The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 08, 1875, Image 2
- IIknky A. Parsons, J II. Editor Tfi li 11 Si) A V, APRIL , 17 Zuitaosa Prcsp::t3. The New York ILmrhl Jovotes over thioo ol its news culuiiins to (lie busi ness of ihe country, and editorially take? a lu-pctul view, 'ilio piili o! its deliv- ujici'it is fiiuad in the annexed ptua i;r:iph: 'Tin fi st groat impulse! to tlio rc vivnl ut biisii.or-3 is expeetad (rum the movoim nt of tlio grain reserves held in tin) West. T!i:ni is n.i branch ol busi ne s with which the unwonted security id I lie weath'T 1i:m. hj seriously inter fered. The Mato of price in the I'or oiij'ii market is favorable to largo ex poit.ttint,, and wu nro cuntidciit that n S'.iou as the softening weather pei miis the grain .-.ired in the Wet to bo np'ved nil the nerves of business will be lunched and t-i ! ui tilu t c d into moderate activity. In tiie courso of two or three weeks the navigition of the lakes and i-annls will be reopened, when cheap transportation nnd good foreign prices will impart biWuieM to that braneh of train! which life into a li others," 1'hj Ctjjxj Xas. The following letter from Conmiis ."ioner J'oiighis explaining :..jiue of the doubtful points in the net of Febumy Stii, eoneerning tlio f.tamp tax on i lieek.s drafts, etc , will be fouud of special interest to business men. Orpin; or Intkrxat, lUvn.irc, ' Washington-, .Mar. 10, 1S75. ) Sik; In your letter el the -1th in. slant, yon in.juiro as to the proper in terpretation of the word "vouchers" in section lo of the "Act to smoud exist ing Customs and intcruid revenue laws." etc.. approved Feb S, IS?."). You also ask the following fjuostious. First. "Are notes, drafts, and ac-e- niances when made payable at a bank, subject to a stamp tax of two ecnts, and it , does the tax apply to notes, droits, und ucei.'f.tauces, drawn or accepted prii-r to Feb. 8, 1S75, and winch have matutvil and h.-eu .aid since? S cm, I 'Dies the tax apply to i lieeks drawn hy a bank upon itself for t.'iu purpose ol paying its own dividends an 1 tin; dividends, coupons, or interest of ntiiev corporations-:"' if'iiV,7 "Are checks drawn by n State county, or city Govarriuiutit on a bank liable to this tax?" Section 15 of said net of Feb. 8, 175 rov.des: a tsi;K chcek, :;, r.'.-u-r, or viuoiier tor tiie pay ment or any bum of money what.-over, lirawo upon any ban!;, bunker, or trust company shall bo subject to a tax i-tamp in two cents. h wns understood that this cuact ment was made mainly to meet evasions of the stamp tax on cliecks by the sub siitutioa of receipts, orders ''payable one day alter date," etc., It impo.-es the tax upon checks or orders, etc , drawn on time, as well as those payable at sight, cr en demand, st also ou re ceipts and all other vouchers substitu ted for clicks, etc., as commonly used uecordiDg to the custom of banks. Sociim ! of the act of Match 3, I7.", e xempts from the tax "the re e; ipts in the receipt book of a savings bank or institution for savings, haviug no capital stock und iloiug no other bu.-iucss than receiving deposits to be loaned or invested for the sole benefit ii the parlies making such deposits, without profit or rou iteiisariori to the association or company vtkcu money is j ai l to ii,',ir on l.i.; passbook." Thi;; provision leaves tiie tux upon ul! receipt (with tho above exception) given to bunks as vouchers for the pay inent of liioni y on deposits, as imposed by section 1." of the said uet of Feb. 8, whether .rath receipts are loy&o or con tained in a book. reply to your specific questions: 1. That ii there is tiny understand i;ig between the bank and tho maker of I be notes, or acceptor of the checks, drafts, or orders payable at bank, that id I fuch notes and acceptances shall be paid by too bank and charged in the ac count ol the tinker, drawer, or acceptor, in the same manner as ordinary checks would be, huch notes and acceptances are considered liable to tho two cent t am p tax ns vouchers" fur the pay ment of money by the bunk. This ap plies to notes, drafts, etc., made drawn, or accepted jniur to Feb. 8, li7o, when paid by the bank ou or ufter tLut date. 2. This tax applies to "cheeks drawn by a bank upon itself for the purpose of paying its own dividends and the dividends, coupons, or interest of other corporal ions," or for other payments. ii Cheeks drawn by Ftate, couuty, or city olhoers in their oDieial capacity upon public funds deposited in a bank, are exempt, if said funds ure kept eperatc from any private accounts, it not being within the intuit of tho law to tax a public treasury. 1 will add with tefcreuca to some other questions, frequently proposed to this office, that orders for dividends ore subject to the tax if drawn for n definite and certain sum, but not otherwise. An ordinary certificate of deposit, used in the ordiuary manner, is not liable. Iutere.-t coupons are considered ex empt: bills ol exchange, foreign as well us inland, when drawn upon a bank, bauker, or trust company, are held to be subject to the tax, whether payable at sight or otherwise. Duplicates of bills, orders, e'c , are liable the saute eg originals, Receipts not relating to banking business, for instauce for rent, are exempt. Very respectfully. (Signed) J. W, Douglass, Commissioner. F. D. Tpppcn, Esq., President Gallatin National Dunk, New York. Au old lady down ia Georgia is looking for "them patterns of husbandry," Me has scvea marriageable daughteis. Hcpublicaa Stat Convention. Tho llepublic.UH of Ponusjltrania are requested toujsembly, by thoirdolo. gates, in tlig Opera House, in tho city of Lincaster, at noon, on WUDXrJSDAY MAY 2(.5, 1875, lor the purposa of nominating candidates for (xovcrnor and State Treasurer. Each Senatorial and Pkjpresontntivs disttict will bo cutitled to tho some rep resentation therein as they uro entitled to under tho present apportionment of Senators and Representatives in the Lcgislatuto. ly order of tho llepuuliean State Ojuimittco. HUSSHfj EltUETT. Chairman. A. WILSON NORMS, Seo'y. GEiNcRAL NOTES. Michigan thinks of utilizing convict labor in her copper mines. There arc 7,000 more women than men iu tho District of Columbia. Monroe county, Ohio, has a 425 pound girl who is still growing. Charles It. Cutler is tho I)cmocratic nominee for Governor in Connecticut. A bank, with 8.,000,000, has been organized by the Grangers of California. The total number of grnosics iu the United States is now reported at 22, 547. Pionch tho shipbuilder, has still 1.- 100 meu iu his employment ut Chester, 1'a. The prospects of the fruit crop are reported to be better than lor years past. Colorado steps into tho Union with more than one hundred mountain peuks over 1.J.UUU teet liigli. Muskingum county, Ohio, preduced last year 701. 033 pounds of butter and ;)l-i,i(lo pound of wool. The Kiinsas Legislature proposes to Uistntiuie fcJo,lUU among the destitute in its border counties. Daniel Doran, sentenced to bo ban gcd at Lock port, N. Y,. on April 2, lias been respited until April lb. l iio my church in tho county whero preaching may be heard in Irish is said to be at .Llruira, 111. Our total cotton production for the last three years reaches the enormous aggregate of ll,(.)0,U00 bales, worth auout ti.j,UUU,0U0. It is estimated that from thirty to uity per cent, ot all the attlfi in Mou tatia, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Eastern Washington, Oregon is likely to be lost irom tue seventy ot the wiutcr. The way tho Chicago saloon-keepers evade the civil-rights act and keep out Sa-.nbo is to rut up a siti, "Drinks 55, subject to discount." Tho discount for white men is 1,85 per drink. Michigan Las a comrulsory school law, but tho State Superintendent of J'.iiuoation says: have yet to learn ot its entorcemcut in a single locality it is a ucuu letter on the statutebook An Afi iean Lothario, who made per sistant attempts to ingratiate himself in tho favor ot a number of white ladies in Ashbury, Waireu county, received a coat ot tar and feathers a few nights ago. A prodigal son, finding himsslf i the jolice station at Juliet, shot himself using a goluen pocket piece for a bullet and his la.-t X for a wad. Jlis death might be culled pecuniary embarrass merit. George Crowe'l, of Gardner, Me gets 82.0C5 from Litchfield for injuries caused by au unsafe bridge in that town and Mary N.Libby 83,000 from Port land for injuries cau.-ed by a defect in tne street. Taris, Ky., April it. During the stallion show here lo-ilny Goldsmith's Abdullah, while Koiiiis aro.ind the track was met hv his full brothir- John Drighl, and the shaft ot tnc sulky drawn hy tne latter entered his breast and enme out near the top of the snoiuiicr, causing Heath iu a tew minutes. tie was valued at jaa,UU0. l ottsvillc, Ta., April 2. The riotous feeling among the miners and laborers is idci easing. During a riot at Ash land only a few shots wero fired and no damage done. A dastardly attempt was made to wreck tho cveuiug train lrotn Philadelphia, two miles below Pottsvillo, at seven iu tho cveniug. A lurge stone was rolled down the mountain side and struck the rear car demolishing it but not wrecking tho train. When tho train reached Mount Carbon, the by taiiders'asked, "Did you get throusrh? Were you not stopped?" showing that tno stone was not dislodged accidentally The outrage was doubtless tho work of the men recently discharged by tho Philadelphia und Heading Company. fl'l- li.:n it j-iiu iiiucis ul ccnuyi&iu iiaveu re suined work. North of the mountain trouble is hourly expected, and a num ber of colliers in the Shamokin district struck ycsterd.iy for the basis of 1874, Others are still running, the operators agreeing to pay on that basis. All the coal now gei;ig to market comes from the;-c collieries. -'kw Mail anu Shoe Roui c. Notwith standing ilia advent of railroad liua, tho old fashioned stage is BtiU a couveniouce aal necessity iu the wiy.of intercourse and travel firough some parts of the country. The route between Smjthpjrt and Km is a want which has lon bjeu fell, aud ii uow we are glad to say to be supplied. Kane is one of the nwst prominent aad nourishing villajes of the county, yet un der the present travelling aoooui'noJatium it is a long jouruey to the couut seat, un ltcs by private csnveyance. Some months ago the Government established a daily maitroute between the two places, and called for bids. Mr. E. V. Cludwick, the. present owner of the route from here to Larrabee, obtaiuci the ojutract at $173 per year. Upon tiie oqeulnj of Ilia Mo Keun & road to the publio Ms present route will undoubtedly ba a ban doned. He will theu givo his euiire atten tion to theKano route, and the experience of the past is sufficient assurance that with good horses, good stages aud prompt at leutiou he will make it a pleasant and popubr route. McKcaa Miner. GENERAL NOTES. Oencrnl Sheridan Is at Mew Orleans, it is supposed on account of tho Mexico- Texas tionbles. Tenoning convicts trade Is the only orl of compulsory education against which mere is no onjeotion. A number of professionals hnvo arrived at Chicago to pnnioipato iu tho Westero billiard tournament this week. Tho prizes aggregate $ 2,000. A duel is reported to he impending in 81. Louis between Silas Hutchinson, of tho Vintwtch, and James Hyde, of the Repub lican, newspapers. The trouble arose .rom a praolical joke. Gen. Bhormm states that tho German girls taken from tho Indians will bo pro vided for for lifo by tho Government. The Indians who massacred tiie girls parents will be sent to Florida and held as prison era of war. The managers of Dexter Park. Chicngri, havo concluded to give two race Mooting in July, the prizes to aggregate $20,0O). Efforts are botng in ado to scoure the atten dance of Bodino, Occident and Goldsmith Muid. Fall lliver, April 0. A dispatch re ceived from Warren, U. 1., says the mule- jpiuncrs thero have turned out on Btriko, owing to tlio manufacturers declining to give buck tiie leu per cent. The commission of John E. New, of In diana, to be Treasurer of the Uuilcd States, to tako ell Vet from Juno iiOtli next, was signed by the President last Monday, and forwarded to Mr. Jlew nt Indianapolis. A Ilnneor, Pa., special, gives an account. of a brutal outrage by Welsh miners iu I ho strike upon William Hughes, a miner who refused to quit work. They blackened I heir faces, surrounded his house nt mid night, dragged hiui from his bed through the snow and belt him nearly dead Willi clubs, inflicting injuries which will likely provo ialal Washington, April 6. Information ro ceived by tho Bureau of Statistics shows that during the month of Mach, 1 H i fi, there arrived at the port of New loik 0,477 immigrants, of whom 4.203 were males and 2,274 fcmaler. During the month of March, 180-1, 0,058 immigrants arrived, 4,018 being malos and 2,01d fe males. New York, April 5. John Bingham was tried in the Court of General Sessions to day ou a charge of bigamy. Doth his wives were iu the court room. He pleaded guilty and retused to change the li'ea. The Recorder asked him w hich he would prefer, to oe discharged to live with Ins two wives, or sentenced to fctate l'risou for three years The prisoner promptly expressed a prefer ence to be locked up, aud the Judge sen fenced Bingham to Slate Prison for three years at hard labor. New York, April 3. .A Pottsvillo special says. Iliere were no bci-ious outbreaks among the miners yesterday, but au inse cure lccling continues, At shamokin the cxcitcmcut is at fever heat. The strikers have compelled the working miners to cease work at Ceutralia. Incendiarism was alteirptcd at Tusoarora, but fortu nately was unsuccessful. Bands of armed and unarmed men aro wandering around anu assaults and depredations are not un frequent. The Workinjman, tlio strikers' olhcial onicial organ, calls upon them to preserve peace and quietness until the end, which is believed to be near, when victory for the strikers is projected Presid .nt Welsh, of tho Laborers' Ucuevo' volent Assooiatioo, publishes an appeal to tno sinners to observe law and order. IXECUTOIVS NOTICE. Letters testa I jmcntary of the last will oud tcstamcn ot Phillip Meyer late of Bcnziuger township Elk County Pa., deceased, having been granted to John Ulcichsiier, of said town ship, all persons indebted to said estate are requested toinyke payment, and those hav ing claims ur demands will make knjwn the same to the undersigned without de lay. JOIIIIGLEICIISNEU, Executor Beminger, Feb. 23, lb7o nltO. A LLEGIIESY VALLEY RAIL 110 AD LOW-GRADE DIVISION; On aud after MONDAY, NOV. 23, 187-1, trains between lledbank and Driftwood will run as follows; WESTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at 12::i0pm, lteynoldsvillc at IJ:20 p ni, Brookville at 4:0-3 p m, arriving at ivedoanK at o:iz p m, connecting with Express on Main Line for Pittsburgh. MIXED WAY leaves Keynoldsville daily hi o;ju a m, uiuoKvuie ai o:iu a in, arriv nig at lledbank at ll:uO a m, connecting wnn iraius norm and eouui on Muin Line. EASTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Redbank daily at 12:20 a in, arrives at Brookville nt 2:o4 p m, Keynoldsville at 3:20 p m, Drift wood at 0:10 p in, connecting with trains esst ana west on t' and t, ltailroau. MIXED WAY leaves New Belhlc'm daily at b:uo p m, arrives at lirookvilJe at o:ua m, Reynoldsville at 7:30 p m. MAIN LINE On and after MONDAY, NOV 23, 1874 trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows: BUFFALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts burgh daily at 7: Jo am, Redbank Junction at 10:47 a m, and arrive at Oil City at 2:40 p m. NIGHT EXPRESS will leave Oil city at 'J:05 p m, Redbank Junction at 2:55 m, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 7:20 a m. T1TUSV1LLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts burgh at 3:00 p m, Redbank Junction at 6;25 pm, and arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p m. Returning, leaves Oil City at 8:30 a iu, Redbank Junction at 12:11 an, and ar rives at Pittsburgh at 3;45 p IB. J. J. LAWRENCE, General Superintendent. Wm. M. TniLLirs, Ass'l Supt., Brookville Pa. OAS UJEP TIO.V C Ult EU. To the Editor of Elk Co Auvocatk- ESTEKMKD l-'ltlEKD. Will you please inform your readers that I have a positive CURE FOR CONSUMPTION and all disorder of the Throat and Lungs, and that, by its use in my practice, 1 have cured hundreds of cases, and will give $1,000 CO for a case it will not benefit. Indeed, so strong is my faith, I will send a SAMPLE FREE, to any sufferer addressing me. Please show this letter to any-, one you may know who is suffering Item these diseases, and oblige, Faithfully Tours, DK. T. F. BCRT. E'J WILLIAM ST., New York PITTSBUGH EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! ' LIVE i WEirsrAVEll, IN ALL I TS 1) K 11 TMENTS. In entering upon tho New Voar nnu within a few months of the second anni versary of Ilio first appearance of the paper the publishers of the PITTSBURGH EVENINU TELEGRAPH renew their ex pressions of thanks to an intelligent nnd a prcciativo public for its LIBERAL AND EVEU INCREASING PATRON AO B during tho year just closed. Coming into pxixtiinpA nt. n t.itnff whpn evfirv Iriml nf business was to a certain extent depressed, aud when retrenchment, in every direction was the rule, the TELbG HATH has fought its way, and become, not only an estab lished fact, but a PRIME NECESSITY IN ETERY WELL. INFORMED CIRCLE, whether it be of tho" counting-room, the profossionalotlicc, the woskshop, or tho family. Its circulation, equal to tho best from the start, has grown in extent anil im portance daily, until now it acknowledges but two equals the Disputch and Leader so far as the number issued daily is con ccrned, and no equal ns to the character of its readers. -: heseiaots are so well known and appreciated by the business commu nity, or the shrewdest members thereof, that our columns have been well. filled by the favors ot THE BEST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS, nnd we are glad to know that their fail b in the TELEGRAPH as an advertisidg m diumbas beeu firmly established. TIIEriTTSBURGII EVENING TELEGRAPH, ha, we think, during the past year ir.niu mined its claim to the good will and sun prot of the people, irrespective of party inasmuch a its opposition to bad noniiua tions wUlun the party whoso principles it favors was largely mslrumenlul in procur ing their defeat. While il shall be our aim io promote the established principles of the Republic in party, we shall in the fu ture, as in the past, oppose the election to utticc of men not fully qualified, or who hall hy trickery or any unfair means manage to secure a place on the ticket. Honesty and capacity only will receive our support. THE,TELEGRAPH-. will continue' to publish ALL TKKNEWS OF THE IDAY ul i lie earliest moment, and in such shape us to be acceptable to the most critical reader. 1 lie liLEU ttAl'tl win continuo to re fleet' the senlimcitis of the peoplo ou all publio questions touching their The TELfGKAPU will uphold zealously the hands ot nil men honest and earnest reform, and il will, as in the past, give all sides a hearing on the topics of the time. j.iie itiituiwrti win mnor wnn.i-e newed zeal for tho prosperity of the city and btaie and the advancement ot the mu teriul interests of cur citizens. Its LOCAL DEPARTMENT will continue to lie carefully attended to aud its reports of local events will be always fresh und reliable, lis SPECIAL TELEGRAMS AND CORRES 10.NDENCE from the Capitals of tho Nation and Slate and from alt important news centers will continue to be of the most attractive and trustworthy chaiacter. Its MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will receive the same cnrcfi.1 attention that has been remarked iu the past, aud iu this respect the TELEGRAPH will .continue to be without a competitor. Its EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT will 'contain an honest expression of views on all important live topics, political and nllmriviua l,a NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS which have always enjoyed an exalted rep umuoa, win com.uue io ue ot ihe same unexceptionable character. In fine, the EVENING TELEGRAPH I.V ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, will be during the year 1875, superior to the past, excellent as it has beeu by gen eral admission. No expense will be Bpared to keep the paper abreast with the times, and its managers will exert every effort that (.-iitireuMuiiij suggest, io make li possible, nvn omuuuve iy me general reader. BUBSCBIPTION PRICE. By mail, kcludiug postage, Nine Dollars per annum. Delivered by Carriers, iu any part ot Pittsburgh and Allegheny, lor Fifteen Cents a week, ADVERTISING RATES furnished on application. ADDRESS, THE EVENING TELEGRAPH, rimcuKGii, pa. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY Dl' SUBSCRIPTION. TIIE ALDINE; THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. This splendid enterprise it not only well sustained in every fcaturo, but is being ooiibtantly developed and improved. It to-day stands without a rival iu the whole world of periodical literature. Tho beauti ful dog-portrait, "Man s Unse.nsh mend. a ohromo presented to every subscriber, is a decided hit, and will, if possible, add to Iho popularity which this work has gained. J he Aiit Union Iraluro also promises great and benificent results, in arousing pnblie interest iu the fine arts. Circulars and ful information on application. Parts I, II, III, and IV are now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To bo completed in 40 parts issued for- nigtly. Each part will con t u in an elegant frontis piece, originally encrnved on slecl for the Loudon Art Journal. REPRODUCING at a price within the popular reach, en gravings never' before offered at less limn live times the amount. These plates have been the attraction of The London Art Journal, Each part will contain 20 nuarto paeeB, including the elegant frontispiece, on licavv plate paper. A superb title page, richly illuminated in red und gold, will be given Willi the first part, and tho printing of the cut no work will be a worthy rcpreseuta lion ol "i lie Aldiue I ress which is a guarantee of something beautiful aud vul. uahle. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part Purls I, II. nnd III are Just Published. Complete in 12 monthly parts, at St ench Reproducing tnc best lull-page illustra tions from the earlier volumes of The Aldinc. Each monthly part will contain six su perb plates with accompanying descriptive matter, nnd whether for binding or framing will be entirely beyond competition in price or art isiic character. Eveiy impres sion will be most carefully taken on the finest toned paper, nnd no pains will be spared to make this tho richest production of a press which has won, in a mnrvelously short time, a world-wido reputation. O fcVMS EH OJi THE aLli IJTE Especially assorted for Scrap Book Illustreticos and Drawing Class Copies. A large collection of pictures of different sizes and on almost every couccivable sub. ject have been put up ii au attractive en velope, nnd are new uttered at a price in tended to make them popular in ever sense1 Envelope No. 1, containing 50 beautiful engravings, is now ready, and will be sent, postage paid, to any address for ONE DOL LAR. A liberal discount to agents and teachers. SCRAP BOOKS. A splendid assortment ol SCRAP BOOKS davebceu expressly prepared for tiie holi liny sensoii, aud no picsenl of more perma nent interest can be selected lor gentleman or lady, old or young. No. 1. Hall bound, cloth sides, gilt back 25(1 pp. 12x10 inches $-5 00 No. Half bound, clo ii sides, gill ba:k, 5W) pp. 12xlD inches 7 00 No. 3. Full morocco, beveled hoards gill and antique, very dot) pp 12 00 Lelter-d to order iu gold ut 2-3 cents each line. Sent hy mail post-paid ou receipt of the price. TIIE ALDINE PASSE-PARTOUTS. Iu complinnce wiih repeated requests, the publishers of Tun Alhink have pre pared impressioui- ot many of their most beautiful plates for passe-parloul framiug. The cms are Hummed on a beautifully tinted azure mat, with a liaii.laoiiic red bor der line. To attach the g'ass, it is only left for the customer lu paste and fold over nn already attached border aud this may be dune by a child. 27 subjects, 12x15 iuchci?, 25c ; with glass, 5dc. Six of Uiis size for $1 when selection is eft lo I he publishers. (i subjects, 10x12 inches, 20c, with glass, -too. 7 sutjects, CJxSJ inches. 15c., with glass, Hie. 12 su'ijccts, 1-1x19 inches, 50 c; with gluss, tfl. tent by mail, without glass, postpaid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED the i COVI" t nllti;j. TlhMi.NUTOM Sewing Machines Fire Arms, and Aokicultuhal Im 1'I.ements. Tlio llerniiigton Sewing Machine has sprung rapidly into favor as possessingthe best combination oi good (jualities nau.elv, light ruuoiug smooth noiseless rapid and durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular actiou, automatic drop-feed, makes tho Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is. alike on both sides. The llemington Scvring Machine has received premiums at umnj Fi'iis, throughout the United States, aud with out effort took the Grand Medal oi J'ro gress, the highest order of u.cdal that was awarded at the late Vienna Ksposi position. The Remington Works also oiaou facture the new Double barrelled lireecu Loading bbot gun soap and positive action, with patent joint check, a marvel of Icauty, iiuish. und cheapness, and the celebrated 1km ington Iviiles adopted by nine difl'erent governments, and renowued throughout the world for military, hunting and target purposes all kinds of l'istols, itifles, Canes, Metalio Catridges, do. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Flows, Cultiva tors, lioad Sciapers, Patent Excavators, II ay Teddeis, . Cotton dins, Iron Bridges, &e. The undersigned has been appointed agent for the sale and introduction of the llemington Sewing Machine in and for the counties ot Elk, Clearfield and Wairen. TIIOS, J. liUUKfcJ, -Depot and office, St. Mary's, Fa. F. S. A good local agent waated. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cure of nil deraiix menu in tho slum s' h, liver, suit bnwj ols. They am a mild aperient, and sn excellent purgative, Ileing pui-e'y veirc table, thry contain nonierciiry orinine rnl whatever. Much serloiiK sickness and sullerinfrts prevent' ful hv tliplr thitclv Use; and every family should have them on hand for their protection nnd relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the saf est, surest, and bent of nil the fill with-which the market abound. Ity their occasional uso, the blood ts purified, the corruptions of the svs tom expelled, obstructions removed, and he wholo machinery of lifo restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become i-lnpircil nnd sluggish nro cleansed by Ayr' l'Utn. and stimulated Into action. Thus Incipient disrase la changed Into health, Ihe value nf w hich eliauga when reckoned on tho vat multitudes who enjoy It, rn hardly ho computed. Their sugar ronting mnKcs mem pieasnni. io innc. nnu preserves ineir virtues unimpaired for nny length of time, so Hi, -it Uiev am ever fresh, nnd iicrl'ectlv reliable. Although searching, they nro mild, and oiici-nto without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the tmppcr to each box, how to use them a Family Phytic, and fur tho following complaints, which these Villi rnpidlv cure : For lvii-iiit or nllirrtlon, IltlM new, I,'iiiruor and . ot Apnvtitr .tlicy should lie taken motlci-nlcly to stimulate Hie stom ach, nnd restore Its benlthv tone nnd action. For JitTfr Complaint nnd its various symp toms, imiiwu SeuilMcIic, SiiiU II !. eke, JaniMlIco or dirrrn Silt kn-. 1MI ! Colic and IJIIlou Fpvfn, they should bo Judii-iously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove the obstructions w Inch cnuso it. For l.vfntorr or mart-bora,' but ono mild do"e'is generally required. For llhruinittinni. 4ont, Oran l. Pnl nirutlon of th Hettt-t, t'aln In tun fclile. Hul k and Io(n, they should lie contiu. uoui-ly taken, as reiuired, to change the diseased action of tho system. Willi such change thoso complaints disappear. For lroir unit Iropicil Swelllng-n, they should lie taken in large nnd frequent dosed to produce the effect nf n drastic purge. For Mupiirt'Mnlon, n large doso should tie taken, as it produced the desired eQ'ect by sym pathy. As a Ttlnttxr rill, tnko one or two J'llla, to promote digestion and relieve Iho stomach. An ocensional dose stimulates the stomnch nnd bowels, restores tlio appetite, and invigorates tho system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement cxistn. Ono who feels tolerably well, often llnds that a dose if theno Villa makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing aud renovating effect ou liiu digestive apparatus. PREPAKED nr Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Vractical Chemists, LOWELL, 31 ASS., V, 8. A. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS LVEKYWllEEE. !. FOOTE, M.D. . 120 Leiiaitoii Avenue, ' Cot. 2.2SthSt.,. NEW YORK, An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHH0NIC DISEASE, AND RECEIVES Letters from all parts oj the Civilised World. BY HIS ORIGINAL WAY CF MMine a Helical Praclics HE 13 TREATING Numerous Patients in Europe, tho West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every State of tho Union. A&VICE GIVEN BY WAIL FREE OF CHARGE, No mercurial medicine or deleterious drags used, Hnt during th past twenty years trentctd BuccenB fully nearly or quite 40,JUO cases. Ail facts con nected with each case are carefully recorded, whether they bo coruminicated by letter or in person, or observed by the Doctor or his associate physicians. The lattor are all scieutiQo luodicul men. All invalids at a distance are required to answer an extended list of plain questions, which will bo furnished by mail free, or nt tho ofllce. A com plete system of registering prevent mistake or confusion. Case books never consulted, except by the physicians of the establishment. For frco consultation send for list of questions. A sixty-page pamphlet of evidences of success Sent free also. j . Addrtu Dr. E. 13. FOOTE, Bok 788, New Yorli. AGENTS WANTED. Da. Fooie la the author ot " Medical Com mon Sense," a book that reached a circulation ol over 950,000 copies; also, ot "Plain Home Talii," more recently puultthuil, which has sold to the extent ot 70,000 copies ; also, ot " Science IN SlOliT," which is now being published lu series. CONTENTS TAIILK8 of all, excepting the flrtt-mentioDei woric (which is out of print), will bo sent free on application to cither Dr. Foots, or the Hurra Bill FuMtlb ing Coapan7, whose office is 120 East USth Street. Agents both men and women wanted to sell the foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will be allowed. The beginnings of sniaU fortune have been mado In selling Or. Fooie'b popular works. "Plain Uosib Talk" Is particularly adaptod to adults, and " Scikncp. ih Btort " is Jttet the thing for the young. Send fur contents tables and see for yourselves. The former answers a multitude of questions which ladies and gentle men feel a delicacy about a&king of their physicians. There Is nothing In literature at all liHe either fit the furegolng works. " Bcienci im Storx can only be had of agents or ot the Vublishera. "PLAIN HOME TALK." Is published In both lb . Eugluh and Uenuan Languages. One bore, ".Agexktai "W7",ntci. ADDRESS AS ABOVE. II id iv ay Insurance Agency. Jiejirrffiiitnii I'ush Axsctx of 85,1)07.7-14 4J FIRE DEPARTMENT German Am., New York 81,050,000,00 Niagara of New York l.o 10,03:),00 Atntizou Cincinnati of 850,057 17 City Iu3., tfo, ot Providence" 190,854 ii '1 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Lifo & AoeiJent Hurtlord 2,0C0,000,00 Vorth Aiuericau Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable ot New York 15,000,000,00 Insurance effects in any of the above standard companies at (he mo.t reasons, terms, consistent with perfect security to. the insured. J. O. W. BAILEY, Agent. Advertising: Cheap. Good, Systema tic. AU persons wlio contemplate milking contruuls with uewspnr.ers lor the insertion of advertisement!, utiould send 2o cents lo Geo P. Kowell Co., 41 Park Row, Mew York, for their PAMPHLET liUOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a termendous reduction from publishers rates. Get tub hook. v no 43 tf JOBTTTGRK. We are now prepared y to do all kinds of JOR WORK. Envelepes, Tags, Bill-heads, Letter heads, neatly and cheaply executed. Olhee in Thayer & Hageny's nw building, Main street, RiJgway, Pa. S UBSJRIBE for the ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE. IN DAN SClUHNKlt WISHES TO IN (orui the Cittzens of llidgway, and the publio gcr-erally, lliat lie lias plai ted a Liv ery Stublo anil will keep GOOD STOCK.GOOn CAitlUAGKS Bujie. Iii let upon ha mot rensonit ble terms. BtJIIe will alao do job lean. intf. i Stable on Broad strict, above Main. AU orders left at tlio Tost Ollice will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A l.irj;e ciRht pngo independent, honest and fearless iiewsniper;i,f uli broad columnx, especially dcaigncd tor the farmer, the mo, clntnic, l lie merchant ami tlio Professional mnu, and their wives ami children. Wo aim to mako tho iVkkklv Krs tho best family newspaper in llu world. It is full of entertaining and instructive rending of every sort, but prints nothing to offend the most scrupulous nnd delicate tasto. I'rico $1,20 per year, posture prepaid. The cheapest paper published. Try if Add res Tbk Si n, New York City. Elk County Directory. President Ju.lgc L. D. Wclmore. Additional Lnw Judge Hon. Jnv P Vincent. Associate Judges Clias. Luhr, J V. Honk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheiill' D. Ccull. Prothonotury $c, Fred. Schiening. Treasurer Jose)ili Windielder. County Superintendent Uufus Lucoro. Commissioners Michael Weidcrt, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. f!. Rundy, County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi mers. Phillip ireighlo Uiiusoui T. Ky ler. lull SALE 13Y E.K. GHESII, Jlasnuio Hull Ruildinif, RiJgway, Pa. 7A1T VLECK'S CKLKIJUATKl) l'ATEAT tflTiING li K D 11EST tempered tteel tpriuj wire, the.-e springs cau be luid ou tho sluts of uuy common bed aud are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES I Also agent ior Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and lifcT MACHINE in t lie market. Cull mil cxsuiiiie before purchasing else a here. vlnlOl'.i,'?, YOU WANT TO HUY GOODS CHEAP 110 'JO JAMES II- 1IAGEKTY Main Street, Uidgwny, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS blJOKS, HATS AND OATS, CLASS AND (iUEENS WAilE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WAKE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Larue Stuck of Groceries and Provision; The JJEST 15KANDS nl FLOUU Ccnstuntly im luiud, and told ns cliejp us tho CHEAPEST. JAMES Ii. 11AGEHTY. SEEIfSl B'E.I.IITS. C. C. The True Capo Cod Cranberry, C. best sort tur Upland, Lowland, or Garden, by mail prepaid, SI per 100, S5 per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries and Peaches. A priced Cata logue of these and all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, ISulbs, Khm!h, Plants, Are., and EUESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, tho choicest collection in the country, with all novelties, will be sent rntw to any plain address. 25 sorts of either b lower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seods, (or $1,00, neut by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TRVDE. Ajjcuta Wanted. 15. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series ond Seed Warehouse, 1'lyoiouth, Masd. Estublithcd 1812. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICI7. Estuto ut John E. Turlcy, late of Jay township, Elk Couuty, Pa., dcceabcd. All persons iudebtcd to said esuio aro requested to make immediate payment, and thoso haviug legal claims against the same will present them without delay iu proper order for settlo uicnt to A. W. GRAY, l JULIUS JONES, r Admr's. lienezette, Feb 25th, lS75--nlt4 T O THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA; Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Bunks are now pvcparjd to receive subscriptions lo the Capital block ot the Ceuteunial Eoard of t inance. The funds realized from this source ure to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and the expenses couuecled with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone Slate will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri otic commemoration of Ihe one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares stock are offered for 10 each, and iu t scribers will receive a handsome engrave Certificate of Slock, suitable for lramiud and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Slock from date of payment to January 1, 1870. Subscribers who are not neat a Nationa Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersi gned. I'KED'K 1 RALEY, Treasurer, 104 Walnut St., Philadelphia