The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 04, 1875, Image 4

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    I'ARM, KARIlO AD HOl'tEHOU). ;
VMf ol llie rw York l.mn1 Jury la Win.
.'I. TnffH' Ct MIlow Tliev l"ound thx
Olit Mhii.
A Xc M ilt- " .Unking (iti-mr.
Tho 'urn ,V if Yur.rr gives mi hi:
count of n new mode of increasing tlio
jjrntit'4 (in butter and cheese) from a
Riven ntnimnt of milk. The milk is set
in chum twenty inclicH deep for from
twenty-four to thirtv-Hix Iioiu'h. nud tlien
L-;.........i . ..r ... 1.. .. .. i i nnvR :
tn i 'iiiii.-k 4 ,r, ti'iunt: uuiy n i'iiii'ii wi ; y,
the eremu (the richest nn.l best) rises Twee.! s room, its tin
minis HKinuneii niul mmie into i nnt
The grand jury of New Yolk recently
paid n visit to ltlnckweU's Island to look
after Win. SI. Tweed nnder the regula
tions of the new oftlcers. A reporter
Morris, and an Official Oawttc extra will be
ihmiel containing the proclamation A re
volt occurred in the penitentiary at JcfTeniou
City. Mo. Nearly tliree lnuidred men quit
wcrk in the nlioe-bon, and armed tlicniHelven
at Hartford, Conn., Karatoi?a Lake wan selected i with hammers, knives, pikes, etc. The revolt
for the regatta, to take'place 011 July 14. Union ; wan quelled without bloodshed or harm to any-
Inlrrrtln Items rronl Home and Abroad.
At lie convention 01 American college, ueiu i
article of butfrr, which cohuiiiuuIh the
highest market price; the proportion of
butter thtiH obtiiined is nUont thirty
pounds from 1,(M)0 of milk, or one from
thirty-four of milk. Our renders will ve
menibrr that one pound from twenty-live
pounds of milk is n common average
when all the crown is used. Instead of
milking the remainder into skim milk
cheese in the usual manner, it is heated
up to about ninety degrees, and " oil or
liutyrons matti'i is added to improve it."
To obtain this oil, " low-grade butter "
is vetiued from nil its impurities (f) und
mixed with the hot milk, at the rate of
eight pounds of the former to 1,000 of
the latter. The mass is then quickly co
agulated by the addition of rennet, mid
at once made into cheese in the usual
way. It is said that the product " com
pares favorably with much of the whole
milk cheese made at factories." and that
" no fault had been found with it so far
in the English market."
So much for the theory. The tigures
count up in this way 1,000 pounds of
milk, made up in the usual way. yields
100 pounds of cheese, worth ' By
the new plan, it yields just thirty pounds
of butter, worth .!, and eighty-live
pounds of cheese, worth 10.21. ' The
"refined oil" costs twenty-one cents
per pi mud. and hence Sfl.ON must be de
ducted, leaving the product by the new
process .l".r2, or a difference of ifi.Tfl
I'll the side of the new plan. If public
opinion should reduce the price of the
new cheese two or three cents per
pound, the margin would be too small,
and the manufacturer would be in the
position of the little boy who having
goliy through the alphabet, doubted
" whether it paid to go through so
much to know so little."
Illlll-llll.lll IlilllH.
Srt Ki iNo von a TritKKY on Chicken.
Take some bead crumlw and turn on
just hot water enough to moisten them;
put in a piece of butter, not melted, the
size of n hen's egg, and add a spoonful
of pulverized sage, a tenspoont'ul of
ground pepper and a teaspoon fill of salt.
There may be some of the bread crumbs
that need to lie chopped; then mix
thoroughly and stuff your bird.
To Ci.kaxsk ( Jr.Assw.utK. As a rule
warm water and a soft cloth iue all that
is required to keep glass in good con
dition; but water bottles and wine de
canters, in order to keep them bright,
must be rinsed out with a little muriatic
acid, which is the best substance for re
moving the "fur" which collects in
them. This acid is far better than ashes,
sand or shot: for the ashes and sand
scratch the glass, and if any shot is left
in by accident the lead is poisonous.
ltVK (runuu.i: Cakijs. Takeoiiequart
of rye Hour and one cup of wheat flour,
wet it up witli sour milk or buttermilk
until the butter is thick enough to rook
easily on the griddle. Add to it a pinch
of salt, a small teaspoonful of saleratus,
dissolved in warm water, nnd one well
beaten egg. Sriddle cakes mude of rye
flour are far superior to those made of
wheat, for they are more tender. Corn
meal cm be substituted for wheat if de
sired. Cahhw.k Shave a hard, white
cabbage into small strips; take the yolks
of tliree well-beaten eggs, n cup and n
half of good cider vinegar, two tenspooii
f ills of thick ( ream, one teaspoonful of
mustard mixed in a little boiling water;
salt and pepper to suit the taste. Mix
all but the eggs together, and let it boil;
then stir in the eggs rapidly: turn the
cabbage into the mixture and stir well.
Vw.vr.T Caki:. One quart of new, un
skimmed milk (half cream and half milk
is preferable), three eggs (white and
yolks beaten separately ami very stiff),
fine teaspoonful of salt, rice Hour. Mix
the beaten yolks with the milk and the
salt, then rice flour to make a batter as
that for flannel cake; lastly, whip in the
stiffened whites very lightly, and bake
grand jury kmw
it, was hardly calculated to excite the
envy of a tenement house family. It
consisted of a small apartment eight feet
by ten, pnrtioned off from the hospital
ward of the penitentiary. It looked out
from the top floor of the building on the
Astoria branch of the East river. The
ice in the foreground and the lenfless
trees in the diitmiee, the silence and the
absence of stirring life, made a dreary
" The commerce of the Sound in the
summer, passing up and down,- makes
the view a little lively," remarked Mr.
Tweed, with a tinge of sadness in, his
voice; " but now it's flat etiongli."
" The view from a- prison," observed
aud Hamilton colleges were admitted as niein-
hern of the association In the ('.; srtmente
i of ltorcelona and Navarre several bo:idn of ;
i Carlisle have been defeated by the in.l.ional !
j troojis. . .. . .Ail attacking force of Cuban hi- i
. surgents were driven from fort No. 15 Willi a
Ions of live men Preliminary tep have !
Iieni taken by the Herman government to
insure satisfaction from Spain for the treat- !
: nient of the vessel Oustav by tlio I 'a Y. :.1 !
An explosion of gas took place in one of the
vaults In the Talk Hotel, in New York, by
wliich three persons were painfully burned.... .
' The Louisiana Legislature has again elected j
P. K H. Tinchback to the United States Senate, j
i The case of the heirs of Monroe Snyder
i against' the Pennsylvania Mutual Life Insurance
! Company to recover the face of a lifo policy,
! payment for which was refused on the ground
' that deceased had committed suicide with iu-
body, although at the time ll was feared that
there would be serious trouble In the
Mr. Ingalls. of Kansas, presented a memorial
of the judicial officers and jurora of Arkansas
proving for the passage of a hill organizing the
Indian Territory Into the Oklohouia Territory,
and providing for the organization of courts
The Vice-President laid before the Senate a
message from the President communicating re
ins in regaru to me cnoiern rpmriuiiT m met.
There nro seven foreigners out of the
nine members of tlio Covington (Ky.)
, City Council. .
petllalia nf IHTfl H.' ...I..1 nf nialna f n-mifv-niia I 101tS ill fe?ard t
i.t ... i , , r ... ; Laid on the tnble and ordered to he printed.
,' .. upwards, ui, nugnen ,,,.,: nf v,v York, presented ten
at 173,979. Of tlds number. 87,0(16 were white
males, aud 8(1,913 were colored.
memorials of citizens of Ontario and Yates
counties. X. Y., against the ratilii atiou of the
promised Canadian reciprocity treaty. lie- !
ferred to the Committee on Foreign Itelatinus.
Mr. Logan mado a longthy speech sustaining
the President in his action in the Louisiana
matter. 1
A message was received from the President, i
staling that he had signed the Finance bill, and i
wooden constTiintlnrm nf the war oulv three : Bliy"1K mi" ie revenue oi iiiu ci.iiiii.iy noi
wooaen constructions of me war ouiy miee j ,lffl,.jmit to mevt t,e expenses. He recom-
are left available, the rest being decayed and ' mended that the duty on tea and coffee should 1
laid up j that we have but six monitors tit for ' lie put on again, and the hill reducing the duty
service out of foity-elght which appear on the " f ,V,lom ar,icle" tc" "r cc"t' H,,01,1J ,,C re 1
navy register; that or the uniety-niue wooden Tlie bi), ,() n.nyMo fl)1. tilc revision of the
vessels ou the navv hat only thirty-oue can laws for the collection of custom duties, re-
uronerlv be culled vahhaIh nf war. an 1 of thpse ported
Admiral Torter'a annual report of
United Htatee navy shows the navy is i
winl.-ueJ condition. The admiral says
Wost India fleet has shown itself very
suitable for war purposes t that of all
n a
Fur U Female CimilaluN
nothing equals Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preset ip
j tion. It is a most powerful restorative tonic,
also combining the most valuable nervine
properties, especially adapting it to the wants
of dohflitatod ladies suffering from weak back,
I inward fever, congestion, inflammation, or
I ulceration, or from nervousness, or neuralgic
pains. Mr. (I. V. Seymour, druggist, of Can
I ton. N. Y.. writes Dr. Pierce as follows : " The
I demand for your Favorite Prescription is won
! dcrlul, and one man stated to me that his wife
. had not done a duv's work in Ave months, when
she commenced tailing your Favorite Prescrip
tion, took two bottles and is now on the third
1 bottle, and is alilo to do hf r housework alone.
and milk fourteen cows twice a day." Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is sold by all
dealers in medicines. Com.
The Market.
rw YORK .
Derf Cultlr-.frime to Kxtra Illlllorka
fo'iininn to (looil Tpxhus
Mll.-li I'nvn
from the I' insure committee, came up. i Hogs Live.
a juryman, " can never entirely entertain ict to defraud, closed with a verdict for plan-
one s nniiit,
" Well, I never studied the subject
before," responded the primmer; " but
there is more in it than you think. In
different as that scene seems to you, it
is worth more than a thousand other
luxuries to one confined as I am. It is
a good deal to be able to see the sky,
whether clear or cloudy, nnd the river
or the trees, either in winter or in sum
mer." " Xobody will deprive you of that
small comfort," said the juryman, sym
pathetically. "Well, I think tint," replied Tweed,
" for that would lie making me an exep
tion to the rest of the prisoners."
He sat in a cnne-bottoiued armchair
which, along with a small table, a bed
stead, a few books and papers and a steel
engraving of the denth of Cardinal Wol
scy, constituted all the furniture that
could be detected. The prisoner. was
clad ill a sack coat of the " misde
meanor " tpiality, which is a coarse
woolen fabric of reddish brown and
white mixed. The trousers were of a
dark slate color and woolen also. Ashe
sat in his chair, with his spectacles on,
engaged in writing out the regular hos
pital entries of the morning, it was diffi
cult to recognize the Tweed of former
days. The clothing was one bar
rier to recognition, but the givate-it of all
was the listless attitude of the man who
was wont to sit like a monarch on his
throne, w ith eye flashing and every liber
of his frame strung to its utmost tension.
In his conversation it is correct to say
he won the. sympathies of the jurymen.
There was neither servility nor bravado.
tins for iMfi.!. The deputy constable :
ap)oiiited to look after the children employed :
iu the factories in Massachusetts has presented
his report to the (lovernor. Ho declares that ;
in Massachusetts there are (iO.000 children I
growing up iu ignorance, iu consequence of i
their employment at too early an age, and too
exclusively in factories The Secretary of
the United Stutcs Treasury estimates the ap
propriations required to supply deficiencies for
the service of the liscnl year ending .liino 30, :
1875. and prior years : State department, i23,- I
7iU ; Treasury, 264,77 ; war, i113.7t'.7 ; navy, ;
l:5,377 : interior, 47l,3t9 ; total, $8l2.n5t.
President (iruiit signed the new Finance bill,
giving it his "hearty" approval. Uat he
pointed out to Congress that tixing a dnte when
specie resumption shall commence implies an
obligation to provide such legislation as may be
necessary to redeem their promise. And in
this connection he cills attention to the de
ficiency which exists iu Ihe Treasury, aud
nhioh. under the present revenue laws, is like
ly tti continue nnd to increase This fact has
an inioi'tance entirely separate fr.nn that
wliich arises from the recent pledge to resume
in IsTil. The Secretary of the Treasury states
the requirements of the sinking fund for the
year ending the 30th of Juno at :J1.0iJ!t,545.
and the balance remaining from other expendi
tures he estimates at only :i.0ll2,"!W.57. There
will, therefore, unless expenses are cut down,
or revenues increased, or both, be a distinct
. deficiency at the close of theVearof J2.0!I3,
718.43. The Secretary estimates the detlcieucy
next year at til. 920,914. He suggests the duty
on ten aud coffee he returned, and that the ten
not one can contend with foreign ships of
equal size Many lives have been lost by
snow slides iu the Western mountaius
Notwithstanding the old, a line military din
ivlay took place ou the occasion of the in
auguration of (iov. Hedle. of Xow Jersey
The Civil Appropriation bill, before the
United States Cougress, appropriates 207,0110
to the States for expenses iu raising volunteers.
The Nevwhi Senator.
Liinibs ,
(lot ton Micl.llliix ,
Hour KxIi-h WVMeni
Hi Hie r.xtr.i
Wheat Ned Western,.
No. 2 Sprm.
Bye State
Ilarlev State
Hurley Mult
Out. Mixed Western . .
Corn Mixed Western,
liny, per cwt
straw, per cwl.
Poik Mi,,
i The amendments of the committee were agreed
to. and the bill passed.
A memorial of Mary E. Speck, M. I)., and
Mary S. Parsons, M. li., was presented, saving
that thev were graduates of the Howard L'ni
i versity. llistrict of Columbia, and ou atvount
of their sex the Medical society of the District.
all organization chartered by Congress, refused
i them admission to membership into that socie
' ty ; they therefore ask that the charter of the
society be amended, so that they may not be
excluded from it.
On motion of Mr. Pratt, of Indiana, the
House bill to amend the act granting pensions
to certain soldiers and sailois of the war of
1812, aud widows of deceased soldiers, and to
restore to the pension rolls those jieixons whose
names were stricken therefrom iu consequcnec
' of disloyalty, was recommitted to the Commit-,
tee on Pensions.
Mr. Morrill, iu discussing the Legislation Ap
propriation bill, said that the bill as it passed
the House appropriated rlS.422.442. The
amendments of the Senate committee increased
the amount to Hie increase was
attributable chiefly to the want of service in
the Assay offices. ' and in the departments of
the government in Washington. It was a re
duction of .l,'.ififl.:i(iO as compared with the bill
of last year.
Mr. Sherma i. of Ohio, from Jhe Committee
of Conference on disagreeing votes of the two
Houses upon the House bill to amend the ex
isting customs and internal revenue laws, and
for other piirwes. made a report hich as
read. 1 le said the rCliort was substantially the
same as that presented last session, with the i Klonr.
exception of dutv ou hops, which had been Wlient-
laised to einl it cent" per IHiuml. The House I Corn Mi-o-d
proposed a duty of ten cents per pound, but
t lie committee agreed upon eight cents. The
two sections relating to tobacco and the sale of
hoists, etc.. whicli were t lie principal siiujecls ; Cotton liw Ii.MlMi;:s
of disagreement lsl year, were now both I Flour Kxi in
stricken out. The report was agreed to. ' Wheal lied Western.,.,
The amendment of the Allrotirialion bill. Rye
providing a new Itureau of Statistics and Coni
inerre. was stricken out. Collating facts about
railroads was made part of the duties of the
present Statistical liiireau.
4 7:.
1 -it
1 III!
1 :n
1 !!.-
IP, 4'.'IS Mis 08
id :
ia 14
n v,
,.eo t.o i on
0(i'..( or,',
07 ( OS tf
m'.at 07 -g
0H ft 08H
is ,
4 75 ( J 15
M.e kerel No. 1, new
" No. J, new
Dry Cod, per cwt
llf-i rilitf. S.-aled, er Imx
Pet role inn CnnU li'.irf. '!'
Wool Caiil'orliitt Fleece
Texas 14
Australian 11
lllltt-r vtitte
Western lliitrv
W.-s'. l-tl Yellow
Westei n Ordinary..,,.. .
Penuflylvaliia Fine
Cheese State Factory
' Sklnitned
Western ,
Rye Mule
Corn Mixed
Ilarlev Stall-
Oatt State
Outs. .
, Hurley...
. . .r .1... ,uv;ir n.. o.A ...imlna
ll.l I.HIlll. mi ... ,111 til 11 11 it mill lio IlllUtl'Ml'Oi 1 i
.. !.. , . , . . , specified on the law of Juno tl, 18(2, be
every iiuestion with n ln-oiniit and manly ' ,
" How do thev treat vmi here, Mi
What They Wore at .the Hall.
Among the dresses worn at the great
eharity I mil in New York we note the
following : A striking dress was worn
by n granddaughter of Commodore. Vau
derbilt; it was a brown or chocolate col
ored brocade, with a shade of yellow in
it. It was cut square, with h Joan of
Arc bodice, and the neck outlined with
soft bands of pheasants' feathers. A
white tulle dress made with n triple
apron, fastened at the back with double
loops of white, faille, each ttprou bor
dered with u tulle plaiting beaded with a
ruche and edged with n fringe of violets,
. had u charming effect. Some very pretty
dressfs were made with alternate plait
iugs of tulle nnd pale silk Hoimces
pinked on the edge. Wide silk sashes,
the color of the flounces, were laid rath
er low upon the skirt and knotted upon
one side. A dress of thick white silk,
with u triple apron, and sashes of gauze
powdered with silver nnd edged with
silver fringe. A white luce, closely
dniped, and trimmed with black velvet
Hud jardiniere roses. A Worth dress in
t wo shades of gray and aquamarine blue,
with high bodice nnd plaited train, laid
plain und almost flat nt the buck; front
front. A white silk dress trimmed with
sashes of lihiek velvet, embroidered with
white Hoss silk. A plaited train and
bodice of very pule pearl gray silk-tab-Her
fronee of white lace over pink silk,
long white lace sleeves tied with pink
ribbon; pink piping and ruche of. white
lace upon thu hoilice. hilver cuirass,
Tweed ;" inquired a reporter.
" Well, pretty clever," said I.e. " I
ask for nothing, and leave them to do as
they like. Of course there is nothing to
boast of, as vou can see, but 1 was al
ways grateful even for small favors."
' "You are looking well. Mr. Tweed,"
was the greeting given him by another
juryman. Aud he did look well, to all
appearances, though he complained of
trouble iu the kidneys. His beard,
which is now all white, being cut close,
gives the impression of his having
dwindled iu flesh, but his color, of
bright healthy red, testifies to the excel
lence of the atmosphere in whicli he
" I take four hours' exercise a day,"
said he, " nud that accounts for it. Only
for this old complaint 1 should be almost
as strong ns ever."
"There is a difference, Mr. Tweed,"
observed one of the party, "between
looking strong and feeling well."
"Y'es," replied the lonely old man,
turning his looks towurd the dull, dark
river, while a shadow of pain passed
over his face, "troubles come to the
strong as well as the weak. My last af
fliction is not the least, and it seems to
me these things never come alone."
(There was a reference in this to a recent
sad domestic affliction.)
He seemed willing to converse, but
showed no inclination to court cimversir
tiou. Whoever among the party of visi
tors addressed hini was ' courteously
treated and spoken to with candov. and
That Mr. Tweed entertains a hope
that his term of imprisonment will be
some day, not far distant, cut short is
not doubted. This agreeable sentiment
sustains him, for otherwise one so preg
nant of energy would collapse and die.
His duty is still that of orderly to the
hospital, and nobody, according to the
warden, makes a more faithful und
zealous attendant. He is a model
prisoner, and sets an excellent example.
A disiatch from I'addng announces that the
Dutch troops in Acheen have made a general ,
assault on the works of the Acliinese aud
carried nine forts, with a loss of 21 killed nnd 1
05 wounded. The enemy lost 171 killed aud a
large number wounded V lis-omotivo on
the Italtimore and Ohio railroad exploded her
boiler when near Moundsville, instantly killing
the engineer, named Maurice Hunted. The
fireman, named A. I.ycll, had a leg broken.
None of the passengers were injured The
First National liank of Carbondale. Pa., was
robbed of .flO.OOO iu currency by two men. who
seized and 1 sun id the cashier, during the ab
sence ol the other officers oftho bank A
report was current iu London that the natives
of Santa Cruz Island, in the South Pacific, had
captured and massacred the crew aud officers
of the cutter I.apwiug, which they burned
The extensive works of tiie Kinsley Iron aud
Machine Company iu Canton, Mass., took lire
from a spark of hot iron, and all the shops on
the east side of the street were destroyed.
The company employs from 5(H) to 000 men,
and is one nf the largest in the country, outside
of Pennsylvania. The works cover several
acres of grounif The entire proiierty is valued
at r2"(00u0, and the loss is something under
this auiouut. The total insurance ou the
works is 9210.000.
The National Women Suffrage Comeution
adfpted a resolution to hold a national citizens
euft'rage association in Philadelphia ou July
4th. 1876, in which the women of the old aud
new world, who demand e.pial freedom of
franchise, are invited to participate
Charles A. Stevens, Republican, was elected to
Cougress in the Tenth Massachusetts District,
to till the unexpired term of Alvah Crocker
The loss by the tire in Holland. Vt., will net
200,000: insurance liMi,000 The I'uited
States House Committee on coinage agreed to
report favorably the Senate bill providing for
the coinage of twenty-cent pieces, with an
amendment allowing ihcni to be iu use on re
demption of any fractional currency, including
the fifteeu-ceut note wliich was not mentioned
iu the Finance hi 1 recently enacted
Mr. William Sharon, who was elected
United States Senator from Nevada, is a
native of Ohio, where he was born in
Tauunry, 1821, of (Junker parents. His
boyhood was spent in alternately attend
ing the village school and working on
his father's farm. Before he. was
twenty-one years old he made his first i
business venture, the purchase of nn in
terest in a flat boat. This proved unsuc
cessful; his boat was wrecked, his part
ners cheated him, and he soon got buck
to his father's roof. After this he spent
two years at Athens College and then
took lip the study of law, diversifying
it with farm work, and six months of
his time was spent in the oflice of I'.d
win M. Stanton. Later still, he went to
St. Louis, where he was admitted to the
bar. INsir health soon after compelled
him to give up his profession, and he
formed a mercantile partnership with
his brother nt Carrollton, 111., where he
remained until the gold excitement in
1K4V.I, when he crossed the plains t' Cali
fornia. His early experience there was a
chequered one. He began as a mer
chant in Sacramento, but lost nearly nil
his goods by the flood of IH-IO. Then he
moved to San Francisco, where real
estate attract si his attention, and in that
business he laid the foundation of his
fortune. Iu lHfii he lost most of his
nioney by speculating in mining stocks,
and was then sent to Nevada by the Bank
of California to adjust some claims there.
His legal knowledge again came into
play, and his business foresight mani
fested itself in a proposition to establish
an agency of the bank iu that territory
a scheme which was carried out with
great success. Kver since that time Mr.
Sharon has been dealing in mines, until
by his business daring and his " sharp
ness" he has obtained the control of
some of the best-paying silver mines ( if
the State. As an instance of his "sharp
ness" it is related that, seeing the ad
vantage to be derived from a railroad
from Heno to Yircinin Citv lie secured n
subsidy of !500,OUII in aid of the pro- i voted to proceed forthwith to the State of Lon- A Ua
' ject from the people along the line, limit : "?J "'J" ,!"MeBtlK","m ' 1'oad' ! klL
.1.1 (pi
.10 00
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(ci 1 M
i 1 lill
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70 I 1 00
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G'J (f 00
Dr.. I. Walker's California VIn
fgnr lliltcrs me n purely Tcgctabla
preparation, mado cbiclly from tbo na
tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, the medicinal properties of which
are extracted therefrom without tho use
of Alcohol. Tho question is almost
daily asked, "What Is the causo of the
unpajrallelcd success of Vinegar Bit
tersT" Our answer is, that they remove
tho causo of disease, nnd the patient re
covers bis health. They are the great
blood purifier and a lifo-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator and Invigorator
of the system. over before id tho
history of tho world has a medicire been
compounded possessing the rerrnrkabla
qualities of Vinf.gab B;ttkrs in be&'.ing tba
sick of every disease r-an is heir to. They
aro a gcuiU Purgat'.vs ao well as a Tonic,
relieving Concent;cn or Infl.mation of
the Lfrer :iii Vu.u3.fcl OrguM, U Bilious
The ltopeiiii."5 ci VfAi.Kft's
Vinegar UrrEas are A-eiifti 'Diapnorstjo,
Carroina'ive, Nutritious, Lu.Tative, Diuretic,
Sedative, Counter-IrritaLt, Sudoritic, Altertv
iva. gvnd ADt'.-BuVntt
It. II. Mi lMiMI.I) iV. (11.
Irn:l'h"ii"liiii. A !.. Sun t'non'lwi. diiiii.rniig.
and i-or. of Wnfhinirlo'i mill rh:irltim Sis.. X. Y.
Sold liy nil lriial',' 1,1 nl r.
N. V. N. r.-Xn. I
LJ .IIUTIIIMJ I'Olt Vor.-Si'ii'l fiiiuii miiiK-t
R ll. I-.. .- .. nil. Ail.ln-h- ,
HI'HST CO.. X.ihMin .sn-.i t, X. Vmk.
! Spiii.j;.
a no
l ii.-i
1 -..-I
ft li 7.1
i l i :.
AI)Ti:ilTlsi:itS! Si-ml '-" cenls to -l-'i I.
HOWr.1,1. CO., 4 I Pnrlc lt. X. V.. f"r their
Vim-''' 't' IOO ."'' cnnlKintUK li't" 'it' lUMlO n-wn
pnppr. and iiMitmitpS nhimltiK i"l nl mtvi-rtii-hitf.
Mr. Chuuoh. of IllinoiH. introduced a hill t
promote commerce anions the Stuten, and to
cheapen the trmifportatioii of perwoiiH ami
property hefween the Atlantic heahoard and
Ihe Wentern StKteH.
Mr. Cox. of New York, preneuted the memo
rial of the National !eiiue lleform annoi-ia-tion
of New York city as to the reduction of
cot in the collection of rcvemicH.
Mr. lhitlcr. of MaHnachiiM-ttH. in diKCtixKiiiK
the ipieKtion ot dittiea and the collection of
revenue, remarked that a yood iiiunher of the
merchants of New York were no hetier than
editor, lie thought, however, that complaiutn
made I iy themol illegal dill ha collected Khould
lie imjiiired into.
The JiiptincHe Indemnity hill wan hi-l'ore the
House, and it wbh voted to return the indemni
ty money to Japan. pay the hailnrnof the
navy out of the 1'iiited Siaten TreamiiT.
Mr. li. F. Hoar, of .Mant-aohusettH, from the
select committee on outragcH iu the Southern
States, presented the report of the suli-com-
mittee winch hud heeu to New Orleans, anil
stated at the same time that the committee had
Corn Yellow
Oats MiXH'1
Flour lViiiivlviniiji Kxtra
Wlltvit Wcxtern Itill
Corn Yellow
Oat Mixed
Petroleum Ciiltc 0'J .&W '
11,1 11 ,
il : (d 0 as
1 ft I
irf 1 ii'i
Id) CO
4 mi,
5 .VI
1 CM
ft) il U I
IU 1 '
(fli .n
ft Hi
( M
lit Oil
Uelllieil, l.i .
Ttii new Tn-.i In wnm
wit li perleel i1 'n I or l
nifrlil mill (liy. AilHtiO
ItKelf ti every unit ion nt"
the bofly. letiiiniiia Hull,
tin nniler Ihe iinnlet
i-U'ri'ln' nr geverenl Ktrnlii
uiuil lierin.'ineiil ly i-ireil.
S'-iil elietijl l.v tile
Elastic Truss Co..
No. (ts:t Itroiiitwitv. N. Y. t'it,
nnit enl li niMil. Cull or genii tor ( 'In-iiliir. mitt lie ntreil.
Habit Cured
A i i lulu ami mire cure, wUlmiit iHciiiivt'iiU'in-e,
mil nt home. An antidote that staurt purely on it-1
uwii mcilti. Scad for my (jiwricrly iiuv.-uinc i (
vi. ';! Httti!iif coliotihinfjci'rllilciit''3 ol liundreil i Inc. n been iieriiiniii'iuly cured. I cl.iim to lui"'
ilKiiivi-rcl and produced tliern:-T ouioinal ami i eR crnn ion oeirn kaiiso.
1)K. S. II. COLLIXH, PoHe, fill!.
11 API OCUin'n at Home. No
l'ulillilty. 'I'erins modenito.
Time almrt. V . ur years of nil
.......,u..T..,l Kiie"e-.. Di-'H-ritieciii-e.
i. Addrep- I ir.l'.K.Miirsli.iiuincy.Mich,
aaa finrj fxnonffs a tiionth to itirntp. Aflresa
p w v v
Men nr wi rmri, WIJI
It lit III. M flit.
t.Nt'W York.
Vciil. Salarj iintl ipfii!.t- fi.i Id. Out"
lit I'li't'. A v nlttnnlf iiH-ke twiit Inr .VtR
. (' 11. (I'KNKY.WtiiMrlhirorfiihMe'
rftnrn iio-'lap
I ii H v to Aui'iiln. H. iifw ariirlt nml the
- li--t t'Hmily I'Jiiwr in Atm-rica. wirti rwo
UirnH... lief. A.M. M l , to. :UM Hninilwnv. X. V.
V'f ui N AM
i wn;:i.nnwmp;
A CA3HH tn U A
,i, 1, ,,tfigiwisiiv m rw.
us much of it us the 500,1)00 would iter-
init, mid then wised eiinugh to complete j
it by iiiortprngiiiK the whole of it. His i
intorent in the roud, on which he did not
Hpend a cent, is pstininted to lie worth
Mr. Shriron hns not been liioniiiicnt in
politic!). He has always been u Kepublii
c:in niuce the organization of that party
on the Pacific coast, and it is said that
lie bought the first seven per cent. Uni
ted States bonds offered in California, al
though advised not to do so.
A Snow-slide In I'tah.
Very told Weather.
In the far West they have been Iwving
extremely cold weather. Four Chinamen,
who left Helena, were found the next
morning about half a mile from town
frozen to death, nnd whisky which they
had with them in small kegs was frozen
solid. At Phillipsbnrg, Montana, two
CliiiiMiueu were frozen to death.
Twenty. -one men were brought to
Dodge Citv, Kansas, who were found
Superior (luleh, Little Cottonwood
canyon, is a deadfall or man-trap for
several weeks during the winter on no- 1
count of the snow-slides that conies down
at that point. The Salt Lake Jfm'ttM '
says the snow broke from away up on
the side of the mountain, when the ore
teams of Mr. A. S. Patrick were on tho
road immediately below. With deafen
ing roar and almost with the velocity of
a bullet shot from a gnu the immense
body of snow rushed down the rugged
side of the mountain, increasing in bulk ;
and gatheiiug force us it descended, and i
.sweeping every obstruction in its course
till it struck the bed of the canyon, nnd '
John i was forced up on the opposite side for a 1
H. McClelland, the telegrnph oierator convicted distance of several rods. Mr. Patrick:
ia the Hudson county, X. J., Court of Sessions, and his. teamsters made desperate efforts :
of ma usla lighter, in causing the death of four : to get out of the way of the slide, but '
men hv collisiou of trains ou the Pennsylvania that gentleman, with four of his men ,
railroad last March, was sentenced hv Judge f"1'!' teams, were caught aud parti- ;
Hoffman to pay a fine of 250 and costs of . uiui-u, uiougii iiunuii.n-r.y un
and ordered to he printed
The House ordered the sergcant-at-anns (o
take Irwin he tore Ilistrii-t Jiulk'o McArthur. in
obedience to a writ of hnlH OU cocws.
The following are among the most important
hills introduced and referred to the proper
committees :
l!v Mr. Merriam. of New York- To prevent
the issue of I'uited States and national hank
notes of greater denominations than tint) : also
limiting t lie tax on hank deiosits. iu regard to
the collection of drafts and checks; also au
thorizing Ihe use of information received
through the dead letter oflice. when its use will
prevent or punish crime.
lly Mr. lliery, of l'cnusylvania To establish
a uniform system for protesting commercial
liy Mr. Whitthorne. of Teuncssee for the
retirement of national bank notes, and the sub
stitution of Treasury notes.
lly Mr. I.uttreil, of ( 'alifornia - ( linuling
right of way for a wagon road across the Sierra
Nevada mountains below the snow line.
lly Mr. Myers, of Pennsylvania-- To increase
the duties on umbrella and parasols.
Jly Mr. Lewis, of Tennessee To authoiize
the eons! ruction of a bridge across the Missis
sippi river at Memphis.
Jiv Mr. liariield. of (Ihio-Iu regard to al
leged new evidence iu the I'itz John Purler
r AUDN'JS !-.
lienny. M
S" Cornell evtllliT.
nra .rents. Apply
'ti-him: Co . N llrtf itn. ( "llli.
A. L. SlODDAlill, Jom-sMll", Mich.
i week, or Ituill torienen. i ,"i-"."
Vt' rile at once In !'. M. ltl K.l), I'lchth Sl-
ciueit by Dr. JkiClCa only
reyjj Known ec sure jicuicuy.
for t reatment until cured. Call ou or nddrcs
PR. J. C. BECK, Cincinnati, O.
MONTH Admits wanted every.
when.. HiitneB honsmlile and nrfct
i-l.ip. CBrtienmm sent trse. AaareM
WORTH A CO., St. Ionia. Mo.
lMII'l.OYSIKNT. At homo. Stalo
i or reniale. l:tl a week warranted. No cubital re-
3 Hired. Partienlars and vatnalile Bainiile aent free. Ad
refa. with So return ataliip, Ci. UoHS.WiUianmtiurah.N.Y.
for treatment
PR. J. C
i The Cincinnati Weekly Star !
' Itiflucittiff irOKi.'iKt nml tlie finely IHiiHtrntrd Slnr Al
; iii;tiitirf inr yn;ir. AiilUliMinnlTli4'
! iiriiiiuer'N I'iiimt contiilmntr Inrge xwkm of ?
' cplletil lP-nliiiR iiuitlur. TIih fitnn."", nn'rchitnt nnd
I nift'hanir in ny imrt of tll country will find this tbe
hf!t if tlit wfi'kliff. to tiav not htm i tht low itrico.
AirfiitH hi (ifliTi'd tiidih-i'intiiitts t4iiHiiir In anyltiiiur
; brionrH tttii!Ttc'1. Sitft'inicn cop. t"nt.
, Atl.irew. TIIK ST. iiniinnttl. Olil.
I iuilt ti'tm, Ohio, en tlie !. S. (!. R. H.
i4xi in t'ul'iviiii'in nmi Pnetint. Imk-iI Huw- mid 'rnnt
House, liiirnn, On-liaidi), Stu-k, VHtr. Jtod Tlinlmr.
Will divttlt- into two or lour K.trinn. Will kIvh poit!f-RMlon
the lirnt i April. I'ric-o. HH pttr Ai th, or HMHHt
' Knitt for the 'nmmif 1 t-nr. Addreno, t
; k JOHN SAVI.OK. Itov 4, lirnloii, Ohio. !
Tin1 Oiii'iilii t'niiiiuiiiiily. i
1 1 A t " .' " Ait tmti'h pit s
eil Mitli your Sta hiuui." Tlie bt i
out. 1
A. llrFHrlniid, ttfit ftuie
t.7-,, 1., .-"Your
era must Mnd will tiHV( it." L'mi Sp i
1'oaiu nnd ymir tnbl will ilinrm
and delitfh ynur (tn"'a. Ynur 1
(i nicer, if oltlitfiiff, will Kt 1 fur I
you. It tav Milk, Kkit. Ac. and ,
niitknn the mot delicioua Ureod,
Snd tor IWiiUr to MV.O. ( V.
u..illiC ;vt.. I .n .Minn ri.. w . i .
Ot)jii i month lo atrnU evrywhirr. Addms
0ilMI Kt'K,SlOlt .M't'ti :., Hut-hi.nan.Micb.
or FITS curfd by the iif of Robb'
r ri i tf- ro i .
trlLcrij I Kpn.KPTin Uemkiui-h. Trial Puck-
bip t't'f. Kr uirouliirs, evidence of
tucc-esa, etc.. addresa RUNS BROS., Hichnmnd. hid.
Jiy Mr. Ptrnhouse ot Plt Like Citv, for
yt-ari tl.o wife of a Mornum tli-jh Vriutt. In
trmluaiua by Mm. Ktnwc. 'lhm stm-y of a
..oinau'i exjwrienco layn hav tl.o tlm,hn '.''
niyntcricB, twert't doingti, vUi. of tl.e SlonimtiR an (I
tvidvaivuiv woman km thetp " .MriUt. 1'nro
and Good, it 1 t lie fVt.f new Dock nut, actually
ovrrjiutvina with pood tlunt for oil.. It ie ;opiiiar tv .
vhere, with everybody, and outtlU nil thor tnoks thrre f.
one. MiniaUre ray " Cw( 9j-t it.- K-mumt wonu n
rndone it Kverybod wanla l.t anl acrtl- im -'''p.-:
1rom 10 toaoa day f Rfttri thn,.-i no ' u. pre!
want M0 more tru6r"AiiU SUW 'mil ..'omkii- nvi
we will mail Wutllt t tone whu win jan. a. l.iri
BdmphkU with full po .tic u lam. tt-nn. cu: vni rr to a:u
AddreM A. A). WoBXiiinuiow liiutiurd, Luna,
The Ways
of Women,
by Pro'.J. V. C. SMITH, M. I., one of tha tuott remnrltahlp hookl
v.rl..nrd frum tlie Aniirlt-aji pieu. Dr. Hull layii, ' Kraav
ratt-Tia ia A Bical mikb op ikiukuaiiuk." 1'ba New VorL
W'oild any.MlT ia a eoqk rrLL or koind isrbuM.Tii-N von
BotM Ba.w 1 ir. Mutlio, tha c.l.l.rat.d r'reie'h ,bT.ii-!an,aA .,
' KVBRY IB .Hill, TUB CH.IP I. MIH..-.r A tff
porlonitr fur aif.nla tniiia!.emoD-y WHY SIT S'l ll.l.. eom.
l'.ln'r.j.if harj llm.sf Thl. I. oil vn I. ,-!!. S.-n.l l'..r tlrrtuat.
1IM KH. Ill'MIV, flll.MAX it CO, li.irll.T.1, Cni.n.
The Diinsciw of (Jiitnlilin.
A Denver t(!ol. ) i-orrespomlt'iit nf tlio
Fiti'hberg, Mush., Srnt'mcl, wrifos:
" Eni'lv iu the year Will, a boy li'ft hit
home in the States, bound for tho new
El Dorado then known ns Pike' Peak.
After several years of varied experience
ln "made a rnisf " from a mining enter
prise and started on a visit to the old
folks nt home, lint on reaehing Deli
ver, the infatuations of that rity were too
Great Bargains in Land. !
KMMI Mnrvlnnil l'anii, lor Rale Cheap, In a beautiful
Cotintit. Di-fcilplive I atiiloKue aont liee. i. W.
L' AltltOl.I.. Kaal .New Miokot, Doivheater L'n , Md
JK KOn 1 lll IIAVat home. Terma free. Ad
H -U ,ire-.i. ;ko. Stinkon A !!!.. FurtlHnd.Me,
You can Save Money
llullltll anH l.H'e, by ImviilK
court I lie NHtiunal lounoil of the Sover-
eigiiH of fndiittiy in l'liilatlelpliia were rejire
Heuted by councils from tliirtecu StatcH. 'J'he
orilcr i only one yooJ oil
John It. Ainlet'iiou, liO enleieU the bho)b of
caped with their lives ; only one outfit ' much for hini. In hopes of increasing
a span ot mules, ore sled, ami Harness lux untune tie playeii Heavily anil lost
were lost. Hie team ana driver were an, ana returneu w mo iiiouimiins wun-
frozen and iu n helpless condition on the the Walliuiiforil Wheel Coniiiany, Neiv Haven,
plains. Some have since dieil, aiul those
alive me badly crippled. Mr. Vailtress,
n member of "the Legislnture, hud both
legs frozen while attempting to reach the
capital, and they had to be amputated.
The cold spell was the severest ever
known in Kansas and on the pluiiiH. The
mercury marked twenty degrees below
carried across the creek, and completely
lost in the snow. The other teamsters
went to work with n will, and soon suc
ceeded in relieving their fellow from his
perilous situation.
Notwithstanding the savage maimer iu
which he had been knocked about, the
young man found that he was uot
ins oniv injuries nemg
The mules aud sled hud
All fin Slitiw.
The world is crazy for show. There is
not one perhaps in a thousand who dares
full back on his real, simple self for
forming a coat-of-mnil over a black and . power to get through the world, ami
white dress; silver ornaments, including
broad silver bracelets. A lovely
" sheath " dress of pule chamois tinted
satin.. A cream tinted faille, with a
ilinped apron of beautiful black and
white lace, ornamented with shaded
roses. A very effective black dress had
piuk sleeves and pink tablier, with black
lace drawn over tho latter, but not over
exact enjoyment as he goo along. There
is no end to the aping, the mimicry, the
false airs, and the superficial airs. It re
piiresraro courage, we admit, to live up
to one's enlightened convictimis in these
days. Unless you cousent to join iu the
general cheat, there is no room for you
among the greut mob of pretenders. If
a man ilesires t ) live wiimu nt uieuui,
March 7, with a revolver in each hanu,
anil lired eleven Hhotd at the workmen, agaiut-t
whom he had a grudge, killing Horatio Ci. Hall,
of Wallingfoid, and wounding two or three ' severely hurt,
otiieiH, has been convicted of murder iu the , slight bruises.
first degree iu the Superior Court iu that cityi I
The defence was a plea of ineauity Junt ,
afierdark, as three negroes, with their wagons
loaded with i-hingles. had gone into camp about
nix uiiles from Clinton, l.a.. they were visited
I iv white men. who were ununited, ami who
p:oposed having their rhiugU-s. Alter a few
words one of the white men pulled out a pinto
and shut two of tho uegroci. killing them in
htiuitly. The third negro escaped and gave
the ahum (i. V. Vllery, arrested for an
outiage on a little girl nine years ofd. near
I'rbaim. Ohio, was hanged by a mob of forty
masked men, who weui loiuejan, capuueu aim i j
bound the guards, battered dowu the doom, j Heart Disease,
took the prisoner out, and after giving him a i Many persons suffer with heart disease
few minutes to pray, hauged him to a tree I without knowing it suddenly they drop
in front of the coiut house.
out u dollar, eair. passed on and all-
other " wiudlall came into Ins posses
sion, mid again his passion for the
"green cloth" got the better of him
while ou his way through Denver, und
he was obliged to borrow money in or
der to get back to the mines. Last
month fortune again favored him, wheu
lie succeeded m passing Denver and its ot lauure.
ll . e . . . 1 I . i everywhere.
ill. ill fliini l ill mtiti., niiti in tiw cujut
S.-e Specimen Pages in KCRIBNHH'S
.11 Mi AZINK, far November, lo;.
The matt mairnllicent wo-k ever pnulUhed In tlill
country'. Agent v-ho can veil a good bonk, can obtain
territory on nniM lltn-ral terms, hy addreeaiuv
illKHK AN I'l Hl.l-IMNJ- I'O.,
. Umilmil, 1 1., mill t lili-n- u, 111.
CfllitiK liook ever publishf d. H nd lor .Si-eciiuen agM
and our fxtni ttfnni t Aannt.
AATIO.NAIj rL liLiMiiii :u., rnuanipuiii.
The latest aud best Home Doctor Hook, by Dr. Bf.aiui. It
gives causes, hyiniiloins and Iti-llnble Keincdies for every
known disease. llliiT intKes. IU. Ifr, ml. Alf'-nts Willlli-d.
I:. II.TK UAT, l'iililltier,M." Hrnnilwny.N. .
tiT ft A WKKK. AawnU wanted evrrj'heri.. For
O I "unit 2ihi. I'KITCB 4 SVALKi:ii. liny ton. Ohio.
41 1
TK.f.'T ITBK fir nil Hi'
iro.. Win. !' 111 KM, I.KP
ROSY,' S 1' K b r V I. A . KlSO
rr.H. Catakrh, .SKraAi.uu.
Khkcmatihm. Asthma.
IJYarKeaiA, Kuinkyb, a"l
u'l lUnwMi "f Hi Skin and
HI.04HI. y.mtl'ly ir-l'lulil.
Money returned in all case
J. 1'Ovtl.r., i niMil, dihiuii. ouiu
bottle. Send for I circular.
not been recovered when our informant ing the pleasuvesof home und the society ; Q If" TVT 1 1 1 fp W Hj hi
left the scene of the occurrence. Mr. , of his early friends for the first time in lO J I JJi JL XU4J JJ
Patrick had offered a reward of two huu- nearly fifteen years. There are countless
lied dollars to the parties who would : numbers ot men here who liave sipiau
get his mules our alive, and a large mini
! her of men were at work shoveling for
them, but it was scarcely possible that
the animals could have survived under
; the snow for so long a time, even if they
! were not killed outright. The slide,
' when it reached the canyon bed, was
; ubout tliree hundred yards wide, and
; tilled thl' gulch to a depth of fifty feet
! with snow and rocks.
vh farmer. The iiimf nt the lmi-k van ami IS resolute in His purpose HOI to ap-
outliued with a pink sash. A black drew ,' Par more than he really is, let him b j
with yellow was arranged much m the : appwum
same way. A light blue silK, cominueu
with striped grenadine of the same shade,
was exquisitely trimmed with old white
laco and roses. A pretty dress was of
white India muslin, embroidered ami
draped with ribbons over a soft gray
silk. Auother was of black net puffed
upon black silk, and trimmed with white
laco and long-stemmed English roses of
different colors. A lovely dress was of
white, tulle, made with a puffed trout
Mild pouf ("small) at the back, and trim
med with black velvet aud ieilJ wliito
curruuts. C
An experienced papa, speakiV a
youthful baby, says: "lis lnOiiUXay'uen
i.hut a'u't bigger than a worm hole in a
hickory nut; but it is generally open,
mul as big us a stove-pipe hole. "
id. There is something fresh
and invigorating iu such an example,
and we should honor and uphold such
a pluu with all the energy in our power.
Witi an X.
While some Detroit steamboat men
were being paid off, tho clerk inquired
of each one as he came t J sign tha pay
roll : "Will you write your name ormuke
au X" Tlie first one said he could
write his nume, aud the pen wusjuuded
to him. He looked at the pen, ttcruti
uizad the pay-roll, aud d so long
that the clerk poked him up. " Let me
see," mused the sailor, as he looked up
to the clock ; "it'suowteu o'clock, and
as I've got to meet a feller a thu City
Hall at uoon, I giws-t I won't writ my
name but I'll put down an X." .
A veidict has heeu rendered against Mr.
banipeuh, late city editor of the London Timet,
who was uued by Mr. liiibei for libel, iu
cUai'Kiiib' him of being guiltily implicated in
the Arizona diamond frauds. The defendant
ia leijuired to pay 1500 damages In
Nebraska tjuriug the latevtorma the thernioiue-
off, and their friends are astonished, on .
a jwt mortem examination, to learn
that they died of heart disease. The
heart, like the brain, is the seat of life
its (lisea-ses are of J several characters.
The most common are valvular disease, .
fatty degeneration, aud functional do-
if tlie liver uecomes tie
tiered thousands and sometime tens of
thousands of dollars that they have sud
denly ne.piiied from working or selling
mine::, jt seems as natural for thein to
rejieat the operation as for the sun to
shine; money Hies iu every direction ns
long as they have any."
A clergyman writing to a friend says :
' My vova'e to Kiiroje is indefinitely post
poned. 1 have ilini'iiMied the 'fountain of
health ' on this side of the Atlantic. Three
bottles ol Peruvian Hyruji have rescued me
from the fangs of the iiend dyspepsia " Dys
peptic should di ink from this fountain. Com.
The most stylish collar that is worn
now is Ihe Improved Warwick. It tits better
than any other on a low cut shirt. All the
edL'es beini! folded, and the surface luol.iiin so
much like linen, we reoouiiueud all to try it.
Ask yoiu' gouts' liuiiinjier for the Improved
Warwick. 1 om.
A Book exposinaMhe mysteries nf
til h,,u; umv (iiiu niiiv f .oxi'iit Slli'-
cesaiully niih a ciiiii'lal ol M.)l or SKKHI. 1,'iunpMe
inr-trn.-tlolis and itluslratiotis to any adiire. Tl
IlKIIKh A' I II., UASKKHa ami llmiKtsa, 3 WaU
Street. S'eiv York. .
I -fTTrp''?rs THIS PATENT CABIrir.T O.
Ufcl 1 feK r IL.H tauselul loe'erj
buslnaaa man, to keep BI1.1.S, T.K?.
TtUS or FAPGU8 always cloul
and la alphabetical orderi holda
4.000 Letters. can betlaed ontdeak
or hung to tho wall. We prepay
Ksproea oharfrea. Send for circular
ana prloe hat with 1,000 refarenoeo
O. A. OOOS ft C'O Ctuoago.111.
i3,n.noo Rise.
TO.IIOO liln:era.
S.600 TouKa bold,
llanlwsrs Dsalcrs 8eU lbcm
Kliigor 1 1, Rioy. pr 1110 UJcts,
Tongs 9 1,'iA, by oiail, post paid,
vucuiai.iiM, Aourcaa
U. W. BlU. fe CO. Daealar, 111,
WAWTV mn-l-. nihility with Hteuc-ll A Key I. beck
1 i'lJiir.X Outritl. Cataloaue, samples and lull liar-
Ikulnm I rrr, b. 31- M-KXcHU, Hi nanuier hi,, o.
one bo of Tarr'a Inatant Ink Fowde
(!t) make a pin l of 1IKST al.iLl INK la rsmlau'a.
ai.lsnias.,(l.UbaisU. B. 3.0. 0aa, Zsiihtiiu.O,
lUvltiti s irn ii il iwenly i..iif . h liluiti
iiit-.i hy mn-
Uat lllkT f
d.Mlli Wtlll A hi UMA. I
iMilllitUlis IihiIh mul lie) l-s 'i
U lUf. I loiltiliiilt'iy itmt owit il a Won ie i mi
ffinvtly ami nm ciiif lot' AsIIhiia himi CttAnti,
'niinttU In relieve e- Vvt.-l iinnixymn In
KlMntlv , wi tlit Mit'li t ru I Im down 1 ri nt iul
t-! Kfttufoi tul'K. Ut Ug-lotal MM' MIIptdKil wilti
HHIHKlf (Mil'kHKel, nr V UKK ills'i 1 1 iU t ion. bl UJ
ill fli'L'Isti. I n k;ii.-o l.v ihhLI tl.'J.'..
XdOren t. LAKGIXLt .iiplo Crook. OtU.
wf M- tr m yu waul your frit:nti not lo
know ytin, fttr tfuiKlf i",,M' l'n '- lifavy mu:-tarlm
to ifnw uMn your t' iu A' tlujt. without injm y, or yur
moutjy rHtumtvd. Pri iir r-nis. r-U-r 1 1 vi ttiv
GejiOTaTAgtint, JU'-Jf''J!1-:
z4.!. iiit IIW ConnuiHxion.or W.U) wek Hal.
JftO ary aud Kpe- W ?r H f will piiy
ItTAl i ply MO W .
lull lufurum-
laa. t. a. lull. ON.
.lata. etc..
It ifiiafi t
Of anyandereryklnd. Bend ataujp Via..
f..r r.t.loru.. A.irtiv.s C9res sVrstairBl CaMLSk
us ruul w.rtv. u iiiatiau n. PA.
We mt.-ivt J a very jileusuint letter of
rantreJ. and diceiition iv impaired, the
fee Btmirl foriv ilainas Iwlna- 7am Tim heart, tliroucll Bvnipatuy UUU JlUUl Mi- Ujllllka from Oltf old fiiencl Kendall. muce hm
United State, government btH tua value i tion, liecoraos abuorinul. The following ,eturu home, for a bottle of VoAi.i,- Ji.cWy,,
... . . . j ., -,, KvnintnniM iiiili,-iit UDWroat'lllUff dleuc: ilimm-W which we gave hun. aud which, he
of the franc at uiueteeu cento aud three mill " maiV jl "i J 7,,,." " "Tl .av ha eutuelv cured him of the troubltr.omo
Hold On motion of Mr. r.arfield, of Ohio, l'H'""u. khiui..c-o", .....-v-, r .
vertigo, eold -cxtremiticri, etc., etc., fur
which tho old fsohoiil will udmiiiwter
iion. omuiii. aiitiuiouv. uierciuy, and
uiauv other mineral poiaous. Heart
iu the I'uited Ktatea House, the rule were biib
jiendod and the bill iiabbed, JUf lo TU, appro
iruitiug 23,(100 to dufray the eipeuee. attend
ing the viatit of the King of tbe Hawaiian
Ialanda to the United Utile A ajiecial
from i'ort Oany aayg it ia currently rumored
that document! from the Imperial govemment j circulation by taking
contaiiiiug general anuiuety to all parties terative, Vinegar Hitters,
implicated in the rebellion f lsu aoa laio 1 lie u sound permm
liavsj been levsyived by J.itiiteiiaiit-Knreiunr I rrionths. -(hm.
Oil tho death of one of England's most
eminent phveiciaun, all hi etlectd were tolj by
auction, aud amonK other UiinKi wao a eealed
(racket marked 'Advice to l'hyBicianaj" which
T "" mxmm-r,n mrr-re -,.T. ""TH
F A S H I O IM S J ' Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar.
I aT W III a I M a The only Magazine that IMPORT
ie is a blood diseaSB purify the brought a great pi ice. Tbe uurchaeer on 0en.
I; remove obstructions to a limpid i lug the packet read a follows : "Keep the
l.,;.... v... i..L-in. tli-it vurw.tii?il nl. head cool, the bonelaopeu, aud the feet warm. . I
llatlon by taking that KetiW a - If ,lb)tfic k uuceKlyi'Ufe j-arH' Pioyalice
and you will
two or threti
l'tili ; they are the uioet rcentittcally pieiiaitd
pill that ban appeared in tlio ll liniulied
..! t'om;
I 0 a fear, will
STYLES tod SELLS Patterns of tueui.
a anleudld pramluiu.
r i r ficcrn two of smith-s instant ores
ESIJI Ur I CKi t LEVATORS, and Hie vi thi 1,7.1
t, iiiui UVCK9MK It wuu imui muori, win uu g cu FREE, m H lro
M. mlum, to iue persoa wbo will CUT THIS OU f, ucd nnii it w- i . fa tv-t.r.ub-
acriiiiuu ni ma Da&Aan. l"ae u ma filaataxlua next
- I Uyini nA.nA ill a - a..
in -- iinantitna " 'ssi ior onr i'rra. MuipiecoDy 45 eta .
a tiUlltha luslrurllnil Hauls, or SWi-.l. . .. . 7
. " w:iiuuiuit,
ci one btuuip.
I j.i nsMrtM. 1. sll tfc.".-sf.
hiaisfVsim. Mlk rtoU U.-i CO Ct
biultu a luatructlou Book, or Serrtlsi of
IU i eula, catalogue mulKa u
Addrca', very pluln,
SB.. I 11 f I r. . n -
a v. hus WVdia. rit Hriu.itu.
MBBHT liiT'iTiril
lVfcw York CHy,