The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 14, 1875, Image 3

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Itidgfay Insurance igenty.
Repwr.ntlnq Cash Anett of
a5,0'G7.744 49
GernWAm., New York. 1,050,000,00
Niagara ef New York 1.019,933,00
Amazon Cincinnati of 850,957 17
City Ids., C, of I'rovideneejl 90,854 32
Travelers Life k Accident
Hartford 2,OCO,000,00
Vorth American Mutual of
New York 5,000,000,00
Equitable of New York 15,000,000,00
Insurauce effects in any of the above
standard companies at the most reasona.
terms, consistent with perfect security
to the insured.
J. O. W. BAILEY, Agent.
Cmr Time at tltdgway.
Mail Fast 4:45 P: M.
d West 2:33 P. M
Through Local, East 8:20 A. M.
do do West fl:20 r. M.
Local East 4:50 P. M
do West P;20 A. M.
The Mail and Through Local carry
tiassengers, the local does not.
The stated meetings of Elk Lo.lge, No.
879, are held at their hall, corner of Main
and ftepot streets, an tho second and fourth
Teesdays of each month
TV. C. IIEALY, Sec'y.
Hates ef Advertising.
ftaa column, ene year $75 00
I " 40 00
I . 25 00
J " 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.50, three insertions. $2.
Basiaess cards, ten lines or less, per
year $.
Advertisements payable quarterly.
The Senate Finance lill was passed
in the House at Washington yesterday
by an almost strictly party vole, there
not being a Democratic vote recorded in
its favor! It would appear that the De
mocracy fancied the ltcpubHcsns were
stealing their political thunder in pre
paring the way out of our financial
difficulties, and so far as was in their
power they have hinderfd and en
deavored to prevent the passage of any
financial measure. While a majority
of the State delegations in the House
voted against the Senate bill yesterday,
it was supported by a majority o' the
, delegations frem New England, New
York, New Jersey, I'cnusylvaniai
South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi,
Indiana, Illinois, Michigtn, Wisconsin,
California and Kansas. The Pennsyl
vania delegation voted as follows.'
l'eas Messrs. 1 O'Neil, Myers,
Haruier, Uiery, Smith, Kiiliuger, Shoe
maker Strawbridge, Packer, Cessna,
Curtis, llichmoud, Taylor, Negley,
Thompson, Moor, Todd and Scofiehl.
Nays Messrs. Randall, Kelley,
Towuseud, Clyuier, Storm and Ma;:eo.
Messrs. Spear, Albright and Tloss
were absent.
The bill now goes to the President
for his approval, which it will recaive
as it in main, conforms with the recom,
tsemdatioas of his late message. The
main features of the bill are reproduced
for the benefit of those of our readers
who may not be acqaain'.cd with them:
First Free banking, to be open to
all individuals and associations without
limitation of capital.
Second The retiring of an amount
of greenbacks equal to eighty per cent,
of the amount of new national notes
issued until the greenback circulation
shall bo reduced to ?300,C00.000, after
which no furthet reduction of green
backs is to take place, (It is claimed
that by this provision there will be
neither expansion nor contraction of
the currency, as about twenty per cent,
is now required as bank reserves.)
Third The withdrawal aud destruct
ion of fractional currency aud the sub
stituien of silver coin, the arrangemtut
to go into effect as soon as practicable,
under direction of the Secretary of the
Treasury, who is authorized to use sur
plus money for supplying silver coin,
and if tbis is not sufficient, to sell the
requisite amount of bends of the tew
series to obtain funds for that purpose.
Fourth The removing of the cost
for the coinage of gold at the several
Fifth The resumption of specie pay
ments to commence on the first day of
January, 1879, The Secretary is
authorized to use the surplus specie in
the Treasury, but, if that is not suffi
cient, to sell bonds in order to obtain
gold to pay Treasury notes. But this
last provision does not like the others,
go into immediate effect. The Legal
Tender act remains undisturbed. 1 ills
burgh Telegraph.
Appletons Amiri can Cyclopidu
that the revised, and elegantly illus
trated edition of this work, now being
published, a volume of 800 pages once
ia two months, is the best Cyclopedia in
America, is certain. No library is com
plete without it, It is a completerone
in itself. It only costs $3 a aiontk to
get it in leather binding. The best and
cheapest library ia the world.
C. K. Judsoa Fredonia, N. Y. con
trols the tale of it ia Northern Pennsyl.
vauia. Apply to bim for fall particu
lars. A citizen in New Haven, Conn.; ex
pended $50 to 52 during the last year
ia stamping 3,08G for postage. Honest
reeipitants returned fjl 9 to 65 of this
Mkiiabi, WmnniiT has been swor n in as
Commissioner of Elk County.
We are now prepared to do job work
Give us a call for neat bill beads, let
ter heads, tegs, cards, etc
Service at the Lutheran church next
Sundny morning in tho German language,
and evening In the English language, by
Rev. I. Brenuetnan.
The Advocate office can now Le
found in Thayer & Ilagarty's now builJ
ing, Main etreet. We invite all onr
frienda to call on ui in our new quar
ter. Tdb December number of Pen and
Plata, edited by J. Pjyne Liwe, New
York, for one dollar a year, is received.
Pen and Plow is a beautifully printed
and ably edited sixteen page monthly.
A large and spirited meeting was
held in Pittsburgh last Wednesday
night to call forth no expression of views
ia regard to the needed improvements
in the navigation of tho Ohio river, and
to memorialize Congress in regard to the
Jacob Weise, the first male child
born in Thillipsburg, died suddenly at
his residence in Morris township Clear
field County, on Thursday the 17th ull.
He was born on the 13th of August,
1800 in the first building erected
in Phillipsburg.
The body of an unknown old man,
supposed to be that of a drover was
found in a field in the towa of She.
hesequin, Bradford county, on Monday
under circumstances that leave no doubt
that he was murdered. The murdered
man was about seventy years old. .
We are under obligations to Will. F.
Richards, C. W. Barrett and Irve Cum
mings of the Democrat office, and also
to Wm. Walker, for their assistance in
getting out tho Advocate last week
which assistance was necessitated by
the smashing of our little finger while
aioving our office.
We have had quite a run of sleigh
ing for a few days. The Dickinson
Bro. are improving their time by put
ting in a great many hemlock logs.
This is the first real sleighiug of the
season, and is no doubt fully enjoyed
by our business men, as it has a ten
dency to enliven trade.
The weather last Saturday, Sunday
and Monday, was the coldest of the sea
son. The thermometer standing some
of tho time as low as eighteen de
grees below zero. Oue of our citizens,
speaking of the cold, said that on Satur
day night, it was down to Emporium,
but on Sunday morning it had gone
dowu to Pvkcr's Landing.
Daniel Ecui,l has been sworn in as
sheriff of Elk Owunty, vice D. C.
Oyster, whose term expired January
1st. Iu this connection we will add,
without any disparagement to other ex
sheriffs, that D. C. Oyster has the
credit, and justly earned too, of having
been the most efficient sheriff that Elk
county has ever hud. In all the busi
ness of the office he has ever been
found faithful, and leaves the office
with the good wishes of all persons fol
lowing him.
men. Judge John Fairer, Republi
can Assemblyman, elect from Washing
ton County, died on Wednesday eve
ning lust of typhoid fever, lie was
about forty-five years of age.
Hon. S. S. Wolf, Democratic mem.
ber-elcct 'to the lower house ol the Leg
islature of this state from Centre County,
died at his residence in Centre Hill
Friday night of typhoid lever. This is
the fourth vacancy that has been made
in the Legislature by death.
Wi would advise our lilliputian friend
Miller ot the Democrat not to meddle any
longer with the large breeds like the
Brahuias, but to stick to his own, t he
Bantams, that is if they will own h'm,
which we doubt, judging from his mental
and physical proportions we think our big
Brahma would not find head enough on him
to make a decent mouthful even to scratch
at. Still if the little chap thinks differently
and if by any mighty effort he cats turn
his lazy bones out early in the morn
ing, we invite him to call at feeding time
and by comparison for himself, we however
want the interview to be short for wc don't
want our rooster's mouth eoiruptcd by asso
ciating with a dunghill.
WITNESS FOR. 1873. Published by JOHNT
DOUG ALL, No. 2 Bpruce Street (Tract
House), New Vork. The Wsiklt Wirxcss,
which lacks two months of being three
years old, has attained the circulation, un
precedented in bo short a time, of over
50,000 copies, a resilt due to the largo
amount of tin choicest reading matter
which it has given for the exoeePiug'.y low
price of $1 20 per annum postage paid,
or 60o. for a half year. New subscribers
may have it for 30o for a quarter on trial.
Iu order to have the paper become ex
tensively known, epeoiamn copies are sent
gratis and post-paid to all who apply for
them by postal card, or otherwise.
The Daily Witness, containing news,
markets, financial reports, and much ex.
ceUent reading matter, is $3 per annum,
$1 CO for six months, or 75 cents per quar
tar. A New 'York daily, post-paid, for
thrae dollars is a new thing.
Order, checks and drafts are to be
made jay libit lothe proprietor,
Business Law.
The following brief compilation of
business law is worth a careful preserva
tion, os it contains tho essence of a
largo amount of legal verbiage.
It is not necessary to say on a note
"for value received,"
Contiac's made on Sundiy cnanot be
A note made by a miner is ' void.
A contract made with a minor is also
A contract made with a lunatic is
A note ebtaiued by fraud or from a
person in a state ol intoxication, cannot
be collected.
If a note is lost or stolen it does not
release tho maker; he must ply it it tbc
consideration fur which it was given aud
the amount can bo proven.
An indorser of a note is exempt from
liability if not served with notice of
dishonor within twenty-lour hours of its
Notes bear interest only when it is so
Principals arc responsible for the acts
of (hair agents.
E ich individual in partnership is re
sponsible for the whulo amounts ol the
debts of the firm.
Iguoranco of the law exceses to one.
It is a fraud to couceal fraul.
The iaw compels no ons to do im
possibilities. An agreement without consideration
is void-
Signatures made with a lead pencil
are good in law.
A receipt for money is not always
The acts of one partner bind all the
Cincinnati, Jan. G. Joseph Zsnonc,
a confectioner doing business on Filth
street in this city, was yesterday
swindled out of nearly $7,000 by two
men who said they wished to dispose ol
a number of 100 bank notes, oiieiion
$100 on tho 1,000 lor the exchange.
When Zauonc produced bis money it.
was found that the other men did not
have a sufficient number of $100 notes
with them, and it was agreed that the
sum they h-ad in their possession and
Zauonc-'s money should be placed to
gether in a trunk in tho coofectiouery,
the key being held by one of the swind
lers, while the three men went to Iu
dianapoiis, where the confederates pre
tended that they bad a business estab
lishment, to get more notes. Shortly
after leaving the confectionery oue ol
tbc swindlers excused himself, returned
slyly to the confectionery, took thr
money from the trunk, and rejoined his
companions. Then all of them went to
Indianapolis, where Zauoae lost track
ol the other two.
Pot tor Enh rjn Ue eays: For teveral
years this couaty has been vit-ited raeh
winter by some animal which has a de
cided penchant for good mutton. It
has never been teen, but many of our
farmers have Lccn called upcu to sup
ply its iosaUatle appetite. It has been
followed mtiiy limes by ur hunters,
but all to ne purpose as their dogs re to follow the track (or any distance
It is called a lynx by some, others call
it the lone wolf on account of its al
ways traveliag alona, or the big-footed
wolf, from its large tracks. Wer.k be
fore last it isitcd the farm of Audius
Austin, iu Elalia, and killed four fine
sheep for bim, one tf which was entire
ly ea'en up. One ol his neighbors
lost a sheep the same t.ight by this aui
The l'euosylvauiu Ilailroad Companv
with a view of further injuring the
safety of travelers, will, from this day.
employ train agents on the most impor
tant local and through fains between
Philadelphia aud New York. These
agents will collect eud cancel tickets,
collect fares, aud generally perform the
clerical and accounting duties that have
been performed by conductor, leaving
the latter entirely free to attend to the
safety end punctuality of the trains
On Monday next the company will in
troduce a system of tickets in payment
for ferriage of vehicles over the Jersey
City ferries. These tickets are to he
sold singly at the ferries, or in packages
at reduced rates at the various offices in
this city nf the Pennsylvania Ilailroad
Company, Nearly two hundred trains
arrive at and depart from the Pennsyl
vania Railroad depot every twenty-four
hours, more than ninety of which are
for passauger traffic alone Xew York
Several cases of trichina) have been
discovered in Eria at the bouse of a
German who had fattened and killed
two pigs, which his family had partaken
of. The health officer found the meat
alive with tbosn diminutive worms.
Don't eat pork. "An ounce of preven
tion is worth a pound ot cure."
Patcrson, N. J., Jaauary 7- At
twelve o'clock last night, the powder
mill at Mead's Bisin, eeven miles west
ot Patersou exploded. The inhabitants
of several towns for a distance nf tec
miles round were alarmed by the shock,
which was felt as far up as Eglewood
on the Hudson. Several lives arc re
ported to have been lost.
Topeka, Ks., January 8. Joseph D.
North, alias Uuffalo Joe, mnrderf r of
George Junes on Christmas eve a year
age, was hanged to a telegraph pole by
a mob a few days ago at Wuliace,
At fashionable weddings, in Pans,
tkfe bridef niii-js art uuHttci-it.J by
Court frwcfinH
Whereas; Tho Hon. L. D Wcttnore
Tressdont Jurlgo and Uoo Chas Luhr
and J V. Houk Associato Judges In
the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions
of tho Peace, Orphans' Coart and Court
of Common Pleas for tho County of Elk
have issued theirpreeepts to me directed
for holding a Court of Oyer and Ter
miner, General Jail delivery Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court
and Court of Common Pleas in the Vil
lage of Kidgway, on Monday the "5th
"ay ot January 1875, at I o'clock P. M.
and to continue one week.
Notice is hereby given to the Coron
ers, Justices of the Peace and Consta
bles within the County, that they be
then and there in their proper persons,
at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day with
their rolls, records, inquisitions, ex
aminations, aud other retuemberances,
to do those things which to their offices
appertain to bo done. And those who
are bound by their rccegnizaaco to
prosecute against them as will be just.
Fated atKidgwny January 14,1875.
and in the S)3th year of the Indepen
dence of the United States of America
ifdnitnistratrix'8 J"atlce.
ESTATE of Clark A. Wilcox, lato el
llorton township, Elk County, deceased
All periom iadebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment,
and those having legal claims against
the sume will present them without dc.
lay in proper order, for stitlement, to
Or her A ttornejs, Meuns. liall &
Kidgway,Pa., Jn. 5, 1375 jnS-Gt
This splendid enterprise is not only well
s uutiiiiieii in every feature, but is being
constantly developed and improved. It
to day stands without a rival iu the whole
world of periodical literature. Tho beauti
ful dog-pai trait, '. Man's UusefisliFriend,"
a chrouift presented to evary subscriber, is
a decided hit, and will, if possible, add to
the popularity which this ork has gained.
The Am Union feature also promises great
and beiiiticent results, in arouiin publio
interest iu the tine arts. Circulars and full
information on application.
Parts I, II, III, aud IV ere now ready.
Leisure-Hour Miscellany.
T to completed in 40 parts issued for
nigtly. Each part will couinin an elcpaut frontis
piece, originally engraved on steel far the
London Art Journal.
at a price within lie popular reach, en
gravings never before ollered at less than
five limes tlie amount.
These plates have been tha attraction of
The London Art Journal,
Each part will contaiu 26 quarto pages,
including the elegant frontispiece, on heavy
plate paper. A superb title page, richly
illuminated in red and gold, will he given
with the til si part, and tlic printing of tho
entire work .ill be a worthy representa
tion of "The Aldine Press" which iR a
gnat-antic of something beautiful and val.
u libit .
At a Cost of 25 Cents a Fart
Tarts I, II. and 111 are Just Published.
Complete in 12 monthly parts, at SI each
Reproducing the best full page illnstra-t'u-ns
from the earlier volumes of
The Aldiue.
Each monthly put will contain six su
perb plates with accompanying descriptive
matter, and whether for binding or framing
will be entirely beyond competition ir
price or artistic character. Every impres
sion will be niOFt carefully taken on tho
finest toned paper, and no p.iins will be
spared to make this the richest production
of a press which has won, iu a nmr .'clously
short time, a world-wide reputation.
gems mow r. .,. ;
Especially assorted for
Ccrap Took Illustrctions and trawing
Class Copies.
A large collection of pictures of tlifi'erent
sizes ai,d ou almost every conceivable sub.
j ect have been put i p in nn attractive en
velope, and are now offered at a price in
tended to make them popular in evcij
tnvelope JTo. I, containing 50 beautiful
engravings, is now ready, and will be tent,
postage paid, to any address for ONE DOL
LAR. A liberal discount t agents and
A splendid assortment ol SCRAP ROOKS
clave bten expressly prepared for the h jh
hny season, and no present of Ciore perma
nent interest can be selected for gei.tlcman
or lady, old or young.
No. 1. Half bound, elolh Eides, gilt
back 250 pp. 12x10 inches J-'i f 0
No. 2. Half bound, elo'h sides, gilt
bask, 500 pp. 12x16' inches 7 t'O
No. 3. i'ull morocco, beveled boards
gilt aud antique, very rich 500 pp 12 00
Lettered ts order in gold at 25 cents
each line.
Sent by mail post pa:d on receipt of the
In compliance with repented requests,
the publishers of Thb Aldiss hiue pre
pared iiKpressiona of many of Iheir most
beautiful plates for. passe-partoul framing.
The cms are mounted on a beautifully
tinted azure mat, with a handsome red bor
der line.
To attach the g'ass, it is only left for the
customer to paste and fold over an already
attached bolder and this may be done by a
27 subjects, 12x15 Inches, 25c; with
glass, 50c.
Six of this size for $1 when selection is
eft to the publishers.
6 subjects, 10xl2J inches, 20o., with
glass, 45o.
7 subjects, CJifJ iiebcs. 15c, with
glass, 40o.
12 subjects, 14x19 inches, 50 c; With
gluts, ? I.
Cent by mail, without glass, post paid, for
hS.naiden J.ewir. Vric York.
8IIEIlifl-8 81 EE.
ly virtue of a writ of VKN KX
issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas, and to me diteoted, I will expose
to publio rale or public vendee or out
cry, at the Couit House, in Kidgway,
At 6 o'clock, p. M., the following real
estate, to wit: All .tho right, title, in
terest, claim and damaud whatsoever of
defendant in said writ named of, in, or
out of all the f'ullowiDg described tracts,
pieces or paicels of land, being in Jones
township, Elk county, I'a., as follows:
Warrant No 25GI 23 acres.
Warrant No 2501, 232 acres.
Warrant No. 2527, 161 i acres.
Warrant No. 2553 859 i acrei.
Warrant No. 2554. 627 acres.
arrant Nt. 2504, 490 acres.
Warrant No. 2(110, 181 acics.
Warrant No. 2791, 397J acres
Warrant No1 3214, 797 acres.
Warrant No 3221, 7947-10 aorta.
Warrant No. 3222, 1053 acres.
Warrant No. 3221, 45 acres
Warrant No. 3290, 34 acres.
Wairant No. 3291 20(5 acres.
Warrant No. 3293, 183 acres.
Warrant No. 3295, 292 acres
Warratit No. 3290, 129 acres.
Warrant No. 3143, 3 21 acres.
Wanant No. 3290, 80 acres
Unoccupied and unimproved.
Seised, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of The M'Kean
and Elk Land and improvement Com
pany, at the icit of Hubert Patterson
and William Hacker
Sheriff's Office, )
Kidgway, January 5, 1875 J Jan 5-3l
List of Jurors.
The following is the list of jurors drawn
for the January term of court, 1875:
1 John Johnson Denezette Township
2 Jthn Murray do do
3 Andrew Katil ....Benzinger do
4 Jeiige Gregory ... do do
5 Francis C. Fritz ... do do
C .'oFeph fcmmett Fox do
7 V. W lingers do do
8 Martin llivtck dj do
!) George liillow do do
10 Patrick Dailey do do
11 Joseph Ansingcr... do do
12 Jacob L. Taylor... Horton do
13 O. H. do do
14 Joseph L'hl Jay do
15 George IJill do do
10 A. TV. Gray do do
17 Lcroy l.egetl do do
18 James (iai(lner... do do
19 M. M. Sciiuliz...... Jones do
20 II. V. Moore Millstone do
21 James Wi odward ..Uidgway do
22 l. S. I.uther do do
23 Charles Iletgar St. Mary's Esrongh.
24 Michael M 'Sally... do do
1 R. 15. Johnson lleuezctlc Township.
2 .John Wnin wriihl.. ds do
3 Norton llolhrock... do
4 George l!enchpr...L!f nzinger do
5 Wolfgang Weiglo... do do
0 Jacob Vollmer do di
7 Leonard lbiuer cm do
8 George 1!. Nbeel!.. do do
j9 Jacob Kreck!e do do
j0 Joseph Young do do
Ll David It. Kyler Fox do
j2 H. 15. Moyer do do
j8 Jacob ItoJerocco... do do
4 James Wharton do do
j5 F. J. Tiobinson do do
j6 George Emigh do do
j7 Euos Hays do do
,8 Sidney Mmy do do
.J.) F. X. En: do do
,0 Janice Campbell ... Highland do
-I Xaverius nolle Morton do
22 William Madigan... do do
23 Abel Spaiks do do
24 James l'halcn do do
25 John Turlev. Jr Jay do
2(5 A. 15. Gnfl' do do
27 Pavid Wheeler do do
28 Joseph Hetsnicker.. Jones do
2'J Harrison Calz Millstone do
30 William Dunn dj do
31 W. II. llorton Ridgirny do
32 S. A. Kote do do
33 Daniel M'Oovcrn .. do do
34 J. C. Low do do
35 Charles h. Coiy... do do
36 L. W. Gilford St. .Mary's Borough.
37 Jescph Wilhelin ... do do
38 C. It. M'Gill do do
39 Martin Pen-in Spring Creek Twp.
40 D. G. M'Knall do do
Masonic Hall Building, UiJpway, I'a.
IIKV 11EST tempered fteel spring
wire, these rprins fan be laid m the
slats of any commou bud i.tid are
Alto agent for
Weed Sewing Machine,
Kasibt Running, Most Durable, and BKST
MAClilM') in Iho market. Call uni
exa.uiue before purchasing elsewhere.
following is the liet of cane set
down for trial at the January terra of
1 The Spring Ruu Coal Company vs
Thomas lozier; No 16 January tern;, l&C'J.
2 Tho School Dittrict ef Fox vs John
Myers t-t a!.; No 21 January leim 1873.
iJ Anthony Wise vb J. A. IUak; N 44
Auguttlerm lb"o.
4 The Clarion l'.iver Navigatioa Com
pany vs Hirxia Caiinar; No til August lirto
6 The Commonwealth ef Pennsylvania
use of J. A. llnakvsA. Kaul; No 07 Jan
uary term 1874. ,
6 P. TV. liavs vs Llias Moyer; No 74
Jauuaiy ierm lbi4.
7 Aldcrfer & Preston vi Tin PntTaloN.
V. & P. H. CaiLpaoy; No 43 August teim
8 Philip TV. Hays vs Elias Moyer; Nel4
Al ill let ui lbi4.
It J.L.KUiivs fup.l.ury Fire Insurance
Company; No 21 April leiaa 18i4.
10 J. L. Kliis vs 'i h Columbia Innurance
Compiiny, of Lancaster, Pa.; N 22 April
term 18,4.
11 Uurmon & Coon va II. Tf. May; No 41
ipril lerm 1874.
12 Lui. Uies vs Kune gunda Echmitt; No.
12 Augutlterm 1874.
. 13 John Vaubrabaut vs L. L- Puttel et
ah; No tiU August terra 1874.
14 M. V. Tyler vs L. N. Urijgs; N 38
August term loi4.
jo Jawcs Black vs The Eenzinger Coal
and lrou Company; No 47 August term
10 S. A. Chnsttad vs Tba Township of
uortnn; ISO bti Augual, teraa leva.
17 George Opdyke vs Franoia A. I.oescb;
iNo iO Augubtterui 1874.
18 V. Iv. Hewitt vs S. H. Dixon; No 00
August term 16,4.
la Murtiu leilyvs Andrew Kaul tt al.;
No 19 Sarteiobtr term 1874
20 Daniel fc-enbr-er v The Towasbip of
l- ... i- - . . . .
"""i'Vi vi repitniotr term jei.
White, Powell & Co.
No. 42 fc'outh Third Street.
Philadelphia, January 12lb, 137-3.
V. 8. 1881. e 18 J 189
da 6 20, e '62, M and N 11 14 J
do 4 '64 do 101 10
do 4 '(iu do 18 18A
da do '65 J aud J ll 171
do da '67 d 181 18
do do '68 do 18 18J
do 10-40, coupon 15 15 j
do TaoiRo (i's cy Int. off 171 171
New S'a Keg. 1881 14i 14J
do e.- 1881 ll 14J
Gold ll 12$
Silver 100 108
Pennsylvania 544 ilj
Reading fi4l 61 j
Philadelphia & l.rie 1 H 18
Lehigh Navigatian Div. off. 4!l 4!J
do Valley 01 j 61 1
United R II or N J Kx. Div 12Uj 13'i
Oil Creek 9 P
Northern Ccatral 83 34f
Central Traasporlatieu 42 42J
Ncsquchoniug 54 55
A fc Ahlortgig i't 'trt 101 102
lorni the CitUcua ef lliilgway, and the
publio generally, that he has started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Buggies, to lit upon the oioet reasona
ble terms
EC,lIe will also do job leaning.
Stable on Broad street, above Main.
All orders left at the Post Offict will meet
prompt attention
Aug 20 1870. If.
RhMiNoro.t StwiNO Machines
FtitK Aums, and AumcuinjitAri Im
plements. Tho Remington Sewing
Machiue has spiung rapidly into favor as
possessingjthc best) combination ol pood
qualities ntniicly, light riiuuing smooth
noiseless rapid and durable. It has
a straight nieeate, rcrnendieulsr action.
automatic drop-Iced, makes the Lock or
Shuttle Stitch, whit-h will neither rip nor
ravel, end is .alike ou both sides.
The Remington Sewing Machine has
received premiums at Kiuny Fiiis,
throughout the United States, and w ith
nut cfl'o t toiikihe Grar.d Medal of Pro
rcss, the hihirt rider of medal that
was awarded at the Into Vienna Exposi
position. The Remington Works also maru-
lactuie the now Double JJarrelled
Hreech Loading Shot guu snap
and positive action, with pateut
juint, a muivi 1 of beauty, finish
tnd cl.i apiitss, ai d the celebrated Rem
mgton Kiflts tiditcd by nine different
governments, mid renowned tljoughout
the witld for military, hunting and
target jurjotes all kinds of Pistols,
Rifles, Canes, Metalie Catiidgcs, rfc.
Agricultural Implements, Improved
Mowing Maehints, Steel Plows, Cultiva
tors, Road ''ciaters, Patuil Excavators,
Hay Teddeis, Cotton Gins, Iron
Rmlges, &c.
The undersigned has been appointed
agent tor the sale and introduction ol
'he Remington Scwiutr Machine in and
!or the counties ol Eik, ClearCeld and
Wairee. T110S, J. RURKH,
Depot and fliee, St. Mary's, Pa.
P. S. A good local agent wanted.
Elk County Directory.
President Judge L. D, Welmcre.
Additional Law Judge lion. Jno V
Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V
District Attorney J. K. P, JIa.lI.
Micrifl 1. C. Oyster.
Pieiknioiary Jc, i'red. Schoening.
Treasurer Joseph T. ind (elder.
Couaty fcuperinicr.dcnt Itulus I.ucore.
Coaimissioners Uobt. Campbell, Julius
J bine, tic. Ld. TYcis.
Auditors C. TV. Parrett, Thomas Ii win
Thomas J. Puike.
County Surveyor Geo Wilmslcy.
Jury Comiaissi mere. Phillip Ki eln
Hansom T. Kylcr.
' On and after MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1874,
'raias bilv-een I'.edbuuk an J Driftwoad v,ill
iiiu as follows:
KXPRK6S and MAIL will leave Drift
waod unily al 12:-'i0pai, Ileynoldsvilie al
8:20 p m, Urookville at 4:05 p n, arriving
at Kedbanlt RtO:I2 p m, connecting with
Express c Main Liue far Pittsburgh.
M1XLD WAY leaves Ueynoldsvilia daily
at 0:40 a art, Diaokville nl 8:10 a m, arriv
ing at Pedbiiuk at 11:50 a ui. connecting
wiih u-aius aarih aad south aa Main Liua.
a am w Alio.
I'.XPRLKS and MAIL leaves Kedbank
daily al 12:0 a iu. arrives at lii aokviht ,,l
2:o4 p w. ltejaaldavills at 3:20 p ni, Drift
wood at U: 10 p m, connecting with trains
eiii-t and west a P and K llaih oad.
MIXED WA leaves New Uclhle'M daily at
3:0-5 ii aa arrives at llraakvilla at 0:03 p
in, Ueyuoldsvilleat 7:30 p m.
On and after MONDAY, NOV 23, 1874,
trains on ihe Allegheny Valley Ilailroad Kill
run as fallows:
DUFFALO EXPRESS will leava Pitts
burgh daily at 7:40am, lteubank Junction
at 10:47 a as, and arrive at Oil City at :4o
prn. NIGHT EXPRESS will leave Oil
ity at U:00 p ui.l'.edbank Junction at 2:05
m, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 7:2J a m.
TilL'SYlLLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts
burgh at 8:00 p in, Pedbank Junction al
6:20 p aa, and arrives al Oil City at 10:20 p
m. Keturning, leavea Oil City at 8:30 a
ci, Kedbank Junction at 12:11 a m, and ar
rives at Pitlsbargh at 8;10 p aa.
General Superintendent.
VYii. M. rmLLirs,
Ats'i tupt., Iiroolville, Ta.
Philadelphia & Erie 11. U Division.
ON and after MONDAY. NOV, 16, 1 874,
the trains on the Philadelphia A
Erie Railroad will run as follows!
FAST LINFlcaves Philadelphia.. 05 p. m
" " " Kenovo lL4g p m
11 " arr. at Emporium 1 'M a m
air. al ltufi'alo 9.00 a. in
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.50 p m
" " Kenovo 11.10 a m
" " " Emporiam 1.10 p ta
St. Mary's 2-05 p m
" Kidgway 2.33 p m
" arrive at Erie 8.05 p m
FAgT LINE leaves Emporium... 8 55 pm
" Kenovo 10.40 p m
" " arr. at Philadelphia 8.06 a m
Llllli MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a ra
" ' Kidgway 4.45 pm
" " " Bt. Alary's 0.10 p m
" " ' Emporium 0.05 p m
" Keuovo 8.20 p m
" ' arr. at l hiladephia... 6.00 a. in
Mail Eust connects east and west at Erie
with L et M S K W.
Mail Went with east and wost trains uo
c'l Sup't.
Winter Arraugemeut.
To Wiliiamspoit, Suuhury, Harrinburg
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington aud the South,
On and after NOVEMBER (IS, 1874, and
until further soliee, trains will leava liuS'alo
New York li Philadelphia Kailvray Depot,
torner Exchange aud Louisiana streets
(Buffalo time); as fallows:
7 40 A. M. ACCOMMODATION (daily
except Suudays). slapping at Ebenezer
8 04. Springbroek 8 14, Jilma 8 20, Jamison
8 20, Aurora 8 21, Wales 8 44, Holland 8 00;
Protection 05, Arcade W 20, Yorkshire
9 27, titicbim 0 7, FrankliriT.Ua 0 65,
Isuua 10 15, Hinsdale 10 31, Erie Kailway
Junction 10 40, Oleaa 10 49, TVestans 10 06,
Portville 11 00, State Line 11 12, Eldred
1120, Larabees 1134, Surtwell 1140,
Turtle Point 11 45, Port Allegany 1158,
Liberty 12 17, P- M., Keating 12 2u, Ship,
pen 12 43, Emporium 1 00, P. M.
Stages are advertised to coanect with
this train at Elaua for Marilta; at Areads
for Yorkshire; at Franklinville for Rush
lord und Centreville; at Portville for Ccrei,
Uichhurg, Littla Uenesee, Daliver, Mill
port and Sharon Centre, at Larabees for
Smcthport; at Port Allegany for Couderj.
port; ut Kea'.iug, Tuesdays and Fridays for
Waartou, East tviiarioti and East Homur.
(daily except Suudays), stopping at Eben
ezer y 30, Springbrotk 10 07, Eluia 10 28,
Jamison 10 44, Aurora 11 00, Wales 11 32,
llollaiiu 11 00, Protection 12 16 P. M , Ar
cade 12 48, orkshiie 1 00, Machias 120,
1'iankliuville 2 00, lechua 25 0, Hinsdale
3 23, Erie Railway Junction 4 00 P. M,
Slages aie auveitised to connect with
this train at A emit) lor Y'orkthira and
Rusblurd; at Fiauklinville fur liushford.
(daily), stopping at Ebenezer 3 22. Spring,
brook 3 oil Elma 3 3t, Jamison 3 40, Auro-
ra 3 40, Wales 3 08, Holland 4 05, Protec
tion 4 10, Areata 4 20, York
thtre 4 30, Machia.i 4 45, Frankliville 5 00,
Isehua 0 17, Hinsdale 0 30, Er. a Railway
,l unci ion 0 40. Oleau C 00 (Supper), Wcs
ioub 0 10, Portville 0 22, Slate Line 6 30,
Eldred ti 42, Larabees 0 03, Snrtwell 6 OH,
'iurlle Point 7 02, J'ort Allegany 7 14,
Keating 7 12, Emporium 8 10, Rcnovo
10 40, Williamsporl 1 10 A. Al., Sunbury
2 00, liarrisburg 4 20, Kew York 11 A. M.,
Philadelphia 8 00, llaltimore 7 45, Washing
tan 0 07 A. M.
binges aie advertised to connect with
this tniiu at Elma for Marilla; ut East Au
rora, cu Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
days, for Java Village, Slrykersvllla, Wales
und Wales Hollow; al Arcade for Spring-
vine, bfiiiuusaay ana xorKsuire.
Puhiuiu Palace Sleeping Cars on this
train trom liunalo to Baltimore and Wash
ington wi.hout change. Philad;!phia pas
eeugers transfer at Harisburg, Now York
passengers at Harrisburg. On Sunday
this tram does net ran cast of Olean.
slopping at Shippen'2 00, Keating.,3 15,
Liberty 3 26, Port Allegany 3 02, Turtle
Point 4 10, Eartwcll 4 lt, Larabees 4 22,
Eldred 4 30, Stale Liue,4 02, Portville 5 03,
Wtelons 0 10, Olean 6 00, Erie Railway
I unction C 00, Iiiusdale 0 20, lechua ti 30,
Franklinville 6 01, Machias 7 10, Yorkshire
7 18, Arcade 7 20, Protection 7 40, Holland
7 48, Wales 7 09, r.urora 8 10. Jamison
8 10, Elma 8 20. .Sprinjbrook 8 20, lbeu
eiev 8 30, F.utlaio 9 0OA. M.
Uiis train makes direct connections for
Niagara Falls, and all points ia Canada and
the West.
Slages are advertised to connect with
this train at Arcade from Spr'ingville, tan
dusky aud Vujknuu-e; at East Aurora, on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from
Java, birjkersville, Wales aad Wales Hol
low; nl Elma lroiu Matilla.
Ou Mondays this train does not ran east
of OH aa.
I RLIGHT (usily except Sundays.) stopp
ing al thippcnC 40. Keating 7 30, Liberty
7 40, Port Allegacy 8 40, Turtle Pcir.t
13, a-artwell.O 25, Larabees; 9 40, Eldred
10 00, btate Line 10 83, Portville 1105,
Vteelons 11 20. Olean U 88, Erie Railway
way o unci ion li -i J, ninsaala ii lo r, M.,
Franklinville 2 00, Holland 4 00, Auaora
4 43, Junciion 00 P. M.
Siages aro advertised ta onneet nit'a
this train t Portville .'rom Ceres, Kich-L-utg,
Little Genesee, Uoliver, Millpoit and
Shaion Centra.
2 00 V. M., ACCOMMODATION (daily
except Suiiduys), etopping at Miippeu
2 14, Keating 2 S3, Liborty 2 41, Port Al
legany 8 00,. Turtle Point 3 13, Sartwell
3 18, Larabees 3 25, Eldred 3 31, 8t.-.te
Line 8 40, lortville 3 03, W t6tons3 09,
Olean 4 08, Lria Rnilway Junetion 4 13,
Iiiusdale 428, lsclma 4 41. Franklinville
i 00, Machias 20. Yorkshire 5 30, Arcade
6 00, Protection S 10, Holland 6 22, r. ales
6 33, Aururb b' 40, Jamison C 04, Elma 6 00
Springbi-otk 7 04, Ebenezer 7 15, Buffalo
7 40 p. M.
fciages are advertised to connect with
this l rain at Keating from Wharton, East
Homer and Eust Wharton on Tuesdays and
i'ridujsjat Port Allegany from Coudeia.
port; at Larabees froaa fimetliport; at
Frankliuville from Hushford and Centre,
ville; at Arcade from ltushford and York
FEElGaT. daily except Sundays, stopping
at Hiusdah 6 47, Ischua7 18, Fraukliuville
80 0, iiuchias 8 84, Yorkshire 8 53, Arcade
0 20, Protection 0 64, Holland 10 13, Wales
10 38, Aurora 10 05 Jamison 11 21 Elma
11 30 Springbrook 11 60 tbeuezer 12 16
Buffalo 1 00 P. M.
Uen'l M imager.
Qeo'l Paea'rlf 't.
Gen'l Sup't.
A Chicago tnaa lately returned to his
latuily, alter twenty years' residence
in California, during which time his re
latives never heard from him,