V 'V 50 Henrv A. Parsons, Jr. EJito THURSDAY, FEIBIUAUY 18th 1875, It is 'jiven out tint the United States Senate is to bo called to 'other in extra ordinary amnion by the 1'iosident on March 4'h, immediately after the ex piration of the present Keasion. 'J'be nbjpct to consider tho lately negotia ted Reciprocity Treaty between tlie United States and tho Sandwich Islands. To ere is such a pressure of business at this time that tho Senate will be unable to give this I'.cnty the attention re quired, nnd tho President has therefore announced that ho will call the new body together. The next Senate which thus assembler will oititiin tho new fc'cBators already cko.'cu f,T tho next term. Auditors' Settlement . l!ri(Ut an! Erpivdi'io (3 of Elk Count ' for the. ,caf ending January Is'. lVTi'i: RfCElFIS. Jaa. i. is::.. To tux iced from unsettle 1 lands $.1:111 " Collectors Jury fees nii'l inilic'inci.ts 'onimonwoii'.l li corts collected Fines collected Tnx reed on lands rcl'd by coll? Amt reed from Jones Uvp on ncet. of monies paid lor support cf A. Parsons An t. reed from F.onzii.fror twp on neet of monies pail lor m.pport of Conrad M.-t A tn t reed from Kt. M:.i'y's boro on nect of monies pu.d for support of .Martin Gre;;or 74 n i G" 7:i .11 on 1 0 oil 541 7.i 413 41 SVJUH f.l EXVEXDITVRES. .Lin. 1. 1-;.-.. i'y nn t pd II I Cnmnholl Comai'r " (tor,. Kd.'W'eU " " " Julius Jones " C. 1!. MTnnlcv, Tcrfc J.-is. K. 1. Ilnlb Cit. Alt;: . C. Oyster, Fhevitf " Jailor Commr. Counsel (Viistab'.'T 1 ii: t Crier Tip slaves Prolhonotnrv? County A uditers " Clerk .'an it or To Constables .! slices Fence v7 i! nes-es 3. G. CyMcr.SheriT To Assessment espouses llepistering To .band Juries " Traverse " Jury Commissioners i'y amt. paid W. Penitentiary P.xuiont Hospital. 11s follows: Fur support of Conrad Nlst For support of . Parsons Fr biipjMii t of Jno. Condon lixniuiuntion of ! Gregor i'y unit, paid for 1 rlntiiig and Advertising Fleet ion' expense ) Head Views & I'.-.iaco f-'tftiinnery and l'eta;j llout.iies on W elves, c.e Fuel & Light llep-iir to i'nV lie F,iiildiu;is, '.0 f'i url House expenses Bo.ucsis Mii-tery Miscellaneous Vy pay int. lail due Coimurs. counsel, lrV-J Expenses holding appeals Auditor of Frothonotary ret. F.ailev on Hal Lis sect as Troas 3tU ',! 1 1 1, 1 J-'.:i t;n N 'I ()!.i (i". : i 11:11', .17 I007 71 100 (ill r-.M '.'i '1 CO y.) tMi A 11 !-. (Ill L'5 5j (III j: mi lis I I--, i;i !-. loi'i xi far; c; 7o lli'l -'7 4 1 H Ml C.j -10 I L''l,(Ji.l ('70 1 '. .-,s ;i;i 27 mo 47 -"o -lui ;m j! 7J 4" 01) si t 14 r,i) on Mi 11 (i 41 1 '.'! I .- :' 1 1 1 4 111 l't Fxces e of Ucccipia Awrl and Litthililies if Elk C-unl) JiiiKHiry 1. 1 7"). ASSETS. Jan. 1, M7") To 'fa:: due from Ua"iei lan 11 nthjeet to cmn. n".d exonerat icu Tax due from C"' -tors sulooet to cinii. & exonerations Ami due from Jones tp for support of A. I'ni'soiia Amt due from lieti.iiiL'rV tp. fo;1 Eiippoit cl'C'oi:rad M.-t Airt. lire froa 81. Marys lioro. for Fiippovt of Martin Grcjror Amt. ilue from LrtU Luvca boro. for hi port oi J 110. Condor An.' due fro in Caxrron, Fll'. & CleailieM State V.jnd 0161 UNiO "J 01 1-H 401 M.l 2d73 LIABILITIES. Jan. 1,1 S75. I'y Couuty Orders outstanding lionils Amt. duo AV. Peuite:iliary Dixn.oiit Hospital J. V.'ir.ilfelder. Tress, ll. C. Oyster, foieriif II. 1. Campbell, Com. Ceo. d. M'eis ib Julius Junes do Voter He retailing. Jar.itor L'sceas of assets 252-1 .i::oj 121 L-.S 4:'! 1 Mrd 12 is 4117 Amovnti due ly the several Coliec'on of Elk Coioify 'in January 1, 175. STATE AND COI MTY. J. V. Honk, liiiV'wav tn 105 ,17 t o V.'ni. Mc'Vnley, for IS p'j 11. V. Cveibollzer, llidgway Tp ISns Juo. Gleixner, Her.ziti.ter MOO levi FFitliorpe Hichland tp 1S71 J. 11. Morey, Jay M71 D. Atilelierger.Jonea 1871 13d Faine, i-lprinjr Creek M71 II. II. Wetisel, liidi'wny ls7l! Ceo. V. AVinslow, lieuezeilo 1 873 Tin s. Kerner, Uenzinger 1S74 F. X. Fnz, Fcx M7o Charles Stubbs. Highland 1S74 Jno. Uinklebleck, Horton M73 Wni. G. Thomas, Jay 1S73 Henry Warner, Jones 174 Vuu. Clyde. Millsiono M74 James Clardner, Kidgway M71 H. It. Mooic Spriiig Creek M7H Krasinus Morey, lienezelte 1H71 George Iteuscher.Ileimnger 1ST 1 Jacob Moycr,Fox 1 Tl 'l lios Camj bell.IIijililuii'l M71 Cicorpe Fiu!t,Iloiioii M71 A. J. Avery, Jay M71 Michael Weidert.i'oiic lf7l A. Ziuiuiernian, Mi!!: lore M71 W. C Heuly, Ridj,'wny 1874 Thos. Irwin, SpriiiR Creek M71 B. Weidenboeruer, St Mary's U010. 1874 141 71 Sin s7 274 42 ( i iO'l 111.', )M 117 S2 45 CD fiiii no 44 1 t.5 04 - M2 OH !l 52 72 2'' MK 17 012 51.' f:' (IS 470 11 21007 C7 in! 101 1 511 1011 7'.i .55 l'i 7 l'i 5 I si,2 ::1 M'l l'i 1 M ::n Vl'l 74 'M A nu is 11001 73 XoTt Tiiose marked wkb buve tiuco paid. BOUNTY TAX. Joi.n Koe!., FoxTp. MOl 2'Jl 52 i. . 1 I'l.biiiriiu, C 011114 croud Tp. mil Armcl Turley.Jny Tpl8f!.'i Bencict Dili, R:dgwy tp. 18C5 200 02 117 U .- M2 7o 772 14 Amts. tccri'fcil from the. scrrral Col Irrtorx nf Elk County tluring the yrm' 1874 m. VfCnuley, r.ox tp. lRfin 0:112 I, C. Oyster, Horton tp. lsr. 71 T. J. Taylor, llnrton tp. l.ij Ml 'JS V. Vf. Hays, Fox I p. 18C.U 17-' I II. ft. Thayer, l:id .ovay I p. MM 7 .1. It. Morey. Jay tp M71 hi M .lolin Johnson, Hencjel tp. 1S72 R7 (ill II. II- V.'enscl, Hidwny (p. M72 Ml fuS Win. .lames, highland tp. 1H72 11 12 Marlin Fcrrin, t'priujr Creek tp. 1S72 oil 7H F. X. Fiiz Fox tp. M7H l''H 21 Tlio.s Kerner. Feuxinprer 1p. M7D 517 4o ( loirlesftubba, Iliplilnnd tp. 1M74 f.H 00 Jno. Winldelileclf, llnrton tp U;7'l 17IM"i Win. H. Tliomns, Jay (p. M7d 2(H) 00 II. Warner, Jonas tp. M7it 17U !'7 Win. Clyde, Millsiono tp. 1S7H ld'i 8:1 .las. (iardner, llidway tp. lS7o I!:;l2ii H. V. Moore, Spring Creel: ip. 1373 US 07 11. V'cidenlioerncr, St. M iry '3 F.oro M7:l son 12 Frasmns Morey Fcnczette tp. 1. 74 2-1' Co Jacob Meyer, iox Tp. 174 4"i1 l'i MieliacMVeidert, Jones tp. M74 7ol l'i . imtnerma;''. MilIiouc Tp, 1S71 72 Ml W. C. Healy. F.idgwn.v tp. M74 HV. 2'J 0475 15 County lax i-.laio tax G 107 2D 07 ti'3 We. (lie undersigned, Commissioners of File County, do liercOy certify tliat ( lie atiove ar.d ioreoiii': is a oi reel t ioteinent of the receipts n:id expenditures, &e., of Klk (lonnty for the year 1ST I, and the assets and liibilitie of the same, (-KO. 111). E.1S, ) JUJ.ll'S JONt-S. Coaim'rs. M-CHAfir. VVFUiFIiT, J C. II. M. C.u i.iT, Clerk. ,li..-ph Wi'it-ltW.f.-r Ej.t 7rr.ir.nrcr of S'.i'c (oK.i'.y In (irrt. villi wltl Cuinit'i fur th:' year 1 ml in j Ian. l.-t l. iT) To lax ren. from unsratc ! lands I'Jll "7 To lax lee. IV. 111 eolletlors Cl'l7 2H To (ax roe. Iron Seated Lands rii'il to Co. C'o'iimis. Aini.reeJ. from Jones tp. Poor Fund 1 !! neeaiint of monies paid lor iupporl of A. Fuvmis Amt. roe. from Fenziueer Tp. Toor lund on account of monies paid for support of Conrad i';i3t Am t. reed, from ;;i. Mary'.i Hero. l'oor I mitt on ueeounl ofnT'tiiea paid for support of . Marlin 't.e'or 10 r.n 111! 71 11 1:1 01 I'ltc liea.-mer in 1 s-- January 1st, I:.7o I'y Counly ordern redeemed M:Cl'l l'", do lloiuis do i,iis il :l I'.xor.eraiiou Orders. Conuly lax o.i2 .1 do do MOita. y lax I1'.' tin ttcf.nidlnf: or ler-i l! ''' Laii'ts sold Couuly 4V!1'I Si. ale Treasurer.' :ee'.pt for tax on loans 20 SI Trcas com. oa nmount received, le.-s r.inety,r.'fie dollars Military Fx. eider T712H Treiis. com. 011 amt. disb'd 444 7" 74 ! TA YE TAX A VCOCXT January 1st, M7' To lax ree'd from Collectors 0 Due Treasurer S 104 January 1 , 1S73 Uy ft me Trea-nrcr's receipts l.x:,ncratio!i Orders 114 i'l 104 no ad Fcxns lll.NH'.l.rTE ROAD I'L'ND January 1. l"7"i To tax rcj'd lrum unseated lands 2I0ti Janu iiy 1 , I s-70 l',y ro.idoioers redeemed TovnrLip 'i'leas. reeeiiiis lieiij. cola. unit, lve'd dl 1.0 (J.::b'd Due fund 101'J I .ill 1 41 : :'s 1 1 ill ! .0 7 ' lit.XZlStiF.R RaAU ri'Mi January 1, 1S7"i Tu taxieo'd from un.-.ea'.cd lands 1740 l'i' January 1, M-70 llyro ul or iel s redeeiiie l 11120 'i Hefundiiig orders 1 1 !', X:'S:;. com. on iiin't ree'd li 1 t .'. !o do ilisb'd 2'1 0-i Iao fun I olOOl 17101:H 77 t-7 ('!' 70 lli Cm HO Additional Rj.nl Fan 1 j January 1, ls7" In tax r e d .r..iu uiisjuled kuios Hue Treasurer S71 5li 21 4 14 1111574 o25 DO 7'.' So 1 (D 17 41 22 51 1105 71 Uu Jauuary 1, 1 S75 Uy mid. l oad order s redeemed llefiiiiiiiig do Towiisiiip Tre.is. receipis Ti c-.is. coui- on nia'l ree.il iio da disb'd I'CX llOAl) FUND January 1, ii:75 To lax ree'd lrom unseated lands 1874 47 January 1. M75 Fy red 1 orders redeemed I'.efuuditig orders Treas.com. on aiu't ree'd do do Litb'd Di.e i'uud Mm) 00 21 OS 17 4'i 12 05 2.-2 41 1S74 47 Adtlillunal Euad Fund January 1, M75 To lax i-ee'd from unseated lands January 1 1S75 ily Towu.-bip '"reus, reeeipls T.-easiiicr's com. ou ain't ree'd do do disb'd Due fund It 71 47 70 000 17 41i 14 0.1 1122 US 11-7447 HIGHLAND HOAD FUXI) January I, 1815 To tax reo'd from unseated lauds 1052 44 January 1, 1S75 I!y road orders redeemed Towiishi)i Treas. receipts Kefuuding orders Treas, coia. on uui't ree'd do do Dibb'd Hue li.n l 1480 00 lcooo ,1ii li5 1:1 05 10 14 72 41 105211 IIOP.TON ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 Tu lax ree'd fro.u uusi a'.ad lauds 11C1 02 Jaauary 1, 1675 liy ruud orders redeemed Treus. coin, on uui't ree'd do do tlikb d Llue fuul lULO 00 24 20 20 00 12124 1104 02 Additional lioad Fund January 1, M7.5 To tnx 'eon! lrom uuseaiod lauds fiHll 08 January 1 1875 Uy add. road orders redeemed Township Treasurers receipt 1 Treas. com. on nm't ree'd do du dibb'd Duo fund , no 00 D25 no 11 01 II 10 207 Oi'O 08 JAY ROAD FUND January 1, 1S75 To Tax ree'd from unseated lands January 1, 1875 I'y road orders redeemed Treas. com. ou ain't ree'd di do disb'd Duo fund 1020 04 1 ISO (Ml 1H12 27 00 474 !i2 UI20H1 .TONES ROAD FUND January 1, 1S75 To tax ree'd from unsealed lands 2508 02 January 1, 1875 Ily road orders redeemed 1SIS0 00 Itcfunditiff orders !!! 08 Treas. Com. on am't ree'd M 17 do do disb'd 20 10 Due fund ' 477 18 2508 02 MILLSTONE I'.O AD FUND. Jemiary 1, 1875 To lax i ci'dfrom unsealed lands January 1 1875 l!y road orders redeemed Township 'I reus, receipts Treas. coin, on am't reo'd do do disb'd Duo fund M8H 27 11 so 00 4 '0 82 111 78 .11 72 Oil 115 MS'J 27 KIDfSWAY ROAD FUND. January 1, 1875 To Iuj; ree'd from unseated lands 2210 24 January 1, 1875 Ily load orders redeemed Treas. coin, on ain't reo'd do do disb'd Duo fund 1S1H 00 44 lis 17 SO 271 an 22 iu 21 At'DITtONATi KO AD FUST). January 1, 1875 'Iota ree'd from unseated lands lOl'HOO due Treas. 128 10 1228 42 1182 77 Jar.uarv 1, 1S75 Ily township Treiu. receipts Treasurer's coia 011 am i ree'd do do disb'd 22 00 24 05 1228 72 SPUINtl CRLEU UOAD FUND. Jiir.niry 1, 1875 io tu- ree'd from unseated lauds 1477 15 January 1, 1875 Uy I'oad orders rsdeemed Township Treas. reeeipls Treas. coin. 0:1 am't ree'd do do disb'd Due lua l 1 1 15 00 2iio 1HI 211 5 I 20 70 S5 01 3477 15 ST MARYS ROAD AND CORPORATION FUND. January 1 . 1875 To tax rea d from unseated lands K ami ' 01 00 To lajr ree'd from unseated lands, cerporaCon 45 11 Mil 14 l or, '.18 1 8:! '.Ml 01 02 mo 0; MO 44 SI I January 1 1875 Fy refunding orders, road " " corporation Treas com. on am't rei'd, road ' corp.. 1 alien Treas. com, on am't di-b'd, road ' " eopora'.iou Due fund SCUOOLAXD SCHOOL BUILD JXO i i'XDS. lir.NKZI-.1Tli KCItO'ib FUND Jar.uary 1. 1 75 To ac ree'd from unseated lands SI I.ool To tar ree'd from unseated lands DuiMing Due Treasurer 1502; 71 1 8:1.8 Oil 2111 21 2700 02 MCO 00 DlillJ (III 48 i,2 52 Oil 2 ,'OJ 02 January 1, iS75. Ily district trea's receipts-school do do do lull! Jg Trea coin on amount ree'd do do lo ilj disb'd iiKM:i.iji.u school rcsu, January 1, 1875. To t:u ree'd from unseated land scliool Received iroia unseated laud. bull dii: ' 2089 83 80S lr, Jj-n 04 450 00 250 00 S 21 4 SI 50 M 14 21 2172 on lanuary 1, 1870. F.y district treufiircr's receipts seliool District treasurer's receipt-building F.cfuudicp; orders seliool do do building Trea'-j. cor.i. on amount received do di do do dLb'd Due fund 2058 18 rex school fund. January 1, 1875. Tu la ree'd from unseated laud chcol 2050 15 F.ec'd lViui it'iseattJ iand-build'g 741 05 28ill 80 January I, 1875 liy diririct treas. receipts school 075 00 110 da build'g 32 5 00 F.cfiinding order school 2 02 do do b'U'R 21 Treas com on am't ree'd 5(1 08 do do disb'd 20 00 Due fund 1720 04 2801 CO HKinLAND SCHOOL FOND. January 1 1870: To tax reo'd from unseated land --school Duo treasurer 507 14 Mil 74 047 07 C01 00 22 40 10 15 12 48 047 07 87 11 1047 00 23 74 20 91 00 43 January 1st, 1S75: District treas receipts llefi'tiding ordeis Treas com on am't ree'd do do dijburscd nOUTOV SCHOOL FUND. Jauuary 1st, 1875. Tax ree'd from unseated lands January 1 1S75: Dy Uist treasuier's receipts Treas com ou amount received do do disbursed Duo fund 1187 11 JAY SCHOOL FUSD. January 1st, 1875 Tax reo'd from uus't'd lands-school 1442 C3 do do do build'g 480 60 1923 20 Jauuary 1st , 1875 lty district treas receipts-school 1280 60 io ' no do build'g 400 00 Treas com on amount reoeived 88 40 lo do dorsal disbursed 84 fil Due fnnd 170 72 1023 29 2003 35 1458 C8 3407 03 1050 00 1285 08 10 (iO 27 78 (10 18 00 01 20 15 3 107 03 JONsa gcnooL fund. January 1, 1875. To tax received rfrora unseated land school Tax received from unseated land -building Jsmiary 1, 1875. Uy district treasurer's recoipts seliool District Ireasurer's'receipts building Bctunding orders rclionl do do building Treas. com on amount received do do do disbursed Due fund MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND January 1, 1875, To lux received from unseated land school Tax received frcm unseated bind building 1555 27 10H 27 11470 54 2181 00 Too 00 (i'.t 5' 57 02 471 14 January 1, 1875.- lty district trensnrar's receipts Fohool and building District treasurer's receipts building Trens com on ammirt received do do do disb'J Due fund 1470 04 RII'OWAY SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1S75. Tax riceived from unseated land school Received from unseatoJMr.nd.... building IHG 71 703 48 2125 111 117F85 58.5 SO 42 50 15 1 5 280 SO January 1, 1875. Ily district ireus rcccipts-sclinol District Ireis receipts-building 1 rea's'eoin on ain't ree'd do do do disb'd Due fun 1 2125 10 SPIlINf? CREEK. tCHOOLFUM). Janunry 1, 1870. To tax ree'd from unseated land school 301140 Tax received from unseated land building 302 4 Tax reo'd from seated landret'd .Conns' school 53 50 T:ii- ree'd lVom'seatcd landret'd to Co. Coiu'rs building 15 00 2450 70 Jauuary'1, 1S75 liy dstrict trens receipts-school 1022 27 do do build'g Hin'OO Treas com ou nnt received 47 01 do do disbursed 22 4 1 Fal'.iuo fund 115J 07 400.70 PT MARYS SCHOOL FUND. January 1st, 1875 Tax received froiii unseated lands January 1st, 1875 liy refunding eider school do do build g do do udd'l I uli'I'g Treas com on amount received do lio dibbui.fed Due fund 01 00 1 04 1 40 32 1 82 0:'. 85 77 01 00 roou FUXDS. r.iiNziNOER roon fund. January 1st. 1875 To tax rec'.l-,fruui unseated Mauds 87150 Due treasurer 414 2 1280 50 January 1st. 1875: Uy township treasurer's receipts SO!) 00 Ain't paid DiMiiont Hospital for sup port of Conrad Xis! 413 41 I'.efunding oidcrs 70 Treasurer's com. on amount received 17 44 do do do disbursed 24 8" 128". 61 rox rooti n:(o Jaauary 1, 1870 To lax ree'd from unseated lands 374 .10 January 1, 1870 liy orders redeemed 140 00 Town. hip Tread, receipts 05 1111 Treas. com. on am't ree'd 7 40 do' ' do dis'bd 3 Oil Due fund M7 07 171 10 joNr.s roon ki-xd. January 1, 1S75 To Tax lee'd from unseated lands Janunry 1, 1870 Dy mil l paid Dixmont Hospital for sii port of A. Farsons Itcfundiii? orders Trens. com. en nm't ree'd do do Disb'd Due fui.d 050 70 311 71 li l'i M 111 7 01 287 82 0 oil 70 sriiiNO r-iiir.K ro:n rixn. January 1. 1874 To tr.x i-r.c'd lrom unsealed lands Sealed land ret'd lo Co. Comuirs, Janunry 1, 1875 Ily Township Tiens. rectip'.s Treas. com, on am t ree'd do do d bb'd Due fund f pi ;p, "12 00 220 00 5 00 4 40 24 SO 204 IS ST. uRV8 uoiio. rooR rem. January 1, 1870 To tax reo'd from unseated lands 05 01 January 1, 1875 By am't puil Dixrront Hospital on account, euppert of Marlin Gregor "3 04 Treas. com. ou ami't ree'd 70 do 4o disb'd 67 35 01 STATE ROADS. WILCOX AND HAMBMS STAT HOAD January 1, 1875 To tax reo'd from unseated lands, Joues tp. 02 January 1 1875 by orders redeemed, Jones Tp. Coin'r. J.L.Drown't receipis do i'.ei'uiidine otders Jones tp. Treas. com. ou am't ree'd do do disb'd, Due fund 800 00 214 10 SO 22 05 20 68 25 00 1103 57 KASE, BIDGWAT AND ST, HARTS 8TATB EOAD. Jauuary 1, 1875 Tn i.ir n'.l (Ynm unseated land do do Koniinger tp. 1743 98 do do Jones t 2508 80 da da Eideway 251 70 C504 48 January 1, 1875 By Treas. receipts Refunding orders, Eeniiuger tp. do do Jone tp. 7ens. com, on tin't ree'd 4795 58 1 67 89 08 131 29 do Due fund do disb'd 00 74 1400 04 05G4 48 M'kCAV, RI.K AND OBE9T STATS 0AD. , January 1. 1875 To tax reo'd f om unseated land do dor Highland tp. 2 102 25 do do Joues tp. 8881 20 0170 C4 ,n(:0 1 00 2000 (Ml 52 44 50 04 127 f.) 102 21 1044 81 January 1, 1875 Ily ordets reJicmed, Jones tp. do do Highland tp, Refunding order, do do do Jones (p. Treas. com. on am't ree'd da do disb'd Due fun 1. 0370 01 BlIinWAT AND nnOOKVILI.B STATS no.M). January 1, 1875 To tax reo'd from unsealed, land do ' do KWnway p, 2'-'5! M do do Spring Crock Ip 1477 18 3741 11 January 1 , 1875 liy Coiu'rs receipts, Uidgwny tp. Com'rs receipts, Spring Creek (p. Treasurer's receipts Treas. com. on ain't, ree'd do do disb'd Due fund 1711 41 Jos. Windfeldcr, Ksq., Treasurer of F.Ik County, in nec'l with the Commonwealth of I'eniisjlvania for (h year ending Janu ary 1st, 11:75. To tavern licenses Fating houses Fiipior licenses Retailers merchandiso Hostainanls & eVing houses Kreweries Billiards f.'iO Of 2811 0l 1 00 I'll 818 OU Mil (.O 112 .5.1 Fill 0 1 ,;i;0 5:i January 1, 1875 liy hint.' treas. recoipts, retailors lieetiso Due Coriimonwcalih Mu5 00 2').;o in 1 We, the undersigned, Auditors of 1 lie county, hiving met at the cai'iinissinnets j ollico 111 Ilnljiway. on tnc lust Mr.nuay of January. A . IJ, 18,. , beii'if tnc li li day if liie ntonih, for the purpose of nu liiiit. s: l tlinp, an I adjusting Hie nce .unis of t i j several couuly ollieers, nt which time we proceeded lo audi!, sctlle and adjust the iiecounts of the same, mi l found thei i cor reel ns sel f.ut'i in (lie foreir'dii;: rcrovl Joseph .Wind eldcr, treasurer, lc i 11 ir duly notified was represented by J. F. Win. I - tel'Ier. ue foiu.d due by the sai l .lo. ind fehicr. Treasurer, to liie several funds ns i fully setloithiu I he foregoing report liie sum of thirlreu thousand four liundicd and seventeen dollars and eiji'ity-t hree ecuis; 1111 I due to him lVom tin;, is set fori'.i in sain report 'he sum of five thousand seven lnu dred and thirty dollars una tv.ei:ty-iiii:e cuts, leaving a net bnianco due by the sa.d Treasurer lo the seveinl funds of seven hound sU 1 1 1 ti 1 .- 1 and ei'-'itv f-ev.-.i dollars and liliy four tents (7(187 51,. and nlso duo to tilt Coinmoiiwenil ii 1,: I'emisy Ivnni 1 the nun of ore thou-.ind llnee liuiuir;.! nnd live u.ii.arg rs.i'.v.-j.) In wi:ue-s whereof we h-;e 5 i.j i-vi.r. t set our hands the 21st day of Jaiiuarv A. D. 175. THOMAS inv.'IN'. ) TIHH. J. Ill UKU, Aud's N. ti. DL.NDi, J Attest M. S. KtiNF, Cieik. D. C. Oyster, .Vy., JE'jh Slin-if of Elk fJounlt, in account with said count for the near ending January 1, 1S75. To commonwealth costs collected $ 555 70 " lino com. vs. Joseph Flab 10 00 " " " " Supervisors of Benzinger township 1 00 " fine com. vs. lbui'l M'Ocarv 10 00 " " " " Jac.l) Otiig,'iC 10 OH "jury fee com vs B. Braiiili VI al 2 00 " " " " Z. M. Webb 4 00 " " " " " T. S. Hart lev 4 00 " " " " " Louis Volhiier 00 " " " " " Supervisors of Benzinger town-hip 4 00 "jury foe com vs V. Taylor etui 4 00 " " " " ' Jacob (Juigg'.o 4 00 " " Curry vs. Puiiio 4 l;0 " " " M'Cartv vs. Tho Elk and M'Kean B. B. couipaiiy 4 00 "jury foo Weileiidorf vs. Tho Klk and M'Kean It. B. Co. 4 00 "jury fee Willard vs. The Elk. and M'Kean Bailioa.i Co. 4 00 "jin v fee Souther iV Willis vs. H. S." Bel imp 4 00 "jury ice Beeman vs. Broekway 4 00 "'" " Paul vs. Wilcox Tan ning and Lumber company 4 (10 "jury fee Brockway vs. Parsons 4 00 " S..rg vs. Kionenwetter 4 00 " " " Tudor vs. Woodward ctal. 40 C " jury fee Seidell vs. Sheldrake's administrators 4 00 "jury lee Johnston vs. Johnston 4 00 " county orders 011 jail expense 1507 71 " " " " sherili'b fees 000 1.7 " " " " com. costs is 75 Duo shciiil' Msl 54 !J4108 07 January 1, 1S75. By balance duo bberili' at former tvctllenient 1417 08 " costs p'd witnesses iu com casta 143 70 " " " just'ices " " " 12 00 " " " 'constables in " " 30 17 clerk F. Schccning in comnioiiwcalth cases r0 85 " sheritrs fees in com. cases BO 05 " amount paid district at tor- torncy in com. cases 7 00 " conveying Hiram Bussel tu penitentiary 120 00 " costs on execution County vs. Hays 2 80 " dispatches to Philadelphia in case of Bromley 1 80 " costs 011 execution County vs. T. I. Taylor 3 75 " conveying Dennis Donovan to penitentiary 120 CO " conveying James A. Burke half for extra man CO 00 " costs on execution County vs. Morey 3 50 " costs on execution County vs. William M'C'aulty 2 50 " convey ing James Mosier to penitentiary 120 00 " conveying Martin Gregor to Dixmont half for extra man C3 f,0 " costs in searching for J. Parmer 0 00 " uiileag'o and holding inquisi tion County vs. Morey 8 CO " serving rule on St. Marys boro. in cane of Martin Gregor 3 70 " costs paid witnesses Com. vs. John Vaughan 85 03 " conveying Philip Wilhelm to penitentiary 120 00 " conveying Molone & Peterson to penitentiary 4 of $240 120 00 " drawing four juries for the year 1874 4 00 " serving subpoenas on .part of Commonwealth 38 75 " turukey fees 30 00 " fees iu CommonwealtU cases 48 13 " jail expense, including board, &c, to January 1st, 1875 1005 35 " serving subpeauas and bench warrants in Corn, cases 80 40 100 00 100 (10 20O7 70 74 02 03 00 111 ! 08 " serving" term nf, jurors in 1371 and January term, 1873 41100 $UD8 07 AVo, tho undersigned, Auditors of Ells county, having met at tho Commissioners.' ollico in Iiilvny, out bo first; Monday of January, A. 1). 1875, being tho 4tli day of tho month, for the purpose of nuditing, nettling nnd adjusting tho accounts of tho several county ollicers, and nt which limo wo irocceded to audit, n-ttlo and adjust, the nccounts of tho scvcnil county oliiccrs nnd found them correct, as set forth in tho foregoing report. I). (1. Oyster, Esq., Shoriir, was present in person. Wo found duo lo him by tho said county of Elk, tho sum of thirteen hundred (dgbty-ono dollars and Fifty four cents, which mini wo hereby certify to bo correct, ns set forth in tho foregoing report. In witness whereof wo have hereunto set our hands tho 21.;t day of January, A. If. 18 1 THOMAS IRWTX, TilOS. J. HUKICE, l iVud'rs. N. G. BUNDY. Attest Ki.ink, Clerk The, Cimmixioncr of Elk Count in aicaiitit with Hie, Con idy of Elk for the yi-ar ending January 1, 1875. I!onr:itr I. CAMi'iiniiL. To eount y okIoik, Balance due Campbell 5111 on 0 00 ;-470 0.1 '170 00 Jiiiuiary 1, 17". I'y 121 days service Q fit o. En. Tai in a ry 1, 1875. $4 00 Yi.i.i. To county 01 dors, 104 00 12 0!l AJaluiiec iluu i cis 170 01) Jaminrv 1, M70. Ily 120.!( !ays servioo (7:5 ;4 CO 170 00 .Tct.ir? Joni.s. January 1, 1877. To county orders, Balance due J'i'..rr. P2io on 18 00 !?07.-3 CO 0-273 O'l .Tallin rv 1, I87.5. liy !:-; clays services 00 The Curenvir'tiiiiier.-t of' .Vv' r?, Elk and Ftirerf Sl'de B-irid in ('(:'' ?'( the. fund. of ('? Jl'jitd for the year endin'J January 1-r, M75 To l al. :I'(:-'F.T ; on hand at fr- ii!, 'i- sctll-ni'-iit 7:81 y.o " tax iVooi s c.tcd !a:id St r- gc-int to.. M'Kean Co. 251 04 " tax ree'd from rented Find I!i mliti (p., .M'Kean Co. 24 74 " oiti.-iK frciii Elk Co I'm' tax '7-'.'-'74 ,50.00 00 " orders from Forest Co. f.irtiix '7.'-' 74 40C0C0 " .:i;er.-i fro M'Kean Co. for tax of 72-74 417000 "tlx from seated l;:ud of AVttmoie, ij . M'Kca'.i Co. I'll 20 " piocei:.!.-. of 21 .Vj0 bonds sold 11-1 it 10 " " " 1. Pir-oo " i:no no 11 11 ti 1 .-.0100 I. o- Of, c.o Due Coninii.-jsbincrs 1')5 18 j ff 47575 05 i Jan. 1st, M75. By c.,.s!i pa.id W. S. Oviatt f.r j ' sol vices in 1-74 Z 111 10 I "ca-h paid V,'. S. Oviatt for s-.M-viet s rendered, 225 01 " bilis. and vouchers rendered 57175 " W.S. 1 iviai ;'s cm. as Tivas. 011 ;::;i7!i. (it 1 per cent. 371 70 " bonds u-ilccciua rC155 21t! 1 05 The CV ;.?:.'. :i(ic'v of l'ie Kane, Bidgwti; and Jle.t Stale Jlnnd, in ari't vtHi Ju,u1 of' llond for (he i-ir e.tdirg January 1st. M75. To cat a ree'd lVi.ni Elk Co. 1 1 -s. Junes t p., C-2130 75 " :: li r.-c'.l from E!k Co. trens. Eiui:-.iu:'vr tp., 80107 " cash ree'd lrom Elk Co, treas. Bidgway (.. M37 1G " cash ree'd from M'Kean Co. treasurer Siugcant. township MOO 81 " cas.h ree'd l.e.n Eik county, ti. usurer Jones township 2120 C2 " c.i-li ree'd f,om Elk county, tionstnvr BidgiMiy township 1 185 22 "cash ue'd from Elk county, treasurer Benzinger tp. 118'J 74 Proceeds Bond No. 21 Ilidgway, 570 30 " " ' 11 " S'.OOO " " " 13 Jones, 72 87 " " " 14 " 1.00 00 " " ' !-l " tii.oo;) " " " 15 ncuz'gtr, 722 71 " " " 10 ' 744 85 f?10201121 To 1;.l. due creditors as follows: ' V, ilcox Taindiig C'o. for work Sergeant tp. " fclOO'i 93 " B. D. Hamlin for wiak Ser geant town-hip 25 00 " J. B. Chadwiek forv.-oik Ser- & ant tov.-n-iiiji 1 00 " " iie.ix Ti.unii'g Co. for woik Jsints t.iwi'shio 1702 G3 " ilcox' Lumber Co. for work Junes township 115 00 " Wilcox Tanning Co. for work Bidgway township 217 70 " W. i(. Oslerhout for work l-'.idgway township 413 91 " J. K. P. Hall for work Ilen- zhier town-hip . 833 09 $20810 27 By balance ns per M'Kean Co. And. Settlement June28,'71, $3238 37 " interest paid 011 samo ad justed by Commissioners, 144 50 " Wilcox Tanning Co. bill of labor, &c, Sergeant tp., 1000 03 " J. K. P. Hall, labor and ser vices, Benzinger tp., 794 07 " B. F. Ely, labor and services, Bidgway I p., C79 39 " W. 11. Usteiliout, labor and services, Bidgway tp., 413 91 "Frank King, labor aud ser vices, all tps., 5 00 "Chas. Weis, com. Benzinger, 3 60 " C. II. M Canity services. all tps., 10 00 " Jno. (. Hall, att ys services, all tps. 94 CO " Hall & M Cauley, attorney's services, nil tps. , 117 40 " J. Ernhout, com. Jones tp., 01 50 " G. 1). Messenger, com. Bidg- wavtn.. 8300 " J. K. P. Hall, com. Benzin ger tp., 18 2 " J.V. Honk, com. Bidgwaytp. JJO 00 " Jno. G. Hull, retainerall tps., 20 00 " J. L. Brown, 4 years sec'y, 120 00 " cash raid in full of bond No. 1, Sergeant tp., 1304 CO " casli paid in full of bond No. 2, Jones tp., 589 17 " cash naul in lull of bond No. 8, Bidgway tp., C89 17 " cash paid in lull of bond No. 4, Joues tp., 583 83 " cash paid iu full of bond No. 5, Bidgway tp., 583 83 " cash paid iu full of bond No. 9, Bidgway tp., 1230 CO " cash paid in full of bond No, 10, Joues tn., 1523 00 w rash paid in fall of bond No. 12, Jones tp., " c tsh paid iu full of bond No. 13, Jones tp.. " cash paid in full of bond No. 1(3, Jlonzingcr tp. , Sergeant tp,, IJ. 1). Hamlin, bill iegal services, " Sergeant tp., J. R. Chnd- wick, si'i vires Wilcox Tanning Co., labor, 890 CG 1137 0!) 700 7.1 25 00 1 00 847 70 1702 83 113 00 840 .19 Kulgwiip t)., " Wilcox Tunning Co., Jones tp., " Wilcrx Lunibcr Co., Jones tp., " cash in hands Sftato Treas r.rcr, labor, labor, Road $20810 27 The Cominiaxioiwr of the Eidywa; and Brook vilh' Slate Bond in acc't villi the fundi! of isaid road, for the. year ending January 1, 1875. To cash ree'd from county treas. $2907 70 " Bii'gway tp. stalo road orders 1400 00 " Spring C'k" " " " 700 00 " balance in hands of II. Car man at former settlement 93 08 " balance in lunula of (4. D. Messenger nt former ncttlcm't 400 t'8 " cash recei.cil from county treas. by CI. I). ?,Iesscnger 200 00 " Ridgway fp. supervisors order 30 50 $5893 23 January 1, 1875. By work done under G. D. Mes senger " services by O. D. Messenger, SOUS il'.lll lea ni, " services under II. Carman " " by II. Carman, team, Ac. " tools furnished bv H. Carman " " " by (4. I). Messenger " repairing anil tools " amount for laliordonc on south street, liidgway tp., under supervisor Cislcrhout l)uc fund 879 73 1030 93 1241! 70 271 48 02 25 32 41 140 01 S9 50 2140 10 5892 23 The Vi'ileo.r and IFainhlin Slate Road in aerounf v:i!h. J. L. Brown, Coi:iiuL--;;iuncr, for the year end ing January 1, 1 S75. Tu balance due commissioner at last M-t! lenient $ 200 79 " amount paid Jno. G. Hall 35 00 " -i days soi-vicya 8 Go ?210 79 January 1, 1875. By imioiiiit lrom county treas. Due connnis.-ioncr 214 73 35 07 249 79 We, tins undersigned, Auditors of Elk Coiiily, ii.iviiignu.i at the Commissioners' oliiee in Bidgway, 011 liie first .Monday ot January, A. D. 1875, being tho 4th day of the month, do hereby certify that we have, ea'ci'uily ex imiued, audiieil, ad jus'cil and .'-i. died Cue accounts of tho Commissioner. of Ihe M'Kean, Elk and Forest State Bo.x'i. of tho Commissioner!! 01' tiic Kane. Bidgway ami St. Marys Slate Boad, of tin.' Commissioners cf tlio Bid, '.way soul Broykvillc Statu Boad, imct wilii J. L. Brown, jlsip, Commissioner i;f tin! W ilcox and llamlilin State Boad, and li nil them correct, as stated in the i'jrt. going report. n witness whereof we havo hereunto set our hands tiio 21st day of January, A. D. 1875. r TIIOMAS'IBWIN," THUS. J. BUBKE, Aud'rs. N. O. BUNDY. ) Attcst- M. S. Klike, Clerk. The Weekly Sun. A large c'rilit p.ijje independent, honest and lei.r ess nev.-p .; er.cf 50 broad columns, c-- ccir.'ly deMjracd lor the fanner, the lee, eiiaiiie, liie merei.ai.t and tho Professional mnn, 11L1I their wives mid children. We aim to make (he :khki.v Sc:; tuo bast l.iinily news! aper in tho world It is fail of eiilerlaiuiiig and ins'iaicl'Ve reauin of every sort, bin prints nothing lo oll'ead the I. . ost scrupulous i.nd delicate laste. IViee I I. 2t 1 per year, j.oslaae prepaid. Tho elieajiest paper published. Try if Address The fcirx, New V01U City. Elk County Directory. President Jud.T u, D. etaioro. Additional Lay Julj:o Hon. Jaj- I' Vincem . Associate Jud-ci Chas. I.uhr. J V. ilouk. District Attorney J. II. F, Ball. Sheriff D. tea:!. l'i 01 Iniiotuiy ,yo., Fred. Hcheening. 'i'reasurer Joiaph Wind I elder. County i?iiicriniende!ii Cuius Lucore. Coniiiiissioners .Michael Wcidcrt. Juiins Jones, Geo. l.d. Weis. Auditors Ti.e.aias irwia N. G. lluudy, County Muruyor Geo Wilmsley, Jury Com.a'oji uicrs. I'iiil'ip ilreighlo au.-oni T. Kj ler. Full SAFE BY 11. II. GRFSB, Masonic Ball Fiuld'ui;;, Hi Igway, Fa. VAIT VLECK'S CKEKBilATE!) i'Alii.NT SPRIXO J 1 -L BEST tempered steel spring, wiie, these springs can bo laid on the slats of any cotuuion bed aud are co:.iiL-;te in themselves Al: 0 agent for W eed Sewing Machine, Easiest lliiiinin, Most Uuittblc, and 15FST MACI11M1 iu liie luarket. Call and exa.ninc bef ore purchasing elsewhere. vlnlOt'Jil, Y TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- IIAGEUTY Main Street, Bidgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAl'S, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND ' WILLOW-WAUE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. TLo REST BRANDS' of FLOUR lustnntly on bund, aDd sold as cheap tho CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. S UBS01U11K for tLa ELK COUNT!