ri 2 -WV IIcnuy A. l'ARS0:J3, Jit. Editor THURSDAY, At'ltlLSJ, 1873, r.opiV.icJa Sut ConToatlsn. The Republicans of Pennsylvania are rc('iited loubtuibly, by their dele pate, iutlio Opera Huuo, in the city of Liticaster, at iioii!), oa WEDNESDA Y, MAY . 137."), for Ihe purpose ol nominating candidates lor Governor and Ftatc Treasurer. Each Senatorial and Eepresent.itivs di.-tiiot will bo entitled to the some rep resentation therein as they aro emitlcd to under tho present apportionment of Senators aud Representatives iu the Legislature. By order of tho Republican State Committee. itt'SSEL K1UIBTT. Chairman. A. WILSON NOURI3, Sco'y. ZllZ CSU.Ill t-i w-l.w-l. Si..klli.i. Tho Elk Couuty Republics Cum luittce are requested to uiet t Kidy way on TUESDAY MAY lib 175 in die Court House to chooso one person ns delegate to incut iu State Couvenlioi which is to be held at LaueasierMny 20. A fu'l attendance is h.oked for. J. IE IIAGERTY, Chairman. Following is the iimiks of (be penile men eon, prising the Couuty Cotiiinittio. as nppoluicd at tho last Couuty Con vention: Chairman Jas. II. Ilagorty, cl Rid g way. Betic-ztittc D. 13. Wiuslovv, D. i'. Johnson. Bcnziner Joliu Fairer, Janier Suaddeu. Highland Wm. James, Levi Elo ibrops. llorton J. S. Chamberlain, N. M BrocUay. U. W. Rogers. Jay A. E. G of!. J . M. Brock'uis. Jones A. T. Aldvieb, JohuEro bout. Millstoue Harry Cat?, JohuMoore. Rid-way W. II. Oatevbout, J. O. W. Bailey. Spring Creek Iliram Carman, John Me;:ufuek. St. Mary's Biro L. B. Co.k, Chas. MeVeau. It is pcuciMlly known thit the do mestic Muuey Oidcr branch of the Post oliico Department has heretofore been conducted at a loss of upward of a hun dred thousand dollars a year, and that a new law increuinn the rates was passed by Congress at its last iessiou, to go iuto effect on the fiiit of July. Fally ssven-eihw of the ur'Urf7 orders u-susl are i.r sums under ten dollars, which at present oust only five e-3uls, while it costs the Guveruiueut tcvuu cents aud a fraetiou toissuj un order Uuder the new law the rates wiil he teu cents for any sum up to filtera dollars; over fifteen do'lars aud uc t txct-edin;; thirty dollars, liftceu cents; over thirty dolluis and not exu 'eding forty do'.lafti, twetity cents: over fotty dollars u'-d not exceeding fifty dollars, twenty-five cent.-,. This increase of rates, it is estimated, will iucreaic the revenu.s in about the B ime ratio as it has heretofore deeiet?cd, without inflicting hardship cu those usin;; this biaueh ol tho service. Ar rangements are also nearly completed lor esiabli-hi'.), a mouey order system between the Uuittd States aud Canada, the necessary inspections having been wad a by the authorities. The roovmeut will supply a want which ha3 been long felt in both countries. At tho meeting of the Rowing As sociation of American Col'eg-'s held at SpringfWd last wc-k. much iiaporiaui business was transited. The Regatta will take place an Juiy 1 1th. cu Saiu togi Like, Ji.ist year um.'h fault was found with tho airaugemeuts for the accommodation of the public, aud to obviate any further trouble tho Saiatoga llowiug Association stipulated, under boads of $1 5,00 J to fuvuish free trans portation for crews and bnts to and from Saratoga; good b;at-houses md quarters,wiih first-class board at 810 per week; the provision of the requisite bteiimboats, signal corps, telegraph, etc., the suppression of poolteiling; protec tiou agaiut cxtoitiouate charts for transportation, the Saratoga Association to refund overcharges by baoknieu, ko , the buildiugof a sidc-walL from the vil lage to the lake, or.d a piaud itaud capable of seatiug 10,000. The Fresh mcu race will bo lowed ut 11 A. M. July 13. The draw'tug for positions re sulted a3 follows: No 1, being nearest the Grand Stand; No 1 Williams; No 2, Cornell; No. 3, Amherst; No. 3, Bow doin; No. 5, Brow, No. C, Columbia; No. 7, Wesleyan; No. 8, IViuctton; No. 9, Dartmouth; No. 10 Yale; No. 11, Trinity; No. 12, Harvard; No. 13, Uuioo; No. 11, Hamilton. All of thesj will eeol crews, and Brown, Col umbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale and lYiooeton will send Freshmen crew3. James Watson, of the Spirit of the Times, was chosen umpire. GENLKAL NOTES. ! Marietta lost 870.C0O by the flood. The Board of l'ardous will meet May -1. Hoy is $11 per ton in Susquebanc county. Ahooun Las a colored justice of the peace. A DoyloMowu clergyman has married 1 ,014 couples. Msosfield is orgauitiug a colony for die I'ucita 3 eoK-t. Judgrt 1'nckcr bis given 510,000 towHi'd tho Cenl'.'niial, Joseph Dcllart, a Jersey City con tiuetur, has absconded. Tlte estate exports e37,000,0W0, worth of petroleum annually. A puM and tub f'dotory is about to be erected iu Warrcu, Fa. The annivcisary of Odd Fellowship, in Eiunra. ou the bth mst. It cost Bi'Ston $3,7'.hi,73 to do honor to Senator b'uiiiUoi'n remains. Tho people of Reading buy four iiKiu-Kud cowing machines per year. Latt week one pale was made tit Oil City of 100,000 barrels ol oil, at f I 75 A little girl in Delaware county has died from the effects of ropo jumping, The Central lYiinsylvatm Confer ence vail be held at liuriisburg nest year. The West. Hamburg rolling mill and iru wot La will boon resume operations. The present term of the United States Supremo Court will adjourn May The Easter offerings of St. Peter's Kpi.eopal Church, Albany, N. Y., were C lo 01 0. Three parties turned out of a Jersey City house tried to burn it dowu for re venge. There are thirty building associations iu Heading, handling over jf 50,000 per inenill. 'ihe Fegel.-ville, Lehigh county, Pav ings Bank is to be couvertcd into a na tional Lank. Captain J. B. Orwig lias assumed ihj duties of liG'ist&ut Librarian, iu the Capitol, at. llarrUburg. A number of Eastouians a?c going to emigrate to Florida to cug.igo iu the cultivation ofii'unges. Two csr-Mayoi-s of Gloucester City, New Jersey, are candidates Icr the position of policemen. Shares iu the National Bank of Ches ter, were recently sold lor fc53 'li, the par 4:!ue beieg $25. XL" Woolvale voollen mills, at Johnstown, I 'a , are to have their capa city d .uhled by the introduction cl uew machinery. Mie.hi.el Meylert, editor of the Sulli van couuty Danociuil, weighs 375 pounds. That peper certainly has come weight. 1'l.ilip Murray, who has Lcen on trial in Pittsburgh lor the Uiurdcr of James White, wis on uturaay convicted of uiurdcr in the liist degree. E. J. Cat-tie, the confidential clerk ol Parker k Keadbey, 2evark, has been UihiiiK 'he last two weeks. Just before hie d4ppparaucc he drew ?-00 lioin the biJi where ho kept his pri vate account. Our imported liquors cost the cou suuicr 8 1 -f UO.UuO auuuully; our native liju...r t?J0O.O0iJ.O'.O, tud our malt liquors S'-ti'-' OOtl.t'OO nii'iv; a tola! of over SiOC.OOO.Ot.'O, or t-fO per Lead of the entire population S. B- Toibert, of Giivrd Mauor, PchujLi'l county, Pa., had bis log brokeu on Sutuiday afternoon, lilth iu stant, by falling over an euihauknieut with a ho'.eo aud wagon, whie atning along a narrow point on the State road, "lug dwn the Uicuutaiu, "near the Manor." Paris, ' April 13. Tho Diplomatic Couferanco upon the metrical system ol weights aud measures met here yester day. Tho Governments of Brazi1, the United Stater, Venezuela and the Ar gentine Brpublie are represented. It wis resolved to establish an international bureau of heights and measures. Charleston, S. C, April 13 Tho pleasure yacht Ella Anua, containing a party of eight excursionists, was sunk to day iu the harbor by a sipiall. Four of the persons were saved and four are uiif.sirg, aud it is supposed they were drowned. Tho names of the missing are George E. Kent, of New York; Adoiph Davis, of Louisville, Kentucky; John Keublow ind uellmau Burke, ol Chitflston. Boston, April IS A fire broke cut yestt-adny niorirg in the four-and-a hall story brick building corner of Franklin and Congress streets. The fire caught in I he upper story, occupied as a litho graphing establishment. The other oc cupants were Clark it Warren, aud Lanikiu & Fotiter, boots and f-lioes; and Hubert B. Denny, wood. The damaye to the buildhtg is about 85,1)00 The loss is at least S-10,01'0, covered by an iijfcuitiuce ol" $35,GC0. The Forest ?!;) h 6 tVc-ut, of the 7th inst., Fays: A man ramed Frank Hoy was drowned yesterday at Lccytown, six miles above this place. It appeals that it is the custom to put extra meu on a creek piece to help run it over the dam, and the extra men jump off at I he 'round rock," a short distance below and go back to help out other pieces This was Hoy's position, ami in jump ing cfi a piece yesterday, ho either mis calculated the di.ilauce, or did not make allofftiiiec for the rapid motion of the rait; at uny rate ho jumped too far and went over thc.rok into the water into a sort of whirlpojl, formed by the water tubbing ihrcugh tho cavities of the locks. He came up three times, and then went down and was sccu no more. Up to the time we go to piess his body has not beeu recovered. We under stand that his mother and titicr, who live at or near 'I ylereburg, were de pendent upon him, and bis death will prove a sad loss to them. He aa a brother-in-law of Geo. Walters, one of the firm for whom he was working, and was about thirty years of age. GENERAL NOTES. Troops havo left (Jhevenue to guard the cnuanco to the Black Hills gold country. No further cases of yellow fever hnve occurred at Key West. Tho weather is cool and pleasant. A Wilmington firm lavs shipped sixty of about two hundred buoys or dered by the Government, A Gnc vein nf potter's clay has been opcued near Nauvoo, Tioga couuty. jSoiho fine specimens of silver ore fro'ji tho same place nave been shown. New York, April 15. A meeting of miuiageis of various theatres hero was held to-day, for the purpose of mak in; arrangements for a monster pciformancc for i fie benefit ef the family of tho lute Dan Bryant, who aro left iu poor cir cumstances. Leading actors were pre sent, and it was tcsolvoil that benefits should tako place at each of the places of amusement in this city on liitirsday the il'Jth inst., the gross receipts of which are to ba placed in the hands of V. 11 Travrrs, August Belmont nnd William B. Ducan, to lie invested for the education and support of tho late actor's children. Omaha, April 1(3. The high wafer winch lor several days past lias delayed the trains on the Uuiin Pacific Bailroad hits dually become bo high that travel is entirely suspended between Laramie Citv, Wyoming aud Ogdn, Utah. The water is six feet deep in many places nud still rising. Passenger Mains which left here on the 13th, 14th aud 15th of Anvil arc lying at Laramie City and l?:iwlinps, while those which left Ogdeo siu?c t tie l.iin inst , arc lying at points west of Green river. All are in uood (iniiiters and arc well cared for. The officials ol tho Union Pacific l!ailro: d advise travelers for Utah and California not to start until notice of the blockade being brokeu is given. Matistics from tho lumbering point i f Manistee, Michigan, give the supply Of logs and lumber at that port lor ( 4 lOiiilug season. The new cut of logs amount to U3,C.O0,000 feet, aud adding the stock leftover, tho supply of logs and lumber for 1875 is about 185,001), 000 feet, against 215,000,000 feet las! spring. Of the new cut, 25,000,001) feet of logs, mid prehaps more are ol too giod quality to bo sawed into di mension stuff, havi'ig been cut high liv in the stream where the forests ltd nt been denuded of their best trees. This statement is important, inasmuch s it shows that Mituistee, which is by far tho large-t manufacturing point oi dimension stuff on the kke, w ill have a much smaller supply cf this slass vt lumber than usual; and the inference is drawu by dealers that joists, scanning, and like qualities, will bring higher prices this season than iu the recent past, iu consequence of this shortage. Washington, April 15. The Presi dent of the National Hide and Leather Bank of Boston gave notice a few d-iys a;o to the Treasury Department that certain notes of his bunk, of the denom ination often dollars and twenty dollars had been stolen from the bank after be ing signed by him. but before being s'gned by the ca.-hier. The numbers ot tbe cotes were as follows. Depart ment numbers (on upnrr right-hand corner) D. 22,000 to 22.053. and bank numbers (on lower leit-haud corner) 11,010 to 11,072. Several of these notes have recently been presented at the redemption agency of the Treasury ind rijecltl, but instead ot buiug signed by the President of the bank, as that gentleman supposed, Loth of ihe signatures are fictitious. The names of me officers of the baok are George N. Jones, Cashier, and George Kipley, President. The names upon the stolen notes are P. J. Smith, Cashier end E. A. Bates, President. It is supposed that the thieves signed these notes with fictitous tames for the purpose of avoid ing the penalties of lorgery. LLKG1IENY YALLUV HAIL KOAU LOW-GKAHi: UI VISION. On nnd tificr MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1S74, rains between KcdbanU and Driftwood will run lit- (oilow.-; KSIABD. EXIT. EES and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily ill ll'::!Opui, ltcynoldsville at Z.'M p n, Drookvilte at 4;0o p m, arriving ut lledbank at 0:1"J p m, connecting will) Express cn Main Line for l'iiisburgli. MIXED Vi'AY leaves lipynoldsville daily at ti:4U a m, lliooUville nt &1U a ni, arriv ing al l:etbank ul 11:50 a m, connecting wiili trains not iti ami south on Main Line. KASTWAKD. EXPRESS aud MAIL leaves Redbank daily ui Y1-;J) a in. arrives ut iJruckviilo ut '!:' i pin KovuoldaYi'iK at u:liu p ni, Drift woouai li:lU in, couiuctiiig with trains ensimiid west on 1' and h Itailronu. MIXED Vi'Al leaves New Leihlc'm Unity at uilwiim arrives at Drookvilie at O.u'S p iu, Keyuoldsvilleal 7:JU p tu. MAIN LINE On and after MONDAY, NOV 23, 1P71. trains on the Allegheny Valley ltailroad will run as follows; LUEl-'ALO EXPRESS will leave 1'itts burpli daily at 7:-lo a in, KeUbiink Junction at 10:47 a in, aud arrive ut Oil City al 2:40 p m. MGI1T EXPRESS -will leare Oil city ut '.:0.- p m.Uedbank Junction at J:C5 a ui, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 7:20 a ui. 'i'i'lt'SVlLI.E EXPKLfcid leaves Pitts burgh at 3:00 p in, Pvdbnnk Junction at u;23 pci, and urrives at Oil City at 10:20 p iu. iteiuruing, leaves Oil Ciiy iu 8:liO a in, lledbiuik Junction ut 12:11 a in and ar rives ut Pittsburgh ut iJ;4-5 p In. J. J. LAW HENCE, General bupcviuleadcnt. Wm. M. Phillips, Ass'i fcujd., Brookville Pa. :OJi SUMS' TIOJT CUllLli). To (hi? Editor oElk Co Advocate Lpitrinu i'i.itM). Will jou please info) in your readers that I have a positive CURE FOR CONSUMPTION and all Unorder of the Throat and Lungs, and that, by its use iu my practice, I have cured hundreds of cases, and will give $1,000 00 for a case it will not benefit. Indeed, so strong is my faith, I -will rend a SAMPLE i'KEE, to any sufferer addressing me. Plvuse show this letter to any- one you may know who is buttering iioiu these diseases, aud oblige, DR. T. F. BURT. 9 WILLIAM UT., New York P1TTSBUGH EVENING TELEGRAPH IN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! d LIVE NE WSrAl'LR, IN A L L I T3 I'APJA 11 TMKNTS. In entering !upo:i the Nw Year, ana within a few inoullis of the nccond anni versary of the first appearauce of the paper (he piiiiliHliera ot tbe l'lilHHUllUU EVENING TELEGRAPH renew tbeir pi prcssiong of thanks to no intelligent mi l appreciative public lor its LIBERAL AND EVER INCREASING PATRONAGE during the year jusd closed. Coming into eiistimcc at a time wncn every kind ot business wns to n certain extent depressed, and when retrenchment in ecry direction wus the rule, the Ti.LI.GU Al'Jl lina fought its way, and become, not only cu cstitb lishcd luct, but a PRIME NECESSITY IN LTERY WELL. lNl'OHMED CIRCLE, j whether it be of the!' counting-room, the prolcs&ioua'.ulliac, tiie waskhup. or thy Iji tin ly-. lis circulation, euuul lo Ihe best from ihe start, has grown iu extent and iin porlanoo daily, uulil now it acknowledges l ut two equals Ihe Dispatch nnd Lender so Inr as the number issued daily is con cerued, ami uo equal ns to the character of its readers. ). hese laots are so well known aud appreciutvti by tho business commu nity, or the shrewdest nicmliers tnereot, that our columns have been Tfell.ulUd by llio iavors ot TIIE BEST CLASS OF ADVERTISEP.S. nnd we are gild to know that their faith in Ihe TELEGRAPH as un ndverlitidg me dium has been firmly eiiablitlitd. TUF.fPlTTSBUr.GII EVENING TELEGfiAPfl. ha, we think, during tbe past year main tained its claim to the guud will and tup prot of the people, irrespective of parly, iuasaiueh as its opposition to bad nomina tions within the party whose principles it favors was largely instrumental iu procur ing their defeat. While it shall be our aim io promote the established principles of the Republican parly, we shall in the fu ture, as iu ihe past, oppose the eleciion to oltice of men not fully qualified, or who tliall by trickery or any unfair means ma nige to secure a place ou the ticket. Honesty and capacity only will receive our support. V HE, TELEGRAPH; will continue to publish" ALL TilK NEWS OF Til E ;DAV ut the earliest moment, aud in such a shape as to be acceptable to ihe :uost critical reader. The TELEGRAPH will continue to rc t'..'cr. the enlimei;ts of Ihe people on all public questions touching their ivelf.ie. The TEL'-'G RAl'll will uphold .tealcusly the bands uf all men honest mid earnest in retarui, and it will, as in the pnM, give all sides a lieuriinf on the topics of the time. The TELEGRAPH will labor with. re. newed zeal for the prospeiity of the city udU State and the advancement of the ma terial interests of cur ciliaeiis. Ita LOCAL DEPARTMENT will continue to be carefully attended to, nud its reports of local events will be always fresh ai.d reliable. Its SPECIAL TELEGRAMS AND .CORRES PONDENCE from the Capitals of the Nation and &tuto und from all important news centers will continue to be of the most attractive aud trustworthy character. Its MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will receive the same careftl attention that has been remarked iu the pusl, aud in this icspcct ihe TELEGRAPH will continue to be without u competitor. Its EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT will'tontaiu an honest expression of views on all iiiiportuntlive topics, political and otherwise. Its NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which have always enjoyed an exalted rep utation, will continue to ,be of the same unexceptionable character. Ia fine, the EVENING TELEGRAPH IN;, ALL j ITS DEPARTMENTS, will be during the year 1875, superior to the past, excellent as it lias been by gen eral admission. No eipen6e will be spared lo keep the paper abreast with the times, and its managers Mil exert every effort that experience may suggest to make if possible, more attractive to the general reader. SUBSCllIFriON P11ICE. By mail, iicluding postage, Nine Dollars per annum. Delivered by Carriers, iu "any part of 1'ittbDurgn aud Allegheny, tor Filteen Cents a week. ADVERTISING application. KATES furnished on ADDRESS, TIIE EVENING TELEGRAPH, P1PC8CU1WU, FA. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD OXLr BY SUBSCRIPTION. THE ALDINE; THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. This pplcndid enterprise la not onlv well sustained in every feature, but is being const mil ly developed and improved. It. to-dny stand without a rival iu the whole world of periodical literature. Tno beauti ful dog-portrait, 'Man's Unselfish Friend," a chromo presented to every subscriber, is a decided lot, and will, it possible, add to the popularity whii h this work ban gained. Hie Akt Union feature also promises great nnd beniiicent. results, in arounlng public interest in the fine arts. Circulars and ful information on application. Tarts I, II, 111, and IV are now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To be completed in 40 parti issued for niglly. Each part will contain an elegant frontin piece, originally engraved on steel for the London Art Journal. REPRODUCING at a J rice within the popular rench, en gravings never before ollurcd at. less thun live times the amount. Theso platen have been the Attraction of The London Art Journal, Each purl will contain Vt'i quarto pages, including the elegant front inpiece, on heavy plate paper. A huperb lille pgc, richly i.liiniinated in red und gold, will lie given with Ihe first pin t, and the printing of the enliro work will tic a worthy represeuln lion of "The Ablinn Press" which is i guuranlc9 of something beautiful and val. unble. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part Parts I, II. nnd III arc Just Published. TtlK 1ltT JUUIi.Wlt. Complete in 12 monthly purls, at f 1 each Reproducing Ihe bent toll. page illustra tions from the earlier volumes of Xiie Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six su perb plates with accompanying descriptive matter, und w hether for binding or fr tming will tie entirely beyond competition ii price or artistic character. Every iinprcs sion will be most curcfully tukeu on the fiiiCKt toned paper, and u i p liui will bo spared to m like this the richest production ol a pre:-s which has won, iu a nmrvclousiy snort tunc, a world-wiio reputation. OEMS t'ISOJI T1IV 1L5il.Yi: Especially assorted for Scrap Bock llluEtreticns aud Planing Class copies. A large collection of pictures of dilferent sizes and on almoi't every conceivable sub. ji'Ot nave been pui cp tu un attractive en velope. uuJ are now ottered at a prioe in tended ta Uiiic Uu'iu popular ut ever) sense- Envelope No. 1, containing CO beautiful engravings, k now ready, und will he tent, postage puid, tu any uddress for ONE DOL LAR. A liberal discount to agents aud teachers. SCRAP 1300KH. A fpleudid assort nient of M.'UAP LOOKS dave been expressly prepared lor Hie h jlt- hny eeuson, and no present of ti.ore peima' lieu I intcrett can be selected lor fuilcuuli or ludy, old or young. No. 1. Half buiiud, cloth sides, gilt back U.M pp. I llxlti inches 5 00 No. Half bound, cio'h s.dcs, gilt back, 6iO pp. 1.1x10 incite 7 Ot) No. Si. Full morocco, beveled boards gill and antique, very Kch 5CIO pp 1 U 00 Lettered 10 wider iu gild at -J ccuts each line. Sent by mail post-paid u receipt of the price. THE ALDINE PASSE PARTOUTS. In compliance wilh repeated requests, the publishers of Till: Aluimc Lave pre pared impression!' of many of their most beautiful plates for passe-partout framing. The cuts arc mounted on a beautifully tinted ar.ure mat, with a handsome red bor der line. To attach the g'ass, it is only left for the customer to paste and fold over an already attached border and this may be done by u child. 27 subjects, 12xlo inches, "3c; with class, 30c. Six of this size for $1 when selection is eft to the publishers. 11 subjects, 10x12 inches, 20c, will glass, 4oo. 7 subjects, Clxb'J inches, glass, 40c. 12 subjects, llxl'J inches, glass, U. 13c, with 50 c; With Gent by mail, .w ithout glass, post paid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED ?iS.liaiden Lane. Ji'civ l'ork. t n 4 1 1 1 :j He. ming ton Sewixq JIachincs Fiuk Arms, and Aubicultuhal Im plements. Tho llcmington dewing Machine has sprung rapidly iuto favor as possessiug'the best couibinatiou uf good cpualities uame!)', light running smooth noiseless rapid and durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip uor ravel, aud istalike ou both sides. The Kemiugtou SewiDg Machiue lias received premiums at many lVus, throughout the United Stales, und w ith out effort took the Grand Medal of Pro gress, the highest order cf medal that was awarded at the lute Vicuna Kxposi positiou. The Kemiogtoii Works also manu facture the new Double Barrelled ISreech Loading Shot guu snap and positive action, with patcut joint check, a marvel of teautv, iinish aud cheapness, and the celebrated Ilcui ington Bifles adopted by cine different governments, aud renowDed throughout the world for military, hunting oud target purposes all kinds ot Pistols, Kitles, (Junes, Metalio Catridges, f c. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, lioad Sciapcrs, Pateut Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, Ac. The undersigned has been appointed agent for the sale and introduction of the Remington Sewing Machine in and lor the counties of Elk, Cleai field and Warren. TIIOS, J. BUltKE, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good local agent wanted. U. S. Internal Revenue SPECIAL TAXES, Kayl, 1875, to April 30, 137G. rrwiF. REVISED STATUTES of Ihe I United Stales. Sections 3232, 3247, and i'i'VJt, require every person engaged in any business, avooation, or employment which renders him liable to ft brr.ci.4Li TAX. TO PROCURE AND PLACE CON 8P1CUOUSLY IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS A STAMP de noting the payment of said SPECIAL TAX for the Special Tax Year beginning May 1, 1875, before commencing or continuing business after April 80, lH"i. The taxes embraced within Iheprovisions of the law above quoted are the following vii: Rcotifiers $200 00 Dealers, retail liquor 2 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor llilMKI Dealers in mall liquors, wholesale 00 OO Dealers in malt liquors, retail .20 OO Dealers to leaf tobacco ; " Retail dealers in leaf todacco 000 00 And on sales of over $1,000 lifiy cents for every dollar iu cxcceS of Dealers in manufactured tobacco ,C 00 And for each still Uianuluctiire l 20 OO Aud lor each worm manufactured. ..20 00 Manufacturers of tobacco 00 Manufacturers of cigars 10 00 Peddlers ol tobacco, first class (more than two horses or other animals. ..O') 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second cluss (two horses or other animals) 2o 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class (one horse or other auiiiiuls) I'j 00 Peddlers of lotucco, fourth class (on loot or public conveyance) 10 00 Hi ewers of less tLiin ."0O barrels -VI 00 Drtwers of .rit'0 barrels or more 100 00 Any persou, so liable, who shall fail to comply with the foregoing itquiremcuts will be subject to severe penalties. Persons or firms liable to pay any of the Special 'J axes mined above must uppty to E. COWAN, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue ut H alien, Warreu County, P.c, and pay fur and proem e Ihe Special Tax Mump ni- Stamps lliey need, prior to May 1, if-;;,, aud MYillC'tT FL'7rt'HE7f NO TICE. J. W. DOUGL.U'S, Commissioner of Internal Revenue. OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVENUE. WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 1. lTo. liltl I B. FOOTE, ID. 120 LsxiJiton ATCiiue, Cot. . 25th St., NEW YORK, k Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OP CHRONIC DISEASE, AND F.ECZIVS3 letters from a'U 2arfs oj ihe Civilized World, IT K1S 0RICI5AI WAY CF Conducting; a Helical Practice . US 19 TltEATINO Karaerom Patients in Europe, the West ladies, the Domiaioa of Canada, and in every Stata of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE Ko mercurial mcrllcfnea or delctcrloua drupfl nsM. Ht dnriog the past twenty yeara treated auccena fully nearly or quit i,(J00 caaea. AU facts con nncted with each case are carefully recorded, whether they bo communicated by letter or ia peraon, or observed by the Doctor or nil associate physiciani. The latter aro ail scientific medical den. All invalids at a distance are required to answer an extended list of plain quntinna, which will be furniohed by mail free, or at the office. A com plete system of registering prevents mistake or confusion. Case books never consulted, except by the physicians of the establishment. For free consultation aend for lit of question. A sixty-page pamphlet ot evidences of success Sent free also. . Mdrtu Dr. E. 13. FOOTTC, ' Dot 788, New York. ACE NTS WANTED. Kb. Foots ii th mthor ot " Medical Cost. MOM Sin.i," 4 book that reached circulation ot over 350,000 copiei; also, ot "runt IIomi Talk," more recently published, which hint nold to the extent ot 70,000 copies ; also, ot "SciKKea UI Stout," which U now being publiihed iu aeries. CONIISTS TABLF.S ot all, excepting tha first-mentioned work (which la out of print), will be tent true on application to either Dr. Footx, or the Vurray Sill FubUsh Isg Csnjiny, whoto office ia I2'J East HKth Street. Asentt both men and wemon wanted to icll tha foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will ba allowed. Tho beginning, of small fortunes have been ntado In selling Vt. Fooic'a popular Works. "Plum Uomk Tali" is particularly adapted to adults, and " Science lie Stout " ia just tha thing for the young. Send for content tobies and see for younelves. The former answers a multitude ot questions which ladies and gentle men feel a delicacy about askiug of their ph yi-iciana, Thera Is nothing in literature at all li'te either t the forugoing works. "Sciencb im Btobt" can only be had of agents or of tho Publishers. "PLAIN IluMii TALK" is published In both tha fouluh aud German Languages. Once more, 'Asontrj Vt7An.toclV ADDEEE3 i3 ABOVE. it iffsrir as Insurance 3gtnty. Jtrjiresehfinii Cash Ant of -5,O07.7-i L 4J FIUK DKl'AUTMEXT German Am., Now Yorii f 1,050,000, 00 Nia-aia of New Yotk l,ol9j;j:j,00 Amazon Ciuuiniiuti uf 850,'J)7 17 City lus., Co, ol ProvidenccU'JU.Sol 'Al LIFE DITAKTMESI Travelers Life & Ascideut llartlord 2,OCO,000,00 Vortb American Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable ot New York 15,000,000,00 Insuruuce c fleets in nny of the above btandard couipauiesat the uio.it reasoiu. terms, consist eut with perfect security to tho insured. J. O. W.BAILEY, Agent. Ahveet:biso: Cheap. Good, Systema tic. All fiersons wlio couteuiplnte - waking contracts with newspapers lor I lie iiiturtion of advertisements, fclioulJ no mi 23 cents to Geo P. liowill $ to., 41 1'urk How, Kew York, for their 1'AMIMILLT LOOK ninety-seveutn eJition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Ailverticenients taken for leading papers in many States at a teruicnous reduciiou front publishers rates. Uet juu uook. v no 48 tf J Oil T OHK. We are now prepared V to doall kiudsof JOb WOKK. Lnvelopes. Tags. Lill-heads, Letter heads, neatly aud eheaply executed. Olhee in Thayer . & Hagerty'g new building, MuiK street, Ridgway, l'a. S' th ELK COUNTY AUVOgAXB. NlilW LIV12KY STABLE IN if DAN SC1UUNER WISHES TO IN form the Citticns of Ilidgway, and the publio generally, that he has started a Liv ery If table and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CAI5IUAGKS C:i;jie, to 1st upon he most reanona ble terms B.He will also do job lesn. ing. Stable on Lroad ntreet, above Main. All orders left at the Post Ollic. will meet prompt attentioa Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A large cight-pugo independent, honest and tearless newspnpei- if .", bread columns, especially designed lor the farmer, the mo, clianic, the merchant and tho Professional man, and llieir wives nnd children. We aim to make the Wkkki.v St.'N tho best family newspaper in the world. It is full of entertaining and instructive reading of every rorl, but prints nothing to nflend the most scrupulous and delicate taste. Price 1.20 per year, postage prepaid. Tho cheapest paper published. Try if Address The Scii, New York City. Elk County Directory. President Judirc- -L. D. Wctmorc. Additional Law Judge Hon. Juo- P V". Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Lubr, J Honk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sherilf D. Scull. Pi oihmoti.ry Jc, Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Josejdi Windfelder. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Coinmissioiiers Michael YVcidcrt, Julius Jones, (ieo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. Dundy, County Surveyor Oeo YYilmsley. Jury Commissi titers. Phillip Kreighlo Ransom T. Kyler. Tun ."ALE LY E.K. GRESII, Masonic Hull Cuil'liiifr, Ridgway, Ta. VA1T VLECH'S CKLKISKATKD PATKM" SFKINO W.'.l) l'JCST u-iucrvd tttel epriug who, lhe?e f-iriugs can be laid on the slats of'uliy cuuiuiou beil und uio COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES ! Also iigetit for Weed Sewing Machine, Kni-iest Uunnitig, Most Durable, anil LtST .MAClli.Nt; iu the liiuiket. Cull an J ex'iJiinu before purcliaiiiug ciscwlaere. vlnlOt'.i, F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP UO 10 JAMES II- IIAGERTY Main Street, Hidgway, Pa. . DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEEN S V AUK, WOOD AND WlLLOW-WAllE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stuck of Groceries and Provisions. Tho BEST BRANDS of ELOUIt Constantly on hand, aud cold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERT1'. C, Ct 'The True Capo Cod Cranberry, C, best rort lor Upland, Lowland, or Garden, by mail prepaid, 1 per 100, 85 per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries and Peaches. A priced Cata logue of these and all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Hoses, Plants, &c, find tRESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, tho choicest collection io the country, with all uovelties, will bo bent gratis to any plain address. wirts of either b lower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seeds, for 81,00, sent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO HIE Til .IDE. Agent Wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. X Estate ol John E. Turley, late of Jay township, Elk County, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, aud those having legal claims against tha same will present them without delay iu proper order for settle ment to A. W. GRAY, . JULIUS JONES. Admr Benezette, Feb 25th, lS75--nlt-t T O XUE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your atteution is specially invited to ihe fact that the National Banks are now propar?d to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial L'oard of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and the expeuses couuectej with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represent by the name of every citizen alive to patr olio commemoration of the one hundred birlh-duy of the nation. The shares stock are offered for $10 each, and su scribers will receive a handsome engrave0' Certilicate of Mock, suitable for framind and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six percent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Ceu teuuial Stock from date of payment to January 1, lh70. Subscribers who are not neat a Natioua Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersi gnej, FltED'K FRALEY, Treasurer, 04 Walnut Bt., PuiladelpbU.