1 V i llr I V XS 'h A Henry A. Parsons, Jr. - - Editor THCIlSk) AY, DUO KM BE 11 31,'ST4. PA3SAS3 OF THE FINANCE .BILL. The last session of Coogress cpcnt six or sereo moiths io a vain endeavor to frame a ioance bill having for its object the resumption of specie pajnieuts. Parties were about equally divided oo the questions of contractioa or iufl ition. A return to tbeir constituents geeais to bare convinced tbe Republican Sen ators, at least, that there should be do great difficulties in agreeing on a finance policy, and as a result we hare the in troduction and passage ol a bill hj tbe Senate this week, iu a less number of days than mouths were occupied lust session ia disoussion, without any practi cal resalts. The Senate jeiterdey tock up tho bill reported by Mr. Sherman from the Finance Committee, ''(o provide for the resumption of fftc'.e pnymcats," and passed it after a brief debate which only served to show Diruocralio t pposition to any measure of practical legislation. Senator Sherman gave a clear explana tion ot the bill which we annex as it will aid our readers to a better under standing of it. lie said: The first section providing fur the re demption of fractional currency wilh oin met with the approval of both the Secretary ot the Treasury and tho Presi dent. The second section which re pealed the law making a charge of one fifth of one per jent. for conrcrtiDi.' standard gold bullion into coin, required a sacrifice on the part oi the Govern ment to tho extent of "45,000 per an num, that being the amount levied last year upon those wr'o brought pold bullion to be made into coin. The third section of the bill provided for free bank ing. Under the present law banking is virtually free in some of the western and southern States, but in great oomuicicial centers of the country t was not Jroe. This tree banking section, therefore, provided for the enlargement of the volume of currency ia case the business of the country demanded it. It also proposed to redeem United States notes to the exteut of eighty per cent, of the amount of new bank notes issued. The sretion did not propose either contrac tion or expansion of currency, leaving it to be governed by the business wants nf the nnmmimity Thr hill alsa provided ample means to maintain and provide for specie resumption, and no Senator could doubt that if the bill became a law specie payments would be resuaisd on the 1st of January, 1879. Senator Schurz objected to the bill because it did not provide for tha des truction of the eighty per cent, of leal tenders redeemed, but left it discretion ary with the Secretary of the Treasury to reissue them. Stijl he would vote for the bill because.it contained a pledge to return to specie payments. Tho Democratic Senators had the de bate to themselves, the Republicans voting down all motions to amend. Senator Truman led in opposition, de claring that "tinkering bills" would do nothing for the business of tho country; nothing but time, honesty, economy and retrenchment would briDg back pros perity. History, he averred, showed that the business of the country never revived at a les period thas four years after a panio. He desired to amend the bill so tkat part of the customs duties eould bo paid in paper, but was . voted down. Other amendments by Democratic Senators shared a like fate, and the bill passed by ayes 32; nays 1-1, as follows; TEAS Allison, Anthony, BoutweM, Carpenter, Chandler, Clayton, Cngin, Edmunds, Kenton, Ferry (Mich.) Frelinghuysen, Flanagan, Hamlin, Harvey, Howe, Ingalls, Logan, Morton, Morrill, (He.) Ogleshy, Patterson Schurz. Scott, Sherman, Pease, Pratt, linmsey, Fpencer; Sargent, Webt, Washbun, Wright, WATS, Bogy, Cooper, Davis Dennis, Gohlthwailo, linger, Hamilton (Tei.)Jolins(on, Merriiuon, UauBom, Sprague, Stevenso'i, Thurman, Tipton. Tho vote is a strict party one. Messrs, Schurz and Fentou, Liberals, voted with tho Republicans, and Sprague of R. I , with the Democrats Senators Cameron, Morrill of Vt and Windom, who would have voted for tbe bill, were paired with Senators Kelly, McCreery and Norwood, Democrats. It is believed the bill will pass the IIouso after the holiday recess. It is a compromise measure, as in the na'ure of things my sicoeesful measure must be, which aims at laying down a finance policy acceptable to the whole country. But there is one great gain by it, and that is it lays down a policy which will have the united Rapport of the Republi can party, and every line of this policy proposes a step towards specie resump tion. The substitution of silver for the fractional currency is imperative, aud will commence immediatly. on the pas sage of the bill. Tbe Secretary ot the Treasury h authorized to eecuro, by loans, tbe amount of coin necessary to redeem the Ouveiuujtr. no ts in 1879, and we understand the law to leave it to the discretion of the Secretary when to commence this operation. The redemp tion of greenbacks as national hank notes are issued is mado imperative down to the Hum of $300,000,000, but it is not necessarily su ended at that point. Tho administration of the law by Prcsi: dent Grant and Secretary Bristow, we may be sure, will bj in the direction of resumption just as fast ns it can be se cured, without injury to the business in. terests of the nation I'ittiluryh 7cle. GENERALJNOTES. The anntinl convention of the State Patrons of Husbandry will be held on tho 1:2th of January. V;u. Delaney, one of tho "six hun dred" immortalized by Tennyson, is now residing in Portland, Me. The New York district attorney is understood to have brought before the !ind jury the matter ot Sunday night performances iu the Uuwcry Theatre, to test the right to have such performances. Governor 0burn, of Kansas, esti mates that tha nutnbet of people in the western counties of his State who will need uiJ during the coming winter at 2,000. A large proportion of ihee are now in want Tbe Michigan State Fish Commis sioners have placed iorty-cight thousand Cuiiioruia fish, sixty days old, iu tho Au Sable river. The Chicago coin market is believed to be in the hauds o'a lew operators, who contemplate a considerable squeeze at the end ot'the month. A Minneapolis, Minn., dispatch says Spafford, the Treasurer of the Victor Sewing Machine Company, is a defaul ter to a contiueiable auiouut, aud has disappeared. A horrible abortion oase has been discovered at Hampton, Franklin county Iowa, the victim being a Mrs. Iocs. She died a few days ago. Her husband and a drunken doctor were bound over to tho next term of the District Court. Small bills should he promptly paid. The men to whom they are .due gener ally n?ed tho money. The little bills are the ones that make numberless gaps in the world of business. How much comfort to (milies, cheer to desponding business men and encouragement gen erally, would Le given by the immedi ate discharge of all little, and prchups half-forgntteu obligations. The friends of Edward Slokes have made application to Governor Dix fur his pardon, oo the ground that he will have served his term by January Gth counting in his imprisonment in the Tombs before sentence, and deducting the commutation he is entitled to for good behavior. Gov. Dix declines to interfere, because lie will not be in effiuc on January Gth. Stokes' counsel, will take him from prison on a writ ol habeas corpus the first week in January. Jersey City, December 23. At one o'clock this morning, Bernard lliley, David Murphy, Martin Sullivan and James Bums, employed at the Lucka wanua and Western Railroad, were per cipitated down the shaft, sixty feet deep, the bucket giving way, and were in stantly killed. The men threatened to lynch the engineer, who was blxmelos, and a force ot police wns detained to protect him. The janitor of fin Indianapolis modi cal college was deeply affected ou recog nizing his brother-in-law on the dissect-ing-table. His giief was the more poignant from the fact that he had him self carried tho stolen corpse up three flights of stairs. When it was said to a Nebraska man that he didn't use good grainmer, heput on a mournful look and replied: "Well, We lived inor'n (en miles from the nearest tavern." The ''dangerous classes" are too poor to get whisky. There is notably less criu) iu consequence, and State Prison expenses arc not reduced by the usual quaotity of State Prison labor. Two thousand dollars in gold wert lately paid in London for a cup of coffee 'The Cup of Coffee" was made by Madrago on his easel. It was a won derful specimen of the painter's art. The Minnesota State Grange has re solved that tho present State law for the regulations of railroads is expensive and useless to the people and vexatious to the roads, aud demands its repeal; and in the name of 20.000 voters the Gran gers demaud the passage of a law that shall gnarauteo cheap transportation for the productions of tbe farm, especially wheat. Charles B- Ilutehios, an Albany lawyer, has just been teat to the peni tentiary for one year on a eharge of as sault and battery. He ruieed a girl thirteen years old, and forged a letter to shield himself. A poor lawyer evi dently, and certainly a very msun maa. A Philadelphia horse car conductor found a poeket-book containing one-hundred dollars, and after two days' vigi lant search discovered the owner and restored the property. At a private meetiug of tho other conductors he was denounced for his reckless disregard of the opportunities vouchafoJ him by a mysterious Providence. The Erie Diqmtch notices the finding of a woman named Mrs Catharine Ag nes dead in tho street last Saturday night near the Fraukliu House, iu Erie J. A. Hautz, the proprietor of the house was arrested oo suspicion of being her murderer. The Coroner's Jury" had the case under consideration, but we have not heard the ves diet. Omaha, Neb., December 20. Gen eral (3rd, commander if this department has ordered a company of eavulry liom Camp Sheridan to puisue and overhaul a party of miners who have siurted ior the gold region iu the Black Hills, and expel ihcui from the ludiuu territory, Calliforuia claims that the present year has beea the best, financially, which her people bare ever known. Jioistor's Notico. NOTICE Is hrby given lint, the follow ing accounts havo been filed in my office, and will bo presented at the Orphan's Court of Elk Countl for continual ion, on the fourth Monday of January next, being the 24th day of January, 1875: Kinnl account of Catharine Shall, admin istratrix of Adam Shall, late of Millstono Township, F.Ik county, Fa., deceased. Final account of L. U. Dixon and G. L Winslow, administrators of Elizabeth rt'inslow. Into of Penezctle township, Elk county, T , deceased. Vurllal account of E. II' Fixon, admin istrator f Charlrs Sheldrake's estate, lale of llcnezctte township, Klk county, Fa., deceased. FRED. SCIKENING. Register. v4n4H4 Cutily Auditor' iUertint- Notice is hereby given (hat the under signed Auditora will meet at the Commis sioners' efflce, at llidgway, Fa., ou MON DAY THE FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1875, at two o'clock P. M., for the pupose of auditing settling ard adjusting tha ac counts of the coauty of Elk witk its several oHiccrs; and the Treasurer, Sheriff and Commissioners of said county, also Com missionera of States Honda, are requeued to be piesent at the above named time and place. THUS. IRWIN ) THOS. J. 1SUKK2 VCo. Auditors- N, U. DUNDY, J dec 17-2t EST.iTU JTOTtCK. ESTATE OF JOHN ENDI1EAS, late of Heozinger Township, Eik County deceased. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment. All those having legal claim against the same will pre sent them without delay in proper order for settlement, to SOPHIA ENDRKAS, MAll'llN SORU, 0,41 tG. Executors. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S PUBLICATIONS. SOLD OKLY liX SUBSUUPTWX. THE ALDINE; THE ART. JOURNAL OF AMERICA. This splendid enter rise is nut only well sustained in every leaiure, but is being constantly developed nnd improved. It to-day stands without a rival iu the whole world of periodical literature. Tho beauti ful dog-poitrait, ''Man's Uuf clfish Friend," a chromo presented to every i-ubscnber, is a deciued hit, nnd will, it' possible, add to the popularity which this ork Las gained. The Aut Union leuture alBo promises great and beniticent results, in arousing pnldio interest iu the tiae nils. Circulars and full information on application. Parts I, II, III, nnd IV are now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To be completed in 40 pans issued iur uigily. Each part will caulain an elegant frontis piece, originally engraved on sleol lor tl,c London Art Journal. R.EPR.3DUCIriG at a price within the popular reach, en gravings never before oiloied at less ibun tivo times the amount. These plates have been the attraction oi The London Art Journal, Each part will contain 'Jti quart pages, including the elegant froutiFpiecn, on heavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly illuminated in red and (told, wiil be given with tiie first part, an 1 the printing of the entire work will be a worthy representa tion of "The Aldtce l'ress'' which in a guarantee of something beautiful aud val. uable. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Fart Paris I, If. and 111 are Just Published. TKE .JKT JOVR.V.-SFj Complete in 12 monthly parts, at 1 each Reproducing the be.-t full pi go illustra tions from the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain sin su perb plates with accompanying descriptive matter, and whether for binding or framing will be entirely beyond competition in price or artistic character, livery impres sion will be most carefully taktu on the finest toned paper, and no p lina will be spared to make this the richest prodjetion of a press which has won, in a mav.elousiy short time, a world-wide reputation. Especially assorted for Scrap Book Illustrctiens and Drawing diss Copies. A large collection of pictures of different sizes aud on almost every conceivable sub. j ei t have been put cp iu r.n attractive en velope, aud are now offered at a price in tended to make them popular m ever sense' Envelope No. 1, containing GO beautiful engravings, is now ready, and will be sent, postage paid, to any address for ONI' LOl. L.U1. A liberal discount to agents and teachers. SCHAP BOOKS. A splendid assortment of fCRAP COOKS have bocn expressly preparod for the holi day season, and no present cf more perma nent interest Can be seltcted far gentleman or lady, old r young. r'o. 1. Half bound, clota sides, gilt back 2"M pp. l'Jxltt inches $u 00 No. 2. Half boaud, cla ii sides, gill ba:k, 5U0 pp. l'2xl inches 7 00 No. 8. Full nioroco, beveled bards gilt and antique, very rich SOU pp 12 00 Lettered to rder in gold at 25 eenls each line. Sent by mail post-pa'i on receipt f the price. THE ALDINE l'ASt'E PAIU'OUTS. Iu compliance with repeated requests, the publishers of Thk Aluikk have pre pared impressions f nauy f tkeir ao':t beautiful plates for pase-partut framing. The cuts are nounted n a beautifully tinted azure mat, with a kandssne rea bor der line. To attach the glass, it is nly left fr tie customer to paste and fold over au already attached border aud tkis aiay be. Uoue by a child. 7 eubjects, lZxli iaches, Via.; with glass, 5Uc. Six of this size for $1 waca seleetioa is eft t the publishers. I subjects, 10x12 inthes, i9., with glass, 4 jo. 7 subjects, CJxFj iuakes. lac., wita glass, 40e. 12 subjects, 14xlt iaches, 60 .; with glass, $1. Ceil by ail, witktat glass, post paid, fr pri. CANVASSERS WANTED as Maiden Lane, Jt'etv l'ork v4n41tll. Advertisements. CEJTSE PETlTtfKVS LIST ef petitions for Lioensea filed for January Tern, 1875: TAVKRN. 1 . L. Winslow 2 F. X. Rorg 5 John Collin 4 George Dill 6 William II. gcbram 6 lliley Bros 7 Arton Fochlmanu St. 8 Elizabeth Voeel ....TSonezette ...P.eimi'ger Fox Jay Kldgay .... Ridgwuy Mary'B Uoro 0 Joseph F. Wiudfclder ... " 10 Joseph WindWder " 11 William Zelt 12 Andrew Uogan " 13 Jsmcs Tvogan " 14 Jcbn Wachlcl & S " 15 Thomas Valcutino ' 10 It. II. Morrison IATIKO llOtf K. 17 John Daley IicnczMte 18 Andrew llau .Fox 1 James M'O innis Ridgwny 20 William file St. Mary's Doro iaracy Wesnitzcr.. 22 Anlhouy Schaucrs 23 Jacob Kraus 24 O. O. Messenger Kidgway 2fi l harlcs M'Vean St, Mary's Uo o 20 Joseph Wilhcltn ' FILED. SCIKENINO, Clerk -Q. 8. THE BEST PAPER, Try It. POSTAGE fuel:. nEA"UTIFi;l.LY ILLUSTRATED. The SCIENTIFIC! AMERICAN now iu its iiOlh j ear, enjoys the widest circulation of Hny newspaper of the kind in the world. A new volume comie.cuces January 4ih, lbll'l. Its contents embrace tho l itest and most Interesting infoi Biation pertaining to the ludus'rial, Mechanical, and Scientific Pro gress of the World; Descriptions, with lieautiftil Engravings, of New Inventions, New lmpieiuentc, New Processes, nnd im proved Industries of alt kinos; Useful Notes Itecipcs, uj-gosiions and Advice, by Prao tical Writers, lor Woikmen aud Employers, in ull the various arts. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the cheapest and best illustrated weenly papers published. Every number contains from 10 to lo originil engravings of new ma chinery aud novel inventions. ENOtiA VING., illustrating Improve ment, Discoveries, nnd important Works. pertaining to civil und Mechanical Eug:u- cejiug, muling, aiming anu metallurgy, Eecords of the la'est progress in the ap plications tf Steam, bteam Engineering; Kuilwiys, Hiip-Iluilding, Navigation, Tele graphy, Telegraph Engineering, Electricity .)ui;aelism, Light and iieat. FARMERS, Mechanics, Engineers, In ventors, Manufacturers, Chemists, Lovers of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Lawyers and People of ali Professions, will find thu I'eiKNTinc Amkmcan useful to them. It sliouid have a place in every Family, library, Study, OBice, aud Counting itocn,; in every Heading Room, College, Acude.'i.y. or School. A year's numbers contain Sl2 pages nnd SiiVE.iAi. ilt.Ni)iu:i Esc.aAViso. lltuua niicis of volumes a' e preserved fur binjiiig and reference. The practical receipts ait v.c.l Hoi ih' teu tiu.e.-i Use subscription price. Teni's $:j.20 a J em by mail, inciud.i.g pos tage. Di.-ccun! to cubs. Speciai e;ru bus and Specimens sent frco. May be had 'f all News Dcaici s. PA'4'EME i: V-ieiil Uie iincr c in , Messrs. Ml In onneo Dun wu 11 I i. e un n & Co. are Solicitors of Ai.ericjn nnd Foreign I'lilcuix, and have the largest eMubliidiia n in tlie wui'td. Mure than fifiy tlii.u-Kiid applications have- been made for patonts through their lgenoy. Puteuts are obtained en the best term, Models of New invention and tketeLes ex. uiuincd aud advice freo. A special noiice is made in tiie Scientific American ol a.i Inventions Patented through this Agency, witli t lie name aud residence of the i'aie.i tee. 1'aieuts are oiteu sold in pan or whole, to pcrseus attracted to the invention by such notice. Scud f.u' Pamphlet, 110 piges, containing laws nm.t fud directions for obtaining Patents. Address lor the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNii O., o7 Park Row, V. Dr&nch Utiicc, co . F and 7tli Sis . Washington, D. L'. J DAILY AND WEEKLY FOR 1870. The rpprcaeii tf ilie Presidential elec tion gives unusual importance to the events and (ie eiopmeiiU ot to. We shall cu ileuvor lo dvseiibe thei fully, faithfully, r.loi iiksiy. Till. El. KEY SIN has now atltitteil a c inula! ion of over rcvciity thousand copies lis landers arc lound iu every Stale and Terriioiy, and its quality is weil known tu I lie ) ubiic. We shall not enly endeavor to 1-eep it lul'.y up lo Tue oid staiuiaid, but to iu.piuve t;i diu.U io its variety and power. 'j'H K WEEKLY t L'N niil com inue to be n i borough newspaper. Alt the tivvm of i n e (iiiy v. til be louiul in it, condensed when uuiii.poiliuii, a: full le:.gli' when uf mo ment, and aiwas, we trust, vtatcd in a cicnr, interesting and instructive iiiaui er. li is our aim lo n.ak the WhLK',Y SUN the best family newspaper iu the world. It niiibefull ef iiitriiainiiig and appro priate reiding uf tvefy tori, but wiil print rioihing to clieud ilie uiobt scrupulous und delicate laste. li .wiil always contain the noet interesting stoiiesand romances of the day, carclully selected nnd lrg.bly printed. The Agricultural Department is a promi ncut leatnre in the WEEKLY SIN and its articles will always bo lound fresh und use ful io the lamier. 'Ihe number of men independent in poli tico is increasing, and the WEEKLY fcUN is ihtir paper especially. It belongs to no party, nnd obeys no diCiaiion. contending tor principle, and for tae election of the ueci men. It exposes the corruption tha1 disgraces the country uud IhieHlcus he overthrow of republican institutions. It has uo tear of knaves, and sects uo favors Irtiii I heir surporlers. Tiie markets of every kind and the fash ions are icgularly reported in lis columns, The price of the WEi KLY SUN is one dollar a year for a sheets of e'gll pages und rifly-tix columns, As this barely pays the expenses of paper and printing, we are nut able lo make any uiecount or allow any premiun.s to friends who may uiuhe special eilorts to extend its circulation. Lnaer the new law. wbich requires payment ot postage in advance, one dollar a year, with twenty ceute the cost of prepaid pobtage is tno rule ot euuicription. u is nol ueues tary to gel up a club iu oidet to have the WlElvLY SUN at this rate. Anyone who sends one dollar and twenty cents will gel mo paper, postpaid, ior a year. We have uo traveling agents. THE WEEKLY SUN. Eight pages, fifty six columns. Only $1 -J a year, posiage prepaid. No discouats troiu this rale. '1 HE DAILY SUN. r-A large four-page newspaper of twenty-eight columns. Daily circulation over $120,000. All ihe news for 2 cents. Subscription, postage prepaid. ua cents a mouth, or $U 60 a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount of 20 per cent. Audresa, "TEE SUN," New York City, TT7 i 1 J 1.1 POWELL & KIME. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that the world moves, and that the demands of the public are con stantly increasin?, the proprietors of the (Grand Cntyal JStoip liavo just rcrurned from the eastern aDtl western cities with the auot peWect and eiiinjiifte stuck of MERCHANDISE OL' LVEttY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK TOR ANYTHING they Jo not keep, aud they have I'bsulutcly "UROKO THE BACKBONE of !ii,h prices. They buy for cash and EEIJ. i'OIl CASH! IlEAl'KJl THAN TIIE CHEAPEST ! RMgway, May 1st, 1873. JpilYSICIAKS ANU DRUGGISTS. A prominent. New York physician lately coiupiuinta 10 uunitas dick, uooui uis Dad dalwood Oil Capsulas, smtine tiint some limes tbey cured miraculously ; but that a patient of liis bad taken ilieui lor eonietime without effect . On being informed that frevc-ral imilatioiis were niado and sold, he inquired aud found that his patient had r.ren taking capsulnesold in bottles, and not DUX DAS DICK &. CO'S. What happened lo this physician may have happened to others, and DUX'DAS D1C1C & Cu., t nke this melhod of protecting "Oil oi Sandalwood" froia this disrepute. 1'IIYSICI AX'S who once prescribe the Capsulas will CONTINUE TO DO SO, for thov contain the TUltE OIL in the BEST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OF SANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every oilier remedy, sixty Cspsules ONLY being required lo insure a tale and certain cure in six or eight days. From uo other medicine can this result be had. Dick's Soft Oafsi'iks solve the prob lem long considered by many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nausea and dis gust experienced in swallowing, which are well kuown lo detract from, if not debtroj, the good effects of many valuable remedies. boil Capsules rib put up in tin-toil and nent boxes, thirly in each, and are the only cupeules prescribed by Physiciaus. flsJ-TEESE WERE TIIE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED TO THE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Bend for Circular to C5 Woosler St., N. YJ SOLD AT ALL IT.UCr STOEES. General Agency, 1J0 Reade Street, N. Y E. B. FQOTE, M.D. 120 LoiisEtoii ATDnue, Coi R 2M St., NEW YORK, An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FOIUIS OF CHROHIC DISEASE, AND P.ECKIVE3 Letter h from all parts oj the Civilized World. BY HIS ORIGIilAl WAT CF ConJuctini a Beilcal Practice HE 19 TRRATtlTO Numerous Faticnt3 in Europe, the West Indies, tho Dominion of Canada, and in every Stato of the Uniou. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. No mrretirlol mcrtirJiiM or (Motor I on dnirr! need, Hns diirinif the ynl twenty ypnrs tiva'.nl succesv fully nearly or quite 4M,U00 crises. All f.iots con nected with Ptioh case nro cnrefully recorded, whether they ho communicated by letter or In person, or obrved by the DtK-tnr or his ai-ocint physicians. The latter tiro ull ndcntiflc mMical men. All Invalids at a dUtance nro required to nnswer an extended list, of pluin fiii(rftioim, which will be furnished by mail fn-e, or ut tho cfTioe. A com plete system of reyiti-rinK prrvcntn nnRtnko or confusion. Cane bonks never consul tun, except by the phyBiciaun rf Ihe estrblUhm' nt. Fur freo coiifculiation send for li-t f qnei ior.". A sixty pa tec- iiainpiilt f cviitences of success Bent free also. Address I3r. 03. II. I'OOTK, llox 78, Iicv VorK. AGCfTS VVAHTCD. Dn. Foote i the liiithoi- o "Mkmcal Com mon Sense," a bt,'k tlvrii n'iteli ,i u cirnthition of over 25(0W e..-r: nU, r ' Vlms lloiut Talk," more recti:!) p. h h. A, wiitch luis sold to tho extent, or 70,i)i'0 copirs ; nNo, of PriKNCE IN Stout," which 's nv.v te:.n:- pnh'.i'.iied iu tciiea, of all, excepting thi- I'M mentioned work (which Is out of print), will b" pent free on npplirntinti to either Dr. Footk, or the JCu?y Hill TuMisli iaj C0iapaZ7, whoso ufli-e is 1 !ttU street. Agents both men n:;-l wcmi-n wimtod to sell the foregoing works to whMU a lihr-rnl profit will be allowed. The brinnh oi fiit.Vi fortunes have been mad' in seJiimr Ir. Footk'r popular works. "Plain Home Talk' in particularly Adapted to adult, and " PciEsrr. is ftlCR, is jivt the thing for the youn;. S ud fur contents U.Mcs and see for o-ir-t-lve-. The funnel answers a multitude of iue.-t:'TM which Indies and penile men feel adehcncyaliuiit ashing of their physicians. There is nothing in liienitmv nl nil like cither f tho foregoing work. Pen nck in Stout1 can only be had of arents or of the Publishers, PLAIN IH'MK TALK " is published in bth the JSniili.-h und Ucnnan l.aiisuf.iies. Once more, Ar.'lJll F.S" AP. AHUVli VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWEIt Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. Vq can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gbay on Faded Hair to its'Vouthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes whito and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonio properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is tho most economical Hatr Dbessing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality ; and I consider it tho Best Pkepaeation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOB THE tv-HISKEKS. As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or laded vv msli ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Bold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.i NASHUA, K.H. riCTlTStt Jt . NOTICE WHEREBY GIVTN THAT A Petition will bo presented at the next session of the Legislature for Ihe passage of a law reinstating the Commissioners of the Dig Level State Road, long enough to collect present taxes, pay up iudebteduess and set tlo up acoounts. For the Commissioners YY. S. OVIATT. Dec. 3, 1874. it Y YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP CO TO JAMES II- IIAGEHTY Main Street, F.idgway, Ta. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAl'S, GLASS AND QUEEN S Vv'AllE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR CcDttautly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES H. HAGERTY. BUSINESS CARDS. O. A. RATHBUX, Attorney-at-law, Uidgwuy, Ta. 2 2 tf. JiUFUS LUC ORE, AUorney-at-Law Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. Office In Hull's new llrick Building. Claims for collcclion promplly altended lo. 3nl1y. 11 ALL & M'CAULLV, Attorney8-nt-Lw. Oflice In Not Brick Building, Main B Kiditwuy, Llk Co., 1'a. 8n2lf. J, O. H, BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vln2..yl. RidgTyny, Elk Coanly, Pa. Agent, for (lie Traveler's Life and Acoi dent liirfurnnce Co., of liarlfnrd. Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, liaring permanently lo cntnl in Rigwuy, oilers liis profeseionol ser vices to i be citizens of Bidgway ano sur rounding country. All work warranted. Ollice in Service 4t Wlicelcr's Building, up. amirs, lirst door lo the left, 7i-u-l2-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Kngrayer and Jeweler, Main street, Kidgwny, Pa. Agent for lh Howe dewing Machine, aud Morton QoJ Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, data with he samo accuracy as heretofore. 8ati actiou guaranteed. vlnly G. C. MESSES GER, Druggist and Taraceutist, N. W. cornet of Alain und Mill si reels, Ridgwny, Pa. full assortment of carefully (selected For eign nnd Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions cnrefully dispensed at all hours, day er night. Tln3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. 2., Physician ana Surgeon. Office iu Drug Store, corner Proad and Main Bis. Kesidenco corner Drnad St. opposite the Colltgp. Oliice hours litiu b to IU A. M. and liom V to ts P. M. vlny 1. J. S. LORD 'ELL, M. D., ICcleciic Physician and Surgeon, hasremoT ed his office from Centre street, to.Muiu si, llidgway, Pa,, in tho tecond story of Ihe new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. . Qiliec hours: b to 0 a- m: 1 to 2 p. u. 7 Jan U li HYDE HOUSE, Kmc way, Ki.k Co., Pa, W. II. SC11UAM, Proprietor. Thankful for ihe patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the aew proprietor, hopes, by paying strict million to the comfort and convcuicuc of guests, to merii a continuance oi tha same. Oct SO IPC'.). LUCE TAIL HOUSE, Kank, MKean Co,, P... R. P.. LOOKER, Proprietor. T'huiiUul for the p'lt roiingo beret ufoit so liberally bostowed upon hnn. the new pro prietor, hope, by paying strict ta tendon I o I he cum lull and convenience of guesis. lo merit a continuance of the same. The enly sitiliies ti.r hurses in Kane mid well l.cpi night or day. j i all attached to the Hotel. vlutlyl. KERSEY HOUSE, CcNTut.vii.LK, Klk Co., Pa. John Coi.uns, Proprietor. Q'haukl'ul for the patronage hcrctolor so liber illy bestowed upon him, tho nw proprietor, hopes, by paying strict nt leulion io the couilor ulU convcnicucs ol' gUv'sis. lmeiit a contiuuuuce of the same. r. ir. ha ys, UK. U.K. IN Dry Goods, Notions, Grcceriec, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earlcy J'. ( vln4Vtf. ' PLAYIJJG CAEDS. BEST TIIE CHBAPSST. STE '.SHii'S Cheapest kind made. RfcG fTAS A cheap common card. 15RO DWAYS nice coumion caid. VI It KIAS Fine calico backs. GEN JA.CKSONS Cheap nnd popular, (P.i tern bucks, various colois and de signs.) COL - M131AB (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One of the best card made. Mi'. VERNOXS Extra fine, t wo color putt terns. THE ABOVE TAKE K0 OTHIES List ou application. Dcaleis sup- VICTOR. E. MAUGER, 39-ly UG to 112 Kcade St., N. Y Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YORK, FENN'a SSTCatalogues Mailed to Applicants'" Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. S, Black, Washington, D. C. Wtistn, Son & Caul, Duukers, York, Pa. li-bnir f0 THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL I VAN1A. Y'our alteution is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to Ihe Capital Stock ot the Centennial hoard of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings lor the International Exhibition, and Ihe expenses counected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone Stale will be represented bj the name of every citizen alive to patri otic commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of slock are offered for $10 each, and sub. scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1870. Subscribers who are not'neai a National Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersigned, FKED'K. FKALEY, Treasurer, Wi Walnut St., Philadelphia