The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 25, 1875, Image 4

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Orrhnrd unit Nursery.
Preimrntions for plnnting uirty 1e ninde
thii montli, mid in nome lntitmlra the
treos may bo net out. The soil nbould
Imve boon prppnrtvl Inst year, but if it
was not, no time should be lost. New
soils rarely need manuring, Imt exhausted
bind munt be renovated. It will be uso
lesi to set out young trees in n stifl', poor
soil, nnd expect them to give n satisfac
tory return; it is true they may live and
bear in time, but they can never make a
healthy growth, or produce good fruit.
See that there nro no low spots in the
orch trd where ice nnd snow mny collect
nnd remniu (hiring the greater part of
the 'winter; trees planted in such places
do not ripen their wood properly, nnd
lire liable to bo injured by early frosts,
nnd the land cannot be cultivated until
Into in the spring.
Pruning may bo done nt any time be
fore vegetation stnrts. ' When large
limbs nro removed take enro not to allow
thein to fall before severing the bark on
the under side of the cut, ns they mny
peel tho bark from the trunk, thus
making n bad wound. Always pare tho
nuts smooth, n Rhnrp knife, cnisrl, or
iha wing-knife may bo used, cover with
melted grafting wax, paint, or anything
which will exclude the nir nnd rain.
The best guido for n novice in fruit
growing is the experience of others in
similar localities, and one about to set
nn orchard can make no better invest
ment than the time nnd money it would
require for him to visit the fruit growers
in n circuit of ten or twenty miles, nnd
learn of the successes nnd failures of
If. one lives near n city or town large
enough to nfford n market, iv good share
of eimy apples may be profitable. For
distant markets, only varieties that are
well known should be grown, n load
variety, no matter how Rood it mny be,
slow sale. Summer J,ariy Harvest,
Large Yellow Bough, lted Astrachan,
Uolden Swiiet, Summer Queen, Wil
1 iams. Autumn Chenango Strawberry,
Duchess of Oldenburgh, Fall Pippin,
Fall AViue, Gravenstein, Jersey Sweet,
Keswick Codlin, Maiden's Blush, Porter,
Washington Strawberry. Winter Am.
Golden l'nsset, Baldwin, Ben Davis,
i.'aunda Iunuetle, lisopus bpitzenburgh,
Fmneusu, .Toiintlian, King of Tompkins )
County, Lady, Monmouth Pippin, New-
town I'liipm, Aoitliern ftpy, 1'eeK s ,
rieasnnt, ISambo, R. I. (ireeninp, Rox- , The pass is to be improved by Eads' jetty svs
bury Russet, Talmnn's Sweet, Twenty i tem. Xo m01iev u lo llo lmM nti, ... .
Ouuee, AVincsap, lellow RL'llflowr.
I'l.viiiK lor the Fair.
" I could atalo unfold," says a Tribune
correspondent, how Jones's ram, or
Smith's cow, or Robinson's bull took
that premium, that would make Brown
open his eyes in astonishment. Brown
wondered why his (Jotswolds' fleece was
so raw and harsh after it had been washed
with soap and warm water, but ho did
not dream as he snoozed iu the next pen
upon the straw, that loug before daylight
Toiieu had rubbed his rani's ileeee with
yellow oslier and so gave it a rich color,
a soft greasy feel, nnd a luster that
charmed the judges and took them by ;
fctorm in a moment. Aud he does not ,
know to this day that Smith's cow was i
fed a quart of linseed oil daily a week ;
before tlie milking trial was made and !
her cream measured thirty per cent, of
the milk, nor that her tail was bound tin
every night in hay bauds to make it tluu, ' tust pence and quiotndo now prevail, and ex
uor that her skin was sponged down I tending a welcome to all immigrants, promising
early m ma morning witn a mixture oi i
oow dung and water, which was allowed
la dry upon it and give it the rich orange
color that was so much admired by every
body. Nor did ho see the cow's owner
umidpnperiiig her horns and polishing
them with beeswax, and carefully going
over her switch with a feather aud a bot
tle of ink. And in this way the inno
cent man would have found that the pre
miums were filched from poor but honest
exhibitors who relied on merit only, and
that bv a course of such breeding the
reputation of certain pedigree stock was
built up; and then lie might have re
peated with the poot, truly "things aro
not what they seem."
Feeding Ileus.
Hens will lay in cold weather if sup
plied with a greater variety of food. I
keep thirty hens and three roosters. I
do not house them well, and for three
months of winter tho suii does not shine
ou their house, it being under a lull
facing north, and altogether n very
cheerless place. I feed corn, buckwheat,
cabbage, potatoes, and all waste, vegeta
bles from tho table; keep them supplied
wilh a box of water, and a box of sand
to dust in, also coal ashes. Last winter
I bought twenty pounds of bone from
the meat market and broke up a little
every day. The monthly result (in eggs
by the dozen) is as follows for the year
ending Dec. 1, 1874: December, 3 2-12;
January, 11; rebruary, 8 10-12; March,
8 10-12; April, 37 2-12; May, 40; Juno,
29-10-12; July, 26; August, 28 3-12;
September, 16; October, 0 1-12; Novem
ber, 6-12 total, 233 10-12 dozen. Ialso
used nine of the hens to raiso 101 chick
ens. About one-half of my hens are
White Leghorns; the others are common
fowls. Credit by sale of eggs and chick'
ens, 878.87; by increase of stock, fifteen ! property to avoid taxes, or who shall encumber parts of the world, nnd conducts experi
pulleta at sixty cents, 987.87. Dr., ui8 rroperty for the puryono of claiming a do- ments iu everything that promises to re
by food, $15.19. Net profit. 340.C8. ' ,i.i,. .,,. Hni.t- n even n,r,i,-., ; ward the labor of investigation. It does
a at. i. i? ,.i i. lii-i.
My hens iu summer go where they
please. I have kept poultry for seven
years, nnd this is about my annual expo-
ritmco for that time. I always feed heris
all they can eut, and as great a variety as
I can pet
for them. 11'. C. Xorman,
Sew York
A Healthy Farmers' Club.
Tlie Elmira (X. Y.) Farmers' Club,
though a local institution, has attracted
no little attention abroad by the practi
cal wisdom of its debates and the sound
caution of its conclusions. It in now
in the Bixtli year of its usefulness, and
the influence it exej-ts is obvious in the
improved farming of it section. Their
present building was erected several
venrs since, at a cost of $4,000 or &5.000.
The second story forms a spacious hall
for their discussions, with an ample re
cess for the library, which contains some
2,000 volumes. The membership num
bers over 200 earnest, practical farmers,
soino of then from Pennsylvania, who
meet weelc'v, through most of the year,
to discuss all topics interesting to farm
er i each man contributing the best
paints iu his own experience to illustrate
or to resolve the various questions that
arise. While I sat listening to the edi
fying remarks of different members, says
a correspondent, it seeme J to me, from
the sound and sensible views of some,
from the new and striking thoughts ad
vanced by others, and from the general
tone of the discussion, that these men,
whilo intent on solving practical ques
tions in their business, were also train
ing and developing their own higher
faculties, and that the tendency of such
clubs is clearly to make not only better
farmers but more efficient and accom
plished men.
A statistician estimates that courtships
average three tons of coal each.
Itrmi of Inn-rmt from Ilomr nnd Abroad.
A brewer tow killed in New York by the
explosion of a beer ban ol which be wits pitch
lug Tho Democratic Congressional Con
vention for the first dmtrict of Connecticut
nominated George M. Landers, or New Itritain.
Tlie Hepnblicttiis of tho second district renomi-'
uated the Hon. Stephen W. Kellogg, of Water
bury, for Congrtt-s The rctnm match be
tween the Ameiioan and Irish riflemen takes
place Juno 29th, the place hi Ireland not being
definitely settlod upon Colorado has been
admitted as a htato, increasing the number to
thirty-eight It is believed that the damage
by the Hoods in V.Uit Tennessee is over 1 1,000, -000.
Cooke county alone lose 200,000. . . .The
steamer Gothenlvrg has been wrecked on one
of the Fournoanx Islands. Ui Bass' a traits, be
tween Van Diemiwi's Land and Australia. Hue
had on board eighty-five passongers and a crew
of thirty-five, and of thorn only four are known
to havo been savei Ou fcjtateu Island a
poor family was found in such a dostitute con
dition that they had killed and eaten their
horse. Homo of tho meat of the animal waa
eaten raw Two school girls in Philadelphia,
one the daughter of a clorgymnn, ran away to
join a traveling thearioU company The
revenue of tho Dominion of Canada is about
$3,400,000 in excess of the disbursements, and
tho announcement of tin's fact in London has
caused an increased
demand for Canadian I
securities The time fixed for the opening
of the Centennial exhibition in Philadelphia
ban been changed from April to May 10, and
for dosing from October to November 10
Tho relatives of the Virginhw officers and crew,
I shot in Cuba, are to receive 2,500 gold for
I each man shot.
! lite Democrats of Pennsylvania will hold
i their State Convention in Erie ou Kept. 8. The
ltepublicans will hold their convention at Lan
caster, May 26 The Tree IMpe bill was de-
1 featcd in the Pennsylvania Senate by tweuty-
to fifteen The Maine delegation in
C'ongrcm, juut prior to the adjournment of
Congress, presented to Speaker Maine a silver
gavel The United St ties Internal Revenue
departiuaut decided that the increased tax on
whiskvand tobacco takes effect from and after !
j midnight of tho third of Februarv, 1875 !
j It is understood that president Cant will take
' no further action m the affairs of Arkansas, he !
heing lnmiencea ly the recent expression or
the Houso against governmental interference.
The appropriation for the south pas, of i
the Mississinni river bv Conm-ess is .r.2.10.nnf).
shall be approved by tho I'nited States en
giueers A bill repealing the railroad legis
lation, passed last winter in Slinnesota, has
pasHed both Houxes of that State by a two
thirds vote.
Au embankment at Itiudaus pump mill at
Slerriton, Canada, gave way recently aud
flooded the village with water ISenjamiu
F. Bruce, of Lenox, Jjhu fi. Orton, of Bing
hampton, and William C. Wey, of Elmira, have
been appointed managers of the New York
! State Inebriate Asylum The new Wib-
cousin liailroad bill raises the rates so that
! the companies can save eight per cent. more.
! The companies asked for twenty per cent., but
profess to bo satisfied with the result A
joint resolution was passed in Congress to ad
mit the Fitch diamonds free of duty Before
the Arkansas Legislature adjourned a resolu
tion waa presented by a colored Republican
member and iinanimonBly adopted, declaring
saioty in person ana property ana ireeaom or
speech Holou Sullivan, of BeruardsviUo,
N. J., was br.rn'vl to death in saving her
futher's house from destruction bv fire.
The members of the Fennsylvuiia State
I Legislature paid a visit to tho Centennial
i exposition grounds, and inspected the build-
ings in progress there Complications tinder
! the new Civil Bights bill have arisen in various
! pails of the South, mo,t of them from a
i spiut of mischief. . . . .The total number of
' . , , . ., . .
.imrmgrants who arrived at he port of New
j ork during the month of February, 1875, was
4,87fl, of whom 3,47J wero males aud 1.3U7
j remales. Dining the samo month in 1871 the
: total number arrived at the port was 4,222, of
; whom 3,008 were males aud 1,214 females
! A divorce Uwycr iu Cincinnati sued a paper for
1 iHO.OOO damages, aud the jury rendered a ver-
j diet that the paper was right, and gave tho
! lawyer nothing Advices from Asia Minor
: stato that the famine in that country is
i carotins: tcn-ible distress. Ju one district alone
20,000 persona have died since tlie commonce
i incut of tho famine. The population of this
1 district before the famine was 52,000
! Weston, in New York, walked 431 miles in six
j days Tho now United States Tariff went
i into effect officially March 3d The house
j of Q. Hchry, three mile below Seliusgrovo,
ra., was totally destroyed by firo, and two
children perished in the flumes. Mrs. Schry
was badly unrneil. . .
Spontaneous combus -
tiou is said to have cawed the burning of the
, jiai!in0 jau steamship Japan Engage.
meuts have taken jilate beirn eeu tho 8puiiia
and innui gents in Cuba.
Xew Jernty has u bill nzider conxidoration
which imposc-a a fine not exceeding 5,000, and
impriuonment for a term not exceeding one
vear. on anv nei-Kon who fihall trannfer hit
j toua of Bmil wattlir botwoeu New York
Wahin(;loii each year A new tmiiiKtrv
, , . . ,, .
llM een Breod "l10" 111 J"Dce- D,lke
a AudifTret-ramer has been made Miniate,-
! admitted Dulsnces in tba United Btatea
treamiry : Currency, 9,779,700 ; vpecial deposit
of legal tenders for the redemption of certifi
cates of deposit, eiG, 170,000; coin, 75,122,
I 933, including 22,425,100 coin certificates ;
S outstanding legal tenders, 6382,000,000
I The Pope has permitted the Austrian bishops
1 to comply with the law requiring them to
1 inform the authorities of the names of the
priests appointed to livings The German
government having been informed that France
intended to order an experimental concentra
tion of troops on her eastern frontier early in
the spring, intimated to President MacMahon
that it would direct the mobilization of two
army corps ou the lihiue if France persisted in
cairying out the intention.
A fire in Callao did $200,000 damage The
aggregate sum in the twelve general appropria
tion bills passed during the late geeeion of the
United States Congress is $175,000,000
The Budget committee of the Austrian Keichs- I
rath have struck out the appropriation of l"5,
000 to defray the expenses of the representa
tion of Austria at the Philadelphia Centennial.
Thi Boston Globe says that Gov. Gaston
and his council have determined on the execu
tion of the boy Jesse Poraeroy.... A riot took
place at Bogota, C. A. The millers having
raised the price of flour, the bakers did the
same with the price of bread, and combined to
keep it to. The people assembled in great
numbers in the square of Bolivia, and finally
proceeded to gut all the bakers' shops they
could come at. ' The authorities did nothing,
as the mob bad it all their own way In
Indianapolis Lewis Bishop cut his wife's throat
beoause she refused to live with him. . . .Frank
J. Potter, late deputy superintendent of the
llhode Iland Btata faim, hanged himself at
bis farm In Connecticut A letter waa re
ceived at the United Btatea Treasurer's office
from England, inclosing ''conscientious
restitution " from a former citiren of this coun
try, who is now a resideutof Beading, England.
..... The United Btatea Senate confirmed the
nominations of Oodlove 8. Orth, of Indiana, to
be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo
tentiary to Austria and Hungary t Horace C.
Maynard to be Minister Iiesident of tho United
Htates at Constantinople.
Tho New Tax Dill.
Tho following is the full text of the
now Tax nnd Tariff bill pnssed by the
United States Congress :
Hkctium 1. That from and after the date of
patsage of this act there shall be levied and
collected on all distilled spirits thereafter pro
duced in the United States a tax of ninety conts
on each proof gallon, or wine gallon when be
low proof, to be paid by the distiller, owner, or
person having possession thoroof before the
removal from tho distillorv or bonded ware-
nouse. and ao much of Bee. a.zsi oi mo ite-
vised Statutes of the United States as is incon-
sistent herewith is renealed.
Sec. 2. That Sec. 3,308 of the Revised
Statutes be, and the same is hereby, amended
by striking out the words "twenty cents a
pound," and iuBorting in lieu thereof the words
" twenty-four cents a pound '' i I'roti'lfl, That
See. 3.3H4 of the Revised Statute-) be, and the
Bamo is hereby, amended by striking out tho
word "five" wherever it occurs thorein, and
inserting in lien thereof the word " six," and by
striking ont the word "sixty" and inserting
" seventy-five," increasing the duty on cigars
from S6 to $0 a thousand and cigaretteB from
2.00 to 2.75: 1'rotiiUd, That the increase of
tax herein provided for Bhall not apply to
tobacco, ciirars or cicarcttes on which the tax
under the existing law shall have been paid
j when this act takes effect.
I Sec. 3. That ou all molasses, concentrated
J molaseees, tank-bottoms, sirup of sugar, cauo
juice, melada, and on sugar according to the
Dutch standard color, imported from foreign
i countries, there shall he levied, collected and
paid, in addition to duties now imposed in
I Schedule G, Sec. 2,504 of the Revised Statutes,
I an amount eiinul to twenty live per cent, of
said dutieB as levied upon the several art icles
and Ri ailed hereindofignated : 1'roritted, That
! concentrated melada or concrete shall hereafter
be classed as sugar, dutiable according to the
I color of the Dutch standard, and melada shall
bo known and defined as an article made in the
I process of sugar-making, being the cane-juice
I boiled down to the sugar point, and containing
all the suirnr nnd molasses resultine from the
boiling process without any process of purging
S'Sj,, SLffilS. or
other than light packages shall bo considered
sugar and dutinnie as bucii : j'roeutea, luruier,
That of the drawback on refined eugar exported,
amount bo allowed shall be retained iy me
United States.
Skc. 4. That bo much of Sec. 2,503 of the De
vised Statutes as provides that only ninety per
centum of the several duties and rates of duty
imnosed on certain articles therein euumeiated
by See. 2,504 shall be levied, collected and paid
be, and tho same is hereby repealed, and the
several duties and rates of duty prescribed in
said Sec. 2,501 shall be and remain as by that
section levied without abatement of tun per
cent., provided iu Soc. 2,503.
Hvi .V Tlmt Hia iticreftMA nf duties nrovided
1... ol.-ll Ia nm, tmnHa WflTM i
or merchandise actually ou shipboard and
bound to the United States ou or before the
tenth day of l-'ebruury, 1875, nor on any such
goods, wares or merchandise on deposit iu
warehouses or public stores at the date of the
passage of this act.
Sec 6 provides that nothing in the act of
February 8, 1875 (the Little Tariff act), shall
be construed to impose any duty on boltiug
cloths heretofore admitted free of duty, or to
require tho use of stamps on eutrieB orroceipta
iu the pasd-books of savings banks.
Wanted An Agricultural Society
nr. n .- : ..,.
JLiJ XUIlUWJiJK IB (t IUJfUn"i'-"W ;
of our agricultural societies as at present I
conducted, making them appeal-, we j
hope, worse than many of thein really
are. Prof. Eodney Welch gives his idea
of what is needed, as follows:
What we want isan agricultural society
! uhull .?rt a.unptliiiirr tn rlpv1oil mill
improve agriculture, which shall render
it attractive and exert nu influence to
', men of wealth aud education to,
' t leapt, -take an interest in farming,
, orcharding, and stock raising. To do
tLl!1. f u?tlung else is wanted except an
Junu fM- 4 dof tL.18
to miike experiments in tho production
f Huj nQW iug in tho
Fi(initv nml tol rocora them; to test the
; Vllju0 of fertilizers of every description,
! aU(1 tue various ways of applying them
to produco the most good; and to ex-
; amine iu n scientific and practical lnan-
nev the capacity of every soil.
: But more than these things need to
; be done. We want to introduce new
! crops that are grown in other countries
i oi anout mo same iiiiuuui , aim w
, climnte others that grow
ill countries
warmer or colder tuan oivr own. ve
want to learn more about the construc
tion of drains, the Btorage and distribu
tion of water, the preservation of meats,
1 '.L.. 1 Al.l.. 1. if
feeding nniintds for the production of
beef and milk, and the relative value of
the ditlereut breeds of animals. lo ac-
j complish these things requires the nuited
j efforts of men of ability and means re-
, quires the formation of a society of meu
workiiiK for 11 p irpose
Society Of
rl'lm l?ovnl Ao-rip.iiltnml
Great Britain empioya a chemist with a
number of assistants, mainttuns a botani
cal department where the acclimation of
vegetables is carried oil and the discuses
of domesticuted plant aro examined;
nublishes reports on the propres of;
ugriculture in Great Britain aud other
not neglect the matter pf holding fairs,
but it does not make them the leading
I obi ect of the organization.
' 1 S
When a child's ear becomes painful,
as it so often does, everything should be
done to soothe it, and all Btrong irritating
applications should be avoided. Pieces
oi liot onion or fifc Bhould not be put in;
but warm flannels should bo applied,
with poppy-fonientation, if the pain does
not soon subside. How much children
suffer from their ears unpitied because
unknown it would probably wring the
hearts of those who love them, suddenly
to discover. It is often very hard, even
for medical men, to ascertain that the
cause of a young child's distress is seated
in the ear, 'and frequently a sudden dis-
cnuxge iium u, j the Nevada Stateprison receives twenty
first reveals the secret of a mysterious . , . . . . '
attack which has really been au inflam-
... . mi i i
mation oi tne arum, xne watcmuiness i
of a parent, however, would probably
suffice to detect the cause of suffering, if
directed to this point, as well as to
others. If children cry habitually when
their ears are washed, that should not be
neglected; there is, most likely, some
cause for pain. Many membranes are
destroyed from discharges which take
place "during "teething." Whenever
there is a discharge of matter from the
ear, it would be right to pour in tepid
water night and morning, and so at least
to try and keep it clean.
Once a careless man went to the oellar
and stuck a candle in what he thought
wai a keg of black sand. Ho sat near
it drinking wine until the candle burned
Ion. Nearer and nearer it got to the
black sand; nearer, nearer, until the
blaze reached the black Band, and u it
wai eaud nothing happened,
Let it rnss. ,
If for good you've taken 111.
Let it pans 1
O, be kind and gentle still I
Let it pas !
Time at last makes all things straight ;
Let ui not resent, but wait,
And our triumph shall be great t
Let it pasa !
Let It pass 1
Tlie Rocky Mountain Sleep.
Among the many different species of
g.une in a country possessing 'inch a va
rietal there are none so difficult to cap
ture M the llocky mountain sheep, or
big hors, as they ore sometimes called.
Living remote from civilization nnd tho
haunts of miv.n rnnging alongthe roof of
the continent, on nlinost inaccessible
peaks high nboe timber-line, nnd er,
dowed by nature with keen scent nt.d
heariner. thev nre considered by hnntr rs
ns being tho most difficult to approach. of
-1. , i.c-,,,1
any animal among the deer kiml.
The horns of tho male are sometimes
of enormous size. I have seen them
eight inches in diameter at tho largest
part, and weighing sixtaon pounds.
Those of the female are email and sharp,
resembling the horns of - the goat ; in
fact, but for tho bonis aniT line silky wool
at the roots of the hair,' they might
readily be mistaken for dee r. They feed
upon the short nutritious grass which
grows upon tho treeless rii'ges nnd ra
vines along the snowy range, and when
fat weigh from one to two hundred
ronuds. The flesh is very much like
that of the deer, but juicier and of supe-
tint flavor. I
They are almost constantly on the
move, ranging- from one mountain to nu- , tnr'e of which , B (eorct. About the only ex.
other, feeding as they go, and iinding ( ception we know of is Johnson' Anodytw ).ini
aonie rocky ciilT sheltered from the t men. This, wo believe, all indorse, and inanv
range of winds, where they lie nt night, i f them use it iu their practice with great
gnmiitimn. uavm-nl liillulrOil TllflV m ' SUCCeB. C'Ort'.
iu one drove, but generally from two or
three to a dozen. When pursued they
make a break for tho highest point of
rocks in sight, where they stand looking
curiously at the hunter as he slowly
picks Inn way upward to get within
shooting distance.
When that lies boon gained, however,
the sheep hnve disappeared ; nor does
the tired sportsman get another glimpse
of his game until he has reached tho
cliff ho has justAlet, where they may be
seen standing on some point higher up
on the mountain, wd still beyond rifle
shot. Should the lt.unter have persever
nuce nnd plenty of muscle, he will prob
ably follow the'ra to flie highest pinnacle
of "the range to find nt lust that liis
climbing has been in vain, nnd that the
game he has been following so faithfully
and hopefully have in;T3teriously vanish
ed from his Bight.
The only successful method of hunting
the mountain sheep is to get above them,
unseen, and, if possible get a hhot be
fore being discovered. In this way the
herd becomes confused, uot knowing
which way to run, and sometimes four or
live may 'bo killed before they recover
themselves. Once started, however,
Jmrsuit is useless. Throwing back their
leads they throw themselves into space
as if shot from a cannon, and iu a few
minutes are miles away, taking leaps of
twenty or thirty feet, nnd hardly ever
making a mishap, however rapid and
headlong their flight.
The test of time and experience Is the
. ... 1 i. ,
only BUE BUlt;cnu at. uu-
meut. It is of little consequence that a
organs for n fair nnd intrigues success
fully for a prize. It ia the quality of
every day manufacture that concerns
the buyer not what exceptional and
costly instruments have been specially
made for exhibition. The Smith Amehi
can Okuans are of high aud uniform ex
cellence, and are the best for actual use,
having been tried and proved for
twenty-five years.
Etagehh Catuket Organs. The tta
rert, as the French call that elegant ar
ticlo of furniture, furnished with a num
ber of small shelves, designed for various
small ornamental articles, has become a
necessity in every fashionable drawing
room. The Mason & Ilamliu Organ Co.
are now manufacturing a combination of
the ctagcrc and cabinet organ, very rich
and beautiful, which they furnish for
the price of an organ without the rla
giic. A ISarkcrper'n Joke.
A white man and two negro men, all
well dressed, entered a saloon iu Kich
nioiid, Vtt., and the white man called for
tliwa livmwlw nrlrrnilH. The imlnstriniiH
j dispenser of spirituous comfort briskly
; compounded the fluids and set before the
rn(l. odiuMM. " I culled for three
j gias8e8," eaid the white ninu. "Yes,"
j replied the barkeeper, " I'm sorry we
: cflrmot accommodate you, but we only
I sell tc gentlemen. The negroes
: m innpil nml inihilipil. and then followed
their exasperated friend to the street.
Amerleaii Women.
It is a melancholy fact that American
women have degenerated in point of
healtn and physique, until tney nave be
come literally a race of invalids. How
sad it is to look around us and compare
the frail and effeminate looking lady of
to-day with the hale, hearty and buxom
ladies of days gone by. lo ail sucn tne
late discovery of Dr. Walker, of Cali
fornia, which ia known as Vinegar Bit
ters, is a priceless boun indeed. For this
class of diseases it is certain and safe,
and any lady, old or young, can take it
with entire confidence in the result, and
thus avoid wliat to thousands is a stum
bling block never overcome, viz. a con
sultation with a family physician. 'Tis
true there may be cases of years' stand
ing that will necessitate more powerful
treatment, but in nine cases out of ten
this remedy will reach the disease, aud
after a little time effect a cure. The
number of ladies cured by it are num-
bered by thousands, and are scattered
.1 . . t.L . 11. - TT .
turouga every oiate iu mo umuu,
five dollars in gold to start a new life
ErmNETT'i FloeaI, Hand Book. Bet Adv't.
A fortune easily made. No capital re
quired. For particulars addrecs Loiiman 4
Co., Laramie City, Wyoming. Com.
Important Invention. "In less than
ten years there will not be a metal trusa in
use,'1 was the prediction of one of our moot
eminent phytucians on examining the Elastic
Trues of the Elastic. Trues Co., 683 Broadway,
N. Y. The extensive adoption of these unequal
ed instruments, which certainly cure rupture
without torture, will make them the only trus
ses nsed in much lees that ten years. We ad-vb-e
all sufferers to send to the above company
for deecriptive circulars, as these trusses are
sent to all parts of the oountry by mail Com.
Electricity, is Life. All nervous dis
orders, chronio diseases of the chest, head,
liver, stomach, kidneys and blood, aches and
pains, nervous and general debility, etc,
quickly cured after drugs fail by wearing Volt
Electro Belts and Bands. Valuable book fras,
by VolU Belt Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Com.
rolsonrd to Death.
A healthy liver secretes each day about two
nd a-half pounds of bile, which contain a
great amount of waste material taken from the
blood. When the liver becomes torpid or con
gested, it fails to eliminate this vast amount of
noxious substance, which, therefore, remains
to poison tho blood, and be conveyed to every
part of the system. What mnst be the condi
tion of the blood when it Is receiving and re
taining each day two and a-half pounds of poi
son ? Nature tries to work off this poison
through other channels and organs the kid
neys, lungs, skin, etc. i but these organs be
come overtaxed in performing this labor, in
aOdiiin to their natural functions, and cannot
long withstand the pressure, but become vari
ously diseased.
Tlie brain, which is the great electrical center
of all vitality, is unduly stimulated by the un
healthy blood which passes to it from the
heart, and it fails to perform its office health
fully. Hence the symptoms of bile poisoning,
which are dullness, headache, incapacity to
keep tho mind ou any subject, impairment of
memory, dizzy, sleepy, or nervous feeling,
gloomy forebodings and irritability of temper.
The blood itself being diseased, as it forms tho
sweat upon the surface of the skin, is so irri
tating and poisonous that it produces discolored
brown Bpots, pimples, blotches and other erup
tions, sores, boils, carbunclos and scrofulous
tumors. The Btomach, bowels, and other
organs spoken of, cannot escape becoming
affected sooner or later, and costivoness, piles,
dropsy, dyspepsia, diarrlirt'S, female weakness,
and many other forms of chronic disease, are
among the necessary results. Ab a remedy for
an tnese niauiiestations or diseaso, JJr. lierce s
Golden Medical Discoverv, with small daily
blood and secretions thoroughly purified and
enriched, and the whole system renovated and
built up anew. Hold by all first-class druggists
and dealem in medicine. Com.
Bcbnett's Fixirai. Hand Book, fee Aite't.
It is a rare thing thnt physicians give
MoTnEits who Have Dedicate Cnn
mies. who are subject to croup. Wheu your
child gees to bed wheezing and coughing' you
know not before morning croup may set in,
and before you can got a physician your child
mav bo bevond the roach of heln. Allen's
Lung lialsam should always be kept in your I
houee, ana bo given immediately wlieu tho
first symptoms appear, which will remove the
mucus collected in the throat and save tho life
of your dear chiid. For salo by all medicine
tlealera Com.
Persons rotpiiring purgatives or pills j
should be careful what they buy. Home pills
not ouly cause griping pains, but leave the ,
bowela in a torpid, costive state. Parsons'
J'urgatirx I' ills will relieve the bowels and I
oloatiso the blood without injury to the system.
Com. ' j
That enemy of mankind, consumiition,
can be cured; but it is far better to prevent the'
cruol disease from fasteninc itpeif ou tlie bvs- i
tern, ly the timely , .ho of a remedy like Dr. j
w lHtar h ismsnin tir i nu i.nprn. ru v mm
and one dollar a bottle, large bottles much the
The Markets. YORK.
Beef Cattle Prime to Extra Bullocks
Cornmou to Good Texaua...
Milch Cows
liogs I.tve
Cotton Middling
Flour Kxtra Western
Htate Extra
Wheat Bed Western
No. 3 ttpring
Rye 8tate
Barley Htate
Bailey Malt
Oats Mixed Western
Corn Mixed Western
Hay,por cwt.....
Hiraw, per cwt
m 13
..43 00 00
.. "7S
0S)s4 OU,'
.. 05 V (H1,
.. 00.VC4 06)(f
.. ltVi(a J6'..
I 80 (4 5 16
4 on
6 20
1 VI
1 10
1 3
V 1 VI
O 1 13
et on
d 1 10
(4 I st
Kt 84;
0'J t 90
45 t. 75
Hopa 7ts, 33g:U-oUs
08 14 11
Pork Mean
19 US (19 ,S5
Fiah Mackerel No. 1, new..
14 No. 2, new. .
Pry Cod, per cwt
..13 00 (SHOO
. . 10 00 tain 50
.. 6 00 f 6 80
Ht-rriii, Scaled, per box.
85 (e) 41)
.r-viuiciuu viuuc ..ui r.VJ' 4
I Wool California Fleece
Tex:i3 "
SO t
& 2a, 4d.
Butter .stulo S
Western Dairy !25
Western Yellow Ii4
Yi'eptem Ordinary H
Peiiusylvania Fine S3
Cheese State Factory 17
" Hkltnnicd 05
Weetern , 14
Eges State 34
Wheat , 1 SO
Rve Bute HI
T4 1 S9
(4 87
O o4
(4 I ns
(4 6i
(4 8 75
(4 X 05
(4 74
(4 I'i
C4 05
(i 1 B5
(4 8 UU
(4 1 19
(4 1 W
(4 M
(4 f,5
Corn Mixed M
Barley State 1
Outs State 6
Flour S SS
Wheat No. 2 Spring I 05
Corn Mixed 7f)
Oats If)
Rye 85
Barley 1 30
Cotton Low Middlings 151,
Flour Kxtra 8 10
Wheat Bed Western 1 1H
Rye 1 in)
Corn Yellow '9
Hats Mixed 65
petroleum t7'iid 07,V
Flour Pennsylvania Extra 8 -J5 (4 8 7.5
Wheat Western Red 1 SO (4 1 as
Rye.... 05 (4 l5
Corn Yellow MJi(4 H
Mixed M (4 hi
Oats Mixed 65 (4 e
Petroleum Crude 1 4g,10.",' Refined, 14','
"ITRflHiiin and Flower Seda. Send H-ent atanip
J for tMtnlognes. Rob't Veitch r Son, Now llavnn,t't.
or pMinale, tfO a weok warranted. No capital re
QUlrad. Particular, and valuable Mamnlna annt fra. AH.
dresa, with 6o return atarnp, U. KotiS.WiUiaMisburKh.N. Y. f
RoBEa, Ac, of all the best aorta
at low ratea. fcor catalogues
im, auureaa
ltIH .l,A It SO M & J P., l 'lii nlilnlt. X. V.
ffR P SSIfi I'KK lAV t home. Terma free. Ail.
9J (. Htl" dress tiKii. Stinhon A t.'o.. Portland, Mh.
C The American Patron ia the moat popular Orange
do snn rami mucr I .lo a year. .ue-inien tree.
P Aditroi J. K. KAKNI), Publisher, (-India), Ohio.
The People's dollar pMHr, THK Contki.
lJL'TOH, ruhtrin to ((4 volumtu, roliffious
and Macular. Tken ectryuhtre. i-ivein.iic
iiiticunt premiums. Siminlo, terms, utc,
freo. J. H. KARLK, ISwiion.
tOi Ilnily tn AarutH.
r$amf best family Papor in Am
L'hromos. free. AM. MTU l!0..a
new ArtfclHB nnd tho
Amcrtrn. witli two 5JXi
Y. !
& K VKll DAY Commission, or 30 a wk K.i!- I
and will pny
it. Apply now. i. A CO.
Companion and Grviido
SIX BOOK IX OXK. Illmtrated bT
3c(M h.nuru vlitffH. ahowins every vane
ty ot
character, and every quulity of tlie humau heart.
Thoroughly KvfiliKl-lii'n-i and Orthodox, bat not
aeotahaa; uuither lr'. Saoclhuootoua nor hensatioual,
tml t ill of old-fH.hioned honesty and piety. Sound to
the core, tta eranhio Dioturea and reading strike home.
Being a Uuarto, it is a oompanion tn shape and charao- t
ter to the taiuily itible, which it reilecta and explaina. I
Probublv no Work in our l.miKuiiKe la ao well
adapted to teauh tlie great vital truths of correct Uvinr.
It IB IIavinu a Giifat Bale. Many AsenU are mak. ;
in from K."ill to Si l(M Der week.
duoementa offered, hend for Complete Outfit, aad
Begin at Once. Addreas.
60 X urlli Fuu rt llr eel , J'iiU ntli-l u ia. JPn .
People Prom
The Great 8en&ation of the Axe.' IaTeatigatioo nf the
wonderful iSmrU MniiltVatHllnim at the Kilily
lIoiiiealtatia Vt. by the New York Graph im Coturuia
aioaer. Moat aitoundius reaulla. Tha whole country
astonished. &Ojull imie Enjravimgt taken Jrum
Send for -trcuUr for Territory, Terms, etc., to
AMKKItlAN PHHItlSHlNi CO.. tUrttnrd. Ot.
I'or Irore..lonal and Auu-(t,tri-Printers,
Mchool., So-litlefe. J.J si ..
ufurtuners. Merchant., and othcts tl'.i
the UiittT .vcr invented. lll.OOOIul .
, Ten styles, Prioes from $5.00 to kh y);
Dtnj, u. wvvua liUi ianui . it:
dealer. In all kinds .1 Print I nil M Btl.r.-"(.
tW sums a Calalosuc) it r.oaral BW Settva,
noses or his l'leasant l'urgative l'cllatH, are ' TJT fl Tvf T This country haa
noeitivelv unenualcd. lv them the liver end : A'JL U ll JJ I everybody, for Wo
stomach are changed to an active and healthy Youn,J"Men"0'Boy?.rvI
state, the apnetire reeulated and restored, the i
3 :U
For Home Use, and for Churches
and Halls.
Unequalcd in Tone, and in Beauty of
The Smith American Oman Co.
Call attention to tlmtr New 1,1st, with KnantTtwrn and
Dtacr!itlon, and a.inre lbs public that in them Instru
ment are to b. found eomblnnd the beat effect! which
they have made In their twenty-Are yean of eaperleno..
No other Instrument so exactly imltAtot the Pl Organ
Ll.ta .ent free on application.
fceiU iu utut by UtMtsiM, ti ct-nti ana upwards.
t'Jf fa a Mure Citre for Rpllentlc Kite. Inclose
I alamo ror circular irlvlntf evidence or (M
L v I Allure,
iAjti P. O. lloi
1 1 U l A Utl 'If MflKlll
' T4I.
(St. Uuneph, Mo.
ffr tii New twk Hhccvh In Jlnninens," or
monMT for
I 6 T ,
TTT 4 X7C7" nd nil; and tbla book rhow?
TO for tliH time), and will del I fast.
Mna tor cironlKr nnd wTn tr
OIH Arch Ht., Fblla..Pt.
Hinfth tV ItpynolHs. tfnrtrtch.
Ct., ai : " We hnve Bold and used
your Kia Foam for several
and nnlin!t.ftttnly recommend It
aa the heat Baking Powder In the
Smith, linne A- Co., o'm,
V'trtlnml, Mr . rati : " Wo une It In
our own fnmllled and believe it to be
decidedly the beat haklna I'ow
dor." fta ernomy la wonderful : It
Milken fil lbs more bread to a bar
rel of tl.iur. Mllltnnfl of rana Bold
j2i and not a single complaint. Send
fn- Irnlar to llrt V f JlKTI
Co.. ITCI f'uane St., SewYorkj
COI,l)li:HS, IVnsinnera nnd Mnldters' Wlrl-
n nns will rncrivo Important Information by sending
10 cents to DAK1.IM1 hOULK, Washington, l. O.
$0 Ann I Yenr. Snlnryand expenses paid. Out
l'"v Htfno. A vnhmtile package sent for 16eta.
";tnrn pntti-go. t;
H. lit'HNEY, Watrhoro Centre, .m.
O lllo SU.'i I'HII I) Y Renrl for "Chromo'
A t catalogue. J. U. Ilfl-FQRD'S SONS. Boston.
A Week and expenses to all. Articles
new, staple np flour. Sample free. U. M.
I.lMNtiTQX BKO.,N.Y.orfhtcao.
hoic-HBt in ths world Impiirtpm' prlcoslarn-
t (lompuny in Americft-tple rtjclpiMm
evenbony trade increasinR eat innncemfnti
don't wto time nd for CJlroulftr to ROBERT
WKLLS, 43 Vsey Htreet, New York. P.O. Boa 1 287
a month to spents eTPrrwher. AddreM
KXCKLSIOR M'PO CO., Boohaaan.Mieh
A GKNTH. Chang Chang sells at sight
Necessary as
It- a
Goods free. Chang Chang arrc uo., iioston
i i" m ft rtnv Tnrrna tn A tront ii frw. Add'ld M. .. NhsD.
O i ord A Co., Boston, NewYork.Ulilcuffo or St.. LouIa-
Men or women. S.14
' ggjju'i jSliJR
or ftltHJ forfniled. Vnluable sample frt.
ew von.
PER DAY frfi!
for Manlev'a Celehrnt-
Viaitloi. nn,1 Itii.inna ( '.irrln. the hettt in the WOrld
T uiMgnihcpnt saiuph'S to hcirtu work with sent for 25
. ..i.i .j ,, K'I1V L'..I.U..I,lo Vhmh.
3l'(t Wajhlngton Strc-t, 11' etoii, itss.
i -t, - a.t.i,... tZwmt X catrm Ciwm
a.4 PUUl1tki. FlITHntBUII, 'A.
VIlYKUTlNaKRH! Send ft fi-pii tn fKO
ROWKliL A fJO., 4 I Park Row. N. Y.,for their
timthlt of (K)pa7c,coataJnlogllUo 3(MK) nni
pDiftrn. And fwtlnmtww whnwing oowt. of dTHrtlala.
esPaiRless Opium Cure!rJ
eessful remedy of the present day. Serwl for Paper
on Opium Eating. P.O. Box 47&, LiFOBTE, 1ND
I hfiTitnnTfPHOTKn KIX'FIPT for makhiR n
rnti: hakim; r ykast rovin-:u, euat
to the Unit in the Binrkfit, with which I will HHtid n book
Kivfnff 40 iwwaiul KXCl.l. I.KNT H;TIIOI)S lor
ucing it in cuokinK. My Bftklnc Powder can be made for
Kt Cftits a iMttind Why Day iiO or ISO cuU ior nound
' when you ran n;tail make your own for 1(1 centa? Price
I of my receipt, Sif.iio. It will, Bent upon
receipt of ii I .Ky mati. m(n directions (In KnKitah
I and (ifrmftn) for hakinu And t'fliNU. if the namk of the
kf.wbpaPkk is iriven in which this advertisement it seen.
pot'NDfiof the piMTilcr made. Inretvents kept bjr gro
cers and drupt'iKta every win re. Addross
! J. V. lil(.(S, I'rncilenl lrims!ift.
j ChiriiHo, 111.
.KTII Acunta wanted trery.
ltusiiiosa honorable and first,
'urtioulara atnt fruu. Addrua
'Til i. t (.,ht. Iul, Mo. .4 1. 11 E.4 It I" SOI. 1.
UliNI'S AVAN'TI';irr tlie new txWk,
Kit Carson
by hi comrad soft frlod. D. W. C rtart, Brsvst Lt,
Cot.aod burptD, U.a. A.,rroro UU dlcUVM by Aim
Mil. ThsoDiyQ aLasnd Al-iukmic lifot Amsrlcs's
cretat IlL'N'ifER, TKAPPMl. SCOUT and
ever iiublUherL It mtitaina full aad comclete dMcrin.
ioiiui uiiwioiwt r An t ,u mb uy KituanOB.
k n i.j.i.f- t. i ...u .fii !
' turn tli, niuui
j-n ai.
Jli.woikolHIaTO- liinvaluablfc A grand oppvtunltj for. goat. tcmak.moB.r
Our IlluitraU-d tlrrular. nt. fr to .11 WriuaodM.
cura tcrrltotn at oiico. UUSllN.aiLalAA A CU.Hartroid.Cuia.
Tty Mr. PtrnhouM of 81t IrfHre City, tar
wars the Vife ot tb Mormon High Priert.
troductiun by Mm. Hlour. Iliii itory of
..omtri'i exDerlcnco lays litre tha "huliie lik.
imyiterlea, secret doings, etc. of tha Mormoat m
"wide-awake wommt ei them." Bright, Para
and Good, it Is the brtt nw book out, aotuau
Orrrrtuu tna with pood thinm for all. It it popular jvert
There, with everybody, and ouutlli all other book threcv
oru Mtoiiters cay Oott if.' Eminent vome&
endorte iL Everybody wonti Ut an Kenta are ceUuijr
Irom IV lO mV nay i voin ir,uawi now in prr-tsi
Vttnl.'-.WJ nitre trust ocent NOW-men or wooica f nj
veuil. mail Uutnt Free to those who will canvas. Lai ii,
pamphiets with lull particulars, term, etc. ti nt free a
Aditrftt A- wwaxuiMutuu uaruoru, umuu
wnBoa,s coMPoinn) or
Willior'N Cod l.lver Oil nnd 1,1 me. The
fnit popularity ot thi miih and emcacinu urttparation
ii alouH attriWntabl to it iutrinsio worth, la the cure
nf l oueua.t'oltlq. Asthma, liroiichitta. w twininc Uouah
Hi:rofitluus llmiKira, ami all Consumptive Smpum8, it
nm no superior, u equal. lai no one nHRiect tue earl;
tymiioiia ot aisnat. ivtien an atzeut n inua at iian
wiiirli will alleviate all oomplnintaof tha Chtwt, I unfra
or Ttinrnt. Maauiuctun-a only ny a. b. ttlLiiUK,
(Jhmuiftt, Kontoi. hold by all druKtfiBta.
The Favorites.
I'ttlll V FtVllltlTK. , Th. Title.
i ;i:m:k i. favokiti:. Mhe Vun.
I For luli iufunnatinn n-hnectin onr Goods, or Arnciea
for nme, adiireaa WFKO KKHINti MAI IIIM;
( IIH I'ANV at lliirtturd, luun., or our Uructa.
Mailed Free oil Receipt of Postage Stamp.
in fast. J
Caleitdas, li;5.
CuANuki or Tit Moow avb Monviica ax
Evkwino Plaxeti, 175.
KCLIPBfcS. 1:5.
XtAHOVAOE or Floviri.
Cakr or Plant a ia tiik Parlos.
1'jflll.D ttlATKt rOITAL) KftOOtATIOlff.
Language of Flowers
Ahii 4 A it'. mrry3vf
iir J. Wftlitrvs California Vin
egar IMttcrs nre a pnrcly A cgotable
preparation, made chiefly from tlio na
tive herbs found on the lower ranees of
-. . t . f'rt lnr
ino Merra Novaua mountain yu'"Y .
nia, the medicinal properties pf wucn
are extracted therefrom without W us?
of Alcohol. Tho question Is aim.08
daily asked, "What is tho cause of ihC
unparalleled success of Vineqaii Bit
MK8t" Our answer is, that they remove
the cauBe of disease, nnd tho patient re
covers his health. They nre the grea
blood puriDorand a life-giving principle,
& perfect Innovator and Invigorator
of the system. Never before in tho
history of tlie world has a mcuicin bepo
eoraponnded possessing tlie remarkable
(nalities of Vinboar Bittbrs in heallne the
lick of every disease man is heir to. They
are a gentle Purgative as well as s Tonio,
relieving Congestion or Inflammation u '
the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilioui
The properties of Dr. walker
i tXEGAR liiTTWts are Aperient, Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic,
(Sedative, Counter-irritant, Budorific, Altera-'
live, and Anti-Bilious.
n. ii. ittcDosAi-n et co..
rrnir(rl"t nml Gen. Apia.. Sun Vrnnciaco. Callforaiit,
and er. of Wnsliincrton nnd CharltnTi Sta.. T. Y.
bold or U Omf5)ilta u nd UtaIri-.
N. Y. N. IVKo. 11
fllinir book ever published, betid for ciuulars ana
iiur exrra terms to Agents. n
NATIONAL PUBMSUfN'O CO.. PhtlflriVlpbla, Pa.
Seeds !
Seeds !
Unst n Market Vegetable Seed.
Simmer's Prize Flonvr
12 YJhoIco Varieties ABters, fit .
(JahtniKe, Fottler'a Hruuswick, p
ot. -iO( . Prlh.
O'tr lHiuiriitHd Catalog tit nerttfrt
W. H. SPOONEH, Boston, Mass
and hUPPUHTKli to
now superseding a"
othors, being ndoptpcl
everywhere iy the lenoing
army and navy, hna
pl tills, ftymnasiiuuB, etc
The aucceaa and onlrer
Bal antihtjii-tiun they have
given, as well as thn great number f rndloal cttrr they
have effected, has itwnfr'tift the fact that rupture can
he turrl'f curtH without futferliig or annoyance, and irih
ut th itmtgT of i,.rtirrit,t Spiitnt r 'fi'ifW.
often caused hy the severe pressure ui .Mt t;l Trusses and
Supporters. It la the only pure tun for Hernia, ns U is
tne only Truss in une tht will hld tht rupture sccnrel
In all positions in which the body run bn plnced. It will
perform radical enrea when all ntlmre full. It enn m
worn with ease and comfort when no spring truss can be
used. When once adjusted, no ruction of tho bud? or
accident can displace it. These instruments havo the
unuuaUfied approval of tlie most eminent practitioners
In the profession.
From the numerous testimonials In our possession we
append tho following;
''Aitr the experience of month, patients testify
strongly t its ejTtwy, no well as to the we and freedom
from inconvenience with which the instrument Is worn
With superior advantages, fh .''?. Trust possesses in
a high degree A I. L requisites and iunIlhc.itions rtaimnf
for other inventions. 1 have nu hesitation in regarding
it as an important means for the rolief and cure of
Hernia. J. M, OAUX(K!HAN, Ttl. D.,
Ez-Healtb Officer of the Part of Aew York, Hurgcon-In-Chief
of New York Htate Hospital," etc.. etc.
GRO. V. HotrnE.M. P.. Superintendent Elastic Tranf.V,
urar .Mr .-Alter flunenng lor imny years, in my own
person, from the use of every form of Metallic Truss pro.
curable In this country md In Kuropo, I, two yonrs bko.
applied your F.latie rr,ntul since that time I have
experienced comfort and batisfact Jon, and bren taught
the truth, that the Elastic Trnss is the only instniment
that should be used for tho relief and cure of Hernia ;
and now after morn than thirty years' continuous prac
tice, and having adjusted many hundreds of Trusses
(and for the lust twenty months yours exclusively), I
gratefully declare it to be my dofibfrate opinion, that
ywr Kinetic Trtt is the only ono entitled to the confi
dence of the public ; that elasticity is the only power at
ail auapu a to me requirements ol a I rnss or supporter,
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