bowels or water, thick water, coughs, colds, swelling of the glands, worms, horse ail, thick wind, and heaves. Com. A friend of ours, who is chief clerk in tho governmental dispensary, says that no medicine chest is now complete without John son's Analytic Liniment. 'o always supposed it was prescribed by law. If it is not, it ought to be, for certainly tlicro is nothing in tho whole materia meniea of so much impor tance to the soldier and the sailor as Johnson's Anoflinc Liniment.. Com. Tateuted 1H73. The best Elastic Truss. JIado only by I'omcroy & Co., 714 C'dway, N.Y. Com. A Stahtlino Truth. Thousands die annually frcm neglected coughs and colds, which soon lipen into consumption, or other eipially fatal diseases of the lungs ; whcH by the timely uso of a single bottle of J)t: Wis tar llalsam (f ll'iM Cherry their lives could havo been prt served to a green old age. l'ifty cents and one dollar a bottle, large bottle's much the cheaper. Com. Bronchitis or Chronic Sore Throat. It is attended with irritation of the bronchial tubes, which convey the air we breathe into tho lungs. This irritation produces sore throat, hoarseness, coughing, and sometimes 'pitting of matter streaked with blood. If it is neglected it will extend down to the huigs. and fettles into confirmed consumption. Allen's Lung lialsam will be found a most valu able remedy for curing this disease, and pre vmt its running into consumption. For sale by all medicine doalers. Com. l "Rl'V MK, AMH'M, DO YOU fJOOD." , Of nil tile modes nf rtcldttiK the human constitution of I Impurities of the blood, dyspepsia, torpid lirnr and Us kin.lred ni."nf). nonM io so orcpf'il n tbc of llr, i i.A;i.i:v'sitooT ami iii:k it iuttkks. . Ttit'y ncl as a potrul f'tiic and Rfiitlu aperient, are iiulil ! in their operations, safe under any cireum-tanes, and ; thuusuuds have borne testimony to the benefits they have derived from their uku. They ate the safest and best spriOK medicine yet discovered. Family physicians , regularly prescribe them. i CiKO. 0. GOODWIN CO., Borrow, l . Wholesale Agents. The Markets. NEW YORK. Beef Cattle rrime to Extra bullocks 10 IS. I3V Common to Good Texana Milch Cowa Ilogs Live Pressed Sheep Lambs Cotton Middling Flour Kxtra Western State Kxtra Wheat Red Western : . . No. a Kpni.g Rye State Harlcy Klato Barley Mult Outs Mixed Western Corn Mixed Western OSiiiS 11 60 00 tct90 0 07 V4 07',' 10 A3 10 V54 08 OrtSft on1,' 1SV4 lo?, 6 00 6 00 1 11 1 17 96 1 21 1 60 (4 S S5 (4 S IS C4 1 'J 14 1 l'J (4 110 (4 1 21 (4 1 66 (4 MV (4 894 (4 1 10 (.4 W & 16 022 00 wx (314 50 (310 60 (4 6 00 (4 40 Uuy, perewt 65 Straw, per cwt 6t Hops Tib, 83(338 old 08 Pork Mosa S2 Oil Lard 15 Fish MaeUerel No. 1, uew 11 60 " No. 2. new 8 50 Dry Cod, per cwt a Ou Uerrintf. Sealed, per box.:.. 3A Petroleum Crude 07 (07 Refilled, nwi i:auioruiu fleece 2H Texas " 26 Australian Butter Ktate 28 Western Dairy 21 Western Yellow 2l Westeru Ordinary 16 (3 l2 (4 2s, 4d. (4 a (4 (4 4 25 22 17 26 17 11 ) 24 reunsvlvauia Flue Cheese State Factory , 14 Skiruined..,, 24 (4 lfiKftt OS t4 Western 12 (4 Eggs State 21 ai.ban. KyetlWaVeV.V".V'V'.".'.'".'. com Mixod''!!..'.V.V.V. ' utNttate '" " & BPrriLO." Flour , 'y-" oat. '.'.'.V.V.".'."V.i'.".l! "eJ 'baltYmoaje Cotton Low Mlddllus. , wSeatZRed weVtoVa Rye 1 90 1 00 85 1 25 7i 5 21 1 17 IB AS 64 1 26 AIM (4 1 00 87 (41 26 u 72 (4 7 00 (4 1 17 & 65 (4 64 (A 1 40 7 00 a T 00 1 28 a 1 28 1 16 a i io 8.1 (4 M corn Yellow Oats Mixed 6 a 67 ! Pe'ol6Uul ilir" 07 ' Flour Pennsylvania Extra o a 25 1 wi!eatWe",ern Red 1 Is. I V. 1 05 6 v;ura leuow so (4 sr Mixed. 87 a 64 (it 87 fix Ui, Oata Mixed Petroleum Crude. .1 I (A HI Kenned. r. . ZrM) Prtud at BEST. vrrorwo lonruwn rnntinsr rOTlebla tQ I'"-" ferrarl., hW.l,rnv?lnri,ctc. T". T J l. irri-r ttu'i t r Isrprr work. iAinf: A IluMiirMH.wrnUiitlii'ir printing and vivV3 advi iti.-iiu.', rave money and lurn-aso vf..4:l (r.rtt. itmtoiir ll-liit inn- flili,!ii "-Sav i fiiiiastiiiu- for spare liours. BOYS D.:..i-. . have yic.-it fun and make money at printing. Si-Tul two:-tamps for full lalalouejiross-.-s type elc to the M fr .l.Lbfci A CO., Mcrlilt-n, tuna. S1! 2 IM'lt Tenns tree. Ad. i 0O. Portland .Jde, J.M. WtiiN.nw A: Co.. A"" hroktr. f Ttlwl. Me.. au : "U e bone-t'y think your Hen. Fiinm suisrl jr to ail other Baking Pow ders " VfBtt Mtonc A' Vot,Grnrrt ftprinyjlelfl, Vai., my : ' Ha Foam combines all the qualities desired la a flrat-claas Baking pojidor." Trjlt. ' It i just th thins; for Djrpep tlos and weak persons, and tene smi fur the strong and well." Muuy Valuitile eooklng recipes sent free, Seud for Circular to Geo. F. (an'jk k Co., 110 nr.. rsrw or. ACiKNTS. Chang Chang sell at sight. Meiwssary aj "flp. Poods ftue. Chang Chang Mfg. Co,, Bostua, In a mirA Aiti-M tnr Rullwutlo Fita. ConvuUiona hqi Spifin. It has been tested b thousands aud uvr w- Kua w leu if ainsrie ua-e. io fall if alnsrla ua. , A. RlcHMO.Nl), Bus tnoi stamp ior uireuiar . cures. Aft J rots ix. b. m 7 41 fit. Jueib, ilo. Tbemnct mocftfliful rmAj of the pro nntdny.Bend for Fa nwr on Onlnm Enfc- irif.rnt. I. Hire kpr P. O. 4 To. Lnporto.lnd. POPE'S rnifio Air apistoi fHinnt Pin-In or Wnm Perfrct. ly AerMfntw. KeoomlnenilpdliyNnorta mennnd Military mn. Hplendld Parlor Amnxemrnt. One itmjr become a I)id Shot lijr practicing with U. To8pnrt. man It U lnalnalilo. Frio, inclinllng Ports, NIiim, TnrtK, (ind Ounntock. So.OO. Handnonmlr nlrkle nIAterl, Mil. IMF. wtm-nnjllBlinR nun I nrgm, ? For Nnle' hy Oun Dnnlom, 01 rnt. by mull n rocplpt of prlcn. Bnd 33 ct. P"t K, POPH HUOM., Sliinil. tiu'liirrm, 43 lllsh Street, Homioii, ,Hnni. 1.-1 TlT.1Tr A I " ;,"h' Bnrnrr and Ml IvIIX A I hlmnry ir mrr ami Itlhr lithi tlmn any ollmr Knmwiw Ituril nr In lhi world, and ttto Chimney ennnnt hrmlt undnr ll lnt, whrrfl iiIImt tJhlmnlPB do. The Anting In will i"tt f'rw wn'A. W wftnl tut Ar,l. In tyory tnwnnhfp In th land. Any pnr'n run m'tlt IN 1(1 it'tihi hy niic-li nfftmry. Htirnr snil i !hlmny nnt nny whom niwl of AIIBh(intH for 03 cwntu, iproMMir pr Krvld. or two for 91.UO Send for the miinnl nod iruie to Airnt. OI.OItK HI ItNKlt TO., Itn.lon, Mnn. Burnett's Cocoalne Prevents the Hnlr from Falling. Burnett's Cocoalne Promotes Its Healthy Growth. Burnett's Cocoalne Ia'not Greasy nor Sticky. Burnett's Cocoalne Leaves no Disagreeable Odor. Burnett's Cocoalne Subduct Kefractory Hair. Burnett's Cocoalne Soothes tho Irritated Scalp-Skin. Burnett's Cocoalne Affords tho RUkost Lustre, Burnett's Cocoalne Is not an Alcoliollo Wash. Burnett's Cocoalne Killa Dandruff. Burnett's Cocoalne Gives New Life to the Hair. Burnett's Cocoalne Remains Longest in Effect. Prepared only by JOSEPH BURNETT & CO. 27 Central Street, Boston. And Sold Everywhere. PI ERCE WELL AUGER Company offers $1,000 to any one that will successfully compete with them in boring a 20 incu well, through soapytone and sandstone, and In taking up and passing bowlders and loote tmes. Agents wanted In every State. 8r PEH DAY GUAUAM'KED, Send for CATALOOT'P. Address t HAS. 1. PJFRCE, Bloomfleld, Iowa. A DAY GUARANTEED UBing our Well Anger and Drills , in good territory. Highest testimo nials from Governor! of Iowa, Arkaii- sas and Dakota. CAM V I f RJ As we are the original In-- J u i V Btt Ten tors, parties buying or : selling an Auger liko ours, without our consent, will bo pruMt'intvfl for infringement. Aujjor liouk froe. $100 I u mum ii iu giioa Ag'nis. Addles W. W. J1LZ. Box 9,000, St Louis. Mo. l-:nHy made uatar-ticat Willi litlties' Slate Paint, whiuli Hitvi'M rvt.hini;liiiir, contain . o tar, is ftxtrcmHy cllwip. Iirili'lii'illly lire prmf. nrtlll lllt'tlt 111, and InilnrNfll Ij- In.tltullons. Corporations anil InniliiiK mt-n In nil soctlons. Srnil lor llnok t'irt'llllir of Ilnnii rfloiHnrm nnd lull particulars, N. V. M.ATI-: ItOOl IM; ('(!.. ' i Otltir sirrrt. w ork. WANTLD 5KM New AGENTS The Peoplf.' dr.llir pnper. Yhk OontrI Bf ion,, tutnrtf ft (t fj 1 roJWit; rolipinui and t-eeiilnr. J- rytrhrm. live tuagniticeut pri rniiims. Smnple, terms, Ho., fiee. J. 11. KARLK, Butt on. Aivri?T.isr-:i(N.: s,.mi ?n eentM to ko. p. ROWKLL: k CO., 4 1 Park Row, N. Y.( for their r,i,ti),h',-i i mk ""-. coiititimng littn nt :4MNI news papers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. "WTLBOE'S OOMPOTIflT) 0? PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. DC: itlmrN Cod Uvcr Oil ned l.litie. The great pMpularil) of lliift safe and efficacious preparation is alone attiibutable to its lntiiu c worth. Intliecura of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hn-nctntis. Whoeping Cough, Scrofulous Hum'rs, and all ( on-umptire ha- no auperi-ir, it eijmil. Let a one neglect tho early symptoms of d'-eiiM, when an ngeut Is thus nt hand which will alhviiite Ml complaint of the Chest. Lungs or Throat. Manufactured only hy A. U. WILliOK, Chemist. Huston, Sold by all druggists. SOLD ON TRIAL. THK VOItK MAM FAC tckim; (I.UANY, Buildera of Tulleys, Shafting ant) all kinds of Mill den ring, are selling the Hoi.LlMFK Tl'UHINE Wat:. it Whkkl vfkt chkaplt though the bentiu use. For dertcriptive Pamphlets ad druai OIUv M'lHi ( O., Yorkr l'a Seeds ! Reliable Seeds! Kl'OOXKU'S Itosl-n Market Vegetable Setdt. Spooner't lYizt Flower Sel. 13 Cboio. Varieties Asters, 81. C'ahbage, Kottler's Utuuswick. pr OS. 50r. Per lb. XU. Our Illustrated Catalogue nt rs W. H. SPOONER, Boston, Mass DO YOUR OWN PRINTINC! OVELTY PRINTIN5 PEESS. l"e 1'rotoaaionul unci Amateur lrlntera, JSi liola, Koclctlea, Muu ulai-t iirura, MereltUlita, and others itil tin- BEST evtr inveiiuil. l:t.OOO In nae. LTen etvles. Prints frnm S5.0O to S150.00 f-l " J B E N J. O . W O C D S i C O . Msnufr. and V&MAXtk-eli'ri In ..II kiiwl.dl' Prlntlnv MatAflnl. EitudsUiu.iJiurCutaluKUe.) 40 federal tit. VqUqxu $250 -IIONTH AcenU wanted every- bere. Husiaess nooorable and tirst Uss. Particulars sent free. Address .UK 111 t UU.,St. LAUlS, MO. aiFI.ES, RHOT-flrSS. PISTOLS VniTim-i'irinifiTiffijX Of anTanderervkiuJ. Send ktamo 1 lm-f'.i.ln.n.. aTUth.. Grnal IVn.l.ra and ri.1.1 lv.rkt, rui.uiacs, pa. OPIUMCURE; m KEYOLTEHS, J. ESTEY c. OB m&mi a 1 lj RATTLEBORO, VT The Most Extensive Manufactory of Heed Organs in the World t 3T ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREE. THF ELASTIC! TRUSS ,wn MUTOKTfcR now operedln others, being dit eTerrwhere b the lesutns: anil navy, -pltils, jrrniDasinuiB, etc., The sneeees and nfTtr. al satisfaction Uiej hare If E LA 8 TI f"trt (riven, as well ss the Krest nnmuerut radii-al wn i"- nave effected, hss ilrmnwitrntrtt the fact thst tuptvrr can be attretu rurrtl without sufferina or annoyance, slid trfA out the ilnmcr 1' tnmrritiH .Vmm Li.atc or fttralyli. often caused by the severe pressure nf Metsl Trusses and the only TrtiiB In ties thi mipnoner". It is me only euro euro for Hernia, as 11 is at w Kill hold the runt or securely In nil nnr tlfinti In which the butlr enn bn n perform ritdtral cnrei when nil other it can be worn with en no and oomfort when no urtilnft trusn can be oupf.. When nnvn adjusted, no motion of tho body or acoldoni can dinplrtce It. Thene InstrtnnonU have the pl need. It will unquatifint approval of tile nioftt eminent practitioner In the jirofptwlon. From the numprmti testimonials In our possession we append the following Altr th tsprltnri of month, pntlent ttlfy tronrlr l Ha fHrnry, as wrll aw to the and fnnd''m from lm,:'invmil'nr with whlh the ln-tnimnt Is worn. Wit U iiiKTlor Bfl vsritupnti, thr Klnntfe TVmm pfiptftensp In a hlfh '1rt A 1.1. rviu1lfn ami ftmliftcntl"ns rlaimrti tut 'ilher riVM.Hsfi, I havo no ImMtntion In reftardlnff It. m art lmj'Mtnl m'-nrm for thn relief nnd cure f M"f-i ,f. M. CAHNorilAN. M. " Kt H)h OftVr of the Port of Nnw York, Suriroon-ln-f l.t'.f of JV,w York Hlate If osnltal," etc., etc. Unt, V. tlnt-nr, M !., H.i-rintmriVnt Klastlc TrtssCV ftrttr iir ,- Afir snfTiTlnr for thirty ronr, In my own fmtmm, from tho ns- of evnry form of Metallic Trnwi pro. Mirnhle In Ihla nottritry and In Knrope, I, two yunr ago, apt'll'-d your A:'''ir 7V, arid since that timet have niwrlmt'-ffl ronif'irt and sntlnfactlon, and ben taught tl truth, that the Klnntle Trims In the only tntrumpnt that should lm wwd for the rnllnf and cure of Hernia; and now attor inor than thirty years' continuous prac tl'-n and havtusr adjtild msny hundreds of Trusses (am. for thn Inst twonty months your exrlti-drely), I Itrafirnlly dfrlnrn It to be my deliberate opinion, thst wur y.hiKHr Trvf Is the only one entitled to the conf. dnre of the public ; that elasticity Is the only power at all adapted to the requfroments of a Truis or Supporter, and am ronrlnred that tour ."'ai Trum artunlly cures a lard" proportion of all cases to which It Is applied, not only anion children, but In numerous cases within mj own knowledge of pstjont from fn to 75 years of ago. II. KUItNIIAM. M. !.. Prof, of Anatomy and Httrgory. N. Y. K. Medical College. ft ware nf cheap and worthless Imitation KlasMc Truste. whirl) snnie part ten advertise and sell, fraudu letiting representing that they are manufactured by the Klntic Truss Co. These Trusses am sent by mall to all parts of the coun try. Satisfaction guaranteed In nil casos. Before pur chasing any other, writ for Descriptive Circular (jrtit) to the ELASTICTRUSSCO, 683 Broadway, New York. TI1K BEST Prairie Lands IOWA AND NEBRASKA, Ton BALK DT The Bnrliuston & Missouri EiyerR. R. Co. On Ton Yenra' Credit nt 0 per cent. Interest. ! . ONK MIM ION At'KESlnlOWAand SOUTH ; BKN NKMtAHKA. Tho finest country In the world to oomblna FAIOI INU and STOCK. UAlSIMi. lrodiirtN will pny fnr I.nnil nnd Improve ment loiiv before the I'rlnelpnl be corneal ilne. I.nrfie DiNCOiiitiH for CiinIi. ! ' The so-called destitution in Nebraska lies In the far western region, beyood the lands of the If. 4 M. K. R. Co." tT" p r circulars thot will describe fully these lands, and the terms of sale, apply to or address, UM) CO.M.MISSIONKK, Burlington, Iowa, for Iowa Lands, I or Lincoln, Neb., for Nebraska hands. TEAi AtiKNTS WANTKD EVKRYWMKKK. The cb'dcest In the woild Importers' prices--largest ('omnnnv in America startle article nleaaes vervbod v trada incrensinir hnst liidiirninMiitA -don't wate time sfnd tor Circular to KOltKKT WKUS,4:tWy Street, New York. P. O. Box I 2H7. 820 best f"i LTLi lliillv In AirotitM r- . ... ,v . HA new articles and tht iimlly 1'aperln Amnricn, with two 5.00 AM. M'F'O CO., 300 Broadway. X. Y. Cliromos, free. thi:k ok CIIAlMil- Prescription thnt any , la a Pnsltivn L'lira in I Dniireitit will put up, that la . Opium K.ilingand Druulit-nneiis. Address. Piiof. J. V. WU;t;LS. (;harltstowTi,Mas. AGENTS WANTED selling hook ever published, bend for circulars and our extra terms to Ae'nts. NATIONAL mn.l.lSHINO CO.. Philadelphia, p. SHARPS RIFLE CO.. ii.iiitinuiiirm i nit-n irPBcii ionuing, nuary. Sporting and CVfedmoor Kiiles. The lli'Ht hi the Vorlil. Wlmipr at International and tiwarly nil oilier prlocijial matches at Orwdmoor. (See Orriclal Record.) SPOftTI.MJ HUMS, - - i30lo$aM CKI.I.IMIOOK KIFI.l'S, With Kl.T:itionsf..r lilOO yards, !M) ami !2. Send fir Illnst-atfld Cataiogue. ARMoitir and Okkice, K. G. WKSTCOTT, HahtvoiiI'. Cosv. Presldimt. PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS $40, ?"0, $75, & $100 GOOD, DURABLE, AND CHlCAP pped Raady for Uso. Manufocturod by C I1A I .11 AN &' CO., .llndUon, luil. S7f Send for a Catalogue. CIA 131? I Tl A V to Agents, conTssslng Ull I I ill If 1 for iVIeltrMt- ed Visttit g and Ituainess Cards, the bent in the world. 72 inngniricent sainpen lo hepin work withseut for 2o cts. Addiss II. ('. MANt.KY, Fashioaable Knifraver, 310 WiiHhi iKtn S'ront. Roston, Mass. whiskers; 'ho Only Pieparnti.m int gives perfect Satisfaction to thr-He iviKhing to mine (.card or Muhtttclie. l)e lcsseps' "Vigorino," propnrtd only in Paris. Km-h I'lu-kage warm n ted and sint by mail on receipt of M ,00. Samples mailed for L'J ct. Address J.IKRAniJN, SleJnportor, Jersey City, N. .J. Cil i l I'KU IAY-Send for ' Chromo" OJ.tF cataloguo. J. H. BCKFOHIVH HONS, Boston. IVKKY FA Ml li Sold hy Agents. ,V IV ANTS IT. Money in It. Address M. !. I.OVKI-I., Kilo.Ps. PKI?. HAY Commission, nr 30 a woek Sal- Jmdr ary ani Kxpons. Me odRr it and w 11 nnv Apply iiiiw. O. Wr.HItKK A UO.. Marlon. O. rk ()ll, IlltOllOS f..r ! I :tw.for irtr.. Aents i wauled. F.W.Mi-(:i.KAVHAUo..HAtonA Cbicago. C,i,, a rnonth to asrents everywhere. Address 'UU RXCKLHKJH M'f'O CO., Bachansn.Mlch. OOK AGENTS WASTED tosrllthe qrn s ai NB. )0a I r.Lb e l Tlr Mrs. fitrnhoiua nf Salt Lake CitT. for S& years tli i(e of Mormon Hich Priest In : troduction by Mrs. fclovt c. '1 hi sWry of onian s excriacs isys umrv uis -niioun nje, niyxtcricB. secn-t dointfs, rtc. of the Monnuui an "vidc-uivale tooiuun s them." BrifA. Purt and Good, it Is lit brtf new Dooar .ml. ivtually ovtriuwiuf? with iroo4t thing's for all. It is popular every where, with everybody, and ouUttU all other booki iftrtt to on. MiuUtrr asr Uwt sjN-rd if." mtueut womeo endnne it Every bod wsnts l.t and aenu are selling from IO to SO a da T 8.'th thwvtml sou ir. prrl We want -VRjO uutrt trua." squill NOW-UsfO c. o"Kii and we v ill ninil OuLtlt t. 'x to thove who will can-.. Lsnre pamphk'U with full pn-liculara, terms, etc. ttnttrvt to ulL ddr' VuBXiiuioji ft Co., liarttwd, Couu JUST THK BOOK YOU CAN SELL MONEY IS IT St'UB ! Just out Useful, Handsome, Cheap. Sells every where. A rare chance. Alo, NEW MAPS, CHARTS. Etc. Our new chart, C' II It I K T I A N H KAC'I'S, Is a splendid success. Cin cinuati prices same as New York. Send for terms to K.C B RI I MAN, 5 Baro layKt.tN.Y.,t 170 W. 4th St.,Cia..O. tial A 114 V Asents wanted, male and f-male. KJmi Address Eureka Al'fg Co. uueuanan, Alien. WANTED AKNTrt Everywhere, to sell our popn larLlfof D-. Liviniestone," from his childhood to his " Last Journal." Ptp t's Pinion. Full, Complete, Authentic, Attrartivt, B. B- RUSSELL, Pub., Boston, Mass. DEAL ESTATE. H A Persons wUhinf to buy, sell or .ichao. Rail Estate may sdvartiae Uielx wants at vaiy Miiall expense In several bundred Newttpapeis lu 'ew York, Aew Knaland, New Jet-ey, Peunaylranla, eto. Oato. itfues aeul tree lu any auuresa uu appuuauou ... I. W. I'OSTEU. ISO H ni l liNl Nr .V'if-'i; 0 i- n.v .1. IVnlkpi's Ciiliibrnia Via cjrar Hitters nro ft purely Vcgctablo preparation, mado cliiclly from tho na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of whicli aro extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question Is almost daily asked. "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit xnnst" Our answer is, that they remove the causo of disease, and tho patient re covers his health. They aro tho great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Uenovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in tho hiatory of tlio world lias a medicine bnen compounded jiosscssinir tlio reninrknblo qualities of Vinkuar Iin rKits in healing tba sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purpalivo as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Orgaus in liilioue Diseases The properties of Dn. Walker's Vi.vkoab Hittkrs aro Aperient, Diaphoretio, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-liiliuus. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vra xgar Bitters the most wonderful In vigorant that ever sustained the unking system. No Person can take these Bitters nccording to directions, and remain long unwoll, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. t Bilious, Remittent and Inter, mittent Fevers, which are so preva lent in the valleys of our great river throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grando, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with thoir vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and othor abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove tlio dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring ho healthy functions of tho digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic cau tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Tasto in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are tho offsprings of Dvspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guaranteo of Ms merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck:, Goitro, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial A flections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Soro Eyes, eto. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, "Walker's Vi.nkoar Bitters have Bhown thair great curative powers in tho most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys aud Bladder, these Bitters have no enual. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiuted Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Person, en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such aa Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, end Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walkkk'i Yin uqar Bitters occasionally. For SKin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet- ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms. Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration 01 tne eKin, uumors and Diseases of the bkin t whatever name or nature, are literally dug np and earned out of the syBtern in a ahert time by the us of these Bitters. Pin. Taie. and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. K system of medicine, uo vermifuges, no an thelmiuitics will free tho system from wormt like these Bitters. For Female Comnlaints. in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, theso Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence that luiprovemeui is auuu uerueuiiMic. (jleansetne maieu iiiooa wnen ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores i eleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it ii foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system win toliow. n. h. Mcdonald ii co.. Druggists and Gen. A gti., Sun Franclaco. California and cor. or Waslmietuu ana cimriton pi. i. bold by all UriigKlt ami llralrr.. N Y N U-No. 15 I Beat Garden GraDe known. Strong plant. warranted genuine, ( heap by mail. Circular wim out inte. . n. babcock, Lrfekport,li. Y XH.OOO ALRVAltY SO Lit. Salem I GENTS WANTED forth new book. Ll AND ADVEtilURM OF : KiiCarson ' Habitat. D. W.aP.lm. Brent U, S.t?f Jf kiTfc.R THpl'f:. SWl'T . GUU) v.r bail iBd. Ii m.ii ...i - ... . u oi ui. ladiaa uiim otih. u u wi ..." ,1 v i. ,T!;:r KTJt lilaralaalla, A Our w llhiMnUJalrealeri Ml be. ta all rU.aade. itmiHrew 6. weiiA. vuaAil i (Xk.lianfc.i.Oem,