".U Lilt JVM 'V Henry A. P arsons, Jr. Edit o THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Hlh 1875, Tiia Democrats of this statu arc si ready trolling out their candidate fur governor. James Ellis of Schuylkill, is named; Buokalew, tho everlasting office-seeker will push forward; Colonel Noyes, of Clinton, will be on tho list; nnd tho Hon. Wni. A, Galbraith, o' Krie will have supporter.". Tin De mocracy are foolishly confident of curry ing the state next full, iinl their con vention will bo ono of the most dit. irictcd and turbuleut the party bus known for iiiany years. Auditors' Settlement , Receipts a in! J'.tptmfititrcx of hlk Oi.U'ili for tli': year ending .limitary 1st, lSTo: RLCE'PTS. Jan. 1, 1ST.'.. To tnx iccil from unponlcl lands 1 i!T -S 1 "7 " Collectors Jury foes and indictments t'oiiiiuonwea'.lh costs collected l ine , collected 'J ax rccil on lands ret'd by colls Amt rccd from Jones twp on acct of monies paid for support cf A. Parsons ' tut reed from rienzirser twp on nect of monies paid lor support, el' Conrad Nist nit reed from St. Mr.vy's boro on red of monies paid for support of Martin Orcgor 04n7 in 74 no C5o TO ill 00 10 5't 141 4111 41 33 04 38 54 EXFEXDFYVUES. Jim. 1, 11.75. I'.y arr.t pd 1! I Campbell Comiu'r '" " Ceo. Y. J.'Wcis ' ' " Julius Jnne3 " C. II. M Caulev, Clerk Jas. K. 1 Hall. C-ist. Ally: D. C. Oyster, Sheriff " Jailor f'ommr". Counsel Constables t oui t Crier Tip staves l'rothonotarys County Auditors " Clerk .Tnnilor To Constables Justices Feaca AYi;ne?cs 1). C. Oyster.Sherift' To Assessment expenses Registering To (frnnd Juries " Traverse " Jury Commissioners Jty nmt. paid W. l'cnitentiury 0ixinont Hospital, lis follows: For support of Conrad Nist For support of A. l'aroiis For support of Jno. Condon Exniniuation of M. Gregor Liy nmt. paid for printing and Advertising Flection expenses :oi 00 304 O t 200 (10 POO 00 (55 00 O.l'.l 37 1507 71 100 00 K24 '.'4 !ij 00 80 00 4!1 (10 65 00 00 00 Hlvl 1 03 1 1 1310 80 38 70 603 07 J53 70 mo :) " I'o 33 "h 44 8 U'j 133 05 1 10 50 CO 1 5 20,00 C79 20 U58 (it) l!nna lws N llnmnfrp J Stationery and Fostaj; Bounties onVolves,&c ltna.l Viw & llnmnfr(t ?74 00 208 04 ape ,&0 47 50 i i-el Lights Kcpxii' i 'j Public F.uildings.&o Court House c.tpeuses inquests Military Miscellaneous Uy paymt. bnl due Coiumrs. counsel, 1F73 Expenses holding appeals Au-iitor of Prothouotary ncct. tarlcy on Cal his acct as Trsas 404 31 233 60 72 4i 60 80 14 ! 0 50 00 151 63 0 00 414 !0 lol-24 44 4114 10 Excess of Receipts 20238 54 Jlf sets and Liolilities of EUc County, January 1. lS7n. ASSETS. Ian. 1 , IS75 To Tax duo from Cnentoi lands subject to com. and exoneration KSi ' Tax dun from Collectors subject to com. & exonerati',:.- 11830 Amt duo from Jones n 1 i- support of A. rarsens CO Amt due from llenzinger tp. for support of Conrad Mist t'l Amt. duo from St. Marys boro. for support of Martin Gregor 129 Amt. due from Lcc'.i i. avea boro. for support ot Jno. Condor 404 Ann due from Cameron, F.lk & Clearfield State ltoad 130 2207 LIABILITIES. Jan. 1,1875. By Comity Orders outstanding Bonds Amt. duo W. reuifenlinry . Dixmont Hospital J. M'indfelder, Trens. I. C. Oyster, Slier ff R. I. Camphe'l, Com. Geo. Ed. V. (is do Julius J vi-' s do Peter HunghiaUing, Janiior Excess of asteis 2528 3 1 9300 09 124 95 258 50 4390 CI 1381 5 900 12 00 IS 00 20 00 4017 87 22073 Annvnts due ly the several Collectors Elk Coun'y on January 1, 1875. STATE AND COUNTY. J. V. Uouk, Kidjtway tp 1805 Wm. MeCauley, lor 181.0 II. F. Overholtzcr, llidgway Tp 1808 Juo. Gleixner, Beizingcr 1809 Levi Ellithorpe Highland tp 1871 J. K. Morey, Jay 1871 D. Attlebcrger.Jones 1871 Ed Paine, Spring Creek 1871 II. H. Vensel, llidgway 1872 Ceo. kV. Winsbw, Uencitetto 1873 Thus. Kerner, Denzinger 1873 F, X. Enz, Fox 1873 Chailos Stiibhs,llif hland 1873 Jno. Wiuklcbleck, llorlnn 1?73 Wm, O. Thomas, Jay 1873 Henry Warner, Jones 1873 Wm. Clyde. Millstone 1873 James Gaid.ier, llidway 1873 II. R. Moote. Spring Creek 1873 ErafmuBMiicy. Feitzette 1874 George Reuseher.Eenziuger 1374 Jacob Ioyer,Fox 1874 Thos Campbell, High!und1874 George Fauet, Horton 1874 A.J. Avery, Jay 1874 Michael Weidcrt, Jones 1874 A. Zimmerman, Mills' one U74 w f! Henlv. Hidnwnv 1874 37 95 111 74 510 87 273 42 C 90 805 38 87 82 45 00 808 85 431 t.5 CO no 152 08 9 52 72 2.1 148 87 CI 2 59 68 08 470 11 2HO07 407 98 1034 59 U31 79 55 21 719 51 802 24 1 :9 89 118 80 989 74 300 81 Tbos. Irwiu, Spring Creek B. Weidenboerner, St Boro. 1874 1341 11004 markel wilb. e. have Noti Those i'mco paid. LOUXTV TAX. John Koch, Fox Tp. 1804 C. W. I'orlcrficM, Spring Crook Tp. If 04 Armcl Turlcy.Jny Tpl835 licucict Dill, Ridgway tp. 1806 294 52 200 02 117 95 152 75 72 14 Amts, icceivcd from the several Col lectors of Elk County during the year 1871 Wm. M iCnnlcy, box (p. 1800 012 D, C. Oyster, Morton tp. 1V0H 74 83 T. J. Taylor, Horton l p. lHii'J 133 2S P. W. Hays, Fox tp. 1800 17:2') II. 9. Thnvcr, UiiWwnv tp. 8(117 .1. It. Mor'ey. Jay tp 1871 14 1:1 Jnlin Johnson, lienezet tp. 1872 37 tM) II. II- Wcnsel, Ridgway tp. 1872 104 68 Vi m James, highland tp. '1872 11 42 Martin Perr'n, Spring Creek tp. 1872 50 70 !'. X. Vm, Vox tp. 187-3 . CKO 24 Tlios Kerner. Uenzincer tp. 18711 617 45 Charles Ftiihbs, llipliland I p. 187.1 68 00 ,lno. Winlilcbleuli, Morton tp 1873 170 45 ni, . Thomas, Jay tp. 1873 200 00 II. Warner, Jonas tp. 1873 170 97 Wm. Clyde, Millstone tp. 1873 105 83 .Ins. Gardner, Ridwny tp. 1873 034 20 II. R. Mooro, Spring Creel, tp. 1873 98 0 15. W'eidcuhocrucr, St.-'Mary's Horol873 800 12 Erasmus Morcy Benczelln tp. 1874 2'.?0 (15 Jacob Moyor. f'ox Tp. 1874 453 15 Michael WoiJcrt, Jones tp. 1874 751 15 . Zirsmcrman, Millstone Tp. 1S74 72 8(1 W. C. Hoaly, Ridg v. sy tp. lfcVl P55 23 0175 15 County Ins 0107 2ft Plate, tax 07 80 We. the undersigned. Commissioners of F.Ik County, do hereby certify that the above nnd foregoing is n correct statement of the rcec:pts nud expenditure, &o..(it Lite County for the year 1874, and tho assets and liabilities of the same. (il'.O. CD. WtlS, ) JULIUS JONtJS, VCoinai'rs. MICilAilL WE1DERT, j ,te.-t: C. II McCai:t,ey. Clerk. Jorh Wind'e-der Exo., Treasurer of Elk County la acct. with siid Counfi for the year ending Jan. 1st 1875 To tax rcc. from unseated lands 12341 3 To tux rcc. from collectors 0407 29 To tax ree. from eitod Lands ret'd to Co. Coiamis. 10 50 Amt. ree l, from Jones tp. poor Fund cn account oi monies paid lor support, of A. Parsons 341 73 Amt. ree. from Denzinger Tp. Toor fund on account of monies paid for support of Conrad Nist 41341 Amt. reed, from St. Mary 'a Bovo. l'oor fund on nccount of nisniea pai l for support cf Martin G.egor CO IH 90 91 Duo J lvnsuitr 4. 23974 85 January 1st, 1875 13y County orders redeemed 18394 95 do Bonds do 3080 80 Exoneration Orders County tax 892 82 do do Military tax 99 00 Refunding orders 109 00 Lauds sold County 453 94 Siaic Treasurers receipt for tax on loans . 20 84 Xieu'i. com. on amount received, less jiinety-uiaa dollars Military Fx. order. 873 20 Treas. ccra. on nmt. disb'd 443 70 23974 85 STATE TAX ACCOUNT January 1st, 1875 Due Treasurer Collectors 67 RG 86 89 154 75 114 00 40 15 154 75 January 1, 1875 By Ktate Treasurer's receipts Exoneration Orders HI ROAD ELXDS I1F.NFZK1TB ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 To lax ree'd from unseated lauds 2150 70 January 1, 1875 By road orders redeemed Township Treas. receipts Tieas. com. amt. rje'd do do disb'd Due fund 1010 00 824 Wi 43 13 88 08 1 40 89 2150 70 lir.KZINOEU ROAD FUND January 1, 1 875 To tax reo'd from unseated lands 1740 99 fc7 00 70 30 00 CO January 1, 1875 By road orders redeemed Refunding orders Treas. com. on ain't ree'd do do disb'd Due fun I 1820 18 84 8: 20 08 84554 174 Additional Road Eun.t January 1, 1875 To tax ree'd .'roiu unseated lauds Due Treasurer 871 59 294 80 11057 Je.uuary 1, 1875 By aud. road orders redeemed Refurding do Township Treas. receipts Treas. coin- on ana't reu'd do du dibb'd 825 8ti0 17 1105 FOX ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 To tax ree'd from unseated lands January 1, 1875 By road orders redeemed Refunding orders Tiens.com. ou ain't ree'd do do Disb'd Due fund 1874 4 80 1G00 24 87 4'.' of 32 202 1874 4 Additional Road Fund January 1, 1875 To lax ree'd from unseated lands 1874 January 1 1875 I'.y Township Treas. receipts 70 Treasurer's com. on am't ree'd 87 4 do do disb'd 14 Due fund 1122 187447 man land road fund January 1, 1875 To tax ree'd from unseated lands 1652 January 4, 1875 By road orders redcensel Township Treas. receipts Refunding orders Treas, coin, on nm't ree'd do do Dibb'd Due fund 1880 100(0 80 05 83 05 80 33 72 41 165244 IIOnTON ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 To tax roo d from unseated lands 1164 52 January 1, H7-i By road orders redeemed. Treas. com. on am t ree'd do do disb'd Due fund 1000 00 23 29 20 00 12123 38 73 116152 Additional lioad fund January 1, 1876 To tai rco'd from unseated lands 680 68 January 1 1875 lly add. road orders redeemed Township Treasurers receipts Trens. com, on nm'tree'd do do disb'd Due fund 80 Qf) 625 00 11 61 II 10 2!)7 680 08 JAT ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 To Tax reo'd from unseated lands January 1, 1875 Ity road orders redeemed Treas. com. on nm't reo'd d) do disb'd Due fund 1920 94 1380 00 38 42 27 00 474 92 192094 JONES ROAD FUND January J, 1875 To tax ree'd from unseated lands January 1, 1875 By roail orders redeemed Refunding orders Trcas. Com. on nm't rco'd do do disb'd Due fund 2508 62 1980 00 119 08 61 37 20 39 477 18 2508 G2 MIT.T.STONR ROAD FUND. January 1, 1875 To tax rci'd from unseated lands 1989 2' January 1 1875 By road orders redeemed 1185 00 400 82 89 78 31 72 381 95 Township Treas. receipts Treas. com, on am't reo d do do disb d Due fund 1989 RIPOWAY ROAD FUND. Jcnunry 1, 1875 To tai ree'd from unsealed lands 2249 23 January 1, 1875 By road orders reueemel 1893 00 44 98 37 80 273 39 Treas. com. on am't ree d do do disb d Due fund 2219 21. ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. January 1, 1875 To tna: ree'd from unseated lands jO'.w.'u due Trcas. 128 40 1228 42 January 1, 1875 Bv township Treas. receipts 1182 77 22 00 Treasurer's com on am't ree'd do do disb d 23 05 1228 CREEK ROAD FUND. EVRINO January 1, 1875 To tax rco d from unscatca lanus 1477 15 January 1, 1875 By Road orders redeemed 1135 00 Township Treas. receipts Treas. com. on am't ree'd 200 Oi 29 54 do do disb d 2 i 70 Due 1'u ad f-5 91 1177 15 ST MARYS ROAD AND CORPORATION FUND. January 1, 1875 To tax reo'd from unseated lands Road 91 CO To tax ree'd from unseated lands, corporation 1 80 34 January 1 1875 uy reiunuing orucrs, roan " " corporation Treas. com. on am't ree'd, road ' corporation Trens. com, on am't disb'd, --road ' " coporntiou Due fund 1 0' 1 8 02 130 9J 133 34 SCHOOL AM) SCHOOL BUILD 1XG t VXDS. RENF.ZETTE SCHOOL FUND January 1, 1875 To tai rco'd from unseated lands school To tai ree'd from unsealed lands Building Due Treasurer 1592 79 838 59 209 24 2700 0: January 1, 1875. By district trea's receipts-school do do do build'g Treas com on amount ree'd do do do do disb'd 1000 00 1000 0 4S 02 62 00 2700 0 00 BEKZINQEn SCHOOL TUXO- January 1, 1375, To tai ree'd from unseated land school Received from unseated land, building 2089 88 S08 10 - J99 E958 04 January 1, 1875. By district treasurer's receipts school District'treasurcr's receipt-building Refunding orders school do do building Trea's. com. on amount received do do do do disb'd Due fund 14 450 250 00 8 2: 00 79 oo 43 3 81 59 14 2172 2958 73 FOX SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1875. To taz ree'd from unseated land school Ree'd from unsealed lan Wjuild'g 2059 744 95 2804 00 98 Jnnunrv I. 1875 By district treas. rc:eipts school C75 do do build'g 32 5 05 41 Refundinc order school 2 9: do do b'd'g Treas com on am't ree'd 50 do do disb'd 20 Due fund 1725 0 47 604 HIGHLAND January 1 1875: To taz ree'd from school Due treasurer SCHOOL FUND. 000 unseated land 03 607 139 C17 98 January 1st, 1875: District treas receipts Refunding orders Treas com on am't ree'd do do disbursed C01 22 44 10 1 12 G47 00 nORTON SCHOOL FUND. Jauuary 1st, 1875. Taz ree'd from unseated lands January 1 1875: By dist. treasurer's receipts Treas ooin on amount received do do disbursed Due fund 87 1047 23 20 96 118711 JAY SCHOOL FUND. January 1st, 1875 Tazeo'd from uns't'd lands-school 1442 do do do build e iou 1923 January 1st , lt)7o By district ttcas receipts-school do no do build's 1280 50 400 00 88 40 83 Gl 170 72 Trens com on amount reoeived do do do disbursed Due fnnd 1923 29 2008 35 1458 08 JONPa January 1, 1875 To tai reoeived land school ECHOoL FUND, from unseated Tax received from unseated land building 8407 03 January 1, 1875. Hy district treasurer'! receipts school District treasurer's receipts building Refunding ordrs school do do building Treasi.com on amount received do do do disbursed Due fund 1950 00 1285 08 89 00 27 78 (19 88 00 04 29 15 8407 03 MILLSTONE SCftOOL FUND. January 1, 1875, To tna received from unseated land school Taz received from unseated land building 1535 27 1944 27 8479 54 January 1, 1875. By district treasurer receipts school ami buikhnir 2181 00 700 00 09 69 District, treasurer's receipts- building Treas com on amount received do do do disb'd Due fund 67 02 471 83 8179 54 RIPOWAY SCIIOOI.JfUND. January 1, 1875, la received from unseated land school 1410 71 708 48 2125 19 117185 68589 42 50 35 15 289 80 Received from unseated1 land.... building January 1, 1875, By district treas.receinfs-school District treas receipts-building Trea's'com on am't ree'd do do do disb'd Due fund 2125 19 SITING CREEK SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1875. To taz rco'd from unseated land school 1914 4G Taz received from unseated laud -building 802 83 Tai ree'd from seated land rel'd to Co.Comrs' school 68 50 Tai ree'd from seated land ret'd to Co. Com'rs building 13 00 2850 79 1022 27 100 00 47 01 22 41 1159 07 January 1, 1875 By dstrict treas receipts -school do do build g Trcas com on nnt received do do disbursed Bui due fund 2350 79 ST MARYfl SCHOOL FUND. January 1st, 1875 Taz leeeived frotu uuecalod lands 91 00 January 1st, 1875 By refunding erder school 1 03 do to inn hi g do do . ndd'l bulid'g 1 40 32 Treas com on amount received 1 82 00 85 77 CI 00 do do ' disbursed Due fuud '.'8 90 POOR FVXDS. TiVNZlNGF.R POOR FUND. 08 January ls(, 1875 To ta ree'dfrout Duo treasurer unseated Hauds-l 871 59 414 92 1286 50 January 1-t 1 875: Bv township treasurer s receipts 800 00 Am't paid Dixmont Hospital for sup port ot Conrad Mst 418 41 Refunding orders 79 Treasurer's com. on amount received 17 48 do do do disbursed 24 8'i 12S0 51 IOX POOR FIND January 1, 1875 To taz rcc d from unseated landav374 36 January 1, 1875 By orders redeemed Township Treas. receipts Trcas. com. ou am't ree'd do do dis'bd Due fund 140 00 65 00 7 49 3 90 107 97 374 36 jones rooR ri'sn. ;nnunry l, l8ia To T4z ree'd f.uiu unseated lands 059 70 January 1, 1873 By am't paid Dixmont Hospital for support of A. Parsons Refunding orders , Treas. com. on am't rifc'd do do 'Disb'd Due fund 341 73 9 18 13 19 7 03 287 82 00 10 039 70 srnixo nEK ro:n rem). January 1, 1873 j To taz ree'd frcinj unseated lands Seated land ret'd do Co. Coiumrs, January 1, 1875 ' By Township Treats, receipts Trcas. com. on sui t ree'd do Ao d sb'd Due fund ' ST. tlAUYS B0PO. 1'OOE FOND. January I, 1875 To laz ree'd from unseated lands 00 242 12 18 220 5 4 24 254 35 30 00 00 35 21 January 1, 1875 By am't pail( Dizrcont Hospital on account, support of Martin Gregor 33 Trcas. com. f'on ami't ree'd 08 00 do J do disb'd i 85 i STATE ROADS. 34 73 07 WILCOX AND HAMBLIN BTATB BOAD January1, 1875 To tax ree'd ran unseated lands, Joiiei m. 1102 95 49 .TnniMirv 1 1875 Bv eiders redeemed. Jones Tp. 800 48 07 Comlr.J.L.Brown'ireceiptsdo 214 Fetuudiue orders Jones tp. 19 Treas. com. on am't ree'd 22 tio do disb'd 20 Due fund 25 11 ' 1102 00 74 94 43 B1DGWAT AND ST, MABTS STATS BOAD. reo d from unseaieu muu do do Beminger tp. 1743 do do do do Jones t 2508 Kidgway 251 C564 4795 1 63 January 1, 1875 By Treas. receipts Ketundiug orders, Beminger ip. 2l do do Jonet tp. 89 68 181 29 I do do diab d - 90 73 Dae fund 1499 03 6504 48 M'KKAN, KtK AND FOREST STATE BOAO. January 1, 1875 To tax rco'd f om unseated land do do dor do Highland tp. Jones tp. 2402 25 8881 29 0870 64 .1001 00 2000 Oil 62 44 69 58 127 51 102 23 1084 81 January 1, 1875 By orders red :cmed, Jonej tp. do do Highland tp, Refunding order, do do do Jones tp. Trcas. com. on am't ree'd do do disb'd Due fund ' ' " BIDOWAT AND nltOOKVltf.tlJ STATB noAl). January 1, 1875 To taz reo'd from unseated, land do do Ridgway tp, 2254 13 do do Spring Creek tp 1477 18 8731 31 January 1, 1875 By Cum'rs receipts, Ridgway tp. Com'rs receipts, Spring Creek tp. Treasurer's receipts Treas. com. on am't ree'd do do disb'd Due fund 100 on loo oo 2997 70 74 0. (18 9 394 95 8781 81 Jos. Windfeldcr, Fsq., Treasurer of Elk County, in ncc't widi the Commoinvcalih ol Pennsylvania for the. year ending Janu ary Lit, 1875. To tavern licenses 650 00 Fating honors 280 0 ' Liriuor uccuses 100 00 Retailers merchandise 888 i" Restaurants At cat inn houses 3 1130 0( Breweries 02 Billiards 100 Oo 2JG0 5(. January 1, 1875 By fctate treas. receipts, retailers license Due ComiconweaUli 755 50 1805 00 2000 50 We. tho undersigned, Auditors of Elk county, having met at the CoinniK-stoncrs cilice in Ridgway, on the fust Monday ol January, A. D- 1875, beine tho 4ihd.iy ol the month, for the purpose cf auditing, set tling, on I adjusting the acounls of the several county officers, at which time we proceeded to audit, settle and adjust ti p accounts of the same, aud fuuu 1 thoin e r rcct as set f'Tth in the foregoing ic; Joseph Windfeldcr, treasurer, ..being duly notihcd wns represented by J. K v felder. We fout.d due by the sai l Jos. Wind feUler, Treasurer, to the several funds as i: fully set forth in the forccoing report the sum of thirteen thousand four hundred and seventeen dollars and eighty-three corns and due to him from funds set lurili in sai report 'he sum of five thousand seven hun dred and thirty dollars ant twenty-nun C'.nts, leaving a net balance duo by tho sail1 Treasurer to tiio several tmius oi seven thousand siz hundred and cicluv seven dollars and litty .four cents (57087 54;, and also duo to the Commoinvcalih o! Pennsylvania the sum of one thousand three hundred nnd live unbars (SJ180-J.) In witness wliereol wo have nereunt set our hands tho 21st day of January A, U. 18. j.' thomas inwr:, i Tli 03. J. BURKE, Aud'i N. O. BUND1 , J Attest M. S. Kline, Clerk. D. C. Ouster, Esq.. Hinh. Slier ih" of Elk County, iii account with said county for the year ending January 1, 1875. To commonwealth costs collected $ " fino com. vs. Joseph flub " " " " Supervisors of Benzingcr township " fino com. vs. Dan'l JI'Geary " " " " Jacob Quig;lo " jury fee com vs B. Branill'ct al " " " " ' Z. 31. Webb " " " " " T. S. Hartley " " ' " " Louis Vollmer " " " " " Supervisors of Benzinger township "jury fee com vsW. Taylor etal " " " " " Jacob (niggle " " " Curry vs. Paino " " " 3PCartyvs. Tho Elk and 31'Kean R. R. company 555 70 10 CO 1 00 10 00 10 CO 2 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 CO 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 "jury leo Wcllcndort vs. Uio Elk and M'Kcau li. R. Co. "jury fee Willard vs. Tho Elk and M'Keaii Railroad Co. " jury fee Souther Willis vs. II. S. Belnap "jury lee Bceman vs. Biockway " " " Paul vs. Wilcox Tan ning and Lumber company "jury fee Biockway vs. Parsons " " " Sorg vs. Kronen wetter " " " Tudor vs. Woodward etal. " jury fee Seidell vs. Sheldrake's 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 CO 4 00 40 C administrators 4 "jury Ice Jolnihton vs. Johnston 4 " county orders on jail expense 1507 " " " " sheriff's fees 009 " " " " coin, costs 88 Duo shci-ill 13S1 ?4198 07 January 1, 1873, By balance due sheriff at former 00 settlement 1417 " costs p'd witnesses in com cases 18H " " " justices " " " 12 " " " constables in " " 80 cel k F. Schocning in commonwealth cajses 60 " sheriff's fees in com. cases 30 " amount paid district attor- torncy in com. cases 7 " convcyiug Hiram Russcl to penitentiary 120 " costs ou execution County vs. Hays 2 " dispatches to Philadelphia in case of Bromley 1 " costs on execution County vs. T. I. Taylor 3 " convevinir Dennis Donovan 00 09 40 89 38 01 61 70 67 to penitentiary 120 01 " couvevinsr James A. Burke half for extra man CO " costs on execution County vs. 3Iorcy 3 " coiits on execution County vs. William 3l'Caulcy 3 " convevintr James Slosier to 37 penitentiary 120 " convcvini? Martin Gresor to Dixmont half for extra man C3 " costs in searchinu for J. Parmer 9 00 " mileaL'0 and holding iuuuibi- 80 05 tion County vs. 31orey 8 " serving rulo on St. Marys boro. 08 00 in case of Martin Greuor 3 " costs paid witnesses Com, vs. John Yautihan 83 S7 " convcvinir Philip Wilhelm to penitentiary 120 " convcvinir Molcne & Peterson to neuitentiary of $240 120 ' drawing four juries for the 08 year 1874 4 80 " serving subpoenas ou'.pait of 70 Commonwealth 88 " turnkey fees 80 " fees iu Commonwealth cases 43 48 58 67 " ia.il expense, including board, &o.. to January 1st, 1875 10G5 " serving subpoenas and bench, warrants in Com. cases 7'reas. com, on am't rco'd " BorviiiR3 term of jurors in lS?4 nud January term, 18J 414 CO $4198 07 We, tho undersigned, Auditors of Elk county, having met at the Commissioners' ollico in ltidgway, on tho first Monday of January, A. 1). 1875, boiiiR tho 4th day of tho month, for the purpose of nuditiiiff, settling nnd ndjustiiig tho accounts of tho Buvcral county olllccrs, nnd nt winch liino wo proceeded to nudit, K'tllo nnd nd just tho Accounts of the several county olaecrs nnd found them correct, ns si t forth In tho foregoing report. 1). CI. Oyster, Ksq., Sheriff, was present in person. V o louml tuo to imn by tbe said county of Elk, tlio sum of thirteen hundred ctlity-olio dollars nnd in t y four cents, which sum wo hereby certify to be correct, ns set forth in tho foregoing report. In witness wlicrcot wo liavo Hereunto set our lftinds tbo 21st day of January, A. D. lSTu TIIOMAS IRWIN,) T1I03. J. HURKE, Aud'r N. G. BUNDY. ) Attcst- 31. 8. Kline, Clerk. 27if! Commissioners of Eli; Count; in account with the County of Elk for tho year ending January 1, 1875. Koiiert I. Campbell. To county orders, S301 00 Balance duo Campbell 9 00 ff 870 00 January 1, 1875. liy 123 days service $3.00 5370 00 Geo. Ed. Wms. January 1, 1875. i o county orders, SOI 00 Ijiilauce duo cis 12 00 7 0 00 Jan nary 1, 1875. liy 125J days service ?3 00 ?370 00 Julius Jokks. January 1, 1875. 1 c county orders, S260 00 Buliince duo Jones, 18 00 $278 00 January 1, 1875. By 022 days services 6J, !?3 00 $273 00 The Commissioners of M'Kcan, Ell a nd Forest blule Road in acct with the funds of said Road for the year ending .Tiiiui i. 1st, 1 173. To Iinl. o. inters on hand at for mer settlement 7481 89 "tax from seated , land Ser geant tp., M'Keii'i Co. 253 01 " tax ree'd from seated land Ihiiniin tp., M'Keaii Co. 23 i l ' orders from Elk-Co for las of '72- 73 .6000 00 " orders from Forest Co. for tax of 72-73 40COOO " orders from M'Keaii Co. for tax of '72-73 4170 00 " tax from seated land of Wetmore, (p. M'Re.in Co. 193 20 " proceeds of 21 590 bonds bold 11441 40 ' " " 1. $1590 " 1590 00 " " " 1. $2120 " 2120 00 Duo Commissioners 893 18 573 03 1. 1 i .tan. 1st, iti i. By cash paid W. S. Oviatt for services m ln. "cash paid W. S. Oviatt for sorvicis rendered, " bills and vouchors rendered " W. S. Oviatt' s com. as Trcas. ou 087179, 03 1 Per cent. " bonds redeemed $ 311 19 223 03 571 75 80153 29 3" 375 05 The Commissioners of the Kane, Rid'nvaii and St. Mariis State Road, in. acc't with the funds of suid Road or the year ending January 1st. 1875. Ta ensb ron'il from Elk Co. treas. Jones tp., $2130 73 " cash ree'd from Elk Co. treas. Bonzimrer tp., 891 07 " cash ree'd from Elk Co. treas. Ridgway tl.. 1337 16 " casli ree'd from 31'Kean Co. treasurer Sergeant township 1309 81 "rnshice'd ftoni Elk county, treasurer Jones township 2120 C2 " cash ree'd from Elk county, .....o.... !.;. !..... tr.M i.tl, l 1 'S.-, oo liLtinuii A.IV.TIC.J ........ .A. m. " cash ree'd from Elk county, treasurer Benzingcr tp. 11R1 71 579 39 Proceeds Bond No. 28 Ridgway, " " " 11 " " " " 13 Jones, . . 1;J . 11 a " " " 13 Benz'ger, i 1(j 850 00 752 87 000 00 900 00 722 73 733 85 00 00 71 37 75 54 $10209 21 To liai. due creditors as follows: " Vili.iv Tiiiininr' On. lor work Sergeant tp. " ?1000 93 ' T5. 1). Hamlin for work Fcr- trcant townsliin 23 00 " J. R. Chad wick for work Ser geant township 1 00 " Wilcox Tanning Co. for work Jones township 1792 08 70 00 47 63 05 00 00 60 80 73 " Wilcox Lumber Co. for work Jones township 115 " Wilcox Tanning Co. for work Ridgway township 847 " W. 11. Osterhout for work . Ridgwav township 413 " J. K. P. Hall for work Ben zingcr township 838 820810 Bvbalanco as per 3I'Kcan Co. Aud. Settlement Junciis, a, J3oi " intpresr. naiil ml same ad- iustcd bv Commissioners, 144 " Wilcox Tanning Co. bill of labor. &c.. Sergeant tp., 1000 " J. K. P. Hall, labor and ser vices. Benzinger tp., 2794 CO " B. F. Ely, labor aud services, Ridgw ay tp., 579 00 " W. II. Osterhout, labor and services, Ridgway tp., 413 50 " Frank King, labor and ser vices, all tps., 5 50 " Chas. AVeis, com. Benzinger, 2: " C. H. 31'Caulev services. 00 all tps., 10 ".Jno. G. Hall, att'ys services, CO 00 all tps. 94 " Hall & 31'Caulev. attorney's Kcrvices, all tps. , 117 " J. Ernhout, coin. Jones tp., 04 00 " G. D. Jlesseuger. com. Ridg 70 way tp.. 83 J. K. P. Hall. com. Benzin OS ger tp., 18 " J.V.Houk, com. Ridgway tp. 80 " Jno. G. Hall, retainer all tps., 80 " J. L. Brown, 4 years seo'y, 120 00 00 " cash paid in full of bond Ko. 1. Sergeant tp., 130160 00 ' ' cash paid in full of bond No. 3, Jones tp., 589 75 " cash paid iu full of bond No. 00 13 3, Ridgway tp., , 589 " cash paid in lull of bond No. 4. Joues tp. . 583 85 " cash paid in full of bond No. 6. Ridgway tp., 583 9 40 cash paid in full of bond No. 0, lliilswuy tp-, " cash paid in full of bond No, 10, Jones tp., " cash paid in full of bond No. 12, Jones tp., " cash paid in full of bond No. 13, Jones tp., " cash paid in full of bond No. 10, BcnziiiKcrtp., " PiirRcnnt tp., B. D. Hamlin, bill lcfjal services, " Sergeant tp., J. R. Chad- wkk, services " Wilcox Tanning Co., labor, Riilwap tp., " Wilcox Tunning Co., labor, Jones tp., " Wilcox Lumber Co., labor, Jones tp., " cash in hands State Road Treasurer, 1230 00 1323 00 890 00 1187 00 790 73 23 00 1 00 847 70 1792 83 115 00 840 89 120810 27 The Commissioners of Hie Ridgway and Hrookville ytalc Road in accH with the funds of eaid roadt for the year ending January 1, 1875. To casli ree'd from county treas. ( 2997 70 " Ridgway tp. state road orders 1400 00 " S)iriiig C'k " " ' " " 700 OO " balance in hands of '11. Car man at former settlement 93 98 " balance in bands of G. D. Messenger nt former scttlcm't 400 C8 " c.i:di received from county trcas. by G. D. Sresscnger 200 00 " Ridgway tp. supervisors order 39 50 $3892 23 .military j, I8i . By work done under G. D. 3Ies sen.gcr " services by G. D. 3Icssengcr, sons nnd teams, " services under H. Carman " " by II. Carman, team, &c. " tools furnished by II. Carman " " " by G. D. Messenger " repairing and tools " amount for labor done on south ft root, Ridgway tp., under supervisor Osterliout Due fund 879 73 1030 98 1243 76 271 43 02 25 22 4t 140 01 89 50 2140 10 $5892 23 The Wilco.fi and HumbUn Slate Road in account with J. L. Drown, Commissioner, foithe year end ing January 1, 1873. To balance duo commissioner' at last settlement $ 200 79 85 00 8 00 1 amount paid Jno. ; 4 days services G. Hall $249 79 214 73 35 07 January 1, 1875. By amount from county trcas. Duo commissioner 249 79 We, tho undersigned, Auditors of Elk County, having met at the'Commissioners' oliico in Ridgway, on tho first 3londay ol January, A. D. lbci, being the 4tli day of tlio month, do hereby certify that we nave cnrclully examined, audited, ad justed nnd settled the accounts of the Commissioners of tho 3I Kean, Elk and Forest State Road, of tho Commissioners of tlio Kane, Ridgway and St. 31arys State Road, of tlio Commissioners of tho Ridgway and Broykvillo State Road, and willi J. L. Brown, Esq., Commissioner f tho Wilcox and llamblin State Road. and find them correct, as stated in the foregoing report. In witness whereof wo have hereunto sot our hands tho 21st day of January, A. D. 1875. TII03IAS IRWIN,) THOS. J. BURKE, J Aud'r. N. G. BUNDY. S Attest 31. S. Kline, Clerk. r YOU WANT TO .BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- II AGE11TY Main Street, Uidgway, Pa. DIIY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEEN S WAUE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions, The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly ou hand, aud sold as cheap us the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. fort SALE BY E.K. GB.ESII, Masonic Hall Building, Uidgway, Pa. VA1T VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATENT SPRING 83 BED BEST tempered eteel spring wire, these springs can be laid on tho slats of any common bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES ! Also agent for Weed Sewing Machine, 00 70 91 09 27 Easiest Running, "Most Durable, and BEST M.C111U in the market. Call ana exaaiino before purchasing elsewhere. v4nlGl0$, The Weekly Sun. A large eight-pa tre independent, honest 50 93 07 and fearless newspaperjof 50 broad columns. 89 especially designed for the farmer, tbe me, chanic, the merchant and the Professional man, and their wives and children. We aim to make the Wibklt Sujt the best 91 00 family newspaper in the world. It is full of entertaining and instructive reading of every sort, but prints notliing to ottena tbe most scrupulous and delicate taste. Prioe 00 $1,20 per year, postage prepaid. The 50 cheapest paper published, lry it- Address TcEM'N,rew lomcity. tidmlnistratrlxa J'otlce Estate of Clark A. Wilcox, late et Horton township, Elk County, deoeased. All persons indebted to eaid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having legal claims sgainsl the same will present them without de. lay in proper order, for settlement, to SARAH V. WILCOX, Administratrix. V Or her Attorneys, Messrs. Hall & M'Cauley. Ridgway, Tan Jan. 5, 1875 jan6 6t 40 50 00 25 00 00 00 17 17 83 83 s CBSoUIBE for the ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE.jJ