V ml THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1874. Car Time at ttidguay. ERIE MAIL East 7:15 p. m do do West 2:33 a. m NIAGARA EXPRESS West ft. m do do East p. m ELK LODGE, A. T. M. The stated meetings of Elk Lolge, No. (79, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of eaoli month W. C. 11EALY, Sec'y. Bates of Adrertisinjt. One column, one year $76 00 40 00 " 26 00 I " " " - 16 00 I Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten lines or Icbs, per year $5. Advertisements parable ouarterlv. NOTES. .court here this week. There is some talk nf getting a new bell for the Episcopal church. Thb Episcopal Parsonage is nearly finished, and presents a neat appearance. This fall ha) been remarkable for the extended period of pleasant weather, and it still continues. The fumes of a brimstone match will rem ova berry stains from a book or pa per or engraving. There was a tie vote for Commis- Vfcioner in Luzerne county, both parties receiving 9,179 votes, Little boys begin to look forward to hat period of Thanksgiving when it is permitted, as Ike Partington says, to "fill themselves to their utmost rapacity." I A Berks county Democrat describes New Yorkers as "berry fine deeples," who "go about der streets sheatiog each der, and dey call dat pizziness." IE Western Indians now prophesy Tat there will bo no more grasshoppers for six yeaw. Now, if the grasshoppers ould only give us the same graifying urance about the Indians . iianar or Scheuulk. Following will e found the change in the running of trains, at Ridgway station. The Niagara Express has been taken off, and the through Local put in its stead. Mail East 7:19 ?: M. do West 2: 33 P. M Through Local, East 8:20 A. M. do do West 6:25 P. M. Local East 4:50 P. M 'do West 8:20 A. M. -i The Mail and Through Local carry passengers, the local does cot. CocBT rnocEEniNoa. Phillip Will helm charged with rape on the person of his own daughter, was found guilty and sen tenced to pay a fine of twenty dollars an d cost of prosecution, and undergo an impris onment of two years and s'x months '.l olitary confinement in the Western Peni tentiary. Two Swedes, named John Peterson and Jj. D. Moline who broke into the Wilcox were conv.cted of burglary and lar- and sentenced to pay a fine of twenty. ,rs, each, and undergo an ioipris. nmeat of twoycr.ri and nine months in solitary confinement in the western Peni iten tiary. Accident. Last Sunday a son of A. J. Rumer, about 7 years of age, in Jay township this county, me with a serious fif not fatal accident. lie in company with another little boy of about 12 wears of age, had taken some horses out Mo water, and were returning to the Vara with the horses on a run, when John the name of the boy hurt, come in contact some way with the barn, un- orsiog him and throwing bim with violence on the frozen ground; the boy has been delirious most of the time funce the accident. I A Substitute for Leather. The British Trade Journal describes a Vewly pitented eubstitute for leather, nowo as "leatherette, but not the pro- lS by which il is made. It says that terial is made in perfect imitation f (different kinds of leather, the sheets fibrous pulp being pressed into real kins of leather U3cd as moulds. The rrainds of the leather are thus accu- ately reproduced in the leatherette. 'f he Trade Journal says that leatherette fcosts only one-eighth as much as leather, Ld that it has two advantages over the teal article, being stronger and of more Iniform quality, it is said to De par- oularly well adapted for use in book- Lindiog. Heavy Sentence. Geo. W. Daicy, as embezzling and defaulting postmas- r at Phillipsburg, this county, plead luilty before the United States Court V Pittsburgh, and was sentenced to fif Leo years in the penitentiary. There re three indictments against him, and was sentenced to five years on each Daicy, when asked some time ago iat DO muuguii ui3 eeuieuuo wuuiu uo, plied that he supposed he would get . . xi Li i.: . u IjQut five years in all. lie wis a sol- the Federal army during the and lost a ie in tue survive. , , i . i. onbtless he is to-day ruminating bil ly over the ingratitude or KepubJics. at then Mr. Daicy ought to have con- dered the consequencs beforehand. Uefonte Watchman. Congressional. OFFICIAL VOTB 0 THB 20rB COMORESflONAl DiPTBICT. Counties. Alexander, Ind. Clinton 899 Centr 2568 Elk 836 Clearfield 1640 Mifflin 1484 Union 1160 8677 Maekey, D. 2938 2558 1190 2854 1382 1220 12140 8677 Maokey's majority 8463 Talmaoe's Paper. The Chris tian AT Work (New York) ranks with the best of the religious weeklies. Dr. Talmaoe is its active editor, and his sermons are published exclusively in its columns. The terms, $3,25 per annum, cover everything, including postage and delivery of the new premium, a "Port tolio of Twelve Gems," or a copy of Lanseer's "Twins." Without the premium it is only 3 per annum,Jpostag prepaid, as above. Agents will find th is a success. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERd, No. 42 South Third Street. . Philadelphia, November 10th, 1874. A8KEI1. U. 8. 1881. o 191 do 6 20,0 '62, M and N 11 do do '04 do 13 do do '65 do 14 do do '65 J and J 17 do do '67 do 18J do do '68 do 18 do 10-40, coupon 1 2 1 do Pacifio 6's cy 18 m iij 14 15 17 18 18 12, 18J 111 111 lioji 107 62J 65 161 48 CI 128J 1 32 42 55 New 5'sRcg. 1881 11 do c. 1881 11 Gold 110 Silver .....105 Pennsylvania 62; Reading 64: Philadelphia & Erie 16 Lehigh Navigation 48 do Valley 6o United tl K of N J Ex. Biv 128 Oil Creek Northern Central 31 J Central Transportation 41 J Nesquehoning 64 & A Mortgage 6's '89 99$ 100 $500 Reward. The frequent burglaries and highway robberies perpetrated in our midst recently by a gang of outlaws have produced quite a sensation, and it will be observed by an advertisement in this issue that the Sheriff and County Commissioners have taken proper steps to bring the scoun drels to justice, by offering a liberal reward for the apprehension of the parties impli cated in these public outrages It behooves every good citizen to guard well his premises, and put himself in com. munication with the Sheriff, who is deter, mined to use his bst efforts to bring about the arrest of these vagabonds who are preying upon society The partieB who robbed Mr. Mossop's store, on the night of the 22d of June last. and those who robbed Mr. Bridge's store, on the night of the 1st of August, assaulted and shot Mr. Kerr; on Third street, on the night of the 12th of October, as well as (he two ruffians who garroted Mr. Arnot in the Market street bridge, on the night of the Ctli iust., are all at large yet. A fellow, named Thos. Anderson, was arrested on suspicion and imprisoned, fur assaulting aud robbiug Mr. S. V. Loom is, on Locub street, on two' occasions, but '.That the proofs are against him we are unable to say. One thing is certain: if this highway business is not stopped, somebody who is not guilty may incur the death penalty; be cause '.he temper of this community is pretty well elevated on that subject, and if some one should get gobbled up under sus picious circumstances it will take but little testimony to elevato such a one to the eras bar of a lams post, or the limb of one of our shade trees. Those, therefore, who wish to avoid a hazard of this kind had better deport themselves circumspectly; if not,' somebody will get hurt. We are no advocate of mob law, but we confess we are willing for example's sake' to dispense with a great deal of ceromony in the arrest and conviction of a burglar, or a highway robber, as matters now stand in his vioinity. Clearfield Republican. The majority against woman suffrage is very heavy in Michigan, aod its ad. vocates in the West are consequently much discouraged. On Saturday at Central Village, near Plaiofie'.d, Conn., a boy of 12 years shot his brother, aged 2 years, dead on the spot, and wounded his sister so severely that she is not expected to live. The deed was done with an old gun, whicb was left loaded in a bedroom. , Ac old gentleman who was ill at the Dalavan House, Albany,. recently, sent at the time for the Messrs, Burden, ot the Troy .Iron Works. One of the clerks in the office of the Brudens came to see him. An interview revealed the fact that the sick man had owed the Brudens a bill of $90 for twenty-three years. Through the agency of interest the bill bad increased to nearly $300. The amount was paid to the clerk. List of Instruments entered for re cord in the Recorder's office of Elk County up to Oct. 19, 1874. Deed from P. W. Hays and wife to C. It. Earley, dated Oct. 10th 1873, for minerals ete on two lots of land in Fox township, Elk county, Pa, being part of warrants Nos. 4245 and 4246 containing 83 7-10 acres; considera tion 82000 Deed from P. W. Hays and wife to C. It. Earley, dated October 1st 1873 for 100 acres of land in Fox township, part of warrant 4093, reserving pine timber; consideration (3,000. Deed from Adam Zimmerman and wife to John Vogle. dated July 22, 1874, for 20 acres of land in Millstone township; consideration $200. Deed from W. C. Healy and wife to J. F. Dill dated Sept. 22, 1874, for lot No. 62 in the village of Ridgway; con sideration 2000. Discharge of Mortgage from Mary Ann Hackenbury to Elizabeth L. Hackenbury, dated No. 26 1872, re corded in Mortgage Book "B." Quit Claim Deed from J. D Baldwin aud wife to Peter Y. Hite, dated May mi'jiv.uui 8, 1874, for onc-lourth interest io lands meutioced in Deed from 0. K. Earley and wife to J D. Baldwin ot ul; con sideration $34,01)0. Deed from Elizabeth Brown et al to Jane Farmsworth, et al. dated Sept. 8 1874, for one acre of land in Fox town ship; consideration SI. Deed from Elizabeth Winslow et nl. and heiis of Reuben Winslow deooased to Simon P Romig, dated Sept. 14, 1872, for lot No. 12 in the village of Jicnezctte containing one-fourth of an acre; consideration 8225. Deed from John O Reading and wile and Charles Bartlets and wile to Michael Sullivan, dated March 3d 1874, for 6 acres land in Jay township; reserv ing all minerals and equal half interest in spring in said lot, consideration $300 Deed from Edward Walter aod Mary M Wulter to Joseph Stroll and Mary C Stroll, dated Sept. 18, 1874, for one aud one-halt acres of land io Benezette township; consideration $75. Deed from David Puncheon and wife to Frank Evcrs, dated March 27, 1873. for lot of land in Benzioger township containing 7200 square feet; considera tion $400. ' Deed from Frank Evers. and wife to Bernhatd Echle, dated May 19, 1874. for 7200 square feet of land in Benzin ger township; consideration $500. Deed Poll ftom Daniel C Oy9ter, high Sheriff of Elk County to Joseph S Hyde dated Sept. 24, 1874," for 12 J acres of laud in Fox township; consid eration $100. Power of Attorney from Wm C Hal and Joseph S Long to James Bradlc dated December 15, 1S73, power to dis charge mortgage, entered for record October 7, 1874. Deed from Elizabeth Winslow, et al, heirs of Reuben Winslow dee'd, to Nor ton Itothrock, dated Oct 3d 1873, for lot No. 5, on third street in the village of Benezette, containing 9000 superfic ial feet; consideration $120. Deed from P W Hays and wife to C R Earley, dated August 25, 1873, for minerals eto in 50 acres of land in Fox township. Deed from Eliza T Rothrock to Joo. W Itothrock, dated December 1, 1870, for lot No 6 village of Benezette. containing 9000 Icet consideration $100. Quit Claim Deed from J D Baldwin aod wife to Peter Y Ilito, dated May 8 1874 tor the undivided one-fourth iuter est in land descri bed in deed trom C R ' Earley and wife to Jacob II Walton; consideration $39,000. Assignment from C R Earley to Henry Souther, dated August 10, 1874, assign ing $875, of a Mortgage from North Western Mining and Exchange Comp any of Erie Pa. to C. R. Earley, Deed from Charles RKarley treas urer of Elk county to Jumes O'Hara. dated June 10. 1872, for 900 acres land io warrant 2790, Millstone township; tax aud costs $260,20. Assignment Irotu Jaeius O'Hara and wile to C R Earley assigning O'Llara's interest iu the foregoing deed considera tion $1. D C Oyster High Sheriff of Elk County to W 0 Healy dated Sept. 24 1874, for 50 acres of land in Fox town ship; consideration $300. Deed from Rachel Taylor and John It Taylor to Henry Souther ; dated Oct 3d 1873, for 70 acrea land in Fox town ship; consideration $1. Deed from Joseph S ITyie to Eliza O. Clement9, dated Juno 12 1806 for lot of ground iu Ridgway village beiog known as the Hyde House; considera tion $8000. Contract from Elizeboth Ross and M L Russ with Salycr Jackson, dated Nov 25, 1872, contract to build a house for east halt of lot No. 89 in Ridgway. Assignment from S.ilyor Jackson to J V Ilouk dated July 8, 1874, assign ing Jackson's interest in foregoing con tract; consideration $1000. Mortgage from Henry J Brooks and wife and Albert Brooks and wife to Geo Brooks dated Nov 10, 1873, on 10,653 acres 3 roods and 25 rods of land in Warren, Forest, and Elk counties; given to seoure 8114, 475 55. Deed from P W Hays aud wife to Charles R Earley dated July 29th 1874 for minerals etc in 106 acres of land in Fox township; consideration $3000. Deed from Plympton ' A Mead and wife to Jacob V Houk dated Sept. 28 1874 for one-half acre of land in the village of Ridgway being wast end of town lot No 54; consideration $657,02. Deed from Horace Little trustee to Gilman T Wheeler dated Sept. 18 1874 for two tracts of land in Ridgway town ship containing 174 3-10 acres reserving and excepting 26 acres; consideration $1,00. Mortgage from Gilman T Wheeler to C R Earley W S Service and Clinton Pains ou 774 3-10 acres of land in Ridgway township; reserving and ex cepting 26 acres. Petition for amcodment of Charter of The Ridgway Cemetery Association from Horace Little Charles Holes W S Hamblin Jerome Powell Joo G Hall and G G Messenger to The Judges of the Court ot Common Pleas for Elk County dated August 21st 1873. Astrcmeut John Barr and wife with S P HarbUon and W A Reed dated June 25, 1874, to convey land for a road as soon as located aod pay for all timber destroyed in making said road; consideration $10. Quit Claim Deed from Robert Dublc et al. to Thew Johnson, Isaao Shafer aod Shaler Johnson, dated April 19, 1874, for all their interest in warrant 4990 in Benzingcr township. Deed from Harriett B Pearsall to A W Gray A E Goff and James W Brookios trustes dated April 27, 1873, for 150 4-10 square rods of land in Jay township; consideration 81. Deed from Jacob II Walter et al. to Charles Luhr dated Sept 13, 1774, for 2 acres aud 9 2-10 perches . land in St Mary's exceptiug and reserving the right of way lor the P & E R R Cox puny also lots No 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, and 12, on Geo. street also lots Nos. 4, 5, 9, 20, 26, and 27, on Charles street, also lots Nos. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 26, 27, and one half of 28, on Church, street lot Jo- b on school street, lot No 16 on Walburger street aod lots Nos. 42, 43, and 44, ou Marvin street; con sideration $1,300. THE Official Vote in the The result of the Lieutenant Governor, the official figures for election held in Auditor General referenoe: JUDGE SUP. COUNTIES. Wood- Oltn. Brad- M'Can Cuth- I Paxson ward. Black. stad. Latta. ford. Allen. Temple Parsons Bnath. . dless. bertson. Adams 2552 3025 I 2569" 30U 2656 3015 2560 SoT5 1 Allegheny 13094 15476 2579 13089 15704 2465 13109 15585 2480 392& 14874 246g Armstrong 8731 3057 3858 4523 3859 3517 8855 3521 Beaver 2899 2467 169 2877 2486 179 2797 2501 124 2920 2494 119 Bedford 2515 2950 2524 2959 2528 2958 2520 2959 Berks 5155 10779 5 5299 10610 4 5361 10574 2 5332 10603 3 Blair 3373 3213 88 3390 3226 78 3395 8213 78 3375 3239 77 Bradford 6383 4168 16 6319 4264 10 6519 4269 10 6519 4279 10 Bucks 6107 6448 95 6153 6514 51 6128 6515 69 6155 6511 51 Butler 3980 3774 20 4123 3698 28 4118 3693 23 4124 3688 22 Cambria 2249 3370 2238 3379 2242 3371 3241 3369 Cameron 429 440 50 479 449 24 463 454 35 460 454 35 Caibon 2047 2410 4 2060 2420 4 2065 2416 4 2061 2417 4 Centre 2120 3065 24 2118 3083 12 III9 3090 12 2090 3115 13 Chester 6140 4543 59 6152 4554 62 6181 4528 53 6445 4555 51 Clarion 1952 3250 6 1954 3254 4 1950 3254 4 1954 3254 4 Clearfield 1614 3012 10 1582 3965 1588 3061 2 1578 3064 1 Clinton 1469 2422 1 1481 2436 2 1475 2441 8 1472 2446 3 Columbia 1092 2975 19 1123 2956 23 1090 2988 25 H2f 2954 23 Crawford 4713 4726 15 4821 4724 13 4799 4727 14 4814 4728 12 Cumberland 3564 4363 3683 4378 3695 4370 3688 4377 Dauphin 5348 4191 96 5893 4197 87 5474 4141 8S 5447 4158 76 Delaware 3588 2193 3599 2207 3592 2209 3572 2234 Elk 457 1119 464 1127 464 1127 465 1132 Erie 4932 4584 33 5087 4612 17 6097 1609 17 5094 4611 17 Fayette 3076 3705 56 Sill 3714 44 3117 3706 43 3119 S709 44 Forest 363 333 1 387 328 1 365 329 1 367 328 Franklin 3640 3900 3639 3913 3639 3919 3639 3912 Fulton 697 1021 700 1019 700 1019 736 982 Greene 1448 2621 8 1469 2663 2 1387 2699 3 1470 26G2 3 Huntingdon 2834 2572 29 2839 2588 34 2834 2584 34 2292 3122 33 Indiana 3518 1710 14 3j90 1698 13 3589 1701 12 3580 1708 10 Jefferson 2035 2153 13! 2048 2161 13 2047 2161 11 2406 2150 9 Juniata 1021 1533 25 1 1029 1 536 18 1026 . 1539 2 2 98 1 564 20 Laucaster 10471 6246 211 10538 6171 127 10525 6156 1 58 , 10533 6170 1 56 Lawrence 2891 1276 2 3 2781 13 22 1 4 2773 1 3 22 14. 2787 1318 14 Lebanon 3123 2289 3431 2293 8428 2287 3423 2299 Lehigh 4049 5816 51 4087 5813 6 4073 5818 5 4088 5804 5 Luzerne 9498 10587 663j 8634 10312 641 8552 1 0179 760 8644 10192 C50 Lycoming 3500 4507 11 8533 4495 8 3527 4503 8 2524 4504 8 McKean 894 928 915 918 910 922 904 918 Men-er 4284 3860 65 4275 3845 50 4272 8870 5 6 4282 2867 64 Mifflin 1368 1516 22 1383 1540 20 191 1530 20 1369 1547 18 Monroe 484 2090 2 508 2067 63 1944 1 461 2030 I Montgomery - 7342 7870 208 7390 7863 193 7395 7857 1 92 7384 7863 191 Montour 903 1439 68 875 1 455 8 922 1430 921 1430 Northampton . 3956 6848 19 3921 6891 16 3921 6888 16 3921 6882 1 6 Northumberland 3238 3554 13 3263 3547 9 3261 3548 9 9285 3530 9 Perry 2261 2424 15 2269 2424 12 22 2426 12 2280 2425 10 Philadelphia 59485 47023 80 59850 40887 121 59810 4C891 123 59285 47357 116 Pike 235 1096 238 1039 238 1 039 238 1039 Potter 1336 1103 1526 940 1306 1 090 1366 1096 Scuylkill 7498 9135 7517 9184 7037 987 7649 9003 Fnyder 1443 1 091 1452 1 089 1451 1085 1 454 108 5 Somerset 2825 1617 22 2835 1627 22 2836 1626 22 2835 1626 22 Sullivan 439 851 1 422 829 2 412 820 2 422 828 2 Su.quehanna 3404 2768 22j 3425 2766 . 14 89407 2767 12 8410 2773 13 Tioga 3605 1654 11 1 3014 1698 9 3742 1613 9 3635 I486 9 Union 1824 1176 7i 1837 1176 1820 1180 2 1864 1140 2 Venango 3230 3232 50j 3281 3255 9 5244 3269 1 3 3291 3268 1 2 Wanen 2286 1893 44! 2306 1 969 4 4 2418 1 820 3 7 2305 1 958 42 Washington 4254 4288 67 4252 4306 66; 4243 4297 6 7 4 271 4289 65 Wayne 2247 2409 12; 2230 2433 2 1 2236 2431 2 1 2237 2426 21 Westmoreland 3938 5780 33, 3910 5799 33 8904 5817 3 3 8968 5815 33 Wyoming 1475 1716 13; 1489 1687 13 1481 1694 13 1 484 1684 13 York 4075 7112 6 4083 7111 4 4078 7103 5 4074 7107 5 Total 270330 277454 5069 272516 277195 4647 2725II 276605 4767 272310 276935 4004 270330 . 272516 272511 272310 Majority 7124 4679 4094 4625 Important Suit Determined. An important case, in which some of the big wigs of the Democracy, includ. ing Jeremiah S. Black, C. R. Buckalew, Geo. W. Woodward and Francis W. luges were employed on either side, has just been determined in Blouius burg, Columbia county, Pa., the Read ing Coal and Iron Company deing tho successful parties the property direetly ut issue being valued at $800,000, though the particular case decided is one of six resting on analogous princi ples of law, aod practically decides the other five, all of which include about 2,800 acres of valuable coal property, and is probably worth four millions of dollars. The action was one of eject ment, brought by George K. Tyron, of Philadelphia, and James J. Dull, of Harrisburg, to reoover possession of 436 acres of valuable coal land in Schuylkill county, known as tho Philip Miller tract, tho actual defendants in the suit being the Philadelphia and Reading Coal aod Iron Company, who purchased the land several years since from Samuel A. Munson and Helen E. M. Williams, of Utica, New York. In this last trial, under the direction of Judge Elwell, the jury brought in a verdict in favor of the company defendants on all points, thus virtually terminating the long and vexations litigation. This is the second trial, a first trial having taken place in Pottsville before Judge Ryon. A Mechanical Index. In the Registry of Deeds office, in Dublin, there is an ingenious invention by which through the agency of me chanical index and the use of printing and photography, searches in that office are to be facillitated. The inveutioo 00m prises the substitution of a simple mechanical index for the numerous books now in use, aod the application of printing and photography in produoing the transcripts or copies whioh are re quired. The index is placed in a wooden case about the bight of an ordin ary office desk, and oonsists ot a roll of suitable paper, which is coiled round cyllinders, which in the model are turned by handles at the side. If a person wants to know whether there is a charge affecting the lands of a certain person, he turns the handle of the left hand side, and in a minute brings up tbe particular letter under which is the name he wants. The rapidity of the registration will be understood when it is explained that instead of having the memorials compared and copied by writers, the deed are photographed, the printer gets the plates as his copy, and the originals, instead of being left to be thumbed and mauled and torn by per sons who have to refer to them, are de posited at nooe in fire proof safes. A great forest fire has been raging in the vicinity of Hartfield, Mass., for week past, but is now under control. About 6,000 acres of timber land have been burned over. STATU ELECTION State of Pennsylvania-November 3d, 1874. Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, November 3d, and Seoretary of Internal Affairs has already COURT. LIEUT. GOVERNOR. AUDIT WASHINGTON. BF.P3BT OF TJCB QRNERAL Or TUB AUNT. Washington. Nov. 9 Geoeral Sher man's annual report shows the total number of enlisted men in the army on October 15th to have been 26,441. It I estimates that this number will probably be reduced through natural causes by the 1st of January, 1875, to the 25,000 allowed by law. It deprecates the inadequacy of so small an army for the demands of the large area of territory it has to be scattered over. It complments highly tbe efficiency of Geoeral Sheri dan and his subordinate officers in main taining comparative peace in the Indian country. It says the reports of com manding officers demonstrate that the small army ot the United States, called a peace establishment, is tbe hardest worked body of men in this or any oountry. The discipline and behavior of the officers and men have been worthy of all praise, and whether employed on the extreme and distant frontier or in aiding the civil officers in the execution of civil processes, have been a model for the imitation of all good men. In re gard to tbe removal of his headquarters he says "I am prepared to execute the duties that may be developed on me by proper authority. Here 1 am centrally located, aud should occasion arise 1 can personally proceed to any point of this continent where my services are needed." TENNESSEE. Memnhis. November 13. All but eight counties' have sent to returns. Poter, Democratic, for Governor, has 45.000 majority. The official court may increase it 2,900. IOWA. Dcs Moines, November IS. The State canvass shows that Young, Repub lican, for Secretary of State, has a maj ority of 28.207. New York, November 13. Joseph A Wilson, assistant e'erk in the Mauufao turers and Merchants' Bank, Broadway, who embezzled about $4,500, was arres ted last evening, and committed to the tooms without bail. The argument in tbe Tilton-Beecher suit will be heard this afternoon, but no decision is expeoted to-day, on tbe motion foi a bill of particulars. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge llon.aJnoP. Vincent. Associate Judges Cbas. Luhr, J Houk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Piothonotbry 0., Frd. Schoening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Kufus Luoora, Commissioners Robt. Campbell, Julius Jones, ueo. d. neia. Auditors C. W. Barrett, Thomas Irwin Thomas j. Burke. -Count; Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi ners. Phillip Ereigh Kansoia r. &yier. 1874, for Judge of the Supreme Court, been announced, and we now present ORGENERAL. BRO. INT. AFLAIRS. ALMAGE'S PAPER. THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK. "The Best Religions Paper." A CHOICI OF TWO Beautiful PREMIUMS. An Illuminated Portfolio of Twelve Gems by Ilendschel, each 8 JxlOJ in., or the su perb Chromo, ''The Twins," 21x28 in., iter Landseer. Price $4.25, including poatgage. A 0 Extras of arty kind. Without .'rcmium, $.J per annum. ATTENTION, AGENTS ! Liberal commissions and exclusive terri tory. Samples and circulars free. Send postal card at once to iiukatiu u. fcUNU, rubiisner, Box 5106, New York. Remington Skwiko Machines Fire Aims, and Agricultural Im plements. The Remington Sewing Machine has sprung rapidly into favor as possessing the best combination of good qualities namely, light running smooth noiseless rapid and durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes tbe Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides. Tbe Remington Sewing Machine has received premiums at many Fniis, throughout the United States, and with. out effort took the Grand Medal of Pro gress, tbe highest order of medal that was awarded at the late Vienna Exposi- position. Tho Remington Works also manu facture the new Double Barrelled Breech Loading Shot gun snap and positive action, with patent joint check, a marvel of beauty, finish and cheapness, and the celebrated Rem ington Rifles adopted by nine different governments, and renowned throughout the world for military, hunting and target purposes all kinds ot PiBtols Rifles, Canes, Metalio Catridges, do. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Road Eciapers, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Gins. Iron Bridges, io. The undersigned has been appointed agent for the sale and introduction of the Remington Sewing Machine in and for the counties of Elk, Clearfield and Warren. THOS, J. BURKE, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. 8. A good local agent wanted. Violets are still in Bloom and grapes ripening on tbe Tinea as lor north Burlington, Vermont. RAILROADS' PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia: & Erie R. R. Division. , SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON andafter SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1874 the trains on tl Philadelphia A hut Railroad Will run n follows 1 WKTMHI. Niagara Ex. leaves l'liiUdulpbia. 7.20a. m " Renovo 4.20 p mt " " arr. at Emporium (i 30 p m' " " ' 8t. ftlary' 7.85 p ttf " Ridgway 8.06 p iri " arr. al Kane '9.16 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.60 p m " Kenovo ll.iua in " " Emporium 1.15 p ni " St. Mary's 2.10 p m " Ridgway 2.88 p m " arrive at Erie 8.05 p m BAST WARD. NIAGARA EX. leaves Kane... 0 00 p m " " ' Ridgway ...10.04 a m " " " Empui'ium..U.86 a Ul " '" ' Renovo 4.05 pm " " arr. at Philadelphia 2.60 a m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m 11 Ridgway ..4. 45 pin " " " St. Alary s 6.00 p m " ' Emporium. 6.10 pm ' " " Renovo 0.20 p m " " arr. at Philadephia... 9.40 am Mail East connects east and west at Brie with UJ1SR W and at Corry and lr vineton with Oil Creek aud Allegheny R R W. Mail West with east and west trains on S & M S R W and at Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R It W. WM. A. 11ALLMV1N. Geu'l Sup't. A. V. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. LOW-GRADE DIVISION. On and after MONDAY, JULY 6, 1874, trains between Redbank and Driftwood will run aa follows: WS8TWABD. EXPRE8S and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at 12:30 p m, ReynoldBTille at 8:80 pm, Rrookville at 4:20 p m, arriving at Redbank at 6:30 p m, conuectiug with Express on Main Line for Pittsburgh. MLXtU WAV leaves iteynoldsville daily t 6:45 a m, Biookville at 7: .5 a m, arriv es at Redbank at 11:60 a tn, connecting with trains north and south on Main Line. EASTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Redbank daily at 10:15 a m, arrives at lirookville at 1:80 p m, Rey noldsville at 187 p m, Drift wood at 6:20 p u, connecting with trains east and west on P and B Railroad. MIXED WAY leaves Redbaak daily at 12:40 pm, arrives at Rreokville at 6:25 p m, Reynoldsville at 6:45 p hi. MAIN LINE. On and after MONDAY, JULY 6, 1874, trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows. RUfFALO EXPRESS will leave .Pitts burgh daily at 7:05 am, Redbauk Junction at 1U:05 a iu, and arrive at Oil City at 1:86 m, PITTSBURGH EXPRESS will leave Oil City at 2:20 p m, Redbank Junction at C:35 iu, and arrive at i'lUeburgu at lU:OU p m. T11USV1LLB EXPREbsi leaves Pitts burgh at 1:00 p m, Redbank Juuetion al ;lupni, and arrives at Oil City at 0:15 p Returning, leaves Oil uuy at e:2U a m, Redbank Juuetion at 12:08 am, and ar- ives ut Pittsburgh at J;o5 p m. J. J. LAWRJM'E, Geueral Superintendent. Wm. M. Phillips, Abs I Supt., Rrookville, Pa. Summer Arrangement. BUFFALO, NEW YORK & PHIL'A. R. R. THE BUOBTtBT AND HOST PIBtCT BOUTB To Williamsport, Sunbnry, Harrisburg i'uiiadelpbia, Baltimore, ash ington ond the South. On and after JUNE 9, 1374, and until further notice, trains will leave Buf falo from the Buffalo, New York & Phila delphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange una Louisiana streets as lollows: 6.23 A U Philadelphia Expm. (daily except SundsyBj, slopping at Eael Aurora 7 05, Arcade 7 48, Maehia 8 05, Franklin ville 8 22, Olean 9 11, Westons 9 20, Port ville 9 28, Bute Line 9 85, Eldred 9 49, Larabees V 56, Sarswell 10 00, Port Alle gany 10 16, Liberty 10 85, Keating Sum. mil 10 44, fehippen 11 02, Emporium 11 16 A. M., Renovo 4 05 P- M., Williamsport 6 30, Sunbury 8 85, Harrisburg 10 50 P. M., Philadelphia 260 A M., Baltimore .2 40 A M., Washington 6 20 A M. 8.50 a a Uixed Train to P. Allegn'y (daily excet pbundajs). stopping alEbeue.er 9 25, cipringbrook 9 45, Elnia 9 65, Jamison Road 10 04,East Aurora 10 15,South Wales 10 40, Holland 11, Protection 11 15, Arcade 11 45, Yorkshire 12 05, MachiaB 12 83, Frank lin ville, 1 20 lschua U 05, Hinsdale 2 40, Olean 8 16, Westons 8 49, Portvill 4 04, Slate Line 4 21, Eldred 45 0, Larabeea 510, SartweU 6 21, Turtle Point 6 31, Port Allegheny 6 00 p m- 5 30 7. at. Fort Alleghexy Aocommoiatioa (daily;, stopping aii.ueue.er 6 65, fcpriug brook 6 05, Eltna 6 10, Jamisons 6 15, Eubt Aurora b 21, South Wales 6 82, liollund 6,43, Protection 6,50, Arcade 7,05, York shire 7,15, Maohias 7,25, Franklinville 7,' 42, lschua 8,03, Hinsdale 8,25, Olean 8,40, westons 8,00, rorlvilla o.be, State Line 9,04, Bldred 9,16, Larabees 9,23, SartweU 9,28, Turtle Point 9,83, arriving at Port Allegheny 9,45, P. M. TRAINS LEAVB EMPORIUM: 3,16, A. M. Local Passenger aud Freight (daily except Sundays) stopping at ehip- piug 3,bU, A. Al., Seating Summit 4.40 Liberty 6,00, Port Alleghany 6,49, Turtle Point C,25, Startwell636, Larabees 6 60 Eldred 7 12, State Lin 7 60, Portville 8- 11, Westons 8 80, Olean 9 11, Hinsdale 9 88, Isohua 10 05, Frankliville 10 40, Machias 11 13, Yorkshire 11 80, Arcade 11 45, Protection 1'i 16, P, M., Holland U 81 South W ales 12 61, Bast Aurora 1 25, JaiuiBon 1 40, Blma 1 60, Cpringbrook 2 OO, tbenexer 2 20, arriving in Buttalo at 6 50 p ui. .00 9. xn.. Ki&eara Express (dally except Suudaj ), bioppiug al buippen 6 13 p ui, Keating Summit 6 82, Liberty 6 40, Port Allegany 7 OO, SartweU 7 18, Larabees 7 24 Eldred 7 32, State Line 7 4o, portville 7 63 Webtons b OO, Olean 8 10, Frankl nv.Ue 9 02, Maohias 9 18. Arcade 9 85, Bast Au rora 10 15, Buffalo 11 OO P. M. This train uiaes direct connections for Niagara Balls, and points in Canada and and the west. TRAINS LEAVE PORT ALLEGHANY: 4,45 A. M., Accommodation (daily), slop ping at Turtle Point 4,69, SartweU 4,Ki, Larabees 6 10 Bldred 6 17 State Liue 6 82 Portville 6 41 Westons 6 49 Oleand 6 OO Hinsdale 6 14 lecuua 6 28 FranklinvUla 6 46 Muchias 7 03 Yorkshire 7 12 Arcade 7 19 Protection 7 84 Uoland 7 41 South wales 7 61 Bast Aurora 8 03 Jamisous 8 O'J Bliua 8 13 Springbrook 8 19 Ebeueisr 2 27 arriving in Buffalo at 8 60 A. M- SUNDAYS ONLY. Train leaves Buffalo for Arcade at 10 00 a m stopping at all. stations arriving at ArCade 11 45 a m. Returning leaves Ar cade 5 64 pm, arriving in Buffalo at 860 p m. J. D. TEOMANS, H. L. LYMAN. Gen'l Sup't. Oen'l Pass'r Ag't An Englishman has just bought at Bordeaux, for 1,800 jLrancs, three bot tles of Medoe wine, ot' the year 1793 tli'O a bottle.