IlfcNtlY A. PAB80K9, Jr. - - Editor TllUnSUAV, AtHWST 20. '.874. Look to the AsacstmenU. Remeinhct that yon must be iswcJ at least fir wontis before election to entitle jon to a vote, and jeu must lmrc paid a Ptnto or ronnty tux at least owe mrwrA bfforo election, SEPTEMBER Till Rl is tho Jast day for i.wwmMiln, and OOTOUr.R THIRD ihe lnt day for payment of taxes. Read tho elect ion law in tho Advocate of August 13th. Remember these facts a they may savo jou trouble The Supremo Court of Illinois has recently confirmed a verdiot of 82,000 damages given by tho jury to a widow, made so by ardent spirits sold to her late husband. The facts of the enso it is unnecessary to recapitulate Tho dc- fendant supplied the man with that which rendered him incapable of self care. He went to bed upon a railway track, and was found dead tho next morning. Judge Scott, in reviewing the case, said: "He who deliberately sells that which he knows will inflame the passions, de prive the party of the control of his judgment, and lender him fdt the time being incapable of exorcising proper care for personal safety, or tb at of his property, mufst bo prepared for the con sequences that may follow." Ix seems that some people cannot pos sibly bo happy unless they are engaged in President making. It has been go ing on to a very considerable extent all over the country for tho past few months, and now a new box of candida tes has been opened at Washington. The papers of the Capital City soem to be particulary lively in this respect, and the issues of last Sunday just overflowed with suggestions. A correspondent, described by The Sunday Herald as a very prominent gentleman, urges the nomination of General Sherman by the Democratic party, stating that he is the most popular nAn in the Eastern States, and that tho removal of tho headquart ers of the army to St. Louis will have the effect of rendering liiin tho most popular man in tho West. An anon mouse correspondent, in the same pa per, refers to the possible candidature on the Republican ticket of Chief Jus tice Waitc, but speaks in terms of praiso of Secretary Bristow's action, in his short time in the Treasury Department, and nominates Lim as tho standard bearer of the people for 1870. Then there are Blaine, and Hancock, and Morton, and Logan, and Conk ling, and Thurman, and Heudricks, and Pendleton, and but we are all out of breath! Willi'amnjwrt Gazette and Bulletin Congressional Confebence. The conferees for this Congressional district composed of the counties of Erie, Wai rcn and Venango, met at tho Ellsworth House, in the city of Erie, August 14th, tho delegates for Erio county be ing G. W. Colton, of Erie, C. O. Pov man, of Corry and Hon. AVm. Benson of Watcrford. For Venango county, G. V. Forman of Oil City, P R. Gray of Frauklio, and J. L. Connely of Plejsantville. For Warren county, W. D. Browu and P. Falconer of Warren and S. Warner of Freehold. On motion Judge Connely was ap pointed Chairman and P. Falconer Sec retary. The followiug names weio presented aa candidates to tho Convention. By Erie county tho name of C. B. Curtis; Venango county the name of F. W. Mitchell; by Warren county the name of Li. b. Watson. On the first four ballots tho candi dates stood 3 votes each; on the filth ballot Curtis had 4 votes, Mitchell 2 and Watson S. On the sixth ballot each candidate bad 3 votes. On re-assembling at 3 p. in., the fol lowing resolution offered by Mr. For man was unanimously carried: Retolvtd, Thataoopy of the proceedings of this Convention be furnished the press at the close ot each session or whenever re quested by them at any time. The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth ballots inclusive were 3 votes for each candidato and the eleventh stood Curtis 4 votes, Mitchell 2 and Watson 3 Twelfth ballot Curtis 3, Mitchell 3 Watson 3 On tha thirteenth, four teenth. and fifteenth ballots Curtis had 3, Mitchell 2 and Watson 4. Sixteenth ballot Curtis 3, Mitchell 3. Watson 3 Seventeenth and eighteenth ballots Cur tis 3, Mitchell 2 and atson 4. On re-assembling at 1 o'clock, p. m., on Saturday, the Convention passed the following resolution onered bv Mr. Gray Rtiolvtd, That wben this Conference ad journs it shall adjourn to meet again on Monday the 31st day of August, provided nomination be not made during the present session. On motion adjourned to meet in pur uance of the foregoing resolution. P. Falcon eb, Seo'y. Erie, August 15, 1874. That intelligent merchant, Stephen (iirard, uiado this observation, which may be pondered by young merchants: "During my long commercial experience I have noticed that no advantages result from telling one's business to others, ex cept to create jealousy or competition when we are fortunate and to gratify onr emmies when otherwise-" He was never known to disregaid this theory. Put in-Bay, South Bass Island, Lake Erie, is 25 miles from Sandusky City, Ohio, and contains about 1,700 acres The place is so called because Commo dore Perry "put in there alter his vie tory over the British fleet, in 1812, to bury bis Bead. rCLITICAL NOTES. William r. Wallnoo has beca renomi nated for lha State r-'ont, and John H. Orvi for President Judge, by th Democrat of Clinton ronnty. " The Democrat of ihe Second Con- rfieFional District cf Philadelphia. nominated Renjamin Rush, the vote (landing. DM, Hepburn f. The nomination was nude unanimous. Mr. J, Proctor Knott, who wan n member of the Forty-second Congi-eec, and pained a national reputation na a humorist b his reniarknble pntirical speech upon Duluth, again! ll North ern Pacific land pnnl, has been nomi nated for Confess again in tho I'onrtli Kentucky district. It look now n if Senator Hamlin, of Maine, would serve another term in the United Slates Sonnto in spito of tho cp position to him. A ainpular feature of tho contest is that all of tho candidates aro liic-long oflicc-holdcrs. Mr. Haoi lin has been in oflhe almost from the titno he bccaoio of age, nnd his cetnpcll tors, Gov. Perhaia and Collector Wash burn, havo almost similar records. This fact greatly diminishes the chaneoot a successful opposition to Mr. Hamlin, since tho main objection to him is that ho has had his nose in the public crib long enough. Tribune. General Gabfield was renominated by the Congressional Convention of his district, at Faincsvillo, Ohio, on Ihurs day. The vote stood 100 to 34. the latter being all blanks. Tho active op position which had been manifested to his renomination led many to suppose that the contest would be close. The result, however, was to bring out to the primaries tho entire Republican strength, and to give him an overwhelm' iug majority of the Convention. There is no doubt that the opposition to Gar Geld is a good deal demoralized, and yet it is intense and bitter in tho extreme An independent nomination is talked of. and the name of Lieutenant Governor Hart is suggested. Rut Garfield will go through, not by his usual 10,000 major Uy, but he will get more than ho re (iin:s.lJttsOurgh lelcgraph. Tho Republican Convention of Montgomery county at its lato session renominated Gov. Ilartranft. The election dees not take place until next year, but it hss been understood by th people ot the atnte that tho Governor will be renominated. It is doubtful if be will have as much opposition as at last convention, when it was very slight. We suppose the honor of first suggesting the renomination of our excellent Gov ernor must be given to the Constitu tional Convention, which made him the only man on earth eligible to re-election to that office. Gov. Hartranft's career has becu a wonderful one. He was the worst abused man that ever stood tor office, yet he was elected by ono of the largest majorities recently given a eoV' ernor in this State. Bya wise and pru dent course ho has compelled the re spect, and even admiration, of journals like the New York Tribune, tho Even ing rost and the Philadelphia Press, papers bitterly opposed to him during his candidature. Coal Gazette. Amsri-a the Paradise of Thieves. WXTERE OUR CRIMINALS COME FROM. The story of Charlie Ross, tho bright boy of four years who has been kidnap ped from bis parents and home, has sent a thrill of alarm and horror into every family, and almost into every breast. There arc few who would not cheerfully join a mob to lynch the pre petrators of this atrocious crime, were they but known. Ihe "dangerous clas ses, as wo call them, are becoming so numerous, so well organized, so power ful, that it will become a necessity for every honest man in the couimuuity to become a polios officer, and aid in the extermination of these bands of thieves and burglars. There is not a govern ment of a State or iotvo in Europo where felons, thieves, and rogues of all classes will not be dealt leniently with on con dition they will go to America. It is said that in one of the Continental na tions four years ago, teachers daily went into the prison to teach prisoneis Eng lish, bclore they embarked for America, to which country they had agreed to go on coiiuitiou that they were released Thus the United States has become the receptacle of the felons of Europe, Neither is it mush better amonast us: if thieves, and suspected thieves will leave the county or town, with a pledge never to return, magistrates and jurors are often but too happy to get rid of them on such easy terms. Yearly crowds of smart, clever, well educated boys aro turned out from our public schools and frea academies, who would be glad to learn soma trade or honest employment, but the trades, un ions forbid taking apprentices exceptiug under the most limited restrictions, pnd these bright boys become idlers, and fin ally thieves. The criminal classes arc not only numerous, but they are so thouroughly organized, so powerful, aud so wealthy that they control and com mand the best legal advica and the most powerful influence that money and talent and perfect organizations can ob tain. The robbing of banks, the forg ing cf bonds, the couterluiting of stock certificates, and the kidnapping of Char lie Ross are tho work of tbeno danger ous classes, who can only be extermin ated by a ccrtainity and severity of puu isbment which is not visited upon them here, and which alone can prevent the United States from continuing to be what it has long been, (he paradise ot hieves. Luncanler Intelligencer, Here is the wail snd the warning of an unhappy Nebraskan: Don't to Ne braska? Don't allow any one to come here, because it is h-11 here in the shape of 1,244,578,900,000,000,000 grass hoppers! There has been alight wheat harvest, and now every piece of corn and potatoes is mined. Dave Hill lost his entire crop of corn about fifty acres in all. Smith has lobt all but two acred of corn. The fact is, Jesolation reigns supreme in the fields. There is a fair prospect of want for the homesteaders, and likely, starvation for some. Should like to borrow 8100 of somo one that we might escape the impending doom, GENERAL NOTES. A dnf school for oonvicts has been established in tho Massachusetts State Prison. Five bushels of cranes upon a single vino make glad the heart of its owner in Indiana. "Unmanned by tho loss of her bus- and," ll tho new stylo of indicating a widow's grid. An Illinois neWKpapor makes lis death reports more iiitotCHling by publishing "a sick lint" several dnyii in advance. In politics, North Carolina and Mem phis, Ti'nnrjMoo, aro claimed to havo gone Dcmonrutic, Mnyor Havumeycr, of Now York city, cntors a idea of not guilty to tho charges prctcrrcd ogniust him by J aiiimntiy. A lady in Prinoctown, Iowa, was re cently stung on tho neck by a honcy-bec, aud died from tho cITccts in twonty minutes. Among tho resolutions of the Kansas Independent. Stato Convention is one calling for direct election of President by the pcoplo. Messrs. Taylor & Son, brewers, of Albany, N. Y. havo purchased the first lot of now hops ofiored this year, at fifty cents per pound. The American baso ball players in England aro having a very suocessfu 1 time, gaining glory and gate money in profusion. J hey have beaten two or three crack English elevens at cricket, The Spiritualists are going to hold a national camp-meeting at Luke Pleasant Mass., this week and next. The grounds will be dedicated next Friday, with an address by John Collier of England. Appearances indicate that tho Gran gers and Republicans will league to. gether in Missouri this autumn, oust tho Democracy, which has carried corrup tion and misrule to such lengths in that State as to be no longer tolerable. Ernest Smith, colored, aged eighteen who was tried and convicted in May last on tho charge of having com milled an outrage on .miss tiartlctt, aged sixteen was hung at Eastern, Md., August Gth He denied his guilt to the last. Augusta, Ga., Agust 17. Tbo excite ment continues over tho lynching of Gabe Murrell, tho murderer of Captain Butler. It is thought the other negro accomplice, now in jail, will lynched to night. The military guarded the jai all night. Revenue inspectors on Monday seized 2I,0U0 cigars and 47 reels, of cigarettes which had been smuggled and Reacted at No 11 Rector street, New York and 1,000 cigars and 38o reels of cigarettes which were in a wagon at pier 2So, North river. At Washington fcccrctary Bnstow ; preparing a formal demand on tho sev eral Pacific Railroads embraced in the act of last June requiring the paynicn of five per cent, of the not earnings ot the companies to the Government, ini posed by the act of July 1, -1?G2. New York, August 14. In a quarre last night Louis Messman, residing ii Canal street, discharged a pistol at hn wile, the ball grazing her f ice, but not injuring her. He theu evidently think ing sho was dead, placed the ievo!ver to his right temple and sent a ball into his brain, and died soon alter midniglu. General Pope telegraphs to Lieuten ant General fciheriduu that the Indium, who havo been marauding in Southwest ern Kansas havo gone to tho borders id Llano Estacado, a country filled with game, and that they have abundance ol ammunition. Three columns ot troop.-, now operating will converge on thti sec tion named. A great deal ot excitement on Change at St. Louis, last week, was caused by a report that Alexander Dorman & Co., had forged cotton warehouse receipts to the amount of 15,000 to 1.")0,000, nnd that two or three banks of that city had been victimized to the extent of 840, 000 or 830,000. Boman end ono cr two other members of the firm have been arrested, und an investigation will be made. Mary Williams a domestic employed at Cozens Hotel, Newburgh, N. Y., while walking fell over a prteipicc 140 feet high Sunday night. Sho struck a sapling in her decent, which broke her fall, and she escaped instant death. She was terribly injured, and lay all night unable to help herself, and was only discovered late on Monday morn ing. She probably will not recover. Ex-Mayor Wrigbtman, of Boston, has been arrested for debt and is now in jail. He was one of tho directors ol the directois ol the Franklin Coal Com pany of Lykens Valley, an insolvent or ganization. J'.ly livers, ot Ilarribburg, has recovered a judgment against the company for 814,800. Wrightman de. nics that bo was a director at the time tho execution was issued, and therefore ho is not liable. The Rochester Races attracted i large crowd last week about 20,000 peo pie being present on Wednesday when Goldsmith Maid beat her time at Buf falo by three quarters of a second, trot ing a milo in the unprecedented timeot two miuutes and fourteen and three- fourth seconds, thus winning the first purse 82,500, and an additioal 81,000 offered for the horse that would beat the Maid's time at Buffalo, The beat was trotted without a single break, and it is said that the track is about a foot over a full mile. Judgo Fullerton won the second purse und American Girl the third. Elk County Directory. President Judge Additional Law Vincent. -L. D. Wetmore. Judge Hon. Jno. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V. ilouk. Distriot At torney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Prothonothry o., Frod. Schocning, . Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. Couuly Superintendent ttufus Lucore Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, Julius J ones, ueo. ta. nets. Auditors C. W. Barrett, Thomas Irwiu Thomas J. Burke. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley Jury Commibsi ners. Phillip Kreigle Eunsom T. Kylor. FRED SOHOENING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, and and Stationers. . RIDGWAY ELK CO., 1A. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITINGS FLUID AND COPYING. INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Estetbrook's Celebrated Slcel Pens, the ICest .Unite . All Kinds of Job Printing done in the Best Stylo and at Low I'riccs. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & KIME. A. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that the world moves, and that the demands of the publioare con Btautly increasin-r, the proprietors of the (Snuul 0cn1rLnl tor have just returned from tho eastern and western cities with the most perlect and complete stock of ' MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.' You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING the y do not keep, absolutely aud they have BROKEN THE- BAG KRONE of high prices. They buy for cash aud SELL FOR CASH I CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! RiJgway, May 1st, 1873. EW STAGE ROUTE J. C. BURNS, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. 8. Mail between UEYNOLDSVILEL & BROCKWAYVILLE has place! on that road a line Hacks leave the Exchange hotel a( Ueynoldville every Tuesday, Tnnrtday and Saturduy on the arrival of the Brooavillo stage, and return the same day. These hacks connect at Brockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection with traius on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Eyery' attention to the comfort of patrons of this line will be given, and a liberal patronage eolioited. Aug. 13-72U. General Job Printers, LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, NEW L.IV11UY STAIJL.K IN DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IN form tho Cittzens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stablo and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES iV.ijjiej, to lut upon tha most reasonn Me terms. BgiIIe will also do job tensing. Stable on Broad afreet, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will nieei prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fullv uo to its hierh standard : and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gkay ob Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its uso, becomes white uiid clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from fallinsr out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new crowth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical IIaib Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Ilaycs, AID, Stato Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Tho constituents are pure, and. carefully solofit.pd for excellent oualitv: and I consider it tho Best Pbepaeatioh for its intended purposes. Sold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines. Frlco Ono Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOB TUB WHISKEHS. As our Eenewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore trray or faded "Whisk ers, we have prepared this do, in one preparation wtnen win quietly ana effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Bold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., .UASiiUA, H .li IUYSICIAN8 AND DRUGGISTS. A prominent New York physician lately complained lo Dundas Dick, uboiu hi San dalwood Oil Capsulas, staling that some times they cured miraculously ; but that a patient of his had taken them for tometim without effect. On being informed that several imitations were made and sold, he inquired aud found that his patient had been taking capsulas sold in bottles, and not DUX DAS DICK. & COS. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, and DUMDAS DICK & CO., lake this method of protecting "Oil of Sandalwood" from this disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe tho Capsulas will CONTINUE TO DO SO, for ihcy contain the PURE OIL in tho BEST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OF SANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every other remedy, sixty Cspsulcs ONLY being required to insure a tale and certuin cure in six. or eight days. From no other medicine can this result be had. Dick's Son Capsules solve the prob lem long considered by many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nausea and dis gust experienced in, swallowing, which are well known to detract from, if not destroy, the good effects of ruuny valuable remedies. Suit Capsules aieput up in tin-foil and neat boxcB, thirty in each, and are the only capsules prescribed by Phyuicinns. 86TTI1ESE WERE TEE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED TO T1IE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Send for Cirou'.ar to 85 WoosterSt., N. YJ SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES. General Agency, 110 Reads Street, N. Y ESTABLISHED 1823, MEYER & 60N3, . PIANO MANUFACTURERS, 722 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEADING FIRST-CLASS TIANOS. No other Pianos have the imp emeuts. Prize Medal of the World's Fui London illiiiis England, and the highest Prizes of the country awarded. 3u42-3m- V THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY, UAVING THE LARQJEST CIRCU- ATION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY Scvotcd to the guttrcstsi of the people cf IU Counts. rcmM3:$2.00 PES YEAH. If you wint to slII anything, let the pontile know it through the Advocate, the great advertising medium. IJP.IXCr ALONG YOUR ADVER- TISU.MENTS AND GET THEM 'INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. SJhc (Bill ViTuocntq Job Printing Office, In the Court House, Ridgway, Pa. The lest work done, anil at the very lowest prices. Hand bills printed at the shorcst notice. Call in and get our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended to Address, HEN It Y A PARSONS, JR. Rji (.WAY, P BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. JtATlIBUM, ' , Attorney-at-law, Ridgway, P. 2 2tf. RUFUS LUC ORE, Attorney-al-Law Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office ia Hall's new Brick Building. Claima for collection promptly attended to. t3nlly. HALL & M'CAULEY, Attorneys- at-Lw. Oluoe in New Brick Building, Main St Ridoway, Elk Co., Pa. v8n2tf. J, O. IK BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnzul. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Accl dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLERTON, Surgeon Dentist, bavins permanently lo cated in lligway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of ludgway an) iur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up- stairB, first Uoor to the lelt, id-u-dU-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Kidgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis aotion guaranteed. vlnlj G. G. MESSES GER, Druggist and Paraceutisl, N. W. eornri of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. .vln3y J. S. BORD WELL, M. I)., Eclectio Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his ofiice from Centre street, to Main st. Ridgway, Pa in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, (jftieo hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 jau 0 7ct T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon, Ki.lgwa , Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office house Iroin 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vlnilyl. HYDE HOUSE, UiuowAV, Elk Co., Pa, V. H. SCI111AM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hcrctofor so liberully bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying slrict at tention to the comfort nuj convenience oi guests, to merit a cuiitiuuanco oi tho ume. OU 30 18ti). BUCK TAIL LOUSE, Rank, McKean Co., P. . E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful lor the piiirouuge hcretofoi so liberally bestowed upuii hiui, the new pre pnutor, hopes, by paying strict, attention lo the conilmt and convenience ot guests, to mcni a continuance of lliu same. The ouly biables lor lioised in Kane and well kepi uiul or ituy. Hull utiaclieu lo tne Uolel. vliiioyl. KER&E1' HOUSE, CtM'HEviLLE, Elk Co., Pa. Jons Collins, Piu-priutor. Thankful tor the pauoiuijie heretolor so liberilly bentowed upon hiui, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the ooiuloiv m conveuieuca of guests, t'liicia a voutiuuuiice of the I SllUlO. I'. . HAYS, DKALK.. IN Goods, Notions, Groceries, Dry and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. MCurlty J. O. vlu47tf. J A MES EE NEIL L D, (Suco sor to W. C. Healy,) DEALER IN LItY GOODS, GaOCESISS, TltOVISIONS. PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. vdmtt. w est hind. llid"vay, P. FRED. SCUOEiXING, WH0LK8ALE AND BF.TAIL DEALER III PIANO- FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET JilUSIC, and MUSIC B00K8 Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. i'rolhonotary s umce, luugway, l'a. v2n20tf. 00D ALL'S PLAYING CARDS. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. STEAMSHIPS Cheapest kind made. RfcUATTAS A cheap common card. BROADWAYS A nice oommon card. VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs. GEN. JACKSONS Chean and incul..' (Pattern backs, various colors and de siens.l ' COLUMBUS (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One of the beBtcardii made, MT. VERNONS Extra fine, two color pU terns. ASK THE AB3.YE TAKE HO OTHIBS. Price List on application. Dealen mm plied by VICTOR E. MAUGER. 39-ly 1C6 to 112 Reade St.. N. Y Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN TOKK. PINU'A J-Catalogues Mailed to Applicants-vg Refer (by permission) to J. S, Black. Wash! rloN, Wi8EK Son & Cal, Bankers, Yorkpa,