The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 15, 1875, Image 3

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61k JUliwik
THURSDAY," APRIL 15,3875."
sham chuech.
Service In Grace Church Sunday ncit at
tho usual hours, 11 A. M. and 7 P. M.
All nrc cordialy invited lo attend. Beats
Fbee to nil.
Uv-anjsllcal Lutheran Chrch- -REV.
Sunday school at 0:15 A. M, All Aro in
vited to nttcud.
u. s. cmoft
r.EV. WM. MARTIN, Tftslor.
Sunday School at 9:30 A M Morning
Service at 11 A M Class Meeting nt 12
M Evening Service nt 7:30 1' M Prayer
Meeting Thursday Evening
Car. Time at lllttntrajt.
Mail East I f, p. .
do West 'J: :' P. M
Through Local, Pawl ;f:'Ji) A. M.
do L W e.t t.: 1 1 y
Local East .( ,i
do West f'. A. M
The Mail r. Through Loon I ciiny
passengers, ifcfl.viO ,W r,i.
i l K t..',ri;K a. v. M.
The stated ;cc ,n k f K;V loliio. N.
870, nro held nt ili;i hull, Minfr .if Mum
nnd Depot sj reels, on l,e seven.! and fourth
Tuesdays of each month-
W. r. MEALY, Sooy.
atawamiiiwaajni rm i fcraBMggCTgji
D. C. Oyster is having his litnisp
newly painted.
We had quite a fall of enow here ou
Tuesday lust.
We bavo a new Globe pies?, ami are
now prepared to till kiuds ol job work
cheap and good Give us a call.
Jt is rumored that tlie pigeons ore
nesting at Garland, a statioo on the P.
& K. R. 11. west of Warren.
We see that building has already
commenced. Doctor Earlcy has built
quite du extensive chicken coop aid
park on his land on South street.
Mrs. 51. 12. 5IaIone has the- agency
for Elk County for the Combination
Shoulder Brace Corset Adjustable Skirt
S tpportsr. Call and see it. Abo lor
the Excelsior Shield or Corset Clasp.
In another column will be found a
notice to "The School Directors of Elk
County" to meet on -Tuesday, the 4th
day of May to select one person for
County Supctiolen lent for the term ol
ti;'ee ye,ars.
A country newspaper thus heads its
report et a fire: "Feast of the Fire
Fiend The Forked Tongue Demon
Licks with its Lurid Hreath a Lumber
l'i'e! Are the ceucs of Boston and
Chicago to bo HepealcJ? Loss 8150."
An exchange snys that cabbane
w'.ouM be planted us eurly as possible
(Iks spring. The earley cab
bage Jt. t year escaped the ravages of
hccabbjge worm, while that planted
Jate was almost entirely devoured.
'Pi. Tl-'lt. ..
i no uiiutmjwrt U. x IS. says:
V C. McDonald, ot JJecch Creek, was
arrested a few days ago by Detective
joulu, ot Emporium, and taken to
Fitlnbuig, charged with embezzling the
publio moneys of the United States, and
with evening and eiiibezzlia? the eon
tents of letters and packets, carried by
the wai.s, in the state ol Kausas. lie
was released on 0,000 bail, W. C
Kress, Iwj , of Lock Haven, bcominj
liis surety.
There will- bo a "Strawberry Fes
tival lor the benefit ot Kev, I. Brene-
nian, held at Kline's hall, during the
5Iuy week of Court. This wo thiuk to
bo right, Mr. liieneman has labored in vicinity for a long time, and it is
through bis untiring efforts that the
Lutherans have a church, and in a
pecuniaiy point of view has received
scarcely anything. We hope that the
festival will bo a success.
Tbisi9 the season for eggs, and the
Democrat of April 1st ha-j a notice of a
big egg by 51. J. Earley that measured
fisTj inches; the Warren Afail knocks
tho spots off Miller's egg by putting up
one that goes G iuches ono way by 8 J
the other. Of Course these eggs are
good sized ones but where a Lea lays
two a day, even if the eggs are small
they fetch more. The following story
which Gould of the Cameron Pins
we have uo doubt will vouch for, was
got off by one of the Emporiumites:
"ly hokey boys" says be at the same
time ejecting a large mouthful of
tobacco juice on the stove, "I have a
' ben as is a hen, she's In id two eggs
every day this winter and you kuow
what a hard winter its been on bens."
Tree planting has commenced this
f piing in earnest. Ed. Payne has set
out a few in froot of hia south street
residence. II. S. Thayer ha planted
trees the whole length of his lot on Mill
street, and D. C. Oyster has his lot that
he purchased of B. F. Ely, completely
surrounded by trees. W. II. Schrani
Las also planted some fine trees in front
of the Ilydo House lot, and Jas. Magin
uis has also a few on bis lot on South
street, besides several others who are
going to plant some just as soon as tho
weather settles. This is certaiuly a
step in the right direction, and wo hope
to be able to chronicle in a short time,
that every person in town who owns
property has engaged in this worthy
enterprise. Nothing adds so much to
he beauty of a town as shade trees.
We understand that John Kime is trains
to put tip a building on the vacant lot of R,
V. Kime on Main street, and Intends
Starting a meat market In a short time.
We have reooived the first number of
Grac Church Record, a monthly published
in this place with Rev. tTm. Jas. Miller,
editor. The Record is a neat littlo paper
and we wish it success.
Tarsons,- of the Advooatb, is cutting
another wisdom tooth, and is suffering
great pain This is the second wisdom
tooth "Hank" has cut within a year, and
yet wo have seen no evidence of increased
wisdom. If lie has tho teeth, he should
also have the wisdom. "There's a screw
looso somewhere, Hank." Elk Democrat.
Yes, wo have nil tho teeth and Ocuo. has
all the wisdom.
A. K. ttntrnnd W. F. Mercer have asso
ciated under the firm name of Qoff & Mer
cer, and having purchased the material
good will etc., of Cook & Ilrcwer, butchers,
they can he found at the old staud always
ready to wait on customers and furnish
the citizen of Ridgway with choice steaks,
roast?, oto., of the best quality and at rea
sonable rales.
Next Saturd.iy evening is tho regular
iiiectin.r nig'il for Company H. There will
bo Olivines of importance to be I rang acted
nt'lhis meeting;, and it. is. honed that their
t!l bo a general attendance, not only of
member of the Company, but of all other
vohfoeln interest in military matters, nnd
who 111.1 V wish to ioill llin iiririiiiiinl inn
The citizens of Ridgway should feci an
Merest in tho maintenance of a militia
Company, nnd we hope that their attend,
dance will prove that they do feel nu in
terest. - Fat;; Bailrocd Accident.
Last Friday morning Uarry Alfred, en
gineer, and A. K. Pierce, conductor, were
arrested at Rcnovo on a charge of causing
the death of Albert Brehtn.the any previous
by carelessness, Tho facts of the case
ns near as we are able to g'ean them are
that the engineer and conductor, above
mentioned, were running on a special train
from Williamsport to Emporium nnd had
come to St. Mary's to turn their engine
1 eaving the "car nt Emporium. At St-
Mai-f 's they received orders to pun to Em.
porium "wild,' but to flag for the gravel
train from Rathbun; the graucl train hav
ing orderf to run soino two miles east of
Rathbun. They sturted on the order, and
had flagged some distance, nnd here it is
claimed that they were dill flagging when
the gravel train running backwards failed
ts notice the flag, and as their engine be
came unmanageable owing to some fault in
the "packing" they were unable to reverse
and that the gravel train running 20 miles
an hou,: run with full force into them. The
man that was killed it is claimed was sit
ting on the front eud of the caboose and the
concussion threw him between the cars
cashing him to de ith. On last Monday
Judge Wetmore came here and admitted
them to bail for nppjarance at the May
term of court in the sum of $-000 with W.
II. Sehram, W. S. Service, H. S. Thayer, C.
V. Gillis, nnd R. F. a9 imretic.
Sparing "Skuh."
Wo ate requested to aonouaee that
on next Saturday at 7:30 P. M. at the luiiditg tbeie will be an ' old
fashioned" spelling school. The spel
ling epidemic that has raged with such
fatal Jesuits to poor spellers has at hut
reached Kidgway, and as Fwidgway is
never behind in school matters or in fact
any other laudable enterprise, l'rof.
Dixon proposes to p!ao 20 ich-jiars of
his fehool against the editors, picot
readets, typos, lawyers, ministers and
lireraiy meu generally of the town, and
aDy one else who has any couceit as tD
tots fcpehing business. The audience
will be eutcitained with music by The
'jlee Club: Chcial Society; and the
Bid-way pupil; together with some
select reading by the pupils. The oc
casion promises to be one cf interest,
amusement, and piofit. An invitation
3 extended to one and all to attend.
The Erockwayville Free Frets says:
On Saturday last, while running a raft
and wheu at Deal's Mouth daa, near
Littlo Toby, Steuben Uris was
- J. C13 "
throwu into tho stream by his oar and
drowned. Mr. Dtig-s loaves a wife
and two ohildroa tj his loss.
His body hai not yet been recovered.
The Clarion Jacksinhn says. A sad
aud fatal accident occurred to the night
express on the 5th inst., near Rimerton,
by which the engineer, Mr. Win.
M'Kee, was fatally injured. The acci
dent was caused by a rock sliding on the
trak. ibe cars worn h idlir wrAnlrnd
and we understand several other persons
were injured, but not seriously. The
engineer survived but a short time after
being removed from the rubbish.
We are not in the habit of dunniosr
our subscribers, through the columns of
the Advocate, but at this time we
hope our patious who are still back on
the present year's subscription will re
mit us the amount at once. We th is
weeks issue No.'8 of tho present volume
and, although our terme are in advance
we have received only about 810.00
this far on tho present year. Paper
ink, and help costs money, and we know
there is not a subscriber on nur hnnka
who is not able to pay us at once; of
course the amounts are small but in the
aggregate amount to seven or eight
hundred dollars. We hope that every
one who owes us will give this matter
their attention
H a n n f i n
ScuooLMAst tus. lu Austria
they kave a law prohibiting schoolmaster
marrying without the permission of thel
tiovsrnuient, and among the late ofhciaf
deorees published is the following refusal o
an app lication: Considering. 1, That the
schoolmasier, N., applying for permission
to marrV. is nosaenMeil nt' nn nriv&la for.
tune and enjoys an income of only 4il
florins p. a , which would not be suflicent
to Huatain a Ikmilv! ml 2 Thai hia Aiani.A.I
biide has no more than 400 florins of pri
vate lortune, tne lcgfcl license to marr
cannot be granted to sa!d sclioolmigter."
llarrisburg, April 12 Governor Har
tranft hai approved the following acts of
th last Legislature:
To repeal the Local Option Law. To pro
vide for the appointment, of a' State board
of Centennial Managers. To regulate the
praotice of medicine, surgery aud obstet
rics in this 8iato. To provide for the eleo
lion and Appointment of trustees lor the
State Normal b'cliools. To authorize nn
additional law judge in the Nineteenth dis
trict. To estaMisli n system of free bank
ing and to secure the public ngainst loss
from insolvent banks. To regulate the
manner of increasing the indebtedness of
municipalities, nnil lo provide penalities
for tho illegal increase thereof. Authoriz
ing and regulating tho making of local ap
propriations to schools commonly known ns
homes for fiicndloss children. To provide
for the expenses required by an net en
titled "nn net' to provide for the continu
ance and miintennnce of Boldicrs'orphaus."
To prevent tho sale o intoxicating liquors
nnd for tho preservation of order ol
soldiers' encampments, To provide for
printing and furnishing wrappers for the
Leyidativc liccunl. To provide for eettUng
tho claims of Emmanuel F. Peters ami
John Lnute. To reimburse A. 11. Waters
for clothing i.nd funeral cxpeufet for sol
diers' orphans.
Some astonishment has been created
iu legal circles Ly a late docisiou of
Judge Vau Vest of !"ew Yoik in a case
to which we have bclere lefcricd. A
young girl of twenty-three had deter
mined to marry a nun ot lii'ty-tvo. The
latter, beiore his marriage, secK-tiy con
veyed 130,000 of real estate in Mew
York city to his daughters as a present.
'Ibe wife discoveiicg the f;;ct alter
marriage immediately brought an astiou
to have tho conveyance set aside on thp
ground that it iraudult-utly deprived
her of the dower right iu the property,
which expected doner light was part of
tLe consideration which iuductd her to
marry the man. Judge Van Vorst de
cided that the conveyance should be set
aside, and thus established the rule that
a wife bad a dower right not only in
the real estate belonging to her hus
band at any time duting coverture, but
also in auy real estate that he may dis
pose of prior to his marriage and in or
der to lortstall his future wile's claim to
dower. The consequence of this e.tra
oiuiuory decision, unless it be reversed
by a higher court, will be to make the
title to real estate decidedly uncertain
What property owner whose property
has at soy puis within th.u last
twenty years beeu conveyed by an un
man ie J luju who bubicqucut'y married
can be sure that sach conveyance will
uot be set aside on the application of the
wife. Jude Van Vorst evidently ic
ji.irds maniage purely as it contract, and
holds that wiiere the supposed propeity
of the hu.-i.aud is the iuducciiiu.l load
ing ibe wK'e lo n.i.iry him, the coutaci
becomes void if itcati be shown that he
has put Lis property out of his hands.
G. & II.
Washington, April 10. It is evident
that the Srcietury of tho Tioasury ia
disposed to do in his power to put
the country in trim forj-j-ecie payments.
His power in this risj-iet ia very lim
ited. At the into wiiieii the re
duction of the leg-'il tender circulation
progressed, it will Le lrom twelve to
eighteen moulis bckre the Treasury
gets back to the amount outstanding
when the panic cf lfcTo uvciiook the
eouu'ry. Dut uinady there is observed
to be luss demand lot- the new circula
tion, and it eauEot. be expected that the
issue of new banking currency will cou
tinue in the same proportion as during
the past few mouths. There 'ore, tin
greenback contraction will bs scarcely
appreciable. As lo the f-ilvir resump
tion clauso of the great finance act ol
last scssiou, it will amount to little or
nothing, but as it is regarded in some
sense mandatory, the Seeietury is mak
ing all preparations to cany out the
provisions, and he is accumulating sil
ver bullion for coinage, aud new silver
pieces will soon be turned out from the
mint in largo quantities. Nothing will
be easier than lor the Secretary to put
out his silver cjio, but under the
present circumstances it will be utterly
impossible for him to keep it iu cumula
tion. The coin will b3 at a premium
aud will be sold to refiners or exported,
aud tho only way in which silver coin
can be kept iu circulation' is by with
drawing aud destroying fractional cur
rency to such nn amount as to create
the necessity for small chango. Tho
Secretary seems to understand this, lor
he has been steadily cancelling frac
tional currency. In tho last month
more than 600,000 dollars of fractional
currency was withdrawn and destroyed
The present amount outitacding is
something 'over forty-four millious and
the Secretary will have to wilhdiaw
some millions more before he can think
of issuing silver, and even then there
will still be a chance of silver being
gobbled up if gold does not fall to a
lower premium thau the present figure.
Many emincut financiers look upon it
as useless to undertake to put silver hi
circulation until the Treasury is ready,
nearly ready, to pay out gold.
The Iutcrior Department has uot re
ceived any further information concerning
the reported serious trouble at the Chey
enne Agency, Indian Territory.
When General lluidckoper was here
he announced with regret to tho menu
bcrs of the McLane Guard that there
was no room for them at that time in
the Seventeenth llegiinent, but at the
same time intimated that from appearan
ces there soon would bo a vacancy, and
in that event he would lie very glad to
see them in bis command. Tho hint
he bad piven was understood to mcau
that one or niore coiupauics iu the regi
ment were not up to tho inspection
standard, and that unless there was
marked improvement they would be
dropped. Yesterday Colonel Lytlo re
ceived a postal card lrom General
lluidckoper nunouncing that the pro
ject of maintaining a company in Titus
vi lie had been ibundonod, tho note ad
ding: "Please inform your young men
and present them my compliments."
This is much better lortune than the
McLane Guards had anticipated when
they receutly resolved to form an inde
pendent company to bo in readiness lor
just such an opportunity, anJ they will
avail themselves of it at ouco. it will
take a few days to get tho necessary
documeuts iu slinpe and then the com
pany organ izaiiou will be perfected.
With three first class companies, here
this will be the reul hcadquaitcrs of the
17th regiment and batiulion is well as
company dull, can bo had without the
necessity of a general muster lor that
Un the 13th inst. Colonel Lytic visits
the company at Union for iho purpose
o! holding uu olectiou for company of
ficers. Company F, of West 1'rcedotu
Cliirieu county, which was "leltoutiu
the cold" at the time the other com-'
panics were paid, has received its quota
of $400.
Company E, ' the Coopcrstown
Zouaves, are getting new uniforms made
aud will parade in them at the fall in
spection .Krie Dispatch.
ritcuAi:i.B viiu by governor iiait-
Ilarrisiiurg, April 9. It is impos3i
to speak with certaiuty as to the action
of the Governor on the act repealing
the Local Option law, but it is confiden
tly expected in Temperance circles here
ihat he w ill file a veto of the bill bo
fore (he 17th inst. If not voted be
fore the 17th, it will on that day be
come a law by lap.e of time. The
pressure has become very strong to
make him veto the bill. Within a few
days tho friends of Local Optiou have
uiudc vciy formidable demonstrations
against his approval of the act. They
have very pointedly declared that his
appioval of it would alienate tens o!
tiiousauds of votes f rom him in the next
Gubernatorial contest, as they mean lo
make the battle regardless of p r;y in
ease a license rysiom is restored over
their votes in liio Local Option coun
ties. On the other hand, Iho friends
of license in the counties which have
rejected Local Option protest against
n;e on i uecauxe u la-.geiy increases
rates of license, to thet the Temperance
men and a poitiou id' ibe. liquor men
unite iu asking h;m to veto (ho bill. It
is a very cmbariast-ing question, and
iiud the Governor iii.-posiU cf it eittier
way at once, he would have encountered
UiUi;li lets bosti'ity thun will comfort
him now- iu r.ny event.
Pottsviilo, April 9.--Mr. re
turned from Hyde I'uik yesterday, leav
ing Mr. tiaey there. What poiiey they
advised is not known, but the action of
thi miners iu that section at their elec
tion to-day and publio meeting to-night
to decide us to a stake will doubtless
devcli-p the counsels of those leaders,
liis believed here tint both ot them
are really against extending the strike
to tho Hyde Park miners. Mr. Welsh
is regarded with general confidence by
ull cla.-.scs as a siucere unJ honest man
and ho is entitled to much credit tor
maintaining peace in this section with
thousauds of laborers demoralized by
nearly four months of idleness.
Eveiything is quiet in this region,
and disturbances are not apprehended.
The intimations of your llairisbur-'
correspondent thut the miners will
shortly go to work on the reduced
basis, aie very positively contradicted
by those hero who assume to knew the
purposes of the men. They declare
that the miners can maintain tho strike
for three or four mouths yet without
very serious distress, but that I do not
credit. It may bo that immediate sub
mission is not contemplated, but I do
not regard it as possible for a strike to
be maintained for six successive
Senator Kamsey, late chairman ot
the senate eommitteo ou postofiice and
postroads, has made a statement that
the expiess companies had nothing to
do with the recommeudatioti of the
committee ou the iuereased rate of pos
tage on third-class matter. Then Sena
tor Kamsey ought to tell who did have
anything to do with it, and why the in
creased rate was laid. The postofiice
deportmeut insists that it did not ask
lor auy such measure, aud the relue
tauce shown by 3Ir. Jewell in enforc
ing it sufficiently confirms that. Not
withstanding Mr. Kamsey 's statement,
there are the best ot reasons lor believ
ing that the legislation was at the re
quest of the express compauies, us it is
a well known fact that the representa
tives ol the companies were iu Wash
ington during a large part ol the win
ter, were before the committees of both
bouses at almost ever meeting, and gave
dinners, at which the pleasant influen
ces of gastronomy were brought into ef
fective play. Williamsport Gazette
awl Bulletin.
. For cheap job work give the Advo
cate office a call.
The following is the full text of tho
new tax and tariff bill passed by the
United Statos'Congress:
Sfxtion 1. That from aud after the
date of the passage of this aot there
rhall bo levied and collected on all dis
tilled spirits thereafter produood in the
United States a tax of ninety cents on
each proof gallon, or wine gallon when
below proof, to be pnid by the distilbr,
owner, or person having possession
thcrcol before the removal from the dis
tillery or bonded warehouse;, and po
much of Seo. 8,251 of tho Kevised
Statutes of tho United States as is in
consistent herewith is repealed'
Sec. I. That See. 3,3(33 ot tho Ke
viscd Statutes be aud tho same is
hereby, amended by striking out tho
words "tweuty cents a pound," and in
serting in lieu thereof the words
"twenty-four cents a pouud:" Frovhled,
That Sec. 3,30-i of the Kcviscd Statutes
bo and the same is hereby, amended by
striking out the word "five" wherever it
occurs therein, and inserting in lieu
thereof the "six," nnd by striking out
the word "sixty" and inserting "seventy-five,"
increasing the duly ou cigars
from (5 to $G a thousand aud cigarettes
from $2,00 to 82,75; Froi ulal, That
the increase of tax beiciti provided lor
shall not apply to tobacco, cigars or
cigarettes ou which tho tax under the
existing laws shall have been paid when
this net takes cticct.
Sec. 3. That on all molasses, con
centrated molasses, tank bottom, sirup
of sugar, cane juice, mclada, aud on
sugar according to the Dutch standard
color, imported from foreign countries,
there sha'l be levied, collected and
paid, in addition to duties now imposed
in Schedule G, Sec. 5. 504 of the Ke-
Vised Statutes, an amount "equal to
twenty-live per cent, ot said duties ns
levied upon the several articles and
grades herein designated; Frovidcd,
That concentrated me'ada or concrete
shall hereafter be classed as sugar,
dutiable according to the color of tho
Dutch standard, aud mclada shall be
known and defined as nn article niado in
the process ot sugar-making, being the
caue juiso boiled down to the sugar
point, and containing all the sugar and
molasses resulting from the boiling pro
cess without any process of purging or
clarification, and any and all produc
tion of sugar caue imported in mats,
bags, baskels, oi other than light pack
ages, shall be considered sugar nua du
tiable a? such: Provided, further, That
of the drawbacks on refined sugar ex
ported allowed by See. 3,010 of the lie
vised Statutes ot the United States, only
one per cent, ot the amount so allowed
shall be retained by the United Slates.
Stc. 4 That so much of See 2,503
of the Keviseei Statutes a? piovidcs that
only ninety per ciulumof the several
duties and rules of duty imposed on cer
tain articles therein enumerated by Sec.
2,5C-1 shall be levied, collected and paid
be, and the same is hereby, repealed,
and the several duties :md rates of duty
prescribed in sai.1 Sec. 2,504 shall be
aud remain as by that section levied
without tibateinent of ten per ccut., pro
vided in Sec. 2,503.
Sec. 5.- That tho increase of duties
provided by this act shall not apply to
any goods waits or merchendiso actu
ally on shipboard nod bound to' tiie
United States on or before the tenth
d.iy id 1'ebrusry, 1875, nor on any
such Koods, wines or merchandise on
deposit iu warehousis or public ttorts at
the date of the passage ot this act.
Skc. 0 provkks that rolhiu in the
act. of February 8, 1S75 (the Little
Tariff act) shall be construed to impose
any duty on bolting cloths heretofore
admitted free of duty, it to require the
use of stumps on entiiescr receipts in
the pass-books or savings bank".
Tne Fa milk Sewing .Machine.
Tho iuvention of tho Wil.-on Shuttle
Sewinj; M a-hino exerts an iiifbieucc
over domestic comfort unequalled by
any inveution of the last hundred years.
As au economical arrangement it en
ables one person to do the work of ten
in a superior manner, and with un
speakable wore comfort. Jiachiues will
be delivered at any Jlailroad Station iu
this county, free ot transportation
c'hargcs, if ordered th rough the Com
pany's Branch llouso at 327 and 329
Superior St. Cleveland Ohio.
They send au elegant eutalnguo aud
cbromo circular free on application.
This Company want a lew more good
Pan Di-yaut, the well known eiiuistre'
perfoimer, died Saturday afternoon of
President Grant will b fifty-three years
of ago on tho Iweuty-seveutu day oi the
present- month.
Firsl-class tickets from Detroit to Buf.
lata are now being sold over Iho tiiaud
Truuk and Canada. Southern Railways at
A bee tree discovered in Schuyler
county, ii hew York Stale, a short time
since, yielded 186 pounds of solid houey
aud seventeen pounds of comb and honey.
Jackson S, Schulu delivered au address
on "The Economies of Labor aud .Service
Under Our Municipal Government," in
New Vork lust Tuesday evening.
Lancaster, Pa., April 12" This morn
ing Albert Brighton, aged thirteen, fell
from a freight train iu this oily and Was
cut iu two- He was hanging on to steal a
ride through the city, and slipped off.
Washington, April 12. Treasurer Spin
ner to-day received an autograph letter
from the President, accepting his resigna
tion us Treasurer of the United States , and
expressing for the retiring oiliciul tho
warmest sentiments of regard for him per
sonally, together with a high appreciation
of his well-known probity, patriotism and
official integrity.
"T OTICE is heroby given ihnt the fol
X lowing accounts have been tiled iu my
(jiiice, aud will be presented at the
Orphan's Court of Elk County for oonfir
nttuion, on the fourth Monday of May next,
being the 21th day of May 1875.
i'lual aecout of Ignatius U truer,, and
Louis Vollreer executors of the lust will
and testament of A. Hanhauser, late of
bt, Mary's 13oro., deceased.
Partial account of Cliaa. M'Vean and
Mary A. Weed, administrators of B. A
Weed lute of Jay low us nip, Elk Co., Pa.,
To ti-9 S;hcol director! of klk Count.
GENTLEMEN: In pununnce of tho
forty third Boction of tho net of 8h of May,
18o4, you arc lie re by nolilicu to meet in
convent ion at the Court house in Ridgwny,
nn the first Tuesday in May A, D. 1876,
bein (he 4th day of the month, at 1
o'clock in the afternoon, nnd seleot, Wwa
vorr, by a majority of the whole number
of directors picsent one person of literary
and scicnlitio acquirements nnd of skill and
experience iu the art of li county
superintendent, fur the three sucooeding
years; dotermiue the amount Of compensa
tion for the same; and certify the result lo
the Etate Superintendent at Ilarrisiiurg,
as required by tho thirty-ninth and
fortieth sections of said act.
April Mth 1876. Co. Supt., Elk Co.
. Aitlktuns American Cyclopedia
thut tho revised, and elegantly illus
trated edition of this work, now being
published,' a volume of 800 pnges once
in two months, is the best Cyclopedia in
America, is certain. No library is com
plete without it. It is a complete one
in itself. It ouly costs 3 a month to
get it in leather binding. The best and
cheapest library in the world. Address,
C. K. Judson, Frjdonia, N. Y.
EisEolution of Partnership.
The firm of W. S. SERVICE & CO. is this
lny dissolved by mutual consent.
Tiie business hereafter will be conducted
by W. S. Service, by whom all debts due by
said firm will be paid, and with whom all
accounts due to said firm must be settled.
March l-, 1875 W. II. SCiIRAM.
ALL persons knowing themselves to bo
indebted lo the lute firm of W. S.
SEllVlCE & CO. nre requested to call and
settle the panic beiore the first of April next,
as all accounts if sai l firm not settled at
that time will be placed iu the hand of an
attorney for collection.
n4to W. S. SERVICE
Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia K'y,
On nnd after FKliUARY 11th, 1873, and
until further notice, trains will leave Buf
falo from tlie liufi'alo, New York jt Fhilai
delphia Railroad Depot, corner Eschnnge
and Louisiana streets, (Eufi'alo time as fol
lows: 7:40 A. M , MAIL, stepping at Etenezcr
8:0.'l Springl'rook8:10 Eltna S-l.l Jamison's
f:19 Aurora bV-'li Wales 8:i!8, Holland 8:00
Protection H:tiU Arcade 'J:M Yorkshire 0:23
Mnehius ll:!!:) FrtinlUiuvillo, 11:50, lsehua
10.11 Hinsdale 10.27, Erie Railway 10.43
Olciiu 10.55, Weston's 11.03, Portville,
11.10, Staio Line 11. If; Eltlred 11-31
l.iirabce's 11 38, Sartwell 11.44 Turtle
i'oint 11.48 Port Alleghany 12.01 P.M.,
Liberty 12.111, Keating J2.2J thippeu
12.40 Lmporium l.UO 1'. M.
stopping nt Ebenczer H 05 Springbrook.
10,31, Lima 10.52 Juin:sou'd 11.00 Aurora
11 25 Wales 11.1.), Holland 12.10 P.M.,
Protection 12-30, Arcade 12.67, Yorkshire
1.12 Mauhins 1.30. Frunkliuvillo 2.05,
bchua 2.60, llitudale 8 21, Erie Railway
4-00 1. M.
3.30 P. M., EXPRESS, stopping at
Ebenezer 3,65.. Sprimbrook 4.04 Lima 4.11
Jamison's 4.1t Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4,35
Holland 4 i'i, Protection 4.60,
Yorkshire 5.1'J Muchias 5.i.O, Franklinvilie
5.40 IscliUH ij.V'o L insdalo 0.20, Erio Rail
wr.y 0.3(5, Oieim 0.52, Weston's 7.00, Poit
ville 7 00, citato Line 7.14, Eldrtd 7.27,
Lariibec's 7.35, Sartwell 7.41, Turtle Point
7.45, Poit Alk(.nny 7 68, Libeny 8 17,
Keating 8.25, BUippeu 8.45, Luiporiuui
0.00 P. M.
t'O A. M., EXl'KKliS, slopping at Ship
pen 4.15 Keating 4 36 Liberty 4 44 Port
Allegheny 6.03 TurCe. Point 6.15, t-artwell
5.2J, Lmabee's 6.26, t.ldred 6.33 Biate
Line 5 44 Portville 6.52, Weston's 6.57,
(Jleim 0.-O. trie Railway 0.23, Uiusdulo
0.3?, Iscliua . 0.52, lrakliuviile 7.10,
MiiL'iiing 7.20 Yorksliicr 7.35 A rondo 7.43,
Prolceiiou 7.67, Holland 8.05; Wales 8.15,
Aurora 8.20 Jtuiiscu's 833 Lima 8.38,
ipriugbrook 8.43, Lbencxer 8.52, Lutlalo
0.15 A. M.
O.l'O A. M., LOCAL PASfcENOi:?. &
FKEi-illT, stopping at .Shippcn 0.40, Keat
ing 7.35 Liberty 7.60. Port AlMgr.ay 8,40
Turtle Point 0 13, Sartwell 9.25, LiiiaU-e's
0.40 Eldred 10 05 Stalo Lino 10.38, Port
ville 11 10 Weston's 11.25, Oleun 11.42,
t'rij Railway 11.47, Hinsdale 12.20 P. M
lschun 1.08, Ftfiiiklinville, 2.06, Muchias
2.41, Yorkshire 3.11U, Aiende 3.15 Protect
ion 3.42, Holland 4.03 Wales 4,35, Aurora
5.O0. Jamison's 6.20 Elma 5.28, Spring,
brook 6.4U, Eheutxer 0.00, J suction 0.30
P. M.
2 is) r.M., MAIL, (lopping at Ehippen
2.15, Keating 2.35, Libeity 2.11, Port. Al
legheny 3.03 Turtle Point 3.16 tiartwell
3.20, Larnhces 3.20, Eidied 3.33, Stale
Line 3.40, Portville 3.65, Weston's 4.02
Ulean4.20, Erie Railway 4 23, Hinsdale
4.38 lsi-huiv 4.52, Frankliuville 6.11,
MachiasoliO, Yorkshire 5:37, Arcade 5.40
Pruleelion 0 02, Holland 0.10, Wales 0.20,
Aurora 0.32, Jamison's 6.38, Eluia 0.42,
tfpriugbrook 0.47, Lbenczor G.5S, Rufl'ulo
7.11'J P. M.
FREIGHT, slopping at Hinsdale 7.00
lsehua 7.30, 'ri.uklinv.lle 8.15, Muchias
8.63, Yorksaire 0.23, Arcudo 0.45, Protect
ion 10-14, Holland 10 35, Wales 11.00,
Aurora 11.25, Jamison's 11.30, Elma 11.40,
Springbrook 12 02 p jl Ebenezer 12 22,
bullulo 1 00 P. M .
JkafN'o traiua run on Sundays.
11. 0. F1SK, Gun't Matiugr,
II. L. LYMAN, Gcn't IWr Ag't
J. 0. iEO-dANB, Geu't Sup't
urn c ntEEii
Any person guttering from the above
disease is reiiuoMed to uduress Lu. Thici:,
nnd a. trial bottle of medicine will be lor
wit ded Ly Express.
The ouly cost being the Express char
ges, which owing to my Urge business, aie
l)y. Price has until a the treatment of
a study for years, and he will wariaut u
cure by the use of his remedy.
Ho not fail lo seud to him for a trial bot
tle; il cosls nothing, aud ho
no mutter cf how loug stauding your oase
may be, or how many other rcmouies may
have failed
Circulars and testimonials sent with
lie particular to give jcur Express, as
Well as your Pcsi Clnue dueotiou, ui.d
Audi tss,
Lit. CM A 3. T. Pi: ICE,
C7 William Stieel, hew Vorli. v-5u31y
One column, one year.
$75 00
40 00
I " ' " 25 00
i ' " ' 15 00
Tiaut;ienl udvcrlisemouis per square of
eight lines, one iuseition $1, two inser
tions, $1.50, three insertions, 2.
business cards, ten Hues or less, per
year $5.
Advci'tisemeats payable quarterly.
G. A. HA TUB i'A,
Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 tf.
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Oflioe ia
Hall's new ltrick L'uilding. Claims lor
Collection piompily attended to.
HALL t- M'i Al Li:l
Attoritejs-ut-l. .v.
OfTicc in New Lrick lluilding, Main St
Ridway, Elk Co., Pa. v3u2tf.
J. O. it'. BAILEY,
vln.,yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta.
Ageui for tho Traveler's Lifo and Acol
deut insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Surgeon Dentist,' having permanently lo
cated in Rig way, oftors his professional ecr
tices to the uiiizens of Ridgwny ana sur
rounding country. All work warranted.
Ollice in Service & Wheeler's lluilding, up
stairs, first door lo the left. 73-n-32-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent tor th
Howe Sewing Machine, nnd Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc,-doca with
he snmo accuracy as heretofore. Satis
actioa guaranteed. vlnly
Druggist and pBi-aceutist, N. W. corner
ot Main nnd Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa.
full assortment of cnrclully selected For
eign nnd Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed nt all hours, day or
night. vln3y
T. S. HARTLEY. M. .,
Physician ana Surgeon.
Ofiice in Drug Store, corner Droad and
Mniu Sis. Residence corner liroad Si.
oppite the College. Ollice hours from
8 lo 10 A. M. aud from 7 to 8 P. M.
Eclectic Physician aud Surgeon, has remov
ed his otlice lrom Centre street, to Main st.
Ridgway, Pu,, iu iho secoud story of the
new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store,
QtUeo hours: 8 to 9 a- iu: 1 to 2 p. m. 7
jan 0 73
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SC1I11AM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon hi in, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit a continuance oi the
Oct 30 1830.
Kasis, McKcan Co,, Pa.
R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thaiiklul lor the patronage heretofore so
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro
prietor, hopes, by paying Btrict attention
to tho comlort aud convenience of guests,
to merit a contiuuauce of the same. The
ouly stables lor horses iu Kane aud well
kept night or day. Hall attached to the
Hotel. vlu23yl.
CttiTBEviLLii, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Pioprietor.
Thankful lor the patronage heretofore
so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience
of guests, l J merit a continuance of the
Dry Goods, Notions, Grcceries
and General Varietyr
Eariey 1. O.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division.
ON undaftor MONDAY, NOV, 1G, 1874,
iho trains on the Philadelphia a
Erie Railroad will run as follows:
ERIU MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.55 p m
" " " Reuovo 11. 10 am
" " " Emporium 1.10 p ni
" St. Mary's 2.05 p iu
" Ridgway 2.33 p in
" arrive at Erie 8.05 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie ......11.20 a m
" " Ridgway 4.45 p m
" " " St. Mary's 6.10 p m
" " " Emporium 0.05 p in
' " " Reuovo 8.25 p m
" " air. at Philadephia... 0.50 a m
Mail East CODUCCtS CQ&t nil (J WAst hI Urto
with L H M S R W.
Mail West with cast and west trains
L S i M S It W
Gen'l Sup't.
White, Powell &. Co.
Ko. ii trouiU Third Street.
Philadelphia, April 13th. 1875.
hid- ASKED
U. 11- o 2U 21
do 0 20, o '02, M aud N lbl i :
do do '04 do lyj ijl
do do '05 do 21 21i
do do '05 J and J 20 LoA
do do '07 do 2lJ 21
do do '08 do 21 214
10-40, do eoupon ii jeJ
do Pacific b's cy lut. off lOi "i!
NowS'slteg. 188l' l6J $
U' lsal lej 10
U 16? l4
f,"VC1- 107 lo5
Unnsytvauia 65 M.
loading. 60 6 I
Philadelphia, Ac Lrie 23i 2 "I
Lehigh Iavigutiou Dit. otf.. ..'" 61? 6l!
do Valley tt 6-,7 6a'
United R tt of N J Ex. DiT.........13lJl 130
Oil Creek ,? lQ
Northern Central 82i 82
Central Transportation 434 4a
Nesquehoning 55 6lJ
A U A Mortgage 6's '83 106il04