The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 22, 1875, Image 3

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Thursday, rnii. 22. 1S75.
fSorric in Grace ClmrcU 8unl iv next nt
me usual lionrs. 11 A. H. nm1 7 P. M.
All are cudialy invited to attend. Beats
f KB to nil. Luiisran Ciirch.
ni:v. r. iii(i:ri:MEN Pnstor. .
Sunday school at. '.:15 A. M, All .ire in
vilod to attend.
Services next Sunday, morning tied
evening, in r;ngiisii.
KEY. WM, MARTIN, Tnstor.
Sunday School at 0:30 A M Morning A M Class Meeting nt 12
ii r.vchiii Service nt ,:&J 1' XL Prayer
meeting l nil) ?i;ny r.vcnmg
CitrtTlmc tit titdfftcuy.
Mail East
do West
Through Local, East
do do West
Local Fast
do West
The Mail nnd TI-.rou.r5l1
tiasseugci-s, the local does rot.
t ip: M.
2: HO P. M
A. Jl
1i:U P. M
4:50 P. M
f:2J A. M
Local carry
ri.ii Lodge, a. v. ir.
The Ft die J meetings of Elk Loige, No.
370, nrc held nt their hull, corner of Main
nnd Depot sti-e-ls, on the second and fourth
lucadays ol each month-
V.'. C. 7IEALY, Secy.
The word "cacophony" floored the
best speller iu Nenia.
Mrs. A. ), Mjlone -has the agency
for Elk County for the Combination
Shoulder Uraca Corset Ao'juslubla El;irt
Supporter. Call aud see it. Alio for
the Excelsior Shield or Cor.ct Clasp.
A girl in Susquohantw county, pretty
and not eighteen, rou.-atly sawed a cc-i-J
oi wood iu one hour and forty minutes
each stick being cut twice, ier mother
had told her that she was fit for nothing
but to ait iu the pirlor aud real novels,
nnd she '-showed her if she wasn't "
The members of the Kiigway Silver
Co.-ue', Daud ure requested to meet at
the ciEoo of the Secretiry, on Monday
evening April 20 for the purpose, ol
urrauiiug ail Lminew nutters of the
iJjard, ual t.j r.'-ir-iusiizj f n- the 's-r.u-m.-r
C iiu-. iig:i Tim.i fj o'clock slurp,
Much. J. (J. V. ij UL'i.
S. t' ret a ry.
From The Ti'ojn Aij!futoi
A terrible i.eoidetit took place at the ol Mr. Sylvester Davis, who lives
iu New York just over ue J:ic!:sjh
liae, last week. One ol' the children
had put some piteli ou th-; stove in
tiu pail lor the purpose of making chewing-gum.
The hot pitch finally melted
the solder of the pail, when M:s. J.'avis
picked it up for the putposu of carry iu 2
it out doors. The bottom at once
dropped out of the pail, tad the pilch
tstrikiag Mrs. Davis's clothes yc-t Ere to
them uud they were burned hIiixi;: en
r.'raly lrom her body. The un'ortu
ua:e woman liu;;crod iu gre.u u.'ny uu
til evening,
r.h cjitc to rc-
Tlie Warren L Jjer fc'iy: On the
i!Oth of March, l-Viuk MeCue, a brakes.
man 0:1 the Oil C.c-ik ail Allc-luiiy
Ktver liailroa 1. while; c up'i'j u trs in
Oil Oily, hill his c!m-u') -aril fire Q i.'or
smashed. It beij.fiu n)w.r l.xt
Saturday that tin thumb should be
a-npuiated. la the mjautimo ho
bseu removed to Warren. h;s homo
The young man's sufloriugs were terri
ble, and on Saturday last syjii.tons of
lockjaw tet iu, from which lie died
Sunday eveniug lust. His age was IS
years and 9 months. He was a flue
young man, aud liked bv all who kuew
The speiliug Rchoo! .last Saturday-
evening was well attended aud was a
decided success. The iirsr. round the
class was floored on the simple little
Word "fuchsia-" the second rcuud
Miss May Little "spelled down" the
Icotire school, and lias the credit of be
ing the best "speller" in town. 0'iu
ko the meeting of Company II, we did
hot attend the spelling school but are
ulorwed that there- vm some "fun."
jene of the Democrat ''stepped down
md out on the word 'queue" although
le belongs to Ridgway's Billiard Club
nd has often handled the "cue." The
iext spelling school will bo bold to-
piorrow evening. All aro invited to
The weather we are having, at pres
et, is sufficiently remarkable to have a
iote made of it, so that when the prc-s-nt
generation of men are old, they
pay refer to this item, ns recording a
cmarkable winter nnd spring in 187-1-.
Why, on April 15th I distinctly
em ember, says one of the "oldest," in
he spring of 1875, it commenced to
now, and on the following day Friday
7th, it snowed a perfect storm, and
aturday and Sund.iy there was more
how, the weather being all the time
ray below the freeziug point, and it
till kept snowing on Monday, and the
,-eatber prophets that had fortold an
early ppring" wore sadly "ropped in."
kll this occurred in the Spr'ftig of 1875
ud the wtuter of 1874; we had light
Llls of snow and good sleighing ail
inter and that at ltidgway where I
vei Dickinson Bros, and J. S. Hyde
at in a great many hemlock, and some
ther kind of los.
DrsTituciivE Fire at Driftwood
On Tuesday morning last 8 destruc
tive fire ccenred t Driftwood, Cameron
county, nhicli totally cousumcd the
"Driftwood House" opposite the depot
kept by J. U Earl, a billiard saloon,
lurgn dwelling occupied by four families
and a number of outbuildings. The
"1'alchcl IIouso" was badly
scorched. The fire originated from a
defective flue in the "1'atchcl House."
Loss S14.000; insurauco $8,000. Iu
response to a telegram, Supt. E. L
Tyler scut the stcam-firo engine and n
number of railroad employes to that
place llowvi Herord, 15thinst.
iO 1. LAD ALL CoMI'ETlTOHb is the
aim of the proprietors of the Wilson
Shuttle Sewing Machine. It is founded
on the very best principles known to the
sewing machine science, and improve
ment, in advance of all other sewing
machines, are being adopted com-taotly.
'I ho Wiisou is rapidly gaiuiug the pre
ference of ail parties that are acquainted
with pewiug machines, and it has al
ready taken the front rank among the
fire t class machines of this country; and
its price, owing to its being manufac
tured where labor and material is much
cheaper than iu eastern cities, is fiftccu
dollars less than all other first-class
machines. Machines will be delivered
at any llaihoad Statiou in this couutry,
free of transportation charges, if ordered
through the Comnany's Branch House
at iJ27aud Superior St. Cleveland
They send an eletratit catalogue and
ehromo circular free ou application.
This Company want a few more good
The Wmsjy. (J. k B. says: Thurs
day morning at about nine o'clock, Mr.
Wesley Shaffer, a highly respected and
well-to-do citizen of Driftwood, Cam
eron county, committed suicide, lie
shot himself with a rifle, completely
tearing away the upper portion of the
Fit threo months or more Mr
Shaffer has been laboring under a fit of
temporary iu.anity, brought about by
financial embarrassment.. Thutudjy
uioruiug Mrs. Shaffer an 1 a soa were
a jout M er.ioy a liorse-baek ride mto
thj couutry. The children had fol
lowfid the.!ii to the stable. As thev
.Vi-ie upon the point of stalling the re
port of a rifle alarmed them. ll-:turn-ing
to tiiii house, a scene ol blood and
;le'.li confronted them. The husband
an a tuier iiaastiot luimeit as described.
uid was then in uu insensible condition
lie lived lib ut an hour after iuflietiug
the fatal wound.
The deaccased w.n about sixty years
fug-?, and wis a brother ofthellev.
(J. W. Shaffer, who was last fall the
temperance e-iudidute for the legislature
from Cameron county. Thn ho:i'-3 oi
mourning is a sad one indeed, and it is
feared tint the .sh':ck miy jtove too
much for Mr.--. ShjiT.-r's reason.
The season for bear stories is about
although it is well known that the
mountains are full of them. The la.
gteat bear adventure that h;is beeu pub
lished occurred iu Eik county, when
Captain Mjy, the hi'eut Uiau of the
fiiiiailelphi:; and Erie railroad, dis
patched oi.e of these monstrous beasts
altera ten i3o encounter. Now comes
another story This time it occured up
in Centre county.niid th( Btllefonto 7i't-
jmhUcint tells nil about it, us follows:
From Mr. Miles Zimmcrmnn, of But 11
uide towutthip, wo learn the following
particulars of the killing of a larg bear:
His brother, William Zimmeriuau, u
boy eighteen years, of age, while out fox
hunting in tho above township, on Mon
day, March 2i'd, was attracted to a
thicket of laurels by the fierce barking
of his dogs. Coming closer, ho found
them in a large windfall; creeping
quietly up ou the opposite tide, he saw
.- bear sittiug under the roots of a fal
len tree, fighting off the dogs. Survey
ing the situation, he concluded that
uow was his chance tor a shot, and a
ucky shot he made of it the ball en
'eiiiig and breaking bis neck. After
being dressed, bruin weighed two hun
dred and tbirty-tiiue pouuds. Tioga
May Chamberliiyne, who is now sis
teen years ot age, sued Johu Bute
Holmes, a New 1'ork city surveyor,
who is ubout lilty yeais old, for breach
of promise, claiming SoO.000 damages,
has beeu awarded 0,0u0.
Mrs. Malioski, a Chicago women,
who is charged with having poisoucd
her family iu order to rid them of their
earthly troubles and to give herself a
little innocent eseiteaient, is said to
have had her attention first turned to
the subject of poisoning by reading a
history of the ctimcs of Mrs. Sherman,
the so-called Couuectieut Borgia. This
is apparently another instance of the
evil effect which sometimes follows the
reading of stories ot ctimiual deeds.
A Detroit gentleman walking behind
two school children the other day heard
the boy inquire, "Will you be at the
party to-night'!"' "I shall be there,"
answered the miss, "but 1 may as well
tell you now that your love is hopeless.
Mamma is determined, father is set, and
it isu't right for m to encourage your
a'.tentioa. I cod be a sister to you, but
Dothing more. Therefore you needn't
buy me any v&leotiue or give ina any
wore gum."
MMHWt-l-: -
F)Y VIRTUE of a writ of Yen. E. onso
)to Forest County, issued out of the
Court of Comon Pleas of I'hilndelphia
Coenty and to nio directed, there Will te
exposed to sale by jmlilio vendue or outer,
nt the Court lioue, in tho borough of
Tiooestn, on
at 11 'clock, a. in., the following described
real estate to-wit,
George Brooks vs. Henry ,T. P.rooks and
Allied Urooks, trading as 11, J. lirooKS A
Co., Vend. Ex. Chso to Forest County, 482
L'cc. Term, 18 4. Dickson. All that cer
tain lot, piece or parcel of land si(uito hi
Jioncsla, (formerly) uow Howe Township,
Forest County, Slut of Pennsylvania, be.
ing one-half of a tract pnteutcd to iVilhclin
Williuk, November i!7th, A. V., 1802,
ujion warrant in the enmc name numbered
two thousand four hundred aud fifty-three,
suid linlf containing livo hundred (GOO)
acres more or less. Itcing the parcel of
lanu y-nieu fsaniutl aun, Alexander Mo
Andrew, Alexander It. Mclleury, Edward
W. Wurner aud their wivrs, by deed dated
.viiiy r.uu, ib,l. crnvejedlo J. K. 1'iiluicr,
011J the emue which the f-uid J. K. I'aluier
and wife conveyed to Famucl Willet by
deed dated June I2ih 1871. and wcordcJ
iu the cilice for reerding deeds Sc., in
Forest County, in Deed Uook No. 0, pages
1 and (!!, Nov. 1st 1871. Subject to the
1 e pci vat ions and restrictions contained iu
the luf-t centioncd deed, and to the pay
ment of oil tares assessed upon said laud
since 1MJ9.
Ako All that certain tract or parcel of
land silunte iu Howe Township, Forest Co.,
J eimey'.vania, liemg seven Imcdrcd and
fifty (7uO) acres of lard, port of tract known
ou the map of the eaid County as number
two tliiiiisiiiiti three hundred nnd sixty-six
(HSiiG,) and beine the whole of the tract.
except two hundred and fitly (J50 acres in
the northwest corner Uieieof. Said 700
acres bounded east by Llk County line,
south by tract No. 24iJo, west by No. 28o0,
subdivisions, Nos. ti aud 6 and the 250
acres iu tho northeast corner of gaid tract,
aud north by anid 200 acres and tract No.
24 m3, and ure the eame J reuiiae deeded to
J. lv. I'almer by Alexander V Murphy and
wile by deed dated May 20th, 1871. and
by said J. K. Palmer and wife to Samuel
diets by deed dated Mav 2'.lth. 1871. and
recorded ia the l'eecrder's oflice iu Forest
Couuty, iu Deed 15ouk No. tf, pages t'o, 'M
and t-7 Nov. 1 lb71. Subject to the pay.
niciit of all taxes assessed upon said laud
since the year 180H.
A1.30 All those two certain tracts of
land situuic in Howe Township. Forest
County, aud Suite of Pennsylvania, !o-wit:
miiuljer two thousand eieht hundred aud
twelve (12812,) couuiuiag oue thousand
and sixty-three (101)3) a-res; and part of
tract uumber two tLousaad uine hundred
aud sixty (2'JtjU) coutaiuiug uliout feven
huuJreO (700) acres, or no much thereof as
l.-es in iorest County, more or loss. The
same having been conveyed to J. K. Tal
uier by Charles ii. Wright and Sue J. his
fe, Cusiier H. tuhrinir aaid Jaue T. his
wile by aeed dated September lWih, 1871.
Alb j All those certain warraut uumberr
two tliousaud and tweuty-oue (2tClt and
two thousand aud twenty. two (2(J2 ) each
containing five hundred (UO; acres, and
together one thousand (10OU) acres, situalt
iu Hoe Township, Forest C'ouul?, State of
Also All that certain tract or parcel of
land situme in tun township of Shcliield.
formerly Kenzua. in the County of War
reu. and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
being part of let uumber seven 7"lu said
towuship, and bounded as lollows, to wit:
beginning ut the northeast corner of guid
ioi, l-uiiuiiiK thence fcoulh alor.sf the east
unds 0. said lot to the touthi-ust corner
thereof, thence west along the south lino of
Hui J lot so far that u north line parallel to
the east b uuds 01' Hiid Jot from the Sutilh
bounds to the ntrth bounds thereof, and
llience ea;;t to the place of beginniug nimll
contain three huud.-ed uud forty o4')J
aci-vH of laud more or less; w hich prcaiises
were conveyed to .Leonard I). Crandall by
leiMl trim .aroi. 11. Vtuldo aud other bcii9
of John li. U.-irdeiibutg. June 1st, 1871,
nt.d by i-aid Li-oumiJ 1). Cial.dalt and wife
conveyed to Mmut-1 niltcts by deed dated
Jiiiie 12th, Jf-71, Ki.d recorded in the lte-
ider"s cii te of V.'arreu Couuty, in deed
be.'.. 0. page 2i5, Ncvcu.-ber ls-i, la71.
Subject, nevertheless, to the reservation
aud lt-ti iutiens couiuiutd iu the last meu
lioucd died.
ALo All that certain irate t tf land sit
uate iu Shciiield Township. Wiiriru Count r.
i'rti'isyivinia, kimwu end designated 011
the gi-ncral D-sp of said county, as tract
number nine fn, containing live hundred
."on uercs of land, be the same more or
liss; iluve hundred and iiity iSoJ acres
of which is the sme bind deeded to J. K.
i'aluier, by Andrew Johnson, by deed da
ted May l'.'tu, 1871, recorded in deed book
'ii, page 27. Aud one hundred anj fifty
loti acres of which is the same land
deeded to J. K. Palmer, by James C
Marsh ami wife by deed daied May 20th,
171, recorded iu deed bcok :A, page 2e;
and lite whole of which five hundred aeiee
were conveyed by suid J. K Palmer and
wife to iSuiaiiel nilleis by deed dated May
2'J, 1871 ami recorded in deed book 34,
pa;:e 201, November 1st, 1871, Subject
to ihe payment of all taxes assessed upon
said laud siuco 18011.
Also All that certain tract of land sit
uated in Highland Twp., Kill Co., Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described us follows:
beginning at a small birch, thence by land
of Johu Nicholson number o7.)iJ cast tiv
hundred ami thirty perches to a sugar tree,
thence by land of John Nicholson Lumber
8777 north three hundred uud twenty per
ches 10 a hemlock, ihence by land of John
Nicholson number i778 west five hundred
iud thirty perches to a birch, ihence by
Holland Laud Company three hundred aud
twenty perches 10 place of beginning.
Containing ouo thousand acres uud usual
Also All that certain tract of laud sit
uate in Highland Towuthip, Klk County
Pennsylvania, described as follows: Num.
ber three thousand seven hundred and
filty-three -1703, containirg one thous
and acres mid allowance. The two tracts
of land lost described Icing the same two
tracts conveyed to J. K. Talmer, by
Charles 0. liunn and wife aud Thomas
Struthers and wife, by deed dated Juno
2nd, 1871, and by the said J. K. Palmer
and wife conveyed to Samuel Willets, by
deed doled June 12th, J.N71, and recorded
iu the Itecorder's ofticc of K'k County, in
deed book '(.," page 42!?, &0.( November
(tu, 1S71. Said two tracts being subject
to the reservations and restrietious cou
taiued iu the lust mentioned deed, and to
the payment of all taxes assessed upon
suid laud since the year 1800.
Also All that certain piece, parcel or
tract of land situate iu Highland Towuship,
County of Elk ami State of Pennsylvania,
surveyed ou a warrant granted to John
Nicholson, number two thousand ucd
twenty 2050, 'and bounded aud t'o
scribed as follows, to-wit: beginning at a
beech, the northwest oruer thereof,
Ihence by lands warranted to John Nich
olson it Company number 2020 south
four liuudrcd uud lony 440 rods to a
post, thei'ce by lauds wariuuled to Thomas
Willings east four hundred aud eighty.six
480 rods to a post, thence by warrant
number 2020 north one hundred and sixty
eight 108 rods to a post, thence by wur
luut lumber 2027; west oue hundred 100
rods to a beech; thence by last mentioned
warrant north two hundred and seveuty
two 272 rods o a post; and thence by
lands warranted to John Nicholson & Com
pany; west three hundred aud eighty 3801
rods to the place of Legiuuing. Containing
one thousand and niiety-niue an! three,
fourths 10'Jl'j ucrei, with the usual al
lowance aa surveyed on tha original war
rant on the eleventh day of July. A, D,
uu J, and returned to the land oflce br
William P. brady, 1). S. Being the same
preinisee which were conveyed by J. K
1 aimer ana wife, to Samuel Willets, by
deed dated July 22ud, 1871 and recorded
in me recorder's oflice of Elk county, in
lteed Book "O" page 420 &o., November
win, ion, cmcgect to the restrictian and
reservations contained in the lost men
noneu ueea and also to all taxes unacesed
upon the said land since the year 180t
Also All that certain piece or parcel of
ibdu situate in Highland township, in th
county of Klk, end State of Pennsylvania,
anown ana uesignaied on the general map
or uriui 01 ltiuus in saiu townsuip as war
rant number two thousand four hundred
aud sixty-three. Bounded north by war
rant number two thousand four hundred
and sixty-four, cast by warrant number
three thousand seven hundred and sixty
one, Idibl; touth by warrant number
two tliousaud and nineteen; and west by
11.. ii j I., . ... i .
ue line oi roresi county. eing me same
premises conveyed by Kra slug liarnes and
wilo to Samuel Willelg by deed dated
July 13lh, 1871, and recorded ia Klk
county Itecordcrg oflice in deed book "O"
page 419 ic, November Oth, 1871.
Also All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate iu the towuship of Highland
county of Klk, and elate of Pennsylvania,
buunded and described as follows: being
part of tract of land surveyed iu pursuance
of warrant number 2450, on the 12tu day
of beccuihcr, A. 1). 17'.2, and bounded on
the north by warrant number 2300; on the
cast by warrant number 8781; on the south
by warrant number 24C4. and on the west
by the Forest county line, con
taining two hundred and eighty-nine -2811-acres
be the same more or less. Being the
snie piece of land conveyed by Asa II.
baines and wi'c to Samuel Willets, by deed
dated June 81I1; 1871, and recorded in the
Kecordcr's oflice of Klk county iu deed book
"O" page 422 &c, November Oih, 1871.
Also All that certain piece or par-
eel of land situate in the township of
Highland, county ot imk, ana stato of
Pennsylvania, being warrant number
two thousaud and twenty-five 2025.
Three huudred and eleven acres more
or less, in tho name of John .Nicholson.
JJeing the suaie land conveyed to David
P. Anderson by Urns Hall and wife,
by deed dated October 26th, 18G8. aud
recorded iu Elk county in deed book
"N" page 20'.
Albo All that part of the lot or
warrant numbered thirty-seven hundred
and sixty-one (3701) in the couuty of
Elk and State of 1'ennsyrvania, which
bounded aud described as follows:
Degiuniug in the cast line of said war
rant or tract ot land and in the middle
oi Spring Creek, and running thence
south three degrees west along the east
bounds ot said tract three chaius to the
southeast corner thereof thence north
eighty-seven degrees and thirty-six
miuutes west along the south bounds ot
said tract one huudred aud thirtv-two
chains to the southwest corner thereof.
thence north three degrees east along
the west bounds ot said tract fifty. two
chaius aud si.tty.flve liuks to the mid
dle of the beforemeutioued Spring Creek
thence up along tho middle of said
creek us it winds and turus to the place
ot bcgiuuiui'; aud also twentv rods in
length up and down said stream to hiuh
water mark on the northerly bank of
said strcuw, opposite or with the centre
of said twenty rods, opposite to the mill
of David r. Anderson, which was
erected on or ubout the 22d day of Mav.
ISti'J, and with the riht to attach the
uorthcrly end of a dam tor a mill to the
said north bank ol said stream. Con
taining five liuudrcd and forty-seven
acres and three tods of land including
the allowance, so called, as the same
was surveyed in the summer of 180!) ,
by Orviile Combs. The two tracts of
laud hut ubove described being the
same two tracts conveyed by David F.
Audcrsou aud wife to Samuel Willets,
by deed dared June 29th, 1871, aud re
corded iu Elk couuty Kecordcr's office,
in deed book ' O," page 417, &c, Nov
emberOth, lfeTl. Subjct to the re
servations and restriction contained in
the last mentioned deed.
Also Ail the undivided one-halt
part of all that certain tract of land sit
uate in liih a-id towuship, Elk county,
State of Pennsylvania, km.Twn us warrant
or tract numbered tluee thousand seven
hundred and sixty-six (370ti), aod
biiuuded and described as follows: On
the north by warrant numbered three
thousand seven hundred and eighty-two
(;72), on the east by warrant num
bered three thousand seven hundred and
sixty 3760), on the south by warraut
numbered three thousand seven hun
dred and seventy-seven 3777, and ou
tho west by warrant numbered three
thousand seven hundred and seventy. ,
eight 3778, Containing one thousand
1000 acres of land, be the same more
or less. Being the same premises which
were couveyed by J. K. Palmer and
wifo to Samuel Willets, by deed dated
September 2oth, 1871, and recorded in
Elk county Kecordcr's oflice in deed
book "0," page 404 &c , October 31st,
1871. Subject to the reservations and
rcstrictioui contained in the said deed.
Also All that part of warrant num
ber three thousand seven hundred and
sixty-one 3761) in the county of Elk.
State of Pennsylvania, which lies north
of the east fork of Spring Creek,
bounded as follows, viz: southerly by
the ceDtre of said east fork of Spring
Creek, and northerly easterly aad west
erly by the northeast and west lines or
bounds of said warrant number 3761
Containing five hundred and fifty-four
554 acres three 3 roods aod twenty
two 22 rods of laud, more or leso. Said
warrants numbers 2021 and 022,
ubove mentioned, in Howe township
Forest county aod said part of warrant
number 3761 in Elk county being the
6ame premises which were conveyed by
J K Palmer aad wife to Samuel Willets
by deed dated June 20th, 1871, and re
corded in the Kccorder's. office in Forest
oounty, iu deed book No. 9, pago U3
&o , November 1st, 1871, and in Elk
county Kccorder's iffico in deed book
"0" page 400, &c, October 31st, 1871,
and were conveyed subject to the re
servations and restrictions mentioned in
said deed and to all taxes assessed upon
said laud aud premises since 1809.
N. U. Ou warrant number 2900,
above mentioned, in Forest County,
thtre are erected twelve two-story frame
dwelling bouses, six frame barns,
frame boarding house and frame store
house, frame sawmill, boiler, engine and
machinery, frame store aud tfbee,
frame feed store, frame tannery, frame
engine bouse eDgine aud ruachiuery,
frame beam hov$, frame sweat jits,
frame leach house and bark house, hide
mill and bark mills, frame boiler houe
boiler and fixtures, stone hide house
frame dry house ana engine, ash house
bark shanties, &e ,
On warrant number 2453, in Forest
county, above described, there are
erected, frame blacksmith shop, four
two-story dwelling houses, three Iramo
barns, and seven bark shanties.
On warrunt number 2366, in Forest
couuty aoove oescriDeu, tncro are
erected frame dwelling house, frame
bam and bark shanties.
Oo warrant number 2456, in Elk
county above described there are erected
two frame dwelling houses, one lrame
barn, and one log house.
On warrant number 2025, in Elk
county above defended there are
erected two frame barns, and three bark
shanties, and cn warrant number 3781
in Elk county there is one log bark
On lot numer 7, iu" TV arret) county
above descibed, there are erected three
two-story frame dwelling houses, and
two frame barns.
The whole of tie above deecribed
tracts of land are subject to a Mortgage
of Sixty Thousand Dollars 300,000.
An tue aoove tracts ot laud ins., are
to be sold together as one property.
Taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Kerry J. Urooks aod
Alfred Brooks, trading as H. J. Brooks
& Co., at the suit ot George Brooks.
The following mast be strictly com
plied with when property is stricken
1st. When the plaintiff or other lien
creditors become the purchaser, the
costs on the writs must bo paid, and a
list of liens including mortae searches
00 the property 6old, together with such
lien creditor s receipt for the amount
of the proceeds of the sale or such por
tion thereof as he may claim must be
furnished by the Sheriff,
See Purdon s Digest, 8 th Ld . case
Smilh's forms, page 3S4.
2d. All bids must be paid in full.
All sales not settled immediately will
be continued until 2 o'clock P. M.. of
the day of sale, at which time all prop
erty not settled for will agaia be put up
and sold at the expeuse aod ritk of the
person to whom first sold.
J T. VAN GIESKN' Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,Tionesta, Pa., April 15th
IS, j.
The expenses ot the recent session f
Legislature were 403,551 89.
"Orthogrammania" is what they are
calling the rage tor splliug matches.
Cakes of toilet soap and two-dollar
suspenders are beginning ta reach the
Nebraska sufferers
At Grand Kapids. Michigi.-i a ain
suddenly fell dead at a burial service
just as the coffin was lowered into the
New Yoia fears another attack ot
cerehro-ppinal meningitis, which carried
off 701 persons in ten mouths three
years ago.
The labor troubles in New York con
tinue. Four hundred and fifty cigar
makers are on a strike. The painters
and stone-rubbers are holding out for
eight hours. The plumbers have agreed
to nine hours, aud .i,75 to 4 a day.
The longshoremen will get 35 cents for
day aud 45 cents per hour foi uight
Private information from Midland
and Northern Geoorgia is to the i-ficct
that 25 per cent. -more of corn will be
planted there this year than heretofore.
This will not interfere with cottou. The
corn planting ia simply for economic
purposes, owing to the higher prices
ot corn and bacon supplied to Georgia
from the West.
Two boy3 were recently tried at
Wolverhampton for stealing goods that
were exposed outside of a 6hnp-door.
The recorder, in sentencing them, said
that the custo'm of tradesmen exposing
goods not only tempted to crime, but
led to public expense for the prosecu
tion of tho thieves. He theriore de
termined to try and put a 6top to it by
compelling such Ehopkepers to pay the
costs of any prosecutions.
Lowell Mass. April 17 Tho warp is
gradually giving out in all the mills, and
as it does so one after another is com
pelled to discharge its help. All the
ring cpinners were dismissed this morn
ing nnfil Monday. The agents have
made a careful estimate, and say that in
less than a week 3,000 operatives will
be out of employment. Tluit will be
substantially the basis on which the
mills can run indefinitely that is,
about two-thirds of the full average
capacity nf most of the corporations.
4 QKO.B kq wei.g.?eo
. 1 !. AWKKOW I
"jOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing accounts have beeu tiled in my
otiice, aud will be prtseuted ut the
Orphan's Court of Klk County for confir
mation, on the fourth Monday of May next,
being the 24th day of Ma- 1875.
Final' accout of Ignatius Garner,, uud
Louis Yolhrcer executors of the last will
aud testament of A. llanhauser, late of
St, Mary's boro., deceased.
Partial account of Cba. M'Vean and
Mary A. Weed, administrators of li. A
Weed late of Jay township, Elk Co., Pa.,
d ocean ed.
f RED. SCIJOENING, Regist.r.
-. 7 -.-... :? .owe-" .tt -
To the S.hcol Ciwetors of Elk County.
ii'KN'l'LEMEN: In pursuance of tho
forty third sectinti ot the not of 8(h of May,
It-it, you lire hereby notified to meet in
convention at tho Court house in Kidgway,
on tho Hist S'ue'by iu iiy A. 1). 1376,
being the 4t!i dy of the month, nt 1
o'clock in the nftertoon, and select, viva
vorr, by A majority of the whole number
of directors present one person of literary
and ssit-iitilio ueipiimiif nin and of skill nnd
experience in the art ol lenehing,as guiltily
superintendent., for the three succeeding
years; determine the uuiouut of compensa
tion for the same; nnd comfy tho result to
th State Superintendent at Harrisburg,
as required by the thirty-ninth nnd
fortieth sections of Said act.
April 13th 1875. Co. Supt., Elk Co.
Arpt.ExoNS American Cyclopedia
that the revised, and elegantly illus
trated edition of this work, now being
published, a volume of 800 pages once
in two months, is the best Cyclopedia iu
America, is ccitaio. No library is com
plete without it. It is a complete one
in itself. It only costs 3 a month to
get it iu leather binding. The best and
cheapest library io the world. Address,
C K. Jtidsco, f redotna, N. 1 .
Dissolution of Partnership.
fllbe firm of W. S. SSfiVtCE Jit CO. is this
uay utssoivea ny mutual consent,
'lue business hereafter will be conducted
by W. S. Service, bv whom ull di-hl ilnn l.v
- - j
8ttid tlllu will hi! liniil. and with whom nil
uccouuts due to said firm must be settled.
W. fit. SEltVICE,
March 12, 1873 W. II. SCHUAM.
ALL persons knowing Ihemsclvcs to be
indebted to the .late lirm of W. S.
SLllVluE ii CO. ure requested to call and
settle iko same lelorelhe first of April next,
us all iicoouaia of sa id linn not settled at
that time will be placed iu the baud of an
attorney for collection.
uio w. 8. e til VILE
Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia K'y.
Ou and after FEBUAKY 11th, 1875, nnd
until further notice, trains will leave buf
falo from tnc buffalo, New York & Philai
delphia Railroad Depot, corner Exchange
and Louisiana streets, (buffalo time; as fol
7:-IO A. M , MAIL, stepping nt Ebenezer
8:1)3 Springbrookb:10 Elma S-1 ," Jamis-m's
M Aurora W Wales b:tW, Holland f:5D
Protection :00 Arcade U:14 Yorkshire U:2S
Muehiaa 0:31 rrnnklinville, !t:"0, Ischua
10.11 Hinsdale 10.-J7, Erie Railway 10. i:j
Oleaii 10.55, Weston's 11.03, Portvillc.
ll.Pt, Stale Line 11.18; Eldred 11-31
Ltirnhee's ll.:J8, Sartwell 11.44 Turtle
'oini 11.41 Port Alleghany 2. Ol P. M..
Liberty 12.1'., Keating 12.2'J ifbippen
12.4H Lmp.diuiu 1.00 p. M.
stopping at tbeneier 10 0" Spriuebrook.
J ,, r.inni 10.0 Jauiison s ll.titj Aurora
11 25 Wales 11.4'J. P.M..
Prntectiuu 12-uO, Arcade 12.57, Yorkshire
I. 12 .Michias l.oO. 1 racklmvillc 2.05,
IscIiuh 2.50, iiiurdaie 3 24, Erie ltuilway
4 00 P. W.
3.80 P. M , EXPRESS, slopping at
Eleneier 3,55, tSpriutbrook 4.04 Lima 4.11
Jamison's 4. 10 Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4.35
Holland i U, Protection 4.50, A rendeu 11
Vorkshire 6.1 'J Machias 5.L0, Erankliiivilie
5.40 Ischua. 11.05 liiutdalo 0.20, Eric bail
way 0.30, O'eau 0.52, Weston's 7.00, Poit
viiie'OO, fcute Line 7.11, Eldrd 7.27,
Larabee's 7.tjJ, t'ttiiwcll 7.41, Turtle Point
7.45, Poit Allegany 7.5K, Liberty 8 17,
bleating 8.25, bhippcu b.45, Emporium
U.00 P. M.
4 00 A. Jl., EXPKESS,;stcpping at Ship
pen -l.lo Keating 4 35 Liberty 4 44 Port
Allcghi-ny 5.03 Turtle Point 5.15, Sartwcll
5.20, Larabee's 5.25, Eldred 0.33 Slate
Line 0.44 Portvilie 6.02. Weston' 5.57,
Oleau 0.2O. trie Railway C 23, llinsdnlo
0.3S. Ischua 0.52, Pruklinville 7. 10,
Maehius 7.20 Yurkshier 7.35 Arcade 7.43,
Protection 7.57, Holland 8.05; Wales 8.15,
Aurora 8.20 J umisou's 8 33 Lima 8.3fct,
Spriugbrook 8.43, Ebenezer 8.52, buffalo A. M.
FREIGHT, slopping utfchippen ti.40, Keat
ing 7.35 Liberty 7.50. Port Allegany 8i40
Turtle Point i13, Sartwell 9.25, Larabee's
H. 40 Eldred 10 05 Slate Lino lO.tlb', Port
vilie 11 10 Weston's 11.25, oieuu 11.42,
trio Railway 11.47, Hinsdale 1220 P. Jl.,
Ischua 1.08, I ranklinville, 2.05, Machias
2.41, Yorkshire 3,00, Arcade 3.15 Protect
ion 3.42, Holland 4.03 Wales 4,35, Aurora
5.00,' Jamison's 5.20 lma5.1iS, Spriug
brook 5.40, Ebeutzer O.OO, Juucliou 0.30
P. M.
2.1-0 P. 11., MAIL, Mopping at Phippeu
2.15, Keating 2.35, Libeny 2.41. Poit Al
legheny 3.03 Turtle Point 3.15 Surtwcil
3.20, Laiubccs 3.20, Eldred 3. 04, State
Line .".Jti, Portvilie 3.55, Weston's 4.02
Oleau 4.20, Erie Railway 4.23, Hinsdale
4. 38 Ischua 4.52, Erankliuville 6.11,
Machias 5 30, Yorkshire 6:37, Arcade 5.10
Protection 0.02, Holland, Wales 6.20,
Aurora U.32, Jamison's 0.38, Lima 0.42,
8pringb:ook 0.47, Ebeueier t.08, buffalo
7.20 P. M.
I-'RLIGHT, stopping at Hiusiala 7.00
Ischua 7.30, EraiikliBvllle 6.15, Machias
8.53, Yorksnire '.1.23, Arcade 0.45, Protect
ion 10-14, Holland 10 35, Wales 11.00,
Aurora 1 1.25, Jamison's 11.30, Elnm 11.4'J,
iSpringbrook 12 02 P A Ebeueier 12 22,
buUalo 1 00 P. M .
fifNo trains run 011 Sundays.
H. C. EloK, Geu't Mantigr.
II. L. LYMAN, Geu'l I'ass'r Ag't
J. 1. i EOMANS, Gea't bup't
riTs vuntst niKE
Any person suffering from the t.bove
disease is rejiixtid to uduress 1B. Pure,
and a trial boitie of intdiciue will be U-i-wurded
by Exprct-t.
The only cost being the Express char,
ges, which owing to uiy largo busiutts, ure
br. Price Las made the treat nienl of
msi Oil il'lLEl'fcY
a study for years, and lie will warrant, u
cure by the use of kis remedy.
Ho not fail to scud 13 hi in for a trial bot
tle; it costs nothing, and he
WILL l LP. 1-1 IOU,
no matter of how long siaudiug your ca;o
may le, or how uiauy other remedies niuy
have failed
Circulars uud testimonials setit w itli
be particular to give your Express, as
well as ycur Poal thice dueoliuu, uud
Address, .
67 William fctiect, New York. vCuSly
SaUj of AiTsnlsicn.
One column, one year
k " " "
Tiausieut advertiseiueuis
575 00
40 U)
25 00
15 00
per square of
eight Hues, one insertion 1, two inser
lious, fc1.60, three iusertionB, !y2.
business cards, tea liues or legs, per
year $5.
Advertisement payable quarterly.
Ridgway, P. 2 2 tf.
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office in
Hall's new brick building. Claims for
collection promptly attended to.
Attorueys ui l.w.
Oflice in New Hrick builuing, Main Si
Ridnway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf.
J, V. ), BAILEY,
vlni..yl. ltidgway, Klk County, P.
Agent for tho Traveler's Life and Acoi
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, oilers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of ltidgway ana sur.
rounding country. Ail work warranted.
Oliice in Service & Wheeler's building, up
stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-32-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tb
Howe fc'ewing Machine, and Morion GolJ
leu. liepniriiig Matches, etc, dos with
ho same accuracy as heretofore. Satia
actiou guaranteed. vlnly-
Druggist ond Paraceutist, N. corucr
of Mum and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa.
full ossorlmeiit of carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at -all hours, day or
night. vln3y
Physician ana Surgeon.
Oliice in Drug Store, corner broad and
Maiu Sts, Residence corner broud St.
opposite the College. Oilice hours from
b to 10 A. M. and from 7 to b P. M.
J. S. BORD WELL, Al. 1).,
Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, hasremov
cd,his oUice from Centre street, to Main st.
Ridgwny, Pa,, in tho second story of the
new brick bifildiug of John U. Hall, oppo
site Hyue's store,
jtiieo hours: 8 to 'J a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7
jau U 73
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SCHUAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patrouage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
teution to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit a coutiuuauco oi the,
Oct 30 18(j'J.
Kank, McKcan Co., Pa
R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thankful for the pulronage heretofore so
liberally bestowed mum him. th
prielor, hopes, by paying strict attention
iu mo uouiiun huh couveuieuce ot guests,
to merit a continuance of ilm .um. Tk
ouly siables tor horses iu Kaue uud well
in-pi mgui, or u.iy. iiau attached to the
Hotel. vln23yl.
John Collins, 1'ioprietor.
Thankful fur tl. nut rnilllirp l,ni.alA4A-
so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new
proprieior, nopes, ty paying strict at
tention to the comfort aud convenient
of guests. t merit a couliuuuuce of the
l,KAl.Ea IN
Dry Goods, Notions, Grccories.
and General Variety,
JLitrtey 1. O.
Philadelphia & Erie U. R. Division.
ON and after MONDAY, NOV, 18, 1874,
the trains ou the Philadelphia &
Liu Railroad will run as follows:
ERIii MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.55 p m
' Rcnovo 11.10 a m
" " " Emporium 1.10 p m
" St. Mary's 2.05 p m
" bidgwuy 2.33 p la
" arrive at Erie 8.06 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie ......11.20 a m
" " " Ridgway 4.45 p m
" " " St. Mary's 6.10 pm
" " " Emporium 0.05 pm
" " " lieuovo 8.25 p m
" arr. at l'hiladephia... ti.60 a m
Mail East conuects east and west at Erie,
with L 0 M S R W.
Mail Went with east and west trains no
L, (j & :1 S U W
Ucn'l Sup't.
Vliite, Powell L
No. 4 South Third Street.
Philadelphia, April 13th. 1875.
mm AsKkD
U. S. 1881. c 21-21
60 i
do 6 20, 0 '02, M aud N 18
do do '04 do 2oj
do io '05 do 221
do ao '05 J and J 21
do da '07 do 22
do do '08 do
10-40, do coupon iUi
do Pacific U s cy lut, off 23
New 6's Reg. 1881 15?
" ," '.. 10
Gold US
Silver 107
Pennsylvania 45
Heading J otji
Philadelphia Si Erie jj?
I ul..l. 11:. u- ?
K-1 I! j.
United U R ot N J Ei. Div.. 15
Oil Creek
Northern Central 82 301
Ceuual 'Xrausporlatiou " 431 Iji
Nesquehouiug 6tj .
A it AMorttigae'a'biJ. 104