it.-.- wnvrfwi fo Henrt A. Parsons, Ju. Edito THURSDAY, JANUARY 28,18:5 From Forn ' Firs-. t resident tj rants special message to Congress in rcp.nrd to Louisiana Trill not sattlo that affair, but it fixes and da lines his position, ana pronuuiy tup policy of the Republican j-arry . Here nt'ior, or as long as he is the Executive of the nation, and as Inng ns the laws 7wod by Congress for t lie mi force men t of the Fifteenth amendment to tho Con stitution of too United States, and for (he protection of citizens of every class, reruatiu on tlin statute-hooks, ho is re solved to perscrvo peace at the t'oiuh, to repress insurrection, and to -.uaid aud dol'end thu viclitm of tho armed and secret organiz-iti'ins which wr openly upon the Stato govevomsiit ot Louisiutn, and in effect upuo t!it.t ol tho nation. The Uuion must aud bhuii be pjeserved, aud its preservation nieut: that of tho ri'its cf its citizens. 11 will keep within tho strict letter of the Jmv, and that law gives him Hboudaut scops for the enipbymttit of the military power, lie earnestly : desires ti e Southern people to live tot;!-tlier iu amuity and obey the law?, and ho 1ms. implored theui to that effect, but iu the absence of reconciliation mid trucriility, he has only oue duty, and he will pcr ibrtu it. To u-;e his own vigorous wi.rJs ''to the extent that Congress has con ferred power upon me to p:evett it, neither KuUux Klans, Vt'hite Leagues, nor any other nsjosi'tiion using .urns and violence to execute thtir unlawful purposes, can be permitted in that wiy to govern any part of this country. Nor can I see with indi2eieuce Union men or Ejj ubliaans ostracized, per.-H cti tcd, aud inu-'dercd on account of their, opiuion, as now sic iu some locali ties." This is the only escuso or justi liontion the Piesidost has to tuako lor the recent euiployuicnt of troops at New Orleans the only sop ho throws to the howling Democratio Cerbo.'tis unless, indeed, the uarratiun of events in Louisiana since lo'JS can be called an excuse. .Most of these arc f.tmilijr to news paper readers. They show tha: t!ie dis. sensioua in Louisiana, the murders an J massacres, aud tho '-bun li'ti" cl Sheridan's despatches, are not the re. suits of any recent iutoifere.cs bv t!i Executive or usurpation on the part ol the llepublican parly in that State. They are things which' existed belore reconstruction, and continued sine-; .it down to the prt5cut d:iy. 'J hey be ran in 1300, although tho President does not mention it, when the m.!ii who cow fornj the White Lesjjne, iu which Con;;re.?sniau Phelps sees no I. arm assassinated ilio Republican members of the Legislature of Louisiana in tho (.'m.i tol building of that State anl in the streets of New Orleans, while Andrew Johnson, besotted aud imbecile, s:.t in the White House at Washington an un. concerned spectator. They continued in 18G5S, when theSut), enfes.-edly Jl publican, wes by murder, intimidation, nud fraud, made to give a majority for Horatio Seymour or 1.0 ii votes. They were repeated in 1872, when the adventurer Warmoutli went over to the virtuous Conservatives, Ly be was rocsjival with open aruu and promised a seat in the United Mats Sentto as Lis reward for cheating tlio Republicans out of the fruits uf a vic tory won at the cost of their blood aud the peril of their lives. And here we arrive at the immediate cause of tho present trouble in Louisiana, and of :hs necessity for General Sheridan's prsence in New Orients on January -1. The conduct of the election of 1872, and the manner in the frauds ( the Fu eiouiets, as they wero then calls-, were frustrated, are told iu the President's message. Suffice it for us to say that Kellogg proceeded in a regular and judicial manner . to seoura bis rights, and that they were confirmed by a Fed eral judge under the laws of the Uuited States, made expressly for such cases. Since then Kellogg's government has been recognized as legal by the Presi dent and resisted and opposed by the Conservatives, their opposition taking the form of murdering Republican pariah officials in numerous cases, and o? negroes (seventy-one on one day in one iustance) in other. For these facts, which are of the most explicit nature, wo aaiu refer the reader to tbo message. They iueludo the uprising ol the 14th of September ht, and the events on and immediately preceding 4th ot Jauu iry. In regard to the interference by the military the Prsident declares that be has no knowledge of it except that which has already been published. No orders-or suggestions had beeu given in advance to the officers in commaud, and General Sheridan was ouly preseut at hi suggestion fie say he knows that any interference with the Legislature of a State is repugnant to onr ideas of gov ernment, tut adds that there are cir cumstances connected with - the New Orleans imbroglio which acquit the 1 aT A. A. a.. .41 A . .4. army of any wron. Ar,d then be goes on to relate the circum stances, which, stripped of all partisan colnriuj,' and examination, art these: Ihe tn ops were iu ?cw Orleans to prevent domestic violence and to repress it, there being no Stain militia and the constabulary bin oweriess. The first appeal to them was by the Conser vatives, who were in a ni'iiority, out who bud captured the organization ol the I.egisbitnro by ilbtrul and violent means, to eject te'taiii persons ob noxious to them. Tlio second njipi-al came from the Republicans, to remove number who hud usurped teats withmtt hv.'til crrtifieates. . tin tliis poii.t the Prrsiiient fays: "Nobody .ns dis turbed by the military vihoba'l a lc:il riuht at (but lime to-rceupy a seat in the Legislature." In conclusion the IVcsident Ma'ses the beariuu d the troops, who have l cHurnied n thaiikles task iiiipru (iall; mid as beiotius stildicrn nf the Uuilt d t-'lat'.), tinl fixes (no re 'ponfibility of all tho tr.iubh-ti up m the tuibuleut el'-nionts they have rcs.rirued fn in bloe.l-slr.d and revolution. Filially l.e turns the wLo'c matter over to ( ' n ; r rf s. NEWS. A pctiiion for n l.i.;h f.c'io:! fur col ored cliiiiirui is utider cousidermiou in FaliMnoiv. The l!arriburgli (Pa.,) cur simps nti ion Lave uocn iitio lor sumo wcea-i have lctiiii'jd operations An Oliiu C.iti-c has decid.'l th-.t it is l;l-loMS te dun ji-ur iebwM by liitan 0! p-;.5:l C-li .! tin'.-: i-'p r S. j lie li .iarv ot th : lite ct-l rcu.vjiii Waiker, wytth SiD "fi j, is said to hart been b'c I'ieatiied to iiarvaid Col! Cl,a U 31 TicMiicr of ceased. il'.uise was cleeteJ t'i:j J.'3to:i, v;ce iraey, de An Ya-U e.iUJty sp.o :htiian fotiad i'l.SjO in bunos Triiilo hunting fu th ueijiborhood ol West tpriii$.lkl.l. Too two culored men, Jubu.ou aud Javis, who imndeted S:imuel Jones v.e.e exteu'e'l at North lltmps'.exd, I., on li.e 1 3ib. Mrs. Ku'atina Uo wli'iLT died at Ralti more, from the cffoya ot a dt-se of b. la o't in wuich hud be.-u imrcaasea liot; a ditiituisi lor hjiup ol P.L'adir.i:, i'a , snippud 1,90:3 tb. woi nats lo .:v loii; one clay r.-etu tly, t! e lar st nuuibc-r ever el iu euo ut.y. Tiieta arc i-s:is;:ited to bo in th Foiled .-rtates at the indent ti.iic about 7.iiO'.iO wi.itc man who ciu i.c.itui: read nor wrilo. Each of threw sisters living iu Yad kin county, N. ('., gave biith to tivi leuisle luiau s wttino a period of a tjw mouths. The Covevtior ol Maine has granted a rc; liovn o! thirty flay.- io Wagner, tii Is.e ot ou..a s aiHriiercr, vi.o was t h'tvo boeu handed on tbo '-Jth ol Jai.uary. abo!i.-hi'! the death puia'uy i.nd pn viJiiig for Mi.-j.ris mih-u! lor ii!e lor all'.'es bete io:ore putii, liable wiih death has been iiitrodtuvJ. ilfora F. Piddotk i; ( 'o.'s bin!;, at VVstrciUwn, N. Y., U-peii.itd i'U luu day. A hurried t t .lenient buows the iiabiiiiies to be c ;01 v0. tind the as-cts cl70.WiJ. ..bout ilo.W) of the Lt ter amouut U t'.'isidef.d worib!.'ss. Governor i'-'uo'i'd! n:;.,ige wr. read iu botli -es of tiie Gi-.ria Lcgis'atuie ias; vro!:. It shuv3 tli.'is is a b.iij.:c.i in the treasury tl Sl,'0:J,l2!i. and that the alf.irs id' tbo State are in a t.iu-peroua cotidiibm. '11:3 l.'iiion Rank of Jersey City Buspetided tiiKolli'.r iiiorniii. M iv'iii.c-l Sanlord, tbe preiclrut, says he does nut yet know the tsaet amount ol liabilities.' Ti.e assets are. Luwever. suf! ;i..-nt to cover thfctii, but tire not in.r.n'iiiutely avaib'.ble. t'aaford says if iiio depcti teis will bs jatient tbey will eu.-tuiu uo loss. The report of the F.e.iv;r Com mission of Ma'ssuebusetu bhowa that no J'.ss thiii tweutyvicvcu unsafe reatrvoirs and daiiH exist iu that State, mi 1 that tl-.e lusa by the bver.kiu awsiy uf theae etruoturet ias year fools up SI ,250,'JUO iu Hampshire county, and g4.,t'00 in Hampden. 'Ibe Jllon rni Albany Railroad lust SlUbNUOO, and tbo New linveti aud Nortbamptou irMtQ. Philadelpliii, Jan. 21. Edwin M Lewis, trustee of the Jay Cooke cMate, bas commenced paying a dividend ol five per cent, in ca:,h to the creditors ol the e.-tate, whoso claims were audited and tiopi,vcd up to Peceiuber iil Lpi, A lare number ofcredituis bavelec-n paid their dividend, which is a practi cal Lfiuubg of tlio settleo.ent of the estafo. Pott-viile Pa., Jn. 22. 13 y a boiler csplufiiou at a colliery in St Meholas, ennuty. Georue Ilasntd was iulanly killed and the Cremsn, who if miming, is auppned also to have bei n killed. A win (na;ae unknown) bad one le; blonn S several li.u'es were killed, and the boiler liou.e blown to pieces. Omaha, Neb., January 23. It i coiibideied very likely that as soon as the snows melt and grass appeals, the army will be called upon to reprem the ludian disorders in the far North and die remote South. The Crows aud Sioux are swarming the war parlies of last autumn, and will renew their de predations in the spring. Washiugtftn, Jan 25 Tho ppeeial n:esae which ihe President scut to the House iast week in regard lo fortifica tions along the Atlantio Coast, lu.s been referred to the .Military Committee, but hii uotthus far recch ed any considera tion by them. The General feeling BtiiOBg members of tin House is that this is no time, when tho Treatury De partment is askiug for increased texutiou to meet the current expenses of the Oovernmeut, to Icgin tbo expendilaie of money in works of this character. 1 ufus logalls aud two or three gun con tactors are said to be at tl.e bottom of '.he whole affair. THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST rAPlill IM THK COIJNTY, UAVINO THE LAHCkKST CIUCU ATION, IT TS Til FRKFOIlK THE AUVKRTI31N0 MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY SrvetrJ lathe gntfvrjftt of tlx tsplt ci ctU (L(iaii). PES YEAS. l.i..'.li..-i-l.WW t'you wmt to sell anything, let the people know it through the Advocate, the great advertising medium. IJUING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN TIIE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. 19 i Prsittitsg Office, TUyei illijo-ty's Klouk, lt'dgway, Pa. Tbo best work dono, and ot the very lowest prices. Hand bills printed at the uhorest notice Cull in and get our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail piomplly attended to ADlESfc, HENRY A PARS0N3, JR. v lllDOWAY, Pa. FUR PALE LY E.K OKIi.ill, Masonic Hull Building. Rilgwny, Pa. VAN VLECK'S OELKBUATUD PATENT SPRING BED lJEST tempered tteul spring wire, these springs can be laid on the slats of any common bod and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES 1 Also agent for Weed Sewing Machiae, F.nsiesl thinning, Most Durnlile, ami ItE.sT MACHINE ti Ibe nmrltut. Cull nnj c.xa.'jino before purcliuxing elsowliore. vlnlClOt, . The Weekly Sun. A Ursa oicht paire iudcpeadsnl, honest and learieos newspapcrjuf 58 broaJ Oolumns, enpeoially dcaigneil lor (lie farmer, the Die clituic, (he reliant and the I'rol'r niioii'il mim, aua their wives aau caildien. wc aim to oiake t b Wikklt Hvh (be hst t'mnily newspaper in the world. It is full of entcrtiiinng and inslructive reading of evory sort, hut prints nothing to offend the n.oi scrupulous aud delicate taslo. Vrico $1.20 per year, pontaga prepaid. The rhenprBt paper publiahed. Try it- Address TbeIm k.Ncw Vork City. THE BEST PAPER, Try It. POSTAGE FJUEli. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN aw in its BOlh year, eiijys tha widtil circulalioa of any newspnper of tha kind in the warld. A ntw Toluuie coaiaencea January 4th, ISTj. Its contents embrace the litest aad diss! interesting inforiation pertaining lo Ihe ImljB'i'ial. MecliHUical, and t'eitutifto Pro gress of the World; Detoriptioaa, with .eautitnl Kngravingi, or ivew jurentions, iew lini'leoieuts, New I'rocrases, and tui- plnved lodustrica of all kindi; Useful Not en I'.ceine. fruEeestioua ana Aaic, ny rrao- tieul Writers, for Wotkman aud Eoiployers, in all Ike Tavinui arts. The KClENTlrlC AMERICAN is the cheapest and bit illuiilrated weekly papers published. Every Lumber couuiua lioui lutolo originil engiaviugs ot nw ma chinery aud novel luventieui. EMittAVIGS, llluttrating Improve- nicntt, Discoveries, and important Works, pertaiuiig to civil au3 Mechanical Engin eering, Milling, aiming anu .Metallurgy, liecoida I the latest progress in tnc ap plicatioas of Steam,, Steam Engineering; Itailwiys, Bhip-Builuinff, ISftTigatioa, le e- grapby, Telegraph Engineering, Electricity .Mat;netiim, Light and lieit r AK.MEHa, Alecbauica, Engineers, In ventors, Manufacturer. Chemists, Lotcis of Science, Teachers. Clergymen, Lawyers nad peupl uf all Frofeniionii, will find the M'iSNTiric Amihioa usetut to iubw. tt Bbouid have a pluo in every family, Library. Study. (Jmce, and Counting Kooui; In every Reauiug Room, College, Academy, or fccuool. A year's numbers conlain 832 pages and Stv:iL lltsiiKiiu EnoaAVisu. thous ands of volumes are preeervad for binding and reference. The practical receipts aro r.e.l worth ten tines the subicriptiou price. Terms $3.20 a year by uiail, iucludiig pos- tagi. Dmcount to clubs, t-pec.nt oncii )ais and hpecimcas sent tree. May be had of all ?eirs Dealers. JA.L hlN IO ttou with the i. Cleiilllio Auiei iC'i.i, .i.c.-ir. .Mima s 10, are Solicitors of Axe-.ican and Foreign Pktcuta, aul have the Iriiveet et-tubliehui .at in (ho world. Mure than Any thounaud upp'.icatious aave beeu made for patents luruueu their i;eiicy. l'ateuts i oiaiued on Ihe best terms. iodei!i of New inventions and sketches ex. Hu.ined and free. A special notice is Bia.le iu the Scientific American ef all laveutisns I'utented ihrough this Agency, with the nauie aud residence ol the l'aten- tte. t alents are oltuu cola in part or nuole, to peraeus atuacted to the invention by such notice. Send for fumphlet, 110 pgs, conlainiug laws aud full directions lor olita.uing i'ateuts Address fur the Paper, or coacerninz Patents ML'NH & CO., 37 l'ark Uow, b. V. lirncb Oftice, co:. i' and 7th Sis., V.'sshiiigton, I). C SUN DAILY AND WEEKLY FOR 1875. The approach of tha Presidential elec tion gives unusual to the ewuts und cievelofBieuts of 1876. We nhall en deavor to arscriba laeaa luliy. faithtully, and reaileis!y. THE WEEKLY U. has now alltined a eiiculktioa of over seventy thousand copies lis reaai-rs are touud in every State and Territory, and its quality is wnll known to iheruuho. Vtesaaliaot ouly endeavor lo kerp it tuny up to Ihe old standard, but Iu ove arda-id io its varieiy and power. llltVi-LLi 61 1 aiil continue to be a laoioujn uewepaper. .Ml me nws ot the di.y will be feiwid iu it, condensed when unimportant, at full length of aao- uieut, auu atwii s, we trust, rcate.l la a clear, iuterrstiug and instructive muniiei'. it is our aim to uiak the HLLlvLI feUN (he beat fuaiily newspaper in Ihe world. It will be full of entertaining and npjro prialere.idiag of every sort, but will print uothiiig lo t.ti cud ihe moat scriiiiuloua and delicate liiste. It will always contain the Koat interesting alone and romances of the dny, carelully selected and legibly printeJ. The Agricultural Department is a promi neat leature in the WEEKLY SUN and its articles will always be lound fresh and use ful to tha lai iner. The number of mca independent in poll tice is increasing, and th WEEKLY SUN is their aptr especially. It belongs to no party, and obeys no dictation, couteuding tor priuoiple, and for the election of (he bel men. It exposes iu corruption laal dingracra the country aad threatens 'he overthrow ef republican institutions. It Las no fear cf kuaves, aud seeks uo favors from their supporters. Tha markets of every kind and the fash ions ai regularly reported in its columns. The price of th WEEKLY SUN ia oue dollar a year for a sheets of eight pares and fifty-six columns, Aa this barely pays th expenses cf paper and printing, we are nut abic to make any discount r allow any premiums to frieuda whe may make special eflorta to extena its circulation, tuier tk aew law. woieh requires payment ot pusisge in advance, one dollar a year, with twenty ceuli th cost of prepaid postage is the rat of subscription, tt is not neces tary to get up a club in ordei to have the Wi EKLY SUN at this rat. Auyoa wuo seaas one dollar and twenty ceuts will gel the paper, pctpaia, lor a year. We have do (raveling agent. THE WEEKLY SUN. Eight pages, fifty eix colauias. Ouly VI XI a year, postage prepaid. Ho disctuata from this rat. THE DAILY SUS.Alarg four page newspaper of twenty-eight coIuiubs. Daily circulanoa over 4120,000. All th sews for 2 cents. Subscription, pottage prepaid 5 cents a month, or $b 60 a year. Te elubs of 10 or over, a discount of 20 per cent. Andres, "TEB StfU," New York City. SUBSOltlBK for ADVOCATE. the ELK COUNTS' POWELL & KIMR MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that tbe world moves, aud that the demands uf Ihe public are con- tanlly increasint, the proprietors of the (Brand cnti;at $vt have juit returned fioai the eastern and western cities with the most pcrlect uud complete stock of MEUCI1ANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Yu canuot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not absolutely keep, aud they have PRO KEN THE PACKUONE of high prices, They buy lor cash aud SELL FOR CASH I HE APE It THAN TIIK CIIKAPST ! Ki.Jgway, Mav 1st, 1873. sIIYSlCIANa AND DRUGGISTS. A prominent New York physician lately comi lainid to Uunilas Dick, about hif t-nd-dalwood Oil C'apsulus, siating llmt some times they cured miraculously ; but that a patieul of his had taken theui tor sometime without edict. On being informed thai several imitations were Uiade aud sold, he inquired aud found that his patient hud been tukiDg capsula tsold in bottles, and not DI N HAS DlClv i. CO a. V. hat happened to this physician may have happeucd lo others, aud D LI DAS DICh. L CO., take this method of protecting "Oil ot Sandalwood" from this disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the Capsulas will CONTINUE T'l DO ISO. for Ihey coutain the PUKE OIL in the BEST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OE dANDLEYYOOD is fact super seding every other remedy, sixty Cspsules ONLY being reo,u. red lo insure a safe and certain cure in sis or eight days. From uo other medicine can this result be had Dick's Soft Capsplks solve the prob lem long considered by In any eminent phy siciaas, of how to avoid the nausea anddis gust experienced in swallowing, which are well known to detract from, it not destroy th good effects of many valuable remedies bolt Capsule ate put up in tin-foil aud neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the only capsules prescribed by Phyaiciuns Ky-TUESE WERE TIIE ONLY; CAP SULE8 ADMITTED 10 THE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Bend for Circular to 35 Wooater St., N Y; SOLD AT ALL IKUC. STOEES, Gsatral Agency, 110 Ktad Street, N. T E. B. FOOTE, BID. 120 Lciiiztoa AtclUJ, ' Cot K2M6L, NEW YORK, An Independent Physician, TIIEA'M ALL FOIlMS OF CmtOHIC DISEASE, and r.E'jnvsi Letter from nil parts oj the Vlvlllxed World, IT Hit OBIOIKAl WAT Of Contlnctma a HeSical Practice BB IB TAEaTIKO) Karaeroni Patients In Europe, th West Indict, the Dominion of Canada, and in every Stats of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Ho atcrearlst meStctnn or SMftorloui Aram vkS. Km during th pant twenty yran trotmt snocei. full? neulv or quit tl,(;OU cum. All fctt eon BMtfd with rach can aro carefully rucordail, wfUttior they b eorununlratud by lelttr or in penon, or oburveil by the Doctor or nil iwcitl pbyticians. The latur are all scientific motlicil mea. All Invslids at a ifotance are rrqntre.1 to aniwtr an extande.1 lint ot plain quci'.ionii, which will be turnlheil by matt free, or at the office. A com plete tyntcin of reKl-tcrinf prevents mistake or roafuilon. Cats booki never consulted, except by tha ptiya'.clir.a of tli enUbllehmrnt. For free ouuaultation annd for list of queetions. A sixty png pamphlet ot eviJcncet of snocess wnt fiee aleo. c AMrt,, Ur. 333. 13. FOOTE, Box 7S8, New Vol'!:. AGISTS WANTED. En. Pootc in th author of "UEinciL Con mo Rkkcc." a book that reached a circulation ot over 0,0C0 copi.n; aln, of Hok Tils," lour. rcatly cbltihvil, which hn Mid to th tnt of ',ljoO copies ; alro, of ' Scikncb 1M Sxobt,' whir h ia now bvitifr published hi series. ONTSHTS TADLKS of all, ptlng th errt-miitiond work (which ta oat of print), -W be sent free on application to either Dr. Foots, or the Kant? Etll faWlll III Cssjssy, whose oflnc is 121) East SSih Street. Ajent bth men and women wanted to sell tha forejolng works, to whom a liberal profit will be allowal. Th bRlnnlrrs of small fortunes hara been mad tn tilling Dr. Foon's populol works. "VLkin Horns Tits" is particularly adapted to adults, and "Scikkci lit Etobt" is just the thing for th young. Send for contents tables and seo for yourselves. The former answers a multitude of question! which ladies and gentle men feel a delicacy about asking of their phy.-lclans. There Is nothing in lilcrutur at all either af the foregoing worki. "Scikkci iw Sioat" aan only be had of agent! or of the rublUbora. PLAIN IIOMS TALK" IS published in both tt English aud Uarman Lsnjuojes. Once mors, AGonto "Wrt Jitocl. ADDRESS AS ABOVE. oyer's Catliartic Pills, Tot the relief wni care of all nei i:ge- wcbi m uie frit i m icii, liver, ul bovr 'IXiey Arc ft ualkl ftpericnt, niiii km ccelient purgtlivr. )V;iuy puie'y vvgt Itlr.e, Ui j cotiUiiu no n.ercui y om.ine- rm Mii.'iK'vcr. awiucn blljlvl al.V D . csej and every faulty-shouM hu c them on hand for Uieir protc-ao: aul rrliW, wIimii i riMiirotl. Xjook ?srrerieare has prove! Uirui to pe the L, sure.M, hkI Iwrt of ail tl.e VUt with vtliicH Use natret bond. Is. uy Uirtr occasioi.M upe, tiie MouM is miriaed, U.c rurruplious uf tl.e n tcia eK;rilfa, ootra.-uon lentored, and tlio waoie ma.iiaerv or life restored to. its hculuiy tcMvtlv. imciiial oivans ul.u b become i )Of.'Kett vti siurrra . dnaried Vy Aytr't i'slt. and Uiuaiaf mva a.aiou. llius lui'ipivnt iii",e U eiiaa;r4 i(o health, Uie value of wniofa chai.tfa when rrok.iic4 on U.e vat inultilude ho enjoy it, ca hardly be rotaputed. Their sugar contiug BaJ&G laem pleasant In take, and preserves tlictf viruies aniiapaired any length of time, to that IMry are ever freeh, and perfectly reliable. AJUJvuaii nrarriiiufc, I4:ry arc iiiii.i, anu uueiaiq wiUiout d'.iWi'liiuic lo do ixiutlituUou.oriiiet, or oeriii-4. Fail Jir.:tin ar rlrea on trie to eaii boa, bow t hmo Uiein hs a Family I'hysic, and far tJ e fullowii C4iUpluiaUt wliich thaia ruts rafiiuiy eure: For avaiKlu or (isdle-ralea), I.lsllraa. ssam, ltsjfanruit'l Siaa of Apurtlse.,tiiey ahouJd Ue tMeii ia ..Jrau.y lo tttiiuulKte the stom ach, an reMore u.b heklUiy tone and action. For .ivi- wimi anu us varioun Hymn- tai. Otlion lieaSack, Mlcb I-rt- t, iau.Ste or 4rrrs Hlcbis. ltd lic ami Sakiiona a evra,tney niiouin be judiruMy lien for ea.-h case, to con'ect the disused aoiian or reutiri Uia uhnlruotious which oauaeit. For tyrtrr r IVIorrkora. but on uiil4 4 is f-earllv required. Fr IXtatmajsASUBa. but, wravei, ri. wKaUlssa ml lk ilearl, Ptalsi la i1i. Hack aad Fiiia, U.ejr should be conlin. ooaalv tuca, m rsniuire.1, to cnance me meeaseo tu uoa of ilie tvie:a. w iUi such change those coBipiainte 1'l'l"r For ltrawir aud Irajnrisl ftwrlllara, Oiv u.ukl taken iu iare and ficpieut dobiis to ruur the etct or a ui alic purge. For pprsiw, a large done should he takes, aa a produces Ui drauod effect by sym pathy. as a x-4r rit, taaa one or two j-uif to protnJ! dieevlioD and relieve the stomach. An ocrai.nal dnee stiaiulstes the toniach and bowel, rmiarns the appetite, and invigorates the yslriu. Mxnri it is ofteu ailvaulAgcous where no serious dersngetuent exists. One who feels tolerably well, r.rten Dn'ls thai a uoie or these I' Hit snakes bun fevl decidedly belter, from their c'.eaniinf and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. rRKraaaD nr Dr. J. C. t CO., rrac.tleal Chtmitt; LOWELL, MASS., V. g. A. FOB 8AXK BT AM. DKUOOISTS IVtUYWHEBlV ESTATE OF JOHN EN PRE AS, tale ol lilt tiller Township, Elk County tiecrased. Alt persons indebted to sui.l Estate aro requested to hiuko im mediate payment. All those bavin; leiiiil claim against the same will pre sent them without delay in proper order lor aettleuieat. to SOPHIA ENDREAS, MAUI IN SORG, u41 if). Executors. 1 F YOU WANT TO hUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- IIAGEUTY Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The EEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap aa tho CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. EUhiIr:Li,S t'AUDS. G. A. II A TUB LtjV, Attorney-at-law, Ridgway, Ta. 2 2 If. KVFUS LUC OJi E, Attoruey-at-Law Rldeway, Elk Co., Fa. Offics ia Ilnll'a new trick Building. Claims far collection promptly attended to. v.lnlly. HALL fc M'VAVLLY, Attorueys-at-Liw. (jflice in New l'.iiik Building, Main tA HidKWHy, ilk Co., I'a. v3titf. J, 0. W. BAILEY, ATTORSEY-AT-LAW. vlnuyl. Itidgway, Elk County, la. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aoo) dent lusurnnco Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated iu Kigway, oilers his professions! ser vice to the citizeus of Itidgway ana ur rounding country. Ail work warraated. UUice in Service ot Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the leit, 7o-n-ti2-ly U11AULES UULES, 'Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Kidgwny, I'a. Agent lor th Howe ewiug Machine, aud Morton GoM l'en. ltcpairing Watches, eto, dot with he same accuracy as heretofore. Batis actiou guaranteed. vlnly G. G. M ESSEX G Ell, Druggist and Varaoeutist, N. W. cornel of Main and Mill streets, Kidgwny, Pa. lull uBHortnient of carefully selected For eign Hint Domestic lirugs. Proscriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vluoy T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Phyaiciau anu Surgeon. Office in in ug Store, corner Broad and Main bie, Keaidcnee corner Broad St. opposite tho College. Ottice hours lrera 8 to 10 A. M. aud from 7 to 8 P. M. vlu'jl. J. S. BUR DWELL, ,V. D., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his 1 lorn Oiuro street, to Maiu et. Itidgway, Pu,, iu ihe second story of th new brick building of Jolm Ct. Hull, oppo site Hyde's store. (jSiva hours: 8 to 0 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. T jan 9 7d HYDE HOUSE, lliiiatvsv, Elk Co., Pa. V. II. SCII11AM, Proprietor. Thankful for the pntronngo lieretofor to liberally bestowed upon linn, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying Btrict ai lention to the comfort and convenience c( guests, to merii a continuance oi Ihe .vun e. Uct 30 1S00. BUCK TAIL BOUSE. Kane, McKean Co., P. U. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the pal rouage lierelofoi so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro- prietor, hopes, by paying strict atleutien o tlie coiulort and couveuiouce ot guests. io merit a continuance cf Ibe same. 'J lie only stables lor horses in Kane and veil kept night or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. vlulMyl. KERSEY HOUSE, C'CXTRBVILLE, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretotor so liberilly bestowed upon In m, the nevi proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at leuliou to the comfort at-d convenience of guests, tl merit a continuance of the sauiu. p. ir. i.'.ir LiEALB. IN Goods, IT&tic-s, Grccerics, Dry and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. ri it y i: o. vlnlTtf. 3 &l PLAYIiTG CARDS. THE B23T-TIIS CHEAPEST. .te -"SHIPS Cheapest kind made. T'l'AS A cheap common curd. OWAYS A nice common card. NIAS Fine calico backs. R EG CUO VIII GEN JACKSON'S Chenp and popular, (Pa tern backs, various colors uud de signs.) COL . .ilBlAS (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One of the best cards made. MX. VERNON 3 Extra fine, twooolorpati terns. ASK I OB IHE ABOVE TAKE NO OTHERS Price List en application. Deuleia sup VICTOR E. MAUGER, 39-ly H6 to 112 Reade St., N. Y Edw'd J. EvanS & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YORK, PEKX'A tSf Catalogues Mailed to Applicants)! Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. S, Black, Washington, P. C. Weiseb, Son & Cabl, Bankers, York, Pa, 2-Uu-v I V .THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially 4 invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive aubsoripliona 10 the Capital Slock ot the Centennial Board ot Einance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the ereo tiou of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and tin) expenses couuected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every oituen alive to pam- oiio commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of s.ock are offered for $10 each,' and sub scriber will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum win ue pam on an payments or ten- tenuial Stock from dale of payment to January 1, ltSTtt. s Subscribers who are not neat a Nationa Bank can remit a cUeok or post office order to ine unuursignea. FRED'K. t'KALEY, Treasurer, 00 Walnut St., Philadelphia