65 Henry A. Parsons, Ja. .- Editor THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1875, EopaWican'StatojOonvantlon. TIjo Republicans of Pennsylvania ore requested to assembly, by their dele gates, io the Opera House, in the city of L:ucaster, at noon, on WEDNHSDA Y, MAY 21), 1875, for the purposo of nominating candidates for Governor nnJ State Treasurer. Each Senatorial aud Rcprcsentutiva district will bo entitled to the some rep resentation therein as they aro entitled to under the present apportionment of Senators and Representatives in the Legislature. By order of tho Republican State Committee. RUSSEfERRETT. Chairman. A. WILSON NORRIS.'Seo'y. ' SLK COTOTY. r.EPUSliOAN 001LTT22. The Elk CountyRcpublican Com mittee are Requested to meet at Ridg way on TUESDAY MAY 4th' 1875 in the Court House to choose one pcraou us delegate to meet in-State Convention which is to be held at Lancaster May 20.'. 'J A full attendance is looked for.; J. II. IIAGERTY, Chairman. Following iavtho names of tho gentle tuon comprising the Couuty Committee, as appoiutcd at the last County Con vention: Ciiairniaa Jas. II. llagerty, of Ridgway. Benczcttc D. B. Winslotv, D. Johnson. Benziugcr John Farrer, Jau.c? Sna-Iden. Highland Win. James, Levi Elo thrope. Horton J. S. Chambcrlaiu, X. M Brockway. U. W. Rogers. Jay A. E. C off, J . M. Urookins. Joues A. T. Aldrich, John Em hout. Millstouo Harry Cats, John Mooro. Ridgway W. II. Ostcrhout, J. 0. W. Bailey. Spriug Crock Iliraia Curumu, John Megaffick. St. Mary's Dji-o L. B. Conk, Chus. McVcan. Last month the publicdebt was re duced 3,GS1,210, a very good showing for this tiaicf of year. The Mauch Chunk Ccal Gazette says, that Hon. Henry Souther, of Erie would bo av'good, man for president of the Republican State Convention. potato hills find them frozen, should bear in mind that by covering them up again in hills and permitting1 them to remain until the frost is entirely out of the earth euclosiug them, they will be left perfectly sound. Tho Ambassador "of the Pope with Cardinal MuCloskcy's hat arrived on Tuesday. The ceremonies of theainves titure of tho Bishop with the rank aud dignity of Cardinal will take place in St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, on Sunday, the ISth iust. The FirstNational batik, of Sharon, Pa., capital 100,000; the City Na tional bank, of Plane-field, New Jersey, capital 100,000, J and theA First Na tional bank, of Majfield, Kentucky, capital 5100,000, have been authorised to begin business. The foreign exportsfrom Philadel phia during March amounted to 52, 410,024,'.an iucrcaso'.of about. $133,1 00 over the corresponding month Jastjoar. These exports were Hourly equally di vided bet weed American and foreign vessels, the latter Laving a slight prc ponderanco.'and abouf one-ha'fof them wera sent to England. The work of withdrawing the frac tional currency has becu eotmncuccd, and already one hundred thousand dol lars of it has ' been cancelled. This withdrawal will be continued until it will cease to circulate, and silver coin will take the place of tho filthy rags. The coinage of 'silver money is now go ing on ut the Philadelphia mint, with a view to its .substitution for the currency. CHARLIE ROSS HEARD FROM. Halifax, N..S April 7. A telegram to-day from Aylcsford, Kings county, says a boy supposed to be Charlie Rosa was discovered three weeks Bgo uear Margaretville,' on tho Bay of Fundy bhore, iu charge of a female fortune tel ler who came there in October last. From The Philadelphia Times. THE STATE TREASIJRERSHIP. MB. STRANG WILE NOT BE A CANDI DATE!. Harrisburg, April 9. Hon. Butler 13. Strang, prominently named for State Treasurer, will not be a candidate be fore the Republican State Convention. He has never pressed himself as a can didate, and will formally decliue before the Convention meets. It is believed that Mr. Wilcox, of Elk county, will bo braought forward by those who favored Mr. Strang. GENERAL NOTES. The total redemption of national bnuk currency from July 1, 1S7-1, to dato is $9,059,500. George Reynolds, of Suit Lake City, convicted of polygamy lias been senten ced to ono year in the penitentiary mid a lino of ?i'i0(). William Morgan, on old man who murdered his wile in St. Louis Inst July, has been sentenced to bo hanged on Friday, the 28th of May. ' . , The State Board of Pardons will hold its next meeting on May 4 t Harris burg, when it will fully oigauiza under the new constitution. It is understood that all the faro banks, lotcry-poliey pimps, and other gaming establishments at Washington will be closed by the police. Michael W. Hodgdon, the well known dry-goods commission lnerohunt of Boston, has absconded, after defraud ing his iiiotuer-iu-law out of $200,000. The wretch. Th representatives of the Rowing As sociation of tho American colleges to take part in the regatta at Saratoga, N. Y., next July, are in session in Spring field, Mass, All the colleges are rep resented. Mrs. Mary McCue and Mrs. Bridget Galviu become engaged in an affray at their residence in Emmet street, Brook lyn, Tuesday night. The former beat the latter over the head with a heavy glass tumbler, fracturing her skull. The Spanish aud Cuban eigarinakers of New" Yoik havo struck in con sequence of being notified by their em ployers that from this date forward their rates would be reduced 2 per thousaul. Governor Parker, of Teuncsii.e, has pardoned ex-State Seuator McKenna. who was recently seutenced to five years in the penitentiary for marrying hit former wife's granddaughter. Edward Bahb and II. A. Bird, who have carried on au ueucy to procure business partners, and, as alleged have swindled a large number of persons in Baltimore, have been arrested. Andrea Egne? and George Eufer, who were convicted of tho murder of Herman Schilling; on tho 7ih of Novem ber last at Cincinnati, have been sen tenced to be hanged on Tuesday, July On the 2d instant, William Orr, aged 71, fell into the creek at Loraconing, Alleghany county, Md., and was drowned. A few days previous he had been notified of a legacy of $29,000 from a relative is England. Ida adopted daughter of Thomas Hording of Wesltown, N. Y., commit ted suieido on Saturday, by shooting herself. She lived a lew hours, but would not tell why she had done tfie deed. She was but 14 years of age. Thirty-one years !go the venerable Eli Crezier of Delaware vowed not to buy a new bat until Mr. Clay should be elected to the Presidency; and the title which now surmounts his venerable brow is not lovely to look upon. Omaha, April 9. The number of emigrants, westward bound the present Buison, is uopreceueutC'i. u.iiuO nave left here since March 1. Upwards of i,000 were delayed here yesterday for want ot cars, but were sent on special trams to-auy. London has another new industry. A man advcttii-xs himself as "Knocker- up and window tickler, from threo to seven. lie wakes heavy sleepers who wish to get up early. Window tickling is w;ikins w'thout riDgiug the bell by means of a long pole, with which ho taps on the window pane. lu the polygamy c:ii-e on trial rtt Beaver, Utah, Judge Boremau charges that polygamy committed prior to lit is punishable now; that bigamv is a continuous crimo, and that the statules of limitation do not apply. This is di rectly opposite to charge of Judge Em erson, ot tho halt Lake district. The peach trees iu the lower part of Delaware, and even as far north as Greenwood, are very red ip the tops, indicating an early bloom. It is not believed any injury has been done the trees by the cold weather, aud the pros pect has never been better lor a good crop. The case of George Q. Cannon, iodic ted for polygamy, has been appealed by the prosecution to the ierntorial Su preme Court of Utah. Mr. Cannon gave bouds iu 85,000 for his appear ance. The trial of John D. Lee and others at Beaver, Utah, charged with participation iu tho Mountain Meadow massacre, has been postponed. Omaha, April S. Yesterday a whirl wind -about ono hundred yards wide, struck the I'latee river bridge at Schuy- er, Nebraska, and luted tour spans with the roof from their places aud dropped them in tho river, leaving uothing but piers. Several houses ou the south side wcro blown down. The damage is estimated at 8200,000. A man signing himself Rev. Newton Vogel has of late been sending letters dated from Newark to residents of Elizabeth aud other cities, representing that relatives of the party to whom the letters were addressed had died in his house, and asking the party addressed to reimburse him for fuueral expenses. To what extent ho succeeded in swind ling citizens by the device i3 not known Boston, April 0. Two hundred feet of the Newburyport bridge were carried away by tho ice at 10 o'clock this morn ing, causing damage amounting to 87,000. The railroad bridgo was dama ged in the pier at the draw, spiles be ing 6wept away to the amount of 83.000. Geo. Butler's yacht America was in the full force of the flood and was in great danger, but escaped without injury. The ice gorge above Laiveteoce gave way early this morning and with a ter rible crash wejjt past that city but with out inflicting any damage. A serious gorge has formed three miles above Lawrence, but tho Merrimack is fulling and the fear of danger M ill probably not be realized. Some 3,200 operatives aro out of work to day, owing to the backing up of the water. GENERAL NOTES. A police officer of Providence was assoultcd by roughs Saturday evening, when he discharged his revolver in stantly killing a young man named Peter Buakcn, who was walking With a friend on tho side-walk. A farmer named McKensuc, living fivo miles horn Greenville, 111. was mur dered iu his bed Thursday night aud then dragged to tho stable and placed1 under tho feet of a pair of mules. 11 is wife and son have been arrested on sus picion of having committed tho deed. A Sioux Indian delegation consisting of Red Cloud,. Spotted Tail and othci chiefs, is expected in Washington be fore the 1st of May, when negotiations lor tho opening of tho Black Hill country will begin. Norfolk, Va., April 7. The negro James Bruce, who shot aud killed a white woman, Elizabeth Stephenson, in this city a few weeks ago, was to-day convicted of murder in the second de gree, and senteuccd to the Pcuitcnliary lbr eighteen years. Patrick Dewccs, of Shamokin, has bceu lodged in tho Sunbu'-y . jail charged with the murdur of his wile, who was found dead in bed with marks of violence upon her head and with her neck broken. The ore from the Newburyport silver mine, it is said iucrcases in richness us tho shaft goes down. The latest assay yielded at the rate of more than $0,000 to the ton. Six hundred feet of kind, on the Boynton lode, was sold last week for 8U!0,000 to persons iu Spring field, Mass. Erie, April 7. A fire broke out this morning in the plamug mill of Hugh Jones. The flames spread very rapidly and soon reached' tho adjacent dwcliiug of Win. Mallory, which was completely destroyed. Three stables wcio also burned, and a considerable Miiouut of stock belonging to Mr. Jones Tho loss is estimated at about 15,000 only par tially insuicd. Titusville, April 11, A fire at Mil- Icrstowu, l a., tins morning, broke out iu Biuestino's confectionery and faro bank, winch in two hours destroyed tcrty buiMing3. Jt is impossible at present to give the losses, but they will not be less thau $100,000. The most important losses wore Mckimiey Bro thers cl Galcy's building, the Oil Pro ducers, oud Aernian National Banks, S. McBride's drug store, A. Tolman's paint store aud the Hogan Opera Hjusc Tho other buildings were mostly saloons and small tenements. lhe insurance is small. Cincinnati, April S. A special dis patch to the Commercial from Ediu burgh, 111., states that a tornado swept though that place at 4,30 P. M,. to-day. lhe Lhnstiau church, m winch some thirty or forty young ladies and gentle men were rehearsing, was demolished. About fifteen of the party had been taken out at last accounts. .Miss Porter was dead, Dick Greenwood had both legs broken; J. B. Eaton was sei iously injured; Mi.s Sanders had both legs aud one uriu broken; Mr. Ivemmerur had a jaw and shoulder broken. Several Others. whoSH nnmn li'U'.v mit 1-iaon cenaineu, were also iniureu. 1'ive dwellings were also biowu down, and an elevator was badly damaged. Memphis, April 10. For soma tinn past numerous robberies have been committed in the neighborhood of Chaicot, Ark., and the cilizeus, believing Ihoy wore perpetra ted by an organized bund, have quietly been on tho alert for them. On Thursday night last five men wcro discovered iu tho commission worebouso of A. U. Martin situated on tho river bank, 'lhe alarm was given, and lhe citizens soon surrounded tho building, lhe rolibera opened fire on them, wliieU was returned, and two of tho rebbevs were killed. Another jumped out ot lhe window into tho river, uud whs drowned, lhe remaining two were cap tured. Next duy numerous person. sus peoled of being in league with tho baud were found to have disappeared, having lied from fear of iho prisoners implicating them. LLKGHKSV VALLEY KUAD LOW-OUALL DIVISION. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1874, trains between Keiibunk and Driftwood will run as follows: WKSTWASll. LXPRF.fcS and MAIL will knvo Drift wood daily at 12::o p in,. Itej holdviilo at o:'20 p w, Drookvillc ul l:0o pin, arriving at Kedbank at C: 1 U p m, connecting with Express on Muiu Line for l'ittuburgli, .MIXED WAY leaves Iteynold.sviUe daily at ti:lU a m, Uiboliville at ;H) a m, arriv ing at l'.edbar.k at 11:00 a m, conneciiiig wiih trail's north and (.ouih on Muiu Line. EASTWARD. EXIT.ES3 and MAIL leaves Kedbank daily ul 12:'J0a in. arrives ut llrookvilie ut '2;Z4 p m, Kejuoldsvill at o:L'U p m, Drift wood ut 0:1U p in, "connecting with truiud east and west ou V and E Railroad. MIXED WAY leaves New lieililo'm daily at uMo ii in j arrives at Bi-ookville at u-.oii p m, Keynoldovillc at 7:1U p ui. MAIN LINE On aud after MONDAY, NOV 2;), 171, traius ou the Allegheny Valley Kuiiroud will run us follows.' EUEfAl.O EXPKESS will leavo Pitts burgh daily ut 7:43a ui, Kudbunk Juuciiou ul l0;-17 a m, aud urrive ut Oil City at 12:10 p iu. MOIIT EXPUESS will leave Oil city at lJ:U5 p m.ltedbank Junction at 2:iio a iu, and arrive at Pittsburgh at a in. Ti'ltaVILLE EXPKESS leaves Pitts burgh at 8:00 p in, 1'edbank Junction at U;2o pin, aud arrives at Oil City at 1U:0 p in. lleturning, leaves Oil City at 8:oO a m, Kedbank Junction at 12:11 a ui aud ar rives at Pittsburgh at ii;45 p iu. J. J. LAWitENCE, General Superintendent, Wm. M. riULLIl'S, Ass't iiupt., Brookville Pa. To the Editor of Elk Co Advocate" i-6TKKMED r HI END. Will vou ftlease inform vnur renderH that I have a positive CUIIE FOR CONSUMPTION and all disorder of the Throat and Lungs, and tbut, by its use iu my practice, I havo cured hundreds of cases, and will give $1,0U0 00 for a case it will not benefit. Indeed, bo strong is my faith, I will send' a SAMPLE FllEE, to any sufferer addressing me. Please ghow this lptttii in nnv- nna vnn may know who is buffering fiom these .i: j -i r . uiseuses, auu uuugu, UK. T. F. I3UKT. 09 WILLIAM ST., New York PITTSBUGH EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT i REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! a live NUWtirjrMl, IN A L L I TS 1) E P.A H TMKNTS. In entering upon tho New Year nnu within a few months of Iho second anni versary of I ho lirst appearance of I he paper 1hn publisher of tho PITTS11U Kti II EVENING TELUmiAPlI renew their ex. prcFsioim of thanks to an iutclligcut and appreciative publio for its LIBERAL AND EVER INCREASING I'ATRONAtiE durirg tho year just closed. Coming into cxisiauce at a lime when every kind of business was to a certain extent, depressed, aud when retrenchment, in every direction was the rule, tho TELEGRAPH lias fought its .way, and become, not only au esiub. lislied fact, but a PRIME NECESSITY IN i:i'ERY WELL. INFORMED ClROLli, . whether it bo of the. counting-room, lhe prolesjioiialolliui!, the wiskshop, or iho family. Its cirvuhtt ion, eipuil to Iho best from the shirt, has grown iu extent und im portance daily, until now it. acknowledges Lul two equals the Dispatch mid Leader so far as lhe number issued daily is con corned, and no equal as to the character of its readers, 'i'heseacts avo so well know n and appreciated by the business commu nity, or tho shrewdest members thereof, that our columns have been well.liUed by the favors of - THE BEST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS. and we tire glid to know that their faith in I lie TELF.G ilAl'll as an aJveriitiilg me dium has been firmly established. TinrniTssuacii ING TELEGRAPH, lri, we think, during the pnst year main It.intd its claim to the good will aud sup prot of the people, irrespective of pony, iimsjiiK-li as in opposition to bad nomina tions within the party whose principles it favors was largely iustrumcmal .u procor1 ing their defeat. While it shall be our aim io promote the established principles of tho Republic m party, wo shad iu tho fu ture, n iu ilia pasi, oppose the election to nv- f itv. l-ulljf qiliUilliitl . or .vllO .-hall by trickery or ur.y unfair nieacB manage to secure a place on the ticket, llonebiy and capacity ou'y will receive our uupport. Xliii, TELEGRAPH will continue to publish ALL Till' NEWS OF THE 'DAY ut lhe earliest moment, and iu such a shape as to be acceptable to the- most criticul reader. Tho TELEGRAPH will continue to re flect' the sentiments of the people ou all public questions touching their welfare. The TELt'G KAPli will uphold zealously the hands of all men hou;.-t and earnest, in reform, ucd it will, as in tho past, give all sides a licarin,; ou the topics of the lime. The TELEGRAPH will labor with re Hewed zeal for tho prosperity of tho city and State and the advancement of the ua terial interests of our citizens. Its LOCAL DEPARTMENT will continue to be carefully attended to, aud its reports of local events will he always fresh and reliable. Its STECIAL TELEGRAMS AND CORRES PONDENCE from the Capitals of the Nation aud blate and from all iu;porl.iut news centers will coutinue to be of the most jittiuciivo aud trustworthy character. Its .MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will receive tho tame careful attention that has been riiii.irl.td iu the paiii, and iu this respect die TELEGRAPH will continue to bo vtilhout u competitor- Its EDITORI A L DEPA RT5J ENT will contain an honest expression of views ou all impotiant lie topics, political und otherwise. Its NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which have always enjoyed un exalted rep utation, will continue to bo of tho same uuexceptioiiuble character, lu line, the EVENING TELEGllAl'lI IN.. ALLj ITS DEPARTMENTS, will be during tho year 1875, superior to tha past, excellent as it has been by gen eral admission. No expense will be spared to keep the paper abreast with the times, and its managers will exert every effort that experience may suggest to make if possible, more attractive to the general reader. SUBSCRIPTION riUCE. By mail, ii.cludinj postage, Nine Dollars per unuum. Delivered by Carriers, iu uny part of Pittsburgh aud Allegheny, for I-'ifteeu Cents a week. ADVERTISING RATES furnished ou application. ADDBEES, THE EVENING TELEGRAPH, PIPTBBURGH, TA. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. . HOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. TUG ALDINE; TIIR ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. ; This splendid cnlen,ris ,s not. only well sustained in every fcaluro, but Is being coiihtanlly developed and ittiprovod. it. to-day stands without, a rival iu tho whole world of periodical litcrnluro. Tho beauti ful dog-portrait, "Man's Unselfish Friend," a chrotiio presented to cvory subscriber, is a deoided hit, and will, if possible, add to the popularity which this work has gained. Tho Aht Uniom feature also promises great and beiilficent. results, in uroiilng puhlio interest in tho fine arts. Circulars and ful information on application. Paris I, II, III, and IV aro now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To be cmplulcd in 40 p.irlH issued for nifclly. Each part will contain an eleiranl. frontis piece, originally e'nraved on steel for thu Loudon Art Journal. REPRODUCING at a prico within the popular reaoh, en pravingH never before offered at less than live times tho amount. These plates havo been Iho attraction of The London Art Journal, Each part, will contain 2h quarto paues, including tho elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly iiluuiiuated in red and gold, will lie given with the lirst part, and the printing of the enhre work will ho a worthy representa tion ot "iho alamo t'reas wiilcii is a guarantee of something beautiful and val ualile. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part Parts I, IT. and III are Just Published. 7"fli! 3 SIT JOUK.V.1J, Complete in 12 monthly parts, at $1 each Reproducing the best full-page illustra tions from tho earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain nix su perb i. lutes with accompanvin descriptive matter, and whether for binding or framing will ho entirely beyond competition m price or artistic character. Eveiy imprcs sion will be most, carefully taken on the lmest toned paper, and no pains Will be spared to make ibis the richest, production of a press which lias tt on, in a marvelously short time, a world-wi-lc reputation. II .'. CH fit TtS S li BJT i. Especially assorted for Ccrnp Book I'.lustretions und Drawing Uir.ss lopie3. A large collection of pictures of different sizes aud en alums! every conceivable suti. j ect have tieeu put v.p it nu attractive en velope, ami are now offered at a price iu leiule I to uilic iheui popular 1a ever sense- Envelope No. 1, containing 50 beautiful it "raving's is now ri-auv, and will he tent postage paid, to any a-KIri ss for ONI". DOL EAR. A liberal discount to agents uud teachers. SCRAP BOOKS. A spleiuiid Kssortnient oi SCRAP ROOKS davc bdeii expressly prepared for the hjli huy season, and no r resent, of more perma nent interest can be selected for geuilemau or lady, old or young. No. 1. Half bound, cloth sides, gilt back '1M pp. IJxiU inches i o CO No. 2. liulf bouud, elo h exits, gilt back, fiUO pp. 1-xlti inches 7 00 No. 8. i'ull morocco, beveled boards gilt and miilqite, very r'.uh 500 pp 12 00 Lct'.cred to order iu gold at -3 cents each line. Sent by mail pobt-paui ou receipt of the price. THE ALDINE J'AStE PARTOUTS. In cotr.plinnce v-iih repealed requests, the publishers of Tun Ai.r.::p. have pre pared impressions of many of their most beautiful pluies for pas.-e-partoul finming. The cms are mounted ou a beautifully tinted azure mat, with a haudsonio red bor der line. To attach the g'.ats, it 13 only left for the customer lo pa.-te tuiu luld over un already attached border and this may bo douo by u Cllll'i. 27 subjects, 12slo iuchc.', 2Co ; with glass, otic. Six of this size for $1 v.hcu selection is oft to tho publishers. 0 subjects, Itixl'iJ inches, 20c, with glass, loj. . 1 subjects, CJxtJ, inches, loc, with glass, -iOc. 12 subjects, 11x10 inches, 50 c; with glass, $1. Eeat by mail, w ithout glass, post paid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED ma iii.stiri: ;ij n a, CtSJVaiiifu JLattc. Yti0 1'urli. 1 uilil:J. ll.vuiNuroN Sewing Machines FlttK Ait.MS, AND AcU'.IC'LLiUltAL I.M- 1-LKMBM'tt. Tho lln,inytor, Pcwiup; .Macliiuc bus sprung lapidi into favor ps possessitiglho Lest coinbiuutiou of goud tjualitioH namely, lij.vlit ruoning smooth no'iHclcEs rapid aud durable. It has a elruiLt needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, whi-jh will neither rip nor ravel, uud ikliko ou both bides. The lJeuiitiytou Sewing Machine Las received premiums at many EiiiK, thruujthuut the United States, and with out ciloit took the Graud Medal of Pro grcss, the Lihtsl order of ii;edul that was awarded at the late Vicuna Esposi positkm. The licmingtou Works also manu facture tho new .Doublo Earrclled Breech Loadiug Shot gun suap und positive action, with patent joiut check, a marvel of beauty, liuish uud cheapness, aud the celebrated iU-ui iogtou liiiies adopted by nine difiercut governments, and renowned throughout tho world for military, huutiuj; tftid target purposes all kinds of l'ibtols, Rifles, (Janes, Hetalio Cutridges, cto. - Agricultural .Implements, Improved Mowing AJachiucs, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, lloud Eciapers, Patent Excavators, Ilay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, &o. The undersigned has been appointed agent for the sale and introduction of the Remington Sewing Machine in and for the counties of Elk, Clearfield and Warren. TIIOS, J. BUilKE, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good local ageut wanted. U. 3. Internal Hevenue , SPECIAL TAXES, May 1, 187D,ta April 30, 1876. ; mill-'. REVISED fcTATUTES of the I'niled KliilcB, BcctioiiH 3232,82:17, and 32:;'.!, rcuiro every person engaged in any business, avocation, or employment which rcndern him liable to a (-SPECIAL TAX. TO 1'HOCUKE AND PLACE CON HPIOUOUSLY IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACK OF BUSINESS A STAMP de noting tho payment of said ISPEUlAL TAX for the Special Tax Year beginning May J, 187"i, beloro comnioncicg or continuing business after April IO, 1H73. Tho tuxes embraced within the provisions of the law abovo ijuoled aro the following viz: P.oolificrs $200 (10 Dealers, retail liipior 2o OO Dealers, wliolesulb li'iuor 1O0OO Dealers iu malt liquors, wholcsalo 50 OO Dealers in mult liquors, retail 'JO OO Dealers in leaf tobacco , 25 00 Relait dealers in leaf lodanno oOO OO Aud on salos of over 1,0 )0 fifty cents for every dollar in excess of Dealers in manufactured tobacco ,5 00 Aud for each still manufacture J 20 OO And for each worm manufactured. ..'M 00 Maiiufacl ui-era of tobacco -10 00 Maiiiilaclurcrs of cigars 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, lirst class (more I him two horses or other animals. ..50 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class (two horses or other animals) 25 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class (ono horse or otiicr animals) 15 00 Peddlers of IoImcco, fouith class (on loot or public oonveyunce) ...10 00 P.iewi rs of less than 600 buircls 50 OO l'-reweiu of 0t0 barrels or more IOO 0O Any persou, ho liable, who shall fail to comply with the foregoiog requirement will be puhjoct to severe penalties. PerFoiis or firms liable to pay any of tho Speciol 'I axes mined above must apply to E. COWAN, Deputy Cobecl.il- of lutnual Revenue at Waiic n, VY11 -re.i County, Pa., and pay for und procure the Special Tax Stamp or Stamps tiiey need, piior tD May 1, !:,), and Wi'ilioCT i UA1I1EA isO TIUL. 0 J. W. DOL'fJLACS, Coinmi Kioner of Internal Hevenuo. I.'l'fl-i: (;!' INT1 i!N AL REVENUE. V.'AoillNtiTON, D. C.,l'eb. 1, 1875. nltl LB. FOI 120 UlMu Avenu; Cot. R 28th St., NEW YORK, sician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE, AND RECEIVES Letters fvovi all parts oj the Civiliticd World. CY HiS CSiCIHAL WAY CF 1113 IS TREATING r&nierous Patient3 in Europe, tho West Indies, tha Dominion of Canada, aud hi every Stato of the Uniou. ASVECC GIVEN BY (ViAI! FREE OF CHARGE. No mercurial medicines or deleterious drngi used. XIab during tha past twenty years treated success fully nearly or quite 40.C0U oases. All facts con nected with each case are carefully rcoorded, whether they bo conmunicatod by letter or in person, or observed by the Doctor or his aseociAto physicians, 'the latter are all scientiflo medical men. All Invalids at a distance are rcmilred to answer an extended list ot plain questions, which will be furnished by mall free, or at the office. A com plete system of registering prevents mistake or confusion. Case books never consulted, exoept by the physicians of the establishment. For free consultation send for list of questions. A sixty-page pamphlet ot evidences of success bent free also. . Addreu Dr. E. B. FOOTE, Box 788, New York. AGENTS WANTED.' Dn. Foots is tho author o( " Medical Com ion Behsk," a book that reached a circulation of over 950,000 copies; also, of "Plain Hoaia Talk," more recently published, which has sold to the extent of 70,000 copies; also, of "Sciencs IN Stobt," which is now being published in series. CONTENTS TABLES ot all, excepting the first-mentioned work (which Is out of print), will be sent free on application to cither Dr. Footb, m the Murray Hill r-uUlla-leg Ccr.piay, whose office Is I'M East VSih Street. Agents both men find women wanted to sell tho foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will bo allowod. The beginnings of small fortunes have been made in selling Dr. Foote's popular works. "Flaim Home Tale" is particularly adapted to adults, and "Science in Stobx" is just the thing for the young. Bend for contents U bles and see for yourselves. The former answers a multitude of questions which ladies and gentle men feel a delicacy about asking of their physicians. There is nothing in literature at all Hie either ct the foregoing works. " Science ih Stobt " can only be had of agents or of the Publishers. "PLAIN HOMS TALK" is published in both the liuHtishand Uerman Languases. Once more, . 'Aeortte T7r,MLtec3V ADDRESS AS ABOV& liltfgtc aj Insurance .igttity. iwj'x-c.r' tiwi Ciixh Axit t.1 of J5,'(r.7-L4 -it) EillE DEPARTMENT German Am., Sivy York 1,050,000,00 Niagara of New York l,ol9,533,00 Aijiazou Oiucinnati of 850,057 17 City I us., Co, oi Providence' 190,854 32 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life & Accident Hartford 2,0C0,000,00 Vorth American Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable ot New York 15,000,000,00 Insurance effects iu uny of tho abovo standard companies ut the most reasona. ternia, consistent with pevfcot secuiitv to the injured. J. O. W. BASLE Y, Agent. Atjvebtibing: Cheap. Good, Systema tic. All persons who contemplate making contracts witli newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should eend 25 cents to Geo P. Powell Co., 41 Park ltow, Hew York, for their PAMPHLET BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a teimendous reduction from publishers rates. Out pus book. v no 48 tf JOBTTTORK. We are now prepared y to do all kinds of JOB WORK. Euvclepes, Tags. Bill-heads, Letter- heads, neatly and ehesply excouted. Ofliee in Thayer & Hagerty's new building, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. s UBS0RIBE for the ELK COUNT? AUVUCATE. DTE.M.D. N11NV LIVKliY STABLE IN DAN SC1UH2THR WISHES TO IN form tho Citizens of llidgway, and thj public generally, Hint he has started a Liv ery Stublo and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CAHKIAGHS B-i.;i(!4. to let upon tha most re soua bleleriu EQIlo will ;i'.30 do job leaning. Elable on Broad street, above Main, All orders left at the Pout Ollico will meel prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A Urge eiglit-pngo independent, hones and ft'itrluss newppaperjif Ti'i broad columns, especially designed lor the farmer, the roe, clianic, the merchant and the Professional mnn, and their wives and children. Wo aim to mako the iVkkki.y Sun tho best family newspaper in tho world. It is full of entertaining and instructive loading of every sort, but prints notliJiig to offend tho most scrupulous aud delicate taste. Price 81.20 per year, postage prepaid. Tho cheapest pper published. Try" if Address Tub Sun, New York City. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. W'etmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno- P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V. Houk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff D. Scull. Prot Intuit ury .j-c, Fred. Schcening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Hufus Lucore. Commissioners Miuhiiel Weidcrt, Julius Jones, tieo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. Dundy, Comity Surveyor Ceo Wilinslcy. Jury Commissi mora. Phillip Kreighlo P. auso in T. Kyler. full SALE DV E.IC. GHESII, Masonic Hall Building. Ridgway, Pa. VAN VLSCK'S CELEUIIATED l'ATENT SPUING J-J Jj D BEST tempered eteel spring wire, these spriuga can be laid on iho slats of uny common bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES ! Also agent lor W eecL Sowing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and Bh'S'C MACHINE in the market. Call and examine before purchasing etsevhere. v In 101'.!$, jF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP tio 'io JAMES H-II AGEIITY Muiu Street, F.idgway, Pa. DJIY GOODS, NOTIONS, KOOTo SHOES,. HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Croooric-s and Provisions. The JJEST BRANDS of E LOU ft Constantly on hand, und sold as cheao as tho CHEAPEST. JAMES II. II AGEIITY. SKilttS ,3.V CI-g.ttTS. C. C. The True Capo Cod Cranberry, C. heat f-ort for Upland, Lowland, 0:. Garden, by mail prepaid, 1 per 100, $5 per 1,000. Alj the New, Choice Straw berries aud Peaches. A priced Cat!. h gue of these aud all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evcrgreoun, Shrubs, Bulbs, Roses, Plants, &c, and FRESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, tho choicest collection in the c-utry, with ull novelties, will be sent gratis to any plain address. 25 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or HeiihSecds, for 1,00, sent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO HIE TRADE. Agents Wnuted. ; ' B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series und Seed Warehouso, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. ii Estate ot John E. Turley, late of Jay township, Eik County, Ph., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having legal olaiius against the same will present them without delay iu proper order for settle ment to A. W. GRAY, 1 . , , JULIUS JONES, AJmrs Renezette, Feb 25th, 1875--nlt4 rpo THE CITIZENS OF PENNSTL I VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Bank are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial Eoard of Finance. The fundsrcalized from this source are to be employed in the ereo tiou of the buildings for the International Exhibition, aud the expenses connected, with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone Stato will be representee by the name of every citizen alive to patr olio commemoration of the one hundred birth-day of the nation. The shares stock are offered for $10 each, and su scribers will reoeive a handsome engraveOf Certificate of Stock, suitable for framind and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date' of payment to January 1, 1870. Subscribers who are not neat a Nation Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersi gned, FUEli'K I1' HALEY, Treasurer, 001 Walnut St., Philadelphia