The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 03, 1874, Image 2
Henry A. Pahsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1874. REPUBLICAN STATE TICEET. Supremo Judge, HON. K. M. PAXSON, Philadelphia. Lieutenant-Governor, HON. A. 0. OLMSTEAD, of Potter. Auditor General, GEN. HARRISON ALLEN, Warren. Secretary of Internal Affairs, COL. II. B.'BUATII, or Schuylkill. i . . . - . .i Attention Republicans. The adjourned meeting of the Elk County Republican convention, will be held at tho Ilydo IIouso in llidgway on TUESDAY THE 22NI) DAY OF SEPTEMBER of three o'clock P. M., for the purpose of nominating persons for the following offices: One person for Representative. One person for Sheriff. One person for Commissioner. One person for Auditor. Ope person for Coroner. Let us have a full attendance oi delegates from each township. J. II. IIAQERTY. Chairman. Cor,. C. B. Curtis nominated. TMie Congressional district composed of Eiie, Warren and Venango counties, have nominated tho above named gen tleman, at an adjourned session of con ferees, was nominated by acclamation. Col. Curtis has been an efficient member nnd deserves the renomination. Republican Convention- The time is near at hand when tho Republican County Convention will be convened, and a Republican ticket placed in the field. We hope this con vention will act as a Republican conven tion and place in nomination men of in tegrity and ability, and men. within the pale of tho Republican organization. No parly cau ever succeed without a thorough and efficient organization; in order to have such an one wo must have eotue aim, and pome object to call our votets out. and in no way can this be better accomplished that by placing in nomination a straight Republican ticket from Assemblyman to Coroner, and throw our whole strength toward elect ing them. No Republican in the county will vote against tho regulai nominees of the Republican party, while a mongrel ticket has no claims on them. If Democrats are not satisfied with their ticket, give them a Repub lican ticket that no mau may be ashamed to vote. Let us then as Re publicans bo true to tho principles of tho party, and advance a solid front to the foe. Again we say nominato good men, lor the several offices, and nomi nate only RrpuLHcans. In unity there is strength. Office of The Aldine Co") 58 Maiden Lane, New York, August 11, 1871 ) To the Editor, In consequenco of rumor affecting the stability of the enterprise which Lave obtained currency through certain influences, it is opproptiate to furnish some assurance to the general public that The Ahh'ne tho Art Journal of America is not in any embarrassment whatever. As a commercial undertaking, it has been from the start a remarkable suc cess, and is, to day, more prosperous than it has ever been before The Aldine is the property of The Aid ine Company, the organization of which, last month brought to tho enter prise an additional paid-up capital of 8200,000 The stock is in the hands of a num ber of the wealthiest men of this city, and the Company does not owe a dollar eutside of its capital stock and the ordi nary not due current accounts of the month Tho brain which orignated still con trols and directs the production of each issue, and it is absolutely certain that Mr James Sutton, as president of an or ganization possessing every facility, and backed with ample capital, will be able to go on faster and surer to the fullest developement of an idea, the outlines of which elicited the warmest enthusiasm of his countrymen Offering your own and the public in terest in the success of The Aldine as my excuse for trespassing upon your space I am. Very respectfully yours, W W 11UNINGTON Treasurer. Salt Lake, August 31 It is stated Governor Woods has refused to issue a certificate to Cannon of his legal elec tion as delegate to Congress from the Territory The MormoDS at Beaver are greatly excited over the arrest of Shipp for polygamy The Federal officers have been threatened with violauce Millions of grasshoppers havo ap peared on the plains, causing general elrna among farmers. The Elmira Gazette says there is a white family living in that city, the members of which have lived the entire summer by employing colored children to beg for them. Among them are several able-bodied men who have re fused to work at any price. Killed by Rattlesnakes. A MOUSE riiLL OF THE RF.I'TILE9 BURNED WITH THE CORPSE OF ITS OWNER. From the Athens (Tenn.) Tost. A distiller named Jones, who lived with his family near the lower bench of tho Big Smoky Mountain, has been an noyed a good deal by the revenue ran gers last fall, and determined to change bis locution and business to a nioro so eluded spot. To carry out this purpose he solcctad the head of a deep gorge some four miles distant, walled in with cliffs, where during tho winter, assisted by some of his friends, he erected a log building. As soon as the cold weather was over and the spring fairly opened, the still and other things necessary were moved to the place, and tho work of violating tho rcvenuo law was resumed. Several "runs" were made, and Jones begun to congratulate himself that he had at last found a refuge beyond tho prying eyes of tho government hirelings, where he could pursue his avocation in peace. The still house being some distance from where his family lived, Jones rarely visited them more than once in a fortnight. Everything wont on well enough untill about four weeks ogo, when ho failed to appear at tho accus tomed time. Nothing was thought of this for a day or two, but when another week clasped without the return of Jones, Jic family becamo alarmed, and they thought that ho had been captured by revenue jay hawks and carried to Knoxvillo or some other place where violators cf tho law are occasionally convicted and punished. The alarm was given through the spar sely settled neighborhood. A small number of men gathered, and accom panied by Mrs. Jones and her son, a youth often ot twelve years of age, they started up the gorge in the direction ot the still house. On reaching tho building they found the door closed and fastened, and no sign of Jones or any one else could be seen. Mrs. Jones called the name of her husband several times; no response, however came back to relievo her anx iety. But upon attempting to force an entrance they were greeted with those pecular notes of warning which the ear of the ' East Tennessee mountaineer never fails to recognize. The door was at once broken down, and a sight met them that caused all to start with fright and horror. The form of the distiller lay upon the floor, with eyes starting from their sock ets, the features horribly distorted, aud body swollen to twice its usual propor tions, while the whole interior of the building was alive with rattlesnakes, some in coil and ready for battle, but the larger proportion stupid and inert, as though they had been imbibing liber ally of the illicit fruit of tho still. The mother and Bon fled horror-striken from the place. A consultation was had, and as it was impossible to rescue the body of poor Jones without fearful risk, it was determined to rccloso the cutrance and other apertures and fire tbe building, which was done The party stayed un til the house was entirely consumed, and nothing remained but the now useless still and the calcined bones of tho miser able distiller. It is supposed that Jones had built his manufactory closo upon a den of the deadly reptiles in the overhanging cliff, and that attracted by the heat, or pos sibly the fumes of the whiskey, they found their way into the building in large numbers alter he had closed tho door and lain down to sleep. The Southern difficulties have be come so serious that the President is being urged to call a special session of Congress for the protection of the col ored citizens in the South. Some of the President's friends think such a step would be a wise nnd judicious move ment on bis part, not only in a political sense, but that it would serve to intimi date the perpertrators from future outrages. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Eiponat issued out of tbe Court of Common Pleas ot Elk County, and to me directed, I will ex pose to sale at public vendue or outcry at the Court House, Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER U1ST, 1871, at one o'clock, p. in. All the right, title, interest, claim and de mand, whatsoever, of defendant in said writ named, of, in, to, and out of all the following described real estate, being part of warrant No. 4044, situate iu Spring Creek Township, Elk County and State ol Pennsylvania, and bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a hemlock tree on the south bank of the Clarion river; thence north seventy-nine degrees 7'J east one hundred and nineteen rods to u post; thence north thirty-nine degrees tast thirty-four and forty-six one hundredths 84 40. 100 rods to a post on the Clarion river; thence south fifteen degrees 15 east one hundred and forty -one and forty-five one.hundredths 14 14a 100 rods to a post; thence nest one hun dred and fifty-two 102 rods to a hemlock; thence north fit'te n degrees west ninety VO rodB to the place of beginning. Con taining ninety-eight 08 acres more or less, said property being unimproved. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of S. J. Armagost at the suit of John Hamilton. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Phkbiff's Offick, Ridgway, Pa., Aug. 27, 1874. J hL'Gto. PLAYING CARDS. Til EZST-TIIS CHEAPEST. STE SHIPS Cheapest kind mado. REG ri'AS A cheap common card. BKO OWAYS A nice common card. . VIR MAS Fine calico backs. GEN JACKSONS Cheap and popular, (P tern backs, various colors and de signs.) COL . .tf BIAS (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One of ibe best curd made, MT. VERNONS Extra fine, two color pati terns. ASK THB ABOVE TAKE N3 OTHERS. Price List on application. Dealers sup. plied by VICTOR E. MAUGER. SfJ-1y ICO to USlleudo St, IV. Y QUOTATIONS Of White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND DROKERd, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, September 1st, 1874. DID, ABKEP. U. S. 1881. c 184 18 do 0 20, o '02, M and N 12 12 do do '64 do do do 'tio do Hi 171 do do 'Go J and J Kii 10 do do '07 do 1"! 17$ do do '08 do 17 17J do 10-40, coupon 1 lOf do Pacific G'scy V2i 12J New G'slieg. 1881 12 12.) do e. 1881 12 12. Gold 10'.) lU'.i Silver 10" 1 07 J Pennsylvania CI 61 j Reading , Gf, Ij.iiJ Philadelphia & Erio 16 10 Lehigh Navigation 46 46 do Valley CI fil United II R of N J - 12C, 120) Oil Creek 7 8 Northern Central !;i 83 Central Transportation 4-1 J- 46 Nesquchoning 6UJ 61 C & A Mortgage O's '8'J 100 101 Richmond, "Va., August 21. Gover nor Keuipcr has received from Gover nor Ilartranlt a requisition for the sur render ot Charles Salyanls, charged with hoi'.-e stealing in Franklin couuty, Pennsylvania, now confled in Borden couDty, Virgina. In New York it has gradually come to bo considered more lasliionuble to have the wedding ceremony take place in the morniutr or alttvuoon. New Advertisements. SHERIFFS SALE. Py virtue of a writ of al Fieri Farias issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Elk County, and tu me directed, I will expose to public sale or vendue at tho Court House, Kidgway, l'a., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1874, ut one o'clock, P. M. All the right, title, claim and demand whatsoever, of defendant of, in, to, and out of all that certain town lot situate in tho Borough of St. Mary's, Couuty of Elk and Stato of Pennsylvania, bcunded and described as follows, to wit: Being lot No. 15 according to the map and plan ot St. Mary's Borough, aud being eight (80) feet wide by oue hundred and fiitty (150) feet deep on which is erected a frame dwelling house 20x28 feet two storie3 high. Taken in execution and to be sold as the propeity of Joseph Walker at the suit of George Weig( I. DC Oyster, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, 1 Ridgway, Pa Supt 3d, 1S74 J n27tc SHEBIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Erjwnas issued out of the Court ot Common Picas ot Elk Couuty, and to mo directed, I will expose to sale at public vendue at the Court House, llidgway, l'a. ou MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1874 at one o'clock P M All the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendants in, to, and out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel ol' laud tituale in the Township of Vox, Couuty of Elk atid State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows to wit: Beginning at a post on the southern hide ot the Milesbnrg nnd Siucthport turnpike about seventy-one (71) perches east ot Bidgway Township line, said pust bi;in also the northeast corner ol Pattick Lamb's tract; tlicnoj smith ulonj Patrick Lamb's tract three hundred (300) perches more or less to a pest ou the southern warrant line ol worruut No 4374; thence east aloug taid war rant line Iweuty-eight 2d perches to d post; theuce uurth two hundred and eight 20S perches tuore or less to a post on the Milesburg and Suicthpoit turnpike: theuce westerly along said turnpike twenty-eight 28 perches more or less to the pJaco of beginning Containing fil'ty uciea and being part ul warraut No 4374 and being tLe same land conveyed to one Bridget Lamb by Simon Lamb, by deed ul essiguuient dated 17th day of August A L 18(33 and recoftled in Deed Book I page GUT &o, and the said Bridget having since died intestate wheruupua the suid ttact of Innd did descend to the said James Lamb and othr heirs ac la.v ot tbe suid Bridget Lamb On the above tract of land there are about eighteen acres cleared and im proved; a young growing orchaid; a log house erected (hereon 1G by 24 fjet and two stories high, also nn old chanty u-sed as a stable Seized and taken in execution as the property of James Lamb aud Simon Lamb and to be sold at the suit of W C Ileuly D C OYSTER, Sheriff Sheriff's Offick, ) Bidgway, Pa Sept 21, 1874 J t,27to liLKCOUNiy CO MKT PKOULA JQiMATlON Whereas the Hon. L. D. Wetmore, President Judge of the 37th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Chas. Luhr and J V. Uouk Esqs., Associate Judges in Elk county, have issued their precepts to ine directed, for the time of holding of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Picas, General Quar ter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Bidgway, for tbo Couuty of 10!k, on the 3d Monday of September (being the 21st day) 1S74, and coutiuue oue week. Notice is therefore given to the Cor oner. Justice of the Peace, and Consta bles in and for the county of Elk to up. pear in their own proper persons, with their records, inquisitions and remeui bersnces, to do those thiugs which of their offices and iu their behalf apper tain to be done; and all witnesses and other persons prosecuting iu behalf of tbo Commonwealth against any persons orpeisousare required to bo then aud there attending, uud not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the ap pointed time, agreeable to. notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's iflice, in Bidgway, the 3d day ot September in the year of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-lour. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff Administrator's Jt'ottce. In the matter of the estate of JOHN KETNER late of Jonei Township, Elk Co., Pa., deceased. Lettcrt of Administration on the above estate hav'ng been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to the said es are requested to make payment, and those having claims ogninBt the same will present them without delny to MA1HBON S. KLINE, or his Ally's. Administrator. HALL & M'CAULEY, llidgway, Ta. Kidgway, l'a. n2(jt4. MA11RIE GRENOLS by her next friend JAMES GARDNER vs. RICHMOND S. GRENOLS. No 6(5 April Term; 1874. JMrorce a vinculo matnmonie. To RICHMOND 8. GR1NOLS; you are hereby notified that MARIE GiilNOLS your wife by her next friend James Gard ner, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Co. lor a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and tho said Court has fixed Monday tho 21th day of Septem ber next, ns the tlruo for hearing tho said application in the premises, at which time you can appear if you think proper D. 0. OYSTER-Sheriff. Aug., 12th 1874. n24t4. In the matter of the Petition") In the Court of Henry Souther to prove of Common a lost Deed mado by David Pleas of Elk Meredith, deceased, to El- County. No. ijuii T. Meredith. J Sep. T. '74. To Rnrhd Taylor (late Meredith) and John K. Teylor her hmland: TAKE NOTICE that nn order was made in theabovo mutter, on tlio "th dny ol August, 1874, by llie Court o( Common Pliiiis of Elk County, awarding a subpoena therein, returnable to the third Monday of Septem ber next, nt a Court of Common Pleas there to be held for the County of Elk, at the Court House in Kidgwny, when mid where you and Ml other persons concerned arc re quired to appear iu paid Court and make answer upon oath cr atlirniation to the said bill or petition. HENRY SOUTHER, Att'y in Person, llidgway, Aug. 21st, 1874. LEST OJP V.IVS&S PET DOWN K)K TRIAL on the third Monday of September, bung the 21st day. 1874: 1 Jonathan Loyal on ct al. vs A.C.Fin ney el ul., 1 January term, 1871. 2 George Decker vs George Schneider, 9 April term, 1872. H Martin Soi g vs Nicholas Kroiienwetlcr, el al., 47 April term, 1S72. 4 Martin Sorg vs Nicholas Kronenwcllcr, ct al., 48 April term, 1872. 5 The School District of Fox vb John Myers el ul., ol Jumiary term, 1873 0 N. M. Drockwa vs Harvey Parsons, ."7 April term, 187;). 7 St. Mniy's Coal Co. vs George Hetgcr, 40 April term, 187o. S Anthony Weis vs J. A. Ilaak, 41 Aug. term, 1873. 'J The Clarion River Navigation Co. vs Dimm Carii.iin, I.) August term, In;;!. 10 Usury .-protil vs C. R. Eiirlcy, 8 November term, j87:;. 11 Ralph, Johnson ct al. vs Miles Dent, 4l .iiiuuury term, Is, i. 1 Com ol Pei.n'n lor use of J. A. Ilaak vs Andrew Kan', G'.l January term 1874. VI P. W. Days vs Elms Moyer, 13 April term, 187 I. 14 '1 unning ,j- Lunibii- Co. vs Joseph iiuiyer, :;l April term, 1871. 1-j Elias Muekey vs II. U . May, CI April term, 1871. Di George Eniif;h vs David Pontius, 13 Aupust term. 1871. 17 AUIciler A: 1'ietton vs Dull'alo New York and I'hiln. R. li., 4 ! August kcrin, 1874. 18 t''.ey and Mary Weller vs E. N. Y. .S: P. R. K , 44 August I em.. 1874. 1'MED. SCliU;M'G, Prothonotory. 112-jic. 1 F YOU WANT TO LI! IT goods chea: CIO TO JAM KS II- H AOKKTV Main Street, Ridgway, Fa. !HY (JOOnii, NOTIONS, MOOT A SHOES, If ATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QLEhNS WAKK, WOOD AND WU.LtlU-WAiti;. TOliALCO AND CIGARS. ALar;;e Stock of Groceries and liovislcns. The PKST GRANTS ! FLO UK tV i:ht.!lit lv nil hard, tud bold as chUJ as the aihAn.rr. JAMES II. IIAGI'-IITY. T O 1 UK CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your alienlion is specially invited to the fact thnt the National Bunks are now preparjd to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ol Hie conteumai Board of Finance The funds realized frolu this source are to be employed in the ereo- tion of tho buildings for tho International Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is confidently believed that ihe Keystone Stato will be represented by the name ot every citizen olive lo pain otio commemoration of tho one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for S10 rach, aud sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Slock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will bo paid on nil payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subecribei'8 who are not neat a National Rank can remit a check or post office order to llio undersigned, FRED'K FRALEY, Treasurer, t)04 Walnut St., Philadelphia Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge lion. Jno. Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J Houk. Distriot Attorney J. X. P, Hall. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Proihinotury Jo., Fred. Schocning. Treasurer Jom-i.1i WindiVlder. Commissioners Uobt. Campbell, Julius T . . ... ... iouee, ueo. r,u. n eis. Auditors C. W, Barrett, Thomas Irwin, xuoiuas j. ijurne. Countv Sui-vevnr C.nn Wilintilev. Jury Commissi mtrs. PhiUip Krtiijle iittusuoi l. hyler. EltED SCHOENING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. RIDGWAY ELK CO., 1 A. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Eslcrbrook'8 Celebrated Meet E'cns, the Itcsl JfSude. All Kinds of Job Printing done in the Rest Stylo and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND RILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES'OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & KILIE. A. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that tie world moves, and that tho demands of the public are con- stam:y lucrtusint, uic propr:eiora oi uie (SramI (Sjtoriipt j?toi;e have just returned from the eastern and western citic3 with the most perfect aud complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they bavc absolutely . BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy fov cash and . SELL FOR CASH ! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST S Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. EW STAGE ROUTE J. C. BURNS, .Proprietor. Tbe subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the V. S. Mail between REIKOLDSVILEL & BROCKWAX VILLE hag placed on that road a line o Hacks leave the Exchange hotel a Revnoldville every Tuesday, Tnureday and Eaturduy on thesirivalof the Broouvillo Hlnire. and return the same day. These backs connect at Brockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection with trains ou the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this line will te given, anu a Lucral patronage sououca. Aug. 13-7:'lt NliW L1VE11Y STABLE IN DAN StHllBNEK WISHES VO IN 'onn tho Cittzrns ol Ilidi'Wav, nnd the public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK.GOOD CARRIAGES 3i;'3), to lot -v i i uioKt rcasona ble terms. EiJlc will also do job lean ing. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Pott OHiue will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1K0. tf. 'S T&Wk hair rim-V-:- REHEWEH. Every year increases tbe popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is duo to merit alone. Wo can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, nnd silken. Tbo scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonio properties, prevents tho hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except In (iTlrnmrt rilA onro. If. ia tliA mnst. economical Hair I)ressixg ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap- pearanco. A. A. Hayes, M.U., btato !Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and! , consider it tho Best Puepabatioj for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggitti, and Dealers in Medicine). ! Price One Dollar. i Buckingham's Dye I FOB THIS WUISli-iSKa. I As our Renewer in many cases re quires xoo long a lime, anu too inuuu care, to restore gray or laaecl vv iiisk- ers, we havo prepared this dye, in one t 1. !11 -.-I-1.1 1 jrrepuraiwn', which win quicKiy uiiu effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash olE Sold by all Druggists. Prico Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, 2T.IL. J)!1YS:CIANS AND tUUGGlSTS. A prominent New York physicinn lately coniphiiiit'l to Uur.'ius D.c.;, uliom ms san dalwood Oil Cnnsulns, slating that some times tlicy cured Miraculously ; but that a P'ltient of his had taken Hi em for sonielini ttiiliuiit elFect. On being informed that several imitations were made ond sold, he inquired and found that his patient had been taking capsiiliis sold in bottles, and not lL.lAS DICK & VO b. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, and DUNDAS DICK & CO., take Ibis method of protecting "Oil of feanualwood trotn this disrepute. l iliblUlArts who once prescribe (lie Capsulas will CONTINUE TO UO SO, for tl.ey contain the PURE OIL in tho lilvST AUD CHEAPEST form. OIL OF 3ANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every other remedy, sixty Cflpsules ONLY being required lo insure a rafe and certain cure in six cr e-.;ht days. riom no other medicine can this result be had. 1il-k'm Soft CaI'SI'LES solve the prob urn long considered by many eminent pliy sicians, of how to avuid the nausea and dis giibt experienced iu , swallowing, which arc welt known to detract from, it not destroy the good effects of many valuable remedies bolt Cupsules aie put up in tin-foil uud neat boxes, thirty iu each, and are the only capsules prescribed by Physicians, CO-TEESE WERE THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED TO THE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Send for Circular to 85 WooslerSt., N. y; SOLD AT ALL EEUG STORES, General Agency, 110 Reade Street, N. Y ESTABLISHED 1823, MEYER & SONS, PIANO MANUFACTUHEH3, 722 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEADING FIRST-CLASS PIANOS No other Pianos have the imp ements, Prize Medal of the World's Fai London England, and the highest Prizes of tho country awarded. voul--o;n BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RATIIBUti, Attorney-at-law, Ridgway, Pa. 8 2 tf- ItUFUS LUC ORE, Altorney-al-Law EioWiiv. Elk Co.. Pft. Offioe In Hall's new Brick Building. Claim for ollection promptly attended to. v3nlly. II ALL & M'CAULEY, Attorneys-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Main Bt Ridaway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2lf. J, O. IK BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Inz-.j-l. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Ag:nt for the Traveler's Life and Aeei cut insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. .JAMES D. FULLER TON, ftiirccan Dentist, having permanently lo alcl in Kigway, offers his professional ser- icch lo the ciuzens of Kiugway and sur rounding country. All work warranted. lllice in Service Wheeler iSuiIding, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-82-ly V11ARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler. Main street, Ridgway, l'a. Agent for the lowo tewing .Machine, and Morton Uola en. Repairing Watches, ete, done with e same accuracy ob heretofore. Satis- ucliou guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, llrupgist and Faraceutisl, N. W. cernei Main und Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A ill assortment of carelully selected For- irti nti.l llnniotiri llriioa ViafintiAnB -fa w o - .-..w. .x-..vua ciiiel'ully dispensed al all hours, duy or J. S. B ORB WELL, M. D., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his otlice lrom Ccutre street, to Main at. Kidgway, l a,, in the second story of tho new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo sito Hyde's store. (jlliec hours: b to 'J a- m: 1 to 2 p, m. J jan 0 73 T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon, Ridgtta , l'a. Office iu Walker's Building. peciul attention given to Surgery. Ohice Iriim a. in. to 10 p. iu. Residence u ot South und Court streets, op- osito me new Bctiool llousc. All calls rumplly attended to. vlul'yl. HYDE HOUSE, Riiioway, Elk Co., Pa. V. II. b'UHUAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore o iibcruily bestowed upon him, the new l-kprictor, hopes, by paying strict u- tniiuu tu the comlorl and convenience ot ucs.13, to merit a continuance oi the tame. Oct oO 1600. BUCK TAIL BOUSE, Kasf., MsKean Co., Tu. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful lor the patioiiaue heretofutt 80 liberally bestowed upon hnn, the new pru- prietur, hopes, by paying strict attention to tliu eomloi't and convenience of giiem,,. a merit a continuance ot the Baine. lue tiily siableo lor horses in Kane aud well oi.i tugnt or dny. Hull attached lo the Hotel. vln23yl. KEKSEY HOUSE, CkmiiLvil-h, Elk Co., Pa. JiiiN Coluns, Proprietor. ThaiiKlul tor I lie patruuaue heretofore soUhcrilly bestowed upon him, llie new pio f neiur, hopes, by paying strict at leuiion to tiiu coiulor ulU convenience ol Liiesls, t 'nieiit a couiiuuauce of the suii.e. 1 II. HAYS, PKAI.E IN LVy Goods, Notions, Groceries, end General Variety, rCX, ELK CO., PA. JLai ley E'. O. vln-JTlf. JAMES J 'EN FIE LB, (Suce sor lo W. C. Healy,) DEALER IN LHY G-CCTS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PUODUCU, FRUITS, &o. 8b7tf. West End, llidgway, Pa. FRED. SCHOENING, WHOLESALE ANU RETAIL DEALEB IN PIANO-POliTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, nnd MUSIC BOOKS Pianos and oreans to rent and rnnfnl n. plied if purchased. i'rothouotary'g Office, Ridgway, Pa. v2u20tf. - BY MAIL. 88 CENTS 4tEP,B tlGWllLViCOy 4b PARK ROW I ' Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN YORK, PSMN'a ' Catalogues Mailed to Appliosnta-vjij Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. 8, Black, Washington, D. C. Wtisui, Son & Cam, Bankers, Vorkpn 2-tiuv MwV ADVERTISE