ft;.v ; J-Mlk 'V( hl'il'fl' 'W ' ;V S THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1874. Car Time at Iti'dgiray, .i j -u.'o 2:,ii a. m. m nu ii cffumtii'ii""""" rtVVU ,H1UV Mvii ' - I do East P' '" I ELK. LODGE, A. Y. M. i The stated meetings of Elk LoJge, No. 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourth J ucsdays of each month- AY. C. JIEALY, Seo'y. j Hates ef Advertising-. One column, one year -;; 7 ., 25 00 f 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1. two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions. $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per - R Advertisements payable quart erly. N PTE S . EABFtELD County is pestorsd with . 1 " Tiie Warren Lahjcr says there are urglars about in'that place. Base Bali, occupies the spare time our boys. Sheriff Oyster has his say nj,ain lis week. The third day of September is the st day for registration. There is some talk of organizing n ilitary company in this pi ace. See oroecedinors of the Republican ate Convention in another column. We rriut at the head of our editorial ilumn, the Republican State Ticket. We publish the list ot jurors, for iptember term of court, in another ilumn. Items of local interest, Irotn all parts the couuty, will be thankfully re ceived. We publish, this week in supplc ent form the Premium List ot the orthwestern rensyivaum nu on. Pied. Near St. Nathans, Wi.'con- lio August 15th, ISil, ot oonsmup lion Mr. Dillis A. Brockway, aged 40 years, 7 'Months and 2 days. We were honored with a call this week fromChas. McVean, postmaster of St. Mary's, 0. C Brandon Editor of the St. Mary's Gazette, and Daniel Scull Peniocratic candidate for Sheriff. TnE ti.ne for nrrival and departure of etnges between bore and Brookvillc lias been chanced. St:is;e arrives here now at 11 oclock a. m. and leaves at 1 o'clock jr. m. The Democrats hold their delegate sction on Saturday nest. Their Con ntion, to nominate a county ticket, bo held on Tuesday, Sept, 1st, HE evidence in the c:tso of J S. Hyde, vsN. M. Brockway was taken -P II 1? Tii-nrou F.it U lil l'i n Oil Ufisuay last, iiwu uuu. 1 .Ua r.L.nrtlT imi! T.-iiiid (.fir 1.1 l U I-.,'.!!., it n ,,n,tnl tnr 1110 1 defendent. I lie amount invoivea iu ima case is cou.uuu. '"i Almost a FrrtE The residence of P. T. Brooks, on Broad street was dis covered to be on fire last Tuesday after noon, but was speedly extinguished. The tire originated in a spark from a stovepipe and had it occured in the night, would have been attended with sad results. Another warning to people to fee that their stovepipes are secure. IXf. awa !n vnnAinl t( nn IniTitotlAn in I be present at the laying of the corner atono ot the estate Hospital lor tno in sano, at Warren, Pa. at 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, September 10, 1871. The corner stone will be laid by His T3Vrtol!nnfv .Tfihn 1? HI art rn n f t. (rnvprnnr of Pennsvlvania. The address will be Warren, Pa. An exchange inquires: " W'hu will people at the station persist in crowd ing into the cars before the peoplo in the cara have come out. It creates a jam and causes ill nature, profanity, crushed bonnets and hoops, besides giving pick pockets the best opportunity ia the world to practice their 'profession.' There is no necessity for it, because the cars are bound to allow a reasonable timo for passengers to get aboard, just as much as they are obliged to wait for the baggage to be put on. It seems singular to us that the railroad manag ers do not inaugurate a reform in this natter. Let the people inside the car, m arriving at the station where they ish to stop, get off the front end, and lot those wishing to leave the station get on at the hind end. By so doing both ihe debarkation and the embarkation v-ould be accomplished much more rap ,i ly and pleasantly than by the present v int of system. And the very slightest ( . -?rcise of authority by the train men -.: i station masters would luduco pas gers very quickly to fall into the new .: I most sensible way of getting on and the cars. We charge nothing lor t . j bint not even a free pass. 1 "rtltf,i.!n !!("i!i. 1m p'thln-n a wm "pr. - i - u, - ,.:, - .. l,..S.o if . .00 ,,,rW.al ... .... ...:.i .it personals himself, as be is an adept in the business. The Penalty. The laws ofl'enn. sylvania provide a fine oi not less than $5 nor moro than $100, with costs, for wilfully entering any orchard, garden, hotbed or green house, clubing, stone ing, breaking, or otherwise injuring fruit or ornamental trees, or wilfuly trespassing upon walking over, beating down, or tramping upon or in anywise injuring grass, grain, vines, vegetables or other growiDg crop. The Phrenolicial Journal And Life Illustrated for September, abounds in freshness and spice of the best sorts. Father mother, son daugh ter can each find something to please and instruct them in its well filled pages. We may note a few subjects as worthy the attention of readers generally, viz: James Lick, the Benevolent Millionaire of California; Oberlin College; Resolu tion and Appetite, Finance a Clear Presentation of the Currency Question; Thomas A. Scott, the Noted Railroad King, with a Portrait; The School Girl of tho Period; In the Toils of Fashion Good Council to Society La dies; Ruined by Good Luck Good Counsel to the Boys; The Venus Fly Trap; Curious Facts About a Curious Body; Jeremy Benthara What he was and What he Bid; Telescopes in Am erica and Europe; Pr. Alex. M. Ross the Canadian Naturalist; Hints on Pri vate Reading; Agricultural Hints, etc. Altogether an admirable number. Price 30 cents. 3.00 a year S. R. Wells, 38G Broadway, New York. A most horrible outrago occurred at Elkland, Tioga county, on Friday even ing last. A negro who was at work at the Traverse House attacked a young lady just below Elkland, forced her to one bido ot the road and outraged her person three times. In her struggles her clothes were torn nearly off, and the negro fiend choked her and threat ened to kill her with a large knife, and fiaa'ly dragged her to a race, and held her head under water till life was nearly extinct. He then left her more dead than alive, and as soon as she was able, she returned to Elkland and told her horrible story. The negro was arrested and seut to the county jail. This same negro has served one term in the peoiten tiary for burning the barn ot Frank Lovcll, in which a valuable horso was lost, and was believed to have been the author of a series of incendiary fires that occurred ia that neighborhood some time previous. The young woman was at work for Juo. Purkhurst, a prom inent citizen ol Elkland, and has always borne a good character and is well con nected. 1'oiUr Eiitcrjirisc. Found Bead. Oa Thursday morn ing, August 13th, a man named James Kenton, was found dead in his bed, at tho St. Charles hotel, in this place For eoiiie days previous he was oiog about towa greatly under the influence, of lirjuoi', which, evidently, he obtaiued in some surreptitious manner, as there arc no lieeur.ed houses here. An in quest was held on tho body, and a ver. diet reudered ot "Died ot Apoplexy;" but it is generally conceded that, al though the immediate cause of his death may have been appolcxy, jet the pri mary cause was severe dissipation for some days previous. The remains of the unfortunate man were buried on Thursday evening. Since then, a fur ther investigation in reference to where the deceased obtained the liquor which he drank, together with some other cir cumstances connected with his dissipa tion, were had, but with what result we have not learned. Wo hope tho case may be thoroughly ventilated, and all violators of tho law, if any, severely punished, as a warning to others who engage in the unlawful sale of intoxicat ing drinks. luit.imaim Join nal. Yesterday alternoon says tho Titus villo Courier, of 14th inst officers Miller and Breed were called to a house on Mechanic street, near the corner of Perry, whero the "sound of revelry by night," and also day had been heard by tho neighbors for a long time. Upon entering the house, the officers found one of the most dilapidated looking place for a human being to quarter, that has ever come to their notice, where any quantity of filth and very little furni ture . were visible. Upon a miserable apology for a bed lay three woman in a beastly state of intoxication, und setting upon the bare floor, leaning her head agaiost a box, was an old woman at least seventy years of age, also beastly drunk. Sitting on a box in another corner, was the man of the house, intoxi cated clear through. None of them had scarcely clothing enough on their persou to cover their nakedness. The officers found it necessary to call into servico a dray, in whieh the whole "party" were loaded, and rolling about on the bottom of the wagon box, in an unconscious condition, they were hauled to the lock-up when the process of un loading was commenced. lit AiiNuioN m.vijnu Machines, FiiiK Arms, and Agricultural Im-r-LEMENTs. Tho Remington Sewing Machine has sprung rapidly into favor ns possessing the best combination of good qualities namely, light running smooth noiseless rapid and durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes tho Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides. The Remington Sewing Machine has received premiums at many Frdis, throughout the United States, and with out effort took tho Grand Medal of Pro gress, the highest order of medal that was awarded at the late Vienna Exposi position. The Remington Works also manu facture the new Pouble Barrclle d Breech Loading SI 0', gun snap and positive action, with patent joint check, a marvel of beauty, finish, and cheapness, and the celebrated Rem" ington Rifles adopted by nine different governments, and renowned throughout tho world for military, huotiDg aud target purposes all kinds of Pistols, Rifles, Caues, Metalio Catridges, rf-o. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Road Scrapers, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, &c. The undersigned has been appointed agent for the sale and introduction of the Remington Sewing Machine in and for the counties of Elk, Clearfield and Warren. THOS, J. BURKE, Depot aud office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good local agent wanted. deducing the Timber Euppty. IMPORTANT ACTION OF THE DEAL ERS AND PRODUCERS IN CONVEN TION AT CLEARFIELD. Clcaifield, Pa., August, 18. A large meeting of the square timber dealers and producer of fbie and adjoining counties was held here to-day, the ob ject being the adoption of such measures as will reduce the stock the coming season to the actual waots of the mar ket next spring. The business before tho body was transacted with but little delay, the discussion on the questious raised being short, though animated. The most important resolution agreed to was one to reduce the amouut of square timber put in the comiog season to an amouut not excecdiog one-third ol that put in last season. The situation in south Carol ina a collision anticipated at kidge springs arms and am munition being shipped to the scene from augusta, ga. Augusta, August 13. There was considerable excitement here this nfter nooti, caused by reports ot an anticipa ted fight between blacks and whites at llidge Springs, Edgfield county, South Caiolina, one hundred and lorty-two miles from Augusta, on the line of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Rail road. A party ot armed whites left here this alteruoon to aid their white friends, and others will iollow in case a conflict begins. At 9 o'clock all was quiet at Ridge Springs, but a fight was ontieijutcd Both whites and blacks are arruiDg for the tray. There is an uneasy ieeliug that a war of races will btgin in South Carolina. In that event the white peo ple of Georgia, on the Savannah river will go to the rescue of the white people of South Carolina. Arms and ommuni tion are being shipped ficni this city Everything is quiet here, but there is u feeling ol seiious trouble in South Caro lina. Parker's Landing, August 22, 1874. There was a heavy storm pre vailed here last night accompaied with fierce lightning and rain, aud the wind blew a perfect hurricane, During the high winds an oil tank owned by the Grant Pipe Line Comp any, and having about 10,000 barrels capacity, but containing at the time only about 7,000 barrels, was struck by light ning, aud the tank and oil with a lot ot adjoining property was totally destroyed. Another large tauk containing sev eral thousand barrels situated near Ar gyll, was also struck by lightning. ibis tank was owned by Shatterneld & Taylor, and contained 23,000 barrels oi oil. The oil was still burning this morning at ten o'clock. In addition to the tauk owned by the Grand Pipe Line Company, there were seven rigs also destroyed here. The amount of oil lost and destroyed by the storm, indirectly, will amount to something over o0,000 barrels. GENERAL NOTES. The colored men ot memphis. in mass meeting assembled, denounce all viol ence and conflicts between the races. John Talliaferro, colored, convicted of murder at Martinsburg, West Va., was lynched on Thursday Bight, August lotb. Samuel D. Haines, the defaulter of the Bank of Chester County, has been sentenced to imprisonment for ouayear and a halt. At a meeting ot creditors of the Al leghany Valley Itailroad last week, a proposition trou the Pennsylvania Hail- road to lease tue Alleghany Valley Kailroad was voted upon and accepted The Washington Board of Health have been analyzing the tea sold by the grocers, and found it adulterated with much coloring matter. Philadelphia, August 21. Professors Wise and Wabl made a successful balloon ascent yesterday, reaching an altitude ot 9,300 feet. Ihey struck the upper current and moved easward at a mile per minute. Tbe trip was ior scicntiuo purposes. Many prominent Masons are now in Boston, attending the Supremo Council, thirty-third degree, for the Northern Masonic jurisdiction of tho United States. JV11Y 1.MST. List of Jurors drawn for Pcptemhcr term 1874, commencing Monday, September 21: OBAND JtlBOBS. renainger Henry FledcrmaDn, Frank SchluttcnhorTer, Christ Kraikle. Fox N. O. Bundy, John B. Cunco, Robert Wilson, Franklin E. Hewitt, Silas Moyer. llorton Geo. W. Clinton, Daniel Philcn. Jny John H. Miller. Jnnes Fulsnm Bcckwith, William Weidert. Millstone F. 3. Clyde. llidgwny K. C. Barrett, Geo. D. Mes senger, Klisha DeGroat, N. T. Cumniings, C. H. lthines, Will Dickinson, Joseph Wildfire. St. Mary's Borough Joseph Dicta, James ltogan, Henry Uiiutninn. TBAVEESB .ICBOrS. Benczettc S. A. Knglish, B. E. Morey, A. M. iiarr Bcnstinger George Nicsel, John NisRcl, Nicholas Krone nweltcr, John Kaul, Jr., Fin n li Oicr. Fox Jacob M'Cauloy, Unlph Bell, Orlando Meyers, Thomas Mnlone. llortiin--'J'lionins Uurchfield, James Ben nett, Jr., Wni Cheat le, Jeromo Farario, Jtcubcn Keller. Jay---J . A. Spnnglcr, B. I. Spnnglcr, Wm. Uobinson, Anpon B. Uobinson. Jones Judson SchnltJ, Knos Rotzer, John C. Johnson, Ferdinand l'istner. Ridgwny Horace Becker, George Dick inson, Eli Ktter. St. Mnry's Borough John Fox, Fred. Kudolpb, Anthony Fochtmnn, Frank Eckl, Joseph HanhaiiLer, Alois bchnuer, Jere miah l'aulus; Spring Creek Mat hew Shanley. NewAclvertisements, titlminikl rotor's Ji'otice. In the ninttcr of the estate of JOHN REINER lato of Jnnc Township, Elk Co., I'a., deceased. Letttrs of Administration on the nbove estate having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to the said es nrc requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same will present them without delay to MADISON 8. KLINE, or his Atty's. Administrator. HALL & M'CAULEY, Kidgway, To. Ridgway, Pa. n2UU. In the matter of the Petition') In the Court of Henry Souther to prove I of Common a lost Deed made by David Picas of Elk Meredith, deceased, to El- County. No. ijnli T. Meredith. J Sep. T. "74. To ItncJiel Taylor (late Mcrcilitli) ami John A'. Tuilor her httaband: TAKE NOTICE that an order was mnde in theabovc matter, on the oth day of August. 1874, by the Court of Common 1'lens of E1U County, awarding a subpoena therein, returnable to the third Monday of Septem ber next, at a Court of Common Plans there to be held for the County of Elk, at the Court House in Ridgwny, when aud where you and all other persons concerned arc re quired to appear in said Court and make answer upon oath or aflirmalion to the said bill or petition. HENRV SOUTHER., Att'y in Person. Ridgwny, Aug. 21st, 1S71. MARRIE GRENOLS bv her next friend JAMES GARDNER vs. RICHMOND S. ORENOLS. No f(j April Term; 1874. J)tvoce a vinntto lualromonie. To RICHMOND S- GH1NOLS: you nre hereby notified that MARIE GKlNOIrf your wife by her next friend James Gard ner, has iipplitd to the Court of Common Pleas of Elli Co. lor a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the caid Court has fixed Monday the Ultli day of Septem ber next, ns the lin e for hearing the said application in Hie premises, at which time you can appear if you think proper. J. V. OlSlJiK- Shcrill. Aug., 12th lb74.--riltl. LIST or CJVSVS SET DOWN FOR TRIAL ou the third Monday of September, Lbing the 21st day. 187-1: 1 Jonnthim Eoynton et al. vs A. C. Fiu- ncy cl nl., 1 JuMinry teini, 1871. 'i wcorge 'leiker vs George Schneider, 'J April term, 1872. 8 Martin horg vs Nicholas Kioneuwetlcr, et ol., 47 April term, 1(S72. 4 Martin Surg vsNicholas Kronenucttcr, et nl., 48 April term, 1872. o Hie Sclicol District of Fox vs John Myers ct al , Kl Januaiy term, 1873 u N. Al. iirockway vs Uarvcy Parsons. 37 Aprilterm, 1870. 7 fct. Maty s Coal Co. va George Rclgcr, 40 April term, 1870. o Anthony Weis vs J. A. Ilaak, 44 Aug. term, 1873. U Tho Clarion River Navigation Co. vs Hiram Carman, C'J August term, 1873. 10 Henry Sproul vs C. R. Earley, 8 November term, j873. 11 Ralph Johnson ct al. vs Miles Dent, 40 January term, 1874. 12 Com of Pcnn'a for use of J. A. Ilaak vs Andrew Kaul, 6'J January term 18i4. 13 P. W. Hays vs Elins Moyer, 13 April term, 1874. 14 Tanning S; Lumber Co. vs Joseph Burger. 81 April term, 1874. lo Elias Muckey vs H. W. May, Cl April term, 1874. 10 George Emigh vs David Pontius, 13 August term. 1874. 17 Aldcrfer & Preston vs Buffalo New York and Phila. R. K., 43 August term, 1874. 18 Charley and Mary Weller vs B. N. Y. & P. R. R., 44 August terr, 1874. FRED. BCHGiMNG, Prothonotary. n2otc. SIIESIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will ex pose to sale at publio vendue or outcry al the court iiouse, luugwny, Pa., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1874, at one o'clock, p. m. All the right, title, interest, claim a d de mand, whatsoever, of defendant iu said writ named, of, in, to, und out of ell tbe following described real estate, being part of warrant No. 4044, situate in Spring Creek Township, Elk County and State ol Pennsylvania, and bounded aud de scribed ns follows: Beginning at a hemlock tree on the south bank of the Clarion river; thence uonh seventy-nine degrees 7U east one hundred aud nineteen rods to a post; thence north thirty-nine degrees 3'J east thirty-four and forty-six one hundredths 34 40.100 rods to a post on the Clarion river; thence south fifteen degrees lo east one hundred and forty -one aud forty-five one. hundredths 14145. 100 rods to a post; thence west one hun dred and fifty-two 102 rods to a hemlock; thence north fifte;n degrees west ninety DO rods to the place of beginning. Con taining ninety-eight 08 acres more or less, said property being unimproved. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of S, J. Armugost at ihe suit of John Hamilton. D. C. OYSTER, Shoriff. " Sbekiff's Office, 1 Kidgway, Pa., Aug. 27, 1874. WGto. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of ft. writ oT Fieri Fucian Issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Elk County and to me directed, I will expose to snle at publio venduo or outcry at tho Court House, Ridgway, Yn., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1874 at one o'clock, p. m. All the right, title interest, claim and demand, whatsoever, of defendant in said writ named, of, in, to, and out nf all that certain tiact, piece, or parcel of land situnle in the township of Fox, in the County of Elk and Slate of Pennsyl vania to wit. Commencing at a hemlock at. the northwest corner of land conveyed to Uriah Rogers by Joseph V. Norris and others; thence south partly by lands for merly owned by Daniel Kingsbury one hundred and thirty rods more or loss to a post; thence cast to a post and stones, bo ing the west corner of .tho six and a half acre lot, containing the buildings of said Rogers; thence south fifty-five and threo lourth degrees (55J) cast thirty-nine rods to a nnst; thenco south sixty-four and ft bnlf('ll4i) degrees east twenty rods to an npplelrce; thence north (28) twenty-eight degrees cast thirty-three rodB more or less to a hemlock on the road; thence enst by land of Kinnicon Rogers to a post at the no -th-east comer of Kinnison Roger's land; thenco north one hundred nnd thirty rods to n poet; thence west by bind for merly owned by Daniel Kingsbury, one hundred nnd foity-tour rods moro orles3to lo the place of beginning. Containing one hundred twenty-one and a half (121 acres more or less, being part of warrant No. 4245 and being part of the same prem ises conveyed to Uriah Rogers by Joseph P. Norris and others by deed dated April 14th. 1H1I2. Recoidcd in the office for re cording deeds in and for the county of Clear field in Deed Book "E." pngo 242 etc, Taken in execution and to be sold ns the properly of John Myers at the suit of Joseph H. Hyde. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SiiEBirF's Office, 1 Ridgway, Pa., Aug. 27. '73. ( n20to. SHEttMFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of l.rvaii Facias issued out. of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to Bale at publio vendue or outcry at the Court House. Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21st, 1874, at one o'clock p. m. All the right, title, interest, claim and demand, whatsoever, of defendnntd in taid writ nnmcd, of in, to, nnd out of all the following described two tracts, pieces or parcels of land situate lying and being in the township of Fox, Elk County, Pennsylvania, and described ns follows: FIRST Beginning at a post at the southeast corner of Himm Egleston's land; thence south by land of Henry Karns and Daniel Kingsbury one hundred and six ( 100) rods to ft post; thence west by land of suid Kingsbury and others one hundred nnd sixty (100) rods to a post; thence north by laud of Joseph A. Ycnzie and others, one hundred nnd six (BIO) rods to a witch hazel; thence east by bind of said Eglcston and other land of said O'Unra one hun dred and sixty (100) rods to the place of beginning. Containing one hundred acres aud allowance. SECOND Beginning at a post in the north line of tho lot of land above de scribed; thence west partly by land of said Joseph Veuzie. and others, ninety-eight and one-half (UP J ) rods to a post; thence north by land of said Vcazie and others, oe hundred and seventy-two (170) rods to a hemlock; thence in.sl by sub-division No. two (2) ninety-eight any one halt ftlSJ rods to a post; thennc south by laud of Hiram Egleston one hundred and seventy-two rods 172 to the placo of be ginning. Containing one hundred ard five (103) acres and one hundred nnd forty-two 1 !2 perches, nnd being the same wh.ch Peter O'Hara and wife by deed made the 27th day of May, 1804, conveyed to Wm. lUcd, etc, Taken in execution nnd to be sold as the property of William Reed at the suit ot Peter O'Hnra. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Snkbike's Office, 1 Ridsrwav, l'a., Aug. 21, 1S73. ( n20 Ito. SSSESIIFMS SJII.E. By virtue ef n writ of Ltvari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Ccr.nty, and to me directed, I will expose lo sale nt public vendue or outcry, nl. the Court House, Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1874, nt one o'clock, p. m. All tiie right, title, interest, claim und demand, whatsoever, of defendant in said writ hamcd, of, in. to, and out of all those three described tracts of land situate in Fox township, Elk County, and Slate of Pennsylvania. One tract bounded and described as lollows: Jieginning ot a post being the southwest corner of the Kersey Mill lot; thence north sixty-one and t wo. thirds 01 perches to a post; thence cast seventy-eight 78 perches to a post thence south by land ot beilri'l, sixty. one and two-thirds perches to a post; thence west seventy -eight perches by land of Elizabeth Hyatt and Daniel D. Hyatt to the place of beginning. Containing thirty acres. One tract bounded and described aa fol lows: Commencing at a post; thence cast twenty rods by lands of Benzinger and Eschbach; thence south lorty rods by lands of D. D. Hyatt; thence west twenty rods by lands of Eliza Murphy widow, and the heirs of Patrick Murphy deceased, thence north forty rods by lauds of Benzinger and Eschbach to tho place ot begn.uing Con taining five acres. Both of the above de scribed tracts of land being parts of war rants No. 4078, and tho same conveyed unto the said C. W. H. Eicke, by the said Michael Hack and Mary Hack his wife- Taken in execution aud to be sold as the property of C. W. H. Eicke, at the suit ol Marie Hack and her husband Michael Hack D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Ridgway, Pa., Aug. 27, 1873. n2Gto. O Ml D E It FMXljra TMIE TEUjris or viH iirs. THE following order is made in accord ance with the provisions of the llth section of the act of Uth April. 1874, entitled 'An act designating the judicial districts of the Commonwealth and providing for tho appointment aud election ol judges therein, for issuing to additional judges learned iu the law commissions as president judgesand manner of fixing the terms of courts therin." Now, to wit: August Cth, 1874. An order is hereby made by the judges of the several courts iu aud for the couuty of Elk, fixing the time for holding the regular terms of said Court, as follows: SEPTEMBER TERM On the third Monday of September. NOVEMBER TERM On the third Mon dav of November. JANUARY TERM On the fourth Mon dav of Januarv. MAY TERM On the fourth Monday of May. In testimony whereof the undersigned judges of said court, have hereunto set their bauds and caused the seal of said counry to be athxed. L. D. WETMORE, President Judge. CIIAS. LUHR, Associate Judge. Filed August 6, 1874. FRED SCIIOENING, n2i 5t Prothonotary. SHERIFFS SALE. y virtuo of a writ of Venditioni Exponent issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to sale at public vendue or outcry at the Court House, Kidgway, Pa., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1874. at ono o'clock p. m. All the right, title, interest, claim nnd demand whatsoever of the M'Kean and Elk Land and improvement Com pany of, in, to, end out ol the following described tracts of lnnd situate in Jones and Benzincr Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania: Warrant No. 2315, 990 acres; date of, warrant December 12th, 1792; date of survey July 27th, 175)3. No. 2319, 91)0 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 27th, 179:$. No. 2323, 900 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 27th, 1793. No. 232(5, 090 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 29th, 1793. No. 2329, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 27th, 179c. No 2332, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 29th, 1773. . No. 2333, 990 acres; December I2tb, 1792; July 29th, 1773. No. 3301, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 29th, 1773. No. 2791, 32(3 acres; December 13th, 1792; July 10th, 1793. NV 3180, 905 neros; December 13th. 1792; July 10th, 1793. No. 2423, 802 acros; December 12th, 1792; July 29th, 1793. No. 24S7, 990 acres; December 12th 1792; July 8th. 1793. No. 2489, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 11th, 1793. No. 2527. 802 acres: December 12th, 1792; July 10th, 1793. No. 2551, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 10th, 1793 No. 2554, 493 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 10th, 1793. No. 25(14. 5571 acre!-; December 12th 1792; July 10th, 1793. No 2587 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 9th, 1793. No. 2591, 990 acres; December 12tb, 1792; Julv 8th, 1793. No. 2593, 990 acre?; December 12th. 1792; July 11th, 1793. No. 2598, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 8th, 1793. No. 2599, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 10th, 1793. No. 2004. 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 9th, 1793. No. 2008, 990 acres, December 12th, 1792; July 9th 1793. No. 2011. 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 9ih, 1793. No. 2012, 990 acres; December 12th. 1792; July 9th. 1793. No. 2014. 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 8th, 1793. No. 2000, 990 acres; Deocpiber 12th, 1792; July 7th. 1793. No. 2080, 990 acres; December 12th. 1792; August 10th, "j793 No. 3215, 80 acres; December 12th, 1792; August lGth, 1793. No. 32 i 7, 990 ncres; December 13th, 1792; Autiust 15th, 1793. No. 3218,990 acre?; December loth, 792, Aupust 15th, 1793. No. 3220, 990 acres; December 13th, 1792; Aujrvtst I "th, 1793. No. 3220, 81'i acres; December loth, August oih 1793 3228, 990 acres; December 13th, 792; No. 792; No. 792: ;J229, 490 acres; December 13th, Au-tust 17ih, 1793. 3230, 990 icres; December 13th, August 17th, 1793. 3231, 990 acres: December 13th, August 17th, 1793. .. noi . T 1 Oil. No No. 1792; No. 1792; Auust 19th, 1793. 3233. 990 acre?; December 13th, No. 1792; Aut-ust 19th, 1793. No. 323 1 , 49o acres; December loth, 1792; August 19th, 1793. No. 3243, 990 acres; December loth, 792; Auuust 20th 1793. No. 3242, 495 acres; December 13th 792; August 20th, 1793. No. 3251, 990 ncrc; December 13th 1792; Auuust 20th 1703. No. .!2u2, 9(1.) acres; December Utb 1792; Aucust 20;h 1793. No. 3253, 990 acres; December 13th 1792; Auaust 10th 1793. 0, 100 acre?; December 13th 1792; Auust 5th 1793 No. 3295, 70 acres; December 13th 1792: August 5th 1793 No. 4903. 990 acres; February 3d 1794; Julv 7th 1794. No. 4904, 990 acres; February 3d 1794; July 7th 1791. 3, 990 acre?; December 12tl 1792; July 27th 1793. No. 2377. 990 acrrs; 1792; July 29th 1793. The above described December 12th tracts of land are in Junes Township. The following described tracts of land are in Benzinger township: No. 490o. 990 acres; February 3d 1794; July 7th 1794. No. 4877, 990 acres; February 3d 1791; July 7th 1791. Seized and taken in execution as the property of The M'Keau aud Elk Land and Improvement Company at tho suit of Robert Patterson and Wm. Hacker. D C. OYSTEll, Sheriff. Sheriff's sale. 1 Ridgway, Pa , Aug. 27, 1873. f n26to. Foil SALE BY E.K. GRESH, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VAN VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATENT SPRING BED BEST tempered Eteel spring wire, these springs can be laid ou the slats of any common bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES ! Also agent ior Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BEST MACHINE m the market. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. v4nlGt9$, Temperance reformers will soon have a new enemy to laco. lite annual im portation of opium into this county now amounts to 250,000 pounds. PENNSYLVANIA BAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. It. Division. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, JUNE 2 1874, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run ns follows: WKSTWAllll. Niagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia... 7.20 n. m " Renoo 4.2o p in ' " arr. at Emporium 0 20 p m ' St. Mnry' ",'M p rn , ' " Ridgway 8.05 p ni nrr. at Kane H. IA p in ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia ll.fiO p m ' Rcnovo 11.10 b iu Emporium 1.15 p in St. Mary's 2.10 p ru, " Ridgway 2,i!3 p m " arrive at Erie 8.0-3 p m EASTWARD. NIAGARA EX. leaves Kane... 9.00 p m " ' Ridgway ...10.04 a m " " " Empoi'ium..ll.B5 a m " " " Rnuovo 4.05 p m " " arr. nt 1-hiladelphia 2.60 a rn ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " Ridgway 4.45 pm " St. Mary's 6.0U p m Emporium U.lOpm Renovo 0.20 p m " " nrr. at Philadephin... 9.40 a m Mail Enst connects enst und west at Erie with L a M S K W and at Corry and Ir vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny A R W. Mail West with east and west trains on L 8 & M S KW and at Irvinetou with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny K R W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcu'l Sup't. A. V. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. LOW-GRADE DIVISION. On and after MONDAY, JULY 6, 1874, (rains between Rcdbank and Driftwood will run as follows; WESTWABD. EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift wood dnily at 12:30 p m, Reynoldsville at 3:!0 pm, Brookville at 4:20 p m, arriving at Redbnnk al 0:30 p m, connecting with Express on Main Line for Pittsburgh. MIXED WAY leaves Reynoldsville daily at 6:45 a m, Brookville at 7:25 a ni, arriv ing at Rcdbank at 11:50 a m, connecting with trains north and south on Main Line. EASTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Redbank daily at 10:15 a in, arrives at Brookville ut 1:30 p m, Rejnoldsvillts at 12:37 p in, Drift wood at 6:20 p m, connecting with trains east and west on P and E Railroad. MIXED WAV leaves Redbank daily at 12:40 nm, arrives at Brookville at 6:25 p m, Reynoldsville al 6:45 p m. MAIN LINE. Cn and after MONDAY, JULY 6, 1874, trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows. BUFFALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts burgh daily at 7:05am, Redbank Junction at. 10:05 a in, and arrive at Oil City at 1:35 p m. PITTSBURGH EXPRESS will leave Oil City at 2:20 p m, Redbank Junction at 0:35 p m, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 10:00 p m. T1TUSV1LLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts burgh at 1:00 p m, Rcdbank Junction al 4;10pm, and arrives at Oil City at 8:15 p iu. Returning, leaves Oil City at 8:20 a m, Redbank Junction at 12:08 am, aud ar rives at Pittsburgh at 3;35 p iu. J.J. LAWRENCE, General Superintendent. Wm. M. riiiLLirs, Ass't Supt., Brookvillc, Pa. Summer Arrangement. BUFFALO, NEW i'ORK & PHIL'A. R. R. THE SHORTEST AND MOST D1BECT ROUTE To Willianispoit, Suubury, Ilurrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, W ash ington and the South. On and after MAY 81, 1874, and until further notice, trains will leave Buf. falo from the BufTalo, New York & Phila delphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange and Louisiana streets ob lollows: 8.50 a mMised Train to P. Allegn y (daily excet pSundays.stoppiug alEbeueaer 9 25, iSpringorooK u o, t.imau oo, jauusuu iuuu 10 04, East Aurora 10 lu.Souin aics w iu, Hollund 11, Protection 11 15,Arcado 11 45. Yorkshire 12 08, Machias 12 30, iranR- linville, 1 28 lschua 2 15, Hinsdale 2 60, Olean 4 20, Westons 4 46, Portville 6 00, State Line 6 18, Eldred 6 49, Larabecs 0 05, Sartwell 0 20, Turtle Point 0 bO, Port Allegheny 7 p m- 12.30 13 m Philadelphia 'Express (daily), Stopping at Ebeuezer 12 uo, Lima 1 12, East Auroro 1 25, Holland 1 48, Arcade, i 13, Yorkshire 2 22, Machias 2 81, Frank linville 2 50, "lschua 3 11, Hinsdale 8 20, Olean 3 42, Westons 4 53, Portville 4 00, State Line 4 08, Eldred 4 22, Lurabces 4 80, Sartwell 4 35, Turtle Point 4 41. Port Allegheny 4 65, Liberty 6 15, Keating Sum mit625, Shippen 6 48, Emporium 005 p m Rcnovo 9 14, Willianispoit 11 46 Suubury 2 00 am, Harrisburg 4 30 am Philadelphia 9 15 am, Baltimore 8 35 a m, Washington 10 47 a ni, St. Mary's 7 86 p ni, Ridgway 8 t'5 p in, Wilcox 8 40 p in, Bane 9 15 p m. 5.30 p. n., Olean Accommodation (daily), stopping at bbenezer 6,66, SprmgbrooK 0,06, Elma 0,10, Jamisons 0,15, East Au rora 6,21, South Wales 0 32, Holland 6 43, Protection 0 60, Arcade 7 05, Yorkshire 7 15, Machias 7 25, Franklinvillc 7 40, lschus 8 00, Hinsdale 8 15, Olean 8 30 p. ni. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 3,16, A. M. Local Passenger aud Freight (daily except Sundays) slopping at ship ping 3.50, A. M., Keating Bumuiit 4.40- Liberty 6,00, Port Alleghany 5,40, Turtlo Point 0, 25, Startwell 030, L,arabees 0 60 Eldred 7 12, State Line 7 45, Portville 8- 08, Westons 8 20, Olean 9 00, Hinsdale 9 30, Isohua 10 02, Eranklivilie 10 40, Machias 11 13, xarkslnre 11 80, Arcade 1145, Protection j2.20, P, M., Ilollaud 11 81 South Wales 12 61, East Auroral 25, Jaiiuson 1 40, Elma 1 60, fc'pringbrock 2 00, Ebenczer 2 20, arriving in tSuuulo at 6 50 p ni. 1.50 p. m., Buffalo Express (dally except, Sundays), btopping at Isnippen 2 07 am, Keating Summit 2 80, Libeiiy 2 41, Port. Allegany 3 05, Turtle Point 8 19, ifartwell 0 30. Eurabees 3 au, tiurea 3 no, state Line 3 52, Portville 4 00, Westons 4 07, Olean 1 20, Hinsdale 4 35, lschua 4 53, Franklin ville 5 15, Machias 6 85, Yorkshire 5 45, Arcade 6 54, Protection 0 12, Holland 0 2o, South Wales 0 32, East Aurora 0 45, Jamisons 0 54, Elma 0 58, Spr.ngbrook 7 04, Ebenezcr 7 15, arriving iu Bullulo at 7 49 p. m. TRAIN LEAVES OLEAN. 6 00 a. m, Accommodation (daily) stop. ping at Hinsdale at 0 14, lschua 0 28, Fiauklinville 6 40, Machias 7 03, Yorhstaire 7 12, Arcade 7 19, Protection 7 34, Hol land 7 41, South Wales 7 61, East Aurora 8 03, Samisons 8 09, Elma 8 13, Spring brook 8 19, Ebenezer 8 27, arriving iu Buffalo at 8 50 a. m. SUNDAYS ONLY. Train leaves Buffalo for Arcade at 10 01) a m stopping at all stations arriving at Arcade 11 45 am. Returning leaves Ar cade 6 64 p m, arriving in Buffalo at 8 50 J.!. YEOMANS, H. L. LYMAN. Gen'l Suh't. Ueu'l 1'asn'r Ag't. .During one week recently, Chicago had fourteen fires, aud in the same period, London, with nearly nine times as many inhabitants, hat tit'tccti tire.-,.