niURSDAV, MARCH 4, 3875. GEAC3 CEUSCH.' REV. WM. J AS. MILLER, Rector. Services every Sunday at 11a. m. and 7 P. m. Sunday School ul 10 a. m. All are oordially invited to attend. Seai Fret. Car. Time at Mtidgivay. Mail East do West. Through Local, Kat do do West Local East 4:45 V: M. 2: 3G P. M 8: 'JO A. M. 0:44 P. M. 4:f.O P. M 8:20 A. M do West Tub Mail and 1 Through Local curry tiassengcrs, the local docs r.ot. elk Lodge, a. v. m. The stated meetings of Elk Lolgo, No. 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month W. C. riEALY, Sec'y. An adjourned term of court will be held here on the 2d day of April prox. Er"s are selling hero now at thirty, fives ccuts a dozu. Emporium Ins lost 8100,000 by fire in the. last two years. Renovo has a Building an! Lun As sociation which ii in a very prosperous coodition. The l'rockwayville Rftjister has changed ill cams. It it now called BrockwzyvWe Free Press. John Sinutz, formerly of this place, lias ben electtd Judo of E'.tction in the secoad ward, Corry. A Jew, naratd A. Siornbsrjr, has been elected chief burgess of 1'ellcfoDte by 33 niajjrify. An effort is being made to cake the case of Barney McCu, the Lycoming' County murderer, to the Supremo Court on a writ of error. On Tuesday Feb. 23th, tlto ther mometer stood here 40 abort zero, and on 'Wednesday 21th 00 abive. On n'i 3... of..i. i n .r SDOW. The V'mp. G. ; B. says: Next to be'iQ'r whipped for a city office the mist cheering tiling is to have some holy on tli3 roil bIiovcI a lot of snow dirwn the btck of your nock. Now if Miller of the .EVA Dnnomit and Gould of the Cameron IWm, want to call each otker pet names let them lo so face to face, but for lioveu's sake gentlemen save your readers. M.S. 'Potts, who died at IKshbon, Lycoming county on the 1 0 Mi insc , itoi S1" years, was the mother of tkir -teen' children, grandmother of f'lty cilit, aul yreat randnnthcr of forty two. Tlia Record fays: On Msti lay morning last a day express train wis put on the void to run between this place and Philadelphia, leaving hsre at 0:55 A. M. and returning as Elmira mail at 9 P. M. The Fast line which left hsre at 10:40 P. M and arrived at Philadelphia at 8:05 A. M., has beeu absadouel. The Eris Dhpnth siy:---A djy or two ago a tenineiit'! oitiz u stopped in a store oo State street and picking up a tumbler turned the nt wlut he ("apposed to be a water tank and took a big draught He mala a terribly wry iace and s;d: "Vas there i!e iu that jf S?" Tfiis ealied the proprietor's attention and he brw that tho man had actually draak half a tumbler full of re fmed petro'.eani. No tiuio was wasted, but a physician sent for isstantly and by the use of a stomach pump he soon relieved the man's stomach from the terrible doss ho had taken. The Cameron 2,nigJ says: Turing the progress of the fire last Monday morning, Mr. CnnGeld seriously, and it is feared, fatally burned, lie was engaged in removing good frera liis store and went iuto the celjur. lis fore he came up, the flaniss burst into ttio room oveilical, through which he was compelled to piss. He erept through the More on his hands and knees to the front window and mado a jump, breaking the window and fell on the steps outside, th flames following him. He jumped up aud rau across the street, his clothing being on fire, when he again fell. He was immedia tely taken to Dr. Delong's residence, where he now lies in a critical condi tion. Easily Tried. Cut this out keep and try it in emergency- it can do you do harm, aud may be of service. There is no necessity of death risukiog from diphtheria or croup especially with the young, if the proper preveutiva is ap plied in lime, and it is at the service of every mother and nurse in the whole country. It is. simply to spread com mon tar on a tuutlio strip, as you would prspare a plaster, and wrap it around Jlhg neck aud glands of the patient. Henew and supply fresh tar on the child once or twice a day, and its life is as sured. This is a very simple cure, and diphtheria is in almost every case fata', we would advise those having it to try this remedy. There is nothing injuri ous in tbs tar, and therefor it can have no bad effect A revival is now in progress in the Methodist church at this place. Company II. meets every Saturday at their amory fur drill. Last Monday there was a heavy fall of sbow at this plaoc, and sleighing now is very good. March comes in like a lion, and so. cording to popular tradition will go out liko a lamb. The ReynoldsvilU Herald, now prints its own outside, and has a new head. We wish tbe new enterprise con tinued success. Some rascals, not having the fear of the liord before their eyes, entered the U. P. church at Brookvilla and pock eted the collustion loft in the baskets. Jas. II. Ilagerty, postmaster at this placo has becu appointed Inspector of National Banks by Gov. Hartranft, for the counties of Cameron, Clinton, Forest, Elk, McKean nad Potter. The Millerites aro again predicting a winding up of things terrestrial on the 3d of October, 1875, at which time this mundane sphere will be knocked iotoji three-cocked hat. Two chaps in Youngsvillo worked hard against each other all day for the office of inspector of election, only to Cud, when the votes were counted in the evening, that both were elected. Mcnitablo Haker, the only flevolu tiomity soldier's widow in Iowa, died of old ago iu Des. Moines the other night' She has becu a pensioner of the Govern ment fifty ycpri. Wc bavo just cutered on the filth year of the publication of the Advo cate, and will just suggest that now is a good time to pay your two dollars for the earrcnt year. During the year 1S74 there was over three hundred thousaud dollais worth of property destroyed by fire in Jeffer son county, on which iusurancc was paid to the amouut of over one hundred thousand dollars. With the last iss'JD we entered upon volume V. Of course most of our sub scriber's liuie, expires at the ud of the old volume, and we hope, as our terms are iu alvanco, this gentle reminder will suQice to mike ail piy over at onoe. ' Doctor C. it. E irley, proposes bull J -ing a 'lin e story brick Luilding ou Lis land n jst Hall's brick building the corn iug seasou. J. S. Hyde, will also put a uew store building of ample dimenaious, ou his vacant lot near the place his old store now e'atjds. A Montana editor bem- ns the calam ities f 1671 iu the following touoh. irgitraiu: ''Fiist, that JJuccher busi-ues.-j tlicn the gra-s-hoppers, then the Democratic victories, and tiu an iu creased tux on whiskey. What is ibis poor country coming t. '! Horace Warner, was down to I.ykens, Dauphin county, the other diy at a shoot-ing-nmteli, it wis ndverii-?d that one !uui digj dollars ia gold would ba awarded the winner. Now Warner hi 1 un itching lor that gold, and went for it. On an iviuj h c found that the hundred dollars, had dwind. led down to sixty, in three small prizes, s" he shot a few times, and took the whole amount. The next time they have a shoot, ing-match at Lykcus, Warner won't ba iu vited. There will be a Ridgway township contested election case, before the court hcrecu April 2d. There were six iucu running for the position of school-director, with o:ic vacancy and two regular terms to be filled. It i3 claimed by the plaintiffs in the case that they were en titled to the certificates, given fendants, because their tickets designa ted tbe person to fill the vacancy, while the other tickets failed to make a dis tinction. John G. Hall, his been em ployed by the'plaiutiirs and as there is a fioo poiut of election law, envolved in the case, wj await tha decision with in terest. Highway PiOBnERY at St Mary's Last Saturday at fifteen minutes to cijht o'clock, in the evening, as B. F Weis, a young man about eighteen years old, and assistant of the freight agent, was going home to supper he was suddenly startled by a blow on the head with a club, or tome othor heavy weapon, and partially stunned. He at once started ou a run, and had pro ceeded but a a few rods, wheu ha stumbled and fell fouard, at the same time receiving a bull it through the first joint of his left little finger. The men who fired the shot followed Immediately , and collaring Ws s, proceeded, without uttering a word, to rifl'lehis pockets, aud had succeeded in get ting a Urge pocket-book, which he carried iu his 'inside coat pocket, when he jerked away and run for home, (made a home run,) loving the rascals iu possession of a piece of Lis paper collar, one ofhispaut's pockets, and a piece of his coa' tail. Dur ing the day Weis had been colls cting freight bills etc , for the H R Company, amounting to several hundred dollars, and as two or three traiiips wete notiped loung ing about the depot, it is Bupposcl they thought he would have the money he had collected with him, fortuuately however he bad remitted the money on the evening mail. The pocket book, which the thieves got, contained fifteen dellars in money, be sides some other trinkets, while his watch and twenty -five dollars in currency, he had ia his vest pocket escaped the thieves. The probability is that had Weis not stumbled, the shot might have proved fatal instead of simply wounding him. HH37vA7 OEALED ffCIIOOLS. Ths general average of tho students of the high school department for tho month ending Feb. 17th, 1875 aro as follows, 100 signifyng pcrfcet and 75 very poor. 8KNIOIIUKADB. Arthur Little ..... 100 Lulu Ii. lVulcyY"JY "."."" " JM A GRADE Willie Geary 00 Otis K'z"ll"lllll"iy) Kattio Callab"fi"riYIY""Y"?-,( Funnie Dowers Louin Ely 91 Jennie (Iresli 90 Florence Ostcrhout . 00 Katie Grcsb Alton ChapinVY.V.V.Vr.V.V-.V.'rr' Charles Olnifiteu""!"."!"".""' Libbus Luther )5 Ida Luther J J ' ( ' Linda Meradetli .....05 v, grade" John Walker f)4 Charles Eurley""2r" !S Dennio Dill "m" "III J Thomas Ma'ume .1" " j'-l Michael Meeuan 115 Rboda Wilcox J J J "J J .") Clara Drooks Mi Helen Little .VJ.V.VJJ."."."""." Julia Flynn 00 Sadie Cuthber't S...-VV.1 May M. LiUle"""""""!"'-' Bessie .Stelle JlV.VS..l'.V.ll'lV.".'.',l', Dusia Rhir.cs 14 Lill ie W i c k SSSllSSS" 1,4 Laura Warner 9ii Rena Powell H7 Minnie Service 97 Albert Fitch .S...S..11.'-.'. "".J Thninas Gillooiy DO ( arrie Luther 'J7 Aggie Duirctt ...... ''5 c "grade." Nellie Fcliratn !t5 Annie McCloskey !!7 Ida J Olmsted 111...... "7 Ellsworth Rowers I'.'i Oscar Gaidcncr Eddie Luther 05 Thomas King t(3 Josepli J at'lfou ....... .. !5 Charles Meeuan ...... "7 Lewis Lester 'JH Willie Nieli "".""."""""" '' 1 Orion Head lHHHlll ""17 t'redFitch.. ".".".."."." -" 2 E I la Lea ry H S.S.ll V Jack Ranett to Casper Kime yti Clyde Kitii! "SSSSS.l..l..llll.J) Fred Kly V.VV.VV.VV Y " I T ' 1 ' ' Ira Sherman... S!(j Albert CikiiZ"2"l 111' ""Jill J' Jjoiend Warner 1)5 lillie Cuuniiijihauj D7 Emma Olmsted 05 John Shean Do Orio II. LcRoy """"""""" II ll'J I One Ltttidic'd aud iiiuely-six names were registered this a;ouih; daily aver age 88 per cent. The next monthly exaoiinatioo will be held Fiiday P. M. March 5lh al which .11 are coidinlly invited to be present. Tbe 1 x lajiuiog Committee will eonist of Messcr Wood ward O. E. Holaday and J. O. W. Bailey. Ihc fcchojl direteTa liavo re. solved to ui?et the S:t Friday afternoon 'a each niotah hence they will be pres eut ut ail our erauiinuti'.ns Lereulter. The Rev. Mr. Miller has kind'y con.sen ted to be preseat asd deliver a shui t ad dress to tlio htliolars. Respectfully submitted, GEO. R. DIXON. Piincipul. Al'PLLTU.Nb A-MCaiCA.N C'VCLOl'KDIA that the revised, au J elegantly iilus trated edition ot tliis vork, n w being published, a volume of SOU pages once in two months, b the best Cjcltipuuia iu America, is cortan. No library is com plete without it. It is 1: complete oue iu itself. It oiily costs $?.'J a month to get it iu leather binding. Tho best aud cheapest library in the world. To Justices Elect. Puvt'ms el ected to the (fiice of Justice of the Peace at tho recent election, phould bear the fact in mind, that if they uo Dot notify the Prollmnatary, Fred Seho ening Esq., wiil.iu thirty days alter tbe election, Unit thy iutnid to nt and lift their commission, their names will not be forwarded to the office of tbe Secre tary of the Commonwealth, nod cotite1 quently no eouuuissiou will bo issued by the Stato austerities. After a debate of an entire week over the tax aud ta ri 3' bill, the llcue ou Tuesday adapted a substitute for it by a vote of 132 yeas to 113 navs. '1 he sub stitute differs in several particulars from tbe original bid, and is a more moderate measure. It imposes a tax of 'JO ccuts per galljn ou distilled spirits; repeals tho 10 per ceut. reductiuo clause of the act of 1872; increases the duty ou cigars from S3 to $(5 per thousand, and imposes duties ou sugar and molasses. Ia our last issue we uouc.d the ar rival of a corpse at Troy, this cuuntyi by express; and the fact that it was not called for, neither were the panics of the persons to whom it was addiessed known to the agent ol the company The telegrsm of the ageut, Mr. John H Strong, addressed to Troy, Bradford county, elected the reply that anxious fVieiida awaited the arrival of the corpse at that place, and requested that it be forwarded at ouoe, which was done by the fir.t train on Tuesday of last week. The case was one ef gross eaielessuess on the part of those entrusted with the duty of addressing tbe casket contauiDg the body. JJrookoille Republican. Snow 10 inches deep on March 3. Fiom tho Erin Diymtch. OPENING AND DETAINING LET TERS. CHARGE AQAlNSlVriHK-AN E'POSTM AS TER. Uifore United Slates Commissioner A. Force. Tho esse of the United States vs. J. D. Leaonard, the postmaster at Knnc, charged with opening and detaining letters adresscd to his lortncr pRi'tncr, F. W. Mecto, was heard Friday. The evidence is, us follows: F. W. Mocsc, sworn I reside at Eane, Pa', I am acquainted with J. D. Leonard; on the 14th day of October, 1873, I received letters (marked A. 15.) opcued as they now are; 1 was at Smithport nt the timo iiiy.wifcbrought them to tun. Cross-examined by J- Ross Thomp son, Esq,- I went to Smethport Sep tember 11, 187;i. I did not return to Kane until some time in Feburary, 1874;! was confined iu jail there mi charge ol forgery, preferred by J. ) Leonard; I thiiik there was another in formal iou ii. si 11st 111c, Hiid prchaps I was held on that charge; Mr. Leonard was 11 witness against mo at Smethport defend ant and I bad been partner and the partnership lus never been disolved by my consent, ulthough defendant pub lished a dissolution notice September 15. 1873. Defendant was nnd ftill is postnristcr at Kane; I never delegated authority to him or any tno to open mv individual letters it was never the habit or custom for us to open each others' individual Inters, exhibit "A." is in 'the hand writing of Mr. t'chtter, of Warren exhibit "13." is from Jos. Clark, Jr., ol Warrm Rc-cross examination Defendant aud I were iu the'gmecry busiiiess; wc bo gn in January, !Sli9; the firm ol Schucr & Sou, of Wurrcn, were mer chant tailors; we did i;ot sell clothing but did deal in furnishing good-; we never purchased elolhii.g of tliem we never purchased groceries of (Mark & Co , I was discharged by the Court ss I understand because the alleged for ged check was lost. Catherine Meese, sworn I am the wife of F. V. Meesc, (exhibit "A." and 'R " shown witness,) I have seen theo letters belorr; the day I went to Smeth port to see my husband, who was in jail, Mr. Leonard h. tided u;e these two lct teip; I reached Smethport the same day and delivered tho letters to him; Mr Leonard told ma to take tho biters over to Mr. Merge, that he (Leonard) had opened them and said he thought l.e hud done wrong in opening tliciu. Cross-examination Vv'e were mar ried iu Cumberland, Md., about thirteen years ogo; wy tuadcu name was Cather ine Peiiwo; we vent to Altoona, Pa., trim there to Rroad Top, in three years to Kane, Pa., whi te b I: as been en gaged iu the Mercantile business; my husband had been in jail at Smethport two or three weeks before I visited liim tho first time; the next tinie I visited him vs in about two weeks thereafter, at which time I took tho lutteis to him; when Leonard gave 11; u the letters I was in Mr. Campbell's s'ei-h ia liotit of the post office; Campbeil bad Leea working for my Ltisband tod Mr. l.eound; he was boarding at our house tit the time; I did uot get. out of the slci-'h. Camu- bcll did; for what porposj I :lon't know; the store and postofiice were together; I dou't lecollect anybody was standing bout the door; I believe it ebou" ten or eleven A. M; I cyu't possibly say whether it was sle-'ghinir or not at tint time; Mr. Cmpbell was standing ou the platloini during the conversation Lc:wi.eij the defeiidunt ai.d myself we had a team; Mr. Leonard br. light on! tho letters and said "hero s:re iwo let ters for your hubi.iui; 1 opened them aud tliink 1 Lave done wrong" I don't remember that be said "I opened them by mistake;" 1 am sure he did not ssy so; the eu elopes are now just as they were then; I can't read witting; I dou't think the writing on exhibit '-R" is uiy husband's. Re-direct I csu'l read writioir, and as I put the letters in nsy pocket with out lookiug ut. t::ciu, cm t now say whether the wilting is tke s;.me it then was. Jamcs.Catnpbcl!, sworn I reside at at Kane; 1 know defendant, on electiou day; October. 1873, I was taking Mrs. Meescovcr to Suiethpoit; I had some business to do wi:h Mr. Leonard at.d stopped to see him; Mr. Leonard brought out two'lettcis and, lauded them to Mrs Meese; 1 ean'tsy whether we were using a sleigh or a wagon; the suow cauic early and we sometimes used oue null sometimes the otlu-r; defendant banded tbe letters to her bud said. IIe?o are two letters for Frank; "I oieued them and sliouldu't navn done it; 1 supposed they concerned the firm." Exhibit A uud li showu witness. To the best of uiy recollection theso are the idtuttcal envelopes. Cross-examined i put no marKs upou the euTelopes; I cant swear those are the identical letters; I am sure rs Libit Ii is not tbe same; it was ut tho time defendant Lauded, iLcui to Mis. Meese the name J. D. Leonard was not then on; I uever saw the Utters tin:e I was at the jail until yesterday iu the presence of Mr. Meese; he only asked me if I recognized the letters; 1 had read the nddrtrg at the time 1 first saw the letters; I should uot say exhibit li is in haudwriting of Meese; there is a resemblance to his. Robert Denuisnn, sworn. I reside in Warren; am postmaster there; I was ptstmuster there during 1873; exhibits "A" and R" showu wituess; the post niaiks aie those of our cfiice; the date is always correct; it is tho universal custom to mail letters the day they are stamped; after letters are postmarked, they are always scut out within an hour or two thereafter; Warron letters ought to reach Kaue by duo course of mail within one hour from the time they are posted; exhibit "A" is in the hand writing of C. A. Schuer, of Warren. Cross-examined I have no record or recollection of these identical envelopes; I can't say what year the letter was posted. The defendant was held in (1,000 bail to answer at tbe July term tf United States Court at Erie. STm ENO i LS. Measels are numerous in Clariou county. Five hundred persons ia Mcadville are under the care of physicians. An Erie County . womm recently gttve birth to four female babies. Lock Haven is troubled with small pox. Mrs. Taylor recently died in Sullivan county, ut tho vcuerable ago of uiuety six years. Clearfield Ins raised S100 Tor the Kansas and Nebrska grasshopper suf ferers. Mrs. Margaret N. Huffman, died in Frank ford, ale days ago, uged nearly 100 years. The bill p'rmiitiog defendants to testify in criminal cases has passed the State Senate by 20 years tn 18 nays. Tho foreman of n late grand jury in Rlair County, opened the session of that body each morning with prayer. IJrookvillo has fowarded forty-five dollars in money, a large box of clothing and two barrels of groceries to the suf ferers in Kansss aud Nebraska. A Simple man uauied Robert Stuart, about, forty years of age, died from ex cessive driuking, iu Pittsburgh last week. Ou Sunday, a reek, James Ileadley, died at the Old Mau's Home, West Philadelphia, iu the 102 year of his age. Judge finrdoncf the Supreme Court, has decided that the municipal cotpota tion is responsible for damages to pedes linns injured iu consequence of the ac cumulation ol ice aud snow u the bido walks. A msn named Jack Gray, of Center villc, was stabbed on Saturday uight last, by a brother-in-law, whib: on his way home from Titusvilie. When ar riving ut Centreville, he was so exhaus ted f rom less of blood that he fell from his horse. Jesse Anderson, of Sunbury, Pa., en gineer ou the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, in jumping oft a freight tiaiu at tho upper end of ilarrisburg on the loth, was tun over by a shifting engiue passing on the uext track, and instantly killed. Ho leaves a wife and three children. When tbo prisoners in the Jefferson County jail grow weary ol their confine ment they have only to displace a stune and step out. Two men num.-d respec tively D. N. Eullcr and Cla'k, sou tcuccd at the Deccm'oet tor;u, 1)1,; for mer for breakiug jaii, uud the latter l.r selling liquor, deeutujed ouo day lust week. Jl'J'.flE JUN'KS ON TllAMPS. Judge Juukiu of, Pony county, de. cided lust week, that neither Justices of tbe peace, sheriff, nor constables have auy aut'aoiity to interfere with or apprehend vagrants or tramps, exctpt as provided by act of February -1, 1707, and June 13, 1830, that 13 upon hearing uui committal, aud fuitber more, tliat the seutenee ruut be to tin common jail, lie also decided that no justice has authority to issue permits to obtain meals at either the poor house or jail, and make the county liable for the meals furnished. The only way, there tore, for communities cd by tramps is to support them privately or have them arrested, convicted and sentenced by a justice, when they will bo kept at the t-xpeii'e of tin; county. Jason Weeks, of Rangor, Maine, who was robbed of $10,000 in bonds in oue of tbe passeuger cars of tbe New Haven Kailroad, at the Twenty sevpcth street depot. New York city several years ago, aud who brought suit against the com pany to recover, received a vetdict iu the Supreme Court of New .York State last week lor the full amount of the Mtoleu bonds. Sates of Advertising. One column, one year $" 00 I ' -JO 00 j " ' ' V..j('f) I " " 13 0) Transient advertisements per square of eight line, one insertion $1, two inser tions, SI. 50, three insertions, $2. Business cards, leu lines or less, per yen? $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. t LLElillENY VALLEY HAIL P.OAD LOW-GHAl'K 11 VISION. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 21, 1874. trains between Htdhauk and Driftwood will run as ielUv.s: WESTWARD. KXl'KKSS and MAIL will lenTe Drift wood daily nt l'-VJO p ni, ltevuuldsville at t:"lt p ni, Urookville at 4:03 j ni, hi 11 v in g at r.eubaua at u:U p ni, connecting ymu liipresH ou Main Line tor Pittsburgh. MIXED WAY leaves lleyuuldsville daily at tj:4U a 111, lSiooltTiKe at b:10 a id, arriv ing at lleubank at 11:30 a ni, connecting wuu trams uortu ana soutu ou istn Line. EASTWARD. KXPRESS and MAIL leaves Hedl.auU daily at lliOa in, arrives ut Urookville l u m, l.evuolilsvills at i m, Drift wood at ti:lu p in, connecting with trains east una west ou t and L Kanrouu. MIXED WAY leaves New Uellile'ni daily at o:03iiu, arrives ut ISrookvillo at o:33 p ui, lit) uoluijville at c-iU p iu. MAIN I.1XE On and after MwNDAY. KOV 23. 1874, trains ou the Allegheny Valley Kuilroad will run as tollows: LL'l r'ALO EXPKESS will leave Pitts burgh daily at 7:45 a ui, Ucubunlc Juuetion at 10:47 a to, and arrive ut Oil City at 2:40 p in. KKillT EXPltESS will leave. Oil city at U:03 p w.Hedbauk Junction at 2:55 a ui, and arrive at PitlaburgU at 7:20 a m. XllliSMLLL fcM'KESS leaves Pitts burgh at S:0O p nt, Pedbank Junution at ti;25 pai, aud arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p m. lieturumg, leaves on city at B:oO a ui, Keubuuk Juuetion at 12:11 au, aud ar rives at Pittsburgh at 8;45 p in. J. J. LAWRENCE, Geueral Superintendent. Ws. W. PaiLLirs, iN't 8upt., Brook ville.F. iJuiJjIo, jStw Yo k &, I'luiad.'lphia K'y. On and after FEDUARY lltli, 1875, and until further nutice, trains will leave Hut', falo from the Buffalo, New York & I'liila. delphia l'.ailroml Depot, corner Ezct.ango and Louisiana streets, (Uuflalo time) as fol lows: 7:40 A. M , MAIL, stepping at Ebencier 8:03 Springbrook 8:10 Elnia S 15 Jamison's 8:10 Aurora 8:26 Wales 8:38, Holland 8:50 Protection 9:00 Arcade 9:14 Yorkshire :23 Matthias H:33 Franklinvillo, 0:50, Ischua 10.11 llinfcdalo 10.27, Erie Kailway 10.43 Olesn 10.C5, Weston's 11.03, Porlvillo, 11.10, Btate Line 11.18; Eldrcd 11-81 Laiwbce's 11.88, Sartwcll 11.44 Turtle Point 11.48 Port Alleghany 12.01 P.M., Liberty 12.19, Keating 12.29 Shippen 12.40 Emporium 1.00 P. M. !U3 A. M., MIXED TRAIX TO OLEAN, slopping at Ebenetcr 10 05 Springbrook. 10,3i, Elnm 10.62 Jamison's 11.00 Aurora 11 25 Wales 11.49, Holland 12.10 P. M., Protection 12-30, Arcade 12 07, Torkshiro 1.12 Mactaias 1.80. Franklinvills 2.05, Ischua 2.00, Hiaedale 3 21. Erie Kailway 4 00 P. M. 3.30 P. M., EXTRESS, Blopping ftt ELeuczer 3,53, Sprintbrook 4.04 Eiuib 4.11 Jamison's 4. 1(1 Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4.33 Holland 4-40. Protection 4.5ti, ArcadeS 11 YorkHhire 6.1J .Macliias 5.30, Frauklinviltc 5.40 Ischua (i.03 hinsdule C.20, Erie Rail way 6.30, Olcun 6.52, Weston's 7.10, Pott ville 7U0, State Lins 7.11, Eldd 7.27. Larnbee'i 7.35, 8nrlwell 7.41, Turtle Point 7.4, l'oit Allegany 7.58, Liberty 8 17, Keating 826, hit. pea 8.45, Emporium 9.00 P. M. TKA1NS LKAVE EMPORIUM: 4 00 A. M., EXPltE.SS.'etopp'.iig at Ship pen 4.15 Kfnting 4 v5 Liberiy 4.44 Port Allegheny 6.03 Turlla Point 6.15, Sartwell 5.20, l.tirabee's 6.25, Eldred 6.33 Htnte Line 5.44 Poiiville 6.22. Weston's 6.57, Oltnu 0.20. Erie Railway C.23, Kinslnle 0.38, Ischua 8.62, Fruklinvillc 7.10, Mnehias 7.2M Yorkshier 7.35 Arcade 7.43, Protection 7.67, Holland 8.03; Wales 8.15, Aurora 8.26 Jamison's 8 33 Elma 8.88, iSpriugbrook 8.43, Lbtnczer b.62, Bull'alo ' A. M. 6 00 A. M., LOCAL rASSENGER t FREItlllT, stopping at Shippen 6.40, Keat ing 7.85 Liberiy 7.30. Port Allegan 8,40 Turtle Point U 13, Sui t well 9.25, Laralee's 'J.40 Eldred 10 03 Ktale Line 10.88, Port villa 11 10 We.-ion's 11.25, Olaan 11.42, Frio Euibvuy 11.47, Hinsdale 12.20 P. M.. lsrbua 1.08, Ftnnklinville, 2,05, Macliias 2.41, Yorkshire 8,00, Arcade 3.15 Protect ion 3.42, Holland 4.03 Wales 4.35, Aurora 5.00, Jamison's 5.20 Elini 5.28, Spring brook 6 -10, Ebcuezer 6. CO, Junction 0.30 P. M. 2.(0 P.M., MAIL, stopping at Eliippen 2 15, Ktuting 2.25, LibtHy 2.44, Port Al legheny 3.03 Turtle Poiut 3.15 Ssrlwell 3.20, Larabees 3.20, Eldred 3.3, State Line 3.40, Portville 3.55, Weston's 4.02 Oieun4.20, Erie Railway 4 23, Hinsdale 4.38 Ibdiua 4.52, Franklinville 5.11, Mae bins 5 ;,0, Yorkshire 5:37, Arcade 5.46 Protection 6.02, Hullund 6.10, Wsles 6.20, Aurora C-32, Jiiinisnn's 6.38, Elmo 0.42, t?pi iugbri ok 0.17, Lbeiiezer 6.58, Duffulo 5.20 P. ii. 1 RAIN LEAVES OLEAN: 6 25 A.M. LOCAIi l'ASSENOEIS & FKMIU i!T, s'oppuig at Hinsdale 7.00 iicLju T.i'.'J, Fruukiiuvllle 8.16, Muchius t.-'ii.', Yoriisjiic '.1.23, Arcade 9.45, Prolect u.l. lo l l. Hollund 10 S3, Wales 11.00, Aurora 1 1.23, Ji.iiaou'a 11.39, Elma 11.04, tl i-in;bi ook 12 20 V A Ebener 12 22, LuEaio 1 00 V. il . &jrNo trains run on Sim lavs. li. FIdX, Geu'l M unager. II. L. LYMAN, Ueu't Pass'r Ait't J. D, YEOMANS, Cen't Sup't She Simcs. A l'Jli&T-CLAS-S NEWSPAPER. DAII.r AND WEEKLY. Indepeudent ia Kverything! Neutral in jNothlO". Opposed to all Corrupt Rings in Muni cipal, and iVatiunal Affutrj. THE DAILY TIME? will bo issued on Saturday, the 13th of March next, and circry morning thereafter, Puudays excep ted, us.lir the editorial direction of A. K. MoCLLRE; printed compactly from clear. new .vpe, on a large folio sheet, contain ing all the news of the day, including the A88OCIATED PRESS TELEGRAM'S Bpeeiul Telegrams and Correspondence lroai an points 01 inteiest, ana tearless editorial Uiscussioni 0.' uil current topics. Price, TWO CENTS. Mail subscriptions, poptnge free, Six dollars ptr annum, or Fifty cents per uiouili. in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS, fifteen, twenty and thirty cents per liuc, according to position. <e MUdilg Slimw. W ill beiaeued on Saturday, March 20ih, slid weekly thereai'ter, containing ini I oiiaut uewn nf the week, and complete Earket st.d Finnneiul Heportn. Mailed, for 01 e year, postago free, at the follorinc ra'es: One Copy $1,00 Ten Copies 0,00 Twsuty Copies 16 00 ADVERTISEMENTS twenty-five cents per line. Remittance should be made by Drafts or Post Otlice orders. Address, THE TIMES. No 14 South fetenth Street, PHILADELPHIA - BY MAIL 2Q Cf NTS I t imrow I hinvD J. Kvnb A: Co., NURSERYMEN AND EEEDSMEN, yobk, pe.nn'a f3TCatalogues Mailed to Applicants' Refer (by permission) to rioa, J. S, Black, Washington, D. C. Wkissb, Boa & Cabl, Bankers, Yori, Pa. cfOp gPVEBTiSS BUSIITCi&S GAUDS. G. A. RATlIMUiV, Attorney-at-law, Uidgway, Pa. 2 2 tf. RUFUH LUCORE, Attorney-at-La Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. Office ia Hall's new Erick Building. Claims foe collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL & M' VALLEY, Attorneys-at-Liw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. J. 0. IK RAIL El', ATTORNEY-AX-LAW. vlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAM EH D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, otters his professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Olhco iu bervice & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engvaver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tb Howe sjewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repoiriug Watches, etc, done wiih he same accuracy as heretofore. Salis actioa guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraccutist, N. W. cornet of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlu3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. V., Physician ana Surgeon. OIBce in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sis. Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Otlice hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vln2y 1. J. S. B OR DWELL, M. I)., Eclectio Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed;his olhce lrom Centre street, to Maiu st. Ridgway, Pa,, iu the second story of the new brick building of John G. liall, oppo site Hyde's store, (jtliee hours: 8 to 0 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 jan U 73 HYDE HOUSE, IUdoway, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCII 11 AM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying Btrict at tention to the comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit u continuance oi the same. Oct 30 1800. BUCK TAIL HOUSE, Kasb, McKean Co., Pa. 11. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upou him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention 10 the Comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables for horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. Vln23yl. KERSEY HOUSE, Ct.sTuaviLLE, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the Datronnire liprtntnr so liberilly bestowed upou him, the new pro prieior, nopes, oy paying strict at lent ion to the comfort and couvenienct of guests. 1 1 merit a continuance of the same. V. W. HAYS, liKALKu IN Ery Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. liar ley 1. O. vln47tf. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie 11. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, NOV, 16, 1874, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Ruiiroud will run as follows: WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.55 p m " " " Renovo 11.10 a in " " " Emporium 1.10 p m " St. Mary's 2.05 p m " Ridgway 2.33 p m " Biiivo ut Erie 8.05 p m EASTWARD. ERIE MAlL'leaves Eris 11.20 a m " " Ridgway 4.45 p ta " " St. Mary's 6.10 p ni 41 " " Emporium 6.05 p m ' " Renovo 8.25 p tu " " err. at Philadephia... G.50 a m Mail East eonuects east uud west at Erie with L S M S It W. Mail West with east aud west trains no L S & M S ItW WM. A. BALDWIN. Uen'i Sup't. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 toutU Third Street. Philadelphia, March 2d. 1875. BIO. ASKID U. S. 1881. 0 19i 14 do 5 20, 0 'U2, M and N lbg 10 do de '04 do 17 li do us 0i do y-i -0 do tlo '05 J and J It It do dt '07 de K'i l'JJ do do '08 do l'J 1'4 do 10-40, coupon 14 14 do Pucifio U s cy Int. off 18 1 New 6'sReg. 1881 14J 14 do . 1881 144 14 Gold 144 14jj Silver 107 10J Peunsylvuuia - 55 65 Reading 6tl 60 J Philadelphia & Erie l'Jf 1 Lehigh Navigation Div. off. 4'Jt 4VJ do Valley 113 63 Uuited 11 U of N i Ex. Div.......130i 132 Oil Creek Hi llf Northeru Central 834 84 Central Traaspertaiien 44- 45 Nesquehouiug C6 g A . tAMoiigags 6's 'bW 10 lost