MV Y Y (1 3 Henry A. Parsons, Ja. - - Editor THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1874. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Supreme Judge, HON. E. M. PAXSON, Philadelphia. Lieutenant-Governor, HON. A. 0. OLMSTED, of roller. Auditor General, GEN. HARRISON ALLEN, Warrrn. Secretary of Internal Affnirs, COL. It. i. DEATH, of Schuylkill. Attention Republicans. The oJjourned niccting of the Elk County Republican convention, will be held at the Hyde House iu Ridgway on TUESDAY THE 22ND DAY OF SEPTEMBER at three o'clock P. M for the purpose of nominating persons for the following offices: One person for Representative Ono person for Sheriff. One person for Commissioner. One person for Auditor. One person for Coroner. Let us havo a full attendance of delegates from each township. J. II. HAGERTY. Chairman. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Supremo Court of Pennsylvania will meet in Pittsburgh on Monday October 5th, pros. HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME. Wo notice some of our exchanges spell the name of our candidate lor Licutcnan "Olinstead" and others ''Olmsted." On the 5th inst., the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of A merican Freedvm was ooinmemorated in Oar pernor's Hall , Philadelphia. The oration ww delivered by Henry Arimtt Drown. qe0 Jjsnks d Iirookvillc, has re -oived tho Demou"itio nouiination for Congress in the district composed of Jefferson, Indiana, Armstrong, Clariot aid Forest counties. If there is a Democrat wo would like to see in Con gress its Geo. Jenks. Tue story that Jlrs. Rristow, wifo of received half a million of dollars by tfie death ot an uncle, now turns out to be untruo, but Mrs. Dristow did receive 860,000, quite a enug sum after all. The call for tho Southern Repuhli can Convention will bo issuod as soon as it can be printed. The Convention will meet at Chaitauooga, Octobor 13 instead of Atlanta, October 1G. Five hundred thousand copies of the call are to be issued. It will set forth that tho object of the Convention is to draft an address to the people of tho United States upon tho condition of affairs in the South. The Potter Enterprise, the Demo cratio paper printed at Coudersport, the home of Judge Olmsted, the Rcpubli can nominee for Lieutenant Governor, thus warmly commends his nomination Judge Olmsted won the first prize iu tho Republican State Convention. He was nominated tor .Lieutenant Uovernor, and in our judgement his nomination was the only redeeming feature in the proceedings. Designing at all times to treat our political opponents with candor and fairness, it is with pleasure we re cord the fact that tho pecplo learned of Judge Olmsted s nomination witn roucb seeming satisfaction. We regard it as a compliment to the county as well as to the nominee. His age, character, hab its, ability and legislative experience well quality him for the duties ot presid ing othcer ot the senate ot tlie Uornnion wealth of Pennsylvania. The Washington Monument, bids fair to bo completed during the Ceaten. nial year of our National Independence, The Sooicty organized to complete this monument has for its officers U. S. Grant, president; Gen. Sheridan sud W. W, Corcoran vice presidents; John Corroll Brent, secretary, and J. B. II Smith treasurer. It is proposed to raise $500,000 by subscriptions, and the committee have resolved not to spend a dollar on the work until the entire amount above named is pledged, or uq less previous certainty of ability to con- tinue until tho capstone is placed on tbe summit at a height oi 480 feet, which will make this the highest monument in tbe world. The subscriptions are to be paid one halfou demand and the re mainder in six and twelve mouths from date of first payment. It is a note worthy fact that tho secret soeietics and volunteer militia of the country are doing all in their power to ioward this laudable national movement' while tho banks and wealthy corporations have in many instances turned a cold iboulder to the project. A Baltimore somnambulist awoke suddenly the other evening, to find him self splashing about in a cistern which had been carelessly lift uncoverd in his yard. After repeated calls his neigh bors ran out oi their houses and rescued Liiu from Lis perilous position. GSHEEAL 170IE3. The second annual Iotr-i-Stata Indus trial Exhibition opened Inst evening. Orctron funnels nnw employ Tuiliaus iu their harvest fields. The numbor of pilgrims to Mecca thin year has exceeded 100,000. Tlio fish and fish products exported from New Foundland iu lS7o were vaiucu at 2i,ow,-nt. Scveal mineral enritms have been dis covered in different portions of tho town of Newton, N, O. Tlio elevator capacity of Chicago in 2.000,000 bushel, mid on the lilh ist., according to the Times of that city, tho stock on baud only auiouutod to a.000.000 buMicla. The committee to investigate the damage to the State of Iowa by the grasshoppers will report this week. Tho report will show ail the eouutiut lake care of themselves except lvossuih and Eramctt. San Francisco, Sept. 7. The Su premo Court to-day in tho habeas cor pus case of twenty-three Chiuese women brought here on tho steamer Japan, de cided that tho State law which regu lates such immigration is constituional, and remanded them to tho master of the steamer Japan to be returned to China. Fires iu the woods near Hamilton, N. J., havo burned over 20,000 acres of valuable timber land and cranberry hogs, Tho flames ore Mill raging and spreading; and the inhabitants are do. ing everything in their power to check them. Several fine dwellings.havo been saved only by their exertions. Postmaster General Jewell has ordered canceled the coutarct for pen knives which have usually been issued to clerks about .New lears. ilie cus tom obtained when ouills were used tor writing, and a knife was a positive ncc essity, aud has been kept up siuco the introduction of steel aud gold pens to tlio present time. , Few of the ladies, who ia obedicue to the decrees of fashion have loaded their dresses, cloaks ami bonnets down with white and black jet ornaments, are aware that by so doinjr they are ixstor ing prosperity to tho working classes of Venice, who, prior Ut the revival of the taste for jet trimmings, weiciua slatj ol great distress. A letter frocj the Red Cloud agency, received in New York, says thai throe or four thousand Indians, who havo been marauding all summer, aud are afraid to return to their reservation, have settled about the agency, making professions of peace. Tho agent is feeding them, and ia doing so is obliged to retrench the rations of tho Red ' Cloud band, who havo honorably kept the poacc, aud remained on their reservation. The yellow fever uow exists at New Orleaus, Galveston, Pcnsacola, Mobile, and Key West, and at Daricn and Brunswick iu Georgia; also at the Bal timore and New York quarantiuo sta Iffy'icp'a'rtnjuirt "'has issued a circular concerning the duties of United States officers in regard to tho regulation of quarantines. At Ilazelton, Va , on tho -1th instant, Simon II. Clauscr, chief of tho polioce, was shot dead by Fredrick Lapp. Lapp was going homo drunk from a picnic, and was amusing himself by firing off a pistol in the strr-ct wheu Clauscr at tempted to stop him. He turned and - , . ... ... snoi jianser ana attempted to shoot an other policeman named Henry but the pistol would uot go off. Thcro was great excitement in Hazeltou, aud threats of lynching Lapp were niado Secretary Biistow has approved the recommendation of Solicitor Wilson in regard to the Secret Service Division of the Treasury, aud directs that steps be taken at once for the reorgauation of that branch of tho service, and that all papers aud evidence in relation to the Secret Service in the hands of the So licitor be turned over to the Attorney General. Colonel Wbitely has ten dered his resignation as jCLicf of that Bureau, which was accepted by the Secretary, but his successor has not yet been designated. Tho Massachusetts Supreme Court has decided the contest life insurance policy case, involving 20,000, in favor of the widow ol the late Colonel Thomas E. Chickcring against tho Globe Life Insurance Company of New York. 1 he defense claimed that the premiums had not been paid, but plaintiff showed that the Boston agent of the Company guaranteed the paymcut of the pre miums, (o offset his personal indebted ness to the Messrs. Chickering, aud the court held that the insurance company was bound by this promise ot its agent. Washington, September 0. Tho Chronicle this morning publishes a let ter from tho editor of the Montgomery' (Alabama") Advertiser and Mali, em phatically denying the charge that Re publicans ore not safe in the State,-aud that political murders are tho order of tbe day. He invites investigation, and says if the reports oro not shown to be false and malicious he is willing to be taxed as a murderer, condemned and hanged. He says the reports are only for political effect. PuorosED Land Sale. The Potter county Journal publishes the following: Messrs. Phelps, Dodgo & Co. will soon offer for sale their extensive lands in this couuty, ot prices ranging from four to tweuty dollars per aero. Tbcy will be advertised for sale as booh oh Mr. Dean has surveyed them. Already some fifty German families have made arrangements to purchase, and others will also do so. The low prico of these lands will help materially to settlo and build up Tioga county. Mr. E. B. Campbell, of Williamsportj who has for thirty years past been the trusty and de voted agent of tho Company, will take charge of the Land Office, assisted by Hon. J. B. Nilcs, whoso duty it will be wo presume, to prefect title to these huda aud ivo dl;cdj for tho buuio.' Governor Osborne, ot Kaums, has written to tho President, renewing his reiii(.'tt for arms to protect tho frontier of his State. Ho says that sixteen citi zens of Kansas are known to have been murdered by Indians sinoo tho Kith of July last, and that not ono of tha mur derers has been punished or even appro hended. Tho Federal forces on the frontier, pays tho Governor oro insuffi cient to prevent such outrages, and tho settlers should bo armed to protect them selves. QUOTATIONS OF White, Powell & Co. HANKEUS AND BROKLRd, No. 12 South Third Street. Philadelphia, September 15lh, 187-1. Rill, ASKP.0. U. 8. 181. o 1171 llS ; .le C '20, o '02, M And N 112 112 do do 'lit do 1 loj lli4' do do 'Co do llo lllij do do '(JaudJ lit! lltlj do do '07 do 117 117.1 do do do U7 117J do 10-40, toupon 1HJ HlJ do Pacific G's cy 117 1 1 17 g New G'sReir. 1HH1 U12 112 do c. llWl 112 112! OoM HWi lO'.t; Silver 105 107J Pennsylvania f;5 64 Reading C"J fi.'ij Philadelphia & Eno l 1 " Lehigh Navigation Jo J 4 do Valley fill 01 United RR of N J - 127 127$ Oil Creek 7J T Northern Central 31 i '.i Central Transportation 4-1 jj 44 Hesquehoning o-j u-t O & A Mortgage O's 't9 lOOJ 102 SHERBET'S SALS. By virtue of a writ of al Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Couuty, and to mc directed I will expose to public sale or vendue at tho Court House, ludgway, Pa., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 187-1, at cue o clock, P. M. All the light, title, claim and demand whatsoever, of defendant of, iu, to, and out of all that certain town lot situate iu the Boiough of St. Mary's, County of Elk and Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit. Beiux lot No. 15 according to the map aud plan of St. Mary's Borough aud being eight (SO) feet wide by ouc hundred ami liitty (JOOJ loet deep on v.-Inch is erected a framo dwelling house 20s2S feet two stories high. Taken in executiou and to be sold as tho property of Joseph Walker at the suit of Georgo cigel. D C Oyster, Sheriff SriEHIFF's OrfiCE. 1 Ridgway, Pa Sept 3d, 1S74 j u27to SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exjjonas issued out of the Court ot Common rteas ot YAit County, ami to mo directed, I will expose to s&le at public vendue at tho Court House liidiiway, Pa. on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1874, . .. , ..v i v All the right, title, interest, umiiu aud demaud whatsoever of defeudantb in, to, and out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land uituate in the Township of .Fox, County of Elk at.d Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded and Ue- scrioed as lohows to wit: Buinning at a poht on tho Houfheru side of the Miles-bury and Smethport turnpike about scventy-oiio (t 1) perches east of ltidgway Township line, said post li.ii) also tho northeast corner of Patrick Lamb's tract; thenea south itlou Patrick Lamb's tract three Lundreu (o00) perches more or less to a pott on the southern warrant lite of warrant No 4374; thenco cast along said war rant line Iweuty-eight -8 perches to t post; thence north two hundred and eight 208 perches more or less to a post on the Miiesburg and Smethport turnpike; thenco westerly along said turnpike twenty-eignt 28 perches more or less to tue place ot bciimnin Containing fifty acres and beint; tart ol warrant No 4374 and being tbe same laud conveyed to oue Bridget Lamb by bimon Lamo, by deed of assignment dated 17th day of August A 1) 1803 and recorded in Deed Book I page 507 &c, aud the said Bridget having mocc died iutestate whereupon the sajd trad ot land did descend to the said Jauie Lamb aud other heirs at law ot the said Bridget Lamb uu mo aDOve tract or land there are about eighteen acres cleared and im proved; a young growing orchard; a log house erected thereon lli by 24 feet aud two stories high, also au old shanty used us a stable Seized and taken iu executiou as the property of James Lamb aud Simon Lamb and to bo sold at tho suit of "V C Uealy D C OYSTER, Sheriff Sjieiui-f's Oitice, ) Ridgway, Pa Sept 21, 1874Jn27to ELK COUNTY COMRT PROCLA MATION Whereas the Hon. L 1. Wetmore, President Judtre of the 37th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Chas. Luhr and J V. Houk Esi., Associate Judges in Elk county, have issued their precept3 to me directed, for tbe time of holding ot Orphan s Court, Court of Common Pleas, General (Quar ter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Ridgway, for the Couuty of Elk, on the 3d Monday of September (being the Jlst dayi 1&74, and continue one week Notice is therefore given to the Cor oner. Justice of the Peace, and Cocsta bles in and for the county of Elk to up. pear in their own proper persons, with iueir reoorus, inquisitions aud remem bcrances, to do those things which ol tbeir offices and in their behalf apper tain to be done: and all witnesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against auy persous or persons aro required to be then aud there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual iu their attendance at the ap pointed time, agreeable to notiee. Given under my hand aud seal at the Sheriffs office, in Ridgway, the 3d day ol September iu tbe year of out Lord ono thousand eight hundred aud seventy-four. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff .! iKiti,:t lift's ,1'otirc. In tho matter of the esthto of JOHN Klil.NKll la'-u of Joucj 'IWuslilp, Kilt Co., I'd., deceased. J.rttrr Anntinielralinn on tho nhove estate liavlij; lnen pinuled to the under nigt.ed, all M'rainn iudelitt d to tlio fluid es nro rciiicrlcd to luako mynicut, mid tliosa having claims ugainHt. lho nnio Will prcBOiu thcui without de-Wy to NADISON fl. KLINE, or his Ally's. Admiitifiiralor. HALL & M'CAULKY, Kidgway, IV KidgWBjf, Pa. n2(i( I. MAKH1E ORENOL8 1y her next friend .lAMf.S (lAlUVNUR vs. ItlCIIMONIi H, CUliNOLS NofjO April Term; ny i, Jhvo-cr a vinculo vinlrvmimir. To RICHMOND H. UltlNOLS; yon m hereby notified that M A It I V, (IIUNOLH your wifo by her next friend James (lui il n or, hns npplicd to lho Court uf I'tnunnm PlcnfJofKlk Co. (or a divoreo fnini Hie boudx of matrimony, and tlio said Court has fixed Monday the 21th day of Nm.h'in her next, ns lho Itmo for heur'iig Hie said application iu tho premiHCS, at yvmuh lime you can appear if you think proper. 1). C. OYSTEll- Sheriff. Aug., 12lli 1K71. n21tl. In the mailer of tlio Petition In lho Court of Common PIcam of Llk County. No. Sep. T. '74. of Henry bouthcr to prove a lost Deed made by David Meredith, dcoeased, to El ijah T. Meredith. To liachrl 'J'oilor (lute Mredith) und John A. laytor her husband: lAhb NUllClii that an order wng made m the above mutter, nn llm jiih ilnv uf Au'rtiBt, lti74, by the Court ofCommou Pleas ot fclk County, awarding n subpoena I bereiu, returnuble lo the third Mmi'luv uf KitnLi-m- ber next, at a Court of Common Pbas there lo bo held for the County of Klk, ut tho Court House iir Kidgwny, when and where you anu an omer.puisons concerned are re quired to appear iu said Court and luuko answer upon oulh or allirmatiou to the said urn or petition. lii'NHY soirnir.ii, Att'y iii Person Ridgway, Aug. 21st, 1H74. LIST CftVSZS SET DOWN FOR TRIAL on tho third Monday of t-'eptcuibtr. bbing lho 21st day. 1&741 1 Jonathan Doynton ct-al. vs A. 3. Fin ncy ct ul., 1 January term, lbTl. 2 Ocoige Decker vs Georgo ischncidcr, 0 April term, lb,-. u Martin Sorg vs Nicholas Kroncnwctter, et nl., 4 1 April term, lb2. 4 Jlariin So'rg vsNicholas Kronenwetter, et ul., -1H Aprfl term, 1672. H Tho School District of Fox vs John Myers et al., 81 January term, 1.S73 0 N. M. Drockway vs Harvey Parsons, ol April term, 1N73. 7 Ut. Maiy'e Coal Co. vs George Rctgcr, id April term, is, J. 8 Anthony Weis vs J. A. Haak, 44 Aug. term, lb,:j. 'J The Clarion River Navigation Co. vs llnam Carman, ii!J August lerui, lbi.S. 10 Henry iSpvoul vj C. U. Hurley, November term, 6-i. 11 Ralph Johnson ct al. vs Miles Dent, iu .i.anuiiry term, Hi ,4. 12 Com. of Peiin'n for use of J. A. Haak vs Andrew Raul, u'J Jmiuaiy term 1H74. ! 1". W. Hays vs Etias iloyer, 13 April term, 11 Tunning Lumber Co. vs Joscpl Dinger, ill April term, 1871. lo Elias Alackey vs II. W. May, 51 April term, lb ,-1. 10 Georgo Emi;h vs David Pontius, 13 August term, lb, 4. 17 Alderl'ir & Prctton vs Duflalo New lb Cuiu-lcy and Mary Welter vs R. N. Y. P. 11. il., 44 August term, lbi l. FRED. fcCtiuMNG, l'rolhonotary, n:i"i:c. iv 1'ou want to buy GOODS CHEAP CO TO JAMES II- HAGERTY Slain Street, Ridgway, Pa. DllY GOODS,. NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLA.HS AND QUEKNS WA11U, WOO I J AND WILLOW-WAUE, TOUACCO AND CIGAltS. : A Large Siock of . - Grcccrios and Previsions. The J EST EUAN PS of FLOU1. Cciifttaiitlv on !iM:d, and sold as cheap as tht CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. rjAO THE CITIZENS OF PENN'SYL J. VAN I A. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Ranks ure now preparsd to receive subscriptions iu the Capital Suck ot the Centennial Poard of Finance. 'Tho funds realized from iliis source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings for the International Exhibition, aud the expenses couuccteJ with the tauie. It is coutidefUly believed that tho Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive lo patri otic commemoration, of the one hundredth birth-day of tho nation. The shares of stock are offered for 10 each, aud sub scribers will receive a handuouio engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing aud preservation us u national memorial. Interest ut tho rate cf six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are uot.ueai a National Rank can remit a check or post ollico ordor 10 the uudertigned, IRED'K FRALEY, Treasurer, DU4 Waluut St., Philadelphia Ell: County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge lion. Jno. P Vincent. . Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V Houk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sherill D. U. Oyster. Ptothonotbry jo., Fred. Schuening. Treasurer J obeph Windl'elder. County Superintendent Rufus Luoore. Commissioners Robt. Campbell, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors C. W. Rarrett, Thomas Irwin, Thomas J. Rurke. . County Surveyor Geo Wilnisley. Jury Commissi uicr. Phillip Kreiele Ruuiow T. Kylcr. FRED SOHOENINU & CO., Lav, Commercial, Book, and Stationers. MDGWjI F. ELK CO., I J. liKALUUU IN AM. KINDS OF LAW liLANKS, ANU FUKNCII, I'lNliLlSII, AND AM K1UCAN STATIONKKY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OK ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Ksttrbrooi'n t ilrbraird Slttl IVi, the lit hi Walf. All Kiuds of Job Printing done iu the IJost Klylo mid at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND DILL HEADS, MISINHSS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN f ANY QUANTITY. POWELL L KIME. A MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that the world moves, and that the demands of the publicare con stantly increasing, the proprietors of the (Srand dtcntrLat JSforLc have just returned from tho eastern and western citicj with the most pcricct aud complete stock oi MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they have absolutely 35ROKEN THE 15ACKP.ONE of high prices. They buy for cash aud SELL FOR CASH! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. IS EW STAGE ROUTE J. C. BUZNS, 1'roprietor. Tbe subscriber having secured the coo tract for carrying the U. 8. Mail between REYKOLDSVILEL & BROCKWAY VILLE has placed on that road a Hue o Hacks leave the Excbauge Hotel a Reyuoldville every Tuesday, Tuureday and Saturday on the ai rival of the RrooKvillo stage, and returu the same day. These hacks connect at Rrockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the oomfort of patrons of this liue will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. U-712U and General Job Trintcrs, nI:w I .IV 10 It Y STA1JL10 i.v mm DAN SCR1DN MR WIHHKS TO IN lonu tho Citizens of Ilidgway, and tho public goLerally, that lie has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CAR III AG KS Ilu ioi, to let lp ia mobt reasonu hie terras. Civile will alao do job lean, ing. Stable on Eroad street, above Main All orders left ut tho Post Ollico will meet attention Aug 20 170. tf. Ayer's Cathartic Pills?, For tho relief and euro of all derange, ments In tlio ftoin ncli, liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. Being purely voro- t.ililtt. 1liiv pontnin PxTTV ' nomcrcuryorniine. XjH'f,, rnl whatever. Much jjgf serious sicknesH and ed by their timely use ; and every mmily shontd have theui on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to lio tho tM' est, surest, and best of all the with which tlio market abounds, lly their occasional ue, tlio biood is puriiied, the corruptions of lho cyb tcm expelled, obstruction removed, anil tho wliole machinery of lifo restored to its healthy Rt-w.i.j. i.wumi v'iKllllt liU.ll bt-i unit t Ihukv-.I and eluwii-h aro cleansed bv Awr'n i'llls. and rtiimdated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed Into health, the value ol' which chanice, when reckoned on tlio vast multitudes who enjoy It, can hardly bo computed. Ttu- suj-'ar coating makes them pleasant to tako, uml pre.-ei vei- itiuir virtues uuiuipnirwl for unv letipth of lime, ho that they nro ever fresh, ami pcii'ccilv rcliahle. Although searching, they me mild, and operate without disturbance to tho constitution, or diet, ur ocniatinn. full directions urn pvjn on the vertpper to C.T'h box, how to use them as it rir.niiy i in sic, and for the following complaints, wiii-di tneso 1'llls rniiiillj- eure : Kor iJ,H-,,ril; or H:i5la--ilo;i, l.UtSpi4 n!i. Lunciiiir and !Lo of .t r;M'tW.,lli,'y -lciuld be lukeii moderately to stiimilatv tl.e i-toni-acii, and restore its healthy tone and action. For I.lvr Con. pluin't and Us variou svmp tonis, lillwu Ixsxlacho. Nl-k te-.l. belli, Janu.licp or iiicr..t MIi-Iiihim, BSIi. It. Colic aud Rllioim Fntn, thev should he judiciously taken for each case, t correct the dL-eascd actum or remove ilie obsuuetions whieb cau-c it. For atiaittir.r or niari'IiiPii, hut- ono mild doc is (roner dlv ronuircil. For VEIiunrtiiittNi.-i, (iut, -rari'l. Pul Ritution t.i Uv tlfart, lui in ilie Midi', Hack and I.oln, they rhould lie coului lioiisly taken, iu rcinincd, to cliarvie ttio dif eased action or the system. AVith such ehanao those complaints disappear. For M' and arotmlcnl -lin-I!(r", they should be taken in larito and frcinent dotes to produce tho ol.Vet of a drastic liurirc. For hii!;j;rci.nlon, a lartrn dose should bo taken, as it produces tiio dce-ired effect by sym pathy. As a ninnrr VIII. tako one or two Villa to promotu digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates tho stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, ami invigorates tho pystem. Hence it is oilen advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tcleralily well, oilen tlnds that n dose of theso 1-UU makes him feel decidedly better, from their eloansh.g and rcuuvi.lmg effect on tho digcotivo apparatus. pitnpAitED nr Zr. J. C. AYER & CO., l'ratcal Chemists, LOWELZ, JIIASS., V. H. A. FOB SALE liY ALL DKUUCISI3 EVtUV WllEETi jpUVSICIASS AND DRUGGISTS. A prominent New York physician lately complained to Dundas Dick, about bis San dalwood Oil Capsuhis, staling that bouio times they cured miraculously ; but that a p iiient of his had taken them for eoinctim without effect. On being informed that several imitations were made and sold, he inquired and found that his patient had bceu taking capsuhis sold in bottles, and not l'C.NlMS DICK & CD'S. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, und DUNDAS DH'K CO., take this method of protecting "Oil of Sandalwood" from this disre Uto. PIIVS1C1AN8 who once prescribe the Capsulus will CONTINUE TO DO SO, for they contain the PUliE OIL iu tho BEST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL VV dANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every other remedy, sixty Cspsules ONLV beinj; reiiuired to insure a eufe and certain euro in six or eight dayB. From uo other medicine can this result be had. Dicit'e tiorT Cacsiilks solve the prob lem long considered by many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nausea aud dis gust experienced in'.swalloning, which are well known to detract from, if not destroy, the good ell'eels of many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules aio put up iu tin-foil and neat boies, thirty iu each, and are the only capsules prescribed by Physicians, JtsjrTJJESE WERE THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED TO TIIE LAST FAI1IS EXPOSITION. Send for Circular to 85 Wooster St., N. Y, SOLD AT ALL IP.U3 STQUES. General Agency, 110 Eeade Street. N. Y ESTABLISHED 1823, MEYER & SONS, PIANO MANUFACTURERS, 722 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. TIIE LEADING FIRST-CLASS TIANOS. No other Pianos have the imp emcnts. Prize Medal of the World's Fai London England, and tho highest Prizes of the couutry awarded. 3u42-uiu BUSINESS CARDS. - (. -I. XATMILW, Allornoy-at-la, RiJgwny, Pa. 2 2 If. RUFL'S LU'JORIJ, Atloruey-at-Law Ridirwnv. Kilt (o.. Pa. Oflico Id Hall's now Rriok Jdnlilin-'. Cluiois for collection pi omptly attended lo. v:l) l.y. JTaZT it; m' va LjTFy, " Atturneya-at-Liw. OtTite in' New Rriek Ruilding, Main St KiilKwny, Co., l'u. vnlilf. J, O. 11, JiAILL'l', ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnz-.yl. l'.idgway, Elk Coiinly, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Accl dent Insurance Co., uf llurtlord, Cunu, J A MUX Jh FULL L'R TGAr, Sliri'COIl Dentist, liuvilltr l,el innrienll v in. '-- ' O I J - - caled iu liigway, oilers his professional ser vices to i ti o ctiuens oi i.iugway anu sur rounding couutry. All work warranted. Ollico in Service &. Wheeler's Building, up stairs, tirbl door Id the left, 7;j-u-o2-ly CUARLLX 11 OLE IS, Wulehiiiitker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pu. Agent lor the liunv riewing Macliinc, und Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Wiitehcs, etc, doDO wilU he tame accuracy us heretofore. Satis autiou guaranteed. vluly C. 0. 31 EJUS ED GER, Diuggistund Paruceutist, N. W. cornet cf Maui and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A luil assuiiiuciit of caielully telceled For eign und Domestic Drugs. Piesvriptions caielully dispensed nt alt hours, duy or "iht. vlu3 T. HARTLEY. M. I)., Physioian anu Surgeon. Ollico in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main bis. Residence corner Broad Bt. opputitH the College. Ollice hours lroni b to IU A. M. and from V lo ti P. M. vlu-y 1. J. JS. LORD WELL, 31. D., l-'clcotic Physiciuu and Surgeon, has remov ed his ollice li oin t'c aire street, to Main st, Ridgwny, Pa iu the second story of the new brick building of John U. Hall, oppo site JJydo's store. (jlncc hours: "J to 'J K- nt: 1 to 2 p, in. 7 I jau 'J 7-i jjiKj not: he, a t, i.t.K Co., Pa, i'i ,;,.-:;t:,r. :..i.irL :..:-.:;1;i : t. i ; .1 1; " V.- . J-'- I V-i.AA-M -VI . ..t--:.t i.: w. il. s.'. l..v: Thanktiii tko ..'1 ' m iiijL'r.tlly I.-.-' ". ". t ; y proprietor, iio;-;.,, leiiuou lo the c.-iiilor . guests, to merit a suuic. Oct 30 1SCJ. BUCK! AIL HO CHE, Kanl, McReun Co., Pu. R. E. LOUiiER, Proprietor. Thar.Ulul for the patronage herelofoK su litieraliy bestowed upon hnu, the new pr prielor, hopes, by paying strict attention iu tLo ouuiiurt uud couveuieuco of guests, to merit u- contiuuaiico of tho same. Xhu only siubles for burses in Kane uud Vvell kepL night or day. Hull uitached lo tho Hotel. Vlu2yl. KERSEY UOL'SE, Cu.Tiiiivii,LE, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thuuitful for the patronage hcretotort so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro j rieior, iiopcs, by paying strict at. lention to lno condor- ulU convenience of gujsls, tlmeiit a continuance of th same. r. UAYS, ui:alh in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. vlnlTtf. JAMES VENFIELD, (Succ sor to W. C. Ilealy,) DEALER 1JJ L?,r CC0E3, C30CE2S3, PEOVISIOUS, PllODUCE, FRUIT3, &o. v3u7tf. West End, ltidovuy, Pa. FRED. HCHOEXING, ' WltOLKSALK AND BETAIl DEAlKft IS I'lA.NO- I'OIITES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC DOOKS Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prolhouotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. vuOtf. ' 4J PLATOQ CAEDS. THE LEST TH3 CHEAPEST. STE .SIIir3 Cheapest kind made. REG ITAS A chenp con mon ca 'd. BUO DWAVS A nice common ca d. Vlll KIAS Fine calico backs. GEN JACKSONT-Cheap an I popular, (1 tern backs. auou colors and de signs.) ' COL - MBIAS (Euchre deck) extra qualitr GOLDEN GATES One of Lhe bes?carda made, MP. VERNON8 Extra fine, two color pati terns. A8K THE A3J7i5-TAXa NO 0THE53. l'riL'fi LlKt. mi nitiilinnrir.n l-i plied by rr Ctt'e" SUP VICTOR, E. MAUGER 39-ly lC6toU21eadeSt.,N!Y. Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN BSiTCatalogues Mailed to AppReanu-g Refer (by permission) to jIon, J. B, Black, Washington, D C