II -I I V IlEiNiiy A. Parsons, Jr. - Editor THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1874. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Supreme .Judge, HON. E. M. PAXSOX, Philadelphia. Lieutenant-Governor, HON. A. 0. OLMSTED, of Potter. Auditor General, GEN. HARRISON ALLEN, Warren Secretary ot Internal Affairs, COL. R. Ii. DEATH, of Schuylkill. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, COL. A. I. WILCOX, (Subject to Dislriot Conference.) For Assembly, D. C. OYSTER, Ridgway For Sheriff, II. II. WENSEL, Ridgway. For Commissioner, W. II.OSTERHOUT, Ridgway For Auditor. J. J. TAYLOR, Fox. For Coroner, CIIAS. MCVEAN, St. Mary's. Tor Representative Who shall repieseat Elk county, in the nest Legislature' is a question, many men are asking themselves, and there are men, we have no doubt, who aro unable to decide who they desire shall be the person. Some Democrats ara faithful to party and party claims, aud will vote for Mr. Wimmer solly on the ground of party fealty, while we aro aware of this, at the same timo wo could name, were we so disposed, scores of Democrats, who con . sider Mr. Oyster the man for the place and will vote for him. The Democratic organs of the county wit'i a desperate effort are i allying their followers under the cry of United States Senator, and aro seeking to drown Mr. Wimmer's . railroad connection and at the same time draw the wool over the people's eyes as to the real issues this all. Now as to the Seuatorship business; what difference will it niaka to the peo plo of Elk county whether Buckalew, Wallace, Bigler or Scott, be elected United States Senator? None, whatever, cither of the above named gentlemen are competent, so far as we know, But in this canvass there are questions by the side of which, the Sunatorship busi ness sinks into insignificance. The rate of freights are to be adjusted, and this is a question that comes home to tho hcarth-stono of every man. The farmer, mcohanic, and laborer, are all interested in this question. And we abjure you to weigh well this matter, and east your vote without the prejudi ces of paity blinding your vision. Be free and throwing party shackles, and leading strings to the winds, vote for the interests of your county aud your firesides. Mr. Wimmer is the candidate of the Pennsylvania R. R. Company, and has a letter from them requsting that be be a cmdidate. We don't want thib man to misrepresent us. Wo want a candi date of the people not of Railroad Com panies. D. C. Oyster, o tho other hand is fresh from the people, and is so well known throughout Elk County that ccomiums from our pen must count as nought. He is a man ot the people and we firmly bclievo the people will elect him. A Lis Nailei A story has been circulated it) Jay aud Bcnesett townships as well as other parts of the oountyjin the interest, as we aro inlormed, from trust-worthy sources, of Isaac Horton, Iudcpendant candidate for sheriff, that Henry Wensel was a rebel soldier and that he deserted from the unioD army. Mr. Wensel, was born and reared iu Clarion county this State, and served in the union army and received a wound on his cheek for which he now draws a pension from the United States Govern ment, and he was honorably discharged. We hope the report that these stories have been circulating is untrue, but coming to our ears from no less than a doien different men we are forced to believe that they have been told to hurt Mr. Wensel. We leave the question to the honest consideration of candid men if a man who is oipable of circulating a story of this kind, is a fit man for sheriff. We say No and believe when the votes are counted they will say No. Quick Tkleobai-hisq. In the ordinary eourse of business two telegrams were rs cently sent from New York to London, and answers receive J to one in thirty and to the ' other in thirty.fiva minuets' actual time. Eaoh message was transmitted 8,001) miles and passed through the hands of eighteen persons. The message and reply' in each ease passed through tho bands of thirty-six persons, and traveled over 7, 000 miles in thirty to thirty-five minuteB. It it estimated that there are at present 000,000 canary birds in the Unites 8tates of which number 300,000 were exported last year. In addition to thess there are upwards of 100,000 other cage birds. To feed this army of feathered songsters 175, 000 bushels of seed, representing a value of $J,000,000 are annully required. SHERIFFS SAI.F. By virtue of a writ of fieri facins, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to mo di rected, I will expose to public sale, at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway, Pa., on. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1GTH, '74 At one o'clock P. M., the following real estate, to wit. All the right, title, interest, claim and demind whatsoever of defendant in said writ named of, in, to or out of all the following described tracts, pieoes or parcels of land being in Jones township, Elk County. Pa., as follows: Warrant No. 2504 23 1 acres. Warrant No. 2504, 232 acres. Warrant No. 2527, 1G1 1-8 acres. Warrant 2553, 859 acres. Warrant No 2551, 527 acres. Warrant No. 25(14, 400 acres. Warrant No 2010, 181 acres. Warrant No. 2791, il07J acres. Warrant No. 3214, 797 J acres. Warrant No. 8221, 794 7-10 acres. Warrant No. 3222, 1053 acres. Warrant No. 3224, 457 acres. Warrant No 3290, 734 acres. Warrant No. 3291, 206 acres. Warrant No. 3293, 183 acres. Warrant No. 3295, 292 acres. Warrant No. 3290, 129 acres. Warrant No 3143, 121 acres. Warrant No 3290, 80 acres. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of The M'Kean and Kik Laud and Improvement Company nt the suit of Robert Patterson and William Hacker. D. 0. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. ) Ridgway, Pa., Oct. 23 '74. oct29-3t By virtue of sundry writs of vendi tioni crponas, issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas of Elk County, nud to me directed, I expose to public sale, at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridaway Pa., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1GTII, '74 At one o'clock r. si., the following real estate, to wit: All the right, title in tcrerest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendant in said writ' named, of, in, to or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land known and desiguuted on the general map of Elk County as tho western part of warrant or tract No. 2775, containing four hundred aud seventy-one (471) acres more or less situate in tho township ol Millstone, iu said county of Elk and State of Penn sylvania, and being the same land con veyed to Geo D. Messenger by Wi'liam Kingman, guardian of Emma L. King man and llellcn L. Kingman, by dui'd dated August 8, 1872. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as tho property of Geo. D. Messenger as the cuit of W. L. King man, L. W. Kingmau and Stella M. Kinmnu. D. C. OYSTER, sheriff. Sheriff's Office. 1 Ridgway, Pa., Oct. 23 '74. oct.29-3t XUEtllFF S.ILE. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, 1 will expose to public sale, at public ven bue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10TI1, '74, At oue o'clock p. M., the following real estate, to wit: All the right, title, inter est claim or demand whatsoever, of N. M. Rrockway in, to, or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land 8ituato in the touwship of Horton, county of Elk aud State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit; Beginning at a post in the south line of tiact No. 4400, and thirty three (33) rods east from the southwest corner of said tract; thence north sixty four and one-half (54J) degrees cast thirty-three (33) rods to a post; thence south seventy and one-half (70J) degrees east forty-two (42) rods more or less to a post in the south line of said trace No. 4400, and thence by said war rant liuo sixty-nice (G9) rods more or less to the place of beginning, contain ing three (3) acres, be the same more or less, being a part ot division third of warrant 4400, and being a part of the same lands conveyed to Dauiel Kings bury by Daniel R. Griggs and others, trustees ot the United States Laud Com pany, dy deed dated November 23 A. D. 1850, and recorded in the Recorder's offico in and for said county of Elk, iu Deed Book "C," page 398, &o., on which is erected a frame dwelliug house 18x27 feet, 2 stories; also, office and carpenter shop lGxoG ieet, and a well of water, &c. Also. Another tract or parcel of land situate in Horton township, Elk county and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describe as follows: Begin ning at a hemlock at tho southeast cor ner ot division third of warrant No. 4400; thenco north forty-three (43) rods more or less to a post in the road leading from Ridgway to Brookville; thence by the road south thirty-eight (381 degrees west nity-two I oz I rodx more or less to a post iu the south line of warrant No. 4400; thence cast on said warrant line thirty-four 34 rods more or less to the place of beginning, containing four and one-half 41 acres more or less, being part ot division third of warrant 1400, conveyed to Daniel Kingsbury by David 11. Griggs and others, trustees.yco , by" deed da ted November 23d,-', ljB50, recorded in the Recorder's office, iu Elk county, in Deed Book 'U." page ZU, &i. . Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of N. M. Lroekway at the suitot Mary J. iseman. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Ridswav. Pa.. Oct, 23, 74 f oct-29 3t SUEJIIFF S.llE. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, issued out of Ibe Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale, at public vendue or outcry, iu the Cpurt House, in Hidg way, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1GTII, '74, At one o clock P. M., the following real estate to wit; All the right, title, in- forest claim and demand whn'soover ol defendant in said writ named of, in, to or out 61 all these two town lots situate in the villapo of Ridgway, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, being lots No. 14 and 15 according to the plan and mop of Souther's addition to Ridgway, bounded and described as fol lows On the touth by lot no 10; cast by Sherman street; north by lot No. 13 west by lots Nob. 8 and 9, each being 65 feet front and 130 foot deep, and containing together 10,900 square feet, on which is erected a frahio dwelling house 10x24 fect and two stories high; also, another small house partly finished, intended as a tenant house. Seized, taken in execution aud to lo sold as tho property of A. G. Cuthbert at the suit of J. S. and W. II. Hyde. I) D. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ") Ridgway, Pa., Oct. 23. '74 j oct29-8t SICE St IFF S A I. E. By virtue of a writ of fieri facia, is sued out of tho Court o' Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me direcltd, I will expose to public sale, nt public ven due or outcry, at tho Court House, in Ridgway, oh MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1GTII, '74, Atone o'clock p. M f tho following real estate, to wit; All tho right, title, in terest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendant in Raid writ named of, in, to or out ot all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land being and lying in the township of Horton. county of Elk and State ot Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post at the southwest corner ol land of George JN ulf ; thence by land ot said Nulf cast ouc hundred aud thirty-four 134 rods to a post; thence sou th partly by land ot John JNulI tilty-nint and seven-tenths 59 7-10 rods to a post and stones: thence west one hundred and thirty-four 134 reds to a maple; thence north by land ol William Bennett fifty-nine and seven- tenths 59 7-10) rods to the place of be ginning, containing fifty 50 acre3 more or less, it being part ol tract iNo. -1J10, and being the same lot of land convoyed to John Rinchuls by Sampson Short and wile by deed dated the 11th day of March, A. D. 18G7, which is recorded in the Recorder's office in and for the county of Elk, in Deed Book "M," page 294 on the 19th day ot September, A. D. 180 1, cud conveyed by John Rinchuls and wife to Jesse C. Piatt by deed dated tho Cist day of July, A. D. 18Ci, recorded, &c, all the minerals and pine timber in said tract of land be ing reserved, there beiug about eightec-u 18 acres cleared and improved, a traine house erected, tnererm Joxit tect, one and a half stories high, and barn 10x24 feet, and a good spiing ol water. Seized, taken iu esecunon and to be sold as the property of Jesse C. Piatt af file suit of Clark A. licox. . C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ) Ridgway Pa., Oct, 29, '74, J oct20-3t .VOTICF.. Notice is hereby civcu that M. M. Schuitz, A. I. Wilcox, John Eriihout, J. L. Brown, A. B. Preston, A. 1. Amneh, am. J. C. Mulone intend to m.'.ke application for the incorporation ot themselves, anil such otbers as slmll associate wiih them, under the corporate nunio uud style ot "Tho Wil cox Cemetery Association;" the object of said Corporation lo be the establishment an.; maintenance of a Cemetery at or near the village of Wilcox, in Eik County, Pennsyl vania. u:ilt3. ci vTioji: All persons are hereby cautioned not to buy ihe following desctibed property, uow iu the poiscssion of Jacob Quiggle, at lower Mill Creek mill, as the satuu be longs to '.tie: To horses nnd harness; one joke oxen; one ox yoke and wagon; one set bob-sleds, six chains; one cutting bos; one shingle machine; two shingle sr.vs and belts belongiug to machine; oue set blacksmith tools uid belli es, one slab ear; one circular st;w lor bunm mill; six cant hooks; tix tons of 1 -u) more or less. J. II. UACEKTY. n2 9t3. Rl.mington Sewing Machines Fire Arms, and AanicuLTUiiAt, Im plements. The Remington .Sewing Machine has sprung rapidly into luvor us possessing tho best combination of good qualities Duuiely, light runuing smooth noiseless rapid oud durable. It litis a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides. The Remington Sewing Machine has received premiums at many Fnhs, throughout tho United States, aud with, out effort took the Grand Medal of Pro gress, tho highest order of medal that was awarded at the lato Vienua Esposi position. Tho Remington Works also manu facture the new .Double Rarrelled Breech Loading Shot gun snap and positive action, with patent joint check, a marvel of beauty, fiuh-h aud cheapness, and the celebrated Rem ington Rifles adopted by nine different governments, and renowned throughout the world for military, hunting and target purposes all kinds of Pistols, Rifles, Canes, Metalio Catridges, tf c. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowiug Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Road Scrapers, Pateut Excavators, LTay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, &c. The undersigned has been appointed agent for the sale and introduction of the Remington Sewing Machine in and for the counties of Elk, Clearfield and Warren. TIIOS, J. BURKE, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good local agent wanted. Till. IL I 1ST. Following is tho list of causes set down for trial nt. November term 1874, commenc ing Monday, November 10. 1 The Spring Hun Coal Company vs. Thomas Tonicr, No. 10, of January term, 18li. 11 Oeo. I) Mpsspncror el fit. vr. .Tnnin. Geo. ct al., Jo. 41 of April term, lNlitt. 1J John Tudor vs Hiram Woodward ct al., No 6, of Ai'Riist term, 1870. H r.. iu. Mason et. ai. vs. uenry ftoutlier et hi., No l'Jof January term, 1871. a James Curry vs. E. & C. Paine, No 88, of Apri term, 1872. 3 Mnriin Sorg vs Nicliolns Kronenwetler el al., No 48, of April term, 1872. 4 The t-eliool District of Fox vs. John Myers et al., No 31 of Janunry lerm 187;. 6 Anthony Wise vs J. A. Hank, No 41 ot August, term 1873. 0 The Clarion River Navigation Co, vs Ilirnin Cnrmnn No ti'J of August term, 1873. 7 J. C. Soldcn vs Administrators of Charles Sheldrake, No 20 of November term 1873. 8 B. F. Lawrence vs C. F. Ely, No 40 0t November term 1873. It Ualpli Johnson ct al vs Miles Dent, No 40 of Juuunry term 1871. 10 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania use of J. A. llaak vs A. Kaul, No 57 of Jan. term 1874. 11 Charles Willing ct al vs Thomas Irwin ct nl No "rl nf.liiimurv term 1STJ 12 P W Hays vs Elias Moycr, No 74 of Jnminry term 1874. 1-J Alderier & l're9ton vs The Buffalo iuik imu nmaucipnia ruuiwny lo., Ne 43 of August term 1874. 13 Phillip W.IInys vs Elins Moycr, No 13 of April term 1874- 14 J. L. Ll!is vs, Sunbury Fire Insur nnee Company. No 21 of Apvil terra 1874. 1-J J. L. l-.tlia VS. rlllB Colllfnliia lnsnr. nucc Co, of Lancaster Pa. No 22 of Apvil icrin iPi-i. It Harmon & Coou vs II. W. May No It of April term 1874. 17 John Van lii abant n L. L. Pulzel et nl So 30 of August term 1871. 18 Jaiiii-s Bluets vs Tho lieiuinger Coal and Iron Co. Ni 47 of Aiicnst Ipr-n 1S7i l'J S. A, Olmsteiul vs The Township of iiorion ISO ti.i ot August lerm 1874. 20 Timothy (juilt'oyle vs Henry Ticlge To (10 August lerm 174, 21 tieorge Opdyke vs Francis A. Licsch No 70ol'Au?ust term 1874. 22 D. E Hewitt vs K. It Hiion No W August lerm 1874. full SALE EY E.K. ORES1I, Masonic Hall Building, r.idgwny, Pa. 7 AH VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATENT SPRING BEL) BEST tempered steel string wire, these springs can bo laid on the slats ot any common bed tied are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES ! Also ugeut for Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Uuuning, Most Durable, and EEHT MACHINE :u the market. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. vlrildt'.iS, .Idiiihtislrcitor's Vclice. In the lmillcr of the estate of JOHN UETNEIl late of Jones Township, Elk Co., l n (Icccuseil. .ihrs of Arfiiiinislrtiticn on tho above estate having been eranlcd lo the under. signed, all persons indebted lo the said cs are requested to make payment, ni.d those having cairns ngamst the same will present II. em itliuul tlelnv to MAIHSOX S. KL1XE, or his Ally's. Administrator. HALE Jc M'f'Al.'I.EV, liidgwny. Pa i'.i Igway, Pa. iiiit4. F IOC WANT '10 BUY CDS CHEAP CO TO JAMlv- II- HAGERTY Main Street, l.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTION'S, BOOT; SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, glass and queens wajik, wood and vi!.lovv.vai;i:, tobacco and cigars. A Lui-Re Steclt of Groceries &n& Previsions. Tin BEST 'BRANDS vA FLOUR '..YiiStuiii ly on hand, uud soid as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES Ii. HAGERTY. ryo the (IT .1 VAXIA. Vc IT 17. ENS OF PEN.NSVL- our attention is specially iLvited to the fact tiuit the National Eauks are now preparjd to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Centennial Eoard of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings for tho International Exhibition, and the expenses counccteJ with the same. It is confidently believed that tho Keystone State will be represented by the nau o of every citizen alivoto patri otic comnicmor.il ion of tho one hundredth birtu-day of tho nation. The shares of stocV are offerc-l for i10 each, and sub scriber wt'l receive a handsome engraved Certihoatc ol Stock, suitable for framing and preservation an a national memorial. Interest at tho rajo of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1670. Subscribers who are notneai a National Dank can remit a check or post office ordo' to the undurgigued, FfiED'K F RALLY, Treasurer, Wi Walnut St., Philadelphia Elk County Directory. President Judge L. T). Wctmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jn Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. ProtUinotary $o., Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Kufus Lucore Commissioners llobt. Campbell, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Wets. Auditors C. Y. Harrett, Thomas Irwin Thomas J. Burke. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. Phillip Krtig llansom T. Kyler. FltED SOHOENING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. li IDG WAY BLR CO., 1 A. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COP ING INK. . LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. M'sltrbrook's L'cltbrulcd Steel Pens, the IScst Jladc. All Kinds of Job Printing done iu the Best Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & MAMMOTH s Firmly believing that the world moves, and that the demands of the publioaic con stantly iuereasin r, tho proprietors of tho have jact raturncl from (lie eastern and western cities with the most perfect and eotii.'lito slock ot MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, aud they havo absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash uud SELL FOR CASH! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. Ni:V LIVUltY KTABLE IN 9 ll kl DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES ! i i, i. j.j i i Ws uiost reasona blc terms. g.,IIe will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main ,,11 orders left nt the Post Ollicc will meet pvompt attention. Aug 20 1870. tf. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Fnr t!ic relief nnd rurtr ol ull dLTiintrC' v.'km in the Mi'in n. it. liver, iiiul Immv :::. I lit') fiiv a mild Mi-vTit'iil, nnd im cxccilenl f-iu'Kiitivo. Jft-iii 'Uire'y viwe ijiblc, tiny cont.-im no miMvury or mini nil liutever. 3hich ti i iniw ..irkiiPK Mini t"i mifi'irmfvif prevent ed bv their timely use; and every family should have (hem on hand for their protection nnd relief, when retiuired. Lonff experieneo bus proved them to Ik tno saf est, surest, and bet of all tho I'illn with which tho market abound. Hy their occasional use, the blood is mtriticd, the ron options of the kys tem expelled, obstructions renwived, and the whole machinery of life restored to lis healthy activity. Internal organs which become elojrcecl nnd rdi'ii-fli aro cleansed by Atfrr'n J'Ufn, and ftlimulatcd into action. Thus incipient di-easo is changed into health, the value of hirh change, when reckoned on the viot multitude who enjoy it, eun hardly be computed. Their supar coating makes theivTpleant to lake, and nreerres their virtues unimpaired fr any lctifrtti of time, that lliev are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Alllioujvn M'aivhlnjf. they aro mild, and operate w ilhoiil Uitui hatice to Lhe constitution, or diet, or Occupation, Full directions are pi von on tho wrapper to ea'!i box, l.uw to them j; a Family i'Iivmc, and for the following eomplulHts, wliich these L'tfln rapMly cure: For at or 3iid.-Vion. UkMcmn tu n. K..swsMr and lLon of Aiief it they hlcj.il'i be taken moderately to stimulate the loin H"h, and restore if h healthy tone and action. V-'Y rii iTmi:! and it. various symp to. nt, Si lltni't h & va .";:fbn, Mt-k II &t !:. Ji ;iiwilM' or 4 r:tu rirknw, llil i'tt'M i'tolir and fcluu I'fvecM. Iliuv rhould be ja-ii 'io'.i-iv taken for er:ch cae, to correct tho ib -e -ied aeti 'm or re.irjvo tlio obrUuetious which can.-e it. For iyTta.y or TlfitrrfawUf but ono mild drt-e i-- tfenerally required. For llEieii?iiKt.8(nt. CIMit, Wrarrl, 31 nitatioEi of tiae fcletbrt, Vafn la Cite t)il, fe.ak and JLoIiim. thev should be contin. mm ly taken, as required, to change the dieaed a".ion ot' tho system. With cueh ehuiitfo those com plain t.-: disappear. For Mintpuy and E5rn;iH!cl fcw c!I!nfir, they i-liotild be taken in lare ami frequent do.-e to prnd'i.'o the elfei't of a drast ic mr.'Ke. F i -ua2i,e.tiMi, a l.iitfo Aoe fhnuhl bo . it inodiiL-ej tliu ilcsir&l effuct by sym- .:li. A r. .'Unnrr Vill, t:iko or.o or two J'iUx to y. virnolo .liontion ami n.-lifve tlie t Umw n. . oeiiiinnl ilo-e Ktinmlatos tlifi loniaeh niul ln.v.els, resturos tho appetite, ami invito rat n.- tlio i-y-tein. llenee it is utten advanla.icuoiis whero in) roriouB ili'rnriBiMncnt exists. Ono who I'ee'u t'llcralily well, often ilnils tli.it a liso of tlieuQ 1'UIh makes him reel ileciileitly better, fiom tlieir cieansiiiK and runovutiiit; cll'oct ou tlio digestive nj'iiaratus. rnEl'ARliD I1Y Dr. J. C. ATKK & CO., Vracitral Chemists, LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. FOR SALE BY ALL DBUOGISl'S, liVEBYWIlEUli I1YSICIAK3 AND DHU0GI8TS. A prominent New Vor':. physician lately complained to Dundas Dick, about his Sad- daluood Oil Capsulns, siatine that some times they cured miraculously ; but that a patient of his had taken lliein for sometime without cllect. On being informed that several imitations were mado nnd sold, he inquired and found that his patient had been taking cnpsulns sold in bottles, and not DUNDAS DICK & CO S. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, and DUNDAS DICK & CO., take this method of protecting "Oil of eanuaiwooci trorj this disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the Copsulas will CONTINUE TO DO SO, for they contain the PURE OIL in the REST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OK 3ANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every other remedy, sixty Cspsules ONLY being required lo insure a Eute nnd certain cure in six or eight days. From no oilier medicine can this result bo had. Diok's Soft Capssilks solve the prob lem long consiuercu oy many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nausea and dis gust experienced in swallowing, which are wen Known lo Uotlact lrom, if not destroy, the good ell'ects of many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules aie put up in tin-foil aud neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the only capsules prescribed by Physicians. Cuf-THESE WERE THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED TO THE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Send for Circular to So Woosierfit., N. YJ SOLD AT ALL EEUG STOHES General Agency, 110 Reade Street. N. Y ESTATE OF ISAAC QUIGGLE. late of Ridgway Township Lh County, Pa. de ceased. All persona indebted to said Es tale are requested to make immediate pay. ment. And those having legal claims against the same, will present them with out delay in proper order for settlement, to JAIOU yuiUULE, Executor, Or his Attorney, II. M. ITJVYERS ESQ., Ridgway Pa- BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RATH BUN, Atlorncy-al-lAW, KidgWftjS T. 2 2tf. RUFUS LUCORE, Altorney-at-Law Elk Co.. Pa. Office in ., .. i-..;i, it.iil.linff. Claims for 11 HI l B aji.vw -a collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. " 11 ALL l MVAVLEY Aitorncys-at-Lir. nmnn in New Brick Buildinir, Main Stl Kidwny, lk Co., l'a. T3n2tf. J, O. W. VAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnzol. Ridgway, lk Conty, r. Agent for the Traveler' Lift d AccJ dont Insurance Co., of Hartford, Ctsn. JAMES D. FVLLERTOK, Surgeon Dentist, having pertoaatatly lo omed in liigway, oflcrs his iirol.8iol ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ur- rounding country. All Work warraated. Ollico in (Service & Wheeler's Buildiag, up- stnirs, first door lo the left, 8-B-2-ly CHARLES 11 OLE S, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Itklgwuy, Pa. Agent far Ui Howe tewing Aluchine, and klorloa Gold Pen. licpoiiiug Watches, ete, Uoi wilU he samo accuracy as heretofor. Satia- action guaranteed. vlmly G. G. M ESSEX GEM, Druggist and Paraceutitt, K. W. cornel of Mm 11 and Mill streets, Uidgwaf, Pa. lull assortment of carelully selte4 for eign and Domestic Drugs, l'r.eariplioni ctuefully dispensed at all hoari, 4uy or night. vln3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. P., Physician ana Surgeo. OtTice iu Drug Store, oorner Vraad and Maiu Sts, Residence corner itti St. opjiosito the College. UUice ktf front K to It) A. M. and Horn 7 to ii 1. af. vln2y 1. J. S. BORD WELL, M. !., Eclectic Physician nnd Surgeon, ka remov ed liis ollioe from Centre sireel, Ullaia at. Kidgnny, Pit,, iu the second stary at' tha new Ijiiuk building of John O. liall, ppo sit') Hyde's store, (jllieo hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to I f . Bu. 7 jan 9 74 HYDE HOUSE, RinawAY, Elk Co., Pa. W- 11. SC11KAM, l'roprietor. Xhnnktul for the patronage haretofora so liberally bestowed upon him, tha aev mxprietor, hopes, by paying strict if teuiion to the comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit a continuance ol the name. Oct 30 1800. BUCK TAIL HOUSE, Kane, McKean Co., Pa. II. V.. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bo liberally bestowed upon hnn, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comturt and convenience of guests. to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables lor horses iu Kaue and wall kept ni:it or day. Hall attached to lit Hotel. Vln23yl. KERSEY HOUSE, CuxniEviLLis, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, l'roprietor. Thankful l'ur tha nutr.murrA lipvplnfa- so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guosts, t merit a continuance of the same. i: )V. HAYS, llKALKi. IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earlty ! O- vlu47lf. JAMES 1 'ENFIELD, (Succ- sor to W. C. Ilealy,) DEALER IN LEY DOCES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS PRODUCE, FltUITS, &o. v3n7tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. SO DILI'S PLAYING CARDS. EEST THE CHEAPEST. STE SHIPS Cheapest kind made. tll'fl Will -I r - .n-i i inc: a uueap common card. 1HU) LAVAVS A m rt VIllvl MAS Fine calico backs. GEN JACKSUNS Cheap and papular. v " o, vttnuua uior ana ui mi a COL . jIDIAS (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN UATKS-One of tha bastcard. MT. VERNONS Extra fine, twooolor pati terns. ASK TOE THE ABOVE TAKE NO OTHEES . co i,isi ou application. " Dealer bud. by VICTOR, E. MAUGER S9-ly 1C0 to 112 lteade St., n! Y Kdw'd J. Evans & Co.,' NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN TOBK, PIS.t'A ' Jsgy-Catalogues Mailed to Applicants-a Refer (by permission) to rioN, J. S, Black, Washington, D. C Wbisee, Sou & Caul, Bankers, York.'pn. ESTATE OE ANDREAS HEIMERL late ofRennngor Township Elk County p da ceaBed. All nsnnm in.i.,i,i i . . r .uusuicn 10 Bald r.R. Ltate are requested to make immediate ttr ment. And thnaa l,0i- . ".ry- against the same will" preset ffi tToTt delay in proper order for aettlement to CHARLES RITTER. CHARLES LUHR, at St. Mary' Elk Conuty, Pa.-nls u' t