The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 28, 1875, Image 3

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Ktdffteay Insurance .tgeney.
Representing Cath A met of
$35,967.744 49
G-eriusn Am., New York $1,650,000,00
Niagara ef New Yotk 1. SI 9. 933.00
Amsr.ou Cincinnati of 850,957 17
City In., Ce. of Profidenee'1,834 32
Travelers Life k Accident
Hartford 2,000,000,00
'forth Ameriean Mutual of
New York 5,000,000,00
Editable of New York 15,000,000,00
Insurance effects in any of the above
standard companies at the most reasons
terras, consistent with perfect security
to the insured.
J. O W BAILEY, Acent.
Vnr Tint: at Rids xcay.
Mail East 4:45 T: U.
de West 2:33 P. M
Through Local, Kmt 8:20 A. M.
do do Weit C:2r T. M.
Local East 4:50 P. M
do ,Wcst 8;20 A. M.
Tie Mail and Through Local carry
Waaiesjers, tie local does tot.
The stated meetings of Ellc Lolge, No.
179, are held at their hull, corner of Main
id .-pot Btreets, an the second and fourth
Taesdays of each month-
W. C. 71 SALT, Scc'y.
Eites cf AdTertlslnff.
9ao column, one year $75 00
i 40 00
j ii 115 (0
j " 15 0 )
Tranaieat advertisements per square of
eight Uses, one insertion $1. two inscr
(ioas. $1.50, three insertions $2.
Basiaess cards, ten lines or less, per
yea" $5
Advertisements payable qunrterly.
Thai, Sleigh Eiie.
VTe wero one of a party of some
twenty or twenty-fire couples that- want
a sleigliioj; to Ceotrevillo, sd to a
dance at the MoCauley House, last
Thursday eveeing. The sleighing was
all thut could reasonably be neked, r.ud
in about an hour and a half from the
lime of starting we -were lar.dci at the
MeCaulcy House where m found a
jovial company already acscii.Med. Wi
noticed among the number Glial le.
McVcan, postmaster at St. Mjr)'s,anJ
some ten or fifteeu couples that hailed
from the same place.
We forgot to mention (lint it was a n old
folke's parly although from tha way tha
oil boys danced aad itold sloriei, Co., (etc.,
which means fire-water) ore would Htip oso
them to have been a parly of y oiiugslcrs,
in iheir teens. Hirm's tiring lan.lconi
tinting in part of Ju.ues Harm nnJ Frank
Dill furnished music for the occasion, nnJ
(rom the rapid manner in vtl.hli dance suc
ceeded dance, r.o one will accuse them of
neglecting their vocation. Among other
gcntlen ea present we noticed Isaac lloyton,
and Alf. Short of hor licat, tut speaking
uf Isaac reminds us of a story that John
Kimo told vs during the progress of the
festivities in this wise; last fall during
the political canvass, Isaac discov
ered that his eyesight was growing dim,
and, pondering he concluded that he
would purchase a pair of spectacles, lie
dropped in to Powell & K:mes store for
tbivt purpose; several pairs were shown bim,
tut none suited, some wero too young and
soiuo too old; finally he picked up a pair,
tried them on and with a newspaper be
fore his eyes, declared Oiat t he eyes of his
boyhood days never served him batter; and
taking tho clerk to task for not having
shown him this pair In tho first place.
The clerk lock the spectacles; and putting
his finger throw tho bows convinced Isaac
that there was no glass iu them, proving
that Isaac was laboring uudsr an optical
illusion, ffbat did Isaao d? Nothing, he
only laughed. But to riturn to the dance.
Isaao was the first one on the floor ani
iho last one to leave in the morning; he
said he could't half dance because his
puaips were packed with the rest of his
goods and oa their way to Northeast. We
will not fur. her enumerate but add ia con
cliisioa that all present were unanimous
in tht opinion that it was the best dunce of
tht season.
The supper was very good, and much
enjoyed after- our fide of ten miles, and
our dance of one hour before supper. We
think the host and hostess of the MoCauley
House are Reserving ot a great deal od
praiee, f r such on e'ejaut repast and
gotten up in the thcrt time of one day.
We for one, say let's go again.
In the morning we came home but the
bright visionof the night before was lent to
our mind, and, in the languaga of the poet
we exclaimed;
Bel Is are ringing all the day,
Money spent Bind thrown away,
For sure there is the de I to pay,
When a man goes out a sleighing. '
Arrr.ETONt Amisican Cvclofidia
that the revised, and elegactly illus
trated edition of this werk, now being
published, a volume of 800 pages once
in two months, is the best Cyclopedia in
America, is certain. No library is com
plete without it. It is a complete one
iu itself. It ouly costs S3 a mjontk to
get it in leather binding. The best and
cheapest library in the world.
Worcester, Mass., Jan 22. Last
night John Olaflin ot Marlboro', a dis
charged employee of G. B. Bigham of
Westboro,' called Mr. Melville Walker,
a member of the firm, to his house, and
drawing a pistol and exoluimiag.
"That's the kind of man I am,", find
. upon him twice. One ball pasbed
through Walker's cheek and jaw, caus
ing a paiolul but not dangerous wound
Walker seized Clbflin aud choked hiiu,
then got awav. Cl.flin ia undpr sr.
Qt. His motive was reveoge.
Andrew Johnson has been elected
Uuited Status Senator front Tennessee.
Morehcad of tho Brockwayville Reg
ister was in to see us (hit week.
Court ia in session this'week, We
will give the proceedings in our next
Grace Church, Her. W. J. Miller
Rector. Services next Sunday at 11 A.
M. and 7 I M.
The new Methodist tfhurch will be
dedicated next Sunday. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all persons to be
According to the new Constitution
all city, borough and township elections
must be held on the third Tuesday of
February, this year oceuriog on the
The February number of Godey's
Lady's Book is at band. Terms S3
a year, address L.' A. Godey. N. E .
Cor. Sixth and Chestnut F.ts., Philadel
phia Pa.
Isaao Ilorton and family bave re
moved to Northeast, where he will
engage in the mercantile business. No
aiore will that echoing laugh resound
amid tho recesses of these everlasting
Married. On Tuesday, January
19, 1875, at the residence of the bride's
patents at Tylers. Cleaifield county, by
Rev. J. L. Laadis, Mr. Charles Coryell
of Penfield, to) Miss Emma daughter of
David Tyler, Esq.
There will be tno eclipses of the sun
this year one total en the 0th of April,
invisible in the United States, and the
otter nn annular eclipso on September
20th, vit-ible in the Uuttcd States east
of the Mississippi river as a partial
eclipse, of the sun lisins: eclipsed.
Tho Eric D.'spa'ch says. Tt is re
ported that a youog lady iu a neighbor
ing town being tired of "go:n it alone."
has married a una named Wright
Uower oad will probably "order him
to make fires in the morning, or to
attend to ether little j ibs connected
with tho household.
The ball for the benefit of Company
II, ou next Thursday night at their ar
mory, will bo the grandest of the season.
a Iurce a?F(iiib!at.'e is expected, idem s
Erie Oiclit.-tM will furnish the niut-ic
tho ladies of Grace Church Aid Society
w ill furbish the sunper, to be serve i
in llagcrty'ij new building up staiis.
The Tioya Ayit ttor says. Au in
teresting cjsj from Chatham township
was on trial brfute Justice Urewsteiy in
this village, yesterday, the ptaiutifl be.
ing a pracher who sued to recover a
subscription made by one of his QW.;
toward the m'nidttr's salary. The trial
was largely attended by people from
Chatham and the neighboring region.
It was in progress as we went to press.
so that wo are not able to irive the result
this week.
As Jesse Miller, of Albany township,
Berks ooTsety was sitting by the stove
one of his girls attempted to pour fism
a kettle some hot water, a few chops of
which happened to fall upon the hinds
of the father; whereupon ia a fit of rage,
he seised a dipper, poured it full of
boiling water, and dashed it into his
daughter's face scalding fesr to b:.dly
that she will probably lose the sight of
both her eyes.
UhijoTir nose is as cola as tee, a
Warren father though be heard his
daughter exclaim the other cveniug as
he was reading in the next room. He
walked in for an explanation, but the
young fellow was at one end of the sofa
and the girl at the other, whilo both
looked so iunooent that the old gentle
man concluded that his ears had de
ceived him. Such is life Warren
Ma H.
CoiiiNTT Superintendent. Among
the men announced as candidate for
this important office, we notice Geo. R.
Dixon, principal of the Ridgway school.
Of oourte thero is some time to elapse
between now and the election, which is
bald is May, yet the opinion seems to
prevail tlut Proff. Dixon, is to be the
coming man. And certainly we Bee no
reason why he should not be, he is a
young man in every way qualified to
perfarm the duties of the important
An ArPEATj roR Relief We
have now before us tho appeal of the
board of County Conami'sioners, County
Relief Committee and Chairman of tbc
town boards cf Supervisor, of Rock
County, Minneseta, asking that those
more fortunate than the people of their
county, contribute food, clothing, fuel
and graiu to relieve the desperate wants
of over seven hundred families now suf
fering the rigors of thecovere winter
without any means of helping them
selves, the drouth and grasshoppers of
lust summer destroying their entire
crops and blasting every green thing Id
their sourse. A meeting ef our people
is suggested, that some organized effort made to answer this stirring
appeal, starvation and death staring
these people in the face while our peo
ple remain ioaotive in the enjoyment of
plenty. . ....
loath of Csl. A. ?. Allen.
Col. Augustus F. Allen of Jamestown,
Congressman elect in tho Chautauqua
District, died at his home last Wcdoes
day, January 20th, 1875. The Journal
says: "Dor several weeks the Colonel
has been stricken down with -a spinal
disease, which from the beginning af
feoted more or less his brain, and which,
by slow proosss, has dragged him dow o
to bis grave Possessed of great wealth,
which he had acquired as (he legiti
mate fruits of a distinguished business
capacity, and an honorable industry, he
uuited a pnblte spirit and liberality
which gave him great iulluetee, aod a
popularity which had made hitu the
forcmoat man not only in Jamestown,
but in the county of Chautauqua. His
death is a public calamity. Ho bus
been striken cfown in the fullness ot his
honors and his fame, aud under circum
stances of peculiar hardship. His wife
and children were all away, and are not
permitted to look upon his face alive."
Some time ogo his wife aud children
weut to Europe to spend the winter.
Mrs Allen and eon, Alfred are on their
way ko'jie, but had not arrived t the
time of Mr. Alleu'a dra'Ji. Col. Allen
was a very exemplary and useful citizen.
His death will make a new elcutiou t'or
Congressman uwssary in that distriot.
Col. Allvu was the son of Elisha
Allen well known iu Warreu County
many year ago. lie was born at
tleboio, Vermont, Sept. 13, 1813, and
came to Jamestown with his parents in
1 S 17. Yt'iirren Mail.
AlmokT a Fatal Suot. Uu Satur
day la-t three tneu by th names of Joe
Catts, Swetoand Eli Cunsor, all work
ing at Red Hot mills in Furojingtou
township, went to for the
purpose of having a Iktlo fun. Catts,
oue of the party owns a house there
and when not working keeps bachelor's
hall, alter dinner the party went to his
house and there engaged in a gume ot
euchre, at which tlic-y enjoyed them
selves until near eveuing when they fell
out V.ul something not kaowa out
side of the party, when ?wte aud Con
fer started to co up towa. After get.
ting a short dikUuco away from the
houae they were followed by Catts
who had a revolver iu hi Lead aud
said ho would sh-.ct, It is supposed
that Sweto wa3 the man he wanted to
shoot, but ou firing ho Eii.--pc:i Swete
and hit Coiscr, '.lie b;li tanking him
utar the nose ou the rSi; t-iWe ol his
inee. Swcti theu took CoBsor up to
tho Wcbcr IIoum fcuere (bey put up
fot the night, aiid aitrr a f-l:uit time
Catts wtut up to see them, at the sbiijo
denying that 1- Luri hot kiiu, and
said tht he had scra'ched h'm?ll in
some ruy. Mi. Conscr is k ysung mua
aid a resident cf S'.vatUsmHe, tLi
coaaty, ai J ps.-ed through bi os
uadav eveuiug cu Lis way bouie,
where he nil! receive tha fcitoniioa of
i ; i t , ... .
im mon es cnu win, n ooabt, tie sole
to be around in a short titnc if nothing
serious sets in. Catts has 1,-ft for parts
ut, known, aud from what we can learn
ot hitu his room is 'icucr than hit
oompur.y. Clurioa Rf.t,l,lh-itn.
Standing Cmmmituiks The fol
lowing are the Chairmen of tho Stand,
ing Committees of tho lower House ol
the Legislature:
Consittutioual Tw'forni, Gutittcr;
Ways and Means, Tallcj; Appropria
tions, Keinhanl; Judiciary (General.)
l'aiker; .ijuuicipal Corpniationn, Craw
ford; l'ubiio liuildin;. Helriek; Cen
tennial,; Judio'ary Local,
Baclu.-; Railroads, Wimmer; Educ
tion, iiper; Account and Expendi
tures, Siurtevant; Military, Hartshorn;
Klectious. Withington; Icsnrante.
SpaD-:; Vieo aod Immorality, Yodge?;
Banks, l'ositr; Fcdeial Kclations,
Faunce; Corporations, Ltisk; Miniug.
Graf?; Manufacturing, Fincher; Print
ing Stahle; Durcau ol Statistic, Ifollen
beck; Counties snd Townships, Piutn
mer; Compare Rills, Eldredi Aiioul
tnre, Smith; Cily Passenger Railways,
Kennedy; Iron and Coal, Tborutou;
Ite'rcDcliiiieiit and Reform, Toner.
Library, Lewis Luzerne.
KAN 12.
The following hems we teke from the
McKean Mimier.
A Presbyterian church was or
ganized with excellent prospects nt
Kane, Nov. 15th, by Rev. J. L. Landis,
iu behalf of" the Wellsboro Presbytery.
Two of tbe tociiibers Messrs. Robert
Field and Wm. Hubbard were ordained
and enstalled as Elders at tho same
Tbe church has had given to it a fine
lot fr a church ediCee by Geu. Kane,
aud thty are already takiug steps to
ereet it, aud hope to complete it by next
summer. Mr. Taylor has kindly gran
ted them the use of a large room ou the
first floor of the Thompson House, for
the present. From this church Mr.
Landis received an earnest call to be
come their pastor, but wo learn i: has
beeu declined. He has however left
Pennficld, aud come back to Couder
sport, to remain there until such time
as he may restive a cull elsewhere
agreekble to bis wishes.
Later we learn thut Rev. J, M.
Gillette ot Erie County, has beeu en
gaged to supply the Kane Presbyterian
church for six mouths, and has already
entered upon his ministry thero.
Albany, Jan. 21. Tom Rallard, the
notorious, counterfeiter was to-day con
victed before Judge Wallace, iu the
United States District Court. On be
ing atraigned for sentence, Rallard in a
piteous voice requested that he mtghr
be imprisoned in one of the State
prisons. Ho asked as n special favor
not to be sent to tbe Albany Peniten
tiary, as his health conld Dot stand the
strict discipline of that institution.
Judge Wallace, in passing sentence,
said that he deemed it his duty to send
Ballard where his escape would be im
possible; tbe community had had
enough of bim and his kind. The sen
tence of the Court was that he bo con
fined in- the Albany Peniteatinry for
thirty years at bard labor. Ballnrd
turned deadly pale aud Dearly swooned
He was removed to the penitentiary
this afternoon,
New York, January 23. A scene
not witnessed by New Yorkers for a
number of years ocoured this morning
ou East river. Since the first spelt ol
cold weather, the ice lias been ac
enuiulatitig iu the Hudson and East
rivers, and the whole lorer part of East
rivar bodame filled during last night
with ice iu large flmitiing bou'ders.
some of which were piled up in batiks.
The ferryboats found it impossible to
make anything like regular trips, but
juat st-izrd the opportunity to crass the
river wheu the appeared com
paratively clear, or when a up opened,
i lie tide was running rapidly, and tec
momentum given to tho ice increased
the danger of attempting a pjssge
Several boats, including one ot the
Harlem steamers, became wi-vld in,
and wre extrieated with difficulty, af
ter Mitainiug damages. The boats o'
the Fulton, Wall sad Catharine strest
berries, which convey the largest ouni
fer of business mou to the iu tho
morninc, took over ono hour in making
Iritis. The river for half a milo was
completely bridged. Thousand of ni-. u
and boys cioxd on tbe ioo with per
fect safety, but very few women
ventured to follow the example. The
river presented a lively scene. Hun
dreds ate stiil crossing at noon.
second dispatch
About noon the ioe blockade of Ens
river was broken by a steamer, and a
number ot persona floated up the river
on the ice. All were reteued.
fix-Coveruor Dix has declined a public
dinner tendered him in New York.
An effort is lipinnr made to fix the sala
ries of judgea of the court ef claims at
The agreement of tho riitsburj; iron
liuddlcrs to vtsume work has beeu rescin
ded hj the unions.
T. T Eekert has been elected iicsi!eiil
cf the Atlantic and Pacific Ttli-ratdi
Hill Tovee, who is seventj-thnee yeir
of aje, oft'ers to inn leu miles nuinM
Weston tor S-OOd or for "love."'
The Mains Democrat io . lch'ative can
cus has nominated John C, i'alhot as u
candidate for United .Slate? senator.
The National Amateur lioating Associa
tion will hold their annual rcgiua for
1S73 at Troy during August.
Philadelphia will he r.picfinted in the
ball field next Mason by the Ailnetici',
l'hiiadelphias aud CtntcauiaSs.
Thomas Hayes, convicted el' the murder,
iu New York city, of Vliomas 12. Deh.ny, in
tMptnuber hist , has been sentenced to
prison fcr lite.
A ckc ol ice sawed out by an Iowa
City man had frozen iu i1 a bass, which
is drsojrdeu as being perfect to the ei.d
of iis fins, and having ill the appear
ances of swiiimicg.
January eeetus to be a bad month
oewspap-Mrt, for, according to the Amri i
can Jutirmiist, no le'l than 2UIJ daily
and weekly journals iu this Country have
suspend! publicatiou within the past,
four weeks.
Fifteen of the 10S hotcld in New
York city, with accommodations lor
0 000 gui:t, consume in a ear 15,000,
000 oystcia aud 5,000,000 eggs. The
lias bill for these self same hotels an
nually amounts to 5165,000.
The Senate Committee on Territories
will report favorably on the project of
loniiitig a new Territory out f the
northern half of Ptikota. It will be
called Pembina. The Lew Territory
ttill contain 71.200 square miles. The
capital will be Ristuarck, a little town tit
the present western terminus of the
Northern Paeific Uailroad.
Eismarek, Dakota, January 23 The
Iudiauj in the viotnity of the B'ack
Hills arc in unenviable tuvtper, owing
to the fact that gold hunters have suo
ccssfully penetrated ani entreuched
themselves in the Rlack Hills in con
siderable numbers. .Within the past
month three bodies of troops havo beeu
sent to dislodge these miners. 'J he In
dians at Spotted Tail's agency are much
excited aud threaten to expel ibe min
ers themselves scon.
Baltimore, Jan, 25. Mrs. Kato E.
Clark, recently a seamstress in the
fawily of Senator Stewart at Washing
tou, was arrested here to-day charged
with tho robbery ot Mrs. Stewart ou
Saturday of bonds, diatnous, laces, a-3.,
vuluad at $35,000. The stolen prop
erty was reoovered and with the accused
went on to Washington this afternoon in
the custody of detectives. Two trunks
were also secured containing betweeu
810,000 snd $12,000 worth ef plate,
laces, velvet, aud other valuables.
Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 23. Ou the
20th inst. a party of disguised and well
armed men entered the town of Sparta,
forced their way into tho jail, captured
the jailor, Ire in whom they obtained
the keys of the cells, and released
James Royers, under confinement for
the murder of John Vincent ou the
21d of December laet. Five other
prisoners were locked up by the masked
uieo, who returned the keys to the
jailor aud departed, end nothing has
since beeu beard of them or of Royers;
It is suppesed they were his liiends. "
tju Francisoo, Jan. The loss ol
life by tho Murysvillo flood was over
rented. So far as known one child,
uanied Joseph Lanchleu, aged six years
was drowned. During the height of
the flood a fire occurud in the Western
House block whilo the roof was crowded
with women and children seeking
refuge from the flood. The flames were
finally subdued without injury to any
person. Ou Wednesday the water re
ceded from the nriueipal streets by 9
e'elock P. M. The loss of personal
property is estimated at $1,000,000.
t'he merchants lose 75 per cent on their
stocks. Assistance is asked for, as
many persons are destitute. The farm
era suffer much loss in fencing and
Hew Advertisements.
ADVSKTitiKO: Chsap. Good, SviTm
rto. All persons who contemplate
making cotitraota with newspapers for the
insertion of advertisements, should pcikI
25 cents to lieo P. Unwell l'o.. 41 Tark
Kow, New York, for their "PAMPHLET
UUOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing;
lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima
tes, showiaR the cost Advertisements
taken fcr leading papers in many Slntes at
a lermeadous redaction from publUhers
rates. Get tu iiok. v no 48 tf
vldministrairix'a Jfottce
.Estate of Clark A. Wilcox, late el
Hnrtou township. Klk Couuty, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make ioitnediate paymeat,
and those having legal claims against
the name will present them without dc.
lay in proper order, for stttlempnt, to
Or her Attorneys, Messrs. Hall &
linkway, Pa., Jan. 5, 1S75 janG-Ot
This splendid tnlcrpriso is not only well
sustained, in every leauue, but is being
ooUhtanlly developed and improved. It
to day siands without & rival iu ihe whole
world of periodical literature. Tho beauti
ful dog-portrait, -'Man's Uuee'.fish friend,"
a chrouio presented to every subvci'iber, is
a defined hit, and will, if possible, add to
tl.c popularity which Ibis verk has gained.
The Ar.T Union feature also promises greal
ana beiiiiiccnt rcsultn, in arousing piit-i.c
interest in t tie tine arts. Circulars and l'uil
intoiniiiliou oo npplicuiion.
Parts I, II, 111, and IV ore now ready.
Leisure-Hour Hiscsllany.
To be cciup!tcd in J.0 parts issued for-
nip tl y
1'nch part will ciulain an elegnnl frontis-pi-
ce, oi isi;ial!y cugraved cu sicel fr tiie
London Art Journal.
at a price within the popular reach, en
pavings never before oSered at less than
ti vo (lie amount. plates have been the attraction of
The London Art Journal,
jLhcIi part " ill colli ain quant) piigc,
.ncliidinn the elegant fi-ontiKpiece, on heavy
pime pi.per. A superb titio pag. riclily
illuiiiinate 1 in led aiid golJ, will be given
with ih? fir si tint, and the printing of the
entire work v,iil be a worthy representa
tion of "T lie Aldine Press" which, is a
guarantee of something beoutitul aad val.
At s. Cost of 25 Cents a Fart
Parts I, 1!. r.d III ere Just Published.
rus: .hit jot ity.Hj
Comp'eie iu 1J monthly puns, at $1 each
lit; roibi(. ir the best tuil ).pe itlustra-fti-ns
irum the eiriii-r volumes ef
Tiie Aldine.
Knch Uionibly part ill contain six su
perb plates with aucoinpanyin descriptive
imaii-r, unl whether for binding or fruiting
v.i.l be eutir.-ly beyond couipetition in
price or art is ic diameter. Every impres
sion will be most carefully taken ou the
finest toned paper, and no p iius will he
Kpared to make the richest pvoduction
of a press which has won, ia a murvelousiy
tlmrt time, a world-wide reputation.
Especially assorted for
Scrap Book Illtistretions and Drawing
Class Copies.
A larpe collection of pictures of different
sires and ou almost every conceivable sub.
j . ct have been put cp iu un attractive en
velope, and me now olfeted at a price in
tended to make them popular id ever
l.nvelopa No. 1, containing 50 beautiful
cncraviuiES, i now ready, and will be tent,
postage paid, to any address for ONE UOL
L.AH. A liberal discount to sgeuts aud
A splendid assortment of SCRAP COOL'S
uave uctn expressly prerared lor Ihe lion
hav (.cason, and no present of more pernio.
neut interest can be selected lor gentlcmau
ur lady, old er young.
No. 1. lull bound, cloth sides, ei'.t
back 'JOO pp. V2xl6 inches $5 00
No. 2. liulf bound, clo h Bides, cilt
b;k. 600 i.d. 12x16 -inches "00
No. 3. Full nioioeco, beveled boards
gill and auiique, very r.cU 0OO pp 12 00
Leticred to order iu gold at 1j cents
each line
Sect by niail post paid on receipt of tbe
Iu compliance with Tepe-ited requests.
the iiublihlirrs of Ths Aldins nave pre
pared impref sionr of many of I heir most
beaulilul rial en lor passe-partout lrauuuc
The cuts are mounted ou a beautifully
tinted azuie mat, with a huudsoine red bor
der line.
To attach the gtass, it is only left for the
customer to paste and fold over an already
attached bolder and thia may be done by a
27 subjects, 12x13 niche, Too.; with
class, 60c.
Six of this size for $1 wJUcu selection is
eft to the uub'Uhers.
6 suljects, 10x12 inches, 20c, with
glass, -lac
7 suljects, 6Jxt inches. 15c, wilh
class, 4'Jo.
12 subjects, 14x10 inches, CO c.t with
glues. SI.
fcfenl by at nil, without glaaa, post paid, for
rut: viu.r: co.nt" i
, . -A tXi4t JLM0, .VM 1'ork
White, Fov-rell I Co.
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia January 9tb, 1875.
U. S. 1881. e 10
it $ 'M, c '62, M and N ! log
da '04 do .
tie tie 'Hi io .
it it 'bi J aad J
do da i7 it
de do 'U3 do
it 10-40, coupon lb
do Pacifia 6's cy Int. off ,
11' J
New i s Keg. 1S81 14
Philadelphia it Erie
22 i
Lehigh Navigatiaa Div. off.
do Valley
United It H tt V i Ex. liv
,130, 1 ai
lo loj
, 84 S.j
. 4:;i 4i
6t 5fl
.101 i l'Jii
Oil Creek
Northern Ceatral
Central Xraasportatiaa
A 4 A MortgiiE 'h'i
(orsu the Cillscns ef Ridgway, and the
pablio generally, that lie tn started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Hjj ios, to lat upon the oaott reasona
ble terms.
IbClle will also do job te&ning.
Stable on Broad street, above Main.
All orders left at the Pest Office will auec-t
prompt atteutioa
Aug 20 1870. If.
Remingtun Slwino Machinks-
F.iric Arms, ako AtiRict1 ltuiial Im
plements. Tho Keuiingtun f?ewing
Machine has sprung rapidij (aTor as
posscssing'the best coHibiuutiou ol pond
qualilics nan'ely , lijlit running riiituith
noiseless rapid and durshlc. It has
a straight eedif, rei' e udiculii- action,
auluitiatic drnp-li-ed, c.akes ihe I.t-clt or
Sh jtile Stitch, which will neither rip nor
ravel, and is. alike nu both shies.
The lie miisgtnu Sewing Machine has
irceived picRiiuuiS at munv l''ii:s,
ihrciitlhout ihe United States, ai.d w iih
nut eff'iit tontjlhe Grniid Medal of I'm
yress, the hilicst eidtr of nicihil thut
was swarded at the late Vicuna I'ixposi
tii.i.ija. Tise Rfiuinj;toti Works also mnnu
lacluie iho ucw iHiub'u 15arrcl!cd
lliece-h Load inn Kl.ot gun snap
ane positive actiou, with patent
j-.iiut check, marvel el beauty, liuirdi
acd thfapness, imd tie cekhrated Ite-ui
iutr, Hifics adi pitd by nine tliffe-n nt
govertiuit'y is, tnd lci.uv, ncd tl:ioiij.liiiiH
he wi.rld .'or uulitaiy, hunlin;; Knd
target puijose-p aft kn.ii.s o! 1 itlols,
Uifl.'s, Canes, Mi-lnlic Catridyes, efc.
Agrioultural lmp'.e tijttitf , Improved
Mowing Machines, .Steel Plows, Cultiva
tors, Jlosd fc'cmt crs, Pate nt Kxcevators,
llkj Tea.leis, Cottoa Gins, Iron
Rridjics, &ic.
The undt:iirned has been appointed
gent lor tiie sale cud introduction ol
he Remit Lit on ?cv.iu' Machine in and
lor the counties ol Elk, CleurCcid and
Wairee. TIIOS, J. 1UJRKE.
lepot and cilice, t-"t. Mary's, j'i.
I'. S.rA pood local sgeut wanted.
Elk County Directory.
Tresideat Judge L. l. Welmtre.
Additional Law Judte Hon. Jno- P
Asfociate Judges I lias. Lukr, 3 V
Uiatriet Altovney J. K. P, Hall.
Sherill D. C. Oyster.
Pioiknoifcry jc, Fred. Schcening.
Ireanurer Jocepb Windfcbler.
Conaiy Superiiticudeut Kulus I.ucore
CoaiBiin-ioners liubt. Campbell, Julius
Jones, Wtt. La. r eis.
Auditors C. f.'. Uoi-rett, Thomas Ire in
XUoinas J. Uoike.
Ccualy Surveyor Geo Wilnisley.
Jury C'oaamihsi tners. Phillip Krtith
t.tBtoai x . ajier.
ii- .
LUS-kllAVl ilVlMW.l.
On and after HON BAY, ?GV. 23, 1874,
haiaa beinecn litdbui.k aal l)rifttvod tvill
iuu as ftilUwe;
EXPRESS and MAIL wDl lRe Drift
wood daily at 12:;:op, llcynoldsfilie ai
d:2U p aa, Itroakville at d:0d p , arriving
at KedbuBk at :1. p ai, couueciiiig with
Express oa Uaiu i.iae for Pittsburgh.
MIA til WAX leaves Keinoldsv.lio daily
at k:40 a at, Vnokville at 8:10 a ni, arriv
ing ai Kedbauk atlhiUa ai, connecting
w iik trains aoriii aad bouth oa Maia Lino.
MPKESS aud MAIL leaves Redban!;
daily at 12:20 a u, arrives at Braokvillo i.t
2:o4 p at. ltetaoldivilU at 0:U) p ai, Drift..
aooaat b:lw u at, counectnii: wilh trains
efet aud west oa P and E l(ailrad.
MIXED WA leavesew beihle'ut daily at
3:00 u arrives at ktraokvillo at :od p
u, lleyBoidsvillc at 1:60 p a.
On and after MONDAY, NOV 2:!, 1874,
Intius 6B tho Allegheny Valley Kaitroad will
l ua aa tollows;
DUEt'ALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts
burgh daily at 7:40a ai, Meubank Junction
hi 10:47 a at, aud arrive at Oil City at 2.40
MCIIT EXPRESS will leave i'ii
city at y;Ua p ni.Uedbauk Junction m V6
a ai.and arrive at Pittsburgh at 7:20 a ui,
Ti'llSVlLLli EXPULSd leaves PiUjff
burgh at 1:00 p' u, Jredbank Juiulitrai
S;2o pat, aad arrivea at Oil City at 10:20 p
in. lUturuing, leaves Oil Cily at6:t!0 a
n, Kecibauk Junction at 12:11 aa, anei ar
rives at Pittsburgh at 8;45'p aa. - '
J. J. LA WliENCK,:. . !: . '
- V tienerel Buptirintendan. .
Wm. M. PaiLLira, "i -t;.-j-i-j tn.
Ais'l Buj't.,ProoVvino, Pa.
Pliiladelphia k Erie P.. R. Division.
tllNJU:; TIM V, TAliLC.
IT andaiter MONDAY. Nf'V. IC. IS74,
the trains on the riii'adolphis,
it jlailroad will ran as follows:
FAST l.IM':eve: Philadelphia l'iGop. m
' IteiK.To 11.4.) p m
"air. st K. up, n :ui 1 tn i.i
.r. m lii.U'nio 9.00 a. n
lilUi) A! A 1 L li-.-nes riiinidi-lpnm 11. oo p in
ji:n.v.. I l.Hi a u
h.i.p.u i a-.i .in P
il-i. .'liar.- ? i."i . til
' l.i'iw.i y p I"
" arrire .it trie .' p m
I V. A i. i.
FAgT USB leaves l.t;;..-;;im... -i p m
" " lit-.... 1 1 J I-' (KH
" " arr. at Philaufcii.n.h ..ti-it m
IU5 MAIL leaves Krie 1 1 .0 a m
Ridgway -i 1) i li
" " " Bt. Mary's i.lO p i.i
" ' Emporium 6.05'pm
' jic-novo 8.25 p iu
" arr. at l'hiladephia... 6.60 am
Mail Kast councciB caol and west at Erie
Willi L n .M ri it Vv.
Mail Wc-m with east uJ west trains no
i. s m H n w
V.M. A. LAI.Viiy.
iica'1 bup't.
Winter A l r a u g e in o 1 1 1, .
BUFFALO, NEW iOMv & Pliil.W. K. Tl.
1U UkllRt LiV ami U..1.T DtKfccr J.Oi T
To Wiiiiuaisport, t'uu'oury, Ilai i .hijui -;
Piilladclptita, jialiittioie, Ua.i,.
iuion aud tbe ;ouih.
On aJ after NuVliM 8EII Irt, 1574. nnd
until further aoi:e, trams will leave liuS Jo
Ne York k i'kdt delphia Kaiiway Depot,
corner Excbiuge aud Lauisinaa sti-sets
(UuHslo time); as fjllowi:
7 40 A.M. ACCOMJJODlTlOrf (daily
except t?adnys). iiopping tt Ebtrcezor
8 04. Spr.ngLu o S 14, jfiaia S 20, Jaiaiaon
H 20, Aurora 'il, VV!ti S44 Keliacd 8 iiO;
Protectioa V Oa, Arcado b 2U, Ytirkthito
0 27, fcauk'ut 9 u7, Erankliuv.lio V 00,
lstiua 10 15, Hinsdale 10 ul, Eric Kailway
J miction iO 40, Oicaa 10 i i, Wt-btii3 10 Oti.
I'orivilie 11 00, Ktate Lias 11 12; EHred
1125, Larabce-s 11 tfurtwell 11 ill,
j tulle Point 11 45, Pore Allegany 11 urf.
Liberty 12 17, P- al., Keating 12 iid, bhip-pe-B
12 4:!, Emporium 1 OO, P. M.
fctajies are advertised Io co meet with
1 1 1 1 s t ruin at Elxia for Marillu; ai Arcade
lor Ycrkshire; at Fruuklinvilio lor llusli
Iwid and Ccntreville; at Poriviiie for Cerei,
liichljcrg, Littlo letic8ie, Halivor, iiliil
port and Sharon Centre, at Larubi-es for
Smethpoit; nt Port Allegany for Couder.
port; at lica'iug, lue'daysaud Fridays fii
W itartva, liaiiou aud tt ilojiei'.
(daily exce'it ,buud:iys), Btoppivg at "un
tzer 0 oo, tpritigbrock 10 07, Elma. 10
.lauicnu 1'J -i t, Aurotti 11 U0, Wales 11 o.,
ilollautl 11 00, Protection 12 1 P. M , Ar
cade 12 -It5, iorkhiiiie 1 Vi, Jilachiaa 1 C,
l'lauktiuvillc 2 U0, lecliu.v 2b 0, iiiundul
li 2u, Eli bmlwav Juuc'.ion 4 00 P. M,
htages ere amiiiiftd t connect with
thin train at A cude for Yorkshire and
l.ushlord; at l'i!U.!.li:ml!.; tut liBsliford.
(, slnppiug ai l".lictn.-r 3 22, Spring,
biook 3 iill Ehua 0' 'i, Jamison S 40, Auro
ra o 41), nls o iii'; Jlc-iiand 4 05, 1'i-ote.c-liua
4 In, Area ! 4 20, York
time 4 o.j. Ma-.-hias 4 45, Fruukliville 0 00,
Utliun 5 17, llm-idale 0 80, Kru Railway
Junction 0 40, Uiean 0 00 (Supper), Wet
loiiH 0 10, I'o.ivilie 0 .2, Slam i.i na i ZO,
Eldred li 42, Lnrabces li 00, iSartwtll 6 08,
'J ui tie Pciut 7 02, I'urt Allep.auy 7 14,
Keating 7 42, Euiponuia 8 10, ttcnovo
10 40o W iiliauispul l 1 10 A. Ai., Suubury
2 00, liairifcburj; 4 20, her York 11 A. M.,
Philadelphia b 00, iiiiliiujrc 7 10, Wasliiug
l 07 A. M.
i'taes are advertised to connect wilii
this t . ui ii at Elma for iii!-i llu; at East Au-
torn, cu 1'uer.days, Xhursduys and Satur
days, lor Java Vtlluge, Sirykcrnville, Males
und iVaies ilol'ow; nt Area la fvr Srriug-
ville, Uanduskay aad Verksiiire.
i'uliuuu Pa a 0 Siei-ping Cars on thia
train from Eulkilo to i'aliiiuore and Wash
iiigii-b v.'i.huut clianro l'iiiludc'phia pas
Eengei8 traitc; at llaribburgo. cw York,
passengers at liai risliurg. On Kuuday
iuu tiaui tioes nui run e-at. of 01uu.
2 30 A. M.. EL FFAL'J EXPRESS (daily)
stepping at bhippcuf2 0O, Keaiing it 10,
Eilitriy u Lb, 1'ori Allegauy o o2, iurilo
Point 4 10, i."aitwcil 4 Id, Larabecs 4 22,
Eldred 4 u0, fcitnle 1 inc 4 02, Porlville o OU,
Wcetuus 0 IU, Oicuu 0 LO, Erie Railway
junction li 00, Hinsdale 0 20, Icu'nuu 0 liO,
l'lunUlinville 0 04, Machine 7 10, Yorkshire
7 li, Arcade 7 20, Pi otuciion 7 40, Holland
7 4,S, Males 7 ii'.t, .urora 8 10. Jamison
8 lli, 20. .Spiingbrook 8 2G, iben
eier b lii, I'.iiUa'.o 0 00 A. M.
'ill i j uaiu inukca direct coiincclioiis' fur
Magnra i ulit, and all points ia Cuuada,aud
the eul.
Siagos aie advevtisc-d to connect wilh
ihis traiu at Arcade from tfpriugville, fcuu
dusky and vorkshire; at East Aurora, uu
Tue.-Uays, Thuodays and JSaturdnys from
Java, fciryKcieviUe, Males aud Males Hol
low; at i.lnia from Mm ilia.
Uu Monday this train dcs net'rvm oast
of Oientt.
FiiElCUT (daily except c!uiiJtiya.) atopp
ing at t-hippen 0 40. Keating 7 iit, Liberty
7-JO, Poll Alleituny b 40, Turtle Poiia
W lo, Kai-iwtU -J 0, Euiabe8 S4U, Eldred
lOCO, btaie Line 10 'id, Portvillo 1100,
Meslous 11 20. Oicuu II 88, Erie Uailway
way Junction 11 4d, liiusdals 12 10 P. M.,
l'rankliuvillo 2 00, Holland 4 00, Aujora
4 4S, Juuciiou tiOO P. M.
Stages aro advenined to ejnneet wit'i
this train , at Porivillo .rom Ceres, llich
L uvg, Eiltle ( to, iiolivtr, Aiillport and
t l:u uu Ceulro.
2 10 P. Ai., ACCOMMODATION (daPy
except Sundays), slopping at hhippen
2 14, Keating 2 ell!, Liberty 2 41, Port Al-k-fauy
a t,0, Turtle Point U 13, Sartwoil
ill, Larabecs 3 20, Eldred a 31, guie
liiuet 4-. I tirtviile 3 03, A estouc 3 CS,
Clean 4 C, Erie Railway Junction 4 13,
Uiuseiule 4JS, I-c!)ua4 41. Fraukliuvilla
i 00, Mi.chiue 0 2". Yorkshire 6 80, Arcado
0U, ProtectioB d 10, Holland 6 22, ales
G 33, A Hi-orb li 40, Jamison b' 04, Eluia 0 50
Spriiijibrock 7 Ol, i.beucier 7 15, Duffalu
i mo r. .u.
t'lagea are advertised to connect with
Ihis train at Keating lroui Wharton, East
Homer nnd 1 nii Vuiarton on Tueadays aud
I'r.dayajat ion Alieguuy from Couders.
port; at Ear.ibeos froia Eniethport; at
t'raiikliuviilo from Rushford aud Centra,
vilie; at Arcade t.oiu Rushford aud Yorkshire.
FttLlOUT. daily except Sundays, stopping
at Hinsdale 0 47, lscliua7 18, Fraukliuvillo
b0 0, Maehias 34, Yorkshire 603, Arcado
J 20, Pro'ecliou 0 04, Holluud 10 13, Wales
10 38, Aurora 10 00 Jamison 11 21 Elina
11 30 Springbrook 11 00 tbeuczor 12 16
Rulialo 1 00 P. X. , , ,
H. C. FISZ, .
Oen'l ilanagor.
i: V. YEOMANS. li. E. LVMAN.
. Qeo'l fcup't. , Gou'llWiJig't
J0BTTOliK. We aro now prepared
V io do all kinds of JOli MURK.
Earelopts.. Xas Jlill-heads, Letter heads,
tiwly aud ohuaply euied,.iOlijoe' iu :
Thayer & Hageity's new Wuilding, .Mui
fctrtet, hidgway, Pa.