i j IIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 81, 3874. IUdftcmy Insurance gettey. Representing Cash Assets of $35,907.744 40 FIRE DEPARTMENT German Am.. New York 81,050,000,00 Niagara or New York 1 JJlfl. 033.00 Amazon Cincinnati of 850.057 17 City Ins., Co, of ProvidenceM'JG.SuI 32 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life & Accident Hartford 2,0C0,000,00 North American Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 Editable of New York 15,000,000,00 Insurance effects in any of the above standard companies at the most reasona. terms, consistent with perfect security to the insured. . O. W.BAILEY, A?enf. Car Time at Itidgivay. Mail East 4:45 P: M. do West. 2: "3 P. M Through Local, East 8:20 A. M. . do do W est C:'J5 P. M. Lotal East 4:50 P. M do West 8;'JO A. M. The Mail and Through Local carry passengers, the local docs cot. ;ELK LODGE, A. V. M. "The Btnted meetings of Elk Lolpe, No. 39, are held at their hall, corner of Main nd Depot streets, on the second andfomth Tuesdays ef each month- W. C. J1EALY, Sec'y. Uatss ef Advertising. One column, one vear $75 00 I " " " 40 00 1 " " " 25 00 t " ' " 15 00 Transient advertisement per square of eignt lines, one insertion sl, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year Advertisements paynble quarterly. CHSISTMAS. Christmas eve was well remembered in Ridgway. The Methodist had a sup per and scioptioan exhibition free, for the benefit of the children, which was well attended and much enjoyed. The Episcopalians had a Christmas tree at Orace Church, and supper at the new parsonage for the benefit of ti e Sunday school. The tree was certainly beauti ful and filled with many useful, aud valuable present. The tree was taste fully arranged and mariuiGcently iilucj inated, and the jets of lhjhtasthcy sparkled and danced before the eyes of the observer, sepmci like tho merry boys and girls, to drink in the inspira tion of Christmas time, or made one think of a million stars, that deck the celestial dome of hc:iveo, perchance di verting our minds to the city of the blest, where reigns the King of Christ mas, and where the Ciirii-tmascs never nd. We have never attended a Chiict toas true where all the children seemed to be so well suited, aud we believe the ladies of Grace Church and 0. 11. Earley are responsible for the pleasures of tho evening. After the signing of a few beautiful and appropriate songs by the choir, "Christ Kindel," m-dc his appearance, and distributed hi.i ifrs to the old and youai:. Among the many g;f we noticed that twelve boys had, as many drums, and the younger misses of the echoed were each provided witii a diminutive tea tet aud a doll, while the older misses were presented with a writ ing desk aud toilet set. Christmas day we were made aware of the presence of the dram parol, whioh paraded our directs, and uiad3 nervous people wish boys, with diums were not one of the anangements of the universe. Hut then who ever kucw a boy that didn't ant a drum, and when once had.woud'nt cause each particular hair, of the rest of creation to stand on end. We have a boy but if he should ever want a drum wo intend to kill him, as a wjrniug to his brother boys. or, we'll buy him a drum and let him kill everyone else. Organization of Company II. Last Saturday evening Cuuipaoy II mat at tllA flrmnrv in Tl.anAM ? II .i --j .u iuujti VL n sei ty s r funding, and organized by tho appoict nrent of tho following non commissioned offiecrs and committees. 1st Sergeant, J. O. W. Bailey, 2d Sergeant, J. L. Cum mings; 3d Sergeant, Harry Wilson; 4th Sergeant W. A. Cummings; 5th Ser geant C, II. Ithines; 1st Corporal, J. V Morgester; 2d Corporal, W. S.-IIorton; 3d eorporal Thomas Conlyn; 4th Cor poral John Meenjn. President Capt Sehoening; ex offisio Seoretary J. O. W Bailey; Treasurer W. S. Service. Committee on By-laws W.W.Brewer, E. T Grant. J. O. W. Bailey, Capt. Schocninn; ex-offieio. Recruiting Committee II. II. Wen eel, W. W. Brewer, H. A. Parsons, Jr., Capt. Schoening ex-offioio. Ihe Commissioned officers, are as al ready known, as follow?. Capt. Fred. Schoening; 1st Lieutenant W. 3. Service. 2d Lieutenant E. T. Grant. Rain storm here last Sunday evening and Monday morning. A hint to clergemen whose congre gation are sensitive; "If you don't meud your ways my hearers, you will finally bring bp where everybody bi Ipoga to fire company." NOTES. The bunting season ends to-monow" Tub dance at Rhine's hall last Friday night was well attended. Since the lock out Pittsburgh is no longer called "the smoky city." The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany control 1,934 miles of track. The Forest Press appeared last week in n new dress. Christmas, tomes this yar without much tnow. Tub New -York Observer concedes the right to hens of laying eggs on Sun day. Hatnks, the Potter couaty mur derer, has been sentenced to be hanged, lie protests his innocence. There must be several marble mei in Clarion ai tho Jacksvniin refers to "one of our marble men." The editor of the lyoold'.vil!e Herald says ho has attended church recently. Probably the next thing he will commence preaching. Win L. Coubktt of Clarion county is spoken of as a candidate for U. 8. Senator. W'L (Cor) belt, he don't get it. Jim Cartix, local editor of the Clarion RrpuLliean s:iys that "striped stockiugs ore "all the rage." How do you know Jim? Witii our next issue we shall chanse the name of our paper Brosttcaiiitlc Register. What's in a name? There are not as many marriages, during this holiday season, as lsual. We don't know whether to attribute it to the hard times or mild weather. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to a ball to bo given, for the purpose of raising money for a school organ, on to-morrow evening in the ar mory of company II. Mauhied On Wednesday Decem ber lGth 1874, at East Hamburgh, N. Y. by Rev. Mr. Taylor Mr. I). D. Cook, of Ridgway, to Mrs- Emma C. Morrison of East Hamburg The who'e number of granges repor ted this month in the United States is 21,472, an increase of 804 during No vember. New York is said to have 2GG granges. Mrs. Elizabeth Clark; recovered ?3,700, at Mayville, N. Y., of Walter Finko!, a Dunkirk landlord, all because Waller didn't coma up to the soratch, aud marry her as he promised to. The Clarion Jaeksonian rejoices le cause oil bas advanced 20 cents per barrel sduce December 1st. We doi't feel like r-joicing but what's the oil coiinfry s loss is our eternal gain. Now is a gocd time to ''turn over new leu, We have tried it lots of times but always found the page the same, which leads us to believe "that man may resolve, and re-re. elvc, aud die the s iine." We noticed a boy or about six years of age on tho street the other nUht puf fin;: awav at a c-L'ar. He looks.) irt red in the face, and we kue.v he felt sick, but then if ho expects to be a man he mutt learn to smoke if it kill him. The 1 0th of December was a cold day so cold tint Thimothy Ploaa, of Furm ington township, Warren County, ccul'Ju't sfund it. lie put one eud of a rope rou.id a ruder, aud the other round his neck t.nd jumped off; his wife now wears widow's weeds and his two little children have no papa. A gang of coiiiitcrleiters, who have been opciaring in Potter County have come to grief. A man named Adams was arrested and held to bail by Coni uihioncr Force of Frio iu -2.000" Another man nnmed Edward Riley was arrested and comaiittcd in default of 83,000 bail- Bo.NNKR.. of tho New York L;lrr, u responsible fir m;nih of th.; pro vail. ing dutress. Ijr ye:irs yo.ni,; people have beeu reading his dslu'ivo romm cesand his advice to nurry young, and now theicaro thousands of people with largo fmiilies on their hands and noth ing to eat but New York Lejijcrs. Cincinnati Enquirer. A younu man from Courtlaud county N. Y , was treated to a coat of tar and feathers, and a ride on a rail, at Oletn N. Y., the other day for neglecting to come at the appointed time tet for him to wed one of Oleau's blushing daugh ters. He afterward married the young lady. Among the party, whom the Fort Allegheny Reporter characterizes as "young roughs" we notice the names of M. V. Moore, and Postmaster John son. Oua Ridgway girls who contemplate marriage should know that "creamy white" ia the present color of bridal drestcs. It only costs SI to $10 per yard, so the price need not deter you Pitch in! Elk Demon at. Yes girls! pitch in! Gene of the Democrat is young, good-looking, and fancy free, bnt he is very bashful. You must pitch right in and make him do something for his country. Let a whole Jot of our girls pitch in, and get their "creamy white", dresses all ready and then make a descent on the citadel of the young man'i heart like the hawk on the weasel. Extensive l!a".l Robbery. s An extensive mail robbery on a tra'n on the Pennsylvania Railroad, on Monday night the 14th inst., has just Oome to light. Tho train reached Al toona between eight and nine o'clock, where contrary to orders tho postal agent left the car to get supper. Be tween Altoona and Huntington the agents discovered that fifty-seven regis cred letters had been oarriud off. Investigation disclosed the fact tint tho keys of the passenger coaches opened the postal cars, but no clue to the mis sing letters could be found. Mr. Osvcn of Lewistown, and Mr. Eider of Pitts burgh, the agents, gave information C .1. . 1. . -I 1 t 1 . oi nieir loss at i nnaneipnia and an in vestigation is in progress. ACCIDENT. u. w. earley, esq, meets with KER101JS ACCIDENT IN I' ill LA DEL I'lIIA. A telegram from M;i!ade!pliia Friday iiifornic 1 us that our townsman, II. W I'.arley, Esq., mot with an accident bv which his collar bone was broken etc It skeins that. Mr. E., with s companion "as in a uuj;gy driving in I he vicinity of 1 wenty-second aud'Callowhiil street They were tilout crossing tho Phihide! phia and Reading railroad tiack, switch tender having motioned to them to proceed. Another switch tender just beyoud them gave no signal whatever although a locomotive which could not be seen from the buguy was orossing to wards them. Tho horse became fright ened, and Mr. Earley made cn effort to hold him, when oue of the wheels be enme entangled in tho rails and was torn off. Mr. Farley's companion jumped from the buggy, and Mr. E. was hurled some dislanco, striliiog against the rails breaking his collar boue and bruisin his back severely. lie was able to get to the (Jirard House without assistance but is now coufined to his room- Gazette and Bulletin. JnE Lominu (Jatk. We have been shown a design for an upholstered front gate, which seems destined to become very popular. The foot board is cush ioned, and there is a warm soap-stone on each side; the inside step being aujusta b!e so that a short g.rl can biin her lips to thi- line of any given moustache without (roublt. If tho gttc is oacupied at 10:30 p. m., an iro-i hand extends from the pute pn.it takes the young man by the left ear, turns him around, and he is at once started toward hi-mc by a s'eel fo it. The girl can it she likes set this part nt a laier hour than 10:30. Lady t-ciiooi. Djrlctoks. Boston elected two women us members of the School Committee a year ago, but they were refused duiis:io!i to their seats whereat then; was n.uch indignation ex- prepied by the citizors who had elected them to tfiiw. This vear six women were elected to a school committee, out ot forty-six numbers chosen m the dec tion. It is probu! le that the women will now be admitted to their seats Providence, Rhode Inland, i a little iu advance of Boston, for its fc'cbool Com mittee bas cl.cscn fur secretary a lady and one of the Philadelphia wards has elected a lady to tho Board for thai school section. A JI.MilUMiLl.il paper in!f.rn:s us that "when n gentleman and lady are walking upou tl.o streets tin ludv should v.;;ik h side of the gentleman.'' We shall not discuss the practicability or iinpiaciieability of this feut, but we may refer to the theory as illustrating the general disposition of mnu to htir ras mid oppress the gentle sex. If the frii nds of Miss Atitnoiiy do not desire ber to visit Harrisburg upon an errand o' war, they will keep this intelligence from her. Philadelphia Bull, tin. The freight agent of the l'ctiusylvanin Central Il iilroad, at FiUsbuigb, is a de faulter to the amount of 43,000. He has been iu the s-ervice of the company for fifteen years. His books were found to be correct, but the cash balance seems not to have been on hand. It is stated that the defiet will be made good by his bondsmen and no prosecution will bo made. A acntloinan in Williamspoit make known to the Gi:.cttc and Bulletin that he has watched the weather forty years, and has discovered that when the first snow is followed by rain, such is the case with every snow storm of the winter. This he claims is not theory, but is knowledge gained by actual observation by himself for die last forty years, and his father for thirty years previous We see it stated that early parties are to be the thing this wiutcr, and that the "sweir'affairs have been recently issued, with "from 4 to 11 P. M." en graved in one corner. This would be a good fasbiou for Ridgway parties, aud aiuch more sensible than the absurb cnstoui of going a 10 o'clock and stay ing until morning. Since the new divorce law was passed in Oregon, the population has increased fifty per cent. There will be a great many mitakes made the first few daya of the year, ii directing letter. Remember this is 1875. List of Jurors The following Is the lift of jurors drawn for fhe January term of court, 1875: QRANO J U ROUS. 1 John Johnson llencjclte Township uuiiu iuurmy iu 3 Andrew Knul Benzingcr 4 George Gregory ... do 5 Francis O. Frits ... do 0 Joseph kmmett Fox 7 U. W Ropers - do 8 Martin llirick d3 9 George Iiillow do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 10 Tatriclt Dailey do 11 Joseph Ansiiiircr... do 12 Jacob L. Tavlor...Horlon 13 G. S. Himes do 14 Joseph Ulil Jay 1 ' George Dill do 10 A. W. Gray do 17 Leroy Leggptl do 18 Jntnes Gardner do 111 M. M. fichullz Jones 20 H.C. Moore Millstone 21 James Woodward ..Hidgwuy J2 V. S. Luther do do do 2t) Charles Hetgnr Si. Mary's Boro gh 21 ilichucl M'iNally... do do TRAVEUSK JUROKS. 1 R. B. Johnr,ou Benezelte Township ,i i-i. ... , . 2 John Wuinvriiih!.. do do do !! Korlon Itothrock... do 4 George Hi nsclicr... Benzingcr i Wolfgang VVeigle... do 0 JncoD Vollmer do 7 Leonard I'.anor rto 8 George H. Kuitell.. do Jacob Krcckle do 10 Joseph Vomit; do 11 David It. Kv'ler Fox 12 II. 1!. Moycr do 1 -I .Inc. ill Itoderocco... do 14 Jnmes Ulinilon do 15 K. J. ltoliinson do Ki Gcuigo tniijli do 17 Eons Ilnys do 18 8idncy Almy do I'J F. X. Jinz lo 20 .Initios Campbell ... Highland 21 Xnvciius liollc iloitoti 22 WilUra Mudigan... do 2-i Abel Spin ks do 21 James l'halen do 25 John Turlev. Jr Joy 20 A. i:. Goti" do 27 David U heeler do 2S Joseph Iletsniclser.. Jones 2'.) Harmon tatz Millslone tjt) William Dunn li 31 W, H. Hoiton Ridgway l!2 S. A. liote do !! Daniel M'Govern .. do 34 J. C. Law do !5 Clinrlca L. Coily... do do do d do do do do do do d uo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do du do do do do do sl'i L. W. Gift'ord St. Mary's Boronirli tl7 Joseph AVilhelm ... Uo do S3 C. It. M'Gill do do Hii Martin l'eirin Spring Creek Two 40 D. G. M Kiinll do do Caught at Last. On Mouday evening a young man named Joseph Clark was ai rested for highway robbery, by Officer Piatt. Yesterday he was brought before Justice Kcpasz, by Officer Marley, and after an examination was committed to prison in default of bail. The crime was comaiittcd on the 27th of Decem ber, IS7o. The circumstances are as follows: On the evening of 'the date mentioned a woodsman named .Murphy was knocked dewn and robbed of about SI 25, in the alley rear of what v.ns Known then as rncker s hotel. Three men were supposed to be eugajred in the act, 'wo of whom Hhinsey, a hardened villain, and a young man by the name of Zimmer wete nriested the same night, at rinun's Cpcra House, the third Joseph Clark escaping. At the first term uf ciu:t following, Zimu.or turned St;ite's evidence, and testified that hanisey and CUrk were the robbers. ihe former being the. head and front ol the whole transactoin. Ramsey was sent to the penitentiary for six years, and Zimnicr was discharged. Now Claik is to be brought no to answer for the part in the roMcrv. hen he Jett the city he oiadu for Reading, but soe w niter returned and went to the woods where be remained until he thought time- bad obliterated all ipcoI lectiens of the liffjir, when he walked iuto Wiliitrcisr oi t to take up his resi- lelice. As toe result shows, he funnd bat tho police of Williamspoit were not as forgetful as bo supposed. li'i Ilium- port dar.itte it Jiullfin. OLKA.N JJlSAfcJKK. TWO IlUXriRKfi AND SIXTY LIVt S I.O.ST. London, Jeeember 28 News bus been received of the burninz ot the English emigrant ship Caspatrick, at sea, on a vova'e from Jiondoa to New Zealaud. Four bundled and sixty lire ) arc Ust. r urthtr details ot tho disaster are anxiously awaited. The vessel and cargo are a lotal loss. Vessel is rated a number oue, and owned by J. Fli-minu, i-ionduij. tdie was twelve hundred tons burthen. liOSlON'. A nEAVY DIAMOND AND JEWELRY UOE- li KRY. Ronton, December 23. The safe in the jewelry establishment of Geo. V. Dtciiug tt Co., Washinarton street. was opened, between. Saiurdny nibt and Sunday morning, and the contents taken by burglars, consisting of diamonds, watches and iewelrv. thoroughly cleaning out the concern. J.oss estimated at S30.001). The thieves gained aa entrance in the rear aud had the police peered through the rpenirgs ot the front door shutters the operators ecu. a have tetu seen. Jte lock from inside of the safe door was lemoved without much trouble. No traua of thcJ tLeives. Rkooms and Dull 'Jimeh The Philadelphia Litloer says that blooms. which it regards us both luxuiies and necessaries ol life, suffer from dull limes 1 hey last longer dui'injr financial crise?: there are fewer seiaj s for tbrm to sep up, and there is too olun a failing off in tho motive power required lo work tl.nn when tho lactones and workshops are closed. The amount of broom-corn an nually turned into brooms ia the Uuited States and Canada is estimated at lf, 895 tons. 'I he stock on band on No vember loth was estimated at 9,777 tone. showing a deficit of over 3,000 tors, one halt of which v. ill be made up by the crep not yet maiketed. Thcie mut be he material for a a great many broona in a ton of urooiu-ooin, and yet over 12,000 tons of corn are annually turned into brooms. A. cuuKK6iuiDN'r vmung frem Muncy, Pa., says; About 10,000 000 feet of lumber ia piled at IJugheaville, on ibe Wutice) Creek R. R., aud teverrl millions more are ai the t-aw mills cn the creek ready to be drano to the station." NKW VOUK. DANGEROUS ILLNESS OF OKntlT SMITH THE PHILANTHROPIST. New York, December 28. Gcrret Smith, the well-know philanthropist and aoti-slavcry agitator, ia daugerouslv ill at the rcsidcuco of his son-in-law, Ucucral John Cochrane. Mr. Smith in con pony with his wife arrived in town last J liHr-day, lor the purpose of spend iug the holidays among friends. He was ia Moderately good health; bis cheek being as toddy, bis eyes as clear, his voice ns free, his step as clastic as it had been lor many years, lie had made arrangements to meet Charles O'Conor Saturday. Ue aree early ad said to Mrs Ninth that ne bad slept un commonly well, stating he had not spent so mer y a Christmas for a long time as ou the day before. While dressing, his utterance suddenly became indistinct, and he was geutly born to a bed, barley able to say in a faint tone, ''Very weak." tio immediately becatuo unconscious. His coudition was but slightly changed this morning, lie bas however, been continually sinking, and remains in a comatose condition.and grave doubts arc expressed of bis recovery. 'Jhephjsi cians state the rttack is of an appolcctic character. LATTER. Gerret Smith is dead. Just think, if you ewcar oil' using to bacco and wearing clotheu alter the 1st of January you can save $o p'.-r week at least, aud Jo per week for 1.000 years is 8200,000. Detroit j'nc tress. Firly Won. Edward Paysoti Weston . has at last given all his rivals and chaffers bark seats. Last week, on baturoay night, at the Rink in Newaik, New Jersey, be fairly and fuoy accomplished the trying feat of walking five hundred miles iu six days. He did his work iu about twenty-four minutes less than the f-ix days, averaging a mile every fourteen minutta and fourteen rcconds. 1 he leat has never been accomplished be fore in this eountry. When he conclu ded he was in fine phs!ciil condition, fully as good as when the start was made. The citizens of Newaik am to present him with a costly gold watch and 81,000, ns a testimonial to his pluck, endarance and determination to keep on till he succeeded. Roys, here is a good lectson for you. Weston has been sneered at, laugbid at, and given all manner of names; but be kept on trying, till at last he bas fairly walked lato the fullest measure of success. It is the long pull that wins. Ne t the long pull at the whiskey bottle, but the determined, pcisislent effort that br'ugs tho best reward. Such woik rears mammoth shops, establishes profitable cnterptiire.', builds up living newspaper, awakens the attention of the i tuple. secures fortunes, accumulates knt.wi edge and s'amps the enduring to in as one possessed ol good material. We cengratulata the plucky pedestrian on the fair accomplishment ol his tatk No boise in the world cou'.d endure such an effort, and we doubt it there is another man in the world possessed of such excellent staying . eiuali; ice. I'vmtroy's 1) moerat. Ai'i't.ETeiNS Amcbica.n Cyclopedia. that the revised, aud elegantly illus trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages once in two months, is the best Cyclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It only costs 83 a mouth to get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest library iu the world. C. K. Judson Fredonia, N. Y. con trols the sale of it in Northern Pennsyl vania. Apply to him for full particu lars. FOR SALE BY E.K. GltEli, Masonic Hall Building, ltidgway, l'a. VAN VLECK'S CELKRKATF.D PATENT STRING RED IJEST tempeied steel spiinu wire, these springs can be ldid ou the slats o' aiiy common bed and aru COMPLETE IN T 11 EM t ELVES ! Also agent for W eed Sewing Machine, Kasicst liuiiiiing, Most Dm able, and DliST MAC1I1NJ-: iu ihe muil.et. Cull mij e.Xii.-.iine l.i'fcre pm chasing elsewhere. v-JnlOt'Ji", IA- T OF CAUSES. riMlE follow; is the list of caurcs set E down tor trial at the January leim of Court: CIVIL Llf-T. I The Spring llr.u Coul Company ts Thein.ns 'lizier; .So 10 January lerui, 18tW. li The S-cheiui Dlstiict of Fui vs John Mjers et el.; No M January term 187il. a Anthony Wise va J. A. Haul;; No -14 AupiiKl term lb73. 4 The Clarion Hivcr Ilavigntion Com pany v.i iliiuiu (.a man; No U'.i August term 1&7.J. o The Cor.inionweniih cf 1'euiinjlvar.ia u.-eofJ.A. llaak vs A. Kuul; ho 67 Jun uury tei m lb7-l. 1) 1'. W. lluvs ts Elii.s Mojer; No 71 January term 1 674. 7 Al.ierler I'rcsion va The EunVio N. Y. & 1. H. Coaipsny; t'.o 4;i August term 1874. 8 I'uilip W. IlKya ts Elius Moyer; No 14 A; ril teini lb74. !) J. L.Ellis va Eunhury Fire lcsinante Company; ol April leim 174. IU J. L. Eliia vo 'I lie ColeH.hin huuranco Couipnny, of Laucailer, l'a.; Ho 'SI April lerui 1874. II Harmon & Coon vh II. W. M ay; No 41 April term 1874. 12 bui. Uiea vs Knucguuda Euhmitt; No. 12 Auguht it rui 1 74. 13 John Yuiitirahitut va L. L- 1'utzel et al.j F.u .Sb August lenn 174. 14 M. V. Tyler va L. N. lliiggs; No 38 August term 174. 16 James Illuck vs The Eeiuingcr Coal and Iron Company; Nu 47 August term 1S74. 10 S. A. Olnihtead vs The Township cf Uorttm; No 03 August, term 1874. 17 George Opdyke vs Francis A. I.cescb; N'o 70 Augietter n 1874. 18 V. E. Hewitt va . II. Dixon; No M August term 185 4. IU Munin Feily va An Ire w Kaul ct al.j No 19 September term 1874. 20 Daniel fecnuuer v The Township cf lUrdgway; No 67 beptcabtr iciin 1S74. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. UAJiKF.Ua AND BKOKKltd, No. 42 fcouth Third Street. Philadelphia, December 20th, 1874. n i n. asm cn U. 8. 1881. c H2 21 i 6 UO, e 'U2, M and M 11 1 1 j 4 da '4 4o 1C.I lv.l da i ia d 'Hi do 18 '05 i aad J '(i 21 'li7 da 21 1 22 't8 do VI i VJ do da do do da 10-40. ronnon ir.it 1 5 do racifio G'b r.y Int. off 17i 181 New fi'a Hog. 1881 lei l.ia do a. 1881 Dig IJnlrl . 114. IV .Silver HO 108 Pennsylvania...-. 6. 6-J Kcndinir u4i to Philadelphia & I.i ie lu't l(i Lehigh NarigHiioii Div. oil'. 4b 4S Aa V.,1l..o IIIIL Cli. Uuiied R U ol N J Kx. Div.'..'..'.'...' 127J 128; un ejreck ra 8i Noiihern (Jemr:l 3oj 8;'! J Ceuiriil Tntuypoi'luiioM 4: 44 Nesquehoniu 64 j 6", A k AMonguge li's 'ti.i 101 A 102 NKW LIVERY STAHL13 IN PAX rJCRlRxNEit WISHES TO IN forai the Cituena uf Ridgway, and the public generally, tkut he has started a Liv ery Stable sad will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES 1 1 i i .- i.) ' i 1 1 ) ittjst ro'imnn ble lerais. KTt.IIe will also do job testing. Stable on Eroiid eireet, shoTe Mai. All rder9 left at lh Test OUica will meet prompt attentioa Ag 20 1870. tf. lU.MIKMTOX ifEWINO MaCIIINKS Fibk Arms, and Aeuuci'i.'i u:al Im- PLKM ents. Ihe Kcmit.eton Fewicir Machine has sprung rnjiJ Ij. into favor as poe!unir.o best, combiuation of pood ((UuliiicH t:un elj, lij;ht runnint; s-mooth uuiaelcsa rapid and durable. It lias a Ktraiht needle, pei'penuieu!nr aetiou, automatic drnp-fccd, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which wiil neither rit nor ravel, and ia alike e.n both tide?. The Ilcujingtuu Sewii:g Machine has received premiums at many Fiiis. thiouixhout the United States, and with out cfi'ott took the Grand Medal of Pro gross, the bibet order id' medal thai was awarded at the lato Vienna Expusi positiua. Tbe lleiaington Works also Dianu icture tho new Double barrelled Breech Loadinij Shut tuap und robitive action. witii intent joint check, a marvel ef beauty, iitiish und cheapness, t.ud the celebrated Ke ru ir:j;ton lltfles udi ltd by nine different fieivernnients, aud u-cvwDifl tlueugliout he world fur miliur)-, liKiitin atd target jui)okb ell kinds of Pii-tols, ilifl-iS, Canes, Mctalic Ca'.iidgcs, rfc. Agriculturul I,iipltu:ctits, Improved Mowing Machines, rteel Plows, Cultiva tors, Uuad teiuiers, I'.itenl Excavators, ay Teddeis, Cotton Uins, Iron ridges, iVc. I he uiidcr.-ii.rncd has been appointed nt lit fir the hale and introduction ol he HeiLiuton t'ewiui; Mnehiue in and or ll.e counties of Elk, Cleuificld and Wairen. 1JIOS, J. LUllKE. Depot and eflite, !Ht. Mary's, l'a. P- rf- A got d local tgcr.t wanted. Elk County Directory. President Judce L. 1). V.'cliiiore. Additional Law Jiitltc lieu. Jno- P Yiiie-i-i! i . Associate Jude; (Jiiis. I.uhr, J V ill. uk. !!.-1 i-ict Al'r.rnry J. K. V, Hail. lil-ct ill 1. C. Uystcr. 1'ioilin'on.ry j e , I red. Schoening. Treasurer Ji.n-i h f. iueitt ider. L'ouiiiy tijicriiiit-iidrnt Hutus lucore. CuBiii.isb:ui!Ci: llol.l. tauipbell, Julius Jones', Uio. I d. Weis. Audiloi-e (.:. V.'. lianclt, Tl.utnaa Irwin Thcie.nv J. flu ike. Ceiiiity Purveyor Geo Xf ihnslcy, Jury Cuiiiiuihsi nvra. l'iiiiiip ie:t.h K i iibcin T. fc'yler. A LLLfeUKNY VALLEY HAIL IIOAD Jn. LOW-GHAli: hi VISION. Cn and After MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1874. iihibh between litdbnnk and Drift wued will .un as follows: wi:si wjtr.n. KXITI-Sand MAIL will leave Drift w(.a dwiiy kt 12:;:ypu!, IteynoldsTiKe at :2 p "i. irokville at 4:0 j )" in, nrriviiig at lieiihauk at ti:12 p ui, couuecting wilh Lxpit!- ou Maiu Line 1r Piitsburgli. M IX LD VA1 leaves licynoldiville daily ai ki:4'J a ai, liiwokvillo at 8:10 a iu, tniiv ing ai IteJhauk i1.6J ui. connecting wnk iraius utirih aiai uomh ou Main Line. i;m kaiiu, i:Xn;i:8.S ar.d MAIL leaves Iledbank daily ul 12:20 a ai. arrives at lirookvili i.t 2:34 p m. ltei a!l:vill m t-.'M p ai, Drift wood at ti:lw p ai, couuecting with trains epfct aud wtat an t' aud t Itailroad. MIXLD Vi.W leaves New licihle'in daily nl 3:05 em arrive.! at LrtoUv:lla at u;i"3 i. m, Keyaoldiviila l 7:0 p m. MAIN LINE On and after MtiNDAY, NOV 23, 1874, trains ou the Allegheny Valley Itailroad will run at t'cillows.- liL'FFALO EXPRESS will leave Pills burgh daily at7:4iaui, Hedhank Junction at 10:47 a in, and arrive at Oil City at 2:40 p m. NIfillT EXPRESS will leave Oil city at :Oj p ui.liedbuuk Juuction at 2:oi in, and arrive at l'itubiirgh at 7:20 a ai. liTVSYlLLIi Lil'LLiSd leaves l'itta bargk at 8:00 p iu, fedbank Juuction at ;25 p a, aud anivea al Oil City at 10:20 p u. Itetuniiig, leuvea Oil City at 8:UO a m, Bedbank Jauctim at 12:11 au, and ar rives al Pittsburgh at i;4j p m. J.J. LAW KEN CK, tieueral tuperiuteudent. Wii. M. TuiLLirs, Ais'i Eunt., BrookviUe, Pa. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia S. Erie U. K. Division. WLNlElt tTmE TAKLK. Off andafter MONDAY. NOV, in. 1874, the trains on the l'hiladclphia & Erie Itailroad will ran as follows: wr.srwAai). FAST LINFIeaves riiiladelphia..l2.o5 p. m " " " Kenovo 11. 40 p m " " arr. at Emporium Uuin . " " air. ai null mo 9.00 a. m ERIS MAIL leaves I'uilaUviptiiit 11.56 p ui ltcnovo 11.10 a m " " " Emporium 1.10 p in tit. Mary's 2.05 p m " Kieigway 2.83 p m " ainve at trie 8.05 p m EAftl W AUD. EAgT LINE leaves Emporium... 8 55 pm " ' ' lxeuevo 10.40 p m " arr. at 1 kiladelphia 8.05 a rn El'.Iii .MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " " " Lidgway 4.45 p in til. Mary s 6.10 p m " ' " Euipuriuiu C.06 p m " " " Renovo 8.26 p in " " arr. at l'kilaelepuiu... 0.00 a ui Mai! East couuects cant and west at Erie wiih L S M S K W. Mail VVc.ii with est aad west trains on J- S & M S K W WM. A. BALDWIN. Uen'l bup't. Winter Arraugemeut. DUFFALO, NEW VORK. & l'HIL'A. n. R. TUB l-UOBTtfr AKI MOBt BISECT ROITB To Wiliiaansport, i.'tibry, llarri.-burg Philadelphia, Paltiutore, Wash ington and tbo South. Ou aid after NOVEMBER 13, 1874, and uuiilfi.r.hcr aoliee, traius will leave Uuffalo NewVorkit lhiladelpkia Railway Depot, coiner Excbtugs tad Lauitiana strceta (Dull'ala tiaie;; as f jllorvs: 7 40 A.M. ACCOXMODATIOX fdaily except Saudays). stappiag at Ebe'neier 8 04. 8pr,ngl)io.k U 14, bn 8 20, Jamison 8 25, Aurora 8kl, Wales 8 44, Holland 8 65; Protection 05, Arcade V 20, Yorkshire 'J 27, :acliia 9 S7, Fraakliaville 9 65, lslm lu 15, Hiasdaie 10 81, Erie Railway Junction 10 45, Uleaa 10 49, Westerns 19 6b I'oriville 11 Oi, Etate Line 11 12, Eldred 1125, Larataees 1184, Sartwell 1140, Tuitlc l'oint 11 45, I'ort Allegany 1168, Liberty 12 17, 1. 41., Keating 12 2ti, Bhip pen 12 4J. Emporium 1 00, 1. M. Stages arc advertised to connect with this train at Elaia for Marilla; at Arcade for Yerksuirc; at Franklinville far ttush lord and Ceutreville; atl'ortville for Ceres, Ricliburg, Liute Uenessee, Deliver, Mill pou aud Sharon Centre, at Larahees for Siucthport; al Port, Allegany for Coudera. port; al Kea'-mf, Taesdays aad Fridays for WLiu-tun, Easl W bartouand East Homer. b :;o A. M. MIXED TRAIN To OLE-AH (daily ciLcept Saudays). stopping at Ebeu. ezer U J6. pringbrock 10 07, Lima 10 28 Jaiuieou 10 44, Aurora 11 05, Wales 11 3'' Holland 11 05, I'retectioa 12 lti 1. M , Ar cade J2 48, orkahire 1 U5, Maeliius 126 Frankliuviile 2 05, Ieciui 25 0, Hinsdale a 23, Erie Railway Juneliou 4 00 P. M, Stages aie aeivtrlised te connect with (his train at A.-cade for Yorkehire aud itusbfurd; at Eraoklinville fur l'.aakford a OO P. M. WASHINUTON EXPRESS, (daily), stopping at Ebeneur S 22. Sariug. biouk i 81t Eiiua 3 UtS, Jauisoa S 40, Aaro ra 40, Walesa 58, Holland 4 05, Prelec tion 4 14, Arcade 4 29, York shire 4 :iij, Machiaa 4 45, l'rankliville i 00, Ischua u. 17, HiDcJale r, ail, ii-.. it.,l, janctiou 6 46, Oleau C 06 (Supper), W cs Ioiib G 15, Poitville U 22, Slate Line C 30, Eidred Vi 42, Laiabees U 63, Sarlwell ' 68, lurlle Point 7 02, Port Allegaiy 7 14, Keating 7 42, Einpenuia 8 15, Kenovo 10 40, Williamt-port 1 10 A. id., Sunbury 2 on, Harrinburg 4 20, New York 11 A. Al., Philadelphia 8 05, Daltimore 7 46, Washing tn 'J 07 A. M. fciages are advertised to eonneet with thie train at Elnia for Marilla; at East Au rora, ou Taeadavs. Thu daye, lev Java Yillege, Strykergvilie, Wales uuu ii icii nuuow; at Arcade lor spring viile, Eanduskay aad Yerkshire. Puliuan Palace Sleeping Cara on this traiu from l'.utlalo te Daltimore aid Wath. ill IT 1 0 11 r.i.hout cbanire. lk;).,lrll,; u C - . . w . u .1 , fccugera Iraast'er at Daritbarg, New York i.-iioscngcrs at iiairisnurg. Ou Sundaya ibis tram does net raa east of Olean. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2 30 A. M., BUFFALO EXPRESS (daily) stopping at Shijpen 2 60, Keating 3 16, Liberty 3 2', Port Allegany 3 62, Turtle Point 4 10, Bartwell 4 1, Enrabeee 4 22, Eldred 4 36, Btute Line 4 62, Portville & 03, YWstutis6Kl, Oleau 6 00, Erie Railway lanciiou b 05, Hinsdale G 20, lesbua 6 35, Fraukliuvilie 6 64, Maehias 7 !0, Yorkihne 7 1, Arcade 7 20, Protection 7 40, Holland 7 48, Wales 7 i, Aurora b 10. Jamison 3 Di, Eiuia8 20. Springbrook 8 20, Iben tier 8 3U, liutalo K.OO.A. M. This train aiaktsiireet connections for Klugar Falls, 'aatl allpoiats ia Canada and ihe Viest. bieiges a-.c adverticed to connect with this train M Arcade from Springville, 8an duskyaiid vvrkahire; at East Aurora, on Tuesdays, Thuredays and Saturdays from Java, fairy kersville, Wales aad Wales Hol loa; at EluiaWYoiu Marilla. Ou Moudays this traiu does not ran east of 0!e. C(0 A.M., LOCAL PASSENGER AND I REUiliT (daily except Sunday,) stopp ing at Miipptn ti o. Keatiug 7 36, Liberty " 40, Port Allegany 8 40, Turtle Poitt V 13, fcanwell.i j, Eaiabcea U 40, Eldred lOOO, fctate Line 10 83, Portville 1105, Wesions 11 20. Olean :i 38, Erie Railway way Junction 11 43, Hinsdale 12 15 P. M Franklinville 2 05, Holland 4 05, Aujora 4 48, Junction C i 00 P. M. Singes arc advertised te eanneet with this train 'at Portville rom Ceres, Rich buig, Little iiineeee, Deliver, Millport and Sliaiim Centre. 2 WO P. ACCOMMODATION (daily ext-ept Sundays), stopping at bUIppen i. 14, keatiug 2 33, Liberty 2 41, Port Al legany BOO,, 'lunle Point 3 13, Sartwell o 18, Larubees 3 25, Eldred 3 81, State Line 8 45, l oi tville 3 63, Westunaao-J, Oleau 4 08, Erie Railway Junction 4 13, HlUbJale -i 'H. IscLl 4 it l.v...,i,i; :n' . - - . nmiimillB, to, .dacbiaa a 2. orkskire & 3. Areada i oO, Proteciiou ' 10, Holland 0 22, M alca li 33, Aerora Hi, Jamison 0 64, Eluia 6 6a fpringbroek 7 04, Ebeneier 7 15, Dull'alo 7 40 P. M. Stages are advertised to eonneet with this iraiu at Keatiug from W harton, East, Homer and East Wnarton on Tuesdays aud lr;dajs;at Port Allegany from Coudera. port; at Larabeei from E nietbport; at Hanklinville from Rushford aud Centre, ville; at Aj-cade from Rushfoid and York shire. .THAIS LEAVES OLEAN: C 15 A. M . 1.(111 r. i i uir Mn l-d m ii- i T' dai1-' ""P1 Sundays, slopping if, 'S-Jtt ' 0 41 lsc1""-" 8. rranMiuvillt 80 0 taeniae 8 84, Yorkshire 853, Arcade V?il r"'ee,10n a 64' Holland 10 13, Walea lV.?,oAa.1'0r 1005 Jamison 11 21 Ehna II. C. FISK. (ien'l Manager. H. L. Li MAN, Gen'l Pass'r;Ag't. J. D. YEOMAN3, Gen'l Sup't. The estimated value cf the luanber now on baud in the country, ia f -lo . 000,000, not including the large invest', meats ia piue lauds.