i 7 1 1 f, FKnnr.inr'ii, 3873. Jh s if 11 c'c4gcH e y . Representing Cash Assets of $25,007,714 40 FIRE DEPARTMENT luan Am.. New York S1,G:0,000,00 L-ara of No w Yor k 1.C10 .033 ,00 izon Cincinnati of 850.057 17 Ioa., Co. ol Providence' 100,654 .52 LIFE DEPARTMENT elers Life & Accident Partlord 2,000.000,00 th American Mutual of ew lrork 5,000,000.00 itable of New York 15,000,000,00 Vi9urauce effects in any of the above lard companies at (lie moPt reasons. s. consistent with psricct security bo insured. J. O. W. B ILEY, Apcnt. iic til Illdgway, 4: tr.P: M. 2: no P. M 8: 20 A. M. 0:44 P. M. 4:50 P. M Vest 8;2d A. M. Mail and Through Local carry gors, the local does cot. Eitss "of Aivei'tis.ajj. olumn, one year $75 00 40 00 25 00 " 15 0'.' nsient advertisements per square of lines, one insertion SI, two inser- $1.50, three insertions, o'i. sincss cards, ten lines or less, per $5. vertisemcnts payable quarterly. 'he following in a list of th Lenteu i dj n-jrviccs to be held iu the (tory of Grace Church. ASH widsesdat rtB. 10th Corning prajer with Lecture 10 ck; Evening prayer with Lecture block. all Wednesday's and mi day's URING LENT. orning prayer 10 o'clock; Evening erwith Lecture 7 o'clock. ,:ttV10Z3 DURING HOLY WEEK. Trnin-r nrnvep fV.T.j.:i 10 i-'ftlnpV- o v .. j - . , ingprayr Good Fi i l.ij 10 o'clock; ng prayer with i r-a.liu:s or Ires, every eveumg 7 o cloc HISK WEEK DAY SEKV1CF3 THE RT XIOU8E BELL W.Li, BS.EUNG. Vices every Sunday in tbe Church J usual hours. All are cordially fted to attend. Seats f.iei. itev. Wji. Jas. Mii.lvu, Kector. i'he muskets and accoutrements (or II. have arrived. W. C. Healy started yesterday for cksonvil'e Florida, for the recupera- of hib hcuiil'. This win er lias lieon reuiarkiibio for long ruu of sloi-'hiu on light falls of ow. Prof. Pixson will looture before the acher's Institute nest Tuesday even r, subject ''Force and I-'iiction." All invited to attend. Ex-Govcrnor, Tlieodore P. Randolph, aorat, of Xv, 'Jersey, wa3 ejected 3. Senator for tbe term of six years, imencing on th 4th of March nest. ,Ve were favored th'a week with a t from E. Cowan, senior editor of Warren Mail, and deputy internal venue collector. Wo hope tbe visit sy be renewed. On Tuesday last Julgo Messenger st a valuable ox while csbeling logs 'own the bill, on bis job suth of town. pne of the grabs cotuiuj out caused tbe ouble. James Bissel, onl James Coyls, bad ieir feet badly frozsn last Saturday reoing. iney wera going irotn town Hyde's camp on Laurel llua, and hen night came ou (bey could not find be path, which was marked by blazed rees, through tbe woods. One of tbe uen became bo badly fatigued that tbe ther bad to carry him. It was a nar- ow escape from death. Appletons Amebican Cyclopedia Ltbat tho revised, and elegantly illus rated edition of this work, now being ublisbed, a volume of 800 pages once fa two iuontbs, is tbe best Cyclopedic in America, is certain. No library is com- late without it. It is a complete one itself. It ouly eosts S3 a month to et it in leather bindiug. Tbe best and :beapest library in the world. Elk County Teachers Institute. To bo held in the Publio School Jiilding at tRidgway, Commencing tfonday Feb. 15th at 2 o'clock P. M. ,ad closing Friday morning Ptb. 19th J75. 1 Every teacher in tbe County is ;xpec'ed to be present at the first session tod remain until the close of tbe Insti tute. RlJFU8 Lucoue, Co. Supt. ncbody has ascertained t'sat Grant e more day-'jn ofEco than the tor bargained for. Tbe of Mircb, 1877, will como on day, and by statute tbe inauguration the President-elect does not take e until the next day. Twice in the ory of the Piepublio this has oocurred in 1821, at the second inauguration James Monroe, and in 1849, when chary Taylor was installed. St. ouit Timet. I I II I i III' The new M. H. Chuich, ot this place, was dedicated, as was previously an nounced on Suuduy, Jan. Gl.st 1875, by tbe renowend dedicator ot churches, Dr. Ives of Auburn N. Y. The building, couiplefod.had cost the handsomo sum of S7,500, and but two thousand bad been raised, up to tbe day of dedication. Tho fame of Dr. Ives bad proceeded him, and he was repre sented as tho most successful church beggar on record. No one bad any luith in bis ability to raise tho large amount necessary to clear the church of debt, especially as tho times arc unusu ally hard, and many we wot of had determined not to pay one cent for tribute.' Services commenced at eleven o'clock. Dr Ives thea .delivered a very instruttive sermon from the fourth Terse of tho fourth chapter of II Corinthians ' The glorious gospel of Christ." After tho services the financial ex hibit of the church was read by Dr. Ives, and in a short speech he urged upon tbe congregation the necessity of raising the amount necessary to clear the church of debt at once, adding by way of encouragement that tbe dedica tion would not proceed until tho entire amount was subscribed, as ho did not believe in making God a present with a debt upon it. He started by saying that be must have fifteen two hundred dollur subscriptions to begin with and in order that the amount subscribed might rest as eisy as possible on tin shoulders of the doners, it had been arranged by tho trustees, to divide the amounts into four equal semi-annual payments. Al though the ball moved very slowly at first, the required number was raised Viith one to spare, uiakiug thirty-two hundred dollars, or the larger half of tho debt. Lowering bis gage to one hundred dollar pledges, twelve of these were pledged when a call was made for fifty, twenty-five, ten, and five dollar bid-", which succscdad iu footing up to tho desired amount of nearly SG000. Iu thu cening alter tne sermon from tbe text ' If I wash the not thou hast nopait with nic," eighth verse and thiitceutb chapter of II John, the trustees of the c'lurch, V. II. O-ster-hout Ciias. Meal, C. E. Ikladay, and Dr. T. S. llartleYi presented themselves in front of tho altar when V. II. O.-ter-hout, on bel.alf of the trustees, foraul ly presented the church as follows: ' We present unto vou this building, to be dedieited as a church for the service and worship of Almighty God." Pol lowing this tho church wi formally dedicated when the congregation arose aud united in sinsinir "All bail the poTer of Jesus Name." aal were Uis mUscd with tbe benediction. For a great many years fhc Metho dists have worshiped God in the Court House and for several years past have been striving to build a suitable church -Hut not until the past summer was any thing done looking to a practical c-n-g-uiiatiou 'of tho much desired end. and to Eev. Wm. Martin belongs a great deal of the praise fur the Cue church cdific. Although the ex terior of the church is far From pre senting a pleasing effect, the interior makes up in u great measure for it. We find 00 entering the building that it is divided into two compartments. The ono below beiug used for Sunday School purposes, aud the one above, which is reached by ascending a few steps, for tbe general audience room. Tbe upper, and lowir parts ure each G9 feet iq length by SO feet iu width. Tho audience room is web carpeted, and furnished with forty-eight seats trranged on the elliptic system, and capable of seating comfortably four persons on each seat, besides the seats in the gallery and on either sido of the altar. On each side of tbe room re four memorial windows of stained glass, eaoh inscribed with tbe name of the doner, and at the front end of the ohureh is a magnifieen tly stained-glass window. At-the back end of tbe church is the pulpit, which is beautifully carpeted and finished iu black walnut, and furnished with three elegant chairs and a bible stand. Tbe room is lighted by two eight-burner bronze chandeliers, tuspeuded f'rem the ceiling, and (long the walls on either tide are eight bracket lamps which shed an effulgent light over tbe baudsome array. To tbe right of the pulpit bangs an eight-day clock, tbe gift of Cbas. Holes our worthy jeweler, which ticks with endless tongue tho tale, that time is fleeting and saves weary auditors from pulling out their watehes in chisrcb, and warns dreary ministers that prosy sermons are always too long. Tbe walls of the audience room are arched and finished in purest white, the effect ia the evening being one of end less pleasure. Tbe Methodists in baiid iug this magnificent temple have done themselves and the place great credit. The architect is Jacob Snyder of Akron, Ohio and the builder Thos. A Neill of llidgway; both ot whom have done themstlves great credit. The Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin says there is a child in that city two years and two months old, neighing only eighteen pounds. And the little oca ean repeat the alphabet and spell the name of its parents cor-recrly. EIDQWAT GUS2D SCHOOLS. Tbe general average of the students of the high school department for the month ending Jan. 18th, 1875 areas follows, 103 signing perfect and 75 Tsry poor. SENIOR GRADE Arthur R- Little Lelu L. Pauley "A" GRADE. Willie Geary Otis Ke'.tz Kattie Callahan Fannie Rowers Lewis Ely Jennie Gresli Florence Osterbout Katie Grcsh Alton Chnpin Charles Olmsted Libbtus Luther Ida Luther "R" GRADE John Valker 100 no 05 05 02 01 97 VI 05 08 00 i!5 V3 01 HI SO 92 i3 02 u;j 1)4 04 J'6 H3 DO OH 05 01 05 1)4 9G 00 2 itl 04 75 03 93 93 91 91 91 01 95 05 92 05 Charles Eailey llennie Dill Arthur Morton Thomas Malone Patrick McQuone Jouies Cunningham Miohacl Mecnau Rhoda Wilcox Clara Rrocks Helen Little Julia Fly on Sadie Cuthbert May M. Little liessie Steele Dosia 1! hi bps Lillie Wicks Laura Warner Rena Powell Minnie Service Albert Fitch Thomas Gillooly Peter Meeuan Carrie Luther Dennis llealy "C" ' GRADE Nellie Schraui Annie McCloskey Ida J. Olmsted Lizzie Walker Ellsworth Bowers Oscar Gardner Eddie Luther Rolfe Wilmarth Thomas King Joseph Jacktna Charles Mot-nan Lewis Lfsf-cr Willie Neiil Orin Head Fred Fitch Ella Lrary Jack Barrett Casper Kine 95 90 93 91 01 0-;. 94 02 -8 3 bit 93 SO 02 91 Clyde K11110 Fred Ely Ira Sherman Albert Coks Lore a :la W arnor Lillie Cunningham Emma Olmsted John Shehan Orin II. Lelloy Agie Larreit 108 pupils nttcn'W. the school dur ing tbe month; aver.ige daily attendance about 00 per, cent. GEO KG ! 3. DIXON, Principal The following dispo-mbn was made ol the several applications for license in Elk county at Januiry term ol c.iurl 1S75: nRANrtn. Ticrii. Bcneze.tte G. L. Winslow, Luther Lujore. Rcuzinef F X. Morg. Fox John Culiinn. Jay Georpc I). II. Ridgw.iy '.VUtiv.n Sehrani, Riley Broth ers. JSt. Marys Anton l'uciitmaii, Eliza beth Vogel, J is. Witidf elder, Jus. F. Wind Id ler. William Z-'t. James Rngan, John W.ichul k ju, Thomas Valentine, R. IT. Moi-rimn. Kutiu J UulKC Bcnezetlu John Daley, RiJg-.vay James Msuinnis. St" Marys William tries. AutLony Sohauors, Jtcob Kraut. Ridgwny G. G. Messenger. St. Marys Joseph Wilhelui. CuNriNl-CU Ti vein. Ridgway Robert Warner. iiuti hi Ridgway E'-i Eticr. St. Marys L. 1J. Ci.ok. T'Ucrii Hor'.on II B Shr.ns.. Eat'n'j ohm. Fox Andrew lluu Ytt another blow at slavery. Tbe young King of Siam, who, fortunately for himself ani his people, is able to read our bcks a'jj write ii our language, aud who commenced his reign by aboliskiug the pnetioe of bis coutiers ond others prostrating them selves to the ground in l.is presence, has eetablishel a Legislative Council aud a Privy Couucil, to assist bini with advice as to the administration of bis Kingdom. Already, too, he has let it known that his purpose is to eradicate slavery, a deeply-roo'ed and most brutally-enforced iu.titutLn in Siam. II has bas to begin with an allevsting measure, wiih a retrospective operation. He has decreed tint children born of slave-parents subsequent to the 12th of April, 18G3, shall become free, without let or hindrance, immediately on attain ing their twenty-first rear. Tbe own ers will receive compensation in eaoh instance. This beginning hodls'out fair firomise of larger and still more aroe iorative measures in lime Fvrnry't J're$ While a roan and bis two sons were in the woods felling trees, a few days since, near Parker City in Butler county, a can of nitro.glyserine which was near them exploded, killing the father and two sons. They had no knewledge of the can being there, and it is supposed that a chip struck the can and caused it to explode. A. Reading lady recently achieved eminence by carrying a quart of popped corn to a donation party, and eating two dozen fried oysters, a pound of crackcrh, three slices of fruit cake, half a mince pie and somo apples, after which she was threatened with a "spasim," and in the effort to prevent it she sacrificed all tho wine there was in the house. She attends donations regularly, and docs a good deal for the church in that way. Candidates for tho next Republican nomination for Governor are already be ing numerously named. Among those ulrcady sngpregted are Gov. Hartranft, General Charles Albright, of Manch Chunk, WJnihrop W. Ketoham, of Lu zerne; Charles Thompson Jones, of PhiUdclphia; Young S. Waller, ol Delaware; Gen.. James S, Negley of Pittsburgh; Judge ScoCeld, Gen. Todd, and John W. Killinpcr. Leot. The season of Lent begins this yesr Febuary 10th, much earlier than in any other year sinco 1800. Tho high festival of Easter will, ther fore, occur on the 28 of March, within six days of the earliest period upon which it can come. Easter has fallen us late as the 20th of April. In some years as many as nine Sundays iotevent between Epiphany, or the manifestation of Christ, and Ash Wednesday. In 1875 only five Sundays iutsrvece be tween the jubilee of Epiphany and tbe solemn feast of Lent. BUSINESS CAHDS. G. A. RATI BUM, Alturney-at-law, Ridgwny, Pa. 2 2 If. RL'FL'S LUC ORE, Attorncy-at-La'W Bidgwny, Elk Co., Pa. Office ir Hull's new L'rick liuilding. Claims fot collection promptly attended to. v.'Jnlly. 11 ALL f- M'VAULEY, Attorneys-at-Liw. Office in New Iliick Building, Main Si llidawny, Elk Co., Pa. voirJif. J. 0. II. BAILEV, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnj..yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for tho Traveler's Lil'o and Acoi den Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TOK, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo caled iu Iligwny, 0 tiers his profcssionsl ser vices to the ciiizt-us of itidgnay nnu sur rounding country. AH v.uik wnrraiiied Oltiee in Service x Wheeler's Building, up stairs, tij-st doer 10 the left. Tu-11-uJ-ly C11ARLLS HOLES, Wutclinialier, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Kidyway, Pa. Agent lor tb 11 jv.e t'uwii:g Aiacliiuc, and Morton liol" i'ei!. liepaii-iiig Watches, elci, ilo;-e will lie Mime aeour.'.cy as heiet'jfuie. Su(i uctioa guarauteud. vlnly (!. G. MESSES GEL', Urui.-t nii-1 Puraceutist, N. W. cornet of Mam and Mill suc-cts, Ridgwny, Pa. full it? sort mciil of carefully selected For eign and L'uiuc-stio Drugs, l'reteiiplioue can-liilly dispensed al ail hours, day 01 niht. vluoy T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician anu Surgeon. Office iu Iiug St ore, cornel- Broad and Ma:u c'ts, ltctidiiitc culiiir Broad St. ojipo.-il ihc College. Uluco hours from b 10 10 A. M. aiid lioiu 7 lo 0 1". M. vhiJyl. J. S. EORDV.ELL, M. L., Ecleclic Physician mid Surgeon, bnsremov id ins oli.ee li oui Centre sti eti, to .Main st. Ridgway, l'a,, iu the second at ory of ihe new iuick building of John U. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, yflieo hours: 8 lo 0 a- m: 1 lo 2 p, m, 7 jau U 73 IYDE UOlSli, RinowAY, Elk Co., Pa W. II. SC1IRAM, Proprietor. : Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the iiev proprietor, hopes, by paying strict ai teuiion to the comfort aud convenience oi guests, to merit a continuuuee oi thi same. Oct 30 1800. LUCE TAIL It O USE, Kane, McKean Co., Pa. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage herclofoic so liberally bestowed upou him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention lo tho comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit a cotuiuuauce of the same. The ouly stables tor horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. vlu2oyl. KEli&EY IIO USE, CcMTaaviLLE, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage herctolort so libenliy bestowed upou him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the same. r. ir. mai's, DEALS, in Ery Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General. Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear ley I. O- vlu47tf. POWELL & KIME. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that the v.xrld moves, and that the demands of tho public nre con stantly iugreafiint, tho proprietors of the (Brand (Cental have just returned from the eastern nnH ivestciu eitic-3 with thu Uiust perfect ui;-; complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do in t keep, uul they have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy lor cash and SELL FOR CASH I CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST 1 Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. AcviaTisiNO: Cheap, Good, Systema tic All persons who contemplate making contract! with newspapers for the insertion of advertisement, should send 2o cents to Geo I. Rowell Co., 41 Park Row, New York, for their PAMPHLET BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing nsis ot over mw newspapers ana estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken for loading papers in many Stales at a ternieudous reduction from publishers rates. Get tub book. v no 48 tf "0 THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially iuviled to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to recoive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial Board of Finance The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings lor the International Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be repiesented by tbe name of every citizen auvc to patri otic commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stook ure offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framiug and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rule of six per cent, per annum will be paid ou all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not.neai a Nationa Bank can remit a check or post office ordr to the undersigned, FRED'K FRALEY, Treasurer, tk4 Walnut St., Philadelphia QUOTATIONS or White,- Powell & Co. BANKERS AM) liliOKEKd, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, February Pth,1875. BID. ASKKD U. 8. 1881. e auj 2(l do 6 20, 0 'OVi, M ami fi u& 1CA do do 'ti4 di 171 18 m 10 20 20J 1!.J 20 1C1 loJ 14J 100 6- 3 2'1 51 c-i do do '05 do do do '05 J and J.... do do '67 do to 1KJ 10 I'-'l 14 !'" Ml do do '08 do do 10-40, coupon do 1'ncifio 0 cy Int. off New r-s Reg. IH.sl do . 1HH1 Gold.... Silver... 107 Pennsylvania. Reading ; J Philadelphia, & Erie XI Lehigh Navigation Div. oft'.. Til J do Valley C2j United 11 K of . J Li. fiir Oil Creek 130i 131 12g 12 j Northern Central 8:il Central Transportaiisn 4:!j 44 Kesqticiiomiig mi A fc A Morlgage 6's '8i . 10J 102J NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN (orin the Cittscens of llidgway, and the public generally, that he has stni-leda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES iiujjtes, to let upou Uie moat rensonn. ble lernis. SSi.lIe will also do job trailing. Stnblo on Proad street, above Main. All orders left at tho Post Office will meet prompt nuciuiiiu An it) 1P70. tf. 123 Leiiutoa Aycnnc Cot R SSt'A St., NEW YORK, 1 1 t ni 1 1 1 nflRnsnnfinT rnnsinan. It.UuUOiiUUI I TREA TS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE, ASD r.ECKIVE3 Letters from all parts 0 the Civilized World. CY f!!8 CSISiKAL Y.'AY Of CflElBctlni a Eeiioal Practice . HE IS TREATING Numerous Petiects in Europe, the West ladies, tbe Dominion of Canada, and ia every State cf the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Ko mercurial medicine or d?lelPrioin Arwgn used. Has during the iat twenty yra treated ftucccas f till j' nearly or quite 4i',W0 cases. All facts con neoted with ech co are currfully recorded, whc;ier they fcw oorvmmiR-ated by lcttor or in person, or observed by the Doctor or bit ancociato physicians. The latter ure all scientific medical men. All Invalids at a distance are required to answer an exteuded list ot phiin question, which will be furuikhed by mail tree, or at the office. A com plete system of rogistcriiisr prevents mistnke or confusion. Ca books) never rouulted, except by the physicians of the Cfetablii-himnt. Fur freo Cjr.iuUaiion send for lit of ;tie-itiotts. A sixty -page pauipukt of evidences of success sent free also. Addrtt$ rr. E. 33. FOOTK, Box T88, New Yoi-ls. AGENTS WANTED. Da. Foots U th. uthnr of " IIi'.dk ai, Com mon Binse," a book that r.-rcliii! a circulntion of over SSO.QOO Cfpioi; l?n, ct -1'lain Hosia Talk," more wenily puh'ish-'il. wliirh btiA noli to the extent of 70,000 oopirs ; 't.o. of ' Sems-CE lai Stoby," wUicb in uow be ne iu:ii'.U!icd in Mri!t. OSTSST XAHi.FJ of all, xorti"g the tirst mM.t..,nfd work (wlilrh U out of print), will bo eor.t freo on application to either Dr. Foots, or tho Kurrny till TaMisfc lag Csspur, whoso oftlce Is li'.l tnt tsih Slreet. Ai;enu bjih men eud women-wanted to acll the foregoing works, to whom a lllx-ral profit will be allowed. Tbe beinninrs of small furtnnei have been male in aellin Vr. Footk'r popular works. 'Turn Home Tmlb" is mrticu!nrly adapted to adult and "Ecilkce in Sinnx" it last the thing- for tho younp. Bund for content! Ubles and see for yourselves. The former answera a multitude of questions which ludics and gentle men feel a delicacy about asking of their physicians. There ia nothing ia littruturj at all li'ie either ef the forugoing works. "Sciknce in 6 tort" can only be had ot agents or of the Publishers, "PLAIN I10MB TALK" It published In both lha English aud Gorman Languages. Once more, 'Agouta zw ttutod.! ADDEES3 A3 ABOVE. i LLEGIIENY VALI.i.V KAIL BO.U LOW-GRABK LIVISION. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 2:!, 1874. trains between lleubank i-.ud Driftwood mil run as follows: v. i:t-i w-Ai'ii. EXPRESS ntvl MAIL will Irnve Drift wood daily at 12:"0 p in, Beyiiuidsvilio al 3:20 p m, I'.i-ool.vilk-at 4.05 p m, nrrivini; at llcdbark at (i:12 p in. counec ting viiili Express on Main Line lor 1'insbiirgii. MIXED WAY It-avrs tlcyiioldsville daily at 6:40 a m, liiookvill nt S:10 a in, ariiv ing at l'e.tljank hi 11:50 a m, connrvtin with uaii.s i.oi ill and --uili ou Main Line. t.Shl All n. I-XVUKSS and MAIL leaves Bedbanl. dniiy ul 12:20 a ni, ari ivis nt lirookvillu i.i 2:84 p m. l!o nohUviila at 8:20 p m, Drift wood at 0:10 p in. connecting with trains east and west on P niid E ltaiii oad. MIXED WAV leaves New l eihU-'ui daily at 8:05 i. ui i.n ivej nt BrooUville at u iu, Key uoldsville -it 7:80 p in. MAIN LINE On and after MwNDAY, NOV 28, 1971, trains ou the Allegheny Valley lluilro'ud will run as follows: BUFFALO EXPRESS will leave Pius burgh daily at 7:45am, Reiiliank Junction at 10:47 a m, aud arrive at Oil City at2;4u p m, NIC.HT EXPRESS will leave Oil city at y-05 p m.Redbank Junction at 2:56 u m, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 7:20 a m. Tl'lUSYlLLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts- nurgn at a:uu p m, x-.eubank Junction al 6;26 pm, and arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p m. Returning, leaves Oil City at 8:30 a m, Kedbauk Juuc-tion at 12:11 am, aud ar rives at Pittsburgh at 3;45 p ta. J. J. LAWRENCE, General Superintendent, Wat. M. Philliu, Aas't Bupt., Brookville, Ta. E. BTFOOTE, M.D. RAILROADS. PKNNSYliVANIA HAIL KOAD; riuladorphia & Kris R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON andafter MONDAY, NOV, 10, 1874, Ihc trains on tho Philadelphia, A Brie Jtailt-oad will run as follows I WKSTWAttll. FAST LlNFlonvcs l'hiladelphia 12 flop, m Jteuovo H-O P m ' " ai r. nt l.mpoi nun 1 I In ' ' air. al liiiltiuo "J.OO a. m 15 RIB MAIL leaves I'liiindelphia 11.65 p iu " Jteuovo 11.10 a in " ' " Binpoi-ium 1.10 p in " St. Mary's 05 p m " ltidgwsy 2..'-i p in " arrive at Ki ie 8.05 p m BASTWAUD. FAgT LINE leaves Emporium... 8.65 p m ' " " Beuovo 10.40 pm " " air. at Philadelphia 8.05 a m EUIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " itidgway 4.45 p ia " " " St. Mary's 6.10 p tn " " " Euiponum 6.05 pm " " " Hen.ivo 8.25 p m ' " arr. at I'hiladejihia... 0.60 a Fu Mail Bnst connects east and west at Erie with L 3 M S 11 W. Mull West tviti. eAst r.nd west trains no L a M S K Vi WM. A. BALDWIN. Lieu'l Sup't. Winter Arra'jgcment. BUFFALO, NEW iOUK &, 1'llIL'A. 11. It. TUB SHORTEST 4.0 MOST DI1IK.CT 110UTB To Williauisport, Kutibury, Huirisburg l'liiladt-ljihia, Jlultiiuorc, Wash ington and the South. On and after NOVEMBER 10, 1874, and untii l'lii-lhei- notice, trains will leave Buffalo New York & Philadelphia. Bailway Depot, corner Exciiiinge mid Louishiua streets (Buii'nlo time); us fallows: 7 40 A. M. ACCOMMODATION (daily except Suudays). stopping at fibcnezei 8 04. Springbi-ook 8 14, Klnm 8 i!0, Jamison 8 Aurora 8 81, Wales 8 44, Hollands 6uj Protection i) 05, Arcade H 20, Yorkshire 27, Machias 0 o7, Fruuklinville U 55, Ishua 10 15, Hmsdule 10 ol, Erie llaihvay Junction 10 45, Oio u 10 4'J, Westons 10 60. Portvilie 1105, State Line 11 12, Eldred 1125, Larabees 1131, Sartwell 1140, Turtle Toiot 11 45, Port Alleguny 1168, Liberty 12 17, P. M., Keating 12 26, Ship pen 12 4J, Emporium 1 00, P. M. Stntres nre advertised to conneot with this train ut "lma for Marilla; at Arcade lur Yorkshire! at Fraulilinvillo for Bush ford and Ccntreville; at Portvilie for Ceres, Kicliiiurg, Little (ienessce, Boliver, Mill port and Sharon Centre, at Larabees loir .-ruiethpoii; nt Port llegauy for Couderi pi-.ii; til Kea'.ing, Tuesdays and Fridays for Whuiton, East louiuii mid East Homer. 8 :;0 A. M. MINED 1KA1N i'O OLEAN (daily except Sundays), stopping at Ebon czer 'J 5, Spriugbrook 10 07, Elina, 10 28, Jamison 10 44, Aurora 11 05, Wales 11 82, liollauu 11 55, Protection 12 16 P. M , Ar cade 12 48, lorlishire 1 05, Machitis 1 2'J, l-'intikliiivillo 2 05, Ischu 25 0, Hinsdalo 21, Erie Bailvay Junclion 4 00 P. M, .Stages are adveitiscd to connect with this train nt A-.x-ado for Yorkshire atd tiushferd; nt Fiaklinvillc for llushford. 8 00 P. M. WAcHlNUXON EXPRESS, (daily), slopping at Ebenezer 3 22, Spring, brook 8 Sit Elmn 1 80, Jamison 8 40, Auro ra 8 40, Wales 8 58, Holland 4 05, Protec tion 4 15, Arcade 4 29, York cliirc 4 ?U, Machiai 4 45, l'lankliville 6 OU, fschua 6 1 7, lltusdale 6 80, Erie Railway Junction 5 45, Uleau 0 05 (Supper), Wes tons 0 15, Portvilie 0 22, State Line 0 80, Eldred 0 42, Larabees 0 5'i, Sartwell 0 68, iurtle Point 7 02, l ort Allegany 7 14, Keating 7 42, Empnviuia 8 15, Kcnnvo 10 40, Williamsport 1 10 A. M., Suubury 2 60, Harrisbur 4 20, tvew York 11 A. M., Philadelphia 8 05, Baltimore 7 45, Washing ton 0 07 A. M. "tages nre advettisrd to connect with this train at Elmn lor Mai ilia; at East Au rora, cn Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, fjr Java Village, SiryktrsvUle, Wales and Wales ToUuw: at Area Iu for Spring ville, Sanduskiiy and Yoikshii-o. Pulinuu Palace Sleeping Cars on this train frum Bult'alo to Pnltiiuore and Vfash ingiun i hui.t oiinn.te Philadelphia pas FeUfcei-s t i-uiiRl'i-r at Ji.-ri. hurge. ow York 1 .is.-engi.rs at 11 ii risliuig. On Sunday iiuiii doej ntii run east, cf Olean. TT.AlNd LL,VE EMPORIUM. 2 yo A. M.. BUFFALO ErRESS (doily) 1 ii.-; at ciiippuu iii.i, iveating 3 10, i.S at t-hipiM l.ii-i'i'tv -'-, Port Alli-canv 8 62. Tunis P'di.i 110, Inittiell 4 10. l arabees 4 Ei-ii-cl 1 i5. Otitic 1 :n4 52, 1'ortville 5 t;3, Wt-Mcnr IK, Oli-r.u U 00, Erie Railway I unction 0 ti"i, Hinsdale 0 20, ltehua 0 35, Frank linvil.c ii 54, Macluas 7 10, Yorkshire 7 IS, A undo 7 2'i, Pioiectiun 7 40, Hollaud 7 4H, V. mU-s 7 5'.', aurora 8 10, Jauiisuu 8 I'i, Minn 20. .-piit)j;brook 8 20, i bei. tttr i 80, I iii.a'.o'.l VU A. M. This train makes direct connections for I Inpii n Pulls, ami all point in Canada and the West. Siuj.'!-) two n-ivpi-tincd to connect with this ti.iij. at Arcade fiom Springville, San dusky and vo.ksliii-c; nt East . Aurora, on Tuesdays, 1 hursdnys and Saturdays from Java, ; iiyUisville, Wales and Wales Hol iur; m i.lmu kroin Mm ilia. (!u Moim;.ys this train dees nofrun catt of Olean. 0 10 A. M., L'CAL PASSENGER AND FlEJGllT (daily except Sundays.) stopp ing hi fcliippen 0 JO. Kcatiug 7 35, Libeny 7 40, Port AIU-;jnt:y 8 40, .Tunis Poil.t 0 18, Sartwell t1 25, Liu-ubees U 40, Eidied 10 00, State Line ltl 83, l'ortville 11 I'S. .Westons 11 20. Olcan 11 88, Erie Railway way Junction 11 48, Hinsdale 12 15 P. M.f Fianklinville 2 05, Holland 4 06, Auaora i, junciion ouu r, M. t-inees aro Juvei tiscd to emnect m'ln Ihisliain nl l'ir. villa .rom Ceres. ltili. l ing, Liu'.c (.ici.isei-, lioliver, iHllport and Sliaiou Ccnlie. 2 00 P. M., ACCOMMODATION (dniy cent Sundavs). Gtonpiiiff at hliii,riii 2 1 1, Kciiing 2 83, Liberty 2 41, Port Al-1'-, i.ny 8 CO, Turtle Point 8 13. Sartwell lt, Larabees 3 25, Eldred 3 31. Stui Line 3 45. iorlviile 3 63. Upturn a sa jl.an 4 ( , tiie Bnilwav Junction 4 13, iims-laio 48, lchu 4 41. Franklinvilin 6 00, Miu-hmi-6 25, Yorkshire 6 30, Arcade o oO, Protection k 10, Holland ti 22, Wales ti 83, Auroic ti 4li. Jamison fi nt t'l,., A fiu Kpi ingbruLk 7 04, Lheiu-zer 7 15, Buffalo 7 10 p. M. Stages ate advertised to connect wtth this train at Keating from Wharton, East Homer and East nartou on Tuesdays and 1'ridaj n; ut Port Allegany from Couders. port; at Larabees from Smethport; at Frankiiiivillo from Rushford and Centre ville; at Arcade from Rushford and York shire. TRAIN LEAVES OLEAN: C 15 A. M LOCAL PASSENGER AND FfctlUBT, daily except Sundays, stopping ut llinsdule ti 47, IschuaT 18, Franklinvilie 80 0, Aiachias 8 31, Yorkshire 853, Arcada U 20, Pro'eetiim 0 54, Holland 10 13, Wale 10 88, Aurora 10 05 Jamison 11 21 Elma 1186 Spiiugbrook 1160 Ebenezer 12 15 Eufiulo 1 CO P. M. II- C. FISE, . ... Uen'l Manager. J. V. VLUMANS, li, L. LYMAN. Oeu'I Sup't. Gen'l Pass'rjlj't JOBVYTORK,We are now prepared f to doall kinds of JOB WORK, tuvelepts, Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads neatly and eheaply executed. Offiee ia Thayer & Hagerty'i new kulldiiig, Mail street, Ridgway, Pa. 1