4 1 1 a k. ft k I Till 1 1 1 iTT1 Henry A. Parsons, Jr. - . Editor THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10. 18 74. EDITORIAL NOTES. It is rumored that Justice Noah II. Swayna proposes to retire from the bench of the United States Supreme Court in few months, which lie nitty do under law of Congress, on full pay. Should he resign, President Grant will have the appointment of a filth member of the Supreme Court, or a majority ol that body. The application for stamp? lor the prepayment of newspaper postage for the first moDth of the new year already aggregate $500,000. The Post-officiab however, consider that this sum exceeds the probable monthly demand, the esti mate of the annual revenue from this eouree being $1,000,000. The Depart ment doe not expect that any consider able amount of the newspaper business will go to the express companies. IlEAvr monthly reductions of the publio debt are evidently things of the past, the Government, like individuals, being compelled to postpone the dis charge of its indebtedness until there turn ef good times. The statement issued on Tuesday, shows a decrease during tie past month of $123,427 OS; the coiD balance is 883,043,307 24; cur rency, $16,099,311 48: eoin certificates, 823,045,400; certificates of deposit, $47,120,000. Judge Paxson's good fortune still serves him. On Saturday 28th of Nov. he met the Hon. Warren J. Wood ward of Reading, his brother judge-elect of the Supreme Court for the term of t.vcnty-one years from the first Monday of Jan. next, in the city of Reading to oast lots for "priority of commission," in accordance with the provision of the seventeenth section of articlo 5 of tbe Constitution. The priie was won by Judge Paxson, who will thus be Chief Justice of Pennsylvania for the last seven years of his term, uoless his place should become vacant by death or resig nation. How Terrible The Clearfield Republican last issue says, Fpeaking of the XLIlId Congress: "It will be the last Radical Congress that will ever meet at the National Capitol. Mark what we 8iJ." How -anguine the gleeful Democracy are now a days they "fondly hope 'twill last for aye," but we predict that some fine morning the Democrats will wake up and discover that the people who produced tbe reaction this fall, are not so anxious to be found training with the Democrats. We claim that in four years we will have a Republican ma jority on joint ballot in our National House of Representatives. Will Bro. Goodlander please mark that and hang it up to dry. Emigration Returns. During the first nine month of the present year there was a great falling off in the num ber of emigrant arrivals at New York The anaber arriving at that port during the first nine months of 1873 was 227, (391, while during the corresponding period of this year only 124,680 emi grants arrived. A part of this reduction may prove permanent, for the continual drain made upon the labor markets of Europe must result some day in better ing the condition of those who remain, and thereby eheck the desire to emi grate. But the greater part of the re daction was more likely due to the pinto of last fall and the consequent depression of business. It seems prob' able, too, that there has been a return ing tide of foreigners since tbe panic, but there have been no official figures on this subject published. A Model Wife. A Japanese lady has invented a means of reconcilatioo between quarrelsome partners which should aot be confined in practice to that distant prt of the world. Having quarreled with her husband, the decided upon dying. Not content with merely relinquiihing this dreary world, she endeavored to do it at the greatest possible sacrifice. She bit out her tongue, and awaited death. Fortunately for all parties, death did not arrive as oon as her husband. She was there fore saved. And now Nakamura has a model wife. When he aomplains of the toughness of his steak, she ean merely look at him. Turning big eyes in another direction, be can make the most atiricalj- comments upon feminiue economy; ean wonder why women never do learn how to keep down the grocer's bill, to save a portion ol their husband's . salary; eaa assure her that a little vari ety of delicacies for breakfast is some thing that coy woman of sense could find; ean grumble at tbe milliner's bill, and growl about the coal being all out, without receiving a word of remonstrance llean tell why the bady cries without being challenged (o remedy the evil, and can generally enjoy himself without danger of a squall. Why should Japan monopolize such a boon? Forney's Frjss. The rumors ;tliat Forney's Press, of Philadelphia, had been sold to a com pany and that Col, McCluiewas to man age it, is pronouneed untrue. Able Re publicans have stepped into the relief of Col. Forney who is omcwhat embar rassed and the Press will continue as it is a supoiter of Republican measures and men. Col. Forney, writing from Europe, attributes the late Republican defeat to the financial embarrassments of the country and thinks the remedy for the country and the party is not in further contraction or resumption of specie payments. lie says: Every intelligent observer must de cide that no organization will dare to attempt to cure tho prevailing distress by a resort to any of the known ideas, Buch as hard money and specie pay ments. The one strong tact bears equally upon every miod, that we have now very little more currency for the whole of the country than we had at tbe close of the war for a little more than half the country. What, then is the duty of the Republican party in the pre sent situation? 1 claim that, having created our financial system, having fought the war through with tho present circulating medium, having protected industry and contributed unspeakably to the prosperity of the nation, it is the bounded duty of that party to take care of the institution it established and to do this at the earning short session oj Congress. The Atncricau people have declared that they want the means by which to live, and this can be lurnished by the simple process of stopping the reduction of the publio debt, increasing the circulating medium, and builditig our transcontinental railroads. 1 am writing not iu the interests of any party, although I believe these will be the means of putting the Republicans it figiiting trim for I87G. What I suggest cannot be safely opposed by any pointed organization, and must at last bo adop ted even by tie Deomcrats, with all their tendencies to free trade and hard money. Our country has suffered suf ficiently for what has been coldly called the "cruicial test." The rich have only grown richer in the course of this fierce and grinding process, and tbe poor poorer. It would be a startliug exhibit if we could find and print the proof of this assertion, showing how much the destitute have agonized since the col lapse of September, 1873. The Republicans are in au over whelming majority ia the two houses uf Congress which meet on tbe first .Monday in December, 1874, and ad journed on the 4th of March, 1875. Let them move to the good work at once, and throir themselves upon tbe oountry, aud they will be vindicated at the polls. Let them do this in defiance of protests from whatever qmrter, and they will be rewarded not only by proa perity at home, but by a revival of the confidence of foreign nations, so rudely shocked by the result, of that suicidal contraction, fruitful alone in bankrupt cies and defalcations, and still crushing us to the earth. J. W. F. Judok Elwell, in a Columbia county case, recently, decided that school directors could only levy a tax of ten mills on the dollar. This decision has been held good by Judge Walker and an additional point decided in a re cent Schuylkill county case. A regular tax of ten mills and a special tax of two mills for building purposes, had been assessed in the borough of Pinegrove. Tbe building tax was to be used for the repair of a school house already erected. Judge Walker decides tho two mill tax to be illegal. Ordinary repairs must be made out of the regular school fund. As these decisions are in conflict with the rulings of tho school department it is more important that they should be generally known in order that school directors may not ignorantly collect taxes they are not eutitled to receive. PitlsLurjh Telegraph. A Philadelphia is said to have invented a machine with which, by tho use of only two gallons of water, he can generate sufficient motive power to run a train from Philadelphia to San Fran cisco aud back. The water is used over and over again, and no fuel, chemical, electricity or magnetic currents ate used. A trial of the muchinu was made re cently injthe presence of three witnesses sworu to secresy, who were astonished at the simplicity and power of the inven tion. It U kept closely concealed un der lock and key, and is shown only to experts sworn uot to divulge tho secret. Although it is proposed by this inven tion to supercede steam, the new machine will produce a pressure of 7,000 pounds to tho squire inch, the pressure ot steam ranging fiom 30 to 200 pounds. A number of capitalists are said to have expressed a willingness to pay large cuius ot money lor the pat ent right for certain localities, and there is no doubt that the inventor, if he can preform with Lis machine one half he claims, has made his own fortune, be sides conferring an inestimable blessi ng upon humanity. All taxes on unseated lands should be returned to county comtuissioneM for collection on or before the last day of December. A failure to make such re turns will result in a loss of the taxe for such townships. This is a matter of great importance and tbould not be neglected. Under the new Constitution there is no remedy tor a neglect ot this duty. The Carbon Pa. Iron Company have 41 duoed the salaries of tbeir officers 25 fir cout. GENERAL NOTES. Tho Supreme Court of Masuochtisetti has declared the divorce law of 1874 unconstitutional. At Rathurst, N. 15., the small-pox epidemio has bee a arrested by the timely precautions ol the health officers. The New York State Labor Union pledges assistance to the striking 'long shoremen to the extent of 840,000, or 850,000. The Citizens' Oil Rcfinory of Pitts burgh fcas suspended payment. Tho liabilities are about $300,000, the assets cannot yet be given. A heavy earthquake occurrel at Oreana, Nevadn, on Sunday. Thcro were two shock- lasting two minutes. No damage was done. An investigation, ordered by General Sheridan, shows that so far no white men have entered the Black Hills terri tory sinus tho expedition of General Custer. Attorney General Williams decides that the goods of foreign exhibitors sent to the Centennial buildings are free from seizure by the creditors ot the managers. A shock of earthquake has been dis tinctly felt at Sai-tii and Newbnrypott, Massachusetts. The wave apparently moved from west to east rocking houses, rattling crockery, and causing some con sternation. The boy in the family of F. W. Peyton, at Barboursville, West Virginia, susposed to have been the missing Charlie Ross, was f'ouna upon investiga tion, to have eseaped from a neighbor ing poor-house. 1) H. FriBk, ex-cditor of tho Truckec Republican, was shot and instantly killed at Truckee, Nevada, the other night, by au unknown mau. Frink was a member of the vigilance oouiiuittee in that place. In response to a telegram from Tus cumbia, Mayor Cuff of 15nton has re ceived a number of contributions for the suflerers, which will be forwarded at once. Numerous accounts of suffering iu tho South and West have elicited very general expressions of sympathy in Massachusetts. Philadelphia, December 5- The pro prietor ot the Reading IJiujle. convic ted of libel in the Charley Ross case, were brought up for sentence in the Coaimon Pleas Court to-day. Judge Allison, after an able discussion of (be responsibility ot newspapers, said he re cognized tho luct ot personal ignorance ot the defendant's of the libellous article, and waived etuteuce of imprisonment, imposing a fine of one thousand dollars and costs, A large number ol promi nent citizens, who have iutircstcd them, selves iu behalf of llawley aud Ritter, were preseut and congratulated the de fendants on the result. John D. White, Republican Con gressman elect from the Ninth Ken tucky distiict, feliot und killed HarriMju Cockerel!, bis Democratic competitor in the late election, in Estello county, Kentucky on Tuesday. The canvas between the two men was very bitter and personal, and a Uw days since Cockercll published a card making very severe strictures upon White. New Orleans, December 3 The re turning board will make a final report ou Saturday, more than half the Stale bus been canvassed, showing Dubuclct over 3,000 ahead ot Muucuru, Democrat, for State Treasurer. Sigi.muud Schwab, the first of the New York Liquor Dealers' Association convicted of teliiug wiu? without license, was sentenced by Judge Uarrett to thirty days in the city prison and u fine of 3200. The court warned the liquor dealers that if organized resistance to the law continued, tho full penalty would be meted out. This case is the first criminal prosecution by the excise board lor 22 years. Colonel Thomas A. Scott wants Con gress to give 70.000,000 to aid in con structing the Texas Pacitio Kuihoatl. He is now it Washington, and will press the claims of tbe contemplated road. A remarkable accideut occurcd lust Friday morning at tho extensive Clark thread works at Newark, N, J. The coupling or the main shaft by which the power is supplied to the tactoiy became detached, and the engine of 700 horse power, thus released from restraint, ac quired a fearful momentum. The driv ing wheel, weighing 200 tons, Hew iuto fragments, one ot wli'ch, weighing two tons, shot through the roof aud landed fifty feet distant. There were many nanow escapes, but no personal ii.jitrii s. The Concord (N. II.) .Savings Rank suspended ou Tuesday, after paying out $000,000 to depositors, who have been making a run on tbe bank for some weeks. The trustees have petitioned the Superior Court to appraise the value ot the remaiuing securities in the bauk to determine the loss of unsati.-ficd de positors. The Government has no confirmation of tbe report that the Spanish govern ment has pardoned Dockray, the Ameri can, now imprisoned in Spaiu for bi-iug a Cuban spy, and the story is not credi ted. Should Dockray be pardoned and return borne, the Department of Justice will secure his arrest and try him for embezzlement of Government funds while Collector of Internal Rev enue in Florida. An epidemio known as the ' black flux" is raging at Alexandria, Tenn. Tbe Utah authorities reluse to pay jury fees for the term of the court un der the Poland bill. Mr. Gage charged with embezzling the Chicago city funds, while Treasurer, has been acquitted. f. It is announced in the Washington Chronicle that Daniel Ames obtained a divorce in a Virginia Court on Monday last from his wife, Mary Clemmer Ames, the well known authoress and Washing ton correspondent. Twelve thousand five hundred thalers are set down in the bubget of the Ger man Empire for the purpose of feeding tbe imperial dogs and cats, which are kept for tbe purpose of destroying rats and mice iu the imperial stalls and stores. From the Warren Mill we learn that J. C. Utter killed a martin lust Ttic!day( below Warren on the opposito side ot the river measuring 2 feet 4 inohos in length. The first one shot iu "that neck of woods" for some time. A Spoiling exereiso was given at a school in Chatauqua County in whitch the word "Chautauqua" was spelled by different students twenty-seven different ways, as follows; Chatacqtm, Cliatagai Chatauqua, Chataukwtt, Chattauqna, Chatauqua, Chatachu, Chataqua, Che talka, Chautaukwa, Chautugia, Cbcta quo Chetauky, Chetawgua, Chctawkah, Chetawca, Chitaqua, Chittawke, Schau taugua, Schutwaky, Shabtaugua, Shaw taqua, Shawtawqn, Shawtouqua, Shelaw key, Shctawka. QUOTATIONS ot White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BHOKEKS, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadolphio, December Hth, 1H74. urn. ask r.D. U. 8. 1881. c l't; da 6 20, o VJ, M mid N 1-'. Hi t do do lit do ll I U do do '(J'i di 10 i do do '115 J mid J 18 1 do do '07 do I'-'j I'.p. do do 'Ii8 do l'U i'-'i do 111-10, coupon IKS 1 do Pacific U'h cy Int. on" !' New ti's It eg. lnnl 12 1-J do c. 1881 12 12a ooid M; m Silver l'i 1"8 Pennsylvania "-1 '"'-J Beading M :i Vt:j Philadelphia & Kfie 1'H Mi Leliigli Navigation Div. oli 47 -1 do Valley i2 18 United K it ot .N J 1.x. Uiv 12'.'J 12'. OdOeek - 8 Northern Central Central l'ruii:-nui'tiiiiun -l2j "' Nesiiuehoniug 01 4 '"" A i A Mortgagu ti'g 'b'J lwj Ml tVLKY LALiY bllOULU TAKiJ IT. FET3RSQF3JIAGAZI1TB Tho Cheapest and Rest iu the World. roelageTre'l'aid ou all ub.-icriptions This popular magazine gireitiiiore for the uiouey iliau any iu tuu world, t or IS'io it will be greatly improved. It will contain Uue luoUbituU i'uges, ITouvtcwn Spieudid Cteel I'luiud, TniTs Julorvd lierliu l ul ternu, Twelve Muiuuioth Cclurvd FasUiuns, Miua UuuJred Mood Outs, Teuiy,lour l'avs of Miihc. All this will be itcu lor only TNNO inJLLAltb a year, pobtags pre pu.dby the publisher, or udoliur leas iliau .lagiuiues of ihe class of "Tctersou." its THRILLING TaLES AS J SOVKLfcTTliS Are tLe bet published anywber. All the ruusl popular writers at employed lo wiiie origiimlly for j-i'elei sou." la 1375, in ml ditiou to the ut-unl quautity of snort stones, FlYJj UltUilNAb CU I'i lllli HI NuVtLETi'Ld Kill be given, by Mrs. Ann S. SU'piieus, Fraud Lee lieuediei, June U. Aiutiu, Mantua liolley uul Uaity Yetitaor. M Aii MOT U C'OLUlitU F.-'.SHlUN 1'LA'IE Ahead of ull others. These plutes ur eu giuvedob Kietl. Tttle'K 'lUu U;L'Ai. U7.L, uud ui v uui itialijd tur . beuuiy luey Will be stij erb'y colored. A. so, Ilou.euoid UU'1 oiner leeeipis; iu short, everything inter esting to lailics It ITLKI! FilS. Ml I'M LNG HAVING ! To every pet-sou gelling up eillier of the fo. lowing e.ubs lot- 1o7j will be seui yian-. it copy oi our new uud splendid iiitzioiiiii tor ii tubing, (size 21 inches by L'OJ, "Wa:liiiijtiii'g First, interview Wnk His Wile." Tills is a Five lioimr LugmviLg, uud the mosi uesiruule premium ever oUerud. For li j;e clubs, as will bo seen netow, au exim copy of the Magiuiue wm be sent iu udilniou. TE11M3 (Always iu Advance) $2.00 a Year l'ostugo prepaid by tho l'ublishcr. Two Copies tiO lhre Copies SO l'ostage Fte-laid ou the Club, with a copy ol the superb iiiezzoiiut. (2120) lasliingioo' Fnsl Interview Yuih lliu A lie." to the peraou gelling up tun Club. Six Copies lor !lO Nino Copies for J4 Twelve copies for 4l?. Vesture l're l'ttid'ou the Club, with both an niu copy of the Aingazme and Hie su perb mezzotint, V) usaiiigluu s First luter v.e.v Vtith Ills Vtiie,'' lo llie percou gettiug up l he Club. Aildres!!, post-paid, ClUKliLij J. i'Liliti.bOl'J, ui.lj ClitMlitit. M., l'liila'ieipiiia, Fa. ptc.mtiiB tei.i giaiia a Viiiiieu lot-. lul. fcALL l L.K. OltLMi, ilajoi.iu ilall Lutlding, F.iiigw ay, Fa. VAN VLECE'S' CKLEUKAIKI) I'Alh.NT Sl KLNtJ lit, I) iJhfci' liliipeitd tttel fining wiiu, theo .j rit g i can be laid ou llio slats ot uny coiiiuion ted and uro CUMi'LKlK Hi IlJlSKLVtih ! ALo agent for Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest lluuuing, Musi Uin able, and HF.ST MACHINE iu the market. Cull aud xa.niuo before purchasing elsewhere. vlulUlUg, 1 F YOU WANT TO 15 UY GOODS CHEAT 00 TO JAMES II- I1AGE11TY Main Street, F.idgway, Fa. DllY GOODS, NOTIONS, J500TS SHOES, HATS AND CAl'S, GLASS AND QUEEN S WAHE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock ot Groceries and Provisions. The BEST 'BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and Bold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. FltED SOHOEN1NG, Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printer, and Stationer. RIDGWAY. ELK CO., 1A. DEALERS. IN ALL' KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. ' EsUrbrook'a fbtcbrated SSeel Ptnn the Best 'JTtaile. All Kinds of Job Printing done in the Best Stylo and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OK EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. n? j t j i j i j & KIME. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly be'icvins that tl.ej world movce, uud that the demands of the public are con- ; s tantly iLereasin'?, tho proprietors of the j (Brand cnlral JStcre liave jn'it returned from tic eastern niul western cities with tlie most pcrlcct acJ coinjilile slock o! MEUCI1AXDISE OF KVKltY DESCRIPTION. Veil cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING tliey do not keep, auj tltcy have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASU! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, Miy 1st, 1873. NEW IIVKHY ttTAIit,U IN 111 f DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittiena of Ilidgway, and tbe public generally, that lie litis started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES i ; .1 o j . v i i a .is tn Ht re isona ble terras. Ef2i,He will also do job tonninft. Stablo on Vroad Btrcet, above Main. AU orders left at the Popt Ofiiee will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the rcin l mirt cure of rill ltMiiiitu. H!t.'Bt! il: li.f sl-iin. A h, livrr, Mini how- li ay ri. 'Itir .li vn 1 1 1 1 i r iiwUmt I'ursrritivo. lifinX pme'y vee lablf, ivy contain no nit rcmy o r liitho rM halvVr. iti h H-ri'Hi m kucri. mid KuilVnt K' it- prevent il liv ttrf-ir tii-ttlv use; and rrery family vtwuM have them on haml for tli'jir p!oie-uo;i ami relief, when u fiuiml. Loiitf P3,U(, h.v provpl U.m,i lobe the Mil est, Miie-i, ami x-Hl of aJl tiio Villu w ith luWt Uie market Hbouiiilc. liy their ideational use, tli" blood is purilleil, the corruptions of the sys tem expel!jr, ol-t'urtioii9 removed, and the whole MiM'bi.'icry of Jit'e restored to its benlUiy ii'ihvity, Internal oixanct which become cloril hnd fclucrieh are cleansed by Ayrr J'iit.- und Ftimuh.ted into action. Thus incipient di':i.o i i.Hiitd into IumUo, the value of which chnmai w!i.n re. k.mcd on the vast multitudes who eigoy i;. ean hirdiy lo eoniputed. Their eunr eo:Uiiij i:kew Lneiu'pletsKnt to take, iiinl preserves Uieir virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so tint thnv are ever freh, and perfectly rebaltlo. Although f;ir"hinic, they are mild, ami operalo w itliout d;tui bailee to the coublitutiou, or diet, or ocriit.iti iu;;. u!l U.iectiona art (riven on the wrapper to oa-u box. hou to ue them a a 1 itunly rbvic, and for u:- foowiiu eompluiaU, wllicb vlie ra',iiii' rU' -: 'oi if v 'r lodf H"fton, IJitrlrt i.jii. jh iini Mm of Appetite, they f-iioold '.rutu ujodi-rawly to Htiniulale the totti ach, iiM'i rt-tort- it heultiiv tone and ut tion. t .iv A. a rr t a(laiitt an I ii vanou symp t'li-':;, W ' -si itwlrEiv, fticLt ICk :l L .tc-Mtc or 4tr4n NirknfM, lil iM 4 iie and Kitiortu lVrer.they hiitnild b ns.s y taken for ea li east to correct tho I'.u'.A-f'l ur rcuiove tho obttiui'tious which oif.; Kor liroolfr or lllarrlloru, but ono i.-.il i J.kh m jKiiei iilly renui!'el. -ir kf.U-i: 4u"ia. Cu.il, Krvrl, Tal nWuiiinw i 9mv llbii'C. Balu in (! aiit, Huri. mid LMlim, liiey plamlil lie roiuiu. i:-iu-ly ulca, u riiiK-il, to c'lmijKC llio ilii-ascd I. ".i ii ol Uif ny'teiu. With tucii cliaiiifo tltute coniiilainU rii.-a;ij':ir. 'ot- lfcroia.r Mail )7ropNlrttl Awottlnu'. tl.rr li.aild t.'.- la'. -!i In l..rpe aail tV-' ;t:-ut ilo.u4 li i'i: ot'' tn t'flft-.-l f a l'alit' nii-. To: huiitirMftinkr., a lariro d ptiould Ve tai tt i. rouuLX't; ute dt-tu'ed e(li-t by Gym 1 . Ait (: fHnM- nil. take on or two J'lf to j r.i:i;.M.- di.--.tiou aim rt'licvt- tiie r-lMii:;i'ti. jl" '.--itnll lo.-e HUmiilhtft tli1 stiur.hrh and b'i-A 1 iip npiu-i i;-, ami invarta-ati"- tliu r--ir;u. it-a ii in t,'rt n .t'lvaiii-nrroii- wlu-ie I. i ritu il-;-iiii.'tiut at -xi-i-. oi: Mho Ji'i'ls t.iV-s. lf v-ll. tAi'n liiitN tliat a iln.-' of thoe Uj m'i-.!-. Ilil.i I'-! I l('i iili-:i!y b.'lti'V, tVolil their i-iru iritis - i .ii i-L'Uovutiiiy i-Ui'L t ai Uu iliObtivc .r -IKU'H'.U.. PHEPAKKO TIT Dr. J. C.ATEItX- CO., fr.irtlral Chemists, LOWELL, MAS.-;., I'. S. A. VQli 8A.LE BY ALL DiaoolSl i Cv'EKYWUER& jpiIYSICIAXS AND DUICGISTS. A prominent New York physician lately complained to DnnJua Hick, uboui hisSad dnlwood Oil Cnpsulns, slating that some times they cured miraculously ; but that a pitient of his had taken them for sometime without effect. On being informed that several imitations were made and sold, he inquired and found that his patient had been taking capsula psold iu bottles, and not UUNDAS DICK. & CO S. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, and DCNDAS DICK & CO., take this method of protecting "Oil of Sandalwood" from this disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the Capsulas will CONTINUE TO D SO. for they contain the PL' RE OIL in the BEST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OF SANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every other reme.ly, sixty Cspsitles ONLY bciug ieiu:red to iusure a rule uud certain cure in six or eight days. From no other medicine can this result be had. Dick's Soft Capsules solve the prob lem long considered by many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the uuusca and dis gust experienced in swallowing, which are well kuown to detract from, if uot destroy, the good effects of many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules aie put up in tin-foil aud neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the only capsules prescribed by Physicians. JTTUESE WERE TEE ONLY CAP SELES ADMITTED TO THE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Send for Circular to 85 Woostcr St., N. YJ SOLD AT ALL IEUG STORES. General Agency, 110 Keade Street, N. Y ESTATE OF ISAAC QUIGGLE. late of Ridgway Township Eli County, Pa. de ceased. All persons indebted to Baid Es tate are requested to make immediate pay ment. And those having legal claims against the same, will present litem with' ou delay in proper order for settlement, to JACOB yUlUULlS, Executor. Or bis Attorney, II. M. POWERS ESQ., Ridgway Pv BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RA TJIB tiV, Attorncy-at-Uw, Kidgwny, Fa. 2 2 tf. RUFUS LLC ORE, Alt orney-at-Lair Eidgwny, Elk Co., Ta. OfiSoe ic rtftU'i new Brick Building. Claims to collection promptly attended to. tSnlly. HALL & M'CAULEY, Attorneys- at-Latr. Office in New lirick Building, Main St j Ridnway, Elk Co., fa. 3n2lf. J, O. ). BAlLEl'f ATTORXEY-ATLAIT. Tln2,.yl. Ridgwy, Elk Coanty, Pa. Agent for the Tratelcr's Life aid Accl dent liiuranee Co., of Uartfora, Cenn. JAMES D. FULLEMTOK, Surgeon Dentist, having periiaBtatly lo cattd iu Itigway, offers bis proftssiomsl ser vices to t lie citizens of llidgwaf aao Bur. rounding country. All work warranted. Ollice in SerTice Wheeler's Uuildiag, up stairs, first door to the letl. itf-a-fcj-ly C11AKLES 1WLES, Wiilchiimkfr, Engrarer e eweler, Main street, llidgwny, Ta. Agent tar th Howe t'ewitig Machine, aud Xlottoa Gold I'm. llt-nairing VVaithfa, ete, dot with his same aceuracy as heretofore, laatia action guaranteed. Tlnly 6'. G. MEJSSEJi GEk', Lruggist and l'araceutiat, N. W. cornet of Main and Mill treet!, Hidgway, Pa. lull ftsorlnicht of cUrelully loted For- eiuti mid llomettic Drugs, rrecoriptiona carefully diLieuscd at all hoars, day tt night. TlnSy 1 S. HARTLEY. M. J)., . 1'hysician nnu Surgeoa. Oflice in Drug 8tore, corner liiad and Main Sts, lletidcuce corner liroad Bt. oiio?it the College. Ofiiee hour iratn 8 io 10 A. M. and from 7 to V 1. il. v hilly 1. J. X. LORD WELL, M. 1)., Eclectic Thysiciiin and Surgeon, kas remov ed his ollice lioin (tune sntel, lo Alaia el. Ilidgnay, Tn,, in ihe second story ef the. new brick building of John U. Ilall, appo site Hyde's store. (jflico hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to t p. an, 7 jan ) t i HYDE HOUSE, IWduvvay, Klk Co., Pa, W. H. SC11RAM, Proprietor. Thaiiki'ul for the patronage herelofora so liberally bestowed upon him, the sew proprietor, hopes, by paying strict a. teuiioii to the comfort and convenience ol guests, to lauiit a continuance oi the -ituie. Oct 30 18C.I. BUCK TAIL HO CUE, Kane, McKcan Co., Pa P.. E. I.OOKEK, Proprietor. Tlianl.tul for the pat ronuge lx'relofoia to liberally bestowed upon him. Ihe new pro prieior, liupes, liy paying strict attention to the cumtort and cuuveuieticc of guesis, lo merit n contiuiiauce of the same. The only stables lor borscM in Kane und well kept night or day. Hall at ached to the Hotel. vlnlioyl. KEHHEV HOUSE, Centbevillk, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so libcrilly bestowed upon linn, the new pro rieior, hopes, by paying strict at iviitioii lo llio comior. und convenience oi' !iius, tlmeiii a couimuance of the sane. V. IV. HAYS, DEALRu IN Cry Goods, Notions, Crcccries, and Gsnersl Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Blurlty 1'. O. vlnl'tf. PLAYING CARDS. BEST THE CHEAPEST. STE iSllIPS Cheapest kind made. HEG T'i'AS A cheap common card. BRO DWAYS A nice common card. Vllt NIAS Fine calico backs. GEN JACKSONS Cheap and popular, (I'j, tern backs, various colors and de signs.) COL - jIBIAS (Euchre deck) extra quality (JULUbiN UAltS une ol llie best cards made, Ml'. VEUNONS Extra fine, twocolorpati terns. THE ABOVE TAKE NO OTHERS- List ou application. Dealers sup, VICTOR E. MAUGER. 39-ly 110 to 112 Reude St., H. Y Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YORE, 1'ENN'a Catalogues Mailed to Applicants Refer (by permission) to iIon, J. S, Black, Washington, D. C. Weisek, Bon & Cabl, Bankers, York, Pa. 2-tin-T riXO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL J VAN1A. Your attention is specially iuvited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Centenniul Hoard of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the ereo tion of the buildings for the luternational Exhibition, and the expenses connected with tbe same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri otic Commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of slock are offered for $10 each, aud sub scribers will receive a handsome eugraved .Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at tbe rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 187 b. Subscribers who are not'neai a National Bank can remit a check or'post office order to the undersigned, FRED'K FKALEY, Treasurer, U01 Walnut St., Philadelphia 48