The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 21, 1875, Image 4

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    Calendar for 18T5.
"9 !$ frill!
III! I 111
July -I 1 2 3
4 8 ft 7 8 din;
11-12 1.1 14 1.1 ir, 17
1H 19 211 2l22'23 241
21 2ti:27,2fl2l3U 31,
he. "i" 2 hi "4 "i "e "r
W 9 Ul'll 12 13 14
IS IB 17 i 1SI 1 9!2il 21
22 21ai 2,'ii2627 28
29 30.311...
Sept. ... ... ... 12 3 4
8l 6 7 8 9 in II
12 l3;i4'ls'irJi7 is
19 211 21 22123,24 28
20 27i23,29j.1U ;,
Oct. ... ... ... ... ... 1 2
3 4 6 6 7 8 9
in ll'l2!1.1 1l'l5 10
17 1S-19 2n;2l22 23
24 25,20 27 28,2SI,3U
Rot. ''! "i "i 'S "i "s W
71 8 9 in 11 12 13
WIS IB 17! IS 19 21)
21 22 23 24,25;20 27:
28,29,30,... ...La ...j
VN. 1 2 3 4
ft 6! 7 8 9 10 11
12'l3il4 IS IB 17 ll'
19 2n;21 122,23121 25j
20 27 21" 29,3oLll ...
1 1
ft d r
11 12 i.i H i:, ir,
If IS ai 21 22 2.1
2S 2(1,27 28 2U 30
i 2 s l it1 r,
Rl 9 111 11 12 1?,
Win 17 1 19 2ii
2 23 21 25j20 27
"i "i 's "e'"o
! 9 I" 11 12 11
15 If. 17 is! 19 31
22 2.1 21 r.,20,27
2 :W,3I... ...
; 7! f! r i"
12 1.1 U IS 10 17
19 21 21 22-83 21
3 4, i V f
in 11 12 13 H 11
17 IS 19 2H,;i 22
21 25 2(i 272i,29,
.311... ...
...I I 2 3; 4 IS
I 7' S 0 1" Iw2
14 1.1 IB 17 1' 19
21 22 21 24 25, 2(i,
2 29 ...I... I...'
THE YEAK 1874.
A Look llnck nt Hie Nnlnlilr livcntn nl'llic
Twelve .llnnllix.
Another twelvemonth has jmssod into
history. It Iihh not been a yeiir crowded
with remnrknlile events. Cirent wars, or
political convulsions, hnve not occurred
events that lix dittos in our minds most
The Ashantep war came to nn end as
the year begun. The civil 'disorders in
Spain have Listed through the whole
twelve months, but nearly as much ink
lias been shed in describing them as there
has been blood spilled. War nt one
time threatened between China mid
Japan, with reference ; Ur i !.;:ni u
Formosa. The quarrel was peacefully
arranged. The Dutch war ngainst the
Achinese still continues. There was a
short rebellion in the Argentine Ke
public. In the United States there were
insurrections both in Arkansas and
Louisiana, but they were easily quelled.
No part of the world has been seri
ously atl'ected by epidemic disease. In
deed, the year 187-t may take rank as
one of the healthiest veins of which we
have any record. Famine, however,
attacked British India ttud Asiatic Tur
key. In India the evil was greatly lessened
by the prompt action of government.
The supply of food was kept in the
country, and distributed at the important
points. There was not n little sull'ering,
nnd some deaths followed ; but when the
famine of 1874 is compared with earlier
Indian famines, it seems but a trilling
disaster. With the means now at the
command of the civilized world, a great
famine can now be only the result of in
dolence and neglect. Turkey, being less
advanced than India, wull'ere'd more.
Disasters by sea and laud have been
les3 numerous than usual. There have
been wrecks, railroad accidents, tires and
floods, but they have not been so terrible
in their ell'ects as in some former years.
While there has been such a marked
absence of the great destroyers of life
and property, the crops of' the world
have been prodigious. There are always
exceptions to general prosperity, and in
Kansas and Nebraska the farmers have
suffered from the grasshopper plague ;
but altogether the earth has not yielded
so abundantly ns in 1871 for very many
years. Farmers everywhere have more
produce than they can sell at a proiit.
Abundant cvom nlways bring com
mercial prosperity, mid we may con
fidently expect that this year's overflow
ing harvest will not prove an exception.
Business throughout the world, and
especially in the United States, has been
depressed. The ell'ects of the panic of
1873 nre still felt. Kecovery from dis
aster of any kind is necessarily slow,
and another year must probably pass be
fore business can regain the prosperity
of eighteen months ago. But the ex
cellent harvest of 1874, as wo have said,
will greatly contribute to the return of
better days.
Important political changes have
taken place during the year. In the
United States, the Kepublican party has
been badly defeated. In England, Par
liament was dissolved early in the year.
The new House of Commons is strongly
conservative, causing the liberal govern
ment of Mr. Gladstone, to resign, and
bringing in the tory government of Mr.
Two or three cabinet changes have
taken place in France, and that country
seems to be on the eve of other important
events. Spain has passed under the dic
tatorship of Marshal Serrano. Italy has
had a Parliamentary election which re
sulted favorably for the government.
Germany, too, has elected a new Reich
stag, and has been excited over what is
called the persecution of Catholic bish
ops and priests. Austria and Russia
have had neither internal nor external
disorder, and no startling events of mo
ment, except what have been already
mentioned, have taken place in Asia",
Africa or South America.
The list of the dead of 1874 contains
some great names. That which comes
nearest home to the largest number of
hearts is the death of Charles Sumner.
France has mourned over Guizot. Music
has lost the sweet voice and the charm
ing presence of Madame Parepa Rosa.
In January we first heard of the death of
Dr. Livingstone, the great African ex
plorer. Kuiilbach, the great Germam
painter; M. Van ile Meyer, one of the
founders of tho'Belgian monarchy; llerr
von Malliiickvodt, a German political
leader of great influence; Jules Michelet,
a famous author; Lunalilo, King of the
Sandwich Islands; Shirley Brooks and
Tom Hood, two English humorists;
Chung and Eng, the Siamese twins; and
mauy others will bo called to mind as
having departed this life during the past
The year 1875 is full of promise. In
July the United States enters upon the
ono hundredth year of its existence ns a
nation. Let us hope it will be the be
ginning of n new era of prosperity. For
ourselves, it is important that we should
look upon each additional year of life as
a fresh opportunity for self-improvement,
and so act that when its history is
reviewed we may have nothing to regret.
Lost Her Jewels. The Countess of
Dudley waited for the train in the Pad
dington station, and Miss Scott, an at
tendant, held the precious case which
contained the countess' jewelry. It was
heavy, and Miss Scott put it down ; but
she put her foot on it, in order that any
casual observer might be informed of its
great value by this queer precaution.
Miss Scott's vigilance slept. In conver
sation she forgot the case for a few
momenta, and when she remembered it
it was gone. It is still gone.
At the hot springs of Aishan, India,
some six years ago an Englishman wan
tonly dropped a mangy our into the publio
bath. The people took great oft'ence at
this act, and to this day refuse to afford
a foreigner any accommodation in their
village, or even to exchange a word with
Alfonso XII, the Spanish King.
Tho Prince who has jnst been declared
King of Spain is in his eighteenth year.
His mother, tho ex-Queen Isabella I.,
was compelled to quit Spain on the suc
cess of tho revolution of 18f8, and took
up her residence at the chateau of Pan,
placed nt her disposal by the French
Emperor. From there she issued a pro
test (Sept. 30, 1808,) ngninst tho new
order of things in Spain, the Provisional
government having declared her for
feiture of tho throne. On tho 2"th of
June, 1870, she renounced all her claims
to the Spanish crown in favor of her
son, Alfonso. Tlin roval exiles have re
sided alternately nt Paris, and Geneva
since. In tho election in the Cortes for
a king, tho Prince of Asturias received
eight votes, ten others of his ndherents
casting their votes in blank. From
Geneva, the ex-Queen issued n protest
against the election of Amitdeiis to tho
throne. Don Alfonso meanwhilo was re
ceiving tho usual education of a Bour
bon Prince, under the supervision of
priests and Spanish courtiers who still
adhered to the fortunes of the exiles,
until last October, when, by permission
of the British government, ho was ad
mitted to tho Military School at Sand
hurst, England, where he remained un
til he received the invitation to visit the
Spanish army of tho North and acted
upon it. On Dec. 2'2d nn address of
congratulation was sent to him by Span
ish grandees, to which he replied, as
suring them that the monarchy alone
could terminate the disorders and un
certainty which prevail in Spain, and
that a majority of tin people of Spain
were agreed, and had declared that ho
only is "the rightful representative of
the Spin Hi Monarchy."
A Native "Thanksgiving" Dinner.
It is an old established custom here,
says nn American naval oflieor writing
from the Saiufwieh Islands, for every
subject to go at least once n year to the
residence of the King with a gift. It
usually consists of fruit, vegetables,
pigs, or poultry. For some time past long
processions called ImLnptt have poured
into the palace grounds with these offer
ings to the King. It is a picturesque,
and even touching sight to see the
simple-hearted people, with their volun-
; tary gilts olten nothing more than a
' bunch of bananas or a few roots of taro,
1 (but tho best they have) thus render
J homage to their chief. Sometimes a re
i fractory pig, unconscious of the honor
j nbout to be conferred upon him, breaks
! from the ranks, and has to be carried;
or an irrepressible rooster begins to
, crow, giving a ridiculous touch to the
picture. If it could be supposed that
j one-hundredth part of the pyramid piled
I before the palaco was cooked for dinner,
the tables would, indeed, have groaned.
Whole boat loads were sent to the sailors
j of the Benecin, and there was still
; enough left for all Honolulu to give
1 thnuks over.
About Newspaper rootage.
A vexed question lias arisen under the
new United States postal law compelling
publishers instead of subscribers to pay
the postage on their papers. Hundreds
of letters are daily reaching publishers
setting forth that they paid yearly post
age in advance last June, ami now they
want to know by what right they are re
quired to pay it anew from January 1.
We don't know 'of any light, says the
New York Suit. Congress has no power
to invalidate contracts, yet its new postal
law does just this thing. Of course, as
the publisher is compelled to pay from
January 1, whether the subscriber has
paid in advance or not, he looks to the
subscriber for reimbursement. We sup
pose, to meet such cases as that of our
correspondent, it is competent fur the
postmaster-general to older the local
postmaster to reimburse the subscriber.
If the post-ollice department will receive
the receipts of such subscribers from
the publisher nt valuo in part payment
of weekly postage bills, every publisher
will be happy to aid the department
and the public in setting right what is
now evidently a wrong and a hardship.
A (.'ootl Suggestion.
i A saving woman at the head of the
family is the very best savings bank es
! tablished one receiving deposits daily
j and hourly, with no costly machinery to
manage it. The idea of saving is a
: pleasant one, and if the women would
J imbibe it at once, they would cultivate
; and adhere to it, and when they are not
S aware of it, would be laying the foimda
I tion of a security in a storm time nnd
shelter in a rainy day. Ihe woman who
sees to her own house has a large field
to work in. The best way to make her
comprehend it is to have an account
kept of all current expenses. Probably
not one woman in ten has an idea how
much are the expenditures of herself oud
lumily. here from one to two thou
sand dollars are expended annually,
there is a chance to save something if
the effort is made. Let tho housewife
take tho idea, act upon it, and she will
save many dollars perhaps hundreds
where before she thought it impossible.
This is a duty, yet not a prompting of
avarice, but a moral obligation that rests
upon the woman as well as upon the
The wspnper Will Do It.
One of the surest indications by which
to judge of the enterprise and intelli
gence of a community is be found in tho
character of the newsjiapers which it sup
ports. It may be taken for granted, as a
rule, that the patronage of local news
papers is in proportion to the intelli
gence and thrift of the population that
they are intended to serve; and though
of course the ubilities of the conductors
of such journals have an important in
fluence upon their fortunes, the fact still
remains that, as a rule, communities
which support their local press liberally
get in return newspapers which are credi
table to the towns in which they are pub
lished. A neatly-printed, handsome
newspaper, with all its columns well
filled, is u proof which rarely fails that it
is issued in a prosperous, go-ahead town.
Shakers Ejected.
The Shakers' community at New
Forest Lodge, near Lymington, in Eng
land, were ejected from their residence
by the sheriff, acting for the mortgagee.
Twenty men and 111 women and chil
dren wero turned out, together with all
their furniture, to the value of jl,000.
Shelter was offered them, but they re
fused it, and stayed in the road all
night singing and praying. The weath
er was most inclement, snow and heavy
rain falling throughout the night, ac
companied by a strong east wind. Tho
scene in the morning was beyond de
scription, whole families crouching to
gether with such covering as they could
obtain on the roadside, half perished
with cold and hunger.
Forty-eight Young Men's Christian
Associations own buildings to the value
of two million dollars. There are nine
hundred and forty Young Men's Chris
tian Associations ui this country.
Items ol Intr-rrnt from Home nnd Abroad.
Ooorgo Heilly was convicted of burglary in
tlio ncconrl degren, in breaking into tho miser
liiitlior Bryant's room in New York, from which
$123,000 worth of money and valuables wore
stolon. He was sentenced to ten yearn in State
prison Two men, captured in rulaski
county, Ark., a few weeks ago for robbing a
store and boat in Yell county, wero convicted hi
tho Circuit Court at Little Itock, and cnt to
the jienitontiary for fivo years. Tho men be
longed to a gang of four who wore supposed to
bo the Gadxhilluin. . . .Mrs. Cronk, of Wanaquo,
N. J., who was cliargod witli killing 'Junius
Luke, a neighbor, who frequently offered her
insults, haH been indictod for manslaughter.
Tho rassaic county prosecutor made an elTort
to induce the grand jury to indict for murder in
the flint degree, but without success Com
modore Vanderbilt has purchased from Mr. B.
Wntovson, of Now Jersey, tho bay trotting
gelding Boy for $0,000 Tho election in
Nowbnryport, Mass., for Mayor' in plnco of
Gushing, elected and declined, resulted in the
choice of the Hon. B. F. Atkinson, Republican,
over Eliphalet Giiflin, Jlrmocrat, by 4G
majority in a total vote of 1,352 Ooneral
Sheridan telegraphs that Captain- Keycs lias
captured 52 Clieyeiiiios and 70 ponies at tho
north folk of tho Canadian river. Ooneral
Pope report b tho surrender of 100 more hoHtile
CheyenncH and Arrnpnlinrs to I.ienr.-CVl.
Neill at the agency t'hauncey ltose, of
Terra Haute, Ind., mada a donation to iiiHlilu
tions located there of $350,000, divided bb
follows : To the Tcrro Haute. School of Indus
trial Science if '00,000, and to tho Vigo county
Orphans' Homo 150,000. Ho has before
given large sums in benevolence and charity,
including $100,000 to tho Ladies' Aid Society of
j Tcrro Hanto, $50,000 to Wabash College, and a
largo sum to charities in Now York. Ho has
; also promised $100,000 to the Indiana Stato
Normal School, located there Tho oflicial
IJawtte of Berlin publishes Prince Bismarck's
circular note of the 14th of May, 1S72, which
was reml in the secret schsien pi tho im
Arnim trial. Tho note declares that because
of the declaration of the dogma of the infalli
bility of the Pope it is desirable thai the powers
should tako steps toward concerted action in
view of the next Papal election.
John Murphy, who was banged at Carson,
Nevada, for the murder of J. 11. McCallum,
vas a native of Scotland, and at one time
traveled with John ('. Ifeenan, giving Bparring
exhibitions Wharton Brothers i Co., iron
Aianufaclurers, tiled their petition in bank
ruptcy. The aggregate of the libilities of the
firm is $219,5:11. The assets are stated at
$:103.517 Thomas Beimel, Treasurer of
Cumberland county, Mo., was knocked down
in his ollice and the safe robbed of between
tH.OiiO nnd $10,000. One of the rubbers first
engaged his atteu'iou by ivdiing to have a
check cashed mid immediately afterward
knocked him senseless. With the aid of a
confederate, tho safe was plumb-red of its con
tents. Mr. lVmieU's poekutH were also rilled..
The thieves escaped A terrific faction
fi'ht between the Dwyors and O'Briens nt
kin's Mills in Tcmplcton. Canada, took place ou
Christmas day. Tbero wero seventeen of
lawyer's adherents to lift ecu of O'Brien's.
They fought until evening and every man had
to be carried away. A priest tried to stop the
lighting, but ho was alto beaten The
superintendent of tho New York stato Asylum
for the IiiKtue says that Kate Stoddard, who
killed Charles Goodrich in Brooklyn, is a hope
less lunatic John Johnson, the murderer
of Andrew Johnson, was sentenced in Clove
land, Ohio, to be hanged on tho 2th of April.
John Goodman was hanged in Ottawa, for the
murder of the Haywood family last April. Tho
prisoner confessed tho crime while on
Jeremiah Post, a farmer, of 1'ast Meadow, j
Long Island, went to New York with a load of !
hay. On his return he i-topped at Hempstead j
an.l took several drinks. In the morning his i
wife, alarmed at his absence, went to the barn.
: There sho taw the wagon overturned, and '
found Mr. Tost under the wagon, bis neck !
broken. The wagon was loaded with Mans,
and had been unset by piles of stones 1
Since tho famine set in in Asia Minor 50,000 '
persons have migrated from various parts of
the country to the city of Ad ma, half of wkoni !
have since succumbed to disease. The Btrango i
climate, distress, and extreme rapaciousness I
of tho tax-gatherers aggravate tho mortality. !
Mrs. Nolan was found dead in bed in
Chicago with a knife wound in her side.
two little children arc too young to givo any ac
count of tho mother's death. The. husband
said his wife died about nine o'clock. That ho
went for help, and afterward got drunk, and
failed to return. Ho professes to know nothing
about his wife's wounds Two men, Fuller :
and Clemens, at Fredericksburg, Mo., quarreled '
ubout whisky, and Clemens shot Fuller with a i
double-barreled shot gun, putting tho contents I
of two barrels into him. Fuller, although :
nearly blown to pieces, stabbed Clemens, almost ,
disemboweling him. Both men died j
1 Another case similar to the Guibord litigation
' is likely to arise out of tho refusal of the !
; ltomau Catholic clergy to bury tho remains of
I a late murderer at St. Mario, in consecrated
! ground. The remains are interred for the
' present in an unconsecrated portion of the
cemetery The recent labor dispute in tho
Bestroada slate quarries, South Wales, which
. aated nearly three months, cost tho workmen
I about $123,000, besides the lows, in wags
I There are nearly 22,000 granges erganized in
the United States. Missouri, Iowa, and Teu
! nessee are the banner States. Tho membership
j exceeds 1,300.000. It is claimed that the
; oider now lias over $17,000,000 invested in
elevators, grain warehouses. Hour mills, agri
! cultural implements, cattle-feeding materials,
, and similar factories, banks, fire, and storm
i insurance companies The Spanish army
j accepted Don Alfonso as King. The young
j mau'is a sou o' ex-Queen Isabella, and eighteen
! years of age,
j Belgium has recognized Don Alfonso, and
I it is announced that most if not all of the
courts of Europo will do so as soon as his
representatives are accredited The United
States public debt statement shows au increase
of $3,059,007.88 during the month of Decem
ber i coin balance, $82,5S7,440.91 j currency
balance, $13,592,031,22 ; certificates of deposit,
$41,200,000 ; coin certificates, $23,510,000
A dispatch has been received from tho Carlist
headquarters denying any defection on the
part of either officers or men, in consequence
of the proclamation of Don Alfonso, or in favor
of the new king A company of United
States cavalry has parted from the Red Cloud
agency to oust the miners from the Black
Hills. . . .While Charles Myers, of Salem county,
N. J., was in jail, his wife was at work at a
neighbor's, his two boya, aged nine and eleven
years, amused themselves by building a fire iu
the shed adjoining the house. The flames
speedily got beyond their control, burning
down the building and au infant child that was
in the cradle The governments of Switzer
land, Australia, and Belgium have adopted
stringent measures against the importation
into those countries of American potatoes in
fected with the Colorado beetle F.x.-1'riest
Gordeman, of Philadelphia, has been remanded
for trial for the embezzlement of funds-belonging
to St. Bonif acius'a Roman Catholics Church,
after a bearing upon a habeas corpui.
A farm house and barn, with their contents,
owned by John Swallow, in Dunstable, Mass.,
were bnrnod. Mr. Bwallow entored tho burning
barn and was burned to doath Mary lynn
and Edward Muson wore burned to death by
the burning of Smith Lynn's bouse near
Blairsvillo, Pa., and Mrs. Lynn, another of his
daughters, and Clara Stewart wero fatally in
jured by jumping from the windows Tho
Sonhcgan National Bank of Milford, N. II.,
recovored most of its bonds and securities
stolon from its vault on the 10th of October
last. Tho property, amounting to about
112,000, was recovered through tho president
and oOlcials of the bank, who say the bonds
wore recovered witbiii 11 vo hundred miles of
that placo, nnd they claim that no compromise
was mado with tho robbers, Tho peoplo of
Milford aro Jubilant. Tho German Ambas
sador has informed tho Duko Decazos that
Germany iu prepared to recognize Alfonzo as
King of Spain. Tho king of tho Belgians has
sent bis personal congratulations to Alfonzo.
James McCanley is supposed to havo
been burned to dentil during a liro at Port
Jervis, N. Y County Treasurer Kblor, of
Milwaukee, has been obliged to vacate bis
ollice, being a dofaultor to the auount of
Tho father of Don Carlos has given his
adhesion to King Alfonzo. Other supporters
of tho Bourbon I'rclcnder are expected to fol
low his example, thus compelling Doy Carlos
to Iny down bis arms nnd recognize tho now
reijimr or rctiro to exile .... Upon tho assembling
of tho Louisiana Legislature an intense excite
ment existed. Both the men claiming to bo
Governor of the Slato issued proclamations to
the peoplo. Tho Conservatives elected Wiltz
for Speaker, tlio other party declining to vote.
Shortly after United Slates troops entered tho
Stale house and unseated tho newly-elect' d
Speaker and live other members. General
Sheridan is iu command at Now Orloans, and
telegraphed to Washington ns follows : I have
to announc e to you the existence in this Stato
of a spirit of dcllanco to all lawful authority
and nn Insecurity of life which is hardly re
alized by tlio general government or the
country nt large. The lives of citizens have
become o jeopardized that unless something
is dono to give protection to tho peoplo all
security usually afforded by law will bo over
ridden. Detinnco to tho lnws nnd tho murder
tif individuals seems to bo looked upon by tlio
community hero from a standpoint which gives
impunity to all who choose to indulge iu c ither,
nnd the civil government appears powerless to
punish or even arrest.
M. D. McCornnck, road supers isor of the
Kansas Pacific railroad, and also Mayor of
Brookville, has been arrested and committed at
F.llsworth, Kansas, charged with embezzling
largo sums of money from the Kansas Pacific
railroad during tho years 1S0S, 'GO, and '70
The residence of Milo Buggies, at Put-in-l!ay,
Ohio, was burned, nnd his mother, sister, and
sister's child was bullied to death. Mr. Bug
gies jumped from n window and was fatally in
jured Rachel Coward was sentenced to
twenty years' imprisonment iu New Brunswick,
N. J.. for killing Charles Ten Broeck Joseph
Shields, of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
was killed at Princeton Junction Alarms-
' til'A ill flrillK.Altni'rr SI I' il.t.,ivn.l nitf tl...
business portion of tho town. Tlio loss is
about 200,000, with but little insurance. Tho
Meroncy Hotel, the Orangeburg AVirs building,
nnd nil tho stores ou Russell street were de-
troyed The ox-King of the Two Si.ihes
has visited Alfonso, and assured him that the
Counts Cascrta and Bari will withdraw from the
Carlist cause James Jeffries, a member of
the Louisiana Legislature, has filed a suit in
tho United States Circuit Court against Generals
Sheridan, Emory, and Do Trobriaud, for irlOo,
000 damages for ejecting him from his seat in
tho House of Representatives. A similar suit
was also tiled by George D. Kelly, who was also
i ejected Tho United States ship Pcusacola
has been detailed to carry King Kalukaua to
his homo At Rotherham, England, an ex
plosion of tire-damp took placo in a coal mine,
killing eight persons.
Jloses Taylor and other citizens petition that
they were owners of merchant vessels which
were destroyed by the Shenandoah, and ask to
share in tiie award.
The following bills wero reported adversely
from the i-'inauce committee and indefinitely
postponed : The House bill tixing the umouut
of legal tender notes nt vIuu.ihiILOOO. The i
JIoukc bill authoriin uold note banks to issue i
circulation to tho extent of ninety per centum j
on the amount of United States builds deposited j
! ns security, anj Senator Stewart's bill to nro- !
mimcv on
1,, i,.,,,!..,.., r, k,,i..m ,,- ,,..11
as security.
Senator Alcorn's bill making United States
silver coins a legal tender for amounts not ex
ceeding -rlOd was reported adversely, but placed
on the c alendar.
Senator Davis's bill to reduce the tax on cir
culation of State bunks to un amount ciuul to
that paid by national banks wus reported ad
versely, but ou motion of Mr. Sargent was
place i on tho calendar.
Tho bill to remove tho limitation restricting
the circulation of banking associations issuing
notes pavuble in gold, was refuted favorably.
It provides: That so much of section 5. lSj i,f
the revised statutes of tlio United States ns
limits tiie circulation of banking associations
organized for the purpose of issuing bonds
payable in gold, Keverally. to tho umouut of
one million dollars, be. and the saino is, hereby
repealed ; and eac h of such existing banking
associations may increase its circulating notes,
and new bunking associations may be organized
in accordance with the existing law without re
spect to Much limitation.
Mr. Thurman (Dem.). of Ohio, offered the
following resolution: JtiHitrnl, That the
l'resident of the United States is berebv re-
ipiestcd to inform the Senate whether any por
tion of the army of the United States, or any
ollicer. oliiccrs. soldier or soldiers of such army
did iu any manner interfere or intermeddle
with, control or seek to control tho organization
of the lieneral Assembly of the State of Louisi
ana, or cither branch thereof, on the 4th inst.;
and especially whether nuv person or persons
claiming seats in each brunch of said Lcgisla- ,
ture have been deprived thereof, or prevented 1
from taking the same, by any such military j
forco, ollicer or soldier ; and, if such has been
tho case, then that tlio President inform the I
Senate by what authority such military inter
vention und interference have taken place."
Mr. Orr reported a bill granting right of way
and depot grounds to the Oregon t cntral I'acilie
railway. Mr. llolman moved au unienduient I
that tiie States through which the road muv I
pass shall always have tho right to regulate
the rates fur carrying freights and passengers.
Agreed to, and the bill passed
The new army bill, which was discussed, ap
propriates 27,71.5ii0. It forbids recruiting
beyond tlio number of 25.(100 enlisted men, in
cluding Indian scouts and hospital stewards.
Opinions of the Tress.
The Texas Xew Yorker Bays: "An
old Scotch physician onco said to or e of
his patients : Keep your feet wami,
your head cool, and your bowels open,
un1 there's little ."Use" can harm ye.'
This aphorism is full of wisdom, and ex
presses exactly what Dr. Walker's Cali
fornia Viuegar Litters will do for you.
We speak of what we know from nearly
two years, practical experience in the use
of this indispensable family medicine.
Its office is to attack a lazy, torpid liver,
and impart now life to this vital organ
a proper flow of bile and a prompt dis
charge ofreffote matter. A good diges
tion and appetite are restored to the
sutlerer. ure blood, the ' life of the
flesh, ' is scared, and the patient soon
feels himself a walking electrical battory.
Good health is more precious than line
gold Vinegar Bitters restores it, and is,
therefore, above price. The man who
discovered it is a philosopher and a
benefactor of hid raoe." Com.
All About Eggs.
A writer in tho Medical Journal, dis
coursing on dyspepsia says : We have
seen dyspeptics who suffered untold tor
ments'with almost every kind of food.
No licpiid could bo taken without suffer
ing. 5n-ad became a burning acid.
Meat and milk wero solid and liquid
fires. AVo have seen these same sufferers
trying to avoid food and drink, and even
going to tho enema spring for susten
ance. And wo have seen the torments
pass away and their hunger relieved by
living uiion tho whito of eggs, which
have been boiled in bubbling water for
t'.iirty minutes. At the end of n week,
we have given tho half yolk of tho egg
with tho while, and upon this diet alone,
without fluid of any kind, we havo seen
them begin to gain flesh and strength,
Olid refreshing sleep.
After weeks of this treatment, they
have been able, with cure, to begin upon
other food ; nnd all this, the writer
adds, without taking medicine. He says
that hard-boiled eggs are not half so bad
as lmlf-boiled ones, and ten times as
eay to digest as raw eggs, even in egg
"'gg. Tho huge, drastic, griping, sickening pills,
constructed of crude, coarse, and bulky ingredi
ents, arc fast being supei-scded by Dr. Pierce'n
l'lensant Purgativo Pellets, or Sugar-Coated,
Concentrated Root and Herbal Jnico, Anti
Bilious Granules tlio " Little Giant " Cathartic
or Mulliim in Yirro Physic. Modem chemical
science enables Dr. Pierco to extract from tlio
puces or tho most valnahle roots ami nertm
their active medicinal principles, which, when
worked into lit t lo pcllois or granules, scarcely
larger than mustard seed, renders each little
pellet ns active nnd powerful as a largo pill,
while t bey nro much more palatable nnd pleas
ant in effect.
Dr. Ira A. Thayer, of Baconsburg, Ohio,
writes: 'I regard your Pellets as I he best
remedy for the conditions for which yon pre
scribe them of anything I have over used, so
mild and certain ill effect, and leaving tho
bowels in nil excellent condition. It seems to
mo they must lake tho place of all other ca
thartic pills and medicines."
Lyon ,t Mncomber, druggists, Vermillion. D.
T.. say : "We think they nre going to sell like
hot calves as soon as people get acquainted
with Ihem.and will spoil the pill trado, as those
(hut havo used them like them much better
titan large pills."- Com.
Most people like to hear of a good
thing. Wo will tell thorn in confidence that, if
tin-y want to be dressed well, they should wear
the Warwic k Collar. An old adage says that
with a nice collar and clean boots a man nlways
looks well dressed. Remember the Warwick.
WoiiTHY or Note. An exchange says
there is scarcely a day passes that we do not
bear, either from persons comi' g into our
ollice or in sono olhor way, of the success of
.umwii's Anf(l.'u' IJnitiiftit in the cure of
coughs and colds, so prevalent nbout town just
now. Com.
I f we can benefit tins readers of this
paper any by recommending J'urMHt' I'uiyri
tirv I'll1 to be the best nnti-bilious medicine in
the country, we are willing to do so. We have
had ubout as good a chance to know ae any
one. ('O)ii.
ltllinem lor I S75. New liritMnrtlclp.RfUH Timid
ly, i'il'i.-,til.'. AiT'-nt u:int''d. succ-ss ifiininntcuil. A,lVs
h. S. -MANN 4 CO., 1!:1 N. Howard St., Ualtimure. .Md.
Tim Markets.
Ilocf 'attic l'l hue to l-'.xtra bullocks
oiiiliion to (,uucl Ic-Xiilis...
Mih-il I'mis
Hogs Live
Sin ei
Cotton Middling
lloiw Lxtra Wti-tern
Suite Kxtra
Wheat Iti'd V"stcrn
No. 2 Slniug
Kyi Stale
It-irlcv Slate
Hurley Mult
Outs Mixed Western
Corn Mixed We-tern
Hay. prr cwt
ns (rf
..50 U0 (a'.iO W
OTH" Oi'v.
0s)4'i.-6 0s,
. . o.'i.s, ) H7.;
OliVn; US'
14V, illi
4 115
4 9.r
1 21
1 12
1 30
1 HO
(a 5 2'l
v?, 8 2i I
tit, 1 2S
ts. 1 viH
W 91
(it, 1 42
r 1 4U
tit IHi
(4 S7
ca t'5
cs Ha
, is
120 01
id. V.iU
(n !4 no
Cn 10 f.O
l, 0 M
Straw, per ewt . . .
71b, 42m Id '5!ln 08
20 Ull
I Pork -Mcen
I ard
1' Muck'Tel No. 1, uew
' No. '2, new
Ilry Cod, per cwt ,
Hcrrinir, s.-aled, per box..
Petroli'iini C'nuie tt crf3
Wool California Fieeee
Texas "
Aut:-aliuu '
.la on
lo oa
. 6 en
311 C 3r
Kpflued, 12
a-2c 3-2 v.
ca 3i
(A 2s, 4 I.
Butter State
We.-deiu Itairy
(9 ii
Wesli-rn Velluw
Western Ordiuary
IVliiiNyivunia I'ilie
Cheesy St:le i acterv
. " Skimmed
Eggs State...
Hyp Stale...
Corn Mixed.,
Harh-y state.
Oath State...
1 3'.l 3 1 39
S7 (A S7
87,l;fi) 87,Y
1 4S ft 1 4S
ea'.jc ea.'tf
I fiour.........
4 7.1
1 04
1 00
1 iti
(S 0 (10
Cf- 1 07
M 81
erf M
lit 1 00
& 1 1:9
t w m at .o. z
! Corn Mixcil. ,
I : IK
1 live
. harii-y
Cotton T.nw Multiling
I'lour J'.y.ti-n lied
Corn Vi-ilow
(lata Mned
Flour 1', nnHylvati a Lxtra
Wheat Wt-Htcl U lied
Colli Y liow ..
Oats 51. x, U
13'efl) 14
fi 26 8 25
1 21 W 1 24
1(0 M 1 03
7'J l 82
03 (ii, P3
I'Ctf 05,V
5 BO
1 20
1 00
(i 6 25
M 1 23
& 1 00
tii, 85
(T., 85
m 64
lvtroleiuu Crude.
OSHcaoS'i Iloflued, 121,'
! S. Wlimlnw tfc Co., Ship
Hmkrr, l'nrtltttnlt .l x-iy , ' "Wo
nmcHtlythtnk yourScii Foil in Bu
iM'iinrlimH 4thr Hnkinir IVwdnni."
I'M. MOIIt A; ( O., tinr-rgt
N'jrt .-...''' Mi.tmtt :' Sfa Foam
fiinitiineti nil th (unliti8 dusln-d in
a lii'st-fljtsK HiikiiiK I'owiior." Try it.
"It la jul the thing for Pvt-pep-firs
ntii wt'jik pera.inn,. and ittr
t ill fur the t nmn and well." M:tny
Valuable cookuiK rt-eipes Bent tree,
-it'tnl for t'irriil;ir to
lil O. F. .KANT At CO.,
Uiyiiir mm Ni'v or k .
Habit Cured
A rc-i lulu and sure cure, without ineouvenic-nce,
ind nt liume. An antidote that stands purely on its
own merits. Send (or my quarterly raamzlne (M
v.r you nothing), containing certificates of hundreds
th:it hsvs been permanently cured. I claim to have
discovered and produced the rinsr obiouiai. akd
oiiLY suuK eras roa opivm eatihs.
Dll. 8. B. COL.LIXS, La Porte, Ind.
HAPI1CCREI at Home. So
I'Slilicltv. Terms moderate.
Time short. Four years of un-nni-Hllrleil
success. Describe case.
400 letUmotual: Address I)r.F.Ii.Marsh,tiulnc-,Mich.
S O f f and expenses a month to acents. Andres
9UUa,L ETomJAKU, Jonesvllle, Mich.
TVf flTlJ'P'Y "ipi'l'v wilb Stencil Key Check
-t'-- V i.1 J-i X Outrit. I '.-itnintfue. f;iTiipli)h and full par
ticulars I-'ri'i'. S. M. Si-f.m m. 117 HauMv rSt.. h.i -n.
"V 4 AlI."' 1 AfiKSTS tor the " 1,11V
ii i luir i::
.'Kiil.iriiliiinH ofDlt. 1.1 V.
IXChTIIM:." Complex), authentic; a fresh book.
Pricu suiu-d lo the titm'-. Address
ii. I. KUSSKLL, Publisher, Boston, Mass.
llf anvanrl nTorvlrinrl R frill fctftllin
iuii iniorma-
Ull. T. P. lUILUK
1RUV, U1VH1 CUl'SlV, O.
(MIlTIIIVt; Kill YOU. Band stamp and get
IMi.e lo all. Aililre&s
HURST A CO., 76 Nassau Street, New York.
corrt forms of PliJ8, LKP-
koby. Scbofula, Ring
Worm, Salt Rhkum, Can
rial, Catarrh, Nkuralgia,
Rhetm AiibM , Asthma
DYbPEFhiA, Kidneys, and
all dutaies of th (SKIN and
BLOOD. Entirely vcjrtabi.
Money returned in all casua
of f.n
aj. iUVVLK. Clitwiit, Boctou. bolj
$1 bottle. Send ior Circular.
CDM CDC V r FITS cured bytbeureof Robs
UriLtro I Epileptic Remedies. Trial Pack-
m. s airM t'rrtt. Fur circulars. BTldeuce ol
uucbbit, etc., addteu R.QbS BROS., Richmond, lud.
(JihyK A VKEIi
r .
A vent wauled everywhere. Fa
atica A Walseb, Pajtua, Ohio
TtlR NEW Vonit FIRESIDB COMPANION Itandi at th head of all the Weekly papers
ruhllshecl In ths United States. In clroalatlon ll tqual to that of tho molt nldely circulated
journ;il In the world. ' . .....
TlK-p-eat feature of 77,e A'ew Tort Flrtridt Companion IsOood Contlnned Storle.
It eontnlm the sweetest and purest love stories. It has the largest list of popular story WTiteni, and
cmstniiily oflre better stories than any other paper. Our readers will hear witness to our un
its tried i-tToris In i.i.,irt,,w fi, ,.. finrinff 1fi7n ir hnne to furnish a ercuer number or
good Btnrles and a greater amount of good matter of all descriptions, than has ever been (riven bu- :
fore. As a Family Piiper, Th Xtm Yok fHrmvIt Companion is without a peer. At d
in t oiiimura Ntorles will be pubiisnea constantly, ann new .irj i
commenced about every second week, so that new readers will be aid to get the beginning of a i
siory of Ihe new-dealers, or of ns, no matter at what lime they may subscribe. Back numbers
can always be Lad, containing the cemmenvement of erery story.
Th following in a partial Ul of our 'cmfri'6rc'r or 19T5. . . . , :
No effort Is spared to add lo the Interest and variety of the contents of the paper. Beautiful ;
engravlnifs are distributed to subscribers free as supplements. Early In ls.75 we shall publish
A ttw Mori hit Mm. onmner Hnyitm. A Jfrtii Morn by An Ha 1'ennr.
A tirw Hiortt bu titlvnr Untie. Author of "True to his Aim." etc.. etc.
A AVro story bif Tulip hiwtitr, Author of
Detective ; " '.'The Lightning Detective," etc.
Ate Htnru bi 1'rtif. Jam- Un Miltm,
A Xrw Htnrit bu Ttr. .nin II. William,
fortune;" .naurice rilntj-' " unner a nasK," eic.
A ffrw Stnry by Mrs. ljuru Randall Comfort, Author of "Little day, or Disinherited," etc.
JIumaroul Artlclr by I'rtroleum V. Knthy.
A A-so Mary by frank Cori-y, Author of "Sweetheart and Wife," et.
The paper will have the best Short Stnrim. Sketch, Vnetrji. Itiography, fi7i
ion Articles, Jlumor, Uotnip, and Xatirrt in V.ormpamlmis.
No efforl or pains arc spared to make the CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMN most attracllre and
useful to our renders. This department Is edited by a gentleman of wide experience and sound
Judgment, and a vast amount of Information Is given: answers to questions relating to lore and
etiquette; legal and medical questions; Information for the kltehea and household ; In fact, an
swsrs to all questions that turn up In life, csn be found In this column.
Jl KA in Mi poll hl'lTLE FOLKS. This is and will continue to be one of the
prominent features of the paper. The contributions to tills department aro by the very foremost
writers for children In the country. This alone maes the FIRESIDE COMPANION Invaluable to
every household where there are children. We know of instances where the little ones Insist upon
having these articles read over and over again to them before the paper of the following week is issued
The largest and most select popular weekly for young folks. It Is the only paper which con
tains the kind of storieswbich mothers want to read aloud to little ones, and which every father may
unhesitatingly place in the hands of bis children. It contains a larger amount and variety of good
reading fur girls and boys than can be had in any other weekly or monthly periodical.
COMI'ANION : One copy of .Vunro't Girlt and Boyt of America will be sent for one year
to any subscriber in the United States on receipt of $2.00; tiro copies for $; or, nine copies for
$16. The A'ew York- Firei idt Companion will be sent for one year on receipt of $.1; two copies
for $.; or, nine copies for $20. Getters up of Clubs can afterwards add single copies at $-2.ri0 each.
We will be responsible for remittances sent In Registered Letters, or by Post Office Money Orders.
Both papers sent to one address for $1.S0. Postage free. Specimen copies, with pictures, sent free.
GEORGE MUNR0, Publisher, 84 Beekman Street, New York.
1 O. HOX, 0057.
P A & l-i I O li & f " Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar."
B nWI I I WlH-WiThe only Magazine that IMPORTS
STYLES aud SELLS Patterns or tbctu. Only $ I . I O a year, wltU
a splendid premium.
Btf iT CC17P
V4 UrrbKl
tiful OVERSKIRT with Clolli IModel, wiil be given FREE, as a Pre
mlum, to the person who will CUT THIS OUT, and Fend it wiih their tub
ecription to the " BAZAAR." No pontage on the magazine next
ycarl " CHANCERS
"Smith's) Instruction
iu tcuiii analogue niauea lur one sianipt
Address, very plain.
Th C01RASR" OTtnUrt,
lull ImoorUMl. kll thi.",,'1
ITic of I'ltlrrm, witli Cloib Mo3l BO Ct8
TO 820 PRR HAY usllr mad mm
HsTsTsV u"r' "onm muu, riuuinu. Lswjri
irirls nil over the count rv to Mil our
anyone, wewmii men, woman, Days ana
Jr K'3l Kniznivinps, Chrotnos, Crayon Draw
" inrs, Iltuniination , Photir?Taph1eto.,eto.
We now puhllHli the hnettt assortment ever placed befor
(he public, and our prices aro marked down to low a to
defy ail competition. Tiioae v ho cannot tfive the bunt
DftM their whle time, or go tar away from borne, can add
a handsome little, sum to their income by working for pa
! iu meir uwd loutiiiiin tiuriiiu imnr npiiru lime,
j We have many old arrentB nt woik for us who hare
j made can valuing for books, papers, etc., their tmsliieM
for yearn, and Iheyall report that tuoy can make touch
; more money at work for ns than at anything elite. Oar
f ricea are so low that all can afford to purchase, and
lieretore the piuturtwt sell at sight at .ilnwut every house,
i New beginners do as well an agents who have had large
t experience, for our beautiful suhjert and low price are
i appreciated by all. To make Urne sales everywhere, all
an agent hap to do Is toshov the piirtnres fnun uon&e to
house. Don't lo.ik for work elsewhere until you have
seen what great inducements we offer yoa to make
money. We have not space to explain all here, bat send
us your address aud we will send toll particulars, free,
by mail. Don't delay if you want profitable work for your
leisure hours, or for your whole time. Now ts the favor
able time to engage in this business. Our picture are
the Anest and most pleasing in this country, and are in
dorsed by all the leading papers, including the New York
Herald. Those who cannot give the bu nimbus their entire
attention, can workup their own localities and make
handsome sum without ever being awny from home over
night. Let all who want pleasant, pi'olitaldA employment,
without linking capital. Bend us their addresses at one,
and learn all about the business for themselves. Pieaae
state what paper you saw this advertisement in.
GEOUtjiE HTINSON A C O., Art Publisher,
1'ortluml, Maine.
, W Pl-;it OA V Cummii-Mim, or Mill) a week hi
Jdd9 Hry und ExueiifcHrV YVh offer it and will iiy
l Apply now. a. WKB1.KK A 'P.. Martou. O.
g?!gt!OK. AdESTS WUTEii
Pv Mrt. P.cnhmiBe of Salt City, for It
Mar tUe wile of a Mormon Hifh 1 rietL In
Uutliictioo ly Mm. Mutt c Thw torv nt
. oman'a eijiericncc hyt hare the "Ariiew (vs.
mysteries, tec ret dump, etc. of the ftlurntunt nc .
" wide-awake woukih m cj tliem." Uniiht, I tiro
T.t tirrut It i Hip twtl new hook out. aCkUU7
OvrrjluiLtntj with pood thmyi for all. It U popular .-'itj
where, with everybody, and ouUflU ill other bouki tire. M
ona. Miiiiatcrs toy ' V $)cd tt.' .Eminent women
endorse it Everybody wnnu it t and atjenU nro celling
Irom 10 to CO a iluy f 85th thwaantl now in prctsi Wj
want fiJOOiiiore trusty ogfiita NO W mm or womm-sp 1
.t will mail Oul til ( rvvto thoat who V.I canvoa. iai,-
pamphUU with lull particular, Win, tu; nt .- U 4
iLVdujvM A. 1. WoRTnmuioM l( Co., UiirUord- Cunn.
A Book exposing tho mytteriea of WATT
and how unv one may operate mc- JJXi Ull
ceaiully with h cut'itnl ot or )4MH. CompMe
instructions mid illuitrati"iiis to hiij uddrttat. TI'.M
ltlCIIX'i: iV 4., JiANKliRS AMD ilUOUKUS, li AVtUl
Str'et, N'hw York.
HaMiiK tiUK-Mcii twenty year batweoa Uleant,
death with AhillMA, I eipitnieute4 by trnm
imundiuit roo la and l.erbe and iHUallDf ttie mad.
ictne. I fortunately diaroveied a wondarftai
rrmenj mu aura r lira ior Aaihtnaaad ratairh.
Wanantfd to reltev auvritat paraiyaie ! ttie patient can 1 fa down lo rcatead
alerp romfni tably. Ui uegiata are anppltad with
'"'"l1" ir rui uiairiDillton. Bold of
dmjtiri-iB. pHrkage l.v mail l. as,
P. tA.(.I LL, Applo t-'reclL, Obiah
fAA AiiKNTS VANTi:i immediately, to sel
)wtl very desirable New Patent articles for housa
keepers snd others. G. J. Caphwell, Cheubire, Conn
Ati i:T.H WANTKO. M on or women. H34 a
week, or (100 fortt'ited. Valuable tutmpli trrt,
Wriffatnnceto F. M. KKKit, Tight h Street, New York-
AOY i:UTIi:itS ! Knd 23 rciita to GEO. F.
KUWKIsli 4 CO., 41 Park Row, N. Y .fnr their
l amjhletof HKI M',eout4iiiiinK lists of 3(NM) news
15,000,000 Rlne.
TO.OOO Klnat-rs,
U.bOO l iuiK 1
Btrdwsr Bell TrirTa.
l:.oi-r 1 1, hius. pr 100 til, it
Tnnfrt ( 1,V5, oj 01.ll, post Vi4,
Cif culsrs Ir... Addrcu
a.T. auxaco. iMUtK,iu,
Jii Apt-Ma Wiinteil tor
B tbsamlDeut Dr. PANWA8T, ILLUSTRATED. It Is
kitjh-iimvd and rompels upon dlirai subittoU aud heno.
1. imlDensely pnpuliLr. ror particulars and terms address
HUBHAKli hko.S., publisber., tlilw PtilUdelphla,
Dotwaw uuguiwi.
II "ll
"Old Sleuth, the Detective;" "The Shadow (
Author of "
The Babes In the Wood;" "The
Author of "Deadly Foes;"
'Fifhtlnt for a
ELEVATORS, and the Fatten of this beau
I " ""nd for onr term, sample copy. 25 eta.
Book, or Secret of Dreamaklngt"
P. O. Box 055. S14 Broadwav. Now Tnrlr CitVr.
Dr. J. Walker's California Vin
egar Hitters nro a purely Vegctablo
preparation, mado cliielly from tho na
tive hoibs found on tho lower ranges of
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, the medicinal properties of which
are extracted therefrom without tlio uso
of Alcohol. Tho question is almost
daily asked, '' What is tho cause of tho
unparalleled success of Vixkoai: Uit
TEKst" Our answer is, that they removo
the cause of disease, and tho patient re
covers his health. They are tlio great
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
& perfccS .Renovator nnd Invigorator
of the system. Nover before in the
history of tlio world has a medicine lieoti
compounded rossessiiifr the rcinnrknlilo
qualities of Viknoar 13ittkrs in heiilinjr the
ick of every disease man is heir to. They
are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic,
relieving Conpestion or In (lamination ol
the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Uilioua
The properties of Dr. Walker's
INEGAR Bittkrs are A perient. Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic,
Bedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera
tive, and Anti-Bilious.
i. II. MrUO.YALT) A CO.,
i. :i-isis and Gen. Airta., Francisco. California,
and cor. of Washington and Charlton St.. N. .
Sold by all Drugglfctx anil Dealers.
N. Y. "N. U.-No. 5.
C CONSTANT K.tlPl.OY.tlKVr. At home, Mala
J or Komnlu, S30 a wi-tik uiiirttnted. Nn capital rc-
3 Hired. Particulars and valuable Bainpips sent fi-po. Ad
ress, vrll h tie return stamp, C. K'iKS,illiamal)uri;h.N.Yi
A MONTH Aants wanted ervr
where. Husiness honorable and 1 rst
elnas. Particulars sent free. Adc rets
WORTH A 0(1., St. Louis, Mo.
A Monthly Journal of lrt paffee. Kvrj' Miller and Mill
WTlglit should take it. Addre SIMPSON A CAl'LT,
Ciutpn tti, O. $1.00 per annum. iSend for Bample copy.
riivmE LETTER FILE la useful toeverv
ilVjT-i.-i' business man, to keep BlLLa,l.i,T.
,i!!";jsi i&UB or rwins aiwajs clean
ana in aipnaoeucai oraeri ooia.
4,000 Letters, can be used on a deek
or huns to the wall. Wo prepay
Exprcsachargea. Send for alrcular
ana prloe list with 1,000 referenaes.
Address O. A. COOK tt OO Chicago, m.
The Ways
of Women,
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