The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 03, 1874, Image 4

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    Farm, Garden and Honscliold.
The Iloimewife.
A correspondent commends onions as
a speciflo against epidemics not ns nn
esculent, but sliced nnd kept in a sick
room, where they will absorb any at
mospheric poison. They should bo re
placed by fresh ones every hour. It is
noticed that in the room of a smnll-pox
patient they will blister and decompose
very rapidly, bnt will prevent the
ppread of the disease. Their applica
tion has also proved effective in the
case of snake bites.
Fish Rissoles. Take some fish,
either fresh or that has been cooked,
shred it, and lot it stew with some but
ter, covering it over until sufficiently
done. Soak a roll in milk, beat up the
fish and this together in a mortar with
a little finely-chopped mushroom and
three eggs ; season with salt aud pep
per. Mix all well together ; bako in
small enps, first buttered, and turn out.
Servo with or without sauco.
Tite Best Way to Serve Rich. Sonk
it for some hours in cld water, to
which a little salt Iibs been added.
Have a stew-pan rendy, containing boil
ing water, into which put the rice, and
boil briskly for ten minutes, l'our it
into a colander, and set it by the lire to
drain. The grains will be separated
and very largo.
A good method of keeping potatoes
for family use is to pack them in bar
rels with sun-dried sand, covering the
tops with turf, and keeping them in a
dry and cool atmosphere. Then they
will neither shrivel nor shrink to any
real extent.
Economical Coverlet, Sheets of
brown paper pasted together at the
edges and laid over a blanket on the
bed will give the warmth of two more
blankets, and the article, with care,
will last a considerable time.
Median! Hint.
A CrRE fob Soft Corns. Dip a bit
ot sou linen rag into turpentine, and
wrap it around the soft corn : wet the
cloth in it night and morning, and in a
low days the corn will have disappear
ed ; but the relief to the throbbing,
burning pain, comes almost immedi
ately after the first or second applica
tion. Wear cotton between the toes
and the corns will not reappear.
To Remove Stings. In many cases
instantaneous relief from the pain can
be obtained by pressing upon the place
containing the feting with the tube of a
small key. This extracts the sting, and
then a drop of aqua ammonia will neu
tralize the acidity of the poison, aud
allay the smart of the wound. A littlo
bit of saleratus moistened and laid over
the effected part will also heal it.
CorKT the Sun. Sleepless people
and there are many iu America should
court the sun. The very worpt soporific
is laudanum, and the very best is sun
shine. Therefore, it is very plain that
poor sleepers should pass as many
hours of the day in sunshine and as
few as possible in the shade. Many
women are martyrs, and yet do not
know it. They shut the sunshine out
of their houses and hearts, they wear
veils, they carry parasols, they do all
that is possible to keep off the subtlest,
and yet most potent influence, which is
intended to give them strength and
beauty aud cheerfulness.
Preserving Fodder.
Corn fodder and oats are preserved
fresh by German farmers, with entire
success. This is done by closely pack
ing fodder on tho roots after they are
pulped and mingled with cut-straw, in
pits or troughs dug in dry soil, and
covering the muss with a thick layer of
earth to exclude the air. In this way
fresh beet or turnip leaves, green-corn
fodder, clover, lucerne, pulped beets,
mangels and turnips are perfectly well
preserved during a wholo year. After
being thus stored fermentation sets in
aud is completed iu two months. The
food thus preserved goes by the name
f sour hay, but it is not sour, being,
on the contrary, alkaline from the pres
ence of ammouia. When fed with cut
straw it is especially valuable as pre
venting tho constipating effects of the
dry food. Stock eagerly consume the
fodder, and aro kept in heathful con
dition during tho winter season by its
use. Amoug the products of the fer
mentation a variety of fatty aoids, with
some alcohol and other carbo-hydrates
unusual in fresh fodder, have been de
tected. It contains less water than
green fodder, and is therefore to be
considered as to that extent a concen
trated food. Probably upon dairy
farms where fresh food is desirable dur
ing the winter and early spring this
plan of preserving fodder might be
found a valuablo addition to our re
sources. The Profit of Sheep Raising.
N. Q. Abbott, of Vassalsboro, Me.,
bad a mowing field of forty acres
covered with white and yellow daisies,
and the grass was killed in many places.
He thinned out ten acres of it for sheep
pasture and allowed them to feed on it
two years. The third year he mowed
it and got the heaviest crop of hay that
lie had ever grown on it even with top
dressing. Timothy and red-top came
in, and iu some places the clover was
so heavy that a mowing machine could
not be used. What a rush of capitalists
there would be, if there was an invest
ment to be made that would pay 50 or
100 per cent. Farmers might make
just such investments in tile draining
their lands and seeding them with
grapes, with no more manure than they
now let run to waste.
Saving Seed Corn.
The best plan, as a general thing, is
to select tho best ears at the time of
husking, and spread them on the barn
floor, so that the cobs can become
thoroughly dry. The old method of
leaving the husks attached to the corn,
so that it could be braided together,
and suspended in a dry and airy place,
brought about a similar result. In all
cases, the corn should be kept where
it will be frtie from dampness. Many
in saving seed, are particular to select
only from stalks that produoe two large,
well developed ears. As you say, corn
is often planted so deep that it will
not germinate quickly. If the soil is
lino and dry at the time of planting, the
planter will be apt to sow deeper thou
it should.
His Character,
An honest blacksmith wan once
grossly insulted and his character in
famously defamed. Friends advised
him to seek redress by means of law,
but to one and all be replied, " No ; I
will go to my forge, and there in six
mouths I will Lave worked out such a
character and earned such a name as
all the judges, law courts, and lawyers
in the world ooald not give me." He
was right. It is by honest labor, manly
courage, and a conscience void of of
fense, that men assert their true dignity
and prove their honesty and respectability.
A Paper Read by. Dr. Heard before the
Public Henlth Aanoclatlon of Phila
delphia. Dr. Beard read a paper before the
American Pnblio Health Association of
Philadelphia, on the subject of " nay
Fever and its Care." The doctor be
gan his investigations on this subject
by preparing a "ciroular of inquiry,"
which he sent all over the country to
persons suffering from tho disease, to
physicians, to scientiflo persons, and in
fact to all who could aid him in his re
searches upon this subject. From the
information thus obtained he arrived
at tho conclusions embodied in his
paper, ot which the following is a
synopsis :
Hay fever is a complexand not n sim
ple disease, as has been generally un
derstood. Tho first element f the dis
ease is a nervo-bilions temperament,
or, at least, a temperament in which
tho nervous element predominates,
nay-fever patients are the class of pa
tients subject to other nervous dis
cuses. The second factor in this dis
ease is heat following cold. The heat
of hot climates does not seem to act as
a cause, but tho heat of temperate
climates following the cold weather.
Tho disease is found only in that belt
where there are extremes of tempera
ture. Third Various exciting causes,
over twenty or more in number, such
as perfume of flowers, dust, in-door aud
out-door, fresh hay, old hay, bright
sunlight, gaslight, close confined air,
smoke, cinders, hulling of corn, Roman
wormwood, sneeze-weed, over-exertion,
etc. In order to got up a case of hay
fever two of these three factors, cer
tainly the first two, are necessary. The
exoiting cavses are named under tho
third head, aud have been regarded as
tho disease, hence the name hay-fever,
peach-cold, rose-cold, etc. One might
as well call a sick-headache a sausa:e
headache, because it may be at times
caused by eating sansoges. Tho ma
jority of the patients afflicted with hay
fever who are reported to me are of
American birth. Dr. Jacobi, of New
York, whoso experience and practice
among tho better class of Germans are
very large, tells me that he has never
known a case ci nay-iever among Ger
mans in this country. I suspect that
among tho foreign population not born
in this country hay-fever is compara
tively rare ; just as among the same nervous disease of all kinds are
comparatively rare.
After a person has once been at
tacked he seems to bo for all his life
liable to be again attacked. Now and
then one may go over a yeat without
the disease, but this is rare. Some
times the diseose increases in severity
with years, and sometimes diminishes.
A majority of my patients have tried
the local application of the solution of
quinine, as recommended by Helrnholtz,
and. they report that it is little or no
good. Among the regions which hay
fever patients visit with benefit, I may
mention the White Mountains and the
ocean everywhere, at least in cold
climes ; for those who take sea voynges
almost never suffer while at sea, but
may be attacked as soon as they laud.
A trip to Europe, the Adirondack
region and the island of Mackinaw are
very highly rocommended by some.
Dr. Denuiscn, of Denver, Colorado,
sends me a pamphlet which reports
that some cases of hay-fever have been
cured by a residence in that locality.
Like other nervous diseases, it is
powerfully under the influence of the
mind. The striking periodicity of tha
disease coming on as it does, in a cer
tain case, at precisely the same day or
hour, is probably the result iu part ol
expectation of the patient that it will
come then. The plan of treatment that
I would suggest for hay-fever is as fol
lows : iirst, to prevent the disease,
As early as March or April the patient
should begin to take a course of nerve
tonic treatment. I would recommend
it to be arsenic, phosphorus iu itsvari
ous forms, cod liver oil, iodoform and
electricity, especially tho methods of
general galvanization and general
faridization. When the disease appears
the great dependence must be on local
treatment, combined with general tonio
treatment. Mr. friend, Dr. V. x
Hutchinson, of Providence, had a case
this year, which he broke up by central
galvanization. I relieved decidedly one
ease aud somewhat relieved anoth
by local galvanization externally. The
remedies should be used thoroughly.
The great trouble with thoso who gal
vanize themselves is that they do not
completely and thoroughly bring the
remedies to act upon all tne sinuous
and tortuous lining membrane of the
nasal passages.
Labor Now and Tears Ago.
A French author, in speaking of the
efficiency of labor now and in Homer's
time, says that 20 millers can now pro
duce by machinery flour enough for
the daily use of 72.000 men, for each
man can grind enough for 3.G00 men
or 144 times as' much as could be
ground in the old Homeric hand-mill,
A smart woman, working with her knit
ting needles, can make 30 stitches
mmute, while a machine is making
4,800. The machine thus represents
00 workmen. If wo compare this show
ing of the great lncfhciency of labor in
old times with our own knowledge of
the luxury enjoyed by the hordes of
aristocratic nou-producers, both in
Homer's time and for more than 2,000
years thereafter, we can form some con
ception of the extreme poverty of the
laboring people, and perhaps shall be
content to own that much, of the splen
dor of antiquity is due to contrast with
a dark setting of human poverty and
suffering which our own modern art
happily lacks.
The man who groans over his pov
erty, without taking a step toward bet
teriug his condition, is justly regarded
as a good-for-nothing dunce. Had he
sense, the more desperate his fortunes
tne more energetio would be his at
tempts to improve them.
Let Us Consider.
Sinoe the introduction of distilled
spirits in the sixteenth centary, they
have been habitually prescribed as
remedies. We know that alcohol, in
an its lorms, is pernicious to health,
Knowing these things, and that nnder
the system of treatment which includes
their use, the mortality among the sick
is, and ever has been, enormous, is it
not worth while to try the effect of a
remedy which combines in their high'
est excellence the qualities of a tonio.
an alterative and a regulator ; contains
no mineral bane or murderons alkaloid
or alcoholic poison ; does its curative
office without pain, and with uniform
certainty? Dr. Walker's Vineprar Bit
ters fulfills all these conditions, and is
now effecting the most extraordinary
mirAR in nnava hjIiafa AvArv finnniflA "
of the faoulty has ignominiously failed,
Consider, in view of these facts, whether
any sick person is justified by reason
and common sense in declining to test
the virtues of tins undented and irre
eistible remedy. Com.
Items of Intereit from Home and
Thtrty-throo members of tho Conneil-Oenoral
of Franca have adopted a resolution recom
mending the establishment of a system of
gratnitons secular schools for primary inntrne
tion in the oity of Paria, aUondnuco upon
which shall be obligatory. The resolution has
been prosonted to tlio Permanent Committee
of the Assembly for consideration A bill
has paused tho Oregon Konato which provides
that husbands and wives without children may
bo considered divorced by simply conning to
live togothor Ambrose Lopine, Kiel's
Adjutant-Genoral, is to be hanged on tho 20th
of January Dr. M. A. BhioM, a young
nnd promising physician of Hampton, Va.,
committed suicide by poisoning. No causo is
assiguod for the act. IIo loaves a wife, and
two children In his mcsBngo to tho Arkan
sas Legislature, Oovornor Daxtor said that tho
Stato had no idea of repudiating any of its
Just dobts The small-pox still provails in
Montroal Tho Btriko of the coal minors of
Ht. Clair county, 111., continues, and appre
hension is felt that trouble will cneuo
Tho political comploxion of tho noxt Legisla
ture of Now Jorsoy will stand as follows i
Honato, 13 Republicans to 8 Democrats ;
House, 19 Republicans to 41 Democrats!
majority on joint ballot, 17. Uoth bonsoe will
be convened on the second Tuesday in January
next Oeorgo Rnfer mado a full confession
lu tho Jail of his complicity in tho murder of
Herman Hchilling at Cincinnati, aud garo a
sickening detail of the horrid deed from tho
first blow on the head to stabbing him in the
bowels with a pitchfork. They crammed tho
body into the furnace to conceal tho crime.
The majority for tho Constitutional nmond
ments in Now York Stato was vory largo. The
lowest majority on any of tho propositions
is likely to exceed 100,000, whilo on the pro
vision restricting special legislation the ma
jority will reach, and may ovou exceed 450,000.
Tho amondmont increasing tho pay of mem
bers, and that on Stato appropriations, will
have tho smallest majority, yet tho majority
for both of those, from present indications,
will reach 100,000 or more Tho execution
of three men, for the crimo of murdor, took
place in Pennsylvania tho same day. V. E.
Udderzook was hanged for the murder of
W. S Ooss, his brother-in-law, undor peculiar
circumstances. A hfe policy for 425.000 was
taken out on Gobs' life, with the intent to do
fraud the iusuranco companies. Goss disap
peared, and, it is said, that growing restless
undor restraint by which ho was kept by his
friends, he throatonod to expose tho plot, and
was murdered. IIo was executed at West
chester, ronu., death ending by strangulation,
aud tho murderer suffering severely. O'Mara,
mid Irving were hanged at Montrose, Tomi.
for tho murdor of tho mother and sister of the
former. The crimo for which they have just
uttered tho extreme penalty of tho law was
brutal in tho perpetration aud monstrous iu
lie motive that prompted it, presenting
O'Mara in the unnatural light of tho murderer
of an agod mother and invalid sister, in order
that he might be relieved from tho responsi
bility of supporting them. Tho circumstances
of the case are familiar to all. The bodies of
the poor women after the murdor where takeu
iu an ash cart to the railroad track aud left
there in a ditch. The track mado, as tho
bodies wore dragged along, was plainly to be
scon. Blood was found m the house, on tho
way to the track, and iu and about tho cart
O'Mara made a confostion of tho murder.
Irving denied haviiig actively participated in
it, but acknowlodgod being present. At 10:30
tho signal was given, the weights dropped,
aud both victims were jerked upward about
i-evon feet, and then fell to within two and
a half foot of the ground. They died vory
easily, both being pronounced doad in ton
A most disastrous inundation has occurred
at the village of JUayari, Cuba, which was
overllooded for forty hours. Nearly all ihe
bonnes within its limits were destroyed, en
tailing much suffering and destitution.
Returns from remote counties, heretofore
partly estimated, make it certain that McDill
Republican, is elected iu the Eighth District of
Wisconsin. This loaves tho Congronsional
delegation of the State standing, Republicans
-ix aud Democrats two Tho Hou. liar
risoii G. Rico, a lato Domocratio candidate for
Congress in Indiana, is preparing to contest
the election of the IIoii. Morton O. Hunter,
aud has secured tho servicas of tho Hon. D. W
Yoorhees aud Judge Carloton, of that city, to
prosecute the case The latest advices from
Khiva say there is comploto anarchy there,
Turcomans refuse to obey the Khan, who
summoned his council, which declared that
Khivau autonomy was a fiiction, aud that tho
aid of Russia for the maintenance of ordor
was indispensable From Oct. 1 to Nov,
15, two hundred cases or diphtheria were
reported iu Brooklyn, eighty-four of which
were fatal In tho Episcopal Convention
in Burlington, N. J., on tho fifteenth ballot
the Rev. John Scarborough, D. D., Rector of
Triuity Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., was elected
Bishop by a vote Tjf 31 to 53 of tho clorgy aud
3G to 50 parishes A Gorman named Kra
mer, living in Cheshire. Conn., beat his wifo
with a club, while botli were intoxicated
that she died United States Postmaster-
General Jowell emphatically disclaims intend
ing to recommend any increase in the presen
rates of postage. On the contrary, he thinks
tho letter postage should be reduced whenever
it shall be found possihlo to materially diminish
the expenditures for carrying tho mails with
out depriving the publio of existing facilities.
A team of horses ran away near West
Point, N. Y., killing a cavalryman named
Mrs. W. H. noward, Jr., of Braintree, Mass.,
was walking in the streets accompanied by her
husband, when they met 'an intoxicatod man.
Just as the Howards came abreast of tho ine
briate ho gave a whoop, which was so sudden
in its effoct upon Mrs. Howard that Hhe dropped
dead at her husband's feet. She was a robust
and healthy woman, and her death was pro
nounced by her physician to be the coiitiorinonce
of fright At a teuemont-houso Are in Now
York a woman and a boy were burned to death
and a man and his wife fatally injured
The amendment to the Constitution of Con
necticut, increasing the representation of
towns having a population of 5,000, was adopted
by 28,710 votos. Every town which now con
tains, or hereafter shall contain, a population
of 5,000 shall be entitled to send two rcpro--sontatives,
aud every other town Hhall bo en
titled to its present representation iu the
General Assembly IVter Calhoun, who
bad boon a guide for nearly thirty-live years,
and know not only tho wilds of Nullivan county
to perfection but was familiar with every
bunting ground iu the eastorn part of the
State of Now York, accidentally shot himself
and died Gov. Garland, of Arkansas, in
his inaugural addreaa, gays : We want no strife,
no turmoil ; but we want, aud must havo, peace
aud order, and to this end the laws should and
must be enforced rigidly ; but no man living
under them Bhouid be unjustly or illegally de
prived of one iota of his rights, and let no
man be put In fear, or injured, or denied any
right, on of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude, or on account of former
residence or difference in political opinion
John W. Gerdemann, the ex-priest, oharged
with the embezzlement of some $45,000 while
acting as pastor of St. Boniface's church,
Philadelphia, was arrested JiiBt as he was leav-
ing for Europe with his wife Johnson,
who mnrdered Mrs. Hess In Ansonia, Conn.,
some time ago, and who' was tried for the
offense and sentenced to State prison for life,
has been refused a new trial.
In Maryland the majorities for members of
Congress are as follows all Democrats i
Thomas, 2,318) Roberts, 2,444; O'Brien,
452; Bwann, 3.424; Henkel, 1,410; Walsh,
78 The complete vote for Lieutenant-Governor
in Pennsylvania is as follows: Latta
(Dom.), 277,105; Olmstead (Rep.), 272,510.
Majority of Latta, 4,079. The temperance
vote was 4.C2H. The following is the official
voto for Auditor-General, Secretary of Interna)
Affairs, and Judge of the Supreme Court:
Auditor-General Temple, Dom., 270,601 ;
Allen, Rep., 272,420; Temple's majority, 4,075.
Secretary of Internal Affairs MoCandloss,
Dnm., 270,025 ; Boath, Rep., 272,208: McCund-
lcss majority, 4,717. Supremo Judge Wood.
ward, Dem., 277,454 ; Taxon, Rep., 270,330 ;
Woodward's maioritv. 7.121. Corrected lints
of tho new Legislature of Pennsylvania nhow
the composition of that body to bo as follows
Senate Democrats. 21 : Republicans. 29 :
Republican majority, 8. Honse-Dcmocrnts,
111; Republicans, 90; Democratic majority.
21. Joint Ballot Democratio maioritv. 13.
.The oflicial canvass for mombors of Con-
gross in West Virginia is as follows: First
District Wilson, Dcm., 12,799; Goff, Rep.,
12,031. Second District Faulkner, Defti.
11,500; Botolcr, Rep., 8,001. Third District-
Horoford, Dom., 13.521; Witchor, Hop., 7,715.
The Democratic candidates aro all elected.
1 rosidont Grant has directed a telegram
to be sent to tho Oovornor of Toxas, roiiiiost-
ng liini to delay tho execution of tho death
sentouco on Sutanta until it can bo satisfac
torily ascc-rtainod whether or not ho violatod
his parole, tho President bolioving tho weight
of ovidonco thus far in Satanta's favor
Tho earnings of tho llaltimoro and Ohio rail
road fur tho year ending September 30 wero
14,947,000, and tho expenses 3,41fj.i50. . . .
Tho Alabama Legislature organized by electing
Mr. Anderson, of Mobilo, Speaker of the
II'Hiso. The Doraocrals havo C4 and tho Radi
cals 30 mombors The civil war in tho
Argcutino republic has ended with a compro
mise, by tho terms of which Avellancda resigns
tho Presidency, and now elections aro to bo
hold shortly Tho Ctica Ohnrrvcr publishes
a lotter from Gov. Seymour, of New York,
thanking tho pross of both parties for tho
kindly mention of his name in connection with
the United States Senatorship, but declaring
that he prefers to do his duty as a citizon in
tho walks of privato lifo An unusual! v
heavy earthquake was felt in Chili rocontly
about twelve minutes aftor midnight. Its
duration was about thirty seconds, and tho
direction from east to west Tho amount
of tho loss to the Amorican Expross Company
bv tho robbery at Cincinnati is now put at
$15,000. A hundred thousand dollars were put
up for Chicago in two safes iustcad of ono for
greater security, and tho thiovos socurod only
one Ihe oflicial voto of New York State
gives Tildon -110.313; Dix, 3G1.40C, and Clark,
femperance, 10,214. Dix's majority in 1872,
53,451 ; Tildon's majority, 51,937 8orious
loss of lifo and property took place through
sovero storms iu Cuba Tho estimates for
tho postal service of the United States for the
ensuing fiscal year foot up $3C,3C1,034, an in
crease over the amount appropriated for the
current fiscal year of $2,871.C34 The
government of Saxony has forbidden tho prac
tice of cremation The ship-buildors on
the Clydo have docidod to reduce tho wages of
their employees Lato revisions of the
pousiou list in France show that there aro still
living 25,000 men who served in the armios of
the First Napoleon By the rocent report
of tho French Commission, organized for the
public distribution of charity during tho dread
ful days of '71, it appears that 5,000,000 fraucs
($1,000,000) were sent from that country.
Surveyors are at work locating aud preparing
to build a tunnel under tho Hudson river, to
connect New Y'ork aud Jersey City. The tun
nel is to be 25 feet in diameter The late
lead discoveries in Newburyport, Mass., cause
much excitement and a large amount of laud
and mining speculations. Tho ore is found
abundant in quantity and rich in quality. One
vein opened is from throe to six foet thick aud
of unknown length An Italian laborer
was killod on a Pennsylvania railroad, aud his
companions, by way of revonging his death,
fired into a passing train with a rille. Fortu
nately nobody was injured It is expectod
that arrangements will be made satisfactorily to
tl.o Philadelphia weavers aud that they will
keep at work all wiutoi United States
Postmastor-Genoral Jowell ordered the discon
tinuing of tho pay and serviced of John T,
Callaghan, special agent of the department,
for loaning to his brother an annual pass from
tho Missouri, Kansas aud Toxas Railroad Com
pany, which had boon granted to him solely
upon the ground that ho was an accredited
special agent of tho rost-Oflice department,
An cxtouHvo cave occurred at tho Seucc
mines owned by tho Pitts ton and Elmira Rail
road Company, at Fittstou, Toim. Five or fix
men were at work gottiug out coal when tho
roof gave way with a turriblo crash, killin,
Elias Davis and Honry Jenkins, and dan
gerously injuring John 8. Williams Tho
regular lower coast packet Empire, Captain
Jean f roau, sunk to her upper duck at her
landing iu Now Orleans, and fourteen passou
gers uud many of tho crow lost their lives.
They wero aslot-p at tho time, aud tho boat
sunk so rapidly that tho unfortunate suffi'i-ors
could not bo awakuned iu time to escape.
Tho only hope, says tho Boston Atlturtiwr, a
now party in Massachusetts has of over taking
a more substantial shape is iu tho withdrawal
of ono or both of tho old parties from tho Held.
It adds that they will nut do that at present,
..It is estimated, says the Commissioner
of Customs of tho United Status, that tho
American tourists returning from Eurupo dur
ing the year ending Juno 30, 1H73, numbered
30,830, and each person brought, on tho aver
age, seven trunks tilled with dutiable goods,
claimed to bo personal luggage, not dutiable,
We have thus an aggrogato of 257,810 trunks
tilled with articles claiuiod as duty freo, ropre-
souting, on a valuation of $500 for each trunk,
tho enormous sum of $128,905,000 Tho
wrestling malch for $500 and tho championship
of Now Jersey took place botwoon Jamos
Batley and David Howard, aud was wou by
Batley. Both men were badly bruised and
the Bcourgo of the human family, may in
iu early Blu'-Ob be promptly airontod and
permanently eural.
ltAVKNHWOoi), W. Va., Oot. 28tu, 1872
Dr. 11. V. 1'ifjrco :
S'ir For the lant yoar I have been uning
vour Oulden Medical Discovery. I owe my
life to it, having been atllicted for years. Did
not una it but a short time before I was beue
nted ; at that time I nan very lad, Dot able to
ait up much, wan enlTering greatly with my
throat, wan getting blind, had a dry cough,
aud much pain iu my lungs. I have used
twelve bottle of the Dinoov ery aud am almoHt
well. Kate T. Wabdnkh.
A son of Mr. J. H. MeHeck, of Chatham Four
uoruei'8, N, Y., has beeu curea or ouauaip- c . . . ; n.,,1,- choloe and eie
tiou by Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery OUDSCTip IIUII D00KS gativ giuitratcd
ho aava Mr. u. JJ. (Jaunum. eunor vi me
uimmam Courier.
ii. li. Eglar, drucciht, Of West Union, v.,
wntea to atate that Dr. fierce Uolden jueai
cai uiseovery uaa effected a wonaenui cure oi
(Jonaumption iu his neighborhood. Com.
Recent statistics show that the whole
number of farmers in France is 7,833,
259, of whom 6,875,945 are land pro
prietors. It in so hard to get a linen collar
washed and ironed to as to look well. We
advise every gontloman to buy the Improved
Warwick. it looks better than any linen
collar, fits splendidly, and keeps clean longor
tnan any other. Try it. worn.
Sent freo. on rooeipt of neck and
breast measure, height, weight and prico, our
(sample) " Model $ Shirt." Fitted by pa
tented model. Stvlisli and substantial. Address
Model blurt Co., 81 South 8th St., Philadelphia.
Most annrovori. reliable and well-known remedy
for Conhfl, CoMii A Conmmntlon. Get the Genuine.
i'rice fi; em, ii ojo. tui 'ur.n bhus. a iu., iioeion.
The Prettlcdt Woman In New York,
Mm K , woll knonc In our fashionable loclety
for her rtitinffH$ appoaraucs and beautiful cctn
plexlon,wai cues a fallow, rough-skinned girl,
chagrined at hsr red, freoklod face, She pitched
Into Hagan'i Magnolia Balm, and la now aa pretty
Iu complexion aa aho la cbarmlng lu mannera.
This article oyeroomee freckles, tan, sallowneaa,
moth-patches, ring-mark, etc., and makoe one
look ten yoara younger than they are. Magnolia
Balm for a transparent complexion, and l.ynn'a
Knthairon to make ths hair plentiful, Inxnrlant,
"ft nnd riflllcato. ha-a no rlvAl. Tha Ktthalron
prevents tbo hair from turning gray, (-radicates
dant' ruff, and la tho best and choapest dressing in
the world.
Dninneil liy Kb I lit Praise. -Jas. Beckman,
clergyman of New York, was recently badly kicked
by a horse, and was speedily cared by nslngtho
celebrated Mexican Mustang Llnimont. Whon
the proprietor asked him tor a certificate, ho re
plied that he " cunsldored It a remarkable article,
but It wouldn't answer for him to Indorse a
romody In print." Here's consistency. But we
didn't kick him as the horso did. Ihe v.-orld
knowa that for Rheumatism, Brulson, Swolllnga.
Rnavln, f-'cratchOB. inflammatlou. Lameness
ny Tiesn, bone or m inclo ailmot.t upon man or
mmai. triero is nomine? nan tne Mustana Lilnl-
ment. It costs hut fin cts. and tl.Cu nnr bottle, and
shoutil bo In every lamlly. It Is wmppfd In a Hue
ptoel-p'ato label, and signed " O. W. Wostbrook,
Tonic nnil Jteciiperant Plantation Hit
tern. --Tho constantly tnornaMug iiatronajro which
it recolvea has, tt is trno, exnlted the petty envy
of cartAin splenetic advertisers of pinchbeck
panai-oas, who hope t make a markot for their
uwn stagnant, watery wares, by decrylriK all
npfrl1uiis tntif inal preparations. Btitthe pnb
lic rati atomiM h no it her their arguments nor their
.itl i-tnn, nnd ffin oequonlly reject thesu vory
weak Imitations of tho enemy as untlrely to thin 1
Tbu JEai
r'i? Oatl s Piiam to itxt ra iinUoosas
Common to frouu Icxunu....
."' a .in4
45,' C.H0 i f it
.Wla si
.1)4 !! .0(1
Ma .14 '4, a,
4S l 6.1.',
tfli.n Oov:... ,
Hutu Ulvft
lro.:nw; , .,,
Uotwi! MliMlina
fnnur f xtra wntern
itte Kxtra
Hut W'.t.ri:
J .27 a 1.2S
a Liu
a 1 11
a .M
n 1.70
a MA
9 ,95
a ,r,ij
1 .13
nyo .m
(iarliy Milt i ;a
Oalu siijcrl WwHru no
fny, per cwt 45
yrraw, per cwt 40
r0l 7S',i 16l27 'C3'S . h
Porh "VSkij 20.75
MVo .lf'6
Vt-rol9Ti!n Orrirtf
&ti4 P.'fl7ie4.:(i
i;t:rr -ly.a.s r,
Ohio, Ftr hn
lt Yfliov 2
Wctern ntOAt'KSj ,iw
ro'joirivanlri fine,. ....
i lj
c ,w
a ,'j2
t :o
a .;3
. . 4
o .'-l
0 l.SKI
1 SO
3 Pi
a 1.52
u 01
a 7.51
a 1.(8
3 .78
a .M
OhM ale "Viory i
11 Hin:a'.2 (:,4
ftotn .. ,;i
Ooru Miicd
arly !!
O'.ll ' !.
Whoat jo. i) aprlnc
Barley I so
1 31
Oirtton Low MMdlloa
1 21
a .14','
(i a
a 1.21
a ,1-5
i .(,3
a SM
a 1.25
rn sa
1 2
Oom fallo--
.Mv.a .92 '4
Ki.iJ t.
Petro'.pr.w Cr'jils. . .
.uu a .V'.i
.03 n.8
My Lever Straw
and Stalk Cutter,
$8.00 and $10.00.
ruts 20 to 60 bushels per
uonr. Ep-iy rid you
nave xnt'i it on your
Vrm and like it.
6 cents in pontage
B?na ior c irculars,
Chtcopeo Palls, Mass.
Agents Wanted for
rR take pleasure tn
'mioum intf that we
re just n celvod news
;or tDu rait that Die preai
Statesman, and Hiet rt
an, tiaa J'iat completed
mis important wore ne
fure hie death, thtt MS.
:of th! 1 HBt vol. boixitf now
i in tne nanaa or the I'kru
tehera. W e are m w
rg the work In
-moiitlilv Darts, at
oJ cts. par prt.
It is one of the most
superb fipccunent ol
b ok making ever pub
ilishea m America. Kirsl
.class canvasinff affects
! wanted in every part of
e country, it is the
Apply at on co to
J i:i XV fiMliiuftioii Sire-!, lloaton.
A BUHK CURi: for this distressing complaint t
now ma'le known lu a Treatise tj;f 4S octavo pases)
on Foreign aud Nativo lljrbal Preparations, pub
lished by Dr. O. rust is llRi ww, Tho prescription
was diiti'ovci ed by him in such a providoutla
niAiincr that lie rannot conscientiously refuse to
nittko it known, us it has cured eve.-ybouy who has
it for Kits, uevor havinij failed tu a singlo
case. Tlio iutfrodieuts may bo obtained from uuy
druuKiHt. A copy xnt frffi to all Applicants by
mail. Actress I) it. i). 1'HKLPB JUtOWN, -J I Grand
btruei, jersey city, N. J.
rresent for Every Boy and Girl
who fti'iisruims to the
4 Ilri. lit Imli, r,ipi.r for Ir.o Younir,
witli II in.l.Mimo Uliiatnitiong.
Published Weekly at $1.25 per year.
( ti lth A I'Mnvje i'itl.)
Th i:iur i l.ivi ly, Knterlainlntr,
mm liiMruiMive, vit nut forueilm
I aliurool luuuccui fuu uud Frolio
Thla haoDT bov cornea to ioui it tiMnio with
ffood oewa toning tnera tnai any oa wuu auuu
i ot only tret a copy every wek for a wbnle year of
s..i to nr. a in. ai.rti.ii. ruu.ugiuui, wi
II,. I nl.ia lll.l,, nailer. THK TUUNO VULKS1
kkwb. with the nustaue uaid. out win also re
ceive a beauttrui uu t uromo Picture, taaioa tneir
chnlr.e of lour htiiii.ome Ctaromos, callna " A
h'rnll... Ill III Woniiai" "'I lie boat Itacrl
i;. tiuir ifemiv lor sea." uv . ii
Shiiiwni k." Or. II tnoy vill send '49 eout
more that is, SI. SO aliogetber they will get
with the paper the ptuture varuishea ana nioun
Arf mi k .ard hoard ready fur framlue: or
orill nrnnni-A tuiA l!hroiuos wuixtnttd and the cane
fur one year, postage psid ; or 4. US will pre care
theour Chroinos mounted aud the papr for one
year, postage paiu. aiuwiich uruwui wm
best. , , ,
Sena a thretreni namp ir a aperimen numoer,
Ai.kHKU IriAUTlliV. Publisher.
!41 Kiualli BieveitlU htieet. PoUmieltili'a.
preac iuaucemems m Agoois. surHrmisim
I r 0 i)n ner dy at home. Terma Vroe. Ad
- - u
Krli Week. Agonts wanted. Fartluu
I p 4 jCl iaia nee, woum CO., bt. Louie, mo
(TtAfmT'B Pirin).th UrffOflt, belt V.?
Ttprr in tne worm, boh i-
co 1 iimn i of good reading matter.
hOCKR A JOttfC. Toledo, Ohio.
Alum and Dry Plaster, Fire
and Burglar Proof
Absolutely free from Dampness
and Corrosion.
Marvin's Safe Co.,
265 Broadway, New York,
721 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
TTr!n rtnirt'M twenty frun "
.ih WKh aVtHA or I'HTHIHIC, I J
m-or-rl mrlf tf rnmpoaortiin rmte njl nert,
... at
Hlitl inJIftlinR "IB W rail ! w-
tuntt'ir .llnTtrM m'Trt woB'IerfnI mnM? in
tir- cor f-r Aibm aud u kiodred
wrrf.ul in rvlleve the neert pamtra to-
t--w Uiftnti. snths nmlent nun Me d'wn to re-l an1
- Mmjl paoknr for rati rt.trlhti'.i(jn. ( IU
mm ft yi i inn . in n I Irr i n;eu., ait.!'! Creek,
tiiu. boidbj drug-tit,!.
Pries for f ill w ikigc, 1 1
For th mrt Tf nrnrkahlft Rnt'k rvr p I'lhd la
mntlnii U Murk Turn in . W hUpfaw P V.
Nnthy, U'i'kif f'ot'ivi, Mf rtd 7nnvon, John Ihty
aiifl ot nor b. Kntln ly now, wrWndldiy tUtiBtratpn,
mPimiflcniitW l-noiri f'"t MX0 to nroinee. Will
tako 1 Timer bHv. Extra I'rrmxumn io Atrent
ddrevs immed'fttelv, WM. P, OHL A CO., lnl
ifihlr (vt'-n, Boston, Mas,
NP, nien rld It. orf tvn-'th .VII copies of
IhO I.IFF. tH' 1,1 V IftU 1
hir-h ut fit. is tho firi'fino f.rperie or h wri-
t'ibte Hero, and tho curvmUen of a wondVru'
iirlrv M ii n Btventfl want".. Adorers. ft 1J M-
ARIt Rlt'iH., iMihllshnrs. T'htUrtelphla or 11 a ton.
.H)M-:V IS IT M'KKI .Tnst
f.nt. Osf-fill, Handsomp, Clieap. A-lla
fiTPrjwll''r. Hnrrl for irnspectus to
K. C FUlinOMAN. ft Firrlly Ht., N. Y
in 171 Wost 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohln.
.''art Kflwnrd C'nllrfrlnfft lnllliilt.-A v Hnmlfiary for i.aates atiu iteniiiimB.:,
ffn for 13 w!.:k.' ljo(.r1 anrl common Rnffllsh. Win
r term. I'fitv l'cn : nt.rinir term, .-nnnm uu .n
courses nf 8:uly. Otrnmi rclal, Sclontifln, Classi-
l, ( ollpffe-prcpHratory and rroressiorjai-rrPT a-
ratorT. or the stii'l'int iray select any tnree sto
len. Hluher.tii t.on to cmrinrnens'ianiiiiri ni io i,.I.T.rilntf tn hn Mll.iStnri. OIiethird dlS-
ooiint. For selMoarrlPrs, pood and accessible
i.nmu with hnH fnnittnrfl at m:i Der iprrn. H (U
ent. irlmiitftd at anv time nronortionallr. Fifteen
teachers. Bnperli brlrk bnll'lir KS. Twenty yers
prosperity. Allrcss Tor c its l.'.tfn es or rooms,
JOSEPH K. KINO, D. D., Trine, Fort Edward. W. Y.
Mineral Kock Spring Water for
And all diseases of tho Kidneys and TTrinary Or
aus. The inrreaso of this disease is becoming
more apparent every day ; but thanks to a kind
rroTiaence i"r tne ximny uni'"Trj wn ucoi
lng water. It is unsurpassed in the known world.
For information (riving deprription of the abOTe
UeeasfS. the "OeoK Ky oi w aunemn," oy rrnr, i.
A. Lanhain. State G-"loaist. how the medicinal
properties of this water are formed. Bend for a
pamphlet published by
C- C. OLIM 0., Proprietors,
U AiibPahn. Wis.
Aaents Wanted. Price of water, iU a bbl., $7 half
bbl., 60 cts a tfal., in jugs or cans, jutfs ana ca:
tra only.
4 trenre Wa.itetl. Men or women.
A or forfeited. Valuable Minp'cji
t r.rcp n F. M. RRED. Kihth BtrePt. N)
$S4a wek
ree. w r.i
rw York.
1W, aud n AM KMC A ALWAYS. Declared by
INCOMPARABLE. Soli at fixed uniform prices to
nil. wnicn are pitmen ana luvanaiua,
MI.MJKU that tne temptation to Dealers a id
Pe-idlers is very strong to dee 1 in and recommend
as Dest ine organs oi tnose maKrs woo win pay
tlicm the InrireHt comuiiabiona or 1U-
coiiikta fnr nellliiir.
ine Ckv II;.i'1jI.1 UUW.- W.a
pTlntiug as they do their lowest pricea. can
afford to dealeia only tho amnllcat voutuiirt
Htuiis. xnis plan socuros in very purchaser tne
lowest pi iceT because the dealer cannot ask mora
than the Catalouue nrlce: out it c uses many
dealers to do their best to sell other orguns,
simply because they get enormous discaunts on
tnem. som orrfans ato currcniiy soiu io ueaicrs
at seventy five per cent, discount, or at one quar
ter the prices pi inted Tor them, Asa rnlt, the
poorer the org.wi the night r its printed price and
the greater the d; amount n l"-
The MASO.V Ai, 11 AM 1.1 ORGAN CO. are
nowfferlug uew styles, with tfprortant improTe-
ments; and ;ro selling not only Mr casn excivi
sivelT. but also on new Dlans of easy tmvmeitts
ruuiiiug tnrongn one year or lontrer. iney aisu
rent new Organs with privilege of purchase.
Kent uaiil three yearn nuriluiMes the
a vtntx i'ir xne niuiriea ijaii"Kue"i uu tircu
lars, which give very full lutormaHou, and are
tmntfrce. Aduress, HIE MASON II VML,I
Oliter A X t ., at elthoi- ew Vork. lioaton.
or I'liicKco.
Grail, Spare & UpriiM Pianos.
Superior tJ all others. Kvory 1'iano Warranted
r KiTo Years. Illustrated Cataloguos. with
Price List, mailed fr e nu aprlu-at.ou.
ikiw wax a buns.
r?os. 107, H9 at 111 East 14th 8 rcct, New York,
4 DVKRriaRItSI Bend 4 era. to GEO. P. RO
A KLL A CO.. 41 Park Row. New York, tor tholi
rump.;ti of iw page 3, coutintng iists oi .oai newt
Pv Mrs. Ptonhnuse of Salt Lnke City, for tta
xtars Uu- witt; of a Mormon Hih Priest. . In-tn-ituction
by Mr Klowc. This utory of s
uniaa'a ci-wricnrc lays hsre the 'huliUn rc,'
itdand (icxid. it is tlie b,st nuw book out. actually
on r;,.ii uij m itli powl tilings for all. It U popular every
v litre, w tin everybody, and outuclU all other book ttircc
our". .MniiKij ra suv '" timl nucid tt." Eminent women
tn'lorfp it. Kvervhorly w-nntu iti and acL-nts ere L'.-Uins
I' 10 toUOa duy f fi.'th tfamvtmt now in prevj Wu
.nit ,i h o more truntv oci nts NO V m n or vomn snd
v t wilt mail On tilt l-'ri-o tti thoac who will canviisj. Jiary
t-nniptikta witu full partictilnrn, tcrnu, etc. untjixe t9 UU
AdilfeM A 1. WouTinoro.M It Co., Hartford, Conn.
' Ladie8' Fbiind " contains 7 articles
noedod by every Laoy -Patent Spool
Holder, Scissors, Thimble. 4o. guar an
teed worth fl.ftO. 8mplo Box, by mall,
:m cents. Ageuia wauiuu. rrniino a uu
lfW 8. bth btreet, Philadelphia, Pa.
Richmond Prints
bavt been held in high cstuera by those who use a
Ctt'iro. They are produced Id all the novelties o
changing fashions, and in conservative styles
suitud to the wants of many persons. Among the
latter are the
proper for the house or street beautiful lu de'
SlgUS HI1U IlVttlllf IU I'UiuiiUK.
in ircat Tariotv and widely known as most ser.
vi-.e-.bla prints. Nothing better for daily wo nr.
Tbtse gooJs bear tickets us quoted above, touj
retailor should have tbem, aud jour txuml vi;tujij
ajtu approval win i oinciuo,
Unexcelled by any Weekly Literary
Tl LV i -n x TTT .
ruuucauon, jjas. or vv est.
The moil Liberal Premium! and Olmb Batea erer
offered by any newapaper. Write for a Circular
containing full Informatlou, eto. Specimen ooplea
lurulibcd on application. Addreaa
1 AHteautirulTraiiferPliture,inBtruc-
X " liuDtm cataluyu,tOrL. Kul I V tr.n.fvrrril. 1 licnt CbruukO.
juvm. AKtuuwaoua. i.b.r&llAtu..lll'uuai.A.l.
Chicago I edger
iir.J. Walker's California Vin
eprar JJitters mo fi purely A cRctablo
preparation, mado cliielly from tlio na
tive horbs found on tho lower rnnpes or
tlio Siorra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, tho medicinal properties of which
aro extracted therefrom without tlio uso
of Alcohol. Tho question is almost
daily naked, " What is tlio causo of tho
unparalleled success of Vixkciaii Bit
TERSf" Our answer is, that they removo
tbo causo of disease, nnd tho patient re
covers bis health. They aro the great
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
r. perfect Renovator and Invigorator
cf tho system. Never before in tho
history of tlio world has n nicilicino hem
compounded pos?c?sinrr the yeinnrknlilo
nunlitics of VlNKO.Mi UittkrS in hralinp tho
sick of every diseno man is heir to. 'hey
aro a pentlo I'nrpaiivo as wcl! as a Tonie,
relieving Conpenion or Inflnnii?ition o!
tlio Liver and Visceral Organs, in J.ihou
The properties of Dn. Wai.kkr's
ikkoaii lirri krs arc Aperient. Diaphoretic,
Curminative, Nutritions. Laxative. Diuretic,
Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera
tive, and Ami-nmous.
llrateiul 1 housanus proclaim v rs-
egar Bitters the most wonderful In
viporant that ever sustained tuo sinking
o rerson can take inese juuers
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones aro not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital organs wasted beyond
JJilious, Jteimltcnt and inter
mittent fevers, which aro so preva
lent in tho valleys of our great rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
tiioso of tho Mississippi. Ohio, M'ssourr,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande,
I'earl, Alabama, Mobile, fcavannau, ito-
anoke, James, aud many others, witli
their vast tributaries, tbrougnout our
entire country during the summer anu
Autumn, and remarkably eo during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro
invariably accompanied by exteusivo de
rangements of tho stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. Iu their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful influence upon these various or
gans, is essentially necessary. Thero
is no cathartic for the purpose equal to
Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters,
as they will speedily remove tho dark
colored viscid matter with which tho
bowels aro loaded, at the same timo
stimulating the secretions of tho liver,
and generally restoring tho healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify the body asrainst disease
by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar
Hitters, rso epiuemtc can tauo noiu
of a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, ITead-
ache, Tain in tho Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness. Sour
Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Tasto
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, 1'alpita
tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid
neys, and a huudred other painful symp-
toms. aro tho ollsprmgs ol Dyspepsia.
One bottle will provo a better guarantee
of its merits than a lengthy advertise
ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, whito
Swellinps, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swilled Xeck.
Goitre. Scrofulous Inllaiiiniatinns. Indolent
Inllanimations, Mercurial All'oetions, Old
Sores, Emotions of tlio Skin, Soro Kyes, etc.
In these, as in all other constitutional Dis
eases, 'Walker's Yiskgau Uittkus havo
shown their (treat curativo powers in the
most obstinato and intractable cacs.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of
tho lilood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder,
these Bitters havo no equal. Such Diseases
are caused by mated lilood.
Jlechamcal Diseases. rersons en
gaged iu Paints and Minerals, such as
I'lumbers, Type-setters, (joht-bciiters, and
Miners, as they udvanco in life, aro subject
to paralysis of tho Bowels. To puaid
apaiust this, tako a doso of Walkek's Vin-
EiiAR 'Sitters occasionally.
r or Skiii Diseases, Eruptions, Te5
ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples.
Pustules, JJoils, Curbuuelcs, King-worms,
Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch,
Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Rumors
and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name
or nature, aro literally dup up and carried
out ot tho system in a short tune by the uso
of thoso .Bitters.
Pin, Tape, and other "Worms.
lurkinp in tho system of so many thousands,
aro effectually destroyed and removed. 2sTo
system of niedieino, uo vermifuges, no an
tnelminitics will freo tho system from worms
like these Bitters.
For Female Complaints, in young
or old, married or sin pie, ut the dawn of wo
manhood, or the turn ol . lite, these Tonio
Bitters display so decided an influence that
improvement is soon perceptible.
Cleanse the itiateu Islood when
ever you find its impurities bursting through
tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores;
cleanse it when you find it obstructed and
sluggish in tho veins; clcanfo it when it is
foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Ecep
tho blood pure, aud tho health of tho system
will follow.
lt. ii. McDonald & co..
Druggist and Gon. Apts., San KruncUcn. California
aud cor. of Wushinq-tun anil Charlton Kts., N. Y.
Bom uy an uri
rueglala anil Dealers.
A' V N U No 47
Itortable Family Sewing Machine,
V w'U tend to an adJreti. C O. D., oat of omr
win ... "uu iii.Tiirwv ui ciminauon Defor taa
Uc out ( BiprtM oBH t and 11 1 1 doet not alri all.
twja,a relura ot nuuulut vllniu tu I
Uu apt-
Iteckwith Sewlni. Machine ca.
Nv York t 862 Broadway. j
Chioagot 231 Wabash Aw;
I ud Authi.rlied I.lfo publnh
comrade, D. W. Peter
... the oulv Anthnnti
nubliahed ; il II Ik nnr.i. h...
tiiully UlilHrated. A(n wuntcd evervwhtr
au.uuu aireaay aoia. uir. lari ol all our worka freo
Addreaa HCBTIN. OILMAN CO.. Hartford, Conn
I'kK UA1 Commlation or J30 a week
Lift Salary, and oapiiuaea. We oflor It aud wll
for It. Apply now. O. WaPBam Co.. Marlon, o
. 16,000.000 Rings,
u,uoo ulnKcra,
B.oOO Xou.a Bold,
n.rdwara Dcalen Sell Tfim.
ll.uir.r 1 1, hlugi pr 1U0 6Uci
Tunir. l,-'5, l umll, puu paid,
KutuLir. tit. Addreaa
U. VY. Uiu. CO, SXxMux, 111,