3 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1874. Car Time at Mltdgicay. ERIE Mft.lL East. 4:4.ri p. m do do West 2:8!) . m NIAGARA EXPRESS West 8:05 a. m do do East 10:04 p. m elk Lodge, a. y. m. The stated meetings of Elk Lolge, . No. 879, are held at their hnll, corner of Main and Depot Btreets, on the Second and fourth Tuesdays of each month' W. C. JIEALY, Seo'y. Rates of Advertising. One column, one year .$75 00 40 00 25 00 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. NOTES. Subscribe for the Advocate. Court convenes here next week. The pleasant weather still continues. Pike county had seven candidates for sheriff six of whom are disappointed. This morning we have a slight fall of snow. Deer seem to be very plenty this season. John Cobb, and his son 7. I) . Cobb, are at present iu town on a visit. We publish the offioial vote of Elk County in another column. The State has gone Democratic by frjui three to five thousand majority. Warren has several cases of dip thcria. Grapes are selling here at seven cents a pound. J. W. Phelps is elected to the As sembly from Cameron county by 32 mnjority. Geo. A. Jen its, is elected to Con. St ress, over Hairy Whie, in the Indiana district, by 519 mnjority. Persons attending court next week will please remember to bring an extra dollur or two for the printer. A Fair for the benefit of the catholic church will be held at Rhine's hall next week. The time table of the P. t- E. R. R. will be changed on the 15th of this month. L. A. Macicey, is elected to Con gress, in this district, over Cyrus T. Alexander, by about 3,000 majority. E. G. EfiHKRT, in the district com posed of Erie, Wavren, and Venango counties, defeats Curtis for Congress by eleven mnjority. The Kidgway militia meet every Saturday evening at the court ?uuse. Ths company is nearly ready for a complete orgctizatioo. W. C. HeaLT has again resumed the mercantile business at the West End ore, havias bought out Join 29 Pen. field. Rev. W. II. Filson Presbyterian of Jefferson County will preach in the Lutheran Church next Sunday Nov. 15th at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Little Cameron County did fiuely They had a hot fight and the Republi tans elected their Assemblyman and Treasurer. The judges for this congressional district, met in Bellefoote last Tuesday, Erasmus Morey was the judge from this county. James Sneeringer a merchant ot St. Mary's this county, died suddenly at his residence yesterday morning of aioplexy. Deceased vas a man about 8ix y jcurs of ago. We have received the November 1 -I n.i-- If I .1 i r. numuer ui ireier s musical mommy, it 8 unusually full cf choice new pieces. Send 80 cents for a specimen copy to J. L. Peter's, 599 Broadway, N.Y. Last Thursday 0. B. Fitch had a warrent issued for Jacob Quiggle, Wil liam Hartfield, Thos. Slyholf, William Scape, H. Beals S. Merritt and W. J Wilson, on the charge of stealing a deer off a tree in the woods which he had killed. In the afternoon they all ap peared before Justice Cummings for trial. After hearing the testimony the justice dicharged, II. Beals, S. Merritt( and W. J. Wilson, but held the bal lance of the party in $200, bail, each to appear at the next term of court. Pennsylvania colleges are twenty four in number, representing ten re ligious denominations, of which five are Catholic, four Reformed, three Presby terian two Episcopal, two Lutheran, two Methodist, two Friends, one Baptist, one United Biethern, and one Cumber land Presbyterian, besides the medical and Sientifio schools. They are located at Andalusia, Allentown, Annville, iiryo Mawr, Carlisle, Easton, Frecland, Get tysburgh, Lancaster, Lewisburg Loretta, Lower Oxford, Meadville, Merocrsburg, Mvcrstown, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Botllehem, Swathmore, Washington, Waynefcburg, Havcrford and Westmore land. Isaac Horton and the Advocate. In the Advocate issued week be fore election, wo took occasion, in an artiolo labeled "A Lie Nailed" to say that, wo heard that stories were circu lated, in the interest of Mr. Ilorton, to the effect that Mr. Wensel was a de serter eto. At the time of the publi cation of the above mentioned article, we believed the story to be true, and only published it because we thought so. Since then wo have been convinced that the story was circulated to injure Mr. Ilorton by some one in the inter est of sonie'one else, not Mr. Wensel, however, and that Mr. Ilorton nor his friends for him had no hand in the matter. We make this statement in justice to Mr. Ilorton, and not to se cure his favor, as ho has already stopped his subscription to the Advocate, which he had a perfect right to do. We might add if we hare ii.cunel the displeatrre of any one through our support of Mr. Wensel, we are sorry for it, although under the same circumstan ces we should "do as we have done." A strange potato was found at Nunda recently, which the Dausville Advertiser describes as follows: '"It was dug in that town, weighed about three pounds and contained within itself a very singu lar thing. A ttemliko something pro truding from one end was seen to move as if it had life. The potato was cut open, and the stem was found to be the tail of a something inside which seemed to be half potato and half animal. It was about as la.'go xa a mouse, of a brown colo, was shaped liki a potato, with indentions like potato eyes, and yof seemed to ba composed of animal flesh and had lite and motion! No one had seen anythit.g at all resembling it. It was t.i be taken to Rochester and shown to scientists. Eidsway Graded School. The General average of the students in the high school department, for the month ending Nov. 5th 1S74, sre us follows, 100 signifying perfect and 50 very poor, "A" Grado Arthur Little 100 Lelu L. l'auiy 100 Willie Geary 100 Otis Keltz DG Katie Callahan 08 Fannie Bowers 91 Louis Ely ...97 Jeunie Grcsh 9" Florence Osterhout 97 ICattic Gresh 97 Alton Cii.ioiu 97 Charles 0!uisU:a"d""JlV"-V."-""IiCU "B" Grado John Walker Charles Earley Bennie Bill Arthur Ilorton Thomas Ma'onc Patrick McQuone James Cunningham Michael Meenaii Dennis llealy iUioda Wilcox Clara Brooks Helen Little 97 99 'm 95 "97 99 "98 "99 "Sli "97 9V U9.-1 93 Julia Fly nn . Sadie Culhbert '.!9,5 May M: Litt'o 99.5 Bessie Stelo 98 Dosia Rhines 08 Lime vicks""ii"r"rrr""j Laura Warner 99,5 Rena Powell Minuio Service 99 99 9C. "95 97 Albeit Fitch Thomas Gillouiy Fetter Aleenan C" Grade Nellie Schram 98 "97 98 "97 91 Annie McCloskey Ida Oliustead Lizzie Walker Jeunie Holland Fillsworth Powers 9fj..r Oscar Gardner 9i Eddie Lutter 97 Ro'f Wiluiaitb"rr 99,5 Thomas King 99.o Joseph Jack80U 9!) Charles Meenau J Lewis Lesser 98,5 Willie Neill 94 Orin Head .99.5 Fred Fitch 97 Ella Lcary 98 Jack Barrett 90 Casper Kimo " 90. 5 Clyde Kime " 9S Fred Kly "J da Sherman s Albert Cnates 95 Lorcnda Warner 90 Tillio Cunningham 97 Linma Olmstcad UO William Holland" 94 John Khean 95 The scholars this month have been uuusually regular and prompt in their attendance for which regularity and promptness the teachers arc grateful to both parents and pupils. Seventy-two stuUeDts have attended toe primary department, fifty-seven the intermediate and sixty-Eoven the high school, making a total attendance of one hundred and ninety-siz. The nest monthly examination will le held Friday afternoon thi 13th bst. among the several subjects for examina tion will be Geology, Philosophy of the human ear, Geometry 3d Book, and Algebra. J. 0. W. Bailey Esq hag kindly consented to conduet the exam ination. " Hespectfully submitted, Geo. R. Dixon Principal I. -7. S!sS' 2 p- t i 3 0 i 8 ! i c u u n a O! o oo t; ; JL I O " " I W OJ W ' H W or o cn Sis w li us e ci cn j ic oi m c; c 6 od c: ft c. eo oi lac-. ei o en ! 00 to C5 MMgCBO jc m . ci os ta o c u Ci lv M C C ff. S ( to I Ci OS ri. to CO -1 i" O x' 00 ! I I X -X CS 1 Ct J T to CS C 10 X lO IS 10 C'S OS K io o ce o " is Ci if i -i ci o x : i C-. -l o ci : h- c-i 4. it Cn 3C i- Cn ; -i li n c -i y. ti en x : c-. li -I Ci -l-IXS. tC .1 i-t IC t1 J (X C". C tO -J IC li OS X) . For the Apvocatb. Sanshiro. WEI.COMR Oil 8UNSHTNB ! Come in the Spring; with tliy golden wing Iii usU from the earth its coyer of misw, Fan thou the embers of li.e to a glow, Itriug back the birds to carol and sing; Welcome, 0 Sunshine, we'eome in ppring. Come in the Summer; with thy pallet and brush IMint U4 the mountains in their azure mist, Paint in a clou I which tho-i thAst kissed. Spread o'er Die sky its owning Wu3h, And tinge it at nio'n with a ruddy flush, Fltl'lTl'lTf. SUNSHINE? Linger iu Summer with riponing my; Ilrooi or.) the crops of uplmul and plain, Ciivu ti the firmer hi ripuued gr.-iiu, Give to the ox his well earned hay, Bula tlicu the cafth with thy loving sway. OOLlJFN erxstll.NF.l JoKe in iho Autumn with thy golden rod, Turn with itj tonsil turn (lie coin yellow, Turn with its touch, turn the lVuit mellow, S'-ntter the browu le.ives ou the sod, Piijion the clover in its liny pod. MKUKV Sl'KSHISK Stny Hi rough tlio Winter, keep u.1 in cheer, Lauh at the snow, l.itiyhjat iho frost, Tm u t!ie:n to Oiamouda, bought without coal. Loose from their prisoa the river and mere, Aud melt with thy pity t!i frozen tear, iiklpi ul sunsuink! Give us the aid of thy subtle ski 1. tiiaid us the oak, build us the pine, Mingle the sun for the fruitful vine; luicea t hut nourish, juices thai kilt 1'rebh fjoui tny wondrous retorts distil. FAlTHl'L 6UNSIUXK; Hring to UR, back from tlio greedy sea Water to ci.nsten the earth wiMi rniu, W ntcr to fill the river agnir.. lii'in it iu dews for tiie thirsty tree, Uriiiii it m clouds abundant and lieo. UKALI.NO SlNSirNK' Vis't ilio ssek, visit tlio sad; ;U thy fciuile tin ough window or door, Al thy Mop on the clmmljer Hour, lieitrts that are weary grow merry aud it ml And think of the sunshine of life they have ha I. liidgwny, Nov. rili ln;t D JKAi II 1'itO.M I' AI.I.l.NU D'JWN Staiu.. Wc uicntioiied in lait week s issue, the ueatli or iWiciiuot Jvcurcioy, from falling down s'airs, whilo under the influence of liquor. His death oecurcd shortly after midnight ou Wed nesday, Au iuijucst was held upon his body by 'Siiuire Cummings, acting coroner, lhe jury wis composeu ot Geo. Dickinson, 0. B. Pitch, J. B Ful- lerton, O. B. Grant, L. S. Garritt and T. J. Wheeler, the verdict of which was "that the said Kearney was in a state of iutjxicatioti and fell down the stairs at the boarding house cf Dickin son Bros., in llidway township; and further, that the injury produced by the fall was the cat.se oi his death. We would hereby express our feelings of censure against the person or persons who furn ished the liquor to produce the state ot intoxication he was iu." The body of deceased was sent to his friends at Great Valley, N. Y., Talmauk's Papeu. The Cnitis tian at Woiik (New York) ranks with the best of the religious weeklies. Dr Talmage is iU active editor, and his sermons are published exclusively in its columns. The terms, $3,25 per annum, cover everything, including postage and delivery of the new premium, a "Port folio of Twelve Gems," or a copy of Lanseee'b "Twins." Without the premium it is only 3 per annum,postage prepaid, as above. Agents will find this a success. ' Ol H sa o H doa 'r)suio mad 'oidtuex da -n9ity feral uiafl 'Psaiput0,rc I CO & o ID t pa o CO & C ) - to dag 'nosxoj 1 pnj ViaptroxaiY d9jj '.i)Sifo I CO uiafl 'siCjt o mad -pui "unog pni 'ao)ao maQ 'laspig d9H 'aoiej, dovi 'utiA.opi In rcjp.jnse to inquiries responsible business meu of Jlobilo reply as follows: "No alarm or authenticated ease of yel low fever hero. Strangers vi .'it this city without apprehensions." Kipoits from along tho line of the Pan Handle and Central Kailioad, West Virginia, state that the forests are on fire at various poiuts from Wheeling City to Parkeisbur. and also along the line of the river. A dense smoke over hangs that fcetiun of couutry. Dispatches from Eortress Monroe Fay that not a dr j) of rain has fallen in the lower peninsular counties lor over a month, and vegetation is suffering in consequence. A laiue fire is raging iu the great Dismal Swamp and the 8tiioke is so dense that at nifiht the light at Old Point cannot be seen at a distance ot a milo, nud the tog-bell has to be kept fcoing. ALM AGE'S PAPEE TIIE CHRISTIAN AT WO UK. "The Ecst Keligiou Taper." A ClIOleR CF TWO Beautiful PREMIUMS. An Illuminated Portfolio of Twelve Geres by Ileodschel, each MxlH in., or the su perb Chromo, ''The" Twins," 21x-.'S in., niter Lftndsecr. Price $''.2i, including poalgoge. No Extras cf any kind. Without i'remiuru, $! per annum. ATTENTION, AGENTS ! Liberal commissions and exclusive terri tory. Samples and circulars free. Send l poUl card at once to UOKATIO U. KrNG , l'ublistier, Box 51U5, New York. Beminoxon Sf.wi.ng Machines Finn Arms, and Agbicutvbal Im plements. J.he Kemington tewing Machine has sprung rapidly into favor as possessing the best combination of good jualities namely, light ruuuing smooth noiseless ratiid and durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides. The Kemington Sewing Machine has eceived premiums at many Fiurs. throughout the United States, and with. out effort took the Grand Medal of Pro gress, the highest older cf medal that was awarded at the late Vienua hxposi position. The Remington Works also niatu- facture tho new .Double Barrelled Breech Loading Shot guu suap nd positive action, with patent joint check, a marvel .of beauty, Cni-h and cheapness, and the celebrated Hera ington Rifles adopted by nine different governments, aud renowned throughout the world for military, hunting aud tarcet purposes all kinds of Pistols, Rifles, Canes, Metalio Catridges, do. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Road Scrapers, Patent Excuvators, Hav Tedders. Cottou Cuds, Iron Bridges, &o. The undersigned has beeo appointed agent for the eale and introduction of the Remington Sewiug Machine in and for the counties ol Elk, Cleaifield and Warren. TIIOS, J. BURKE, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa P. S. A good local agent wanted. u,,-i,j-v-wT-tycKt.T A man named John Ileum wun mur dered about threo miles below Muucy, Lycoming county, last Sunday morning by a bully named Bamcy McUuo. The murdered man, it appears from the pub lished statement, kept company with a girl living at the Susquehanna House and upon returning home on Sunday morniug MoCue asked him where he had been and upbraided him for being out so late on hour. Dcatcr replied that it was none of his business. A fra cas ensued, during which McCue shot Deatcr, killing him almost instantly The murderer has been' arrested, Re nova Record. QUOTATIONS Of White. Powell & Co. ISANKEKS AND liKUIvLllS, No. 42 tr'outh Third Street. Philadelphia, November 10th, 1874, BID. ASKK.l) VJ S. 1881. o ...... ........ l!i. 10J do 5 '20, o '02, M and N do do '()4 do ... do do 'tio do .... do do 'lif) J and J., do do '07 do .... do do '08 do .... lit Jig l: 14 14 15 m ii 12 ns ill 18 do 1U-40, coupon 12i do Pacific IV s cy 18 New 5's Keg. 1881 UJ do c. 1881 11 Oold llOJ ling Silver. .105 J 107 Pennsylvania Uendinz....' 623 uo 1GJ 48j Gl OH 111 J 48j. 00 i Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation do aUev United B R of N J Ex. iJiv 2't 128J 3iJ 82 41 i 42 C4J 63 9UJ 100 Oil Creek Northern Central Central Transportation. r.esqucliouing 4c A Mortgage O's '8'J . LIST CF JUX13B3. uniwn lor November term 18i4, com mencing Monday November 10th. ORAM). Henezette John 15 Lewis, Harrison Overt urf, licnziiiger, Evans Shade, John liryndle Jr. Joseph IJlessel Jr. I''ox l'ein.ird Caniivan, Willis Kyler, Reuben S. Gross, Samuel Brown, Patrick Fahen, John llershey. Highland. Levi Ellitbrop. Jay James Trumblc, Geo. L. Thurston. Jones. George lircchtel Jr., Franklin Miller. ltidgwny. Samuel Wilson. St. Marys lioro. John Gerben, George Leben, Jacob Tresch, Thomas Keck, John Dutsch. Spring Creek. Iteubcn Mohney, John Humliiou, TRAVKr.SE. Henezette. Byron Hewitt. Lewis Lewis John Ilarr. l!enzlllger Adnm Geyer. George .Stan- fer, John Kreekel, William Knecht, Jacob Cunale. Fox. J. E. Graham, Peter Bonzart Thomas Sullivan, James Cuneo, Henry Lurgay, Clinton 15undy,Jas R. Green C. R. Keltz. Highlaul. Walter Smith. J ward Lair. Horlou Jesse Piatt. Jay. Martin Evans Jones. John Pistner Ferdinand Wank, George Powell. Truman G.irlick, Miliestouoi Geo. W Smith, S. M. Moore Kidgwny. li. 1. liobinson, Henry Libel, 0. S. Davis, V. S. Wheeler James Uorion, St. Mary's liuro. .iaitiu Huber, Henry Sieger, John Hclger, Francis J. Keller, Geoigo Smith, George ltuhoff, Anton Scliaver. Spring Creek. William Moore, Newman Cinbliee. SUB 111 FFS SALE-' irtue of a writ ol ', jh-ri actus, is JJsue sued out of the Court ot L'ouiaum Pleas of Elk County, aud to mo di rected, I will expose to public sale, ut public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway, Pa., on. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1GTFI, '74 At one o'clock P. M., the following real estate, to wit: All the right, title, interest, claim and dcunud whatsoever ot defendant in suid writ named of, in, to or out of all the following described tracts, pieces or parcels of land being iu Jones township, Elk County. Pa., as follows: Warrant No. 2564 23 i acres. Warrant No. 2504, 232 acres. Warrant No. 2527. 101 l-o acres. Warrant 2651, 85!)f acres. Warrant No 2551, 527 acres. Warrant No. 2581, 490 uorts. Warrant No 2010, 181 acres. Warraut No. 2701, ii'JTi acres. Warrant No. i214, 707 J acres. Warraut No. i221,704 7-10 acres. Warrant No. i'222, 1053 acres. Warrant No. 3224, 457 acres. Warrant No 3200, 734 acres. Warrant No. 3201, 200 acres. Warrant No. 3203, 183 acres. Warrant No. 3205, 202 acres. Warrant No, 3200, 12PJ acres. Warraut No 3143, 121 acres. Warrant No 3200, 80 acres. Seized, taken in execution aud to be sold as the property of The M'Kcan and Elk Land aud Improvement Company at the suit of Hubert Patterson and William Hacker. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. ) Ridgway, Pa., Oct. 23 '74. j cct29-3t By virtue of sundry writs of vendi tioni exponas, issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas of Elk County, nnd to me airecled, I expose to publio 6ale, at public vendue or outcry, at the Lourt House, iu Ridgway ra., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER KITH, '74 At one o'clock r. M., the following real estate, to wit: All the right, title ln- terert st, claim aad demand whatsoever of dofendant in said writ named, of, in, to or out ot all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land known and designated on the general map ol fJK couuty as the western part ot warrant or tract No. 2775. containing four huudred and eevcLty-one (4711 ucre3 more or less situate in the township ol Millstone, iu said e.mnty of Elk and State of Peum sylvania, and bciug the tame land con veyed to Geo D. Messenger by Wi'liam Kiticman, guardian of Emma L. King man and llelleo L. Kingman, by deed dated August 8, 18 2. , Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property ot ueo. v Messenger as the suit of W. L. King niau, L. W. Kingman ana oteiia J1 Kiiiiiman. D. C. OYSTER, sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ) Ridjiwav. Pa., Oct. 23 '74. f oct.29-3t By virtue of a writ of fieri faeias, is sued out of the Court of Common l'leus of Elk County, aud tu me directed, 1 will expose to public sale, at publio ven buo or outcry, at, the Court House, in llidgway, Pa., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1GTI1, 74, At one o'clock V. M., the following real estate, to wit: All the right, title, inter est claim or demand whatsoever, of N. M. llrockway iu, to, or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of laud situate in the tonwsliip ot Ilorton, county of Elk and State of Pennsyl vania, hounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post in the south lino oftraot No. 4400, and thirty three (33) rods east from the southwest corner of said tract; theuce north sixty four aud one-half (54J) degrees east thirty-three (33) rods to a post; thence south seventy and onehalf (70j) degrees east lorty-two (42) rods more or less to a post iu the south line ol stud tract No. 4400, and thence by said war rant liuo sixty-nine (GO) rods more or less to tho place of beginuing, contain ing three (3) acres, be the same more or less, being a part ol division third of warrant 4400, and being a part of the same lands conveyed to llauiel Kings bury by Daniel li. Griggs aud others, trustees ot the Uuilcd States Laud Com pany, dy deed dated November 23 A. D. 18.)0, and recorded iu the Recorder's office in Biid tor said county of Klk, in Deed Book '-0," page 308, &c, on which is erected a frame dwelling house 18x27 lect, 2 stories; also, oflice and carpenter shop 10x30 feet, and a well of water, &c. Also. Another tract or parcel of land situate in Ilorton township, Elk county and Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded arid describe as follows: Btgiu uiug at a hemlock at the southeast cor. ner ot division third of warrant No 4400; thence north forty-three (43) rods more or less to a post in the road leading from Ridgway to Brookville; thence by the road south thirty-eight tv38 degrees west fiity-two 52J rodt more or less to a post iu tho south line of warrant No. 440(1; thence east on said warrant line thirty-lour 34 rods more or less to the place of beginning, containing four and one-half 4i acres more or less, being part ot division third of warrant 4400, conveyed to Daniel Kingsbury by David II. Griggs and others, trustees, &o., by deed da ted November 23d, 1850, recorded in the Recorder's office, in Elk county, in Deed Book "C." page 217, &1. Seized, taken iu execution and to be cold as the property of N. M. Brockway at the tuitot Mary J. Bcmao. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Slu rill's Office, ) Ridgway, Pa., Oct, 23, '74 f oet-29 3t SUES: Mil1 SjSLE. By virtue of a writ ot fieri facias, is sued out of the Court ot Common P!eas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale, ut public ven- duo or outcry, at the Court House, in Uidjiway, on ION DAY, NOV EM BEU 10T1I, '74, Atone o'clock p. M , the following real e.tKie, to wit: AU tho right, title, iu- tcrest. claim and demand whatsoever of defendant in said writ named ot, in, to or out of nil that eeriaiti tract, piece or parcel of laud being and lying in the township of Ilorton. county of Elk and State oi I'eiinsylvauia, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post at the southwest coiner ot land of Georgo Nulf; thence by laud ot said Null east one hundred and thirty-four 134 rods to a post: thence south partly by land ot John IS ult tifty-ninc and seven-tenths .iU i-luj rods to post aud stones: thence west ouo huudred and thirty-four 134 rods to a maple; thenee north by land of U lliium Bennett fifty-nine and seven- tetitlis 59 7-10) rods to the pface of be ginning, containing fifty 50 acres more or let-s, it ticiiig part ot tract rio. 43 10 and being the same lot of land conveyed to John Riuehuls by Sampson Short and wile by deed dated tho 11th day ot March, A. D. 18G7, which is recorded in the Recorder's office in and for the county ot Elk, in Deed Book "M," page 204 on the lUtli day ot fceptetubcr, A D. 1S07, and conveyed by John Riuehuls and wife to Jesse C. Piatt by deed dated the hrst day of July, A. D 1807, recorded, &c , all the minerals and pi tie Umber in said tract of land be iusr reserved, there being about eighteen 18 acres cleared and unproved, Ir-iino huuse erected thereon 10x24 feet ouc aud a hall stories high, aud barn 10x24 feet, and a good spring of water Seized, taken in exeeurion and to be sold as the property of Jesse C. Piatt as the suit ot C lark A. Wilcox. 1). C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Ridgway Pa., Oct, 29, '74, j oct29-3t tiUEitirr sile. Bv virtue of a writ oi fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, aud to me directed, 1 will expose to public sale, at publio vendue or outcry, in the Court House, in Ridg way, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1GTII, '74 At oue o'clock p. M., the following real estate to wit: All the right, title, in terest claim and demand whatsoever ol defendant in said writ named of, in, to or out of all these two town lots situate iu the village of Ridgway, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, being lots No. 14 and 10 according to the plan and map of Souther's addition to Ridgway, bounded and described as lol lows On the bouth by lot no 16; east by Sherman street; north by lot No. 13 west by lots JNos. 8 and 'J, eacu Deing 05 feet front aud 130 feet deep, and containing together 16,900 square feet, ou which is erected a frame dwelling house 16x24 feet aud two stories high; also, another email house partly finished, intended as a tenant house. Seized, taken 10 execution and' to bo sold as the property of A. G. Cuthbert at the suit of J. S. and W. II. Hyde. D. 1. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff s Offioe, 1 Ridgway, Pa., Oct. 23. '74 f oct29-3t IaAIIKOAlo. PENNSYLVANIA lUlii uUAD Philadelphia & Erin It. It. Ihvisiou. SUMMER TIMK TAULK. O N andnfter SUNUA V, .! UN U 2, 18 I -2 1874, 4 lie trains on the 1 l.ii.i Icii.inn t. Lna Railroad will run as l.., ,'. s: wii.n wai.ti. Niagara Ex, leaves Philadelphia... T.L'On. m ' " Renuv j -l.'.iii ,i iu " " arr. at Empoiium.. i. .; ji 1,1 " " ' St. Jl.ii j a i.'iijiiu " ' " Ridgway H i ). tii " 11 nrr. at Kane '.... i m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 00 p u " " " Renovo ll.lj a la " " " Emporium 1.16 p tu " St. Mary's 2.10 p in " Ridgwuy 2.!):1 p m " arrive at Erie 8.00 p m EASTWARD. NIAGARA EX. leaves Kane... 0.00 p m " .' Ridgwuy ...10.04 a m " " " Eiiijioriuiii..ll.Ho a m " " " Renovo 4.00 p la " " arr. at L hiladclhhitt 2.50 a ru ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " " " Ridgway 4.40 pm " " St. Mary' 6.0'J p m " " " Euiporiuui 0.10 p ru " " " Renovo O.iiO p iu " " arr. nt Philadephiu... 0.40 a ni Mail East connects cust and west at Erie with L 8 M S R W una al Curry and lr vinetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny K R W. Mail West with cast nnd w est trains on S & M S R W and at Irvinetou with OilCicek.and Allegheny R R W. VM. A. BALDWIN. Uen'l Sun't. A. V. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. LOW-GRADE DIVISION. On andnfter MONDAY, JULY 0, 1874, trains between Redbuuk and Driftwood will nn as follows; WESTWARD. EXPRESS nnd MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at 12:.'!0 p m, Reynoldsvilie at :'M pin, Istookville ut 4:20 p in, arriving ut lledbanU at 0:W p m, connecting wilu Lxpress ou Main Line for Pittsburgh. All ALU WAl leaves lieynolsvilla tlaily at G;43 a ni, Eiookvilie at 7:25 a ni, arriv ing at Redbauk al 11:00 a in, connecting wnu trams north ami south on Main Line. EASTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Eedbank daily ul 10:10 a in, urrives at Brookville at htfU p m, Reyuoldsvills at 12:B7 p m, Dnlt wood at, o:20 u iu, connecting with trains east and west on P and E Railroad. MIXED WA leaves Redbauk daily at 12:40 u in, arrived ut "liroukville at 0:20 p ni, Reynoldsvilie at 0:40 p ni. MAIN LINE On and after MONDAY, JULY 0, 1874, trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows: RUEb'ALO EXPRESS will leave, Pitts burgh daily at 7:00 am, Redbank Juuction at 10:00 a in, aud arrive at Oil City at 1;S5 p m. I'lTTSRURfjIl EXPRESS will leave Uil City al 2:20 p m, Redbauk Junction at 0::i. m, and arrive at ritlsnurgu at 10: uu p ni. TiTL'SVILLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts burgh al 1:00 p ni, lieUbank Juuction ul 4;1G put, aud arrives al Oil City at o:Jo p in. Heturning, icuvts uncny ai&:u u ui, Redbauk Junction at 12:055 am, and ar rives ut Pittsburgh ut o;:J0 p m. J. J. LAYiRhXCJS, General Superintendent. ft'st. M. 1'iiili.ii's, Ass'i Sunt., Brookville, l a. Summer Arrangement. BUFFALO, SEW VOUK & PlllL'A. R. II. 'XllE SHOlUkb'l' AMJ MOST DIUI.CT HOl'TB To Williamsport, Sunbury, llairisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, ash ingtou tind the South. On and alter JUNE 2'J, 1874, and until further notice, trains will leave But' lalo from the Bud'ulo, New lork &; Phila delphiu Railway Depot, corner Exchuugo dud Louisiana streets us lollows: 6.20 A II FhiladebMa Express (daily except Sundays, slopping at x.usi Aurora 7 Oo, Arcade Maohiu B 00, I rauklin- ville 8 22, Olean 'J 11, Westons U 20, Port ville 0 28, State Line 0 30, Eldred 0 40, Luiubees 0 00, Sarswell 10 00, Port Alle gany 10 10, Liberty 10 i30, Renting Suun mil 10 41, Shippeu 11 02, Emporium 11 10 A.M., Renovo lUa r- Al., V lllianitpoi t 0 KO, Sunbury S BO, llarrisburg 10 00 P. M., PmlauelpUia 2s0 A M., Daluuiore - iO A M., Vr ushiugtott 0 20 A M. .50 a m Mixed Train to 1. AUcea'y (daily excel pbuuUuys). stopping ulLbeueiur 0 2i, Spnngbrook u 4t, LlmaU oj, Jamison lloaU 10 04, List Aurora 10 10, South Wales 10 40, Holland ll, Protection 11 10, Arcade 11 40. Yorkshire 12 00, Muchius 12 Uii, Frauk linviile, 1 20 lschua 2 00, lliasdale 2 40, Oleuu a 10, Westons B 40, Portville 4 04, State Lino 4 21, Eldred 40 0, Lurubces 0 10, Sartwell 0 21, Turtle Point 6 31, Port Allegheny 0 00 p m- 5 30 ?. At. Port Allegheny Acccznmolation (daily ), btoppiug ui LueuLzer it 00, Sprmg brooK 0 00, Lima o 10, Jamisons 0 10, East Aurora b 21, South Wales U 32, Holland 0,43, Protection 0,50, Arcade 7,00, i'ork shire 7,10, Machias 7,20, I'rankliuville 7,' 42, lschua 8,03, Hinsdale 8,20, Olcuu B.40, Westons 8,00, Portville 8,00, btato Lino 0,04, Eldred U,10, Lurabees 0,23, Sartwell 0,2b, Turtle Poinl 0,33, urriviug at Port Allegheny 0,40, P. M. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 3,16, A. M. Local Passenger and Freight (daily except uudays) stopping at ship ping 3,00, A. M., i.' eating oumuiit 4.4o Liberty 0,00, Port Alleghany 6,40, Turtlo Point 0,20, Sturtwell 030, Larubeeg ti 00 Eldred 7 12, State Line 7 00, Portville 8 11, Westons 6 30, Olean 0 11, Hinsdale 0 38, lsohua 10 00, Frauklivillo 10 40, Muchius 11 13, Yorkshire 11 30, Areude 11 40, Protection i2 10, P, M., Holland 1131 South Wales 12 61, Eust Aurora 1 20, Juimson 1 40, Eluia 1 60, Springbrook 2 00, Ebenezcr 2 20, urriving in Lkuulo ut o uO p ui. 6.00 p. m.. Niagara EstrcBS (dally except SuuUuys), blopplug ul buippeu 0 13 p hi, Reating buiumii U .12, Liberty 0 40, Poi I Allegany 7 00, Sartwell 7 lti, Lurubees 7 21 Eldred i 32, Stale Line 7 40, Ponviiid 7 0.! Westons 8 00, Oleuu 8 10. Fiunklinvillo 0 02, M no bias 0 18, Arcade 9 30, East Au rora 10 10, llurlulo 11 00 P. M. This train inures direct connections for Niagara Lulls, und points iu Ounudu and and the west. TRAINS LEAVE PORT ALL!: GUAM': 4,45 A. M,, Accommodation (daily), stop ping at Turtle Point 4,00, Sartwoa 4,-.j, Lurubees 5 10 Eldred 6 17 State Li jo 0 32 Portville 5 41 Westons 6 U) Olc.uid 0 00 Hinsdale 0 14 lsohua 0 28 FiauiUin vitln U 40 Mschius 7 03 Yorkshire 7 12 Aicuua 7 10 Protection 7 31 Huluud 7 41 South wales 7 61 East Aurora 8 03 Jumisuus 8 Oj Eluia 8 13 Springbrook 8 10 Ebeueztr 2 27 arriving in liutlalo ut 8 00 A. M. BUNDAYS ONLY. Train leaves Iiun'ulo lor Arcade at 10 00 a ni stopping at all stations arriving at Arcade 11 45 a m. Returning leaves Ar cade 0 04 p m, arriving iu Buffalo al 8 50 p m. J. I). YEOMANS, II. L. LYMAN. Gen'l Sup't. tJca'l i ass'i Ag't, Three parties, two men and oue woman, have been arrested on suspioiuu of robbing the old man Luther liryunt ol 8100,000 three weeks ago.