ml T J 17. Henry A. Parsons, Jit. Editor THURSDAY, MAnCTI-t, 1 RT", EDITORIAL NOTES. The Ways aud Mean Committee, it is said, will report ts its verdict on the Bubsidy itiTestiation, a reeonicndation that Sehutiisker le expelled Irnui his pent in Congresi and that Kinic he prosecuted for perjury. All present Congressmen will ho csoueiatad, with the exception of Sohutuuker as noted. The reinipositiun of the Idcoiiio tux will ho a most unpopular, measure. The lict that it will uceesitato the re-creation of an army of offi'jo "holders,; who will consumo most ot ita ireccipta, will Dot recommend it to tho people, .aud ita iquuitorial ch-irirjt.erjmtkai it oli.ius to Arnoricans. A good stiff tariff is the beat fVrin of tuxstion. Wells, Fargo ifc forgive the pro duction of bullion lor 1874 on the "Pacific (dope" at 871,400,000, ol wLich 826,330,000 is gold, and tho rest tilver. Cullornia produced about 81 000,000 of gold, and Montana $2,500, 000; Nevada over 835,000,000 of sil ver, nud Utah ; about 85,000,000 aim is tiic largest pioluctiou ever roaehed in thia eouutry, exceeding tha of the previous year by 82,500,000. rri i . . ti, . .-. x ue senatorial contest iu nest V ir- giuia has liaally been sealed by tho el ection of Alleu F. Capertotya Democrat of whom few people ever heard until the legislature bcao. to vote for him One of tho singular features of the eena tonal elections this winter lias been the great tiuuibcr of comparatively unknown men that have been ihoscn to the sen u'e. Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri M'est Yirgiuia, Florida and Nebraska have ehesen such. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company appreciates veiy clearly tho importance of the Centennial. Col. Sott icceutly informed a reporter tiiat a capacious ue jiot, and a fine hotel would be built by the company near che grounds, and larg aud powerful locomotives arc being built to convey trains with great rapidity be tween Philadelphia and New York ri'i 1 t i uis great rouu, uud-jr its present management, is cauy lur every creat demand upon it. fcceietary Urittow quietly informs Congress that if it aJjouins before pro vidiug buiHaient funds to meet th? gov ernment defiet, he will use what money he has (1) to p:y the interest on the Mibiie debt: (2lto nruvidi' i ing fund; (jj) to pay the pensions to soldiers and tailors. Then, after attend ing to other matters, if there is an) thing left for the salaries of Congressmen, u!i right. If not, all right. The probabil iiy is that Congress will look out for that deficit. A bi;j '-railroad war" is now bein waged between the Pennsylvania Cen tral aud the Baltimore and Ohio. The roads are now selling tickets lioru Ney York to Chicago for $15,25: Cincinnati, 17,25; St. Louis, S21,25; Louisville 18,25. Between Chicago aud Balti more and Washington the fare has been reduce i from ifl'J to 10; bttwecu St Louis and Baltimore aud Washington irom ?23 tc $15 between Louisville nud JJultimore and Wellington, from 820 to 812; between Pittsburg aud Laltmiore and Washington, from 88,50 to 80. The I'UUburg Telujraph, noticiug the execution of Oitwein's execution, in Pittsburgh, on the 23d ult., heads the article. Lease surenderedl Ortweiu's Tenameut tf Clay Vacant! The soul of the Former Occupant Gone to Its Crea tor. Without doubt the murder of the llamnett family, by Ernest Oitwein, on the 30th oi April last, was one of the most unprovoked aud cold-blooded deeds that the annals of crime contain. And although tho muj.bfy of the law lias been vindicated, the strangling of one person lor tho murder of five is not enaugh. The rare spectacle of pronouncing the death sentence upon a juvenile mur derer was witnessed in the Supremo Court in Boston, on the 20th ult, The unfortunate offender was Jc&see Pouieroy, the boy Scud, who was re cent iy convicted of the murder of a little boy named Millan, and who lias als0 confessed to tuo murdering and the eruely butchciiug of a littlo girl named Kattie Cuirtn. lie is ulso the same youthful fiend who tortured no many children to toe suburbs ot Jioston a year or two since, aocouuts oi which were published at the time, The boy w-s brought into the court and Judge Gray, with tears in his eyes, pronounced the bentence of death upon him. lie pre sented tint calui stolid, indifference that characterized his appearance duriDg the trial, not moving a muscle, nor seeming to cure for the terrible lute which awaited him. After the sentence he was .re moved to the jail where he will remain uutil the warrant ot Gov. Gaston is is bued. Efforts for a pardon will probably be made but it is doubtful if it will be granted. j 'mum Ihe New Soarte. The President lias called a session of the new Senate of the United Slates, to con vene on the 0th day ef March. Tha Homo not being in session, it caa on'y net on np polntmeats, treaties, and executive busi aess. The following ia the list. Heptibll. ouns la roaiHii, Democrats in italic, Inde pendents i" SMALL CATS. TIIE SKNATB. Term aiis, A LIB AM A 1877 (10 UvUitfaraitt: IS ('J Goo E. Spencer. Term ends MISSOfRt 187H L'wii V liony AHKAiStMS 17" Powell Clayton. 1870 H. W. Dorsey CALIFORNIA. 1879 A. A. fulgent 1881 Nawi'0.1 Booth. t'ONNEOTlUl'T. 187H Orrin . ferry. 1SSU lli. H'. Eaton. llfcl.AWAn. 1877 J:ii. Saulsbuli. 1881 T. II. Bayard. KtORIIlA, 1879 8. U. Couover, lbb'l Chat. IV. Jonei. ceonaiA. 1877 T. M. Korwooa. 1870 J. 11. Gordon. ILLINOIS. 1877 John A. Login. 187!) K. J. Oglceby. INDIANA. 187!) O. P. Morton. 1881 J. i:. McDonald. IOWA. 1877 0. O. Wright. 1S7J W. U. AHi80n. KANSAS. 1877 J. M. Harvey, 187'J J. J Ingulfs KKNTICKV 1877 J 11' Hfventon. 187U T. C. MrCncry. HI UUAHKA 1877 P W Hitchcock: 1881 A S PaildocK NKVailA, 187'J.Iolm P Ji.aca 18ol Williuni Sharon "NSW HllMI'SlIIRG 87" .Auvon 11 tragin 1879 " " adleigH KKW JliRSKV J877 F TFrelingliuy sen 1381 T F Randolph KKW VOEK (879 Hosoce Conklin 1881 Francis Krman KJBTH CSROLIN A 1877 M 11' .Worn 187'J A S Merrimon OHIO 179 John Sherman 1881 A O Titurinun OHKOON 1877 Jum-'t K Kelly 1879 J II Mitchell PFNNNVLVaXI a 187'.' Simon Cameron 1S81 Wm A Wallac Rlinni; iai.tND 1877 II 1J Anlhniiy J 881 A fa Bui-nside SOI TII CSEOLIK LOl UlSANA. 1877 T J Koberison lf,7" J lt.ln;aa West 187! T J.rattoreou 18iU A vacancy. tcsklisskk iiaisb j 1 877 Henry Cooprr 1870 Lot. f.i Morrill, il SSI Andnw Johnson 18S1 II. Hamlin. MARYLAND. 1870 Ceo, U. Dnmti. 1881 It'. '. M h;jlf. MASACnr8i;TT 1877 O S Uoutwell. 1881 Henry I. Dawes MICHIGAN i'K.aa 1877 M C HAMILTON 1881 5 I! 31-ixey TKHMOKT 1S70 Jutia S Morrill 18S1 G F Edmunds riROIMA 1877 J AV Johnron 1877 Thos. W. Ferry 1881 Holt. KWi'hers 18811 P I'hristiaoey wksttikoisiu minnrota 1S77 ycnr.v O Davit 1877 Wm. V.'indom. il881 A 1' Capcrton . 1881 S J R McMillauj Wisconsin Jiississin-i 1877 TOIlowe 1877 J L Alcorn 1181 Augus Cameren 1881 13 li Druce I SUM MART, Foriy-third Forty-fourth Congress Cougresj. Republicans I'1 i'l Deniticvais 'M 23 Independents 4 2 Vacancy 1 1 GENc R.AL NOTES. Chautauqua lake has been frozen solid from cad to end affording excel lent and sale sleigh riding. It is thought tha fruit crop in Michi gan and other states has been destroyed ty the extreme cold weather. In the House ot the Ohio legislature the bill to provide for compulsory educa tiou passed. 1 ho first State election this year will take place iu New llauipshito, on Tuesday, .March 'Jth. The Senator-elect, Randolph, of New I . U. 1. r a ptitctiina machine, ar.d one ol the best plough.!, iu use is bis invention. A biil that makes Shrove Tuesday Mardi Gia. a leal holiday in the cities of .Mobile aud Montgomery has received tlie sua:.ure ot the Governor of Alabama. More H'ates, Colorado and . iSew Mexico. The Siennte has voted to ad mit them. Iu that body they will wield a power equal to thnt of New Yolk and l'enusyivuuiii. Who says we do not rush thiugsis this eouutry? Under a law of Congress authorizing the collection of the portraits of the Secretaries of war, duriaj; the different Federal administrations, a likeness of Jtffersori J)avb Ins been added to the uallery of the War Department at Yi'ui-hiugtou. Ex-County Treasurer John F. W. Thon, of Wyandotte, Ohio, committed i.uicide. Shortness in his aceounts to the extent of $83,100 is assigned as the cause of the act. Henry Smith was sentenced on the 19th in New York to ten years' impris onment, having been convicted ot per jury iu faUely swearing he owned prop erty in oicier to go oau tor a mend. The prospecting party in the Black Hills eold mines write home to Sioux City that they are comfortably quar tered, have hud no troubled with the ladiaus, and are working with success. Ed. Smith Ta oero.l ou the imv ol the City Court ol Montgomery, Ala., was put on the city chain gaag on the ISJtli lor one hundred days Jor stealing 1103. liis place ou tho lurv is vacant. . Washington's birthday was observed an over the country by a cessation of 1. . " puljlic business, closing ol the various exchanges, ami in a preal measure ol the stores. Military displays ure repor- ieu uoui uiHoy sections. Collector Barker, of the Selma. Ala bama, district, has withiu the past two moiitns seized u stiiis, with a capacity oi i,ow gauous, destroyed a,SUU gal- eus oi masn ana ruu ot low wines, and arrested io illicit distillers. A colored woman named Lucy Haw- tiiis uifu ju iv asiungton on iuouday, at the advanoea sge ot 115 years. The Umted States pension agent in tho same city has received information of the daath of a pensioner in Georgia aged 1)9 years, who left a son IC years of sge. It has just transpired that in West Buxton, Maine a woman, partly insaue, has been conGned all winter in room in her husband's house, part of the time being chained. When discovered she had hardly any clothes on her body, and her legs and feet were badly frost-bitteu. One night lust week a negro was caught in the act of fastening a cross-tie cn the trestle-woik over Hickahole, on the Mississippi and Tennessee liuilroad, near Memphis. This was his seeoud attempt in the expectation that lli9 train would be dashed to pieces and a chance afforded him to rob the bodies of the passengers. PITTSBUGII EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! A LIVE NEWSPAPER, in ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. - In cntjrinj ripen the New Yen and within a lew nionihs of the second anni versary of the first appearance nf ihopuper tho publishers of the P1TTHHUKU1I EVENING TKLKGItAPH renew their ex. pre.sions of thanks to nn intelligent and appreciative public for its AND EVER INCREASING PATRON AO li during the year just closed. Coming Into existence ut a time when CTOiy liml ot business wns to a certain extent depressed, mid vhen retrenchment in every direction WkS the rule, the TCLEGKAVH hue fought it way, and become, not only an cslub' liahed fact, but a PRIME NECESSITY IN ETERY WELL. INFORM LO CIRCLE, whether it be of the countine-roora, the professional otlice, tho wosk'-hop, or the fmnily, Its circiilniion, erjiml to the be d li'oui ihe ctnrt, has grown in extent undim duily, until now it ' acknowledges Cut two equals Ihe lispnlcti nud Leader $o fnr as the number issued daily is cou cci lhI, and no eiUul as to the character of itsreadors. I hcte lads are so well known ami appreciated by the business commu nity, or the shrewdest members thereof. thut our columns have been wcll.fillsd by the faYOrs of THE BEST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS. nuj we are cU'l to know that their fftith iu thu i'ELi'.GRAPlI lis nn advertisid me dium has been firmly established. TIIE PITTSBURGH EVENING TELEGRAPH ha, we think, during the past ycur main li.incd its claim to the t;ood will and sup prot of the people, irrespective of puny, inasmuch us its opposition to bad liomiria. lions within the puriy whose principles il favors was largely instrumental iu procur ing their defeat. While il shall be oui- aim io promote Ihe established principles of l lie Republican party, we shall in ihe fu ture, u 111 uie past, oppose uic election to office of men not fully eiiuliliuil, or who fhull by trickery or aay unfnii.' means manage to secure a place ou the ticket. Honesty and capacity ouiy will receive our support. THE TELEGRAPH will ccmiuuo to publish ALL TtfKNEWd OF THE DAY ai ihe curliest moment, aad ia such a shape as to be acceptable to tho most criiiciil reader. The TELEGRAPH will continue to re flect the seir.iaicKtg of the people, on all public questions touching their welfare. The TE1,U"U ItAPii will uphold zealously Ihe hands of all men houcst aud earnest in retorm, and it w ill, as iu I ho past, give all sides a heai-iu;; on the topics of the time. The TELEGRAPH will labor with re. newed nal for Ihe prosperity of tho city and Stale and the advancement of iho ma terial interests of our ciiizeu. Its LOCAL DEPARTMENT will continue to be can-fully attended to. and its reports of local events v, ill bo ahv ays ln-tu aid 1 1 liable, lis SPECIAL TELEGRAMS AND CORRES PONDENCE from the Capitals of the Nation and Mato aud from nil important news centers will continue to be of the most attractive aud trustworthy character, lis" MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will receive the same careful attention that has beeu remarked iu the past, aud iu this rtspeet the TELEGRAPH will continue, to be without a competitor, lis EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT will contain an honest expression of views on all important live topics, political and otherwise. Its NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which hate always enjoyed an exalted rep iiiuulb, will continue to he ot the same unexceptionable character, la line, the EVENING TELEGRAPH IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, win De during tlie year IHio, superior to the past, excellent as it has beeu bv ecu oral admission. No expense will be spared 10 keep tne paper noreast with ihe times. and its managers will exert every effort that experience may suggest to make if possible, more attractive to the general reader, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. By mail, including postage, Nine Dollars per annum. Delivered by Carriers, iu anv riart nf Pittsburgh aud Allegheny, lor fifteen Cents a week. ADVERTISING RATES furnished on application. ADDHESB, THE EVENING TELEGK APH PIPTSBURGH, PA. ?H- .LDINE COMPANY'S 1TEV7 PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY BT SUBSCRIPTION. THE AI.DINE; THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. This splendid enternvise Is nut only well susliiined iu every feature, but is being constantly developed and improved. li to-dHy stands without, a rival iu f ue wnoio world of periodical literature. Tho beauti ful dog-portrait, "Man's Unselfish rriend," a chrome presented to every subscriber, is a decided hil, and will, if possible, add to the popularity which this work has gained. The AltT Lnion feature also promises great and benificent results, in arouuing public interest in the fine arts. Circulars and lul information on application. Parts I, II, III, and IV are now ready. GUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Hiscsllany. To t completed in 40 parte issued for niglly. Each pnrt will contain nn elegant frontis piece, originally engraved ou steel for the Loudou Art Journal. REPRODUCING at a price within the popular reach, en gravings never before ottered at less than live limes the amount. These p'ales have been Ihe attraction of The London Art Journal, EaHi part will contain Siti quarto pages, including the elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. A superb tilio page, richly illuminated in red and gold, will be given with the tivst pnrt, and the priming of Ihe entire work will be a worthy representa tion of "The Ahline Press" which is a guarantee of something beautiful and val. liable. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part Tarts I, II. anal 111 arc Jus-t Published. TEttS ffi3T JOUSi.lI, Complete in 12 monthly part", at $1 each Reproducing the best full-page illustra tions from Die earlier volumes of The Aldinc. Each monthly part, will cenlain six su perb plates with iiccomnaiivina descriptive mailer, and whether lor binding or framing will be entirely beyond competition in price or artistic character. Every impres sion will be most carefully takeu on the linest toned paper, and no pains will he spared to make this Ihe richest prodjciion of a press v.hich has won, in a marvelously Eliort lime, a world-wide reputation. Especially assorted for fjcriip Book Illustrctions and Drawing Ciass Copies. A large collection of pictures of different sizt-s slid on uln.OLt every conceivable sub. ect nave been put vp 1111 attractive en velope, and are new oilered at. n price in tended to muiie them popular in cveij sense1 Envelope Ko. 1, containing 60 beautiful engravings, iu now ready, and will be sent, postage paiil, Io any address for ONE DOL LAR. A liberal discount to agents und teachers. SOIIAP BOOKS. A pl luiid assortment of SCRAP ISOOKS diive liL-iu axpressly prepared lor the hall hay season, and no present of 11: uie pel ma utnt interest can be selected for gentleman r,r lady, eld or young. No. 1. Half bound, cloth aides, gilt bacK '-"''J 1 p. l-'xlb inches o CU No. Si. italf bound, clo h sides, gilt ua-'t. uuu pp. uiiu itiu.ita , No. 3. Pull morocco, beveled boards gilt aud amiue, very GOO pp 12 CO Lettered to order in gold at -0 cents each In.';. Seui by mail post-paid on receipt of the price. THE ALPINE PASSE-PARTOUTS. Iu compliance with repealed roiuestF, Ihe publishers ot Ihk Auhnl have pre pared impressions ot many ot ineir most Lcauiii'ul p tales for passe-partout framing, The cuts are mourned on a beautifully tinted azure mat, wilu 0 naudsjuio red bol der line. To atlach the g !ass, it is only lett for the customer to paste and told over an already a' tached bolder aud this may be dune by a clnld. J.I subjects, lxlo mcnei, Hoc.,1 wita glass, uUc. cix ol tins sue lor il when selection is oft to ihe publishers. 0 subjects, 10:;li;i inches, 20c, with glass, 16j. ( su-.jecls, fc.,i!v. inches, 1-jc, witn glass, -loo. 12 subjects, 14il'J inches, 00 c.; with glass, tfl. feent by mail, without glass, pest paid, for puce. CANVASSERS WANTED THE tiA3iYi: COlS3 I nililU. uft.MiN'jroN bKwixu iaciiink.s Fiue Arms, and Ailucui,tukal Jm- PLiiMKM'i. Tl.e lleniinglon Sewiuy Machine Las sprung rapid 1 itilo 1'ator as possefsiuthe best etimbiuation ol j:ood .juulitio numely, lilit runuiui smooth noiseless rapid aud durable. It bas a straight nttdle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-lted, uiuLes the Lock or Shuttle liteli, which wiil neither rip nor ravel, tad is alike ou both sides. The lleuiingtou Sewing Machiue lias rectiveJ premiuius at uiuny IViis, throughout the United States, and with out effort touk.the G:aud Medal ol Pro gress, Ihe highest older ol medal that was awarded at lLo lata Vicuna Exposi position. The Eeinington Works also manu facture the new Double Uarrelled HreecU Loading Shot guu snap and positive action, with patent joint check, a marvel of beauty, liuisli aud cheapness, and the celebratud Hem ingtou liiflea adopted by uiue different governments, and reuowned throughout the world for military, bunting and target purposes all kinds of l'iistols, llifles, Canes, Metalio Catridges, do. I Agricultural Impleuients, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel l'lows, Cultiva tors, lload Scrapers, Fateut Kxcavators, Hay Tedders," Cotton tlins, Iron Bridges, &c. The uudersiened has been appointed agent for the sale aud introductiou of the KcmiogtoQ Sewing Machiue in and lor the couuties of Elk. Clearfield and Warren. Til OS. J. liUHKE. Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good local agent wanted. ..jcv'd CatiiarUo P1II3, n For the re.ln-f iuiiI care of nil dPt-atii', ro'-nts hi the toiu m li, liver, anil buir oif. '1 'bey SIC I111M Uperiout, mnl n eti'ftllent pmxnlte. lluinf puielT T.-f -tlilr, lliey eoutnin i ia'O ,- iKiiiieri-ni-yoruHne-( V-sJ L-'Jr wlisiever. (ii' li sm-I'Mis sicliiiff and nifferliig Ik irvent oil Lr their timely tiie; anil cvrrr ftmillTShmiM hare tlifm on luwd tur tlipir and relirl, wlun leouirnd. Lonjt esperim.!!! as iroKt Uifin to be lie Kf ut, sun:, und le-,i of ll Uie fill with whk-k Uto si-irkel uli ,iiii-Im. Iiy Uieir oui iniond line, lie lilooit i nuriavd, the corriiptiuns of Hie ijrs to explti-J, olislru-tioim rrnioveil, anil the wliole mactimerv uf life rtni-rd to its heulltiy - livity. Iiilo' n'nl oviani wlm-h hei-omt rlo)if:erl anH J-iTTi.ti are rlcMiMed by jijrr'B J'ilt. ami ruutitlved inui a-tion. Thus ini-i.U-i,t n rhn-.ii-'i lam linallii, the value of whi' h chantrn wlim ir .-kiKiod on Hie vail multinnle bo enjoy It, r,u lnr-'.lv be romulei1. '1 livir riiaar ront;n tuakea tkvm'plMNanl in take, and nreaenres their vii-tuct uni:iipiroil fr any lii:(ftn of lime, so that lh"- are ever fraah, and perfeetly reliable. 1'rttuiah .in-hiiir, tt.-ey aio mild, and nperate wiUiam d hh baii' to Uie cutilutiou,crdiet, or ir- ia:n. full dire-t'ana are firea on the wrapper t ranb box, b')w to tiMe Uictu ua a Family rhyair, and far tlie fulloiviae cui'lalala, wliicb Uieas I'ilt rapidlv f uie : Inr 7ytrlai or I xil1 trrajtam. ILIatlvM m. tMnvr ami !. ut A rtlta-, Umy itif'iii-1 he taken iu,dri-atily to BtlruulNte the aloni ah, an ra(-!f ita hraiUiv tone am aeliou. F-jr I lvr CaHiliaiai" aiul ita rariona ayinn. tnax, mil-uaa t2vau4ncb, Kick Ileod-cacr-. uamlcat or t r-M UlcLtaiaiaat kill tniat t'l:c and Hllllaua rvrra,Uiry ahotild I e iiKl; -jonp"ly tiUten for eai-ii ca, to rorrnct tlio (liti-iMrd anuu er reuivvu Uie obatiu.-ktoua wliirh ca'iv il. am- ir.Tfntry It'iari Itorit, but on u-il4 J-iv.i'ii Kaarliv reNiiu-rd. I it- '.hi-ai-Jtl.M., aviraiTrl. Pail t:"iJI tt tain ki-t. k"lt 1m ! lire, Jt.ick ul Loliia. l.'iar ahotild be eolitiiv MouJy tu..-u,aa ra.uued, In cbaiige Itie ditenird vim if ttit iteA. Willi ineu cUiii,-e Uioac cnaiMlninta rtin'iia!. Yur rM and ISralcnl S-irolllaia-, Ur,ult k'rr iu largfc and ft-'iuent dobel t! the cf ei-t ut a draalic ttnrge. tar H vvr"'iia, a large ilnac ahotild be lit vi u U pioULi.'-aa tLa ii-ji.-d efTect by tym pa'.liT. tin ftrr rift, fjits eoe or two THIa to l)ri:nti dirftliou and relieve the htoniAfh. ir) ncrnci'MiAl di alinmlatR tire nloniar.h an'l l:'iTr(-', lt-.r?"- the am, elite, and inviKm tcs the rateni. li!!" it ia ofln advanlarcoiiH where nil iirir,ll: '!i-m:ii;iur'lt eiiiata. Due who fr(.ia irl-rtdy well, oflt'ii fiii'Ia l!it a dnae or thpac iiU mikei hint ffl dflddly b?Uer, from thair rlrr.iii? and ienovtin; ou Uie (L-ycakive :1iiuii(, MtM'Anun ar TH: J. C. A TKHA CO., I'vactiecl CmUti, LOWELL, UAHH., V. B. A. VOti 8A.LE UT A14. I1KUUUIS10 SVEKTVaBIIE. E. B. FOOTE, M.D. 123 Lexlsstoa Arenue, ' Co, x. 2SA St., NEW YORK, fin Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OP CEE0NIC DISEASE, AND RECEIVES Letters from all parts oj tlie Civilised World 8Y HIS CRIG1H&L WAY ti tetotiEi a MsJical Practice BE 13 TKSATIKG Eumeroun Patier.ti in Europe, th West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and ia every State of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FRES OI" CHARCC. Ko mrranrtal maairtnea or ir leunona di-nfra naed. Eaa durlni; tha iiaat twenty ycara trratad succew f ally nurly or quit 40,000 oaaea. All (acta con aeotcd with aach caaa ara carefully rwconlud, arhetliar Ihoy bo eonmuntcatad by letter or la poraon, or ob.rvert by tha Doctor or hta aisoclata Fhytaciana. Tha latter are all aciontWc medical men. All Invall-la at a dlatanoa are rpqnlrail to anawar an cxtundatl lift ot plain quaationa, which will ba funiihej by mail free, or at tha office. A com plots avttein ot rogi'tcring preventa mistake ot oonfuaUin. Case boolu never ooniultat, except by tha phyatcians ot tba entibliahinent. For tree) coiiiultation aeud for bit of queatlona. A airty pugo painpblet oi eviilenuca ot aucceat sent fra alto. AWrut Dr. m. 13. FOOTE, Box 738, New York. AGENTS WANTED. Da. Fooic ia tha author ot " Uiuical Cou. mom BlKii," a book that reached a circulation ot over StO.OOO copiea; alao, ol "lnjim nous Tale," more rocaDtty publlahed, which baa Bold to the extent of 70,000 ooptea ; aUo, of "SciKMni IK Biobt," whkh ia now being publiahed in aeriaa. cx:.'temt8 Tacua of all, excepting the ftrnt-meiitloced wore (which la out of prist), will be aent free on application to either Dr. Foots, or the Uumy Eill ruiliil lit Comptiy, whuae offlii la 120 Kuet 38th Street. Agenta both men and women wanted to cell tha foregotug worka, to whom a liberal profit will be allowed. The beginnlnga of email fortunee have been made in selling Dr. FooTi'a popular worka. "Plain Hokb Tau" ia particularly adapted to adulta, and " Cciiaca nt 8i0Rt " la tout the thing for the young. Sand for contenta U.bloe and aec for yourselves. The former answers a multitude ot questions which laitlea and gentle men feel a delicacy about asking of their physician e. There la nothing in literature at alt like either of the foregoing worka. "Science in STOar" can only be had of agenta or of the Publisher. TLA IN HOUS TALK" la publl.hed In both tha Fugli.h and Herman Languages. Ouce more, . 'Ageuta Wantodi ADDHES3 A3 ABOVH. Ridgivtiy Insurance Agency. Representing CfinJt Assets of & a 5,007.744 49 FIRE DEPARTMENT CerDisn Am., New York 81,050,000,00 Niagara of New York l,:J19,0fi3,00 Amazon Cincinnati of 850:1)57 17 City Ins., Co, ol rrovidencc',196,S54 32 iilrti UirAKTAlliM' TrDvelcrs Lil'e & Accident t Hartford 2,OCO,000,00 Vorth American Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable ot New York 15,000,000,00 Insurutice effects iu anv of the above standard companies at the most reasona. terms, consistent; with pertect security to tno insured. J. O. W. li. VILE Y, Agent. Advertising: Chkap, Good, Systema tic. All persons who contemplate Uiukirifr eontrunlR with lif-wHiinr.ara for thn incertiou of advertisements, should send '2H cents to Geo P. Kowtll Co., 41 Park ltow, New York, for tbeir PAMPHLET liOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and Miiiua tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a termendous reduction Irom publishers rates. Gut the book. v no 48 tf JOIiVTTORK. We are now prepared y V to do all kinds of JOB WOBK Lnvelepts, Tags. Dill-heads, Letter beads, neutly and ehcaply exeouted. Otlise iu Thayer & IJagerty'g new building, Jdaiai street, lUUgway, Pa. s UBSJRlliE for tbo ELK COUNT ADVOCATE. THE ELK ADVOCATE. T1IU OLDEST PAPER IN TUI COUNTY, HAVING TIIE LAKOKST CIHCU ATION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN TIIE COUNTY &tvoU& UtlU Jttttrtst. tt tU SpU TEEliS:..$2.00 PES YEAR. ifjou wnt to sell anything, let tlie people kuow it tlirough the Advocate, the treat advertising medium. T RING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN TIIE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES Job Printing OOlcc, Thayei illaca'ty's Clock, RtJgway, Pa. The bfst work done, and at the very lowest prices. Hand bills printed at theshorest notice Call in and get onr prices for adyertis ing aud jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended to Abdrlss, HENRY A. PARSONS, JR Ridovat, Pa. NKW LilVliltY aTAUL.13 IN BiDGtrVAY. DAN SCR1RNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittzetm of Ilidgway, and tha publio griLerally, thut he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES liujgiei). to let upon the most reanona ble tcrmB. TPiM Till alio do job lenning. Stable on Proad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Cilice will meet prompt attention An 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A Urge eiglit pago independent, honest and fearlass new?pnperrjf'&0 broad columns, especially designed for the farmer, the me, cbanic, the merchant and the Professional mtin, and their wives and children. We aim to make the Sun the best family newspaper in the world. It is full of entertaining and instructive reading of every sort, but prints nothing to offend tha most scrupulous and delicate taste. Price $1,20 per year, postage prepaid. Tho cheiipest paper published. Try it1 Address Thk Si n, New York City. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. I). Wctmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno1 P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V Honk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff D. 6,'cull. Prothinotary 4'C-, Fred. Scboening. Treasurer Joseph YVindfelder. County Superintendent Kufus Lucoro. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Wcis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. liundy, County Surveyor Geo Wilnisley. Jury Commissi mors. Phillip iCreighlo Ransom T. Kyler. FOR SALE BY E.K. GllESH, Masonio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VA1T VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATENT SPRING RED REST tempered steel spring Vf ire, these springs cau be laid ou the slats of any common bod and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES ! Also ugeut lor Weed. Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BUST MACHINE in tho market. Cnll and cxiunine before purchasing elsewhere. vinlOHI, p' YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMES II- HAGERTY Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. - JAMES II. HAGERTY. ITIXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testa 'jmentary of the last will aud testament ot l'Uillip Meyer late of Benzinger township Elk County Pa., deceased, having beea granted to John Glcichsner, of said town, ship, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to niyke payment, and those hav :ug claims or demands will make knwa the same to the undersigned without de lay. JOHN GLEICHSNER, Executor Bentinger, Feb. 25, 187o nlt6. Hi "jaVJ OTICE is hereby given that the Cora niissioners of Elk County will hold a court of appeals at their office in Ridgway, on tlie 9TU and 10TH DAYS OF MARCH, A. D. 1875, for the purpose of hearing and determining appeals from the assessments, and reviewing the military enrollment of 1875, at which time and place all persons feeling themselves aggrieved by said assess ment can attend if they see proper. By order of the Board. C. H. M'CATJLEY, Comui'rs, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, February 15, 1875. fbl8-8t A DM INISTR ATORS' NOTICE. il Estate ot John E. Turley, late of Jay towuship, Elk County, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate paynieut, and those baring legal claims against the same will present them without delay in proper order for settle ment to A. W. GRAY, 1 . . , JULIUS JONES, AdmrSi Renezette, Feb 25th, 1875-nltl rpO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL L VAN I A. Your attention ia specially iuvited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial Board of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and the expenses conuected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri otio commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 187(5. Subscribers who are not neat a Nation Bank can remit a check or "post office order to the undersi gned, FitKD'K FRALEY, Treasurer, 804 Walnut St., Pailadalphla