The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 04, 1875, Image 2

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    . 111 r
Henry A. Parsons, Jr. - . Edito
The fain ol tlio.-c Jlrpublic.irm who
first bce.tiia "Liberal.-"," and tlien com
pleted l; i.-ir treason to their principles
find party by going over to (lie Demo
crats, is very suggest ivo. Cnrl Fchtiiz
is repudiated liy tlio .Democrat.-! of Mis
souri, Iiculeii Fenton is kicked out
by I lie Democrats cf .New York, nnd
'J'. W. Tijiton is left out in the cold in
Nebrnskn. The Democrats, however
lur.e!) tii ey profce.q to admiio the talents
sixl treason ' ll-ce men, would uot
trust them any farther tuau t;.eir tenure
of'olTtco by Repitu'irnu favor, but pave
their sent to tho-:o born in the faith.---Fittslvrnh
'i'th ;'.-&.
Auclitsrs' Settlement ,
liicrij-.'s oiul .L'.rpi r.u'litrm of 111;
Comity f'" (he ii tr tn:li,iy J,:,ma,-i.
1st, 1 i-7o:
.Ton. 1, 1 875.
To tax reed from tmseatel lands $12511 07
' Collectors ; 4 7 l:i
Jury fees and ii.dic'mouis 71 oo
Coinnioiiwenlili costs collected 050 70
Fines collected 0! (Hi
7'ax reed on lmnls rol'd Ty col's 0 00
.Ami reed from Jones hvp on licet,
of monies paid for iiippvrt ci'
A. Piiis. Z-il 70
Aint reel from Ren.iEecr tv.p on
neet of monies paid for rnpport
of Conrad Nist -1 1 a !1
Aral reed from f t. Mary's I-oro on
licit of n-.onies p iid fjr tuj nurt
of Martin Civn- ' ' j; q 1
$-'2.i208 0-1
.Inn. 1, 1?,5.
By ami pd 11 I Omm'r f01 00
" ('.--. 1" l.'V.VU " S'jllSI
" " Julius Jones " !:'(iO 0(1
V. II. M'Cmil'y, Chi-1; 800 (ll.
.h -.J. iv. P. I'.-ill, Di-;(. Al'y: (15 CO
l C. (v,t.v, S'.irriti' iV...i :;7
' " " J:i:!.-v .7 71
Ccururs. Coui.- -1 iOO O.I
I ..n-Iai ?.'i ;:2I91
C'-uu Ci i'5 t.-.t
1 ip sttiivcs : ii r. )
liouol :iv; i 'III '.i 'J
i'o'.; An ill' r ' fcO 20
' " f U 0' 'Hi
.1 .!,-.': i or C.'.! ..(
To ("i,nftnl. i 0 -4 15
Ju.-lk-os i'oacn . 15
Wi!tiesi.;s l''!').-0
l. t Oy.r ut,F iicv: T :v 75
To As-f!"iiitiil CSM.n:.- 3 "01 07
'.cjristcting '-'"' To
To drnnd Juries 1 ! M
" Tnrvsife " !
Jury Cfin i-.i .- lot: c i s t
liy nn-.l. i:nil W. Venifni i.-:vy H 'J'.'
J.'ixinout llopiiiil. i:s 1'i.iiov.v:
J'or support of .'i.-t. I ' .'
For support of A. I'i'.i"' 'ii.' 1 i" 50
I'rv t-upport of Jno. (.'oioU'ii 0'i 15
Kxniniuution of M. fi r";:f '' -O ,'..!0
liy mnt. r.iil iov xriiiting inl
.lver!isiii -,70 SO
j'.iroliou cxpiT.c-9 S-'iJt C
lioa'l Views & Daiangesi L'Tli o
SlMi'oio ty i.r.J I'ctnps . '.'I
t.'ounlics on Vi'olvc.'.&o !7 50
I'n.:l I.i-l,is I'.'t :;o
r,,-'pnii? to l'uljlic Iiuilill'i;;? ':;'! On
Court House on reikis '
Ir.i'iuests O'.l ' 'l
Mi'.it.-vy fl
51 i.-ci'1lnncon; 11 i
liy pvmt. lml iluc Connsrs.
'eoiius-ol, 1?7:'. 05 00
Exj'i .i.- es l:oli!inf appeuls 101 5.;
iiiiliior of Troilo'iiou'i'v ncet. '.' d )
i.r!ey on linl liis acct as Trvas -'.li '.m
15-1 -Jl
till 10
r.zws of Kcoc-'p!
Jstits mul Lithiii.lirs cf Llk Cuniy,
Jiiiiuuri 1 . 1 '.
.Inn. 1, 1575
. To Tux lino from Unseated 'iinds
eiiliji'Ct to com. nnd cxuturiitiun f 1 77
Tax Jus from Collect or s?nlij'-cl
to coin. & exonerations lit JO 7
Amt due I runt Jones; tp for
support of A. l'ui ?OMU i'OOn
Aidt due irom Ijeuzmai'r (p. for
t".ipport of Corn-fid I.'ist tl 7
Anil, due froa f-t. M ovo.
for tnpport. of M avi in lu-egor :-o
Amt. due 1'rnBi Leek Iinrea bcro.
for Mippoit of Jno. Condor 40100
Aoit due from Ciinieron, Klk &
ClcurlicH Mate Kor.d ISO GO
Jnn. 1.1S75.
ByJCouuty Orders ou!3tnnuin
Amt. due W. penitentiary
Dixniort lln.cpiinl
J. V,'i nil folder. Trefls.
1. C. Oyster, Snerili
11. I. Ctimpl'i'll, Cm.
Ceo. Ed. Vi tin da
Julius Jonis i.J
i'lccss of ciseta
22070 00
.'Irtioifiis 7iie 1y the several Coll
Elk County cn January 1,
J. V. Hou!:, Eidway Ip 1805
Urn. MaCnulev, for 1800
If. P. Oveihcilizer, Eid.sway Tp
Juo. Gleixner, Benziuper 18119
ievi riliiliorpe llijililaud tp 1871
J. K. Movey, Jay 1871
D. AUlebei-Kor.Jor.eo ls71
Ed Paine, fprifft Creek Y'-'A
II. 11. Wensel, loV2
Geo. V. Y.'inslow, lientze:ie1870
This. Keiner, Der.ziu-cr 1870
F. X. Er.z,. Fox 1870
Charles tStubhs.Ilif'iilnnd 1870
Jno. Wiuklcbleck, Uovlon 1870
Wni.O. Thouiis, Jay 1870
Henry Warner, Jones E-7:i
Wm. Clyde, Millstone 1S70
James Gardner, Eidway 1870
11. K. Mooio.epring Creek E70
Erasmus Morey, Eenczelte 1874
Ceorge P.cubclier.Eeuzinuci-1871
Jacob Moycr.Fox 1874
Thos Canipbell.IIigbland 18i 1
George Faust, Iloilou 1874
A.J. Avery.Jay 1871
Michael Weidcrt.Joues 1?74
A inimeruian, Millstone J81 1
W. C Healy, Eidgwny 1S,74X
Tbo. Irwin.SpriiiK Creek 18t,l
11. Weidenboeruer, 61 Mary s
'rcfors of
Ml 71
' Olo 78
270 42
6 00
COO. 08
07 82
00 00
Oi'O 05
-104 oO
G i Oo
152 lis
72 28
148 07
(112 00
00 ;:
470 41
2:10 07
107 00
103 4 O'.t
1000 70
00 21
740 01
802 24
118 -M
1.011 74
1100 01
1341 08
Core. 1&71
John Kocli, FoxTp. 18G4
C. W. rorterfieM, Spring Crook
Tp. is;4
Arnicl Turlcy.Jay Tpl8l'i.r)
Beneiot Dill, Ridgway Ip. 18G5
201 52
200 02
117 90
152 70
772 14
Amt. iccrhrtl from the nrvrrnl Col
lirors of Vouiifi during the
yi-ar 1871
V'm. VeCatilry, fcox tp. ('.:! 12
D, C. O.vsler, Morion Ip. l.liS 710K
T. J. Taylor, Morton I p. ISO'J . l:iil 2H
1". W. Il.rys, Fox Ip. 1K..I 1720
II. P. Tlmvcr, liidwov Ip. S017
J. II. M.uey, Jy tp 1MV1 : 1 J
Jolin Jidirson, r.enezet Ip. 1S72 -r,7 IMI
II. 11- V.cnrcl, Kidway Ip. 172 M4 HH
Win. Jiimro, if.lilnnd Ip. 1S72 11 12
Martin Periii, .Spring Creek tp. 1S72 Oil 70
V. X. Y.n., Fox Ip. 1S73 2J
Tims Kerne'1, lipnzinpcr (p. 173 8 1 7 ! 5
f -linvlrs tilulilis, lliptilanil Ip. 17:1 08 (U)
Jne. W iul.l.'ljlocU, ilorlon Ip lt7:l 170-15
Wni. (5. Thoinas, Jay (p. 173 '201)00
II. Warner, Jems Ip. 1N73 170 !'7
Wm. Clyde, Millstone Ip. 187:1 or,8;I
.Ins- Gardner, Ilidway tp. 1S73 (:il 21!
II. R. Moore, Spring Creek (p. 1S7J Vi 07
i. Veidcnhoerner, St. Mary's
lioro 1S7:1 MM 12
Er.umns Movcy Ptn(?.lle Ip. 1S71 2:!!l 115
Jneob Mover, ox Tp. Wl 45:) 15
Mirdiai'l Wciileil, Jonos Ip. 1S71 7',l 15
ft A, .lT.ineini5 i, Millsionn Tp. 1871 72 K)
W. C. licaly, Hidgwiy Ip. 187-1 950 23
0170 10
County tn t 0107 20
SlMe tax t;7 8'1
We. Ilic undersigned, Commissioners of
i.U t ouuly, do hereby certify, tlint Hie
a'ooTC nud lorcgoiug is a correct Rinlcinenl
of (lie receipts tind expenditure:?, &c., of Klk
County for lbs year 1 S 7 i , nnd tbo aisels
nud li'il'iiities of Ihe Fmne
JUtIUS JONES, -Comtn'rs.
C. II McCavlkt, Clerk.
Ji)fC) Xuixlfcttlrr Ei-ij., Immtrer of
r.ik Loii'ih hi acct. icilh caul
Count: (. tit:: iiar oulhuj
Jan. 1st
To tax rcc. f:-or.i unhealed lands lrJ:Ml "7
Ti lixree. fror.i collectors Olo7 2'J
To l.-.u rec. from Seated Lands
iv! d (o Co. CoiY.uus. 10 00
Ami. reel- from Ip. poor Fend
en ni'ount of monies paid lor
fupport of A. Parsons O'll 70
Amt. roe. from llenziiiger Tp. Toor
fund on account of monies pid
for tnpjiort ofConrp.d Mist 41011
An t. reed. lVora ?t. Mary'n l!;ro.
P'.-r fund on account ofi.isuies
paid for f iipport of Martin (i.cgor ?0 0 !
Due Twuvei" -!0'.'O til
si, r
liy County trders relet-mc .1 Is
d'i lion !s do
Exo:ioi-ii;:cn Onier.-i County tax
Oo M .' iv dj
P.cfuiidin oi-.:.' s
Lauiifs fold Ccui.'y
S:lp Treasiircio rece'vt for las on
loan 3
C reas. com. on uir.unt received
ltf- liii-.eiyuiiae doiiars Military
Ex. I id' T
i '.ij
I Trcr.:-. c-..;a. on am'. disVd
;07l -0
vta r:; j ax a ccouxr
Janiinvy 1st, 1870
To ice'd from Ccllccto.s 07 80
t'uo Treasurer 80 8'J
January 1, :-;0
Ey iitaie Treii"iirer'?rcecipis
Exoaer.uioa Ui Jers
1 1 1 00
Jo 10
101 70
J10A1) riXDS
j:r.Nr:t-:ni2 kimu w .no
Jau-.vuy 1. 1.-.71
'io lux r. j'd from unsealed lands 2150 70
January 1 , J S70
liy roadoideis redi'"!oeJ
Township Trcas. reeripin
Tiens. com. ami. r.-e'd
d do d:-'."J
Due fund
1010 00
;,;!4 oo
10 10
" -i i, a
1 10 80
lif-NZINULlt IIOAU nxn
January 1, 1870
To tax res' d from unseated lauds 1740 00
January 1, E-75
1'y o.iierg redeemed
Kefiin ling orders
Tress, com. en ain't ree'd
d-j do disb'd
Due fund
10 15
04 82
20 us
AdJition il liouil Fun t
Janut-ry 1, 1875
To tux ree'd from un?;uted lands
Due Ticasui-'-T
871 00
201 14
C20 00
8!N) 00
17 40
22 01
1100 70
Jauilary 1, 1870
iiy cud. read orders redeemed
Itcfiirdinj do
Township Treas. receipts
Treas. com- on asi't ree 1
do do Oi.-b'U
I'.'X UOA1) rUNU
January 1, 175
To tax ree'd Irom unseated lands 1874 17
January 1, 1870
i'y rC'iu orders redeemed
yti-l'iiuding orders
Trea. coin, on niu't ree'd
do do Lisb'd
D.'.e fund
1000 CO
24 08
07 40
02 05
202 44
1874 47
AihWioaal Road Fund
January 1, 1870
To lux ree'd Irom unseated land? 1874 47
Janunry 1 1870
Py Township Trens. receipts 70 000
Tseasmcr's com. on ain't ree'd ;;7 40
do do disb'd . 1 1 OO
Due fund 1122 08
Jaliiiaiy 1, U-70
Ta tax ree'd fixni unseated land3 1002 44
January 1, 1870
I'y road orders rcdecjiei
Township Treas. receipts
Hel'uudiiig orders
Ticas, com. on ain't reo'd
do do Diib'd
Due fiit.J
1080 Oil
100 Oil
00 05
::;! 00
MO 00
72 -11
January 1, 1870
To tax ree'd Irom unsealed laud 110102
January 1, 1ST j
By road orders redeemed
Treas. coin, on a n't ree'd
do ('0 disb'd
Due fund
1000 00
20 20
2-J 00
1 1 i 02
Additional iivad Fund
January 1, 1870
To (az ree'd from unseated lands 580 G3
January 1 1875
I'y add. road orders redeemed SO 00
Townliip Treasurers receipts 625 00
Treas. com, on nm't ree'd 1161
do do dieh'd II 10
Due fund 297
080 08
January 1, 1870
To Tax reo'd from unseated lands 1920 94
January1. 1, 1870
liy joad orders redeemed . 1080(10
Treas. com. on nm't ree'd 08 42
do do disb'd 27(10
Due fund . Hi 92
January 1, 1875
To ta ree'd from uuscatcd lands 2508 02
January 1, 1875
By road orders rtdcennd 1980 00
Kefunditif! orders 00 08
Trens. Com. on nm't reo'd 01 07
do do dUb'd 20 00
Due fund 477 18
2008 02
January 1. 1H70
To tax rei'd from unseated lands 1980 27
Janunry 1 1870
I'y road ord 'rs redeenie 1
Township Trens. receipts
Treas. coji. on am't ree'd
do do disb'd
Duo fund
1185 00
40l) 82
09 78
01 72
001 00
1989 27
January 1, H70
To tax reo'd from unseated lands 2210 20
Janunry 1, 1870
By road orders redeemed
Treas. coin, on am't ree'd
do do disb'd
Due fund
1893 00
4 I 98
07 80
273 09
2219 20
Jauuary 1, 1870
To tn-e ree'd from unseated lands 1090 90
due Treas.
128 40
1223 42
1182 77
22 00
20 0 j
1223 72
January 1, 1870
liy township Treas. receipts
Treasurer's com on nm't ree'd
do do disb'd
January 1, 1870
To tiU- ree'd from unseated lands 1477 10
January 1, 1870
liy EoaJ orders redeemed
Township Treas. receipts
Trc-as. coin. n nm't. leo'd
J 0 do disb'd
Due fund
1100 00
2 10 00
20 01
20 70
85 91
i 477 15
January 1 , 1C;70
To tax ree'd from unseated lands
To tai ree'd from unseated lands, 100 04
40 04
100 at
, 1 00
1 8-'
100 90
100 04
January 1 1370
liy refunding orders, rood
" " corporation
Treas. com. on ain't ree'd, road
' corporation
Treas. com, on am't dirb'd, --road
' " coporetiou
Due fund
January 1, 1870
To taz ree'd from unseated lands
To tao- ree'd from unstated lands
Due Treasurer
1002 79
838 09
2700 02
10OO 00
1000 00
48 02
02 00
2700 02
January 1, 1870.
liy district Ilea's receipls-sehonl
do do do build'g
Treas com on amount ree'd
do do do "to disb'd
i.svzixgeii scnooL lirXD'
January 1, 1070,
To lax roo d from unseated land
BcceWod from uuscatcd land,
2089 88
808 10
2008 04
400 00
200 00
8 20
0 81
09 10
14 24
2172 00
2958 18
Innuary 1, 1S75.
By district treasurer's receipts
District treasurer's reeeipt-buil-
Piefunding orders school
do do building
Trea's. com. on nmomit received
do do do do disb'd
Due fund
January 1, 1870.
To lax reo'd from unseated land
Ecc'd from u iscated land-build'g
2009 00
744 90
2804 30
Janunry I, 1870
By district treas. re:cipts school G70 00
do do build'g 02 0 OO
Refunding order school 2 92
do do b'd'g 21
Treas com ou um'l ree'd 00 08
do do v disb'd 20 00
Due fund 1720 03
2804 30
January 1 1870:
To tax ree'd from unseated land
Due treasurer
0O7 34
109 73
C47 07
C01 05
22 49
10 10
12 48
C47 07
January 1st, 1870:
District (reas receipts
Refunding orders
Treas com on nm't rce'd
do do disbursed
Jauuary 1st, 1870.
Tuz ree'd from uuscatcd lauds
January 1 1870:
liy dist. treasuter's reeoipts
'I reas com on amount receWod
do do disbursed
Duo fund
87 11
1047 00
23 74
20 94
9G 40
1187 11
January 1st, 1875
Tax reo'd from uns't'd lands-sckool 1442 63
do do do build'g 480 60
January 1st , 1875
By district treas reccipts-scliool
do no do build'g
Trens com on amount received
do do do disbursed
Due fnnd
1280 00
400 00
38 40
33 61
170 72
1923 29
January 1, 1875.
To tax received ram unseated
land school
Tax received from unseated land
2008 85
1408 08
' 3407 00
1950 00
' 12P5 08
00 00
27 7H
(ill 08
110 04
29 15
Janunry 1, 1870.
By district treasurer's receipts
District treasurer's receipt s-
Ectunding orders schiol
do do building
Treas. com on amount received
do do
do disbursed
Due fund
3407 03
January 1, 1870.
To lox received from unsealed
land school
Tax received from unseated laud
1005 27
194 I 27
3179 01
Jmuary 1, 1870.
By district treasurer's receipts
school nnd building 218100
District treasurer's receipts
building 70000
Treas com on amount received lilt O'l
do do do disb'd 07 112
Due fund 471
3470 01
January 1,-1875.
Tax received from unseated land
Received from unseated land....
1410 71
708 48
2120 19
1171 80
OHO 80
42 OO
00 10
20 80
January 1, 1875.
By district treas receipts-school
District treis receipts-building
Trea's com on am't ree'd
do do do disb'd
Duo fund
2120 19
January 1, 1870.
To tax reo'd from unseated land
Tax received from unseated land
Tax ree'd from sealed lnndret'd
to Co. Com is' school
Tax reo'd from sealed landret'd
to Co. Com'rs building
1914 40
002 83
08 00
10 00
2000 79
January 1, 1870
By dsirict treaa receipts -'School 1022 27
do do luild'g 100 00
Treas com on nv.t received 47 01
do do disbursed 22 44
Bal due fund 1109 07
2000 79
January 1st, 1870
Tax icccived Iron, unseated lauds
January 1I, 1875
By refunding erdor se'iool
do do build'g
do do udd'l bulid'g
Trens com on amount, received
do do disbursed
Due fund
01 00
1 CO
1 40
1 82
80 71
01 00
January 1st, 1870
To lux reo'd from unseated lauds 87109
Due treasurer 414 02
180 00
January 1st 1870:
t'.y township treasurer's receipts 800 00
Am't paid IOmuom Ilosp.tal f -r sup-
poit of Conrad Nist 443 40
Refunding orders 79
Treasurer's com. on amount received 17 40
do do do disbursed 24 88
1280 01
rox rooR iid
January 1, 1870
To lax ree'd from unseated lands 74 00
January 1, 1870
By orders redeemed 140 00
Townibip Treas. rtceipls 05 00
Treus. com. on nai't ree'd 7 49
do do dis'bd 3 90
Due fund 107 97
!74 30
jones roon ri'p.
January 1, 1870
To Tax ree'd from uuseated lands
January 1, 1870
liy ain't paid Dixmont Hospital
fr support of A. Parsons
Refunding orders
Treas. con. on an't ree'd
do do Disb'd
Due fund
009 70
341 70
9 90
13 19
7 00
287 82
009 70
ermxa enrrte tock risu.
January 1. 1873
To itix ree'd from unseated lands 212 38
Seated laud ret'd to Co. Couiuu t, 12 00
January 1, 1875
liy Township Treas. reesipis 220 00
Treas. em, on aia'l ree'd 0 09
do Uo dsb'd 4 40
Due fund 24 80
204 38
ST. Mi B.Y3. llOItO POOB Ft'SU.
January 1, 1870
To tax ree'd from unseated lands
30 01
January 1, 1870
By am't paid Dixreont Hospital on
account, support of Martin Gregor 33 Gl
Treas. com. cn ami't rec'-d 70
do do disb'd 07
35 01
January 1, 1875
To tax ree'd from unseated Uuda,
Jones tp.
January 1 1875
By orders redeemed, Jones Tp.
Com 'r. J.L.Brown's receipts do
fiefiwidine orders Jones tp.
Treas. com. on am't reo'd
do do disb'd
Due fund
1102 27
800 CO
214 72
19 80
22 05
20 08
20 06
1102 4
January 1, 1875
To tax reo'd from unseated land
do do bemingr tp. 1743 98
do do Jones 2008 80
do do Ridgway, 2201 70
6564 48
January 1, 1875
iij Treas. ruceicls v
4795 68
Refunding orders. Beniinzer tp. 1 67
on am't ree'd
do disb'd
101 2!)
90 73
: 1490 00
Dee fund
G5GJ 48
m'kran, klk and forest'statb road.
January 1, 1870
To tax reo'd from ;irseai. ianu
lo do jiiguianu tp. zr.u n
do do Jones Ip. 8884 20
0070 04
0000 00
2000 00
02 41
09 03
127 03
102 20
1004 81
January 1, 1870
liy ordcts redeemed, Joaex Ip.
do do Highland Ip,
Refunding order, do do
do Joaea (p.
Treas. coin, on am't ree'd
do do disb'd
Due fund
0070 01
.Tnnuary 1, 1870
1o tax reo'd from unsealed, land
do do Kidgw.y tp, 2-.'0l El
do do spring Creek Ip 1177 18
01 01
January 1 , 1870
By Com'rs receipts, Kidgway tp. 100 00
Com'rs receipls, 8pring Creek Ip. 100 00
Treasurer's receipls 2997 70
Treas. com. on am't rer'd 71 GO
do do disb'd 00 92
Due fund 094 OH
0701 01
Jos. Windfel.ler, risq., Treasurer of Elk
Counly, in acc't with the Commonwealth of
PennsyUiiniii for lbs year eudiag Janu
ary li:l, 1870.
To tavern liceascs 000 00
Hating houses L'80 00
Liquor licenses foil 00
Retailers merchandise 808 Oil
lioetaurnnts & ca ing houses 10OO 00
Iirewcrio 02 50
Billiards 100 00
2oOO 00
.Innuary 1, 1870
By feline treas. receipls, retailers
Due Commonwealth
7.)0 50
2000 00
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Elk
comity, having met at (he Commissioners
office in Ridgway, on the first Monday of
January, A. !) 1870, being the 4lh day of
the month, for flio purpose of auditing, set
tling, nnd adjusting the accounts of the
several county otlicers, at which lime we
proceeded to audit, settle and adjust the
accounts or iho same, and found them cor
rect 11s set f"i-l'i in the foregoing report
Joseph Windfelder, treasurer, .being duly
notified was represcnicd by J. F. Wind
felder. We foui.d due by the said Jos. Wind
felder, Treasurer, to the several funds as is
fully -jetfoilhin the foregoing report the
sum of ihiileen thousand four hundred nnd
seventeen dollars and eighty-three cenis;
and due to him from funds sol forth in salil
report 'he sum of live thousand seven hun
dred nnd thirty dollars unit twenty-nine
cjnts, leaving a net balance due by tho said
Treasurer to the several funds of seven
thousand six hundred nnd eighty seven
dollars and filly-four cents (87087 01;,
and also duo to the Conimonwealili of
Pennsylvania the sum of one thousand
three hundred and five dollars (!3;0.)
In witness whereof we have hereunto
set our hands the 2lst day of Jauuary A,
D. 1870.
N. O. BUNDl, J
M. 8. Kline, Clerk.
D. C. 0;iter, E., lli'jh Shcritf 0f
Elk County, in account with said
county for the year ending
January 1, 1870.
To commonwealth costs collected $ 505 70
" line com. vs. Joseph Plab 10 CO
" " " " Supervisors of
rJcnzinger township 1 00
" fine com. vs. Dan'l M'Gcary 10 00
" " " " Jacob Quisle 10 00
"jury fee com vs 15. Firanilf et al 2 00
" " " " "Z. M. Webb . 4 01)
" " " " " T. 8. Hartley 4 00
" " " " " Louis Vollnier 4 00
" " " " " Supervisors of
Benzinger township 4 00
"jury fee coin vs W. Taylor et al 4 00
" " " " " Jacob ljuiggle 4 00
" " " Curry vs. Paine 4 00
" " " M'Carty vs. The Elk
and M'Kean H. H. company 4 00
"jury foe Wollcmlorf vs. Tho
Elk and M'Kean R. It. Co. 4 00
"jury fee Willard vs. The Klk
and M'Kean liailroad Co. 4 00
"jury fee Souther & Willis vs. II.
S. Eelnap 4 00
"jury lee llcemau vs. 11 rock tray 4 00
" " " Paul vs. Wilcox Tan
ning and Lumber company 4 00
jury fee Hrockway vs. Parsons 4 00
14 it
" horg vs. Kroncnwetter 4 00
" Tudor vs. Woodward
et al
40 C
" jury fee Seidell vs. Sheldrake's
administrators 4 00
" jury lee Johnston vs. Johnston 4 00
" county orders on jail expense 1007 71
" " " " shcriif's fees 600 37
" " " " com. costs 38 70
Duo sheriff 1381 54
4198 07
Treas. coin,
January 1, 1873.
POy balance tlue sheriff at former
" costs p'd witnesses in com cases
" " " justices " ' "
" " " constables in " "
" " " clerk F. Schccuing in
commonwealth cases
" shcritrB fees in com. cases
" amount paid district attor-
torney in com. cases
" conveying Hiram Kussel to
" costs ou execution County vs.
" dispatches to Philadelphia in
case of PJromley '
" costs 011 execution County vs.
T. I. Taylor
" conveying Dennis Donovan
to penitentiary
"conveying James A. Burke
half for extra man
" costs on execution County vs.
" costs ou execution County vs.
William M'Cauley
' conveying Jaurcs Mosicr to
" conveying Martin Gregor to
Dixmont half for extra man
" costs in searching for J. Parmer
" uiileago and holding inquisi
tion County vs. Morey
" serving rule ou St. Marys boro.
in case of Martin Gregor
" costs paid witnesses Com. vs.
John Vaughan
" conveying Philip Wilhelm to
" conveying Mulene & Peterson
to penitentiary $ of $240
" drawing four juries for tho
year 1874
" serving subpoenas on part of
" turnkey fees
" fees in Commonwealth cases
"jail expense, iuoludiug board,
etc., to January let, 1875
" serving subpoenas aud bench
warrants in Com. cases
1417 08
138 70
13 00
80 47
50 80
80 03
7 00
120 00
2 80
1 80
3 75
120 CO
CO 00
3 50
2 50
120 00
63 60
0 00
8 00
8 70
83 68
120 00
120 00
4 00
88 75
80 00
48 13
1003 83
69 40
' serving 3 term of jurors in 1874
and January term, 1875 444 00
$4108 07
Wo, tho undersigned, Auditors of Elk
county, having met at the ComminHhoncrs'
olllce in Hidgway, on tho first Monrfny of
January, A. D. 1875, Doing tho 4li day
of tho mouth, for the purpose of auditing,
settling nnd adjusting tho accounts of
tho several county olliccrs, and at which
limo wo proceeded to audit, huttlo and
ad just the accounts of tho several county
otlicers and found them correct, ns ml
forth in tho foregoing report. I). V.
Oyster, Esq., Sheriff, was- present in
person. Wo found duo to him by the
said county of Klk, tho sum of thirteen
hundred eighty-onn dollars and fifty,
four cents, wliiclfHtim wo hereby rerliiy
to lie correct, asset forth in. tho foregoing
In witness whereof wo hnvo hormuito
set our hands tho 21st day of January,
A. D. 1875.
THOS. J. 15URKE, Aud'rs.
N. O. BUND Y. )
. M.S. Kline, Clerk.
The (Unnifiisxionrrfi of Elk County
in acrnunt, icilh the County of Elk
for the year ending
January 1, 1870. I. Campdkli..
To county orders, f 301 00
Balance duo Campbell 0 00
?370 00
370 00
January 1, 1870.
liy 120i days service (3 $3 00
Geo. Ed. Wkis.
January 1, 1870.
To county orders,
Balance duo Wei
004 00
12 00
370 00
$370 00
January 1. 1870.
By 125- days service 3 00
Jci.ius JOXKSi
.Tnnuary 1, 1875.
To county orders,
Balance due Jones,
$200 00
18 00
$273 00
278 00
January 1, 1870.
By 02j days services 3 00
The Coiii ;ni.iioner$ of t Keen, Elk
and Forest Not Road in acc't
vith (he funds of raid Road for
the year ending
January 1st, 1870.
To hal. of orders 011 hand at for
mer settlement $7481 89
" tax from seated land Ser
geant tp., M'Kean Co. 203 64
" tax ree'd from scaled land
Ilanilin tp., M'Kean C. 23 74
" orders from Elk Co for tax
of '72-73 0000 00
" orders from Forest Co. for tax
of '72-73 4900 00
" orders from M'Kean Co. for
tax of '72-73 4170 00
" tax from seated land of J.
Wetmore, of M'Kean Co. 193 20
" proceeds of 21 $090 bonds
sold 11441 40
" ' 1. $1090 " 1090 00
" " " 1. $2120 " 2120 00
Due Commissioners 390 18
37073 t5
Jan. 1st, 1873.
By cash paid W. S. Ovialt for
services in 1873 $ 81 1 19
"cash paid W. S. Oviatt for
sarvices rendered, 220 03
" hills and vouchers rendered 57175
" W. S. Oviatt' 8 com. as Treas.
ou $37179. di 1 per cent. 371 79
" bonds redeemed 80130 29
$37373 03
The Commissioners of the Kane,
Ridgway and Si. Marys' State.
Road, in accH icilh the funds of
said Road for the year ending
January 1st. 1875.
To cash ree'd from Elk Co. treas.
Jones tp., $2430 75
" cash ree'd from Elk Co.
treas. Bonzinger tp., 89107
" cash ree'd from Elk Co.
treas. Ridgway tp., 1337 16
" cash ree'd from M'Kean Co.
treasurer Sergeant township 1309 81
" cash ree'd from Elk county,
treasurer Jones township 2120 02
" cash ree'd from Elk county,
treasurer Ridgway township 1183 22
" cash icc'd from Elk county,
treasurer Bonzinger tp. 1181 74
Proceeds Bond No. 23 Ridgway, 079 30
" " "11 " 800(10
" " " 13, 702 87
" " " 13 " 000 00
" " " 14 " 000 00
" " " 15 Benz'gcr, 723 73
" " " 10 " 733 83
$10209 21
To hai. duo creditors as follows:
Wilcox Tanning Co. for work
. Sergeant tp. $1000 93
" B. D. Hamlin for work Ser
geant township 23 00
' J. R. Chad wick for work Ser
geant township 1 00
" Wilcox Tanning Co. for work
Jones township 1792 83
" Wilcox Lumber Co, for work
Jones township 115 CO
" Wilcox Tannins Co. for work
Ridgway township 847 70
" W. 11. Osterhout for work
Ridjrway township 413 91
" J. K. P. Hall for work Bcn-
zinger township 833 09
$20810 27
By balanco as per M'Kean Co.
Aud. Settlement June28, '71, $3258 37
" interest paid on same ad
justed by Commissioners, 144 SO
" Wilcox Tanning Co. bill of
labor, &c, Sergeant tp., 1000 93
" J. K. P.-Hall, labor aud ser
vices, Beuzinger tp., 2794 C7
" B. F. Ely, labor and services,
' Ridgway tp., 679 89
" W. II. Osterhout, labor and
services, Ridgway tp., 413 91
" Frank King, labor and ser
vices, all tps., 5 00
" Chas. Weis, com. Benzinger, 23 80
" C. H. M'Cauley services,
all tps., 10 00
"Jno. G. Hall, att'ys services,
an tps. i ou
" Hall & M'Cauley, attorney's
services, all tps., 117 40
" J. Eruhout, com. Jones tp., 04 50
" G. D. Messenger, com. Ridg
way tp., 33 00
" J. K. P. Hall, com. Beuzin
ger t p., 18 25
" J.V.Houk, corn. Ridgway tp. 80 00
" Jno. G. Hall, retainer all tps., 80 00
" J. L. Brown, 4 years see'y, 120 00
" cash paid in full of bond No.
1, Sergeant tp., 1304 CO
" cash paid in full of bond No.
3, Jones tp., 589 17
" cash paid in full of bond No.
8, Ridgway tp., , ; 689 17
" cash paid in full of lond No
4, Jones tp., X683 83
" cash paid in full of bond No. X
6, Ridgway tp., 58 83
P, Iiidgwny tp., 1030 off-
" cash paid in full of bond No,
10, Jones tp., 1223 00
" cash paid in full of bond No.
12, Jones tp., 800 00
" cash paid in full of bond No.
13, Jones tp., 1137 00
" cash paid in fnll of bond No.
10, Benzingcr tp. , 790 75
Sergeant tp., B. D. Hambn,
bill legal services, 25 00
Sergeant tp., J. R. Chad
wick, services 1 00
" Wilcox Tanning Co., labor,
Ridgwap tp., 817 70
" Wilcox Tanning Co., labor,
Jones tp., 1792 83:
" Wilcox Lumber Co., labor,
Jones tp., 113 60
" cash in hands State Road
Treasurer, 810 39
$20810 27
The Commissioners of (he Ridgway
and Jlrookcille. Hlate Road in accH
icilh the funds of said road, for
the yar ending
January 1, 1870.
To cash ree'd from county trnas. $2907 70
" Ridgway tp. stato road orders 1400 00
" Spring C'k" " " 700 00
" balance in hands of II. Car
man at former settlement 03 03
" balanco in hands of G. D.
Messenger at former settlem't 400 08
M cash received from county
treas. by G. D. Messenger 200 00
" Ridgway tp. supervisors order 89 00
$0892 22
Januarv 1. 1870.
By work done under G. D. Mes
senger " services by G. D. Messenger,
sons and teams,
" services under I I. Carman
" " byH. Carman, team, &c.
" tools furnished by II. Carman
" " " by G. D. Messenger
" repairing and tools
" amount for labor done ou south
street, Ridgway tp., under
supervisor Osterhout
Due fund
879 73
1080 08
1213 70
271 43
03 23
23 41
140 01
39 50
2140 10-
0892 23
The Wilco.r arid Ilamblin State Road
in account with J. L. liroicn,.
Commissioner, for the year ending-
January 1, 1870.
To balance due commissioner at
last settlement $ 200 79'
' amount pant Jno. G. Hall
" 4 days services
8 00
$249 79
January 1, 1S70.
By amount from county treas.
Duo commissioner
214 73
83 07
219 79
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Elk
County, haviiiginetattlio Commissioners'
oliico in Ridgway, on the first Monday
of January, A. D. 1870, being the 4th
day of tho month, do hereby certify that,
wo have carefully examined, audited, ad
justed ar.d settled the accounts of the
Commissioners of tho M'Kenn, Klk and
Forest Stato Road, of tho Commissioners
of tho Kane, Ridgway and St. Marys
Stato Road, of tho Commissioners of the.
Riilgway and Broykvillo State Road, and
withJ.L. Brown, Esq., Commissioner
of tho Wilcox and Ilamblin State Road,
and find them correet, as stated in the
foregoing report.
In witness whereof we have hereunto
set onr hands the 21st day of January, A.
D. 1S75.
THOS. J. BURKE, jAud';
N. G. BUNDY. )
M. S. Kline, Clerk.
Main Street, I'.idgway. Pa.
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Frc-visions,
Coustautly on baud, and sold as cheap
as the CHEAPEST.
Masonio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa.
BED BEST tempered eteel spring
wire, these springs can be laid ou the
slats of any common bed and are
Also agent for
Weed Sewing Machine,
Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BEST
jiAiiiiijCi in ine marxet. nail anj
examine before purchasing elsewhere.
. The Weekly Sun.
A Urge eight-page independent, boneit
and fearless newspaperjof 56 broad columns,
especially designed for the farmer, the mo.
ohanio, the merchant and the Professional
man, aaa' their wives and children. We.
aim to make the Wisely Bvh the best
family newspaper in the world. It is full
of eutertaining aud instructive reading of
every sort, but prints nothing to offend tho
most sorupulous and delicato taste. Price
$1,20 per year, postage prepaid. Tk
cheapest paper published. Try it- Address
Tbi IScn, Kew York City.
iilminislrutrix'a Ji'otUc
Estate of Clark A. Wilcox, late ei
Ilortou township, Elk County, deceased.
All persons indebted to eaid estate are
requested to make immediate payment,
and those buviug legal claims agaiost
the same will present them without de.
lay in proper order. lor stUlement, to
Administratrix. l--Or
her Attorneys, Messrs. Hall &
M'Cauley. J
Ridgway, Ta., Jan. 5, 1875 jan0-6l
UBSCK1BE for tho
ID 61 73
1923 20
do J one-tip.
39 68
" cash paid in full of bond No. 1