The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 16, 1874, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1874.
Car Tlie nl Illdgieay.
IK MATT. . A.i-, . m
do ''West 2:83 a. m.
lMOAiATION Wo.l 8:05 a. ni
rlA Knaf III'U4 n. m
elk lodge, a. y. m.
The slated meetings of Elk Lolge, No.
870, are held at their hall, corner of Main
and Depot streets, on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month
D. B. DAY, Scc'y..
fi&tes of Advertising.
One column, one year $75 00
40 00
1 ' 25 00
" " 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.60, three insertions, $2.
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year $5.
Advertisements payable quarterly.
Read the Sheriffs sale in this week's
There was a very severe wind and
rain storm here the latter part of lust
week. No particular damage was done.
Presentation. The latlies of RiJj
way presented the It. S. C. Band, with
an elegant chandelier, for their house, on
the Fourth of July, Eev Wni Martin
made the presentation speech which was
replied to by J 0 W Bailey.
Fred Sciioening's new house on
South street is raised, and will be when
finished, one of the handsomest build
ings in town. We are pleased to note
this evidence of prosperity on the part of
our fellow townsman.
Notice. No deed for unseated lands
will be banded up for acknowledgement
unless paid for by the first Monday of
August, 1874, and all not paid for by
that time will be again offered for sale
on the Friday following.
Pay No Moke Postage. Subscri
bers to the Advocate will please take
notice that by the new postal law papers
go free in the county where published
after July 1st. Postmasters should re
fund whatever money they have collected
in advance for the quarter euding Octo
ber 1st.
The candidates for sheriff have c m
tnenccd to announce themselves, we no
tice the names ot Daniel Scull of St
Mary's P V Hays of Fox, and James
McCloskcy, also of Fox all ou the Demo
cratic side. The Republican candi
dates have not yet been brought to the
Lost The subscriber lost ou July
4th, a note ior sixty-sis dollars and
eighty-seven cents, dated in May 1874
made by N. T Cummings and payuble to
Calvin Day. Al' persons are hereby
forbidden negotiating said note
Kidgway, Fa. July Oth 1874. 1't.
West Point Cadetship. The
Erie Dispatch says that a vacancy now
exists at West Point, for a cadetship in
this uongressionai Uistrict. borne
youn; man between the ages of 17 and
21, is to be selected to veport at West
Point on the 2Gth of August next and
application sLoald forthwith be made to
Col. Curtis, member from the district.
And it also says that at the Louis
ville Medical College, every Congress
ional district is entitled to one benefici
ary student. Any young man wishing
to avail himself of the advantage of that
institution may apply to the member
from this district, who will make the
It is a fact worth knowing, but which
does not seem to be generally under,
stood, that the amalgam of tinfoil with
mercury, which is spread on glass plates
to make looking-glasses, is very readily
crystalized by actinic solar rays. A mir
ror bung where the sun can shine on it
is usually spoiled; it takes a granulated
appearance familiar to housekeepers,
though they may not be acquainted
with the cause of the change. In such
a state the article is nearly worthless,
the continuity of the surface is des
troyed, and it will not reflect outlines
with any approach to decision. Care
must therefore be exercised in hanging
The famous Mead well now mak
ing considerable noise in the oil regions
ie owned by one of the Meads at
Youngsville. 0. W. B. of the Erie
Dispatch says: "The Mead well, which
is situated on the extreme frontier be
yond Millerstown, struck last Wednes
day, and is a two hundred barrel
gusher. All eyes had been turned to
this well for the last month, as great
doubt existed in the minds of opera
tors as to the belts extendiug thus far
toward Pittsburg. Oil and the spirits of
operators fell ten cents per barrel the
next twenty-hours after the striking of
this well. The Modoe, Greeco City and
the Southern belt at Millerstown, has
been defined, but this one seems to be
inclined to lead producers to eternal
ruin. Mr. Mead was born and raised in
tbu town, and his old friends wish him
luck, even if it is at the expense of all
the rest ot oildom. lie owns a tarm of
'fifty acres, on which this one mentioned
above is a test well."
List of Deeds Asssignments, and
Mortgages entered, for leoord in the
lleorodcr'a office up to July 14, 1874.
Charles R. Earley. Treasurer of Elk
County to Horace Little dated June
1872 for 338 acres land in Horton town
ship warrant 4272. Tax and cost $31,-
Horace Littlo and Wife to C. II
Earley dated June 2G 1874 assigninir
Littel'a interest in the foregoing deed to
C. R. Earley. Consideration $50.
Charles il. Earhy Treasurer of Elk
County to Kufus Lucore, dated June
1872 for 18 acres land in Fox township
Earley and Hershy warant. Tax and)
coft 80,89.
Rufus Lucore and wife to C. R.
Earley, assigning Lucore't intrest in
foregoing deed to C. R. Earley $300.
Charles R. Earley. Treasurer ot Elk
County to Geo Weis, dated June 10
1872, for lot 2, 3,35,9, and 17 on Lewis
street St Mary's borough. Tax and
costs, and bond $77,30.
Geo. Weis to Charles R. Earley, as
signing Weis' interest in the foregoing
deed to C R Earley, $10.
Charles R Earley, Treasurer of Elk
County, to Geo. Weis, dated Nov, 0
1872, for lot 72 on Walburger street St.
Mary's bourough. Tax and costs G30.
Geo. Weis to Charles R. Earley as
signing Weis' interest in foregoing
deed to Charles R. Earley. $10.
Charles'R Earley, Treasurer of Elk
county, to George Dickinson, dated
November 7th 18G4, for 52 acres land
in Horton township, warrant 4370.
Tax and costs $15,72.
Geo Dickinson to Horace Little datel
July 3d 1874, assigning Dickinson's
interest in the fores'oia;' deed to Horace
Little. $25.
Jacod Bish and wife to Thomas J
Bish, dated June 2 2d 1S74. assigning
Bishe's intrest in deed recorded in deed
Book "2" page 83 otu. Thomas J Bish,
James II. Ilagerty and wife to Loussa
Craft, dated Juno 11th 1874, for 23
7-10 acres land in Millstone township.
Charles R Earley, Treaurer of Elk
County to Geo Weis. dated June 10th
1872, for lots 1G, G2, and G9 on Wal
burger street St Marys borough. Tax
cost and boud S?9,74.
Geo Weis to C R Earley, dated June
1874, assigning Weis' interest in the
fcrcgoiug deed to C R harley. 10.
Joliu Gcisciihof and wife to Charles
Bartles and wife to Jay township school
District, dated January 27th 1874, for
lot 17 ia Jay tuwuship, containing one
acre beiug part of warrant 5285. 150
Charles It Ear'.ey Treasurer of Elk
county to Geo Weis, dated November
Gth 1372, for lot 1 1 on Benedicts street,
St Mary's borough. Tax and costs $5,
90. Geo Weis to Charles R Earley, as
signing Weis' interest in the foregoing
deed to Charles K E-irley. ' 10.
Charles R Earley Treasurer of Elk
county to Geo Weis, dated Ju&o 10th
1872, fir lots 9 and 10 on Louis street,
St Mary's borough. Tax cost and bond
Geo Weis to Charles R Earley assign
ing Wcis'jmtcrest injthe foregoing deed
to Charles R Earley. 10.
Gilman T Wheeler and wife to Robert
I Robinson and Geo II Stafford, dated
June 27th 1S74, for 4GS8 acres land in
Ridgway township being parts of war
rants 4SG1 48C5 48GG and 4SG7. 10,
007. Charles S Charnberlaiu and wife to
Joseph S Chamberlain, dated June 27th
1874, for two lots of land in Elk county
containing 50 and 75 J acres respectiv
ely. 81.
Charles Luhr and wife to Jackson S
Schultz dated May 18th 1871, for lots
38 and 3 in Benzinger containing 100
and 25 acres respectively. $025.
Judson Schultz and wife to Jackson
Schultz dated January 31th 1S71 for
lot 195 in Wilcox. $100.
Walburger Haak and husband to F
A Erich dated June 4th 1874, for 12
acres land in St Mary's part of number
10 on North St Mary's road, $325.
Jno G Hall, assignee of Wilmarth
and Rolfe, to J L Brown, dated Sep
29th 1873, for 484 acres land in Ridg
way, for the undivided one-half part o
warrants 3285 and 4S30. 43.
J L Brown to Jackson S Schultz da
ted July 3d 1S74 assiguing J L Brown's
intrest in the foiegoing deed to Jackson
S Schultz. $1.
W C Healy to Edwin Pain, dated
July 10th 1874 for town lot 13 in
Ridgway township, containing 10400
square feet to secure $1500.
Ann Overturf to William Johnson,
dated May 27th 1874 for 150 acres
and 117 square feet of land in Benczette
township, part of warrant 5025. $1000
John Ernhout and wile to Jackson S
Schultz, dated January 2d 1874, for all
the iuterest in deed of Robert Warmer
and wife to Wiloox Tanning Co dated
May 1808 of said Ernhout, $100.
Maurice M Schultz and wife to Jack
son S Schultz, dated January 4th 1874,
for all 11 Scbultz'a interest in deed of
R.Warner and wife to Wilcox Tan
ing Co. dated May 18G8. $100.
Robert Warner and wife to Jackson
S Schultz dated July 10th 1874 for the
northern bali of three lots in Wilcox,
Ex-Governor Marshal Jewell,
of Connecticut, and at present United
States minister to the Court cT St
Petersburg, turns out to bo tho New
Englander to whom the President ten
dered the Postmaster Generalship. Mr,
Jewell has aecepted by cable. He will
make an efficient and popular Cabinet
officer. Forney'i Prow.
Sickness is an affliction that waits on
us all. None are exempt, and there are
oone but need relief from its attacks.
Whoever can furnish this becomes our
benefactor. A conviction prcv.ails thf
Dr Ayer does it. Disorders of the blood
hsve been healed by his Sarsnparillia,
and affections of tho lungs by his Cherry
Pectoral, too frequently and too dis
tinctly to be disputed. His Ague Cure
is said, by those who use it, to never
fail. Reader, if you must have medical
aid, take tho best of mediolne. Poor
remedies are dear, as good are cheap, at
any price ?ou have to pay for them.
Charleston Courier.
Governor Davis, of Minnesota,
makes an appeal fur the peoplo of a
portion of his State, who am sutTerina!
from a visitation which has had no
parallel in this country, and may bo fitly
compared to the plagues which Moses
invoked upon Egypt through the
agency of his rod. Seven couuties of the
States, it seems, have been swept as
completely bare of their crops by grass
hoppers as if by fire, the insects, it is to
be supposed, iuvading the land in or"
mies of millions. The appeal is addres
sed to the granges of Minnesota, but
outside aid will not be refused
Although the peoplo of the East have
recently had numerous calls upon their
charity, this appeal of tho Northwest
will not probably be allowed to go un
heeded. torncy's Press
Weedville, July 11th 1874.
Dear Advocate. The Glorious
Fourth has come and gone, and it was a
great day for this place. In the morn
ing it looked very much like rain, but
notwithstanding the appearance of the
weather by ten oclock quite a cumber
of people had assembled. There were
two platforms erected one lor the sj,Cdk
ers and one for dancing. About one
o'clock a sumptuous dinner was served;
there were all kinds of pie. and cakes
(all except buckwheat cakes') pcaohrs,
ice cream, etc., and everything went
fine until the second table had ate when
a shower arose and it began to hail, and
hail fell largerthan hen's eggs fur about
five minutes, alter which there was
another table fct, and alter all had pir
taken of a hearty meal; they prt pared
for a nice time of "tripping the light,
(antastio toe," Messrs Human and Munn
furnishing the music. They had danced
lour or five eets, when the would be
mauagor appeared ou the platform and
informed the audience that they could
dance no more on the platform unless
they paid a dollar and a-half a couple,
when the disbursed and went
to the White I'iue Hotel and had a nice
Yours, Jenny Jenks.
Large Timber Land Sale. The
Williamsport Jicff inter says; It is said
that Mr O II Randall, this city, has
purchased of Messrs. White, Leutz
hite, all the timber laud on Slate Bun
belonging to that firm, consisting of 5,
000 acres. The consideration to be
330,000 one half cash, and balance
in thirty days. Mr. Randal is an ac
complished lumberman of many years'
experience, and has handled more lugs
thau any man on the river. He has
been employed by members cf the firm
of White, Lcntz, & White for the past
twenty years.
Ilarrisburg, July 9. To-day at 12:-
50 p. rn. Lewis lloscntiue and John
Moody were hanged for the murder of
Abram Behm, an old farmer living a
short distance from Middleton, Dauphin
county, November 14, 1873. They
both mace a confession a short time al
ter their sentence. Their statements
differed in some points, but show that
both were puilty of the horrible crime,
which they had premeditated.
Roscntine made a short address on the
gallows. He said he murdered Bchm,
and hoped God would have mercy on
his soul. Moody made a long speech,
the substance of which was that -he Was
along with Rosettiue, and deserved to
die. He hoped for forgiveness. Ros-
eutinc died almost instantly, but Moody
struggled three or four minutes.
A New liaveu rut recently under
took to dine off of a little girl while the
latter was asleep.
Henry Grinnell.a distinguished mer
chant of New York, died a few days ago
at the age of 75.
Flour from Georgia wheat, of this
year's growth, has already appeared in
the Liverpool markets.
Rhode Island has just admitted its firs'
colored lawyer to the bar.
The Michigan wool crop of this year
is estimated at 6,000,000 pounds.
A New England man is said to have
invented a steam singer and declamator.
The various newspapers of New York
city are said to own about $15,000,000
worth ot real estate.
A Peoria lady has a mission. It is
to change the uame of "America" to
The lunacy of a Western geologist
takes the torm of a theory that the earth
is a shell, with an inner concave surfaco
similar to the convex, inhabited by a
crude class of people, and that before
long this inner world will be discovered
and explored by peoplo from the outside.
Bursting of Another Reservoir in Hassaclr:,
Springfield, Mass., July 13. Details
coming to hand of the second flood in
Hampshire county say that it was
caused by the giving way of a reservoir
ot a factory nt the village ot Juiddlefield
Ihe reservoir was situated on middle
field brook, which empties into the west
branch of estfiolJ River at iMiddlciield
Switch. It covered nearly 100 acres
and was built .about 30 years ago. It
was used ior storing water lor running
two broadcloth nulls, a thill, aud stave
factory, and a grist mill.
The water swept over farms, gardens,
and toads, and several bouses were
moved somo distance. The heaviest
oer at Cheaters is Dr. Herman Lucas,
who estimates his loss at $10,000. The
town of Chester suffers heavily in the
loss of bridges and damage to roads
To replaco these bridges will cost $10,
000. The Boston & Albany railroad is
very badly damaged for a distance of
nearly twenty miles. 4Evcry bridge be
tween Middlefield and Huutiugtou is
wholly or partly destroyed.
At tho Middlefield switch two unoc
cupied house wcro swept away, and also
an old red house used as an office when
tho railroad was building. Several
barns nod outbuildings were also carried
off nt the switch, and farms and gardens
were badly damaged. A tenement
house occupied by the family of Leon
Jouezaux, was swept away. Tho total
amount of duinngo to individuals and to
the town of Chester is estimated at
250,000. The latest figures indicate
that the total loss will reach 8350,000.
We take the following items from the
Emporiu m Jnttrjen7c7.t:
Rattlesnakes teem to be quite num
erous hereabouts this season. Last week
George Ilertig killed one of monstrous
size, that has sixteen rattles on his nar
rative, D K Hacket auother with twelve
rattles and Charles Thayer one with
eleven. It is generally supposed that the
numher of rattles attached to these var
mints indicates their iige, and if this be
true the captured ones of last week were
real natives.
Potato Bugs by the Bushel. An en
terprising farmer up Rich Valley in
this county gathered three bushels ol
potato bugs, one day last week, und he
s:iid it was a poor day to gather them nt
that. Should they continue to lucreiiFe
here much longer we will soou he nolo
to compete wiih the western farmers
some of whom it is reported have
gathered sixteen bushel in a single day.
List cf Juuoiis drawn for August
term of Court, commencing Monday,
August 3d, 1874
Benezette W W Walker.
Benzingtr Lhnrles Cronoc wetter,
Anton Bobenreid.
Fox James Bis.y. Daniel Munn,
Charles Refers, Paul JIiick.
Jay Lawrence Avery, Lj-hraim
Joues Michael Miller, Sebastian
Metzgar, Charles Kteier, Emerson
Ridgway Nelsca Gardner, R. V.
Kiuic, J Ji Whitman, J F, Weaver,
Isaac Avery, W A Irwin, .John Zim
mett. St. Marv's Boro John Meisel,
Fhillip Schissncr, John Freindel.
traverse jurors.
Benezette W L Winslow, ALner
Ober, Robert Smith, Edward Walter,
John M. llanseom, Milton Winslow.
Benzinger Paul Bush, Peter Ilcrb-
sti-iet, Jacob Nist, Joseph Gross, Peter
Wilhelm, John Vt lluelm (summit),
John Gregory.
I ox Elijah T Meredith, John
Christ, Edward Shrivcr, Jehu J. Hays,
Eugene A. 1 r iiinpson, Solomon Pontius,
Andrew Spilltiiio.
lloiton Joseph S Hyde, Charles
Brown, George Ajres, Michael Shar-
Jay John Wheeler, Samuel Uhl,
Scans S Dodd.
Jones A I Wilcox, Daniel Af.tlo-
bergcr, Anthon Coin, John Nist, Adt.m
Pistner, Joseph lloughtailiug.
idillsione John (jibt'on.
Ridaway B F Elv, Jeremiah
Stewart, Dullois Gorton, A G Cuth-
brrt. Win 11 0:.tefhout, Henry Flyon,
John r iynn.
St. Marys Boro Charles Garner,
Joseph Cralr., ,ouis Yullnier, Enge!-'
bert Spellenberg.
Spring Creek m. Henry, Hiram
Hew Advertisements.
t1mlHt&lralor'8 .Xolice.
Benezette Towusliip, Elk county, deceased.
All persons indebted to said Eslaie are re
quested to make immediate payment. And
those having legal claims against (lie same,
will prete'tt them without de'ay in proper
order tor settlement to
II. M. POWERS, Administrator.
Ridgway, Elk Co., I'a., June 90, 1871.
IM MATION. Whereas the Hon. L
I) Wet more, President Judge for the
37ih Judicial District of Pennsylvania,
aud Chas Luhr and J V Ilouk Esqs ,
Associate J uges id rJk eeuiity, have
issued their precepts to me direcicd, for
the lime of holding cf Orphan's Court,
Court of Common Pleas, Oeneral Quar
ler cessions aud (syer and Ity miuer, at
Ridgway, for the County of Elk, on the
1st Monday of November, (being the
3rd day) 1873, and continue two weeks
Notice is therefore given to the Cor-
ouer, Justices of the 1, and Consta
bles in and for the cuuety tt Elk, to ap
pear iu their own proper persons, with
their records, inquisitions uud remcm-
beraoccs, to do those tl iogs which of
their offices and in their behalf apper
tin to be done; and all witnesses and
other persons prosecuting In behalf of
the Commonwealth against any persons
or persons aro required to be then and
there' attending, and not to depart at
their peril. Jurors sre requested to
be punctual in their attendance at the
ap'pointed time, agreeable to notice.
Given under my hand and seal at the
Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the 10th
day ot July, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
r)Y virtue of suullry writs of venditioni
I) txponui issued out of the Court of
Uummon Flens of Elk County, and to me
direotcd, 1 will expose In publio sale or
outcry, at the Court House, llidgway,
Pennsylvania, cn
At one o'clock p. ni., the following real
estate, to wit:
All the right, title, Interest, olaim and
demand whatsoever of defendant, of, in,
to or out ot that certain town lot ia the
borough of St. Mary's, situate on 8t
AJary's slrcot, containing in front on Si.
Mary's street one hundred and forty feet
by two hundred feet deep, at right angles,
and being lot number 45 on SI. Mary's
street in the map or plan of St. Mary's
upon which is erected a story and a half
dwelling house fourteen by twenty-our
feet, wiih a ono-slory wing ten by eighteen
feet, and a well of water.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the properly of Theresa Uothenhoefer.
ALSO AU the right, title, Interest,
claim and demand whatsoever of defend
ant of, in, to or out of all that certain
tract, piece or p'nrcel oflaad siluute in
Jay township, Elk county and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows: beginning at a pine stump
standing on the south line of warrant No.
441, being tit southeast cornbr of land
now owned by O. A. Huller; thence north
eighty perches more or less to the south
west corner of land now owned by Joseph
Dill; thence east, parallel with said south
line one hundred aud six perches to a
corner on said Dill's land eighty perches
to the said south line of warrant 4844;
thence west by said south line of warrant
4844 one hundred and six perches to the
placo of beginning, containing fifty three
acres strict measure, being part of said
warrant 4S44, on which there is erecied
one frame house sixteen by twenty-four
feet, one and one-half stories high; one
frume barn thrty-lwo by forty-four feet;
about thirty acres improved land, with
orchard, &o.
ALSO All the right, title, Interest,
claim and demand whatsoever of defend
ant of, in, to or out of all that piece or
parcel of land silnata and lying in Jay
township, Elk county and Stale of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit: beginning at. a pine stump
standing in the south line of warrant No.
48 11, being the southwest corner of land
now owned by the said Josian aiorey;
thence north forty-four perches to the
township road known as the Spring Run
rohel; tbence southwesterly along said
road forty-six perches to a pojt joining
oilier lands of said lsegazctt Leggett;
1 hence sou.h thirty-four perches to a post
joining lands of Jeromo Powell; thence
cast lorty-six perches to the place ot oe
uiuning, containing eleven acres more or
less, and being part of the same land
tieeiled by Benjamin Leggett. and wife to
Charles Eeggctt by deed dated Apil 11,
1814, the eieater part of said JaDd being
cleared and under cul ivalion.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as l lie property of J. 11. Morey.
ALSO By virtue of sundry writs of
Fieri Facias issued out of the Court ol
Common Pleas of Elk Ccunty, and to
mo directed I will csposo to sale nt pub
lio vendue or outcry at the Court
llenpc, Ridgway Pa., on
MONDAY. AUGUST 3d, 1871,
at one o'cluek, p ro,
All tl3 rlht tit'e iu e est claim and
demand whatsoever of defendant iu and
to or out if all that certain tract piect
orraicdof land .iuated in Jay town
ship, Elk County Pennsylvania bounded
and described us follows;
Beginning at the north wei-t, corner of
lot sold by Reading and Bnrtlcs to Wil
liam Webb, thence south sixty-eight
and one-fourth decrees west eight and
three tenths porches to a post thence b
line of Justice Weed's land, north tbiit
and eight-tenths perches to a post,
thence i.orth eighty degrees east eleven
and four tenths perches to a post.
thence south twcntv-eight and one-
fourth perches to line of said Webb's
land, thence south sixty-four aud ono
lialf degrees north three and seven-
tenths perches to the place of beginning
containing (our acres and being part ol
warrant 4S01, on which is erected a
two istory frame hotel 20x50 feet with
wing for kitchen 10x16, feet and base
ment barroom and cellar. Also barn
li'ix 10 feet, with shed attached and a
well of good water on the premises.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of David Kunes.
ALSO All tho right, title, interest,
claim and demand wlmtsoever of defend
ant, of, iu, to or out of all that certain piece,
parcel, or tract of land being and situate
in the county of Elk, known ana described
aB follows, to wil: Beginning at a hemlock
at the northwest corner of warrant ni.niber
itO'J); tnence north three hundred and
wenly perches to a hemlock, thence east
five huudred and twenty-four and seven-
tenths perches to a post; thence south three
hundred and twenty perches to a post;
thence west five hundred and twenly-'our
and seven-tenths petches to the place of be
ginning, containing ten hundred and forty
nine and four-tenths acres.
ALSO All the right, title, interest,
claim and demand whatsoever of defendant
of, ic, to or out of another certain tract of
lund known and described as follows, to
wit; Beginning at the hemlock at the
southwest coruer of tract number 501 j;
thence eaet five hundred and twenty-four
and seven. tenths perohes to a post; thence
south threee hundred and twenty perches
lo a post, thenoo went five hundred and
twenty-four uud seven-tenths perches to a
chestnut, thence north three hundred and
twenty perches to the place of beginning,
known as survey oUl'U and containing ten
hundred and fortynine and fourteuths acres.
ALSO All the right, title, interest,
cUiui und demand whatsoever of defend
ant of, ia, to or out of another certain
tract of land known and described as fol
lows, to wit: Beginning at a post at the
southeibt corner of tract 6020; thence
north three hundred and twenty perches
to a post; thence east one hundred and
seveu-teutbs perches to a post; thence
south three hundred and twenty perches to a
post; thence west one hundred and seven-
tenths perches to tho place or beginning
und coniniau.g two hundred and one and
four-tenths acres.
ALSO All tho right, title, interest, claim
and demand whatsoever of defeudant of, in,
to or out of another tract, or parcel of land
beginning at a chestnut at the southwest
corner of survey 620; thence east five hun
dred and twenty-four and seven-tenths
Dcichcs to a pout; thence souin two nun
died and sixty-six perehes to a post; tbence
west two hundred and sixty two and thirty
five one. hundredths perches to a post;
thence north sixty-eight perches to a post;
thence west two hundred and sixty-two
and thirty. five one huudredlhs perches to a
post; tbeuoe north oue hundred and ninety
rerchea to the place of beginning, it being
fart of district survey 6027 and containing
seven hundred and sixty and nine-tenths
teres, ihe said four tracts above described
containing in tne wnoie mree mousauu ouu
sixty-one acres more or less.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of the Winslow oomery.
I). C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Omca, 1
Kidgway, Ta., July 11, '71. f o20ts.
ENDING JUNE 1, 1874. ,
Jercm rvwrll, Trtaiurcr, in account trilA
School f und:
To amount received from IT. II.
Wensel, collector for 1871 60 60
To amount received from Jerome
Powell, collector 1872 388 29
To amount received from taxpayers
(seated). 1878 71021
To amount received from tax
payers (unseated), 1873 4'20 56
To Slate appropriation 17i) 00
To amount received from O. K.
Earley, treasurea l-jJB'80
To amount received from Jobcph
Windfeldcr, treasurer 204 00
To amount received from M. T.
French, collector 1873 ... CO 00
$2,188 35
By balance of Juno 1, 18"il, lor-
ward : 583 01
By paid teachers' wages on ordors 2 410 86
By paid for fuel 388 43
By paid for repairs on sohool build
ings 315 88
By 2 per cent, commission for pay
ing out 3,115 17 C2 30
8,701 38
2,188 35
Balance due treasurer $1,573 03
Jerome Pmiell, Treasurer, in account with
liuUtling Fund;
. Vr.
To balance of June 1, 1873, for-
ward 850 81
To amount received from 11. II.
Wensel, collector 3871 50 50
To amount received from Jerome
Powell, collector 1872.. 219 19
To amount received from tax
payers (sealed;, 1873 397 48
To amount received from tax
payers (unseated), 1873 210 77
To amount received from C. It.
Earley, treasurer 79 37
To amount received from Joseph
Windfeldcr, treasurer 129 00
To amount received from M. X .
Freuch, collector 1873 20 00
tl,4U 12
By amount paid bond Ridgway
School District to Jackson 1,203 34
By 2 per cent, commission for
paying out 24 0G
SI. 227 40
Balance duo Building Fund $241 72
Ridgway Township School Fund
owes Treasurer Towell 1,573 03
Treasurer Powell owes Kidgway
Township Building Fund 241 72
Balance due treasurer .. $1,331 31
Amount due from P. Jfalone col-
lnclor 170 Inx.
Amount due from It. II. Wrnfinl.
colleetor 1871 Inx Tiflfi fil
Amount, due from Jerome Powell,
collector 1872 tux 485 7?.
Aniunt due from M. T. French,
collect.-ir K73 tix 1.085 26
Amonni due from county treasurer
unseated lux (estimated) 1,000 00
$4,013 47
Duo J. Powell, treasurer Kidgway
Township Sohool District 1,381 31
Due tut oulMiiinding orderf, teach
cvs, repairs, &c 1,025 10
$2,950 41
Xiimber Pupils.
Whole number of mule pupils who
have al tended school in year 209
Whole nuniKcr of fetnalo pupils who
liuve alletidod school iu year 171
Total 380
Total Days Attendance.
Ilidgway school 23.722J
WhiMle. own school 531
Laurel Mill school 1.0341
Gardner tchool 2.019J
D.tgiiscithoiida school 802
JohnsoDburg school 1,41 0 J
Cost per Diem for Teachers.
Ridgway school 6 74-100 cents
histlctowii school 19 77-100 "
Laurel Mill school 17 Il l(K) "
Garderechool 10 40 100 "
Daguscaliotida school 12 18-100 "
Johisonburg school 7 41-10J "
Cost per Diem for Scholars.
Iligheet cos', 'per scholar
per uicni, ltistlctown... IU TclOO ccnts
Lowest co?t. nor scholar
per diem, Ridgway C 74 1C0 "
XuuiLcr Monlhi Srhoo! Tauyht.
Total months school taught 47
A vera 2e per school 5
J. V. IIOL'K, President,
O. B. Grant, Peo'y.
R-dgway, July 11, 1874 n20t3.
List of Cauces.
Below will be founJ the list of causes set
down for the iugust terra of Court, om
mencing Aug. 3d, 1874:
1 The Spring Run Coal Co. vs. Thos-
Tozier, No. 10 January term, 1809.
2 Thomas U M'Lain vs. B. A. Weed. No.
10, April term, 1809.
3 Geo. D. Messenger ct al. vs. G. T.
Wheeler et al., No. 41 April term, J809.
4 John Tudor vs. Hi rant Woodward. No.
5, August term, 1870.
5 E. M Mason et al. vs Ileury Souther,
No. 19, Jauuary term, 1871.
6 Geo. Decker vs. Geo. bchneidcr, No. vk
April term, 1872.
7 lii-iij. Johnson et al, vs. John Johnson
et nl., No. 20, April term, 1872.
8 James Curry et al. vs E. and C. Pitino
et al, No. 38 April term, i872.
9 Martia Sorg vs Isicholas Kroncwetter,
No 47 April term, 1872. -
10 (saute as above).
11 llenry Souther, survivor 0.. vs. II.
S. Bolnap No 5 November term, 1872.
12 Mary J Be in tm et al vs N M Brook-
way, No 20 November term, 1872.
13 The hchool District of Fox vs John
Myers et al, No 31 January term, 1873.
14 John J Paul vs Wilcox Tanning and
Lumber Company, No 42 January term,
15 The Clarion River Navigation Co.
vs Moore Brothers, 44 January term, 1873.
10 Anthony Weiss vs J A Haak, No.
41 January term, 1873.
17 John Dubois vs David Tyler, Sr., et
al, No. 64 August term, 1873.
18 The Clarion River Navigation Co.,
vs lirain Carman, No. 09 August term
19 Ralph Johnson et al vs Miles Dent.
No. 40 January term, lb 74.
20 P W Uaysvs Elias Moyer, No. 74
January term 1874
21 Brown & Struther's Iron Works vs
John G Ryan, No. II April term 1874.
22 Lorenti Herbert vi Geo. Weir, 43
April term 1872.
Nos. 1 and 2, of above list, have been dis
Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Division.
ON andafter SUNDAY, MAY 81st, 1874,
the trains on the Philadelphia ft
Erie Railroad will run as follows:
Niagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia.. 1.20 a. m
" " Renovo 4.20 p ni
" " arr. at Emporium tt 25 p m
" " Pt. Mary's 7.85 p ta
" " Kidgway 8.05 p ni
' nrr. at. Knne 9.15 p in
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.55.p m
" " " Renovo 11.10 a lu
" " Emporium 1.15 p m
St. Mary's 2.05 p m
" Ridwny 2.83 p m
" arrive at Erie ; 8.05 p m
NIAGARA EX. leaves Kane... 0.00 p m
" " " Kidgway ...10.04 a m
" " ' Eniporium..ll.35 a m
" ' ' Renovo 4 05 p m
" arr. at Philadelphia 2.60 a m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m
" " ' Kidgway -4.4opra
" " St. Mary's 6.36 p m
" " Emporium 6.40 pm
' ' Renovo U.16 p m
" " arr. at Philadcphia... 9.15 am
Mail East connects east and west at Erie
with L 6 M S R W and at Corry and Ir
vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K
it w. a
Mail West with east and west trains on
L 8 & M S R W and at Irvineton with
Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W.
U, A. lSALDttlN.
Gen'l Sup't.
On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1874,
trains between Rcdbauk and Driftwood will
run as follows;
EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift
wood daily nt 12:25 a m, Rcynoldsville at
3:25 p m, Brookville nt 4:10 p ni, arriving
at Redbank nt 0:30 p m, connecting with
Express on Main Line for Pittsburgh.
MIXED WAY leaves Keynoldsville daily
at GiOO1 a m, Brookville nt 7:30 a ni, arriv
ing at Redbank al 11:30 a m, connecting
with trains north and south on Main Line.
EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Redbank
daily at 11:10 a m, arrives at Brookville at
2:32 p m. Revnoldsville at 3:25 p m, Drift.
wood at 7:00 p ni, connecting with trains
east and west on P and E Railroad.
MIXED WAY leaves Redbank daily at
12:45 it m. arrives at Brookville at 6:30 p
ni, Keynoldsville at 0:04 p m.
On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1874,
trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will
run as follows:
BUFFALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts
burgh daily at 7:20 am, Redbank Junction
at. 10:30 a m, and ariive at Oil City at 2:33
p ni.
City at 2:15 p m, Redbank Junction at 7:35
p in, and arrive at l'lttsburgli at 10: Oo p m.
burgh nt 1:00 p m, Redbank Junction al
4;03pm, and arrives at Oil City at 8:15 p
nr. Returning, leavcB Oil City at 8:20 a
in, Redbank Junction at 12:08 am, and ar
rives at Pittsburgh at 3;40 p m.
General Superintendent.
Wm. M. PniLLirs,
Ass't Supt., Brookville, Pa.
Summer Arrangement.
To Williamsport, Sunbury, Ilarrifcburg,
I'hiladelphia, Jialtimorc, ash
ington and the South.
On and after JUNE 15, 1874, and
until further notice, trains will leave Buf.
fulo from the 11 11 Halo, New York & Phila
delphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange
11 ml Louisiana streets as follows:
8.50 a mllised Train to P. AUegn'jr (daily
excet pSuuditys). stopping athbeuezer 9 25,
Springbrook 9 45, ElmaO 65, JamiBon Road
10 04,East Aurora 10 15,South Wales 10 40,
Holland 11, Protection 11 15, Arcade 11 45.
Yorkshire 12 08, Machine 12 80, Frank
liuville, 1 28 Ischua 2 15, Hinsdale 2 60,
Olcan 4 20, Westons 4 45, Portville 6 00,
State Line 6 18, Eldred 6 49, Larabces
0 05, Sartwcll 0 20, Turtle Point 6 30,
Port Allegheny 7 pm-
12.30 13 m Philadelphia iEzpress (daily),
Stopping at Ebcuuer 12 60, Elnia 1 12,
East Aurora 1 25, Holland 1 48, Arcade,
2 13, Yorkshire 2 22, Machias 2 31, Frank'
linvillo 2 50, Ischua 3 11, Hinsdale 3 20,
Olean 3 42, Westons 4 53, Portville 4 00,
State Line 4 08, Eldred 4 22, Larabees
4 30, Sartwcll 4 35, Turtle Toint 4 41. Port
Allegheny 4 55, Liberty 6 15, Keating Sum
mit6 25, Shippcn 5 48, Emporium 0 05 p
m Renovo 9 14, Williamsport 11 45
Sunbury 2 00 am, Harrisburg 4 80 a m
Philadelphia 9 15 am, Baltimore 8 35 a m,
Wahhington 10 47 a in, St. Mary's 7 85 p
in, Ridgway 8 ('5 p m, Wilcox 8 40 p m,
Bane 9 15 pm.
6 30 p. m.. Port Allegheny Accom. (daily),
stopping ul Ebcuezer o bo, Springbrook
0,05 Lima 0,10, Jamisons 0,15, East
Aurora 0,21, South Wales 0,82, Holland
0, 13, Protection 0,60, Arcade 7,05, York
shire 7,15, Machias 7,25, Franklinville
7,40, Ischua 8,00, Hinsdale 8,15, Olcan
8,30, Westons 8,42, Portville 8,40, State
Line 8,50, Eldred 9,09, Larabees 9,15,
Startwcll 9,23, Turtle Point 9,27, arriving
at Port Allegheny 9,40,P. M.
3,16, A. M. Local Passenger and Freight
(daily except Sundays) stopping at ship
ping 3,60, A. M., Keating Summit 4.40
Liberty 6,00, Port Alleghany 6,40, Turtlo
Point 0, 26, Startwell 030, Larabees 6 60
Eldred 7 12, State Line 7 45, Portville 8-
08, Westons 8 20, Olean 9 00, Hinsdale
9 30, lsohua 10 02, Frankliville 10 40,
Machias 11 13, lorkshiro 11 30, Arcade
11 45, Protection tl 20, P, M., Holland
11 31 South Wales 12 51, East Auroral 25,
Jaimsou 1 40, Elir.a 1 60, t'priugbrock
I 00, Lbcnczer 2 20, arriving in Dutttilo at
5 50 p 111.
4 45 A. M. ACCOMMODATION, daily,
stopping at Turtle Point 4 59, Sartwell 6 03
Luiubees a 10. Eldred 6 It, State Liue
5 32, Portville 5 41, Westons 5 49, Oleau
0 00, Hinsdale 014, Ischua b 28, iraukhn
ville 0 40, Machias 7 03, Yorkshire, 7 12,
Arcado 7 19, Protection 7 34, Holland 7 41
South Wales 7 61, East Aurora 8 03, Jami.
bous 8 09, Elma 8 13, Springbrook 8 19,
ibeuezer 8 47, aiming iu LuUulo at 8 60
a. nt.
Train leaves Isuifulo for Arcade at 10 00
a m stopping at all stations arriving at
Arcade 11 45 a in. Returning leaves Ar
cade 6 51 pu, arriving in Buffalo at 85J
Gen'l Sup't. Gen'l Pass'rAg't.
Notice is hereby given that the final ao
count of Andrew J. Overturf, Adminis
trator of the Estate of Andrew Overlurf.late
or Benezette Township, Elk County, de
ceased, been tiled iu my offioe aud will
be presented at the Orphans Court of Elk
County for confirmation on the first Monday
of August next , being the 3d day of August
1874. . .
. FRED.. 6CHOENING Register.
Ridgway pit June '!, 1875 . .