The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 17, 1874, Image 3

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    11 Jili?00k
JRitf rtr Insurance Ugtncy.
Itepretentina CatJT.Aucti of
35.007.744 40
Qernian Am, New York $1,650,000,00
Niagara New York 1,319.933,00
Amaion' Cincinnati of 850,957 17
City Ins., Co, of Providence 196,854 32
Travelers Life & Accident
nartford 2,0C0,000,00
North American Mutual of
Nr York 5,000,000,00
Equitable olJNew York 15.000,000,00
Insurance effects in any of the above
atantiaitl eoiarnmes at the most reasons.
terms, consistent with perfect ecurity
to the insured.
J. O. W. BAILEY, Agent.
Car Time at Mlldgwau.
4:45 P:
2: 33 P
!8:20 A.
0:25 P,
do West
ogh Local, East
ilo West
.1 East
4:50 P. M
8:20 A. M.
Looal carry
Mail and Through
S3engers, ne ioci uutu nut,
.a 1 J - .
The stated meetings of Elk Lofige, No.
o3, are held at their Hall, corner oi aiain
and Depot streets, en the second and fourth
Tu3adaye of each month-
W. C. JIEALY, Seo'y.
Safcs oi AiTsrUising.
One colnmn, one year-
$75 00
...... 40 00
25 00
. 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one uuertion $l, two inser
tions, H.&0, three insertions. $2.
Busiaess cards, ten lines or 1ms, per
year $ S.
Advertisements payable quarterly.
A aWlllnBeMiStory.
We have the atory from Millstone town
ship of a man being killed by a bear, which
seems, to say the least, sad if true, The
thread of the story rues in this wise: Last
week, or week befora, two men were out
hunting deer, when all of a sudden they
wers confronted by a black uear or huge
dimensions, and belligerent sttituds. To a
an of, no matter hoT daring nature, the
sight of a bear coming at. him causes a
fealiug of innate fear. Ono of the men,
Lora courageous than the otehr, fired at his
bearniip, and wounded him. Of course its
enough ta nada asyone mad to be shot at
and wounded, and Mr. Bruin wasno axeep-
othe gsaetal rua of frail humanity. And
he bear was awful mad, sad swore by up
ifted paws to make a meal of the mau who
tried to make him turn up his claws. The
loan that fired had no alternative, end as he
lind na load in his gun aud no knif e he soon
fell a prey to the fury of the chagrined bear.
TThe other man (who is a brave man) so
lirave that with a load in his gu-j, nd a
large hunting knife by his side, he took to
Lis beela, and left bis eaaeponi'ia to hie fate.
I f the story, as we have narrated it is true,
he survivor should be tied to a tree, where
he bear can find him conveniently, for a
:nan who wcild run under such circum
stances, deserves no better fate.
Fordo Dean.. How Cold Wea'.ittr and
pad Whukty Killed Jacob Swanson. On
'uesday, December 1st, a Swede named
nnh SarATUinn A rpfcHplit of WilcOX and S
Cteamster ia the employ of the Tanning
jppaoy. took a party cn a hunting expo
sition to Tig Mill Creek, and on l.'s return
Vme, in conpany w ith a man tamed
oker, each driving a team of uiule
Iched to a wagon. When near Moutmo-
ney. Swanson was by some uuaccouulab'e
eana tbrowa suddenly from bis wagon,
ecker was driving in advance of Swannon,
id when he noticed the latter bad fallen
in his wagon the tried to raise up the
ostrate form of the man and put him int
is own wagon, but the mules would not
and, and after many efforts, all of which
ere fruitless, he covered Swanson with
ee or four horse blankets and left him
his fats. Decker hitched Swanson's
am behind his wagon and drove home,
tad at once informed Swanson's brother of
a occurrence. The brother started inime-
ately, with a team, to the scene of the
jaster; on arriving at the place, he found
at Jacob Swanson was no more, having
oiea to death. The dead man had on a
Iroolen undershirt, a woolen overshirt, two
ooleu cardagan jackets.a dresseoat and an
rercoat, two pair of woolen pants, two
Lira of woolen socks, a nair of rubber
Coti, and a big winter cap (plush), with a
ni cans to fltirer face and neck. It was
springy place where he was found, and
s elothes were wet through shirts and all.
eceasei was in the habit of getting drunk,
id was perfectly helpless when in that con
tioa. A coroner's jury was empanelled,
da verdict rendered that deceased came
his death through the effects of drinking
:ohol to excess.
Elg lavsnUon.
Lloyd, the famous map wan, wh
bde all the maps for Genet a! Grant
d the Union army, certificates ol
bicU ha published, has just invented
Iway of getting a relief plate from steel
as to print Lloyd's Map of American
hutment- showing from ocean to
ean on one entire sheet of bank note
Lper, 40x50 inches large, on a light-
g press, and colored, sized and var-
ished for the wall eo as to stand wash-
g and mailing anywhere in the world
25 cents, or unvarnished for 10
nts. This map shows the whole
Vitod States and Territories in a group
m surveys to 1875, with a million
tees on it, such as towns, oities, vil-
es, mountains, lakes, rivers, streams,
Lid mines, railway stations, &e. This
up should be in every house. Send 25
nts to the Lloyd Map Company,
hilaic.'jihi.i, a;.il y.i ''.!!
Compant II. has rented Thayer's
new building for an armory.
The Democrats of Erie propose to
start a new daily paper in that city.
Col. CtmTifl, it is said will contest
the seat of Dr. Egbert, in Congress,
from the Erie district.
Charles Hons, is again in a criti
cal condition, being delirious most of the
Sehticjes in tbo Lutheran Church
next Sunday morning at the asual
time, in English by Iter. J. Ureneman
In the eity of New York there are
70,000 men and women out of employ
ment, Contirbutions are being solicited
on their behalf.
Tiieke is to be a dance at Rhine's
Hall, and supper at the Hyde House on
Friday evening December 25, 1874.
A general invitation is .extended to all.
Judge Buchcr, of Union county, has
decide! that there is no law for the ar
rest and confinement of tramps under
the plea of vagrancy
The anthracite eoal field of our State
exceed the enormous yield of the
English mines more than three-fold in
proportion to extent of surface.
In one square in Philadelphia there
are twenty-four whiskey shops. For
tie sake'of convenience, two men who
make a business of "laying out" corpses
have taken rooms in tho fame square.
The Commissioners will meet at their
cfSee in Ititlgway Pa. on Monday
January the 1th, 1875.
Allegheny college, Meadvillc is to
have a scientific exposition, whereat
will be exhibited the various specimens
in natural history, now included in the
college cabinet. It will open on the
24th of December.
Two hundred aod forty-three per
scjb perished on the lakes this year,
against twe hundred aud twenty. ooe in
1873, and two hundred and nineteen in
1872. The estimated damage to prop
erty foots up f3,031,C0O against 3,97ti,.
000 in 1873.
John H. White, of Vcnanpo county
died last week after being confined to
his bad for thirteen years. His disease
was of the spine, caused by the inhuman
punishment inflicted on him by school
teacher when he was 12 years of age.
Ezra Cornell, fouader of the Cor
nell University, died in Ithaca. N. Y.,
la?t Wednesday, aped sixty-seven years.
He was one of the greatest benefactors
of the a?e, and was among the first to
appreciate the importance of the Mag
netic telegraph.
Dance There will be a danoc at
Rhine's Hall, on Friday evening
Dec. 25th 1874, under the supervision
of Messrs P.hincs and Barrett. The
bill for dauc and supper will be $3,50,
for dance alone $1,50, supper at the
Hyde House. From present indications
there will be a large turnout.
Correspondents describe a fearful
state of destitution among the miners
employed in the coal regions of Luzerne
county. Men without work, women
without food, families in danger of starv
ing, should not enly excite our pity, but
our ahrm, for distress so gteat as that
pictured by coirespondeots must suiely
end in crime.
Dxatq of Clark A. Wilcox The
above named gentleman, died this morn
ing, December 17th 1874, after a briel
illness from the effects of a carbuncle
on his neck. Deceased was a man be
tween forty-five and fifty years of age,
and has been for a number of years a
resident of tbia county, being exten
sively engaged in the lumbering busi
ness in Horton township
Leo Broken, A man named
Michael Douahuo, was found, at the
depot last Saturday evening, with his
left leg broken between the ankle and
knee. There are several suppositions
as to how be came to have his leg
broken; one is that he came from Corry
and wai stealing a ride being under the
cars, on the truck, for that purpose, and
at he accidently fell off with the above
result. I he man has told numerous
stoTies as to bow the accident happened,
but he seems in a semi-insane condition,
and his stories are not credited.
Baltimore, December 12. King
Kalakaua was to have arrived here at
7:30 this mornin, but Btopped at York.
Pennsylvania for breakfast, and will not
arrive until ten.
At Huntingdon, West Virginia, the
strike ot the employes of the Chesapeake
and Uhio lvailroud is over, t be company
having paid off and discharged the men.
John Baier, a German, aged 50,
keeper of a lager-beer saloon in
Baltimore, hanged himself the other day
to a bed post with a portion of his shirt.
Cause, liquor.
Justice Natban Clifford, of the United
States Supreme Bonch, who was ap
pointed by President Buchanan in
1858, and continued by a majority of
one iu the senate, was born on
August 18th, 1803, and is therefore
more tban seventy-one years old, but
exhibits ne symptom of retiring before
1S77, ut'il which time b trusts to sur
vive, in a liGpe (hat a DtSi' Pri-
tcC:l UiB) Upo'ilit fi t-'-..;f.1i'l'.
Tannery Surnai Emporium.
This (Wednesday) morning at about
4 o'clock an alarm of fire was sounded
and it was soon learned that the exten.
sive tannery of Hamilton, Martin & Co.,
situated in the upper part of the borough
was on Mr. Hastening to the scene,
we saw at a glance that the main build
ing, '.covering tbo va'e, engine aud batk
mill, was doomed to destruction, the ire
having entire possession of it and that no
means at hand could stay it. How the
Sre originated wc were uuable to learn.
Mr. Day, one of tho members of the
enifipaoy, thinks it must have eaught in
the lark mill, while we heard
another express the opinion that it
originated in the engine room. It is
impossible at this writing, to give any
defiuite idea of the extent of tho dam
age to the hides iu the vats, which were
full, nor ean it be ascertaiued for several
days. The lu?s in building and machin
ery cannot be less thau $20,000, ou
on which there is an insurance of 810,-1
This is a serious loss, not only to the
Company, but to the town, for it gave
employment to a large number of men,
dependent on their labor for support,
and they are now thrown out of employ
ment, (temporarily ,at least,) when they
can ill afford it. The Company have
ever been prompt in the paymentof
their men. Mr. Day, the resident man
ager, is a straight forward, energetic and
honorable gentleman, and if the Com
pany his not made money here, it can
not be a fault of his.
Whether they will rebuild imaic
diatcly, is doubtful, but should they not,
it will prove the most serious disaster
that has ever befullcn our town. Em
porium Independent.
List of instruments entered for reeord
in the llesorder's olSca of K!k county, from
December 1st to December lot's, 1874.
Dec! from Henry Dibel and M. E. Lesser
and wife to Joseph S. Hyde, Sept. 29th,
1873, for 3210 equare feat t' land iu Kidg.
way tewnhhip for f oi).
Deed from J. K. Whituoia d wife to
Joeeph S. Hyde, November 2oth, 1874 for
lots i and S in Hyde's adJilion to the vil
lage of Kidjwuy 'lor $1250.
Deed from Samuel Sherwin to C. A.
Wilcox, August Hdi, lb73, for 18 acres
and 111 perches of )aJ iu Hoi-loa towa.
ehip for $iOO.
Deed irom Madison S. Kline, administra
tor of the estate of John Ketuer deceased,
to Joepli Taubinc, November 10th, 1874,
for 60 acres of land in Joues townjhip, re
serving uiiuera'.l, for $1115.
Mortgage from Joeeph Tantvse to Madi
son S. Kline, aduir., November U'ta, 174,
on 60 acres of laud iu J cues .ton aslup, re
serving minerals
Deed fi-om John D&ldorft'an l Jacob Kurr,
execution of Ohridian Lovtr, deceased to
i-litia CI irk, tugiKt 2 Id lSG, fur 3, J acres
land iu Vol tuwuiiiip, Clearfield couuty,
f.r $70M.
1. eed from Eliliu f.'lnrk .nd wifn to Joel
Oiark. May 221, 1:M, for :o'J ?rei land
iu Cleai field couiiiy for $7Jl.
Dvcd from Al'inio Fiiiuan and wife to
Charles It. Uarlty, July Kih, 1871, for uiio
erln etc. on or iu , J'JJ acres otltudin
iSnydcr and Horton tosmshivn, in Kik and
JeSereou couuties reserriug minerals Jjc
in 6U acres, for H7tKM.
Deed from Jacob H. Walter et al. to
Andrew Kaul, Oct ti. li71, for.i!G3(i;7910U
acres oM.ind in warrants 4103, 4104, 41u5,
iOZ nod 40811, being seven tracts iu lienjip-
ger townsnp, for t27,40u.
MoNfenge 'from Andrew Ksal to O R.
Ea-l'-y, Oct, ti, 1874, on seven tracts of
land iu warrants 4103, 4101, 10 and
HO'.i, in l!ciiiit:er tovuship emiainiiiz
Ji3t, 70-100 3cres of land gives to secure
Assicnmoit from C. Em-ley to Martin
Allen Ah . 12, 1K74 assigning $8.G. of a
mortgage from North We item JJiuiug and
i-xcuange Company.
Deed from Oeonra W Rhinos and wife to
William 11 Osteiliout Nov. 4, 1874, for
05 0-lU acres o! I&nd in wnVranU 48jl in
Uidgway township, for $321 8;), rti arvieg
Deed from Eliiibeth Volk, abministrtto
of Chafes II. V'oik drceaaed, to Jorrph
Itauoier, Nov 23d, 1874, for town lot 28 iu
St. Mary's, on Maurice street for f 2ii0.
Deed from Reuben S. Gross and wife to
Jane IS. Iddings. March 3d, 1871, for 2
tracts of land in Fox township, containing
11$ and 15 acres, reepectedly, reserving
minerals on lo acre tract, lor 4UO.
Deed from Stephen Henry and wife to
Philip Kuchee. Nov. 18 1874, for 50 acres
land iu lienzinger township, reset Ting all
timber and wood on east half of 25 acres,
for $050.
Deed from Dauicl C Oyster and wife to
The North Western Mining and Exchange
Company. Dee. 9, 1873. tor 202J acrea of
land in Horlon township, lor J.b.UJO
Mortgage from the Nolh Wejleru Mining
aud Exchange Company, to Dmiel C.
Oyster, Deo. J 1873 ou 202J acr?s of land in
Horton township, to secure $18, iu.
Agreement from W U Omerboul to Geo.
W Hbmes, Nov 2 lib lb4, for pine, encum
ber, poplon, ash cLery aud Liattr Dass
wood timber on warrants 4800, and 48U1,
oonlaining 12130 0-7'J acre iu Uidgway
Assignment from Geo. W, Rhines, with
Daniel M. Meddock. L'eo. 7th 1874 lo sell
aud convey a tract of land in t?priuj Creek
township, when paia for.
Receipt and Uelease f ou Geo. C. Lord.
to C. It . Earley, Aug. 25, 1874, receipt of
note and when paid to release undivided j
of laud in mortgage.
Deed foil from Daniel C- Oyiter High
Sheriff of Elk couuty to Clark A Wilcox,
Nov. 19 1874. for 50 aores of land in
warrant 4310, Horton towsship, reserv
iu? miuerals and pine timber, for $19
Deed Poll from Dauiel C Oyiter Kigi
Sheriff of Elk county to Clark A. Wilcox
Nov. 19, 1871, for ' tracts oflaaa iu aivi
sion third of warrant 4100 in Horton town
ship containing 7 acres land, tor $800.
Deed from Geo W. Dover and wifa to
Robert Rothrick et al. to Charles St. John
Dec. 9, 1874, for 285 acr a of land in
warrant 5479, iu Denezette township tor
Assignment from C. R. Eatley to C. H
Derring Deo. 10. 1871, assigning $7,500 of
a Mortgage for Nortu Western Mining, and
exchange Company.
Assignment from O R Earley to C II Dor
tng 10, IBV. assigning 10,00, of a Mort
gage from North Western Mining atd Ex
change Company,
Assignment from C. R. Earley to C. II
Derring Deo. 10, 1874, assigning f 10,u0
of a mortgage from North weettra Mining
and Exchange Company,
Deed from John J. tlundy to Charles R
Early, Nov. 17, 1874, for coal on two tracts
of land in t ox township, cl-.arnc.d to. ;
tii i't t; uutiuns b, acris part ot va.-eti
ufsor.d coiii vuirc 50'-r.s. fi? Jivi'O
TUB 15 LACK iUA.$.
iirule City, I). T., Deseniber 11-
The latest reliable news from the Black
Hills, as brought thereby J. W. 011-
bam, a former resident, says that Little
liuckshot, a half breed scout, had
occasion to go the to the Black Hills
couuty hunting for stolen horses, and
while there saw a large party of men
prospecting in the vicinity ot the lower
kills, but he dees not know with what
success. Ihcy Lad their camp well
fortified, and stocked with animals and
wagons, Tho scuit thinks they can de
feud themselves ia case of attack against
largo odds. From a description given, it
s suppodcd they are a party who etarted
from Chicago lust fall, ostensibly on a
hunting expedition an J not yet returned.
St. l'aul, Winn., December 11" In-
tdlij'euee. lvas reached her that three
hundred miners are wintering in the
Black Hills, aud Lave taken out consid
erable gold.
The ea TnarsSay Vlglai.
Tuaewa met their bkds a ocmihal
SMAsBixa or qlaiswabi, -4c liv
30,000 SSI'tOTIiES lDtl.
2Jcw York, December 12. The earth
quake shock ou Thursday uight appears
to have been mere extensive than was at
first ia.ained. At Washington Heights
it sounded like a prolonged oil of than.
ler; at puyton Duyvil, the people kept
their lights burning all night, fearing a
repetition. The alarm was general in
these districts, and a rocking and ranab-
ing sjcosation was felt. At West Mount
Vernon, White plains, Keasico, Mount
Kiaco, and Ivatonah, nouses shook,
windows rattled, and several instances
were report 1 where persons fell out of
bod. Ceilings were craoked, aid fears
were entertained that the houses uight
topple over. Many agree in describing
he sound as reseasbling a UrriSo ex
plosion. At Dobb'a Ferry, houses were
violently shskta and bells were rung.
The concussion lasted about five or six
second. At Mount Vernon the whole
town turned out in alarm ewi
oeeupants cf tho hotel were thrown oat
of their beda. The proprietor was
frightened, and rang a general police
alarm. In Rockland esu&tf much
damage was done by breaking ceiling-,
glassware and crockery. Tha people
rucked into, the streets in their night
clothing. Masy persons vet seriously
iudisposed, through fear.
A ststeniut of the c mditk of affairs
ij sll ti e aiautatturcs and- iadustrics
employing a lr;- force of employees in
the city is published to-dny. In building
trades etsgnation er.a'Jaces, and aaT!y
seven thousand mtn are idle. Of shoe
makers on? tLouaud are idle. The iron
interests are very much depressed, aud
nearly .six thousand employees ore idle
The eabiust maters are doing only one.
half their former trade. Tweutv-fivs
hundred sre idlj. Over two thousand
priatcrR arc idle. Ttrenty-four hun
dred coopers and sugar refiners are idle
and about ten thousand unskilled labor
ers. In round numbers, over 30,000
men aro unemployed, exclusive of sev
eral thousand striken.
The Ikuj City S:nal.
New York, Dec 8. The Jersey City
Presbytery met this mrrning ti make
np their cffieial "verdict in the ease of
John S. Glendenuing, charged with
immorality in his relations with Mis
Mary E. Poineroy. ' The report shows
that several distinct charges were made,
each with specifications, and that the
atter were voted upon sewrately. The
charges of seduction, breach of promise
aud falehojd were not sustained. The
second specification of the fourth charge
is as follows: In that Rev. Jon a 9
GlcnJenniug compromised his Christiau
character by making Miss Mary
Pomeroy so many valuable presents, vis
iting her so frequently aod at such un
seasonable hoars, aod living on such
'ntimate terms wifh her as to occasion
public suspicions of impropriety, es
pecially as be at the some time declared
that nothing but the ordinary relations
of life existed-betwecn them. The
specification was sustained by a vote ol
IS to 5. The pesbytery then ad
journed till to-day, when the committee
appointed to draft the report submitted
the following report;
The charges of uotniuisterial and un
christian oouduct bavins boeu sustained
by vote of the presbytery, the committc
recognised the solemnity of their duty
The honor and prosperity of tbe Church
depend on the absolute purity of the
ministry, aud, in oreer to coatinue pros
perity, the ordained ministry of God
must be above all suspicion or reproaeh
Then follows a eensura of Mr. Oleod
eouing for the conduct for which be is
blamed. After having edopteJ the re
iwrt, tha Jersey City Prebtery adop
ted the following:
Raolved, That the pajtorial relation
existing between tbe Rev. John f
t'l londecning sn-1 the Prospeor-avent;
Church be ut'-i m.-ct-y ia cWv
Des Moines, December 11. The
State Grange have a.Aed tho National
Gunge to donate f 20,000.
Chicago, December 11. Washburne
returned frcm SYe-bington yesterday,
and ia busily ened working for the
Seoatorsliip if Wisconsin.
New Advertisements.
Count jCHititort' .Vrciitig".
Notice is hereby given that tho ntider
gned Auditors will meet at the Commis
sioners' office, at Kidgwny, l'a., on lattii
1874. at two o'clock 1. M., for the pupoee
of auditing settling ard adjusting Ike ao-
uiints of the eounly ot JMk wits its several
dicers; and the Treasurer, bberin ana
Commissioners of said county, alao Com
missioners of States Roads, are requested
to be pressut at the above named tiue and
TH08. J. 11UUKE Co. Auditors-
N.Q.BUNDY. J deo 17-2t
Petition will be presented at lb next
session of the Legislature !or the pnjsige of
a law reinstating the lomimssiouars ot me
big Level fetate lload, long enough to collect
present taxs, pay up iadebte iuesa and set
tle up aocounts.
For tue Commissioners
w. s. ovi.vrr.
Dec. 3, 1874. 4t
late of Hunsinger Towiiliip,KltCiiuty
ceased. All ticrsous mdcbteit to
said Estate are requc-stcd to make im
mediate payment. All those liavttig
local claim against the same will pre
sent them without delay in proper order
for fiettlement, to
n4itC. Executors.
This splendid enterprise is not only well
ustaiued in every feature, but i being
cobktantly developed and improved. D
to day standa without a rival iu the whole
world of periodical literature. 100 oeauii
ful doj-portrait, "Man'a Uuse'.fish Friend,"
etiromo presented to every subscriber, is
a decided hit. and wilL if possible, add to
the popularity which tbia work has g'titied.
The Aav Lmos feature atso promises greiu
and beniCcent rcsulis, ia arousing publio
interest in the toe arts. Circulars aud full
information ou application.
rarts I, II, III, aod IV are now ready.
Leisure-Hour Miscellany.
To be completed in 40 parts issued for-
Each trt will contain an elegant frontis
piece, originally engraved en steel lor the
London Art Journal.
at a price within tbe popular reach, en
graving never before offered at less than
tif tniie-i the amount.
These plaiesbnve been the attraction of
The London Art Journal,
Each r-irt will contain 2U quarto pages.
ncluding the elegant frontispiece, cn heavy
plate paper. A superb title page, richly
iliiminateil in reu ana eoia, win do gTen
ith tbe first part, and the printing of the
entire work will be a worthy representi
ion of "The Aldine Press" which is a
gunrautee of something beautiful aud val.
At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part
rarts I, II. and III aw Just Published.
Complete in 12 monthly parts, at $1 each
Reproducing the besttull-psge illustra
tions from the earlier volumes of
Tho Aldine.
Each monthly part will contain six su
perb plates with accompanying descriptive
matter, ana whether lor Dinaing oriraming
will be entirely berond competition in
price or artistie character, tvery mipres
sion will be most careruiiy taken on me
finest toued paper, and no pains will be
spared to make this the richest proujction
of a press which has won, in a marvelously
short time, world-wide reputation.
Especially assorted for
Scrap Dock lllnatretions and Drawing
A large collection of pictures of difl'erent
sues aud on almost every conceivnt-le sun.
ject have been put np iu an attractive en
velope, and arc now olterea at a price in
tended ta make theia popular ia svery
Envelope No. 1, eonlaiuing beautiful
engravings, is now ready, anil will tie sent,
postage paid, to any address fur O.Nh DOL-
LA It. A
liberal discount ta agents and
A splendid asoortment ot 8CKAI' IiOOES
havobiien eirreeslv rrriared for the b jli-
day season, and no prestul of more perma
nent interest can lie eelecttJ lor gentleman
or lady, old or yeimg.
No. 1. Halt hound, elota siaee, it
back U-'0 pp. IJalC iiichca t-5 GO
No. 2. Hlf boaud, elo b sides, tilt
ba:k. 5i)0 rp- 1-alu iuchea 7 00
No. 3. Full moracej. beteled boards
gilt aud antique, very r.ea 500 pp 12 00
Lettered t or lor iu C')U at J oeuts
each liue.
Btut by mil poat paid a receipt of the
Iu eonpliance with repe'itei requests,
the pubbbhvrs of Thc Alius a bav pre
pared impression of many of their most
beautiful plales for t'asse partout framing.
Tbe cuts are mounted on a beautifully
tinted ature mat, with a kainieouie red bor
der line.
To attach the g'ass, it is only left for the
customer to paste and fold over an already
attached border aud this may be dou by a
27 subjects, 12tl5 inches, S5c.; with
glass, 6(Je.
on of this sue for 51 a at a selection is
eft to the publishers.
6 subjects. 1012 laches. 20c., with
glass. 45e.
7 subjects. CliPl itishes, with
class, 4L'c.
12 subjects. Mil) iajhes. S3 ; with
class, $1.
Bent by mail, without glass, peat pail, far
t : .f r.ntjrE com i" i.
n .trt:it late, .teif i'ork.
White, Powell & Co.
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia. December 8th, 1974.
in. nun'
, 8. 1
1881. e 20 20J
'JO, s 'Hi, M and N lHj
d S
do do
U do
... lit l''t
... K-i .. 17
do da
do do
do do
do do
'Mi do ...
'tio J and J.
07 do ..,
08 do ..
do 10-40, coupon
do Pacific ti's cy lnt.ofl ..
New 6 s Keg. 1881
do c. IbM
Philadelphia & line .......
Lehigh Navigation Div. oil.
Jq Yalh-y
United R It ol N J Kz. Div
Oil C.-eek ...
Northern Central
Central Transportation ..,
64 i
.lat'j I2ni
. st'i z-4
.. 4--.I 44
Nefiiticlioning Cti 5i
A & A Mortg-ige O's 'BJ lol 102
form the Cittsous of llidway, aud the
public 'cr-era!!y, tl at be has started a Liv
ery Stable and will ketp
i i. -j i.i 1 1 ti uint vc.oua
ble terms.
feino will also do job teaming.
Stable on Broad street, above Main.
Alt orders left at the Peat Oibee a ill meet
prompt attention
Aug 20 1870. tf.
Rlminoton Skwino Macuimkb
Fiae Arms, and AottictLTbHAi. Im
PLEMKNtn. The Rcciirjrton r3ev.iut:
Machine has sprung rapidly iuto favor as
posscssioe'the best combination ol pood
qualities tiame'y, light running smooth
noiseless rapid and durable. It has
a straight needle, perpendicular action.
automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or
Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor
ravel, and iealike on both sidr.
The I'cuiington Sewiug Machine bss
received premiums at oisfit riits.
throughout the United Sln.tcs, and v-ii'u.
out caott tooklhe dratid Medal of Pro
gress, the bi;h'!.t order t nnlnl tliat
was awarded at the late Ykuua Kposi-
The Kcinington
Works also manu
ib.ublo Jisvrcllcd
Shut pun map
facture the new
Breech Loadiug
and positive action, wiih
joint check, a mat vil of J.ciu'y
aud cheapness, aiid the cc-1 v bitted Pern
inton luues uaoptcd iy cinAditlcrcnt
governments, und ji-tn . tied tl.reuboiit
tha world Jor mili'ary, butitiii and
target t urposk all kinds cf J'ii-to'.s,
Rifl-js, Cr.., Mcla'.ic Caui.ln;, f c.
Agriculiural luiplcincri', Improved
Mowing Aiuvliiuc.i, Bt-o I Pioww, Cultiva
tors, Koad temper, IVtcut l'stuvators,
Hay Tedders, Cotton tjius, Iron
Dridues, Ac.
Tho undei'Mgncd has been appointed
a,vut for the tale and introduction oi
the llcminctoii Siwinu' Machine iu ami
for the counties ol Kik, Clearfield aud
Wwren. TliOS, J. 1HJKKK,
Depot end t tlice, St. Mury'fi, Pa.
P. S. A good local n:eot wanted.
Elk County Directory.
l'redident Judge
Additional Law
L. D. Wetmore.
Judge II ou. Jno-
An:-ociate Judges Chas
Luhr, J
district Aitornev J. K. V.
i her ill D. C. Oyster,
rtoth'.uotwry Jj-c, I'red. Scbuin,
Treasurer Joretih Viudl'el-Jcr.
Coueiy Superiuieudeut Kutus l.ucore.
Coiiiaiifsionrrs Kobt. Campbell, Julius
Jones, (jco. La. neis.
Auditors C. W. JJarrett, Thomas Irwin
Tbotuas J. V.uike.
County Surrey or Geo "Wtlnifley.
Jury Contntissi aers. l'liilliii Ureiali
K.'-ciKiai T. ajlw.
Oa and after HON BAT, NOV. 23, 1 874.
raias between lledbacl anlUri'awoscl will
run as Wlltiwii;
EXPRESS and HAIL will leave Iliif.-
ud v at 12:30 p u , lleyuoldsvilie at
3:'10 p ai, Uroekville at 4:05 p ai, sriiving
at lU'dbauk at H:12 p u, eocueclinz with
txpruva on Klaia Like far Pittsburgh.
S111LU 1)11 leaven l.evauiastaia daily
at U:40 a m, Viookville at H:U a m, arriv
ing at lledbauk at 11:6a a ai, connecting
wn iraius uai'.h aaa ewula ta Mam Lma.
EXPKfi38 aud WAIL leaves Ttedbank.
daily al 12:0 a m, arrives at llraokvilia .t
p m. lie; aaldsvilia at 3:20 D . llriit-
wood at 0:10 p w, couuecting with uaius
eatt aud aeat u P aud K llailraad.
MIXED WAI leaves ew Detiile'in daily at
3:0 imi arrived at Urookville at i.Z'i I
ta, IteyuoldavilUal 7:o0 p
On and after UuKDAY. NOV 23, 1874.
traius iu the Allegheny Valley ltailroad will
rua as loUowj.-
BUFFALO ESPHESS will lcav , Pitts
burgh daily at 7:45 am, lteubauk Janciion
at 10:47 a ai, aud arrive at Oil City al 2.40
NIGHT EKPKES3 will lcavs Oil
City at '.:U5 p m.ltedbaok Junction at 2:66
a m, and arrive at t'ltuburgu at t:U a m.
T1TU8V1LLK EXPUEha leaves Pills
bnrgk at 3:00 p i, ltdbank Juuution at
C:Ui pm, and arrives at Oil City at 10:20 y
ta. itatureing, leavea Oil City at B:.JO a
u, Redbank Junction at 12:11 a ta, and ar
rives at Pittsburgh at 3:45 p .
Getcral fcuperiutendf-nt.
Wk, M. FatiMfs,
Awa't t-upt., Drockvil'o, Pa.
riiiladelphia Si lOrie II. It. Division.
If andafter MONDAY. NnV, Hi. 1874.
the trains on the rhiladelphia &
tin Uailroad will run s rollowst
FAST LINFleaves l'hiladelphia..l2 r,5r. m
Reuovo H-0 P m
" arr. at Emporium 1 a m
arr. al liufiaio 9 00 a. m
EMS MAIL leaves IMiiludclphia ll o V m
' Itenovo 11.10 a in
" " ' Euiporiuin 1.10 p m
" St. Mary'e H.05 p m
Kidgwny 2.3il p ra
" arrive at Era- 8.05 p m
LINE leaves Kiujiorium... 8 55 p m
' lie.usvo 10.40 p.m
sit. at Philadelphia ti.U5 a m
ERIK MAIL leavea Erie 11.20 a m
" " " Itidgway 4.45 p w
" " " 6t. Mary s 6.10 p m
Emporium. li.OS p m
" IU'uvu 8.20 p m
' " arr. at Phiia'lephia... O.oO a ni
Mail Eust. counccts cast und west nl Erie
with L e. M a 11 IV.
Mail VYt-Ki. wilii cast aud west trains on
L S & M S K W
Ucu'l Bup't.
Vintcr Arn-Ugimcnt.
To Wiliiamspiitt, uubuvj, Harrisburg
l'hilaacipbiu, iiakiiiiuie, Vasli
io'ton and the Buuih.
On afier NOVEKB2H 16, 1874, and
until furtbur aotice, trams will leave Buffalo
New V urk t Philadelphia Kailway Depot,
comer Exchange and L-uisinia streets
(Jbutlalu time); - f illnaa:
7 40 A.M. ACCOMMODATION flaily
except Buudays). stopping at Ebeneicr
S 04. iSpriiifibiook 8 14. Eimt 8 20, Jaiuiaon
8 2o, Auidia 8 SI, Waii-e 8 44, Holland 8 65;
i roteetion V 05, Arcade V 20, Yorkshire
H27, Mtcbias 97, Frauklinvtlla M65,
Uhua 10 15, Hinsdale 10 il, Erie Railway
Junction 10 45, Oleaa 10 49, Weetone 10 56.
l'onville 11 05, Ktate Liuo 11 12, Eldred
1125, Laraboes 1134, San wall 1140,
Turtle Peitit 11 45, Port Allegnny 1168,
Liberty 12 17, P- M., Kcatiag 12 2S, Ship,
pea 12 43. F.mporium 1 00, P. M.
Stages are advertised lo aoaneet with
this train at Cliua fur Marilla; at Arcade
lor Vcrkubire; at Fraaklinrilla far Rush
lord akd Centreville; at Portville far Ceree,
Uicblmrg, Little Ceueiee, Iteliver, Mill
port aud Sharon Centre, at Larabees for
tmciliport; at Port Allpgaay f,r Coudera
port; at Kea'ing, Tuesdays aad Fridays for
t h.inoa, Ean barton and Kasi Homer.
(daily except Sunday ), Hopping at ilben
eier U i5, fjpringbrock 10 07, Lima 10 28,
Jauiisnu 10 44, Aurora 11 06, Wales 11 S2,
liollaud 11 65, Protection 12 JG P. J , Ar
iade 12 48. lorUhiie 1 05, k!ehias 1 2G,
Fiankliuville 2 05, lacliua 25 0. Hinsdale
:J 24, Erie Kailwaj Junction i 00 P. M,
Sieges tie adviiliptd to connect wilh
(his irain at Arcade lor Torkthirs and
liusbfi-rd; ut i-r&ckliuville for llashfurd.
( Jailj ), ftopping at Elit-nr 3 22. Hjiriii.
b uok i Lima 3 St, Jaiuiaon S 40, Auro
ra 3 40, W ales 5S, Xioliaod 4 05, Protec
tion 4 14, Arcsue 4 'J, York,
rhire Jiti, Mf.ciiis.i 4 4o, Frankliville 5 00,
UcLua 5 17, liiardale 6 oU, Eno Railway
Jaiiciioit jj a.';, Uleau U 05 (Supper), Wes
inu U 15, Portvilie U 22, Ktate Liue C 30,
Llii;-i 0 -12, Larabees 0 53, fc-artwell fi 68.
lull's Point 7 U2, Port Allecanr 7 14.
Keating 7 42, Emporium 8 15, Kcnovo
lJ4i, tViiiiamspurl 1 10 A. M., Puubury
60, haiTisbiirs 4 20. Ivew Turk 11 A. M..
Philadelphia 8 05, Uulliuiore 7 45, Washing
ton b 07 A. V.
Ciiifes are ndvcrtiptd to connect with
bis liain at finis Jor Marilla; at Eat Au
rora, ou Tui(i;'S, Thuvs-laya and Satur
days lor Jva Villas, Strykersville, Wales
aud VS aka liuliow; at Arcade for Spring
viile, tau4ui-aay aad Y'tfiknhire.
lu'.tuau Palace fcltcuiiig Curs on this
train lioui Lufialo ta Buiiiuiore and Wash.
iiittcu i bom cbauae. Philadilpbia pas
sengers traiiHlVr at Haribburg, Ntw urk
yn:--Kufvri at llamji g Ou Sundaya
this trtiu ion uot ruu tot- af Oleitn.
2 30 A. M., BUFFALO ESPKES3 (daily)
eppi'i at fchii.iiou 2 6i, Keatina'a 15.
l.iLc.-ty 3 2i, Port Allegany 3 62, lurtlo
in.i a iO, tan well 4 la, Ldrabeea 4 22,
El'lieu 4 3j. U:e 1 ino 4 52, PumiUe 5 03,
Wcstoiis 5 10, Oieau 6 00, Erie Railv.t)y
lunciiou t 05, Lineiaie 6 20, Isehua 6 35,
Frankliuvilie C 04, Machias 7 10, Yorkshire
7 18, Arcade 7 2w, Protection 7 40, Holland
7 48, Wales 7 9, Aurora 8 lit. Jamiaoa
8 14, Elma 8 20. r-piinubrook 6 2, Iben
eitr fc M, Lutalo fc,0iA..M.
'Ibis train Biaats d:itt connections for
Niagara l ailn, aad all points ia Canada aud
the lest. ' '
bisgee a.e advcrliaed to .connect with
this train at Arcade from (-priugTiile, San
dusky and vorkahi'ie; at East Auiora, on
Xui-Mlaya, Thurtd;iys and IStlurdays from
Java,;titrjkersviiie,.tiaiegtaBi Wales Uol
lw; at l.ia from Mai ilia.
u Mondays this train (lean net ruu east
ot Oleat.U.J..s
1 ELlOHT (daily except fundaya.) nopp
iag at thippm ti 40. Seating 7 36, Liber'y
7 40, Port Aiiegacy 6 40, lortle Poitt.
13, Kai twiiU V ii, tmabees a 40, Eidred
10 00, Mate Liue lo Hi, Portrilie' 11 in
Klllnn, 11 nUm '1 S19 L..:. .. ..
ons l WJ, uiean ; 1 38, Erie Railway
Junction 11 4.1, Ilinedals 12 15 p i
UiuvilleU O. Holland 4 OS, Auaor'i
way J
r rau
A AU 1 ; I. ., ' are auveriiac-d ta
nces are ativeriiac-d ta einn.f :.
this traia'.at, Por;ville,i-om Ceres, Rici.
t uig, Little Gciitzee, Boliver, Aiillport .nrt
sLa.uu teulra. - -
2 00 V. i., ACCOMMODATION (daily
xcept feundays) Hopping at fthippen
i 14, Keating 2 33. Libenv -j i t ..' ,
legany A 00,, 7urtle Point a 13 .
3 18 LMahees tf, EUred 3 31, Bute
OUaa 4 OS. Erie Ea la. Jn.,. a
6 00, Mach: io, Y orkshire fi 3U, Arcado
o cri, i rotectioa B 10, Holland ti 22, ales
B 3:1, Anivra C 40, Jamison 0 64, Elma C 69
fipringbiutk 7 04, Eb. ui-xcr 7 15. BiiAuIa
7 40 P. M. "
advertised to connect with
hisuainat Keatin, from Wharton, East
Homer and taat Wbarton on Tuesdays and
Ind.js; at Port Allegany ftom Couders?
r ranklinviU. from Rushford and Centre,
ville; at Arcade from Rushford and York-
, h- 'SCeft SunJaJ. stopping
a inada e b 4 I8chua7 18, FrinkUuvill?
80 0, iiachias 8 34, Yorkshire 8 63 Arcada
U 20 Pro-.ction a 64 Hollana 10 13, Wat.
Vll''L01 1QW Jmisonll2i Elmi
t ,J','"euluo OU Ebeneiar 1-2 in.
Buffalo 1 00 P. M.
H-C. fisi:,
Gen'l Manager.
H. L. Lt'MAN,
Gen 1 Paaa'r.Ag't.
Gen'l Sup't.
The St.te ot Ohio has brought euit
yt $ob,000, being the amount of taxes
be ojiKinR to the State an inibcppvorw..
teJ by that county.