The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 04, 1875, Image 4

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Fnrm Nolo.
Iu boiling potatoes for infffl, says tlie
Gardener's Chronicle, they nhoulil be
strained, ns the water from them ia in
jurious to a loss or greater degree, m it
contains the poisonous alkaloid called
Bolnnine, which, it uliould bo noted, is
more, abundant when the tuber begin
to bud out.
A correspondent of tfie Bmircor Whiff,
affirms that cions should not be cut in
the spring, ns has been the custom' from
time immemorial, but iu the fall, after
the trees have, shed their leaves, and
when cut, they should be buried where it
is dry, about six inches deep, nnd iu the
spring they will come out all right.
A writer iu tlio Live Stork Journal
puts the case in this way : " AVheu the
day of finnl reckoning shall come, and
nil the deeds of men brought to light
and balanced iu the scales of unerring
justice, some dealers will find a heavy
load against them in the transactions in
which so-called Chestur-white pigs were
sold to their credulous fellowmen."
A writer in London suggests a plnu
for scaring rooks from a corn-field which
would probably bo equally effect ivo in
the case of our crows. It is to cut a
iece of sackcloth into tho shape of the
)ird, with its wings outspread, and cover
it with tar. This is laid on tho field and
intimates to these wary and thoughtful
creatures that " some forlorn and ship
wrecked brother" has come to grief in
a dangerous spot, which it will be well
for them to avoid.
The use of salt with guano has fre
auently been recommended as beneficial,
but we observe that upon the meadows
of I'icardr, and also upon tho irrigated
The eommittoo on naval affairs reported un
favorably ou the Mils authorizing tho I'rmidont
bo pnrcli&h a site for a coaling Btntion, navy
depot, and othnr porornment noes at Fort
Point, Port l!yal, 8. C. ; and authorizing the
tmrchane of tlio liarlior, privilcpeH, and land
for the establishment of a naval and coaling
station in the Snmoati Inland.
Mr. Hitchcock, of N(!branka, called up the
House bill to perfect the United Btatos govern
ment's guarantee of the 1'istrict of Columbia
8.05 bonds, nnd to authorize them to be regis
tered in tko United States Treasury, and it was
Mr. Colliding, of New Tork, prt nented a me
morial of the Chmnbor of Cimimorco of New
York city, auking for an appropriation to enable
Oon. Newton to continue the work in which lie
in engaged in regard to the iiuprovcment of
New ork harbor.
The Senate bill to grant a site far tho Pea
body school in St. Augustine, l'la., was tnkon
up. to which thcro was an amendment pending,
submitted Rt the lBt hghmoii by Mr. l'.dnninds,
providing that if at anv timo any distinction
shall bo made in the admission of pupils on ac
count of race or color, tlio Bite shall revert to
the United States, and it was rejected -yeas,
23; navs. 24. Messrs. Cameron, Ferry, (1:1
bcrt, Morrill, Hchurz and Hprague were among
thofe who voted in 1 lie negative
tettmelilp service to Japan and China, and an
nulling the contracts tnatlo undor it, which was
agreed to without discussion.
The House in Committee of the Whole, re
sumed the considera'inu of tlio Post-otlice
Appropriation bill. The bill and its amend
ments were adopted except the ono allowing
members to scud public documents and seeds
Mr. Oinickel, of Ohio, from the committee
on military affairs, reported a bill to equalize
The bill provides for tho payment to every
non-commissioned ofllcer, muHicinn, artificer,
wagoner, and private soldier (including thoo
borne on the rolls as slaves), who served in tho
army and were honorably discharged, of H 3:l,'i
a month fur tho torni of his service, between
April 12, IHfil, snd Nay 9, 1SC5, with a dcdiic
ticm of all binmlies heii teforo pai I by tho Uni
ted States and by States. Substitutes, r such
as were prisoners of war at tho time of enlist
ment, aro excludci ; also such as wore dis
charged as minors, or at their own recjuest from
other causes than disability pictured in tho ser
vice, prior to Apiil lit, 105, unless such dis
charge was obtained with a view to ro-cnlitit-numi
or to accept promotion in the military or
naval service. Whore tho soldier is dead tho
bounty is to be paid to tho widow ( if not mar
ried ), or to the uiii. or child or children.
Tie Paymaster-deneral es imated that it
would take' iH:)7,00l.0U0 to pay tho bounties ns
provided in tlie bill, while tho Second Con
troller imid if 101, 000.00(1 would do it.
Mohbi-s. llawley and hollogrr, of Conncc'lcm,
to Investigate the charges that alterations had
bacn made in the last year's Supply bill
Ilailway travel was greatly impeded hi the
North and West by bhow and ice during tho
late storm. Many roads were entirely closed.
Normal Schools of New Tork.
T tvn nnti'rn ilnvs insnectincr the
normal scliools iu New York, said Lord
DulTeriii, of Canada, in a speech at Ot
towa. Wo arrived early in the morning
juntu'e of the Buprcme court in the third Judi
cial district iu place of Theodora Miller, re
signed Tho National Grangers adopted
resolution that manufactures ought to be
encouraged in tho South.
A den was broken up iu Now York in which
an old man had twenty-five boys, from eight to
fifteen yoars of ago, of whom he was nuking
thieves It is said that during the cold
weather in Now lork tho water pipes wore
frozen, and that a fire under even ordinary cir
cumstances would have proved a Chicago or
lioston conflagration The now Bounty bill,
passed by tho United States House, proposes
to my ir8.S3Ju' jier mouth to all soldiers and
sailors who served in the war of tho rebellion,
Mr. Alcorn, of Mississb pi, said the vote in-I commented on tf.o injustice of rconiring Stutos ul l":""l!'T .t,,m amo,",t lue in
dicated the fact that the Kepublicnns had be- which had already paid bounties to their . reuuy paid ny tlie general government and
como thoroughly demoralized ou the (subject of ! Bcldicrs to bo taxed for tho benelit of thoso ! States. It will cost, it is estimated, from
Ci?,M "V i,".-. . .... , . i UlCB Vf '!?d "i.l'e . i .1.- i.iii .... 1 "oventy-fivo to ono hundred millions of dollam.
Tho House bill authorizing tho President to j tlio saino ground, nnd showed that Vermont 1,10 MHioiieI Orange adopted a rosolu-
appoint a commissioner to attend tho lutoma- I had paid nil her soldiers a bounty of $7.1)0 per tion nsking tho United States Congress to aid
tioual Penitentiary Congress, to no liolU m , month, and they would simply realize the Mil- j tho Texas Pacific railroad Itufus Hatch
Home next vear, was paused. I ferem e botwvuii that amount uul i per I ,) nnn n,m ' ",V- ,,., i,
l)n the consKleration of the bill to provide a i month. j "n0"n ' 'at, f A000 "'0 was taKen from tho
government for tho District of Columbia, Mr: I Mr. Small, of New Hampshire, nlso opposed ; racific Mail treasury by its ofllcors on falso
Morton's amendment, to have the commission- j the bill, and said that as his Stato had paid ! vouchers Tho barracks of Fort Sill, Kansas,
A man, supposed to be Deudor, Uie I for tlio pnrposo of seeing tho scholars
otoriouB Kansas murderer, was captured In nsHrmliln for tho ilnv's work. We were
Arizona by two men who tracked him through .shown to a large hall four or five times
Western Texas and Now Mexico The New the size of this one. A bellrang, a piano
York State enmlrmeit the nomination of struck un. and in three and a half nuii-
k Mnivin oiinn, f ni.,,11 w.iinii. tn i.n iitoB elnvon hundred vounff wmen had
i t , . i . . . I Head and nloced on file.
grassiunus oi jjomonray, me mixture . bi .,rovillin foI. the construe
Jias been abandoned OU account ot 111 I ti0!, f the Portland. Dallas and Suit I
ers elected bv tho ipinlitled voters of tho Dis- bounties dining tho war, her soldiers would not
Inct. uirtead of appointed by tlio l resiueni, ; now receive a dollar irom tins money, aitnougu
was defeated by a vote of yeas, is j nays, 2S. , the State would bo taxed to help pay tlio soldiers
Mr. Anthony," of llhodo Island, presented tho ! of other States,
credentials of Ambrose F.. llurnsido. United i Further discussions were indulged in by
States Senator from the State of Itliode Island i Messrs. Dawes, (lai llcld. Sypher, tfunckel,
for n oerioil of six vonrs from ilarch 4. Itl75. ; Colnui. Sneer, and Dtuinell.
Mr, (.omingoB ninoiuiineni. mniiing me ran
effect. Iu explanation of the fact,
chemical investigations were made which
showed that when a portion of guano
was mixed with salt and exposed to a
moderate heat, the quantity of ammonia
road and telegraph, and for tho performaneo
of all government service free of chargo, was
taken up.
While tho bill was being read, Mr. Sherman,
of Ohio, objected to its further roadiug. and
stated that ns it was a subsidy bill, the Senate
ronstnie- I apply to the Missouri regiments, was agreed to.
.akc rail- m., Myer's amendment, to include sailors
and mariuors. was aureo I to.
Au amendment offered by Mr. Shanks, of
Indiana, to include Indians, was also agreed to.
The bill waa then passed Venn, 177 ; nays,
Mr. Dawos, of Massachusetts, offered a roso-
wero burned and all tho Iadinn prisoners es
caped roor Marshal liuzamo rocoivcs
nothing but insults from Frenchmen iu Spain.
Judgo Wollford, of the circuit court of
Iticlimond, Virginia, rendori.d a decision that
no execution can bo made to sell property of
tlio State for debt Sixteen business bouses
wero burned at Independence, Mo Gov
taken their winces. Wo were then en
tertaiiu-il by most beautiful singing in
alternnto chorus, and that part of tho
performance concluded with several of
these young ladies rising in turn and re
peating somo apophthegm or other quo
tation which hud struck them in tlio
previous day's reading. This system
had been adopted fur tho purpose of giv
ing them conlidenco as teachers in ad
dressing large audiences.
Wo then proceeded to the ball, wliero
two hundred of them went through their
gymna'-.tii! exercises, and a lovelier or
mom interesting sight no person could
wish to behold thiui was presented to our
view. From this wo proceeded to tho
various class rooms, pud I was certainly
struck beyond the power of expression
by observing how thorough and how
complete was the system of instruction
there administered.
I went into one room where ladies wero
receiving instruction in geology, nnd tho
first tiling that caught my eyo was n spir
ited nnil accurate drawing, tlie size of
life if that is not an Irish bull of a hu
man skeleton. I said : " The surgeon
who drew thnt anatomical figure must
have been us great an artist as a man of
science," so complete and so masterly
wero tlie outlines and shading, but tho
teacher replied, " One of our young In
dies did that. Jhen 1 heard them ex
amined on various subjects.
1 or instance, they were asked if they
could give any account of Miakspearc
Onr riowrr nnd Kitchen Onriten Illutrted
Dlrrrlorv tor IH7A (the twentf-aonft Kdttlon),
with Nnnplfment of SoTr Itlew and NnpclnltlrM In
MI-ilCllH and nther nrtlrn requisites for th boMon.
Is now being sent to all euRUitner of last rnr snd will
be sent to otlipr Ynr.v, on application. Address,
.ill 111 5
inn r
To thr Flower nnrt Vmrlnlvlc tJnrilcn. Smu
tlfully I UuMtraU'd. W ill he mllil to my ridreM FKKK,
on rt'rsfnt of two 3-cont ntnmnfi to pal portnKe. Addrpus,
C'ltOwNl N HltO'H. Itnrlirslrr. N.V. (A.t.lM0.)
Our New t'ulnloRur
GARDEN I,o"'Ro!',
It ConUln list of
with Dricel for Xnrlrt if 1876. It
now at the disposal of all who
wlh for it, and will h Mnt
the cholcmt
varinlifp, cnrofullv drown from
bnat of aUick, apncinllr auitM
titr IhA miiNt ftf.l-nt MnrKot liar.
. Hpn and Hit-HMl uae: Karma.
T7T flAitrTf T3 Private fiarrtwna and Oreon-
MVr MX .-.-ItamiMia. Adrtreaa,
Hrhlrsol, Kverptt dk Co.
SEEDS """as.'.
paties, cuntaintns the groatR
i-k A-... vnneij oi (iHraen ana i mwor
Ij-Jrt.U yy J 8eMs,anrl the host strains of liome
ramily (Inrdrna, AmatfMira and
yieiiaUfBCatfreetoaU whoapply
UOVKY & CO.S3 So. Market St. lionton.MaJS
evolved was doublo that from an equal j would not funs it, and tlicrefore it waa usclotm i Uitiou directing Uio Jiulicmry eommittoo to in
wcigui oi nure guauo. i i" "i1 u -u..(, ...
Tf 1 . . , xi Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, denied that it waej a
It appears m a Scotch newspaper that , pUi,8idv mh, d thought it would navo money
a brig loaded with loam for Berwick was I to the'tieaHury.
recently forced into a wrong harbor by a I The bill was" rejected by a vote of 40 to 2.
severe storm after having been injured! Mr. Colliding, of New York, reported from
11 mi t i i t i i tho Judiciary couunitteo a bill to tix tlio nala-
by jioavy seas The fact that this vessel, I QJf Ul0 rk.t Jltt, of the Ullited statC3
with a cargo of moldmg sand, was con- fn. tUe ,lorlllcri, an,i H.mtlieru ditrictn of New
signed to a port where largo quantities I York, which provides that tlie salaries of those
of artificial manures are made, is more i judges hhall be $G.0U per annum from and
flmn miQiuViriiiu oiiil vnnnllq n i.ninpiiliuinrt . after April 1, IbiJ. 1 asset!.
..... ' . . .. lf 1AIT.
(liixton, of MaHBacluiNotts, lias signed the now A young lady got up, and in ten minutt s
Stalo Detective bill, abolishing the present slio told me it great deal morn about
coufltabuilarv on Uio 1st of March I'.van Sliaksncaro than I ever kuew and I
Morris, of Pittsburgh, I'eim., baa issued a imtigiuo than a great many about mo
cilllllenszo to rnw anv m in llm IT.iited StntoM ktlOW in 111Y life. A lid SO WO WOllt Oil
a five-mile siimle-scnll raco for S1.000 to from nstronomy, mathematics, botany,
from JNew lork seme time since
covered in close contiguity to a guano- ,
which happened not a hundred miles j deutinls of W. W. Kaon, a.'.pmiited Senator
Wlieu I f,om the Stato of Connecticut, to till tho va-
! cancy ca-iKcd by the death of Wm. A. Uucking-
ham. Mr. Eaton bung present, was escorted
dealer's storehouse. Farmers may join xao loe-rreHiuem uesa i, hi. r er , a m
, . ,, the oath of olhce was adiuiniatercu to nun by
m tlie refrain, "That s tho way the ; vic.c.I,r0Hil,ent wilHoii.
money goes,
if..- - i morial
i remonstrating againet the repeal of the act of
L. li. Arnold, iu ths Buffalo Live j June 1, 17.!. granting biibsidy for tho mail
Stock Journal, writing ou the feediugof ! service between S.m Francisco, Japan and
cows, remarks: Jsut it is not euoiio-u ....
Mr. Sargent, of California, picfented the me-
of the Tacitic Mail Steamship Company,
that the food of cows should bo easy of
digestion, it should also have the diller
ent element in the right proportion.
Tho flesh-forming and respiratory matter
must sustain certain relations to each
other, and a part of the latter must lie
fat. It is found to accord with experi
ence nnd chemical investigation, that one
pound of albuminoids, caseiuc, albumen,
etc., will supply the daily waste of live
hundred pounds of live weight of ordi
nary farm stock, while a pound of starch,
rv taul Bubmdv into cnect. urdcred to ie
I printed, aiid lcfencd to tho committee on ap
i propriations.
1 'iho memorial urges that its repeal would
I not only causo a loss of miilions of dollars to
l innocent stockholders and to their stcunu-liip
j builders, but would also be a qtin.-i acknowl
i edguient that Cmgreua was bribed to paHs the
i act of lMii although the committee investigat
ing the scandalous aBfertiim lias not yet mado
I its report, and the testimony so far has utterly
! failed to show iny truth in the charge.
' Tlio Senate, iu considering tho bill to provide
! a irovernmeut for the Dibtriet of Columbia,
agreed to au amendment providing that claims
be presented for exchange within four mouths
from tho passuge of this act, and if not so pre
sented, tho privilege of thus exchanging shall
not be exercised by any holder of any euch
eluim. Also prohibiting llio sinking fund com-
quire whether the Western Union Telegraph
Company has refused to transmit dispatches
for tho American Press Association, or any
other parties, among tho several States, ou ac
count of criticism by such association on the
telegraph company, with power to solid for
persons nnd papers. Adopted.
Ou motion of Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts,
the Senate bill to allow Thomas W. Fitch, en- t
gineer in the naw. to accept a wedding present
sent to his wife by the Khedive of Egypt, was
token front tlio Sneaker's table nnd liusscd.
Ou motion of Mr. Potter, of Xew York, tho I
bill allowing tho district judge of Vermont his
salary during life on his resignation on account
of permanent illness, was taken from tho
Speaker's table and passed.
The bill which came over for the redemption
of overdue United States bonds, known as
Texas indemnity bonds, was passed ; 112 yens
l I ! ........
Tho House took up as a special order tho bill j iu the 0'b'hty-sistU yearof his age. He was ad-repoi-led
from tho eommittoo ou civil service ; mitted to the bar iu 1800 Mrs. McCarthy
reform by Mr. Kellogg, of Connecticut, for the was found dead ou the lloor of her house in
ret. igaiiiMiiun oi inr iieaaury uepaiimtrui,. Portsmouth, N. II., having frozen to death
ment rerpiirhiK tlio appointments of tho de- ' wuo intoxicated Darcy Boulton, Q. C,
partment to bo distributed among tho States M. V. V., and Ciraud Master of the Ontario
VU'!eedrto0rie',iU 1)r01'"ioU t0 tuel'0Pulat'ou- i Orange Grand Lodge, died suddenly iu Toronto
' The l il'l was then passcd-yeas, 121 : nays, i of "Poplexy Iu the English House of
3(i. Of tho principal ofheers iuixes the salaries Commons Mr. llourke, Under Secretary for the
as follows : Secretary. irf.CN.'O : two assistant ForeiL'ii Department, in rtnlv to an innnirv liv
5'r. O'Elery, .said that instructions would be
mvtholocrv. 1" every class was the
same system and the same thorough
I mention this circumstance in order
that thoso who nro interested in tho
bringing up of thoso younger children,
sitting upon my right hand, may bo ublo
to comprehend what enormous advan
tages ore open to those who, in the earlier
portion of their lives, ami while they aro
still school children, lit themselves, as it
$2,000 a side. The race to take in April
I ou tho Monougahola, at Pittsburgh.
In tho Lritish House of Commons, Mr.
Lopes, by tho advice of Mr. Disraoli, apolo
gized for and withdrew the offensive exprcs
j sions ho had used iu regard to the Irish Homo
P.ulers A riot occurred rcceutly among
tho Chinobo in Singapore jail, and sixty-seven
prisoners wero killed, including sixtccu of the
keepers of tho jail A Aro at Darien, Oa., w,.ro for p!UWji,B on to that higher edu
dostroyed property valued at i100,000. It was cation which I have ventured to describe
the work of an incendiary Henry G. Free- to you. There cau bo no doubt that
man, tho oldoat member of the Philadelphia every year tho secret of sucsossfully ad
bar, excepting Horace Iiinucy, died recently, ministratmg yonthlul education is better
understood and more successlully ap
Short 'Weight. The Amrrirau Gro
cer informs its readers that the uninitiated
public have but littlo idea to what extent
articles put up in packages for sale are
cut short iu weight. Tho evil has so
increased that some remedy must bo do
vised. It is u wrong not only to con
Burners, but to all retail dealers who buy
packages of any article and break the
Mr smi'iil cataliffn of Vrntabl0 snd Flower Sel
ffir l7i. null ha MMit tre to all who ftDDly. f.'iiAtnmerft I
of Inn Haion niica not writ for It. In it wtll he found
M'viTnl T.tinnbiH vatio t of new TeceublRS uitroduced
tlie nrnt tirn ibiH ttpnuon. havliia mnnn ntsw vnatt.
l,i)Um tMrinlty for many VHarn. Orowtnfr oi-t-r a htm.
tr'i nt.. i n"v t'trtfiirt on my neverai rarmi, i wonia
pnruruiariy uitui tiii pnironnire oi mantel ffaraHimrn
nn ' nil ntlHn vthn are unpccially dcslruus to hare tbetr
hkhiI p iri and fronh, and of' thr .ry 6r train. All Bd
Mnt out from my taMishment are eovered tjr tliree
warrants a vlrpn In my catal'tsnn.
jaui -s jr. ii. (;iii)RV,
Ifr. .1. Walker's tulilornla Jv
fgar l?ittcr9 nre a purely Vegetable
preparation, made chiefly from tho tia
Mve hqrbs found on Mie lower ranges of
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, the medicinal properties of which
are extracted thorcfrom without tho use
of Alcohol. The question is almost
daily askec1., "What is tho cause of the
unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit
ters!" Our answer Is, that they remove
the cause of disease, and the patient re
covers his health. They are the great
tlooi purifier and a life-giving principle,
a erfect liouovator and Invigorator
of tha system. Never before in the
hiBtory of the world has a inedicino been
lorppounded possessing tho remarkable
juslities of Vinegar Hitters in healing the
fcck of every disease man ia heir to. They
u. a a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonio,
telieving Congestion or Inflammation of
the Iiiver and Visceral Organs ia Bilious
The propert ies of Dr. Walker's
VihboarBittkrb are Aperient, Diaphoretic,..
Carmitative, Nutritious, Laxative, lliurotio.
Bedutive, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera
ti7d, and Anti-Bilious.
Drnfrfrlsta and Oen. A pta., San Franciaoo, California,
and cor. of Waehinirum and Charlton St., N. Y.
Sold bjr all Drunclala and III alera.
N. V. N. U. Nn. H.
(Zk.liVi a month to aimnta erprywhpre. Addreaa
533 KXCK.I.SIIIR M'r'DCI).. H'i. hanan.Mlnh.
AGKNTS. (Jhanr (h?.nn afilla at alcht. Kecwjiaarra
aoap. iooda free. JlianK IJhanK MTlf Co., llopton.
K O ion I'KIl DAY at homa Terms true. Ad
93 H U drtsa (ino. STiNBt.s Co.. I'lirllind, We
2-50 ch'i
C7rt A vi:i:ii,..
5 I fi oiltlUiSt. lr
llitlfiit NnvrlllrH.
I. tl.n World. fKl.TllSlCU.
Chruiuna, frn. A.M.
A Vcrk and expensoa to all. Artleles
niw, Btnnlf. ni flntir. Sample frefl. O. M.
1 . 1 N I N 1 TO .V A 11 KO. , N . Y . or C b leago.
AirantB wanted everywhere. Vor
Bircil .tWAL KF.a . llaytiio, Ohio.
J.arffi-Bt SUtlnnery Packape In
it:u., 1 IU Nassau rt.. .
MONTH Agent wanted ewr
ire. Huslneaa h'.morHl)lo anil Hrpt.
laaa. Partlcnlara sent true. Addreaa
ORTI1 A t.'O., St. Ijonla, Mo.
ACJEN'TH VANTi:). Men or w.imen. 834 a
WBkf or fllW forfMt(-d. Vahmht mmyltt Jrtr,
Writ at once to V. M. K V V l. I'llhlh Ktreel.. New Y ork
IP O inn A 1 par. Malar?
iPJ,1UU Bt In. A valn.ilile
return poatago.
free. I
!. H. (.CHNKY
Salary and expenses paid. Out.
packtiKft aeut inr locia
Waterboro Centre, Me.
Dully to Al'OIIIm
rjf lnt Family f';mrin Aroi-rka, with two t?6.UO
S3 new articles and the
CO.. 3(M lirnadway. N. Y.
RIFI.FS. pnoT-fjrxs, PISTOLS
Pdraona wi.h'nirrf.i buy, soil nrcxehange Real
Kslnte muv a'lvi-i-tie tileir wnnta at err auinjl
expense in sevutnl Hundred Ni'wapapera in New York,
ftew Knglana, flt, deis-iy, I'enniiylvanie, etc. uata
loirues sent free to any address en application to
li. W. KOSTHIt, l.t Worth Si., Ni-w York.
awu, fti.
Of enTandeTerrltlnd. Sendftamn
fer Iocs. Ad.lrrta firrnl Welei
4 nll TVwrka, rilCIUUI
One box of Carr" Instant Ink PowcTep
Iraaaaaplntor ItKST SLAi.a la IB nTennnnirs.
par iu., l.aa ay man. u. u. u. Mkmj, tinmuw,u.
I T 1
sugar, i'ti'., will hardly supply the waste j allowed under the act of Juno 20, 1874, aliall : revenue. 6,Ol"o.
ul one linadred pounds. A pound of fat
will answer for more than 1,000 pounds.
For each pound of albuminoids, there
fore, there must bo five pounds or above
Heeretarit-H, 4.500 cauli : chief clerk, $3.00'!
Hitnprviiii'? Hrhitfrt. ..t.OI'O; tirHtpnmntroll
i-5,000 ; Becoini coointruller. j,0f)0 ; coniniH- i 8ent to Mr. Layar;!, the Britiiili Milliliter at paekngos for the purpose of retailing
riouer of cui-toniH, 4,500 : tirHt, ne.-ond, third, ; Madrid, to recognize Alfonso an King of Hpaiu. from them. The Grnrrr recommends a
fourth and tifth auditor iH.000 each ; auditor national law compelling the packer to
r, TtSS; cirolle? of Th0. CoecT Pt hi" uma upon all his packages, and
the cuireucv. ;i,00i) : coinniiHbiouer of internal ; i"""' '"" """--'". mailing nim runpoiisinn;, iiiuit-r proper
Mr. Mvem. of I'eniiHvlvania. introduced a
bill to retiun to tho government of Japan onc-
nall of the uidcmmty fund paid uy that got'
j platform adopted in in favor of hard money, penalties, for the weight of the goods.
; agauiHt an uicrcatio of taxation, and condemns
of respiratory food anil nearly one halt nnmnoneru oi the un-mcr oi coiununa irora ia
pound of fat ; unless this proportion iu oUlVL-u.,'y f ldV.aM Iirov'a;a lu '.'V," ' '! :
, ,. ' . . , . 1 , 1 i-i 20, 18T4, after the expiration of four nioiitlm .
tho relation of food is nearly complied , ' , -,i,i i ,.nvwiiii.r 1
the action of tho Federal government In Company. In a kindly and well-
eminent to the United States under the con- ! Near Helena, Colorado, thirty vigilantes went bred company, if anybody triestoplease
ventinn of October 22, 1H(U, nnd to diHpotw of j to the house of one Oibbs to hang him, and set them, they try to be ploaspd ; if anybody
I firo to the house. Gibba leaped out through tries to ustonisli tnom, tUey nave tlio
with, the auiinal will not prosper. From i that nothing contained in this act shall be cvi
tho fact that flesh and flesh-forming food
may, in part, supply respiration, a small j
amount of starch, sugar, etc., may be j
wanting without any material injury if !
the other dement is abundant. Jiut as '
nothing can answer in tho place of albu- j
minoiuH, there can be no laekof that kind j
of food without loss. A fattening auimal '
even suffers by any such deficiency. The ;
increase of cells necessary to hold tho in- ,
creased accumulation of fat will not bo :
found if there is luck of nitrogenous mat- ,
ter to form them ot, nnd having no place i
iu which to lodge it goes to waste. Fat- ;
toning cattle are sometimes fed at a con
siderable loss from this cause. But
dairymen much oftener ruu astray in the
use of flesh-producing food. The ra
tions of a milch cow should bo different
from thoso of tho stall-fed or store cattle.
A cow which will weigh 1,000 pounds,
giving a good flow of milk, will require
iu her doily food four pounds of albu
minoids, twelve to fifteen of carbo-
strued in any manner to pledge tho faith of
the United States to the payment of any debt
of the District of Columbia, or of the cities of
Washington and Georgetown, other than pro
vided for by tho act of 171, and amendments
; thereto, as to the Mi-year bonds therein re
i feired to.
j They sIho amended the section which makes
, it a misdemeanor to sell or give liquor without
being licensed, by adding a clause exempting
: private residences and societies not of a busi
i uess character, and changed the compulsory
; education section to read children " between
tho ages of eight and lifti cn vears," instead of
' six and eighteen, as reported iy the committee.
' Mr. f.'onkling. of New York! presented mo
' moriuls of fifty mcd;cal societies and iustitu
i tioii8 iu the State of New Vo'k in favor of such
i legislation as will promote the efficiency of Iho
medical corps of the at my.
Mr. Gordon presented similar ones from
j physicians of Geor;riu. lleferrtd to the Cuiu
! mittee on military affairs.
i Mr. Hitchcock', of Nebraska, presented the
! credentials of A. S. 1'addock, iSouator-clect
; from the State of Nebraska, for a period of six
I years from March 4, 1&75. Head and placad on
, tile.
tho balance of said fund, lleforrcd to the
"ZTt.m,tluretr,mto: ""li a revolver and shot three courtesy to bo astonished; if people be
Japan of 4373.000, with interest, being tlie re
maining half of the Japan indemnity fund paid
by Japan. Section two directs payment to the
olncers and crews of the Vt vomiug and Kiang
of fcl'A'i.OUO out of this fund for their services
in the battles at the Straits of Siinononcki,
which resulted in the treaty. Section three
directs that if 300,000 of tlie registered bonds,
in which half of this fund is invested, shall re
main under tho control of tho Secretary of
Stato, the interest to he paid by him for the
education of a limited number of American and
Japanese youths iu the languages of either
country, to serve as interpreters and assistants
to the legations and consuls of tho United
States. Section four transfers the balance of
the Japanese indemnity fund to tho treasury of
tho Uiited States.
Tho liotue bill for the equalization of fcouu-
hydrates, and about ono and one-half i ties was read twice, and referred to the com
pounds ot Lit. ThO last two are I unueo on immury itmuis.
iiwi'illv iii full Kiinnlv but tlio first is Tue Shaker presented a letter from the
usually in lull supply, mit tlie rust is Cerk iu' referei;ca to tUft vee gnation of Mr.
often lacking. There is but little lorage i i.m.mall) of j.-jrida, and directed the name of
that will furnish the needed proportion. , Mr. l'urmau to lie stricken from the roll of
In green grass everything is well I members.
balanced. Jiut tho per cent, of al- j House.
bumiuoids decreases as tho grass ma- I 5Ir AU)ri hti of, from the
tureR, and fails oi a proper supply in comiuiltee on military affairs, reported a bill to
hay and almost nil advanced herbage, j constitute a national' cemetery out of the par
cel oi ground ceucu to me cnitcu oiaies in uie
Ileum of Intercut from Home on if Abroad.
Another attempt was made to revive the
franking privilege in tho United States Con
gress It in understood that tlie Canadian
government intends to extend the Tacilii! rail
way in tho dim tion of Bate Inlet as soon as
possible. It is bound, as soon as the surveys ! over
of tho party dead and wounded another, when
the rest took to their heels and lied Thvce
aged brothers, old business meu of New York,
named Dololield, dici tho first Friday, the
second Saturday, and tlie third Sunday and
i wero all buried at the same time The
I liritish Bteamer Georgo Matters, for Gibraltar,
is supposed to have been lost, with twenty-one
! porsonB on board Tho Canadian govern-
: ment has consented to grant a loan of $100,000
to 0,000 Mcnnonito families who desire to im-
, migrate to Canada A tire broke out in
t'ort-aii-rnnce, Ilavli, which destroyed live
: hundred Iiouhcs The honso of D. 1).
Slellott, of Belfast township, l'a., was burned,
. and three of his children were burned to
death. Mr. and Mrs. Mellott went away on a
' visit, and left tho children locked up iu tho
: house ,Tlie United States IIouso committee
I on Indian affairs reported adversely on tho bill
to provide for the orgamzatiou of a Territorial
l government over the Indian Territory. . . . .The
' Kev. Mr. Lessermau, pastor oi the Methodist
I Episcopal Church in Lowell, Mass., was run
by the Lowell and Andovor railroad
iu British Columbia are completed, to spend at express train, and gro.uid into so many frag-
leat i2.000,(JOO a year ou the road in that pro- I meats that it waa with dJnculty the remaina
vince. and to comnlete tlie line from Lake I could be gathered up The rebellion iu
como tiresome, they ask somebody else
to play or sing, or what not, bnt they
don't criticise. And John Kuskiu holds
that this is the way it should be iu the
world as well as in the drawing room.
He does not like critics; and yet what
else is ho himself ?
No use of any longer taking tho large, repul
sive, griping, drastio and nauseous pills, com
pote! t crude and bulky ingredients, and put
up in cheap wood or pasteboard boxes, when
we can, !y a careful application of chemical
science, extract all the cathartic and other
medicinal properties from tlio most valuable
roots and horns, and concentrate them into a
niinuto granule, scarcely larger than a mustard
seed, that can bo readilv swallowed bv those of
the most sensitive stomachs and fastidious
tastes. Lech of Dr. Tierce s rlcasant Purga
tive Pellets represents, iu a most concentrated
form, as much cathartic power as is embodied
iii any of the large pills found for sale in the
drug stores. From their wonderful cathartio
I rower, in proportion to their size, people who
lave not tried them aro apt to suppose that
they are harsh or drastic in effect, but sucli is
not at all the case, tho different active medi
cinal principles of which they are composed
being so harmonized, one by the others, as to
produce a most searching and thorough, yet
gently and kindly operating cathartic. The
pellets aro sold by dealers in medicuies. Com
A woekly 10 pngo quarto, financial Journal,
containing full re part 3 cf sales at tho
New York Stock Exchange, p,
mi a 1 til i 1 ....1 1.1 I "
lltMuic ti ue;Jd twenty efti btwien Hly nl
deth wllti ASTHMA, I exprrlmcitlerl l.y conn
(Miunaiug rami Aim nenm nmi iimaiiug hip nwn.
ic-ine, 1 fortiumU'ly dUcoveird wivlerful
nmtdy anrl lur cure for Antliro tij Catarrh.
Warrntt.-a to rrlleve iovercat naroiyum in
Mimtlj, io tlie patten t ran Ma down to n-nt and
lecp totnf' Dius'lst ar uuvpHed with
sample parka-ufor rny.K ilMtltniUou. BoKby
dru-l'. I wKan" "v mail fl.ift.
1. IJV.tCfcll.L,, Apple Creek. Ohio.
1 mile from Kenton, Oliio, on ttw V. N. A U. U. 1.
uin Cultivation and ijiti:rf. iona uouse ana lunatic
House. Karnn, Orchanln, Ktm-k, Vntrr, (iood Timber.
Will divide into two or f-'iir Kr-m. Will nive poBtft-ssion
tbe flrf of April, or SUOOO K nt for tU cuuiing Year.
J11N SAYI.OIt, Hox 4, Kentont OMo.
Tho next number will contain valuable Informa
tion regarding the most aurceRsful method
of opurutiu with
A full explanation will bo fcivrn of Tuts, Calls,
Sprciulft and St ia tidies in which
$10, $100, or $1,000
Can bo invested with a -h.iiu-a of realizing
enwrmous piolils. Tho Rubsfiipllou prtco of the ia $4.00 a Vfitt. Specimen number
will bo mailed i'reo of chargo, by addrvaaiuj
Wall Street Publishing Co,,
135 A. 137 WJHiam StrPft. New York.
win .onH ft vii ri 11
11 YWl ivour choiru from our Unt-
aloft Hu), for lio ns. All trim tit name and war
ranted. 30 l-ir Kl. Siift tO ceiit for u pack
mcbui our Ncwt'Nl Uwnrl HoiMinri AhIt
and nnr Catalogue of JJuiiiuutic and ImporUKl
Sw-dd for l7i.
IMNNHIiLV A: CO., KorlipHtpr. N. Y.
for tht
Afllini; book ver published, h. ud lur bliuclinen pogM
ana ouroxrra mrlus 11 AffRiiin.
Dr Mr. Ptfnhouie of Salt LaVa City, for 8
f rari tha wilt of a Mormoa Hich rriert. Jn-
rotlurtion hy Mr. tUwr. Tnii ttory of
..'Oman's cxperirnre lny bar the "hidden (,
mytcria, aucn-t doings, etc of the Mormoni ai a
'tvide awtiie wvmrut trts them." Bright. Pur
and G00-.I. it it tha brtt naw book out. actuary
!uu inn vith pood thing for all. It la popular every
one. A
liuliviu still coutiimuH and the nokliers are cum-
mittiiij; tlie mout Hava" eioeueos upou the
(trass, cithor grenn or dried, has tlio ad
vantage of almost all other kinds of food
for milk production, iu tho quality of
.any digestion.
Cuing Sawdiint.
About six years ago, writes a farmer,
I had o saw mill set on my farm. At
first they washed the dust, as tho sawyers
called it, by letting a stream of water
ran underneath the saw. As tho water
got low it would not work ; then they
had to wheel it out in a pile, and when
they went away I had a big pile of saw
dust ou my hands. As it was on a good
pieeo of bottom land tliat 1 desired to I clasne unlawful : pc-nuiia who aro uuuergoin
Kuiicrior to Enquiniaiilt by 1800 A boy iu
New York, while Uefuuciing his motlipr, nhot
mid ftUttlly wounded his father Mr. E.
l'orroult, of Montreal, has been appointed
Secretary to the American Centennial Expow- personal of the United States Senate.
;... fmii. 1....;. .u M..iint.i.u Mni.r)nal.l ifii.l
IIoM.ital Hill cemetery at York, l'a., iu which ! ,, ,,,",' t .:.. i
Foldlciu from i-iUccu BUtea aro interred. ohihoh and Mr. lluiibter arrived at Ottawa,
Ontario, irom hau xraucitico in seven aa.vs,
Mr. Myers, of Feumsylvaiiia, intioduced a 1
bill hu tleuicntary to the acts in relation to
immiKratinn. Inferred to the committee ou :
foreiyu aff.ihv. The bill has reference expe
cinlly to the coohe trade. It provides that !
when immigrants havo entered uilo a contract I
or agreement for a term of service within the I
United States, either for labor or for lowd or !
improper purposes, such immigration nliall not ,
be deemed voluntary, and the United .States '
C'onxul shall not deliver the required permit or :
certificate. It makes it a penal offciir-e for '
American citizens to be engaged in such trado.
It also uiakos the immigration of the following
plow, I wanted it out of the way. I
tried to burn it, but it would not burn
I concluded at last to turn it to some ac
count ; so when I put my hogs up to
fatten I hauled a loud every few days
and threw it in tho pen. They mixed it
ill) with their manure nnd tho cobs, and
in tho spring I had about twenty wagon
loads of the very best manure, besides
koeping the hogs clean and dry. I used
the sawdust for bedding the horses and
cows ; I put it iirouud my grape-vines to
keep down tho gras.s and weeds, and tho
ground moist. The vines improved
wonderfully. So my iil of sawdust is
used up, and it has paid. If I was to
have a mill again, I would make the bar
gain to have tho sawdubt left on the
A French Story,
An episode of lifo which could happen
nowhere but iu Taris: A wealthy and
respectable young man, some months
ugo, committed suicide by hanging him
self in his bdroom; ho left all his for
tune to a woman, whose infidelity to him
drove him to despair and death. I5ut the
foit uie was leagued conditional on her
keepirg the fatal rope and hotograph
of the deceased, under a glass case, ou
the chimney of her bedroom; a friend
wus delegated to visit once a week to see
the condition executed. The unfortunate
woman endeavored first to laugh at the
matter, but became haunted with the
death she caused, and concluded she too
would die iu the same way. A few days
ugo she handed over all the money to
the poor, and has not since been heard of,
sentence for felonious crimes other than politi
cal, or whose sentences have been remitted on
account of their immigration, and women im
ported for the purposes of prostitution.
Mr. Clayton, of Arkansas, introduced a bill
conbtruing tho act to place the colored persons
wuo enlisted in tue army ou tne same tooting
and frm liritish Cilumbia in ten d:iys and
a half altogether The widow of the lato
Commander dishing scut to Alfred Iversou,
of Georgia, a sword presented to that geutle
mau by citizens of Coltuubus, (la., whou he
was a lieutenant of United States cavalry, bo
fure tho war, but which had been captured by
Commander Cushiug iu one of his raids.
United States Minister Washburiie, iu a dis
patch from Paris, denies that he "received
$10,000 as a bribe from the Texas and El l'aso
road for getting its bonds ou tho Paris Bourse.
Cyrus P. Jones, a wealthy farmer aud
politician of Illinois, living near Pontiao, was
assassinated by an unknown party at his home.
President Grant has approved the act
making appropriations for formications aud
The "baby" of tho United States Sen
ate is Jlr. Dorsey, who is only thu-ty
three. The "rauu" is General Cameron.
Dorsey, Allison, Osrlesby have young
and pretty wives. Hamlin always wears
a dress-coat aud never an overcoat. His
colleague, Morrill, is the signer of tho
Maine liquor law. He anil Lane of
No Tihk to bb Lost. In the incipient
stages of consumption, the first syaiptoms are
generally a unfiling cougu, pains m tlie chest,
difficulty of breathing, or oppression of the
lungs, nomctlnng should lie done at once to
check the cough, allay and heal the irritated
parts. Allen's Lung jtalsam will break up the
cough in an incredibly short time ; also prevent
the formation ( tubercles. Wliero tubercle
are once foimeu, the disease is hard to cure.
l or sale by all medicine dealers. Coin.
We noticed in ono of our exchanges
this weik the statement of Deacon John Hodg
kins, of South Jefferson, Mo., whoso sou was
cured of incipient consumption by the use of
Jiilinsuu't Anoibme jAninu nt. We" refer to this
Indiana met on their wav to the Chicaao at tbimhne as tending to corroborate the state.
.invention (if lSl'.D "I am vcrv much mout wo made last week lu relation to this hni-
, ,,.,lrv,w ,.f - uieuiBSBppiieiiiociiuiiipiiou. toii.
as other soldiers as to bounty and pensions. , u k , defcnee for tho fiscal year eu(1.
Tue Houi-e then went into comui ttee of the
whole ou the I'ost-otlice Appropriation bill.
The amounts recommended to be appropriated
are : l'or the general service of the Pobt-ol'tice
department, i? JR.0u0.hfil ; for steamship ser
vice, 537,000 i for official postage stamps for
tlie use of the l'ot-oilice department, ?!W0,
OOD ; total, 37,524,361 ; to be provided for as
follows : ISy the revenues of the department,
estimated at 20, HH,15u ; by au appropriation
for deficiency out of the treasury, -0,Sj'2,7(l5 ;
by direct appropriations out of the treasury,
1,52:1,500. The total amount recommended
by this bill is le-s thau the estimates therefor
by 1,538,17J. The decrease is iuthe amount
to provide for the general tervice of the de
partment 493li,173, and iu the amount recom
mended for steamship service 575.1100. Tue
items for steamship service are : ifSOO.OOO for
i-teamehip service between Kan Francisco,
Japan and Cliina, under act of February 17,
1U5 ; and -t 37, Jul for the Brazilian mail steam
Bhip service.
Mr. Tyuer, of Illinois, who had chargo of
the bill, explained it, and stated that the ex
pense of the department was live per cent, lots
than last year, wbile the increase of business
was eight to ten per cent. more.
Mr. Holmaii, of Indiana, moved to amend by
adding a proviso to the railway mail transpor
tation item, providing that no money should be
used to iucrease the rate of compensation to
any railway company beyond that now paid ;
the amendment was lost.
Mr. Men mm, of New Y'ork, offered as an
amendment that no assessment for political
purposes shall hereafter be made on post-office
clerks ; rejected on a point of order.
Mr. Smith, of Ohio, movod an amendment
repealing tlie law of IHlt for additional mail
country, said Senator Morrill: "what
do you do with all this corn i" "Well,
sir," replied Lane, whoso constituents
had probably never heard ot a prolnm
tion law, "wo spoil a littlo of it for
If Congress had employed as much
scientific skill iu the arrangement of its " lie
construction Policy" at the close, as tho War
department did iu the beginning of the war, in
arrancinir lor tue manufacture or wnat was
bread, and put the rest into whisky. callod Sheridan's Cavalry (londUiun 1'mnler,
Flanagan, of Flanagan's Mills, Texas, is 'Vr.the uae of the cavalry boner, no doubt the
a jolly old fellow, who says " whar" and ?ld have leeu retoruJ lo8 aK
thar," and rouses the echoes generally
when he speaks, llobeitson wears
jewelry of fabulous value emerald
raond studs that would make the idols
of India jealous.
ing June 30, 1876 Senator-elect Jones, of
Florida, was bora in Ireland iu 134, and came
to the United States when teu years old. Iu
1854 he took up his residence iu Pensacola,
where he has since resided. Ho is a self-made ' t il c ir I i
man The French steamer Montezuma, j 10 1,16 "uum,1B
coffee laden, went ashore at Great Inagua I An old retired physician, who is candid
Island and is a total loss During the euoiigu to ten uie inuu uumuv vivi
Franco-Gorman war from August 2, 1S70, to
Tlio most unhappy person in tho world
it the dyspeptic. Evervthiue looks dark and
sleeve-buttons worth a fortune, and dia- gloomy ; he feels "tut of sorts" with himself
i . . i i i i
and everybody else. Life is a burden to him,
This cau all be chauged by taking Peruvian
pyrup ( protoxiuo ot iron ). Cases or 27 years
staudmg have been curod by it. Cow.
January 19, 1871, there were killed and wounded
120,012 French aud 112,30 German troops....
In a New York saloon, a poor drunken man was
thrown out of doors, strack the curb stone
as he full, aud die! from the injuries received.
Trussia has prohibited the importation of
American potatoes The Spanish govern
ment has issued a decree calling out 70,000
men for military service, 15,000 of whom are to
be sent to Cuba The TSank of Spain has
advanced tho government of King Alfonso
100,000,000 reals The widow of the late
Emperor of China did not commit suicide, as
was reported. Her Hajesty is said to be
enceinte, and, should the issue be a eon, he
will be the legitimate heir to the throne
The Tiltou-lieecher trial was postponed ou ac
count of Mr. Evarta and one jurymuu being
delayed by the ice in the East liver A
fire in Hartford, Conn., destroyed property
valued at (230,000 The Judiciary commit
tee of the New York Assembly were instructed
has declared that the recent discovery by
Dr. Walker, of California, of his herb
remedy, Vinegar Bitters, is one of the
most important iu medicine. He has
tested them thoroughly, in his own
family, among his friends, and upon
himself; and ho is driven to the conclu
sion that they possess rare ami unex
celled curative properties. Ho says f
them: "They contain no dangerous
drug. They never reduco the patient
never render one liable to tako cold
never interfeio with tho every-day busi
ness of life never make their continuous
use a condition of cure, and are adapted
to even tho most delicate organization.
They act as kindly on the tender infant,
the delicate female, or iufirui old age, as
ou the vigorous aud athletic system; ex
ercisiug healthful effects upon every
blood vessel ou tho brain, nerves and
lymphatics on the blood, bile, gas trio
juice, etc., enriching impoverished fluids,
and imparting vigor to mind and body."
$85 PER IMY-Sfind for "Chrumo"
nl'iBUg. J. 11. HI I-1 OliD'.S SONS, Htnlon.
ThU new Trusi U worn
with pm-tact comfort
nltcltl und dny. Adnpla
tiMilf to every motion of
tho body, retaining Hup
lure under the hardest
exercise or wverelt at ruin
villi! permunenlly cured.
&.HU onuap Dy ine
Elastic Truss Co.,
No. Ci83 Broadway, N. T. Clir,
and lent by mall. (Jail or tend for Circular, and he onred
K . -
I fot treatment
KppIpp. llntiiiiM V' Cn,
Grttrrrs, Aorua'A, 11. t fay: " V
w nave mo wiurvuce or our cuf-umi
eti mat . .roam it the bent llui
lug Powder. Our nalei tj( it la-
crtMist) continually."
(avo.L. flu II in A? Co.. Ttitn-
fpat, i'roti-ltMc, Ji. .,y."-"Your
be roam w steadily K&ialnK la
titvor. Ail pull well of it.11 It U
t he Iwfi t. l-'arn.Hr w ivt caa excel
lS'tjw Yoik Ht'tel (Jook by uiii
to i-imm. iry it aua uu uuppy
beun lor circular to
i:i ll. F. KANTZ Ar CO.
Dmuiii' V.JV Vnrk
cuiud by hr. IS ck ouly
kuuwD aua sure nemeuy,
until cured. Call on or tddreM
want .VU0 mutt trunt tRenu NW men or womea nl
wc will mail uuiut t rre to mote wnowiucinvui. jjuki
pamphleU wiVl full particular, term, ate. trntfre S at
The Ways
of Women.
by Prof.J, V. C. SMITH, M. Dm f th mott rmrkbU book
t-er Utued from th Amtricaa pre. Dr. Hall uyi, Eay
Chaptrm t a atCH mm or niveau atiow." Tb New Vni
World Mj-i,Ir a book full or sound tHpaauATioif r"m
tola itvita.1 Dr. Motli(thciUbrBtcd l-'moch nhyilclaa, aaia,
M Rriur rim II wbiat, TH chafv u HiatlNn." A icrand "p.
pirtunlty r tttmi to m-ik money WHY SIT BTILL-nm
plxlulnffofhart timet! ThU book will t.lL. Bond for drcalani
nt mil PUaTltf, GILMAN Ca. Hirtfbrd. Coaa,
are tht IipnI itimlr t the loiirli olnwllr. ami a fins
nltiilMK loni', iinu rriiii, inircaiix i-vrn.
j rannnt if rxrWlrtl in loin or hi'nuiy ; tkttf dt'ly
roiniM'lititin. Thr roiicrrln Stun i. n Iiiik lini-
Itiilttti r m iiiiiniiu mri. i'it v. r-.-v
i 1 l .l,V lOW.'"r vanh iluriitK . mil li
.limit li iv iiiHiiLiiinrniH ri'i'rivru ; ti I'lanoM.
!H)(" t20 t Oilcans S1( Sermnl Imml
fiiHiruniiMilH. tt monilily ulu-r lirit He
ptmit. At-I .N I S UATi;i. A lilM i itl li.
Til U lit to T'tirhtr, Mini'ri, f.'urrhrt, tbfit, f.rnltft.
etc. SitiM'tnl liiinriiiriii in inc irmic. imm
I irnlrd 4'iilnloKHt'M Mnilrd. 1IOKACK W "A.
TKIl V S 4t H'iIw'v, nv fnU.M3-:if7.
Habit Cured
Accrtuln and sure euro, vrlttout lnconvcnlenon,
ind at borne. An antldoto that etands purely on Its
own merits. 6en4 tor my quarterly magazine (it
coal you nothing), ot hundreds
that have been permanently cared. 1 cl&fm to have
discovered and produced the fibot, ouioinal jlmu
PH. B. B. COLLINS, I.m Porta, Ind.
HAWncUBED nt Home, ho
l'ublicliy. Tcrnn inoderatu.
Time Bhort. iur years of un
narullelcd Huoccna. De&crlbccaseu
iOO Ullmonialt. Addreaa Dr.F.K..Marah,mulPcy.Mlcf.
I ltf and expeneea a month to nuronta. Addresi
9UUiLI. bTOUDAlli). Joneavlllo, illcU.
B- ri i CXI and tho N. Y. Snliinlnv .Imir.
VviVOXX nnl, the (ireat 1-ltH.ary VVei klv ol
America, inr one your lor me jiejjiuur nuusn iihiod
Prior, S3. Way. Hii'I-
y IB t 'nmu entered trnpartiully aa rAoelTed, and
V J IA l''ive liillnri Cllhll wnt at once to erery
tilth auliucrlbur. Club of live (at 3 each) mi rrrin rie
'rnia is our " cliroino "a Ca.ll tireliiiuui of Ik6 to
every fifth auhaoriber! 'I he flrm name is a sufficient
euarantv nf fairness and f ullilltn.-ilt. hend monev cider
or reiristered letter to KKAIII.K i AllAMS, Publish- William Street. New Y mll.
LETTER FILE la useful to every
busine& keep BlI.Ijt3,l.'i
TEiia or alwaya clean
and In alphabeuoal order i bolda
4,000 Lett ers, can be used on a desks
or hung to tho wall. We prepay
Express charges. Bend for circular
ana prloe lisl with l.OOO referencoa.
C A. COOK 4t CO CtUoago, 111,
PPM FPQY orFITSoured by the uh of Rons
a. a. a. wi r.riL.Ei'Tiu kkmkiuks. Trial faek
i asn tre. for .circulars, viddDca of
. Unco nniAu x.iL .
""jj nwwii.) nicamona, ina.
FKC5T CUKK for all th
irortt for$n of VlXEfl, IjKP
ROftT. 8r RO FTJ L A , KlMO-
Woum, Halt Uheom, Cam.
alt disease of fA bKlH and
111 OOU. Kntxrtiy v'itablt. I
MoDey roturnfd In all snaea !
ToWLK, ChemiMt, Hotloa. hold ,
$1 a bottio. h"d lor Circular. j
lowaR. R.Land Co.
Has forsalo 1,.i()0.00( AcreHnf lUUroad land In
the Middle Kegion ot WeRtum lowa.
than caa be found elaawhftna withla civilization. No
craaahnmier. No au. Mo ludians. A Teniae credit
ka! V ttatl .mhs it m -t rluht 1 1 Isll nr Mlllt
Li.uVmi,ii... ,ttht ' Wamlolirh 8tret. Cliicaao.
bud obtain full infurmatiun and how to reach the laud I
r0. I-or mnfi ami mimnhlwti.. WltD nriol ftDU lnill,
Utuu .a.t vuicasu, ur uear
uvvima, i u, it ivn
Of lailnru. 11.
cholcoat In tlie woild Iinpnttora' prico lurff.
e.U ('ompany In America tttaiiln artlcle-pleaaua
ont Wiiste lituo end f"r Ciriuilnr to ROHKRT
W KLLS, 4 mj Street. Npw York. P.O. Pox 1 2 HI
II III BntA1' ! "1'I AIN l!l l NT
II 11 I acts," a Treatise on tlio
II Causes, UiBtnry, t'urc and
I I MM l'rvrDli,nof fl l.l'S. I-nb-
III I ' a1'"!'"! br I". N Kl STAHI1-
I I I lTKU 4 I'O., 46 Walker street,
I I I I I I lewVork. tSsut FHKK loail
I I luarta of lbs t'niled Stales on
sfltj AXJJJ pfreccipt of a letter alaiap.
sdilress luwa itailroad
Hapida, luwa.
jllll. n
l.nnd Coiiiinlaaloner.
IVTriXTT? V mvf' roj i,(y with Stencil Ker Check
UlUll U X Outfits. CaUloiiua. aaninlea and full oar.
tlculars Free. S. M. Si' 117 Hanover St., Hosloo.
Will not Kutt or mk th
Hardware Dealer eell i hem.
linger, i.uo, xin winca.p; ;
100, GOo a Coppered RiQKtV
6O0.1 Tonga, II.95) by maiL
DoatTiaid. Ciroulara fraa.
AOVFRTISERS Send 5 rente u t.KO. P.
ROWKI.L A CO., 41 Park Row, A Y., for their
rumpftutat HHpoifsM. oontaimng lisu of HOOO newt
papera. and eaMmatwa Bhowlim flnnt. nf fulvortinliiff.
t or rem ate, 30 a wenk warranted. No capital re
tj aired. Particular aud valuable axiiplt aent free. Ad
ds.. wlthrWi ratnrn MKmo.ll HORH.WUUan.ohMi-gh.N-Y
??A:fAl;Tt KATOIUTE' Indicate
liKMlltAL FAVOHITK. ) th Ute.
r or full Ui format io a rtuptctinfrrur dood, nr AgHncine
for eaine. addros VVi;i:i N.MN( ,I Al III.NK
COMPANY at llunlurit. Conu. ur uur iiiauch
fflcea in leadiag Cttiea.
CiVXt lYAl llAYCommlsiilon.or &30aweek8al
vpmj ary aud iixpenfM.
it. Apply now.
We offer it and will Hhv
WKBRI'.U A CO.. Marion. O.
The Tribune Almanac
Political Register for 1875.
Oldest, Lamest, Ileal. 148 Pages.
Tha Standard PollUoal and HUtistleal Annual Pries
post paid, lenlNl ven lor SI.UII,
nt nr.
T1IK Tlllt
NK, Newr York.
Waukesha Water
Cure Dropsy, Dyipeptl. Dfabete, Conitlpatlon, I
(ravel. Jaundice, UriKht' Diaeoae, Borfula, i'ever
Horea, r em ale Weakueta, iu all iu lurina, all Dlaeaee of
iue Kidney ana Liver,
Pwc Barrel. 18; half do. 7; can, Jum, dmmU I
iouu ana uoiuea, ou cm. per gauon ; paoaace extia.
Moue must acoompany uie oraer.
book of tti page,
Kend lUmii It nnr I
tflring dworlpUua ot m above
C. C. OUN & CO.,
Wmilteaaa. Wl,
A Book sip islns tha mysteries ol xwr a T T n m
and how an ous mavoDerate ann. WAIjIi IS I .
ff my with a capjialol SiU or 104 HI. Oornpleu
S'iVfw11;!? '''"Vrationa to any address. TfJl
fJiii.S irji ' B,iSM ii VaU