see FIRM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Ilium About Honaes. Under the hoad of "Recommenda tions for Sncnring the Healthiness of IIousps," the Sanitarian reprodnens several tables of select maxims on the subject indicated. Here are some, for example, for socuring proper ventila tion: Rows of bonnes should be arranged in parallel lines, the spaces between the ranks being left open nt the ends. Con liued squares and courts are very un healthy. The height of a house, from the eaves to the ground, ought never to exceed the distanco to the nearest building in front. Behiud or at the Ride of every dwelling house, there should be au open space, exclusively belonging to it, at least fifteen feet across, measured in a direc tion at right angles to the house wall. Back to back houses are unhealthy nnd inconvenient, nnd ought uevtr to bo built. There should bo windows to open on both sides of a house ; where all tho win dows are on the same side, perfect venti lation is impossible. Every room should have one or more windows opening into the outer air ; tho window area should not bo less than one- tentn ot tne area of tlio lioor ; thus a room twelve feet by ten feet should have a window nt least four feet by three loot. At least half the window should open, nnd the opening should always reach to the top of the window, which ought not to be more than a foot below the highest part of the ceiling. The form of window frame which opens by swinging on a horizontal pivot i recommended in preference to tho or dinary sliding frame, especially for cot tages and other places where tho window is of small size. Rooms in newly-built housos should not be less than eight feet high ; attics should be of this height over at least half their area. Air-bricks should be inserted in the wall just below the level of each floor, to ventilate the space under tho joists. . Bedrooms that have no fireplace should have an air-brick near the ceiling ; it is a good plan to make this to open by a hol low architrave above the window, so that tho draught may strike upwards and not downwards. Where gas is used, a ventilator and flue should bo placed above tho burner to carry off the burnt air. In building a house it is recommended to leave air-flues in the wall near the chimney, which may easily be dono by building around quarter pieces, which are iirawn, up as tue work proceeds. Hints nud Helps. Mr. S. J. Nash, or North East, in forms the Erie Observer that from eighteen acres of clover he has this winter thrashed seventy-two and a half bushels of seed, au average of over four bushels per acre. This is an extra ordinary yield, two bushels per acre be ing about the usual amount. Prompt pay, with a certainty of it as soon as it is earned, prompts nnd stimu lates good and faithful work ; for men are not npt to ignore the advantages of such pay, and will not bo likely to risk losing such a place. We think every farmer who has experimented ift this di rection will indorse this as a rule. The following is a good recipe for soft soap, inailo with potash and domestic grease : Add three gallons of rain or other soft water to one pound ot con centrated lye ; boil nnd put into it four pounds of tallow and soap fat. When the solution becomes clear, add twelve gallons more water. It is ready for use when cold. To make labels adhere to tin, use flour paste, with two tablespoonfuls of coarse sugar to every quart. Take warning t A farmer in Knox, Me., mourns a valuable ox, poisoned to death by eating paper stripped, from the walls of the house. The proposal that a fat cattle show bo held annually in some of the leading cattle-market cities of the United States meets with much favor. The duty on hops has been increased from five to eight cents per pound. In order to ascertain the gain in weight of growing cattle, nn experiment was tried as follows: A short-horn bull calf was weighed on the 12th of April, 1874, when he was just four months old, nnd his weight was found to be 503 pounds. May 2, he weighed 5U3 pounds ; Juno 12, 703 pounds; July 12, 801 pounds; August 12, 88(3 pounds, and September 12, 90(5 pounds; a total gain in fivo months of 463 pounds, or D2J pounds per month. Look to Your Cattle. Spring is here nnd now is the time when the farmer should caro well for his live stock, especially his cows. If his cattle have been treated well they are as robust and fat as when winter set in. But if they havo been without shelter nnd poorly fed, they are poor in flesh nnd weak. At this season milch cows should have worm sheds and plenty of good food. While cattle should have warm sheds, yet they should have good ventilation. Horses should have clean straw for bedding and be groomed daily. Sheep folds should be so constructed as to permit the sheep to have full ingress nud egress, that the occupants can select their own positions. Stock should be fed highly nt this season of the year, that they may come out in the last of spring in good condition. Warm sheds and a sufficient quantity of wholesome food must be provided for stock, if the farm ers expect to receive profit from this branch of their vocation. Cold sheds, or none nt nil, nud poor food for his stock, will resnlt in great loss to the farmer. His cattle will come through the winter in poor condition, nnd it will take all the spring to regain the flesh lost from ill treatment. The conspicuous triumph of Messrs. George Steck & Co., of New York, at the Vienna World's Fair in 1873, nt which their pianos obtained the highest award the only gold medal has begun to yield them substantial fruits. The in creased popularity of the Steck instru ments is noticeable not only in New York, where their excellence has long been acknowledged, but throughout the country, and more especially in those communities that lay special claim to a cultivated musical taste. New York Independent. ' Too Old. A mau in Troy, N. Y., ninety-three years of age, has had six wives during his lifetime. His present wife is eighty years old. The old gentle man says that he expects he is too old to marry again, and should scarcely think of it. We think he is about right. That was a very sensible girl who when she got married and was told she might select what she wanted of some furniture up garret, took a cradle first, THE I.IFE.CAU. How It !ne tlx WorkA Case In Point.. The Work the MfY.t'nr has Done. A. writsr gives tho followina descriiv tiou of the life-car and its operations in Bnviug me irom a wreck, lie says : hon it so hnppeus that a shirt is driven ashore on a boach, tho surf of which precludes tho possibility of launching tho life-boat, the lifo-cnr is brought into Bcrvico. Tho car is made of light galvanized iron, and is design ed, when closed, to bo nearly water tight. It is sufficiently largo to contain four grown persons, or right children, and is used exclusively in the Americau service. To either end of this car short ropes of equal length are attached, ter minating in metal rings, the uso of which will bo made apparent as we pro ceed. Oil tho first signal of distress from the stranded vessel, those inchargo of the life-saving station hurry to that point on tho beach nearest tho wreck. Hero it is evident that to make the car available they must first establish some line of communication with the crew on the stranded vessel, nnd that is accom plished as follows : A small mortar of five and one-half inch cnliber is loaded with tho requisite charge to send a twenty-pound iron ball abovo and over the wreck. This ball has a small staple iu it, to which, before it is placed in the mortar, the end of a light line is nt tached, the lino itself being either spread out on tho beach, or so arranged on a iramo as to bo readily detached. At times a rocket in used iu place of the mortar. Should the men nt tho station bo ex pert or practical marksmen, tho first discharge of tho mortar send the boll with tho lino directly over the ships deck. Hero it is eagerly secured and "hauled in," and thus a heavy hawser. Mid a light but strong lino, are finally stretched irom the shore to the ship. All is now in readiness for the life-car. The rings, to which we have alluded to above, ore slipped over the shore-lino of tho hawser, while tho end of the liehter line that accompanies it is attached to tho outer end of tho car. A second light line is fastened to the rear end. and paid out ns the crew of the vessel drag the car toward them through the surf. Thus we have a regular means of Communication established between tho vessel and the shore. So soon as the cor reaches the ship's deck it is opened and loaded with its precious freiarht. tho lid is then closed, the signal given, and tho car begius its shoreward journey, drawn oy the coast-men on shore, nnd steadied by those who remain on the ship. A hazardous lourney. the reader doubtless surmises, and yet, in view of tho end nttuiued, we doubt whether the happy occupants of the life-car would have exchanged their narrow couch for the richest state-room on the proudest vessel that floats the sea. Thus much for the life-car nud the method by which its services are rendered. A word now as to the actual value of these services, and this we will confine, to a brief story of the wreck of the Ayrshire, as given at the time by a faithful chronicler of the event. It was the middle of January, aud during a severe snow storm. The ship Ayrshire, with nbout two hundred passengers, had been driven upon the shore near Long Branch, New Jersey, by the storm, nnd lay there stranded, the sea beating over her, nnd a surf so heavy rolling iu as made it impossible for any boat to reach her. It happened that a life-saving station was near, and tho life car was soon nt the beach. So accurate was the first fire, that the Hue fell di rectly across the wrock. It was caught by the crew, and the hawser and life-line hauled aboard. Soon the car followed, and in a comparatively short time every one of the two hundred passengers, in cluding mej, women, children, nnd babes, were brought safely through tho raging surf, nnd landed nt the station. The car that performed this service was at once retired with honors. From a recent authority, we learn that since the first establishment of tho service the records of tho Treasury de partment up to 1872 show that five thou sand six hundred nnd four lives have been saved in twenty-five years, au aver age of two hundred and twenty-four per year. This yearly average is about half that of Great Britain, a comparison which is wholly favorable, when the extent of her commerce is considered nnd com pared with our own. A King's Amusement. Tho King of Bavaria is known as n most erratic genius, nnd very fond of peculiar amusements. Here is his latest as told by a correspondent: For several days the king hnd ordered that thirty of his best horses should be fed with oats alone. The groorns thought that he was preparing for a race. In the midst of a snow storm he had a little tower built in a forest, with a gallery, where, on a cer tain day, ho stationed an orchestra of wind instruments, ne himself ascended the summit of his observatory, around which he ordered the horses to be led. Iu the corn fields he had scattered here and there drums, kettles, nnd some sol diers with guns loaded with powder. What could be the meaning of this ? An order had been given that each one should remain in his placo in perfect silence. The affair was beginning to be tiresome, when suddenly the king, from the top of his tower, made a sigu which was expected by the leader of the or chestra, by the drums, trumpets, and soldiers. Au infernal hubbub burst forth, rolling of great drums, powder ex plosions, shrill whistles, hoarse howl mgs. Seized with mad terror, "the horses started, burst their fastenings, leaped up, wildly ruuniug here aud there, their tails and mane floating in the wind; they reared, zigzagged, whirled in cir cles, fleeing the uproar which bellowed from all the bushes, aud seemed to pur-' sue them. At last, one after the other, the distracted and maddened animals disappeared from the horizon. Iu the evening, the next doy, and the dav after, they were picked up enfeebled, still wild and frightened. Some had fled to the mountains, othors to the woods and marshes. The peasants had collected several. We know not if any were miss ing. But no matter, his mujesty had been well amused. lie had treated him self to a sight unique in its way nud worthy of exciting the envy and admira tion of small boys who hunt unfortunate dogs and miserable cats in the street, and fasten saucepans to their tails to drag along the pavement. CrvTL Bights. United States Com missioner E. Mercer Shreve, of Trenton N. J., rendered a decision in the case of the United States against Peter Katzen bach, proprietor of the Trenton House, for refusing to allow two colored men to play at biliiurds in the hotel billiard room. The application was made to test the law, and has excited unusual interest in Trenton. The commissioner held that the complaint did not come under the Civil liights act, and that the proprietor of a billiard room has the right to exclude any person from playing billiards iu his rooms. Case dismissed. SUMMARY OP NEWS. Item of Interest from Homo nnd Abroad A bill la before the Now fork Legislature requiring all notices and citations iwmed by surrogates, and now required to be published In the State paper, to bo publinho.l in a news papor prin U1 in the comity hi which the surro gate forming snob, notice or citations recidos, instead of the State paper The United Btates Treasury department has afllnned the decision of collectors imposing duty at fifty per Centura on brandy costing over $1 per gallon ; on silks, wearing apparel, and liead-nots at sixty por cont. ad valorem ) disallowing a'l damage by breakage on Winn beyond fivo per centum, as provided by act of February 8 ) dis allowing damage by freezing occurlng to wines on inland traiiHportaMon Tlioro was a great (Ire in Osaka, Japan, in February. Twolve hundred buildings woro dostroyed, in cluding tomplos and schools. Several lives worn lost. Tlioro was also an alarming firo in Yokohama. Three hundred Jupanoxe bousos were destroyed.... A grango of Patrons of Husbandry lias boon organized in New York city A party of forty Indiana editors have been making an excursion through tho Sonth woHt.... Cliarlos K. Landis, who shot editor Carrotu, at Yincland, N. J., was bom in Phila delphia, on tho ICtli of March, 1831, and is therefore in his forty-Becond year. Tho Now York State Assombly passed a resolution authorizing tlieOovemor to appoint a commission to inve tigato the canal matter. reserving for the Legislature the appoiutment by the Speaker and Licutonant-Oovcrnor of Joint legislative committee of investigation. . Tlie Attorney-General of Pennsylvania has ex pressed an opinion that flood Friday con tinues to be a legal holiday nndor tho act of 1HG9, which was. not ropoalod by the act of 1S73 The German government contem plates an amendment of the law in rogard to the Jesuits, so as toniake it operative against other religious orders.. ....Qeuoral Campos has defeated tho Carlists again at Iluguct, near ltidaura. The Carlists contemplate an attack on Puyccrda Fourteen of the finest sugar plantations in the neighborhood of Sagna La Grande, Cuba, have been destroyed by incendiaries There is another revolution ih Bolivia A meeting was held in Boston to tako steps looking to the organization of another expedition to tho Black Hills. It pro posed to make the party five hundred men. The press of Now Orleans approve of the action of Governor Kellogg iu calling au extra session of the Legislature It is reported from Tocoma, W. T., that the steamer ltuby in cross ing Puget sound from Seattle to Port Madison went down with all ou board in a gale. The Phelps dramatic troupe wore among the pa songers. Tho report lacks confirmation. Delaware has appropriated 610,000 to the Centennial exhibition The bill appropria ting $50,000 for tho completion of the Douglas monument, which passed the Illinois Senate, has been defeated in the Hctise by a vote of sixty to seventy Dr. Tan Courtland, a geologist and physician of great repute, died at Ottawa, Canada A grave digger in Preston, England, was engulfed aud smooth' ered to death while excavating a tomb, thus literallv digging bis own grave The lihode Inland Republican State Convention nominated Homy Lippitt, of Providence, for Governor, and Henry T. Lisson, of Littlo Compton, for Lieutenant-Governor A dispatch from Coipus ChriBti, Tex., to tho Galvaston Keirs says a body of armed Mexicans have attacked several ranches near that city aud taken teveral American prisoners. An invasion of the city was feared and all the citizens are un dor amis The New York State Senate passed a resolution authorizing tho Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint a commission to investigate the canal frauds General Fitz-Johu Porter's application for a new trial was discussed at a Cabinet meeting at Washington, but no tie cision was reached. The recent proclamation of President Grant ceding back to tho Sioux Indians tho teriitory east of the Missouri river destroys the hopes of. Brule Ofty, already a flourishing place, which must be broken up On the day following the completion of the new bridge at Port Jcrvis, N. Y., 2,974 cars passed over. . . Serious differences are reported to exist be- twecu Don Carlos and the deputies from the tho four provinces occupied by the Carlists, in regard to money matters. Don Carlos threatens to leave .Spain unless the deputies raise funds to carry on the war Spain has paid Ger many 11,000 thalors of tho indemnity for the Gustav outrage. . . .Captain-General Valmaseda has issued a proclamation urging the loyal citizens of Cuba to renewed efforts to suppress the rebellion A dispatch from Washington says fears are expressed that the raids of armed Mexicans into Texas may result in general border war The Delaware Legis lature has passed a law to meet the Civil Bights bill. It provides that hotel keepers, railroad companies, steamboat owners, an others may provide separate accommodations for any class of persons obnoxious to the!: customers or patrons A United States Treasury order provides that hereafter in re deeming mutilated bank notes deduction will be made in proportion to the part missing On the Pacific coast the equinoctial hurricane did a vast amount of damage Fourteen men out of thirty who attempted to reach shipwrecked vessel iu Newfoundland bay froze to death on the ice. Two elderly women, who have been drawiu pensions as widows of United States soldiers. notwithstanding they have remarried, wore held by Commissioner Shields in Now York to answer a charge of perjury The IUiodo Island Prohibitionists nominated Henry How ard for Governor and Charles C. Vanzandt for Lieutenant-Governor, the rest of the ticket being the same nominated by the Republicans. Solomon Purdy, keeper of the Harlem (N. Y.) prison, while conversing with a prisoner saw a female prisoner set fire to her bed. Purdy was bo badly frightened by the act that he fell dead in a fit The Dominion govern nieut baa aked for $1,783,777 to meet the ex penditure for the current year Job Martin, member of Parliament for Meath, ifl dead, no became seriously ill in consequence, it is supposed, of the excitement produced by the recent death of John Mitchel, the member for Tipporary county, who was bia brother-in-law A boarding house, filled with occu pants, was burned in Bonicia, Cab All the in mates except three, who were burned to death, escaped by jumping from the windows. Several others were beveroly burned The resigna tion of Francis E. Spinner, who has been Treasurer of the United States since 18C1, was accepted by the President. Dr. Henry Foerater, Prince-Bishop of Bres lau, bag been summoned to resign his bishopric because he promulgated the Papal encyclical against the ecclesiastical laws In reply to a query of General Augur's, the commander of Fort Brown at Brownsville, Texas, states that Mexicans have burned ranches and robbed and killed inhabitants near Corpus Christi, and that be has sent all his mounted force in pur suit The Paris Vuivert publishes a Papal encyclical renewing the excommunioation pro nounced against the old Catholics of Switzer land, and ceueuring the authorities for protect ing them For the year ending December 31, 1871, the excess of exports over imports was 1 16,909,497, while ftr the corresponding period of 1873. the export exceeded the iia- porta by only 9192,253 While Ool. B. C. Holland, of Columbus, Ga., and l..te of Mobil and Now York, was talking to W. L. Cash, Cap tain of police, a difficulty arose, and Cash shot Holland through tho head. The latter died in five minntos. Cash was arrested Wm. Flanagan, of Harlem, N. Y.. wUilo Intoxicated. clubbed his wife to death Two erocers were fined 50 each in New York, for selling adulterated milk W. G. Oreavea and Dr. E. B. Sparhan, on trial at Brockrille, Ontario, for murder in ptocuriuff tho abortion of Miss Sophie 13. Jlurnhani on December 28 last, have been sentenced to be hanged on Juno 23. Greaves was the girl's seducor, and accom panied her to Dr. Hparham's office.. . .T. T. Barnum, tho showman, has receive 1 the Re publican nomination for Mayor of Bridgeport, Conn. Love iii Washington. Among tho Ernests necommodnted nt Mrs. Webb's house in Georgetown, says a Washington correspondent, was a cer tain legationist, Huron Von llavro ly name. Ho passed through tho depart ment one day on an inspecting tour, along with party of friends, nnd was arrested by the sight of a fair sweet face crowned with a golden glory, bending industriously over snuin piece of writing. Ho looked ho long that his companions chaffed him upon his sudden smite. He returned n'ter a lew hours spent with his friends, and inquired about tho beau tiful girl, nnd was soou afterward nil in- mato of her house on tho Heights. Tho half sister, who dressed well, visited, nnd did nothing, hud claim to the noble man's attention, and tho mother did nil she could to assist her daughter, but the Boron had eyes nnd thoughts for the neglected maiden, who rose so early in tho morning and marketed, and made her pretty, simple dresses with her owu nimble ringers, nnd went patiently through summer heat and winter's snow to her desk in tho government ofllce. So, he offered her his hand, his henrt. and his fortune of 850,000 per annum. aud ho became the lovely bride of a noblemau m every sense of tho word. I remember how beautiful she looked in her iilmy white dress with a silkeu light sheening through its lncey meshes, nnd pearls, whose years numbered ns many as tho beads which formed the necklace, 1 saw a picturo of her, taken from nn oil pninting, after she had lived ns a happy hruie and beautiful mother in far-oil Germany. She sat in a half-covered arbor, with n half wreath of flowers fall ing carelessly from her lap to the ground. Her arms nud neck are both bare and perfectly free from ornament, yet so ex quisitely molded that jewelry would merely takeaway from them their beauty. lier iioautitul hair is parted " one moonbeam from the forehead to the crown, nnd combed smoothly back from her lovelv face. She is the idol of her husband, and the admired of all the nobles. . 'ew York Military. A bill has been prepared for the re organization of the mi.itary of the State of "ew York. Among its provisions are the encouragement of rirlo practice; 15,000 is to be yearly appropriated to carry out this object. The general mili tary organization of the Guard remains unchanged, but in cities or villages where there are no regiments or battal ions separate troops can bo organized which will bo attached directly to brigades or divisions, as the case may be, and in all matters relating to reports, courts-martial and military routine are treated in the bill ns regimental units. Tho number of parades is left as before (seven), but the number of special parades ot the discretion of commandants is limited to four. Regimental appro priations are placed at 1,000 yearly, battalion nt 8500, sepnrato butteries and troops mounted 1,000, nud unmounted 200; separate troops of cavalry or in fuutry 400. Re-enlistments nt the end of the regular term of servico for one, two, or three years are permitted, and discharges at tho discretion of division commanders on the recommendation of company nnd the approval of regimental commandants. Grocery Gains. Persons who buy a pound of tea in Paris will see the grocer put the tea in a paper bag and then put it on the scnle. bag nnd all, no that ho sells paper nt the price of tea. This is a triflo on one purchase, but if a nourishing grocer buys a ton ot wrapping paper m a year at the prico ol pnper nnd sens it to his cus tomers at the price of tea and coffee and sugur aud tine groceries generally he makes a good gain. In that city of in genious people tho grocers have a special paper not handsome, not more tena cious nor more delicate than other paper, only heaver. It is made with chiua clay and similar substances, which make it white, but make it nlso weighty. One epicier I m'uished with this special paper will improve his profits by the consump tion of two or three times the quantity of paper, tried in tlio scales, that would be used by one who serves ordinary paper, There is no risk in buying a Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ. These instru ments are known to bo the best of their class iu the world. But if the opinion of a dealer be asked he will fre ouently recommend some other, for the simple reason that he can get larger com missions tor seluug interior instruments, By Proxy. In Switzerland there was a marriage by proxy. A woman there was married to a man iu America, the proxy being a neighbor and a man already married. The authorities are discussing whether this much-married man has not committed bigamy. Dangerous. Tampering with the gaiiowi under auy circumstances is dangerous, as an unfortunate prisoner in the Hudson county jail iu Jersey City found to his cost. Iu attempting to lift a weight attached to the machine of death he injured himself fatally. Herbal! ; tic Remedies. In fcrmer days, if a member of the household became indisposed, the family head, under instructions from the gray haired dame, went to the forest or the held, to gather herbs or berries, from which were quickly made invigorating extracts, which ere many days brought the patient safely around, and saw the family gathering onco more without a missing member. How is it now I The sligutest indisposition brings the "family physician," with his handsome carriage, He feels the pulse, examines the tongue looks very grave, writes a few lines of hieroglyphics, charges a big lee, and leaves, only to return the next day and find his patient mercurialized sufficiently to be really sick. A week or two of at tendance follows, and therein lies the secret of 'wealthy physicians." Com pare the physique of the present age with the past, and the story is complete. Header, discard chemicals and try herbs. If yon are ill, try the great herbulistio remedy, Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bit ters. ' An Ingenious Prisoner. Adotph Lawrence, In the Maryland penitentiary, whoso term of sentence for horse stealing expired on the 4th of March nnd wlto in nntf Kei'Yiug ah adui tiouftl threo months for nn adroitly planned and successfully carried out escapo from tho prison in 1870, has proved himself a mnn of m Wdinnrjr tnlonti AVIien the keeper came to his Cell one. morning in that year, the figure of a man with outstretched Jinnd pre sented tho customary check with which each prisoner is designated, and it was not for some time after that tho prisoner was gono that ho discovered that the figure was a dummy mado of clothing, nud that the hand was an excellent imi tation in plaster of paris. Ho was short ly nfter recaptured, and has since boen one of tho best of men, and nt tho snmo time has turned his excellent nbilities in n direction which is likely to prove remunerative, nt the samo time that nn honornblo nnd useful lifo in the future is open to him. Ho is employed in the shoo department, nnd some time since invented nn nttaeliment to shoe-stitching machines, which is very simple nnd iills nwnnt long felt. Through the board of director tho invention was patented and a sain of the right for New York made to a large manufacturing house in New York city for $000. The invention has gained the good opinion of many in tun trade, mi l it is behoved that when the man is at liberty ho will ot onco se cure a competency in tho sale of rights to uso and tin royalty upon his inven tion. Kfl'orti to secur.) his releaso are strongly seio.ided by the board of direc tors. Mood Disease!. The blood being tht sourco from which our systems aro built up and from which we derive our menial as well as phvnieal capabilities how important that it should he kept pure. If it contains vile fostering poisons all organic functions nro woaKoncu tnorooy. nettling upon important organs, as the lungs, liver or kidneys, the effect is mo-t disastrous. llonJ it behooves ovory one to keep their blood in a perfectly healthy condition, and moro especially does this apply at this particular season of the year than at any other. No matter what the exciting caue niav be, the real cause of a largo proportion of all diseases is bad blood. row nr. I'icrce does not wish to place Ins Golden Medical Discovery in the catalogue of quack patent nostrums, by recommending it to cure every disoase, nor does he bo recommend it ; ou tne contrary there aro unurlreus of dis eases that he acknowledges it will not cure ; nut wnat lie does claim is this, tliat there is but one form of blood disease that it will not cure, and that discaso is cancer. He does not recommend his Discovery for that disease, yet lie Knows it to be the most Boarehine blood cleaiiBor yet dii-covercd, and that it will free tlio bioou and system or all other known blcod poisons, be they animal, vegetable or mineral. The Gold' n Discovery is warranted by him to cure tho worst forms of skin diseases, as all lorms or motcnos, pimples and eruptions, also all glandular swellings, and tlio worst form of scrofulous and ulcerated sores of ueck, legs or other parts, and all scrofulous diseases of the bones, as white swellings, fever sores, hip joint and spinal diseases, all of which belongs to scroiuious uiseases. CONFIRMED HIP JOINT DISEASE CURED. W. Giiove Station, la., July 11, 1872 Pear Sir My wife first became lame nine years ago. Swellings would appear aud disap pear on her hip, and she was gradually becom ing reduced, and Her wnole system rotten with disease. Iu 1S71 a swelling broke out on her hip discharging largo quantities, and since that time mere ure several openings, llavo bad five doctors at an expense of 125. who say nothing win oo auv good but a surgical operation. July loin, mid. be writes thus : Jlv wire has certainly received a great beueiit from tho uue of your Discovery, for she was not able to get off the bed and was not expected to live a week wuon sue commenced using it, a year ago. She has been doing most of her work for over six niontliB. Has used tweutv bottles aud still using it. Her recovery is considered as almost a miracle, nnd we attribute it all to the use of your valuable medicine. I can cheerfully recommend it as a blood purifier and utrougth restorer. J. M. Uoiunson. Discovery is sold by druggists. Com. The public are hereby assured, through the colnmus of this paper, that J'arttons' 1'ttr gative l'Uls contain no injurious principle, but mat tney may be administered to children and the rnott weak and shattered constitutions iu small doses, with great certainty of success. Com. Dr. A. Johnson, one of, the most suc cessful pracitionors of his time, invented what is now called Johnson' Autxlyne Lini ment, llie great success of this artulo in the cure of bronchitis and all diseases of throat and lungs, will make the namo of Johnson not less favorably, if less widely known, than that of Louis Napoleon. Com. Cxmox. Purchasers of the Peruvian Svrup (a protected solution of tho protoxido of iron) are cautioned against being deceived by any of the preparations of Peruvian hark, or bark aud iron, which may be offered them. Examine the bottle before purchasing, and bo sure aud get the "Peruvian Syrup" (not Peru vian baiK;. com. Asthma. llus discaso causes greot difficulty of breathing and tightness across tho chest, aud somotimes attended with a great deal or snirocation. liio paroxysm generally comes on at night, whi;e lying down ; some times it is attended with great violence. Al len's Lung liulsam will always givo immediate relief, unci iu many cases, if persevered in, it will cure the disease altogether. For sale by all druggists. Com. nrV ME, AM) I'M, DO YOI CJOOO." Of all the modes of ridding the human constitu tion of impiiiiiio'4 of the blood, dyspepsia, torpid liver aud its kiudrt'd niseasi, noue is so uuueBsfiil a the utte of ip. lan;m-:ys hoot ami iieho HITTERS, 'i'hvy act as a potent tonie and gentle aporlent, arc mild tu their operations, sate under any cncunihtancfH, und thousand h ive home tebtimony to til i heneiits they have derived from their use. They are the (jnfeht aud nest spring aud summer mediciue vt discovered lVimlly physicians regularly preseribe ihum, GKO. O. GOODWIN A CO.. Boston. Wholusule Agents. The Markets. " NEW TOBK. BeefCatt! Prime to Extra Bullock! 13 Q 13,V Common to Qood Texana HXu lltf Milch Cows ...CO 00 85 00 Qogs Live 01i(4 HJf Dressed 09)i4 0ft)i Bheep 05 IT Lambs 07X4 07 Cotlou Middling lfS(4 W Flour Extra Weaterii 6 00 (4 6 35 Hlate Extra 0 00 (46 25 Wbeat Bed Western 1 27 (4 1 W No. asking 1 15 (4 1 11 Rye State U3 (4 9g barley Ht ate '11 (4 1 21 Barley Malt 1 35 (4 1 US Oata Mixed Wentern 71 (4 71 Corn Mixed Western H) (4 87 May, per cwt M (4 115 Straw, per cwt..... i (4 1 CO Hops 71a, &33-old on (4 15 Pork Muea 91 lajtfvMl 25 1N 1S(4 It Fiah Mackerel No. 1, new 13 00 (414 00 " No. new 10 00 (410 to Dry Cod, per cwt t 00 (4 60 Herring, Scaled, per box. .... 80 (4 85 Petroleum 'Irude 7.1(97Jtf Kenned, 14 Wool California. Fleece 28 (4 8H Teiaa " 27 a 85 Auatralian " (4 2s, ii. Butter State 29 (4 SO Western Dairy 21 21 Wettarn Yellow.. 20 a 21 Wettern Ordinary 18 (4 17 Pennsylvania Fine 25 (4 26 Cheese State Factory 18'(4 17 ' Skimmed 05 (4 05 Western 12 (4 14 Eggs State 24 (4 24 ALBANI. Wheat I 25 (4 1 25 - Bye State 91 (4 97 Corn Mixed M (4 85 Barley State 1 40 (4 t 40 Oats State ',0 (4 10 BUFFALO. Flour I 21 O T 00 Wheat No. i Burins 117 (4 1 17 Corn Mixed 1i (4 VJ Oata 65 (4 5 Bye 10) (4 1 00 ' Barley J 25 (4 1 40 BALTIalOBC. Cotton 13 w Middlings 1(4 181 Flour Extra 7 0(1 (4 7 00 Wheat Bed Western..., 1 26 (4 1 26 Rye 10 (4 1 07 Corn Velio w 81 (4 8;) Outs Mixed... C6 (4 67 Petroleum 07 (4 07a ruuixirsu Flour PenusylVKUis Extra I 25 4 6 00 Wheat Western Rjd 1 2Jtf 4 1 23 Rye 1 0u (410) Corn Yellow , 84 (4 5 Mixed M (4 85 Oats Mixed Ct)tf(4 7 Petroleum Crude, 19 10 KsAued, li BtinNRTT'i Coooainh is the best and Cheapest hair dressing in the world. Coin. Tim henk f.lftuHrt Tills, warranted the best, la Vortinroy's, 714 Uroadway, N. Y. Get it. Com, SCHOOL MUSIC READERS. Comttat-nt-o rorit Inftnifctloo wllM AMERICAN SCHOOL Music Readers ! IX THREE ItOOKS. Book I 3.1 cts bn a chnrmlnir conre for Primary Hchonlfl. H'Mk II .() cU.) hu on emmllr attrrtlv lr ttrnmmiir NctiooH, nnd Honk III ." cln.J in fitted for hi if her (tmnminr cIhhmmi nnd Mtrh Knh-tnlt. The ry prctlcftltlnttrtlnr nnd thorough court lotheM booki ww tKiiiilrucU-d by U O. Kmebson and W. 8. TlLDEN. For Companion Book an CHEERFUL VOICES. A Innrn onllnotlnn of cnnl&1 Rrhnol Rnniri tit T. n Kmkhhun. A popular book. 50 ot. Afterward tako up The Hour of Singing, Choice Trios, or The Song Monarch. Thnn hookn nro for Hum Rrnonrn nnd Apadwmtph. Tim llnitr fit' Shifting H I AH by L. O. Kmf.hron and W. H. Timkn, (n ftrnitifrrd for S, fl, or 4 fn ert, Mtitlrr Tricin 9 I.CHI )y W. S. Tu.nrN. for a voU-ph, nru choice In nviry wnn, and Tho Sntijr .trmmrrli n tR. by II. II. Pai.MKH. aatiioti-r by L. O. Kmkroon, itncicfHftl nn a book for Sinning Classes, la equally Rood ior iiiku Bcnoois. All books Knot, postpaid, for retail pi ice. OMVKIl IHTKOX iV m.. Ilonton. t HAM. II. IMTSON V TO., Ill l.roudwny, New York. UOik and niport" a month to na-onta. Adrfrfwa mm f f A 1,. hTODDAKO, JonesvilK Mich. A Voice from the South ! If ,oa vrnnl mr.t rurlnuM and rahmhU Randit and Plants th-tt will cnuiin a h'tf icntttiun uverywnure nilto lor a frw cntjil'tirtiM to 11m SDUTIlr.KN BKKI) PLANT CO., Onll.Hn, Tnnn. rOMM:HKI I,! Sifl only for tho NATIONAL M K(' CI.OI'KIH A. AtroniK mnv coin mony at this thM eommts-'liinn LXKfiK. Writn t T. KI.WOOII 1-hlliiilHptiln. Pn. Seeds, Vegetable & Flowering Plants, Our Anniml rmalngnr frie to all nn application. I. It. HHOWN SONS, Sned Store, 20 lllram Street. JVww Brunswick. New Jerny. IKKIi OF IIAIt;i:, a Preacrlptlnn that any 1 llninrlat will put up, that la a Poaltlvs Cure In Opium katinir and I)runKrnnrifl. Address, L11"1': J- V. WKitil.N, Charlmtogn. Maaa CS? A HIT. Aint wanted, male and female. Adrlrt-aa Kureka M'I'ir (Jo Buchanan, Mlol CaVXifi t ""nth to aeonta everywhere. Add HXCJKLSIOH M'KG CO., Buchanan, M reaa .Mich. N. F. B VRNHAM'S Tl II 111 VI' Water Wheel M nn Mi'lcrirria 4 yens a, and pnt t-i work In the Patent Office. Wnnh- innton, 1). C., and has proved to be the bent. 19 afzea made. Hr.rcn ou''r thm any othor first-class wueoi. rampntwt froo. N. F. UUKNHAM. Yong. Pa. The Improved Su rerun WnshlnK Mnrhlne, 9 1 4 , n) worth In .! yonr, nnd irivd uai rental an tin fan tinu. It washes all sires of einthttifr, locJumnif It e d Spre-d-sor Lice (Jnlfiirn.wlth. out injury. Ilnir dozen shirt nre tMt;inurf in S tiii:m1.,-) iu. cl'idi:iKS ilod uritbunds. Pner Mtcl'lnr-a fr Lnnn- .'r'es to ori4ir. For descrip tive Pamphlet add." YOUli MlU CO.. Vi:ru, rn. i i r-..w. l. nt...a 9 witrrantpd Keunlne. Chap by mail. Circulars 11 ? with cut free. I H. BAiicocii.Lockport.N.Y. Jj! NO Continued or Henat.onal Stories in the I'Miri.K'M IjI.IM n iarRB pnit-B evHty Mtk. a sear old. hent ou trim S months tor only .ill cent, a rppcwi AReni wsmea mr each tiwa, to whom " r,,rnili Advert if Ina; facilities and Hood pay. H. h. RT is. PuiiiutiT. itoTn. ain. Mitilfd for 2.1 ct. Law discount to dealers. Only per- feet T hrender mado. WELLS M'FG CO, led tiy the blind in all Asylums. 121 Court Street, lloston, Mass. WATKI Alii:TS Everywhere, to sell our popn. lnr'Lifoof Dr. lvinffKtone," rrom ma cnnuDooa to ois List Jourmu." People a Ettition. JW. Cotrnlrt. AtifhcHtie. Atlw'ive. B. H. RUSKKLL, Pub., Boston, Mass. ALL f.Ol) Iuvnlufthle. Original and Practical Re. cipts nnd S licentious, comprising House. noid, family, inmienc, ARricuuurni, meat cimil nnd Miscellaneous. Etc.. Etc. t'1f Frnm FOR 25 c. mttny j the ticript in (hit Monk Fortune have hren miflr, .3 Ht-nt, post-paid, on rocelpt of y.j cents. Address, C. MAKINSON, Attleboro Falls. Mass. TITKHV VA1IILY WANTS IT- Money In it. XU Sold by Agent. Address M. N. LOVELL. Erie. Pa. I This new Truss Is worn with uerfect oomfoit night and day. Adupts Itf-wif to every motion of the body, retaining Pin tnre under the haidest eieruiat or sevet est s' rain ; until permanently cured. isoid cneap oy mt Elastic Truss Co., Mo. 683 llrondwar. N. V. City. and Bent hy mall. Call or Bend forClr Milar. and ha enrert The Ways of JVbmen, ay Prof, J. V. C. SMITH, M,T.,ods of the tnMt retnarfcable booti ever lasunt from tli Ainorlcaa prnt. Dr. Hall ), Evimr Jitmi is A Bicn mini or iNronTto.i. Tho Niw York World yi, "It ta a dook full or iound lttPORfcUTlnlt rom nil bum. Dr. Motb,tfa celebrated French pbyilcian, say. "Evittr rtftu tm wheat, thichipf la mihcino." A grind op portunity fr nfn'toinkemoney! WHY SIT STILL, com plnlnlnetf barJ tiinni TM bnlt wti.t tell, fiend for circular! ) itsr rB. PUSTIN', OILMAN CO., Hartford, Coon. SHARPS RIFLE VVy.s Mi.m.fawti.reiM nt Pantit Kieuch-loadlnsT. Military, Snort in tr and Oreedinoor Rltlea. ' K Hent 111 I lie W'orhf. Winner at International and nearly all other principal mutches at ('ivedmoor. (See Ottirlril Kecord.) MMMlTINtJ Rin.KS. - - 130 to $38 CUKKIMIOOIt Kit l.l'S W ith Elevations for I iUM yards, $1M) find $125 ISend tor Illustrated UaUilogue. Akmory and Ofkh f-, K. G. WESTCOTT, lUHTrom. Conn. President, T&AIVfi HIES, FATEltTED. I.'u best rtnl rlirnptft Paint in the (X-cvic. for Iron. Tin or Woml. For sale bv llenior everywhere. FTiTXOES' IfETAI.LIO PAINT CO.. Wnrmft'rern, 9fi tVdar St., New Turk. t2rC ACTION.-Purchasers will please lee that our namo and trade mark are on each and every pickao. senti ror a i Irtilar. SlO IEli DAY for llanley's IMebnt! en visum: ana isuslneaB iJaras.toe ueai ul tne worm. 1'2 mactiitieent aaniulett to heitin work with Bent for cts. Address 11. (J. M ANLKY, Fashionable UngraTer, jiii o itsuinifum ptreet, KOBton. mass. TIIK HF.ST in the World It din-H rnlrersal Sntl.facllnu. WDMIKKI l li Kcoiiomy. 4li Hi., more Bread to tibl. Hour. hvi:s iin.K, i-:;;s, jtr. ( ne venr'a savinifs will buy a cow Ml JIOKU SOCK IlKKAIt. I.whter, Sweeter, llicber. FMJItVIKtllV I'riiUrrt It. The LailieB are all In lxivo with it. Wl I I I 1L.- HOT ( AKIlS t " Snd at once for Circular to til'O. F. IIAXT, A: t o., 1 741 Diiiine Ni., Nrw York. Iowa R.R.Land Co. llu for ala 1.00,000 Arrea of Railroad Land In me iiiiuuiu ivchiuu ui homjiu . RETT Kit LANDS AT CUKAI'Elt PRICE8 thttp oan be found elsewhere within civilization. No grasshoppers. No ague. No ludians. AveraKe credit price lit. and M1 per aore. Start riifht ! Call or send u the Company's ottiue, U2 Rundolph Street, Chicago, and obtnin full infonnutlou and how to ruach the lands free, fcor mans and uoiuohleta. with orlces and tenns. sddress Iowa Railroad Lnd Co.. Chicago, or Cedar namas, luwa. JOHN R. r4T.ll(HTN. Land 1 omiiilwulon ei CPU CDCY or FITS cured bj the nwi of oai LriLLru I Kiiittiii liiuvniFR Trial Pack.! ieBaHBejH ae . For circulars, evidence ol succhk. etc., Matlrefcn KQSH Kictimuna, ina. Iirih Isartiosir inrt von ever saw with vtmr n nit i t hnndautiuelv iirinted on them, sunt, post paiil. uia receipt of 20 CeDU. Your friends will all wuut them u h h n thtv tuoA vnurs. A (1(1 re. W. O. CANNON. 4H Kntwlind Ktreet. H stnn. Mm WHIT IB! PIT.EHI ItKAl) t "PI.A1X ULthT Facta," a Trcatiso on tho- C auaes. History, C ure and Preveniion of I'lLKs. r'ub. Halted b. P. NKUKTAKI). I KB ( on 46 Walker Klrcet, Sew York. Bentt'Rk'Ktoall itana of the Uoil.d SLa'M on recetni 01 a jeuer atamp. $10 IO ." J'HIt HA V-Kenrl f..r ('h-ontu' caUlogne. J. It. nUt rURD a SONS. Boston .TtL'PAJkNT CABINET or LtlllKt ILfe la useful to every liuBlnaaa man, to keep BILLS. 1.ET Ttua or FAPH8 always claan iuiu m Bipnarxuaou oraerj noias ieiiera, oan oe usea on a aeaK nuns; to tne wail, we prep&y ureaa eharsea. Send for olraulu TTT - Tr I'-T , AOdresa C, A, A WU, C'tUgsga, UV, price list with 1,000 referenoes. Fei AST 10 yggTfS. Established 185S. fo- Mitil Athr IQOffiWW ,iw:0'u Sj.ywOirfi I 111 st-t-t, .rum;- : - J Dr. J. Walker's California Vin egar Uilters nro a purely VoRotablo preparation, mnuo clneliy irom mo na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of tfce Sierra Nevada mountains of ("alitor nia, tho medicinal properties of which nro extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, " What is tho- causo of tho unparalleled success of Vixkaak I3it XEKsf" Our answer is, that thoy remove tho causo of disease, nnd tho patient re covers his health. They aro tho great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, n perfect Kenovatnr nnd Invigorator of tho system. Never beforo in tho history of" tlio world lifts a medicine been cuiniMiuinkd possessing tlio remarkablo qunlitien of Vinkoar Mitthm in licalinp tho sick of every disenso lnnn is heir to. They aro a jrentlo Piu-frntivo ns well ns a Tonic, relioviiifr Congestion or Inflainnmticm of tho Livor uuil Visceral Organs iu Bilious Diseases The properties of Ph. Walker's Vinkoak ltiri'Wts nro Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, C'otinter-Iirituut Sudorilic, Altera tive, ondAiiti-Biiious. 11. II. McUU.VAI.Tl CO.. Dmptrlflta and Gen. Acts.. S:n Krnncison. California, and oor. of W'tiahinclon and Chnrlton su.. N. Y. Sold u' all llruKlat unci D. alera. N. Y. N. U.-TTn. 14 AIlVEUTlMEItX! Send 2S cents to GKO. P ROW KM, A (JO., 4 I I'urk ftuw, N. T., for their ' FtatnphUtof lOO"!?6, containing llsta cf tttnIO nav. patMr. ann atimaTa unnwinff onat. m anMriiin $250 s5 ItlONTII Atonte wanted evry- hre. Htimneaa hotmrnlilM and first- Particolarn srnt free. Address WORTH A. CO., St. Ixmi. Mo. A OKNTS. Chan Ghana- Bella at nhrht NftCfwaary as . aoap. Goods tree. Chans Chang AITk Co. ituBtun. TEA; AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Th choicest In tho world ImporlprV prtcuf lnrft est Company lu America etapln nrttelo plewa everybody trade ini'reanira: host Induccim-nM don't wasto time Pen d rfor Circular to KOHEKT WKLLS. 43 Vwwy Street. Tew York. V. O. Box I2S7. DO YOUR OWN PRINTINC! OVEIiTY PRINTING PRESS. Fop I'rofVaalotinl mill Anintpiir lritttor, MftioiilK, HnricUtrft, Mnii if'tii'tifrttra. M frrlianta. nnrl other, itil SiWJM the BE6T ever inventeil. 1U.OOO In bPv.if ' i'.Ten atylea, Prices from $5.00 to $150.00 IBENJ. O. WOODS at CUi Manut rsvna I dealer, in all kind, ui Prlntlns Material. Bend .lamp for Catalogue. ) 49 Federal St. Boaton. . Yill UNT.-At home. Mala V or Female, 130 a wek wttrrantnd. No capital re- niwul PMi-tinnlnm nrt vHlnnhln aamnlpfl Bnt free. with ttc re turn stamp, u. hobb, w nnamaimryn.jv . jfc m PER A Y Oommimton, or S30aweekSal r5i ry and Eipenp. We offer it and will puy if Annlnw. il. W KRKKR A CO.. .Marion. O. $5 3 CIA PKR HAY at home. Terms free. Ad 1 V dress Geo. Stikhon A Co., FortndjJe AGENTS WANTED ! selituK hooK ever published. iSeud for circulars mul our eitra terms to A gent n. NATIONAL PUBLISHING Cf ., Philsdelpnls. VK. SIFrES, SHOT-GUNS, PISTOLS KKVOI.VKIES, Of anvandevervklai. Send stamn tar ruilnma. A,liltaa Croat Wrulfirn GMIB 4 aMfttol Wrka. flTTSBUHO II. W A. PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS $40, $50, $75, k $100. GOOD, DURA11I.R, AND CHEAP Shipped Heady for Uae. Manufactured by CHAPMAN fc CO., .llniliHon, lnd. IK Bend for a Catalogue. Aentlpniitn Y inline To Him m IVw.Vory ttie old-farhtcned mi ot Jl'Mi-t-h-'ld J urnituio and Mantel Oinaii.euts, br.i-ti us we.e In uw a hundred years rgi. Peinnus buvhig'ucu unifies ! t-ull, whether In wood or metal, will ple.-iM pend dabcitptiuu and p.U to V. JE. Hl.K, Box o.., iM-w i ork lity k) Diillv to Aunitrt. IS5 new article and thn O-i-" bert Family Pnper In America, with two ifii.tai Chruiuoa. tree. AM. MM l r t.1 i I CO., UOO Btoadway. N. Y. MflWITV """" rapt't'ti wlih Slenrll & Key Check IU.VX11J J. OuttitB. CaTiilue.aiim(leBttiid full (Mtr ticulars Free. S. M. Kpesi'KH, 11? llniioverJ)t.!Jiiii'ioii. to .el I the a tir 111 onn 1 Hy Mrs. Ftrnhou.B ot nail i.ane viiy, ru yn t:JtrKluctioa by Mm Mowc. 'l'hin Btory ot sl . DmtD'i extwriencc lny. baro the 'iiii(en uc " t? JfeAh J " wide-aiuake woniiui uti (int." Bright. 1'ura VsritJand Oood, it ta. the o.rf new book cut, actwuY fii .ui Jnln..u .1. .if tli. M.iminn. M . wt-are, vun .veryuouj, ana oum-iu.u iiwti f" -ore. Miniitcr. ril it " tmlnt wimoi cnilorc. it Krerybody n( ill and BBcou ars rbiQjS' Irbin lu tOKUa Hay I Bum ifl"ww wwisyrwi ' want. VMM) :Miretrutyae,enl. NOW-mnorwornvQ- I-S e will mail If uint rr- 10 inoe who win v.ii.m... BampMeU with lull p.rllcula, term., etc. tent tree U CadilRM A. 1. WuMlillMOTOM at Co.. liartlord. Coor. 11IUI 4 ItlONTII. ACKNTM WANTKII for the New Book KucceM lu lttlnineas." or Mf TT "T This country has money foi II N Hi everlody: lof Workininnni. V Hiulnau Mn. V & T ni 6 t B . AND Young Men, Boya, Wnmcn, HOW TO and nil; and this book rho how to m-t It. Just the btik fur the tim... and will Bell faa: Send for circular nud term, to TUT A T7P TfTI iienta. p. w. aiwn.F.n X'lxV JV-lli X X . !i , dl8 Arch St.. l'lilla..ra. Knitily made water-tight wllh lillnea' Male 1'alnt, wliioh navel) reBltlnxlliiK, contulna no tur. i extremely ebeap, liriirlieullv proof, very ortiniiH'iiliil, ana innorHeii iy runiio inBiiiim'ui., iy..i,...........t and leading men In nil aeetlons. Send lor llnoU 1'irculRr of Jloitie refcremteB nnd lull rartlcularB, W. V. Bl.iVrr; inniri i' " "7, (I ( i ilnr Slrei-I. Nw ark. THE BEST Prairie Lando IOWA AND NEBRASKA, FOB BALE DT The BnrliDon & Missouri Fiver R. H Co. On Ten Years' Credit at O per cent. Interest ONR 11II.I.ION . ,.( K. In IOWA and SOUTH ERN NK11KASKA. trv In tba world to combine FARji IN; and (STOCK. UAIS1NU. I'roduelR will pity lor I.nntl nnd Improve. uienlM Iiiiih before the i'ritiriiinl be comes due. l.nrMe lliaeoiiuta Tor lash, M Th .rv-itnlleH rlaatitution in NebraBka lieB In the far western region, beyond the lands of the B. s It. 11. U. Co." tir" irar elroulara that will describe full, these lands ud the terms of aale, apply to or address. LAM) COMMISSIONER, Bnrltngton, Iowa, for Iowa Landfl, or Lincoln, Neb., for Nebraska Lands. JUST .MONKV IN IT sritK! Justont U.eful, Handsome, Cheap. Bells eve.y where. A rate chance. Also. NW MAPS, CHARTS, Etc. Our new chart, ' II If I ST 1 A N RAl'I'S, is a Bpleuiliil .uttcefta. Cin cinnati prices atlllle MS Net, York. Send for tenut to K. O. M 1 1 1 I Hi M A N , 0 Hue InvSt.V.Y .A 11! W. 41 li St..fin..O. BOOK YOU CAN SELL Habit Cured & certain and sure care, without Inconvenience, and at borne. An antidote that stands purely on i's own merits. Send (or my quartet lv magazine (U costs you nothing), containing certlncitcs ol hundreds that have been permanently cured. I claim to have atseorered and produced the tibst OaUGixaj. Ana oulx acaa cubs tob opium batixo. 1K. g. B. COliIaKS, La Porte, lnd. 7K A WEEK. Agents wanted everywhere. For . ffi U gutfil t iUi'vJsl tfWUi, W WB, Ohio. VMM tUlll III nliH t'V 1 l&I . Oi:l.l0 Uit.l F