THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5,. 3876, Mlltlgttay Jnsttrattce'stnry. Represminrj Cath Attrtt of $35,907.744 41) FIRE DEPARTMENT Cermo Aw., New York $1,050,000,00 Niagara f New Yoik 1.519.083,00 Amazon Cincinnati ef 850,!b7 17 City las., Co, of Providence' 19G.S54 32 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life k Accidcut Havilord 2,000,000,00 forth American Mutual of N.w Toik 5,000,000,00 Iqaitable of New York 15,000,000,00 Insurance effects in any of the above standard companies it the most reasona. terms, con.Viftcut with pjrfect security U'tka insured. J, O. W. Y TLEY, Agent. i C'KrTitste fit II id sunt. Mail AAiiT: M. de West V. M TkrourU Local. fast S:-'0 A. M. do do est l . ai. Lo-t1 FeH 4:"0 1'. M do Wfl 8:20 A. M. The Mail and Through Loc-il carry wtsienjers, tie local does tot. 5.J.1J3 ' Advertising. Bae column, one year $73 00 1 " 40 00 i ' " 25 00 " " 15 0 Transi eat advertise s per square of e'glit liae". one insertion 1. (wo iuser ioas, $1.00, three insertions. ?2. Easiness, cards, ten lines or less, per year iSo. Advertisements payable quarterly. rj-il t'.ic Auditor's Scttieuisut. I We wiil give the January report of the llidrrway school next week. V.'e may espect stx weeks wore of winter uulcs.r that 'romd-lio:' sign fflii.4. Owing to the length of the Auditor's Settlement, and a str.oking stove, we are jsliiuj Willi our paper anu Eiiori oi local matters . The Method !t church wa$ dedicated J-vst SuaJay. About g 0,000 was sub- scribed on the day of dedic tion. V.'e will give the prlkulnM ii ou,' iK-rt isue. The family of 'iVu I'mniley," Ihe murderer of the old man Pi iave 'leparted to parts unknown. It is hmi- osed they have gone to join Bromley. AT'rr.ETONS American Cyclopsm -that the revised, and elegantly i';!u tratcd edition of ibis work, now being ...tir. t.-j - i - .r enn .. ..... . r M U I ti t u . n .....uxiv v. v. v y - ia t(vo ljioothe, is tlie best Cyelopedia in .America, is certain. No library ia oons p!ete without it. it is a complete one iu its-ilf. It ouly costs $3 a month to ?t it in leither bi.idinir The best aud c'n?uet horary in the worll. E l ic XV 1 1 : nt y " ' k 4 r 1 1 e b s I x s x i r u r e . To bo hell ia the Public School 3Jiil.Un at ,1'ud'f iv, Ciiuimencing Monday Feh. IV.h tit :'. o'c'nck l'. M. and chsiiii Friday i:uini;jg Feb. lPth 1873. Everyyjliei- i.i the County is expected to bo present at the first session and reni iin tt-;tll t!u cl se of the Iasti- Lu'ves I.t ci'tte, V.v Sapt. CakceTj Youk fc'TAMr-s. Tae inter nal r.evciiue J.'cr ai ir.ieut ii mating ii (jnisition cn t'ae Laks ard livkers, !-lj stamp are r, Sized to cliccls, nud also caueeled by the initiu's and'd.ties of the drawers and where cither of theao de fects are ascertained the names ol the drawer arc reported tj the department, to be lined City dollar.; of which deposi tors had better take notice. Scicioz Ou Tuesday muruin kat, Bays the Brookville (fc-sn! nf a man tamed James Chappel, residing in Polk township, committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn. IIo loft his wife and two children after break.isf, ai,d without giving p.ny evideuee of his de sign, proceeded to the burn where he fastened a rope to a beam, with a noose V arouud his ueck aud jumped off. When Afound ho had been dea l Borne time. He bad taken enough elacl; rope that when he jumped it was sufficient to break Lis oeck. lonieiiio difficulties it is said were the cause of his thus dentroying himself. 1)1 KI SMITH. At Lis residence in Poz township, on inday, January Zulu, laid, Patrick bmith, aged nearly eighty years. leeea.ed was a bachelor, and owued a farm near Centreville, where ; h had lived for a number of years. DAVIS. Mrs. Phebe Ana Davis, wife of llev. J. W. Davis, formerly of jway, at the pttrsonagc, Sinclearville, Phautauqua Co., N. Y., January 27, JS75, aj;fcd 52 yeare. i 't ".Yashington, Jan. 24. The pro- tion to restore the duty on tea and lias, it seems, evoked a grea onnosition nmonnp tlifi nennle ot Congress aro in daily ra tiers from all sections of the articularly from the working ging them to vote against the The result is that the Pa are considerably demoralized nd aro ..coasting around to see where Lnd how thev can raise the eihtcfn ni i - - Iweuty millions of dollar which it was zpeoteu would come from that source. It i crobahle tint some other article now on the free list will be mad to pay July so as to raise the necessary revenu to meet the demands of the Treasury. Court Froceeilngs Below w give a summary, of the proceedings of the late term of court: CIVIL LIST The Soring Jtun Coal Company vs. Thos. Tozier trespass. Hall & M'Cati ley for plaintiff, Uailcy for defendant. Strieken off. The School District of Fox vs. John Myers, et ah, debt damages $2,000. Hall & M'Caulcy for plaintiff, Luoore for dclcndant. Judgment for plaintiff for eight hundred and ninety-Biz dol lars and thirty-two cents. Anthony Wise vs J. A Hank; as sumpsit damages $12,000. Appeal firm award. Hall & M'Cauley for plaintiff, Ames for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff for four thousand four hun dred and fncnty-five dollars aud seventv-five cents. The Clarion River Navigation Com pany vs. Hiram Carman: assumpsit damages 700. Hall cC? M'Cauley for plaintiff, Dailcy for defeudant. Stricken off.' The Com. of Pcnna., use of J A Haak, vs. A. Kaul; debt, damage 815,000, Ames lor plaintiff, J. K. P. Hall for defendant. Continued. P. W. Hays vs. Klius Mover, eject ment for 58 7-10 acres in warrant No. 424S, in Fox township, Elk county; disclaimer of all but 20 8-10 acres. Hail & M'Cauley for plaintiff'. Dailey ad Jenks for defeudant. Land to be rch ascd upon the payment of 8,00 per. acre for -0 8-10 acres, as per contract Aldcrfer k Preston vs. The Puff'alo, New York & Philadelphia Railway Company; record certified from Cam eron county Newton and Rathhua for plaintiff, S. C. Hyde for defendaut Continued. Phiiip W. Hays vs. Elias Moycr trensjiass. Jenksand Lueore for plain tiff. Pai'cy for defeudant. Verdict for defendant six cents. J. L. Ellis vs. Sunbury Fire Insur ance Company appeal lrom award liatnnuu nnu mil lur piaiutin, Jjucore fur defeudant. Cause reaioved for trial to Warren county J. L. Ellis vs. The Columbia Iusur ance Company, of Lancaster, Pa. ap peal from award, llathbun and Hill ,'i.r plaiutiff. Lueore for dclend'int. Cause removed for trial to Warren county. Iiarmou iV Ceon v H. II. May, ap peal from award. Pulley fur plaiutiif. J'athbuti for de'endaut. Verdict for plaintiff for S5PJ,SS Lui Gics vs. Kuncgunda Schmitt; esse upon promises damage gill 10. 1 la1 1 ic ;Auit'i for plaintiff, Rathbun s.r di fendan'. Continued. Jul.n 'at,br.ibant vs. L. L. Pu'jipI et 1., trespass, d.-iungcs S?SO0. Rath- bun for plaintiff, Hall & Ames 'l'r de f.;n i Vrrd'et for defendants, ). Y. Tyltr vs. L. N- IJrigg;' tre pas, cutting timber contrary to act of Assembly. Hall & Ames for plainliff, llaiicy for dei'otidant. Continued by consent. James Flack vs. Tli8 Etuzinger Coal and Iron Company; ussumpt, el ;i iu ii ares 8-', 000. Ruthbuu for plaintiS', Hall & M'Cauley D. 1J. E. Cor.tiuued at cost of defendant. y. A. Olmstead vs. The township. of Horl on assumpsit, s?S00. Hall ' M Cauley tor plaintiu. Jruks rnd Uailey for defondmit. Verdict for plaintiff for one hundred ml twenty dollars. GcoOpdyke vs. F. A. Lrfcel.; ej'e; inent for 05 acres oi" land, lot No. 1 on ISt'Lziuger road in Uenz'iigtr towtirhin, Eik county. Hall it Ames for plaintiff, liailey, Jenks & (Jlaik and George 11 Fariett for delendaut. (.'outiuurd by consent. ). E. Hewitt vs. E. II. DixM-n. as suiipsit damages SI. 000. Rallibun f';r plaintiff, II ull & Ames for defendant. Settled. Martin Feuey vs Andrew Kaul et al , ease upon promises, damages S-V-000. Rathbun lor plaintiff. Hall cV Ames 1). 15. E. Continued by consent. Daniel Scribner vs. The township of Ridirway; trespass on the case, dama ges 8250. Rathbun lor plaintif, Hall M'Caulev D. li. E. Verdict for plaiutiff ijr 8125,00. CRIMINAL LIST. Coin. vs. Charles Webb and Zenas Webb, larceny. True bill as to Zenas Webb. Recognizance foilu'ted aud re spited to next term. Com. vs. L. D. Ripple, assaulting a child. True bill. Defendant not guilty. Prosecutor and defeudant each senten ced to pay half the costs. Com. vs. Robert Warner, selling liquor ou Sunday and gambling. True bills. Recognizance of defendant and surerty, eacu 300, taken for delcudaut's appearauca next term. Com. vs. Audrew DUtler, malieious breaking and throwing down lenee. True bill; defeudant not guilty and each to pay one half of costs. Cum. v. Aaron Feltensteiu, misde meanor. Trife bill; recognizauce of de feudant and surety called, forfeited and respited to next term. Com. vs. Decatur E. Hewitt, forsica tion; recognizance ot defendant and sureties called, forfeited aud reipited to next term. Com. vsMary Ellen Dixon, adultery; recognizance of defendaut and sureties called, forfeited aud respited to next term. Coin, vs J. W, Roberts, malieious mihchif. Surety of the peaea case. Elk County Directory. Presideat Judge L. D. W'etaiore. Additional Law Jud,;e Iiou. Jnr P Viaceae. Associate Judgea Chas. Lukr, J V Honk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. EeulL l'itknotary f c, Frel. Schaening. Treasurer Josepk Windl'elder. Coualy SuperiateadeuL Itufus Lueore. Coaiaiissioner Michael Weidcrt, Julius Jones, iu. Ed. Tr'eia. Auditors Thomas Irwin K. G. Bundy, Coaaly Surveyor Geo Wlaasley. Jury Coaiaissi uei. 1'hiliip ieighle Raaaom X. Kyler. Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, TOBK, PKNN'A Jltif-Cataloguea Mailed to Applicant Refer (by permission) to ( Hon, J. S, Black, Washington, D. t. Waiaka, Sua & Cael, Bankers, York, Y. ;elk lodge, a. y. m. Tb stated meetings of Elk Lolge, No. 179, are held at their hall, corner of Main aad Bffot t reels, an the second and fourth TaesJaya of each month W. C. JIEALY, Seo'y. BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. 11 AT II B trA, Attornoy-at-lw, Ridgway, Da. 2 2 if. KLFUS LUCOHE, Altorney-at-L" Ridgwny, Elk Co., Pa. Offioa i Hall's new Jirick Utiildina;. Cluims ft collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL if- M'VAl'LL'y, Attorney a-at-Ltw. Office in New Prick Building, Main Si Ridgway, Elk Co., Fa. v3n'Jtf. J, O. U. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT. LAW. Vlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Accl dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Couo. JAMES D. EULLEKTVN, Surgeon Dentist, liBTing permanently lo catcd in Rig'way, offers his vroft'ssionsl eer vices to tuo citiieus of Itidgwuy aa sar rounding country. All work wnrrnBted Oflice in Service & AVliee'.er's Euiltlin't, up stairs, first door to the lelt, 73-n-B'2-ly CHARLES lip LEU, Valcliniuker, Engraver and Joweler, Main street, llidgrtny, Agent lor tb Howe ewing Mucliine, aad Mortou Ctol1 Fen. Repairing Watches, etc, do nitb he same accuracy as heretofore. S at i actioa guaranteed. " lnly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and I'Hiacentist, N. W. cornai of Main and .Mill suect?, Itidgway, l'a. full assortment of caielully (-elected For eign and Domestic lungs, fiescrijticiii carefully dispensed nt all hours, tiny oi night. vlu3j T. S. HARTLEY. M. IK, I'hysician atni turgeun. Office in Drui fciijie. corner Uraad nd Main St. l'.e.-iueiue corner liroad St. opposite the I ollege. iillice liouri liaiu b to 10 A. M. uml lium 7 tu b J'. .M. vln-Jyl. J. S. BORE WALL, M. P., Eclectic ri.jsician aud Ciirgeun, hes remov ed his ofcee liom CitiU'B siicit, lo.Main st. Ridgway, l'a,, in l i, o fccuikI Elory of lh new brick building of Jutiti i., oppo site Hyde's store. Qtiiec lotus: t to '. a- uv. 1 to 2 p. u. 7 j:i!l a iJ HYDE HOLSE, Uioow.iy, Elk Co., I't W, II. SCHRAM, Proprietor Thankful fo? the patron ige heretofore so liberally bestowed upou liiiu, the ne proprietor, hojirs, by paying strict at tention lo tlie comUirt uu.l conreniei;Ct c) quests, to mti'ii. a continuance oi in same. Uci SO Vr; BILK TAIL DGL'SE, Ka.n-:, Melienn Co., T. R. E. 1.0(.Ki:K, 1'mprictcr. Thankful lor the put ru'.i(' heretofoit liberally b stowed iipou h:in. the new pr prietor, Lope), l' paying tui'.u aiteiitiai! to the comlort r,:i:l Miv eaieuee id guests, e ct I be mine. 1 i t in haiie iil:d wet liall uur.clieJ to tb x ln.:,v I. to merit a conuiiunn. only stul'ics :or i.t i s kepi nibl or day. Hotel. EEUfEl UOL'SE, . Ct:;;, Ei.k Co., Pa. JyTIN CuM.i: Thuniiltil lor the nS, Pii'piii-tur. P'liron-ite luretolort so 1. tier lily bi.-ivv.-i-d npMi uiai, me nev pro r rietor, bop, s, by puvmg strict al teutiou to ti.e u-jinlor- ai U couveuieuc of gajsts. t ueiit a eoniiiioitiiet of tin fame. ii. jia r., (.'. r. i: .7ciisi:s, Crccsries, n-:T,l Varisiy, CO., FA. i. o. 'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEV7ER. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. Yc can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high Btandard; and it is the only reliable- and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray oe Fade d Hajr to its youthful color, making it' soft, lustrous, and eilken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. Iu baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, end will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It ia the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Ilaycs, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Tho constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold ti all Dniggitti, and Dealert in Mcdkinet. Price One Collar. Buckingham's Dyo FOB THE WmSKEES. As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore eray or fadqd Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish, this result It is easily anclied. and produces a color which will neither nib nor wash ofE Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Ery Coots, ! and C FOX. ELK v1iil7if. Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO. tf-ASHTJA. WJL. POWELL & KIME. MAMMOTH1 STOCK Firmly believinn that the world moves, and that the demands of th public ara con stantly iuereasiut, the propnetara of the (Brawl (Cental lor have jft returned fro the eastern and western cities with the auost perfect and complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Yen cannot ASK FOIl ANYTHING I hey do not keep, and they have absolutely RROXEN THE PACK DONE ol high prices. They buy fur cash and SELL FOR CASH! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! RidjEWay, May 1st, 1873. AliVtT:i Tic A tiKc: Ciiiai-. Oood, braTiUA Ail iiersou nho conleuiplate making contracts with newspapers for I lie mtertiou of advertieeoiema, siiouiu seuu '" eenia lo Geo V. -I'.nwill A- ( o., 41 Prk Row, New York, for their l'AMPULET BOOK niuely-seveulli edition,) containing lists of over ll iitO newspapers aad esiiuin tei, showing the cost Advertisements taken for leading pnpers in many Slates at a termendous redaciiou froul intblibhers rates. Git tc book. v no 48 tf T O TIIE CITIZENS OF PENNSiL VANIA. Your Htleiition is speciully invited to the fact lh,t the National BrtUks are now prepared to receive eubscriptioua lo the Canital Stock ot the Centeunial Eoard of Hnauce. The funds realized from ibis source are to be employed in the eree tiou of the building! for the International Exhibition, and tho' cspenate connected with the sauie. Ilia conliifently believed that the Keystone Stale wi.'l be represented by tho name of every citi-n alive to pairi oiio comuiemoratiou of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. Ihe shared of stock are offered lor $10 ach, aud sub scriber will receive a huudsooae engraved tertincaia of Stock, suitable fur lrauiiug aud preservation as aAiutional memorial. Interest at the rata of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all pavmouta of Ctn muuial Stock troin due of payment to January 1, 1878. Subacriber who are not neai a Nation Bank can remit a- check or post othce ordi lo th undersigned. f'BED'fcVt'HALET, Trot-' rer. fui Walnut Si., Ehiiade pbJa Ukminoton Sewino Machines, Fifti Arms, and AomccLTURAL Im plements. The Remington Sewing Machine has sprung rapidly ints favor as posscssing'the best combination of good qualities namely, light running smooth noiseless rapid and durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, aad isalike on both sides. The Reaiingtoo Sewing Machine has received preaiiuuis at many Ffits, throughout the United Stales, and with out effoit took the Grand Medal of Pro gress, the highest order of medal that was awarded at the lata Vienna Erposi-positiou. Tke Remington lactore the new Breech Loading Works also manu Double Rarrelled Shot gun snap and positive action, with patent joint check, a marvel of beauty, fiuish and cheapness, and the celebrated Rem ingtoa Rifles adopted by nine different governments, aud renowned throughout the world for military, hunt'in" aud target purposes all kinds of Pistols, Rifis, Canes, Mctalic Calridges, f c. Agricul'urul Implements, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Road 'circis, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Wlins, Iron Bridges, &c. The undersigned has been appointed agent for the sale and iutroduetion of the Remington Sewing Machine iu and tor the counties of Elk, Clearfield and Watren. TIIOS, J. DURKE, Depot and oflice, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good local agent wanted. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY BY. SL'llSUUl'TlOX. HIE ALDINE; THE ART JOfJii.V.VL OK AMERICA. This splendid enterprise J s not only well sustained iu every leinore, hut is being constantly developed and iinpiovuJ. it to-day stands without h rival in tlie whole world of periodical liiorni ns-e i'iio lienuli ful dog-porirait, ' Alan's Erne tisa friend." a chrouio pre'-enled to i v,n, u a decided hit, an A will, if i-miile, add to the popularity which this vork bus jiontd The Ai t Emox frnture ! prmn svs pirni and licnilicent icsiilis, in 'niiiii.'it'j! p i' lie inttie.l iu the tine ai ts. l iicul its ai.d lull infoniiaiioit o:i apji'.i -vat iota. Parts I, II, IU, aud IV are nuvr ready SU710V8 Lsisure-Hour iscsllany. -t ) puns iisu.-d lor be coinploled in Each pnrl will c.titnui an elepniil (Viintis iccc, originiil'y enrviivnl til steel lor tae ,o: d.m Art RUPP.DZUClhG at a vrtoe w-imii the r.iirulur reneli, en- pravins never I oQ'crcd at less than five times tlie aino.'.nt. Those VHiie imve been I'io attraction of Tno'lf.n Urt .rr.vr :nal, lach pari w ill contain qinir") p'i.-. Deluding the c'ltgant fini.l!ii.r(, mi I. envy piaie paver. A upc i t. r.l u fag, noli iy luiiiiuativl ui rod uiid oij. wnt he g veil with the tivsl purl, and the p' inline; of llio cnlite work will be a woriliy M-presetitic tion of "The Press'' which is a guarantee "f amiiethiiij bej r.iiful and va!. liable. At a Cost cf25 Cents a Part ills 1, II. sr.rt III :ive Jnfl I'nb'i she I. '1'lit: .HIT JSi. Louip'ele in 1- iiioi:lli!y ynnr-. l M eric u i;( .iudut'.i:(r tlie l?.- tun I'aee iii,.stia lietis from the earlier volumes ef The Aldine. Pacli. monihly part will contain sis su- peib (iiales willi accompanying descriptive miiltcr, and whether lor biiidiuej or ir.uuing will be entirely beyond competition in pure or artistic character. Every impres sion will be most carefully taken on the finest toned paper, and no p.iius will be .-I.Med to make this the richest production of a press which has won, in a marielously short lime, a world-wide reputation. GE.WS 1'XJO.W Til K liha f; Especially assorted for Ccap Book Illustration aud rawing Class t;opies. A large collection of pictures of different sizes and on almost every conceivable sub. ject have been put tp ::. nn attractive en velope, n-J are now oliereu at a price in tended lo uiuLe them poptiiur ia ever sense- Envelope No. 1, containing 60 beautiful engravings, is now ready, aud will be sent. uostairo natd. to an v address tor U.Mr. DUI.- LAR. A liberal discouut to agents and teachers. SCRAP liOOKS. A splendid assortment of SCRAP BOOKS dave been expressly prepared lor tne uou hay season, and no present of more perma nent interest ean be sc-leclei for gentleman or lady, old or young. No. 1. Half bound, eloth sides, tilt back 250 rp. 12xlli inches Co CO No. 'j.. Half bound, clo h s'.des, gilt ba:k. oUOrn. 12xlt inches 7 00 No. 8. Full morocco, beveled board gilt and antique, very rich 5U0 pp 12 00 Lettered to order ia cold at 2i cents each line. Sont hv mail cost ra'd on receipt of the - . . price. TIIE ALDINE PASSE PARTOETS. Iu comul'mnce with repealed requests, Die publishers of Tub Aldi.nb Lave pro nared iinnrcKsions of many of their most beautiful idatcs for l.asse l artoul fiaminp. Thecutsaie mouuied ou a beautifully tinted azure mat, wiih a hau lejnie red bol der Hue. To attach the g'ass, it is only left for tLe customer to paste and fold over au already atuchcdboidcr anil this may be done by a child. 27 subiecls, 12il3 inihes, 25c: ruth "hits, DOc. Six of Hits size for 1 1 when selection is eft to the publishers. 0 subjects. 10x121 luches,' 20c, with class. 4oo. 7 fcuticcis. CixSi inches, U'C, with alass, 4uc. 12 suldecls. 14x19 inches, 60 e.: with alass. SI. t'eut by mail, without glass, post paid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED THE 1 Lit uru COM ' 4a4UU. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell' I Co. BARKERS AND UROKERd, No. 42 touth Third Street. Philadelphia January 0th, 1875. BID. ASKED TJ. B. 1881. e J 10 J 1 dt-20,c'62, Maud N 1-jJ 1" de da '64 do 17 17 do da . 'S5 do 18J 10 do do '65 J and J 14 n do do 67 d 1'4 10 -J do do '68 do 1'. I'.IJ do 10-40, ronpon leg do Pacifio 's cy Int. off 10J 1! New 6'sRcg. 1831 14 U do . 1381 15 J 10 Gold li!, 1;) Silver 100 103 Pennsylvania b" Reading b 6(i Philadelphia k Erie 21iJ 2uJ Lehigh Navigation Dir. off. Ooj 60jj do Valley 61 J G'J Uuited R R of N J Ex. Div Itil Oil Creek 15 15 Northern Central 34 8ri Central Traasportaiioa 43 44 Ncsquehoning ., 60 CO A ii A Mortgage 6's 'Si 101 ltrj NEW LIV1211Y STABLE IN DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittieus ef Ridgway, aud the pablio gcterally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to lat upon the most reasona ble terms. Bl-ll will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Poet Office will mct prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. E, II. 123 Leiijton ATenfef Co ZHSthSt., NEW YORK, dBpSiluBnl sician TREAt": ALL FORMS 07 L0HIG DISEASE, ai;d EECRIVS3 Let'em from all parts oj the Civilised World. BY H!S C3ISIW.I WAY 8f CQ3d.HGtInir a Helical Practice HE IB TIt&ATIltO UancroRS Patients la Europe, the West ladies, tho Dominion of Canada, and ia every BUto of the Union. AOViCE GIVEN BY fJA!L FREE CF CHARGE. Ifo Breirl(it fcadicitiM or t!rtrlo!it tlnitffl unetf. Ru diuiuff th put twenty yfurs tronict t icce fu'ly iwlr or cult 40,10-) cusyt. x-l ftco con- ttsctcd wild tch CM ue catrefutiy rccordeJ, httir tfatiy ba oonrauni te! ty loiter or In prron, orobtcrved by the Doctor or hii aocinta pbyskLttiiS. Tb UtUr aia all oiunliflc medical ma. iil iarnHds at dlitanoe are rqn!re.t to v.twtr an ertoneUft Hut of plhiu queni ic, which will bo furuiahed by mail fret, or nt the vtT.ce. X com picU yt4ra ot wgl fieri njf pT-cvcntai inieutko or coitf-Jtioa. Cae bokt uevr cneuitotl, exorpt by the physician of tha etvh!iinrnt. For free consultation Mud Ur lit or ui;:iani. A itty poa pamphlet of evMucei of mccecc rot ftaa alfco. t dAittH Dr. B3. 13. FOOTE, Box T8S, New Yorli. .CENTS VVAMTED. Da. Foova i tt Autlier tl "IIidi.'al Com- KOm 8lFt" a book tbat reirhed a circulation ot over S&l.OCO ajin. ; ulno, ot ' Tlaik Houb Taik, mor rfctaCx publlhfd, which ti&n .old la th xtrnt ot "Q.Q'O eoilc ; ct "Sciekcb XX Sjoar," trkkb w nun MiBv p' Ulii'ui.l in rrict. (OkTIKIS IIBUI of all, ciccrUnr U ant-ncnt!i.neil wor'n (whlra la out of priitt), wnl Ou m tm on Bpillration to either Dr. Poocb, or tba Vutr7 E1U Fatliih U(C;0(ltr, viboM oflnU 11!) Kwt 8Sih Street. AgeoU bjlh nnrn and women wanted to tell tho foregoing works, to v. bom a llttcra! profit will be allowed. Ttt beglKnlng-t of nmtU fortnntt have been ruwlt In wiling Dr. FooTl'i jropular work.. "TLilM Kokk Tju" It iiaitleultrly adapted to adults, and " Sciixck in Smut" it iut tha tliiag for the voung. Bend for content! tablet and tee for xouraelve. The former tnnwcrt a moltltudo ot Qiteitiona which ladiet tod tfentle BieB (etl a delicacjr abont asking ot their phyi-lclant. There la aothiog la literature at all li'ie either Of the foregoing works. "SciEXCl l Stobt" aao only Ue had of agenta or of tha lubli.htra TLAI3 HOMi TALK ta publltate In both tkt Kiiglitb and Germtn Laoioagti. Ouct mart. ADDRESS Al AEOVa LLESOESY VALLEY RAIL ROAD Lun-tuAUi riviaiw.. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1874. traik between iledbank aad Driftwood will ruu as follows: WESTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at. V2;!'M p as, Rey noldsville at ii:20 p an, Urookville at 4.05 p ai, arriving at HeUaunli at 0:12 p aa, couuecting with Exprcta lb Uuiii Liae lr Pittsburgh. KlXtU WAX leaves liey noldsvillo daily at ti:40 a at, biaokviile at b:10 a hi, arriv ing at Redbaak atllriOa bi. connecting witk traius Bank aad south aa Main Lin. BASTWAaU. EXPRES8 aud MAIL leave Itedbank daily al 12:20 a at. arrive at lirookvtiia at 4 p aa; Leyaoldsvilla at 3:20 p m. Drift wood al 6:lw p ra, coauccting with traina east aud weal a P and E Railroad. MIXED A V leaves New Lethlt aa daily al 3:Oopa. arrives at Urtakvill ui p ia, Reyuoidsvilla al T:o'0 p m. MAIS L1M On and after MtiNDAY. NOV 23. 1874. trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows; BEI'EALO EXPRESS will leav Pitta burgh daily al7:4,ain, Led bank Junction at 10:47 a n, and arrive al Oil City at 2:40 p m. NIGHT EXPRESS will leavo Oil city at J:05 p m.Redbauk Junction al 2:Co a in, and arrive at Pittsburgh al 7:20 a m. TiTUSVlLLE EXPRESS leaves Pitt burgn al B:'A) p iu, fedbank Junction at 6;26 paa, and arrivca al Oil City at 10:20 p tn. Itftturninff. Iplvmb fliWiiv , u.-n. Q ' ' - 'J U.UU I an, Redbauk Junction at 12:11 a a, aud ar rive at PiUibargh at 8j4o p ta. J. J. LAWRENCE, Gone! Supenntondenl. Wat. M. PBicura, Aas Duji., Brwokvill. Pa. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div'nion. WINTER TIME TABU. ON and after MONDAY, NOV, 16, 1874,' the trains on the Philadelphia it Eri Kailrondwillrunas follow t westward. . FAST LIN Eleaves Philadelphia 12 65p. m " " " Renovo 11. 4o p m " ' air. at Empos-iuit 1 20 a ra " " air. at Buffuio. 9.00 a. m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.66 p m " " ' Reuovo 11.10 a m " " Emporium 1.10 p ni " St. Mary's 2.06 p m " Ridgway 2.ii3 p ra " arrive at Erie 8.06 pm EASTWARD. FAgT LINE leaves Emporium... 8 66 p ra " " Renovo 10.40 pra " " ai r. at Philadelphia 8.06 a m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m ' " Ridgway 4.46 p ra " " " St. Alary'g 6.10 p m " " " Emporium 6.03 p m Keuovo 8.26 p m " " air. at Philadephia... 6.60 a m Mail Easl conuects east and west at Eri with L S .M S R W. Mail West with east and west train no L S At M S R W WM. A. BALDWIN. Uca'l Sup't. Winter Arraugcment. BUFFALO, NEW YORK & PIUL'A. K. R. 1UE SHORTEST A'D MOST PIKKCT KOl'TB To Wiliiauisport, Sunbury, llarrisburg Philadelphia, Pakiuiore, Wash ington aud the South. On aal after NOVEMBER 16, 1874, and until further aoliae, traius will leave Buffalo New York ii Philadelphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange aud Leaisiaaa etreet (Bulla! time); as fallows: 7 40 A. M. ACCOMMODATION (daily except Suudays). stepping at Ebenezer S 04. Springbrook 8 14. Elma 8 20, Jarniaon 8 2d, Aurora H SI, Wales 8 44, Holland 8 66; Protection 9 06, Arcado U 20, Yorkthir 0 27, Machias 9 i7, Frauklinvill 65, Ishaa 10 16, flinsdalo 10 81, Eri Railway Junction 10 46, Ulead 10 49, Weston 10 6ti. I'ortville 11 06, State Line 11 12, Eldred 1126, Larabees 1134, Sartwell 1140, Xuitle Point 11 45,' Port Allegany 1168, Liberty 12 17, !' M , Keating 12 2d, Ship, pea 12 4o, Emporium 1 00, P. M. Stages are advertised to connect with this train at Elma for Manila; al Areado for Yorkshire; at Eranklinvillo for Rush lord and Ceulrevillc; at I'ortville for Ceres, Richburg, Little Genessee, Bolivor, Mill port and Sharon Centre, at Lnrabees for Smcthpon; at Port Allegany for Couder port; at Kta'.iu, Tuesdays and Fridays for Wlini ton, E:tr)l Wharton aud East Homer. b SO A. M. MIXED TRAIN TO OLEAN (daily except Suudays), stopping at Eben ezer U ;16, Springbrook 10 07, Elma. 10 28, Jatnisou 10 44, Aurora 11 06, Wales 11 32, Holland 11 65, Protection 12 16 P. M , Ar- cde 1- in, lorkslure 1 0, Machias 1 I'rankliuville 2 05, Icchua 25 0, Hinsdalo ;i Erie Railway Junc'.ien 4 00 P. M, Stages arc advertised to connect with this train at A.-cude for Yorkthir aud itushfurd; at Eia&klinville for Rash ford. 3 00 P. M. WASHINGTON EXPRESS, (daily), slopping at Ebenezer 3 22, Spring. Ij.ook 3 31l Lima 3 Lis, Jamison 8 40, Auro ra 3 40, Wales 3 5x, Holland 4 Oi, Protec tion 4 15, Aicada 4 29, York srhirc 4 30, Machias 4 45, Frankliville 6 00, Ischua5 17, Hinsdale 5 30, Eri Railway luticiion 6 45, Olean G 05 (Supper), Wes tons 0 15, Ptville 0 22, State Lin 6 30, Eldred 0 42, Larabces 0 63, Sartwell 6 68, 1 urtlc Point 7 02, Port Allegany 7 14, Keatiug 7 42, Emporium 8 15, Renovo 10 40, Williatxsporl 1 10 A. M., Sunbury 2 60, I!arri-:burs 4 20, New York 11 A. M., Philadelphia b 05, Baltimore 7 45, Washing ton J 07 A. M. fclages are advertised to connect with this train at Elma lur .Marilla; at East Au rora, cn Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sutur duys, for Java illnge, Stry ksrevillo, Wales and Wales liollov,; at Arcade for Spriug viilft, Sandiif kay uud Yorkshire. Pulmau Palace Sleeping Car ou 'tthis train lrom Etillalo lo Ealtimore and Wash inglou ni houl ciiauge Pliilade'phia pas senders iransfi-r al llari-burge. Now York ussci.gv.i s at ilai l lsburg. On Suuday i his train doej iroi ruu east, of Olean. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2 ;:o A. M.. BUFFALO EXPRESS (daily) sioi.ii.;r at fclnppeii 2 60, Keating 3 16, l.U'iy :120, 1'ori Allegany 3 52, Turtle t 'oii i iO, Laitwell 4 lu, Larabaes 4 22, E.du i -i do. Eiuie Lino 4 02, I'ortville 6 03, it' .sinus o lo, Olean 6 CO, Erie Railway 1 unci ion ii 05, Iliu--diile 6 20, lechua 6 35, Fiaiiklinvil o 0 61, Machias 7 10, Yorkshire 7 11', 7 2d, Protection 7 40, Holland 7 W. ii;ks 7 69, Aurora 8 10. Jauiiaoa I 8 I-;. K'Wii H 20. i'priugbrook 8 20, iben xtr ! '. Pm'a'.o 9 00 A. M. 'i ins Haiti makes direct connection for 1 : .(.;; 1 al.s, uud all point iu Caaada and I ll.r I, r. t. Nsgi-s are n ivcrtiaed to connect with uaiti at Arcade from Spriugville, San dusky and vu,l.iliirc; at East Aurora, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Salurdaya from Java, c.iiyl.citv. lur, Wales and Wale Uol lctt; at !.,:n.i hum Maiilia. ('ii Moi.uuyn this train dees aotfrun a:t of OieiB. 6 10 A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER A'D FREIGHT daily except Sundays.) stopp ing at bhippen li 40. Keating 7 85, Liberty 7 40, Port Allegary 8 40, Turtle Poir.t 9 13, ariwcll 9 25 Lurabees 9 40, Eldred 10 00, btale Line 10 88, Portvillo 11 06, Westous 11 20. Olean U 8S, Erio Raileay way Junction 11 43, Hinsdale 12 15 P. M., rmumiuvnie 2 Uo, Holland 4 bo. Auaora 4 4, Junction ti 00 P. M. Sisgea are advertised t einncst with this train. at i'ortville .rom Coras, Rich tin g, Little Genetee, Uoliver, aiillport and Sharon Ceutr. 2 00 P. Al., ACCOMMODATION (dai v eicept Suudays). stopping at Miippea 14, Keatiug 2 33, Liberty 2 41, Port Al- Ie,.uy8li0. lurtle Point 3 13. Sartwail 18, Larabees 3 25. Eldred 8 31. tltata line 45. i'ortville 3 63, Weston 3 69, Clean 4 O?. Eri Raiiwav Junction 4 13. Hinsdale 48, Ischua 4 41. Frankliuvilie 6 00, Machias u 25, Yorkshire 6 39, Arcade 6 60, Piotec:ioB 10, Holland 6 22, V. alea 3, Aurora 6 4ti, Jamison C 54, Elma 6 59 Springbrock 7 04, Ebenezer 7 15, Buffalo 7 40 P. M. Etages are advertised to connect with this liaiu at Keating from Wharton, East Homer and Lust Wharton on Tuesday and Fridays; at Port Allegany from Coudera. port; at Larabces froa Smetbport; al traiikltuville irum Rushford and Ceutr. ville; al Arcade from Rushford and York shire. TRAIN LEAVES OLEAN: C li A. M LOCAL PASSENGER AND FREIGHT, daily except Sundays, eioppirg at Hinsdale 0 47, lschua7 18, Fraukliuvil. bO O, Macuias 84, Yorkshire 8 63, Arcade 9 20, Pro'eoiion 9 64, Holland 10 13, Wale 10 38, Aurora 10 05 Jamison 11 21 Elm 11 85 Springbrook 11 60 Ebeneztr 12 16 ButTalo 1 00 P. Hi. II. C. FISS, un 1 Manager. H. L. LYMAN, J. D. YEOMANS, Gen 1 Sup t. Gtu'l l'ata'rig t S 1 V f iVe are now prepared 11 kinds of JOB WOBK. Envelopes, TairTBiU-headi, Letter beads. ueaily and cheaply exeouted. Offie ia Thajer & Hageity' new building, Mais street, Ridgway, Pa.