The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 26, 1874, Image 3

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    11 jpV0uii
Cr Time at lUitgiray.
Mail East
do West
Through Local, Enat
do do West
Local East
7;19 T: M.
2:33 P. M
8:20 A. M.
6:25 P. M.
4:50 P. M
8:20 A. M.
do West,
The Mail and Through Local carry
passenger , the local does not.
elk Lodge, a. y. m.
The stated meetings of Elk Lolge, No.
879, are held at their hall, corner of Main
and Depot streets, on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month-
W. C. 7IEALY, Sec'y.
Bates of Advertising. ,
One column, one year $75 00
40 00
1" zu
" " " 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1. two inser
tions, $1.50, three insertions. $2.
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
ar $6.
Advertisements payable quarterly.
TnE weather is very cold.
Democrats are lively now.
Thnksqiving to day.
The Catholics realized lroni their tair,
nctt, about 8450.
The Cagieron Press compliments
Ridgway on her street lumps.
IIcn Geo Jenks was in attendance
on court here last week.
In another column will be found the
court proceedings.
Navigation on the inland lakes for the
season is ubout over.
We delayed the Advocate one day
last week in order to get the Democrat
to copy the official vote from.
Clearfield and Citnerou counties
are still ia Tested with petty thieves and
burglars. We had better bok out for
these chaps.
TnrnKnAV Nnrnnlinr 18 1S7J firat
... .v p............
. 1 Z1 I .
veainor ior bix weens past, excepting a
few days.
On the 8th day of Ileeetuher Venus
will cross the face of the sun. The
transit will be nut bo visible in the
United States.
Perscuv' sc-uding letters shoal J be
careful to put on the right amount of
stamps, otherwise the letters will cot be
mailed. We notice that Postmaster
llagerty has a letter holding for postage
every few days,
Capt. ScnoENiNG moved into his new
house last Tuesday, and we can f-afely
say it was oue of the coldest days'of the
season, aud moving is such fun you
know; especially cu a cold day.
Dennis Donovan, eonvictel of be.
ing au accessory to the Murder of Wsn.
Phalen, has been refused a pardon by
the State ioard of Pardons to whom
Lis case was refered.
"Cheap and hungry partim" are to
Xe known this winter as those dances
where the fun commences at nine
o'clock, ceases at twelve, and you don't
get anything ti eat
Company II The new militia com
pany, just started iu llidgway, now has
a full compliment of men. The anus
Springfield rifles breech-loaders, are ex
pected here nest week; the company
is talking of renting lihine's II all to
hold meetings in.
David D. Williams, convicted of
embezzeling the funds of tho First Na
tional Bank, of Conneautvillo, while act
ing in the capacity of cashier- of said
bank, was sentenced to five years in
the Western Peoitcntary, in the U. S.
Circuit Court, at Pittsburgh, last Satur
There is balm in Gilead, and this
time it comes from tho mountains of
Eastern Kentucky. Tho official vote
of the Ninth Congressional District of
that State standi White, Republican,
S774; Cockrill, Democrat, 8318 Re
publican majority, 35G. Two years ago
the vote stood; Republican, 8,563;
Democratic, 10,287.
'New Sunday Paper We are iu
receipt of No. 9 Vol. 1. of the Sunday
Tribune, a new Sunday paper just star
ted in Philadelphia. The terms on
which the Tribune is furnished to sub
scribers are 82 per annum. The Tri
bune is an able paper of four pages, and
is full of lively reading matter, well
worth the price of subscription. We
are pleased to add the new paper to our
The Hornellsville Herald says that a
few days ago, on an Erie train an elderly
Frenchman bet on a three-card monte
game, and lost 8225. Conductor Study
held his train at Nunda 45 minutes to
enable the Frenchman to search for his
men and money. The chaps were at
length identified, though one of them
had changed his shirt and hat, beiug
searched in one of the rooms of the pul
aoe car, the money was found and re
turned to the old man, but the officers
"of the law at Nunda declined to hold
the villians. The affair created quite an
exeitenieot among the passengers.
..v- rr
ti';Y.- U'idr.y lj.t.y l..t .i
L'eeouibof is iully up to his high stand
ard. He offer to every subscriber,
whether single or in a club, who pays
in advanco for 1875 and remits direct
to that office a copy of "Tho Rescue"
the handsomest Chromo ever offered by
a publisher to his patrons. On each
subscription 15 cents must be added for
postage which was 24 cents last year
paid at the home post office. Now is
tho time to send for the Hook for the
new year. Address L. A. Godey, Phila
delphia. Cameuon County Teachers In
stitute. Eighth Annual Session.
The above namod institute will be held
in the Opera House, Emporium, com
mencing Tuesday, December 1st, at 9
A. M. and closing Friday Evening, De
cember 4th, 1874. A large number of
lecturers and instructors have been en
gaged, among whom wo notice the name
of Miss Rose A. McClcnry. who did so
much toward making the Elk County
institute a success last ipnng, besides
other emmincnt instructor
Almost a Fike. The Wachtel
House ut St. Mary's, has a Narrow Et
caje. On the morning of the 24th iost,
one of the borders at the Wachtcl
House, who roomed in the upper story
was awakened by a douse smoke which
filled his room. The other inmates ol
the house were awakened, when it was
discovered the offico in the first-floor,
was already ablnze, by the aid of a lew
buckets-full of water the fire was extin
guished without more damage them
burning the furniture, etc in the room
and badly charriug the walls, tho whole
oss will not exceed City dollars. The
fire, it is supposed originated (rem a
kerosene lamp, either exploding, or by
some means beiug upset; the former
cause sems to be the prevailing opinion.
An amusing incident occurred during
the progress of the Catholic Fair at this
place, last week, in this wise: A young
gentleman was4 escorting a young lady
home, when a chap who proclaimed
himself from Sullivan couuty, and who
resembled our Russian Rear, in last
week's Advocate, used insulting lan
guage to the ludy and pushed her off
the walk. In the finale wo find the
amusement: The young man took his
lady homo and then returned, and in
persuasive tones inquired for "that man
from Sr'uliivan couuty." The man was
found and iu les3 tl.uu a minute he saw
stars, and thmtht his head was a bake
oven the aiuii'spheru was so warm
around it. Public verdict served the
villian right. ''He who lays hands on
wouiau, save in kindness, is a vidian
whom it were base flattery to call a
In (ha Lik Leinucrat 12th iust., the
following paragraph, relating to the
miiiti.i company ot this place was pub
lished. Now as Gone was one of the
originators of the movement to establish
this company and as he did a larqe
amouut ot corresponding, and had let
ters addressed to him as "Capi Miller"
and as his r.auio is not fuuud ou the
lolls we think he is in that buat oi
"cheap' boys. Possibly, had Miller
been elected captain all would have
been lovely. iSuch beautiful "cheek"
becomes Miller.
Alter the amount of talk that has been
indulged in relative to the organization ot
a military company here, the present con
dition of urTairs must le mortifying in ibe
extreme to those who have been con
spicuous in the movement. We thiuk
those who were so eager to join, and who
signed the roll aud participated iu the
election of ctliocrs, but weakened in the
knees when they came to be sworn must,
feel decidedly cheap. We know we should
if tre were in their position.
It is supp'oscd oy some persons that it
is necessary for lurmers aud others to
advertise that gunning and hunting is
forbidden on their lands. The act ot
April 9,1790, provides that if any per
son shall presume to hunt or carry a gun
ou any inclosed or improved land ot any
inhabitant ol this State, without permis
sion of the owner; or bhall therefore be
convicted, before any justiee of tho
peace, he shall for every offense, forfeit
the sum of forty shillings. This act tin
tupreme court of Pennsylvania decided,
May 11,180'.), to bo still in force, and
that otteuders may be summarily couvic-
tcd, upon information laid before any
justice of the p:ace. Farmers are not
obliged to advertise, but it is well to do
so, as it saves the annoyance of resetting
'o legal proceedings in many caies, be-
ctuse gunners will know that hunting
will not be permitted on such properties,
and will, theilorc give them a wide
Talmaqe'b Paper. Tub Chris
tian at Wohk (New York) ranks with
the best of the religious weeklies. Dr.
Talmage is its active editor, aud his
sermons are published exclusively in its
columns. The terms, 83,25 per aunuai.
cover everything, including postage and
delivery of the new premium, a "Port
folio of Twelve Gems," or a copy of
Lansler'h 'Twins." Without the
premium it is only 83 per annum, postage
prepaid, as above. Agents will fiud
to is a success.
I 'tS cmui h,ii a),i,iltil) i . A.
Rath bun, as auditor to uudit and settle
the accounts of Fred Schoening Pro
thonotary of Elk County.
Why do'pt Miller, try to gel elected
to the Uuitcd States Sen ato or appoin.
ted page in tho House of Representa
tives. Such an influential young man
should not go unrewarded.
Destructivr Fire at Ukookville.
Loss 250,000. A Brookville, Pa.,
disputeh of the 20th says: A fire this
morning in a livery-stable, very sorm
spread over the entire block bounded
by Pickcritig aud Main streets, destioy
ing every builbiug on Main street, in
cluding the Opera House, Oak Hall
Hotel, Franklin House, Masonic Hall,
and a large number of stores and dwcl.
lings. Among the losses and insuran
ces, ate tho Franklin House, 830,01)0,
insurauce 812,000; Irving loss 20,000,
iusurance $0,000. Oak Hall Hotel
815,000, insurance 88,000; A. Snyder,
grocer, $8,000, insurauco 85,000; L L
Mood, druggist, 840,000, insurance
815.0U0; Republican office 84,000, in
surance 83,000; Dickey k Kennedy,
dry good 80,000 insurance 85,000;
Suniucl Frier, 820,000, insuruneo 815,
000, H Watcrson, dry goods, $10,U00,
besides other losses of minor iinportamee.
The total loss amounts to 8250,0J0.
It uow looks as though Audy John
son would be elected U. S. Senator from
Tennessee Browulow went back on
his party probably to be his own sue
cesser, but bo has little show. The De
mocracy may like the treason, but tbey
will despise the traitor and take a man
they can tiujt. Andy's election will
help the Pennsylvania Democracy's cry
ot a "restored aud undefined Constitu
tion." They want a "white man's gov
ernment" and the "coustitulion as it
was" with uo colored man's freedom iu
O.nck Auain iuto our aanctuui couielh the
Etaii .Spaxulku;n The lieci'inbor
number, and the nno which closes it?
twelfth year of success, l'cw ure there
who know not this splendid paper, with its
4U long columns, size of Ltdjir, illustrated'
and just a-am.aed with the very best read
ing Poems, Tales, t:orics, i-kctched Wit
Humor, aud 1'un. It ulso contains the cele
brated "Rogues' Corner," iu which every
Swindler, Humbug, yunck and Fraud in
America has been, is, and will be fully ex
I'Osid, For 1875 tiery subscriber receives
the paper luily prepaid, nad either a pair
of charming "l'raug" Chromo, uu elegant
Dictionary Album, book, or choice ot
twelve premiums any one beiug worth
more than price oi'the paper, wnicli is only
1,10 a year. &o paper is more
thoroughly tstab'iehed, better Vnuwu or
better liked, tpeeitiu-ns for 0 cents, lie
who fails to subscribe, l.,i:s to do what he
should do. Seal 1 to liANNiill l'l'li
LlSHiNU CO., Hinsdale, N. H.
GoOU KLCU'E it'rt L'lJKl.NU Mkat.
The iohowiug leuipe is iiom the editor
of the Uermuiitown jcU'jruh, who te
couuuiiods it afwr many years' trial. 1;
will be useful to our readers at this sea
son of the year: To oue gailuu of water
add 1J lbs. of suit, Jib. ol'frugar, oz.
saitpctie, I oz potash . Iu this rate the
picklo can be iuereased to any quantity
desired. Let these be boiled
until the dirt hvni the suur tiscs to the
top and is skimmed iff. Tlieu throw i;
into a tub to cool, utid when cold, pour
it over your bee f or puik, to remain the
usual time, say four or live weeks. The
meat must bo well covered with pickle,
aud should not be put down ior at least
two davs after killing, during which
time it should be slightly spiiukled with
pewdered saltpetre, which removes all
the surface blood, etc., leaving the meat
fresh and clean. Some omit boiling the
piekle, and find it to answer well,
though tho operation of boiliug putifie.
the piekle by throwing off the dirt al
ways to be found in salt and sugar.
Chicago, November 20. A special
from St. Louis says the entire funds ol
the Missouri State Grange have been
misappropriated by the Treasurer, C. F.
Qeeusbury, of Mexico. The uuiouut ol
ihe defalcation is twenty thousaud dol
lars. He lost in business ventures, but.
being a wealthy stock raiser, he will
probably make the amount good.
Dr. M. A Miields, a joung and
promising physieiau ct Homptom, Va.,
committed suicide tho other night by
taking poisou while laboring under a
temporary aberration of mind. The de
ceased was 31 years of age, leaves a
wife aud two children. No cause is us
signed tor the rash act.
White, Powell L Co.
No. 42 Souh Third Street.
Philadelphia, November LMth,187t.
1111)7 ASKM).
U. S. 1881. o lit J-
do fi -JO, e '02, M and N la
do do '04 do 14 i
do do 'ti." do l."i
do do ,tl.' J and J x
.do do 'U7 do
do do '08 do l'.tjj
do 10-4D, eoupon
do Pacific C'a cy lit
New 5's lUg. ltl 1-if
do e. 1881 V2
Gold 111? 111J
Silver lu,'4 .107
Pennsylvania ilii &L'J
Heading Ci n
Philitdulphia & trie , Oj 01
Lehigh Naviguliou Div. oil'. 4h 48J
do alley (ilj 01 J
United n it of N J Ex.. Div lA VJbl
Oil Creek fj t
Northern Central 31 J 82
Ceutral Transportation 42 43
Nesquehouing , 64J 60
& A Mortgage O's '8! Pit 100
ItfOtU'i i lCde,.liiga-
November Terra 1874, commencing
Monday Nov. 16, 1874:
The Spring Run, Coal Company vs.
Thomas Tozier, trespass; continued
Hall and M'Cauley for plaintiff, liailey
for defendant
Ceo. D. Messenger aud Oilman T.
Wheeler, vs. James George and Win.
Dilworthy Jr , ejectment lor warrant
2054, 900 acres and allowauce in Spring
Creek township terdict for plaintiffs
Aug. 9, 1871, for thej laud described;
in the writ. Judgment reversed in Su
preme court; Nov. 17, 1874, plaintiffs
take nvn suit; Hall and M'Cauley for
plaiutiffs Souther for defendents.
John Tudor v.t. Hiram Howard ct
al. trespass, cutting timber contrary to
act of March; 24' veidict for plaintiffs
.'390, trebble damages; Souther and
Rathbun for plaiutiffs, Hall aud Mc
L'utiley for defendants.
E. M. Mason et al. vs. Henry Souther
et al. ejectment warrant 2743, 788 4-10
acres uiore or less iu Spring Creek Twp.
Elk Co., Pa., verdict that plaintiffs have
238 3-10 acres of tho laud in dispute,
and defendants have 650 1-10 acres;
Hall aud McCauley for plaiutiff, Souther
lor defendant
James Curry vs. E & C Paine, assump
sit; judguient confessed; Uailey for
plaintiff Hall aud M'Cauley for defend
ants Martin Sorg vs Nicholas Kronen
wetter, uud Charles Krouenwetter, re
plevin for 3000 saw logs, value $0000,
verdict for the del'cndauts with six cents
damages; Kathbuu for plaintiff, Hall
uud M'Cauley for defendants
The School District of Fox vs. John
Myers and P W Hays, continued; Hall
an i McCauley for plaiutiff, Lucore for
Anthony Wise vs- J A Haak, as
sumpsit, continued; Hall aud Bro. for
plaintiff, W W Ames; for defendant
The Clarion lliver Navigation Com
pany vs Hiram Carman, Stricken off
the list; Hall and McCauley for plaintiff
Uaiiey lor defendant
J C Selden vs. James Sheldrake ct
a', case upon promises, verdict for
plaintiff 238, 08; Rathbuti for plaintiff
Hall & Ames for defendant
Pi F Lawrence vs. li F Ely appeal
from award ot arbitrators, settled; 1J alt
atid A nits for plaintiff, Rath bun for de
fendant Itaiph Johnson et al vs Miles Denl
et al trespass settled; liaihbuu for plaiu
tiff Hull and McCauley for defendant
The Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania
use J A Haak vs a Kaul; continued; W
W Auks for plaiutff J K P Hall for de
fendant Charles Willing et nl vs Thomas
Irwin, cutting limber contrary to act cd
assembly, settled; Kathbuu lor plaiutifl
flail uud M'Cuuicy lor defendant
P W Hays vs Elias Moyer eject inent
for 5S5 acres hind in warrant 42-16 Fox
townsitipjContiuued; Uall and McCauley
lor plaintiff, Bailey aud Jinks for defen
dant Aldcrfer and Preston vs. Tho Buffalo
N Y and Pennsylvania J'ailway Co
reccid certified Ire in Camerou Count)
for trial in Eik County, continued by
cousent; Newton and Urten for plaintiff
S C Hyde ior defendants
l l.iltip W Hays vs Elias Moyer
trespass, continued ;.Jenks and Lucore
lor plaiutiff Bailey fur defendant
J L Ellis vs Sunbury Insurauce Com
pany, coutinued; lluthbuii ami Hall for
plaintiff K Lucore for defendant
J L Ellis vs The Columbia Insurance
Company of Lancaster Pa , appeal from
award ot arbitrators continued; Kathbuu
and Hull lor plaiutiff' Lucore tor defeud
uut Harmon and Coon vs 11 W May ap
peal from award ot arbitiators, continued
by agreement; Bailey lor plaintiff,
ituthbun for defendant
John Van Brabaut vs L L Putzel and
Thomas Valentine, continued; Kathbun
for plaintiff Hall and Ames lor defend
ant. James Black vs The Benziuger Coal
andiron Company, coutinued; llathbun
for pluiutif) Hall and McCauley lor de
fendant S A Olnistead vs Tho Township of
llortcn, continued; Hall and McCauley
'or plaintiff Jeuks and Bailey for defend
ant ..
Timothy Guilfoyle vs Henry Tietge
tjcctuient for pail of lots 9 7 & 5 iu
Bern zette village) Eik Coutty Pa.,
settle!; Hall and Ames for plaintiff,
iiailey and Jenks for defendant
George Opdjke vs Francis A Loesch
fjectmeut lor 05 acres land lot No on
Penzinger road iu Beuzinger towoship,
stiieken of the list, Hall and Ames for
plaintiff, Bailey Jeuks and Georgo li
Barrett, for defendants
D E Hewitt vs E 11 Dixon; coutinued
Ka'hbuu for plaintiff Hall and Ames for
Commonwealth vs Zeuas Webb; con
tinued. Beuz'iDger and Esehbach lor use of
Geo C Loid vs C W Huutington rule
L 11 Garner et al vs St Marys lloro.
imit ion by plaintiff attorney and rule lo
snow cause granted
Benjamin Juhuson vs Martin Euz
motion lor judgment for want of a suf
ficient aQidavit of defence and rule to
fchow cause granted
Decatur Hewitt vs The Allegheny
Valley llailroud; coutinued
Simon P llomig vs same; continued
M M'Nally plaiutiff in error aud de
fendant below vs John E Edwards de
fendant iu error and plaintiff below;
J 13 Whitman vs Jchn Meguffijk;
O 13 Fitch et al plaintiff in error and
defendant below vs The Commonwealth,
detendant iu error and plaiutitt below
In the matter ot the registry ut Thus
J Burke as a law student; rule dis
charged John Wachtel vs Ann Mary Wachtel
divorce decreed
Commonwealth vs Charles Webb and
Zcoas Webb; non appearance of defend
ants Commonwealth vs Charles Necring
soiling liquor without license; recog
nizaoce entered for appcarauccto next
Commonwealth vs M Mahon, telling
liquor without license, defendant dis
charged. Attachment issued for wit
ness David McGeary; witness arraigned
aud sentenced to pay a fine of $10 aud
cost of attachment, and enter into bis
own recognizance in the sum of 8100
for appearance at next term, and to re,
main iu the custody of the Sheriff
Commonwealth vs Jacob Quiggle
scutenced to pay a fine of $10 and cost
of prosecution and be imprisoned in tho
county jail for the period of 30 days
Toronto, November 20. The wife of
Walker Palaier, of Buckingham, has
givcu birth to triplets, two tirls aud a
The amount of money in the safe
stolen from the American Express office
at Cincinnati on Sunday is cow stated
to have been $70,000.
At a meeting of the Massachusetts
Horticultural Society, on Saturday, au
act was drafted to be presented to the
Legislature, providing for the inspection
ot oichards and trees, and lor the pro
tection of oichards neglected by their
Shrevcport, La., November 18. The
Times editorally says:
"We want no representatives in the re
turning board, no favor or concessions
liom Kellogg and Packard. If Smith is
counted in over Levy, or Twichell over
Elam, let Twitchell aud Smith be killed.
If Johnson and Tyler in DeSota are
counted in over Scales aud Schulcr, as
the New Orleans Republican thinks, or
Ceating, Leissee and Johnson in Caddo
are counted in over Vaughau, lioran and
Lamb, let Johnson, Tyler, Keating and
Levisec be killed, and so let every of
ficer from Congressman to Constable in
every district und parish ol the State be
served. We cauuot aflord to be de
feated by ring political scoundrels after
we have triumphed. II union life is pre
cious, but the lives of all carpet bag:
gers and politicians iu Louisiana are
vuluelifcs compared with Iho work of
justice and liberty."
Smith was the Bepublican Congres
sional caudidute iu this district, audit
is doubtful whe titer or not he is elected.
Twitchell was running iu this district
ior State Senator, and is undoubtedly
elected. Keating, Levifsee aud Juhu
son are probably elected to the Legisla
ture f;oiu this city, though the vote is
so close only the official court can de
cide it.
New York Nuv.20. A L'erald let
ter from Mahouoy City, l'a , sas that
since the denunciation of Molly Maguir
ism by the Catholic clergy, the members
ol that letriblc secret organization have
been committing terrible deeds. The
excitement has visibly iucteascd since
the indictment ot Dauiel Dougherty, for
the murder of Chief Burgess Major,
aud the Molly Maguires threaten to des
tiny Mahouoy City aud its inhabitants
il he is convicted. Dougherty was re
cently removed to Pollsville jail. The
Mollies threatened a rescue, aud
crowded the streets armed to the teeth,
aud wcie only checked by a large body
ol troops present. A number of promi
nent clergymen aud others have been
threatened. Tho people, apprehending
a bloody riot, are arming themselves.
Several outbreaks have oceured iu the
middle coal fields. Oue was killed and
several wounded, 'i he Mollies have
also penetrated the upper Lehigh
regiou, aud are already committing at
troeious acts. On Tuesday they made
au attempt to blow up a house with pow
der occupied by Trios. Morgau aud
John McMaster. The house was badly
damaged, aud Morgan seriously injured.
Several eases of outrages upon women
in the streets of Scranton are also re
ported. Ou Sunday uight, the Mollies
took possession ot the Evangelical
church, Farmington, and refused to per
mit the congregation to leave after ser
vices. They also visited the church
Monday evening aud assaulted the con
gregation, many being wounded, some
fatally. The ring leaders were Thomas
Ncely aud John Gilfillman The Ital
an colliers have formed a secret organi
zation aud the Mollies have sworn to
exterminate them.
New York, November 21. The
Ilcruld's Washington t.pecial says there
is not too slightest probability ot the re
enacting of the law repealed at the
Forty-secoud Congress tor convening
the next Conere-s on the 4th of March
The liepuLlicans oppose it, aud among
ether reasons a rcoganizatiou ot the
Cabinet, it is said, takes t fleet after the
4th ot March. It is understood that
Blaiue will euler the Cabinet and take
charue of the Postcflice Department
It is stated that Washburne bus asked
permission to come home, and the tele
gruui sent hitu Kui one granting the re
quest, i. lie lhruld editorially argues
the question why Graut ought to change
bis cabinet, and advanees a number ot
theories in support of its reorganization
The Herald argues that the Democrats
oppose it aud this should convince the
President that such change will be
for his own interest and that of his
party. A new cabinet, strong in ability,
strong in the public confidence and re
spoet, and strong to influence legislation
and harmonize the Republicans, would
check tho career and lower the hopes of
the Democracy. The Uciald advises
Fish to take the lead and resign, and
the other members would be forced to
follow him aud thus give the President
an opportunity to infuse life, hope, vigor
ana confidence into the lie publican
NEB. St. Louis, November 21. A dispatch
from Camp Supply, received at Sher
man's headquarters, from Lieutcnaut
Farnsworth, gives an account of the
fight with Gray Beard's Cheyenncs
l'arnswortli says he scouted along Mc-
Clellan Creek, and on tho sixth engaged
oue hundred Cheyenncs, well mounted
and in full fighting trim. His detach
ment of twenty-eight (ought th? Indians
from noon till dark. Four Indians at
least were killed and many wounded
Our loss was privato William Denshaw.
killed, and bve wounded. Our ammuni
tion was nearly exhausted, which com
peted Farnsworth to retreat to Camp
nupply. Iho wounded suffered on the
homeward march, being obliged to ride
horseback, aud tho nights were very
The release of the laud grants to the
Pacific Railroads has been ordered by
the President,
The North American Bee-keepers
Association will meet at Toledo, Ohio in
December, 1875.
The Best Ueligions Paper."
a cnoici or
An Illuminated Portfolio of Twelve Gems
by llcndschel, each 8JxlOJ in., or the su
perb Chromo, ''The Twins," 21x28 in.,
utter Landpeer. l'rice $:i.2.", including
poslgage. Ao Extras' of any kind. Without
Premium, $:i per annum.
Liberal commissions and exclusive terri
tory. Samples and circulars free. Send
postal card at once to
IIORATIO C. KING, Publisher,
Box C105, New York,
Remington Sewino Machines
Fire Arms, and Agricultural Im
plements. Tho Remington Sewing
Machine hus sprung rapidlj icto favor as
possessing the best combination of good
qualities namely, light running smooth
noiseless rapid uud durable. It has
a straight needle, perpeudicular action,
automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or
Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor
ravel, and is alike ou both sides.
The Remington Sewing Machine has
received premiums at many Fpiis,
throughout the United States, and with,
out cfloit took the Grand Medal of Pro
gress, the bighc.-t older of medal that
was awarded tit the late Vicnua Exposi
position. The Remington Works also manu
facture the new Doubie Rarrelled
Breech Loading Shot guu puap
and positive action, with patent
joint check, a marvel of beauty, liuish
aud cheapness, and the celebrated Rem
iuglon Rifles adopted by oine different
governments, and reuowned throughout
the world for military, hunting and
target purposes all kinds of Piitols,
Rifles, Canes, Metalic Catridges, f c.
Agricultural Implements, Improved
Mowing Machines, Stitl Plows, Cultiva
tors, Road Sciatcis, Patent Excavators,
Hay Teddeis, Cottou Gins, Iron
Bridges, &C.
The undersigned has been nppoiutcd
agent Ior the sale and introduction ot
he Remington Sewing Macdiiue in and
ior the counties ol Elk, Clearfield and
Warren. TllOS, J. BURKK,
Depot aud office, St. Mary's, Pa.
P. S. A good local agent wanted.
Elk County Directory.
President Judge L. D. Wetniorc.
Additional Law Judge Hon. J no- P.
Associate Judges Chns. Luhr, J V
District Attorney J. K. P, Hall.
fcheriu V. C. Oyster.
l'roth'inotbry Jc, I'red. Schceuing.
Treasurer Joseph Windlelder.
County Superintendent Kufua Lucore.
Commissioners llobt. Campbell, Julius
Joues, Geo. L'd. Weis.
Auditors C. W. liurrett, Thomas Irwin
Thomas J. Hurke.
County Surveyor Geo Wilmslcy.
Jury Commissi luers. Phillip Kreigh
Ransom T. hiy ler.
On and after MONDAY, JVLY G, 1874.
trains between Rcdbank auu Driftwood will
ruu as follows:
KXPliESSand .MAIL will leave Drift
wood daily at 1'2:'M p in, ltej uoldsTille al
utoU p in, lirookville al 4:0 p Hi, arriving
at ltedbauk at 0:oO p iu, connecting wan
Lxpress on Main Liue for l'ittsburU.
AilXLD WAi leaves IteynoldsTiite daily
at iAo a ni, Dioukville al 7:-J a iu, arriv
ing al Rudbank ailltuOa ui, connecting
with li'kius north and Buuik ou Ham Line.
LXPRLS3 and MAIL leaves Redbai.k
daily ul lU: 15 a m, arrives t Diookviliu al
1:110 p uu, iicvuoidsvilla at 12:87 P m. Drill-
wood nl p m, couuicliug w itu train
easi ana west ou r nu L lUilroau.
JilXLDWAI leaves Reubaak doily at
VJtAO v in, arrives at Brnokviile al o:2o p
m, UeyuoldbVillealti:4j p m.
On aud after MuNDAV, JCLY C, 187-1,
trains ou the Allegheny Valley Kailrottd will
run as tallows:
LIT PALO EXI'IIESS will leave , Pitts
burgh daily at 7:0 oani, Lcubttuk Junction
al 10:05 a ni, and arrive al Oil City at l:Uo
City at 2:J.O p ui, lleubauk Juuctiuu at b:uo
iu, aud arrive at I uisuurli at 10: UU p ui.
inUbVlLLE EXPRLba leaves iius-
burgh al 1:00 p ni, I'cUbauk Junction al
4;lUpm,aud arrives at 0:1 City at b:lj u
in. Returning, leaves Oil City at b:U a
ni, Uedoana Juuctiuu at lz:Ob a ui, aud ar
rives at Pittsburgh at iijiij p in.
Ueueral buptriutendent.
YYk. M. Puillips,
Aen'i bupt., Brookville, Pa.
- - r"-' - - --'J-.-r-, I mpaif
Philadelphia & Erie U. R Division.
ON andafter SUNDAY, JUNK 18'A
the trains on the Philadelphia it
Erie Railroad will run as follows!
Niagara Ex. leaves i'ltiladelphin.. 7.20 a. n
Rcnovo 4.20 p m"
" " arr. at Emporium 0 '20 p ni
' 81. Mary' 7.85 p to
" " Ridgwny 8.05 p ta
' nrr. al Kuue H. 15 p ni
ERIE MAIL leaves I'hiladelphia 11.55 p ui
" Kcnuvo ll.lUa m
Lniporiutt 1.15 p iu
" St. Mary'B 2.10 p in
" Ritlgway 2.83 p in
" arrive at i.ric tj).U5jp tn
NIAGARA EX. leaves Kane... 9.00 p m
Ridgwny ...10.U4 a m
" " " ' Lniporiuui..ll.!i5 a ni
" ' " Reiiovo 4.05 pm
" nrr. at Philadelphia 2.50 a m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.2Uain
" " Ridgwuy 4.45 pm
" " St. Mary's 6.0'J p m
. Emporium 0.10 p ni
Renovo 0.20 p m
" " urr. at Philndcphiii... 0.40 a m
Mail East eouuects east and west at Erie
with LbMS R W ami Ht Cony and lr-
vineton Willi Oil Creek uud Allegheny it
K W.
Mail Vet with east mid west trains on
L Sj & Al S R W and at lrviucton with
Oil Creek uud Allegheny R U W.
tien'l Sup't.
Winter Arraugeuieut.
To YVilliauisport, Sunhury, Harrisburg
I'hiladelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington aud the South.
Oa and after NOVEMBER Hi, 1874, and
until further uuticc, trains will leave Buffalo
New York & Philadelphia Railwy Depot,
corner Exchne and Loaisima streets
(Buil'rtlo lintel; as fjlloivs:
7 40 A.M., ACCOMMODATION (daily
except Sundays), stopping at Ebeneier
8 04. tfpriiigbroo'k 8 14, Eltna 8 20, Jamison
8 25, Aurjiti 8 81, Wales 8 44, Holland 8 65;
Protection 0 U5, Arcade 20, Yorkshire
0 27, luiioliiaa 9 i7, Franklinville 9 55,
Ishuei 10 15, llinsda'te 10 31, Erie Railway
Junction 10 45, Oleaa 10 4'J, W'estous 10 GO.
Portvillc 11 05, State Liue 11 12, Eldred
1125, Lfttabeea 1131, Sartwell 1140,
Tuitlo Point 11 45, Pun Allegheny 1158,
Liberty 12 17, P- M , Keatiug 12 20, Ship
pen 12 44. Emporium 1 00, P. M.
Stages are advertised to connect with
this train at Lima, for Mai-ilia; at Arcade
for Yorkshire; til Franklinville for Rush
ford aud Ceutreville; at Portvillc for Ceres,
Richburg, Little Geuessee, Boliver, Mill
port aud Sharon Centre, at L;irabee9 for
rfniethport; al Port Allegany for Coudere.
port; ut liea'.ing, Tuesdays and Fridays for
Wharton, East v barton aud East Homer.
(daily except Sundays), stopping at Ebeu
czer 9 35, fcpringbrook 10 Ui, Lima 10 2f,
Jamison 10 44, Aurora 11 05, Wales 11 '62,
Holland 11 55, 1'rotectiou 12 ltj P. Al , Ar
cade 12 48, iorkshiie 1 05, Machius 1 20,
Fiankliuvilel 2 U 5, Ischu 250, lliusdale
3 23, Erie Railway Juuolion 4 0.J P. M,
Stages are uuvtitistd lo connect with
this train ut Aicuile for Yorkshire and
Uushford; at Fraukiinville for Uusliford.
(dally), Mopping at Etieuezor 3 22. Spring
brook 3 oil Lima 3 30, Jamison 3 40, Auro
ra 3 40, V ales 3 58, Holland 4 05, Protec
tion 4 15, Arcaue i 29, York
shire 4 30, Machi.-u 4 45, Fr.inklivillo 6 00,
Uchua 6 17, Hinsdale 5 30, Er.e Railway
Junction 5 45, Olcan 0 Oo (SuppeiJ, Wcs
tons 0 15, l'ortville l 22, State Line 0 30,
Eldred 0 42, Larabces ti 53, Sartwell 6 58,
lurtle Point 7 02, I'orl Allegheny 7 14,
Keating 7 42, Emporium 8 15, Kenovo
10 40, WilliaBSfporl 1 10 A. Al., Sunbury
2 oO, Harrtsbur 4A), tSew iork 11 A. M.,
Philadelphia 8 20, lalitiuore 8 02, Washing
ton 9 40 A. Al.
ttages are mivt-itiscd to conuect. with
this train al Elma lor Mai ilia; iu East Au
rora, ou Tuesdays, Thursdays uud Satur
days, for Java illuge, Stry korsville, Wales
and Wales llcliuw; ui Arcade fjr Spriug-
villc, bunduska mid luikshlre.
Puluiati Palace Sleeping Cars on this
train from Bulialo to Baltimore and Wash,
iugtou without change. Philadelphia pas
sengers tranufer at Emporium, New York
passengers at liarnsburg. On Sundays
this train does not ruu cast of Oleau.
2 30 A. M., BUFFALO EXl'RESS (daily)
stopping al fchtppen 2 50, Keating 3 15,
Liberty 3 20, I'orl Alleghany 3 :2, Turtle
Point 4 10, Can well 4 Hi, Larubees 4 22,
Eldred 4 35, Stato Line 4 52, Portvillc 5 03,
estons b 10, Olcan ( 10, Erie Railway
Junction 0 05, Hinsdale U 20, lschua ti 35,
Franklinville ti 54, Jlachms 7 10, Yorkshire
7 18, Arcade 7 2d, Protection 7 40, Holland
7 48, Wales 7 59, Aurora 8 10. Jamison
8 10, Elma 8 20, Spriugbiook 8 2G, i'ben
exer 8 30, Btifcalo 9 00 A. M.
'i liia train makes direct connections for
Niagara Falls, and all points iu Canada and
the West.
Stages aro advertised to connect with
this truin at Arcade from Spriugtield, San
dusky and Yorkshire; at East Aurora, oo
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from
Java, btrykersville, Wales uud Wales Hol
low; at Elma from Manila.
On Mondays thiB train does not run eat
of Oleau.
FREIGHT (daily except Sundays.) eiopp
iug at tehippen 0 40. Keating 7 35, Liberty
7 40, Port Allegheny 8 40, Turtle Poit.t
9 13, Sartwell U 25, Laiabees 9 10, Eldred
10 00, State Line 10 33, Portville 1105,
W estons 11 20, Oleau 11 38, Erie Railway
way Junction 11 43, Hinsdale 12 15 P. Al.,
Franklinville 2 05, Holland 4 05, Aujoru
4 48, Junction 0 UO P. M.
Stages are advertised to cjuuect wil.i
this iraiu at Porivilla .'rom Ceres, Ricli
Lurg", Liltle Genesee, Uoliver, Millport aud
Sliaiou Centre.
2 00 t'. M., ACCOMMODATION (daily
except Sundays), stopping ui ahipptu
2 14, Keating 2 33, Liberty 2 41, Purl Al
legheny 3 00, Turtle Poitil 3 13, Sartwell
3 18, Larabec? 3 25, Eldred 3 81, State
Line 3 45, Portville 8 53, Westous3 59,
Oleau 4 08, Erie Railway Junction 4 13,
Hinsdale 4 28, lschua 4 41. Franklinville
5 UO, .Machius 5 25, Y'orkshire 5 39, Arcade
6 50, Protection ti 10, Holland e 22, Wales
0 33, Aurora 0 4'3, Jamison 0 54, Elma 0 59
Spiingbrook 7 04, Ebeuexer 7 15, Builal
7 40 P. Al.
Stages are advertised to conuect with
this train at Keating from Wharton, East
Homer and East Wimrtou on Tuesdays aud
Iiidaysjat i'ort Allegany from Couders.
port; at Laiabees frum tVuieltipori; al
Franklinville from Rushfurd uud Centre,
villoj at Arcudo from Rushford and York
I'itLlGbT, daily except Sundays, slopping
at Hinsdale 0 47, lschua 7 18, Fraukiinville
SO 0, Machias 8 34, Yorkshire 853, Arcade
'J 20, protection 9 64, Holland 10 13, Wales
10 38, Aurora 10 05 Jamisou 11 21 Elma
11 35 Spraigbrook 11 60 tbenezer 12 15
Buffalo 1 00 P. M.
Gcu'l Manager.
Gvn'l Sup'i. C-aa'UWr Agt.