6 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 3874. Itldgiray Insurance rfgeney. Rcpraentintj Cash Asirt of 835,907.744 40 FIRE DEPARTMENT German Am., New York $1,050,000,00 Niagara of Now York 1 819.933,00 Amazon Cincinnati of 850.957 17 City Ins., Co, of Providence' 19G,S54 32 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life & Accident Hartford 2,0C0,0O0,00 North American Mutual of. New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable of New York 15,000,000,00 Insurance effects in any of the above standard companies at the most reasona. terms, consistent with perfect security to the insured. J, O. W. BAILEY, Agent. Car Time at Hid stray. Mail East 4:45 P: M. do West 2: 33 V. M. , Through Local, East 8: '20 A. M. do do West 0:25 P. M. Local East 4:50 P. M do West 8;20 A. M. The Mail and Through Local carry passengers, the local does cot. ,ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The stated meetings of Ellt Lolge, No. 870, are held at their hall, corner of Main nnd Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuodnyil f each month' W. C. TIIALT, Scc'y. Bates of Advertising. Ono column, one year $75 00 411 W) 25 00 15 00 Transient advertisement? per square of eight lines, one insertion $1. two inser tions, SI. 50, three insertions. S'i. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $3. Advertisements payable quarterly. 03117 m Clark A. TTileox. Esq. List week wa made mention of the death of the above highly respected gentleman, lie had been suffering for soma time with carbuncles on Lis neck, but neithea he nor his frieods,wcre iathe least alarmed about them. Last Wed nesday erysipelas set in and in a few hours ha breathed his last II is wife with her children was at Springville, Erie Co., N. Y., where the. children were goiny; to school, when the sad news was telegraphed to her, Deceased was born in Allegheny couuty N. Y., on the 28th of December, 1831 and conse quently was at the time of his .death aged 42 years; 11 iuoi thr, aud 10 days. We can say with safety that he was one of 151k county's stuunche.-t men, un 1 in life wh renp-wte 1 by all wit'i whom he had intercourse, and now, a3 the mist of death Las closed his eyes in their eternal e'eop, there are many that do mourn. The funeral sermon was preached by llov. Win. Martin, in thi Methodist church at Brockwayviile, and his corsi was followed to itg tini resting place by the largest concoutse of people that ever attended a funeral iu Ellt county. Normal tcnooi. Ai'iT.ei'aiAno.v.s- The appropriation made to the State riormal schools by the last Legislature fis $i)'i,000. The cnni'iiHsiou named in 1 ... .1 ...... :i..,. . Governor, tha Attorney General and the Superintendent of Common Schools havo apportioned it as follows: Millers- ville, 815.000 Edinboro, $5,0U0, Mans field 85,000: Kutztown, 10,000, Uloornsburg, $5,000 West Chester, $10,000, Sluppentburg, 5,000 Saga more, S5,000, Including these amounts ill) several schools have now receive J irectly from the State appropriations as follows: Millersville $30,000, Edin bcro, $30,000 Mansield, 840,000, Kutztown , $35,000, liloonibburg, 40, 00, West Chester, 1 35,000; Shippens burg, $10,000; Sagamore, $30,000. Another appropriation of 4000 will be necessary to place each of the other schools on the tamo basis with those that hare received the lurgest tppreria tions 810,000 each. C CoMPOLaoav Education iu New A'ork begins on the first of tho year. The opinion is general that the new law will fork well and will be of great bene fit to thousand of children who are now growing up in pagan ignorance and crime. In New York city it is the in tention to enforce the law with energy kiui the police force will be employed to obtain much of the essential informa tion. 1: is intended to gather in froai tha streets, slams sod workshops of the city all children between the ages of eight and fourteen and compel their pa rents if they kave any, to eeud them to school for a term of fourteen weeks in tbeyear, eight weeks of which must be leonsesutive or they may be iastructsd at home loartaen weeks, wuieh will serve the purpose of the law equally well. Ine law provides specifically that the branches which all childrea oi whatever sex or social rank must learn hall be, Epellias;. reading, writing, English grammar, geography anJ arith metic. Fittihuryh Telegraph. I Thi case of Mrs. Graves and Uaynes I. 3 I.l- . . i i r oargeu wna poisouiog, me nusoana or he former, oa June laic waa tried in be Potter county court last week. Mis. J raves was i a a deuoate condition, aa l ,er trial was postponed. The man (layoes was tried and found guilty of jtnurder in the first degree. NOTES Our jail at present empty. DicarnfRlA is still alarmingly pre vulcnt in Warren. Company II is to be a bucktail com pany. Each soldier wears a bucktail iu his cap. Crawford County has Manufac tured $750,000 worth of cheese during the present season. The tannery that was burned at Em poriuui recently it is to be rebuilt at once. Emporium Las a Ero department, and on last week, Monday, a meeting was held and offioers elected. The Emporium post office is now a presidential oppointmsnt with a salary of $1000. A subscription is being raised to furnish the new Methodist church edifice with a nw carpet. A man named loung, a resident of Bedford county, has just Bhot the one hundredth deer. A bill has been introduced in tke House to make the President's salary $25,000 instead of $50,000 per annum. A you6g fellow in Grundy county, Iowa, wanted to charge bis girl 20 cents for his picture, informing her at the time that it originally costs quarter. A Northumberland county man wears a suit which cost him seven hun dred dollars. He endorsed for a "friend," and this is how it come. IIu.nti.no for deer is forbidden by law after the 1st of January. We sup pose some of tho boys will havo "some to bring iu" for a month or two yet. Tue Ileynoldsville Ilrrald has been issued only a few weeks and jet pub lishes the legend pay the printer." After the Herald becomes older it will Gad that they do'nt do it that way. Attention Company II. A aieet ingt of company II will bo held t the armory next Saturday evening for the purpose of transacting important busi ness. All members are requested to be present. Tub Welsboro bank robbers, Cook, and Cosgrove, were sentenced last week. Cook to thirteen years and nine months, and Cosgrove to sixteen jean and cine mouths in the Eastern Peni tentiary. Horace Ilawcs, Esq., of Erie, died in California some time ago, and willed his entire estate, valued at $2,000,000, to found a college. Tho courts have deaided that he was insane, an I bis widow tbkrs the money. Now who takes the widow? The Supreme Court of Maine has de cided that women cannot be Justices of the Peace or hold any other offiee des ignated by the Constitution of that State. Uut that the Legislature wiy authorize women to hol t any office crea ted by that tody. A fellow named Fane II is now in the Cameron county jail, on a charge c-l attempting to shoot a brakeman who had been detailed to prevent him from get ting on the train from whenoe he had teen i jeeted by Conductor Metzger, for refusing to pay bis fare. Tub first bill passed in tha lower houf e of congress on Monday, was one offered by Mr. Tyoer, of Indiana appro priating the handsome sum of $30,000 lor the purchase of scales for the post offico department in executing the new law requiring the prepayment of post age on newspapers, which goes into operatiou cn iho first of January. Tub N. Y. Observer. This is one of the oldest and most widely circulated journals belonging to the Pres-byterion denomination, and deserves public pat ronage. It is a large double sheet in fact it is two papers in one published at $3 per auuuui postage paid. Two copies will be sent for 3.80, to new mhtcrilers. Samples copies sent free. Address. S. I. P11IME& CO-, 37 Park Row, New York On Wednesday last the heaviest man in the State it not in the country died at UouglasviIIo. Iieiks couuty. Al though but twenty-ono years old, he weighed four hundred and futy pounds. The calf of his leg measured tweatv nine inches in circumfereuce. He was five feet eight inches iu height, and had a handsome fsos. Tho name of this marvel was William Kupp. The young man died suddenly, he having retired to bed in good health tha night prooed ing the morning on which he breathed his last. AprxETONs American Cyclopedia. That tho revised, and elegantly illus trated edition e' this work, now being published, a volume of 600 pages once in two months, is the best Cyclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete cne in itself. It only costs $3 a month to get it in leather bind'ng. The best and cheapest library in the world C. K. Judson, Fredonia, F. Y. con trols the sale of it in Northern Pennsyl vania. Apply to him (or full particulars. NEW YORK. ltOSS TWEED AOAIN IN COURT AND AGAIN SENT HACK 10 THE ISLAND. New York, December 17. - William M. Tweed was brought from Ulackwell Island to the Court of Oyer and Terminer again to-day, on o writ of habeas corput. It being expeoted that the application of his counsel for his re lease, on the ground of illegal impris onment, would be argued Tweed's presence in Conrt attracted considerable attention. After a short discussion the Court adjourned until Thursday next, and Tweed wes remanded to the Island, WISCONSIN. DISCOVERY OF GOLD IN TnE NORTH ERN PART OF THE STATE. Milwaukee, December IS. Further inquiry hero appears to give some clue to the probable locality where tho gold quartz has been focod in this State. The facts are that about the first of No vember two wen brought soaie quartz to the office of U. S. Candcc, banker of thipcity desiring to have it assayed. It was forwarded to New York, and the re turu stated it assayed at the surprising rate of seventeen hundred dollars per ton. The men decliued ,te say where they got the quartz further than in this State. They say the locality is in th northern wilderness of Wisconsin. Some fix the tho plaoa on the northern nouoary or tue otate, in uconto. bev- eral prospecting parties have fonnd one bearing strong indications of gold in that locality within the past year or two LYNCH LAW. A UtRDKRRR TAKEN FROM HIS CELL IN THE DES .NC1N13 JAIL AKO I1L.SO IN TUa ri'BLIC SQl'AKC. l)es Moines, Iowa, December 15. Yesterday afternoon Charles Howard was sentenced to imprisonment for life for the murder last summer of John Johnson. There has been great excite ment ever since the trial begun heigh tened by the fact that the jury hung fire three dajs, and it was feared would disa gree, thus giving Howard, who was a desperate character, an opportunity for another trial. The esciteiecnt culmina ted this morning, between two and three o'clock, when a crowd of one huudred and filty armed aud masked men pro ceeded to the Court Houe, overpowered the jailor and guard, took Howard from his cell, dressed ouly in his shirt, aad hung him to a lamp post on the corner of the public square. The jailor and guards say the affair wag conducted very quietly aud quickly, scarcely a word being spoken by the crowd, and no apparent excitement. While there is much cuiidcuiuation of the manner cf his taking off, the general opinion is Howard received his just deserts. A Valuable Maoaink. The He public a Political Suietice Monthly, pub- iiblKCi at a-biugton, I. (J , at iz par year, tree ot postage, ihis publ. cation lot December is full of valuable informa tion, containing, aruoug many others, the following articles: The Lata Elect ions, Tho Utailjuhtment ot iho Tariff, Foreign Intercourses, Canadian llecip rocity, The Public Dentin, Equalization of Soldier's Ilouuties Popartiutntal In telligence. Cotuparutive Vote of 1S72 and 1874, Kjiiway Postal Service, Fiee Tea and Ctffeo, lloport of the Secretary of the Treasury, The Cbattanor ga Con vention, and other articles of interest- Subscribe cr scud for sample copy at once. Pro'e&tcr JuJ-i. who ha tm'n . tempting to walk Cve hundred mils in six and a I alt daTs in New York, tailnii on Saturday uiuht at the end o" tin. 3U8th wile, NOTICE. 13 I1EREDY GIVEN THAT A Petition v.-ill bo pvti-eiiteil at the next tessiou of Hie Legislature : ur tlie paosaga ct a law reinstating the. toiuniis&iuuers of the Big Level Istiite lload, lung enough to collect pieseut tixes, pay up inUebttdues asd set tle up accounts. For the Coujnassiunei s W. S. OYIATT. Dee. B, 1S71. 4t LIST OF CAUSES. riMlt' following is the list, of causes set a down for trial at the January term of euurt: ca n list. 1 The Spriug Kun Coal Cerupany va Thomas Tozier; No 10 January term, I8G'J. 2 The School District of Fox ts John Myers et al.j No SI January term 1 tf 73. 3 Anlhony Wise vs J. A. Huakj N 44 August term 1873. 4 Tho Clarion River Navigation Com pany vs Hiram Caiman; No b'J August term 1873. 5 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania use of J. A. UaukvsA. Kaul; ho &7 Jan uary term 1874. 0 Y. VI. liays vs Elias Mover; No 74 January term 1874. 7 AUcrfer & Preston vs The Buffalo N. Y. & Y, K. Company; No 43 August term 1874. 8 Philip W. Hoys vs Elias Moyer; No 14 April tei in 1874. 0 J. L.Ellis vs Sunbury Fire Insurance Company; No 21 Ajuil term 1874. 10 J. L. Ellis vs The Columbia Insurance Company, of Luuuaster, Pu.; No 22 April term 1874. 11 Harmon & Coon vs H. W. May; No 41 April term 174. 12 Lui. Gies vs KuDegtinda Schmilt; No. 12 August term 1874. 13 John Vaubrabaut vs L. L- Pulzel et al.; No 3ti Auguxt term 1874. 14 M. V. Tyler vs L. N. Briggs; No 38 August tern 1874. 15 James Clack vs The Benzinger Coal and Iron Company; No 47 August term 1874. 16 S. A. Olmslead vs The Township of Borton; No 63 August, tern 1874. 17 Seorge Oniyke vs Franois A. Lcesth; Mo 70 Augi attar i 1874. 18 D. E. Hewitt va E. II. Dixon; No 00 August term io.4. l'J Martin Feily vs Andrew Kaul et al.; No 10 September term io4. 20 Daniel Set ibner v The Townnliip of Iliidgway; No 67 September term 1874. Nev Advertisements. riC'fWSE I'ETITUKTS LIST of petitions for Lioenaea filed for January Termi, 1875: TAvann. 1 (i. L. Winslow 2 F. X. Sorg , 8 John Collins 4 Gtorga Dill 6 Willium H. Schram 0 Riley Bros 7 Art on Fochtmann St. 8 Elizabeth Vogel 9 Jeseplt F. Windfelder ... 10 Joseph Windfelder ' ....Bentzctte ...Benzinger Fox .. Jay Ridgway .... Ridgway Mary's Boro s . 11 William Zclt " 12 Andrew Rogan i.... ' 13 James Rogan " 14 Jehn Wachtcl & Son " 15 Thomas Valentino 16 U. H. Morrison " iatiko novsE. 17 John Daley Bcnezctte 18 Andrew II an Fox 19 JairesM'Ginnis Ridgway 20 William Gies St. Mary's Boro 21 Barney Wepnitzer " 22 Anthony Schaucrg " 23 Jacob Kraus " 24 G. G. Mepscpgcr -. Ridgway 2-' harlrs M'Venn St. Mary's Boro 26 Joseph W ilhclra.. " FHED. SCHiENING, Clerk Q. 0. THE BEST PAPER, Try It. POSTAGE FHEE. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN now in its 80lh year, enjoys the widest circulation of any newsraper of the kind in the world. A new volume comreuces January 4th, 1875. Its contents embrace the latest and most interesting information renaming to the Industrial, Mechanical, aud Kcieutific Pro gress of the World; Decripliori, with Beautiful Engravings, of New lnvcntious, New Implements, New Process?, nnd Im proved Industries of all kind; Useful Notes Reoipea, Suggestions and Advice, by Pine tical Writers, lor Workmen aud Employers, in all the various arts. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the cheapest and best illustrated weealy papers published. Every cumber coutains from 10 to 15 original engravings of new ma chinery aud no'.el inventions. ENGUAV1NOS, illustrating Improve ments, Ditcoveries, and important Works, pertainiDg to civil and Mechanical Engin eering, Milling, Mining and Metallurgy, Records of the latest progress in the ap plications of Sleam, Steam Engineering; Railways, Ship-Building, Navigation, Tele graphy, Telegraph Engineering, Electricity Magnetism, Light and Heat. i'AKMERS, Mechanics, Engineers, In ventors, Manufacturers, ChcmiHts, Lovers of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Lawyers aud People of all l'l oleniens, will find the St'iKNTinc American useful to them. It sliouid have a place in every Family, Library, Study, (Jttiee, and Couniing Room; in every Reading Room, College, Auademy, or School. A year's numbers contain 832 pages and St.ami, Hlniihbo Ekgravixo. ilioiis ands of volumes are preserved for binjing aud reference. The practical receipts are well worth ten times the subscription nrice. Terms $3.20 a year by mail, including pes- tuge. lmscouui io cuius, upeciai cacu- luis and S ecitncns seut free. May be had ot all News Dealers. PATENTS In cenneo tiou with the uieutilio .imericau, Messrs. Munn & Co are Solicitors of American aud Foreign t'uteuts, and have the largest establishment in tho world. More lhan fifty thousand applications thavo beon inado for patenli through their agency. Patents are oMaiued on the best teraii. Models of New invention aud, sketches ex. amiued iiud advice free. A special notice is Uiade in the Scientific American of all laventions Patented through this Agency, with the name aud rcsideace ot the Paten tee. Patents are often sold in p-irt or whole, to persous attracted to ihe iuvention by such j.uiice. Send for Pnuiphlet, 110 pges, containing laws and fuil directions lor obtaining Puteuts. Address for the Pnper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Oilice, co-. F aud 7ih Sts., Washington, D. U. THE SUN DAILY AND WEEKLY FOR 1873. The approach of tho Presidential elec tion gives unusual importance to the events and developments of 1875. We shall' en deavor to describe Ihea fully, faithfully, and fearlessly. THE WEEKLY SUN has now attained a circulation of over seveuty thousuud copies lis readers are found iu every State aud Territory, and its eiualiiy is well known to ihe f ublio. Weshnllaot only endeavor to keep it fully up to the old standard, but to iiupiove ai d aud io its variety and power. THE WEEKLY SUN ivill continue to be a thorough newspaper. AH the sews ot the day will be found m it, condensed wheu unimportant, at full length wheu of mo ment, aud uhvays, we trust, veated in a clear, interesting and instructive manner. It is our aim to mak the WEEKLY fcUN Iho best t'umily newspaper in tho world. It will be full of euteriuining and appro priate re.idiug of every sort, but will print nothing to utleud ihe most scrupulous and delicuie taste. It will always contain the irvit interesting stories and romances of tke diiy, carelully selected and legibly primed. The Agricultural Department is a promi nent feature in the WEEKLY SUN. and its articles will always be found fresh aud use ful to the larmer. The number of men independent in poli tico ia increasing, and the WEEKLY SUN is their paper especially. It belongs to no party, auu obeys no dictation, coutendintr for principle, and for the election of the best men. It exposes tha corruption that disgraces the country aud threateus 'he overthrow of republican institutions. It has ao fear of knaves, and seeks uo favors from their supporters. Ibt markets of every kind aud tbensh ions are regularly reported in its columns. The price of the WEEKLY SUN ia o dollar a year for a ihceis of eight pages and ufty-8ix columns, As this barely pays the expenses of paper and printing, we are ueii auie to maUe any discount or allow auy premiums to mends who mav make suecial tflbrts to exteud its circulation. Under the new law, which requires payment of postage in advance, one dollar a year, with twenty cents the cost of prepaid postage is Ihe rate of subscription, it ia not neces sary to get up a club in ordet to hava the EEKLi SUN al this rate.. Anyoio wuo sends oue dollar and twenty cents will get the paper, postpaid, for a year. no uave no traveliug agenla. IHE WEEKLY SUN. Eiaht pages, fiftv- eix columns. Ouly $1 20 a year, postage prepaid. No discounts from this rale. J HE DAILY SUN.-A large tour-page newspaper of twenty-eight columue. Daily circulation over $120,000. All the news for 2 cents. Subscription, postage prepaid, 65 cents a month, or to 60 a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a disoount of 20 per cei i. Addrets, "THS SUU," New Yoik City. HeKtator'H Notices. "VfOTlCE is hereby giveu that thcfo'low. i ing accounts have been filed in my oliice, mid will ha presented at the Orphan's Court of tlk Count f for confirmation, on the fourth Moaday of January next, being the 24th day of January, 1875: Final account of Catharine Shall, Admin istratrix of Adam Shall, late of Millstone Township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Final account, of E. U. Dixon and G. L. Winslow, aiministratori of Elizabeth vVinslow. late of Benezette township, Elk county, Pa, deceased. Partial account of E. II- Pixon, admin Istruter of Charlrs Sheldrnke's estate, late of Benezette township. Elk county, Pa., deceased. FRED. SCIKEXINO Register. v4n44t4 County Jtulitort,' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that (he under signed Auditors will meet at the Commis sioners' oCloe, at liidgwny, Pa., on MON DA V THE FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1 875, at two o'cloek P. M., for the pupose of auditing settling nr.d adjusting tke ac counts of t tie couuty of Elk with its several officers; and Ihe Treasurer, Sheriff and Commissioners of said county, also Com missioncrs of Slutes Roads, are requested to be present at the above named time aad place. THOS. IRWIN ) TIIOS. J. BURKiS I Co. Auditors. N. G. BL'NDY, J dec 17-2t EST.ITB Jt'OTICi:. ESTATE OF JOHN EN' DUE AS, late ol lieiizingrr Township. Elk Count) deceased. All persons indebted to said Estate are n qutste-d to make im mediate payment. All those tiHviug legal claim against the sutne will pre seut them without delay in proper ordri I'or settlement, to SOPHIA EX DUE AS, MARTIN SOliG, u41t6. Executors. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S N3W PUBLICATIONS. sold oxi y ny'sL'iiscnii'TJO.x. THE ALDINE; THKAUT JOURNAL OF AMERICA. This splendid enterprise is not only well sustained in eve-ry leature, but is being constantly developed aud iuipiovnd. It to-day stands without a rival iu the whole world of periodical literature. Tho beauti ful dog-portrait, ''Man's Unse'.fisti Friend," a chromo presented to every subscriber, is a decided hit, nni will, if possible, add to the popularity which this work has g-uned. The Abt Union leature also promises grout and beniticent results, in mousing puhlic interest in the fine arts. Circulars and full information ou application. Parts I, II, III, and IV are now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To be complvted in 40 puns issued for nigtly. Each part will contain an elegant frontis piece, originally engraved cu steel for llic London Art Journal. REPRODUCING at a price within the popular reach, on priiviiifra never before offered at less than live times tho amount. These plates have been the attraction of The London Art Journal, Each part will contain 2'i quint pages, including the elegant frontispiece, ou heavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly illuminated in red aud gold, will be given with the first part, and'the punting of the entire work will bo a worthy representa tion of "The Aldino Press" which is n guarantee of something beautiful and val. uable. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Fart Purls I, II. and III are Just Published. TIME 1KT JOITIi.r.lL Complete in 12 monthly parts, at $1 each Reproducing the best full pi illustra tions from the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six su perb plates with accompanying descriptive matter, and whether for binding or framing will be entirely beyond competition ii price or artistio character. Every impres sion will be most carefully taktu on the finest toned paper, and uo pains will in spired to make this (he richest prod.icii'm of a press which has won, in a niarclous-y short time, a world-wide reputation. clyus rito.n rtlEI.Iil.YI. Especially assorted for Scrap Book Illustretions and Drawing Class Copies. A large collection of pictures of different sizes aud on almost every conceivable tub. ject have hcen put rp iu an i.ttineii.c en velope, and are now offered at ft price in tended to einke them popular u ever No. 1, containing ,') beautiful engravings, is now ready, and will be sent, past age paid, to any address for ONE DOL LAR. A liberal discount to agents aud teachers. SCRAP HOOKS. A splendid assortment ot tfCBAP HOOKS have boen expressly prepare I for Ihe lull day teuson, and no present f u.ovo perma nent interest eua be selected for gentleman or lady, old or vounir. No. 1. Halt' bound, cloth sides, ei'.t back 2-j( pp. 12x16 inches $' CO No. 2. Half bound, clo h s:des, gilt ba:k,GHOpp. 12xlti inches "03 No. 11. Full moroceo, beveled baards gill and antique, very r.cu 500 pp 12 00 Lettered to order in gold at 2i cents each line. Seut by mail posl-pa'd ou receipt of the price. THE ALDINE PASriE PAHTOUTS. In compliance wiih repeated requests, tho publishers of Tuk Aliiink have pre Irarcd iiunressiona of manr of theii- uuat beautiful plates for pa.-i.-e-partout framing. jneeuisare niouuieu on a nestttu uny tinted azure mat, with a bands jme rod bor der line. To attach the glass, it is only left fur tke customer to pasle and fold over an already attached bolder aud this a.ay be done by a child. 27 subjects, 12x15 inches, 2ao.; with glass, 60c. Six of tuiss'ue for $1 whea selection is eft to the publishers. sul je-cts, 10xl2J laehes, 10s., with glass, 45s. 7 eutjects, C j x8J iushec. Uo., with glass, 40. 12 sabje-ots, 14x11 itches, IU t-i wUU glass, 11. Seat by mail, witbaat glass, postpaid, for prise. CANVASSERS WANTED TU K t1 L ii J MJ CO Jit i S', as Maiden Latte. Y; i'trk. vinJLtll. QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. . liANKEKS AND EIlOKEKd, No. 42 Mouth Third Street. Philadelphia, December 22th, 1874. bid. ask Kn U. S. lPPl. e 21 21J do 6 20, e '02, M and N i::i PlJ do uo 't)i U lbt do do do do do d do do 'tii do 1 7j ITj Oil J and J 1'4 I'-1. '117 do 2nJ 20j '(! do 2U1 2UI do Kl-41. coupon U 14J do Pncitio ti's cy Int. off 17j 17J New o's lleg. 18.S1 Ill 1., lo c. If 81 M 1J Gold 1IJ 11J Silver ltIO ll)8 Pennsylvania u'-J l'i Iteading 66 Philadclphift & Erie KiJ 10 Lehigh Navigation Piv. off. 4Hj do Valley til i ; United R 11 of N J Ex. lhv 12i'l 1 2'.i Oil Creek.... t f-j Northern Central 323 3;; Central Transportation 44 441 Nest(Ucliouing 04 5.-, j 1 A 4: A Mortgage G's 'b'j 101lui. Ni:V I.IVKllY ST A 13 L 13 IN DAK SCUlHNEli WISHES TO IN lorm the Citte'.'iis of Ililj way, Mid the public gct.erally, thut he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES 1; i i, . .1. i 1 '. u ia lit rc.isoua ble terms. SfS-H wi'-l also do job teasing. Stable on Etoad stieet, above Main. All otters left at the I ost Oliice wi.l meet proait attention Aag 10 1870. tf. Ht.MiMi'ro.f -tvYi.(i Machines 1'IUK AUMS, AND AtiRICl'Ll UK A I, I.M- lT.Kiii:.STS. The Itcn.ington Sewing .Machine htis spi ung vapidly iut lavor as posscssiniho hes-t: combination of pood (jualities uaincly, l'ght runuini; sniooth noiseless rapid and durable. It has u etraigh t needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-le-cd, makes the hock or Shuttle tftitvh, v hieh will iieither rip uor ravel, and is alike ou both hide.". Tup Kemington Sening Machine has received premiums ot nit.nj l-'t'iis, ihrouch-jut the United Stairs, 11ml with out i-ffott toi k the Grund Medal of Tin gress, the hif:hc.-t older of medal that was awarded utile lato Vienna Ksputi po.ition. Tho llcmitigton Works also Dianu faeture the new Double Uairelled Htceeh Loading She-t fuu snip and positive action, with patent jeiiut cheek, a maivel of levuly, finish and theopiHfs, atid the ceitLittted lleui iuton liilies adf ted Ly tnnc diffcreut govei litnt nts, tit.d 111. ov, tied throughout the wtirid for itnlituiy, huutiii and target purj ok hil kit.ds 01 l'istols, Kifles, Cures, Metaiic CaM iel -e.--, rfc. Agricultural Iii t.k ti.e'tils, Improved Mowing Machines, t'trel DkiMP, Cultiva ((r, Koetl rennets, Patt nt lOxcavutorr-, Hay Te-dtlets, C'oilon Gios, Iron Dlielgo?, kv. 'ihe UDdcisigticd has hceu appointed a t nt for t'r.e sale and introduction of tho Kemi'iiiton Sewing Mcehiuc in aud lor tho counties ol Eik, Clcai field and Wairtn. '1I10S, J. DUUKH, L'epot a-,d tiicR, St. Mmy's, l'a. P. S. A gi od lut-ul ugetit wauted. Elk County Directory. President Jud:e I., 1). Wclmore. Additional Law Judge lieu. Jno' P Vine-iiK. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V lU.uk. Listrict Aitorney J. K. P. Hall. Mieriff I). C. Oyster. Pioih iiiotury Jj-c., i led. .Schoening. '1 reasuier Ji.seph Ti inttleklur. County ,s upei iuu mieut liutus Lucorc. lou.n.iss-ioneib !,!, t. Cauipbell, Julius Junes, K10. Ed. VS eis. Auditor C. W. Earre-lt, Thomas Irwin Thou as J. liui ko. l ouniy Jsnrveyor Geo W ilniMey. Jury Ciiimn:i-ii liiers. l'liillip Kreigh l!i.niOin T. liy ler. LLLtiHENV VALLEY HAIL fcOAl) On and after MONIi.VV, NOV. 21, 1874. lttiiis betv.cen liedbiu.k un-i Drift wood wili run as folluur; m:nwAFn. EXPREf h? ni.d MAIL will letive Diili wood daily nt 12:iiOpui, liee uuldsvUe at y;20 p iu, l!io!;ville at 4;IJj p 11,, arnviii at Hedbuuk al 0:12 p in, connecting will; Express ou Main Liuolcr Pittsburgh. MIXED VA leaves Uej uoldsvilie dail at 0:40 a ui, iiiookville at b:lo a m, arriv ing m UeJbank htll:."jOa ui, cotiiitciing with iraius narth aid soitth ou Main Liue. KAsTWMtu. EXPISES.S and MAIL leaves lledbank daily at 12:20 ui. nrrives ut tMookviha .1 2:ol p m lleuiold.TVillu at 3:2U p ai, Drift wood at G:1W p bi, i-uuiiectiug wiih tiaius east and west ou I and E Kailroad. MIXED W'Ai leaves New De-ilile'ui daily at u:Imim. arrivej ut Urookvilie at :od p en, KeyaoldsviUeat 7:0 p ui. MAIN LINE Ou and after MwX'DAV, NOV 2'5, lf74, trains on the Allegheny Valley Euilrond will run r.s follows: JJL'FFALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts burgh daily al7:4oam, Eeubank Junction al 10:47 a nt, and arrive at Oil City al 2:40 p 111. NKiHT EXPBES3 will leave O.l City at :05 p m.lledbank Juuctiou al 2:ou a m, and arrive at Pittsburgh al 7:20 a ni. TiTUSVlLLE EXPltl.Sfi leaves pitta burgh at 8:00 p ni, Eedbank Junetieu al S;26pia, aud arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p iu. P.eluiaing, leaves Oil City at 8:110 .a m, Redbauk Jaue-lioti at 12:11 a a, and ar rives at Pilisburgb at p m. i. J. LAW ItLNX'E, General fSiipeiiutendtx'. AVI. M. PHUMfs, Ass'l Supt., Erookville, Ta. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA KAIL liOAD Philadelphia k Erie II. K. Division. WINTKIt TIME TADLE. OS andafter MONDAY. NOV, M, 1874, the trains on the Philadelphia 4 Erie Kailroad w ill run as follows: wi.s rw Aim. FAST LINFleavcs Philadelphia..-2.55 p. ni " " " lteuovo 11.40 p ni " " arr. nt Eu:ponuii 1 a m ' " air. at J.niiaio 9 OO a. m ElUS MAIL leaves Philadeipliui 11.65 p Ui lteuovo 1 1.10 a in " " " Einporiuui 1.10 p m fct. Mary's 2.05 p iu " Eidgwuy 2.33 p iu " arrive at trie 8.05 p EAS'i AUD. FAgT LINE ituves Emporium... 8 55 p m " lu.novo 10.40 p ni air. at 1 lulaUelphia 8.05a ui ERIE MAIL U-utes Krm 11.20 a nt ' " liiilgwny 4.45 p in " " " fit. Mary's 6.10 p m " " " Lniporiiim li.OSpm ' " lieuovo 8.25 p m " ' arr. at Plulauephia... 0.00 a tn Mail Luht coiiuects east uud west at Erie wiih L 3 M a It K. Mail West with e.ist and west trains on L S & M S 11 W VM. A. BALDWIN. tivn'l Sup't. Winter Arrangement. BUFFALO, NEW iOUK & PIUL'A. R. R. IDE SUORI'l.fcT MJ MOST DIUKOT ROUTE To Wiliiaaispoit, Sunluiy, ilairitburg i'hiiude-lphia, Dukimoie, ash ingtoti and the South. On and after NOVEMBER ,1(5, 1574, and until further notice, trains will leave buffalo New York & Philadelphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange and Louisiana streets Buffalo time); as. fallows: 7 40 A. M. ACCOMMODATION (daily except Suuduys). Blopping nt Ebenezer y 04. pringbrooie 8 14, Elmo, 8 20, Jamison 8 25, Auroia 8 ill, Wales 844, Holland8 05; Protection 05, Aicadu 0 20, Yorkshire '.127, Kuehias J o7, Franklinvtllo 55, Ishua 10 15, llmjdaie 10 Stl, Erie Railway Junctiou 10 45, Oleaa 10 49, Weatons 10 50, Portvillc 11 1)5, State Lino 11 12, Eldred 1125, Larabees 1131, Sartwell 1140, 1 111 lie Point 11 45, Perc Allegany 1158, Liberty 12 17, P- M., Keating 12 20, Ship pen 12 4:1, Emporium 1 00, P. M. Stages are advertised to eoancct with this train at Elma for Marilla; at Arcade for Yorkshire; at Franklinville for Rush lord and Ceulrcville; at Portvillc for Ceres, llichb urg, Little Oeuessce, 'Bohver, Mill port aud Sharon Centre, at Larabees for Siaethpori; at Port Alligany for Couders pi i t; at Kca'.-n', lacsdays and Fridays for Wharton, East V barton and East ilomer. -)0 A. M. MIXED TRAIN TO OLEAN (daily except Sundays), stopping at Eben ezer U 60, Spriug'oroc k 10 07, Elma 10 28, Jamison 10 44, Auroia 11 05, Wales 11 2, IloihiiKl 11 65, Protection 12 lti P. M , Ar cade 12 4fS, 0rLhhi1e 1 05, Muehius 1 20, Fraukliuville 2 06, lsuluu 25 0. llinsdalo 3 2:1, Eiie Railway Junction 4 00 P. M, Stngcs are advertised to connect with this train at A.-cmie for Yorkbhue and Rushleid; at Fi asklinville for Rnshford. BtHiP. M. WAfclllNG'lON EXPRESS, (daily), stopping at Ebenezer 3 22, Spriug b:ook ii lilt Elma 3 iiti, Jamison 3 40, Auro ra. 3 4 ii, Wales 3 58, Holland 4 05, Protec tion 4 li, Aicade 4 29, York ire 4 Uti, Mnchiai 4 45, Fraukliville 5.00, Isehua 6 17, Hinsdale 6 3o, Erie Railway ,iuciiou 5 45, OUuu G 05 (Suppei), Wes toiis li 15, l'orlvilla U 22, State Liue C 30, Eldred 0 42, Larabees 0 53, iSartwe-U C 58, 'turtle Point 7 02, Port Allegany 7 14, Keating 7 42, Emporium 8 li, Rcnovo 1(140, Williamsport 1 10 A. M., Sunbury 2 50, JlaiTisbui-tf 4 20, New York 11 A. M., Philadelphia 8 05, Baltimore 7 46, Washing ton 0 07 A.M. tinges are advertised to conneet with this train al Elma for Marilla; at East Au rora, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, for Java Village, Sirykersvllle, Wales and Wales Hollow; at Arcade for Sprin" ville, tanduskay and Yorkshire. Puhuaii Palace Sleeping Cars en this train from Buffalo to Baltimore and Wash, iugton without chauge. Philadelphia pas sengers transfer at Hamburg, New York pussCL-gcrs at Ilatrisburg. Ou Sundays this trm does net run east of Olcau. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2 30 A. M., BUFFALO EXPRESS (daily) slopping at Shippen 2 00, Keating 3 16, l iberty 3 2o, Port Allegany 3 52, Turtle Point 4 10, EartweU 4 lit, Larabees 4 22, Eldred 4 35, fcute I ine 4 02, Porlville 5 03, Wesioiis 6 10, Olean 6 00, Erie Railway iHuction 0 05, Hinsdale G 20, Uehua 0 35, I'ranklinvilie 0 04, Machias710, Yorkshire 7 18, Arcade 7 2ii, Protection 7 40, Holland 7 48, Walts 7 S'.t, Aurora 8 10. Jamison 8 Hi, Elma 8 20, ipriugbrook 8 20, iben eter 8 HuCalo 00A. M. 'i his train uiakes"direct connections for Fluga.-a l alls.'ana allpoiats in Cauadaand Hie est. Singes aio advertised to connect with tliis train at Arcade from Spriugville, San dusky aud Yorkshire; at East Aurora, on Tucsetajs, Thursdays and fcaturdays from Java, fcirykersville, Wales bad Wales Hol low; at Lima from Marilla. Ou Mondays this train djs not run east of Oleaa. 6 ( O A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER AND l M.KillT ;daily except Sundays.) stopp ing at fchippen ti 40. Keating 7 35, Libeny 7 40, Port Allegany 8 40, Turtle 1'oir.t V 1J, Kariwoll U 25, Larabees i) 40, Eldred 10 00, State Liue 10 33, Porlville 1106, Westniis 11 20, Olean 11 38, Erie Railway way Junction 11 43, Hinsdale 12 15 P. M., Fraukliuville 2 05, Eolland 4 05, Auaora 4 48, Juuctiou 0 00 P. M. Stages aro advertised connect witit tins train ,ut Porlville ,'rom Ceres, Rich buig, Lit lie Genesee, Boliver, iillp0rt and Sha.-on Centra. 2 CO p. l.,'ACCOMMODATION (daily cxttpt Sundays), fclopping at fchippen - 14, Keating 2 33, Liberty 2 41, Port Al lojany 3 10, Turtle Point 3 13, Sartwell 3 lb, Larabees J 25, LMred 3 31, Stalo Line3 4u. I.,rtviile 3 53, WestonsSOU, Oleuii 4 1-8, l.i i Railway Junction 4 13, Hinsdale 4-8, lscli.a 4 41. Fraukliuville, 000, Muchias5 2. Yorkshire 0 3'J, Arcado i 00, Protection 10, Hoiiaud 0 22, iales 0 33, Aurora b' 40, Jamison U 54, Elma G 5'J 7 l"'p 7 0i' heUvz'T 7 l3 Buffalo fctages are advertised to connect wtth this train at Keating from Wharton, Last Homer aud East Wharton on Tuesdays and r:dayg;at Port Allegany from Couders. pon; at Larabeci from Bmethport; ut l-rankliuville from Rushford and Centre, villc; at Arcade from Rushford aud York shiro. TRAIN lEAVEStOLEANT: rfJnlM"lUUAl PASSENGER AND . d4lly ""'P1 SuJays, stopping 2h.lV?Ja,1 0 41 lscl'n7 18, Fraukliuvillo 80 0 achias 8 34, Yorkshire 8 03, Arcade ?,r"il ro'eclion4' 64' Holland 10 13, Wales IV ,Au.ror !0 05 Jamison 11 21 Elma J. n-, fcPrlu8bl''uk 11 60 Ebeuczer 12 15 luttalo 1 00 P. JI. II.C. FIS2, 1. V -VEOMAN3, G"J.UriSSAK. OenlBup't. Qen'l PasaVAg'l. Penver. Uolorado,Leceuibei 11. The n heeler Kpeditiou has returned, Lav 1Q' abandoned tho expedition for the wiuter at Pueblo, whero they will re OJHiHituce io the epiiujj.