lh rilURSDAV, FEBRUARY 13, 5875. MACS CEU2C2. rev. wm. .us. millivi. nctr. PervicM every Sunday at 11a. m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School ut l'J a. m. All are cordially invited to attend. Seats l'rrf. Ilidgtvay Insurance 3giHtj). Rrprrf.-nfintj Ciiki Asrtx of FIKE DEPARTMENT Ocrniao Am.. New York gl.GoO.OOO.OO Niagara of New York l.JJ10,!IC1.00 Amazon Cincinnati of 8")0.!.7 17 City Ins , Co. ot Providence 1 1)15,8 34 32 I.I F 12 DKPARTMEN f Travelers Life & Accident. Ilnrtlord S.OCO.OOO.OO forth American Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable oi New York 15,000,000,00 Insurauoe effects in tiny of the above standard companies at the most reasona. terms, consistent with perfect security I to tho insured surrd. J. O W.BULEY, Apenr. Cur Time at Mdgtvay. 4: to 1': M. 2: SO P. M. 8: 'JO A. M. '0:44 1'. M. 4;.-(0 P. M B: J0 A. M. Local curry do West Through Local, Fail do do West Local East do West. The Mail and Tlirougli mssengrs, the lo;nl does tot Sates o Advertising. One column, one vrrir v"-J 00 f. .. .r 40 0O i .. 25 OO 13 0) Transient advertisements per pitiarc of eight lines, one insertion !?1. two inser tions, SIi60, tlireo insertions !?2. lousiness cards, teu liues or less, per year $5. Advertisements po.yaWe quarterly. Alex. Mahood, nged about seventy years, died in Spring Creek township on the 0th inst. Snow fell here last Tuesday to the. tbpth of twelve or fourteen inches; be ing the heaviest fill of snow (hid t'c..ion. In Msisachasetls hifC week the fir::f train was fuu thrc.nph the Uoosic Tu.;- n o 1 . f.ast Frilav. Yeb. l'l'.h, v.:io the Cm ill iiiriivr.?ary of too biiti oi' Abraham tr.enln. The Nebraska Ilcicf Society aw now ported to ba feeding au2 ol'vthinj; 13,- ') men, women auel cm.dicu in tue rasshopper districts. Via neh'c'cl to mention tint nearly enough has been sub-c.ibel. v.nec the Methodist church dedicating to pay oil (he debt on the Luthcrn church. J. S. lit J3 sub-eiibeu between lour and five, liyndrcd do!i:;r.i. Why will other places entl their paupers to Kidway for support. We saw a man here the other day, beru'uij: for money, md the person tiut ei-nt him. generously (?) pave him a roccr.ieri lim. Lot each place take care ( its own piKr. 'One who bus trijel it" fciiirnunicates the following swonublo item about cur ing sore "thrj its. Lcf c.ich of your read er buy at, any dr:i sioro one ounce o! Vcomphorited oil and five cents worth ot (hlorida of potash. Whenever snj 60reness appears iu the throat, put the tootash in half a tumbler of water and "garg'o the throat thoroughly, 'hen rub the neck thoroughly with the camphors' ted oil at night before going to bed, aud also pin around the throat a small strip of Woolen Uaonel. This is a simple, cheap and sure rcuredy. Last Week's Democrat says Company IT a party was a financial failure through bael management of the committee, and that the company lost money. In reply we will say that the Company did not lose a dollar in the operation, and that the committee paid 100 cents on the dollar. Auother thing, not mora than five or six of the tickets sold were taken by the men in town who aro considered able to help the organization, and tho remainder were taken by the boys and young men who are working for low Lwajres, and some that promised to take r 7 . v ... tickets neglected to come torwara witn tho required amount of cash. Lecture ou Tuesday evening ICth of Feb. before the Teachers Institute at llidgway by Prof. Geo. R. Dison sub ject: "FORCE VERSUS FRICTION It was our pleasure, last evening, to listeu to a Tery interesting and foroible lecture delivered by Prof. Geo. 11 Dixon before a crowded house. We have not timo to givo even a brief synopsis of the lecture. Hut Fpeakiog ia a comparative sense; in the terse aud eloquent language with which the Prof, analytically discussed Lis theme. This lecture ranks among the best of . the many tloqucot aud interesting ' lectures to which we have listened during the annual lustitute sessions al the academy hall for three years past. Ithpugh an hour and twenty minuets ere. consumed in the delivery of the eture, .yet; excepting the noisy de monstrations of a thougless boy, who was kindly si'.enced by Superintendent liUCore; from every part of that packed audience there was pcrfeo attention. At ose the audience unanimousiey ly applauded the speakor. U. II. BrmrswA mbwm immMmw wiwwjr'i TOWNSHIP" ELECTIONS. kihuway. Number of rotes cast lor each oanelt dute hi the ltidw.iy distiint, at tho oteo'ion btld on Tuesdaj Feb. lGth 175. ('unstable 1'. MaloBO S4 Wallace Morgsster 87 I'etcr Kcunedy 1 Jimtice of the 1'cacc ChaiM.:ad 120 G. l.. Messenger 1 O. O Messenger 1 Siipcrvltor O. 11. Fitch 121 I). D. Cook 20 W. II. Osterhout U7 'School Directors J. Wuodwatd 53 J. II. llagerty 4'.) W. S. Hawbiiu 51 J. Powell (51 W. S. Scrvico iVd E. J. Miller (W II. M. Towers 17 S. A. OUsteal 1 J. Gardner 4 Judge of Elect inn S. A." Olmsteal 43 II. S. Thayer 78 C. V. Gilhs 1 hij:tctor 1'. A. Mend 4(5 A. Cummiugs 77 TVeiwircr 11. V. Kime 5.". W. U. Hyde 70 Au.Jitor Geo. A. llubbuu 41 James Peuiield 71) Chili C. I. McCauloy 43 Will Dickinson 74 Awzsor H. A- Parsons, Jr. fit C. V. Giiiis 52 C. Mead 1 ST. MARY 3 BOKO. Chief IJurges, Geo. Wcidcnbocrner. Justice oft lie Peiice. Charles Wuis. Town Council. John Kindle, Wiu. Gcis, John Foster. School Directors. xiouis lloyer, Leonard Wittman, Geo. Ed. Wcis. Ovcisccm of the Poor. Alois Sehiitiers, Geo. W'eigi'j, Jr. Judge of Elcctinu. Jacob Tresch. Inspectors of Election. L. M. Gif ford, P. A. Wiihelm. Assessor. Frank Wrgemer. Auditor. Geo. Walmsiey. Uoro. Cointiiblc, and lligh Consta ble. Albert Weis. JUNES XO .VNSHl r. Tollable. iio'o.:it Maueit Supervisor.. Laic Keclcr March, Mi'j!iac-1 'i iiirr In the ciso t.l ivccfer and Peter r.iiiicr, tr.cro is it tii'. it is ctiiimed that (lie election board threw nut a vote for Mil ler, winch !-!v.iuid have bucu cjuu'.cd. A content will l.o had. iSeiii.il Directors. J. L. Urown Jo'iti Dennett. Town (.'Ink. "T L McKcaa. Tre.isuivr. Di'iigamio Ucvior. Collector. Judge of I ing f nspectors Wciricrt., U. Audi to'. As.-esr.-r. i ioi. Cook. ;.'Cti-.:i. .1 II IloUillllai! uf E'ectio.i. A W'esiMir. A T Aldrich .Michael Milicr. rox Towxsnir. (joo. W Tavl.ir. Job i: Constable. Supervisors A IJ'iudy Treamrr. Henry Lnrgay, Clin?..n John Taylor. Clerk J J. Tayl School Diieciors. Johu Collins, Dr. II fctraessley. Inspectors Samuel Drown, Tbomas Sullivan Auditor John ilershey Assessor U W Roge.r Judge of Election Jacob McCuuley i:i:nzinckh tow-nsmu' Supervisors. Adam Jeobetgor, John Gleixner Assessor Nicholas Dowald Audj lor John Lreiodld Just ice of the Peace Martin Sorg Judge of Election Charles Hitter Inspectors ol Election li Wesuitzcr Phillip Young School Directors Adam C Kopp George Sclle Treasurer Joseph Gerha Constablo Michael Glatt Town Cleik Wm Gross inn h land Justice of the Peac Emmctt HoTeucamp Suparvifors O.boru Coolcy Thomas Campbell Jr. Judge of Election Wm. Sttubbs Inspectors Wm. James, Thomas Campbell Jr. Auditor Dwight James Assessor Edward Lair School Directors W-j Jamca Levi Elethrope Treasurer Levi Elethrope Cunstable George Coohy Treasurer Tie betw;en Wm Clyde and Myron Kauglit Supervisors Adam Zimmerman, Eli Ishman School Directors Jerry D Donaly Myion Rang lit Judge of F!e3tion fl C Moore Inspectors Mike Shifer, Geo Croft Constable James S Champion Overseers of the Poor Godfrey Par rot, Wm Kelly Clerk C P M'Closk?y. and C II Iloflman each rceeived seventeen votes Assessor II J Clyde Auditor II Cats Hartford, Feb. 12. Eirly ting morn ing a fire started iu the basement ot W. M. Miller's fancy dry goods store, in Main street and owing to tho frozen hydrants and short supply of water, spread southward into Starr's building, occupied by Ives, Ingrahiu cD Co., dry goods, M. A' is, tailor several dress makers establishment aud five families. Theso Luildiugi were totally destroyed, W. M. Miller loses $25,000; insurance $17,500. 11. liallcnstciu, millinery goods, in the same building, loses $20, U00; insurance S1G.000. Allied E. Ely, owner of the buildiug, losses $25,000; insurance, 820,000. The loss on P. B. Starr's building is $40,000, and tho in surance $11,000. Ives Myraham & Co. lose ab6ut $100,000 on stock, which is insured for $85,000. iiimiNiss Failures Last Ykar. It appears from the annual circular ol the Mercantile Agency at New York that the failures in thirty-seven States cluriug the year 1874 numbered 5,830, tho amount of liabilities being $155,. 230,000. In 1873 there were a less number of failures (5183) but the amount of liabilities was 822S;40D,000, In 1872 thetc were 4,000 failures, th liabilities being $121,050,000, and in 1871, 2,915 failures, and the liabilities $85,253,000. In Connecticut, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvanin.&c ,tho failures were more than iu 1873, and less iu Alabama, Missouri, North Carolina, and other Southern States, 'jhe causes, uo doubt, being purely local. Auother noticeablo feature is that, while the number of failures are more than in 1S73, there is a diminution in the amount of liabili ties. There are two causes for this, namely, the panic, which involved an unusual number rf lirgi houses, and duriug 1S74 the volume of besincss was greatly diminished. Tho largest number ol failures ws in New York City, 645; in the State of Pennsylvania there were 044. The least numbir was in Vermont, 3(3. The liabilities in New York City were $32,580,000, aud in Pennsylvania $31,774,000. The effect ol tno lrea haiikiug clause of tho new law has been thus fur, says the Philadelphia Ltdgcr, just what it was predicted it would bo, namely, to inereaso tho bank capital and circulation of Eastern States. Ic n-ipears that from Maine applications have been made for charters for two new hanks with a capi tal of $! 50,000, mid for an inctea.se of 8300,000 capital for old banks. Old bauksin Vermont petitiou for 5150,000 morn capita! Tsio new nuks asked fir in Missau'iu s ts with capi tal of $200,000 iu tl:e aggregate; old banks a.-k for 150.000 nioro capital, and other eld bauks ask for $1,000,000 more circulation on capital already paid in. The new banks in Connecticut ask for $200,000 capi.a!; the applications for lucrcsfo of cai.ite.l from the same Stato amount to f:55,000, and old bauks ask for c'300,000 increase of cir culation on capital already paid in Here is an agsregto ineroas:! of $3,105,- 000 for Nw England out of a total lor the whole country of 5,731,000 more than one hall'. Li the Western aud Southern S at. s the uggrrgato ap plications are hut $550,000, aud during the same time the ba;i!s of tho four Statis of Indiana, Illinois, Vi.-con.-;n and Missouri have surrendered $702, !HJ0 of their eiitula'iou. Thus tlm en tire increase ol ccculation goes to the Siiites where shoe; has boon tlio execs so loudly complained oi by Western politicians o! tho o:t nroicv fctiit NUt.US AilMAlL'S. TI.osi v.l expected anyihing in the ray tf decent I. gUiatiou from Hie home of represen'aiiv.. s at ilanisLurg, are cooiutid i oi-ar j.'oioniieut. il was iu session ihr-e weeks before its committees wens appointe I, mid it i now iu the li: h week ut the ('i-siim without having j.ci looted a bill oi' its own. A f'-:w d4ye ago a Pi publican member intn:u?ed a cjucui reut resolu tion lor a ii.Rt a ijounniiCMt. on March i Sib. 1c took itiu Democrats by sur prise, and their icdignation wa3 almost unrestrained. They were compelled, however, to assume a Tiriurc which (hey did not liavp, and vote ir the resolu tion. Taero were sonic courageous enough to declare ihc-y did not want a final adjournment at that time, and in the senate tho matter nut with quite a respectable as regards number-. Democraiie oppo.s:tiou. Unless that resolution is lecon.sideif d. and it is very doubtful indeed il the senate, will con sent to a lecotuid jraiiou, thers remains but little more than livo weeks of the sessiou. Il the remaining five weeks ere used in the sam? manner that tho last have been, the house of representatives will adjourn with a record of two fights and one United ."states senatoi the politics of the Utter, according to many Democratic papers, heirg couriered doubtful. They have, tome how, got the idea that he is a Democrat uuder Republican "lDiluerco. Tho trouble with the majority iu tho house of reprcseiiiatWcs is t;,cro are uo leaders. It is ;.'n unorganized, rash and inexperienced iot The inly time when the members have been held under any thing like discipline was at the time of the senatorial comc-t, and the lash ihcn was wielded by those not belonging to tho house;. It was chiefly to the clean cut diplomacy and wily tactics of Wal lace that the hat uioi. ions settlement ol the senatorial fi.'ht was duo, Dut Wal lace cannot give bis attention to the house now, and there does not, ap . pear to be; any one capable of aftuming lh leadership. There is either not enough ability or there is too much. There are go many inexperienced Democratic iminbeis who know so much that they resolutely de clined to be led by any one, nnd tho ma jority is, therefore, one brilliant mass of leaders, whose fell-eswem aud undis guised anxiety to placo themselves iu a conspicuous position before their con stituents, is rendering them worthless to the State, and disastrously impeding legislation. They started out by the election of an ill-tempered, inexperien ced speaker by making an indicted ballot-box stufl'er eergeant-at-arms, and banding the various t-flieea of the bouse around to about tho worst lot ofiguoraut incompetents that could be seleeted from among the multitudinous army that presented itself It was a beginning that promised nothing, and that is all that may reasona bly be expected ot it. It is armed with trifles. Willianmpoit Guzettt, and Bulletin. tmxmr.r.!9 nr.g j','wm J iniuum.ttlaTCTn The Wellsville liiporkr eays: Mrg. Eleanor M. Joues, of Stannard'e corners, a mile and a half above our village, was apprehended lor passing counterfeit money at Cuba, in November last. She had her trial at Albany, and was acquitted. The jury brought ia a ver dict of not guilty. The Albany Journal saye, "Although this result was partly expected the crowd manifested their ap proval by long continued applause which tho court in vain tried to ckeck. Tho prisoner was 10 overcoino with emotion at the terminatien that tears came into her eyes and rising be bowed her thanks to the ju.-y. The oourt then announced that the was discharged, and with her husband aid child she kit the room." Fatal Accidint The Lewistown Democrat ssys: Jesse R. Cofrode, of Dauphin, Pa., one ot the bridge-builders engaged in the erection of the ew railroad hi id je at this place, was killed by an acoideift on Saturday morning last. He was below upon the ice, whilst other hands were engaged upon the trestle, aud by some mishap a lateral brace, five by six inchei thick and about tweuty feet in leugth, fell from the lop; aud although the workmen above called to him to "look out" tho eall was too late, tho middle of the stick of timber struck bim upou the head, fracturing the bono, and at the same lime the stick was brokeu in twain The unfortunate man was picked up uucouscious, in which state he rcmaiacd until night, when death eutued, He was a single man, aged about 28 years. Salt Lake, Febuary 13 I he Mor mon High Couucil yesterday excom muuicated C. G. Webb and wife, the parents of Ann Flliza Y'ouug, lr apos tacy from the Church of Latter Day habits. BUSINESS CAEDS. O. A. IIATIIBIW, Atloriu-y-at-law, Kidgway, Pa. 2 2 tf. RLTUS LUC ORE, Alloruey-at-Law Eidgnay, Elk Co., Pa. Oflieo iu Hall's new Drick Uuiliiinir. Claims l'o: collection promptly attended to. voiil ly. II ALL if AT CAUL U 1 Alturncys-al-Liw. Office iu New Lriek Buildiug, Main St Ridcwny, Elk Co., l'u. v:jn'Jif. J, O. 15. BAlLLi; A T I O Fi N K Y - A X L A IT . vlnoyl. Kidgway, Elk County, Ta. Agent for tho Traveler's l.ifo and Aeoi dent insurauoe Co., of ilarllord, Conn. JAMES 1. FULLER TOX, Surgeon Dentist, having peramncnlly lo caied in Rigway, oilers his professional ser vices to the cmens uf Kulgway nuu snr. rounding country. All work wiirr.iined Ollicc in .Service & Wheeler's liiiilduig, up stairs, first doui- to the left. 7-n-;il!-ly CHARLES JJoL'es, Watchuiaker, l.ngriiver and Jeweler, Main sireet, liidgnny, Pa. Agent lor tl" ilowo fc'ew ing Maehiiie, and Morton GohJ l'eu. Repuiriug Waleiies, etc, Uocb with lui s-iime aceuraey as iierotuforo. Saii aetio.i jjuarauiced. vinly a. a. jiessesglr, Druggist nnd Paracculisi, N. W. cornet of Maui and Mill streets, liidgway, Pa. full assoilineut of eurelu'ly seleeted For ein and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at ail houis, day or night.. vluUy T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., l'hysiuian una Surgeon. Otliee iu Drug Store, corner Droad and Main Sis, Residence corner Dioad St. oppoe-ile tho College. Ollice hours froiu o lo 10 A. M. uud iroiu 7 lo S P. M. vluUjl. J. S. BUR DWELL, Ai. D., Feleclio Physician and Surgeon, hasreiuov ed.lns otiice iroui Centre siieet, lo Main si. itidjrway, Pa in the second tiory of the new brick bunding of Juhn U. Hail, oppo sito Hyde's elut'e, yfiieo hours: b to 0 a- itv: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 jan 'J 7o HIDE HOUSE, Riduwjy, Fi.kCo., Pa V.7. II. SCHKAM, Proprietor. Thankful fur the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the uev proprietor, hopes, ty paying s::iet a..- leuliou to the eoml'ort and convenience oi guests, to uieru a continuance oi liie fame. Oct 30 18(i'J. BUCK TAIL DOUSE, Kanb, McKeau Co., Pa. It. E. LCOKFR, Proerietor. ThuuUtul for the patronage bcretofoie so liberally bestowed upon linn, the new pro prieior, hopes, by paying strict, attention lo the comfort aud vouveuience of guesis. to merit a continuance of the same, lbs only stables lor horses iu Kane and well kepi night or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. YlbJoyl, KERSEY DOUSE, CisTKEviLLK, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretotort so liberilly bestowed upou Inui, the now proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at leuliou to the comfort ard couvenienct of guests. t merit a continuance of the same. 1'. II'. 11 AYS, DUALBa 1M Ery Goods, IToticns, Crcceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. liar ley 1. . vln47tf. POWELL & KIME. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that the world moves, and that the demands ef the public ara con stantly iacrcasint, tbe proprietors of tho (Brand (Sfntipl J5toi;e have just re turned from the eastern and western cities with the most perfect k::d complete stock of MERCHANDISE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, auJ they have absolutely 1U10KEN THE PACK RONE of high prices. They buy lor cash and SELL FOR CASH I CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Rilgway, May 1st, 1873. Ahvebi:i tic A :sixu: Cnr.AP. Uoon, oystema- A 11 persons who contemplate Linking contracts with newspapers tor I he insertion of advertisements, thoulu scud l!o cents to ileo 1. Itowell A- to., 41 Park Kow, Kew York, for their PAMPHLET BOOK nincty-seveutU edition,) containing lists ol over JOW newspape-rs and estinia tes, Ehowiug the cost Advertisements taken for leading papers in many Stales at a termendous redaction from publishers rates. Get tub book. v no 46 tf 'pO THE CITIZENS OK l'ESXSYL 1 VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that tho National lianks are now pvcparjd to receive subscriptions 10 the Capital Slock ot the Ciuteiiui.il Foard of Finance. Tho funds realized from this source are to be employed iu the ereo tion of the buildings for the International Exhibition, aud the expenses connected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone Slate will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to putri olio commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $10 each, aud sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at tbe rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid ou all puyiuents of Ctu tennial Slock from date of payment to January 1, loib. Subscribers who are not neai a Nation Bank can remit a check or post oilice order to tbe undersigned. FRED'K FRALEY, Treasurer, W)l Walnut St., Philadelphia QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. ttANKF.P.S AND MtOKKIld, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, Fclruiry ICth, 1875. mi). Aaur.ii U. S. 1R81. o l'.i i!0 do 6 '20, O VJ, M and i liij do do 'lit do 1 7 A do de '0.3 do lit. do do J an 1 J isj do do 'Ii7 do l'.'i do do '08 do I'.lJ do 10-40, coupon... 17 do Pnoifio 's cy Int. off 1'." New 6 s lleg. 1SS1 15 do t. lHl lfj Gold 15 Silver 107 lull Pennsylvania 0o 65 J Rending t7 67 Philadelphia & F.rie 20 20 Lehigh Navigation Div. o!T. 51 j 01ij do Valley CI C:i United R H of N J lix. Div 131 liW Oil Creek 11 11 Nortlieru Ccnirul 8:ii 84 Central Traasportation A'-'l 41 Ncsiiiehoiiing 5H A L A Mori gage li's 'S3 1010-' NEW L.IV13IIY STABLE IN tlii mm km P -2 12 DAN SCIUP.NEil WISHES TO IN form tbe Cittzcns of Kidgway, aud the public gonerally, that ho lias ttarl ed a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Basics, to let upon the mot reasona. ble terms gIl8 will nleo do job lean ing. Stable on lirond slrcet, above Main. All orders left al tlio Post Oiiiee will meet prompt nttention Au.' 20 170. tf. f m n 123 LciisElGH ATtiiiis, 1 Cot.E. SSiASt., KEY YORK, Ho Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OI" CHEOKI0 DISSASS, AKD :VECEIYE3 Letters from rill ixiris cj the Cii'lUscd World. EY H!3 CKiEi.fAl WAT C? CoaMni a Meal Frasiico JI3 13 TI.EA.TINO Humorous Patients ia Europe, tho Yest Indies, the Ba-iuiiicn of Canada, and in cvaxy Statd of the Union. ADVICE CiVEH EY FRdS OF CHAfSCE. No mercurial mertfchios or tVl.-t.'i Ic-u flrnan ted. lint daring the imt tucii:y jrurs tmiie.i si:cccf!1 fnlly nearly or quite 4n.iio cs. A.l f.xin con uecfed with ciu-h citj arc ctravilty r'cnral, VrUctiiur thi'y bo cinmnuii-au'd hy letjr or in pmon, or oborveil by ttie D.n'tur oi- hi fts-ocinto phy.iciiLii. The laucr &ro all ecit-ntiuo uiMical int.a. All inTall.ts at a cIMance an rcqi!ri!'l to nnjwer an ext.Dde.l Wat ot plain qno.ii.m, which will be furui.hei by inBil free, or at the ..fil-.-e. A coin pk't system of rci?iterii:ff proveno m-sinko or confusion. Case bo".ks nt'vpr i-onnlt..'!, exef pt by the physician of th eHtab!i-.hmrnt, Yuv frt-o cmsaltation tRn.l for lit f iuxti.ns. A ixty-pt'e painplik-t ot cw.iencea of eucccej 9ent fice al&o. . JLurta 13 r. 33. XJ. FOOTE, Uox 7S8, New Yorid AGIFiTG WANTED. Dr. 1'ootk U the author of "Medical Cou- MOS Sknsk." a book tl-at rca'lutl a circulntion of over S(50,0M copica; a!ot f li.AiN Kom Talk," mwe recently piibli.-htrd, which has koUI to the extent of ".0,0110 copies; aUo, uf "SriENCJS VH Biokt," which ih nuvv being published in verieA. CONTCNT8 TAHLV.i of all, excepting the ft rtt-mentioned work (which U out of print), will bo sent free on Application to either Dr. Fuortt, cr tho kurny Hill FutHsh lag C:Epioy, whose office is East sMh Street. Anoiitu both men on ft women wanted to sell the foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will be ttUowud. 'J. he beginnings of mail fortunes have been made in selling Dr. Footc's iiopulur works. Plaih IIomr Talk" ia particularly adapted to adult, and M Bciemck in Bronx" it Just the thing for the young. Bond for contents table and see for yourselves. The former answers a multitude of questions which ladies and gentle men feel a delicacy about asking of their physicians. There ta nothing In literature at all li'io either of the foregoing works. "Science im STOBT, can only be hid of agents or of the rubhshora. 'PLAIN HOMK TALK' Is published In both tl9 Voillish aud German Langunccs. Once more. ADDRESS A3 ABOV& LLLCUKN V VALLEY HAIL UOAU LOW-GKAbE UtViSlONT. On oiid nfler MONDAY, NOV. 2, s;i. hr.iiiK Lfinceu Itedlmuk and Urii'uvooJ will inn as follow.-; wttinaiD. KXIMIKHS and .MAIL will leave Prift- tfood daily at IJirJl) p ni , lieynoldsvilie at (J n ui, Urookville at 4:.)i ui, nrriving at ltedbauk at l::12 i in, coiuiec I ing with Lxprosf on Main Line for Pittsburgh. .M1M.U UA1 leaves i;ejnoid.,v. lie dailv at U: -10 a in, HiooltviMe ut c:lU a ui, arriv ing at ltedbauk ut 1 1 in. connecting with trams noi lli nnu touili ou .iain Liue. msTw.Miu. KXPltU.SS and MAIL leaves KedbauU daily ul 1J:'0 a in. arrives at liroohvilie i.t i p m. ItevnOidsYiilis at ililitJ u ui. lirili- wood at : 1 tj p in, couueetiiii' wiih trains euht and vest ou I' and E ltnili oud. M1X1CD WAV leaves New lieihlc'm daily at o;U0 t m, arrivei at UrooKville at Sj-.u'i p in, lleynoldsvillc at p m. MAIN LINK On and after Mo.NDAY, NOV 2:!, 1871, trains on the Allegheny Valley Kaiiroad wiil nui as follows: liL'I'r'ALO UXPRKSS will leave I'itis- ft r rn burgh daily at ":-!" a in, ledbuuk Junction at lU:17 a ui, and arrive at On City at-:Jel p m. NIGHT EXPRESS will leave Oil city at '.I;0j p ui.Uedhnnk Jui.etiou hi 2. bo a m, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 7: He) a m. Tl'ltSVlLLt; EXl'ULSS leaves l'itls burgh at 8:1)0 p m, 1'cubauk Junction at 6:20 pin, and arrives al Oil City at 1U:L'0 p in. Returning, leaves Oil City ul tSiiiU a ur, Piedbauk Junction at 12:11 am, and ur ines al Pittsburgh at 'AAj p ui. J. J. LAWKLXCK, General bupenntcndeu'. Wh. M. Phillips, Am i aiupt., BrooliTille, Ta. KAILI10AD3 PENNSYLVANIA KAIL IU)AD( riiiladclpliia & Erio It. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MO.N DAY, NOV, 1, 1874, the trains on the Philadelphia Si Eria Kaiiroad wiil run as follows: WKSTWAnil. LiUE .MAIL leaves Pliiladelphin 11.55 p m ' " llenovo 11.10 a iu " " " Einporiuu 1.10 p m " St. Mary'e 2.0) i m llidgwuy 2..M p m " arrive id l.rii- ti.Uu u oi EAST IV A liJ-'. ERIE MAIL leaven Kris 11.20 a m " " Eidgnay 4.43 p m " " " St. .Mary's 6.10 p m " " " Emporium ei.O-j p m ' " " llenovo 8.2-3 p m " " arr. at Philadephia... 0.60 am Mail Enst connects east and west at Erie with L M S 11 W. Mail West with east and west trains no L S S )1 S II W VvM. A. BALDWIN. Uen'l tSup't. Winter Arraogcuieut. BUFFALO, NEW iORK & PllIL'A. R. R. TUK S1IOUTKST AND MOST DIBIICT ROUTB To V illio uisport, Sunbury, llarrisburg i'bilailelpliiii, lialtiuiuie, Wash ington and the South. On anJ after XOVEM BEil 10, 1S74, and uutil i'ui ;liur mil ice, I rams will leave Uulfalo New York & l'hiladelpliia Railway Depot, corner Exchange and Louisiana streets (Buffalo time): as fallows: 7 40 A. M. ACCOMMODATION (daily except Sundays), stopping nl Ebeuezcr 8 01. tpringljiooie 8 11, Lima 8 20, Jamison 2o, Aurora H ol, Wales 8 41, Uolbud 8 60; i'roiectioii II 06, Arcade W 20, Yorkshira 'J 27, .VocliKH D ui, ir'iMiikliii Vilio 'J 66, IsLiua. 10 13, Hinsdale 10 ol, Erie Kni'.way Junction 10 -16, Oleaa 10 4!l, Westona 10 6ti. l ortville 1106, Stale Line 11 12, Eldred 112", Laiabees 11 ol, Sa.lwell 11 4D, iuille l'oiul 1 1 46, Pore Allegany 1168, Liberty 12 17, P- M., Keating 12 20, SUip peu 12 -i;J. Eiuporiiim 1 00, P. il. Stages are udorii.-.ed lo connect with this iraiii at Eiiiin lor Marilla; nl Arcade for Yorkshire; at Franliliuviile fijr llush i'ord and Centreville; at Pertville for Ceres, 1'iichburg, Lillle Genesee, lioliver, Mill port aud Sharon Ceuiic. at Larabees for SiiielLpoil; at Port Allegany for Coudera perl; ut Ken'.mg, i'uesday s and Fridays for Whi.rtou, East hariou mid E.isi Homer. b o'J A. il. MIXED 'IRAIN QO OLEAN (dniiy except Ciuudajs). stopping at Ebon c.er U o6, bpuuglirouk 10 07, Elina 10 28, Jauion 10 -4-!, Aurora 11 06, Wales 11 o2, llnliamt 11 66, I roicctiou 12 10 P. M , Ar e.ule 12 48, Verksliiie 1 U6, Machias 1 20, t'liinkiiiiviile 2 06, UcIiua. 26 0, iiin.-n.lalo i 2:1, Eiie llailway Junciou 4 OJ P. M, Miigci ere uuvcili!-ed lo coiiuect with ibis train at A.'cudc lor Yuri. time tii. i liuhli id; t.l l'iimlJinvilie for l.n.-'lilei'it. 'J U'l P. M. WAMlINGiuX EXPRESS, (ihiiij ), stopping ,il Eljunezer i 22, Spring, ij.oiik :! :ilt Ein.a 3 !J0, Jaiuisou li 10, Auro r:. S 4!i. U ka ii ZS, iiolland 4 06, l'roiec liou 4 i6, Arcane 4 20, ork : ).-. io 4 110, Miu iiiai 4 46, i rankli-.illo 6 00, ie'chuu 0 1", Uiii.-dnle 6110, Er.e Railway unetiuii 6 4 , O:. au0(i6 (!-'iii.pci j, Wcs lolis 0 16, l'o;l:ile 0 22, Siute Line 0 :!0, Eldred (i 42, Laiabeea 0 6o, S.-irlwell 0 6S, i Hi t lo Point 7 12, Port Allegany 7 14, lLiit.ng 7 42, i.u.poriuni 8 16, l-'cnovo In 40, Willi,::,.). j. on 1 IO A. M., SiiiiLury i 6il, i;:irri;bing 4 20, i-ew York 11 A. M., Piiiin-Jclpliia 8 Oj, Eniiiiuorc 7 46, Wnsiiing ;ou ejT A. M. invs ale advertised lo connect with 1 1 . : s naiii al Eitou lor .Manila; ut East Au n i a, en Tuesdays, Xhursduys and Salur. Ui.),-.. f ir Java il'i.ge, Si ry iiorville, Wales and V. :.k-s kolio'.v; at Aruade for Spring Mile, c and.iiikay and Vorhsliire. 1 u:i:i in Palace Sleeping Cars on this train lit.'.i! lluilalo to Ei.iiimorc and Wash n.gun w i E.ii.1. el.aiivo Pliiludetphia pas teiif-eit traiisi'i r at ilari -Lu rga. New ork I .gtis :.t ilai risliui g. On Sunday lins tr.tiii docs i, ut run ea-i, of Oiciiu. TEAIN";! EliAVH EMPORIUM. :. A. M., ELI ; aI.O EXPRESS (dally) SMppil,;: Li i.e. iv ui Siiipen 2 1;0, kealing il 16, 25, Toil Allegany :j 62, iurile l'i i.." 110, fan well 4 10, l.araliei-.s 4 22, Eldred -! :i-. Siaie J.:i-j 4 62, Poriville 6 Oli, WtHoiis 6 lit. Okau (i tut, Erie Railway lui.e-tinii 0 06, EiiiMfiiio 0 20, kchiia (j 06, Franklinvil.e 0 61, .iaelnas 7 10, Yorkshue 7 !- Arende 7 21, Protection 7 4, Holland 7 4; NSales 7 6.1, aurora 8 10. Jamison S Hi, I'.lr.m 8 20. Spi iugbrook 8 20, l ben eier 8 HO, Putlnloli e)-l A. M. This train makes ebrcut conr.eel ions for Niagara Palis, i.ud ull Jiuiui a in Canada and liie Vic st. Singos n-.o ndverlised lo conne.t with this iniiu ill Area le froui Spriugvuie, 1 an- uusay aim uiKsuire; at l.asl Aurora, on Tile-days, TIiiumIiivs and Saturdays from Java, StiyUeihviiie, Wales aud WuieJ Hol low; at Eliua li : in Marilla. im Mondays ihisiruiu dcs notj-uu a;-t of Oleau. n CO A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER A-D Ei.ElCHT (dally except SnnJiiyR.) Mopp ing at Miippeu 0 40. Kentiug 7 36, Liberty 7 40, Port Allegany 8 -10, Turtle Poii.t 'J lo, Sai twt'i 0 26. Liirabecs 1)40, Eidied 10 00, Male Lino 10 3:1, Poriville 1106, We.ti iis 11 20. Olean :i oR, Erie Railway way Jtiimion 11 43, llinsdule 12 16 P. M., l i aul.linviilu 2 06, Holland 4 06, Auaor 4 46, Jui.ciiou 0 10 P. M. Singes arc .viveriised to connect witir (his train at 1'cr.ville Jvoui Ceres, Rich luig, Little Genesee, Eoliver, Jiiiiport uud Sua. on Cenlia. 2 00 P. M., ACCOMMODATION (daily excel t buudays), stopping at bhippen 2 14, Keating 2 1.3, Liberty 2 41, Port Al legany o Ml, iurile Point 3 13, Sartweil 15 18, Larabees 3 26, Eldred 3 31, Sluie Line3 46, iortvillo 3 63, Vestous36U. Olean 4 Of, Erie Railway Junction 4 lit, lliusilnie -l l.-ciiu.v 4 41. I raukimvilie 6 00, Machias 6 26, YorUohire 6 30, Arcnda 6 6n, Proiecliou 0 10, lloilund 0 22, i.ii'.fs 0 311, Aurora li 10, Jamison 0 61, Eliua li 6'J Springlnotk 7 O-l, Ebenczer 7 16, EuUnlo 7 40 p. M. Llages ere advertised to connect vuih Ibis train at Keating from W harton, EaM. i.ouier and En-t haitou ou Tuesdays and t'r.dij3;nt Poit AiUgany from Coudeis. poll; at Larabees tioin fineiliporl; at Fr.iiikliuville front liushford nud Centre. viile; at Arcade from Rushford aud York sliuc. TRAIN LEAVES OLEAN: 6 1 A. M ., LOCAL PASSiiNGER AND FY EIGHT, daily except Sundays, stopping at lliuedale 0 47, lsehua7 18, FrauLliiivil'.o 80 0, f.ai-hias 8 84, Yorkshire 8 63, Arcada O 20, Pro'ection 'J 64, Holland 10 13, Walts 10 38, Aurora 10 06 Jamison 11 21 Elm 1136 Springbrook 11 0 Ebeuczor 12 15 EuHalo 1 OO P. M. II. C. FIS5, Gcu'l Manager. J. D. YEOMAX3, 11. L. LYMAN, GeulSupt. Geu'l Pas rAg t JOBWORK.-Weare now prepared f to doall kinds of JOB WORK. I-.iivelepes. Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads, neully and cheaply executed. Olliea iil 1 hater k Ilugeity'a new building, Main Btrcei, Rulgway, Pa. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The Mated meetings of Elk Loige, No 879, are held al their hall, corner of Mnh aud Depot streets, on the aeoond and foui ih Tueidaya of each month- W. C. TIEALY, Beo'y.